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THE DAILY NEWS. OFFICIAL.. LIST OF LET Ti RS remaining in ibo Postofflce at Charleston, for the ?reek ending FEBRUARY 4, 1889, and printed officially In Tuc DALLY NEWS, as the newspaper having tho largest circulation in the Caty ef Charleston. 4f?y~Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should ?tate that they are "Advertised." kW Office hours D oo 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. On Sun? days, from 5 to G P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Adame, Laura Folker, Mrs E Pope, Sa ruh Allin, Sanh Gambril, Anna Poole, Clara Alison, Mattie C Gent Mrs D Prioleau, Miss E Baker, Mis H H Godfrey, S Ann L Bailey, Nancy Grearaon, Mrs B Randall, Lucy Benett, Mrs C jreen, Ann Ramsey, Erter Bennett, Alary SI Hemm-r, Mrs L Kayhall. Mrs ,i Beamer, Jane Q Uar! es ton. Miss Revs, Isabel S Berry, Martha DI Beynolds, Miss Bird, Mrs Pery Hev ward, Julia M Blakey, Mies M H.dderly, Mis? Ricks, Mrs J B E Houison, sarah Blakely, Emma Henderson, Ann Roderich. Mrs S Blanchard, Miss M Roper. Mrs B C Hogarth, Miss E Set midt, Miss G Fofct, Mrs M L Sewing, t ot hia lomon, Jane Jackson, Mrs L >cudder, Mary Beaman, Mrs B J ckson.Ledia .-briver, Mary Brcuehton, M.-s Jackson, Mrs L cullen, Mr* J T J C Smart, Sarah Brailsford, Mis Jackson. Virginia stacklacd. Mar . F Jinnerclt, Mise tha Biodie, Mrs S A Johnson, Han- -telljer. Meta Bull. Miss J nah Strickland, Mrs Burge s?, Mrs R Johnson, Patsy M Burden, Mrs M Keckley, Mrs M stiles. Anna E J stafford, Mary A Byrnes, Eliza Kellogg, Miss M ?uaree, Ju ia 3ioone, Mre R L Smith, Mr? E Brown. Hannah /Kererson, Miss i -m itu, Annie P Brcwn. Annie L Ki ur, Maceic "Smite, Mrs C Caius, Mrs D Kennedy, Mrs B Smalls, Mrs C E Can ol, Maria L g< rm ano, Mis.- Simmons, Mrs C Carson, susan J B Carlten Rosa Lott, Mi-a Simmons, Saiah Campbell, Mrs H Loyal, Miss M C chapleo. Miss J Logon. Jennie Sce'ing, Mrs H ObrystobO, Mr?- Magu-re, Mrs J T-rell, Vireinia S MiMiigault.Laura Tutyetn Lon M Chaplin, Mrs G Ma heran, Mrs R i wobill, Julia A ' May-ant, Mrs F Turnhagen.Anna Coachman, Mrs | K lue, Bmma 8 J Middleton, Eliza Turner. Mrs L D Cook. Jant vitebtil, Marv B Taylor. Mary Corbett, Mrs^ Momeyer, Mrs J Veuuimr, Mrs H Creme), Mies 0 Mot'er, -usan Warner! Miss H Crea?cr, Nano' Murry, Mary W?rter, Neili-j Beylon, Mr? Wm Martin, Miss G tVareham Mary Da ver e, Kate Ja xe , Mrs E A Wienbei g, Julia Davids, ?168-F McGee. Martha Winston, Mrs B Deal, Mrs J C Nest et, Lucy Wilkerson, Mrs Deal, Miss F Nelson, Miss M C Desil, Miss F O'Neill, M - s 1 hos Wigc, Anna C Dc run, Lydia O'Mara, Mrs C Woolnian, Mrs H Pessoip, Mary O'Neil. Mi-s L E Drayton, Eliza Patterson. Miss Wrcdc. Misa R Eddings, Susan E Williams, Mrs G Felder, Miss O Palmer. Pebecca Williams, Flora Fitcben. Sarah A Penseal, Mi s G (Vii iam*. Mrs T Fennigan, Lett) Phillipa. Miss R Williamson, Mrs Fleming, Juba A Potten. Mi<-s J I J UtTELVPS LIST. Agassiz, Louis Hainez, H iPieroe, Sam'I B Baldwin, C H Hues, Mr j Powers, Plaire Barnard, S Howard, James Por ?cou --, John Barney, W H t li ?rancds Co Howe, Doucin fe I Pretal, John Bacon. Thomas Co Proctor. N H Beichil. John Howard, James iQuinn, M Bellinger. WT B Hansom, Nelson Bischoff. J O W Huthtfee, E Redpath. D C Bird, Wm E Jackson, Henry I Kim*, William .31am. Zealious N Roberson. James Booth, W J -Jan c Alfred |Sauderv, Louis Boaom. John i Jack-c W flal-is-anders, .Izard fpOi'O) scef j oo.M i -BrighUnan, Capt ! Je well, Jas R Sansom, Saine;* H A (Jenkins, Daniel actilepe^rel1, Brandt, John C ?Jesstn, C C Cbiittiau J Buck, Capt Lu-[Jenkins, John Scheper, H ther A i Johnson, John Schu-ffelin, Rich Butler, MA ui i ce J mea Willie ard L Buck. Lorenzo D Johanns, J F --ingleton, March By ms, Michael Kc rsi y. Joseph Singleton, John D I Kimball, C C Simmons, Ben ja Calhoun, William, King. James min A Kornabrc-is. J N slattery. Thomas Carrin-, H C uirtigue, Richd -mitb, George Carrall, Ihomas (col'd) suntu. Prophet Caldwell. CJD Lee, AM B Campbell, J 0 Livingstonc.L MjSnead, W A Calvitt, J M Louuit-r, W?iiamlSpraguo. Piulo Campbell, FL * J Stocken, Jamas Chicbem, Chas Loteo. Francisco B Coles, W C Lub .en, Henry Starbuck, George Corlis, Jobu Lynch, Joseph D F Colin--, Eu ward Maunese, Uenn autton. John Creaser, 7bomas Marshall tt Mo Tenue, John Cm tis, JOS Millan Tihnke, Mr Cuneo, Giovanni Marsh, L Tuttau, G H -Davis (s Co Marshal], ff B Tra! ey, William Daly, Ed Maher, Michael Trout, I B Davis, William Munrnu-, comer Trapier. ?J aster Javis, B k co Calhoun and Jumes Deai. Joseph C Marsh streets I Trapier, Master DoL-civar.Wil'iam-Maddou, DE | J H R Ueaajaw?! Wii- Tripier, cap-i P S Dooghen, James ham Vanartsdalen, Dycks, Tauiel J Mehrten, Chris- George W Eby, W toph?r Veau, John Eldridsfp, j How- Miller, Cuffle Von Har. en, Al? ard " Moffett k Whar- bert Feuga*. H P ton Washington, Fercnson, Afr Moses. J J James Feidtner, Phillp Murray, William Walsh, John . Henry F Wackernah, Hou Firmmann, Jems Muller, Hinrich ri Fiske. George W Murdoch, J H Wale, James : Forstor, L Myers. Gershorn Watson, Jacord , Foster, ai thur McKenzie, Ak-x Wingate, Elias Foster, Char'es McNelty, C Ni-u- J G ville rVigfall, Bcnja Frater, Benj M Nitmeycr. F W min Frost, John No-ton, J Benj Wilcox & Co (col'd) Oliveros, Gmller- Wi son, G Fra Green, J B mo sar Green. Wm H Palmer, Dr B F White. Taffy Grant, EP .Pinkus.Lonis Wright, Luko Guillermo, Sen jPinckney. Peter wanbern. Casten D Col, kc Plnbon, John Wrane, Pa: rick Han es, Dioniclo | Wilhelm Persons depositing letters in the Postofflce will please place the stamp near the upper right hand corner ol tho envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the ?ump a letter cannot be mailed, but will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. February 5 financial anH Commercial. Tilt < liarleston Jloucy .Harket. THUB&DAT. February 4, 1869. Tho market has not besn activa du; log the week, but price? bold up. We not? a sale of a tirga lot of South Caro":ina Railroad ?hares yesterday ut 47,'; for the wholes an J 33 tor the halves ; also, a sale of ?bout fifty wholes ct 48 City atoek ba? fluc.ualcJ between 69 and 62 sm ill lots were sold -. it ic J day at Cl and 62. but tho lairest quotation, is OJ.'