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THE DAILY NEWS. gunner vigfct. The weat to broken Into bara Of orange? gold and gray; ^ Gone is the SUD, OOJDO aro the stars, And night infolds the day. My brat glides down {heading stream, Whose flitting, glowing breast Ii lighted with one lading gleam The death-smile of the west The river flnwa, the aky is c?H; It hath no ceaseless quest; Std hearts and eye? may flow and fill. To think of such a rest. The stream flows on: the skies repose: AH night the star beams play. Tn clonas and gleams the river flows; The aky ia olear alway. FOREIGN SOMMAKY. _England exported more than four thou * - Sand" horses, worth nearly a million dollars in all, last year. _The corporation of Liverpool has erected 1 and opened to the public a plunge bath of j great dimensions, at the small' cost of 125,000, and inaugurated it by a series of swimming matches for prizes. ?J--The Egyptian Government, it is stated, has appoin ted fi e English traveller, Sir Samuel White Baker, to direct an expedition towards - the sources, of .the Nile, with a. view of estab? lishing commercial relations with the natives. -The Moniteur, in referring' to French loan, says that thirty-four, times the j amount wanted has already been offered. This ? indicates how very .high is the credit of the French Government. -The latest pedestrian' feat in England was a novel one On a wager of twenty pounds; a man accomplished five m ilea in erne hour. One of these was run, ono was walked, a third be '; wheeled a barrow,-the fourth trundled a hoop, . . ' and th a fifth was hopped on one leg. He had \ two minutes to spare. . . ... i> -On Thursday morning:, Joly 16, the last remnants of the Paris Exhibition of 1867 were .- - carted away, and in the course of the day the ?"? ground was given np to the authorities. Not a trace now remains of the vast building ar its -- surroundings, which at traci od BO much atten? tion a year ago, and the Champ de Mars has resumed its oki desolate aspect. i -Some of the English papers are discussing ""the advantages and disadvantages of the emi? gration constantly going on'from the Uni tot Kingdom. Opinions differ very widely. Some j contend that the population is 6 till too large, while others take a diametrically opposite view, and insist .that the government ought to discourage the depletion of the British Isles. -The English have made a change in their c mods of carrying out the law of capital pun t ishrnent, beginning with a maa who waa. hong on Wednesday, in the prison yard, in pres* I enos of a few oficiala. This reform wa s made I necessary by the outcry of the journals against some of the late hangings in England-not de-1 ? inandrd by those popular instincts Mr. Dis? raeli has so recently begun to reverence, for ? the people in general like such excitements- | pretty much as they like most other old cus? toms of the country, i -Herr Bohlfs, the German .traveller, who ' filled the office of interpreter to the English expeditionary corps in Abyssinia, after the cap? ture of Magdala, went alone to . fell ?bala, the holy city of the country, and found there nine _ Christian churches of the primitivo Byzantine style of architecture. Each of these chore hes was a monolith, having been hollowed out of j one enormous bloch of stone, and richly orna? mented. LaQibala bad not previously been I visited hy Europeans for three centurie? ?. ' -When a report is started that ah increased j grant is to be asked of the new Parliament for tho Prince of Wales, it ? unfortunate that concur. _ a rent gossip should detail tho methods in whioh some of his present income is spent. Thus after seeing who and whet Mlle. Schneider is, it doe*.not edify the English public to ba told that the Trinco -not long ago presented her with a pair of diamond earrings which cost ? ?1600. . His "guide,, philosopher and friend,'1 General Enollys, is said to have almost fainted away when the jeweller's bill for the same was presented. On the 16th of June Pius TX commenced - v the twenty-third year pf his Pontifical reign. ."Since St. Peter, to whom history assigns twenty five years,* there have been but three Popes out of two hundred and fifty-eight whojhave lived t commence or to finish their twenty-third year of government. They are : Adrian I, the Pope : of Charlemagne; Pius VI, the Pope of the Di : ' rectory; aniPirjayi^ ?m. Pope of Napoleon I. Pius IX will be the fourth. If he fives until Jane 16, 1869, ho will standalone with Pius TI; if ho lives until June. 16,1876, he will-be " ~~ matched only by St, Peter. But if he survives June 16,1871, ha will have outdone not only all preceding Popes, but St. Peter himself. -A large space in every issue of the London " Times is-still occupied with the Milton poem controversy. Among the recent contributors is one who attaches the initials "W. 7. H." to bis communication. This, which we suppose to be by Mr. Harcourt, tikes ground against .'' the authenticity of the poem. One of the strongest points yet made in opposition ap? pears to be that of a clergyman who calls at tention to the fact that the word "its," which ; does not appear at all in the authorized version - of the Bible, only three times in Shakspeare, and, it ia behoved, not at all in any other of | Milton's poems, if this be one, occurs four times in this poem. The word was, to be ; sure, known at the time, but was little used, . especially in poetry. -The Prince Imperial, who is said to have remarkable artistic taste, considering bis age, recently rodd to Thomery, attended by his equerry, M. Baschon, and paid Mlle. Rosa | Bonheur a visit of three honra, : during which he showed the greatest interest in the speci? mens of various races of domestic animals which that distinguished lady has collected around her; and with each of which she is as famihsr as any of her own farm servants. She never wears her cross of the Legion d'Hon? neur, but shows to the privileged few whom she admits to her intimacy the robe de chambre to which the Empress fastened the ribbons and cross ou the day when she unexpectedly drove to Thomery, and surprised her in her morning costume. -The approaching elections in England, ac- 1 cording to an intelligent observer in that corm- l try, will result as follows : First, the Liberals 1 will have avery decided majority in the new Parliament; secondly, these Liberals will be 1I pledged to support Mr. Gladstone in a very 1 different manner from that in whioh they sup? ported him last session; thirdly, the majority of the House will be united on behalf of & clear and definite programme, and will se compelled to adhere together ao long