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THE DAILY NEWS LABGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY fi EWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY .RECOGNIZED-AS HAYING THE LARGEST CIR .COLATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON. .-"PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTEKS REMAIN. ? ESO LS THE POSTOFFICE AT THE END OF . EACH WEEK. ACCORDING TO THE PROVT5 ? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. LEITCH & BBTTNSW?II sell at ll o'clock, at the . old poatoffiee, several buildings and lots. R. M. MARSHALL & BBOTHEK will sell at ll - o'clock, at the Northeastern Railroad Passen ger Depot, fonz thousand oak staves and .- spokes. JAMES TOFFEE, Master in Equity, will sell at : IJ. o'clock, at the old customhouse, several val nab:? pieces of real estate. T. M. CATER will sell at three-quarters past . 9 o'clock, on Brown's wharf, butter, bacon, Ac. G. W. STEFFENS & Co. will sell at half-past fSJ o'clock, in front of their store, No. 30 Vendue Bange, bacon strips, sugar. Sec. Ti A mt FT j; ALEXA ND ER will sell at 10 o'clock, in their store, No. 137 East Bay, strips, pota . ?toes, Ac - . MXLLIGAV & S JN will sell at 10 o'clock, in : their store, Nc 22 Vendne Bange, tomato cat : ?tip, lemon syrup, &c .-. MCKAY & CAMBELL will sell at 10 o'clock, at '? -their salesroom. Nc 13$ Meeting-street, furni ? tore, gold watches, &c THE DALLY NEWS PBICE CCBBENT AND COM . irggCTAT. CniCTJXAB will be ready tor delivery at .fi in ft o'clock to-morrow morning. Business .houses wishing to subscribe for a specified . -number of copies containing their cards, should - leave their orders at our counting room to-day. BASE BALL.-A match game was-played yes? terday afternoon . at the foot of Broad-Street, .between tho second nines of thg Yoong Alerts, .and the Palmetto Base Ball Clubs, which re .sclfed in the victory of the Alerts. ECBGLABY.-The residence, of Mrs. Guy on .-Society-street was'entered a few nights since . by burglars, and robbed of a large amount of J .money -and valuables. The thu ves . escaped [ with their b;oty, but the detectives have been - '. notified, and they will soon be placed in du : rance vile ' _ - THE GREAT CONCERT.-The Concert in aid of j the funds of the Ladies' Mutual Aid Associa - - ti?n, about which Charleston has been curious . for some weeks,Will certainly take place on Tuesday night next.. The rehearsal last even? ting went off very woll, and it may be promised v'ioat'" the Concert will be worthy of ?ie noble - charity in whose behalf it is given. t BATS.-A refreshing rain fell yesterday, - which effectually laid the dust and rendered the atmosphere several degrees cooler. It -. came down for. a time as i f all the trap doors y .-had-been opened,-bat its fury was soon ex ""^ pended, and the umbrellaless were permitted '. to leave the various shelters which the sudden waterfall had forced t hem to seek. A CONTROVERSY CLOSED.-A white man and - colored 'woman indulged in seme high words .- and a few. blows last night, on Meeting-street, ' jaear Hasel. The clash of arms soon attracted . --the attention of the police, and the combatants were taken io ifre guardhouse- and allowed the anight for reflection.' Their angry passions . >*-will be Bootnedbjrthe Mayor^bia morning. NON-COSQIITTAL.-At-tho last meeting of] . Council, Alderman Geddings offered, resolu? tions Humting Gen. Sec tc, Dr. M. K. Hogan and - others', for the assistance rendered by them, aa officers of the Bureau, to the Health Depart . juent of Charleston. .The ayes and noes were -called, when Alderman Cade asked to be ex . cused from voting, as,he. did not know what iad been done in tho Health Department, or why the thanks ot. Council should be re turned -io the officers above mentioned. A vote was ? takon and his request granted. HOTEL ARRIVALS, July 29.-Charlesion 3o~ -it*.-J. W. Bradley, Columbus, Ga.; G. C. Sel maa, City; Miss Wigfall and Miss Baker, I - EdgeSeld; E. W.-Drummond, Savannah; A. M. | Latham, South Carolina; E. W. Marshall, City; Wm. E. Earle, Greenville; Mis. J. B. Hill and i;wo children, Columbus, Ga.; W. H. Pearson, JPhaade^h??; G. W. Griflin,- Baltimore; -Dr. S. 2d. Dunkrns, Sumter. Pavilion Hold.-J. P. Gamble, Kingatree; - Jas. L. Donn, Philadelphia; James G. Dore, ':flociet?y.BflL .; . . .'. EAST BAX IMPROVEMENTS.-The owners of on East Bay have takes advantage of - the doll season to rentare the ravages made by -time. Two stores on the east side, below - .Queen-street, are now being refitted, and will -be ready for occupants before Ihe fall season -Opens. Buildings are also in process of erec *ion on tho same side of the. street, near the .market, and opposite-the cotton press. These axe hopeful signs of the times, as those per . -sons who are investing in brick and, mor ?ar - feel confident of the ultimate prosperity of our - city,' and are ooing>llrn their power to accom . :plish this desired end. A PLANK ROAD ' WANTED.-A petition has -been presented to Council asking that body to .