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THE DAILY ?OWS. ?i?-LARGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAYING T3E LARGEST CIR CrjLATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTEKS REMAIN USO IN THE POSTOSTTCE AT THE END OF EACH WEER. ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW PCSIOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALSS THU DAT. Ii. M. MAE?HALL & BROTHES will sell at ll o'clock, at wharf foot of Pinckncy-siro;t, sloop Pa? risienne. MIXES DRAKE will sell at 10 o clock, at his store, corner King and Liberty streets, clothing, dry goods and cutlery. T. at. CATER will ann at three-quarter? past 9 o'clock, in his store, B: cn n's wharf, nutter, lard ana crockery. JOHN G. MiLNor. A Co. will sell at io o'clock. <n their salesroom. Mc-ting-street. dry goods, writiag papor, Ac. MEE TINGS THIS DA Y. Stonewall Fire Enttme Company, at 4 P. M. Charleston Kook sud Ladder Cempany, No. 1, at half-post 7 P. M. Union Kilwi.jnin^ Lodge, at 7 P. M. Howard Lodgp, at 7 P. M. THE DALLY NEWS PRICE CURRENT AND COM" MERCLAL CIRCULAR will be ready for delivery at nine o'clock to-morrow morning. Business bou~es wish? ing to subscribe for a speciflod number of copies containing their cards, should leave their orders at our counting room to-duy. AU orders for ten copies and over will be supplied at the rate of two and a half ocnts per copy. BOARD OF FIKEIIASTERS.- At a meeting of j the Board of Firem asters hold last evening, B. M. Strobel was unanimously re elected clerk of the Board ard Superintendant of Engines, and H. C. Shokcs, Pump Cou trac to.-. THE THEATRE.-Mi-s Annie Deland, an actress of | great promise, wid make ber first appearance in Charleston on ilonday ni;ht at thc Hibtrnian Hall. Miss Doland was beru io Augusta, Tut was educated in Ulis city. We understand that tho coming star has played with great success in England, where she has been for more than two years. A GERMAN THEATRE AND CONCERT HALL. We understand that thc Freundschaftsbund are nego? tiating for tho fine lot at tha comee of Mectinz and George stree:?, on which, they pioposo to erect a theatre and c.ncen h :11 at a cost of $20,000. It is to bc a joint s to. k company o? lour hundred shares, and it is stated that three hundred shares have al? ready been token. 11 i CLERKS or THE MARKETS.-At an elect j in |t held by thc Commissi mers of th) Markets j oster day, all th? o'd clerhs w?rc lO-plccled ss follows: WM. KERWOOD, Chief Clerk. WM. WITHERS, Assistant at Lower Market. WM. WILEY, Assistant at Upper Market. JACOB F. SCHIB&IEB, Woigherand Measurer. C. J. BECKMAN; Weigher at Lower Scales. R. H. BRODIE, Weigher at Upper Scales. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER.-Thc publishers of tho New York Weekly Sun offers, through an advertise- I 1 mint in another column, special inducements to I < subscribers. The Weekly Sun is ono of the most comprehensive, neat, and sparkling papers publish? ed; Its agricultural department is managed by the ^weU known Andrew S. Fidler; and tho fact that a subscriber gets his money's worth when subscrib? ing, added to the cheap prica at which the paper is published, is 6ure!y mdareincnt enough for all to scud in their money at once. MINIATURE MAN.-Charleston WM visited yesterday^).- a Lilliputian, named Charlea Rollin Pecker, who claims to be the smallest man in the world. Ee is cert.inly smaller than General Tom Thumb or thc ir.-epresjiola Commodore Nutt. Mr. Decker is twenty years old. weighs forty five pounds and is only thirty-one inches high. He is well in? formed, of polished manner.--, and dresses in thc latest style. Ho was born in Mississipi, but brill from Memphis, Tenn. A largo crowd of boys fol? lowed him as he trotted through the streets, selling h's photograph and the book of his life. B. W. GRAND LODOS, L O. O. F.-Tho fol? lowing is a list of th - officers elected at thc *^"rt"l Communication of the R. W Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held Li this city on Oao 20th instant: M. W. G. M., J. M. ELFOBD. of Lodge Na 19. K. W. D. S. M., G. W. CUR IT?, of Lodge No. 8. R. W. G. W.. JOS. G. MA.BTIN, of Lodge No. 2. R. W. G. Sec., ?NO. H. HONOUR, JR , M. D., of Lodge No. 2. r R. W. G. Trcai?ier. T. W. HOLWELL, ot Lodge No. 2. R. W. G. Chaplain, Bcv. J. L. REYNOLDS, D. D., of Lodge No 5. B. W. G. Representative, WM. THAYER, cf Lodge No. 2. THE MEETING-STREET ICE HOUSE.-In the place of the old and unsightly building that served A tho purposes of an ice horse in Meeting-street, the Tudor Ice Company, of Boston, baye erected a new one that adds to thc apee oran ce of the locality which it stands. The new building has a front of thirty-nine feet, ard extends two hundred and forty feet in the rear. Tho front reservoir for icc will con tain one thousand tons, while the roar ooo will hold two thousand tons. The new building has been con? structed under thc raper* s on cf Mr. John Luiche, agezt of Gie cou pur y, ard Mr. James M. Duryea, long ind : av o: ably known ia count ction with the ice trade of thc city. Thc repairs and improvements that have been n:ade have cost about $C0C0. A HANDSOME VESSEL.-Tho following notico which we clip from ibo New York J jurnalof Com moree, of Monday last, spaaks. in flatte lng terms of a beautiful craf: just constructed by Captain ft. H Tucker, whom our readors who datcirom sometime back will remember as commindhii', about 1S45 tho ship Alliance, which malo several rapid passages from Liverpool to this port, at ono time bringin; later European dates. Steam was then jnrt common cmg and oceau ca ilea had no cxisteuc \ Ho was a tcrwards a m.-rehaut ot th s city, and having boen left an ample competence by hhs lather, who was large ship owner, now spends his time in manau'ini: his proper:\ a ho.c at,d afloat: "Ihe attenticn o yachtmeu and others is ca lei to th? yacht Atalanta now lyiag at Pier 17, Ea*t Uiver. This beautilul lit? tle vessel was budt ot Wiscasser, Mo., by Captain R H. Tucker. Sh.