as the question of j the Irish Church remains undecided; and last? ly, the House will be composed of men whose poli tics, whether ministerial or opposition, will eventually be tinged with practical conserva-1 tism inherent in the possession of wealth and [ station. These conditions are not uniformly favorable to' the Liberal cause. Still they are vastly more so than have been known of Ute years. -The Thames embankment between the Mansion House and Westminster Bridge, Lon- j don, waa recently opened to the public with J suitable ceremonies. The chairman of tho t Board of Works, Sir John Th wai toa, accom? panied by two or three hundred ladies and gen? tlemen, walked from one -Td of the embank? ment to the other, and ' en proceeded hy steamboat to Woolwich, to partake of a grand breakfast. The embankment, it is stated, re? sembles the "tow-path" of a canal. It is a broad roadway with a railway under it. The footway is twenty feet wide. The roadway will he one hundred feet wide, including both foot? paths. About thirty-seven acres of land have been reclaimed from the mud-banks of the river by the embankment, and will be laid ont in approaches, ornamental grounds and gar? dens, as soon as the railway works have suffi? ciently advanced; and it is expected that both the embankment and railway will be completed within a year from the present time. PROCEEDINGS OF CITY COUNCIL. EXTRA MEETING. Council, CHAXBXB, August 13,1868. Present-The Mayor; and Aldermen Qed dings, Potter, Cunningham, Lindstrom, wall. Cade, Olney, [ Voigt, Howard, Marshall,and Moore-12. I The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Ihe folio ?ung matters were disposed of : Communication from W. H. Smith, President Hope Pira Engine Company, calling attention to the condition of the engine house as needing some re? pairs for its further preservation. Referred to Com? mittee on Public Buildings, ic. Application of P. W. Stanland for the position of Naval Store Inspector. Granted upon sufficient | bonds being given. Petition of C. W. feignions for permission to re? pair the roof of his house in Middk- treet ; and of | Wm. Tates, Agent, to repair house No. 6 Church street. Referred to Committee on Brick and Wooden Buildings. Petition of T. Black, relative to a balance due him by the City Engineer for certain work done on th? streets. ' Laid on the table. . . Petition of Mrs. R, E. Izard for renewal of certifi? cates of city six per cent stock, destroyed by fire. Referred to Committee of Ways and Means. Notice of J. Hancock of bis intention to build on his lot corner of Ou eon and Mazyck streets. Refer? red to Committee on streets. H?ls of Lunatic Asylum, Oas Company and other b?la.. Referred r o Committee on Accounts. Return of Harbormaster for July, 1868, showing $23? 01-100 paid to the O'ty Treasury; also, or City Sheriff showing $1493 75-100, collected from delin? quent tax-payers. Information. ' _ . REPOSTS. By Alderman Geddings: CHABLESTON, 8. C., August 13, 1368. The Special Committee appointed to confer with the Trustees of the College, with power to act, beg leave to report that they have conferred with the Trustees, and find that the amount of Interest on the tlx per cent stock owned by the CoUege to firat July, 1868, ls $11,103 40, and that the amount already ad van oed for the support of the College la (9450, leav? ing a balance of $1658 40 due the College on account of interest on the six per cent ?tock. The committee have added this balance of $1658 40 to the previous advances of $9460, making an aggre? gate of advances of ?11,108 40,'for which the Trustees gives their notes or memorandums of indebtedness, secured by a pledge of the interest dne the College, which, when payment of interest on the city six per cent, steck ls resumed, will extinguish the notes or memorandums ot Indebtedness, without any liability on the pax t of the Trustees of the College. The sum cf $1828, advanced tor the internal reve? nue tax, waa a necessary payment to secure the Bar? nard legacy, whereby the city has been relieved to the extent of $9995 04 per annum in the support of the CoUege. and should, therefore, he wmmA and discharged by the city, so as to leave the legacy un? diminished. The wi S?ment with the Trustees hu been made upon, the baals just slated to the first of July last . But the oommittee think that under present de? pressing drenmstanreg. the Collen should be made ?elf-snpporting; and have, therefore, given notice to the Tn - stets that trom lat July, ult, they must con? fine the expenditures of the College within Ita in? come; and in pursuance of this purpose they recom? mend the passage of tho accompanying bill repealing the payment of the salary of the Catator out of tho treasury, and requiring it to be provided by the Trustees out of ?he income of the College. All Of which ls reepec tinily aubmitred. J. D. GEDDINGS. . GBO. W. CLARK, Mayor. A BILL to repeal the Ordinance providing for the payment of the salary ol the Curator of the Muse um of the College of Charleston, and for other pu posea. Adopted, and tho notice of the bill considered ita Brat reading. By Alderman Potter: CitABZJCBTOS, 8. O., August 10, 1868. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of | Charleston.'- ??bs? GENTLEMEN-The Committee on Streets, to .whom was referred the petition of a large number of citi? zens praying that the plank roid in John, Chapel. and Waahlngtox* stree ti BA relaid-bo? to ??part: That uieyiive examured the said - treat B, and would recommend: that the ?ame be done atonoe. - They would.^lao cali tba attention of Council to tho nui? sance of the xnUl-a ip {over Washington-street, near the Northeastern Railroad Depot which, in the opin? ion ot the committee, ought to betaken down. ?._ Respectfully submitted. ? -- I_- ; rt .J..L.-T. POTTER. ' ' . A. LINDSTROM. Laid over andar tho eighteenth rule, - - : By Alderman Uadnrroin, In the absence of the CtMaB??wK MW*""' WhilJen : CHABXJGBTOB*, august 7,1868. The committee a pp luted to "examine toto facts and report to Council on the the letter of Mr. Jahn H. Honour, In reference to his claim for the office of City As:essor, respectfully report: That the act be? fore tho Legislature in reference to the declaring va? cant all offices, If paased, would make it useless for the committee to Investigate the grounds of Mr. Honour's claim.for the office. If lt lalla to pass, they may make a further report on the subject WILLIAM G. ? WHILDEh", ) A. LINDSTROM, J Committee. BOBT. HOWARD, ) Adop'ed. By Alderman L'ndstrom: 'Tho Committee on Licenses beg leave to report on J the application of John 1. Humphreys for an auc? tioneer's Been se. They recommend that he be allow? ed to take ont a license, tho sureties being acceptable. Respectfully submitted, A. LINDSTROM, G. J. CUNNINGHAM. Adopted. By Alderman Volet: The Committee on Brick and Wooden Buildings, to whom was referred the application of Mr. Tobias Scott to build a shed on Water-street, beg leave to report that they have examined the same and recom? mend that lt be granted, provided that the building will be erected according to specified application. Respectfully submitted. C. VOIGT. ) u. J. CUNNINGHAM, > Committee. BOBT. HOW ABD, ) Adopted. By Alderman Olney ; The Commitfee on Accounts beg leave to report upon the examination of the following bilis, they find them properly vouched and correct, and recom? mend that they be paased for payment: OBI GC ABD. fohn Campeen A Co., feed..