University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. ^2- j v: ife-?T C1KOUI?A'OON.-THE DAILY SE*,'? nsma ni!-: NEWSPAPER OK?IIALL? SF.COGN?X: o *.s ?WLN'.? rae IAUGPSI cn: CCLATIOJ tN HIS OiTT OF CHARLESTON, j .psnir r.r : s ::: . T I-T OP LETTKUS USALAIS. :S?J !.;. rirs rosroFr?uH VJ TH', END OF j t*C.l V,.;.". ACCORDING K> IBS PROVIS? IONS O? :.:?. XKW POsTOFFiCE LAW. LOCAL MATT H RS. .1 m i w x HALES mrs DA r. JAM::> V?'. GBAY. ?Jastori;i Equity. \.'." sell, it ;i v.o.-'j.r.: the old Customhouse, valuable jeal ?.-tau\ J. A. FSSMW & Co. will sell, at 10 o'cloc!:, a- Pal? ipi s ore*. :!'?ui\ cottee and pe, por. CLIFFORD f: JIATUEWES will sci', atllo'clo k, at tbfir ellice, broad-street, handsome eilver-plaicd ware. Leiten ? Darse ?rill leU, at ll o'clock, at tbc old Poa oilir -. several buildings aud lots. ILtLES Un VUE will srll, ut 10 o'clock, at bis s'ere, coru'-r Ki::;; aed Liberiv streets, di'y gcods, Lats ?c. MlLLIOAS k Pox will roll, at 10 o'clock, in front of their store. Vendue r.ange. furniture, dry poods. Szc. JE?TO?IDS k Co. vrill seil, at bait-past ? o'clock, in front of taelr stoies Vendue L'ange, hams, lard, flour. &c. T. M. CATE", will sell, at three-quarters past 0 o'cl ck, ou Li-own's wharf, bacon, butter, crockery, Jw. Joax G. R?meos k Co. will sell, at 10 o'c'ock, ia their au tion salesroom, Mec-tiog-strec-t, dry goods, hoop skirts, ic. THE DAILY NSWS PBXCE CUBBEST AN-DCOM MEECIAL CIKCCLAJI will bc ready for delivery at nire o'clock to-morrow morning. Business hou'-es wish? ing to subscribe for a specified number of espies . containing tho'r cards, should loavo their orders at our counting room to-day. AU orders for ten copies and over will be supplied at the rate cf two and a half oents per cony. KLEPTOMANIA AND THE CAMELS.- The advent of this big show, as in tho case of ail others, causes kleptomania to bj on the raui?.agc. Look to your hen roosts-th JIV are a resource in time ot need. CATHOLIC INSTITUTE.-Thc monthly mooting of the Ca holie Iusbtufo will bo held thia rvening the tenth {aslant, at half-past seven o'clock, in thc hall, No. 2C3 King-street. SALE OF IUFOBTED SILVEBWABE.-Messrs. Clifford & Mathcwes will sell to-day, at their office, au invoice ot hiudsorue English silver-plated ware, of direct unoortatlon. OIT. C?T? GOSFITALS.-The cleanliness of our . city hospitals is ccrtdnly a marvol to these who are unaware ci the icsportince of the strict sanitary re rruations necessary in sn/.h institutions. COUAT or CHAXOBBT.-C.ianoollor Lose-mo will hcar.vo t thor litigated causes than these b fara him at present, bat will listen to motious ot course, every Friday, until tho 1st of January. HABEAS CJUPOS.-John Mitchell and Geore; McIntyre, two expsrls at tho strap gama, hid a hear inj on a A ibeas corput before Magistrate Rivers aud others, yesterday, but, in default of bad, wera rc mantled to tho wastern botsL SIGNS OF CHEISTJIAS.-Large lots of turkies ducks, fowls and eggs, those necessary concomit m of the " Yu"o day.?," are coming down daily on the railroads, from tho lino of travel and upper portions of the Stat?. 'There's a good time coming" that makes the pilate quiver. THE MEDICAL COLLEGE has only thirty stu dents this session. Considering tho superior in st.uctionit give?, the number should be quadrupled The health of the city, ils social advantages an moderato cost of living, compared with otter cities would see;-i to make it the student's " happy land.' ASSAULT AXD BATZEBT,-Henry, work ing on ono of tho wharves, was set upon yesterday by two colored men, and badly boaten O'er the head, causing violentcontnaions. He was sonveyed to his homo in charlotta Range, Msrkot-strcct, where he now lies in a critical condition. Proper steps have been taken to arrest the offenders. / THE ClBCUS, with its belted knights in glis tening armor and plumed camels, passed through our streets in corneous array jes'erday, followed by au admiring throng of ebony urchins. Th? per . formance las! cvouing drew together a very largo concourir, mtwt of whom expiessol the raso'.ves as duly improsood and edified by thc exploits of the horas? ol tho cswdust and the ring. '1 HE RESULT OF A SFBEE.-A white man who had been spreeing in a barroom at the corner of .Society and Anson-streets, appeared at the Guard' house lai. night st ten o'dork, and c'sargsd a nogro . boy, wooai he had arrested, nih robbing him ot his witch and hat, but it wa3 so satisfactorily proud that he hid picked it up, and had not stolon thc watch, that tile lieutanant commandiez wisely dis in i s-ed tho ease. SUGGESTION TO THU Cirz INSPSCTOB.-A crossing ai. the corners ?f Ball and Kutlodje streets is sadly needed. At tho same time attention ia in? vited to thc condition of the east side of itutledg; Avenue, between Calhouu and Vi?nderaor?t stree?. In r-in y we (her it is slmsst impassable. A little of H&entek&'a composition on the sidewalk would not do it harm, if wo canno: have b'aben cii'.'r, give in i-hi-tls. SAVA?tS.Vn AJ?D CUAallE?TOX R.MXUO.VD SHAHEC. .Wa that fii.y shares of thc Savannah an 1 Churston Itailroad Company were ?old yesterday, for cash, at ;i3 per ehare. This largo advance is, wo presume, due to the conviction cutsrtain-d by the business community tint the Legislature v.ill appr?? ciais th: neco^siilei of tho situation, and give the cimpaay tho means of hushing up i?nd opening their n ad. STONE ? MUEEAT'S Cincus.-This is to bc the grand feature for the holidays in Charleston. Of this tireu-i thu Norio k Journal says: " tho popular circus of ir t J ck Murray openod yesterday afternoon. . and attracted a large audience; and Let night the pavilion WAN denolly crowded. It is a decided plea? sure to praia.- ibo performance! cf htoac& Hurray's troup , widen, for numbers and talent, ha? LC cr b'.on approached in our recollection of circus exhibi? tions ia Ko.lolk." CnABLEsrox JAIL.-Tuts public institution contains ouc hundred and tweuly-two inmutes. Five aroconiiucd on tao charge of murder, Uso t tr arson, and the rc t turo divided between larceny, which predominated, end assault and battery, they ad? mitted tba; l..ey we;o very humanely treated, end had tolerable rations, but they shooed sign; of being badly in want of clothing, several being nearly naked. Tao budding noels whitewashing and a libera! uso of ?f?ntectants. DEATH CF A CZLUILESTONIAV IN NEW YOWL Tho New Vor!: fcu.i of ilou.