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THE DAILY NEWS. 7T iW LARGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER O* F1CIALTY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE POSTOfFICE AT THE END OF BACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW P?o?OFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALE THIS DAY. A. C. MCGILLIV:;AT ?ill sell at 10 o'clock, at the old Postonlce. a mule, steam encino, cotton gins, kc. MEETING THIS EVENING. Home, Loan and Building Association, at 7 o'clock THE THEATRE.-The fascinating romaneo of "Foul Play," dramatized by Darry Watkius, was given to a good bous3 la?', right. 1 bc earn? bill will be enacted again to-nigbt. THE REVIEWS.-WO have received from Mr. Russell, King street,'he Quarterly and Edinburgh Reviews lor October, as well as Blackwood for De? cember. THE MABTNER'S CHURCH.-There will be services in the Mariner's Church, Chnrch-8treet, to? morrow, Sunday, at halt-past ten o'clock in the morning, and half-past three o'clock in the after? noon. THE WIDOWS HOHE.-The Eoard of Control for I he Widow's Home gratefully acknowledge the following donations for thc Home: Colonel Hunt, ?three bags potatoes; Mrs. Kirkpatrick, two bags po? tatoes; Dr. J. Palmer, a bag of potatoes and one box groundnuts; a donation of coal, nanto unknown; a round of beef, from Mr. Dunning; In Memoriam for the Widow's Homo, from a widow, S5. A RICH PICTOELVL.-The Christmas number of the London Dlustrated News is a wonderfully en? tertaining pictorial lor the holiday time. In addition to the large wood cuts, which are unusually numer? ous and beautiml, a supplement ia given containing a spirited piclure of * Dick Wil?ngton," handsomely printed in oil colors, which is alone worth three times the cost of the paper. A few copies may be bad at John Russell's bookstore. TT?ttFA?i CORPUS. -A question arose on this writ bernie Magistrates Dingle anl Mackey yester? day, as to Oae legality of a commitment made by Wm. E. SlikeU, Esq., in consequence of his not having been commissioned under the new law. Tho matter was not decided, a continuance being asked by the d?fendait, represented by E. B. f ea brook, Esq., to enable bim to obtain the evidence of the clerk ot the court. The hearing wiU be had ba? dly at one o'clock. B. C. Pressley, E=q., appeared for tho prosecutor. Sr. PETEB'S (COLDBED) CHUKCH.-Tho first anniversary of the dedication of thia church will occnr on Sunday next The first mass will be at pevon, and there will be solemn high mass at nine o'clock, at which the Right Rev. Bishop Lynch will preach. In the aft-moon, at four o'clock, there will be a distribution of premiums by the bishop to the pupils of the Sunday school, and the service- whl conclude with a Tc Drum and Benediction. A col? lection will be taken up for tho benefit of the church. CLUBS AND STABS.-The following is an ab? stract of the guardhouse docket for yesterday : Susan Hudson, a well-known female tipler, was picked up yesterday, in Calhoun-street, on "the same eld -drunk." Richard Johnson, colored, was lodged for striking Benjamin Moultrie, colored, on the head with a brick, corner of Broad and Mazyck streets. Benjamin Moultrie was detained for interfering with Johnson. John Pratt was too drunk in Market-street to take care of himself. PUBLIC SCALES, MA BEET-STREET, Jannary 1, 1500.-Report of coal wslghed at this office fur De? cember: 0. W. Seignior, cT7 tens; H. F. Batar k Co.. 189 tons; F. P. Senmions, listons; Budd A .Blake, 103 tons; J. S. Horlbeck, 86 ton?; Ravenel k Co., 54 tens; L. Deitz. 60 tons; Wm. Johnson, 19% ton>; J. Henkes, 14 tons. To td, 950% tons. Calhtun-sirtd Public Scale -Report ef coal weigh? ed at this office for December : Wm. Johnson, 48% tons; F. P. Se'gnous, 30?*' iona; C. W. Soignions, 17% tons; Wm. Ravenel, 9 tons. Total, 105% tons. PAINFUL ACCIDENT.-George, an old colored mu, acting as porter and night watchman at the Mansion House. Broad stre:-t. yesterday afternoon fell from the piazza ou the second floor to the ground, and strange to say, auslainnd no other injury than a fracture of the sternum, and a luxation witta, slight - fracture of the thumb at the first jalur He received immediato assistance from Dr. Stonelake, a guest in the houee, and soon afterward from Dre. Thomson and Ravent 1. Although insensible from the fall, ha soon recovered from the sbocls. and is doing aa well as CAD be expected undei the circumstances. Gccrge ^"was a very efficient and faithful servant, and has the sympaUiies of all who know hun. HOTEL ABETVALS, Jannary 8.-Pavilion Ho? ld.-Vi L Carmichael, Columbia; N E Hall, North? eastern Railroad; John Keenan, New York. Charleston Hold-Geo E Bogg?, Columbia ; J P Beach, Augusta: H 0 Chisolm, D More, New York; L G Bigger, Manning; Miss A Wann, Columbia; A D Goodwyn, Fort Motte; John R Russell, florida; L Eurke. P B Berry and wi.'c, Mrj Dr PcwaU, New York; "7 J Baster. Baltimore; Dr J WParker. Wash? ington; D D McKenzie, Wilmington; W F Peck, Jer? sey City; Goo W Townsend and wife, Buffalo, N Y; W E Smilh, Rochester. N Y; D McDowali. George Eusicr. Geo Woodward, E Pa-soas, Geo raisons, John S Long and wile. No v York; Alfred Engel, Mel? bourne, France; M L Bonham, S C; John Thoma?, New York; J H Clark, Cac den; W H Gibbons, New Jersey; John Earr-u, Lee';, Lug; C G Swan, New York. MEETING OF THC CONGR?GATION OF ST. JOHN'S LuTnEKAN mooting ot thc c ngrcgabkm of St. J ku's Lutheran Church. Rev. Dr. Bacbman Pastor, waa held at : e church ye :crd.:y aitcruco-), at lour o'clock. lhere wa? ;.. itt: ge attendance ot th" mnle cor. orators-"r. J ?cob Scbirmsr iu Hie chair, and Mr..Theodore \. Smith rcUng recrctary. The chairman opec ed tim cc ?nt; with a tew pertinent remarks, and read thc report of Mr. R. G. Chisalm on the subject o; the Assijtaat Pastorship. A letter from they ene rabi o pastor was read, sia'mg bis lou? connection with thc church, an 1 the necessity of procuring assistance iu ronsequen o o; bis declining years and grawin . in?rmitics. On mo'ion o; Dr. Lliao Horlbeck, the vestry was authorized to obtain the s.