-i'g Cl Mate bonds aro fi:mer and higher, and South Carolina Bailioad bonds show the same ch ing;-the six per .cent's having brought 75 and tho covi-n par cont 'a tv. Gas stock and City Railway gtook ara LK tier. Thc other changes are un importan!. sorrrnE?N BASK HILLS. Current Rate* Bank of Camden.44 @0) Bank of Charleston.45 ?i 0 IBank of Chester.ll feOO Bank of Afeorgotown.10 ta 00 Bank of Hamburg.6 feUO Bank of Newberry.'..t? $00 Bank of South Carolina.13 @13 Bank of State of S Carolin?, prior to 1861.25 ti 20 Bank of Stateo? t?. Carolina, after 1st Jan., 1861.G 600 Commercial Bank. Columbia.2 000 Bxohange Bank, Columbia.10 (elli Farmer.-' and Excbance Bank, Charleston..0 (Vt00 Merchant's Bank,Cheraw.9 feld People's Ba lk, Charloston.62 feG3 Planter's Banool Fairfield.4 (5 05 j Planters' and Mechanics' Bank,Cbarleaton.2G (&28 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston, toidi. 3S<S40 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston. (new).35 @00 State Bank.Chariiston. -1 5 Union Bank, Charleston.SS fe90 City ot Charleston Change lillis.66 ( State S. Carolina Treasury fe00 UOMD5. STOCKS AX? COUTONS. City of Columbia Bonds.GO (?00 Oity of Columbia Coupons.tia feOO South Carolina Railroad and Dank stock whole sharer).47^43 South Carolina Kailroad (half shares).2:1 ?<.2>}.? S. C. Railroad Six Per Cunt. Bonus.75 fe ou b. 0. it. EL Seven Per Cent. B'd?.85 fe OJ 8. C. Railroad Certificate of lndeutt datas.CS fe Ou City of Charleston Six Fer .'em. stock_G0>?m,6i,v? City ot Charleston Certificate or Indebted? ness.95 (?97 City ot Charleston Fire L is Bonds.CS fe TO State of South Carolina Bouda told 1.IS ?.oj Stat? 01 hou'h Carolina Bouda mew issue. of January 1, @00 State of liouth Carolina stock.03 (g SJ State ol South Carolina Coupou*.CO fe 00 People's National Bauk stock.par. fe 101 First National Bank Stock.?ar. ?101 Greenville .nu t oiumb.a Kailroad btat* guaranteed boult-.CC @l"0 Gretuvil.e and Co.uiubia Ut Meriga^u Bonds.CS (?00 Northeastern K. H. 1st Mortgage Louds.85 feOO Northeastern R.R. lat Coupons ?past duei.CO feju? "Northeastern K.R.Certitzcaleaot ludc?tccl ness.-..60 (300 Charleston Gas Company stock.21 ?22 Charleston City Ra.lway Stook.ii <g,Q0 Charleston and Savannah Railroad Bonds .'Stateguaranteei.40 @4( Charleston and Savannah Ratiroud ?tock.00 feU? City of baxaanah honda.88 feOO City of Savannah Coupons Iduo previous to 1st June. 1306).95 ?00 City of Savannah Coupons (due after 1st < Jure, I8CC1.96 @C0 , Memphis and Charleston Railroad stock.. 60 too Memphis and Charleston Railroad Bouda.t7 ?00 ' .^iemphiB and Charleston K. R. Coupons, .93 feOj [ 1 Exports for inc Week ending Thursday February 4. FOBZIOK. LIVERPOOL-Per steamship Statira--551 bags Sea Irland Cotton, 11GC bales Upland Cotton, 66 ticroes clean Bice, 2 berc?B and 73 bags Carolina Rice. DOMESTIC. BOSTON- Per sehr Anna E Glover-61 tierces Ric?, 521 bales Upland Cotton, 335 bags Flour, lot Old Iron and Sundries. BART WEY M OU J H. MAPS-Per sehr H N Squire 360 tons Phosphate Bock. NEW YORK-Per steamship Charleston-1154 bales Upland Cotton. 39 boes Ssa Island Cotton, 154 tierce-- Rice. 174 bales Yara, 87 packages Fruit and Potatoes. 10 pu ?ka jc? Sundries.. ..Per steam? ship Chamoion-1667 bales Upland Cotton, 39 bales Sea Islana Cotton, 164 ti we Rire, 64 kale? Yarn, 219 packs Peanut", 25 boxe? Tobacco, 30 packages Fruit....Per s-hr Mattie E labor 182.000 t et Pitch Pino Luir ber. NEW >OEK VIA. WILMINGTON. N C-Per sehr Lilly-41 ca=k? Olav, 25 casks Bice. PHILADtLPHTA-Per srhr Itt H Furber-242 hales Cotton. 12 ca*k* Rile. 50 cask* Clay, 10 bales Bacs. 8 casks Iron, 300 lons Phosphate Rock. BALI IMOBE- I 'er steamship Sea Gull-249 Ucrcos Bice, 497 bales Upland Cotton. Gi tons riie. phate Ho k. 33 packages Hides and Bags. 65 bair? Taro. 77 sacks Fruit and Sundries-Per sehr Wm Jonc6-1O3.C00 toet Flooring Boards. THE CHARIiESTON MARKET. FOR THE WEEK EXDING THCB6DAT, FEBEUAB? 4. COTTON.-?flor a protracted struggl , in which holders on this fido have displayed nnusua 1 firm? ness, the Liverpool market appears to bo assam lng gradually a range of prises that wiB attract a fair proportion ef the balance of the Amerioan crop, and quotations at that great centre havo been stoadily moving np, commencing on iii- first of tho week at ll>id., and hardening to 112?d., 11 J?d.. 12J.. 12)?d. Bls? 12^J. for the article on the spot, and IC'id. .he saaie afloat; v.hilc at New York, which opened st 29, the article stiffened to 39ft 29%, 30, and 30 V, ; while at this point thc transitions wero some? what restrict! d by factors holding sliftl I and buyors gsnejally refusing to pr-.y thc asking rates, tout clos? ed with more animation in sellers' favor. Thc lead? ing mirkcts have exhibited tho fellowing feature? aa rt ported by telegraph: ' At Liverpool on Friday, January 29th, thc staple was firm, sales 12.000 bale?, uplands ll>,'d; on the came' day at New York thc article waa quiet, sales 3500 bales at 29c. On Saturday the former was buoyant, sales 20,600 bales, upland? ll ?id; the latter was more active and >.{c better, sales 4300 bales at 29%c. On Monday the former was active, Bales 15 000 bales, uplands ll ?.?'<!; the latter was unchang? ed, sales 1500 bales at 29>4c. On 'tuesday the for? mer was brm, sales 15,000 bales, upland s on thc spot llJid. afloat 12@12>id; tho latter was inactive aud firmer, sale? 7000 bales, uplands 29>i?29>i. On Wednesday tho former closed buoyant, uplands 12d. sales 20 000 bales the latter was active and firmer, sales 6800 bales at 29??