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THE DAILY NEWS. "Only * "Woman's Hair." After Swift's death there WAH found ia his writing desk a tress of Stella's bair. On the >aper enclosing it there was written: "Gnlv a "Woman's Hair.* "Only a woman's hair?" A seal, a sign, Nerv mp the knightly ann In PalestiBO. '! Only a woman's hair ?" Respe their lore Pale students lay the pledge, And strive the more. "Only a woman's hair ?" Old men depart Fumbling one little tress Held to the heart. "Only-.a woman's hair ?" Gage of fond trust. Buried with stalwart forms. Crumbling to dust Only a woman's hair?" Wax this a gibe A bitter sneer ? If so. Shame on the scribe ! "Only a woman's hair ?" j Was this a sigh Boire on the midnight surge Of memory ? "Only a woman's hair?" Lo! there Le times When wailing music clings To meeking rhymes. .'Onlv a woman's hair?" Strange it appears , That he should nurse a jest So many years. "Only a wooran's hair?" Dead Stella's hair; If she had meant a jest. Why all tnat care ? "Only a woman's bair?" True-naught beside : And yet 'twas something moro When Stella died. Only a woman's hair ?" A woman's bair : A moan from out the Past A woman's hair ! Commercial. Exports. BOSTON-Per sehr Sarah Cullen-140 tierces Rice, 99 bales Uplard Cotton. 5 ubis .-pirita ?urpen tine. 1249 bbls Rosin, 277 packages Hides and Skins. NBW YORK-Per sehr Robert CaldweU-3S8 bale3 Upland cotton. 3 bags Sea Island Cotton, 268 tierces Rice, 477 sacks Cotton Seed, 166 casks Clay, 427 bbls Bosin. Ito boxes Desiccated Pota? toes, 42 bbls Mr al. 6 packages Phosphate, 8 pack? ages Mdse, i 70 empty Ale Barrels, 39? empty Carboys. 1 crata Crockery. BALTlMOKE-*Per sehr A O Ireland-130,000 feet Lumber, 20 casks clay. Charleston Cotton and Kicc Market? OPPlCh OF TH F l'HAKLESTON DAILY NJBWh, I CHARLESTON-. Monriay Evening. Feb. 8, '69. j COTTON.-Tho operations in this article com? menced ?* Tery finn rates, some traasac ions taking place at abont 20<- $ lb for middlings, but tao mar Set hee?ruin" qiliet DnYers succeeded lo purchasing at slightly easier pi?Cf8 towards close; sales about 900 ba es, of which abotlt 5t? wer? 6old on Saturday evening, viz: 27 at 27??; 9at27??; IS a 27}:; 41 at 27*;; 112 at 58; 104 at 38^; 281 at 28};; 61at99>i; 76 at 28%; 88 at 2D; 23at29J?c. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordiaary to good ordinary.27%(?W8y? Low middling.28>j@ Middling.28&@29 Strict middling.293?@29J? By New York classiflcari.-a we Quote : Low middling.MJflS 29 Middling.?..29>?@29*? RICE_The market for this grain was qu:ct and but Utile done; sales 30 tiercos of cleau Carolina at 9c ? lb. We quote common to fair clean Carolina at 8>?@8S; good, 8J??D>?; common prime, 9};c ?lb. Market', by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKETS. lajMPOV, February '.- Noon.-Consols 93?;. Bonds 76>,': Sugar firm LIVERPOOL, February 8.-Noon.-Cotton quiet and steady; uplands 12%d; Orleans 12?,'d; sales 12,000 bales; ethers unchanged. Two P. M.-Cotton quiet Uplands T3l;al2%d; Orleans 12;?al2.S'd. Lard quiet Fork 97s. Evening.-East India cotton closed quiet-up? lands 12}?al2%d on the spot and 12 vi afloat; Or eans 12}; al 2},^; sales 12,000 bale;. DOMESTIC MARKETS. NEW YORK, February 8.-Nom.-Stocks dull and unsettled. Money easy at 6a7. Sterling 9}?. # Gold 90%. Cotton a shade easier at ao.^ajn};. E?oning.-,Cerion less acdye and %c lower; sales 1200 bales at 30};c. Flour irregular and unsettled ; no decided chanze. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn heavy; mixed Western 87a90o; whi e southern 90c; yellow 92-92 Kc. Mess pork $33 25a35. Lard firm? er; kettle 21i211i'c. Groceries quiet Turpentine 66aS6Kc. Rosin $2 40a8 50. Freights active; cotton by saiL9-82a5-16d; steam 7-16d. Governments 6teady. '62's, 13. BALTIMORE, February 8.-Cotton firm al 30 conta. Flour very quiet and nominaL Wheat dull; Penn? sylvania red Hal OJ. Corn fl-rn; receipts s aa all; prime white 88a90; yeUow 37<i89. Oats trm; primo 75. Bye $1 65. Pork firm at 8^3. Shoulders 15.J? a 18. Lard quiet at 21. CrKCETNA i February 8.-Flour dull; family, $7 25a7 CO. Corn du 1-at GlaG5e. Whiskoydull and non inal at 94c. Mess pork ia speculative doma nd and held at ?31. Bulk meats firmer; ?boulders, l&M alS&c. Bacon bnoiant; shoulders, 15; clear rib sides, T7&; char Mdes, 18}sc, oaly a Uttle out of smoke; sugar-cured hams active at 19al9}?c. .ST. LOUIS. Februarys.- ork activ?. ' ?33 53a34 Bulk meats active. Packed shoulders 13.U. Clear sides 17};. Loose shoulders and hams, to arrive? 13}?. Bacon firm. City shouldors 14?;. Sugar cured hams 18)4. Lani quiet. Irim? tierce nomi? nal at 20 Kc LOUISVILLE. February 8.