-ivices of the Rev. Dr. IHcks, for the space of sis mouths. At tho sugges iion of Henry Cob a, Esq , tlie call was made unani? mous, although ibero was u. dissecting voie; to the first moticn. Af:cr eoiao otbt-r mt.tcrs bad been .disposed of, a mooting cf tho vestry wes hold to . carry out the instructions coutaiucd in Dr. Horl? beck's motion. UNITED STATES COUBT, January 8-Hon. GEOBOE S. BBTAN, rRESIDING.-Thc following cases in bankruptcy were disposed of : Ex parte Joliu B. Midall end Wm. J. McLeod. Petition for final discbar.- e. Certificates signed, El porte John H. Ma: oner. Petition for dis? charge. Final hearing 28th January, 1869. Ex parle Jame- P. Adama, in re Mt ultrie Weston. Pe'ition for invo'untary hankruptoy. Debtors Bhow cause on 8th Fobruary why frayer shall net be. Ex patte Louis McLaiu, assignee, in re Jos. I. Green vs. J. E. Adger J: CJ. Petition on equity side of bankruptcy. Potation ordered to be dis? missed. Ex parte L. C. Chappftll and Thomis M. McCutch ta. Petition for final discharge. Registrar reported favorably and certificate signed. Ex parto T. B. Clownoy, assignee, in re G. C. Mil? ler. Petition lor sale or real estate. Order ot sale granted. Ex parto J. C. Strange, in re J. C. Burgess. Pe? tition to establish hen. Order of sale granted. Ex parte J. U. Pressley. J. MoOutchen, T. D. M. Byrd, Wm. Cooper, in re J. Mc Gutchen. Petition to establish lien. Order of sale granted. Court adjourned. THE EDUCATIONAL CENSUS.-We are inform? ed that the colored men whose visits and inquiries at private houses were noticed in a late issue of THE ??ws, are veritable ccm-UR-takera, acting under thc authority of the School Commissioners of Charles ton County, who, by a recent act of the Legislature, were directed to take a census of all children be? tween the ages of five and fifteen. HOOK AND LADDER, KO. 2.-At tho forty-third anniversary meeting of thc Charleston Hook and Ladder Compauy, No. 2, hold at their hall, on Friday evening, January 8, thc fol lowing officers were elect? ed to serve for the eusuing year: J. C. LACOSIE, Foremin. W. H. HUBRIS, Assista: t Foreman. GEORGE McLAIN, Secretory. S. WEBB, Treasurer. Ct H. TI KT, Trues Keeper. Commuter on Finance-T. L. Davidson, W. H. Mor? ris and C. H. lift. Committee on Letters-James Moore, Henry Nugent and S. Webb. Committeeon Charity-J. C. Ripley, H. Nugent and T. C. Astlc. CHARLESTON RIFLEMEN CHARITABLE ASSOCIA? TION.-Tho anniversary of this ancient society (fcundod in 180C), was celebrated lest night-officers elected-and an elegant supper 6orvFd, done up in Tulley's best style-at the hall, southwest corner of King and Liberty streets. The following are tho officers elected for the ensuing year: A. JAS. MIMS,* President JOS. G. MARTIN.* vice-President " F. EUGENE DURBEC* Seoretaryand Treasurer. Rev. W. S. BOWMAN,* Chaplain. C. DAVEGA,* M. D., Surgeon. . leards. Committee on Finance. -JOB. G. Martin, Job Daw sob. H. Boinean. Committee en Letters.-E. P. England, T. E. Clyde, W. D. Goetjen. Hall Committee.-R. LcRoy, A. W. Lewin. J. O'Mara. ?Re-elected. At nine o'clock the company and invited guests sat down to pay their respects to the good things furnished by Tulley. Toas's were drunk, songs sung, and jokes cracked until a late hour. PIONEER STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY OF AXMEN,-The onniversary meeting of this *nVient company of firemen and axmen was held hist eve? ning at the Market Ball, and the foll owing officers were elected to setve for the ensuing year; T. 8. O'BRIES.? President WM. KNOX. vice-President M. F. NIXON, ITrst Director. W. MINNIES, Second Director. H. C. CABNAGHAN, Third Director. W. G. PRICE, Fourth Director. J.C. SIGWALD, Chief Engineer. -, A ss1!'tant Engineer. F. J. GREEN, Secretary. L. CAN 1 WELL, Treasurer. J. E. BURKE, Solicitor. -, Surgeon. GEO. HUGHES, First Annan. J. M. PRICE, Second Annan. D. K. TODD, Third Annan. W. COX, Fourth Axman. Tice E. D. Euston, declined. After the regular business of the meeting wis ended, Mr. Wm. Knox, in behalf of the company, presented to the retiring pr?sident, E. D. Enston, Esq., a rich and beautiful silver jew fl, consisting of a bar, from which dep?nded a trumpet, crossed axes, afire hat front with the engine and date of organization, 1801. engraved thereon, around which two sc c tiena of hose and pipes are wreathed ; the wnole resting on a rosette. Th? jewel is of exquis? ita workmanship, and was made by Mr. A. W. Lewin, at the establishment of Mr. James AUan, King street. The engraving is in Mr. Wm. Fisher's usual faultless style. Mr. Knox was extremely felicitous in his letnarks, referring to Mr. Euston's long and faithful service to the company, and Ute regret experienced in part? ing with kim in an official relation. Mr. Enston spoke very feelingly in reply, asauring the company that he appreciated their sentiments, BO happily expressed bj tho secretary, and warmly re? ciprocated their kindness, shown substantially ia tho beautiful testimonial. After the pr?sentation was concluded, the company, with thc invited guests and representatives of the press, repaired to " Kreeg's," Wentworth-street, where they discussed an elegant array of viands. Speeches, toasts, soag and mirth succeeded, and the company did not disperte until a late hour. REPORT?ES' CRUMBS.