@30c. Yesterday iho former was active, uplands on the spot and a float 12 ?id ; the latter was firmer nt 303?C. The anivals for the week have been isobars of sea islands and Floridas und 7074 bales of uplands, against 333 bag* of sea islands and Floridas and 9341 bales of uplands for the week before, and 301 bags ot sea islands and Floridas and 11,580 bales ol uplands for the corresponding week of last year. '1 be roooipts have been fiona the fo'lowing sources: soy of up? lands per South Carolina Railroad 6619 balos, per Northeastern Radroad 445; of soo islands from Flori? da 41; Savannah 93;Edisto 7; Beaufort 29;No rthcast ern Railroad 7. Tho transactions and prices prevailing In this mar? ket ?ortho wcok will bu seen by thc following statc ?ottt: On J. rida -, January 29, themirket was qu iel, and nsorao transactions, rather easier; sales 300 b ales, ardi?al y to good ordinary bvin? quoted at 26?27> ow middling 27??, middling 28, and strict midd lire, ?S5?@28J?e. ft lb. On Saturday thc transactions w^ro limited in tho bienoon, but aft rwards became mora oailvo and irires firmer; sales 8J0 biles, ordiuary lo good or di ia:y beleg quoted at 2og27,l.i. low middling 27>i, niildling 28, and strict middling 28>4'ffi?3>ic. ? lb. On Monday the staple was quiet and prices lrregu ir, tho markot b.-iug somovbat cominal, with a j inner icudtucy; sales 250 bile*: quotations wore un diable, as buyers wera offering it aud factors rkiDgS8>io. ft lb, tor middling. On Tuesday the traasactione wcro limited: ales 300 ba cs, erdinary to good ordinary being | ( noted ut 26(a)?7>?, low middling 27,'i, middling 28, nd strict middling at 28>i@38 Xr, ft lb. ll On Wedn sday the market o jen?d with au active < eade ney, bayer? operating at first on tu? basis ef [ 8c V> lb foi middling, but better telegrams caused rlcei to harden from i?@ Ifc ft lb; Rales 190 bale?, j i rdiuary to good ordinary being quoted at 2(i.lj u j 1 7f?, low middling 27?i, middling 23>4', and strict Diddling 28*c $ lb Yosterd >y the market was active and '4?%c better; ales about 1200 bale'. Bay 28 at 26X, 81 at 27, 45 at 43 at 37J?, 27 at 27 Js, 147 at 27Ji, 200 at 28, 160 at 8\', 2v0 at 2811, 33 at 28%, 13 J on private terms, fe quote: 1 LrVEnPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.27 ?27% Low middling.38 @28,'.i Middling. Strict aoiddhng.28^^29 By New York oLssificati n we quoto : Low middling.2J vv - MiddUus.28%@2* SEA ISLAND COITOS.-The arrivals have been ixticmely small for th? weok, and were 18J bags of ea islands and i- lorian?, against 333 tho week bo- f ore, ana 3J1 for the corresponding p riod last year. ^ 'he demand fer the comuna and medium grades of oa i-lands ar/d Fioudas havo bom active, md pri? es for these descriptions have mate-null. advanced, ut tbs very Umitcd supply has much restricted tho uti nc ss. Tho fijer quilitios havo not boeu ,u re? ; o.-t and tuev h ive noe felt Iba imuorUnt improve acnta in the inferior dm J iptions, but all klndd are tdd firmly, as factors anl planter* state ttmt th ? rop is nearly all in market. We note sali B of about 00 baja of all <i>:u-ri;.ti us, for Ul? wcok, anions rhich were 4 statued at 32.-, 13 do at Sj, 1 du at sc 3 e.a Uland at 70. 1 at 8?, 1 at 81, 7 at 85. ll at 88 lb it 93. 24 at $1,6 at 1 05. lOnt 1 IB, Cut i 20. 4 at 1 25 . a* 130-of Floiidoa 5 ot 85, 32 ut 90, 49 at 81. Wo [uote common soi lsland-i at 7J,t?}S3, medium t'0(c$ il 10, fine 1 20@l 00 and upwards ft lb. RIC''.- .. he arrivals ol Carolina rough have bean rory IimitoJ. c y SCQJ bushels lur ih3 week. 1 ho article bi- botn lu steady demand a', firm prue?, in I we note sales of about 1C00 .cs. ot clean Unroll ia lor the we k. amortir which were 137 to?, at 8*$e. fl lb; 116 at S^; 277 at 0c; 40 al 9 MG; 77 at OX; 143 at 8 k?\ and 5J on private terms We quote corn? ai in to fair clean Carolina ai. H}? *8*? fl lb; good Viatic, f) lb. Carolina roach may be quoted at U 7632 10 lor interior, and %\ 90?2 26 or sea-coast. NAVAL 8TORUP.-The arrivals continue light asd lave beeu about 600 bois. Wo no e tales of Ko. ind extra No. 2 rosin at $1 90iS2 ft bbL, and limited ales of spirits at 60c. %i gallon. HAY.- 1 he arrivals havo been about 160 bales of | 1 North River qualities. We note sales of this de icripliou at H 20 73 hundred from thc vessel; storo ot- are l elJ at ab ut SI 25 $ hundred. CORN.- There h ie been received a cirgo of SOCO lUshcis from Ballimore, of prim-.' whito quality, vhlch sold Rt 61 13 ?I bus i l, we g?t. bags mcliid id. Scmo '. 000 bnsl oU of thc same description told it 61 07 ft bu-hol, bulk, weight, lu crior corn may ?a quoted ot al o t Cl 10 ^ bushel, weight, baes iii. i'.udod, by tho car load tue ?spot for white Tent'osaee. and $112a 115 ft buthe, woigLt, ba;s ncluded, li- jobi ing lois. OATs_A caigo of 21)00 bushels Mary laud was Lsposod of at fc? undBGa ft ba-hel, w^i^ht, partly jag .Cd. Fl.(..UR-The ma lot is amply supplied wiir 'cr.ho-n and Weste n brands, wh ch aro meet.. if 1th a t.-'i1- c un try (iaiuaud at OG 75 ?>'? bbl for super; >725?T76ft bblfjr ex w, and iSVOTO bb fur fAuaily. G oico lamil? ia si liing at 510ici2 ?ri bbl as ..i oui?ty. stu^iiiru b suiiaaie in limit, dsupply md ma1, b.^ qu ted at $9 23@2 50 ?? bbi f>r super; ?lCQlOfiift bb! for cx'ra, und Sll?tlS ft bbl for ^Jmlly. Camp-'iiV illy milis aro i-e.liug t9 50ft bbl forsrperj S1U CO ft bbl for ru. and ST2 CO ft u'jl tor iumily. CACOS.-Ibis article is h^ld very firmlv, and prises havo a tendency io co higher, lut tho iaquiiy i? moderate, the bigu prin s oansinc buyers to pur rhase lightly. We quote i-rima shouldors at 16)iO 17o ft lb; limo nb sides al 19c and clear rib at 19>i j520-- ft lb Priir o Btrirs aw held al 20>>fti?lc; ory nltod shoiil'crs may bo quo:cd at 16;;o; e ta- rib ?iles at 18>i. ind clear s das at 19c fi lb. recoud jualiiy abeu dcrs aio siiau.t at ll1: .15-. SUGAR AND MOLASStfi.-ibero isa moderate I mend or thoso ortiulos, and sales aro ra Lin,- to :ic tmportaliuus new crop ol Cut>a at 12al2J?c ft m 0.- exocery sugar?, nacl 45o47o ^ gallou lor clayed noloeeej. I BUTTES.-Prime Goshes, af which there is a j moderate stock, may be quoted at 45(3*Sc ft lb. j Western aad other low gradea sell at 80@40c 9 Us, i as in quality. SALT-.