University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. ?10 RD AN* DAWSON & CO., PSOPEIETOBS, .OFFICE No. 149 EAST BAT. i DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable In IN ADVANCE;, Ss DoXLiss A YEAS ; i ParaiiM ros- 8rx MONTHS ; Two DOLLA BS . MONTH*. ? TM-WEEKLY NEWS? PBIOE (TN ADVANCE), BOUIB a SKAS ; Two DOLLARS ros Sac .'. No Subscription recelvad for s loss pe f sent unless the Cash accompanies the order. fto'Bxger sent fora longer time than paid for. - iBVEBnSOr? BATES-Fifteen cents a Ima for the i Arf>iw4fan1 koa ten cents ? line for each subse . ejassft invrtion. Marriage and Fanerai Notices fwrn iiWlar o*eh. ^TEEES should be addressed to THX DATLT NEWS, ara.Iia East Bay, Charleston, 8. C. i MANUSCB1PIS wOl not be returned. - .T3?e Business tanti Publication Of af THE D?U?? NEWS hs? been .to tn* large and commodious Ho, 1*9 EAST BAT. JTBWS S.U MMAKY. -Gold closed in New York j eater dav at i2?. -Cotton was dull and unchanged, with sales rf 52? ba?es at 81?a32. -XE l?vorpcol, ootton was reported at noon ^ajet and steady; Bales 10,GOO balea. -Pr?uce Alfred ie sweet on MTle Schneider. ft -Kapo?eon bas stopped bis copy of the Lon <3hnThoae. .1 T i .--Thc hides of the unfortunate doga^dfown ed nu; the pound in Haw York reappearhvgloves. -Miss Kellogg wont go to' Paris arter aU. Ber tant?are too high for the managt/s. : -Th? Latia word for'woman is mulier. No : that the female sex is so obstinate. -It ?a proposed to run Mri'J. B. Young, of | .?fcs Trifanire, for Major of New York, u. ii -Paris is lighted by thirty-three thousand ?atgUIinndred and fifty- nine street lamps, ''atti -JFoIesburg, Colorado, whioh had five thou? sand inhabitants last fall, has fifty now. ' -A French doctor has discovered that 'alum ?3 largely nsed in mairim? claret. -Ute high Slit peak in Colorado is Mount J ??aecln, seventeen thousand feet high. -Orw ihree hundred Swedes have settled ia^o^Icford, Illinois, since the first of ArriL -The cheapest paper in tb e Um ted States is :fi0campa:gn Tm-WEEKLY NEWS. Four months, _'Sa* counterfeit fifty cent currency hts ??itofl? appearance, and said to be well exe- j -The new city, register of Chicago contains -avar 34,000 names; and '-a population of 300,000 ? fi ? tttinf?? for-the city? ' . -Afc feie annual sale of Kentucky homes at . JBiuittarit, fifty-four bead of yearlings brought f?j??i, an average of more than $406 each. -Sion cottages have been rented at New? port tb23 season than ever before, and some' of i?emaahigb ae $4000 for file season. -They have a street railroad in Warsaw, , thonch the town has but three thonsand _Garibaldi is suffering so severely from a tTaainaif?ri attack that he is compelled to go on * -A yvutng woman in a Woetexn town, it is . ??a, has beon fined ten dollars for kissing a jetxag; man againat his will. -Secant cxcavntfons at Pompeii have -fcamghl to light tito frasco portraits in a fine -^terfpTeserYation. ' BrnnlrTyn has a swimming academy where -As water is twioe filtered and "champion" la . aaea cupport. papers chuckle over the fact that reeerres $1500 for singing at a concert, PasS pockets only the bagatelle of $1000. -There ra a great ecarcity of buffalo and an? on the plains this season. Badgers, and prairie doge are the only game to mere catalogue of .scientific serial published in Europe is the present as one thousand four hundred, fliting ..?rty-tfanoo printed pages. -Aa the magistrates elect in Shelby County, ?ba,.am negroes, and D ot ono of them can read But Badioaliam makes them ."all fB?ndpal increase in the emigration :Grext Britain, during the past year, oe- j s in the members classed as geitlemen, ional men and governesses? - - one New York newsboy to another: -*Ssy, Sammy, what would yon do if you were .sabalf 'il would troy-buy-buy-well, one terarfrerl peony ice-creams." _ ^The loading female rider of Yankee Bo bin - asaStt?aoaa troupe attempted suicide at Free gar^GRL,last weehy because she was disgusted ??afetfce profeeeioc, and the proprietors re ftvxxLio release her from her engagement. - 'leach, the missing North Carolina Con - afsassnxazij has come to light. It seems that he gras bean in "Washing ton several weeks, but an ?Osck of rheumatism prevented him from tak ?Bjf his sett in Congress. - -A