-is of aa improved model, all hoi low hnee, cons meted by Mr. Givea, of Wi^casset who modelled many cf Donald McKay's laruou clipper ships. She is sixty feet long, eighteen feet wide, and seven feet deep, aud measures seventy tons old measurement; is constructed entirely of white oak, coppered and copper-fastened, all irou | 1 work galvanized ; not a particle of pitch, paint or putty was used in her construction. Captain | I Tucker, the owner, is on board, and would be pleased to show bis vessel to gentlemen interested in marine architecture previous to sailing for Charleston oh the 21st." HOTEL ARRIVALS, January 20.-Charleston ] t HuUl.-'E A Jonnson J A Brenner, B B Gary. Au ,TU3ta; Chas R Decker, Memph s; W A Benjamin. E E Abrahams, St Louis; E U Rhodes, Providence, R I; John B Gardy, i?ew York; W P De-champs, Sumter; John H Besher. Nc . York; W T Waitara. B T New comer, Bal timo o; Z W Bookhart and family, J 0 Courtney, s C; O W adler, < harle ton; TL Monta? gue, Boston; A Kalischer. New York; FF Booh, New Haven. Ct; J lt Gamago and wife, J B Li vin eton, Miss Livrng toi and maid, B F Edington. New York; H G Robinson, E P Robinson, Providence, R L /Vjvilion Hotel.-James Masrwood, Railroad; T G Boag, city; P Hiller aud son, Kings tree, J M Smith, Bamberg, T D KlccUey, Orangeourg; ? J Kurse Columbia; G W Cm tis, Chester; W D Bell. Orange burg; C H Baldwin, Ohio; N W Ernleman, Floronco; j y Gilbert, lady. 2 rbi ld roo and servant, L R Gil? bert, Wm Locke, ?no Erwin, E S Grey and lady. Miss J Gilbert, Mis? K Gi bert. South Carolina; B Greig, | | St Stephen's; WTUVcy, George'^, S C; Dr J M Staggers, J D Sturg ou. Klngstreo; 0 L Gollleaume | New York; C W Lclard. Mount Pleasant; E E Mc? Pherson, South Carolina; FOlts. R DMcBwan, EJ Benet, Florence ; J H Parrot, C W Parrot, South Caro? lina. THE MAYORALTY. Application of Gilbert Pillsbury for lu Htallatlon us Mayor-Tho Demand and tho Reply. At about hali-: as: ten o'clock yesterday morning, Ur. Gilbert Pillsbury, accompanied by Colonel Moore, Mr. Ii. W. M. Mackey and Mr. T. J. Maefeey. waited on Mayor Clark :;ud formally demanded the surrender of the office of Mayor. Mr. Clark said that he would be prepared lo give a formal reply at about 12 o'clock, und thc claimant then said that he would await the reply at tho Sheriff's office, to which place it wan af orwurds sent. Thc demand of Mr. Pillsbury and the answer of Mayor Clark a'C as fol? lows: CHARLESTON, S. C., January 20, I860 Hon. George IK. Clark. Ac'ing i?attor of th' CU) of Charleston, S. C, City Hall, Cha-lesion. ria- ihe undersigned, having been duly elected Mayor ol the C.ty or Char ?eatTO, at tb<- Muricipal election held 111 said city ou thc tenth us.? of Novem? ber, A. D. 18C8. and tho Actiag Board of Aldermen buvitic. auder date of tho eighteenta day of January, I1- Ci>, dec axed said elec'ion in accordance with the returns ol t..e muuagers thereof, which returns set forth that the undersigned received "tho largost number ot votes for Mayo/;" and the undersi2ne J. having duly qualified for said office, does now de? mand that you surrender lo him the functions r f Mayor of the City of Charlo?ton, together with all books, records and properly appertaining to the same. GILBERT PiL&SBUKY, Major Elict of the City of Charleston. . CHARLESTON, S. C., January 20,18C0. Hon. Gilbert Pillsbury : DEAR -IR-I am in receipt ef your communication ol 20 h January, 1869, in which you ? demand of me to surrender to you tho functions ot Mayor of the City of Charleston, together with all the books, re? cords and property appertains g lo tho fame." In reply. I beg leave to say that the legality of the elec? tion hy virtue of which ycu claim thc office of Ma>or has bee J dui put in issue by a numerous body ot corporal om, and that by au act regulating the tonne of certain offices and appointments thereto, the Act ins Mayor and Aldermen aro directed to coutiuuo tu office nm il their several offices are flited ly the elec? tion and qualification, accord inn to ?aw, of their suc? cessors in the said Municipal offices. In the receut opirion of tho Supreme Court, a clear distinction ls taken between the declaration of | the re-ults oi tho e'ection and the light to take pos Besti?n of the offices claimed by you aud your col? league?. lt i> distipstly stated that the validity of he elec? tion was not properly in issue upon the proceedings before them, and that part ot tho alternative writ which required your admission lo the offices was by instruction of tho court omitted in the peremptory writ to which we have jus: coitiQcd obedicue have no desiro to make fruitless issues, but I am bound to regard the question of thc val dity of thc election as a grave one. made in duo form aud good iaith, and uutil this queition is judicially Bel? lied, I c.ntot con istentiy my hieas of public duty, suxrrender lo you the edee of ''.'ayer. Res. ectlully jouru. GEO W. CLARE, Mayor. These letters expliin pretty c early tb? preseu position of tho i ase, and it is not pos-iole to say suth certainly what w.ll bo the next step of e ther >f t';c part.'oi. It Is probable, however, that tho de nand of Mr. Pillsbury 19 the preliminary step to he suing out of a writ of quo warranto, which, it ta? med by tho court, would require tho Mayor and Al? lermen to show by what authority they continued o hold office in lac 3 of the alloged fact that Gilbert Pillsbury and others bad been elected in their itead. In doing this he whole question of the si? eged illegality of tho election would come ip, and tho present .Vayor and Aldermen vould, lt is presumed, adduce all the evi lence they could obtain to provo that there Tas not? legal e.fction, that there was, therefore, no sl-etion, and that G. W. Clark and others legally ?eld ofiV.'c until thcro was a legal election. Jf tho pto xoarranto were is:-uc d by the circuit court, either iirty ccu'd take an appeal from that rlecision to tho >upr? me Court, whose decision would bo final. To tvoid this appeal, is believed that tho writ I i ifquo warravto will, if possible, bc < btaiued from tho [ i .upreme Court direct, This is the position of tho cento-ted clec'iou caso ts far as it isaffected by tho action taken yesterday by Mr. Pillsbury. BEP0RTER3' CRUMBS. -A chimney was on Are n Spring-street night beforo last, and might have lone harm had it not bcon promptly put out by the lelghbors. Notwithstanding the great demand for mules, hey sold at auction yesterday ct moderate prices. 