University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS -o- ? 4&I0BDAN, DAWSON & GO., PROPRIETORS. OFFICE No. liSr-EAST EAT. -o TTERilS-THE DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable in ail cases EN ADVANCE), Sn DOLLABS A YEAS ; Tn? DOIiAES TOB STE MONTHS ; TWO DOLO A BS ??TO? THBKX MONTHS. "TBS Tfil-WEEKLY NEWS. PRICE (TN ADVANCE), TBMKX DOXXABS A YEAB ; Two DOLLARS TOE Sn ttosxHS. No Subscription received for a less pe? riod. So Paper sent unless the Caan accompanies the order. Kb Paper Bent fara longer time thea paid for. " ADVERTISING RATES-Fifteen cents a hue for the -first insertion, and ten cents a line for each subse ..tuam insertion. Marriage and Fanerai Notices * ?ne dollkr ?ach. LETTERS should be addressed to Tax DAILY NEWS, .'. fia. US. Ernst Bay, Charleston, S. C. REJECTED MANUSCRIPTS wffl not be returned. ~ny The Business and Publication Of Ree of THE DATLVk NEWS has been ^7 emoTdd to the large and commodious &u filling No. 149 EAST BAY.. K'B?-'WS- BUM MARY. -0 -Gold closed excited at New York at 44. ' -The Nsw York cotton market closed dall -said heavy and a half cent lower. Sales 900 > "balee; middlings SOC. - -At Liverpool cotton waa declining. Sales 3000 balee; uplands 9j to lOd, ? '-The Princess Metternich s milliner bill is -'120,000 ?year. -A Long Branch belle sports forty different taos to match her toilettes. -The French papers chronicle the arrest of **pik-pokel8.'r -ANew York youth has gone to prison for "beating his mother. A case of eon-stroke. -Bossini'a joke on Offenbach is to play one *~ of the latter's operas through with two fingers. : -An English clergyman has come to this ? country to live in order that he may marry his sister-in-law. -The Freemasons of Austria are seeking - p-rruiaaion to reopen their Lodges, which have . been closed since 1794 '-The Cretan rebellion h&S. coat Turkey^ 40,000 men. ' It makes the sick man a little sicker. -Two men have been hold tor trial in New York for "defacing natural scenery," by poal i Sng advertising placards on the curb-stones. -Fashionable bridegrooms in Paris now go . to the Haine and altar in bine dress coat with - gold buttons, white vest and ligbt-cobred pantaloons. -Tho Bey of Tonis is able to pay some of his ' debts. Ho has just discovered that one of his '--?abjects has forty millions hoarded in a cis? tern. That cistern has recently leaked badly. ? -The Crown Prince o? Prussia has an income -of somewhat over a milli ?n of dollars, and as he . has an economical wife, he manages to Uve de - Tinily and lay np some {200,000 a year. -Dr. Sims, a South Carolinian well known -ra Paris, has received the title of Commander .of the Order of Christ from the Bing of Por - -ftngel. _An Minois fanner discovered amelo-dram -attc robber's den on his land the other day, vxiih trap-door covered with sod, elegant stolen -tarsitore inside and mnoh plunder. -They estimate at. seventeen millions of igueceslbe annual fabrication of calico in Eu? rope; it bas value of eighty mill ions of dollars s, smd employs 8,500,000 individu als. -Colonel Badean, in his life of Grant, af SmM that, "when he has nothing to say, ffts sa va nothing." Of coarse we can only infer from this that he never had anything to say. -A fellow from New York, engaged in ne -Jhrions traffic in good-looking girls, has been . wrested in S iii cia just as he was about lo start flor Hamburg wj?h a batch of unsuspecting ^^^goveruiesaeB." -The ela tie tic s of cigar manufacture show s-~ihxfc Great Britain and her colonies and the United States c?nsame half the crop of the .world, and that. Cuba produces one-third of ?4be whole supply of the world. -A young woman astonished the assembly ?'.?ta baB in Nashville by geing into a mesmeric -trance between the dances and treating them ?'to declamations, prayers and exhortations. Too ? Bench chioken calad and champagne were the M probable canse. ? -It is commonly said that between nine hundred and a thousand jnilhonS of Uoited ? Staies bonds are now held in Europe. This is ? probably an exaggeration; hat the amount can? not be-leas than $750,000,000; all of it exported srifJiin six years. -Chicago was visited . by innumerable -swarms of sand flies on the evening of the 20th cast. They covered some of the street lamps .-?j thickly that it was almost impossible to see . Cbc gas jet. They all disappeared before next ming. -There is a man in Cincinnati 400 years old . ?ho loaned Shakespeare five dollars which he ! never got back, presented a "bosom-pin to Co '?' Sambos jost before his first voyage to Ameri? ca, and was on intimate terms with Queen Eli? sabeth, whom he calls "Lib. ' He is in the in? sane asylum. C. '?' -BaronCuvier states that if the progeny of xpuir of herrings wont on increasing and mal . flying without molestation or destruction of che eva, in twenty years it would require all ' 4he seas in the world to contain the herrings that would result. If only half the spawn jenine to life, and half the yoong fish lived, a - teat could not move in the sea. .. .