-Jobbers are holding Liverpool at $210 <p sack. INDIA BAGGING.-The demand is very limited We quote 20>?@21>?': 9 yard, ncminaL Dundee bag? ging, 44 inches, Hi His. for tbe yard, is held at 30? S5c. Sen island bigging, 45 inches wide, 2 tbs. for the yard, is held at C0(? G5 cents. ROPE.-Tho demand for rope is moderate, and prices aro romcwhat nominal at quotations. We quote bemp at - cents ^ lb. ; greenleaf at 10 cents, and jute at 8>j(5?3 cents 3? pound. IRON BANDS *JND TIES for cotton, of the most approved patterns, are offered on the market, and they are in activo demand at 7a8c %\ lb. ? . TIMBER AND LUMBER.-lhere is a moderat e stock of this article, and we quote river floe . ing boards at $13 ti M.; scantling and plan $10(?iT.> %i M.; timber of shipping and good milt qualities there is a light supply on the markoi and may be quoted at SU? 12 ti M. Common it selling at $5(510 'iii M.; and city sawed lumber at $20@-5 ^ M. FREIGHTS-To Liverpool by steam are depressed and wo quote nominally J?d on upland?, and ld on soa island; by sail, Eomewhat nominal, at 5-1GJ @??d on uplands, and y,? on sea islands. To Havre nominal. To the West Indie0, Cuban ports north side, on lumber, $9 CO in gold, and $10 south side Coastwise-To New York ty steam "ic ?3 lb on uplands, and lc. on eea islands, S2 tierce on rice; by sail, $2 9 bale on up? lands, aud SI 50 ?! tierce on rico; on boards $9 ~& M, on resawod lumbor $10 M., <.n timber S10. To Boston, by steam, via Baltimore, lc. f? ib on cot ten and - %i tierce on rice; by sail C-1C f?0 ti rb on cotton, $12 00 ? M. on rcsawed lumber and $13 00 fi M. on timber. To Philadelphia, %c, ti lb on upland cotton by steam and -c. ii lb by sail; on flooring bosrds $9 fi M.; on rc eawed lum bc-, $10; on timber, $12 50 9 M. 'io Baltimore, by steam, cotton fie. ; rice 9 tierce, ?1 75 ; phosphates, ?I 2000 lbs., $4 in packages, in bulk as per agreement; lumber M SSta-lo, as in size; wheat B bushel 12c in sacks. By this Une to Philadelphia on cotton, Xe; rice ?i tierce $2 OC ; phosphate per ton, $6 in packages. To l ouisville. Ey., on rice, 75c. 9 hundred. To Cincinnati 65c. To St. Louis 85c. By ?ail on boards and scantling, hence to Baltimore. S9; on lumber $10; phosphates $6. EXCHANGE.-Sterling Bills-Tho rate yesterday was nominal at i G}i@4G}i for sixty day bills. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are purchasing sight checks on New ?ork X dis., 5 days *i discount They arc selling sight checks at par. GOLD.-Thc brokers \V?TC yesterday buying st 35, ind selling at 37. Market* by Tcie?rrapn. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON, February 4 -Koon.-Consols 93J?". Bends 76 Tallow 4Gs 3d. FRANETOUT, February 4 - Noon.-Bords 79>?a80. J rvERPOOL, February 4 - Noon.-Cotton act ve; Uplands ou thc 1 pot ai d allott 12 J,'d ; Orleans 12;,'d; sales 2V,C00 bales. Corn, old, 33s; new 31?. Two P. M.-Cotton active; uplands eu thc spot and afl.-at 12j?d; Orinan* 12>?d. Lardttrady. Narai stores dull. Four o'clock.-Cctton excited; sales c??ma'ed at 25,000 bales. Evening.-Cotton closed, middling, at l-^'d; Or? leans 12'?d; sales 25.000 halos. BAVUE, Fobruary 4.-Cotton opens active; on thc spot If 38c; afloat If 40c. DOlUiSTIC M.\r.KET3. NEW YOEE, February 4.-Noon.-Money easy ot 7. Sterling 9>i. Cold 35j?. Cotton Aimer at 30J? Evenii g.-Cotton closed active and better, bales 6500 bales at 30>4'. Flour favors b. yt rs, wi. bout murked change. Wheat di ?.dy. Corn la2c lower, white Southern 90a97. Pori Armor at ?32,,4'32,>j\ Lard easier at 21a21>?. Whiskey steady ut 04. Rica firm. C?alO. Other groceiies quiet Ti rpemhuo 57a57>i. Ko?in $2 :6a8 50. Tallow lower at ll Kail. 3overumeuts closed quiet, fcixty-two's, 13,'*'. Ho? ley lairly cctive at fa7 per emt Sterling heavy at \%. Gold 35>4-. toutht-rn r ecurl t h? quiet and iteady. Tennessee's 67i3'. Virginia's C7J?. Kew 13. Stocks heavy, excited and untettlcd. BALTIMOIIE. February 4.-Cotton firm at 30c. flour dull. Wheat dull; prime to ehoico red 12 20;4'. 'em Arm ; white 87u88e; yellow 84a8Cc. Pork $82 50 i33. Shoulders 15Jio. Lard 21c. CINCDTNITI, February 4.-"lour and cetn quid md unchanged. Whiskey dull al 05. Mees Pork ?S2i3'i>i. Lard Hm), city 20)f I'scon firm and miet. Bhouldsri 14^. Clear %Ub* l8aL>j?. Sugar ?ur?d hams, heavy business? at lOalO^c. ST. Louis, February 4.-Flour quiet; fine and low uperflue and low extra $5 50aC 00. Pork higher at >32>i. Bulk melts higher. Bacon buoyant; encui? t?is 14>?; clear sides 18;4'. Lard br.oyant LOUISVILLE, February 4.-Pork $32a32 50. Lard !1. Shoulders 14,Vsl5; clear sides MtfalSX. Whit? ley 9C*97. WLLMINOTON, February 4.-Spirits turpenline paiot. Rosin lower $1 80al ?5. Turpentine declin ag$2J8a2 55. lar declinod $2 65. Cotton firm, idvanccd-middlings 28.^ c. AUGUSTA, February A.-Colton activo and ac vane ng; sales 1095 balea; receipts 357 bahs; middlings *>4-c. SAVANNAH, February 4..-Cotton active; sn'es 3CCO talcs; middling 2<^aZ9a; receipts 2328 bales; ox :orts coastwiso 2609. MOBILE. February 4.-Cottou in good ?ictivo dc ucind and elurtd film-low middhog 28c; sales ,503; receipts294; ?xi otis none. NEW OHLKANN. February 4.-Cotton ,yc bighei ; uidUiiu^H, 29e; Me* 1250 I cles; receipts K49bales; .xpor?s4?U5 balo'. Gold, SC. 1 terlmg. 18. Com aerclal, 46>?ii47 Ncw\ork sglit, J.^'c disco nt ingar aud molasses steady and un-hang-d. Uold ;r? cf Lon siana coupons duo on tho Isl ins'OLt, are JO ific-J Uiai (bey will bo paid on presentation ut thu Jaukiug he-use cf Pite, Urottcr tc Co., New Or cans. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON February ?.-T?BMNTiiva-Is .le.dy and .o-s uuch-ngi-d. 'ales 078 bb s ui >3i( tor sot'-, ?nd t2 40 l r har J, $ i-0 pounds. -Pinns 'JTJIIP.-.RXI>E. - Mai kot quiot aud ir ces oud i ownward, willi sa es ct only Ci b-Soot C-lc per alon. ><aled e.\>0 ot 275, d h civ bte ni hit. 'nys, tuyer'a option, at 04- ; mu d.i a 68Kc. nu 1 3o0 lo ai 6Jc-showing a declino in theda} '? iraLS. cuous if lo. KOSH?.-Sales ef on y 70 obis at S2, ?2 10-2 ?0 for low No. '. TAR.