-Mrs. G. W. Alexan? der will give one of her fashionable s?breos at Ma? sonic Hall, this evening. Whilst the whitewashing and fell'ng of the trees in streets are toing on, THE NEWS suggests that the Uve ones be trimmed. Northern drummers aro as plentiful in town as blackberries in June. East Bay, near the old Postofflce, is undergoing necessary repairs. The City Inspector has been commendably prompt in this matter. . A flu .'Ila of dugouts and batteaux, filled with rag? ged blu:k and white boys, is hanging on the skirts of the fruit schooner on Atlantic wharf. Butterfield has put neat ironwork in front of the windows of tho Pavilion Hotel, on the Meeting-street side. The south side of Hasel-alreet has been put in preparation for the new covering of asphaltum. General Howard has appointed Dr. W. K. Hogan to tucceed Colonel Jae. P. Lowe on the commission on planters'bonds. It will get to work in carne it on Monday. The commission has nothing to do with planters' contracts with employees. Colonel Edie and General Bor:ce Neide are tho school commissioners for South Carolin*, to con? tinue the i durational department of thc Freedmen's Bureau, as long as the fund in Washington lasts. A couple cf negro boys hada severe fight o a East Fay yesterday over a trifling amount of cotton. James Rion was carried to tho city hospita' night belora last with bis hoad badly cut from c ff ec s of blows received in a fig'.it on the streets; he lost considerable blood, but was otherwise unhurt The "ctystal palace," going to ruin at the corn- r of King and Queen streets, would mike au excel? lent muric stand for tin hillery and ornament tho garden. s Iver pitcher, with go'jlels to match, and an clegaut poid headed .valuing stick, arc ou ex? hibition at Carriugton's, K'ng-street. They arc lo bo prcscuted to a popular youu.r physician, who is about to leave Charleston. Car loads o' kaolin clay, in casks, are arriving by the South Caroliita Railroad daily. R. 51. Mnrsliall & Brother sold yesterday S'ljOU worth of Greenville nud Columbia Railroad bond*. State guarantee, with coupeu at ached, ut fifty-two. Gouldiug, tho pcltstriau aud athlete, will go tl rough a number of siringo tots to-night, at the .V's T Buildluij Hall, corner of Klug au! Market StTJCtS. A elco;), capable of seventem cords of wood, built by thc Preiruall Uroibers in their yard in liciirictta-?treet, i-; being carried through Culbcuu ?trecton roller*, tobe launched in thc rivor. Au advertiser lu THE NEWS waals to borrow from SH000 to SCOO0 on real e.-tate. lbc Alliance Israelite Universelle will meet at tho Hebrew Hall to-morrow morning at ten ?'clock. On Wednesday night lat-t a lady lost, in Kiug slrcet, a brown fur victorine. Thc finder can leave it at tho ''Big Boot," Kiug-strcet. Thc Orphan House wants estimates for furnishing bread, boe/, pork and veal, for tUo j c-ur. Dr. Hicks will j reach iu Dr. Badman's Church to-morrow morning, on the fifty-fourth anuivetsary jf the pastor's coaucclion with thc church. Tho trees in the city look ttyli6h in their new Iress of whitewash. Yesterday there was ono steamship, eight ships, deven barks, four brigs und sixteen schooners in bis port, and eighteen vesse's of all kinds bound for Charleston. The arrivals of cotton for the week show a gam ia long staple and a heavy decline in uplands. The public are cautioned against trading for drafts IrawabyW. P. Massey, February 12, on W. C. Bee Sc Co., of this city, in favor of C. B. Lucas. An advertiser in THE NEWS has a geo J piano to rent. Mr. J. A. Robinson, Venning's wharf, has a bat? eau and sails to sell. Fine milch cows are for ealo at No. 07 Canuon itreet Furnished sleeping rooms can be had by gentle nen at No. 321 King-street. The watchman at Chislom's Mill bas u dug-out : oat which be picked up in wap poo Out. The own MC can get it Magistrate Jacoby, George's Station, South Caro lua Railroad, has a dark bay mare mule in his po J lossion, bo! ie ved to bave been stolen by one Roberta, [f the owner d'?es not apply for it. lt will be sold on me 10th instant ILLNESS OFEX-GOVERNOR PICKENS.-We learn from the Edgefleld Advertiser that Hen. F. W. Pick ens is lying seriously ill, at Edgewood, his home, a mile from Edgefleld village. For two months Gov" ernor Pickcns bas been afflicted with some subtle nervous affection, of which great difficulty of breath? ing seem? to be the chief outward sign. Dr. Hid, of Edgefleld. and Dr*. Steiner and Campbell, of Au? gusts, arc in attendance upon h m ; and though they do not consider the case by any means hopeless, yrt they all concur in the opinion that it is avery curious and a very critical one. NEW AND NOVEL GAS FIXTUIIES.