-There is a Yankee in Springfield who rides ?great deal in the omnibus, and always sits near the forward end, so as to pass np the fare of his fellow passengers. Each one give him, naturally, a ten cent piece; bat he gives the driver instead a ticket, which, as he buys them . fe quantities, costs him but nine cents. Hence profit, and in the future, it is to be presumed, ?norm?os wealth. -A gay young Illinoisan co uri ed a girl, mar. ced her and took ber home. His mother was glad to see him, but suggested that as he had Hoar brought homo four wives in a year, she would he compelled to refuse to reaognize the next one. Thereupon he stole a horse, ran ?way and married his last wife's sister, but -Sunt bring ber home, ont of consideration for bxs mother's feelings. -The inflammatory tone of the speeches in Congress with reference to the Southern gov? ernments and the Southern electoral vote is causing a very uncomfortable feeling in busi ress circles in New York, increasing as it does the prevailing distrust of the future. Great eegret is also expressed that Congress, instead <a? fairing a recess merely, did not adjourn, as asnal, till December. To reassemble right on the eve of an oxoiting Presidential election, Republicans os well as Democrats apprehend wHi be bat to foment past agitation. -Beindel, the Prussian headsman, lives in a rory fine hoc- - in the neighborhood of Havel *terg, and is well off; bot his neighbors stud: cu si y refrain from holding any intercoon him. He says he never yet met with a nal who was to be beheaded bat whoa? age finally gave way. He thinks hi would be a better mode of execution, every criminal being afraid of the pain they think the axe, in catting off their would give them. He says the most moment for him is always that of hi fronting his victim for the first time i purpose of looking at his neck and cutt bis hair. All the women whom he behead says, fainted as soon as they caught sight i and learned who he was, and what he y of them. He denounces as a wanton c the practice of reading once more t< criminal the whole long sentence F upon bim after he bas reached the sc: He thinks that there is still sensibility : bead for several minutes after it has bee; ered from the trunk. A woman behead Mee'.don barg, in 1866, had fainted en the fold, and seemed perfectly lifeless whe was tied to the block. After ber bead w he picked it up, and saw to his horror thi eyes opened slowly, with an expressic great agony. He thinks the more human of executing criminals would be to kill in an hour or an hour and a half after sentence bas been announced to them, au compeL them to walk or ride to a distant of execution, but to execute them, if post in their own prison; for the walk to the fold, he says, is always a dreadful tort m the criminal, few of the strongest men I able to retain their composure, while tb men, without exception, have lo be carril the block. Occasionally, be says, feeble wt arouse themselves at the last momenta ofter the most desperate resistance, so th and his assistants once or twice were hi able to fasten them to th? block. CHARLESTON -0 TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 28,1868 State Democratic Convention. A Convention of the Democratic part the State of South Carolina is hereby cal to meet at Columbia, on the night of Th day, 6th August, for the purpose of ni nating Electors for President and V President of the United States, and for ol purposes. The Convention will be composed of i resentatives from each District, accord to the rule of representation in the He of Representatives. WADE HAMPTON, Chairman Central Committee Thc Facta and tbe Figures. Th ; Northern Democracy in Noveml next will make their main fight upon plain and direct assertion that ibis is country of the white man, and that white race shall not be made subject to people who are physically and menta their inferiors. In so doing they will av? all local issues and purely party questio; They will appeal to the white man to resc men of his own race and of his own bio from a bondage worse than death. Th will show what is Congressional reconstn tion-what are the leeches who are sucki the blood of the South-what are the cria and follies of those who have set themseh up aa the henchmen of Congress and t absolute rulers of ten States of the Unit But they will be met by the mild atatemei of weak-eyed philanthropists who will t them that the negro may be made, 1 schooling, scenting and sweet oil, more th the equal of the white man. They will al have-to encounter the frothy declamation those who vow and declare that the South still rebellious-still concocting schemes destroy this glorious Union. The proper reply to statement and d clamation can only come from us. In tl North the white carpet-bagger and the co ored demagogue are comparatively ui known. We, therefore, must paint the as they are, not merely by fine writing i ingenious argument, hut by facts and fi ? ur es that will show the measure of their vl< and incapacity, and the extent of our o] pression. From the Southern press th Democratic journals now hope to obtain ti information which willenable them to expoe Radical fraud and wrong, and we take froi an editorial article in the New York Worl a paragraph which shows the importanc which is attached to the duty which circus stances have devolved upon us. The Worl says: "It would materially assist the expo "sure of Radical reconstruction were South "ern journalists to be somewhat more precis "and statistical in their accounts of tho "villany as now enacting under their verj "eyes. Generally speaking the country i "satisfied that this thing is a party dodgi "of a very ruffianly nature; but partie ulai "illustrations, with names, facts and figures "would tend greatly to a bet'er and mon "widely extended comprehension of .thii "truth. Facts tell, and