University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. ?S- L* B i Esl CUtCOLATlON.-THE DAI LT SEWS HETNG THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING TBE LARGEST CIR CCLATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTE lt S REMAIN INC, IN THE POSTOFFICE AT THE END OF EACH WEER. ACCORDING IO THE PROVIS? IONS OT THE NEW POsIOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALES THIS EAT. CJ?OBELL, Knox & co. will sell at 10 o'clock, ac their uu.-tiou hou:0, Hasel-sireet, seasonaM-? dry gcod;. (JOUST OF EQTHTY.--Chancellor Leseenc will be io attendance at ibe conrt rooms, ou Wednesday .next, 3rtb instant, at ciruja o'clock. A. M. Tau ATTENTION of shippers is called to the . change of sailing day ol Baltimore steamer. Bills lading must be handed in to agents by two e'e'ock to-day. _ PERSONAL.-Thc HOD. Miliedgo L. Bonham is stopping at the Charleston Hotel; also T. J. South? ard, Esq.. of Richmond, Mc., owner of several large ve.-sels that formerly traded with Charleston. T. B. Marshal', of tho firm of T. B. MarshaR A Brother, Savannah, is also at the "Charleston." THE COOL SPELL.-The cold weather con a^tinues, but fortunately not with uualia'ed vigor. T Yesterday morning it moderated considerab'y and the ico thawed a little for tho first time. In the af? ternoon there was a slight shower and it was quite cold afterwards, but last night was more endurable than any night since Wednesday. We have had some bitter cold weather it is true, but Savannah seems to have suffered even more. Iee there was seven inches thick, and the water pipes barst from being froz.n. STONE & HUBBAX'S CIRCUS.-The e'reus ex? hibition this eves lng promises to surpass everything of the kind heretofore witnessed in Charleston. There is a great variety of performances, and each pertormance is perfect. Messrs. Stone A Murray have spared no pains or expenso, and have shown great R?11, not only in sclocting their troupe, but air o in collec ing their horses sad material, and in arranging tbs pl n and dstaila cf the r exhibition. Our Southern and Western exchanges say that it is the very bes' company that bas exhibited in the South since the war. and there can be no doubt that Stone & Murray's circus is as good as the bes*. COLUMBIA AND'AUGUSTA RADLBOAD.-On Wed? nesday last, for the first lime, trains ran over the Columbia and Augusta Railroad in both directions; from Co:un.b.ra to Graniteville, and from Graniteville to Columbia. Ibe Colum na Phoenix of yesterday says: "The injunction case of tho South Carolina Railroad Com? pany against the Columbia and Augusta Bailroad Company will be dissolved by the decision of Judge Platt, which orders a jury to asiCBS damages. Under this ruling of the court the work will, it is under? stood, bc resumed immediately, and the road pushed through to Augusta with all possible speeL" MASONIC-At the annual communication of | VWalhalla Lodge, No. 65, A F. M., held on Tuesday f last, December SSL the following officers were elected | to servo for the ensuing Masonic year: Brother H. H. MULLER, W. M. - Broth?r TIL MEJ-CHERS. Sr. W. trotter O. SCHEIBE. Jr. W. Brrther J. KRUSB. Treasurer. Brother J. M. PET 3R SEN, Secretary. BrotnorH. LINSEBblNCI, Sr. D. Brother B. DOScHEB, ir. ?. Brother CH. FLO ntl H M ANN, ) gij-.m Brother F. BUCKH. j ?ewaMS Brother J. IL b CHM ID A', TRer. CHARLESTON TIBOOBAPIIICAL UNION.-At the first anniversary meeting of Charleston Type graphi? tai Union, No. 13, held on the evening of the 26th in? stant, tho following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: J. D. PA RUY, President,* T. C. NEVILLE, vice-President. C. ADAMS, Secretary. S. D. HUTSON, Corresponding Secretary.t H. P. COOK*", Treasurer. J. L. WALLACE, Sergeant-at-Arms.? Delesato to National ?nio?-JOHN F. BRITTON. . Vxee R. A. Trittau, declined re-olsction. i Tice J. D. Parry, ole otad President tVici J. W. Davis, declined re-election. KEV. W. "W. HICKS.-This distinguished pul? pit orator preached sn eloquent sermon yesterday morning, at the Lutheran Church (Bev. Dr. Bach man's) to a fuR and apareelative congregation. His text for the occasion was "Charity hope th aU things," and for L early an hour his hearers lost thraasorves in following the neva! arguments and beautiful imagery of the speaker as he presentad the phases of J La subject that has grown almost hackneyed in other hand?. In tho course ef the services the Rev. Dr. Bac'oman ottered up a prayer for the restoration of J the zealous young pastor to health and strength. This is thc first time ?bat Ur. licks has Breached in many weeks, and it is pleasant evldeaee that his health i= so much recuperated by our climate as to promiso a continuance of his career. Thsreare hundreds of people in Charleston now attending no placo of worship who would be attracted by the eloquent ministrations of so gifted a preacher. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATION?-The Sunday School celebration at tho Second Presbyterian ?Church last evening"was somewhat different in its character fi om what such celebrations have gene? rally been in Charleston, and in many respects it was a great improvement. It was intended to be a reUgion3 celebration ef the birlb of Christ and the idea was weU carried out in every part ef the exer cis?s. The chants, hymns, recitations lessons and prayers all bore special reference to that auspicious event, and were unite:! in with a zeal that indicated true and heartfelt rejoicing. The exorcises were opened with prayer by the pastor of the church, Rev. Thomas Smythe, D. D , and conducted by the superintendent R. C. Gilchrist, Erq., aided by the" -assistant superintendent. Mr. C. N. AverilL The singing was by the children, two hundred in num? ber, led by the choir and accompanied by the organ, under thc skillful management of Professor Robin? son. The church was se crowded that a number of ladies were compelled to find scats in the galleries, and thc celebration was in every resp?ot a success. HOTEL ABBIVALS-December 26 and 27. Pavilion Hotel.-Henry Weeden, New York; John M Hains, Fair Play; B A McMillan. Kings:ree;H Bicker,-- ; T DJ Mason. California; J E Beck, Dixie; W J Burke, Augusta; W A Rook, Savanuuh; W P Denny, New York; Captain Wra Knox. City; Paul Jones, Richmond; B H Knots, Orangeburg; Tierny MoNaf, City ; A S Burnes, 8 C; D P Buzardt, Newberry; T M Dersett, Atlanta; J P ?orsett, Atlan? ta; H Crawford, New York; Stone & Murray's Circus Company; F T Watson, Savannah. Charlcstou Hetel- W H Weaim, Savannah; F M Kinloch, city; J xreeman, J B Pel), EPBunson, -city;M L Bonham, Edgofleld; JO Oillett, Augusta; D Risley, Georgetown; W S Jones, Bichland; D C Wilson. Beaufort; J B O Hard. Georgia; H F Thom? as, Dr E P Abbe. Massachusetts; ? S Bradford. C S Bradford, Jr. Philadelphia; W A! orr san. New York; B B Campbell, W S Jackson, city; J W Cochran, Philadelphia; John Chadwick, B H Peaker, Now York; J B Davis, Wilmington; I C Bruce. New York; DM Munro, Savannah; O S Langdon, Danen, Qa; L Holloway and wile, East Florida; Wm L Wolfe. J D Dnrgcr, New York; W A Wing, St Louis; Charles N Howard, New York; TR Burley. PbUadblphia; N Dennett, Now York; F J Southard, Richmond; F Z Marshall, favannah; O S Harris, Boston; G Nagle, Kingstree; J B Guerard, Georgia; T J Tobias and wife. New York, J T Wilson. St Louis; N Eiddlo comb, Utica, N Y; H G Manning, New York. THE HORN NUISANCE_Many citizens of Charleston wiU concur in the opiaien expressed by the Philadelphia Bulletin in regard te the horn tul sance, and will envy tho good order preserved in the "City of Brotherly Love." Tho BuUetin says : The police tb*s morales received very sNJct instruction upon tho subjects/ horn-Mowing upan the streets this evening. The lieuteosnts Were directed to put out an extra force or naen, and to have arrested every person-man, woman and child -who is found in the itreet blewisg a horn. Tho persons are to be taken before a magistrate and he:d to bail, apd the horns are to be oosfiicated. The b'.orring of tin horne ls a first-class nuisance, and the Mayor's orders are very stringent MO I XA. Ttoe Lecture of Rev. Ai J. Ryan Last Night at s*. Patric k's CLureli-He Lec? tures To-niglit at the Cathedral. Siuce the war there has been no urmo that has so excited and touched :he Southern heart a* "Mo ni." Long bet?re the briLiant author was forced troin hi? ro:iremeut to wer tho hoi.ors won by b;s pen, his verses had b.-conio household worc'a. ?"rom thc Po? tomac to tho Kio Graudt "Tho Conquered Linne." was at once accepted as the requiem of a nation; and every poem th't appeircd over the same signature was so replete with regretful love and tendtrmcinory for the cau?c which our people had worshipped, aud w ith heartfelt and outspoken prido in thc history of the ber-ic deeds which had been done in its behalf, that "Moina" soon became a tal'sman to tho South? ron's inmost feelings, in every pioduction of his pen tbero was evinced a spirit too honest to deny tho past, too wiso to neglect the present, too btave io fear the tuturc. It was this nobleuess of nr.ture that breath 3d through all ' Moina's" verses that cr s td lovo and admiration for the unknown author. It has now been more than a year since Father Ryan has been known to bc thc author nf tho verses appearing over the name of " Moina," and his real name and title aro now uni? versally respected, a? well for his personal as his literary character. A natural desire to see a mau to much respected and beloved exists j throughout the South, and Char.cstoniana enjoyed that pleasure last night for the first time. As wallas could bc judged by the oppo'tuuity then sff rded, Father Rjan is a man of about thirty years of agc, fi\-e feet seven inches in height, is s? aro malo, of iragile form and appearance, his shoulders ar-sjgh - ly stooped and indie-ate a habit of leaning ovci book6. His movements are rather quiet, but indicate much firmness and decision. His easy manner exhibits a perfect cenfidence and strength cf chirac:or. When he appears before bis people, thc most lis ties - ob? server arouees to a sense that an extraordinary m .n is before him. His face is long and beardless; bis hair is brown, and wuru cast back from his high, broad torehead, and hangs in alight and graceful curls over his shoulders; hi* eyes are a soft blue, and his brows are high and regular.y arehed. His mouth has a slight curvature at the corners, ls email and of pleasing appearanoe. His general appearance, as he stands in thc chancel, is very Jcxinice, yet giving the impression that he is an intellectual and poetical person of noble and go .d qualities, Ihe lecture last night was on the divine origin and perpetuity of thc Church, and was listened to with mai ked attenUon by a large audience. Father Ryan will lecture again tc-night at the Cathedral, and on Wednesday next will give poe deal readings at Hibernian Hall, which wiU afford to Protestants and the public geaorally a good opportunity of see? ing and hearing bim. A FINE NEW SHIP.