-ay ttys: "The flag of tiie Astor HdSSe \v.:s ut half-mas' on Saturday, ou ac? count el i'.o d'.-ath of Mr. Cicorge IMixer, of toulh Ca olma. Kin o." 0. Mi^.er, who built tho Charleston Hole!, u l( ;."-i.'nie friend of th? Stotson family, arni a. star neil Un.on man ?luring the late w_r. l?r. Mixer ano a ?i.-jd wera reoojtly soujpe?wd topics a night in ii:e totttii Carolina swamps, and ai- a coa sequenee were .wd wah miasmatic fever, ilia friend ?led econ tt Uiarlettej. Mr. Mixer came :-ertii is ihe h^pe cf rs-'-Tj-rina his health, but the o^c.i e li d mide too mu.-h inroi-.: upon Lij systom, aed he ,-Ld cl tho Astor House on Saturday mernie.;.'' ODOS ANB Y.r os.-The steam-nip Cami] ?., of the Charleston and Liverpool iin-<, iaay be ex. tc <d lieTc:n.".cj.'.;;lc ot divs. Tuc . plank r sd from Vanderh?rst tc JoUa-etrcet, ne'-?sa::c:f!. n. Tb : : pi : . . . ...*.J by m;r.y that t_e a ?; halium pavements ;-.: sndneive to h-aalth. ?:* not, wly ai:? Thc ti la'. Jr iu! i Chestaut-3'rco! i~?^;;o3cd '.tithe sud tear" f vesicles. H. Thornton :?a:i. Esq., hai been appointed a ma:L:tr.-.'e. a?d has taken an chico at No. ?il ca..i :n?rs-s.te.-', x . > Slr. B. Mcinnes. Tho pond::-, the foo: of Q?;ea and Oroad-streats, is soon to reoeive tho attention of Council. Charlojton contains savonty-two milo, of streets, : nd Is vre I patrol ed day and vA'jhi. PECSOSAL.-Pciiator* William Sprasue, <.t Rhode I-liml. sccoaapaaled by Bl? wife, who is tho daughter of Judge Saicio-i P. cha>c, ( ? ;ke Supremo Court ol' th-> Citied States, is at the Charleston Mole'. W. T. Ccnaett, Earp, who los rec? nlly boon rp poimed Interna! Revenue Supervis?t for this *lHc, is also -t thc Ckarloalot'. Alexander tln'l Eiq., of tito hon?; of V. ll. Blink erko.t', r?f Sew fork, !.= at th.- tame betel. 3?Asi>.vc.--iho following cfiicers cf Franklin Lodge, Sa 90, A. P. M., have bo r. elo.tod for he e:i >-uit:g year : c.. L. PCs'-, \y, M. W. J. HERIOT, >.. V.-. X. L. GLi:N. .1. W. C. W. STILES, Trero irrer. '.Vii. ROI', Secrola y. J. ?:. hURRrJ. >. i>. s. M. ROOKES. J. D. >. P. I'lCKET-',) c? "_ i wu. Turn/.:, i Mew!: "". F. MEYER, lyitr. FATAL ACCIDENT ON TUG ?AVASSAH AND CHMILERTOK E.vir.sovP.-Lt-. H?ge-, a colored ha':-.l | on thc ."..vonaah ami Cl ariosto:: Railroad, r.trrmpfed j to jump frjm tho train when in motion ic the plat? form Eavcoel statlo i, day before yesterday, and j missing his foo:iug, he f li between Ibu.- five of | which, one after another, pas=e<l over his arm, crushing and tearing it fearfully. Immediately after j the train roached th: city, lie was carried to the Ro? per Hospital, whori* ?imputation was Skilfully pe '. formed by Dr. Hor beek and otb; rs, but Iba ?bock to thc uerr-.ius system was so great th tl he i icd yes tcrday. OBATOKIO.-A much smaller audience grey? ed the oratorio at St. Paul's Episcopal Church last evening than tho merits of the occasion and of tho performance deserved. Tho (election?., both vocai and instrumental, were very effectively rendered, tho now flleria of Carioni and Handel's lamons Hallelujah being, perhaps, thc most striking of tho tonner, and the overture from Mendelssohn, which opened thc oratorio, of thc latter. Ibo coldness of the weather and thc dlAtanCj of tho church, doubt lo s, combined to pr?vaut a larger Such musical entertainments are too rare in this c ty, and deserve thc mest cordial cncou'.agement. Pinza FOB THE COLORED Finn DSFABTOEXT. 1 he annual inspection i?radc of tho Colored Fire Department will take il ice on Tuesday, the 15;h instant. Thu inspection of thc apparatus will bc made at the corner of Sine and Broad streets, at ono o'clock, by AI. H. Nathan, Esq., Chief of the whito department, and his assistants. In Ord? to sdd a little zrst to the occasion, tho members ot the com? panies that will pande arj very ?.uxious to present a prize of a sdver gobletto tho c.:giue that shill throw the preatost distance, under prescribe 1 rules. 1 hey have failed amongst so far :? raise :hc atrount necessary to make the purchase ot the prlz ?. and icspoctlu'ly appeal to their white friends and tho citizens generally for trilling aid, only thirty dollars b; ic g needed. A committee from tho various compan-cs will go round to-morrow, Kecking aid, which we hope will bi granted. Thy colored Bremen of our etty arc of a very respectable character, and have behaved therusulvos during the disturb Jd limes in a manner worthy of reignition. A subi.-ription list h?s been ?eft at Tax NEWS offle; for tu: conve? nience ol the generous. How rr WORKS.-A lady informs as that having some dry goods shopping to do a fe/ diys Bince, she concluded she would consult Tnc NEWS and visit those estiblishments which wore adver? tised in its columns. Ske did so and Bhc a ivs the neall was mixel. In the fir?t place, tho stores re? ferred to wcro so crowded with customer* thit she had to wait her torn to be attended to. When she feucd a clerk disengaged, bo-rever, she was amply crmpensated for the dehy. long and provoking as it rx-emed. Not only wa3 tho stock to s.lcct from much larger, bul the prices asl cd for the goods were mach lower than shs ha i b*?n accustomed to Hud in the old fogy establishment which, having fox ?;oods md little or no inducements to offer lo thc w?y cf lowpricis, see no occasion for invitiu.,' cu-toaierc. lhere is a moral in (hi*. Joly's experience-which I? also that of every observiug parson-that is ot in? trinsic value lo tho whole community, fidler a wcllasbayor. A liberal and judlcioui bringing bo foro lbs public of Uio inducements or advantages Dffeiod by aay dealer is turo to result in a throng ot cubtomera; and, customers assured, it follows, as the night the day, that stocks will ba largs and prices low. All the world kn o vs that "a mm ls six? pence is better than a s'.owshiLing." UNITED STATES Cmcurr COCBT for South Carolina, sitting at Columbi-), November tenn, 1SG3, Hon. George S. Bryan, District Judg?, pre liding, Tuesday, December 8,1863. United States vs. John ( rowley aod James Ala honey, violation ol Internal Revenue laws, not affix? ing revenue stamps, Ac. 1'. T. Cortin. Jamel D lradowell. Jury No. 1, eharged with ibo ease, ic:i leieJ a verdict of "not goi-ty." I$iu$ Dacktt.