-restore the plank road that was- formerly laid in John, Chapel and Washington streets. This 'road is much noeded, as, during a dry soa - 300, the sand i? very heavy and. almost impaa --sable, while a Tain. converts the whole into a : mud pond. -The Northeastern Railroad is only -approachable through t hos o streets, Iud dur? ing the busy season cotton drays have fre ? qaently stalled, as the road is then badly cut up by the constant travel. A plank road which ' -would remedy this evil could be laid ata -.- small expense, a portion of which would be, . -doubtless, contributed by that class of citizens who would receive the' most benefit from the *-- improvement. _' A BARBER-OCS PROCKEDLNO.- The knights of ' the lather and brush have recently become -aroused to ?he heinous' crime of Sabbath break? ing, and have in solemn conclave requested - . Council to order them to close their establish - - -meats on Sunday. Their religious feelings - luve been, deeply moved, and, unless their re? quest should be granted,- the band of brothers ' will baiber-oualy lower their poles, and refuse - - the ungodly the benefit of a Sunday shave. It has been customary for the barber shops to re z mam open for a few honre on Sunday morning, . tau the patronage was always a sufficient in - daoement for them to continue, the practice. -As free agents they have a right to close their ^establishments if they so desire; but men . must shave, and there will be some of the fra? ternity whoso consciences will prove elastic . enough to permit them to perform the desired --operation. ANOTHER REHOVATTON.-Although it was the - ".intention or the Board of Public Buildings to -'confine their improvements to the exterior of ~the Courthouse, yet the contrast between the ''freshly colored walls and the dingy weather '- stained glasses, was too .great to be permitted '-to remain.. Yesterday men were engaged in -scrubbing the window panes and endeavoring -to restore something of their former transpar . ency. A. clear window pane is rather an un? common sight in legat precincts, as the lights -of the bar are usually content with their own illuminating powers, and the windows of the Courthouse have not received a thorough cleaniog'for many years. When the scaffold? ing is removed, the clear windows and cream ? colored walls of the Courthouse will give the * venerable p?e.?prite a juvenile appearance. TKB DEMO CB ?TIO ??SETTNG OS TuESDAr N -IHE ATTEMPTS TO CREATE A DISTURBAN WO alluded briefly yesterday to the oin stance that a number of negroes attempt? interrupt the Democratic meeting held 01 previous night, by shouting and cheerio Grant and Colfax. Facts which have i come to light show that the colored me the outskirts of the crowd were acting act ing to a pre-arranged plan, and tba wavL.their purpose to provoke a collisio: tween the Democrats and the Radicals. ,Soon after- the meeting was organized, tree-boxes near the stand were torn dow the Radical negroes. These were their a and they at once began to yell and curse ai white men near them. They shouted, "d with the rebels," "drive 'em home," "cut t throats," "d-' the white monkeys," var; the tune occasionally by calling for tl cheers for Grant, and by attempting to s "Bally round the flag." The white people aud the colored Democ who were with them took no notice of tl demonstrations, and the meeting was qui adjourned when Judge Aldrich had finis speaking. After the adjournment a numbe negroes crowded up to the platform, sa^ they would at once use it for a Grant and 1 fai m "ting. In this they were disappoiu for Ult s* i.vd was guarded by the member the Democratic committee until it was ta down. One of the peculiar features of the occas was a stump speech made by Sam Dickers0: colored Radical. Ho told the negroes t they were a disgrace to their party; that Democrats did not interrupt their mee ti 1 and they must not trouble the Democrats, ? that if they did they wonld bring down u] themselves the ill-will of the whole commun Tais was not palatable to the negroes, v threatened him with violence, and he wo have been mobbed bat for the protection gi' him by the police. There is no donbt that the whole movem was directed and arranged by the white le era of the Radicals. I'he forbearance and tience of the Democrats averted any outbre but if Buch demonstrations are allowed to c .tinco there must be serious trouble. It ia 1 duty of the police to see that peaceful pul meetings are not interfered with, and as Democrats never molest the Radicals wi they have their gatherings, it is expected tl they themselves shall not be annoyed by t foul words and gestures of? a few turbo! negroes._ THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE NE? ELECTED STATE OFFICERS.