-Me3s pork $38. Should? ers 14}?. Bacon shoulders 15& Olear rib sides 18};. Clear side" 1S >,. WILKIHOTON, February 8.-Spiiits of turpentino active, with an upward tendency at Sa. Rosin aative at $1 85a3 12 Tu pentine unchanged. Tar firm at SI 65. Cotton quiet at 26U29 cents. AUGUSTA, February 8.-Cotton easier. Sales 680 bales; receipts 540; middlings 28c. 8AVAifXAH. February 8.-Cotton opened with a good inquiry, and olosei quiet but firm. Middling 29c; eales 1600 bales; leceipts 2327. Mourut, February 8.-Cotton closed dull and eas? ier; low middling 28c; receipts 2172; sales 700; ex? porta 1795. NEW ORLEANS, February 8.-Cotton weak but not lower; middling 29;sales 1300 bales; receipts since Saturday ?540; experts 12P0. Gold 36. Sterling 4TJ?. New York sight % discount, bugar firm common lOtfalOX; prime 12?;; yellewclarified 14}; al4?;. Molasses active-fair 61*65; prime 68a75. Easton & Co.'s Cotton Keport. [FOB THE WEES ENDING FEBRUARY 5, 1869.J NEW YOBK. Februirv C.-THE MARKET-In onr last report the marker closed steady at -?9o for mid dime uplands. Un .-atur.iay the rcceii.m piovcd mod- rate and the i xports v> ry light ; a private dis? patch quoted the Livoijiool m..rket exc.ted. and ??d higher, rxporters and specu atora bought freely, and prices were *;c h Rhee ji.iudts attracted con? siderable arteution, and 2717 h i s changeu bauds. The eales re ched 1912baies. at29)?o. Monday Ito absence Ol news irom E rope hiudered bas - ness Piices-werc steady at 29};c, an rates amount? ed to 34b2 bolos. Jues-day. ih- dvance in Liverpool and report ot light recei.iis st e'agtbeucd %he market A lai ge bu-in KS was done at ?;o advance ou mid? dling and }ic on the lower grades Sales9228 bal s at 29}ic. Wednesday, the market was active uud higher. Thcio was a t;ood deni iud for ex; ort and speculate n. but very little buying for spinning. Prices advanced to ?0c for ut .land.-, at th.- c o.-e Sales 10,409 bales. Thursday-the ac.ivitycoftiuued and h gher prices wee paid, especial . lor tra. sit oottona. ibo saies were C947 bales, at3'Tj;c Yes? terday, tcero was somo disai pi in meut about the small reduction m thc Livcrpi ol stock, and th: re was not much done. There was no cha jge in prices, but sales could not havo been effocto , except, at some conce^ iou. Holders feeling strong, did not press. Sales 3795 bales, at Su}; c. On the wsek prices here show an advanca of 15?c and Liverpool is aoout &'i higher. The smallness of the receipts; the continued light exports both from tiiis country and Bombay, have added to the confidence o. holders, and convin.ed the most skep? tical that prie, s could not well ; o dine. In our rircu.ars ot tho 8th and 15tb January, wo exprc ned ne opinion that planas: s w.-re holding back to some extent Sine) then we have seen so many sistemen ? to the contrary from different parts of the sooth, that we a: c torced to bene? o, that cotton bas beec forwarded to the pons as last as possible. We repeat our lemarks printed in circu? lar ot Ja: i ai' y let as gMng a a ore correct view of the situation: "Our advices from thc Sou'h, incline us to be Heve that very little cotton .baa been held back as yet. The rivera and roads have been in good condi< don and the prices saH?fa?tory. Those planters who bavo wished to hold part of their crops, have sent it to the ports and put it under high limits for tho spring market. The risk of holding cotton on the plantation, where it is difficult to effect insur? ance, is great enough .to induce planters to send their crop lu, even if they do not wish to part wim all of lt" We do not believe that there is any greater quan? tity remaining in the country than at this time last year. There hive beou received at the ports since lat September 1,416,684 bale?, of which exporters have Liken 706,738 bales, spinners 367,528, aod the steeds have increased 341,418 bales. Excess over last year in receipts now 68.788 bale*. Deficit in ship? ments .oLiverpool new 124,389 bales. BOMB?T ? H rPMENT?. -Th o causes of the small shipments m January Jast year were reported to have been the scar Hy of tonnage and the low prices thei. ruling for Surat cotton (SJid). It was bebe ved lu England that the present moderate freight?and higher prices (9}?d) would draw much larger shipments from India. This expectation has not as yet been realized, as we learn that the exports from Bombay to Groat Britain in January wei e only 28.OOO bales, agaiust 64.153 bales in Jauua y last year. Pnces were >i<l above the parity ol Liverpool, and cotton was coming In elowlv. Sales for future delivnry have been as follows: For February 50 middling at 29c; 100 low m ddling at 29)?c. February and Mar-h li* io at 28*?c. March 300 do at 28>?a28>?c; 20U do 29?ic; 250 do 29 ^'c. March and Amil 250 do 29 Sic; 200 do 29)?c. STATISTICAL POSITION -The stock in Liverpool is 257,000 bal s; afloat from India 115.000. and from 105,ono. Stock in London 131.990; afloat 1 67,000. Stock in Havre 51,810; afloat 44.G33. Stock in ports ip the ?nited states 383,012. stocks in the interior towns, 73,101. Total 1.220,676 bales. In lu 1863 the st? ok bi Liverpool was 340,000; afloat frora India. 