'lhere was a largo crowd around tho City Ball jes erday. during Mr. Pillsbury's visit to Mayor Clark. One hundred and ninoleon hogshead-' of new crop raoi molasses have been sold in this city at from SO 0 52 cents per gallon. Mr. Walter Cade has introduced tho Northern tylo of having coal and wood collars under tho pavc nent. This may be seen at the new crockery store rf Mr. W. L. Webo, Mcobng-stroet. 'Ihe JE na Steam Fire Engina Company is putting n new flues. Thc tidal drains aro bein j overhauled and cleaned. 1 hey ne^dit badly. A wiseac o, by the came of Boston, from the "ru? ral regions," introduced a bill in the special so3sion >f the General Assembly, to perpetuate the pe- diem ind mileage of ?he members. Rich 1 Furniture, crockery and household appliance* lave been bringing bu: h prices at auction of late. Ihe courthouse is being touched up. . Office-huntets are already "on the ..arapage," ex joe ting a Municipal chango. ? L. F. WaR. W.-8 Lanco and J. W. Gregg, who wnro lot confirmed by tho -om te aa assessors for Charlos on County, had previously given notice tba' they :ouId not serve. In publishing yesterday the names of the ve try n -n ot St. Mary's (.burch, we omitted those of Mr. Charles E?napaux and Mr. A. St Amind Tho tsou'h Carolina Railroad Company call aiton, acntothe resolution adopted at their meeting lu February. 1807, that proxies aro required at each Reeling, aud that the eignature must Pu stamped lu rccordauco ?ita internal revenue law. The G.and -oyal Arch Chapter of Sou h Carolina tviHhold th i" .mn.tai convection in this city oa the hh ot February. The sisters of Mercy School, iu Canron-strec', is spo i to boys aud girls. For terms apply to ibo -is .or?. lb* Gerin.n Fire Engine Compaq will give a *rand bull at the r Hall, Chalmer s-strc t, on the 27th instant, far tho benefit of the German Lutheran L'hurch. 'ihoc-lebration of tho lourth anniversary of ihe ftoncwall Firo Company will take place t?is evening. Those who doubt that Ur. Gilb rr is goin,; to g-ve i gol ' moJal to tho Aro company thal seit s tho most iiuketa tor bis benefit a Saturday, can soo lt ai Mr. Minn's. Kiug-street. Tho Bo?. of FiremasicTS, last night rc-ol clod .lie clo k and pump contractor. Major K. Willis took his scat as a member o; tho Board of iTrcmas? ara evening tor tho first time. THE UNITED STATES COURT, JANUARY 20 [I05. GEOROC S. Dur IN, PREMDINQ.- Tho court >penrd at ll o'clock, end the fol owing cases in bank? ruptcy were disposed of: Ex parto J. T. thomas, assignee R. C. Farr. Pet:, non to sell real cs tat?. Granted. Ex parto J B. Allison. Petition to sell and ostab ?sh Ben. Befcrred to W. J. dawson. Ex parte f. C. Mayo. Petition for final discharge. Certificate granted. Ix parte Gracser, Smith et al, in re B. F. Rharcr. Petition to establish lien. Order of sale grantee" Ex parte R. HarraU, in re W. B. Murray. Petition o - et up Ben. Order of payment granted. Ex parte Dick A Flowers, In ro J. R. Brad lord, totition to establish lien. Order and payment rranted Ex parte Brown, W?nn A Co., in re J. R. Bradford, dom. and ot der aa above. Ex parte B. G. Yoma A Co., in re J. R. Bradford, \ ti tion for ase.Ignea to sell personal estate. Order if sale granted. Court adjourned. THE AUOUSTA ARREST -Tho Angust? papers lave tho following further particulars of the case of Hr. L vngstan, whoBO arrost was inentio' ol a day ir two ago: * Mr. Willia- s and Mr. Sirooo Taylor, ?csidin? in Richland County, 9. C., os stated by tho brm r, assccliled Mr. Livingston with them, soon ift?r tho c'ose of the war, la mercantile bu-iro?aln >ou h na, they til rushing the capital - SI 200 md all. wim him P. thtrd interest in tho profits of he concern. 1 hey now allege that Mr. Livincs'on iold out the en '.ire stock < f good J, and took his de? parture lor tho Wf s> without according them any settlement. Mr. Williams r^pro?ent3 Mr. Livingston is having previously com -raudel tho utmost ccfl ienco and respect of his business associates acd of ?he community in which he flvod." THEATRE.-Last evening the sensational drama hold sway, Unde'the Gas l ight being repro? duced by tho Gilbert troupe, through the interces? sion of somo of oar legal iriends, who were d?si? rons of again hearing Garrison's inimitable speech, as Splint, r, the pettifogging lawyer of the Tombs' Court. He created roars cf laughter, and bis con? ception of the character was very flue, The pier scene was tts good as could bc expected on such a stage: but tho defects wi re faliy maje up by the ex cellent niaiinor in which the d??l was rendered by two jutior members of the company. The railroad scene, the crowning feature of the piece, was perfect. To-night. Tlcket-of-Loavc-Man, a beautiful Ave act orama, will be presented. The piece is one worth whilo going to see. The performance wi?l couclude with'Thc roaring ftree, Dodging for a Wiro. Hen-.cmber th:t on Saturday evening Mr. Gilbert receives a testimonial benefit from the firemen, and tliat a splendid gold meda', valued at 3100, will be awarded tho company disposing of the lorgcst num? ber of tickets. Miss Annie Deland is announced for Monday eve? ning. :-bo is said to be vory braid-ul. and ti pos? sess tuc finest wa-.drob* ol auy lady oa Cue American stage THE ADGEP. BCILDI.NO orr. FCTTJRE THEA TKE -We learn t at Mr. J. Chalwictr, a Northern capitalist, planting ou Waduulaw Isl ind, who re? cently purchased ut a very low mice the spacious structure at ?bc corner of King aud Market streets, known as the Adg r building, iutonds lo conver' it into a theatre, opera house and lyceurr?. On King street there will be found stores, Wiiich will be rented out; the second story will bo tho theatre und opera room, and the third floor the lecture rooms. 'Peere is a'so to bo a restaurant in the building, somewhat after tue style of the famous Delmonico'.! at ?v w York. Mr. Chadwick, we Ietru, has s^nt to New York for plans of the most modernly built theatres and opera houses, so as to mako thc propose 1 chung s as suc? cessful 03 is possible. 