-7C bbls rhanged hands at S2 85 per bbl . OXTON -ilarkctn me and pr?tes a ?huile bisher. salo- tf 299 bales ai 27u27>io lor mixed, and 281 fer midd Ung. Nashville .Ifni (Vet NA?HVir LE, February 1 - COTTON-Ibo mark't to-lay wa-> quiet. Hula ei s uro s'll Mini, ant ?pa? ling high''>- figures. Wo quoie: Ordinary KH; :-ood nraiuary 2CJ?; lov midudug 27. Wo give as li.lowaa snmma.yo: the transactions ot the day: Receipts 290; sal*a 91;' bi incuts ?71. COTTON FTATKULM. stook on hird ?ope. !, 18is. CO [ieee ved to day. . 290 Received picV:ously.29,60 -29.79C Totil. 29,850 Shipped to-day.171 rhippeu pixviouoly.25,14J-20.C17 ?to k on hind ..4 2'9 <'OUN-I hu lrautt?ctjon* iii corn to-dav footed up I'.ICU as?lela ut Cdc buying, a-d 75c saced auJ doii rcrod in dcjiot Interior Colton Alarkefa, SUM i R. February 2. - About 16.) halos of oMton EOIII during tho w. ok. mat kot clo: iii:: > e ter owl: o dvaucu ia lv',7 ?J l?. Wo quitteto-da? at 21 27>jcts ?OLW II LR LY, Feb nary 2.-Colton market quia*, at ET i ta. MwNTGOM! BY. Fobruary 2.-Colton maiket Tory Orin ..l t?li IJ low e. ATI.4.\A, I'O ru.ry ?.-jouon oa ivj at 2CJia'-7^. Lee -ii-i- M ?CON. Fo'-ruarv 2 -'ho mirkcl Wia rather quiet to-., ay. buyo* not ?itinii Ibu ?eu.i P; sa io wutu rfleckd o.i U.eba?n of2CK 3Sj^*t>tta duiu;,B, aud thc market c o ed Sim ul lw)-< iku ca. COLUAI US. February 1-Hark i flu: ro-lnal b.iujstta >?i''-G>?e; O;:IB?<IO waiehous s ou'vi-alei aero i old; WJIVUOUM* aates 83 bolo>i 80 a. 26)?, 2 at ?5c; licoipis 495 bahs. ? OL Illili, Fubiiury 8.-Co'ton Lad r.n upwa d !e?-iencv yestctday, aud it 2 bates wo c disposed oi ?t mu p ilk.-middlina 2?J. s toclci of Cotton in tba Interior Towne not included lu the Itcceipt* TOWNS. 18C9. Augusta. Ga..Jaunir; 8 : o . 24 Macon, Geo .Fobrua'y 1 lft.aiT to^imbus. Goo.Jan us rv St? 15.6"<9 Moiit-^oiiiery. Ala.'a'-n-rvCO 11,181 elma Ala.Jaiuar?22| C4 6 Ueiijphis, Tenn.Janu:ny3Uj 59,0 8 Su?hv?le. Teen.....iebru ry l| 4 232 Total,u,j et',99? o s* : Mi ?fi ; ja eaS 3 ... CT i? T co o to co .<? ?r?-.-o. ?O M M co toca - ti rr. - O? -UHOiU *. p p JO IO -lUOi-.-I.HW .o i? o J bo * ? ? -J i " <r> ii ? co OHO*. p_ r_ o- rtJ ?-? . io pi* CIK>U: i-1 o j*;*, e?* en io o . "co ci n* bo o . -3 co CaC**~* O O in CO . -. o CN to > -J 00 *a co 01 *_ co gi . too* otp co ? "10 Ci ' o o O . - ? I- co MO 10 _-J ; 00 ta o ci V . H* o w cs crt . -j -j ?. co -I . rig . . cota co ta 05 ?--co .o I : "ci? oct bo to co r?. ? . r - - -i ^ -1 ^1 - o o no ts ' ca o' cc ?o OODM? }*i*?^? <?. -~4T OO O? K* i^ "li -t* C'* * Q ?0 co c-? o . cnu?oot*;' g* JJ D^ci' oe -o o? cit ci . rt. ta _ So : : : : g=?o . . M? . . cn I g 9 I . . M- oCT; -10 2 2.; : : iar ot'-. ?I s? ? . . . u. Si*.. w ? I a . . o- i-1 - ? col_ M . ?-ta CT I-* u* . - O >o ta M - e ; --.i-i .t. ii. la ^JS it- . e> . o-ioiott. iv ?f co o c. o ~i . ia ?o tn o ii ~ co o co -a *? -J Cl lj "li "i Ot "? **. ?? *"i t? CO SO X Ci o. Ol - *> to M rri IO Cn M 1 Ot iK ci?*?, t-occo.-o.; .Oli-1 ai''?. "*'a-O?" CT CT etna, ^ to cs w- CT . o Cr ?-? 00 O S: : 583?5. 851 ?Overland to maiiufuclurcrs. NOTE.-Wo have deducted from New Orleans 18,1? bales Upland, from Mobile C325 bales, from Savannah 4850 bags Sea leland and ... bales Up? land-and Irom Charleston 2132 bogs Fea Island and ICS bales Uplaud, tho quantities received at those ports irom Mobile. Florida, Texas nnd .-?wannah. Charleston Wholesale 1'rlces. AUTIGI.K8. miCES. BAGGING. "B yara- "* Iranaec. M GD M Gruiniy ('-loth. 20>?ja 21 % BALE ROVE. *? m-Manilla. - fe) - Western. 8 CS l*H Ja e.. S/?f* 9 COTTON, V lb Ordinary to blood Ordinary. 27 @ 27% Lew Middling. 28 8 2i% Middling to M tri et Middling. 58>i(r? 2 J . fleed Middling. - 0 - Sea Island. 00 (S) 1.30 CUt'EEE, lb-Bio.I 20 (S 28 Laguayra.I 2h ti - Java.,,.I 35 @ <0 FERTILIZERS Wande Co's Ammon'd Eol Phos. ?5.00 ? - Potato Fortilizer. fi?.00 (g - Alht-line Phospuate. SX',00 @ - Boue Dour. 85.00 @ - Double Refined Pondrctte. 30.00 let, - rtiUs' Phosphate. 03.?0 rt - prruvian Ooauo, 2240 lbs.1 9?.UU ?s - Pacille (iuaaa, 9 2*3eu las. to.00 <<$ - Pheonix Onano. 05.00 jp - Baugh'i Phosphate, * 2*00 Its... M.00 CJ - Rhodas' Phosphite. * 2000 lb?... 66.00 @ - Uapes'Super Phosphate ft 2000 tb 66.08 gd - Zaire Raw Bone Phoephate. W.JO ? - Bell's Sufer Pliosphataof Lime.. Cu.?8 (ft - Woolston'. Phosphate of tamo..- ' 65.00 a 00 VToolstott'a Vegointjr, ? 30C0 Ibs| 66.00 @ - Crcwdale's ?uu. super-Plio?. net | 60.00 9? 00 Bowars'Complet- Manure, net... 60.00 M 60 barJy's rhosph? I'eruvlau. oath. 1.5.00? 00 Sertly's Patulle Uaano, sash. CO.m' tf? eu VLOVa, iJl bbl-snpei .?. 6.75 ?ft - KttrUieru and Waitorn Extra.7.U5 ? 7.75 Bal liwara iixlra.I - ? - Southern-Super.I 9.25 0J 9.5? Bv.?j.10.00 JivlO.50 Vamilv.Ill.t0 W12.60 i;;j/.V-?Iarylan.l Oats, Ti bushel.; 66 & 90 Wiritem Oat*, H btiahel.1 8? tp - Com, ^bushel. LOT fi* LM ?IA Y. IS cwt.-:<.. nu Rivet.I 1.20 M - Kostera.? L3B (f? - .. UMBER. '-A KL ttoi- I etoar White l'ir.r. Int quality.BO.00 (ii65.00 Walla riue, good ron.38.fe 6/40.08 SollowPJUQ.,2U-N0 Bourtli, ",J M. fee:-touga.il2.*>3 f.-l..w8 Grooved and'lor.!;ucil....|2d.0i) fi3J.uo V?LjtSSKS, ?* baotou-Cuba.I 45 (?i 47 Miiscovinjt?. - an - SiuprHouse. ?0 ?LOO Kew CrieaiM. - m - VA VAL STOUKS, 9 bbl-Tar.... - ? - Pi tub. - ?? - Rosin, Pale. - t? - Rosin, Mo. 1.i 2-"5 W '.?> Kowu, \-r?. 2. LW tti 2.00 Bo.ii-. 3.1 1-75 "5 - (*oii:t?.Tai.ieuli^e, ? tra?c-i- | to KC - Oa..i:t.>. ^ lu. I 16 .J - *klL3-An-enean, l@2Ud, ?si itcg.J 5.on 41 T.OO POWDER-Do|iont'a,'V.V.F. 0.... 0.70 Du? oui'n, r'.F.F. G-1?* f?> . Dupout's, Biat-tn-g. .. 4.J5 ??) PROVISIONS-^ Hi Bacon. Hams, f. lb. - <9 - Bacon. Hides. 38 Hs 20 Bacou. ahonidcru. IT Bacon, Strips. 20)i?a) 21 ;. 1 in keg. - ts - Butter.I 35 Qt 50 Oheeve. 1? ? ?8 Potatoes, ft bb!. - vt? - Omoas.-.?.. - <S - Apple?.-. - - B/CA-Carolina, 1? ll). 8%'? 9% East India. - - SALT- Mtrerpool, coaino, ^ aack.. 2.10 tqi - Liverpool, Utw.-. - ti - SUGAR, ft lb-Raw.I 13 el 13 Porto Rico.-.! 11 6 15 Moscova*?'.I 13 ta 16 S Ros: g ii1 B -? -j a. rx n ?1 . c .