76,000. and from Amorica 190,000. ?tock in London 103.209; afloat 27.060. Stock in Havre 41,066; afloat 29,916. Stock in ports of tho United States 046,686. Stocks in Interior towns 85 162. Total 1.238,039 bales. Deficiency in visible supply 17,463 bales. Estin ated stock held by Manchester spinners, at the mills, 120.000 bates. Price of mid ding Orleans now 12>?d, then 8,'.?d. Upland k Mobile. Kew Florida. Orleans. T'.xas. Ordinary. - a27J? - a27?? - a28 - a28>? Good Or? dinary. -a28j? -028% - a29 - a29ii Low Mid? dling... -a29}? - a29>? - o30 - aOOli Middling -a30.?? -a30JX - a30% - a31 Pales of the week 41,784 bales, including 4899 to spinners, 14.S12 to speculators, and 22,043 to export? ers. s toe*, s in the interior towns January 23.1869, 73,101 bales, against 85,162 bales same time last year. Gross receipts at this port lor the week, 20,255 bales. Since September 1, 400,910 bales. .Hurray, Ferris di Co.'s Naval Stove Circular. NEW YORK, February C.-During tho week spirits turpentine ba < been dull and declining, clos? ing weak at SSaWjjC noninallv. In Ibo ab-encoof any export or important local demand holders are not quire eo sanguine as a week ago. Tuc sales amount to 550 bbls at MJ?aS7J?C Botan- Has -bar- cl thc general dullness in naval stores, and strained common has declined to $245. There hi* been some export bus'ness even at pre. vail ng high rates Might. Ibo sales arc about 7000 bbls ut SJ 43J2 C? tor strain (I common; $2 05 for Fjood strained; SJ 70 for No 2; S3J?a4>?' for Sol, and WX?6)i for pale. Iteeciots. 12,129 bbls ; export-, ?953 bil*. TAB-ls quiet and in very light demand, thc lato remarkable advance in Wilmington having had no effect flt hat over boro, ff? quote North cov.j;tv, $2 ioa3; Wilmington, SSJgaSJf. Receipt?, 529 bbk? cx Jorw, 1J2 bbls. Columbus Market. COLUMFUs, February 5.-Corros-A dosi t.p. iroxim ition shows that abt.ut 4000 bales of the stock .-re, which is more than i?O? greater thau at the orrcsponding date last season, ls held by speen lat? us of Ibis region, that one-half of the remainder is leavilv advanced on-some 60t0 f* ?0HQ I'Sjes are in umbered. There is a better disposition to sdi, i-nci ome shipping orders ?ni?i bftS! i'.iiad, 1 Lb sales re much larger than nurina p'evious wooka. Hold >rs aa a rule aro firm in awaiting higher figures, ic: i ve demaud. chi; fl. lor higher trrades. lor tho ?st two days. About one-fifth of the stuck is North rn roiddlings. Htcjipts havo fallen off several bun ?rod bales. Tho following aro thc reports of the warehouse* or the week: Saturday, i^orthern middlings 20>?c, ales 5-4 bales; Monday, 26K? <26>?c nominal, sales 6 bales; Tue-diy, 26!ia26^c. moderate demaud. ales 64 bales; Wednesday, same figures, fair dc aand. sales 246 bales; thursday, activo, 27u27>ic, ales 499 baie-, lite market to-day closed rather tull; s.lo- 2'.9 bales, 'ho opera ions have been iriccipally local at tho following quotations: ordinary.i.25.^a2t3 Good ordinary. .- a26J, I ow middlings.- a'i7 Middlings (Northern).27>?a27K Good midd Inga.- a28 Warihouse sales for the week 1208 bales. Week's eceipts 1520 bales against 2814 the correspondin? ve k of last ?reason, aud 2035 thc previous week of his year. WEEKLY KT ATE IX Cy T. (tock OP band September 1, 1868. . 280 *tecei?ed pa-1 week. 1,520 ?eceived preciously.39,129-10,349 40,929 ?hipped past woek. 810 Shipped previously.22,850-23,690 ?tock on hand February 5,18G9. 17,230 ;ousi^iiccspcr Soutn Laiolina ltuilroart February 8. 1233 bales Cotton, 22 bales Domestics, 12 casks 3acon, 3 cars Block. To Ruilroad Agent. Brodie k Zo, U W Williams & Co, Graosor, Le^, Smith it Co, ?e)zor, Rodgers k Co. Boeder k Bavls, ut H Walter fc t'o, Dowling k Lo. A J Salinas. Frost & Adger, W 3 Williams, luowry k Co, J B E Sloan, Wardtaw k Jarew, Ravenel & Co J Fewusou W U Courtney k ?o, W M Lawton, Kirkpatrick k Witte, Thurston k Solmcs, W W smith, Passengers! Per steamer Dictator, from Palatka. via Jackson? ville, Fernandina, kc-B F snelliug. W D Russel I. J J Dunn, B J Vu-ushk Mr Carpenter, Ur Temp'e, J A itiitht-r-i rd, C Ladd and wile, Mr Smiffin and wife, Mrs Arnow, Mrs Ewart, Dr C W Horsey. Hon D L ifulee and dauguter, Cupt-dn Dutch, J Cohen, Rev Mr Gar. an, Rev Mr Emerson, B G Smith, N li Dav mport, C Wituerbe, E If Goodwin, A N Todd, J A Buger, A sal edo. Miss Jeuuingi. Miss Ruso, Mrs Boee, WChristi*!. J Nevins, 4 Nix aud son, Mrs Johu L Phi lips, and 17 ou deck. P*r steamar Emilie, from Georgetown, S C J u ltead. Misses Bead, Dr H M TucUcr, U Samson, Miss Samson. U S Izird, W S Vaux alta Bell Lachl cotio. Miss Mlscaily, Mrs Thema. E N Thornton, E Hartley. Mies Mor.