1 herc is no question that this is a great enterprise, and, if carried ou', it will certainly add to tho attrac? tions Oed interetl if our city, now so BidljHn need of a largo and commodious th' atre, such a* the pro? posed ylau should Bupply. it is-intended to spoud 130,000 or SS0.0C0 m milting :hc neces^ry architect? ural change, aud ibis will oulv make the whole build? ing cost Mr. Cbldwick about 575,000, one-half of tho erigin il cf thc pr. perly. During the war it passed into the hards ol jlr. Ernest Hart for S225, DC0 io currency, when gold was worth six for one. earnestly do we hope Mr. Chadwick will carry out his idea. It will profit bim and prent Charleston. CLUB> AND STABS.-llio folloTvint? cases wcro [ii3posod o: at th'Mayer's Court yesterday: Biuhmoud alica, rolored. lodged subject to tho Chief of the Fire Department. Held subject to Chiefs deposition. S. A. Samby, drunk and disorderly in ( hurch street. Fined $3. Boarding house, for allowing a boarde: to throw tvatir out of window. Fiucd ii. Ti m Williams, colored, lodged fir assault and bat? tery ou David Garduor, colored, in Meeting-street. Fiucd J-J. lho following esses will cine bo? re his Honor this ino:uinz: Louis Fontncv, lodged for being under thc influ? ence of-ipiorand acting disorderly at thc corner of King and Hasel stree!?. 1 eposiled SID. and released lo appear th:s morning. Joseph Mitchell, lodged 'or being under thc influ ce of liquor and uuablo to take cac. ol himself in Eing-strect- His watch aud effects taken from him until he ha? a h-.iring this morning. The ca- o of Cha lotte SmaBl colored) vs. James Melvin, while, washeard before a jury ?nd Magis? trate Mackey yoslo day, and resulted in a verdict of | juitty, and a fluo of $2 against 'hf defend int. charlotte Jones, colored, tried t ) obtain the ous. iody o' her daughter thirto-.n years old, who had aaarriod March Miller egainst her consent, but the Butter on investigation rc-ultc;l in a compremiso igrecab'o to both parties. Emma H milton, white, was 'odged at tho Guard boufe ye.-terday on tho cha- ge of stealing $25 from Michael O'Toole, at No. 8 Tradd-strcct. She WOB released on a deposit of $20. is I rs; N Ms.s x OTIC KB. CHO^R GBEEN AND BLACK TEAS, 51 per ic ind. at Wilson's Grocery, southeast corner Society nd Anson streets. Goods delivered tree. -0 Fon SANTEE RrvEU_The! steamer Marion viii leave to-morrow night for Wright's Bluff and anding* on Sante? Diva -. -0 LAMES' LUNCH AT KINSMAN'S SALOON.-Oys ors in uveiy style. Mince pie?, rrr-Bh daily. Hot cor? ee and chocolate at all hours. Ice crpam every lay. TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT. - Saturday night Hantiger Gilbert receives a boucht from our firomon. Ic will award the company disposing of the larg st lumber r.f tickets, a Oold Mo ?al valued at $10 0, nmufuctured by Mr. J. Lewin, and on exhibition at he store of Mr. Jamos Allau, King-s'rcot^ Prcsi lents of companies de-iring to contest for the prizo, ihould call ou Mr. John Burns, at Hibernian Hall, inmediately, and fccnre tickets. Narr.cs of Com nlttcc of Arrangements will be published Saturday norning. 4 January 20 /ic cnn al. WANTED. >.!OND< AND COUPONS CV SP A'. TA^ BUP.G ?J au? Union Bailroid, guaranteed by State of >outh Carolina. Apply to .- AM'L C. BL tCK, Brok r, January 31 I No. ?8 Bruad-sfrert. CHECKS OiN KEW TOBE, IN CURRENCY 0?. GOLD. LE SES NE & VvlOLLS, Ko. IO OaOAO^STUEKT. Decombo :i Imo Sljirl? and /urnisljing l&oote, SCOTT'S ^ SHIRT EMPOE1UM. RECEIVED A N I? IV SUPP b Y Cl V THE CELEBBATED ce ? o CD N .H CO < a> co rf e-1 P a cf 0 O Pi o SHIRTS AND COLLARS Which are offers J for salo at TH IC LOW K ST CASH Pu ICES ! E. SCOTT, MBETING-STREKT, OPPOSITE THE MARKET TI A LL. January 9 6mos Ei CORD KAY Hi CO., SASH, BLIND AND DOOR MANUFACTURERS No. 2 PRITCHARD-STR1ET, (OFPOSITE TAYLOR'S MACTTIKE SHOP). SASHES, GLAZED AND UNGLAZED, ALWAYS on hand. Odd S titos mode at the shortest noti.-e, and at tho lowest terms. L E. COBDBAY.O. TBOBCHE January G tuthshno /onfroi notices. jay The Relatives, Friends and Ac. quaintness of Mr?. -ELIZABETH HELENA Pi?B KEB and BJ. PAH KER and family, are request od to attend tho Funeral Services of the former, from her late residence, Na 118 Wentworlh-street, at Four o'clock Tuts AFTERNOON, without further invitation. January 21 1 * Spcmi Witts. ?S-NOHCE.-TO WHOM IT MAY CON? CERN.-No debts contracted by the crew i-f the Dcnish bark -KAMMA FUNDER" will bo paid by the Captain or Coceigneos. January 21 1 WILLIS A CHISOLM. J9SrSOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COM? PANY, AND 8DUTWBS1EBM RAILROAD BANK. 1 he attention of ?he Stockholdo s of thc above In? stitutions is respectfully cal ed lo the following reso? lution, udoptod at the aunual meeting, February 13,1867: "f?cs'/lred, Tl'Ot borenrier ?ow proxies tbali be rc qu rod at each annual moettug." And notice is hereby given that proxies will cot bc available at the next m jeting tninth and louth proxi? mo) unless each signature is stan ped with a ten ceils Internal B-.vonue Stamp. JOHN Y. STOCK. ) Committee L. C. HENDRICKS, J to verify A. W. BUBN Bli, ) P r o x i cs. January 21 thstuO 8S~ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - ALL persons having claims against the Eitato of tho late H. H. WILLIAMS will preeoat the same, properly attested, to Missrs. BRO VN A MIKEGL, Attoraeys at Law, Law Range, Broad street, and all persons indebt.-a to said Estate will plcaso mako payment to tho same. H. U. WILLIAMS, Q.ialtned Administrator. November 21 2amo3mo JOST NINETY DAYS AFTER DATE AP? PLICATION will bcinadofor renewal of Cer.'i?cate No. 38?1, date April IC, 18; 8, for Forty Shares South Carolina Railroad and Rank Mock, in thc ujmc ot H. H. WILLIAMS, the sime being lost. November 21 lauioSmos as*NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at the movting of the Legislature an application will bo mode Tra Charter for tho "DE?T.-CHER AR TILLEBIK," Untorstutzuugs Vorein. December 31 th JKB~ ESSAYS FOB YOUNG MEN.-?N IEE Errors and abuses incident to Youth and Early Man? hood, with the humane view of troatmsnt uud cure, sent by mail free ot charge Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Pox P, Philadelphia, Pa. January 20 3mos ?3- DERELICT COTTON, &c.