tell peculiarly, or "a people of the genius of the North; and "it is I*1 the importance, therefore, of seek "ing oat and publishing facts that the best "attention of the Southern press is invited. "Let those who are on the spot give the "names and antecedents of the reconstruct? ed rulers of the South, setting forth the "taxes they pay and the public funds they "finger, the manner in which they legis? late, and the terms they have been in jail. "Nothing extenuate or set down aught in "malice. Let the light in, and that is "enough, for the truth about this thing is "blacker than any fiction could be." What the World advises we have always endeavored to do; but we are compelled to depend largely on the courtesy of our friends and correspondents, whom we again request io inform U3 of every fact occurring in their neighborhood which will let the light in upon the darkness of reconstructed Carolina. Our columns are open to ail authenticated statements which will show the North the character of the men and class who would make us their slaveB*and we hope that our readers will not fail, in so important a matter, to give us their hearty co-operation. SIR ANTHONY TROLLOPE, a man gf un? biassed mind, says, in his letter to the Pall .Mall Gazette: "There will be in these South "ern States a war of races;" and again "The scheme (of reconstruction) after "awhile will fail, but in the meanwhile all "the hatred of a conquering and conquered "people will be maintained." The whole letter, published ia another column, is well worth reading. New Book?. THE POETICAL WORKS OF Sra WALTEB SCOTT, BAST., complete, with a Life of the Author. New York : D. Appleton * Co. This book is a greater marvel of cheap? ness than the popular edition of the Wa? verly Novels, published by the same houBe. Six hundred and fifty pages of clear type and good paper, comprising the poetical works of one of the most popular of Brit? ish poets, for fifty cents. THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBEBT BUUNS, with Explanatory and Glossarial Notes and a Life of the Author. By James Currie, ii. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co. This is a companion volume, in price and appearance, to "The Poetical Works of Si WALTER SCOTT," and has the same merits. It contains six hundred and twelve pages, and is well and neatly printed. MIDSHIPMAN EASX. By Captain Marrvatt, R. N. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Not satisfied with their extraordinarily cheap editions of DICKENS, SCOTT, BURNS and others, APPLETON & Co. have com? menced the publication of MARRTATT'S pop? ular novels, at forty cents per volume. The first volume contains the world-renowned history of Mr. Midshipman Easy, and wi! be followed by Peter Simple, Jacob Faith? ful, and the other prose works of the great maritime novelist. The print is large and clear, and the paper substantial and good. THE BnrDE OF LAMMEBKOOB. A Romance, by Sir Walter 8cott, Bart. New York : D. Ap? pleton & Co. THE HEART OF MID-LOTHIAN. A Romance, by 8ir Walter Scott, Bart New York : D. Ap? pleton & Co. These are the last volumes issued of AP? PLETON'S popular edition of the Waverly Novels, at twenty-five cents per volume. They are finely printed, and, as we have said before, excellent in every respect. The whole of the above works are for sale by JOHN RUSSELL, King-street. DEWEES, of North Carolina, in his speech delivered in the United States House of Representatives on Friday last, admitted 1. That if Congress adjourned, before six months the last traces of Republican gov? ernments in the South would have ceased to exist.' 2. That the reconstructed govern? ments in the South could not be maintained in any other way than by giving them arms to keep down the rebels. 3. That the Re? publicans would lose the elections if the Democrats were allowed any Bhow at all. These admissions mean that the reconstruc? tion negro constitutions will topple over when the bayonetswof the United States troops a?e removed, and they mean that the adventurers in the South begin to despair of making their unnatural and revolting schemes permanent and lasting. Ca Bent. HOUSE TO LET ON SULLIVAN'S IS? LAND, suitable for a boarding house. For Darticuara inquiro at this office or at the bURF HOUSE, bulli van's Island. 1* July 28 TO RENT, THAT FINE RESIDENCE, No. 3 Reld-street. To an approved tenant terms moderate. Apply to CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO.. No. 150 Meeting-street. July 23_10 TO KENT. WITH THE FUR.MTU HE, a delightfully situated HOUSE in Hasel-street, near Anson, at ?50 I>cr monti?. ArPl; t? LXIXCQ & BR?NS._July 2'.> TO RENT, THAT DELIGHT F?LLT SITUATED HOUSE with six square rooms, gas, and large eis ern of water, situated in Oadsden street, north of Bu'l, commanding a fine view of the Ashley River. To au approved tenant the rent will be low. Apply at No. 8 BBOAD-STREET, or at No. 14 JOHN-STREET._July 21 TO RENT. FOR THE SUMMER, A HOUSE, containing eight rooms, pleasantly sit? uated, on the front beach Sullivan's Island, back of Beauregard Battery. Apply at DAILY NEWS OF? FICE. July 2 fosl anH /ann?i. PICK K O UP ADRIFT.-PICKED UP adrift, a SMALL BATT EAU. which tbe owner can have by pi ovine property and paying expenses. Apply at THE QUARANTINE VESSEL. July 26_. 3? STOLEN.- TWENTY DOLLARS RE? WARD.