-Mr. P. L. GuiUeniiu, No. 140 Chutch-strect, bas on band o One assortment of porcelain sbadts and arcand burners . -the latter economizes gas and prevents flickering, and tho former are a great piotection lo thc vision. He has a "novelty" called the Grecian bend fixture, which is decidedly neat notwithstanding tho "crook? ed" name. Mr. Guilleminis a competent aud relia? ble workman, and desorves patronage. -o THE STAB SHIRT AND FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Mr. B. Scott, Meeting-street, second door abo va Market-street, keeps the only exclusive furnishing establishment in town. His 6tore ls a great accom? modation to the gentlemen of the city, and ls well patronized. I bo best quality of shirts and under? clothing of all kind is kept constantly on band, he tides an extensive and varied stock or fancy articles pertaining to gentlemen's toilet furniture. Call aud ses for yourselves. CHOICE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, $1 per pound, at Wilson's Grocery, southeast comer Society and Anson streets. Goods delivered free. -o LADIES' LUNCH AT KINSMAN'S SALOON.-Oys? ters in evory style. Mince pi??, Irtan daily. Hot cof? fee and chocolate at all hours. Ice cream every day. Shirts an) iuriiis?jinrj OJUD?IS. gQQrJrj?s" SHIET EMPOKIUM. RECEIVED A M K IV SUPPLY .() P THE CELEBEATED - STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS Which are offered for aale at THU LOWEST CASH PRICES! E. SCOTT, M E E T I Mi . S T ll E K T , OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL. January 9 Cmos JHtsrelUneons. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS! IF YOU WANT GAS FITTING DONE, Go to P. L. GUILLEMIN, No. 140 Church-Btreet. If yon want STEAM FILLING done, Go to P. L. GUILLE'JTN, No. 145 Church-street. Ii yen want PLUMBING done, Ge to P. L. GUILLEMIN, No. 140 Church-street If you want TIN ROOFING and GU i T EKING done, Ge te P. L. GUILLEMIN, No. 140 Church-sireot If you want GAS FLT t Un Es, Go to P. L. GUILLEMIN, Ne. 140 Church-street Where you can ?et GAS CHANDELIERS, PEN? DANTS, Brackets, Hall Lights, Portable Stands, Drop Lights, A KG AM) BUHNERS, Porcelain, Mica, Paper and Tin Shader, Glass Globes ?nd (hades, Copper tnd Iron Pumps, Bath Tuba, Parlor and Bed-roem Grates, Kerosene Lamps, Ac, ?c., at reasonable prices. Repairing promptly attended to. Old Gas Fixtures Bebrenzed, December 10 thsm2mo PAPER HANGINGS. ALARGE ASSORTMENT, AT KINSMAN BROS. January 7 _ thstulmo SHADES! SHADES! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE STATE, at KINSMAN BRO;. January 7 thstulmo OLD CHAIRS AND SOFAS EEPAIRED AT KINSMAN BROS. Jaumry 7_thstulmo ADVERTISE FOR THE SPRING TRADE WITH TUE ?DVZRT!S8ri3 AGENCY OF WALKER EVANS ?Ss CO S3 WELL,' No. 3 BUOAU-STRKKT, FREE READING ROOM, (SECOND STORY.) CONTRACTS MADE ON THE BEST 1ERMS WITH Three Hundred Southern Paper?. January 4_mwlhslC LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING-. Steam Packin? Lace Leather Rivets and Ruhrs Belt Hooks, &e. FOR SALE BY WM. M. BIRD & CO., Bio. 303 EAST BAT, CHARLESTON, S. 0. January 6 3mo WHAT BRICK POMEROY BID WRITE AND WHAT HE DID NOT WRITE. Licht o'clock, and be is not here yet 1 How dreary thin little room does seem, and I am so lone fome ! Ten o'clock. How I wish be would come. It is so lonely bore witb the children a?lecp I Once bc loved to stay witb mc, but now, alas I Twelve o'clock, and I am so tired, I cannot nie:? 1 My heart aches and grows sad. I am growing old, per? haps. May ba my face is not as fair as once, but my hean is as watm, though it is often sad. ABE YOU DYSPEPTIC, Norvotis, jaundiced, low'spirited, weak, or are you sick and dou't know what aili you; tuen try Planta? tion Bitters and our word t'jr it, it will euro you. ONE O'CLOCK. What charms can ho find in that foul-scente J room, by that dusty table, cutting and dealing those dus!}' cards, filling himself with poison, tainting his breath, ruining his mind, undermining his cojstltu tlon, planting seeds of disease, squandering his mcney, clouded with smoko, tirod with excitement. I? this happiness ? is this lifo ? Is this our mission?-. Oh ! I am BO tired, do come home. PLANTATION BTTTEH8. This delicious cordial and fine tonic is now hailed bj thousands as the groat health giver and re? storer. Resolve to buy a bottlo, and don't sleep on it. Bo wise in lime. Sold by all druggists. 'DO YOU 00 DOWN TOWN TO-NIOBT, MY PET ?" '.No darling. I have laborod enough to-doy. Why Fhould I flee from home, from happiness, from thee? Lifo is full Bhort to love- too short to squander. I love tho photograph of my 1 eart too. well. No dar? ling, my heart is here; Lere Itt me keep lt company." PLANTATION BITTEB3 Are always pure, reliable. They are strengthening and invigorating, and are Exhausted Nature's great restorer. As an agreeable and p easant to:.ic and appetizer, they cannot bu ovcoLcd. THEY WHO ABE BICH, Are they who mind their own business. Find a hap? py man or woman, and the affairs of another trouble them but a little. It is nono of your business if the minister kisses ono of thc sisters, or one of the sis? ters thus s ilutes the minister. It cannot effect you when a man you know calls on a girl you don't know, or ono you do. What if tberd is kissing behind thc door, in tunnels, and when tho night ls dark at tho vestibule of the church, or even ever the gate. Would you not do tho same thing if the chance was offered ? A WINE GLASS FULL Of Plantation Bitters, taken three times a day, before each moil, will make tho flame of Ufo again burn brightly, and