-ALL PER? SONS saving COTTON OB OTUER PROPERTY at sea, from tho viciuily of Capo Lookout, where the steamship "Gulf Cit>" w.s lately wrecked, and bringing samo to this port, aro hereby notified tod requested to report the eame to tao undersigned, who represent Messrs. C. H. MALLONY A CO., of Now York, and wno arc alono nu?ipriz-id to scttlo thc salvage. All sales of su h Cotton or other pro? perty without our knowledge aud consent is h. roby forbidden. COURTENAY A TBKNHOLM, January 20 3 Union Wha-vcs. SS" COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE, CHARLESTON, JANUARY 18. 1809.-Tho following named pereons arc recognized as ASSISTA NT AS? SESSORS, appointed under tho act providing for thc Assessment and Taxation of Propj-rty, for tho Coun? ty of Charleston, to wit: Fifth District, lying cast of the Sau tee Canal and Cooper River (instead of oast of the Northeastern Railroad and thu Cooper Uiver, os previously pub? lished). S. D. BUSSELL, and-. cixth District, lying west of the Santeo Canal and Cooper Rfvor, E. F. MIKELL. Soven'h District, comprising all of thc Parishes of St Andrew's and St John's Colleton, 1 HOS. A. BAY NABD. A. J. BANSIEK, A.C. C. January 20 VB* RECEIVER'S NOTICE.-THE UNDER? SIGNED, having boan appointed itcccivor nf I ho late firm rf DAWSON A BLACKMAN, hereby gives notice that all claims against sud firm must be pre? sente 1 to him, and all persons indebted must make pa\ ment to JNO. T. HUMPHREY-I, January 13 No. 27 Broad-sircet J83-3?Y YOUR TEA AND COFFEE FROM KP.I ETE A CHAPMAN, corner King and Radcliffe streets, and get a bettor article for the samo money thau at any other establishment in tho etty. November ll timas JBS-THE LANGUAGE OF NATURE AND oxpjricnce domonsiritos that whoever would enjoy thc pleasures of food, tho beautios of landscape, tho joys of companionship, the riches of literature, or the honors of 6ta:ion and renown, must preserve their health. The effect of foul, injurious food en? tering the stomach, ls to deraigo the digestivo or? gans and produco headache, loss of appetite, uuro freshing sleep, low spirits, feverish burnings, Ac. which are the symptoms of that horrid disease, Dyspepsia, which assumes a thousand shapes, and points toward a miserable lifo and prematuro decay. PLANTATION MTIERS will prevent, overcome and counteract all of tbo?e cffcc's. They act with unerring power, and arc taken with tho pleasure of | a bevcrago. MAGNOLIA WATEH-Superior to thc best Imported German Cologne, and sold at half tho price. January 19 tuthsS ?T 'A UTILE BILIOUS."-HOW OFTEN tliis is tho rc'-ponse to tho inquiry after a friend's health; n'-lo be bilious a tr fling matter, hard? ly wort., chinking abo -t But let it bu vr.memberei that, as) "tull oaks Iront litLo norna gr. w," so terminable diseases arni iron boiug .. a little bilious." Severe blliousat act.s aro e. ore ""or-ircon In ipriuf, summer and autumn Un in win ti r, but tho seri? ous disorders of thc liver whi h soofo.i ore r at those seasons, might bo traced, io hundreds of in stances, lo winter indulgen.;-is auO their niglocted ooAsoqnoacca. More highly POA oned food i-o eaten. more flory drinVs imbibed, i;i cold thau lu wami weather, and UUA the biliousness i- prod need ?Tim h, under a warmer temperature, culcibatuj in remit tent and intermittent levers. The very b-st medic us for persona who arc either a LiiTi-E ora uooD DUAL bi iou;,, IS IKj-tXET TEB'-STOMACH Bli TER-. No blue pill or colo? nel I- required in such c;!s;i. Thoso powerful medicines cut two w-:ys, iko a uo"blc edged sworJ. Titer act, it is truo, upon tho liver, but react most deleteriously o i other par.s of the system. Th- y "stick" Illaro, and oanuot be got lid ot Thc Hitters conta-u vegotable agents of an anli biiiou'tendency, that prod tco a specific and mor-t rteuial cifcct upon tbs biliary organ wi Jiout entail? ing any ovil coc9cquouecs whatever They aro altogether wholesome, and act favorably and simul? taneously upon iho stomach, the liver, the bowels, the system, and thc brain. January IC_D4C_ 6 ?3- BATCHELORS HAIR DYE_THIS splendid Hair Dye ls the beat in tho world; the only true aud perfect Dye; harmlose, reliable, nstantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies thc Ul effects ot Iud dyes; Invigo? rates and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly at Daichclor"? Wig Factory, No Bond-street, Now Yorfc. l.vr January 3 US' BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.-ESSAYS FOR Yor NO MEN on tho interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride tn the insUtuiion ot icarrfciges a guide lo matrimonial felicity und truo happiness. Sent by mail in sealed letteronvelopcs froe cf charge. Address HOWARD ASSQJLUION, Box P., Tuna delphia. Ta. September yylLLIS -s. CII1SOLXI. FACTORS, COlIoMIS?lON MERCHANTS ANO SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO TUE PU3?BASE, VALE AND SHIPMENT (to Forotgn and Domestic Portai ol COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STOREb ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. fi.WILI.I8.A. E. CHISOLM. October 25 JAU?I?OH ?HtSz BY T. M. CATEE. WOl be Bold, THIS DAY, on Brown's .Wlarf, at three quarters-past 9 o'clock, . 65 tubs BUITEB, some choice 26 tubs Lar l ?- . . 10 orates Crockery, assorte J Lot open Crockery. Conditions cash._January 21 Clothing, Dry Goods and Cutlery. BY MILES'ORAKE. y - TES V OBNTNG, at 10 o'clock, I will seB at my store, corner cf King and Lioerty streets, AN INVOICE OP CLOTHING, JUST BECEIVED BY STEAMSHIP MAN HATTAN. COSSJSTIXO or: 40 Gent's Cloth Froci COATS 5u Gent's Ca-.simere, Tweed and Satinet Sack Coats 200 pair Gcssimere and Satinet Pacts 30 Clo'h, Velvet aud satin Vests 12 di zen Belnap and Lineu Bosom Shirts. A line of DBY GOOD-*, consisting of Linen, Pop? lin, Bcd and While Flannel. Dress Goods. Linen Check, Cass i mero. Satiuct, Damask, Ac.. Ladies' and Gent's Hrsiery. Coun'oroaues, Fancy Bedspreads, Blankets, P. B. Handkerchief*, .Snfoerdcrs, Neck? ties, Ac. AtSO, 200 dozen Table and Pocket CUTLEIty, ns _sorted._January 21 Boots, Shoes and Eats. BY MILES DRAKE. TO-MOBROW, the 22d instant, al 10 o'clock, I wiU soU at my store, corner King and Liberty streets, 75 cases BOO rs AND SHOO CS, Just received, com? prising desirable stock, expressly soleited for City Petali Trade, co.NsisTrNG rs PA UT OF: Cases Men's Calf and Kip P. S. BOOiS Cases Men's Calf Creole Congress Cases Alon's Calf and Buff i almonds Cases MOD'S Calf and buff Brogans, C-ll and 0-13 f ases Ladies' Serge Congress and Polish Boots Cases Women's Goat and Buff Booteos, 3-7 and 6 9 Cases Boys' Calf Boots and Brogans, 1-5 Cases Youths' Plain and Cop uer Toed Boots, 9-13 Cartoons Ladies', Missen' and Children's Shoes 200 pairs Meu's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, shop good?. ALSO, '-3 cases, 150 dozen, Mon'.