-e, Capt W J Stafford, and others. Per steamer St Uelena.trom Edisto and liockvillo Major Jenkins and lady, J King. W wanibau, Sidney Weacoat, IBS Hart, Dr J Sosnawski, L Howe, and 27 ou deck. ^Harine Ueros. Porr o? CiaUrleston. February ?. IJOI-tT CALKNDAK. rUASLS Ol' TILE MOON. Last Quarter, 3-1, ll hours. 36 minute?, morning. New Moon, Uth, 8 hours, 34 miuutes. morning. First Quarter. 19ta, ll hours. 40 minutes, morning. Full Moon, 26tb, 6 hours. 41 minutes. inorunie. FEBRUAUY. ECK RIS^S. I 8 ET HOON BISES. mon WATEIl. 8 Monday_ CGI 9 Tuesday....j 6..50 10, Wednesday.! G..49 lliThursday...r 6..48 12 Friday.j 6..47 lSISatnrday... 6..46 ulsuiidav.I G..45 5. .38 6..38 5..? 6..4(1 5..41 5..42 5..43 4..46 6. .32 Sets. ti. 55 G. .48 7..42 8.. 34 5.. 50 G. .36 7..18 7..55 3. .33 9.. 7 9..43 Arrived Ycsteruay. Sehr Sarah A Hammond, Wiley. Boston-12 days. Mdse, 'i o W Koarh k Co, Railroad Agents, S R Mar? shall, C braveley. J Heins, D ti Silcox, D Paul ? Co, Hart k Co, 1 K Ripley, J E Adger & co, W P Hus sell k Co, W T W hite. G W Williams k Co, Paul, Welch k Brandes, lt White. M Drako. Mrs U L blast? ings. E R Cowpertbwait. Hopkins, McPherson & Co, N E Railroad Agent. Kev J W Lewis, lt chipotm, J Campseu k o. E B Stoddard ar CA, Kline*. Wick cnberg A: Cc. J Ferguson, E H MeUioir, Nicmau A; B'-rger. M Luhre, J 1leuchard,J A Quackcnbu^h, J H Graver k Co. Wageuer k Monsces. H Gerdts k Co, Nashville Uailroad Co. O A Lee- e. 1? P Locke. A Lauyer, Kinsman As Howell, G .> Hacker, aud Order. ichr F ru iii bu, 8wuiu. Ne? Yura-7.nays. Md-e. To 1 Tapper A; sous. H Bischoff & Co, G W William-? & Co, Lanny k Alexander, U I'obia te Cu, Bo Imauu Bros, lian ?i o, Cameron. Barkley k CO, H Daly. H Gerdts ? Co, Julius!Oil, Clew- k co. J t> Keefe k Co, H V Burkett. Ravenel & t o, W J Taten, Wagener A; Mi-n-ic , Kiu-man \ Howell. C Lilieutbal, J C il C.aussen, J A Quockcubusb. Jellords -v t'o. King A: Gii-buu, U M ?iart u. J N Kobaoii. Ostc.idorff A: Co. Wau io Mining and Mautttuctuiiug Cu. Exp.-rtcuced heavy b w uti e.ti.i rus vchr Fiurouce Nowo I. Fenniuiore, Wood'i Bole Sda.'.s. Guano. To J N ltubsu . bchrAielda Jc Laura Moluduo, Bai'acoa-12 days. Fruit. Tu Bart k Winn. Pear A S Deas, nom Weat Point MiU. 125 tierces Rico, 'i o J U Pringle Mcamcr Dictatur. Coxctter, Palatka via Jucksun ville. Fernandina, ami .-avaunah. 31 balea Cotton, .'2 bags liuano, 196 bags Cotton So ti, kc. To J D Aiken At Cu, U c Jackson, Mantoue & Co, Pmckney Eros, al B Cook. T J Lockwood, J N RuLsou, J o Kiehtou. U V Mauuiui.', Fraser A: Dill, G H Iiigraham G tiou. J Miiruuck. G?Jlinia & Mott, Kirkpatrick ? Witte, Stenhouse k Co. Steamer Em ht , Davis, Georgetown, SC. l?t tierces Rice. 1 halo Cotton, and Suudrtcs. Tu Sback eiford k Kelly, Thurston it Holmes, J R Pringle, W C Bee k Co, J F O'Neill A: Son, Uisley A: Craighton. E Bull, H Klatte & Co, Mrs Hood, Terry k Nulen. J B Togni. ?teamer St Helena, Ramley, Edisto and Rock ville. 13 bales sea Islind Cotton, Mdse, and Sun dries. To J H Murray, Fraser At 'dil, J Colcock A; CO, Gaillard k auuot', S Howe, H Bischoff A: Co. lieceived from chisoim's Mill-35 tierces Rice. To Thurston k Uolmvs. Received from Bennett's Mill-133 Uerces Rice. Tc W C Bec k Co. G H Ingrccam & Son, Muller, Nim il z k Co, J B E Sloan. Cleared Yesterday. Sehr Sarah Oallen, Avie, Boston-Courtenay k Tren holnr Sehr Rab ort Caldwell, McCormick, New York-Wm Reach A Co. Sehr A tt Ireland, Townsend, Baltimore-Wm Roach ?Co. Sailed Yesterday. Sehr Minnie, Smith, Wilmington, N C. From thi* Port. Steamship Sea GulL Dutton, Biltimore, February 8, AM. Cleared for this Port. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, at New York, Feb? ruary C. Sehr Clara, Muhord, at Philadelphia, February 5. Sailed for this Port. Ship R C Winthrop, Stewart, from Liverpool, Jan? uary 22. Bark David McNutt, McFJhenny, from Liverpool, January 18. Shipncws by Telegraph. GLASGOW, February 8-Arrived, Iowa from New York. t Ntw YOEE, February 8-Arrived, stoamshlD Gen? eral Barnes WILMINGTON, February 8-Ai rived, steamship Fairbanks from Sew York. ,1c achr John Griffin. Captain Fisher, loaded with sugar and molasses, and bound fi om Sasua la Grande to Philadelphia, experienced a heavy gale on the 3d instant, Sb? was struck by a waterspout, which carried away her ?udder, irons and wheel ropes. SAVANNAH, February 8-Arrived yesterday, steam? ship St Petersburg fron Leith, Scotland; sehr Ed? ward (4 lade from Baltimore. Arrived to day. steamship Hermann Livingston from Now York; Tannie from Baltimore. Cleared, steam yacht Cricket for New York. memoranda. The Fd I th. Wheeler, from Liverpool for Charles? ton, sailed from Kingstown January 21. The brig Ce?ilia, from Liverpool for Charleston, sailed from Ki 'gstown January 21. Paints, ?ils, gtr. CAMERONT?