University of South Carolina Libraries
THE BlfD?'fEWS. LABGtcST CHICOLATION.-THE D ? Il? SEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER 0FF1CIALLT RHOOGNIiti^ ?d HAVING. rTHR LARGEST CTB CDLATtON ?? "THE CITTf OF CHABL?STON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE POS/OFFICB AT THE END OF EACH WEEK. ACCOSDTNG TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFTICE LAW. -LOG Ai vMrA^XErRS,; .^is *:M '??Mo j.ii j^-) '\-Timb orb i- .uri! ??d S EE! Cl Ljiay; OJ toa *l vis ?err .v^ir^^jc^ilsr^inA^^-.?io; o'clock, at their auction salesroom", "No.1" 1? Meefog-street,,?kygo^?icut?ery, &c B. M. MARSHALL" &*BSOTHEB ?ill edi at .half-past 10 o'clock, at No. 3*4 King-street, the furniture of a family. CAMPBELL, KNOX & Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at thsiritm?tien ih???o, Xxu 56 hlasfl^rt?et, a handsomo lot of furniture. STREET BBOTHXBS db Co. will eell nt ll O'CIOCA, bv order of the United States Marshal,'Excha^e>Uiahull pf;the ship Mont the corner of Elisabeth and^enrietta'atretfts-, contents of a grocery store. MIXES DBAXE will sell at 10 o'clock, in his ' store, corner of KID er and Liberty streets, j boots, ^a^lg??:irLl't C?L.VtXl li TBS DATLT NEWS PRIGS CUBBBNT AKD Con- ; ??d-abalf c??taper-copy; cl ^J:;* Z> i maa A DANOEXOUS TBEB.-A tree in Society street is reported tobe considerably out of thej parpendi euLuTr.TOt? o^r^ojrs-^ge^s^riane. SENATOR (?) SAWYEB.-A Washington dis-' ?patch -to- tho Boe'fen AdTOTtisor Bays.tirat Mr. posed to a September sesBinrxof jC/J?grefle, _c UPSET.-We'l?afnThat^irwc?nien, who essay- | od yesterday to try a hre on the ocean wave in were soon rocteci in tua cracue oi tne oe^pj.nus for lunately escaped with only a good wetting: ?iaaTT/a jntian ev.?ar?? 1 THE STABS AND BABS.-The Democracy of dWarf/R'-J^kmadg _ "^tre^t?fctH-fn*fr-si^^ a proudly in the breeze, and indicates the neadf ! SPRING TIDES.-The tides daring the pasj j -?"6f-4fee8?r. . Olrtey- ?k. Ccw-Wfaa^ ?ofc? ktl^apeju ; bf r \ -~ vdXo?a a*Z""t!rT&sI_ .coo I I NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH ra AIKEN. -We Tearh from the Gazette that a new Catholic Church\ .is shortly tob?. ?i?cLedii???ifi3, which will ble; under the charge of Bishop i'ersico. The plan ;??>ari?be s^enTat/^^oJj'celjor Vt. J. Hj Dev?-k I * ?g*J * " ::Q ^ ai *-=s 1 hi 1 ff ^ri^P^ic^ ?r^.r^ehi .*. W?soa/^calrs-cda' .from that of Clara Jackson, living in Short street. Sarah's shortcomings were discovered, afi# -'4Sei' Wte J assignat! ac veib ia ?egG uard hoose. ! ' EDUCATIONAL.-Mrarll.rEi ?Toower^- echoo! t^aai^o^^llfig^br^i^o ioc^^Sjis'^^thy and central, and Mrs?Toomer ^oiribinesr all the qualifications that would render the school - a desirable y lace of rna traction. IiiTJ - n KA TBS TIDE TUSKS.-D. H. Wood and Benja? min Cannon, (white,) and Henry Baily and -/-.^HaHS.u: itba(co?or^4,i published -cards, ia the "J^CaroBna--' .. 6par&ri^eTjourar^"< the .Loyal from that iniquitous body. THE PIONEER L'O-CPERATITE STORE.-The! | work on the building at the corner of Market arid Meetin^'-'eS^tei^'rapidiy approaching; ccmplotiop.^he'!-front; J wall has been firmly rebuilt, andih9'sOTerji:.add?tk?ns made to the eldo .an'?'/bA'?k^,:?^]^:';/?&i association auttci pa?fr occnpviDfi: 'thiii-laew siora al an early! zo Z?O????-> ^T?SH ??J ia jBiaaci? ,'.?ri?it?ia ? ?SA&T. BA?.-The ;;?t?(fewft'lk ;oc thai -portion of marh?t is Vat? last- rweiving' thi .n?orh neoded,' S repau^V ^^a]b^|^at^m^tob busily ?n4 ? gaged! yesterday in^e^rinJt'.the'original levet by fimDg\^^^ct^j????e dix? from they street s weeruagai-j to ?sci ---ta >?# TYPOGRAPHICAL.-Slr. Wm. O. Mazy ck bas recently finished ? a cicely executed pamphlet for the Boyal Arch Masons, containing the rulos .. -and the namee of the different chapters through-r ?a^itb?;?to?r^T||^?^^ --was^oot by-Mr. MAm.-flarri?,'. and thc print? ing by Mr. Mazyck. xo 7- ^ ?8ic : v; *: ? .' STETNMETEB'S STEAM SAW AND PLANING ?&iMrPm^Jfl^?eykf^^pri of tho steam ns liia.ftt th? west epd of Ikau/airi streot, has recently added to bis mill an im? proved Wood worth's planing machine. By' this addition~ he. as'?r??bled to furnish lumber | 1?? *^6. e?hitr^dr^ed. MgUfo .JWgb, t? oi vi?ier-atixei?? orirjrttiM ?uigtiii?'