-, Boys' and Children's HATS. _January 21 French Letter and Foolscap Papar. BY JOHN G. MILiNOR & CO. IBIS DAY, 21st instant, at 10 o'clock will be sold at our Auction salesroom, No. 135 Meeting-street, 1 ca<=e, 2U reams. Flt ENCH FO iLSCAP PAPER 1 casu, SO roams, French Lotter Paper, ruled 3 sides 1 casi. 30 roams, French Letter Paper, not ruled Conditions cash. January 21 Dry Goods, Satinet and Cassimere Pants, Al? pine and Felt Wats, ?c. BY JOHN G. MTLNOR & CO. THIS DAY, 21st instant, at 10 o'clock we will sell at our Auction salesroom No. 136 Meeting-street, A Desirable Invoice of DBY GOODS, Ac, Just re? ceived per Manhattan. Black and Printed SATINETS. Kentucky Joans, Kerseys, Ginghams, Blue Plaids and Stripes, new stylo Fancy Prints, Black cassi nern and Fancy Sati? net Pants. Cloth Caps, Black Alpino Hats, Felt Hats, Boy's Hats, Belnap shins. Mik Neckties. White Hose, Brown and Mixed Half Hose, Combs, Thim? bles, Ac. Conditions cash. January 21 ijnr?ujarr, kc. ~ HARDWARET" OF DIRECT IMPORTATION NOW LANDING AND IN STORE PER BRIG AGRA, FROM LIVERPOOL. ELWELL HOES-asaorted sizes BRADE'S CROWN HOES-assorted sizes BRADE'S PATENr CHOWN HOES-assorted sizes PLANTERS' CROWN HOES-assorted sizes ?RUBBING, RICE and TRENCHING HOES ELWELL SOCKET SPADES STEEL CORN MILLS WROUGHT IRON RAKES LOCKS, HINGES, SASH CO BD FRlING PANS JOSEPH RODGERS & SON'S IVORY BAL? ANCE HANDLE KNIVES AND CARVERS RODGEBS' AND WOSTENHOLM SCISSORS POCKET KNIVES, &c. AGENT FOB THE CELEBRATED DODGE'S PER? FECT PLOUGHS. SAMT, R. MARSHALL No. 810 KING-STREET, Sign of thc "Gi? Gan." ? January ll tu:halmo J Business (Cartis. K R O N e P. CHASE, FLORENCE, S. C. AGENT FOR BUYING, SKLLING AND RENTING PitOPFRlY in and arouud the "City of Florence;" offers valuible Town Lota. He is also igent for the Brooklyn and ihe Manhat? tan Ldc Insurance Corni antes, and solicit? tho pa? tronage of his friends in tho abov- lines. With a view to changes in business, bc offers hts valuable Stock and Town Property, wltnbis splendid Store, at and below cost. Address and call on bim. 3* January 19 HC BIT, BROTHERS & CO., CHARLES? TON, 8. C. BUNT. THOMSON A CO.. Nos. 97 AND 99, WATER STBKi.T, NEW Y.UtK. COTTON FACTORS AND (OMIISSION MER? CHANTS. HaviDg recently established a house in New Ycrk. wo are prepared to offor every facility V r rece viog, torwaiding and sclbm.' COTTON a .d other Produce Lib jial advances made on consignments, also on sbipui -n's to our fr cuds in Liverpool. Ja_u.iry IS_0 rjTUIE BARNWELL SENTINEL, ESTABLISHED IN 1852. Published at Barnwell Cou-thotiFe, and circulates In Barn veil. Ileaufort, UiBeton ad i dgcfl*ld. Terina u ; re.i-o la'ule us auy ouper ia the state. E. A. BRONSON, Proprietor. WALK R, EVANS k COGsWELL. Agonts in Cburle.-ton. Imo January 18 TUBil I) . ALEXA KDE lt, ACCOUNTANT, NO TAR i' PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT, Ko, IG ftroad-strcct. HESPKCTFULLY SOLICITS BUSINESS I* AD JUSTING ACCOUNTS of Merchants and olbor?-, aud in Vill i INO CP AND PO?TING thoir BOtlEs. either iu part or whole kc. Januiry 9 H. T R til S HOLM, F. No. 1 BROAD-STREET, CHAULE ?TON, S. C , MINER, SHIPPER AMD DEALER South Carolina A'ativc Bone Phosphate. Ja< U'iry ll_3mQB QUAVtNG AMD H AIR-C U T TI Bl G, O BY W. E. MARSHALL, AT TH S BROAD-STREET BARBER SALOON, No. 31 (UP STAIBS). December 8_ pKO. H. HOPP?CK, FACTOR Aim COMMISSION MEBOHANT, AcoosnioDAnoN WHA?IF, Ohirloston, S. C. P. GADSDEN HASELL. tfmos September 21 C. J. SCHLGPEGRUL.L., Eb. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING ANC ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVE BY DESCRIPTION ANL BUILl'lNG MATEB1AL, LIME aud PI ASTER INO L AT H 3. PAINTS, O ILS. G LASSEN SH? .S'G LES ; also tiRO?VE AND TONGUB BGARDS, AC, con gtautly on hand *t the lowest market prices. Scpiombcrl?_mthslyi F. II. GI? UP Y ?st cu., DEALERS IM LEATHER HIDES AND UH* No. 12 SOUra CALVEBT-8TBEET, Baltimore. E. H. GBUPY.H. G. CUBTA1N October 19 9-3mos judi?n gntei Assignee's' Sale: BY HUTSON LEE, Anctfoiieer. Tho undersieued will sell at public outcry, on the 16th day of FEBRUARY next, at ll o'clock A M, at the Old Customhouse, AH that LOT, PIECE, OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the two story'Wooden Building thereon, situate, lying and being on the east side of Coming-street City oi Charleston, being the next lot to George street measuring and containing in f rent on Coming strect thirty-ooo (3H /cst, and in depth ninety-five (95 feet nine (9) inches, be the same more or less; butting and boondine on thc north on lands formerly of estate ot Jemes Sheppard, to the east on lanas ol' -?, to the routh on lands of-, and to the west on Coming-street; said lot being a part of the real estate of James Sheppard, deceased, and sold by his executors, under and by virtue oi his list will and testament axso, AU ihat LOT OF LAND on the east side of Com ing-streot. City of Cbarbsten. and knowu as No. 18 (iorty-eight), measuring and containing in front OD Coming-street, thirty (30) feet more or less, and in depth nin eb-tvs |95) i cet tL ree <3) inches, more or less; butting and bounding to the north on lands of -; to the south on lands of --, formerly of Mrs. Windfor; to the east on land now or Jato of John Bair, Eeq., an! to the weston Coming-street All of which will more fully appear upon record in tbe Meerie Office, Book H, No 14, pose 303. ALBO, AU that LOT, PIEOK OB PARCEL CF LAND, being situate, lying and heine on the east side of Coming-street, in the City of Charleston, measuring and containing In fronton Coming street thirty-two (32j feet six (Qi incho-, be (hs same more or less, and in depth ninety-flvo (?6) feet six (6) inches, be the samo more or less; butting and bounding north on lands of estate of James Sheppard, to the east on lands of-, to the south on lauds late of estate of ?ames Sheppard, now cf Gabriel Davis, and to the west on Coming-street; said lot being a part of the real estate of James frhoppard, deceased, and sold under and by virtue of his last will and testament by bis executors. ALSO, All that LOT. PIECE OB PARCEL OF LAND, with the two i-tory wooden building anti tho out? buildings thereon, being situate and lying < n the north side of Bull-street in the City of Charleston, and known as No. 38, mcasnring and containing in front on Bull-street thirty ono (31) feel, moro or lees, and In depth from north to ironth, one hundred and forty-one (111) feet, more or less; butting and bounding north on lands of Peter lia?el, to the cast on lands of G. T. Whitman, to the south on Pull (treet, and to the west on lands of T. A. Wilbur. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, secured by bond of tbe purchaser and mort? gage of the premises; buildings to be insured and policies assigned. Purchaser to pay for all necee f ary papo.-s and stamps. W. E. MIEELL. Assignee of Gabriel Davis Januiryai_thm8 tul Assignee's Sale. W. Y. LEITCH & li, S. BRUNS. Auctioneers. Iho undersigned will soU at public ontory on THURSDAY, the 18th February next, at ll o'clock A. M., at the Old Customhouse AU that LOT. PH CE OB PARC KL OF LAND wilh tho buildings thereon, situate, lyiug and being on tho wost side of King-strcet in the City of Charles? ton, just Eouth of tue bend in that street; butting and bounding to the north OD lot formerly ol John S. Bird and now of John Sicgllsg, and 'measuring thereon one hundred and six (100) feet mere or li ss, to the east ou Sing-street and measuring thereou (weniy-soven (27) loet to the Fouth on lot of Wi Uum J. Jacobi one hundred and two (I02i feet six (C) in? ches, ard to the west on lands of John ? ?ogling and measuring twelve (12) feet, be tho same measure? ments more or less; and havinii t-uch shape and form as Ls delineated in a plat of Charles Parker, dated in March, 1851. and attached to the deed of conveyance from John S. Bird to WiUinm Laval, bearing dato the 18th day of February, A. D 1351, subject, however, as to that portion tuercof designat? ed in said plat as tho passageway. an>l colored yel? low, to a right of way in end over the samp, that ls to say: and it is hereby so declared reserved und graute ', that the said pi co or parcel cf land in said plat shall forever beteaftsr bo and remain open as such for tho common use of the said lot herein cou. vejed. and the lot boundiug it to the north andaB tho lawful owners and occupants ol tho said two lots. ALSO, AU that PTECE, PABCEL OB LOT OF LAND, situate, lying and being oe the north sir o of Queen? sport, In tho City ot Charleston; bounded on the south by Queen-street, on the east partly by lands of Ucrj imin Elf \ partly by lands of tho Protestant Ei iscopal Church of St. P, il p's, on tho north by lands of thc Protestant Congregation Church, known as ibo "Circular i burch," and ou the wost by lands of John Gordon; measuring and containing m front on Qiicon-stroct twenty-seven (27) feet, on tho back or north line thirty-two (32, feet ?ix (6) inches, and in depth two hundred and twenty-three (223) feet. The above described Lot of I sud having been conveyed by John Deighau, to Preston West and bearing date 20th December, A. D issi, and recoidi-d in the office ol the Register of Mesnc Conveyance, in Book O, No. 12, pp. 009 and 510. ALSO. AU that PIECE, PABCEL OR LOT OF LAND, situate, lying and being oe tho north sido of Queen street, City ef cha ri eaten, and adjoining the ono im? mediately a> ovo described, und purchased by John Deighau of Jae 3b urock; measuring and con? tamina-on thc north and south lines, from e&et to west tbiru-oue (31) feet, and east and west lines, from north to south, seventy-ei-'ht (78, toot; butt ng and bounding north on lauds of tho Protestant Con? gregational i horeb, k own SB tho "Circular Church," south on lands ot Jacob Brock, of which tho I <t *as once a i art, east by the lot immediately above described, and west by lands of -i-.'" : ALSO, AB that PIECE, PARCEL OR LOT OF LAND, with tbe Buildings thereon, situate, lying and being on tho west side of Wall-street City ot Charle eton, and known as No. 19. measuring and containing m front on Wall-street, from north to south, tuP ty-ih co (33) feet and in depth, iron oast to west on? hundred and three 103) feot, be the same measurement more or ICJH ; batting and bounding to the n irth on landa now or once or Henry Simmie fe ; south on lands now or once of tbe estate of Peter Laurens; to the ea?t on WaU-street. and wost on lands of- All of which will more fu'J >? appear upon record-in Mesne Conveyance office, book T, ll, No. 4, page 13. Tersas-One-third (Hi ca-h; balance in ono and two y oars, secured by bond ot pur. baser and mort? gage of the premises; hui.dings to bo insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to poy Assignee for aB necessary stumps and papers. W. E. MIK ELL. J u:nary 21 thm8wth2 Assigneo Gabriel Davis. ^l^fti0l1ff^5, j?)riD?ie.i$?!cfl. Fi Y WM. McKAY. At Private Sale COBNl.B CHUBCH AND BBOAD - STBEET. Also. No. 7 3HOMAS-STBEET. For parti ular?. ..p .ly at So. 136 MBETINCT-NTBEET. January 18_ BY J. F?IASEil aATilEWEs. Meal Estate .Asent, Ko. 50 Broad-street For Kal? and Lease PJOSI'HATB LANO^ of a superior nuaUtv, or lcep water navigation and healthy locatious all th* year. K'CE and COT iON PLANTATIONS and FARMS :J all perts oi the Mute. LIT Y f BOPEBTY of every description. November 9 3o,os. ?lit jilts._ li E A T A T T R A ? T I 6 S AT QTjriNBra & C0/8 PHOTOGRAPH AND FINE ART CALLE BY. NOW ON EXHIBIlTON TH' LA ltGE"?T AN -> ?' e.-t Col.fciiou of CUKOMO LlTUOGItAP.f^ ever eceu in ?'biirlcstou. They ure perfect copies of cel? ebrated Works of Art. both an Olen I .ind modern. Amontr ibo collcetion may bo found SALVA I OR RISA'S Hi AD OF CHRIS i, C?rrelo'.- Magda enc. A. Delacroix's Tide Goint Oui, A Do'.croix's Tide Coming 11, Tur-cr'e Venice.. .Tr.ckson*d Eugiis.i Scenery, Ruwbotloni's EigUsu Scci-ory. Baker's Euttlisli aud Irish >ccLcrv, Vie*s on tho Chine, I he Jung fraud, ?ho Wi-ttcrhorn, Marine Yiews. and muuy otnuiB. 