-The Rodgers Locomotivo Wji-k-? va. Charleston and Savannah R iiro.:d C mpany. W. E. Mai tm for plaintiff, aimonioa k Barker lor d fend mt. On motion Ot counsel for deendant, it is ordered tkat plain ti a do civc security ;or cos s bo lore the first day cf the next trim ( ftuiN court, and ,h.t in niling so to do the case be dismissed. li he La-.-kawanna- Iran Company vs. Charleston :avinoah itaikotd Company. Campbell .t -e.urooit br plaintiff, Simonien tc BA.ker for de.eutl.iul. Some ;rdcr as above. Edwin Parsons vs. Soutliwe.-ieru Ua?road Bani:, i cadon k Haackel an-.i Memuuigor teJervey for . ilamtiff, W. A. Pringo for dctandau-. Ott motion J if attorneys for plaintiff it is ordered that lb?; cns? M leinaated on the docket, and ?hat t e IC h ul tpril, MSB, boa'iiguci as thc day of Uriah S. k W. K/. Davie vs. d.u ehiti B Jo?o-, el al rrespsrs to try title. Lave to plead to ibecmse va1 granted to Messrs. Forler ti Conner, attorney j or thc h-:iri ol Mts. lt. >'. tel?n. In tho following cisi.3, Messrs. Brewster & sprat; eprc 8 ?Sting plaintiff J, and Metsrs. l'or, IT ic Cotttio:' e. retrntiuj; defendant*, verdicts were reudcrtrd l>.. uiw for thc nlaiutUB) as loRuara, viz: Hn?h MeCrea vs. iholiuuk of Hamburg. Ve it : ?1010. Geerce Searishi vs. the Jiank of Ham-iurg. Ver lici 970. Jame-Baukhead vs. tho B.iuk of li am'ou rg. Vcr liet S1857. James ?I. Goodloe vs. the Baak of Hamburg. Vcr liet SQ85. Wm A. JIcSiCA va. ibo iiank ci Llnoiburg. Vcr lietSl?2J. Willi-ra Williams va. the liauk of Hamburg, Vcr hot SH OO. Daniel Adams Ti. th J Bank of II imburg. Verdict IC 0. Audr*w II.ia lloa v.-. tho Lauk of Hamburg. Vt; lict S1520 In Bawbruptet-Tx ?ario IL B. VcMastcr nu ] Ed? vard Stsvcneagi-n. Petitiona ior final diirbargo. V. ?V. McAllister, pro pe'_ On l.i-> ion Of saili?tors pru lot, order o. roierooce tu Uegwtn%r i l v.son was ?raut-d. lloTiix ASBITALS-DoceiuboT 9.-Charleston Holtl-A Hail, Dubic/a Kiebols, New York; lian rjastcllo's circus company; 0 L Carrington, cit; ; \Y T Bennett atid lady, Uniftd Sta'es Eevcnuo, Wnabington; Flank BresaeR, wife an I child. Kew Tork; W Uuztnar, E M Belt, baltimore; J ll Cooper, fosrj-h T i'-orrou "'li, Conwayboro'; J W Truth- j meyer, Connecticut: Mrs Anno Wheeler and maid, I KewYork; J P Uavwocd, Ka uax, N Cs Ford farl.i r, j Eienrj-Peters aud sister, England; t' CCormier, New 1 i'ork; U T Moore, %\ and enid, Rutherford j ^ Park; Ell Haxmaa aud wife, Cory, Pena:..-;vania; I I P I" Quinu, Newark.K J; C Hualiugloa. Mia? A , tluntiagton, EoeUealer, S Y; L R L.'na aa l daujh- j , 1er, Lyn . F.iiis, li \ ; J U Davi*. Rueton; llubort M KxHUrdy, wifo und ten, Mi^a Xe.tit rC ire ly, Caji l?u;J T Cooley. Carriegtcu, Ga: W L Uoaborougb, Blaekatcck; W .SM Bavidanu CbarloUc; J Taylor iud lady. licw<rk: S Uailon French, A'irria.a; N Kiu?ulo.v, Conncc?snt; Wm Bpragae, itlis Sprague :ad servant, CboJe Island; A Lcaty, New York; J JJ Brooks, E F Atkins, Bettor.; D Joidau, Abbevillo: francis Murphy, Ciiy. Pavilion Hutel.-Z. V Ko! ia?, LaajviUc. B C: f iTitsoll, CoUatoit; Samu*l J Lewis, Beaufort; J ,">i 5mith, Bamberg; Benjamin Kerlls. J ll i:'?7-jr, Darhagton; J W II?m et, Mount Holly; a W Mor? na, NY; li J Brabham, Bamberg; Cha; '?. v?ii:, Bendersonv?ie, 21 C; FW Eng/man, Nwwairry; ?Jt-rr.ig A B ByrJ, Lacxcss; c I.-:?kic-?.>3. v.ife sad eni d, PbOa; Ribt Cusack, tl A Gi.Lert. fct Ibomas ??ad S; Denni?; G W El.-.c'ilinra, G tom?? lo wa; P Gavio, d. N Y; DrC H Snydam, lady ami child. S C; D OJoaw. St blepwCtts; I>r W Baker, 1 C; Cookeaed wife, Sebet?sa and wife. Siaai?t a..-.; iiwl'uw.y, Flab r.nd koa LltlagksKi aad MonicrerJe, Carr and lamalu, 3farlin and Someo, Fougherty aaJ i)cii;h, Sackctt, Bte'-l ta-.1. Uadona, Kixon, C?a toUo k U OWC's Circa?; V.'J Leo. J i. .-!:;:fe--jo-J, Ki uga tr?e; -Wilhamso?, K lor ta: cc; A B Adtiicon, Oolic ton; A lii^eiilar. I. r;s; W A Sckmidt, Aiken; Titos E LCCJ, Westport, Ct; i ii Goodman, Waehington. D j C; H J Uoukaight, Flonth; D D UUry. George's s>Lt tioa; John W Gaillard, Fiorcnoc; J W Fattarsou, j Orangeburg: W J Spiers, 8t Stephei.'?; J DTuttlf, I Lo.: g [(land. - THE ??ATWXAl BOARD OF TRAWL-A grand Mnqnot was given to this holy on Frilay evening last, by thc merchants of Cincinnati. Pike's overa boneo tras Ihe some ol' thc festivity, and the papers give glow.'jg accounts of thc affair. Arning other toasts aunounccd by the caairuuvi wai tho Wow? ing: "ooutli Carolina-the home of Marion aad Rut lodge." lhis slicited cn apriroprls'o reaponsa from ourfeiiov.viiiz^u. il 'ray Cobla, Esq. POLICE AnnBSTs YESTEUDAY.-.Honry Prece, a colored man, who is well known as a fowl vender, ; hied io kick np a rampas hi Wiley's wagon yard , yesterday, b-it was arrested, S. c. Windham waa j amstcd for same ^r?ne?. Sarah Dures, colored, j assaulted Diana Ferguson, colored, iii Kerrsn? ' stree', and ?as arrested. fru?an WI limns was rc j ported for refusing to pay Di .u.i Feisusoa v. ;, ?-. -h.? ; claimed ns dno Allot there petty maier-- vi., ec i t'i-'po- ed <<: e.t th XI tyo '* Court titi ; in?rala, CAPTCUK OF TWO ADROIT THIEVE?.-Some j time ag} Ihe residence of Mr. "hes. il) au, N Iii Ortagc-jtroot, \.-.< robbed of a lo! ofpoultry, ?ta wis aijy thc preinbc ; of tv.'. Uavce, Urn , at the corner of Legare a:i 1 a:t> > ..; -ir- c ... No ? ;ue could lie bad to the perpetrators of tl:.- thefts, but lae dctec I?TC3 W9?0 put 03 the track, ;.: d YCiterday Heber: j Claillard, a :o!oreO man, was arrested nuder circam fiance- which indicate that ?ic i.; ?'JC guilty p -rty. Sev- ral o'Ler robberies ol .: lucre flagrant ebano t r were eommitic'l stibacqucn ?y at ibo Loaves o." Dr '.ng-i au-J .".losar.?. L. Simmons, X. W. Lhusou, andi* Tobias. From tbe premires of these gentle mei:, rdot.'urg, crockery, silver and cbma wars, and variou* nh ;r articles wer.