*/* ?:'? ca . - -r:Lrc-:^.: o >*fr~t n-f yrrem a tp? ^gea-gg j di .c^'-^ifA2rrjrr?cT?B? saja- J vK?t??e j^j?]i,r??M^.:Wi-5^B^5(&^iiir, of ' ^S&tt?i:'.?i^oSn^''^^?^^e4ipi v?rwajtinm ^j?Mrtfc? by tbet^sirji^uiMry.^ - - r ? ^outrages," oaiy ihroug It thc. r?ejsdailous and J1?H?efrpii?; i^tsi4i0.n^uB ta >isffl.? Tho. fa el' tavthat ift^j aro gotten up to yji -^^?aiixl ?Vxtj^^ffa^j^j^^aw^?ay be .^??^Wi? ^BV?i>reTBW - 3T? D?t : GHHJ)HOOD'S ^^^i^<>^-T}f^^^|aji?^|r^^^ 8acti?rns of --.itha'-Union Be o m Bei _t? U?? aam'ojait?.une, -v-f n?as;8?s;-)o'n. >?no2of ^-lof??^?rl???llaDts.. j?i^ yx|?mt !yid'.T?" ?vc^/^3f?w'; Presidents, .?sanxc?'. Md^awth??M: ovoitthns, and the t ?usnes s was at once dissipated when the election was over. As soon as thc banner' of Soy mon: and Blair floats from tho outer walls of th'.' White HJU33 he predicts that thaoj political excitement will be ended, business will revive, and "the good old daze" of peace and prosperity return to tho whole country. A DISAGI.ERABLE IPAJT.-Yesterday was etn jpbatioaljy. a disagreeable day. On Wodncsday J ro-iii^?-'thb 'wmerteeiid-' to'ibe'^oitb^fUt, add : ??vislobe of -an eqyiioc?al 4:ale .'flitted: across . many, "aixion? s&oy? ; Xajo^j^Uotja^of the^j city tho spring tid" was carried by tbe~wind to '*H?WSti& 'i?ikt? '-'tnirrr Htadd, causing some damage; iq. cPOUNGtj?V?4^?^V :the;cotern3 ' ^''^i?th'salt-water. Cloeed doors and thick olothing were luxurres freely indolged in, and some Bblverir-g?lor?ala ev_>n crouched around. | .' a fir e .a a the ch iii. bjosJZ of tho: e ven tag - whis; t- ! 1 tied around tii??^'liiotBdaV ? '^ai?c^?io few* ' T. '-persons abTc?tid=^UTtag-;thie rdajC-wJxo oouid afford to stay'in:*' ^6'V?r5?t*t????e?pk arks of refa*g?,;^iifldf:p?destriani8m was by no mozvsfi Fkft?iPi ?w^p^tiyn.^jp^t was Upon . , WnawT>*'lj^H51,' "If1 Jvyp****** b*3?S wnirlcO by'15d v^nnr^itf *bv?^'6ore0tirjbc j The, 3 beroury -fell t?-t?r?bit-tw? degril'?AbeforVl J?WjBjF? J*?v.$?? ^tfat was as l?w afl^ 4Sixty-fivo. . . ' BABB BA?''#ttHfam'1i&teb game of game is somethTng'^w,'^f people of Marion, may truly be said tbafcibfljilarioneBe have case baMiorcibe-fcnfa?? ?a._,?CO?C:T tnsnsiinK . All sorts or"way?-w<tf?-rosartedio L^jwkicu "flys" might bo the .ffiore^easily caught. One ?xP^'&e^bnT ^rftti^ftgi??lBC?rtte>?llB miration -frbni Am^?^hm?tfiiie?zJto gattte. however, ?va* ??? pbted,-and; fleet credit 'Ou^^^?^jA'^?M^^'l^ Wt Gi^oTim ria^v^; ^%^rnade;; press .Jo warde arttainr? ont of : per &c 'i ion" m ft^^?^^*;?s^^riT?|?, ^?at^T^i*"*aa tanttirigr^daiay caiiterfi.'S $q Worio??3%t6, ^^f^swi.lFdo^^^^%Se|ifto pra*UwjJo8t tae?r rop^en^|9$; Yiiala ?.^i}^.?)j?erljfad6 f?o|?^e;f^^^fftty. ?c^ir?ilaurelsfromaaff ?he "conquero^ ?hir: tollowm^?f the ecwe?ofrtbe game,: as. tskM irour t ho .top of. -an fl ?.ii )7^Bp3^f2jp2 v.j/. ?SIJ-.I -...-..-'fi. O. tockwo??,' W.^.? #.ia -'8 ItlL?oag, J.-B./ pcifAr? Doxfov ?^$ttWS^'4 ?ttaWfqte'aat hc?d 7 6 rutena, a., aa ti...... teal a-two Kelly, J. A.. 2d h.,,.,.9. .* ?OJ? ?M- 3d b... .11 ColUai. B.. L MLOJI?* ?A ?urwjrxtD A., 3d b. 9 1 Northrop, J. X, r.?. a-1 tfuluna,?. C.. a.e.. .0.,1 Wnikar. N.. e. a^r.T. il2- ;2 Mortgongiry, c. f... 8 4 ! Obrer, c t...tttitAW ? Durant,.*. L-, 1. f.. 8 1 j DuBole, J. T., a..^j0-*r^^8, W.,r. f..... 5 7: .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Montgomery worlt^?Vrt?r?t^ffi^?U ^?%bat-would 90 ?enb&'jii^ \The fw^dX'h^??a?^iicAV>and'"??e^women will Ita ve ^i?.lAtier,' therefore wo pub heh the fol? lowing paragraphs,ip reg?dlo^the fashions for October:*" 4 _ * ecu-vrti Very pretty iii ronnd^ekirt of foulard car? m?lite, ornamented cbalow with two plaited flouqcaB, whichrrarje jbeydjeredafc^he top by a folder ?ljlf?r-??5y/ilk?: aP"g / OjPP??,i^ffl^ff a silver-grey silk, ^.^oooc^^?ck" at th?* s idee by bunches of'ca^eUfe^t^a'-rm It is ornamented^rJ^-Wunl?i^lw^?*a jia^ow^irin^e of tlt?Egrne shade, with a narrow fold ait tho top. gov?ur'w'?'fBlrWB'W 1 ?j It is said it is Ini^rmc^sW^?r^ )pxayu^^*adia*1^^ S^I&I?B ?^?cmo^pu?A adrede?; ???^?$?| ier kelf waa always partial to ample-? ;w1h&cs"n -ts. ^fa^hiOTi^^no^^om^^re ?^rn?^SgroBful mg back the moro necoj^r^iuj?ogs of lg'" H?5B&3?Sfl?gft'*|ri?j*P wese-?. slps^ ; ^?Pu?i^r With tb'e^j^afs^^^o^lMia'thC"' ; " - ^rostfee f?? *a?u?H,' /coattcLea iato allomado with two^sMr&? th? At?iegf^k?tr. bciDg plain' ' g^r?df &e" irpper i?e hiping^ cuti gored Only a?