illuminate a once wretched existence For ladies it is an elegant and gentle stimulant, just such as (boy require. T WENT TO THE LAND OF STEADY HABITS. I wanted' to hand several "bricks" down to pos? terity, and was ?old by father that with a New Eng? land girl tor a wife, I could raise more children, grow more onions, skin more eels, Ping moro psalms, know moie of what waa going on in Oae neighbor? hood, bear more Buandah sleep less nights, have more relatives, cat more beans, love myself and bete others more, and get more out of a dollar, than any other sort of woman in this happy country so-called. PLANTATION BTTTER8. Is made from pure et. Croix Rum and Calisaya Bark (known the world over for ita curative proper? ties), and will fortify the syst m against disease, caused by change of water and diet. If you are in? clined to dyspepsia, try it. If you have the chilla and fever, or any kiodred disease, hy all means take Plantation Bit tera. 1 hey aro sold by all druggists of repute. AND HE HOD A FEMALE CHILD, Whoso nemo was Hexa Brlghtwater. and who was twenty-nine years old ; who woro red stockings, red garters, metal tipped shoes, preen imectacles, and the prettiest red hair the world ever set eyes on or into. Hexa, a true New England gal, chewed wads of pino gum, and sweetened her broth with onions. Hexa -wasn't eo much handsomer than a doll 88 to make the ?oil faint, but she was intelligent; in fact, in? telligence was her best hold but one; she was great on making baby garments, and bad her trunks full, packed away, that she might be ready as willing when the evil hour drew nigh, tis she trusted lt would from year to yoar. IF THE LADIES BUT KNEW What thousands of them are constantly relating to us, wc candidly believe one half of the weaknes?, prostration nud dieres.- ex. .ri-. uccO b"- them would vanish. JAMES MARMI, ESQ , No. 15J West irc<-t. New Vorl.-, f-iys bc bus three children. The lir-t twa sro weak and parr, hts wife having boen unab.'o to nunc cr attend them; but she his Ijkea Pl opalton Bit 1er* for the last ten years, a -bsa child now 18 months oki. which ?he has nursed ?nd re .red ber KV, and both sro lieu ty and troll. Plantation Bil? lers is invaluable to mother*, VALTsn, r.v i::v. Herc com..-; s ia..:- u..o ivs* rich. Ec Lad irievds, and moucy.aui! a k-vii-. t m ?ly, and posi? tion, ana* Ir.fineuc-', nud tcli-rctp ct, acd iu'.cgrliy, and a future Of ure tillich before Liai. Eut, ti y boy, he dou't look lil;.' it LOW. He wa? elected tu a:i important oilice. He forgot thc lessons his good mother taught him, ;?:..l was asked by dc telling politi -ians to sell his vote to apartv of; ho could not for thc life of lum give urii nxiation lo that little word, aud so h : iel!. BOW OFTEN DO WE HEAR TUE COMPLAINT, From mother and father, that thc son or dau?htoris colwell; that they have no appetite; that they feel languid; that the Lead ache? all the limo; that they aro grcwin,'thiu and feeble, and that they Lava no lifo nor energy lett. And tho questions are often asked, What sball I do for them ? What .. hail I give them? Our answer is, let them try Plantation Bit? ters moderately, three times a day, aud our word for it they will recover. AND HERE VALTEK. IS A YOUNO Mm, Just like you aud us, my boy. Ho his wit, sense, education, intelligence, friends, ambition, and is loved. He hiB a knowlodgo of the world, acquired by mixing with its people Bc bas ambition and the same field in which to win honor, f une and dis? tinction, ashad Franklin, Fulton, Mora?, and a host of others. He is naturally start, but, Val ter, u y b y, na ho meeta us do you so? the excess of mois? ture in his eye, the httle puffy ridge under lt, the gradual turning of the beautiful cornel's of the i mouth, bis mother so loved to kiss. These, my bay, tell a sad tale of early shlpwreok. of disease, of pre mature death, of noglocted and squandered gifts. December 7 lyr J>VSSKLL\S BOOK STORE. WEEKLY LIST NEW BOOKS, fcc. THE POET AND THE PAIS TEE, orGemeofArt and ?ong, with ninety-nine I'irgc steel engrav? ings, imperial 8vo-. moroe-.o, S20. TLWYSON'S ENID, Illnstrited by Gustave DCM, fo? lio, in an o'cgant binding, S10. TE?^TSOS'8 LOCKSLT BALL, IRustrated by Hcanesy, i octavo, S3. GEAT'S ELEOT, with seventeen finely colored c?raw iiigs and a photographie reproduction cf tho crielnal manuscript, tito. SC 26. WAYSIDE POSIES, original Poems of country lift, edited by Robert Buchanan, with forty-seven illustrations, ito. sio THE BIRD, by Michele!, illustrated by two hundred und tun exquisito engravings by GiacomcUi, $G. Cmasx is Soso, or Hymn ct Immanuel, telected from all ages by Philip Schaff, D. D., 8vo, cloth gilt extra, SC. COWFES'S TABLE TALK, and other Poems, beau? jully illustrcted by the most eminent English ArttVlf, 1 volume. 4to, S3. t TOUX WITHOUT AS Es?, from the Gorman of.Ca rove, large 4to. with fifteen beautiful pic? tures, in imitai lou of water colore, $7 50. CHRISTMAS CABOL, by Charles Diekens, with thirty illustrations, by Eytingu, .