$161 72 H. Bensen, feed. 230 88 Sundry bills. 148 37 HOUSE OT OORBIOTIOH. Bundryi bills.$ 66 87 Sundry bflla. 21 66 EN GIH KEE.'B DEPARTMENT. Sundry Bill*. G. W. Clark A Co., Shell Boad .$30 00 Cameron, Barkley A Co., Shell Road.. 42 00 Cameron, Barkley A Co., Sheh Road.. 0 00 Matthew Ogilvie, Shell Boad. 6 05 Matthew Ogilvie, Tidal Drain?. 0 00 Cameron, Barkley A Co., Tidal Drains.i. . 190 A O. Stone, Composition Work.. Matthew Ogilvie, Street Work. Hiram Harria, Engineer's Office.. E. N. Brodie, Lumber. John Kenney, Tidal Drains." 84 05 790 ll 15 325 au 1,695 50 213 60 $2,017 40 BBXUraUXAXXON. City Guard.$ 604 97 Houae of Correction*. 65 87 Run dry tills..... 3155 Engin- cr's Department.2,017 40 Total.$2,615 79 H. B. OLNEY. GBO. W. CLARK, Mayor. The Mayor submitted the folia wing communie a ion from the City Attorney: CIIABXJSSTON, 8. C., August ll, 1868. Fo ike Mayor md Aldermen : GENTLXKKN : The enclosed letter of John S. Riggs, Esq., which was referred to me for Instruction, re? ates to a matter of considerable interest to the city. The drawing or plan which was made by Mr. Bar sot, the present Civil Engineer of the city, has been ? Oat or destroyed, aa I am inf arm ed by the Clerk of [Tonnen. I recommend that Mr. Barbot be requested to pre? pare the plan anew, and that the City Council renew their application to Mrs, Euston for her approval. Respectfully, W. D. PORTER, City Attorney. " ? " " C=*aLE8T0H' 8. C., October 22, 1866. Eon. P. C. Oaillird, Mayor : DEAS SIB : I have the honor to acknowledge your communication requesiing me to furnish you with mob information as I may be in possession of rela? ting to the "Euston Donation" during the period I served as alderman under the administration of Mayor Macbeth, In compliance with your request I would state that as chairman of the committee appointed for the purpose of carrying out the intention aa stipulated In the will of tire late William Ene ton, viz ? ?ihatnot less than eight acres of ground for the erection of :ottages built of brick, with a garden attached to ?ch, and that apian of the same must be submitted to my wife for her approval before anything can be lone with my funds-for such a purpose." In accord? ance therewith Mayor Macbeth suggested that the requisite number of acres belonging to the city, and lying weat of Potter's Field be appropriated for that purpose, and, aa chairman of thai committee, I en? raged Mr. Louie J. Barbot, Architect and Surveyor, o prepare and execute a design or plan, which was rnbxained and approved of by Council, as yon wi J see by the report In the recorded proceedings c body, and at the request cf Mayor Macbeth, ceeded to Greenville, 8. C., where Mm. Enal that tune resided, and presented to ber the above referred to, for her consideration and a ance. Mrs. Easton at that interview Informe that she was not prepared to give her approval would defer doing so until she could give the i a consideration, expressing herself pleased wrl Rentrai idea conveyed in the plan, but de further time to give an answer, and was not pre to say at what rime she would do BO. On my r to the city, and at the first meeting of Cou: made a verbal report, the substance of which i above stated, with the intention at some sub se meeting af preparing in detail a written report recorded on the minute? ; but the very uns state of affairs at that time made it difficult to c a quorum of Council, n any of the members absent from the city, and lt being the int? after a reasonbls time of again bringing then to the attention of Mrs. Euston. This will ei why there was no further report in the procee of Council. The drawing or plan, which was made b Barbet, the ?ich i te ct engaged, was handed t over to the care of the Clerk of Council. If I am not sufficiently explicit In the above very cheerfully respond to any f arther inquir? the subject. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN S. RIG( Beferred to the Special Committee on the Ei Donation. - The Mayor presented the following letter and re apo nd en ce from Gtn. James Simons, 8oa< Board of Field Officers Fourth Battalion South < Una Militia: OFFICE NO. 77 BBOAD-BTBFTTT CHARLESTON, August ll, 1868. To the Hon. G. W. Clark, Mayor of Charlatan: Mr. MAYOR-I have the honor to transmit a of a letter addressed by lCaJor-G?neral E. E. P. by, commanding Second Military District, to and inarsed A, and also a release or transfer b; Board of Field Officers of the Fourth Brigade, I M, residiap; within the Parishes of St Phillp an Michael, marked B, with the request that you take such action as you may think proper. 3he buildings on the Citadel Square were fe possession of by the military authorities of the ted states on the tall of Charleston in February. 1 On the application of the Mayor of Charleston, myself as solicitor of the Board of t ield Officers, ? d by the Hon. W. D. Porter, City Attorney,'Gen Saxton, Chief of the Freedmen's Bureau in this trict, ordered the bulldiags to; be restored to "City Council,"Vblcb was done. . Mr. Charles P. Frazer, agent of the Board of F Officers, on the one part, and Of ? the City Connel the other, then proceeded to lease out the bull di for various terms, rendering suitable rents; whilst the tenants were in possession, Major-G.