^ fee-sidoo and frbsir--tae- back breitdtbB'heing left plain and^ gathered in French eathers.-^ Some'biiheao'drosHoa are-wo'fnll aa to require , Bii4r^'reri?e^ha-*hiiha.'"^ is not at:;; al /necessary, three- broad the ot ordinary width. rriakb'ixJ nial aa tr~X?t'y .nice fullness in the' ?JggfT " ' -ff? >r ? ; -? Materi?la ?f;'twb fco??rs, and .tculpt? compos? ed O?wolfi?jf^^ geno-' raL ^^^>^^^jjix^Wh^^?<!^j7 spoaki?gr new. ( They were formerT^?t?ed ehot; they art?j now kn?w? hythe name ol' glace.. When both the^oojors harmonizo, well together, the effect j is veryVetty/1 0 ^ : '1 . > 11 " * | " ' htamng ' finite couVrh?e 4/*p#uL* ai they. \ hivo''ew3r baeo.: Tho wood or as how tho ladies aver did.-v.-ithout4heui.. -. : ccfcej ' ??? Bennets . will, ic worn small, while chign?iuh are increasing in sizo; and as they are likely roi attain, Btyhmorejfopaidable .pi?pprt?ops"a,tten-: iicTs baa 'recen?t Ibe?n' iutne'a tb r?rilot-rthem as light ,aa_poesible, as few things prod ace a mopr^cTwagr^eablo; isensab'ori Hhan anything: heavy on the heftd^and, be?id?s, " -tho heat pro ^t^?kby _abdua-.w>ight'i?'m?e^.^jurious tp_ t!je growth ofha'turitl h^ir.' ' 1 ,\ r.j". .. /jat?s"; i&Lt&ixpyjf? wfieri^ha whimsical ?eccntrioitios oMashionltW?'- jaifelrj/vr-U stop.. Fo?^Oro^-it?m?^?nB of;the ?trti'jg^st modeTs" ha?e. te?Hi^0D5^^^e"?trn^o^2' ishampagne. botrl^^an-g?ran???^s^ajn^^ a lantern,~a~ barrel, every imaginable thing that can ha. c?m^d^)gpWype^rlB;and jewels/ r; The aboge. .paragraphs only CITO a faint ont-"' liny: of the.faahions for _tbe million and one points of interest to the ladies, and for- fur? ther particulars wa relir them to tho fashiea- - booka,1 alli-?f. whiot?-can:be obtained at Right- ; er's*rTeTre*l^epot.' ".. ii "Hb^EL^ABBrVAik-?hciaok HoteL-floptemi' fcFll^BTHvSmltb, P. JT. B, SMth,- Laurens;7 S. pli B^bert ^onefli New "!<?ti\ V.: Hi Ordwley^. : Social .-Circle; MreT. ' Ct' Wt Westerman and daughter, Columbia; . 8. .B. Bod tera, Northr" j eastern Railroad; thoca'aa'F?rebeo, ' Graham ii]^V^9'Pif^^/P^P^F!l^t^ :?? ?'.." ,,,e vin fm .-?I "r ffT :? \ c. .-v ?: BUSJor?Ss NOTICES. ? ?-* .? ('"'i LdoAAI? J . - ?.. . H.. H. . \ ^ l^ypuwa^i+^ieap^lA?k^opks^ If you want cheap Stationery, Enveiopes; Paper; fte.; or muara AhnanJK?T :::. i i If you want Printing oxecuted neatly; *? 'c V<M yc3C'GmfcBBC:k? bound;, tn a^\?tylejor-Account Books mode to or?l?r, witli any detnred pattern, :ol i nolmj, go^to Hiram-Harria,--Agent, No. 59 Broad Btreet. x 'A "*'J- ...K ITAI'lOSt /. G A a T 2 A V. :i i: ;'. "1 OTSTEB SOUP, shrimp salad, fish and roast beef will bc the lunch attractions of Torc&'e Our House tfciAanrtiB3iC/-I IJAO "GTLAD"" TU>INC?8.--St??id bas'Issued his fall styles of hats; -tor. gentiem?n.; i Thje-1 announccmont will prove cheering to his patrons, and his "Hat HaJ,"Ho. Si^Kiu^?rest.-ii'oowain'-to be thronged ?? weeks, to eag -r applicants for what eau n^fnltoprovo the '*at ortho rcason?" ?ebby and nattie styles. - ftu2 '*. 7 K?.I?. ?f?'.T* .! /. 7 1 ? J. J WE BEFEBTO JOHN- Gominra, No. 131 Mcet in^8treet,^who, hasro'.urneJ trom tho North with ?rroe h??drid-fr-s?s-of ?:o-odr4?i>sttotfai'boots and. shoe^^^'^?isg^^ia.^]^ tv^o hundred cases from auction, which will be eold at reduced pri'-es. ?.'JBeptembefTl - I..: :. - -tai?'-' . -0 :. J? OREHEAD. BiTTEBS.-These .bittcrs; can bc h'ad*?t'X?ni'?8 M?Kean.'No." ?3" Ans?fl-Brreet, who is pxepared;t?W.alL?nrdaEawiUidiepateh..- .:;) August 10 .3m?B ua'w CHOICE - GEBEN ABK.BLACE JEAS,- one.dollar per pound, at WilsonN grocery, southeast co.ncr Society and?Tisnnutro?ts.. ?oodfl de rvtrod troc. j AiifcS KNOX'. .*".."..'.:'.'.."......"'..;....'..'... Join? GILI ~ -KA?X :UUbfc, es? X tl T T-0-*T: F A CTO It S : AXD ' j. GENERAL COMMISSION MER(*fL\:NT?r ?'" itenff?amHfc'-'W?*BF. 3A?IIH?B?.- ; :* is ol -COTTON, BICE. Ac, respect and-Boernl ?rJvaneeViriad? thansoa. Orairs tor li? UN, and .BACON piotupyy exec ?tor. with c^ftmoT-atteht??rh - .-- ?tOi.?Oli i- :. Agr^l27 . ... . .12mo??::: SHOES? T S??ES* Q flffQ&te OF BOOTS AND SHOES, GOOD OUU AND SUBSTAHTOigi, for retailing. ^r&RES-rrUnf Auction,' which will be sold at ra? zeed" "prices:-JOIIN O' MMIN6. No. 131 Meeting-street, Nearly opposite Market-3treet September 1 "i.'