-The Board County Commissioners, so-called, succeed yesterday in obtaining a room in the Fi Proof Building, and remained in session c ring the morning, prepared to approve t bonds of the newly elected oounty office None were, however.offered. Mackey produc no other names, though the tax books we examined and the 'amounts set opposite t names of several colored tax-payers eirena noted^ Hurley, the aspirant for tho positi of Coroner, was present, but had no bone men, and said that he had not yet gi en the subject any attention. Biohmon the "Clerk of the Court," is still in Columbi where he is employed in lobbying through bill amending the act passed by the last Legi lat ure, which states that, if good and sufiicie sureties are not furnished within thirty da after the election, the office of any public of cer who shall fail to comply with the requis tiona of this section of the act within the sa thirty days, shall be regarded as vacan ;. Th act is still in force, and under its provisioi none 04 the carpet-baggers can legally quali; if they were even able to furnish approve sureties. The County Commissioners have not y< made any legal demand on the chairmen of t fc different Boards of Public Buildings, Poo Roads, Ac, for their papers And fonds reman ing on hand, but are waiting for.those officia! to respond to the published notice. If no ai ewer ia given to (his appeal, F. C. Miller, th Chairman of the County Commissioners, wi make a formal demand for a transfer, and i case of a refusal will report the contumacion Boards to Governor Scott. The County Con missioners have now been in session three da j and have accomplished nothing, though thei duties under the new constitution are man fold, and their field ext en jive. THE BANKRUPT LAW AMENDED.-The "fifi per cent, clause" of the Bankrupt law, as it i called, was so amended by a bill passed in th Senate on ' Saturday hight as to allow all pei sons who apply before the 1st day of Januar} 1869, to have the benefit of the Bankrupt lai whether they pay fifty per cent, of their debt or not. The bill is as follows : '.Be it enacted, io., That the provisions 0 the second clause of the thirty-third section o said act shall not apply to the cases of proceed ings in bankruptcy commenced prior to th< first day of January, eighteen hundred ant sixty-nine, and the time during which the ope ration ol the provisions of said clause is post ?oned shall be extended until said fi st daW 0 anuary, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. And said clause is hereby so amended as tc read aa follows: In all proceedings in bankrurrt cy cominen.ed after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, no discharge shall be granted to a debtor whose assets shat not be equal to fifty per cent, of the claims proved against his estate, upon which he shat be liable aa the principal debtor, unless ihe assent in writing of a majority in number and value of his creditors to whom ho shall have become liable as principal debtor, and who shall have proved their claims, be held in the case at or before the time of the hearing of the application for discharge. "SEC. 2. And be ? further enacted. That said aot be further amended as follows : The phrase 'presented or defended* in the fourteenth sec? tion ot said act, shall read, 'prosecuted or de? fended;' the phrase 'non-resident debtors,' in line five, section twentv-two ol the act as print? ed in the Statutes at Large, shall read, 'non? resident creditors,'; that the word 'or' in next to the last line of the thirty-ninth section ol the act shall read 'and;' that'the phrase'sec? tion -thirteen.' in the forty-second section of said act, shall read 'section eleven;' and the phrase 'or spends any part thereof in gaming,' in the forty-fourth section of said act, shall read, 'or shall spend a nv part thereof in gaming;' and that the words 'with the senior registrar, or,' and the phrase 'to be delivered to the registrar,' in the forty-seventh section of said act, be stricken out. "SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That reg? istrars in bankruptcy shall have power to ad? minister oaths in all cases, and m relation to all matters in which'oaths may be administered by Commissioners of tbe Circuit Courts of the Uniied States, and such Commissioners may take proof of debts in bankruptcy in all cases, subject to the revision ol' such proofs by the> registrar and by the court, according to the pro? visions of said act." The bill goes to the President. UNITED STATES COURT-JULI 29-HON. GEO. S. BBYAN, PBESTDINO.-In re Theo. Cordes, a bankrupt. Petition for discharge. Rutledge & Young, pro pet. On their motion, a final hearing was ordered for the 14th August, and reference to R. B. Carpenter, Esq... Registrar. Lu re Edward Daly, bankrupt. Petition for final discharge. Simonton & Barker, pro pet. A final hearing was ordered for the 15th of August. Ex parte Joseph Selby. Petition for final discbarge. Simonton & Barker, pro pet. Or? hearing the report of the Registrar, it was or? dered that the bankrupt be discharged, and the Judge signed the usual order of.dis? charge. Ex parte A. G. Magrath, Jr. Petition for admission to practice in the U. S. Conrt for South Carolina. The petition was examined and admitted. Ex parte Simon Fogarty. Petition for citi? zenship. On motion, the usual certificate of citizenship was given to the petitioner. In Admiralty.-The testimony in the Sed bergh case was resumed and continued to the hour of adjournment. Democrm t?o 5 omin a Hons to th? City Central Committee. In pursuance 'of a call made by th J State Central Committee, the different Democratic ward clubs met last night at their several places of rendezvous, and proceed-d to ballot for five delegates to attend the City Central Convention to be held at the Masonic Hall, at noon on Saturday. This Convention will nomi? nate twenty delegates, who will represent the city at the Columbia Convention. WARD L-At a meeting of the Demo? cratic Club of thia Ward, held last evening, the following delegates were elected to represent the ward in the Convention to nominate dele? gates at Columbia: Messrs. W. E. Mikell, W. 8. Adams, W. L. Daggelt, P. L. Holwell, and A. T. Smythe. WARD 2.