^^ GO., NORTHEAST CORNER Meetiug and Cumberland Streets. STEAM ENGINES GRIST MILLS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, and MACHINERY. January 1 Gmo OILS! OILS! OILS ! 1000 GALLONS PURE WINTER LARD OIL 700 GALLONS PURE WINTER No. 1 LARD OIL 500 GALLONS PURE WINTER SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MASON'S SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MACHINERY OIL 1000 GALLONS WHITE OAK LUBRICATING OIL 300 GALLONS REFINED NEATSFOOT OIL 300 GALLONS TANNER'S (STRAITS) OIL. CA91 KR?N, BARKLKY & CO.. Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 6mo BELTING HIELTLNGr ! 5000 FEET OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELT? ING 5000 FEET GUM BELTING, 2, 3, 4, and 5 PLY 250 SIDES PATENT DRESSED LACE LEATHER 300 DOZEN METALLIC-TIPPED BELT LACING 100 BOXES BLAKE'S PATENT BELT Si'ODS 150 DOZEN TOLLMAN'S BELT HOOKll 750 YARDS GUM PACKING, 1-1C INCH TO i INCH THICK TUCK'S PACKING, i INCH TO IA INCH DI? AMETER SOAPSTONE PACKING, i INCH TO 1* INCH DIAMETER WHITE AND BROWN JUTE PACKING ITALIAN HEMP PACKING RUBBER AND LEATHER HOSE MANHOLE AND HANDHOLE GASKETS OF ALL SIZES. CAMKRO.V, BARKLEY & CO., Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberlaad streets. January 1 Gmo ROOFING TII\T. 500 BOXES IC lixSO GOOFING T?N 300 BOXES IX 14x20 ROOFING TIN 100 BOXES IC 28x20 ROOFING TIN 50 BOXES IX 42x20 ROOFING TIN 25 BOXES IX 12x12 25 BOXES IX 14x20 20 BOXES IX 10x20 20 BOXES IXX 14x20 20 BOXES TXXX 14x20 20 BOXES IXXXX 14x20 BLOCK TIN, TINSMAN'S SOLDER. 8PEL TER, ?Vc, ?c. ]X STOKE AND TO A It RIVE. , CAMERON, BARKLEY di CO., Northeast corner Meeting und Cumberland streets January 1 _Gmo BAR IRON, SHE&T IRON ANO STEEL, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPING, STEAM AND MALLEABLE CAST IRON FITTINGS, tor steam and water. CAMBitOai,BARKLKY ow CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets January 1_Hui) BRASS_WORK. STEAM GU AG ES, GONGS, GUAGE COCKS STEAM BIBBS AND SIOP COCKS, STEAM WHISTLES GLOBE AND CHECK VALVES, OIL CUPS WATER GUAGES, GLASS GUAGE TUBES' MERCURY GUAGES, LOW WATER DETEC? TORS COPPER AND BP. &5S WIRE. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Northeast Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, January 1 _Gmo WHITE LEAD, ZINC, PAINTS, COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES. Ac, &c. RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS. CAMURON, BAItKLMY ?i CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland s'rects. January 1 61110 business karlis. ?IF FICE NO. 2 7,5 KING, OPPOSITE IIASEL-STREET, January 27 _3mo J O II fl D. AL.KXAN1?KK, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT, No. 1G Broad-strcct. RESPECTFULLY SOLlCITS^BdSlNESS IN AD. JUSTING ACCOUNTS of Merchants and others, and in WRITING UP AND POSTING their BOuEt-, cither in part or whole, kc, January 0 gepalte Pitters. PANKNIN'S HH HH HH HH HH HH HHHHHH HH HH HH HH HH HH EEEEEEE EE EE EEEE EE EE EEEEEEE PPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP PPPPPPPP PP PP PP AA AAA AA AA AA AA AAA AAAA AA AA AA AA T1TTTTTTT TTT TIT TTT TIT TTT TTT Till nu un nu mi nu nu cccccc co cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cccccc BBBBBBB BB BB BB BB BBBBBB BB BB BB BB BDBBBBB un un nu nu IUI IUI un TXXTTTXTT TIT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTTTTTTTT TTT ITT TTT TTT TTT TTT EEEEEEE EE EE EEEE EE EE EEEEEEE RRRRRHR RR RR RR RR hRRRRR RR RR RR RB RR RRE SSSSSStf SS SS SSS ssssssss sss ss ss sssssss THE BES1 TONIC NOW IN USE. RECOMMENDED RT TUE MEDICAL FACULTY.. CURES DYSPEPSIA DEBILITY LOSS OF APPETITE SICK HEADACHES INDIGESTION AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISOR? DERED STAIR OF THE STOMACH OR LlVUn.;^ HEG EM AN Si CO., A Rents In Kew York. , MANUFACTURED Bi* C. F. PANKNIN, Chemist and Apothecary, No. 13 3 Meeting-street CHARLESTON, S. C. *3- For Bale by Druggists everywhere. PRICE : By single bottle.$1 00 By half dozen bottles..*. 