.'Z ...3;taB"8. J^puUTIi, 6TBBUS Si W^KDEJ.U WHOLESALE DEAL:: te-' rs. rsi.ii. (" A N C T O O Wa.,. STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, CUTLERY, HOSIERY, FURNISHING GOODS, -.. ICCO?TO Wi WHITE GOODS, EMBBOIDfeRy/r'&c-. -o?O.,. No. 1G7 fUeeMnfiagtieet,. ' ' ' 'CHARLESTON, S, C. :V/B. STF^?E; ti:'3 C: C: NORTH,-. A. W. WARDELL, Ja. New York. September 15 3mos -:-KI.."j. TOOGAN Si SEABROOK,-; - . ATTORNEYS AT LA W AN&'SOLICITQRS- -IN? BOSWELL T. LOGAN...E. BAYNARD SEABROOK September 1 n Q_ H. SASS, g Jt*. A TTORNEf A TT?W, 01? .3* I'cXZK c AND . SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. J83? Office No. 15 BROAD-STRfe/BT/?ver tfctf'TeV pies. National Bank._i'.-'Si Mayfl'.'.'. ymStJJB ?fe CHASOLM. ~ L>,>. FACTORS, COMMISSION 1?0EKCHAKT# esc.?? t^Mi . ?? in mir:; SHIPPING-AGENJFBr - WILL ATTEND TO THE PTTBCflASE, SALfi!?lJI) SHIPMENT (to Foreign and-Domestic PrM?) of COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND^NAXAL STORES., ATLANTIC WHABFVC?ttrlMton^??cL.. . E.WTLLIS.?;|?>%. CH?S?LM; October 35 .*3T CT. KM. MARSHALL <?? : mtOTltKR. AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE AGE N-y-Sr-B R 0**R 8 No. 33 BRO AD-STREET. UP"t" '" BEAL iE8TSTE, STOCKS, *C.'^ BOUGHT'AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; ^MR)PER?*.32EASED. . 9S~Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, Ac, every Wrdnttday. October 19 B FOLEY'S fiZ&l. CLOTHING, SHOfi AN?LH?T ST?RE, ' 0 CCI O-llftt 85 ^ARSET'STREFT, ' '' ' ' CB ABL?ST?N, 8. ?. Where may be found every variety of G lt EAT COATS, FROCK AND DRES&;COATS, Shirts, Un derkblrts, Vests and Pantaloons; lira wera, and Spcka.. Boot"' Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks,- flarpefc Baas, Valises, te. x February 6 TTTILBUR St SON, . R?Ar.EftlT?'TFl n^On'F.RS&??CTIONEERS, ' " .Yo. 59 ?rphd Ktrert, t liai leston, S. C. -Borrow -and loan- money,- attend to collection of ' rents,- and*- alt- inarm er ? o? . claims-. July 13 1 mwl6mo * .nTEA^,^^,,??fiA'N?l^;1i(?.r ! ttc'it ,01 ~9di?f>:t(2Z ot I -r'jtfr?io??i-?-.! And Dealers in tait".: MH'jii. .ao:.*. _, -CHOICE-FAMILY GROGERLES. STREET -tcffrYv jfS-fioods delivered to all paj??.Qftb^rtty?-..// July 15.. .>. -JnUtitm I WM. )KNAB?r::&.uogg^ : ?-' MANUFACTURERS . .' **?g?? ' '.... ... ?.e?< tv-.:aol? "! -OF "l.f TvT,- 'sc'* ' BALTIMORE, MU. .it ,i!oi)o'J ta ttta<ir.a vritnmqrtro'J Aprfl?>fti;,''li!*r-> io ?7?CJl Brno ~ M?iL^AW^RQTfi? .BS.. PB$?raiJ?rou8, -j -?-RICHMOND, VA. . Apr?P .... !.;.: -^y|pA D A M Bj G I D IJKj R B , -j (J AL Dj ER HQ?^LV,. -. CORNEE OF OHUttCH AND QUEEN STREETS. ~ _CJ A?LESTON. 8. O. Tfaitslciit ?oarll SO per Daj-, i^pr?iaa-I-" '''' ' -^jpljlOB HOPSE, I ^MONUMENT. SQUARE, : : 1 ! B?tTIMQRBi '.MARYLAND, $ KI KK LA % O & CO" Proprietor?. :_.Apr?? ? -'iyr B W- -jY OR K HOT KL, 0. M. Iii LI) It KUI ? CU., Proprietors. 1. -y?ra.. iyO??G '?j??xABi^i?i^'. ?TEST-OLASS HOTEL,, %s. popularly .known in former ' timos ander tfie manacffucntot .J.,B.-,MO-^NOT, ESQ., and. more recep?y.niide.- ?hat of t?lR-AM CRANSTON A?_ G .., m-novr imdoi.tbo piioprietorsliip of ' uess'rs. D. . M. /HILDRETH ts T. B. ROCS W A ?, unei ?i?. Arm ot a M. iULDRETH: A CO.. ' . " .,"*. V \. TheBanlQrjwrtocr fr^robi.fl .lpiiii, e?pori'?n'oo s? a pioprieior of tb" Vj?r?pd?, St. Louis and "f?t." Charlo? fi9r?\? o?f^K Drhankr.flat?ers. liijjaBpJC. thpx be cap assure his friends toa ili? public"ee?erally? "t"at its former worid-wid?T^pru^att?S us a popular ?rst-' hiss Hot', shaft be.-fully ??rtainod. nadef. ft?, preseut ?'auatwmB?t^. ical ?Ttftt* ii . Beoruar*-13 8 i * T \ ' i .: I ? . "i ? . -e A G. F. TOWttES. tEditorj J. C. H '. I LEY. J^o pcictor on? :As????aWr'll?K.ffc? ?ood circu'ation in both town and coun.iy, and is lead in tuu Countie'a1 cf .Picton*;Aileron.-Coopee,, ynurtanb rg. an Lhu rons. Its popular'ly cantineen to increase, and will well repast tb?.Ghar?QPtiju?