-Tho ship T. B. South? ard, from New York, reaobei the city ?etterday. Sho ls a fine new ship, and is to trade between Charleston and LiverpooL She com ?a consigned to Wi liam Roach, Esq. BEPOBTEB'S CBUMBS.-Andrew Green, color? ed, confined in jail on the charge of cow eteiling, died of dropsy on Saturday. Un Saturday bills of the Eank of tho Statu were quoted at 40, with a downward tendency. City stock was freely oTered at 55 and refused, buyers not being willing to rive mere than 50. Ibo Cc.nmbia merchants never before sold in three da s as many goods as on last Monday, Tues? day and A'cdnesday, The a lamer Fannie, with the "Alerts" on board, ai rived u .-?lur^ay at balf-past five ?Mock. It ia rumored that a line is ia prospect befrrce? Charleston and Havana. The Widows' Home Pair will bo open again to-mor? row night, when tho raffle? lists will bo disposed of. Dr. Hicks, az soon as his health wiU permit, will preach a sermon at tko Orphan's Chapel. A 8 Light difficulty occurred en Saturday morning last, in Wentworth-Btreet near Coming, between a white and a colored man. It bil fair to assume riot? ous proportions, but the presence of a policoman and Officer Reed, of the Dette.i ve force, had a sooth? ing effect Many persona visited the Orib yesterday. It will remain open dur n; tho week. Tickets, for ton cents, securlog admittance, can be had at Tue NEWS. To-day the City Inspecter will commence to lay a new pavement of aapnaltnm on the nortl side of Hasel-street, from the postofflce to King-street. 1 he old bricks taken up will be used for repairing else? where. Stone k Murray's Circus Company reached thc city yisterday. Ibo members of tho company are stopping at the Pavilion Hotel. Yesterday was a general prize distribution day in many of tho Sabbath Schools. CLUBS AND STABS.-The following; arrests have beon made since Saturday, and will be di?poso J of at tho Mayor's Court this morning: George Garner lodged for having a pair of boots in his possession claimed by Mr. Wm. R. Webb. Wm. Daly, Martin Divine end Lawrence J. May lodged for interfering with Cffieer Recd, of thc a -teefhe force, in the dis ha-ge of his duty and over? ing to fight him. Wm. Truckuan and Henry Kroyos lodccd for careless driving of their bread carts in thc st.'eels. Philip Jackson lodged for assaulting Wm. Ford in Soe-ety-str -et in Mr. Bennett's yard. Riobard R, Hamilton lodged for assault and bat? tery on Christopher Burke, colored, and drawing a revolver en him at No. 184 Meeting-street Geo. M. Pylesleagsd fer attempting to foice nts way into Mr. HamrccisniLL's premises on E.wt Bay. William Recd, colored, lodged for being drunk and ri otous at the corner of Church and Elliott strcota. Robert Smith, colored, lodged for breaking into Ute roo m ol Laura Smith, No. 24 Qnecn-strcct, aud forcibly taking a quilt off. Als>, for carrying con ceaVjfdaweapons. Frances Gibbes, colored, reported for having her chimney on fire at half-past seven ou Sunday morn? ing, at No. 27 Tradd-strcet. A couple of cowsjrere 'onad going at largo con? trary to city ordinance, and carried to tho Guards house, where they can be had en identification. Half a dorea cases of parties who had been de? feated ina wrestle wiU\^ Bacchus, and found hors ie combat by 'be po .icemen and deposited in the Guard house until they could recover. Ai thur Calvin and Lind Smith lodged for inter foringwlth thc official duties of S'ato ConBtablo Woolfo. Barney Groen lodged for throwing bricks In Meet tng-street \A Card. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. I was not present at th2 meeting; of the judges of three of tho f?ur city fire cempanios when it was decided that "the Niagara" and not "thc Promptitude" was viotorious in the late contest. I waa not notified that the mealing was to tak? placa, and do not a- rro to that decision. I aisert that "ibo Promptitude" was tho winner, ?a was announced at the time by t he Chief of the Firo Department and his assistants. JO.-EPH J. LAZARUS. Jodgo for "the Promptitude." KTJSIaVKSS 1NOXICK8. CHOICE GEEEN AND BLACK ?TFAS, $1 per pound, at Wilson's Grocery, southeast corner Society and Anson streets. Goods delivered free. LADIES' LUNCH AT KINSMAN'S SALOON.