-stolen from my chamber at my resi? dence No. 99 Broad-street, comer of Orange, on Sun? day night, the 12th InsL, one OOLD OPEN FACE WATCH, with Gold Dial and carved back. No. 6013, maker W. Robinson; also, one pair of GOL J SPEC? TACLES. Tbe above reward will be paid upon their delivery at No. 99 BBOAD-STREET. July 21 tuths?* LOST, ON SUNDATAFTEK(MOON LAST, from the southwest corner of Bull and Rut? ledge streets, a SCOTCH TERRIER SLUT, blackish gray on back, and tan lesa and anout. A reward will be paid for the return of the same to th? owner, CORNER BULL AND RU I LEDGE STREETS. July 1 (?opurtnersfyip l?otirc. H^HTALBEKST E?^T^HAS 'BTEE? . admitted a Member of our firm from the first instant The business will be conducted in this city and Savannah, Ga., under the same name and style. STENHOUSE & CO. Charleston, S. C., July 28, 1808. July 28 Jnsnrancf. J^OTAL' INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITAL TWO MILLION8 OF POUNDS STER? LING, AND LARGE RESERVE FUND. fire Bisks token on Buildings, Produce, Merchin dise, Ac. Losses promptly adjusted here, without reference to England, in Sterling or currency, at the option of the assured. W. C. BEE A CO.. Agents, February 22 stuthGmo Adder's North Wharf. J DI PE RI A L FIRE INSURANCE ' COMPANY OF LONDON. E S T A B L I 8 E E D 1 803. Cash Capital Paid Up and Invested over $8,000,000 Oold. V. S. Branch Office, No. 40 Pine-street. LOCAL DIEECTOES Ot NEW TOBE: E. V. ABCHIBALD, Esq., H. B. M. Consul, Chair? man. RICHART IRVIN, Esq., RICHARD IRVIN A Co. ED. S. JAFFRAY, Esq.. E. S. JAFFSAT & Co. J. BOORMAN JuHNSTON, Esq, J. BOORMAN JOHN? STON k Co. A. A LOW, Fsq.. A. A. Low k BROTHEBS. DAVID SALOMON, Esq., No. ll West 38th-street. JAMES STUART, Eeq., J. & J. STUABT. EDGAR W. CROWELL, Resident Manager. Risks taken as low as in other first-class Compa? nies, and Losses adjusted and paid here. Polices issued, pavable lu gold or currency, by A. L. TOBIAS, No. 109 East Bay, June 20 stutbSmo Agent for Charleston, S. C. BfDlDD?lS. REMOVAL.-DH. FRANCIS L. PAR? EE ll has removed his Office from No. 79 Broad-street to No. 74 HASEL-STREET, two doors east of the Postoffice. July 24 /or Sale. FOR SALK, OLD NEWSPAPERS, IN any quantity, price 75 cenis per hundred. At>ply at the Office of the DAILY NEWS. February 20 (gonrattonri. NIGHT SCHOOL! NIGHT SCHOOL I Na 35 WENTWOR TH-STREET, LECTURE ROOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH THE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN iRfTH METiC. WRITING, READINO, GERMAN and ENGLISH GKAMMAR are from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Terms-32 per month m advance. Book-keeping charged extra. December ? 0. H. BERGMANN. Wants. WANTED BY TWO RESPECTABLE White Orla. situations as CHILD'S NURSE, or to do House'ork. Apply at No. 13 HENRIETTA STREET._j 2?_Joly 28 WAN TEE. A SITUATION AS BOOK? KEEP H?, ? y a maa who ls competent, and can River the nost unexceptionable references. A moderate salay only expected dur ina the summer months. Addes? V. TH., Postofflee Box No. 92, Charleston, S. I. July 3 WANTID, AGE N TS. - 8173 PER mouth t> sell the NATIONAL FAMILY SEW? ING MACHINE ' This machine ls equal to the stan? dard machine.-in every respect, and is soldat the low price of SO. Address NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE COaPANY, Pittsburg, Pa. June 29 Imo* THE DAUGHTER OF AN EPISCOPAL. CLERGYIAN, of Virginia, desires a situation as TEACHER. She is competent to teach the usual English brandes, with Latin, and Music on the Piano. AddKB Miss N. H. MANN, care T. S. Co'.e9, Esq., CharloUaviUe, Va._Imo_June 29 EMFLOYIBNT OFFICE-SERVANTS can be otained by applicatao i to t "UNION H<">ME," from 1 til ttl o'clock dally. Servants caniUo und places by applicatio to th same place, at he same hours- Inquire io the M trou, coraer durch and Chalmers street June 19 ANTEE, A SITUATION, IN ANY capacitr aa a CLERK, lhe subscriber is willing to enjoge in any business, and will make himself g' aenlly useful la any way, and be satia?ed with a verr moderate salary. Address "L. W.," Charleston, though the Postoffice. June 17 ARESPECTABLE WHITE FEMALE wishes t situation as CHILD'S NURSE, with a family golui North. The best reference given if required. Anlress "M. K," office of THE DAILY. NEWS. June 3 . WA.NTEi. A FLACK AS GARDENER. An ex-pember of Hagood's BripacLe, C. S. A., who lost an am in the war, and who ia now m re? duced circumfancea, is anxious to get employment as GARDENER, and to; take charge ot lots at Mag? nolia. He is rilling to. work and can give the beat testimonials ot to experience, efficiency and fidelitv. Address J. B.THOMAS, DAILY NEWS Office. May 12 WANTED, EMPLOYMENT AS A WAT Ol MAN, or in any other capacity in which he cai earn a- livelihood, by a one-armed soldier, who a in distress for want of work. Ad? dress "J. S.,"Office of the DAILY NEWB. April 21_ WAN TE 3, .SUBSCRIBERS FUR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at lublisher's rates. CHARLES 0. RIGHTER, April 21_'_No. 161 King-street. WANTE3, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, to selle ur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CL0TH1S LINES Write for circulars to the AMERICAN TORE COMPANY, No. 162 Broadway. New York. 6mos April 20 WANTEO, EVERYBODY TO SUB SCRLTE to the CIRC UL AT LNG LIBBARY. CHARLES C RIGHTER'S Select Library of New Books contain all af the latest publications. April 21 No. ICI KTNO-8TBEET. to Jpnbliratians. T^USSEli.