- iateu and successfully borne f. fl', to adroit were the? last th tis thal Ute losers cs well as the i ill cc rs ol the law were puzzled todi6covcr tho perpetrator. Yesterday ii cary Chip? man, a colored mau, ab mt twenty-two years ol i. was arrested with a largo quantity of thc bo- ly. His uc? la mpUce escaped, bul i < known, auu will bo taken in t mc. A Ullinber of anieles Lavo bcr-? recovero 1 from Chapman, and eau bc identified nt the Detec? tive office (paillard, ;b" fowl thief, vrdl a? Ohap mm, Ihe burglar, will appear before the Mayor thia monda'. M rjSl N OFICIA. CHOICE GISLE:: .uro BLACK TEAS, CT per Wilson's Grocery, *. outboast corner Society ind Anson streets. 0? od- delivered free. WANTED. -A wliitc nook, a bouse girl and two larm lianas Apply nt ibo Unten liomr, bc tween nine und ten o'clock this morning. Sec ad? vertisement. LADIES* Lcxcn AT KINSMAN'S SALOON.-0. ors in tvejy style. Mineo pie*, in-sh daily. Hot c 'CO and choco-ate at all hours, lee cream every lay. ALL WHO .ire in want of g^o.1, substaatia )0Ota and nhoc'8 cal! a: John Commins. No. Lil 'deeting-i-trou', nearly op.u-iij the Marko;. Five cases of youths' vt-ts rp rc of rubber bottom, ong leg boots, at ?I 73 per pair. Also, flvo cases lien's mining .ibo:s s' ?I 50 per pair. Kevenibev 30 mthC -o Wai" Sonni, what is thc maller with your >yea? Well, Jones, I'll tell you : wo are very busy at thc i.Hre now, and I am writio.i nearly every night un .il elevou o'clock, but tho 1 gilts are injuring my .yts vor-- much, as you see. Well, if you wish to save your eyes, got an argind mrner and i orcclain shade. It nukes a oeaut fui, *ieh sud soft light, and not a pari ids of Dickering io t I would not bc without ono lor live times ita mst. I'd toll you. it is such an improvement that :ousia Rickard has entirely rli?p?used with his pye ;!asscs tince he ns-d oun oi thom. Try and yon viii fully agree w?h me. Von can get them at P, L. Tuillemiu's (laB Fitting 1 staM'.ishiU?ut, No. 110 Jhurcli-'-treet, ne ir th? Market. Do-:, ruber lu thmC DON'T ? OVERLOOK THIS! fF YOU WANT G \S FITTING DONK, L Go to P. ! . GCiLLZMIN. No. HU Church-street. i you ?'int STEAM STL UNG done, Go to P. L. (U'tLt.KUIN, No. li i Church-street. .' vou want PLUMBING dine, Go lo P. L. GUILLF.MIN, No. 149 Church-street, f yon wan! TIN ?OOMSO and GU lTURING don?, Go to P. L. OUIl.I.EMIN, No. H? CkurCL-S.rccL fvou want OA"* FIX lUHRS, Goto I*. L. GU1LLF.MIN, No. HO rhureh-5t-ect. Where jcu csa cet GAS CHANDELIER?, PEN )ANTR. Brackets, Hall Lights, Poita'ulo Sunds, ;rop Lights, BUKGASD BURNERS, Porcelain, Mi -a, Paper and Tin Shade?, Glass Hob s ind Hindis. Copper ?nd Iron Pumps, Eatu "uba, Parlor uud Bed-room Grates, Kerosene Lamps, :c . &c, at reasonable prices. Repairing promptly attcaded to. Old Gas FiYtur?'s Ktbronzod. D<.*comb*r 18 Ihsmlmo EXE ITDTIV B D K P A TIT H M XT. STA IE 'I ';.'.A.-i'!C' L'S OFJ LT. ? CoLCSlBtA. * . Poe."moor 7.186S, )' Bif Ls UF T?:: IHNE OF 'J li"2 M'ATE OF KUU.ll CAUUL1NA, lodaedstthisonliotob: anded under an \c <?: lue Assembly, cn* ided an Act toe o-u the operation* >^i thc liankof te State of souih iVrolhw, ?ill be funded sums fSS'.'U aedSSlOCO-Rmtis being prepared rnlyfor u h amounts. SILK ? c.. PARK lill. Treascrer State of South Carob ea Dic :ra!-(r 0 (t csp ???in vii iMjiiii >. 8 BROAD-ST.UEET, SECOND FLOOR, rr.o:;r HALL. TH? UST'E SCION F.D. IN CONNECTION WliH heir A?iTERTiSING AOESCT, barro eetablisheda FRES !! EA DING ROOS, Vbieh will be open to tbs publie frem NlNI! A. ?.f. o sEVE>! P. M. ovary day. A large number cf aneis from -ll p-.rl i of die "jo::lh. an ! many o; ?L : rad!ag N.rth rn. 5 stern and Wc Hera c'ties, will .?. aa Lie, and in a ?kort llnvi JfJigtisl: and Fronei I surera will Ui received. I WLITIlvS M '. i*i F.TAL*. , v. !!l boil f.iv?.j > . : i ?I any poKoa.3 rg le business ?. tlio ? ?cora. I j Thepubi'r ai'-: r '.;.!.: . :viiwl 11 u.1 . .:.??f ? j bo Uar..-:. I WAI.EF.1'.. KVASie i '":.:.;.. | Deoersbftr ;: :i j r*>o--k?&.?3 .:. 'j ^\ ^ y^iW x ? ? t*v^ \> .\r. P. OORWIH & CO. j jfCyGooilsd?'.iver-?? !o a l parla e: .'ic''.'.'.^. , Ociobe: 31 ?)n> ?nobs, Qctr. CHEAP DR?SS GOODS, : rpHE FuiJ?O?iii?E??:' nw.: jrjsr RECE?VED, I .1. prr Meaintliin chamicen, a fall Uno ol i M'.'.:!,!-:: c LOTUS, and g.\xvT anuas ? ?ous, Windi ikey i nt--ml opoaitia ar astonishingly !ow price, ?ii ra:Iv ral! ls solicited. Wo fuel coufldenl ilial ovtvy rustomer will lenra ti? atoro folly .ats tic i that wo luve only s'aled i.ei.s. CAliT-tlILL, HAI?l?feiSON ??CO., ::.>. KKG^rnEET. November n (lum KID GLOVES.' SEAMLESS Kt?) G? 0 VPS, ILL i_ . :.' Isksek. White. ! 'ff::t : :v.i i>ri'? C'oU?i?. Also.Ii'sLon; Dmibii utlon KIU OLOVEH. lor orauin , WM? J::;. r?cclv.-? I perl's! steamer by I!. i:*AS> A: C(>" " A- for Ea:ns' ?.. ?m:o;> j;id ?tova >v -mbcr ID Uistalmo (Iii KAP DH ESS GOODS. f,\fL ARE KOW OFFERING ANOTHER LOT ! I V'T desirable at>ku ;ui caters o? singlo width MiXSD POPLINS a: 35 emla per yard. Wu also in? vite attcnti'an lo our selections <~>l Choice Fitter Dross iio clsi.i Ililsll POPLIN*. FRENCH aIEBIXO.4. KMriiLSS CLOTHS BLACK AND COI.ORtD SILKS. fcc, ire. J. It. HE VB & CO. Kovcmb tr 19 Ihninlin i BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND S H E II T I N G S. "vrrw roEK MILT,-, WAHSOTTA, MASON JL> VILLI?, ANDROSCOGSIN, BARTLET 1', and other Une brands ot LOXGOLOTII just opened, and offering al the lowest mek-tea h on .-cs. We invite ap?ciilatleaiioa to our LONGOLOTH?, and wlli guarantee Hie nr'u sm rho ?.meto boas low ns at any other esta! ffohroentiii t'.ic c tv. J. Ii. BEAD A CO Kovenibi r 33 ihstultno CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. r>L.VK AND COLORED (LOTH CLOAKS IN r.> EVERY, VARIE IV LONG iNU rQCAUt: BBOCUE SHAWLS PBI.N ITU) CA.H?MERE SHAWLS f.iKGI L AND 1 OURLE WOOLLEN SII\WLS LL'.eli ?lEUIXO A AD I ill BLT bll.vWLS. ALSO, CHIXCSILL\ CLOTH-, WHITE AND COLORS, FOR L \DIL i" CLOAK-. For sa'" cheap. J. IL li K ^ D St CO. Novoiu' cr JU tlistuluio LACKS, EMBROIDERIES, H9SJEKY ASD GLOVES. LADIES' FANCY SCARFS GENTLEMEN SOA HPS PARASOLS j'BESS TRIMMINGS BUTTONS FRENCH PERFUMERY POMADES. Together with manv new and ebo'ce novelties in our Fancy G .iod< Department. J. E. READ A: CO. No7emb?rl3 ibstnlaao si;437I QU EAP ??vV UUODS: CILEAF DRY GOOUSt AT THE CORNER Ul-' CALHOUN ANP KING STREETS. W;\ THE nNDEBMIBNKD. RAYE RECEIVED, and are receiving, by ?very steamer, large invoices ol tho CUL.-1 PEST FALL G:)OiiS which have ever been ottered in ?bu market, eily CK noll as eouutry buy? ers eon ?ave Loto fUWn i-.