-Oys? ters in every style. Mince pie-?, frtah dally. Hot oef feo and chocolate at all hours. Ice cream every day. -0 LTOOD'S SOVEBIEON BALM is no quack nos? trum, bat a genuine Kentucky preparation, gotten up on the most scienlifio principles. For tale at the drug store of Dowia k How, corner Mooting and Hasel s tro sta. w.mO Dec? ra ber 16 _/tnonrioL. CHECKS ON NEH^YOBKT^ LESESNE & WELLS, Ko. IO BROAD-STKEET. December 24 im0 mem publications. J^USJjEl.L'S BOOK MURK. WEEKLY LIST NEW BOOKS, &c. TBE POET ANT) THE PAI'.TER. or Gems of Art and Song, with ninety-nine hrge steel engrav inys, imperial Svo. moroc o, S20. TENSXSOS'S Esm rilistrsted by Gustave Dore, fo? lio, iu a-i c'cgant binding. $10. TEN.NTS^S'8 LOCESLT BALL, lUu-trated by Hennesy, 4 octavo, ?3. GHAT'S ELEGY, willi soven'r-eu ?n- Iv colored draw cincs and a i)b0!our?phie rcprodiictioa cf Ibo cria'ml manu.-cript, no SC 23. WATSIDE POSIES, original Po.-ms ot country liie, edited by Koben Luehman, nub fbr.y-sevcn illustrations. 4io. S10 THE Bird), by Mich let. illustrate! by tao hnndrrd and ten exquisite engravings by Giacomelli. SC. CHRIST IS Soso, or H>ms ot Immanuel,rf-eVcfe.i irom all ?nes by Philip Schaff, D. D, Svo. cloth mit extra, SC COWPER'* TABLE TALE, and other Poems, beauti lully illustrated by the most cm-net English Artist", 1 VOIUUJC. 4to, S3. ?-TORT WITHOUT AN END, ftom the German of Ca rove, largo 4to. with fif:ceo beautiful pic? tures, m imita'io.i of water color*. S7 50. CHRISTMAS CAROL, by charles Dicken?, with thirty illu-trati-us. by Eylinsc, -mall 4 ocavo, S5. SCOTIA'S BAUDS, :!.<; choicest ??roi'uc?ions of the Seotiieh Tn-?!?--, bcautifullv -llustra'ed, 8vo, $4. MARMION, by Walter .-edt, with fifteen photographic illustration , SS. LATS OF TK" BOLT I AND, from ancient and modern writer*, with sixty-three illustrations, 8vo, ;8. CHAMBERS' UOOK or ?PATS a miscellany of popular antiquit?-, two larce volumes royal 8vo, $9. Tte abovo arc all in elegant bindings. Decemhcr 21 _fflmal^_ EXt?tLTlVK DKPARTMEVT, STAT K TREASURY OFFICE. ? COLUMBIA, S. C., December ll), 1S6S. ) HOLDERS OP BILL? OF THE BANK OF TFTE STATE OF SOUTH 0AR3LISA, who dc.-iro to FUND them, in conrornvty to the Act of tho General Assembly of 1363. iau?t iorward them to this office previous to JANUARY 1, 13G9. Tue certificates of the Ma ters in Equity will no longer be received as evideacc sufficient to eutiilc the holders to tho Treasurer'- rccelpl. The bills will be required. It in of absol ats importance that thc certificate of presentation to thc Bank should ac? company the bills, iu o.der t? secure the interest from tiie date of presentation to January 1.18C9. Bonds will bc issu.d it sums of S50, S100, $500 and $1000. MLES G. PARK LR. December 22 6 Treasurer of S. C. THE STATE OP SOUTH IA KULI NV To the Managers of Eitctions for the County of Beaufort: WHEREAS, MR. GEORGS A. BENNETT. WHO, at thc Getieaal Election held in April, 1808, was chosen a member of the House of Representatives for the I lection Disirict of Beaufort County, to serve for two years, has since said election ro-igned; and, whereas, t ac Constitua1 n of tho State of South Caro? lina directs that in such a case a Writ of Elcctlou shall be issued 1 y thc Speaker of the House of Rep rosontiitlves for Ibo parp?se or filling the vacancy thus occasioned, tor the remainder of the term for which.the member so resigned was elected lo serve : Now, therefore, you and cacb of you aro hereby required, alter due advertisement, and with stri.-t re? gs *d to all tho provisions of tho Constitution and 1 awe of the said State, touching your duty in such cast?, to hold an election for a Meager of tbe Rous? of Representatives, for the Election District aforesaid, to serre for thc remainder of the term for which tho said GEORGE A. BENNETT was elected ; tho Polls to be opened at the various places ci Election in thc said Bl3trict, on Monday, thc fourth doy of January, 1869, by tho various sots of Managers for thoso places respectively; ss id? Managers to count the votes publicly immediately aft'-r the final closing of thc polls at tko Precincts where tho votes have been taken; moko out a certlflrato of thc result, to bo Bigued by th? Managers, sra majeriry of ?hem, and taken to tho Court House of Beaufort County, or placo now fixod bylaw for counting tho votes, on Wtdncs Jay, the 6ixth day of J.nuary, 18G9. by ono or more ol said Managers ; mid thc Malingers, or a majority of thom, who may assomble, shall proceed to examino tho aforesaid statement, and declare tho rc-ul; of the Election. This Writ, together with your return of tho Elec? tion te bc held under it, have beforo the House of Representatives at its next moeting after tho Election. Witness the tionerablo FRANKLIN J MOSES, Jr., Esquire, Speaker of tho House of Represen? tatives, at Columbia, this twelth day of Decom bor, in tho year of eur Lord oue thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. FRANKLIN J. MOSES, JR.. Speaker of the Hause of Representatives. A. 0. JONES, Clerk of tho Housa of Repr?senla fives December 14 20 Slunk |00h5, ^tinting, Jibing. iBl^INirBOO^ MANUFACTORY. BLANK BOOKS OF AIL DESCBIPIIONS MADE to order, with any 6t> lo of Binding or j altera of Rul? ing, ol best material and workmauship. BOOK-BIXDISft; MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, M031 J, NEWS? PAPERS, BibloH, Prayer Dooks, fcc., Bound tn any style, end neatly Lettered with name. Lithographing and J b Printing. JOB PRINTING-Cards, Letter, Note sud Bill Heads. Circulars, Dray Receipt?, Pamphlets, ?c., iu first-rate style avd at low prices. STATIONERY. AH varieties of LAW, OFFICE AND FANCY STA? TIONERY. BLAKE BOOKS. A largo assortment of our own and of the best Northern manufactui T#, coastantly on hand. NOTICE.