^BOOKSTOM W2IKLY LIST NEW BOOKS. *o. MORTE DABTHUR. Slr lhomas Malory's Book of Klug Arthur, and of his Noble Knights of the Hound Tabk an introduction by Sir Ed. Strochey, Bart, 12 mo. Cloth. $175. PAOE. Mm; Where, Whence, and Whither, being a Glance at Man in his Natural Bistorv Relations. By David Pare, LL. D., F. R S. E., F. G. 8., author of Past and Present, Life of the Globe, Philosophy of Geology, Geology tor General Beaders, Ac., ic. 12 mo. SI 50. SEW ALL. Evenings with the Bible and Science 1 vol. 18mo. $1 25. BLEDSOE. The Philosophy cf Mathematics with reference to Geometry and the Infinitesimal Method. By Albert Taylor Bledaoe, A. M. LL. D. limo., cloth. 92. LOOMIS. A Treatise on Meteorology, with a Col? lection of Meteorological Tablea. By Elias Loomis, LL. D., Professor of Natural rhilosphy and Astrono? my in Yale Wiege, and author of a Course of Mathe? matics. 8vo. i% OZANAM. History of Civilization ia the Filth Century, translated, by permission, from the French ot A. Fred. Ozanam, late Professer of French Litera? ture In the Faculty of Letters at Paris. By A C. Glyn, B. A. 2 vols.. 12mo. 3? 50. FRERE. 0!d Deccan Days, or Hindoo Fairy Le? gends Currant in Southern India, collected from oral tradition. Ey M. Frere, with rn Introduction aud notes by Sn? Vir bartle Frere. Illustrated, 16mo., $1 60. VAN BOECKE. Memoirs ot the Confederate War for Independence. By Heros Von Borcke, lately Chiof or obur to Gea. J. E. B. Stuart 1 voL, with map. M 70. " ' - YONGE. The PupUs of St.'John the Divine. H\ the author of The Heir of Bedelyffe, with four illus? trations by E. Armitage, A. R. A., London. 52. ROGER!-'. Essays fron? Good Word?: Tea Essays, originally published ?a "Good Words." By Heary Rogers, author of "The Eclipse of Faith." 1 voL, 12 mo. $175. M'ME RECAMTER5. Memoirs and Correspon? dence of Mada" e Recamler. I vol.. 12mo. 32. M'me Swetchine's Lite and Letters. I voL, 12mo. $2 ST. BEDVE. Portraits of Celebrated Women. 1 voL, 12 mo. 32. BECKFORD. Vathek. an Arabian Tale, by Wm. Beckford, with notes critical and expTonatorv. 1 vol $1 25. ST. CLAIR. Dainty Dishes : Receipts collected by Lady Harriet St. C:al\ 1 voL 8vo. $2.25. NEW NOVELS. Beaumarchais. 3150. Fairfax, by Eaten Cooke, SI 75. Malbrook, $115. Artist's Dream, $1 76. 1 Lost Name, 50 cents. Hrakespeare, by author Guy Livingstone, 50 cents. Poor Buman 'ity, 50 cents. Rumor, 75 cents. Gerald Estcourt, 75 rents. Lords and Ladies 75 cents. June 12 J> ELI A Itt. E TEXT BOOKS. "THE BEST OF THEUt CLASS." QUACKENBOS' ARITHMETICS: Practical, 31; Elementary, 60 cents; Primary 40 cents; Mental (nearly ready), 50 cents. Thia Feries is meeting with a moat gratifying re? ception from teachers everywhere, and is exactly what is needed tor mental discipline, os well as for a practical preparation tor the business of hfc. It is clear, thorough, comprehensive, logically arranged, well eroded, is supplied with a great variety of ex? amples, and teaches the methods actually used by business men. Special attention is asked to the PRACTICAL. Its rules and analyses are free from unnecessary words: it; methods are the hortest possible. Above all, it is adapted to the ? ?resent state of things. During ?he last five years specie payments have been sus? pended, prices have doubled, the tariff has been al? tered, a national tax levied. Atc. Our book recog? nizes all these changes, AND rr ts THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES-the only Arithmetic that describes the different classes of United States Securities, and ehowB how to dad the comparative results ot invest, meats in them. Used in the Public Schools of New York, Brooklyn, Albany, Jersey City, Ac, and giv? ing the highest satisfaction. No progressive teacher can afford to use any other. QCACEENBO?" ILLCbTRATED SCHOOL HISTO? RY OF THE CNITED STATES. Brought down to 1868. $2. Quackenboa' Primary History U. S. For begin? ners. $L Quickenbos' First Lessons ia Enyllsh Composition. 90 cents. Quackenboa' Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric. 3175. Quackenboa' Natural Philosophy. 335 Illustra? tions. $2. N Cornell's Geographies. Primary. Reused and brought down to 1867. 90 cents. Intermediate, with a carefully Revised Text and New Maps, (the most magnificent ever presented in an American school-book), $1 50. Grammar School, $1 50. High School Geography and Atlas. $3 50. Harkness' Latin Text-Books. Latin Grammar, 3175. Latia Reader. 3150. Introductory Latin Book, $125. Youmana'New Chemislry. 310 Engravinga. 32. Hux.ey and Youmans' Phys! 'logy-THE WORE on th-8 importait subject. 136 Engravings. 32. Specimen copies of an\ of the above works mailed, postpaid, to Teachers aud school Officers on receipt of one-half the retail price. Favorable terms made for Introduction. Why use inferior booka vhc? THE BEST ore within rea ch ? Address QUACKENBOS' GRAMMARS: Aa English Grammar, Si; First Book ir. Grammar, 50 ceats. Clear, well condensed, and consistent throughout; brief in its rules and definitions; hippy ia Its illus tratious; practical ia its application of principles; in? ductive and philosophical in its arrangement; origi? nal ia its views; bold ia its reforms; every way adapted to the schoolroom; Interesting to the pupil; labor-saving to the teacher; full and ingenious in its explanations ot perplexing constructions; makes the learning of Grammar easy; makes the teaching ol Grammar A POBITITE ptiASURE. Such is the verdict pronounced cn Quackeubos' Grammar by our best educators. Ho3ts of recommendations published tn our