-? C 1 71 % ri : ls PS" C il lal C CB el - 0? to ?a .-a > ".0 "o *n KP -I -1 ai ti c. ?O r -J1 o -J a otct M tm - 00 U> i?CO j - ?o S = I S I COUP I -1 ao ce Soo * J -3 o ?j? .a -?? ?a ? o s 3 - _ M Z o ? S 1 . S Comparative Exporta ot Cotton, from the Port ot Charleston. EXPORTED TO Liverpool. Oilier British Ports. SEA. ISLAND Bales. Total to Great Britain... Havre. Other french Porta. Total to France. North of Europe., Total North of Europe.. >'outh of Europe. Trust Indies, fcc. Total Foreign Ports. Boston. Rhode Island, ?.-c. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Nor ilk.... Other United Str.tes Torte. Total to Coastwise Ports. Grand Total. 1,817 1.847 Bales. 20,508 20,698 1,817 14 1,003 1,975 3,823 309 20,007 3 576 3,784 70,250 2.8C2 12,076 Exports of Hice, ".?.val Stores ana iii??? ber from thc Port of Charleston, from September 1 to February 4, lH?'J S. STORES. I LUMBER. PORTS. Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore. New Orleans.. MobhV. Providence, EX... Other U. S. Ports.. Total Coastwise RICE. Tierces. 1 . 3 7,.ll 809 3,431 140 403| "?sel Barrels. 8.387 601.000 3,245 | 2,197.987 2001 1,264,000 1,379 1,234,000 Barcelona. Majorca k a Market West Indies. Halifax, NS_ St Johns, N B... London. Bristol, Eng_ Liverpool. Havro. Montevideo. Britain... Total Foreign.. Grand Total.. 14,094' 19,211 410 '06 3,737 C.547 964,11.2 103,000 6,149,039 58,000 '678,823 288,7i8 1.025,651 7,174,690 Consignees per iSoutft laiolina llailvoud February 4. C07 bales Cotton, 21 balei Domesties, 48 ea?ks Ba? con, 79 bbls Naval Store, 2 cars Lumber, 1 car Wood, 1 car Stock To Railroad Agent, Wardlaw k Carew, Ravcnel k Co, Herder k Uavis. R Muro k Co, Frost & Adgcr. h. J Wis?, J rt Prinsle, R C sharp k Co, G tl w a.ti r k Co, Johnston, ( rews k Co, JUE sloan, Brodie k I o. H Bischoff fc Co. G W Will ams k Co, G A Trenholm. Goldsmith k bon, B O'Neill, H Count it Co, D A Ammc. Consignees per Northeastern Itnllroad Fobruary 4. 78 bales Cotton, 90 boin Naval Stores. SCO bushels Rough bice, Furniture, Tobacco, Mdse, iic Tc Reeder 4: Davis, Bunt k Bro, S D Stoney, Muzyrks A Salters, J A Quackcubush. Bischoff k Co, Raveuel k Co, Mnj ir G t. Alden, ? TV Willson fc Co, Clag horn. Her. lng k Co, A S Johnson, Narhman fc Co, W K Ryan, - Searborotiah. FW Emanuel, chi6olm Bro?, P M.M an, J Schirmer, M Go.dsniih J: tons, J Ch lota, Ruilioad Agent I'BSscncris. Per steamer City Point, lrom Palatka, via Jackson? ville, Fer; audi na and savannah-Mr Bueknuster auddtughter, E Hui to, Hrs Haines and noa. Fathers Connelly und Quinn, J G Little. T P - Kaine. - Williams, - Dudlev, L F Howard, - Alex? ander. A G William!, - Ingersoll, -, lt Harpor, - Ivars, - OrfT, - Owens, W S blanton and lad v, aud 10 deck. Ptr steam? Emilie, fma Georgetown. 8 c W t! Wilton, E 8 Hor-y. Capt J C ipes, J J Pringle, J W La Bruce sud wife, J LaBruee, Miss Wai j Hosier, Mrs ll Quailly, JC Urowj, Col it Nisbet, R Parker, i. Moui.t, J K Miscahy, aud o hors. Por steamer ft Helena.from Misto and Rockville R G Christie, J R Wai coat. J A Lancaster, A Claus? ken, G H lioppcek, J isirnoon?, J Ldiuga, Miss Fogarlie, Mrs LaRoche, O Bailey, G W Wright, and 16 on deck. -3?.-".-.-^ fort ot Chttrleftton, February 3. PORT C;yVLilt!JXJDAPt. i BASIS or THE MOON. Last Quarter, 3d, ll hours, 36 mientes, morniag. New Moou, 11th, 8 hour*, 34 minutes, morning. Pirst Quarter. lOtu. ll hours, 4<? minutos, morning, f ull Muou, 26tb, 6 boors. 41 nuuutes, morning. 1 Monday.... 6 57 2 Tnikdav.,.. 6..66 I sjWedueaday.l 6..55 | 4 Thursday... 6. .64 6.1-'riday.I C..53 I 6:Mturday... c.. 52 TUwiidav.I 0. 51 ! 6..31 6..32 I D..S3 6..34 6. 35 5..36 5..S7 H. . 1 ra J rn. 12.. 3 I. . 4 2.. 4 3.. 2 3..56 ll.. 9 12.. 2 1" 1 1..68 3.. 1 4.. 6 5..69 Arrived Yesterday. Sehr A fi Deas, from Point Mill. 96 tierces tierces ltico. 'le H Bischoff fc Co, Cbisolm Brea, Cohen, Hf ne el k Co. steamer City Point, l?cNolty, Palatka, via Jackson? ville, Fernandina, Savannah, Ac. 17 halos Cotton, and ?Uldrie*. J o J D aikan fc Co, C B C, H G k io, W ? M. Jeffords & Co, I Je Co, J C Dial. Hayman k L'llicnberg. J G M Inor k Co. T Mci ready, M ur phyfc Little, litckney Uros. Gourdin Ma.thie.i-on ?c?o, W li Williams, Kirip ilrlck k WlUO, U il In grabun k son. Terry k Nolan, W S Stauion, Mrs J E Dt pray. Steamer Emilie, Davis, Georgetown, 8 C. 296 tierscs Rice, 46 bales Cotton, aud .-undi h s. io t-hackollOid 4 Kelly. W K Ryan. >V C Bec k o, J F ?'Noiil & Sou, J La Bruce, thu.--ton le Ho mos. Pfi? zer, Kodgers k Co. A aullyaid. G \V v?Mia?as & ito, J M Calu'weU k rous. K Batea k Co. Terry & Noieu, A lo,:ni, Mowry k Co, oraeser, Lee, :mith k Co, T H Wahuu fc o, and uttic.s. fl amer St Helena. Rumley, Edlste and Rook ville. t bdea and I pocket Cotton, Mdse und Sun? dries 'io J H Murray, Ropi-r k Stoney, R M Mar? sh:' ii k Uro. ui:d oiucr.i. Received from Chiaa m's Mill-30 tierces Rice. To Chi olin Uros, WO boo 4: Co. Cleared Yesterday. Scbr H N Squire, Cbaeo, East We. montb, Mses-J N ll-b?ou. Sailed Yesterday. Vehr F H cq iiru Cbaso. a Northern Tort, sch:- Maltio li labor, t ook. Now York, .-ehr A EGlovor. leny, Boston. Sour Lilly, iran.? s, Wi.iniuu.tou, N C. behr Aitxaudiu-, Young, u corne.own, rf C. Vp for inls Port. sehr Matthew U.naey,-. at Now York, Fib L i chrD C,-, at Nuw York, l'eu 1. Sbipncws by Telegraph. vonvoLK, February4-Tho sehr Lou-sa, from Sa va Miali tor fbiliU-lphu. h..a urn ved h. te leaking, and havtu;; .os( her i udder aud chaim VVASUA OTOH, February 4- i he Lighthouse Board will ..^continuo tue rai.gc iigni at Hilton Head arter thu Util of al ii: cb. t AVAXSAH, . oi ru?ry 4-Cleared, ship Japan. Weather ecol, Wiad stroug a\V, SlcmoranilA. The brig Crrton, William?, from Charleston for Pr ivide co, arrived at Newport Jaauary 91. Tho fchr Oarrie H Webb. Day, (rom Georgetown, S O, arrived at New York February 1. LIST OF V1?SSKLN rp, CLEARED A:;D SAILED FOU nus TOA. V 0 lt K l GU LIVKWOOX. ship RC winthrop, stewart, up.J-n ll The Ldith sailed.J?n 12 b irk David McNutt, alcEh nuy, un ..Jan ll li .ik Ho c i un s, ?I?B. up.tun I* Bark Ila. il t * l'u-sey, Uo m-j tuiud.laa 14 Ui'ilijh brig Corida. Bis rup. railed.Jan 0 UAvan. aTrip Paei?c, Foso. Biilc-i.JAU i HAVANA B, lj.u ship ChorlesloB, irane. i-.i.efi.Jan 16 PO..T T-.LDOT. Thc douri r, J .