-Wo are oflorin,' our surplus stock ol Check Books, Bank Bocks, Railroad aud Yes-el Re ocipt Books, Cotton Weight and Shipping Books, at groaUy reduco l prices. HUE BOOKS for riante s. Mechanics and Busi? ness Men generally (monthly and weekly), a great variety ot farms. BAKERS' BREAD BOOKS, Lauding and Dockage Books, Magistrat .a' Doc.cts, Hot. 1 Registers, fcc. TU liEALEHS. Havin; a lnrjto surplus of BLANK BOOKS, of all styles of binding, the trade will bo supplied fora limited time at a great roducrien on New York cost At COURTENAY'S, Decombcrll faiwlmo No. 9 BROAD-STREET. g ^HififcllanroQS. ?HKAP FAMILY BLANKETS, JUST OPENED AT STOL.Ii. WEBB & CO., Nos. 287 AND 239 KING-STREET. November G CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE IJESr PRESENT YOD CAN MAKE I* A god SEWING MACHINE, and the best Se win." Mac fair? that la tuaWo is the Willcox & Gibbs. I his ls proved daily at No. 307 Kin-r-strcet. D. B. HASELTON, Agent Willcox i Gibbs Scwiug Machine Company. December 17 ia Q J. SCHLEPEGRELL, 2F?. 37 L1NE-STEEET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHTUP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ANL BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER LNB LA?H6, PAINT'S. OSLS. GLASSES, SH?HGTiI?S ! also. OBOOVH AND TONGUE BOARDS, fcc, con? stantly on band ut the lowest market prices. September 12 mthstyr Confectioneri), &r. KINSMAN'S CANDY FACTORY No. 279 KING-STREET. CANDY PUT UP ?N ASSORTED BOXES OF 25, 50 ant1 103 pound.-, suitable lor Country Trado. .Mer hauts can roly upon our Candies Dolo .'per? fectly free from all such pT-onous substances as TERKA ALBA AND MARBLE DTJfcT. Als?, constantly on baud, a lull supply ot FRENCH CONFECTIONERY AND FANCY CANDIES. Noex ' ra chargefor basing, wfnilmo December 3 TREATS FOB THE HOLIDAYS. TH!' Pi NES r GAME AND POUL'I RY, lUEOBsT MINCE PIE;. THE RICHEST FRUIT and POUND CAKES, And ail ra-icUea of pastry. frc3h every diy, at TIT LL K\-s, KING-STREET, B GROW dUE EN. Deromber 2-1 7 OF CLiUSSSN^ STEAM BAKERY, No. 200 KING-STREET, [MR. VON S ANTENS OLD STAND.) TtlE SUBSCRIBER WOULD HEBERT INFORM bis numero is customers th:t he has jn-t open? ed a BRANCH OF li.'S S1E.\M BvKEltY at the above place, where eau ba hart FRESH BREAD, of all desenprions, m mme ai d noon. Also, all sorts ot" nue and ccarso CAKES. BlSCt'ITS, CRACKERS. I ARTS, PIES, PASIR Y and < 'ON EEC 1TONERIES. 'Tastclullv dressed Cukos for weddings and other parlies punctually t iled to the satisfaction of all. All o:dcrs for Crackers. &c. Ac, for tho Office in Market-street, lett at this nlacs. will bc punctually attended to J. C. H. CLiUsSEN, No. 10 Market and No. 290 King streets. December 22 Pastness ({[ards. Q T T O SONNTAG, DYER AND 'SCOURER, lil Marli', t-street, between King and A rc - h tl alc-str c eta. GENTS' CO ITS. VESTS, PANTS AND HATS Dyed, Cleanod and Presecd. November 12 wfraSmos gHAVJNG AND HAIR-CUTTING, BY W . E. MARSHALL, AT THF. BROAD-STREET BARBER SALOON, No. 31 (UP STAIES). December 8 Q E O . Il . II O P P O C K, FACTOR A KD COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHAHF, Charleston, S. C. P. GADSDEN HASELL. timos September 21 DENTIST. ROOMS AT HIS RESIDENCE, NORTHWEST COR? NER OF MEETING AND SOCIETY STREETS. - November 20 fmw6mos J U II N I) . ALEXANDER, ACCOUNTANT AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, No. IC Broad-strc?* RESPESTFULLY SOLKJWB nVMSKSSIN THB WRrTlN? SP ANBABJI8TIN? 9V ANB A'?OOH .The of Mcrokants and ochers. Al?e, the 3KLLINO- AND RHKTIH?, AND COLLE3TIM <9F RUN TS OF IIWBSB9, Ax. October 1 J.T II U DI P It It E Y S , BROKER, A UCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS, SE CHRIITKS AND PliRSOKAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 2 7 BROAD-STREET, CHARLESTON. S. C. HEEEKENCE3. Hom HENRY. BUIST, W. J. MAGRATH, Es:i., General JAMES CONNER, T. IL WARING, Esq. October 1 TOILBUU dt SON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS &, AUCTIONEERS, No. 59 Broad street, Charleston, ft, C. Borrow and loan mouoy, attend to collection o.' rents, and all mannor of claims. July 13 . mwt.l.i.o G _ /mt Jlrte. lt E A T A T T R A C T I I? N QUfNBrS & CO:S PHOTOGRAPH AND FINE ART GALLERY. NOW ON EXHIDI1ION UV, LARGEST AND finest Colleclioa of CUROMO L'TUOGRAP.IS ever scon in Charleston. They are perfect copies of cel? ebrated Works of Art, bolh auc.cnt ?md modern. Among ibo collection may bu found SALVA I OR ROSA'S HEAD OP CHRIS] , Corroggo's Magdalene, A. Delacroix's Tido (Join:,1 Out, A. Delacroix's Ti Jo Coming In, Turner's Venice, Jacksons English Scenery, Rowbottoms English Scenery, Baiter's English and Iri.