Circular. D. APPLETON & CO., NM. S-- aud H Grand-street, New York. May 2 ' DAC mos HUS HEB'S FASHIONABLE BARBER'S SALOON, IS AT Ito. 93 MARKET-STREET, Sou in side, between King and Meeting streets. Mr. HEUER is a German Barber, bas been thor? oughly trained to hip business, and is prepared tc serve'his friends and the public generally in the seve? ral 'jrancbes of his ort, viz: SHAVING HALR-DRESSLNG SHAMPOOING HALB DYING kc, kt January U CITY COUNCIL. THE REGULAS MEETING WILL BE HELD This Day, tn Council Chamber, at Eight o'clock P. M. W. H. SMITH, July 28_1 Clerk of ConuclL DEMOCRATIC CLUB, WARD No. 6. rrtHE HON. A. P. ALDBICH HAVING ACCEPTED JL an invitation to address this Club, the members wiD assemble at the Washington Eng'ne House, Thu Evening, at Seven o'clock. The Democratic Clubs of- the various Wards are re? spectfully invited to meet and unite with us upoa this occasion. The Address will be delivered at the northwest corner of Coming and Warren streets, at which place the citizens generally ore invited to attend. By order Committee of Arrangements. THOMAS P. BYAN, July 28 I Chairman. Hoiifcs ia pankruptrn. IS THE DISTRICT COURTTOP^THE UNITED 8TATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA -TN THE MATTER OF EDMUND SCOTT AND SOLOMON BENJAMIN, OF CHARLESTON, BANKRUPTS-PETTTIO - FOR FULL AND FINAL DISCHARGE-IN BANKRUPT? CY.-Ordered, on motion of SIMONS k SIEG LING, Proctors, that a hearing be hod on the tenth (10th) day of Aug >st ensuing, at 12 o'clock M., at the Federal Courthouse, in Greenville, South Carolina, and that all creditors, ic, of said Bankrupts appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petition-rs should not be granted, and that the second meotlng of creditors be held at the office of B. B. CABPENTER. Esq., Registrar of Charleston, S. C., on the eighth day cf August, at 12 o'clock, M. By order ot the Court, this 21st day of July, A. D. 1868 * DANDEL HORLBECK, Clert of the District Court of the U. S. ior S. C. July 23_tu2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLIN < -IN TBE MATT FR OF JOSEPH PURCELL, BANKRUPT-TN BANKRUPTCY-TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The undersigned here? by gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of JOSEPH PURCELL, in the District of Charleston, and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of said District. Dated 20th day of July, A. D 1868. Joly 21 tn3 E. W. MARSHALL, Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOOTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTES OF HUT i-ON LEE, BANKRUPT.-IN BANKRUPTCY.-1 o whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby ?Ives notice of his appointment as Assignee of HUT? ON LEE, in the District of Charleston and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District Dated the 13th day of July, A. D., 1868. J. B. BISS ELL, July M_tu3_Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UN IT KD STATES. FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-TN THE MATTER OF AL-RED RAOUL, OF CHARLESTON. BANK? RUPT-IN BANKBUP rCY-To whom it may con cern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of ALFRED KAOUL, lu the District of Charleston, and S ti te ot South Caro? lina, within eatd District, who bas been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, by the District Court of said District Dated the sixth of July, A. D. 1868. , July 14_tu3_A. M. LEE, Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTBICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF RICHARD H. SELBY, OF MONK'S CORNER. CHARLESTON DISTRICT, G. C.. BANKRUPl.-IN BANKRUPCY.-To whom it may concern : The un? dersigned hereby elves notice of bis appointment as Assignee ct RICHARD H. SELBY, in the District of Charleston, and State of South Carolina, within ?aid District, who hos been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated the 18th day of July, A. D. 1863 J. CAMP3HN, July 27 6 Assignee. Easiness (Hards. j| M. "?A?SHAXL '^^BUOTHBRT" 'AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROKER? No. 33 BBO AD-STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, fcc, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PROPERTY LEASED. OWAuction of HORSES, FURNITURE, kc, ev?ry Wednesday. October 1? yylLLIS di CHISOLM. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Alfi* SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) ot COTTON. RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. E.WILLIS.A. B. CHISOLM. October 25 B OOH AND JOB PRINTING. THE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS und the Pubitc that he has a large assortment ol NEW TYHE, MACHINERY, and a fine stock ol CARDS, PAPER, 4c, direct from manufacturers, oui will execute all orders for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING in a neat manner, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Having large toots of type, will contract for the publication of a Weekly or Monthly on liberal terms. Orders for BOOKBINDING promptly attended to at low tates, If left at No. 39 HAYNE-STBEET. May VI_JAS- W MCMILLAN. p H . SASS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OW Office No. IC BROAD-STREET, over the Peo? ples, National Bank. May 8 flotcts. F LAT ROCK. HOTEL. THIS HOUSE IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS. Board M5 per month. Passage from Cbirlostoa to Flat Rock by Railroad and ?toge $2C. H. T. TAVMER. July lt stuthlmo* Proprietor, l^j- ADAME