> twoutj-firo per coat, by bu vin their Goods trow the above firm. A lol ot'Dress Goads, Irma -Jd to ?5 couts vcr >ard B?st lri-h Poplin*, from Ut? ti? 50 couts per yard ? ra throes, at lu, Viii and 10 cents per yard (busl) Balmoral Skirt?, ."rom SI 25 up 3-1 Whito Tabla Damask, only SI per jard Brawn tinea Damask, only G'Jeeuu? per ?ard Worsted Table Cloths, Irwin Si 25 ur? A huge as-or:t:)er.l ol Whi e and Celored Flannel) ai very ?ow prices BOB pair of Blaa&ota. bought lwt?nty-Cve per cent, be lew coat, will be sold from StJ up Colored Q-.iil'.s, from fl 75 to 5a White Marseilles Quilts, 10-1, 1W, PM, from S2 30 to 31 Ladies' En-lish Hos?, without .-cams, Irom 37 to 50 era Lt Ssli'.ets. from C to 75 ct-ntr A la: fi* qaata'v ol the lalest i>t"lc cf Cassimcres, (rom 61 n ^1 ?50 Indita' B ack Broadcloth, from ?2 to ?3.t0 A ?t'.'ioty o. ?haw ?:. at i'i, 50 50, S;', 99 50, 5-1, and JJ Brown ami White J. al 10, and 13 ce?;'.?: Als.', fine brattchej of Whito Shirting at ven,- low prices Ladies' and Gem's Uudcrwoir r.t difibrcut prices Gent's ^oeu.i, (rom io up to iso lienw The oost French Corsets, fic.u 75 con LS to SI The iatdst ?lyle of Fell a id rttraw Batu Trimmiega, Bulioau, l? icc, at the lowes! cash pri<c>. Choice colors Empress Cloth, ouly S5c Sbcpbord'a rtaid Irom 20 lo 23J 5I-ritips Oom alli; up A lo! of Ladies' Black Cloaks from S1.00 uti Lndi . amt Mon's Kid 'Hove; only fl.i.t) hil' Borscmbor the CH BAP STORE, at Ibo CORXEU OF CALHOUN AN?> KINO SI BUI TS. WE ALSO NOTIFY OUK PA IRONS AND IBB pitiiii.- in general Bia I we have built an addition lo our Store, exclusively ibr BOOTS, SH?LI-, HAT?, TRUNKS, AU , which will bo sold tu the lowest ca^h prl (.'jil snd examiito n::r Mock. f.i- BXllLVNCE IS CALH0UN-STRE2T. li'OHCliOOTT A ll!UK, KO. Vit KlNC-.-iTM.llT. r'epiembc.' 21 Hmo my noons ? ZU6C Q t-.:Va* -i? L?! <a/ U D R Y G O O D S ! ;i:r> r ?: ICES ii i lil i rii?7?OU3 TO llEMOVivG ?O v?e'?! ?UU CIC?3 ::r?i:i;-!. N*0. -ii?i*ai!il M.). vii v ; WILT. 5ET.L OUR KS I IEE STOCK. WHtCiT ?? i -.- i?0>i.v i > .. v-M-y Uf;.a::::e.-U?. B'tdpur-j aka*-;J >>.< ixshut lUc 1:. u :'::?\ ; CANX??UI?'! .?.'.?,:^'. LI ?;if,V TUSK, iban gild cw; ol (ntaufactstro oc?m?:orl 1 ?M. v Nj.a;' '. aBciitiou fct ?a?r.1 -o :? i?v?:-:.- .-..r ? /AV;,?J/.y AXn jicrc?? ir:::!' CAK- ? Whids will ba ao! ! !ow cia;:.? la.tigam-jaU. vfj rot-.eo:folly an-.l roafii-Hiiiy ivviie o-tontry Ott.' r .a.:.. I'o?sro prtfOUajia^ :j v.iv.-,?. lar;;:- ; .-.(... ... . '. vi . v i i\r Ct Ti'?/-- :.* i t; ii A j? STOLL, v.':-:u;; cc co., So?. 2S7 AND 239 KiNG-STHUET. j gcvc&ib:r t? Jlnrti?fi Salea. MILLIGAN 'i' SON, "so. 'Vi Vent! tu- l'an*?-. Wi 1 ?eil 1 Ki- DAY, at Vi o'clock, ?*::D:'rKvL?.<. DU BEAU?, Chairs, 2 lathes c? stove-, ?c. HSV (?OOO-:, n'otbin.H, BO >p Kfcrrt.", Notion*, conditions cash, i'eceinber IO ?fry Gnah. Balmoral S?irtt, Wonted Good*, .jc. BY JO? H G. SIXKOR & CC. THIS DAY, 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, wo will sell, Auction salesroom, No. VIS Musti* g-strcot, AN INVOKE OF UOOI-s, JC?I ittCElV?D PEE M'.NU.VTTMN. f UP'? R FEINTED SATINET*. Vixe? Cas im :o-. Mixed Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, White, i.oi and Gray Plain and Twilled Flannel--, l aney .Murun:'. Balmoral Skirt-', Wool Hone an.l Hilf lioso. Miss- s' c-:i Balmoral lioso, children's Worsted Scarfs, ivoit led Foals, shawls, Hickory shirts, Blue Knit Jackets; i'ocket Hooks, stay Binding, Corsets, L. C. Hand? kerchief*, Do ls. ice. ALS a, os ACCOU&rOF usDrcnwr.rr'r.s ASD ALL CON? CERNED, I? dozen WnOTbM??t; L'S COTTON CARDa* ll': ?lozo i iron Wi e Sieves, i ondilionscisb. December 10 ?We of Fm u it u rc. Xl dit House-lu JJmtr: rttjtleti. BY J;HN 0. HTLNOB & C Wi I be continued TO-MORItOW (Friday), nth rn utan:, commoccing a' bah-pr.-t io o'clock, Comm. min ,'on lower floor with 1 URN U l. RF. OF GENT'S PAULI II. in which i.s: Une Elegant Chickcriue's GRANDIT? No, costSFJOO One v. ry handsome Brussels Carpet Largo Chairs, sotaa._ ~ ALSO. i?r*K3a ' Thc CON 1ENTS cf Itosm No. 31, sold on acco mt of former purchas r, comprising thc hau .toniest Chamber Furniture io tho house. ALSO, Will be sold in tho Ladies' Ordinarv. all tho TABLE ANO 15ED LINEN, Blankets, Towels, fcc. Conditions cash on delivery. lily llils DAY (Thursday i will bo devot d to the delivery of all tho Furniture bougat up to thia time. Ail Bills uot callo.i for or settled will bo sold on ac? count on) rial: ot' lormur purchaser. Purchasers aro earnestly requested to come up and settlo their bill?, an l prevent re>-n o. Delivery u iii commeuco at 8 o'clock, and contir.uo throughout the day. E. W MARSHALL, December 10 Aasisnne of Joseph Purcell. Three Brussels Carpets, Furniture, Crockery, Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, ?j-e , .j-c , of a Family uko have left the State. BY UL1FF0BD & SLlTIlEWEf". Will bc sol1, st our offl-e. No. 56 Broad-strcot.' at 10 o'clock, TH Di DAY. Terms cash. Dcccmr-orlO At Auction-Christmas Presents-Unreserved Sale of Handsome Silver plated Ware, im? ported direct from Sheffield, England, suita? ble for Christmas Presents. Bl CLIFFORD & MATHE WES, Ko. 50 Broad-street. Will bo sold, without reserve. Tills DAY. thc 10th of December, af ll o'clock, at our ofllce. AN INVOICE OF HANDSOME ENGLISH SIL VER-PLATEU WARE. CONSISTING or: COMMUNION SERVICE*, Icu and Coffco Po's, Croim and Syrup Jugp, Waiters, Plates, Cake and 11 read Baskets, lioblots and Children's Cups, Butter Dishes, Toast Racks, Casters, Nut Crackers and Pickers, Table, 1 ?csterl and 'l ea Spoons and Forks, Dessert Knivc.-, Fish Carron and Forks, kc, kc. Covered Oyster Di-hcs and Sance Pishes, hand? some French China Tea Set, ftc, fcc Tem?a cash. rowfl :i December 10 gais iin?* Gups. ALPINE HATS. $2. t0 MEN'S 4ND BOY'S ALPINE HATS, Si Men's Alpine Iiats, S'l 30, lo BUpcdor j*) GO. Hunting, Travelling and Sporting Capa. McClellan an 1 Forag? Mlillary Cipa. Men's and Boys' Holiday Hats and Caps. FURS! FURS! LADIES AND MISSES' FURS, of Bown, Gray and otbor colors. A piece of Fur wo :ld make a boautiful ond useful present to your wile, mother, sister, fcc, kc., kc. ST?ELK'S HAT HALL, No. 313 KIN?