-u Scenery, Views on the Rhine, The Jungfraud, Ibo Wettcrhoru, Mu:ino Views, and many others. Thc public are respectfully invited to call and see theso beautiful Works ol Art. They are offered for sale at New York prices. PORCELAIN PICTURES. Groat reduction in thc pr:co PORCELAIN PIC? TURES. Recent improvement* m producing these JJ ic t ure H enable us to now rifer thc . at nearly one half the former prices, and lar rape.'or. Call and examine specimens. OUR CARTES DE VISITE AND OILIER PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS ARE UNSUR? PASSED. E-pceial attention given to children. Also to copy, ing old Daguerreotypes and ettitir pictures. Satisfac? tion in all cases guaranteed, and al prices lo corres? pond with thc hines. STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES OTHER PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHARLESTON, FORT SUMTER AND MAGNOLIA CEMETERY At Ked a ced Prices. A fine collection of STEREOSCOPIC VIEW3 OF THE MOUN? TAINS IN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE FRENCH BROAD RIVER. These arc the first aud only Photographs ever taken in that locality. Q, U 1 N B Y A CO., No. 201 KING-STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. Novombcr 12 3mos (Ootljin^ an?i /arnisljirtfl, Q3?O?>S. CIST???II?G! CLOTHING GMT 4TTB1CTI0N ! LARGE STOCK OF FINE CLOTHING, * AT No. 291 KING-STREET, Corner of Wentworth. ALARIE AND ELEGVNT SUPPLY OF SEA-. SONABLE Clothing and Furnishing Goods FOB ME*, YOUTHS AND BOYS, JUST RECEIVED AND OFFERED AT LOW PRICES . Purchasers aro invilod to cr.11 aa 1 ma'ii their se? lections from thc desirable styles in the stock. ALSO, FURNISHING GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY. AND THE STAR BRAND SHIRTS, NOTED FOR THEIR DURABILITY AND FITTING QUALITIES. The Tailoring Department, Supplied with with choice Europcaa and American Cloths Coatings and Cassimeres, Which will bc made up to order io the best styles, under the caro of a first-claps Fronch Cultcr. WM. MATTH [ESSEN. B. W. McTURE0U3, December 23 C SUPERINTENDENT. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. O. E. & A. S. JOHNSON, MANUFACTURERS OP Gent's Youths' and Freedmen's READY-MADE CLOTHING AT THE OLD STAND, No. 315 King-'if., Opposite Socicty-St. WE ARE PREPARED FReil THT3 DATE TO offer our nsual FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, of our own selection, and manufactured by our? selves in Charleston. As regards quality and style, wc aro confident our Goods will compare favorably in overy respect tvllh any Hcuse in Ibo Southern Csuntry, both for cheap? ness and durability. Wc have alsa a large stock of Hen's Furnishing Goods in'Stere. To our Monda and forn-or patrons, and to the Trade in general, wc extend a cordial invitation to examino our stock, :md solicit their ordora. SATINET PANTS.$2 00 to $ 4 00 COLOUED CASSIM ERE PANTS.4 00 to 10 00 BLACK SATINET PAN TS.3 80 to 4 50 BLACK CASSDIERE PANTS... .5 00 to 10 00 LOY'S PANTS.2 00 to 5 00 BOY.s SUITS.5 00 to 12 00 COLORED SATINET SACKS... .5 00 to 10 00 COLORED CAS8IMERE SACKS.8 00%) 10 00 BLACK CLOTH FROCK COATS.7 00 to 23 00 COLOREB CASS1MERE VESTS .2 00 to G 00 OVERCOATS AND SACKS.8 00 to 20 03 Tbc Genuin* Si AR BRAND SHIRT always on hand LINEN COLLARS DRAWERS OF AI L GRADES, fl 50 to $3. MERIN(WfilBTS, SI 00 to S2 00. Our icrmsaro CASH, or city acc-iptanco. November 28 . Imo - --av -- Pri) ?00115, (Etc. GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THE HOLIDAYS FURCHGOTT & BEOS. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE, CORNER KING AND CALHOUN STREETS. WE EEG IO ISFOI5M TnE LADIES AND OUR Gusto ttl ors iu guDcral, ihat wc bare just re? ceived (io addir'ou to om- u-ual stock of D JU KSTIC und FANi'Y <iO ?I Si, ri uew supply suitable for thc promeut season. oossisTiNO or: CLOAKS, DEY GOODS, POPLINS, Ac, at reduced prices BREAKFAST 3UAWLS, from 70c. up 159 dozen HOOP SKIRI S, 0U to Cdc. 2d dozen GE.iKVItVE UOOP SKIRTS, an olegaut article, 80c. only A new supply et' CORSETS, 70?:. Ottanh'-imer'.i celebrated French CORSET, SI 09 and upward A full and compl'-to assortment of Gciman and Eng? lish HOSItRV, from 12? UT) Afine a.-sortmeast ol Ladies' aadt'hildrcn's 8ilk, Ber? lin clo b sad Lisle (?LOV KS. elegant dosi-ns, and suitable ?or Christmas preheats. ALSO, A let of PHOTOGRAPHIE ALDI'MS, at 73c. Lodi' a' Volvct and Morocco PORTMONAIES, very cheap A good arleetim ot BLANKETS, COMFORTS, QUILTS FLANNELS, CASSIMERES TABLE DAMASKS, &c, At the loweat figures. Wc would also notify our patra?a that w- havo ar rauscd a separate d?partaient in our Store exclu? sively for BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, &c. ftg- ENTEAN3B ON OA LH OU ti - S T REE T. FURCH GOTT & BROS., December li No. 437 KING-aTREET. 3m a /unri) ?ou?s. AT COST, The Remaining Stock on Hand. CONSISTING OF : CHINA DINNER AND TEi SETS, WAX AND China Doll?. Wooden Cox aud Tin Toy?. WU1 be disposed of AT COST FOK TUE NEXT TEN DAYS, to mako room for a different class of goods. KINSMAN BROS. December 28 mrh2 SILVERWARE ! SILVERWARE ! JUST RECEIVED, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY PIECE? . F SILVER, suitible for Christmas and BriuU Presents, at JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 317 KlNG-SlREET. December 5 smwlmo PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES. ASELECT ASSORTMENT FROM THE WELL KNOWN HOUSES OF LUBIN PETIT & ROCHETTE PITER M?UTLLERON COUDRAY PATEY & CO. RIMMEL LOW, SON & HAYDON VIOLET BENBOW SOCIETE HYGENIQUE BAILEY & CO. GETTE FRERES BAZIN JEAN MARIE FARINA DEMARSON, PETIT & CO. AND AIM AR'S PREMIUM COLOGNE WATER, AT A I M A R ' S , Corner King and Vandsrhor3t streets. December 17 thfmtfthrmwfl) READ THIS ! THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, COMPRIS LNG ARTICLES MADE BY LUBIN, RI HENEL, COUD RAY, CLEAVER, SOCIETE HYGIENIQUE, FARINA, EDE, AND OTHERS. Together with a full assortment of Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, C O M B S , ALL OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE, IM? PORTED DIRECT, AND FOR SALE AT PRICES TO SOTT THE TIMES. Tho ladies are respectfully invited to call and ex? amine beforo purchasing elsewhere. C. P. PAN KS I.V. CHEMIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 123 fllcctlng-strcet, November 13 fmw3mos Charleston. 