-n Sickles, then tu command of this district; orde the tenants out and took possession himself, and propria ted the buildings to military purposes sc tim ? lh the summer of the past year. Upon this I made application to General Sicl for the restoration-of tho-buildings and compel Hon for their use. Before any measure looking this object could bo taken, he relinquished the ct maud of this district to Major-General E. B. s. c by, to whom I soon after his accession to the ct maud made like application. Alter various Interviews and conferences with Q eral can by, tho enclosed letter contains Ms cone .iona. The Board of Field Offl :era accept his ten and have executed the release or transfer reqnlr and lt only remains for your honorable body to capt the transfer and make such order or resolut as General Caaby suggests. I have rally explained this business to the obi man of the Comm'ttee of Ways and Means, Mr. G dings, and to your Honor, and I have conferred* the Bon. W. D. Porter, City Attorney who has, np tuch conference, submitted his conclusions to 1 Geddings. The rents when received will be applicable to t Interest in arrears due to the trustees of the marrlt settlement of the Bev. Gustavus Poznan ski and wi who hold a mortgage on that portion ef the dta< Square Which lies at the northeast corner Of Ei and CaEioun streets. It ls highly desirable that t payment aho?ld be made immediately, and I tn you wfli indulge me to requeti the immediate art* con of the Council and y our .-elf to the subject. If there be any further information watch you m desire in connection with the subject of this comte nication, I win be most happy to furnish-it I am, Mr. Mayor, . ?. Very reai*ectfufly, Your obedient servant, JAMES SIMONS, Solicitor Board Field Officers, Fourth Brigade 8. O. M, [COPI.) HEADQUARTERS FSCOITD MXLXTABT DISTRICT, 1 CHARLESTON, 8. C., August 6, 1868. J Hon, Janus Simon*, Solicitor, ? c., de., Ckarltxh S.O.: Sra-Since our interview Monday, I have care fu considered tho question we then discussed tn co nection with the law and the rules adopted by t accounting efflcers of the Treasury Department ai I have reached the continuion that the manner settlement suggested by you would not meet f conditions required by law, and the rules of t. Treasury, for the following reasons: . The title ls nominally in tho Board of Field Ol cen, and corporate existence of that body would n be recognized at the Treasury Department ai so ful effective as to make a receipt given hy that Board valid discharge of a debt claimed from tao Unit? states. But as the city ls tb? party substantially 1 tereated, and aa the property was returned to tl city by the United States In 1865, if the Board Field Officers will make an assignment or transfer ita interest, and the City Council shall, by resolute or other appropriate mode, accept this transfer ai authorize ita Treasurer to receipt for the rents clair ed, then the payment may be ordered. I am aorry thai I have not had time until tb morning to reply to your suggestion. Very respectfully, air, Your obedient servant (Signed) E. E. S. CANDY, M. G. a THE STATE or POCTH CAROLINA-To all when these presents shall come : Whereas the building on th? Citadel Squara were ordered by the Burea of Beragees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1 October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five to be restored to the City Council of Charles toi which was done accordingly, and afterwards tb military authorities of the United States, at (Jhariet ton, took possession of the said buildings in Aprl one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, an have bad the use of the same ever since, an i th commanding officer of the Second Military Dlstric has intimated his willingness to make just campen Bation for tho nae .of. the said buildings thus.takei for public, purposes, and to pay the same to the Cit; Council of Charleston, If the Board of Field Officer of the Fourth Brigade, residing within the Parishs Of St Philip and St Michael shall make an assign ment or transfer of its Interest in the said claim fo. compensation, and the City Connell shall; by r?solu rion or other appropriate mode, accept the transfer and authorize Its treasurer to receipt for the ren claimed. Now, know all men by these presents, that the said Board of Field Officers of the Fourth Brigade residing within the Pariahes of st Philip ana bt Michael, by the Hon. John A. Wagener, their preai dent, have assigned and transferred, and t y these presenta do atti gu and transfer to the Cily Council of Charleston, ail the right, title, interest and claim of the said Board of Field Officers against the United States' of America, for compensation by way of rent of the said premises to the day of the date of these presents. In witness whereof, the said Board of Field Officers of the Fourth Brigade, residing within the i Parishes of tit Philip and St Michael, have hero fnto canted their setl to be affixed, testified under the band of. the Hon. John A. Wagener, their president this 12th day ot August, A. 0.1868, ?nd Ul . the ninety-third year of American Indepen? dence. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of JAKES SIMONS. JOHN A. WAGEN EB, President B. F. O. Whereupon Alderman Geddings, after a lew brief remarks touching the subject matter contained in the commun'cation, offered the follow lng preamble and resolutions, which were adopted : Whereat, The military authorities of the United States at Charleston, have agreed to make compen? sation, by way of rent for the buildings on the Cita? del Square, taken by them for public purposes, and to pay the same to the City Council of Charleston, to whom the buildings were surrendered m 1865, pro? vided the Board of Field Office: e of Fourth Brigade shall make an assignment or transfer of their inter? ests therein to the City Council, and the said City Council ahaB, by resolution or other appropriate modo, accept such transfer and authorize the City Treasurer to'give receipt for the rent, and. the said Board or Field Officers in pursuance thereof have made such transfer or assignment Now be lt Resolved, That the said City Council do hereby ac? cept the said transfer or assignment, and that the City Treasurer do receive the said rent and give ac? quittance for the same. Also, Resolved, That the fund BO received be appropriat? ed and applied, under the direction and superintend? ence of bia Honor the Mayor, to the Interest in ar? rear upon the bond and mortgage. BILLS. A bill in rel ! t'on to the High School came up for its second raiding. On motion, the consideration of the same was postponed to the next meeting. A bill to change the system of the pay of the Volunteer Fire Department, Ac, came up for its second readiBg. Alderman Ola ty moved to take up the bill by sec? tions. Carried. The first section was read, and the blank in the first line filled with 1st September next. The blank in the fourth line was, OB motion of Alderman Olney, filled with $3000. Some discussion ensued on the motion. Chief Nathan being present was requested to inform Conn. ?il w th regard to his knowledge of the expense of keeping the at earners Ac, in order per annum He proceeded to address Council as requested, and sub? mitted his annual report, showing the expenses borne oj the city for subduing fires, the pay of each engine, sc., after which, the vote wat taken on the $3000 md carried. HAND ENCUNES. The blank on the fifth line was, on motion of Alder nan Olney, filled with $1800. A little discussion nose on this motion, alter which the question was jut and carried on the adoption. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES. The blank on the sixth line was, on motion of L'derman Olney, filled with $1600. Alderman Lind? strom moved $<200. The motion was lost 6 and 6 Nayj.-.Aldermen Geddings, Potter, Lindstrom, n*?, Howard, the Mayor-6. Teat.-Aldermen Cunningham, Cade, Olney, Voigt, Marshall, Moore-6. The question recurred on the original motion and iras lost. Alderman Olney moved $1100. Lost-6 and 6; the aldermen voting as on the former motion. On motton, tte blank waa filled with $1200 and adopted. Ihe second and third sections were read and adopted. The bill wai rad a second tune and passed. On motion, the bin was passed to a third reading. The bill received ita third reading and passed. The title was changed to an ordinance and ordered to be en? grossed for ratification. 1 he bill reads aa follows: A Bmx to change the system of the pay of the Volunteer Fire Department of Charleston, accord? ing to (he report of the Special Committee on the Fire Department, made and accepted on the 14th day of July, 1868. SECTION l. Be it ordained, That frc m and after the 1st day of September next, the pay of the Fire De? partment of Charleston shall be at the rates as here? inafter mentioned, viz : . .The pay of each steamer at the rate of three thou [ sand dollars per annum, payable monthly. The pay of each band engine at the rate of one thousand eight hundred dollars per ann am, payable monthly. The pay of each hook and ladder company at the I rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per an? num, payable monthly. ? SEC. a. That the amounts appropriated in the flr?t section shall be considered as covering all expenses, such as the purchase of hose, mending of the same, materials, wear and tear of engin? and reels, pay of engineers and all other expenses usually incurred in keeping in order the apparatus of each company. t-Ec. 3. That all ordinances and parts of O'di? ?an ces which relate to the pay of the Volunteer Ehre Department be and the came are hereby re? pealed. A bill to compel the closing of trap doors and openings in bul.dings, stores, and other places of business, came up for its third readii g, which it re? ceived, and passed, the title was changed to an ordi? nance and ordered to be engrossed for ratification. DEFERRED BUSINESS. The report of the Committee on the petition of A. C. Welton, Esq., to ?ease the Artesian WeU and lot, came up, and on motion of A derm on Olney, the con? sideration of the same was postponed to next meet? ing for final action. - v The petition of tho barbers was brought up for consideration. The Mayor informed Council that he had instructed the Captain of Police to publish the ordinance of 1801, relative to closing places of busin PBS" on the Sabbath dav, which settles the matter. BESOLUnOKB. j _ By Alderman Olney: Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to appoint two Glutens of Charleston to act with similar com? mittees frou the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade, to visit Columbia and urga upon th e Gov? ernor and members of the Legislature the impor? tance of givin? aid and countenance to tte comple? tion of the Blue Ridge Railroad. Adopted. ii By Alderman Voigt: ? Resolved, That'tte late' order of tte Mayor to th Captain of tte Police, relative to tho closing of place of business oa tho Sabbath day, shall not include ice cream garden*, tte opening of such places having always been tolerated heretofore. A discussion ensued on tte resolution, several of tte Aldermen taken part in tte same, some lavoring the opening of auch places on Sundays, snd others opposing lt because there waa a law against it. Some suggested that a li w gardens may be allowed tte pri? vilege of opening, and that tte Mayor be allowed to ute his discretion in tte matter Alderman Howard conlea ded that if any were al? lowed the privilege, the barbers should share tte same. The resolution wu withdrawn. Adjourned. W. H. 8MTTM, " Clerk of Council (frmmerrial. The Charleston Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS,) CHABIXSTOK, Tuesday Evening, Aug. 18, '68. ) With a better feeling on the part of buyers tte article waa firmer, but tte (took was too light, and holders ratter stiff to permit Important transactions. Sales 68 bales, say Sat 23, 4 at 24, 2 at 26, 9 at 26, 9 at 27,10 at 28, and 22 at 28X- We quote: XJVKBPOOL OLASamOAXXOX. Ordinary to Good Ordinary.24 @26 Low Middling.27 @ Middling....7..28 ?28X Market? by Telegraph. FOREIGN MA EKE TS, LOKDON, August IA-Consola 94. Bond 71 }?. 'FBASETOBT, August 18;-Bonds 74 ??.1 PAMS, August 18.-Bourse quiet Rente* 70 franca | 37 centime?. LIVERPOOL, August 18-Noon.-Cotton firm and active; sales 16,000 bales. Lard advanced to 67s. Others unchanged. Two P. M.-Cotton firm. Provisions generally firm. Pork advanced to 76 s. Lard and naval stores firm. Sugar easier... Three P. M.-Ccttcm continues firm. Tarns and fabrics at Manchester firm. Wheat declining; red Western lia. Corn steady. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Ssw Tons, Atie"-i ig,-otork? ?WaJr?, tnt ??ry dull. Money easy, at 4*5. Gold 46#. Old bonds 13.K? ; new 7%. Flour 5il0c lower. Wheat la?c lower. Corn lc better. Mesa pork heavy, at $28 60 | Lard a shade firmer. Cotton a shade firmer, at 30c. Turpentine firm, at 45MS. Botin quiet-common and strained $2 85t8. Evening.-Cotton firmer ; eales 1200 bales at 3*c. Flour dull, superfine state 7.5?a8??. Wheat heavy. Mixed Westerncoin $120al 21. Provisions generally steady. Lard 19X*19X- Whiskey firm at 67};. Tur? pentine A5a46K. Rosin $2 90J7 00. Freights duU and declining, on cotton by steam 3-18. . BALTHCOBX, August 18.-Cotton firm, prices un. changed. Flour quiet and unchanged. Prime and choice wheat $2 60a2 65, otter grades dull ; prices declining. Corn steady, prime white $118al 20 ; prime yetlow $117al 18. Cato doll at 70a80. Bye, Maryland and Virginia, 60. Provisions unchanged. - WILMINGTON, August 18.-Spirits turpentine firm at 41c; in New York casks AlJic. Rosina active; strained, $2; No. 2, $2 15; No. 1, $3a4; extra pale, $5 50. SAVANNAH, August 18.-Cotton dull; notting do? ing; prices entirely nominal; receipts 3 bales. AUGUSTA, August 18.-Cotton market dull; prices nominal; sales 160 bales. MOBILE, August 18.