-At the meeting last night the fol? lowing delegates to the committee were ap? pointed : Jas. R. Pringle, Zimmerman Davis, J. M. Mulvany, G. H. Moffett, W. A. Pringle. WABD 3_This Club elected as a Central Ex exutive Committee : T. M. Hanckel, Geo. Tup? per, R. M. Butler, Wm. Tennent, J. P. Deveaux. Del?gales.--W. J. Gayer, E. R. White. B. Bollmann, John Kenny, Geo. Tupper. WABD 4.-At the meeting of this Ward, held last night, the following delegates to the com? mittee were appointed: N. M. Porter, Jno. A. Wagoner, W. A. Kelley, R. D. White, J. B. Betts. WABD 5.-At the meeting of the Democratic Club of this ward, held last night at the Eagle Engine House, the following committe?s were elected : Executive Committee.-B. Y. Tupper, A. J. Crews, R. C. Barkley, J. H. Devereux, P. Bra dv. Committee on Finance.-John H. Honour, Richard Arnold, J. D. Aiken, T. D. Dotterer, T. J. KuaufT. Delegates to the Central Conceniion.-h. J. Crews, C. Foster, Jos. D. Aiken, Z. B. Oakes, J. M. Caldwell. WARD 6.-The regular meeting of the Demo? cratic Club was held last nigbt; The resigna? tion of President E. W. Marshall and Vice President W. L. Trenholm were accepted, and the Hon. Chas. H. Simonton was t lecto J Presi? dent by acclamation, and Capt. James M. Car? son VioPresideut by acclamation. Resolu? tions of thanks to the Hon. A. P. Aldrich, to the committee of arrangements for the Ward 6 mass meeting, and to H. T. Peake, Esq., the Washington Fire Eugine Company, and others, were adopted. The delegates of the ward to the Central Democratic Club were instructed to repiesent the ward in the committee to nominate dele? gates to the Columbia Convention, viz: Dr. T. B. Aldrich and Messrs. J. C. Campbell, F. W. Dawson, Thomas P. Ryan and R. B. Baker. WARD 7.-At the meeting of this Ward held last night, the following delegates were ap? pointed to tho Central Committee: Jno. E. Carew, F. H. Due, Geo. R. Gruber, J. M. Ea son, M. Cannady. WARD 8.-The following delegates were ap? pointed last night to the Central Committee : D. Cameron, Jno. Hanckel, J. T. McDonald, Sr., Stephen Thomas, Jr., W. 8. Henerey. OHE COPY of TEE DAILY NEWS for the Presi? dential campaign-four mouths-for two dol? lars cash. THE ORS OF 4 GABPET-BAOQEE.- The fol? lowing letter is sent to us by one "of that unfortunate class who, by force of circum? stances, were compelled to land in bf the great Mackey, but, who to-day, see tho error of their ways, and, with carpet-bag in hand, will go their way and sin no more:" CHARLESTON, July 28. To the Editor of the Daily News : Your local of yesterday gare notice that the great Mackey and his friends, for his defeat at Columbia, are going to take the stump against "ye carpet-baggers." If this is their intention, as one of that unfortunate class, I hope that "the great 'Mogal" will, before commencing the war, return to the friends of "ye carpet? baggers" the $50,000 he got from them in 18G5; release his carpet-bag bondsman from his cns house bond; return to "ye oarpet-baggera' the stamps put out to secure bis election to the Senate, which he did not get; return to the in? nocent Dennis, the happy Chamberlain, the virtuous Jackson, the broken-hearted Hoyt, the wandering bond-hunter Parker, and the Christian Bowen, the tears the)' shed at his defeat. Let him call homo the knowing Thomas, and at the same time give notice to his landlady of bis having refunded tbe $300 sent down to MacGregor to start a Radical paper, which, np to this time, has never been paid, two years and more. Make MacGregor resign his office, got by the wire? pulling of "ye carpet-baggera" from Berkeley. Return thanks to Gov. Scott,' a carpet-bagger, for getting him into the Convention, and its President, against the wishes of a majority of its members (the intelligent ones.) Re? turn thanks to the Attorney-General, Cham? berlain, "ye carpet-bagger,'' for appearing in bis behalf at the Ashley meeting in Colum? bia in this State when he was in another State not far ofL Let him ask the Republicans of j the State to give bim the credit of carrying the constitution by going ont five days, instead of Corbin, Chamoerlain, Elliott, Whipper, Wright, Sawyer, Cain, Whitten?ore, Jil Ison, Scott, and other carpet-baggers, who spent weeks on the stump. Let him do tbls, Mr. Editor, and "ye carpet-baggers" will gladly part company with a man that has been and will be, for all time to come, a dead-weight to any party, and more so to "ye carpet-baggers;" who. if they could, would gladly write on his tombstone : "Withered be the gnus above him, Enemy of our better days. None knew bim to luve him, None named him to praise." Yours, respectfully A CARPET-BAGGER. A CLTJB of ten persons at one address may have a copy of THE TRI-W?EKLY NEWS for four months for seventy-fivo cents each. One copy free to who ever sends us a club of ten at thea tates. BILL or MORTAIJTY.