-SiliEET,' December 10 t:.4 (Sign of thc Big Dat.) goals, tym, du. SHOIS ! SHOES! ! ~f\ CARltSOF LA DI E*' AND GENT'S PBTME, OU substantial BOO I'S ANU SHOES at retail, by JOHN COM All HS, No. 131 MEEITNG-STREET, Nearly opposite thc Market Njvembor 30 mtsS J. S T U I H l: ll , BO O T M AK E R. ALWAYS ON II ^ ND A L AUG S ASSORTMENT of GIN'IV BOO I'S. GAITaRij and SHOES of tho latent styles and best make, cheap for cash, at No. 41 BROAD-STKEBT. Boots and Shoes made to order at tho thortest no? tice, thstulmo Dteoniber ;t M HS. ?I . J. SERflUW, No. 301 KINO-STREET, ?t&z&k UAS ALWAYS ON .g?iP hand a full Stock of thc LATK-.T STYLES /?S^^' Sfjl o, "v,".,WgH Cfrs/f GOODS, including (l iff DRESS TRIMMINGS, Mai:me DEMO&EST'S PA? PE? PATTERNS, fcc D3E5S MAKING attended ti as usual Tho attention of Ibo ladies is resprclfutly invited November ?8 H.uriiliuo j E \\ E L n Y ! J :rs? RECEIVED, A FINE ASSOUTMENT OF Cit;.:) '.Nil SILVER ..V.Vl,i:iIE5 i<:-'t ?OCITEH ANO EAH-RCNGS LKON'i'TNE AN I . VE ?T UiiAlNS SLEEVE ?iL'IIO^?j, t.-i Ai. ?c. AT JAW :.S M.L>A\'t, No. Emg-s reel. Praombsr S lutbfl mo citiAVt\Ci A:.;; iiAia-ffi" r.. BilQ?H-STKEi T HA HBETl -.1 LOOS', Ko. '?I 'Vs STATW). J its. nair ? fi KO. H. HO i's? UCB \? . i A L i c i r. G ' . V M IS S IO ?? M KR G II A S T , /iCCC-lLMODAT?i S %.VnihP, 1 ".i ?ric? M. ' . C. P. 0j??si?n3 ?lars.J? fox-<* S-.'..?mber ?l . ^ I ULHI:'.,.... VT i;:.:, COli?llikS??? ?::.-:.::IANT3 AN il Stftt'PlZS .1 GENTS, IV ILL AT?'FNt? TO THE PURCHASE, PAI.B AND EBIPMENT (to Porci?n asd Domestic Porta) ot OOT?ON. RIOB, LUilUEK AND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC V/EABF. Cbarloslon, i. C. P..T.1Lt.I$.A. -t. C cllSOLM, Cj.rai." -Jj ?in?m Sales. UNDER DEC1?EE IM EQUITY. Read vu. Read. TB IS R.'.Y, thc lOih December instant, at ll o'clock, will be rold, at thc 01<i Cisstomhouso, All Ibat LOT Ol' LAND, with tito three storr RBI?'K HOU?B thereon, situate iu ibo < itv o:' Charleston 0:1 ihe w st i-?c cf Meeting-street, mei. suriug in front on said airest .?l roof. and ia ilepth 331 feet from cast to wost, ps will more particularly nppear by & survey of Joseph li Purne'l, mule Sop (ember. lSOC-. Houndiag north ou land lato of Mr*. Taggart, but now or late ot Mrs. Miller, south on lauri late ol \V?u. Brisbane now ul" Oi?; Hills. ra;i 0 1 Meeting-street, a.:J weston lan<l new ur bte of ;.: ii."iii Brai!sn rii. Terms One-third cash, bilanoo in one, two and turee years, s .cum I by bond or bo'ids of ti:e pur ?.baanrand mortgage ot Ute ptosifcs, wi?i insur? ance of the buildings and ass'gnrncnt of the po.icy. Purchaser io pay lor papers ansi stampf. tlhr sahl property may bo treated foi at private sal?: until thc day of sale. J. VT. OKAY, December lu thm7 Master in bqnity. UNDER DKC?? ICE IS EQUITY. Ex parte T. Sav'ij? Ilttcord, ct ul., Trustees, ct al. THU D.W. the lOih December Instant, at ll o'clock, will to soi l, nt t?c Old Customhouse. All that LOT OP BAND, r-iltuic on the northes-1 ?.omer o? Alexa der sud chapel sti-jcts. in tho Cily of Coarlo-ton, formerly the property and residence of Charles lleyward, Faq., measuring 00 ie.I, more or 1. on Chapel-street, and 77 <cet, more or less, on Alexaudcr-sireet; on thc east line 77 f>*et running northwardly (ruin Cbanel-alrcet, then 31 tcot run? ning outwardly, then 35 feet running north v. .-.rd ly lo tao I ack Una an I on the north or bick linc 143 feet, more or leis. ALSO, All that LOT lying to the north ol'tho above, on AU-xam. ii--t oct, m.alining OM Judith-sirc-t(now Alexander! 2."> teet, on the back or o.iitern line 30 feet, ou (Lc soulh hue 143 feet, and on thc north linc 1.3 tr-et, be the i-a il dim'-u-ioes moro or io?s. Terms-Ono half caf h ; balance in enu year. Pur? chaser to ray for papers and stamps. J. W. GRAY, Dcocraber 10 lhm7 Master in Equity. UN IMS lt DECIiEE IN EQUITY. Stern vs. Efttin ct al. On THURSDAY. 31st inst., at 11 o'clock, will bo sold ai Ute Old Customhouse, All that LOT OP LAND, with thc Buildings there-' ou, siluato at thc northeast corner of Kiug anet Gooree streols, in thia etty, measuring in trout on King-street 47lent 9 inclus, the samo on tho ea?t ?inc, amt m depth on George-itr?-? t 120 feet, the same ou the north lino, he tho samo more or less. " Hounding north on lund formerly of tho estate ol' looney; eolith on George-street; "as: on laud now or former? ly of the cttatc of Sarah Borrel, und west on Kiag street. tcrmi-One-third rash; balance iu three equal successive annual inst I'mcuts, with inter ?st at 7 por cont, per, payable annually, seourcd by bonds of tho purchaser nnd mcrtgage ot tho premises; the buildings to be insured aud policy assigned. Pur? chaser to pay for papers and stamps. J. W. GRAY. December 10 (hm 4 Master in Equity. IN EQJlTY-CUtaliETON. Thomas Pinekney vs. S E. Bellinger, ct al Bill to Marshal Assets and Relit/. By authority of a decretal order made iu tho above stated cause, I will sell before tho Old rustom house, in tho city of 1 harlcston, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of December next. All that PLANT v HOS, or Tract ot Lin I, known as tho estato lauds ol Mrs. E. P. Pinckncy, fiiuated on the AsbcpooRiver, uni containing(705) s von hundred and sixty Ave acres, one hundred aud thir? ty-live acres ol which Ls superior i ice land, nnd con? veniently situated for being witered Hom tba Asltc poo Uiver; the ba'am-e tipian I swamp, nod is .supo rior codon cud provision land. 1 his Plantation offers raro inducciivuts 'o capitalists for good Investment, being -utierior in quality, and contiguous to healthy piue land settlemenis. Conditions- One-third cash; the ba'anco en a credit of twelve mouths, s ?cured by bond of the purch per. and a mortgage of thc premises. Purchaser to pay for paper aud slumps. li. STOKES, C. E. C. D. Commissioner's Office, Colleton, December 4, 18C3. J)-OL'in be i' 10 tait V A U KU DECREE IA EQUITY. Ingraham vs. Palmer. On THURSDAY, thc 17lh Doccmbsr nex\ at ll o'clock, will be sold, nt the Old Customhouse All that PLANT \ HON in the Parish 01 .St John's Berkelcv, Ch trleston vistrict, known as the Poplar Bill Plantation, coulu?ncg 1180 acres, morn or le-s. I'ouuding north on lands ot J. C. Warley aud Of Mrs. Coulrieur, cast on land of the cstste of J. G. Palmer, :0tuh on lands of J. G. Palmer, uni west on lauds of thc estate of i'ctoi' J. Coutricur. Torms-Dnc third tasa; balan-e In ono aad two years, secured by bond of the purchaser and mort? gage of tho premises; the buildings to be insured and kept Insured, and the policy assigned. Pur -bas? er to pay lor papers and stamps. J. W. UiHY, Mas'.er in Equity. November 2d th4 CV DE It DECK ICE IV EQUITY. Mitchell, Executrix, vs. Gourdin. On THURSDAY, thc 17th Do ember next, at ll o'clock, will bo so.d. at tito OUI Customhouse, AU that onr> uitdivi lcd moiety or half part of lhat LO 1' OE LA ND, designate:! by No, I, in a pl :t cf a survey ol flvo lo s nu le by R. Q Pinckoov.!