-Cotton quiet; sales 60baler; middlings 28c; receipts none; exports 5 bales. NEW ORLEANS, August 18. -Cotton stiff; middling 29a30; sales 30 bales; receipts 75. Sterling 68a61. New Fork sight exchango }* premium. LOUISVILLE, August 18.-Flour $6Jfa7. Corn 90a 95. Mess pork 29. Lard 185?- Shoulders 14; clear .ides 17tf. Whiskey $2 25a2 30. CmcoxATX, August 18-Flour dull and un eh an ge d. Corn in demand, prices irregular; white 93a96. Whiskey dull, held at 70. Provisions nominally un? changed, to no demand. !o<?<?cie.a,g f ? g .I ? I I? f I ? ff I 8 1 ? 1 '.' 1 s M i. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? p ? ? g i T T i i i IT T f t* fi r* {? J* ?*" Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, August 17.-TxrBPirrrrra-Has ruled inactive to-day; about 600 bbls offering on market bot buyers are holding off for a decline, and no tales have taken place. Sprarrs Tr/RPXirriHE-Salea to-day of 300 bbls at 41c for country and 41)ic per gallon for New York bbls. Boars-Market quiet and prices a shade lower; eales of 990 bbls at $2 for strained, $215 for No 2, and $2 60, 3*3 76 for No 1, aa in quality. TAB-Is in demand and receipts meagre; sales af 48 bbls at $3 25 per bbl. COTTON-A ?mall lot sold at 24o for ordinary. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, August 16.-COFFEE-We report a sale of 600 bags Bio, ex Clifton, and 360 bags do from second hands, bott on private terms. COTTOH-Yesterday after tte close of our report there waa a sale of 49 bales low middling upland at 28 fcc. To day we note further soles of 117 hales. In? cluding good ordinary, at 25a27c, low middling at 28c, and middling at 29^c. The market closed quiet, but holders firmer. FLO ?B-The market waa quiet to-day; jobbers are buying more sparingly; some inquiry from shippers, but at pnces below the present cos: ot muling; gen? eral tone of the market heavy. We report a sale of 100 bbls choice Ohio soper at $9 25, and a small lot of city nulls to local dealers. GRATH-offerings of wheat to-day consisted of 1110 bus ls white and 11,096 buahs red. The market was steady for prime md choice dry lots, which are ?aroe; but for the lower grades prices were heavy, favoring buyers; included in the si les wore 200 bush prim? white at M 75; 100 do inferior $2 10. Of red, 100 butha choice sold at 2 75; 135 do prime 2 70; 800 busha good 2 50; 600 baths fair Western and Mary? land 240; 200 do 2 43; lOOObuahs damp and rough 2 20a2 87; 1000 baths commong 15. COHN-6,400 bushels white and 3170 bushels yel? low compiised the receipts ; market was steady at previon? day's figures. We report nales 1,820 bushels prime white $1 20; 2,000 bushels good do. $118; 310 do. $117; 200 bushels Inferior $110. Of yellow, 100 bushels prlmetl 20, and 820 bushels fair do, at cars, SI 16. Oats-6647 bushels offered; market lower, with sales, viz : 200 bushels . 6 eta. ; SOC do. 80 cts. ; 2200 bushels inferior and dark 70a7S cts., weight ; 376 bush els, ont of order, 65 eta. Fye-360 bushels offer? ed; sales 266 bushels at SI 47 ; 100 do. at SI 60. MILT. FEED-With light supply and fair demand we repeat previous prices, viz: Browns tuff 23 eta , and middlings 43 eta., $ bushel. - - MOLASSES-There were sales late on Friday, but not bet?re ?eported, of 60 hhds. Porto Bico at 60 cts., and 30 do. do. at 69 eta. 9 gallon. PROVISIONS-The jobbing demand for bacon ia quite heavy, the leading houses being busy In filling the numerous dally orders received, which, in the aggregate, serve materially to reduce the stock. Prices were firm to-day, as follows : For shoulders l*Xal6c; rib sides 17>?al7Kc; olear rib 17J??17J?o; sugar-cured hams 22a23c; no bulk meats on the mar? ket Mess pork continues scarce and firm at ISO 60; prime meas S27 60. Lard it jobbing at 19o for West? ern in bbls, and 20)?c in kegs. PICE-Market quiet with prices nominally un? changed. We quote Carolina loralie for prime; 9% alOc for Bang con in lota to the trade, and in bond tor expott 3^03^0 gold. Sash, vii lc Market. NASHVILLE, August 16.-Conos-We heard of | the eale of 14 ba'es yesterday at 25)?c, and of the shipment of 30 bales, but no receipts. WHEAT-Market dragging. Receipts small, although good prices were offered. There was a slight advance in some specimens. We heard of tb e sale of only 1471 buehels, that M in g smaller receipts than we have had for several weeks past It was dis? tributed In the following lots : 100 bushels prime white, $212>i ; 150 do amber, $2 06; 100 do red, SI 1 S0a2; 250 do, $2 02>? ; 216 do SI 95; 100 do $2; 75 do 195, also 160 bushels mixed amber, red and Medi? terranean, at SI 88; 60 do SI 86, and 45 do white and rod, at ?2. COEN-Dull and declining. Wo sum up the trans? actions as 1786 bu? h els, in the following lots: 1636 bushels white, delivered at depot, sacked, at 80c; 100 bushels of whire in bulk .rom wagon, 67a66c. OATS-Sales from s ore tacked, 76c Phillips' Provision Exchange. CINCINNATI, August IA-The provision market during tho week past has remained in about tho same condition as last noted, wita very slight ad? vances on soire articles, and a generally firmer feel? ing on the part of holders as to the future, especially for bulk and bacon meats. T he demand bas been small, and altogether consomplive, speculators standing aloof, for further developments. The cat? tle disease panic ls about at; an end, and its influ? ences on the hog product done. The market closed firm on the part o." holders, but buyers do net come forward even at the small advance asked over quotations, while slight concessions would lead to a fair trade. MESS PORE-Is generally held at S28 76. but is not saleable at more than 28 60 for city; there is no country offering. LARD-Ha s been very quiet this week, owing m part to the advance asked; it ia not saleable at over l8;3'c lor city kettled, though generally held Xo higher P\-u- MEATS-Have been in better Inquiry, but al prices a shade below the views of holders. I quote as a buying price 1?, 14??, l?Ji and 16&0 for cboulders, rib, clear rib and -clear cides, but held "Sic higher; all loose; no bulk hams. BACON-Hts a moderate (mall order demand, and and can be sold at 13Ko for shoulders; clear rib and clear sides 16K and 17J?c, all packed; no ribaldas In market; hams, s c, are held at 21a22c. l8Kal9Xc for second pickle, and 17\al8>ic tor plain, all can? vased and packed. PORT CiaXtELNT)AB.. PHASES or THE MOON. Full Moos, 3d, 6 hours, 44 minutes, morning. Last Quarter, 11th, 7 hours, 20 minutes, morning. New Mean, 18th, 0 hours, 8 minutes, morning. First Quarter, 24th, 7 honra, 39 minutes, evening. AUGUST. HUH I BETS. Monday.... Tuesday.... Wednesday. Thursday... Friday..... Saturday... Sunday. 