-mall 4 ociuvo, $5.. SCOTIA'S BARDS, tho choicest productions of the Scottish Poets, beautifully illustrated, Svc,Sl. MARMION, by Walter t'eett, with fifteen photographic Ulustration-, $8. LATS OF THE BOLY LAND, from ancient and modern writers, with sixty-three illustrations, Svo, ?8. CHAMBEES' BOOK or DAYS, a miscellany of popular antiquiUe?, two lame volume?, royal 8vo, $9. Tte above aro all in elegant bindings. January 1 ly r KINSMAN CANDY FACTORY, No. 2 7 9 Kang-street. CANDY PDT UP IN ASSORTED BOXES OF 25, 50 and 100 pounds, suitable for C . .rntry Trade. Merchants can rely upon our Candis being per? fectly free from all such poisonous substances aa TERRA ALBA AND MARBLE DUST. Also, constantly on hand, a fuU supply ot Fr euell Confectionery. AND FANCY CANDIES. No extra charge for boxing. . January 7 thetulmo faints, ?ils, <?k. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., NORTHEAST CORNER Meeting and Cumberland Streets. STEAM ENGINES GRIST MILLS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, and MACHINERY. January 1 Omo ROOFING- TIN. 500 BOXES IC 14x20 ROOFING T?N 300 BOXES IX 14x20 ROOFING TIN 100 BOXES IC 28x20 ROOFING TIN 50 BOXES IX 42x20 ROOFING TIN 25 BOXES IX 12x12 25 BOXES IX 14i20 20 BOXES IX 10x20 20 BOXES LXX 14x20 20 BOXES LXXX 14x20 20 BOXES LXXXX 14x20 BLOCK TIN, TTNSMAN'S SOLDER, SPEL? TER, ?c., 4c. 11V STOBE AND TO ARRIVE. CAMERON, BARKLEY di CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland slrect*. january 1 6mo OILS! OILS! 0ILS!; 1000 GALLONS PURE WINTER LAUD OIL 700 GALLONS PURE WINTER No. 1 LARD OIL 500 GALLONS PURE WINTER SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MASON'S SPERM OIL 500 GALLONS PURE MACHINERY OIL 1000 GALLONS WHITE OAK LUBRICATING OIL 800 GALLONS REFINED NEAT3FOOT OIL 800 GALLONS TANNER'S (STRAITS) OIL. CAMBRON, BARKLEY & CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 6mo WHITE LEAD, ZI INT C, PAIINTTS, COLORS, VARNISHES, BRUSHE8, &c, Sec. RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Northeast cornor Meeting and Cumberland streets. Jauuaryl Gmo BAU IRON. SHEST IRON AND STEEL, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON TIPING, STEAM AND M ALLE Alt LE CAST IRON FITTINGS, lo.- steam ami water. CASHSUOA'. UAEKLEY & CO., :,'orth< a?; c:rnc? Mooting and Cumberland streets. January 1 limo B'KLTJ?G.! BELTING ! 50'JO FEET OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELT r..<; 5009 FEET GUM PELTING, 2, J, i, and 5 PLY 230 SIDES PATENT DRESSED LACE LEAiilEE i 300DOZEN :,irrALLic-T;::i:-D BELT LAC LNG loo BOX;:;; SLAEE'S PATENT BELT 61 CDS 150 DOZEN TOLLMAN'S BELT DOOKS 750 YARDS GUM PACKING, 1-1C INCH TO * INCH THICK TUCK'S PACKING, 4 INCH TO IV INCH DI AMETEfl SOAPSTONE PACKING, i INCH TO 1? INCH DIAMETER WHITE AND BROWN JUTE PACKING ITALIAN HE JIP PACKING RUBBER AMD LEATHER HOSE MANHOLE AND'HANDHOLE GASKETS OF ALL SIZES. CAM b. RON, BARKLEY & CO., Nurtboist Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets. January 1 Cmo BRASS WORK. STE AM GUAGES, GONGS, GUAOE COCKS STEAM BIBBS AND SIOP COCKS, STEAM WHISTLES GLOBE AND CHECK VALVES, OIL CUPS WATER GUAGES, GLASS GUAGE TUBES MERCURY GUAGES, LOW WATER DETEC? TORS COPPER AND BRASS WIRE. CAMERON^BARKLEY dc CO., Northeast Comer Mooting and Cumberland streets, January 1 Gmo Jlndion Seles. Public Sale. BY A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, . ? Auctioneer. Under a foreclosure of mortgage from-to--, T will expose, at public sale, THIS DAT, the 9th instant, at lu o'c'ock A. M., precisely, in'iront of I the Old Poatowce, 1 BLACK MOLE, ALSO, Immediately after the above sa'p. at Storehouses on Boyce's South Vf barf, 1 STEAM ENGINE (six horse-power', with the Shaft ing, Machinery and Belting 1 Cotton Whipper. ans 2.-COTTON GINS. Terms cask.- E. W. M. .MACKEY, January 9- Agent for Mortgagee. , BYE. H. DeLEOP?. Will be sold, afc Public A arbon, at the Old Postof? fice, on TUESDAY, January 10. 1869. at ll o'clock, 4500 (forty-five hundred) .?HARKS of the Capital Slock of the COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAIL BO AD lots to snit purchasers. Conditions cash. stuihsmtaG January 9 UNITE!) STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. TOTTED STATES- Off AMERICA-BOUm CAROLINA. DIS TEICT. Harriet Harrison vs. J. S. Thompson and L. J. Patterson. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me direcfceaV is? suing out of the Honorable th* Uni ed St.tea Cir? cuit Court foi the District of south Carolina, 1 will expose for sole to the highest bidder, at public auction, at Cunden, Kerenaw County, on. MON? DAY, the first day of February, 18S9, being the first Monday of the month, All the right,, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following Property, to wit: ONE HOUSE AND LOT, situated at Liberty Bill, in E.rshaw, con? taining seven ij) HCTCB, adjoining lota of R. E. Cun? ningham, estate bf Wyatt Patterson, WyUe Patterson, and others. The improvements consist of a fine two story Dwelling, containing eight square rooms, and other necessary outbuildings; tho yard is well orna? mented with the finest shrubbery and evergreens. ALSO, TRACT No. 2, known as the "Beaver-Creek Tract," situated in Kershaw, containing fourteen hundred (1400) acres, more or leas, abc miler: east of Liberty Hill, adjoining lauds of James S. Thompson, estate of D. D. Perry and others; about one hundred and flRy il50) acres in cultivation; land well adapted lo cotton and cerr?is. "Improvements.consist of those usually found on a cotton plantation, such aa cribs, stables, outhouses, laborera', oablne, Ac. Ac. TRACT No. 3, known as the '?Ferry Tract," sit? uate in Kershaw, near Liberty Rill, containing two hundred and fifty (250) acre?, more or less, adjoin? ing linds of James s. Thompson, Daniel Kirkland, and others,, ninety (93) acres