G1DIERE, CALDER HOUSE. CORNER OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS. CHELESTON, S. C. Transient Board 82 50 per Day. April 2'J_ gPOTTSWOOD HOTEL, MILLWARD BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS, , RICHMOND, VA. >. Aprllfi " W' L. L I A M IRWIN. inoraxETOB OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPARTANBCRG, S. C. December JCT KW YORK HOTEL. No. 721 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CtTY. D. M. HILDRETH ?fc CO., Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FIBsT-CLASi HOTEL, as popularly known in former time? under the management ot J. B. MONNOT, Esq., and more recently under that of HIRAM CRANSTON A C '., is now undei the proprietorship of Messrs. D. M. HILDRETH & T. B. ROCKWAY, unerthe firm ot D. IL HILDRETH ft CO. The senior partner from Li? lon?j experience as a pioprietor of the Veranda. St. Louts and St Charlee Hotels of New Orleans, flatters himself that he can assure his friends aud 'he public generally, that it? former world-wide reputation as a popular first-class Hotel, shall be tully sustained under its present roauasement. tyr* February i:? j^J-ERCHANTS OP CHARLESTON ADVERTISE IN THE SUMTER NEWS THE ABOVE NAMED PAPEB IS PUBLISHED weekly in Sumter, S. C., wh eh/ being immediately on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, and have ing a large circulation in tho Bretton in which it is published, ia offered as a desirable advertising me? dium. Terms liberal. Address, DARR k OSTEEN, May 6 Proprietors itatjft Comical*, Ctr. EOSAD ALIS Purifles the Blood. For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. July 28 tuthsl2mo S PECIAL NOTICE TS CONSEQUENCE OF THE ENTIBE DESTRUC? TION of oar establishment by flee ou the morning of 22J Jnne, we hare removed to the extensive prem? ises formerly occupied by HAVTLAND, STEVENSON & CO., NO. 23 HAYNE-BTBEET, And will be prepared in a few days to exhibit the most extensive Stock of FRESH AND CHOICE DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, That have ever been opened in this market WE SHALL CONTINUE TO IMPORT ALL THE LEADING ARTICLES IN OCR LINE FROM THE BEST LABORATORIES, ONE OF OUR FIRM LEAVING IM VE PI ATEL Y FOR EUROPE, AND WE HOPE TO HAVE OUR FALL IMPORTATIONS IN STORE BY THE QOTH SEPTEMBER. HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS IO FILL ALL ORDERS WITH DISPATCH, WE SHALL CON? TINUE OUR BUSINESS AS USUAL, AT THE ABOVE LOCATION, WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. GOODRICH, WIN EM AN Si CO., DIRECT IMPORTEES AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CHOICE EU? ROPEAN DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, No. 23 Hayne-strcct, July8 2mos CHARLESTON, E. C. K O S A D A L I S PURIFIES THE BLOOD, AND CURES S-C R O F U L A AND ALL CHRONIC DISEASES or THE BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Recommended by the MedicaLFacuity and Many Thousands of our Best Citizens. HS* For Tcs-imonials of remarkable cares, see "Rosadalls Almanac" for thia year. PREFABED OMLT BT DR. J. J. LAWRENCE <fc CO., NO. 244, BALTQIOBE-STREET, BALTTMOBE, MD. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEBE. July 22 S mos paltimorc ifooertisements. 71IANOSI PIANOS!! GOLD MEDAL. FOR 1868 HAS JUST BEEN AWARDED TO CHAS. if. STTEFP FOR THE BEST PIANOS NOW MADE, OVER BALTIMORE, PHILADEL? PHIA AND NEW YORK PIANOS. OFFICE AND WARERCOM. No. 7 N. LIBERTY STREET, ABOVE BALTIMORE-STREET, BALTIMORE. Mfl. 8TIEFF'S PIANOS HAVE ALL THE LATEST Improvement, including the Agraffe treble, ivory .Tunta, and the improved French AcUon, fully war? ranted for five years, with privilege of exchaoue within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to purchaser. Second-handed Pianos and Parlor Or? gans always on hand irom S50 to $300. BEFEBEEH WHO HAVE O UH PIANOS Ct USE: General Robert E. Lee, Lexington, Va. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N. C. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Messrs. R. Burwell k Sons, Charlotte, N. C. Max Strakosch, Itali m Opera. Messrs. Pierson k Sons, Sumter. S. C. Charles Spencer, Charleston, S. C. April 22_Gmo? Viii. KN ABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. April 50 6mn JAMES KNOX.JOHN orix KNOX & ti IXL, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 123 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE. Consignments of COTTON, RICE, ?c., re?pect fully solicited, and liberal advances made thereon. Orders for COHN and BACON promptly executed with care and attention. April 27_l2mo<? E. ACSTTS JENKINS, AUTOED JENKINS, JR ROBERT H. JENKINS. JgDW. JENKINS & SONS, Dt?OBTEBS AND BALERS IN ,-SADDLERY AND COACH MATERIALS,) NO. 180 BALTIMORE-STREET. April 22_Bmoe_Baltimore. M Q^EORGE R. GA1TH?H, JH., Si CO.. COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. .4 camile ii.street. Baltimore. Liberal cash advances on consignments. June 23 F. GRIPY & CO., DEALERS Of LEATHER, HIDES AND OIL, No. 12 SOUTH CALVEBT.3TRE2T, Baltimore. F. H. GRUPY.'