6..25 E. .26 E. .27 5..27 5..28 6..29 5..29 6..41 ?..40 6..39 6..38 6v. 87 8. .86 6..34 Sets. 7. .10 7..65 8..34 9. .13 9..53 10..32 7.. 14 8.. 5 8.. 50 9..35 10.. 23 H.. 8 ll..59 Consign?es per South Carolina Railroad, August 18. 24 balea Cotton, 6681 bushels Grain, and 6 cars Lumber. To H Cobla A Co. G W Williams A Co, J N Tiedeman A Co, Street Brothers A Co, Courtenay A TreBholm, M Goldsmith A Son, Johnston, Crews t Co, OH Walter A Co, Pelzer. Sedgers A Co, W C Courtney A Co, J B E Sloan, W Bird A Co, Thurston A Holmes, J Campten A Co, Bollmann Brothers, G FolUn, and H an road Igrat Consignees per Northeastern Ralbroad, Augaat 18. 21 bales Cotton, 600 bbls Naval Stores, 16 cara Lumber and Wood, 8 cara Stock, Rough Bice, Mdze, Ac To B A J Y Early, G W Williams A Co, J H W?hrmann, Maxyck Brothers, J Marshall, Jr, A A Goldsmith A Co, 8 D Stoney, Kacnnaann A Co, B A Wlneberg, Graeser, Lee, Smith A Co, M Gold? smith. lc Son, Gaillard & Minort, G E Pratchett. B F Simmons, Reeder A Daria, F Brown, J M Caldwell A hon, and F A Sawyer. -^^^ Passenger!, Per steamship James Adger, from New York Hon H D Lese tue, wife and daughter, Mn H A Tup? per and servant, Miss T upper, Miss Ashby, Wm Byrne and wifo, Mrs J Nola ?, Mrs Jas H Taylor, Mrs W T Friday, Capt J McCormick, J P Wright and 2 children, G H Ingraham, Jr and wife, Mn Wr st A fon, J Lingham, John Teller, M A G?stin, J L Husband, Mr Johnson, G B Deming, N A Hunt, J J Glasson, Mrs GB Grady, Miss Eva Jones, Mr Blinman, and 1 on deck. ISTORTH MERCANTILE D?SI LONDON AND INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER AND THIRTEEN MIL.1 PLEDGED FOR THE SECUI UNDERSIGNED IS PBEPARED TO ISSUE on as favorable terms as those of anv other Agen the patronage of his friends and the public generally. EDW August ll G??AE MUTUAL LIFE INS o NEW"! -< ASSETS OVER ONE -MILLION -c rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN APPOINT! X AND HIGHLY BESPONSIBLE COMPANY, IS. ? August ll tuthslmo IMPORTANT TO Cl Port of Charleston, .?Vaxcust 19. Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Jam ag Adger, Lockwood, Kew York left Saturday. Mdxe. To Jag Adger & Co, SO Ball road Agent, NEBa'lroad Agent, Steamer agenta. Southern Express Co, Adama, Damon A Co, J X Adger 4 Co, ti W Aimer, DA Ammo, R Arnold, J Baker, E Bates & Co, H Bischoff* Co, Bollmann Brothers David Briggs, T M Bristoll, H Bul winkle, HtsP Caldwell, Cameron, Barkley 4 Co, Thoa Campbell, J Campeen ? Co, A Canale, Cartmill, Harbeson 4 Co, TM Cater, W H Ohafee ac Co, Chi? ohn Brothers, Claciua 4 Witte, TLD Olanoy, FW Cluussen, H Cobla k Co, John Commins, W 8 Cor? win 4: Co, H Daly, J 4 F Dawson, Dewie & Moina, J B Duval 4 Son, A W Eckel 4 Co, M Farina, B Feldman 4 Co, D F Fleming 4 Co, Fogarlie's Book Store Goodrich, Wlneman 4 Co, C Graveley, H Has? tedt, J Hermann, F 8 Holmes, N Hunt 4 Son, J Hiirkamp 4Co, Jeffords 4 Co, Johnston. Crews k LO, J x JUep, Jj Kenake, Mrs C D Ktndrick, B W Kinsman, w Kinsman, H Klarte 4 Co, Klhaok, Wickenberg 4 Co. CLKomahrens, Krelte4 0h>p mao, t Kreasel, Jr, Laurey 4 Alexander. G A Locke 4 Co, C Litachgi, J M Martin, Wm Mattblessen, J Gr _Son, Osten? dorff 4 Co, JOOtJen, O F Panknin, O P Poppen helm, J B Bead 4 Co, J Beils, Wm Boach, G O Rob? inson, J Jancovich, J Ralph Smith, E B stoddard 4 Co, G W Stronb 4 Co, Strauss 4 Vanees, J Thomson 4 Co, Wagener, Heath 4 Mont?es, Walker, Evana 4 Cogswell, P Walsh, Werner 4 Ducker. W Wohlkins, J li M Wohltmann, W J Tate?, Gondkop 4 Bcuth ner. Wm McComb 4 Co. Mc Loy 4 Bice, F M Jones WM Bird 4 Co, J B Betti, 0 Hickey, B Lawless, Marzyck, E J White, and others. Sailed Yesterday. Brig Bawl Welsh, Hoecker, Philadelphia. Steamer City Point, Willey, Palatka, via Jacksonville, Fernandina and Savannah. From this Port. Steamship Monterey, Byder, New York, August 16. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore, August 18. Cleared for thia Pert. Drig G F Geery, Conklin, at Kew York, August 15. Memoranda. Michael Cruddin, seaman on Board sehr Susan Wright, at Georgetown, (S C,j on 16th instant, fell from the poop-deck, striking his head against the forehatch (a distance of about eight feet), winch caused his death m a few hours. POBT OF GEOBGETOWN, 8, C., TO AUGUST 16. ABE1VKD. August 13-Sohra Carle 8 Webb, Day, Kew York;. Y B Baird, Bernard, Philadelphia; Am eric us, Daley, New York. August 14-Schrs EUa, Gray, Boston; Vernal, Tor? ry. Bath} Wa ta ti ga, Munro, Philadelphia ;, William Allen,-, Philadelphia. August 16-Steamer J M Lewis, -, Norfolk, (Va,) put in for fuel and repairs, cleared same day for Jacksonville,( Fla); sehr Susan Wright, Geake", New York. August 16-Schrs L A Edwards, Marshall Kew York; Pacific, Bragg, Baltimore, OXSAJBJED. August 13-Sehr Statesman, Bede], Kew York. August li-Brig Anna D Torrey, Curbs, Boston. LIST OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT FOREIGN. UVUIOOaV. The Cardigan, Kelly, cleared.July 38 . DOMESTIC. BOCXPOBT, XX. Sehr Mary E Vancleaf, McGobb, sailed_August 13 BOSTON. Sehr Stampede, Stratton, up.August 6 Sehr Montana, Bearse, cleared.August 8 Sehr alonzo P Austin,-, up. .August 9 BBW TOBI-. Steamship Jas Adger, Lockwood, to sail. ...August 16 Ship R C Winthrop, Stewart, hp.August 13 Brig G F Geery, Conklin, cleared.August 16 Bohr Wanella, Hawkins, cleared.August 10 sehr Ida Richardson, Bedell, cleared.August 13 Sehr B Caldwell, Mccormick, up....August 13 Sehr Myrover, Brown, cleared.August 13 Behr Men? wa, Diasosway, cleared.August 14 PinJDELPHU. Sehr EDI inney, Tuttle, cleared...*.August ll tO- CUBE WABBANTEDI-COBNS, BUN? IONS, etc., removed without pain, by MONS. BERGER, Ko. 314 King, near Market-street August 4_tnf MO- A YOUNG LADY BETUBNING IO ber country home, after a sojourn of a few months I in tl e city, was hardly recognized by her Mends. In place ol a coarse, rug tlc, flushed face, she had . oatt ruby ron piexion of almost marble smooth? ness, and instead twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plalily told them that she used I the CIRCASSIAN BALM, ard considered it an in? valuable acquisition to any lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentlemen can Improve their persona) appearance an hundredfold. It is simple lu ita combination, as Nature herself ls simple, yet onsur pasted m Its efficacy In drawing Impurities fTonw, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By Ita direct action, on the cuticle lt draws from it ali its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature Intended 1 should be-clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price ll, sent by Mall or Express, on receipt of an order, by W. L. CLARK 4 CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette-street, Syracuse, N. Y. j The only American Agents for the sale cf the same, March 80 lyr BRITISH [RANCE COMPANY, EDINBURGH. SPECIAL ACTS OF PABLIAMENT, A. D. 1809. LIONS' IN GOLD, tITY OF POLICY-HOLDERS. 