8. C. (Cigars, Cobarra, &r. GOOD NEWS FOR SMOKERS. LA CRIOLLA, AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MEETING AND MARKET STREETS, HAS RECEIVED A LARGE A^80R WENT OF PIPES, TOBACCO and Fancy Articles suit? able forChrUtnaai and New Year presents. Ho has a iresb supply of genuine Havana Cigars and Yacht Club Smoking Tobacco. Also a lot of gonuine Meer? schaum Pipe?, with Perrique, Lone Jack an : various other popular brands of smoking Tobacco. Call at LA CRIOLLA. JOSE JiRA,. Northwest corner ot Meeting and Markct-sti. December 23 8 TO SMOKERS ! SELLING BELOW COST TOBACCO. 110 EVADE THE NEW TAX ON TOBACCO, which will take cftVct on loth February, 1809. I will sell my large and well assoi ti<l ntock ot TOBAC? CO at considerably lo*s th in :a :t iry prices. Consumers and Country Merchants will da well to give an carly call, at L. LOR ti AZT, Northeast corner Wentworth aud King streets. Fccembcr 13_ 14 SEGAR EMPORIUM. ESALAS. AOVNT FOR THE CHARLESTON . Branch of the Havana Segar Factory, "La Valentina," would respec:fully invito the attention cf dealers and smokers to bia very large stock ol HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEGAliS, ot ul] grades and tizos, excelled by few in this country, and war? ranted to be as represented. Sample boxes sent to tho conntry and or.1e r.- ex ecuted by Expresa, C 0. D., or 30 days' city accep? tance. Ao. 119 EAST BAY-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Angnst 21 mwfCmo |ar?)U)?rc, &r. - HAEDWAEB HART Sc CO., CORNER KING AND HARKET STS., CHARLES roy, s. c., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY, GUNS, ENGLISH AND SWEDISH BAR IRON PLOJGH AND NAYLOR'S CST STEEL. METALS. ENGLISH HOLLOWWARE, OensUtiug of POTS, OVENS, SPIDERS and EXTRA LIDS CIRCULARS, CROSS CUT AND MILL SAWS MILL ROCKS AND BOLTING CLOTH PLOUGHS, AUD A VABIBTY OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLE H ?.HTS. PLAIN, STAMPED AND JAPANNED TINWARE. WQODENWARE GLUE AlfS A VAR'ETY OF FANCY GOODS, p. S.-Descriptive "Catalogues can bo has on ap? plication. fmw3mos DLO Nove-sabor 27 ?tartton Sales. Peremptory Sale of Seasonable Dry Goods Consignments to be closed out hy 1st Jan'y. CAMPBELL, KNOX & CO. Cosh Auction House, ftc 35 Hascl-sircct, Opposite Posto?Qcc. W U sell IBIS DAY. at lOo'clcck, Invoices OOOD -, received per Jame? Adcer. viz ; WBITE A VD GRvY BL\NEhL.\ Canton Flan? nels, Tweeds. Cas-simere*, Plaid Orrs* Goods, Super French Mcrinocs, Black auil Colored Mik ITaud kcr.-hif Linen Cambric and Madder Hand? kerchief, Bueyes, Woollen Half-Rose, D?nale Blaek Shawls, Breakfast Shiwla. Berlin Wool Shawls, Nubias and ?-carts, Reston 51 urn ins and Fancy Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas, Table Covers, Glove-, Suspenders, Thread, Notions, Cul? len-, kc . kc. Conditions cash. December 2S Furniture Sale of a Family Retiring from Housekeeping. BY WARBLAW & CAREW. Will to sold on 10-MORROW, 29th instant, at thc house No. 37, west side of Pitt-strcet, ?'no door north ol Calhoun, beginning ct 10 o'clock A. IL, The FURN! i UHF. of a Family roaring from house? keeping, COS'SISTTNQ OF: TABLE*. Chairs, Bids, Bedsteads. Carpets, Book Cases, Hook-, and a gr-at variety ot other articles. Tarma cash. tbfintul December 28 Estate Sale of Dwelling No. 1 Society-street, near East Ray. BY Z. B. OAKES. Will be sold THURSDAY. Slat instant, at the Old Po-toflice, at ll o'clock, That gontccl three story BRICE DWELLING, No. 1, south side Society-strt et, near East Hay, contain? ing eight rooms, and piazr.r to the south. On the premhes are kitchen, carriage house and large cis? tern. Lot 10 feet front and ICO feet deep, more or less. Terms-One-fourth cask ; balance in one, two and three years, with interest from day of sale; buddins to be insured ani policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. December 25 Valuable Real Estate at Auction. W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. By virtue of an order of sale, to me directed by the Hon. Geo. S. Brvan, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina, I wi 1 offer for salo at public auction, on j UES DAY, January 12. I860, at ll o'clock A. M., at the Old Post?nico, foot of Broad-street. Charleston, H. C., Ad that LOT OF LAND, being part of tho lot for? merly known by the No. - Meeting-street, in tbe City of charleston, measuring in width raming parallel with Meeilrui-street fifty {50} feet, and in depth forty-one (ll) foet. Bounding north on landa of Otis Mills, ea-t on lands of-Elliott, south on lands of estate of James Gibson, and west oa lot of land billow described ALSO, All that other LOT OF LAND, with the BUILD? INGS thereon, situ?t? on Meeticg-street, and for? merly known as No. 231. Bounding to the west on Meeting-street and measuring thereon say fifty (60) feet, to the north on lands of estate of James Gib? son, and measuring on said line sav one hundred and i h ir ty-fl ye 136) feet, to the east on lot of bind above described, and measuring on said line say fifty (50) feet, and to thc touth on lands late of John H. Margart. Terms-One-third crab; balance in three equal successive au nu il instalments, secured by bond or bonds of purchaser, bearing interest from day of sale at the rate of seven por cent, per annum, and a mortgage of the premises, buildings ta ba Insured aud policy assigned. Pur .-haaer to pay for papers and siamps. LOOTS McL MN, Assignee of James Browne. December 23 wfu>9 tul VNliER.DECREt: IN EQUITY. Stern vs. Epstin et al. On THURSDAY, 31st insl., at ll o'clock, will be sold at the Old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings there? on, situate at the northeast cerner of King and George streets, in this city, meisuriag in front on Ring-street 47 feet 9 inches, th? same en the east Uno, and in depth on Geonre-stivt t 120 feet, tho same on tho north line, be tba same more or less. Bounding north on land formerly of the estate of Toohey; south on George-street; ia?t on land now or former? ly of thc estate of sarah Dorrel, and west on King street, 'lernn-One-third raab; balance in three equal successive annual instalments, with Inter j*t at 7 par cent per annum, payable annually, secured by bonds of the purchaser and mc rt gase of the premises; tho buildings to be insured and pol: cy assigned, fur chaser to pay for papers aud stamps. J. W. GRAY, December 10 thm 4 Master ia Equity. SHERIFF'S SALK. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed and delivered, will be sold on MONDAY, the 4th Janu? ary next, at thc northeast corner cf the Court? house, at 12 o'clock M. ?ll tho right, title and interest of the defendant in a HORS K AND feREAD CArtT. Levied on and to be i old aa tho property of John Schroder, at the suit of F. Cubillo. Terms cash. E. W. M. MACKEY. December 21 m3 S. C. C. SH* RIFF'S SALIC. By virtue of a Writ of Fien Facia*, to ma directed nnd delivered, will be sold oa MONDAY, the 11th day ol J -unary nut, at the northern t corner of tbe Courthouse, betwean ll A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M. All the right, title and interest ol the defendant in a TRAC i' OF LAND, situate oa Elisio Island, and known as "Cedar Hall," together with thc building aad im rovenants thereon, said tract containing 400 acres, mere or less. Li? vio i on and to bc soldas the property of Dr. James E. Whaler at tho suit ot Jcepa Purcell, who "has assigned the judgiuciu in this caso to L. C. Northrop. ALSO, At the samo time and placo, All the right, title asd interest of thc defendant in all ihat LO C OF LAND, with improvements thereon, situate la tho Town of Mt, Pleasant; said lot bound? ed BO'iut oa Bennett-street, east eu lands of Dawson, and we*t en 1 iuds of Terslinsen. Levied oa aud te be sold as the prepe'ty of Wm. T. Pearce at the suits of ti. H. Bequest aud C. Kopor. Terms oash. E. W. M. MACK tY, December 14 ma V. C, C. Jlurttonecrs1 prionte Salts. Fur Rent-Rice Plantation on Ashepoo. BY LOUIS 1>. DeSAUSSURE, For Rent The valuabe RICE PLANTATION' called "Llv ines on and l'ugbco" situate on the south side of Ashepoo River, containing GJO acres of Swamp land, of wh'ca about thrco hundred ncrc3 have been planted thu year. Apply aa above at December 28 5 No. 23 BROAD-STREET. Superior Phosphate and Rice Plantation. BY CLIFFORD & MATHE WES, Real bistate Agents, No. 50 Uroad-st. At Prirato Sale A fini Rice and ProTision PLANTATION, on good pitch ol tido ou that psrt of the Ashepao River navi? gate far lirge scluoneis. hartog extensive deposits of Phosphate Reek, yielding from 08 te 70 per cent, of bone phosphate The deposit approaches the sur? face af tho laud wit ain six inobe?, and is immediately on ?he river. Tuera is 298 arra* ef tide swamp under bark, o; the ' est quality, and 700 acres of high land suitable tor cotton ind providions, partly cleared and in woo ls 1 he plaee is weU settled in buildings, within three miles . f d<pot onCharlestoa and Savan? nah R.ilread, und six miles trots a well kaawn healthy pine land village. wm2 December 2J CLIFFORD & HATHEWES, i?cal Estate Agents, No. 50 Broad-sireei. For sal? and Lease PHOSPHATE LANDI of a superior quality, on deep water uavi.jatiou aaa healthy locations all the year. RICE and COT ION PLANTATIONS and FARMS in all paris o: tho Slate. cTTY PROPERTY of every description. November 2 3mos. ?Mm?} ?an?s, &c. -j^j-ISS R. A. BIBUTLABD, No. 308 KING-STREET, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. ALSO, DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING ATTENDED TO. October 21 wfin 3moa W? KNABE & CO., ILANUPACTURBRS OF PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, 910. Oelber 19 Cmos