-Return of deaths with? in the City of Charleston, for the week ending July 25,1868: CAUSES OF DEATH. BLACKS on COLORED Asthma. Brain, Conges ion of. Brain, Effusion or.. Cholera Infantum. Cholera Morbus. /Consumption. Convulsions. Diarrhoea. Fever, Bilious Congestive Fever, Bilious R?mittent. Larynx, Inflammation ol. Lungs, Congestion of. Marasmus. Neglect. Teething. Trismus Kascentium. Tuberculosis. I .. I - 1 * Total.;.I 8 i 6 i I ! 12 1 1 1 RECAPITULATION : Whites, 14; Blacks and Colored, 12-Totil, 27. AGES : Under 1 year of age... 7 Between 50 and 60 yrs. 1 Between 1 and5 yrs... 10 "ietween 60and 70 yr3. 4 Between Sand 10yrs.. 0 Between 70 and 80 yrs. U Between 10 and 20 yrs.. 1 Between 80 and 90 v r3. 0 Between 20and 30 yrs.. 0?Between 90and 100yrs. 0 Between 30 and 40 yrs.. 2 Ovor 100 years of age... 0 Between 40 and 50 yrs.. 2| Office of City Registrar. July 28, 1808. ? GEORGE S. P-JL/.ER, M. D., City Registrar. L? YOU wont a copy of THE DALLY NEWS for four months, free of cost, send us a club of ten subscribers at one address. The paper will cost each member of the club one dollar and fifty cents. JBUSrNKSS NOTICKS. HTI?. Ifyou want cheap BUak Books; If you want cheap Stationery, Envelopes, Paper, kc. ; or Miller's Almanac; If you want PrintingjBiecutod neatly; fi you want Books bound in any style, or Account Booka made to order, with any desired pattern oi ruling, go to Hiram Harris, Agent, No. 50 Broad street _ Otra HOUSE.-Torck, the famous, has green turtle soup during lunch hours to-day. DOOES AND SASHES.-We direct attention to the advertisement, published this morning, of P. P. Toale, wholesale and retail dealer and manufacturer of doors,' sashes and blinds, on Borlbeck's wharf. Particular attention 1? paid to ?hipping, and parsons who deal with Mr. Toale will bc well satisfied. You CAN save from fifty cents tb one dollar per pound on teas, by purchasing them from Wil? son's grocery, northwest corner Society an? Anson streets. Gooda delivered free. stuth ALL wno are in want of good, substantial boots and shoes will find them at John Commins', No. 131 Meeting-street, nearly opposite Market street.. 1 hey are offered at retail. w8 CHOICE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, one dollar per pound, at Wilson's grocery, northwest corner Society and Anson streets. Goods delivered free. Dri) (Suntu, (Ctr. S TKACSSdt VANCE, No. 130 MEETING-STREET, ARE NOW BECErVING A NEW, FULL AND WELL selected Stock of DOMESTICS, FOREIGN DRY GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS, suitable to the Fall Trade. An examination of stock and pri?es is respectfully solicited. All orders punc? tually filled. An agent in New York will furnish sup? plies of Now Goods by every steamer. July 30 3mos (Cloting ann /nmisrjing ?nubs.. ??l~i?WPRliT LOOK AT THE PRICES TO WHICH WE HAVE MARKED OUR 8TOCK OF LIGHT WOOLLEN8 AND LINENS MADE FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE, AND SEE WITHHO^ LITTLE MONEY YOU CAN PURCHASE A COOL AND COMFORTABLE SUIT MADE IN THE BEST MANNER. FINE MIXED CASSIMEBE SUIT- 3ACE. PANTS AND TEST.S 16 00 SCOTCH CASSIMEBE SUIT-SACK, PA>TS AND TEST. 17 00 FINE DARK MIXED CASSI MERE SUIT SACK, PANTS AND TEST.18 00 FINE INDIGO .BLUE.-FLANNEL- KITTT SACK, PANTS. AND. TlEST. 19 00 SILK MIXED CASSIMEBE SUIT-SACK. PANTS AND TEST. 20 00 BLACK D'ETE. SUIT-SACK, PANTS AND TEST.. 15 00 BLACK TRICOT SACK. 10 00 LIGHT FRENCH FLANNEL SACK. 100 BLACK ALPACA SACKS. 2 50 to 5 00 LOT OF .FANCY CASS I MERE SACKS-for? merly sold at (9 00 to $12 00-now. 7 00 LOT OF MIDDLESEX CASSIMEBE SACKS.. 6 00 FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS. 5 00 OBEY FLANNEL PANTS AND VESTS. 4 00 OBEY FL AN ITEL SACK AND PANTS. 6 50 COTTONADE SUIT 3"-SACK AND PANTS.$3 50 to $0 00 WHITE DUCK SUI TS-SACK, PANTS AND TEST.v.10 00 H KATY WHITE DUCK SUIT-SACK, PANTS A?IDTE8T. 15 00 BBOWN DUCK AND LINEN SACKS.... 2 00 to 5 00 BBOWNDCCKANDLINEN PANTS;... lOOtolOO BROWN DUOK AND LINEN TESTS.... 1 00 to 2 50 WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS. 2 50 to 5 00 GENTLEMEN'S Flit.MSIll.VG GOODS. SILK AND GAUZE MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LINEN, MUSLIN AND JEAN DRAWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIE?, SCARFS, BOWS, COLLABS, kc, kc WITTIE SHIRTS at *2 00, $2 50 and S3 00. 4SS- USE PKIOE. -3? MAGULLAR, WILLIAMS & PARKER, No. 270 KING. CORNER OF FLASEL-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. June :c ^^^^^^^^^ JOM&M(jIAIItmTCL0SS, SaleAsoih?tyc^ of Eaishry', Seotlaarl. CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS AND PUR? CHASERS OF SPOOL COTTON for use on Sewing Machines, dern?niUng the beat and strangest SIX-CORD, WILL FCO J.' & P. CUATs' Noa. 30, 00 and 70 Expressly adapted to their wants. July? tutbs3mo J" C S T ZKKCEX.VJBD BY E. H. KELLERS & CO., Druggists, S). Ul MEETING-STREET, VICHY GRANDE GRILLE AND KISSINGEN BITTER WATER, In Original Packagee. April 30 _ jtnritgfl Soles. x Strips, Shoulders, Bellies, cfc. BY G. W, STEFFENS & CO. TB IS DAY, ia front of their Store, No. SO Vendue Bange, at half-past 9 o'clock, 10 bola. SUGAR-CURED STRIPS 10 bbla. I-ig -bouMeri 10 tierc?s Bellies 2 hhds. Sides 30 bbla..Pickled Pig 3e:ds 100 bnxoa Scaled Herrings Sogar, Cheese, Butter, Cod?sh, kc. July 