-rid J a. hoilud..J an* 12 IOUESI IC. -ii tro?.. Fcbr fi A Hammond, WI'OV, cleared......Jan 17 retarRarall A H..IUQIOIIII. \rr.o,, up.Jun 8 >> hr U N Ha-.Vi.ius, Wyatt. Up.Jan 2j Hi* Ti.J?. (lobr Vrais, Tilaann, Mason, co ii cd.Jan 28 Sehr Uyiover, Drown, up.Jan 25 ?C r J H L- e, Ut IT clear?!.Jan 23 rohrKiiidu-k aa. Wvatt, on-urcd.Jm 2J sehr Fraukum Swain, olcai-o......J au 90 ?.ehr H ue. .<lover, up.i-ob 1 sehr Malihow Uoouoy,-, up.t-'eb 1 sehr H (J H?lse,-.op.I'eh 1 PUIL LDELPULV 8c?r Clara, liulferd. up-.Jon 24 BALTTMOItK. >?ehr S T Baker, Biewstor, cleared.Jan 39 Sehe Rachel .-oamao,-, np?.Feb 1 LIST OF talllPPINU In tho Port of Charleston, February 1. VEM2SL3 UNDER 100 TON3. AND STEAUEUS C0.13TINO WnlirS TUE STATE EXCEFrED. STEAMSHIP.-. Go'don Horn, - ions. Bbu-kUn, nt Kerr's wharf, lor L-verprol, lu..ulng-U .durti 4: Co. Statira inri, 862 tous, v\ay. in?ie Stream, for Liv crpe ol, rc?ci?-W U Bo? b Co. Manhattan, 1387 tona, Woodhall, at Adger's wharf for New York, loading-James Adger at Co. Saragossa, 778 tons, Byder, at Vandarhoret's wharf, for New York ready-Ravened, k Co. CfaarleetoD, 1226 tons, Bnrry, in the Stream, for New York, ready-James A ?ger k Co. Sea Call, 616 tons. Dutton, In the Hoads, for Balli? more, ready-Courtenay k Trenhelm. Prometheus. 681 tons, Gray, at Atlantic wh*rf, for Philadelphia, loading-J ic T Getty. SHIPS. Scotswood (Br), 7*6 tone, Teaman,at Boyce's wharves, for Liverpool, loading-R Mure k Co. Pedro Piandolit (Spanish), 82* tons, Amengoal, at Aturado wharf, for Livorpool, loading-W P HalL Gorilla (Br), 765 tons, Jones, at Atlantic wharf, frum Liverpool, waiting-R Mure it Co. Menard UL 985 tons, Wood, at Accommodation whan, from Liverpool, wailing-Master. .'MUBCOUCU? (Br), 791 tons, Groves, at Boyce's wharf, from i iverpool. waiting-R More & Co. Amelia, 688 tons, Bereborn, at A ?antic wharf, for Liv? erpool, waitiog-Patterson k Stock. Graham's Polloy, 759 tons, atlantic wharf, from Antwerp, waiting-Patterson k Stock. BARKS. Borneo (Br), 705 tons. Curd, at Boyce k Co's whan, for Liverpool, loading-R Mure k Co. Lizzie H, 896 tons, Spring, at Brown k Co's wharf for Liverpool, loa ang-Street Bros At Co. Gauss (N G), 655 tons. Cluvor, at Atlantic wharf, for Livorpool, loading-G A Hopley k Co. Monneguaeh (Bn, 624 tons, Murray, at boyce k Co's wharf, for Livor] ool. loading- R Mure k Co. W G tu oam (British), 700 tons Rickard, at Atlantic wharf, foi Uvei-pool, loading-Willis & Chisolm. Olimpia (spanishi, 481 tone. Pons, at Brown's wharf, from Cicufuegos, w.iiing-W P Hall. Agra iBrii<h|. 6a9 tons. Fullmore, at Yonderborsi's wharf, from Liverpool, waiting-Raven el k Co. Kamma Ponder (Danish), 354 tons, Krogh, at Atlan? tic wharves, tor Liverpool, loading-Willis k Chisolm. The Queen (Br), 698 tons, Cook, in the Stream, from Stranrcan, Scotland, wultinr;-lt Mure & Co. Ciscar (ispaniih). 281 ions, oliver at Bennett's wharf, for Barcelona, loading-W P Hall. BRIGS. Hampden. 150 ten?. Gait, in Ashley Ki vcr, for West ladles, loading-J AEnalow k Co. Enrique (Spanish), 194 tons, Maduena, at Union wharf, irom Cienlncgos, waiting-Mordecai k Co. Moria (Spanish), 155 tons, Font, ot Palmetto wharf, fot Tarragona, loading-J A Endow k Co. Morey (Spanish polacro), 350 tons, Yidal at Brown's w h ar t, for Baree ona, loading-W P Hall. Rosalia (-pr.nish polacrej, 589 tons, Mascavo, ot Ben? nett's wi arf, tor Barcelona, loading-P J Lenard. Joven Cormollta (Span), 103 tons, Ro?dos, at Brown k Co's wharf, fi om cienfaegos, walting-W P Hall. W M x 'Eh (Br). 124 fons, McPrldc. at Southern wharf, from Cardenas, waitlrg-WP Hall. Baltimore Br), - tons, YiaiUllo. at Accommodation wharf. Hom Cuba, waiting-Risley k Creighton. tva N Johnson, 248 tons, Johnson, at Marshall's wharf, from Wood's Hole, t.iecharging-J N Rob? son. SCHOONERS. H N Squire, 307 ten?, chafe, in tho Stream, for a .Northern Port, ready-Master. Josiah Whitehouse, 2<?*)tons, Jones, in Ashley River, fer New York, loading-J A Bnelow k Co. Minnie, - lons. Smith, ot Union wharf, for Balli. mote, waiting-Risley k Creigh to u. Nellie Carr, 1-13, Snowman, in Ashley River, for West I'-ales, loading- Risley k Cnighton. Robert Caldwell. 466 tons. Mc'or mic:, at Adger's wharves, for Sew York, loading-W Roach k Co. E H Furber, 318, Cobb, af Central wharf, io.' Phihv doli hia, ready-H F Bator k Co. A G Ireland, 285 tons, Tonnsend, in Ashley river, for baltimore, loading-Wm Roa<*b & co. Sarah Cullen, 254 tons. Avis, at S E Railroad wharf, for Boston, leading-(Jour.enay k Tr. nho!rn. Emeline (Br), 116 ions, Dodge, ?.t Marshall's wharf, from Marlin que, waiting-Master. J W Maitland. ITU tons, Laighton, in Ashley River, for New York, loading-J A kuslow k co. Ada A Andrew.-, 267 tons, hobbins, in Ashley River, fer Baltimore, loading-M F fr,?er k Co. Albert Thomas. 400 tom, Rodgers, at Ceufral wharf, from Philadelphia, discharging-H F Baker k Co. Gerti- Lewis, - tons. Hoogdon, at Brown k Co'e wharf, fro tn Ballimore, waiting-Screven k Nisbet Constiiution, - tons. Smith, in the Stream, for Jacksonville, ready-W Bo ch k Co. N W <<miih, 296 toas. Tooker, at Adger's whaif, Irom New York, difchaiglng-W Roach k Co. Shiloh, 27t) tons. Hubbard, at Union wharf, from Baltimore, discharging-Master. Kl Dorado, 74 tons. 'I hampton, at A' commodation wharf, fi om Baltimore, discharging-screven k Mittet, Narraeinur tt, 310 tons, Edgar, at Palmetto wharf, from Uni veston, walli g-J A Ens ow k Co. Mostr?se, 342 tons. Knudson, at Palmetto wharf, from New Crleins, to bo rep.ired-J A Enslew k Co. Idi Richardson. 