-pie?cbauts io advc. n^ixi Its cql.un?a. Term? as usual. Address ss p. r abviv?. Septemovr 18' J " ' _J '' '* "? ' r~~ r[E-?HKi? ? r?'v P?KSS, Pid?nsat ED at Lake City. FloritV\. enjo-s ihoiur?C?tett. culation oftao'boWBpaper'i-iloli.'bcd in the statc^ it ia circulated .principal yiu- ibosu .comities, lu Itia'st Florida, troih- yrb?cK'tho' mccbants of't harlejjoh get tho tebSr'friiderbiit-S?'it to dearly i very Vzni DfaecMu ?w.EUt? i. U rs Utcidpdly a- wbii? m?i?? paper, which, together ritb itu cuten-'vo < ircr. ut.iiD, makes it a nvi?t. ji.o/,jrkb,e-aivcitising mo i nnZiar the mercUsiits of Ohiiiokou, who w su to tintin?in; Florida trsd?. -' - li W. DA Vis. - September 14 ' ' 'F.iht.>r and rropnctOT.r rJHE^Bii^NXi^Tj*yiVf'E JOUtt% Ab.; Z PUBLISHEp -IN -BENN> 1TSVILLE, S. C., jct f-TUUBS & LlTf L';. Proprietors. M II. LISSsK, Etlitor; A. A. SjURR-;'Publisher. - Uro extensivo chvulbtioi? of tho Jlen?e'tffiBo iii-'tbcPee Mii eouutr> .-i?ud?:s it it s^tpe 'roradvertismc meditim fbr-tho1teo- ihauts uu l'Lu hinesb men of dndoatOB, who deoiie to uxtend thVir biKinosH in this section f.ihQ. State. !ho?.roprie tors havo'retolvo-l to udve dsn 'Et -pTlcj-rr? ? ii-.-the timw. i he Jou-jal is h?pnly paoer pu' liibou in this po' lion of the'Btate.1 ' B Thc editor w?rdtlvo?c h s time an-l enoipv topro 'motu - the- iuU^Mw 'aiva . maintain lha supn-niEcy Wr" ?ie-white- raoe tu?d:tvill nnflinoaiiiKly penorni his duty-in doUiioo ol jrigUt uii:lju.-.llce,' ? -. Aagust-. .: ..'.-.: ^'-. i: /'. ;?:'_ "_ air A *N?Vi?TY -THE LATEST AHD -ruon?. .u?lsotual remedy lor. the.cure, t l dobihiy, l$*a! of app?tite, lmad*che..topppr.-oi ?4e ?vi?,.-eu:./?8 PANKNIN.'S. H?PAXTC- RI'iTRRS, , For ?ale by ?ll Druggi8ta.:..-.i.-.-.1 :. . jziseU ' . to_* _ '.?s ,'.-?.s -ifvi?? r -,.. . . -,i toi oat/:ta (?iftit tjjjk (j]$}J?$c? \ \ ^^^^^^^^^^^a^tja^g^^*^^^^^ IMPORTAIT T? G?Tt?S^^OTSS _L?S5 'i"?-r JS ?T -=C3 ilc'--cJ-jniO oT Jia'xOaX'd .il "OT .oioainlca ol o saod. Jf^yy Nw^>c^3 Iic*- *a . ? j rf "'-c ei'ia!o7 C.gjr?Tt^E<|rij:oYT.l5!lflO ;83 ^.:.::-:^fi?k:=-r' ? ?'l l?ST| ?SSl ?'???^^^B^^^ ip11 s. ' ^ July 31 -3>:0frzT , O?OO ych'is ,-o r^v.c! ->t o: 2 ?cci^ .C?&TSWCO ? .?.i.!. ? v usg - r - -H I-? nu i . m i g,.-gaatl '."..*. //..V-V/.?^^l^^^ '' "C!It'"^ ?Striqooifj ex9d?0o3 ;C*7sCS(^ ?afosan j No. 3 Broad i?wrw?! l?^Jitt'^NK?fes^ .,.?M-ffjm^pT?k. M VAH^JS?UI JU IND BOMMc;|pl?Miiij -ff: lt y , TIOR OF BOOK. JOB A&ft'FAii?T. PKlX?iStf.aiid t? m?nnfSic tnre?o order BliSK BOOKS, Haled, Printed br Bound to aiiy j?t ie?;.- .::::::v.v/:::.?. . ..':lvl/; ' ' -' "" ! ? .Beptimbcr.10. .tMlwrt? dltlTd* ?K .:.-.t y !.:.??....-? "? .-{' '?iVfco^l?S ! r g ... .? -? .vts,.T.,,t,,:L'i . ??ii : 500 gallons PU?B ?SS^ j ? ^ 500 gallons Bleached ^ii^'^i^'iH?1''--1 ^?^?g?? ?? ;?] 1000 gallons, prime ^'?^V;';-^]^ 300 gallons pare K?a?Sf?ot ?il : - 9^'-^'-'?^?P| L* <p 1O?? gallon* While Oak ?ii 'V :-S^J:VV^r^f'' 600 gallonsi Boiled Linseed Oil ,,?.: Y-,. w", i ^ 5 :::??0:^!?!^?;fel? linseed Oil . 50 barrels No. ? Kerosene ?il ^ ir - - ^; , . . / ; 20 barrels Rosin ^ r". ?'',/;: v'; ; . . I ; ; ; 10 barrels TaUo w Olli TalioV and Aile Grease^ ; I i.TO?itHEB WITH. A LAB?E '?iflD COMPL?T? "STOCK OP":J ": -" ,' ? . . ; .? . : ., .. - .... . , :! V .vu visu ES of every. Uindt, T?RP?.Vt?^E,?LASS, F^TY,,B3KCSn'ES.' . COLOUS, PAINTS. SA.yi> AND ?SIORY PAPER "' CK'JC L S CLUTII A\D LL; ATfIKU BELTIN G. " ' . . FOR SALE LOW BT~ "'" ., 1 ' ' '". 'v ;? :. . / "- = . . I"''" . HOLMES & CALDER, / * . A?ffus.l.20.";. imo*?'? ,. "; .'No. 126 MEETING-STREET.; ; j WHITE LEAD AND ZINC FAINTS. -OT : " " U? ?- " <V*l ??. ' -J:': ! .ill'..'?rodi 10^00 lb s. PR E tt 1U ? Fl) R?? WHITE LEAD : : ::::::z::::::?$t? 'f' ^ - ' 10,OiOO;K'ffl?iiigt?lb?y'.White-'??ad; 50?0 lbs. I^ure. Fr^nalt; WUftc:Ziuc I ||- I s= ^ ?> ;>0d-' ibs,': ^^e'-'iUnGric.an_ White : 2Sae.' - ALL OF-THE ABOVE: FOR'SALE LOjw RT;. ;'s . ' V Au$rusf C.. i J llOLMES & CALDP-H, : I J J;.? ;;. - No.*:M?ET^Q?STREBT. _ '? :: ~. aCi? .Vi ;.. S ;? i'" '?[?"?:ah. .2*0**' ? -o_o .K A ? ii J U B : : - l?r p ji'i iv \T I' jr ~- THEUr?DERSIGNEl?. INFORMS HI.v FHTEND6 iniLtbe frnVflc' ftat*iio n? '? hww asi-oruncnt qt NEW TYI'E, MACHINERY, cud a fino stock" 6? CARDS,'ER, A.-.-, direct :ioa jaauirfue'.urers, aud ?ill oxccut-i'a? cra-ys. for : - . ".. . : 1- ItOftlC "ANfl ;f?n"?%lKTr?G" Jn a neat uiftiiuer. and ot ?RE'.ILY RLD?0IL idlers, r : . z j v?- ? -? j ; s ~ r H?^glarrp~i,-.r?i? "or"tTpTj: vin roniract for Hie" "pqUraeailon o; a^Vi-ckly^or Montiily o:. lihcral terms'.' -j 'Orders tiir ?Oi)RliI;>?i>ISp p.oinptl?att?