in cultivation. Tho im? provements consist of tboae usually found on a plan? tation adapted to raising cotton, corn, Ac, Ac TRACT No. 4. known aa th* "?Iiil Placo," situated in Kershaw. The three-fourths (3-4) interest of de? fendant in thirty (30) acres of land, more or leas, with an ovorshot mill in running order capable of I grinding 75 bushels corn per day, adjoining lands of | JameB S Thompson, Gardi er Collins and others. TRACT No. 5, known as the "McMillan Place.I' in Kershaw, containing one hundred (100) aerea, more or less; thirty-five (35) aerea in cultivation, with aomc improvements, adjoining lauds of James S. Thompaon, J. A. Dye and others. TRACI' No. 6. known aa the "Hassell Place," In Kershaw, containing eight hundred (800) acres, more or less, ninety (90) seres In cultivation, adjoining lands of estate of Wyatt Patterson, eatite of McMillan and others. This placo ls well improved as a cotton and grain farm, euch as gin honse and screw, grain houses, Ac. TRACT No. 7, known as the "SuramervhTo Place," in Lancaster County, situated twenty milts from Lancaoter Courthouse, and two miles from liberty Hill, containing eleven hundred (1100) acres, more I or les*, adjoining lands of estate of John Perry, Wiley Patterson and others. Ono hundred and Atty acres in cultivation, with thc ordinary improver"m's of a cotton and grain farm; fencing in good o.. j?. TRACT No. 8, kuown as the "Fleming Place," situated in Lancaster County, ten milos from Lan? caster Courthouse, and tea miles from Liberty Hill, containing four hundred (400) aeres, more or leas; one hundred and fifty (150j acres in cultivation; ad? joining lands of fleming, Mackey, estate of Bailey and others. This place has all the Improvements of an ordinary farm for cotton and small grain. ALSO, On WEDNESDAY, the 3d of February, I will sell, The following PERSONAL PROPERTY at Liberty Hill, twenty miles norths st trom Camden: 26 head ol prime MULES, 2 Horses, about 60 head of Cattle, 5 Wagons (iwo and four horse), 1 Carriage and Harness, and a large lot of Farming Utensils, Ac, Ac. Levied on as the property of L. J. Patterson, de? fendant, at the suit of Harriot Harrison, plaintiff. Terms caah. Purchasers to piy thc Marshal for necessary papora and stamps. J. P. M. EPPING, January 0 rt_United Status Marshal. Seventy-five Acres oj Land on South Carolina Railroad, sixteen miles from the city, well timbered and partially settled. BY J. FEiSfijl MATHEWES. WiU be sold on TUESDAY, 10th instant, at the Old Poatofflco, at ll o'clock, Terms caah, and purchaser to pay J, F. M. for pa? pora and acampa, SaCZiTy 7 Sofa. MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. ; MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot bo ?iledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN & CO., (oldest safe manufacturers) _ . . . ( 2G5 Broadway, New York. Principal 1 m Che8tnut St phila Warehouses j108Bank st., Cleveland,O And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. * FOR SALE B? WM. M. BIRD & CO., No." 203 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON December 29 y Q \>T. SCHLEPEGRELb,' No. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHfLIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ANL BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING LATHS. PAINTS. OILS. OLASbES*. 8HJ.NGI.Ki?; also, UROOVE AND TONGUE BOARDS, Ac., con stoutly ou baud at the lowest market prices. September 12 mthalyr Jluf?ien Salts. Warehouse and Store corner of State and Chalmers streets, formerly occupied by Messrs. Wilbur ?? Son, Brokers and Auc~ tioneers. W. Y. LEITCH & E. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer*. Will be sold on TUESDAY, 12th- instant, st tito Old Post-office, That "three-story BRICK WAREHOUSE and STORE, at the corner of State and Chalmer* streets, measuring 38 feet fron t by 60 feet deep, more er leas. Terms cush. Purchaser to payna Kr papera and stamps. _January 9 Desirable Residence adjacent to South Carolina Railroad Workshop, in ColumbuS'Strtet. W. Y. LEITCH & fe. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers.. Will bc sold on TUESDAY, 12 th lestant, at the Old Postofflcc, at ll o'clock. That desirable two story WOOD E ti DWELLING and outbuildings, situated in Columbus-street, op? posite tbe South Carolina Railroad Workshop. Hou-e contains 4 pquare rooms and plazas, lot measures 31 feet, by 100 in depth, more or lesa. Terms-One-hall cash; balance In ons year, with interest, secured by bond and mortgage of the prem? ises; property to be insured and polio, ?s?igned. Purchaser to pay us for papers and MI. tups, Januar] 9. Superior Dwelling Douse. W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. - Will be-aold at Auction, on TUESDAY, tba: 12th in. slant, at ll o'clock, at the Old Cuatombouso, That Tory elegant and ?ell situated RESIDENCE, No. 7 Limehouso-street. This building is;of modern style, with all the latest improvements,, with exten? sive outbuildings, carriage house, cistern, and ft beautiful flower garden, Tbe situation ia airy and salubrious, and commands a fine view of the harbor and adjacent Islands. Property can be inspected by an application on the premises. Lot 130 by 105 feet. Terms-One-third cash;: balance in one and two years, with interest secure! by bono and mortgage of the premises. Property insured and policy as* - signed. Purchaser to pay na for papers and stamps. January 7_._thatuS Desirable Building Lota on Rutledge Avenue. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. On TUESDAY, 12th instant will be sold at the Oil Postotnco, at ll o'clock. Those VACANT LOTS on east side of Rutledge. Avenue, north of Morris-street-Noa. 1 and 2 meas.. urina; 44 feet on Rutledge by 130 deep, and Nos. 3. and 4 measuring 06, feet on Court leading from Rut. ledge^by 88 feet deep, more or less. Terms-Half cash; secured aa usual. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps._January, 9. Sale Under Foreclosure of Mortgage of Per sonal Property in the Mercury Office,, at Auction. BY Qt, MCBRIDE SKEL% Agent of th? mortgagee.. On TUESDAY, the 12th instant, at 12 o'clock, will bey aold, inlots aa follows: Contents ofEngitte Room: ona PORTABLE FOUR HORSE STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER. Contents of Press Room: on? TAYLOR'S PRESS? dimensions 24 by 81; eeven Foloing Tablee, and sundry other articles. Contents of Composing Room: all the CEAWB3, STANDS, Typo, Imposing 8tone. FaU and Pulleys, Gos Fixtures, and all other appurtenances. Contents of Office separately-Consisting of FUR? NITURE, viz: CHAIRS, Stools, Counting House Desks, Tables, one Counter $0 feet long, one News? paper Back 25 feet long, one lot Plctaires and Cards in trames, two Office stoves, with piping, one Iron Safe, one lot Oas Fixtures. Terms cash. G. MoBRIDE SMITH, Agent of Mortgagee. Jamury 8_fetus Auction Sale. WM. GURNEY, Auctioneer. Will bc sold, at Publie Auction, on TUE'DAY.-Jan nary 12,18G9, at 10 o'olock, at Mo. 10 East Bay. street, Charleston. S. C., ll HORSES, 1 MULE 2 Carts and Harness caddies, Bridles, Tables, Desks, Chairs, Stoves, to., Ac, being the surplus property belonging to th? United States Government Property to be removed Immediately after sale. Terms cash la Government funds. EDWARD L. DEANE, Disbursing Onecer, January 7 Bureau R,F. k A. L., S. C, giu?mtm1 |rioaU Staitz Rave*, Pointy ^nn't itlmZ BT ?LONZO J. WHITE k %m> Brokers, Auctioneers ?nd Real Batate Agents. Will bf rented for a term of years if desired, one of the moat productive COTTON PLANTATIONS in tba State, situate on tho Southwest corser of John's leland, within a few milo, of the healt&y village ef Rockvilla, comprising seven hundred and Af ty aoroa. Ave hundred are cleared, th? balance well wooded; On Plantation lt a good Reside-.oe and all neces? sary Outbuildings and Houses ' tor operatives. This being a very pro? no li ve place, is worthy tho at tinton of afr i cul turalla ta. For particulars apply as above at December 19 ? el No. 68 EAST BAY. ~m J. FRASER MATHEWES, Real Estate Agent, Eo. 66 Broad-street. For sale and Lease PHOSPHATE LANDS of a superior quality, on deep water navigation and healthy locations all the year. RICE and COTTON PLANTATIONS and F ABMS la all parts of the State. CITY PROPERTY of every description. November 2 3mo?. /ertiltjgts._ No. 1 PE K U VIAN. SARDY'S "SOLUBLE PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN." SARDY'S "AMMON1ATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC," ALSO, HI G ll HST GRADEIS PURE PHOSPHA? TE GUANOS AND GROUND LAND PLASTER. TUE USE OF THE ABOVE SOLUBLE PSOSPHO PEKUYiAN and Ammouiited Soluble Pacific Guanos is particularly recommended, being com? pounds of tue neuest Pacific Pho-phatic Guano, rendered soluble; thc former c >ntainlug twenty por cent, of Pe:uviau Guano, and (he latter highly am mouia'.ed with animal matter-masing the most concentrated and protltab'.o fertilizers iu-use for coi? to a. corn, wheat and Tobacco, Tor sate lu bags and barrels, ia quantics to sait. Testimonials from ?hose wh > have used the above will bu tarni cd on application. GltARSEK. LES, SSI ITU ?i CO., General Agents at Charleston. "Feed your Land anti it will Feed You." Di comber 24 nae thstulmo PACIFIC GUASO CMPANFS S O L, lt 3 L Ki PACIFIC GUANO. CAPITAL.81,O0O,OOO. fliai? GUANO DTFr.-i;? THOM PERUVIAN A. Guano simply lu ibo relativa proportions of the same eli incuts of fertility. Its use during thc past lour years for the culture of coltou and -om has given to it a character for standard excelle.?ci unsutpasscd by genuino Peru? vian Ouauo. and where soas?os of drought inter? vene, ii produces a large iucrea-e of crops. The piice at wince this Guano is placed is so much below that of Peruvian Guano, a s to constituto it au objoot or material importance to Southern Agriculture. The larg? capital and resources of the Company enable it to furnish a Guano of the highe t value at the lowc.-t possible cost to consume: e, and tho bl?hest interest or tbo company is rec. cid ted in this policy. The Company looks to large sales, small profits and a permano J t trade for compensation ob capital investod. Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVESEL. of South Caro? lina, is Scientific Director to - the Company, which alfords a sure guarantee of the continued ex? cellence of the Guano. None genuin? unices brand* ed with the name of JOHN S. REESE k CO., Gene? ral Agents or the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. For terms and mode of application, apply to J. N. ROBSON, Agent for the State or south Carolina, Nos. 1 and2 Atlantic Wharf. DecemVer 19 BAO stuthSmo J SI P O R TE R S OF TEAS, WINES, BRANDIES, Ac., . And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES WM. 3. CORWIN A 00. ?3-Goods delivered to aU parts of (he City. October 34