..H. G. CURTAI April 20_taos y^UMSE.N, CARROLL Si CO. PRESERVERS, PIC KL ? RS, OYSTER PACKE?.;, ic No. IS Light-street, Baltimore, Joint Proprietors and Sole Agents for BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK, Prepared by tho Baltimore Condensed Milk Company April 22 6mOB Q.RIFFIN, BROTHER Si CO.. GROCERS ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 105 LOMBARD-STREET, BALTIMORE. April 22 6mos ?roftrtfs aa) Jtollannms. ORANGES, LEMONS, NUTS, &c JOST A3 Kl VED BY STEAMER MONTE BEY, A lot of very nice ORANGES, LEMONS, t.U'CS. ? fcc, all in splendid order, at KLEIN'S FRUIT STO?E Next Thursday morning yon will find something extra from Augusta market, as I am going up to? night and will bring down the test I CM -get, and plenty of lt. Come and buy cheap Watermelons, at Wo. 339 KIN G-ST Rfc! ET, M. N. KLEIN'S CHEAP 1? EDIT STORE, July 28 1? One door above Liberty-street SYRUP, MOLASSES, VINEGAR. STUART'S SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP GOLDEN SYRUP, a choice article MUSCOVADO MOLASSES FRENCH WHITE WINE VINEGAR CIDER VINEGAR, warranted pure and of good quality. A lot of prime CAROLINA RICE just received, which is offered at an extremely low figure, at the CO-OPERATIVE GROCERY STORE, Na 107 Market-street. OW Goods delivered free. 1 July 28_ CHOICE BACON. QA HHDS. STRICTLY CHOICE SHOULDERS OU 20 hhds. Strictly Choice Bib 8ides 26 hnds. Strictly Choice Clear Rib Sides ARO 50 tierces CHOICE 8DGAR-OURED HAMS. For sale by HENRY COBLA A 00. July 23_ Mtha3 SMOKING JOBACCO. " 1 AAA LBS- GENUINE NO. 1 "DURHAM" LUUU 20 cases (105 ffia. each) "Bill Arp" 20 barrels lin bulk) "Bough and Ready" 25 packages "various other Brands." > G. FOLLIN. Tobacco Manufacturer's Agency, ' No. 151 East B jy, next DAILY NEWS office. July 28_1 TOBACCO! IN BONDED WAREHOUSES AND IN STORE. 0? A BOXES CHOICE AND MEDIUM QUALI At)U TIES TOBACCO. Will be sold "in bond" or "tax paid.' ' ALSO, JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE, 100 boxes Sound Low Grades TOBACCO. G. FOLLIN, Tobacco Manufacturer's Agency, No. 151 Fast Bay, July 28 1 Next DAILY NEWS Office. CORN. QA A A BUSHELS PRIME WHITE COBS. Ov/V/U Landing thia day, and tor sale by STREET BROTHERS A CO , July 23_1_No. 74 East Bay. GEORGETOWN SHINGLES. 1 fl A (\(\(\ FEIME CYPRESS SHINGLES. Ivl/iuvv For Bale, to arrive in a few days by schooner San tee. ipplyto July 28 3 SHACKELFQBD A-KELLY. SHINGLES. .VTOW LANDING. AND FOB SALE ON MAR- ',, J_> SHA LL'S WHABF, east end of Calhoan stroet, 30,000 PRIME SHINGLES, in bundles. Joly 211 tnthsg JNO. MARSHALL, Jg. HAY; ? AA BALE* PRIME NORTH RIVER HAY. IN OUU STORE and for sale by July 25_3_T. J. KERR at CO. SALT. * O A AA SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT ??UUU 2000 bushels lurk's Island 8alL For sale by T. J. KERR A CO. July 25_?J MOLASSES. A A BARRELS SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. 4tU For sale by T.J. KEBR&CO. July 25_3 f> FRUIT! FRUIT I FRUIT! PEACHES AND APPLES RECEIVED EVERY DAY from Aiken on consignment The above will be sold In small boxes to suit families by BART & WERTH, June 25 Imo Noa. 66 and 67 Market-street, CHLORIDE VF LIME. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. THE BEST DISINFECTANT. FOR SALE BY E." H. KELLERS"* COS ' Druggists, March28_No. 131 Meeting-street. MARBLE MANTELS, M0NU MENTS, HEADSTONES, ?e. AFINE SELECTION OF MARBLE MANTELS constantly on hand at 8. KLABEB'S Ware room, No. 51 First avenue, near Third-street, Kew . ?ork. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. February 3 . 6mo CO-OPERATIVE GROCEKts MARKET, BETWEEN KING AND MEETING STREETS, (SOUTE S I D Et) AN EXTENSIVE, VARIED AND CAREFULLY selected supply of the NECESSABLES OF LIFE, and also the luxuries-WINES, LIQUORS, etc.-will at all rimes be found at the above Store, established under the auspices of the "PALMETTO PIONEER CO-OPERATTVE ASSOCIATION," and which will continue and extend the advantages it already offers to the public. Fresh, arrivais and- ^ bargains will be regularly reported, and every fae iii ty afforded pal rons. The "object" of the Association is, aa set forth in its charter, "To furnish members and the public with the necessaries of life of good quality, unadulte? rated, and at lowest morkec rates, and from the profits of such sales to accumulate capital for ita members." Copi?e of the Constitution and By-Laws can bo found at the Store of the Association, and all in? quiries i egardlng the practical working of the enter? prise will be moat cheerfully an 1 promptly satisfied. W. H. WELCH, Superintendent, J. N. WIQFALL, Assistant July ll_. :_ ROPE! ROPE! COILS GREEN LEAF MACHINE ROPE* HALF COILS GREEN LEAF MACHINE ROPE. PEBSONS WISHING TO PURCHASE ROPE will do well to call on the undersigned, as I guarantee to sell at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES, FREIGHT. ADDED. EYEItY COLL GUARANTEED. For sale by J. N. ROBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. June 20 DAG atuthlmos . COUNTRY MERCHANTS,-^-"""" DAIRtTO, FARMERS MD MIERS CON SION YOUR ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS? ? BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS. GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY,. NAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, OILS. LARD.. TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEDS, SORGHUM, MOLASSES, Ac.,* IO JOSIAH CARPENTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 142, 444 and 44G WASHINGTON-STREET, j New York City, I ?nd receive hi? weekly PRICE CURRENT of Pro duci and Groceries, the most complete Pnce Cur? rtat published in the United States. SEND FOB A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards Furnished Free. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE OM CONSIGNMENTS. Established May 1st, 1860. "? FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEH REQUIRED. March? o lyx