<ndod to itjlOTMa^gJ^ttatKic^a?l > YXF.STBEg?. .: : i S May"?2 JA* W MCMILLAN: ' J^?ERCilA\T? Ol? CLAR>KaPT?5 "THE ABOYE NAMED P\PEB I- PUPLISHED weakly ia Suinter, s.~r7jB-j,cU, lvoiagmia)euiAt<'!.\ on ibeAVitnj?i?t?li'.?u.1 Maiichester Railroad, a? aavf iiie'a l?r?a.eircttl??ht? ' lil ' lue" "Si cuo^i Mtt.vrlikRitis putjB*h'i?n jj? uflertiJ'AS i 'ddfitrablri. .t?dY&rtlsiat? nie. dinna., Terina ("beiai..'" ' .' J? . T. ; Adarbas; . t?rnt??^HO?, May 6 . .. ?"Pr?piietors._ . ' . pitty. "Stares/ THESE i X?FNsrVE" STABLES'* '?Ttfc N/?IW IN . .tborough,..-?p.atr ar.d ..roi:tain . A.EULL STOCK OEIIpRSES ANI> TEFJICLES . .OF.EVERY DESCRIPTION,"? Wh? oUala??at all boara. OPEN-AND CLOSE.' CARRIAGES Al?D RUG : ' GItS ALWAYS ON HAND... ' ,"c III WRSE? ALSO TAKEN Q*N LT\rER.Y. '" ', J . . "' '- .:DOCGL VS A-; JACK IN, . .. - :: ('baric'ton Hotel;Stables. .. Peptcsaber ? ' - 2moe* ! Plnckuc^ristreet t ' 'i^ U.HISEM.CAKRUILrL ?St CO. VaESERVBRS, PICK L t Rs, OYSTER PACKEBg/jtfe. - : No. 18 Light-street, Ba?timoi?, s Joint Proprietcrs and 8MB' Agents for . .. 1 -BORDEN'S 'CONDENSBI). MILK, Prepared hy the DaRlmer? Ciodeae od Mut Corapin j :^?Wl* , il:, v,r, E:_::. T:" J GUNGSaPniLEN, jil. .n-\'io'} ficciq J lated LTC- H?M?CCI?O O?II? '9^j:?'r./:'{ M ^ixn'i fehl! vtaaoiaw ' fi ?'J I ? ?991 CAC?-r.aoO TGQ **P#rr\ ... .ir,hnjj;< ! ,?icil?a?i i^A?j??S??Si^ ?f^JjhS .V'hLcu'. . c-sn?tcq ic ,.o//fai-iic" ? Jtx/tl M? Ot toled QZ-lieQ t'A qiiacfi&a W7-3H0ltlTJAa ! ;iSclf? ! 003.C0 .'.'?i?sa wm it- J:in%l0TH?a3-???IES, TDTS?O?l?Xa ,?AKD?C*i c. .l-:?c;a :-;o: ! -j -CHABLESTO... ' iTOsaO^r^A.^IXs-?nai %XS9l saew ?ET SOI; ?oiq oi- ec edi cd oi st?qejs - jcj ?ins.' oui c?Ov/;?d ;>::c .aaotej nt oa?oc? Li:{ .: 2 ss?u ! ?az sdi ci o-tazog. Cb R.-Q'-R: JE LccA?-z: XZUt ; o grihex) cdt Koa ,aa { i-^fi ?';TO ?;IO<T CJJ ?:-;i-)? ?Olio JCq? O'Ji 23 ao'?!-- aSD,1i2:iCr: ?"C-T T?-.->? viii W? .T-;.Ti,r3D STE?nl -Ot BtSS?iZfig til l'CS'OI -~ ica laitK^W?: fiTOSS?SrP!??f ?H ca 87 ico ?:Juo??? to ?1:57.0.^ tt?oz&o'.t?l fcsaesirc . t&Udcd vd ;a:-r/:-?csm e.ifi :oocs ci aqod -ico 1 : :o acfJihcoo .op; ?ST.M ic ???eui dj JI o j,rs: hi uO :A i?:.: iii ! | J^^^^?e?ptf. iW^?e?tydtultp ?nd?cthy a .-.okd ^h?t?n&xvf- totr>B?stXH?zcn?o oma S?'. f---r. jcoi icnnot o'O ,7jbttt:iA ?O .e,'3 705j,'?:: ! Mtfitoi?J ?.Cy?l fJj^-j.?<:ir-rrAtf teo, >i 2>ri:- .bj? j " For Trs.?ineminl* of r?WuaMt tye*** ?37?rol int. -v-jti as? ?Mal o.?: ;.r. ":0I , : ?itrf ?aro: sd: .7>?-M;fTa"0 .oUCC$?2 a .?totf j 1 i ?' ":^l''p?wj^n;0?rLr'B.?v . ?OTJOI I a ?'.atad WO aa.'ci I cs V.ij? sew '?ita adi ca tniPB?*:* J^WE^E;(.,^C?r, j loi^a fj.cS B'?Cfi d .a,[ bia&Txtag oiort ?tw 1 s ,sat >=?via tow i w tl ;i. Ui?-?'?.Y ? :C :c ; .ahq . JDUWIK ?.MtiiSE, na o?C iMintacoo 77tsd :c :H.C? .?.'ce cl .,:i.';,.'i?-:c .i^y^j ? ff rj**^.^!'nt^rr r.Tivr ' rr- . f- -n ; 1 ???S? ! ???fil ll? CDRE8 DYSPEPSIA, INDIOESTIOKh" IHAE^ oBH(EA?i??YE?'^?>,AaRE1il.t(^ a-E?lEBAJ> DE-j ?'u??efcd'?d' in p^UfeiBgi ivhit w? bolth^ B?ST- Bll'fEJti? ANJ> MC3T.PI^ASANp,B?iyjtl{ AQE ia .uac'f compounded "as. they aro of the moat 'vaiaahro'ii?Rrealent'flLknown--lo ph?'rt?a'?y;- -fn: a iTOStO- AHD; ?Pl'K-TIZER. If-ha?no cqual^roliablc in aU BILIOUS DP.BANGJi^IE^; re^lt^ir-om miasma tlc tnfliienco?, BO prevatotit at tho South, apd chanco Ol' ?l?vCHmatc aud*WBtpr. in on"eritic?to. th?-S&uth?ro pul41rJou*'gre?t T0NI0Ai?IlCBEVE?K \aii) -, wo'.onJy.a?k. a.?uiE. Uffe ?MMT?JL assured its oven merits will'????hcn'urd'ils bc^jnnng.a fav?rT lt?at'th?'Vcnifh: ' 'ir has alt the- pfcar??tf-qna'iilesjof iaM*?qd4?afi?'" arid tbhurlwiudor iijmaU vjahnne.iiB :fonribaes jmprq pcUw.'h?? other preMraUpj?. ?It ia almoat uidispansabio f?r. r cc^aUtunug tneTjiood, fri ^tualefe'BTifforinirfromdebilfty' an? H?sff:6flikbfi? i'titb; an? >Jor 'penoia ?xh?wt?cdAyrnefcvoua?eicite-i -mentor over-exerjijw -Tho.Venq?t.of, Uieso.Hirtter? are felt jn^nodlately. Pp?e is a.wincj glass mu before njoale;'' ' J" ' c" '''"' ll ;" EaeniKMtleHas QorRtamp'^tai^ar^caOTecr the ABd Wholesale. DruRg?ftt,' r No. 169 Meetin'g-;srr?'t,' eorri?rHaie*. ."At?rn>?fe5 . ' -'"d '. ':?' c* ? -' '?- .Z'QSS?* . MtA-.ttVi tco:io?C?l ca 40a ' .. ?a. 8fttyHt^t&?5h??.T/: - n: ''? 