30 Positive Sale. BY T. JL CATER. Will be iold THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at three quarters nast 9 o'clock, 40 Arkins and tubs BTJTTEB 10 bhds. Clear BiD Sides 000 Shou'dere-second quality to tubs Choice Lard 100 bbis. Molasses. Condiciona cash. . Jeir 30 Strips, Shoulders, Bans, Potatoes, ?J-c. BY LAURE Y & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY. 30th instant, will be sold tn oar Store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 300 SUG-AB-CUHED &TEIP3, small size 200 Pig Shoulders 200 uncanvosed H'im3 25 bbla. Potatoes 150 Bacon Siie3. Conditions cash. Juli 30 MILLIGAN ii SUN, No. 22 Vendue Range. Will sell, TB IS DAY, 30th inst., at 10 o'clock Cases TOMATO CATSUP, Lemon Syrup, Lobsters I Assortment Crockery, Tumble :? Furniture, Mattresses, Dry Goods. Clothing, kc. ALSO, One BA'.CTEAU, 18 feet long, and Lew. July 30 Safes. 30,000 FRANCS ?? HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, AWARDED THE PBIZE MEDALS AT WORLD'S FALR, London ; WORLD'S FAIR. New York ; EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris; AND WINNER OF THE WAGER OF 30,000 FRANCS ! ! ($6,000 IN GOLD), At the recent International Contest in th? Paris Ex? hibition. The public are invited to call and examine the re? port of the Jury on the merits of the great contest, and see the official award to the Herring's Patent over aU others. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 251 Broadway, comer Murray-sL, New York. FARREE!, HERRING k CO., 1 HERRING k CO.. Philadelphia. ) ' Chicago. HERRING, FARREL k SHERMAN, New Orleans. Large Stock on hand by WALKER, EYANS & COGSWELL Nos. 3 BROAD AND 109 EAST BAY STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. March 3 9mo rjlHE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE I WILCOX & GIBBS' SILENT SEWING MACHINE. ALSO, THE WEED IMPROVED SHU TTLE MACHINE. FULLER 4 BARNUM'S TUCK-CREASER AND SELF-S%WER. . Second-hand Machines of approved makes in war? ranted order. Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds. OU, Toola, Trimmings, kc. For sale by D. B. HASELTON. General Sewing Mach'.r.e Anent ami Dialer, No. 307 Kiug-atreot. N. B.-REPAIRING done as usual and warrauted. OS* Countr? orders promptly tilled. July 22 " wi tbstu2mos. jyj-ERCHANTS OF CHARLESTON AnvEttnsE rs THE SUMTER NEWS THE ABOVE NAMED PAPER I* PUDLISHED weekly in Sumter, S. C., wa/ch, being immediately on tbe Wilmington ami Manchester Railroad, end h-ive ing a largo circulation in the section in which lt is published, is offered as a desirable advertising me? dium. Terms liberal. Address, DARR 4 OSTEEN, May ? Proprietor?. fife j "P H O MUTUAL LIFE INS1 OF HARTFORD, TUE "PHOENIX LIFE INSURANCE COMPAV Plans peculiar to Ita ?If: 1st. All the advantages of aa all ca?li aud hal: not 2d. If a pu.-ty Insures to-day for t jUOO, and paya c aniouufcof tbe tiOLicy i* pa'd-S6000-and no d-ducticr but four notes oa auy tilde. It payment is made af! i with dividends-cash aided. 3d. No restrictions jn employment. 4th. The insured ur.: peruiitt?d to travel or resid. Southern portion of - outh America, during any and a Otb. Dividends iu the PHOENIX have bein and ar Cth. I lie U vid.-nd ls"50 per cent oa all its tables. 7th. It usually pars tts lossie in tuc state iu ten d Stu. All ils poliei<*a aro non-forfeiting; thereby nc 'jib. Ordinary life-policies iion-forfeliiag ai'.er thr amount ot even dollars o/frewtweu paid. 10th. Its loss's hive becu tuet by tbe annual Into to swell thc geueral mud belonging to tho insured. . iltli. It does not separate us Northern (rom its S full benefit of tho prouts of its entire business North ; 12tU. All profils i aid to Policy-Holders. It chill other companies. READ YOU fi POi ICIES ANO C 13th. THIS COMPANY His NEVER CONTESTE EDSOI* F ESS ENDEN, President.... GENERAL AGENCY FOR ?'2 WM. J. MOLINE; LOCAL AGENCY, N COLBURN & HOV ?3* MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS FflOM July li} thstulmo F. PEYRE jodi?a Suies.* Estate ??ale of Furniture, Office Desks, Gold Watches, $c. McKAT & CAMPBELL No. 138 Meeting-street, Will se'!, THIS DA Y (Thursday), 30th instant, at 10 ' o'clock. Goods to bo remove 1 immediately af er sale. Term ? oa'h._July 30 4000 Oak Staves and Spokes, well Seasoned. BY Fi. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, at ll o'clock, will bo sold at the Northeastern Railroad Passenger Depot, Chapel street, without reserve. Ju!y3? UNDER DECKE hi IN EQUITY. Cart, Kopff. <j- Jervey vs. Smith. will be sold, under the direction of the undersigned, at the Old Customhouse, THIS DAY, 30th of July, 1868, at ll A. M., All that LOT OF LAND situate on the eastern side of Council-street, in this city, measuring in front on Council-street 100 feet, more or less, and in depth 125 feet, more or less; bounding northwardly on lauds now or late of the estate of Rutledge Holmes, deceased; eastwardly on lands now or late of the es? tate of Robert Limehouse; southwardly cn lands ot the estate of Dr. Henry M. Holmes, and westwardly on Couocil-street. Terms.