1 he public ure respectfully invited to call and see these beautiful Works ol Art They ore offered for sale otNew York prices. PORCELAIN PICTURES. Great reduction in the prtce PoBClLAlN PIO XUEES. Recent improvements m producing these pictures enable us to now offer the at nearly one half the former prices, and IQ*, supo. or. Call and examine specimoos. OUR CARTES DE VISITE AND OTHER PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS ARE UN3UB PASSED. Especial attention given to i-bfldreu. Also to copy ins old Daguerreotypes and other pictures. Satlsfac (Jou in all cases cruurunteed, and at prices to corres? pond with the times, STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES AND OTHER PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHARLESTON, FORT SUMTER AND MAGNOLIA CEMETERY At ll educed Prices. A fine collection of STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE MOUN? TAINS JN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE FRENCH BROAD RIVER. Theso sro tho first and only Photographs ever token in that locality. il V I M B Y ?B CO., No. 261 KING-STKBET. CHARLES ION, 8. C. November 12 3m08 Sloop Parisienne ai Auction* i yr BY B. M. MARSHALL & BR(h THIS DAY, the31st Instant, at il o'clock.?illbe sold, at tho wharf, foot of Tinckney-etreet, The above SLOOP, in perfect order, being four tons burthen, and well adapted to trading or ashing. Terms cash._ January 31 A Lot on the South side of Clifford's Alley, near Archdale-street.. Dimensions Twenty two Feet Front, by Forty five Fed deep, more or less, at ^Auction. BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. ON TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at 10 o'olock, at tho Old PcstclBce. Purchaser to pay G. McB. b. tor papers. January 31 . thmtuS* Horses, Mules, Drays, One Cart, Buggies, One Wagon; also, Furniture, consisting of Fine Mahogany Chamber Set, Marble-top Bureaus and Washstands, Fine Mahogany Wardrobes, Mohair Chairs, Rockers, Car? pets, Mirrors, Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Counting house Desk. Office and Cooking Stoves, $c, at Auction. * BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. TO MORBOW. the 33d instant, at 10 o'clock, at bia salesroom. January 31 3*J| Two Small Dwellings-Wo. 178 St. Philip, slrett, corner McMahon's Court, near Bo gar d street, four square rooms, Kitchen, Well of Water; No. 6 McMahon's .Court, tn rear of the above, four square rooms, double piazza, at Auction. * BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. ' On TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at ll o'clock, tithe Old Postofflce. Terms-Half cash; the balance in one year, secur? ed as usual. Purchaser to pay G. McB, 8. for pupers and slam!?. tuthmtni January 19 Farm on the Northeastern Railroad, about 28 miles from the city, at Auction. BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. On TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at ll o'clock, at tho Old Postofflce, The above, containing 100 acres, of which about 45 are cleared; good Dwelling and Ki tehan; perfectly healthy all the year; half mlle from the summer set? tlement of Groomsviile; yoong orchard and good water on tbe place. . ? Terms-i ?alf cash; the balan cc'in ono ye jr. Pur? chaser to pay G. MCB. 8. for pupers, i Can be treated for at private sale up to hour of auction. tuthmtu* January 18 A Small Farm Adjoining Miles' Place, Th* Oaks Tract, about Sixteen miles from Charleston, on Goose Creek, at Auction. BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. On TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at ll o' ?look, tt tho Old Postofflce, .' THE ABOVE, crmtaining 33 acres, about 23 'clear* ed, balance wed wooded, good landings on fha . creek, one mlle and a quarter from Porcher'a Sta? tion, S. C. Bailroad. A Store on the State Boad and outbuildings. Ter ais cash. Purchaser to pay G. MoB. fi. for pa? pers._tuihmtui_January 19 Jacob Barrett vs. Assignee of Joseph Purcell, et al-Under Decree, United States Circuit Court, ISRAEL ?TTOLENGUI, Auctioneer. Tho undersigned will sell, on TUESDAY, 2d doy of February next, at ll o'clock A. M., at the Old Post? offlce, under decree of Bon. George rt. Bryan, United ??tates Jndgo for District of South Carolins, All tbalLOT OF LAND, with the Brick Buildings thereon (ic eluding on the fr .nt those occupied by E. Lafitte A Go. and H. H. DeLeon), situated on the non h side of B:oad-street, City of Charleston, woB known as the Lap Rango, measuring an! contain? ing and butting ana bo-mding to the routh on Broad street forty-nine (49) feet eleven and a half (UM) melia?, on the ea>t line, from south to north; twa hundred and four (204; feet eight (8) inches, on tho west line, from south to north, one hundred and forty-four (144i feet nine (9), then to th? west seventeen (17| feet, and thence northwardly to the brick wall fifty-five (55) fcetseven (7) inches, and to the north sixiy-Sve (65) feet, bi the said dimensions a littlemore orles*. Teims- One-third (a) ca sh ; balance on a credit of one (1) and two (3) years, with interest from day of sale, payable annually, secured by bond of the pur? chaser and mortage of the premises. Pi ?mises to be insured and oltcy assigned. Purchaser to pay for stamps and pat-ers. EDWARD W. MARSHALL. WILLIAM V. MIK ELL. January 7 th tu7 feb 13 JftisrcUaneons. SOUTHERN STEiVClLMlNUFACTORY E. H. RODGERS MANUFACTUREE AND WHOLESALE DEALEB IN STENCIL S\0CK AND DIES, STEEL LETTERS AND STAMPS CHEck? AND TAGS BRASS AND GKRMil? 8ILV11R KE? RINGS, CHAINS,, ?ce. BY TBE GALLON OB BARBEL. AGENT FOB HILL'S PATENT HAND STAMPS SEAL PRESSES BRANDING IRONS, Ace. No. 129 EAST BAYSTRERT, CHARLESTON, S.:C. S?r Call and examine specimens. J ir nary 16 8moe ADVERTISE, FOB THE SPRING TRADE WITH THE ADVERTISING AGENCY OP . : u WALKER. EVANS & COGSWELL* No. 3 BROAD-STRUBT, FREE READING ROOM, ' (SECOND STORY.) CONTRACTS MADE ON THE BEST TEEMS WITEC Three Hundred So amer n Papers. January 4 mwthalC A D T A N C E S ON COTTON. TO FLA NT EES AND OTHERS WISHIM TO HOLD COTTON IN BNGLANV* Where SrORAGH. INSURANCE, and other expensen for hole in? are LE?S than tn the United States, wa will adran ce TEN CENTS PER POUND ON MIDDLINGS, Shipped bo our friends in Liv-rpooL cb&cgine the Eng? lish oommercialrete of interest, wniob at present Ia FIVE PER CENT. And hold as long as desired. CLAGflORN. HERRING A CO., Accommodation WharL January 16 3T /