'tc'QI'cn a':'m ;?nt\ SBf^^^^Twf .' low-epiri^ea gorses,-1 X-?Wta Hu ny BtiehRttjening c ??^^^^^^^^r^?L TV il lnu??at'lolihisTam mfl; B?fcfr a?' LUNG RFEV?B,-GE?NDEB^?EL-. aniitransforniH. tha'i^^s^^?^^^^^^S?^ miserable Skelclons -^^?HISS?I^^ into a timi looking and spirited ?Horse. _ . " L TO KEEPER^- COWS. IHIS r PREPARATION ."JS-i INVALUABLE ; rlt_lpcrease8 the. ' quaiility' and Inj-"' ' ''proves- th? quality ' of the MILK, ft, . has been- .proven' b vj a'cl ri al experjC mrirt ' m Increase ibo quanti ty o'. Milk a?d Cream.' 'twprily "pei; centl',' ?'?'nd-m?ite- the BuU _ - ;te?uirm: j?i?d sweet Lu; fattening; cattle, i 1 ?tve* them an appe'ite... open? their hides and makes'thcin th'tiv? iiiuehTaster. :. 15 a.. GO D v a j . : z ad 1 ci .-iN'AEXr3DIS?ABR5OF SWINE, SUCHtfS COUGHS, UiL CEP. S ! I Kv: THE. LU N G'S.. LfVEn,' &<i..'thrs artlcleacta nsaspo clflc. :. By ptittijig' fropi one-half , to a pape'r iu a barrel or swill ll ic- ab ve ?. diseaFca w^i.U bo ecadlcated or en? tirely prevented, ff given in time, a certain prevcn~ tire and-cure for thc-HoffCholerav .1 - - 1 ? I TBETA&ED B? - ' '; " ' " . DA nu EV T'^v'jri^'' VrffOLESAI-E Dlilta AND. ' M^?TOJE' DEPOT,' ] Np'. llGFraiiklin-atrcff, jUbmokM . .. . pfl?WsAtE-Bt1-'-" .". '. .'' BOVI Iia ?St MOISES : ' ?-. W H ODE S'A t? :i)"Ti TJG: "?H-'f>:U'S Ba No. 151 MEETING-STREET, -; ..' ?RP08TT? " '-CH?RL?Sr?S- '-06^*1, !; .MarohlT ?:- ' -.:.:v: .?.:" . timi : wWyr Uii i; ..:' ta .z-bast ?'..ticUj? LO-M :;' td - -.Ptitmcs thty Blood, ;? r:o ,OV;I ?:J C^C:; i . .: . ... ,,. 1 FW'Saf?-Toj--' D?^*gl^-^ei^wl^lr?if({ ?. c : OM ... '.:..' : '.'..: lyr, i '. July?.: SST T R Y;T;H E M -,- T-4UAM? 1 PEESO?W I have .wi lAvb? thia suiaaior c^pencaoed the bejioflts to bc derived'fiopi the iiaeof P?SKSiii'a H?FATM Brr TEns-. ' Wc weuf? ? recommend 'thehriO ah- Who stand in-neod'of ta t?nic; .:.!..-. ?>l -? .' [ Por.BAtehy^ar^gista... ; a . -Octoberfr * ni .-.i*! : ?'ut: .?").:..' :-.-s.r I? ..- .. : ?. . s K .- w? gifiinM Saki .8 77 ^gRHj?^?liJ X. _K?L8ell THIS DAYpatBou T?OTsrcornbr EriabTOi and Henrietta street?-. *t IO o'*l<*tlr, . THE CONTES-KPOT^?E*Att.??CEBY STOBE, :T?BCO?STBIt87?r^?^i^iitCr^;= ct.T .??p*?^??r,'|a!-.>.-it .n ta J; I la'vit; loa-:, ?-, vaT Marble-toy Cottage Wainui. . Sffth Will sell, THIS DAY, at 10 orotocJt, ai:tjt^^jtjpnl tu'e Boomi, >So, U6_ Hatp'-etrcet, opposite PoBt office?-- ~ " " -.?m -. .y,, :r7rj? Set\SrA^?;??T13^ &idebb'aras",T?aTTaaB7Bc??tea?i1.Meat, : ajes,- I>>phK, Cnrd and Toilet Tables, Ch?lCB,^Vio-4id4n08i Crios, jlfl??TOt?W,-,-C00??il{ ^Jtorcj, rjmep^sww,i Crockery, Boots, Shoes ?nfr'-Bati.'1 L"-'? utz- t'A**" ??d?-JRtft i'W*t> ? ;-- "t' THIS MORNING, at io o'''cY?ck\? .Wut'eOT^rn/ Store, c?rner Kin? and tib?rtV erfeota, i? cases-BOOTs^t^sffnl^jiiBtTecElTedpO : o xxrn cooe?uxisB JO?to? o ~nt?7*cr K) oi*.*)i? ManV-Oflf Wtf JXIpH :W.-BOOTS ?B ca-* ?I Cases deli's Calf and Jb,v H. W.randP/?iBahri?rals Cas?e Me?'a Calf and KrpH. W. and P..S. Broeana Ctses eleii'^CajIitH.'^ZDDaMW Cases T^*T?fflnffn^fflC ?t. "V?- > Cases Womerie GoaVan^TBufcl&.'rn^^ AND .-'"?'.--'t-lK-? The usual sarietytP? Lajd^a^Mtf^'<?ii4 ;s?HQ?i?; iUiCarpxai*n vtc? s i. o a cod sdi* 40' caeesriiOdJiz, Men's, BoyB'-aD?c?4(d>^M>B?CTfl. 'BejljiTjahMiitn ,, Estate Sale-BfioriiieVty the Estcutor. jiozvM?JteLim- Aaste ttofimmt M> .o^kde. i :'3 od* cMnaBlftteRoMs MBKM ^ffirrW^u FUBNITURE, consiatio-j in purt o.?-fr Oc?ate?,. .Bedsteads.,..Wardrobes. yMarbJe-Top B?' ejM?Jfaai Staiiai:- ffirrttB/VairWisi. C^b?r^,t?a'syTrhter*c. Terms cash. Arnc??B to'bo^ehi?YtdnimfiW -.?fte* Aalev- .TOC .A o omi - ^eiaeiiib?Jr.lS -.Itt .1 ? M C mi:i .^...ii D/,yac?h^sri^Te^^^F:?Meanie:r Manhat? tan, Cutlery, Notions, jfcfc--; l TH?^IH'Y;;48ith i^b?nV ?'S? o'^bo?, %^r?flr rBeil,at pu?.duc?pu/j?al?srb?m, No;viss Me?&az . .."SS^F^ncy M'i?ft#?S^?^^#?7t5fea ?pT?jx-ChPc}i3. Brba-PFn?rn.'C-Fa?: . F-it?.jRefrand ' Wbitfe--T^?^a|"?dd-PlBET-J,l?^?el?, GreV'Bl??ukt?s, rBe,d- Tick,. Sfcit/ting ?rt^?pOT.-io !seV Pa irte; 'UheSr lHbpfe ''abajrJBiwer?, '-ajcfrt-'-'?traia, 'Lead . PentUs, -XMmbte^.-Heafery; PiafcNrcd?cn, spool.<?o??'n;.4c ffifir?ftiffil ?rs'soft?? CUTLERY, &e, .., ? .'"VTyB^KNTVES ano F^B?s^ PocteV-Hnif?a^ vWMi^Maw PflKJiccksi Wt? kc .:o-'_7o? 