-urveyor, Juue 1, issn. With tin- buildiugi thereon, situ?t'; on thew oat s.dc of inti Bay-atroct, in ibis air. and kno vu by th . No. 4'J; measuring on said street 34 lo t 4 inches, on the south line I SI feet 2 ineho', ou ihe west linc 33 lee*. 2 'itches, anti 00 tito north hue 128 feet 1 inch, be the s.iid diraei siana more or les1. Bounding east on Bast bay-street; south 0:1 linds foimerly of Johu Kirkpatrick; we-t and north on lands late of the estais of Benjamin ?mith. Terms-One-third cash; balance iu ono au i two year*, secured by hoad of thc purchasor and mort? gage of Hie ptemises; tho buildings tobo insured ond kept insured and the pahey asaigacd. Pureha eer to pay for papers a-:d mamps, J. W. Gt:Al', Master In Equity. November 2il thi UNDER DM CREE IN EQUITY. Tobias vs Jeffords, et al On THURSDAY, tho 17th December nett, at ll o'clock, will be sold at thc Old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND, si uato oa thc side of East BiV->troet. in iii s cl y, omi i 1 tho plan of ihe said lands drawn by lt. Q. Pinrkney. surveyor, on u resurvey dat- d ?"cbrruirj, lf.50, recorded in tho ornea or Reg. M. C.. (or charleston Ohdricr, Book A, No. 1, page 62, by tho lett-jr B, or No. L Messum iu.<{ ou the uorlh and south Hoes rack 120 feet 4. ineh-M, iuelu lng therein Ibo width ol an alley wa* 13 feat wide, common lo this and Ibo f ur adjoining stores an I lot of land rnaidcg from Goadroii-stroet to Cordcs-street on tue wost line, Ircnttug Esst Bay tilrcot 22 ftci 2 iurhos, and t n ihe east Eso ?2 feet 1 inch, moto ur h'?s, according io .-ai 1 plan: bouuaing nur h on Gondron-siiecl; wet on tust Hay-street; SJUHI on lot Icttervd 1) or No 3. on said plan, now or kile of tho estate Of Catbanuo IV o caa, uud isutuu lam? now ot lalo ot-Naiii-r. ferme-One-half eashj b'lan.'c in twelve months, secured by bond of tba purchaser, u-td mortgage of Ute premises. Purchaser u pay for papers aud stamps. J- VT. G it-\Y, November 23 Ih4 Master in Eqatty. LUTED STATES VF A ililli 1 CA. ROU rU CAROLIN' V DI? CRIC !. In rc Winchester Graham. t? part* I.. I!". WU liams-in Uankwj tey. By order cf bb Honor Georgi B. IPyan, Ju lge of th-r u. s. i'ourt ior ti: t Bi mr! of South . urolnia, I will cell in the abavo oas-, a. Aiken, S. C.. on mONDAk, the Ilth day of Dscembsr i.ext, elie fol? lowing BEAL EM vii-.: tmo-quarti-r infen'r-t in 301 ACRE3 OF LAND, well impravc 1 ai tl situated lu Ibe Town cf viken on th:: sireei leading to lbs c ii-:--.- springa, ?iud known ?is tue pr-ji.-r y 01 the late Airs. William-, and on which *he rcsiaed. AJ.-;-J. E even \ <)V< in Ibu -uni : town, :.:< f?rlow?: Vij by ro'j feet, b:,undid norlh by Kdff (leld-eire? t, oast by lu Broa tl ; ompanv, i.-ouiii by b;rtitve!2-?tiect v.c. t bv l'ci*>n-s(rcot. lau b; ?'..?' Icacboirnd d north by Abbe-Rle-sl., east by Fairfie'd-sirMt, souili by LdgiUcld-strcet, was I uj Kailrand "0.11 ?ny ire '?. SCO by COO fe t. btu: >..': ? r. >nii I y .' b'r vt:>--;-.' -t, by Fan ts il :--.e t. ?otith by Liljvfisld-alreet, west b.-Yo.'S-i'.r-.'C". in) by l?-ti fro;. i? ina led cordi bv Abbovitie-strcet. e.isi ?V Koralta r-s.r - i. sa iib by, west bf l'a Iruad iL-iupaay sir,c . liO by GNU ic ct, bounded cu thc uorti by rdgo iiil!-acr<( , fest by Mimicr-Jireet, smtn >>y?dge il-.-lJ-siriet, ivc?i by i'ailrosti Coiapany-alraet. :.r. bv E 0 ft-1. bottiulod north by .<.<i-:lt Bou i(,ary oot, ??si by V ra-i-t coi, south hyAbbeviii' -sttcet, wesi nv Cbcstcr-slreet. SOill v.: ;i feet, iMiur-dcd north bj ??ottli r.v.ntlt-y ,nv.-, cast by n-r-n.-.-r-atro. I. u^utk l-y AbbevBlc . wes by Union-iir.'ci otHi ny ?I > eet, bonndi ?i north '. . iC^r h Boumlary ? .oat, casi by M*ni:ar>straeii th t>y AbbcviUe strvo:, wes! bv Lo shaw-streot. KO by ^'1.0 feet, b mude.1 north l / j.o. Ci Boundary, stn et, o.?sti?y ll-.. ;.ttrout,>!oaih oy vjbcvi??-iirco^ weat by Mt ni? street. 150 i y Ctn) i.- :. !. a??i? enrih by Batnwell-sfroof, ?si by Fal !-itre I. >..>??'?;? by htcUland-?trcc?, wo-t ny ital road . < m;J3iiv-stn ct. 15-1 by CO f. e . beuudcl 11 rta by F.d*o3 ?1 l-s! reet, cast by Cu'i'tt-rt-.-i't. : outh ty BarnwoU-sticer, weil by r-Jt: re-.! 'OmiUUV-s?Kft. On ?Lot .flour t. ten, in thc Town nf Barnwell, Lou idctl on thc ?to th b. li I. i r . . ?. <? by 1 itrk y c oe'*. iuiKt~'.?ic-hilf rush: I--'. : p:rabio fi oae ysava wiili lulero: 1 i.'?a shs day t f . . 1 . Purcka.'?rra lo pay iVatlg?ea ?or r.t.c , . :. Ac ?\OVvUlt \T, BOB '.-:.?0 - "M iS f, AT Pevemi)ur3 B???J?ltno KIN?MAN CBO?. rr."" LABOES! At Iii. N '* IN TBS STATE, I a KlNsMiN l.KOa". DcrcinbfrS ifcatnlmo OL? CH?IiUi AMD rOr'AvS EEPAI9KD AT . Decembcra tbstulmo KINSMAN EEO.'. ??nrtinn Sales. Jlatan, Bullir, liam?. Larri, ,ye. BY T. M. CATEE. W?i be .old on Drown's Wharf. ". li ! - DAS*, a'. Parce* qua rt .-ra past 0 o'clock, 5<.0 CHOICE ?ELLIES ."Jil Choice Sinos SKI i hoice H ?j? 7". tutu l. M r-seine Cboico :>.' ml.. lard Lot Open Crocket}*. Condi KMis casb. T >... mbr r IO Ham*, Strip*. S/.ouIn'...-, ,yc . .yr. XVVPOI? ItSi ?- fit dfiJE SK, ll tr O CV Will sell Tills D -Y, he.oro their stores, Nos. 17 and lu Vendue Ramie, at balf-pnsi li o'ol^ci., IS tea choice S. C. HAMS I? bbhvni core red llama .Jiaju los choice Strips 4UJ Shoulders ;';0 nibs Lart ?"U b i's. Flour ?ju bois. Sugar 20 ba:s Coffee 'A', bids, alolamca SIM b xes Herrings. Dsceirber io Dry Good?, Hits, .ye. BY MIXES DBASE. IH?S MORNING, at io o'clock. I will sen. at my blore, corner ot King and Liberty . trcela, AN INVOICE Ol? DCS GOODS. COXSISTINr, DI PART OF: Plain and rtrijicj POPLIN:*, AlaJUer Prints, Dam? ask Linens, Red, White and Gray Flannels, Broad? cloth, essaimeras, Jeans, Saliaeta, Balmoral Skirts, Be:nap and Linen licsom Shirts, Madras and Linen Cambric Hdkff., I ong and Square A l-Wool .'