-One-third cash; balance moue an 1 two years, secured by a inoitgage of the premises. Pur? chaser to pay taxes and for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, Ja y 80 th* Master In Equity. INDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Soper vs. Strohecker. Will be sold, under the direction of the undersign? ed, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAY, the 30th of July, 1868, at ll A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, situated on the west side of Meeting-street, In this city, known hy the nunfflR one hundred and flity-?ve (155), measuring m front on Meeting-street 30 feet 10 Inches, on the back line 41 feet, and In depth from east to west on the north line 100 feet, anti on thc south Une 91 the said dimensions more or less. Bounding to the north on lot of H. F. Strohecker, to the ea-t on Meeting-street, to the south on lot of Dr. E. L. Stro hecker, and to the west on an alloy running north to nam! ?! i rn it Terms-One-third cash; balance in one, two and three years, with Interest payable semi-annually from day of sale, secured by bonds of purchaser and mortgage ot premises. Buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay taxes, and for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, Joly 30 th! Master in Equity. Baltimore ilbDerttseinents. JJ I A N O SI PIANOS!! GOLD MEDAL FOR 1868 HAS JUST BEES AWARDED TO CHAS. M. SHEFF FOB THE BEST PIANOS NOW MADE, OVER BALTIMOBE, PHILADEL? PHIA AND.NEW YORK PIAN08. OFFICE AND WARERGOM, No. 7 N. LIBERTY STREET, ABOVE BALTIMORE-STREET, BALTIMORE. Md. / 8TTEFF'S PIANO5 HAVE ALL THE LATEST Improvement, including the Agraffe treble, ivory fronts, and the Improved French Action, fuUy war? ranted for five years, with privilege of exchange within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to purchaser. Hecond-han Jed Pianos and Parlor Or? gans always on hand from $50 to 9300. HEFE HE Efl WHO HAVE OOH PIANOS Di CSE: General Robert E. Lee, Lexington, Va. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N. C. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Messrs. R. Barwell it Sons, Charlotte, N. C. Max Strakoscb, Italian Opera. Messrs. Pierson & Sons, Sumter, S. C. Charles Spencer, Charleston, S. C. April 22_ 6mos E. AUSTIN JENKIN8. AUHED JENKINS, JB. BOnEST H. JENKINS. JgDW. JENKINS <* SONS, EtfPOBTESS AND ?/?ALEES LV SADDLERY AND COACH MATERIALS,} NO. 180 BALTIMORE-STREET. April 22 6mw . Baltimore, M QEOHGE R. GAITHKR, JR., ?i CO., COTTON FACTOB8 AND GENERAL PBODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4 Camdcn-street, Baltimore. Liberal cash advances on consignments. June 23_ jp H. GR?PT d? CO., DEALERS IN LEATHER, HIDES AND OIL, No. 42 SOUTH CAL VERT-STREET, Baltimore. F. H. GRUPY.H. G. CUBTAI April 20_6mos WE KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF j PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. April ?0_6mo JAMES KNOX.JOHN GILL &M>X & GILL, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 123 SMITH'S WHARF. BALTIMOBE Consignments of COTTON, RICE, lc, re?pect fully solicited, and liberal advances made thereon. Orders for CORN and BACON promptly executed with care and attention. April 27 12mo?? ?j^UMSEN, CARROLL & CO. PRESERVERS, PICKLEBY, OYSTER PACKERS, 4c No. IS Light-street, Baltimore, Joint Proprietors and Sole Agents for BURDEN'S CONDENSED MTLK, Prepared by the Baltimore Condensed Milk Companj April 22 timos n s-n r o n e e . 31M IX DURANCE COMPANY, CON NECTIC UT. F/" INVITE ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING 5 cotnpany. inc-ualf cash and one-half note (on any tabie). the full .: of Note. Al notes returned as dividends, and never tho insured receives in cash the omoun-, SC?00, ; in any part of the United States, Europe, and the 11 seat-ons of the year, iree of charge, e now CO poe ceet. It thu annual premium is S100, the dividend is 550. lay? trom proot i f claim, i possible chance of loss to the insured, ee paymer ts, while the r.oliey is in force fur the full rest received alone; and a surplus of Interest left ovei ou them business, but gives its Southern patrons th? and South. enges comparison ot its CONTRACTS with those o, OUPA.BE. ID A SINGLE CLAIM. .JAMES F. BURNS, Secretary VATE, No. 22 BROAD-STREET. LUX, General Agent. 0. ll BROAD-STREET. Y^ELLI, JLocal Agents. 12 TO 2 DAILY. PORCHER, M.D., Medical Examiner. Unction Snits. Vacant Corntr Lot in Spring-street. W. Y. LEITCH & B. 8. BRUNS. Brokers and Auctioneers. Will he sold THIS DAY. the 30th Instant at th? Old Pos'office, at ll o'clock, That VACANT LOT at the corner of ChJncupia and- Spring streets, opposite the residence of Mrs. Jtludd. Lot measures 40 by 100, more or lesa. Term3 cash. Purchas. r to pay na for paoers and etampa. mwtb3 Joly 30 Genteel Privare Residence in fine order, West? ern portion of the City. W. Y. LEITCH & R. 8. BRUNS, Auctioneers. Will be sold THIS DAY, 30th instant, at ll o'clock, at the Old Postofficc, That desirable two and a half story WOODEN DWELLING, with double Piazzas, Cistern, and all nec?ssarr Outbuildings, situated on the west side of Trapman-str-ct, one door from Broad. House con? tains lour square and two attic rooms, besides pan? try and dressing rooms. On the premises will bs found Kitchen, stable, aDd all necessary outbuild? ings. Lot measures 47 feet iront by 140 feet deep, more or less. 1 Terms-One-third cash; balance in ?one and two yeats, with interest; premises tobe Insured and pol? icy assigned; purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. ? July 30 Desirable Property for Investments. W. Y.LEITCH & R.S. BRUNS, Brokers and Auctioneers. Will be sold at Auction, THIS DAT, 30th instant, at the Old Postoffice, at ll o'clock, The following PIECES OF RE*L ESTA'E, viz:' 1. That DESIRABLE BUILDING situated at tha corner of Henrietta and. h lizabeth streets, now occu? pied ns a Grocery. On the premises are a well of good water, spacious sheds, and all necessary out? building. Lot measures 88 feet on Elrzibeth-street by 38 feet tn depth. 