'TTriirW;:ffT ?TTOflI n^jpiT^ft'^rjMWB ? ?Z?ifjyw. I thetk tbltci: Ship ?J?ontgvmeqj" i-i??r ivirtu^ ot -an-brxtit of- sie," ??db&I?npplemetfial order to-'?ne directed from tl>e Hou Ge?cte 8. L iBr^a?.^ageb^th?j^tri?itDoiirt^ lina, In .Vdniii-a'ty?^lAujJj?slrictaf*eiit?i/in.-?ho ;?alibtfO-eaij't;T w?l.s?a at'.Pubilo Aucaon: at tba Old 7.7il?-liaiiflei7cji8t '?naibf- Bi?adrBtli-?t.aillUH?Dil or I nGniilcsi?n, '1HI3 DXY, ?the I ?fl?i , .tay: o? : Hep t., . ? ac H collect :,\7.3J:; ?t ,tbc rt?ii and co:ft ol the for ? i/'-mor- Borcia.itr^ wbb baa fniied t?c^^j^:witn3bc: termsof?alel ."a'-: .-d;i3i c-ntt .cocacO 5:Ti?i?-HUtL OF MBB SBiPJMtiNTajEiMEBXi of 'CiL-.burthenoi 723 -fi?is, 9Btl s?? nowJi?n]? Atlantic: w barf, wit b. her Sparr. Staad ?UK BIpjrju?g^Aiichora. artdoC?iaiiia?E?bc?riU , 2fI-:rcJf 1?0 -eil? . ~"CLY. .ac =*V7? A ? XDBO??J I, ??ii? ..jc^crTj H s?iK , J id'At)th4sam(),taa*ftndpilC^;L-ccil0i y .Thtf.'ifi?JLS, :t?PEaudotbe?MiOi;ri4]a.j>sMlina ker's.'?aff, os pet fiivnUiory; r- . 3 H Conditmn^.' c;:sh-L'utcJiMer? I to -o^^Maranal/or paperrond<slapip?-Ii ,r id -."a JJ P. M. hPPIJiff, ?.~.'x.l ,i:c>'Sn -VI ,U;.9. Mir&hai SonHij.'?istrict. i os^-Sayan?ah News and .L'e4ld'Cony.three Wea anieindcopy of.TJaperswlthhiJi, ft-1*]?, JaV.Egnipg, .Unitcd.StalC? fdaiBhliJ,,Charleawn. y/ ciHitnriiliur is ---sw_rstoAhtt TflA LX ??P-' w?lT ICKIIMPOItTAT?ON8 LjWsa7?lB?Hr Ii l. ai i rr.'cT.d'A ?Il .i?cna al i??a- I tfqi?ot'.oo-.iaa -h'i xv at ..? T ? T?r.TE | ???7o*? Htui i :;>t cV.ccrtvB | BsnrcV.cflrc a ua.dr'oap Kw] j f*!ad0,:*t?a B^?^,ITMIM^ '"' 'SILKS, SATINS; TEL Y?W. .L 1 x-1 .K.'.-..i-'.'t-j Meit .?ct-a] a a dscoa d ? IA 7- ' .?'!?tOJ0)4? %aaa BBOMCftjrl?WER?[ jfl^j?? A?fD ?ENA??ESTS. !S(Bcl,i ?:C| I cia:. ? .7 .citcaidO J -BONNETS A VD ;JU A DI KS? -IlAa? 3 ?J I 2 ,5?CJ] t!?d d?ii'J V \ve" oVelr Il?eiar?e8tMd:be8t as3or?cd ?tbck-i? the Unitca:Srirt?i, coa<p'ris?t)g'-alC-'uJ? Wttt'ftu?siatt No v?Wfes,^d "unequalled in,'choice varJjotyiach?deap ??sa;r-'' I ?-T ,ai.7i;L'j ituii ,9TJL<? ,i:o.-;a:lAj^?^^^-:^^rit^^,i . -' Angfbst^?' I '''Hbo* I S IL Bolrimcre. i aa ? i ???-I-6ta?u ,: ':::BCI~. i JJ', gfcci Ll -i^.lW?i?jB Il,.^I*tt<CU,.JIU ?CO., it.? .?'ri^'S?5. aa,t~VS ? .aa ;-i'll: ll ,-?\:t.K ?c-? t'a: GENERAL PRODUCE COMMtSSIOX ??EtU?ANlB. ?SM i', i 'i I,co - z; ii g c?t-tcO a*l Mo. 4 c'umdoii.t?wct, )3alt?m?rK;> >j_ ! ") .tai 9C3 fi Ti o .ccmoO - ' t?Dm??aW.advabCjf? o? - conal^ttD?Q!jtai: ; 9 ? ^WtW.W-E^. .a. , .-i"-?f 'ito v .""^r"" -.\;:*BO?*? lat j'-? * "?^rjS ?I a Ll ; ATM EU, HIDliS ASID; OII^ 'i-.c?.'1:^ ?'2:S?UT'?,dALVEri-OTRXj??T,'^, ?..IL ja.-- _ t*mmm . K Xftt?IJui?TCC^ ---- ^K^jpi?i*teOTti?r?*> cwi^ ?otan? aft' od ?G:3.'.d C JE E & " 9sfI a idgiTa v.^1 /. .?.:-.-- .urjjt -jaaaaa V?J a:: 'C?'(> Hft? IS SIO N :ME'li C?ArN T8 ' : tc3 OJ JU??I a. jd d . .. No, 105 laOMBAIOlhSIRBer. ol? F . ^ ""'?^?TISTOBE. ? April, 22..c-; :?? Z.:^08 E. 'ivem'titatots.???K?P jnigjja, J?. ! (j. . V.'np.nwx.m'^^?.j :o.:;?j;t; ^?TAV. JEWKiva dt j^S?*] ?.r/? jj ;,l^T^3??B3-ATO:>^LE]S? :??^<} SLAiffiLEB? AND- - C?jt?H'^^Tpl?ia, J.'.'.' . . . N O. 'Hi JiiM??CP^ o j A^rOliH ,: gJ?'13, j . y; Patq-^2M "? T'A ?. OS!' ^^.I-'?'^-'^?ff"^ [)-T.'.Y.'. :.7.-?^ ktrta ?0M-lIBT^''I??!a'I^'i:)i^: ?U^T' BEEN i^?W?B?ED .lieoOD?fi;- Ha JSTBBEB JOB fcr??E.^li?? 'BL-VNQS iii APE, " 'Jiicaiwaa -PIANOS;;'" IOFWCE." ?jj?. \Y?BEWi>J!M; ' ?&?? '? %? LJBCRl !. '.'isfi!'.".'......SAJh4,i?uicit..i-?'?r.-;' .; ::'J t*FIF.PF'rf. PIANO4 ? H-A-V? -ALIr-THB LATEST lmnrove?ft3t,'-'fncliilio? U* jreBlei Irory lrbnts,- a?d<be [mnrered rW**W tully wax rant^l Ibr?vc ycart; 'vrt!h-;prt?MfJ*- wf -eseban?? withintwelv? inouiWir :not -^n?r?l-y BftW^Udtory to pnicnaKTi . .see?mi-hsudrtt-Pi.?nas- and-Pallor Ol? - st?fralwowoa-haad ip^ta.m) tO->30o -' - -;''?":' ?j-.*.:.? ? i -?? '.;:: J UCZtSfUA . Gen' ral -Kotiert If .Lee; i;??\i?e>nyV?Z '? ? 'Geh*f?J Robert R inso fi; AiVilrmn^tor?.'N?ti.1 'BiAo' Wilmer; NctrGr;?aii?1-Lt.,: ' /' Messtrs. Bi. Burirtll^'t^i-tJLr^'c^/N^O.-' M^f^bo^b,--ltati-ffOr>?i'i;;i;I' :;1 r: J?tisn? -Plersotl ?8r^fis'.-^?orVer;'?- ?.' '".51 ' parles-Spencer. Cbarlvston,'*iQ?. UfnPa*A-.Tc..T.;C;? ac>7.'i^irj f aa sill? itJOlMmoa i^7?!tv5l bto-diaJlf;o,*K3!ltdUbaai i'.<a-Ai IU. .eccKiuo? .iL coiaoliadO haz ??