178 tons, Bedell, at Union whaif, from New York, d seharglng-W Roach & Co. .Bittiness (Coria. J_TGLiM&S <Sk MACBETH, No. 30 Broad-street, Choi leston, S. C., BROKERS, AUCTIONEER?, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Will otrtend to Renting and Collecting of Routs and purchase and aa e of bioc?s, Bonds, Gold, SUver and Real Estate. ALSO, To tao Purchase of Goods and supplies for par'ies In tho country upon reasenab'e icrms. GBOBOE L. Hor.yp,s.AXEXIXDEB MACBETH. Jami ry 1 lyr THPOM IK lt S UK TEAS, WINES, BRANDIES, &c., And Dealers tn vnoiOE FAMILY GROCERIES. WM. S. ?0P.WIN k CO. ??-Goods delivered to all parts et tu? City, uctobor 2i DENTIST. ROOM3 AT HIS RESIDENCE. NORTHWEST CQB Mirt Ol' ir ll KIT NU AND SOCTBTT STREETS. November 20 fmwGaos jg D VU K D DALT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCmNT, Ko, 82 Warrcn-strcct, NEW YORK. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE FOR CH M?B of all kiadsor MK Kv H vNMSE. Boots, Sh"es, Hats, Ca s and Trunks m.d Straw Gooda a epeo'a ty. CoBS gnmen's of all kinds of Staple Articlss.and general Prodoce solicited, t'rompt returns guaranteed. EDWARD DALY, Late af Charles ten, S. C. ?Weekly Prico Currents eent free by poet. January 38 6naoe T O II V D . ALEXANDR Ii, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT, No. IG Broad-street. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BUSINESS IH AD. JOSI INO ACCOUNTS of Merchants and Others, and in WRITING OP AND PO'IING their BOt)K>. ci tin r In part oe who'e kc January 9 CHARLESTON XDEISTTAL DEPOT Ko. 275 Kl.NU-STKKKT. GOTD AND TIN FOIL, AM 'LOAMS ll'KER AL lEBTM, Stool Good', aid *vorV article uacd by the Denii't. 2mo Januar 27 OPFIOE No. 278 KING, OPPOSITE UASEL-STREET. January 27 3mo Tp ll. TR EN H OLM, No. 1 BROAD-STREBT, cn A I. LH TOX, 8 0, MINER, SHIPPER AND.DEALER m South Carolina Native Bono I^noiptieU?. January ll Sues ?ailrfl??s. NORTHEASTER!* RAILROAD COM FAHY. SUPERINTENDENT'8 OFFICE. ) CH A TILE ^ TON, 8 C.. January 25, 1889. J ' FROM AND Af 1 LU THU FIB*T FEBRUARY emsnlsg the charge for Freig it ea teano aad other Fertilisers, freai Charleston to any station on the < beraw and Darlington Railroad, will he reduced to TWENIY CEN lb' PuJEt ORE HUNDRED POUNDS. 8. 3. SOLOMONS, January 27_12_fiapariatendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL ftUPERINTENllEM'S OFFICE, 1 CHAXLE8T0N, B. C.. Muree 25, 18K8. ( ON AND AFTER SUI DAY, MAROH 29TH. TRI PASSENGER TRAINS of the South Carolina Railroad will run ax follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.6.30 A.M. Arrive at Augusta.3.30 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. . Leave Charleston.e.? J A. M. Arrive at Columbia.3.60 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Rdl road, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. F0R CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.coo A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. H. Leave Columbia.6 00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta......6.13 A. il. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. leave Augusta.4. 10P. HT. Arrive at Charleston.LOO A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. - 4? (SUNDAYS KXC?PTED.) Leave Charleston..5.10 P. IL Arrive at Columbia.0.20 A. M. Connecting (mundays excepted) with Greenville and ' Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.6.30 P. Vi. Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. Sf. SI MMEKVILl ,L ! RAIN. Leave Charleston.3.10 P. M. Arrive at Summerville. 5.16 2. If. Leave Summerville.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.36 A. M CAMDEN ?RANCH. On Mowley!, Wednesday! and Saturdays. Leave KlngvUle.2.20 P. M. Arri' e at Camden.5.00 P. M. Leave Camden.5.1C A. M. Arrive at langville.7.40 A. M. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, April 20 General Superintendent ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' GEN KR AL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) ATLANTIC. A>D GULF RAILROAD, \ SAVANNAH, OCi OBER 98,1808. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, TRAINS ON THIS ROAD will runas follows, commencing with 7 P. M. Train: NIGHT EXPRESS TEAIN. Leave Savannah (sundays excepted) at.7 00 P M Arrive at Live Oak at.3 2? A M Arrive ot Jacksonville at.7 30 A II Leave Jacksonville (Sundays excepted) st.. ..7 16 P M Leave Live Uah at.ll 40 r M Arrive at Savannah (Mondays excepted) at. ..8 00 A K DAX TFA1N. Leave Favannah (Sundays excepted) at.7 00 A M Arrive at Bainbridge at.10 20 r M Arrive at Lire Oak at.5 30 p K Anthe at Jacksonville at.189 A ? Arriva at Tallahassee at.12 67 A M Arrive at Quino? at.315 A x Lcavo Bainbridge (sundays cxctpttd)at.7 00 rx Leave Quincy at.8 27 A'K Leava Tallahasseo at.10 40 A K Leave Jacksonville at.1018 A if Leave Live Oak at.7 20 A if Arrive at savannah isundays excepted) ar.. .6 00 p M Pas seniors to Stations west o i Lawton and Live Oak take Day Train from Savanuuh. Passengers from Bainbridge connect at Lawton with Express Train for Savannah at 2 00 A. M. Passovers from I aRabbsece by Day train connect at Live O dc with Express Train for Savannah at ll 40 P. M. Sleeping Cars on Express Trains. No chasge between Jacksonville and Savannah on Exp re*? J rain. htcamrrs leavo St Mark? fer New Orleans, Apa? lachicola and Pensacola every Friday. I eave at Marks for Havana. Key West, Cedar E? y a and 'J ampa every Wednesday. Stearne's leave . ackson ville for Palatka. Enter? prise and all points cn tho ht John's River every Sunday am) Wednesday at 9 00 A. XL H. 8. HAINES. November 2 Imo Genoral Superintendent. Softs. Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF Are most desirable for quality,, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled} BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please tend for a catalogua to MARVm & CO., (oldest safe manufacturers) _ . . . ( 205 Broadway, New York. Principal Jrei chestnut St., Phils. \A urehouses j m Bauk Sfc Cleveland,0 And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. FOR S'LB BY WM. M. BIRD & CO., No. 203 EAST BAY, ClIAUL?tsTUA December 29 ^ SHAVING AAL) HAlR-CtlTTIftG, LT W. E. MARSHALL, AT TUB BROAD-STREET RARBEB BAZO OIT, f ISo. 81 (Ur SzAtuj. December 8