5 CO November 24 FEITMLI_ZEI8! RHODES' SUPERPHOSPHATE, THE OLD AND LONGEST ESTABLISHED STANDARD MANURE. ORCHILLA GUANO E PERUVIAN GUANO 1 BHODES' MANURE, IN H'S PREPARATION, IS MADE EQUALLY ADAPTED FOB FORCING LARGE crops of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Tobacco, PotaUes and otbor Root Crops. Tho Manufacturing Department is conducted by Frederick Klett, one of the most skillful Chemists and Manufacturers in the United States. lt ie endonad, approved and recommended by all of the most prominent Chemists and Agriculturists ia the Southern States. "It can bc relied upon a* uniform in quuity." always relliolo, productive of large crops, and unexcelled by anyiu tba market, in the high parceutage of "True Fertilizing Principios." Price $57 60 cash, or $65 time, wiln ?''actor's acceptance, and seven per cent, interest until 1st December, 1869. URCHILLA GUANO-"AA," a true Bird Guano, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Price $35 cash, $40 time. PERUVIAN GUANO-Warran* pore and alw-iye on hand. Furnished at mirket prices for cash. B. S. RHETT & SON, February 8 Agents, Charleston, S. C. GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK Organized iu 1859. All Policies nOB-Forf?Hable. Hali JLoan Taken. . No Notes Reqiiired. LAST CASE DIVIDEND 50 (FIFi?) PER CENT. Statement. Policies in force.$25,000,000 Assets. 1,500,000 Annual Income. 800,000 Losses Paid. 500,000 * Officers. W. H. PECKHAM, President. H. V. QAHAQAN, Secretary. L. McADAU, Actuary. G. A. FUDICKAR, Superintendent. Directors. Hon. JOHN A. Dix, New York. Hon. JAMES HARPER, Firm Harper & Bros., ox-Mayor New York. JOHN J. COANE, President Bank Republic. WK. T. HOOKED. Wall-street. WM. M. Y ET. HILVE, Banker (Vermily* & Co.) CHAS. G. ROCKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking Company. Hon. GEORGE OPDYKE, cx-Mayor of New York. MINOT C. MOKOAN, Banker. THOMAS BIONEY, Firm Thomas Rigney & Co. BENJ. B. SHERMAN, Treasurer New York Steam Sugar Refining Company. AARON ARNOLD, Firm ol Arnold, Constablo & Co. RICHAED H. BOWNE, Wetmore & Bowno, Law E. V. HAUGHWO?T, Firm E. V. Haughwoul & Co. WM. WILKENS, Firm W. Wilkens & Co. JuLiCd H. PitATT, Merchant. Wai. W. WEIGHT, Moroliant. CHAS. J. STARR, Merchant. WILLIAM ALLEN, Merchant. GEO. W. CUTLER, Banker, Palmyra, N. ?. GEO. T. HOPE, President Continental Fire In? surance Company. JOHN H. SHERWOOD, Park Place. WALTON H. PECKHAM, Corner 5th Avenue and Twenty-tlmd-street. EDWARD H. WniOHr, Newark, N. J. GEO. W. FARLEE, Counsellor. W. L. COGSWELL, Merchant. yera. , GEORGE KEIM, General Asent for South Carolina. Dr. T. REENSTJEKNA, Examining Physician. R. ISSERTEL, GENERAL AGENT FOR CHARLESTON, January 12 Gmo DAG office So. 2\r> Kln?-stroct, cn irle-Uon, S.e. WM. UVE. BIH/D & CO., IMPORTERS, MANUFaYCTURERS A M> DEALERS IV WHITE LEAD, ZINC PUK, COMBS, Mi?. ipaiat Brushes, Window Glass, Oils of all Jiinds. PROPR1DTORS OF THE FAVORITE BRAND OF BRILLIANT i'ETROLEUM OR KEROSENE OIL; ARTISTS'AND PAINTERS' MATERIALS. [AGENTS FOR HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES AND, MARVIN'S FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF S A F BIS . No. ?'J3 EAST BAY-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0. January 4 DAC 3mo "GUANO! No. 1 PERU VIAN. SARDT'S "SOLUBLE PHOSPHO-PEECVIAN." S A RD Y'S "AMMONIA TEL SOLUBLE PACIFIC," ALSO, HIGH ES"! G HADES PURE PHOSPHA TIC GUANOS V\L> GKULWD LAND PLASTEE. THE USE OF THE ABOVE SOLUBLE PSOSPHO PERUVIANaod Ammoniated Soluble Pacific Guanos 1B particular]}' recommended, boing com? pounds of tt>o riebest Pacific Phospbatic Guano, rendered soluble; the former containing twenty per cent of Peruvian Guano, and tho latter highly am mon luted with animal matter-maid ag the most concentrated and profitable fertilizers m uso for cot? ton, corn, wheat and t ob?ceo. For solo lu ba? s and barrels, in quantics to snit. Testimonials from those whi have used tho above will be turni- ed on application. Git A ESE lt, LEE, SMITH & CU., Guucral Agents at Charleston. "Feed yonr Land and lt will Feed Ton." December 24 Die lhstu4mo PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. CA PITAL.91,000,000. rpiIIS GUANO DIPPERS FBOM PERUVIAN .JL Guano simply iu 'he relative proportions ot the same eli menta of fertility. Its use duriug thc past lour years for the culturo of colton and 'urn has given to lt a character fur standard excellence imam passed by geuuino Peru? vian Guano, mid where seasous of drought inter rene, n produces a large Incroa-o of crops. Tho piicc ut wince this Guano ii placed ls so murh bc'uw that of Peruvian Guauo, as to cou-tin: te it an objoct ol material importance to s ou Un. rn Agriculture. Tho large cv ital and resources of t!io Compiny enable it to furnish a Guauo of the highu t value at tho lowest possible cost to consumer- aud tho higbcsi Interest of tho company is recognized in this policy. 