2. That LARGE AND SPACIOUS LOT on Ca'houn street, directly opposite East Bay-street, known aa No. 12. measuring 60 by 220 feet On the premises ia a shed house containing four room*. 3. The LOr AND PREMISES to the. west of the above Lot on Calhoun-street, of the same dimen? si?n?, and containing a shed house with four rooms. 4. U hat comfortable DWELLING HOUSE in Be id street, known as No. ??, and adjoining the residence of Mr. Devereux. Ths hotue ls a two story building containing four rooms nith doable piazza. On the premises are a kitchen and all necessary outbuild? ings, with a weil of good water. Lvt measures 36 by 136 feet deep. 6. That udvantajeoosly situated LOT ia Charlo te? atree t, one door from the corner of Meeting-street, and> immediately oppo lte the mall of Flynn's Church. Lot measures 53 bv 112 feet. 6. That high and dry VACANT LOT in Alexander street, a few doors north of Calhoun-Btreet, measur? ing 52 by 194 feet This ls a Tot advantageously sit? uated, and desirable-for- a residence. All the above dimensions being more or less as stated. Terms-Half cash; balance payable in one and two years, with interest, secured by bond and mortgage of the property; buildings to be insured and policies assigned. Purchasers to pay us for papers and stamps. mwth3 Joly 30 UNITED STATUS MARSHAL'S SALE. South Carolina District.-In Admiralty: Steamship Charleston and Owners and others, versus the Derelict Ship Montgomery. Libel STREET BROTHERS & CO., Auctioneers. ' By virtue of an order of sale, to me directed, from the Honorable Judge of the District of South Caro? lina, m Admiralty for the Di-trie: aforesaid in the aiovccose, I will sell, at public auction, at the Old Exchange, east end of Broad-street in th? port of Charleston, on WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of Au? gust, at ll o'clock, A. M., The hull of the ship MONTGOMERY of the bur? then of 725 lons, os abe now lies at Atlantic Wharf, together with her- sails, tackle, apparel and furni? ture. ALSO, Her Cargo, consisting of 703M. feet, mora or leas, of first quality of PITCH PINE TIMBER, measur? ing from 50 to 80 feet in length, and from 12 to 24 inches in d azneter, and a lot ot Deals, 4 by 12 and 16 to 20 feet long. This entire cargo w s expressly selected for the English market at Pensacola, Fia. Conditions cash. Purchasher to pay for papen and stamps. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal, July 22 wsrathmw? Pastness Carts. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ANO MANUFACTURER OF DUORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, HORLBECK'S WHARF, I Charleston, S. C. Particular attention paid to Shipping. July 30 Cmos * C. J. S CH I. EPE G KELL, No. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING LATHS. PAINTS.OILS, GLASSES, SHINGLES; also, GROOVE AND TONGUE BOARDS, ic, con? stantly on hand ut the lowest market prices. ' September 12_thmlyr J_| M. MARSHALL di BROTHER, AUCTIONEERS, REAL. ESTATE AGENTS, BROKERS No. 33 BROAD-STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, tc, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PROPERTY LEASED. ?-Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, kc, every WeJn'sJay. October 19 MELLIS & CH1SOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AXD SHIPPING AGENTS, WILT, ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign ?nd Domestic Ports) of COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES'. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. I.WILLIS.A. H. CHISOLM. October 25_ ( FOLEY'S CLOTHING, SHOE AND HAT STORE, No. 85 MARKET-STREFT, CHARLESTON, S. C. Where may be found every variety of GREAT COATS, FROCK AND DRESS COATS, Shirts, Un? dershirt?, Vests and Pantaloons, Drawers and Socks, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Cap?, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, kc. Februarys Q. H . SASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A>*D SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. HS- Office No. 15 BRO AD-STREET, over the Peo? ples, National Bank._May 8 Q.R1PFIX, nnOTHER & CO.. GROCERS A>D COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 103 LOMBARD-STREET. BALTIMORE. April 22 _fmoa TVRUGS A S O JttBDlCiaiJ?S, FRE?H I3Y EVERY STEAMER. E. H. KELLERS & CO., No. 131 MEETING-STREET. CHABLE3TOX, S. C., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS". Always on band ajjlarge assortment of DRUGS. Patent Medicines, !. Soaps, Perfumery, and Toilet Articlt s. Physicians' Orders filled promptly and at the low? est nifrket rates. E. H. KELLERS, M. D. H. BAEB? V". D. February 17 **