party of rowdies stopped a street car near jB^niQawstxth-streot New York, on Wednesday 3?tM* and attempted to set fire to the dresses ?rff2naSadies who were present in force retorn ?MMC fina? a picnic. [ Two policemen appeared 4BjB&tho ruthann fled. -Ssptembfr^next wiD be remarkable for the Congresses to be held in Europe. First JmUma Workingrnen'e International, which is to rj?acsfc Brussels on the first of that month; inania the middle of the month that of Peace, ?f lilian . nuil finally the Students' Congress .mfcloej^j or 3lahnes. -Jules Lefevre had a painting representing ? nod? female figure in the Paris Academy ^ibfhiriim, and it took the first prize. One afeoxF ia that the Menken posed for it, and that Ihnnae has bought it for $5000 as a to'his fainer. Another account is .Aafcibefitce is the portrait of a beautiful wo saan. of the haut monde who sat to Lefevre Brut re ta med thc portrait from some freak of gsnxj. Ia this way the artist took his revenge . and mule the lady disagreeably immortal -Theodore used to drink like the proverbial Jaie, and his peculiar vanity was "raki," a pleasant LVoroid in a hot climate. After one of Ms "fas drinks," he heard some prisoners ItaaStr complaining that others had been Bet ffceev while they were detained. "Yon wretches, *x* make ? noise and disturb mo," said the fT?w^, and ordered them all for instant execu A few hours later he was praying that murders might not be counted np brm, as ho had perpetrated them uc ?. Ac tho influence of ovil spirits. -OK Mexican authorities are carrying mat 'dawvriia ?-pretty high hand, if we may believe ?fccstory of a correspondent of the New York :3ecs1&..Se eaye that the daughter of an Xnaerxan gentleman recently fell in love with Ott obsesos Mexican official, who is re present? aste hs ignorant, and without the means of - la^rnifTn^a wife. These circumstances, to ccthor arith the extrem? youth of the girl (six jeara), seemed to justify the father in ?jp the intimacy. The Mexican made Jemand for the surrender of the yoong F v v I f ( t t t * e B t f e b i< ti lady, which waa peremptorily refused. He then invoked the aid of the government, and accompanied by a file of soldiers he returned to the house and foroibly took away from thc father his only daughter. The ill-assorted mar? riage was performed, and the parent is left without redress or remedy. Such is Mexican juatioe. _A very interesting letter from Alaska is published in the New York Tribune. There port which had gained general credence that troops atationod at Sitka were suffering from sickness, and the want of ordinary comforts is denied, and it is asserted that the general health and temper of the American troops and settlers are good. Sitka possesses a beautiful harbor, but a dangerous one, owing to the large number of little islets and rocks, be? tween which pass narrow c hannels, any of them with sufficient water to float a ship, but hardly sea room enough to be safe. The town itself is situated on a point of Und Jutting out into the bay, from the base of the mountains, pro? bably containing about a thousand acres, and from the character of the sod appears to have been made by the washings of the ocean. On .the point is a large lake of fresh water, in front of whioh, along the edge of the bay, are about one hundred and fifty log houses, scat? tered about promiscuously. There is but one street, and that extends through the whole length of the town, and is continued for about a mile to lochan river, a little mountiin stream emptying in the bay at this point. This is the only road on the island ; beyond this; and in fact, on all sides of the island, the thicket is imr^enetrable. The American colonists seem to Iv : ""ring a good time. The correspondent says: '1 ?Ve have parties, hops and bats to our hearts' content." . tSSSSSSmgmjmmm--????? CHARLESTON. I TUESDAY HORNING, JULY 21, 1868. ? " ? Back in the Union. The President of the United States has proclaimed the ratification by South Caro? lina of the fourteenth Constitutional Amend? ment; Goss, Bowen and WHITTKMORE have taken their seats in Congress as our repre? sentatives; .