3 POLICIES IK THE ABOVE KAMED COMPANY, des m this city. He respectfully solicits a share ot ARD SEEKING, Agent, NO. 34 BROAD-STREET. tuthslmo I?IA.N" iUKANCE COMPANY, F Z O K K . j ANO RAPIDLY INCREASING. SD AGENT OF THE ABOVE NAMED POPULAR PREf ABED TO ISSUE POLICIES. DWARD SEBRIXG. Ko. 34 BROAD-STREET. 3TTON PLANTEES. GREY'S PATENT L ABOE-SATIXG IRON SCREW COTTON PRESS! WITH ONE MULE A HEAVY BALE CAN BE EASILY PACKED. Set of Irons weigh 1100 lbs. Price $160. ALSO, Tl GEORGI! SJW CI, Formerly "CLEMENS" GIN, of Columbus, Ga., at reduced prices. For descriptive lists, apply to HUGER & RAVENEL, General Agents for South Carolina, No. 60 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. ALSO, Agents for the sale ot PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, HENEKEY'S "Mc CAB1BY" GIN 8. BICE and WHEAT THRESHERS, FANS, GEIST MILLS, Ac. HUGER eft RAVENEL, No. 60 East Bay, Charleston, 8. C. ilUSlIMM H??lrouK CHAHLESTO?I CITY RAILWAY COM. PANT. OFFICE CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY CO.,) Conran BROAD AND EAST BAT STREETS, J CHASLZSTOK,'80. 0A., May 18, 1886. j SCHEDULE OF THE CHARLESTON CJTT RAILWAY COMPANY. KING-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminus Leave Lower Termina at 7.30 A.M., and at inter- at 8 A.M., and at Inter? vals of eight (8) min?tes vals of eight (8)-minutes daring tte day tin the during tte day till 10 P. last trip at 9.30 P.M. M. N.H.-Leave tte Battery ?a follows: On tte hoar, .nd twelve (12) minute* ot tte hour, from 8 A. M., except at twelve (12) minuta oj 9 o'clock, A. M. Every otter trip from tte old Postoffice until 4.30 P M. from tte Upper Terminus, when all the tripe are ta tte Battery. RUTLEDGE-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminai -Leave Lower Termin?t. at 7.30 AM., ?nd at inter- at 8.05 AM, and at inter? vals of ten (10) minutes vals of ten (10) minutes during tte day till 9.20 during the day nil 9,65 P. P.M. M. N.B.-Leave tte Battery at fifteen (15) minutes after tte hour, and thirty-five (35) minutes after tte hour, except at 8.35 A M. Every otter trip from the old PoBtofflee until A.30 P. M. from Upper Terminas, when all tte trips are to tte Battery.. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. KING-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminus Leavo the Lower Termi? ni 9 A.M. and at inter- nus at 9.30 AM., and at vals of dfteen (16) min- intervals of fifteen (15> ates au 7.00 P. M. minutes till 7.30 P. M. N.B.-All the trips sre to tte Battery. RUTLEDGE-STREET LINE. Leave Upper Terminus I Leave Lower Termini* at. 9 AM, and at Inter-1 at 9.35 AM, and at inter?, vals of every twenty (20; vals of every twenty (20) minutes Ul 6.46 P.M. | minutes fall 7.30 P.M. N.B.-AU tte trips are to tte Battery. S. W. RAMSAY, May 17_Secretary and Treasurer. CI LAX GE OF SCU2DILE. CH AR L OTTE. AND SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL . ROAD COMPANY. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1, COLUMBIA, & 0., March 31,1868.1 ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE TRAIN a over this Road will run as fouows: Leave Columbia at.4.00 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at..1L00 P. M? Leave Charlotte at.TL85 P. M. Arrive at Columbia at.6.00 A M. Passengers Ulong this route, going North malte close connections at Greensboro', Weldon and Ports? mouth, to all principal Northern cities. ?i-Tlckets optional from Grernaboro', "either via? Danville or Raleigh; ?nd from Portsmeutt either via Bay Line or Annamessic Route. Baggage checked through. ' . - Connections made bott ways witt trains of der Greenville and Columbia Railroad. . CALEB BO TONIGHT, April 2_Saperm tendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ? CHARLESTON, 8. C., March 26,1868. > ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH, THH PASSENGER TRAINS of the South Carolin* Railroad wfll run as fouows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.6.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta....3.80P. IA. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery an? Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA Leave Charleston....6.30 A M. Arrive at Columbia.3.50 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Rail? road, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.6.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.10 P. M. Leave Columbia......6 00 A. M.. Arrive at Charleston.. .3.10 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS (SUBDAXS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.6.15 A M. Connecting witt trains for Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta.4.10 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A M. COLUMBIA NIGHT. EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.5.40 P. M. Arrive st Columbia. ;. 20 A. M. Connecting (bundys excepted) witt GreenviRe and1 Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.30 P. M.. Arrive at Charleston.5.30 A M. SC MM ER VILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.3.40 p. M. Arrive at Summerville;.5.16 P. M. Leave Sommerville.7.30 A. M.. Arrive at Charleston.8.35 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave Kin grille.2.20 P. M., Arri? e at Camden.6.00 P. M.. Leave Camden.6.10 A M. Arrive at Ringville.:.7.40 A. M. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, April 29 General Superintendent. 30,000 FRANCS ! ! HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALS AT WORLD**? FAIR, London ; WORLD'S FAIR, New York ; EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris; AND WINNER OF THE WAGER OF 30,000 FRANCS ! ? (?6,000 IN GOLD,, At tte recent International Contest m the Paris Ex? hibition. The public are invited to call and examine tte re? port of the Jury on tte merits of tte great contest, and see tte official award to tte Herring's Patent over all otters. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN;. No. 251 Broadway, corner Murray-st, New York. FARRBEL, HERRING 4 CO., ) HERRING b CO., philadelphia. J Chicago, HERRING, FARBEL tt SHERMAN, New Orleans. Large Stock on hand by WALKER, EYAJ?S & COGSWELL Nos. 3 BBOAD AND 109 EAST BAY STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. March 3 gmo JUST RECEIVED BX E. H. KELLERS A. CO., Druggists, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, VICHY GBAN DE QBILLE AND KISSINGEN BITTER WATER, In Original Packages, April 30