1 he Company loelia to large sales, sinai profit-* and a trade for compeusatiun ou capital invested. br. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL, of Sou-h Caro? lina, is Scientific Director to tho Company, which affords a sure guarantee of Ibo continued ex? cellence of the Guano. Nunc genuine uulc-s brand? ed with tho name ol JOHN S. KEU.-E At CO., Gene? ral Agents of tho PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. For terms und modo of applicaiion. upply to J. N. lt OK >( ? % , . A gent for thc State ol' south Carolina, Nos. 1 nud 2 Atlantic Wharf. December 19 JUC stuth3mo GOLD UEDAL FOR 1868 HAS JUST BEI* AWARDED TO CHAS. M. STTEFF FOB TUE BE yr PIAMOS NOW L?ADE, OVER BALTIMORE, FDILADEL PH?A AND NEW YORK PIANOS. OFFICE AND WAF.ERGOM. No. 7 N. LIBERTY STREET, ABOVE B*L IIMORE-STRiEl', BALiTliUUKK, Md. SHEFF'S PIANO* BAYE ALL THE LATE?'' improvement, including tko Agrafio tru'o.'e, ivor' trouts, and tho improved Trench Action, nilly war ranted tor live years, with privil?ge of cxcliausi within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory f purchaser. Second-handed Pianos om) Parlor Cu gaua always on hand from $50 to Sdi! J. UEFEEKER WHO HAVE O?B PIAS0S IS CSS! General Robert E. Lee, Lexington, Ya. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N. C. Geuoral D. H. Hill, charlotte, N. C. Governor John Letcbcr, Lexington, Va. Messrs, R. Burw'eil A: hons, Charlotte, N. C., Fe? male Seminary. C. B. Riudick, Female College, Kittrell's Spring.-, N. C. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Max Stralroocb, Italian Opera. Messrs. Pierson & Sous, sumter, S. C. Charles .tpeuccr, Charleston. S. 0. Send for a circular. Terms liberal. October 22 Agricultural. CAUTION. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. HEREBY CAUTION Manmlacturcrs, vender?, or usera, irena tn friiglng upon our Patcut claims, upon the RICE PLANTER, as we sb di enforce tho penalties of tho law against a 1 offenders. WAGONER A MATTHEWFS. February C stutbs FRESH ARRIVAL. EUROPEAN SEEDS, PER STEAMER CIMBRIA. VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS, BULBOUS ROOTS, ftc, viz: Early aod Larzo'Yoilc fab b J ge, Early and Late Drumhead. Party and Late Bat? tersea, Early a?d Late Fiat Dutcu, Lorly May, Early Sugar Loaf, karly Ox Heart and Green G ?azo Cab? bages, Drumhead and Green Hurled Savoys, Brown and Green Curled Kale. Cauliflower, Broealli, Rad* ish, Turnips, Bee'*. Carrots, Spinach, Onion Seed, Parsnips, Pirsley, Leeks, Lettuce, Thyme, ?ago, Ac, Ac., Red and White Planting Onions. FLOWER SEED. : FINE MIXED GEBANIANS, 50 cents per paper; i Large Pansy or Hea tsease, Largo Double I'arna I tiou*, Picotee and Pheasant's Eye Pinks, Mixed Ver i bena, Double Blood-red Wallflower. Double Dahlia, Double Gillifljwers, Double IMaams. 25 cents per, j paper; Scarlet, White and Purple Candltufts, Double ! elana Muka. Giiea Tricolor Double Hollyoclu, ( lark.a Palchella, Larkspurs, Sweet William. Cot** opsls. Poppies, MUcd Nomophilla Snap Dragon, Canterbury Dells, Coxcomb, Sweet Mignonette, Sweet Alvssum, Princess Feather, China and Ger n'an Asters. Primrose Zcnnia, Petunia. Portulaca, I Phlcx Drummondi, Ked Valerian, Running V.uon, kc, kc, 10 c ate per paper; fine strong and vigo I rous Strawberry Punts, a choice collection of lea I Rosea, Double Dahlias, all colors. ALSO, (.n assortment of HO?-EKFEP1NG ARTICLES, Agricultural and Horticultural Implements. For Hale by JOH S THOMS N ? CU., No. 2-8 King-street, January 10 slmthl2 Charleston, S. C. DODGE'S PERFECT PLOUGH. S. R. 'MA RSHAI^E, SOLE \AOENT. ALSO, ON HAND A VARIETY OF 07HER ?g. PLOUGHS, HOES, AXES, SPADES and PLANTATION TOOLS At Wholesale and Retail. No. 310 Kl??-street. Charleston S. C.. Sign of tho "Dig Gun." January ll mtullilmo DOTTE KER'S Improved ?ice-s?wiug Machine. PATENTED AUGUST ll, 1808. THIS IMPORTANT LABOR-SAVINGUACBTNE, tpeciai.'y adaptrd to die lii-e Planting inorwt, la now onere to the-u liter ocen fully tcsi ? d bv many expoiiunced plant?is, aud giving entire tatisfseiion wherever they have been ."airly tried. (<co ccrt.ticafi.? a my office.) Planters fhou.dtiot tail u secure the advartages of this Machins, as it saves laborad seed, and does both trenching and sowing in tho most perf cet man? ner, insuring a fine ?tand tu ali cases. Ap><ly to William S. Henepev. IMACHINIST AND FOUNDER, No. 314 MEETING-STREET j CHARLES? TON, S. C. February 2 tnthslmo KO SAD ALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Druggists Kverywherc, July 28 Die Ijr MARVIN'S PAT SN T Akim & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES Are moat desirable for quality, finish and price, y MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a Catalogne to MARVIN & CO. (oldest safe manufacturers) Princioal (805 Broadw&y, New York. W3L i 721 Chestnut St., Phila. Warehouses }mBtLnk gt, Cleveland,? And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. FOR SALE BY WM. M. BIRD & CO., No. 203 EAST BAY, CH A t? L K.Vl'O.V December 29 lyr l?tlroc?s. ?ORTHEASTKIM RAILROAD COP PASY. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. I CHARLESTON, S C.. January 25,1880. J FROU ANS A if 1ER THE FIK->T FEBRUARY ' ensuing the eharje for Frelg it on Gnano and otber Fertilizara, froai Charleston to any station on the . hemw and Darlington Railroad, will be reduced to TWENTY CEN XS FER ON E HUND ii ED POUNDS. S. S. SALOMONS. January 27 12 Superintendent. SOUTH CAKUL1NA KA1LUOAJJ. GENERAL fcUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHARLESTON. 8. C., March 24,18?8. I ON AND AFTER RUiBAY, MARCH 29TH, THU PASSENGER TRAINS of tho South Caroltni Railroad wUl run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.6.36 A. M. Arrive at augusta.3.30 P. U. Connecting with trains for Montgomery. Memphis, NaahviUo and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. . FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.6.S0 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.3.60 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Rail? road, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. F6K CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.6.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. Leave Columbia.G 00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. AUUUSTA NI?HI EXPRESS ? I SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) g? Leave Charleston.7.30 o'Af.. Arrive at Aujru-u.6.15 A. ii. Connecting with tiulns for Memphis, Nashville and Lew Orleans, v!u Groud Junction. leave Augusta.4.10P. M. Arrive at Charleston..^00 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. I8UKUA?S kXCEITED.) Leave Charleston.5.40 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.6.20 A. M. Connecting(.-uudays excepted) with Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Leavo Columbia.?..6.30 P. M. Arrive a: Charleston..'.'?. A. M. Si MMEDVII TM ?HAIN. Leave Charleston.*...". 4t P. M. Arnvo at Summerville. 5.10 P. U. Leave Summerville.,.7.-0 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.35 A. M CAMDEN BSAMUOt On Mmtfegt, Wcantsdaus end Saturdays. Leave EiugvUh.I.2.2UP. M. Arri eat Camden.5.00P.M. Leave Camdeu.5.10 A. M. Arrive at Ringville.'-*0 A. M. (Signed) U. T. PEAKE, April 20 Gnu-ral Mipenntendont ATLANTIC ANO GC Lil'' lt .11 Ult? AD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,) ATLANTIC AND GULF ftALLROAD, J SAVANNAH, OCT OBEU 28,1868. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, TBA INS UN THIS ROAD will runas follows, commencing with 7 P. M. Train: NIGHT EXP BEES TBABt. Leave Savannah (Sundays excepted) at.7 00 P H Arrive at Live Oak at.3 20 A M Arrive at Jacksonville at.7 30 A M Leave Jacksonville (Sundays excepted) at....7 15 PM Leave Live oak at.ll 41 P M Arrive at Savannah mondays excepted) at. ..8 Od-A x DAT TBA nt. Leave Savannah (Sundays excepted) at.7 00 A M Arrive at Bainbridge al.10 20 p M Arnvo itt Live Oak at.5 38 p M Arrive ot le ut.1 30 A M Arrive at Tallahassee at.12 57 A M Arrive at Qaincv ut.3 15 A M Leave Baiubridgo ( -uudays cxetptcd) at.7 00 p M Leav.- QuiBCy at.8 27 A M Leave 'I albihasseu at.10 45 A M Leave Jacksonville at.10 18 A ll Leave Live Oak at.7 20 A X Arrive at r-avannah (Sundays excoptod) at.. .6 00 p u Passengers to >tations WO?I o? Lawton and Live Oak take Day Train fr..m Savannah. Passenger* fr m UaJubiii ge connect at Lawton with ! xpross '1 rain for fctivatinah st 2 00 A M. passeneoiv from ? aUfthassco by Day Crain connect at Live O .k with Express Tiain lor Savannah at ll 40 P. M. Sleeping Cars on Exprpfc Trains. No change between Jacksonville and Savannah on Express I rain. Meamers leavo Et Msrs* for New Orleans, Apa lachiolu and Pensacola e7cry Friday. I eave St Marks for Havana. Key West, Cedar lie ye and T ami a every Wrdue?day. Stearne s leave nelsonville for Palatka, Enter? prise and all poiu's cu thc ht John's River every Sunday and Wednesday at 9 00 A. M. H. 8. BAINES. November 2 Imo General Superintendent. JT^ K . V Ult D li AY ?i CO., SASH, BLIND AND DOOR MANUFACTURERS iVo. 2 PRITCH?ED-STREET, (OPPOSITE TATXOP.'S MACHINE SHOP). SASHES, GLAZED AND UNGLAZED, ALWAYS on hand. Odd Sizes made at the shortest notice, and at the lowe?t terms. - L. E. CORDRAY.C. TROUCBfi January 5 tuttis?xno