-hawls, Gent's Shawls, Cottcn and Wool Hosiery. Needles, Buttons, Hats, kc. Ou T?-MOKROW, I will sell. CO eases BOOT* JND SdOEi. AND 3d cases, 18J rtozan, Men's and Boys' WOOL HAT?. December 10 On Account of Underwriters and all Concern? ed-Flour, Coffee and I'epptr. BY J. A. ENS10W & CO. THIS MORNING, 10th instant, at ll o'clock, will be fold, tor aceonut of Underwriters .md all con? cerned, at Palmetto wharf atoras, 30 bbls. FLOUR 13 bags Damaged Corn 3 uercey Rio Coneo 2 sacks Pepper. Damaged ou the voyage of importation to this porL_December 10 JJamaijtd Flour-for account of the Under? writers and ult concerned. BY J. A. ENSLOW & CO. TO-MORt-OW MORNING, 11th instant, nt ll o'clock, will be sole'., st. Palmetto wharf stores, for account underwriters and all concerned, 100 b ttrels FL'.?US. Damaged ou * voyage of imoortation to thia port. December 10 Small House on Doughty-street. W. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, Auction eers. Will bo sell, at Auction, THIS DAY, tho 10th in? stant, at tho Old I'ostefnce. at ll o'clock. That Desirable Two-stor, WOODEN DWELLING, situate iu Doughty-street, known aa So. 17. Housa coutains Foe Roomi. and on tho Lot is a good Kitchen and outbuildings. Lot measures 27 by 40 lcet, more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stumps. Di'cemJer 10 Fine Corner I,ct, Suitable for Grocery Store. W. T.LEITCH ?? ii. S. BRUN?, Auctioneers. Will bo sold THIS D*<?, tut 10th instant, at tho OA at ll o'clock. All that (.Ol OL' La.Ni.', sit?alo at the northeast corner of Queen aad Arcndalo stroots, i innerly of the estate of Ch rles Bishop, measuring ia front on Queen-street 33 feet, and lu ds?itli on Aixhuale-stroet 101 foci, b - the s uno more ur lesa Terms-Ono-ihird cash; balanre ia oaiand two years, with mt .-rest, secured by bo id and morlgigo of the premires. Puxchasor to pay us for papers and stamps. December 10 Grocery Stund Corner of Doughty and Lucas Streets. TT. Y. LEITCH & E. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. Wdl bo sold at Auction, 1 HI-. DAY. 10th instant, at thc Old Post?me:- at 1 o'clock, That ONE WTORY W.iOD -N auusuow n -ed as a GROCHR -., ntuited at tho cora-r of D.iuybty and Lucas streets. Lot measures 48 'net on Lneas-street, by 58 lcet oa Dougbtr-s:r.-ct. more or loss. Thia ls a very desirable stand for business, and commands a good rent i Terms cash. Purchaser to pay u.a for papers and stamps. December 10 Contents oj' Grocery Store Southwest corner Amherst and Nassau streets. BY JEFFORDS & CO. Will ber.o:d TO-MORROW, lilli instant, at the abovo place, Ihe contents of aw jil selected GBOOERY STORE, consisting o; a hue assortment of Gre. eric, Crock? ery, kc. The Htoro will f tic he offered in a lump, and if not disposed ot wUl l>e retailed. a. li.-The abo ,'e stora can bo treated lor at pri? vate sals. Pocimber 10 mtulhf4 Valuable Lot of Land, Gurner of llascl and Concord streets, at Auction. BY IIOL9&S ti MACBETH, Anclloncci-s. By virtue of an order of s.Ce, to nc di-ee'ed hythe Hon. Goorgo 9, iti.vas, Judge ot the United Mates District Cou.t lor .'ho District of South Carolina. I ?-ill oller tor sal?, nt pub ic auetoa, at tho Oid PosiO?V-o, foolef Brovl strsst, TO-MORROW, Dc cembar ll, 1833. at ll o'clock A. M.. Ail tba'. LOT oF LAND, situdod un 'bu corner of Haael and Concor I streets, ia the ; tty of Charleston, moasuriag in frvnton H.selstreot on? hnudred and fifty (MO) feet, and oa CoeeoiM-street OJO hundred and torty (HO; iO:t, buttiaj a'id lonndiag south on IlRS-;'..str.-,et, elston Caaco-<t-?trca;, nerta on tho e.inal rtstrvsd tor thia lot. au I west e-i iauds Ute of W.P. Russell, togethur with tho privilege of uoiag Ibo said ?anal atMudsat ?n Ibis lo: ot 1 md. J erm?-Orc-third cash; balm:o i i t\rJ <qnal an? nual instalments, to oo secured bj bendofpurehas. e , bearing inter at Irom d ;y cf sale, and a mortgage upon the premiso i. Purchaser to nay fe . pipers and fetam'ns. Li CIS VcL IN, Ass-? ire of W. P. Itupsfcll and ii 1? ir;on fe l'c'so".?. December 10 stauGii Stocks und Bonds. BY J. DRAYTON FORD, ?ro'rfcr, \ o. -l:> lirotttl-atrccl. WANTED, STATE SOUTH C iROT.IN \ UilflTKS t)0.ith Ca ohna Uai read slock Rai road jiui'tw.'e ll-itd-. FOP. PALE i I1? CHARLESTON S O X Gas itrc?. 1 nae_December 10 \~j'mille .'lice Plantation for Sale. BIM. DRAYTON FORD, Broker and Commission Aj;cnt. At Private sa c .J he PLANTATION k-iawn a- "Wappahoola," .-.?:iute.l o.i 'viatcra sids ol ueste n brinna of Co aper Uiver, lt coatains about 112 aerea li vt qua:.ty rice 11 '! and abaut 773acrea be-t u.^ii a id, a large prop inion of which is eisend, ditched and prcpar cd for c-itlou or prv visions. From a iwcituttrity of itslocaiion it is espedaliy ex mpt f.omtansor freshets, it is one of the mo.-i o ampi -.ely settled piatitations in the .ow c-uutry. havtug ou iiaL:rgj I tully rcs done?, a -"icani rice thresher ami corn mi I ".sith nco barn attachod, a larKo sta >.a IS by '?i feet, a cow hana. 7 ? by 2 I, a eora baro 4 J by 20 '.ec:, wiih groove ?iud tonju : floe s, an I a-i ab JJ lanes ".'' ; ibu en?' L?US.S, all ia good con^'idem. i Dis place lu< been in outinueas cultivation. Itistwenir t.:r. mi! .? from Cir>rlaa;on and thrca miles Irom Oakliy stat en. Northeastern itiii o.d. aaar a salubriousplnehiad summ ;r to?dcm?ii!. For further particulars, apr per-oaaly or by mail te J- DBOt ON FOUD, No. 40 UroAd--t>"'?t, Chsrleston, s. c. D.cembor io ?io ,!* 111 BY CblSTFOED & ?Ai ??i?tV?iS. Ai TrivaLe Sale A lace L'CRPENf IN3 STILL a:>d a--put-teaancea, /.pjjlyat ?.o. 55 UCOAlMtruUil. I 'aeViu'e-rtl_? 11,3 LliTOiiD cc iuATiiiuVITii - i\.?l Kjtate Ag;nt.i, .%t>. Do ?ro?d-.?*vceU For i-i'* and Lease l'aO?t'tlATK i.tND-1 ofa >-.\<r,K- q-uJty, cn Soap water narLjasio a aaa haul, ti, >-.. us all the ' u"cE lind OD T ; ON PLANTATR -.J.! F.IRMS tn " cl CV " ROPES L'V or every dc*frt:*t! .?. November 2 1 =o*. o a o a ti DYER AND SCOURER. T il ;:nritwl-3trcsat, Lotw..:i end ArcAida!c-:l;c e.. GENIS' COM'S, VEhTS, r.NXi AND il Altai Dyed, Cieano 1 and Prorsed. Nov mbor 12 vfm moa