- the "military law of (he white man ia at an end; 'the civil rule of the black man is fairly begun. As far as South Carolina is concerned, the Reconstruction acts ar? no longer of any force or effect. The State government called into life hy au usurping Congress, sustained by the musket and bayonet, and administered by colored barbers, preachers, tinkers and cot? ton pickers and meaner and more vindictive carpet-bagging white men, is now supreme. At this moment General CASEY has, by the laws pf Congress, no authority beyond that which he derives from the Articles of War. True it ia that he may still make arrests, Still fill Castle Pinckney and Fort Macon with private citizens, who were arrested on suspicion and because they were not negroes; bat ia so doing he laughs to scorn the Re? construction acts, folly as much as ivhen-in General Orders No. 136-he iefines the limits of the powers of the jivil authorities, orders prisoners under- j ruing punishment by sentence of mili ary commissions, to be retained in custody, ind directs his subordinates to refuse to j 3b ey a writ ot habeas corpus issued by a State : ourt. Probably, homw, another Kappi?- | neatsry act may remove this unpleasant tess, and declare that the civil government ia always right save. when CANBY says 'tis wrong. But for to-day it is glory enough :o know that South Carolina is congres lionally what she has never ceased to be institutionally-a State of the American i?aion. BOTIIBB, WADS and 8 TE VE SS may low clap their hands and shout with glad less, for the halls which have -been hon? ored by the presence of a HAY.SE, a PBES roK and McDr/rnx, are now ornamented >y WHITTXMOBJB, the mouthy ex-chaplain of he 30th Massachusetts Regiment; by Sowcx, the ex-Confederate captain and ?eputed forger and murderer, and by he too notorious Goss. Worth.has given ray to want of principle, integrity to im Dorality, chivalry to baseness, honor to in amy and shame. The South Carolina of | he educated white man ia replaced by the louth Carolina of th e adventurer and the tegro; for the Congress of the people is ?bst it nt ed a body illegal in organization ind tyrannical in act and intention; for the ree country of eight years ago is given us he centralized, negro-ridden despotism of | hese present days. Verily- ! the Radicals have done welL By rand and by wrongs innumerable, by test laths and shoulder straps, by Bureau agents' nd pro-consuls, by Union Leagues and in lammatory speeches, they have aocom dished reconstruction-a reconstruction rhich will stand forever a monument of rhat may be done by men so lustful of tower as to be reckless of all truth and as alee as dicers' oaths. The sign is on the wall, and our ^cobin Congress will do well to make the most of j he little time'now left them. Their au hority. is founded on the African and not ipon the Caucasian, and already North and fest cry out that their liberties are threat ued, and that by the votes of Southern legroes they never will be ruled. They see hat the white man of the North cannot be ree while the white man of the South is nslaved. From the Atlantic to the Pacific ave been heard their protests against Rad? ial revolution. They will be encouraged 3 renewed and stronger efforts, for the risis of their destinies is at hand. The ompletion of Congressional reconstruction rill be the signal for the inception of the 'ork of reconstructing Congress itself, 'hey who have shown no mercy will receive one, and the day which sees South Carolina epresentcd on the floors of Congress by ricky adventurers, foreign-born fools, and eputed swindlers, will witness the begin? ing of that true reconstruction which will nly be accomplished when every State is epresented under tho constitution, and a onstitutional civil government is restore d 9 the whole American peopV^ Thc Contented Elections. The delegates to the lower House of tho tate General Assembly from Anderson Dis rict,-F BANK SLOAN, JOHN WILSON and OHN B. MOOBE,-were eleoted by about ne hundred majority. They had the mis >rtune to be white men and Democrats, so ?at a B adical protest was at once sent to eneral CANST, in which it was alleged that tey had been elected hy fraud. General CANDY detailed an officer to inquire into tho facts, and this officer, after a full investiga? tion, made his report, upon which General CANBY based an order declaring that the Democratic candidates were duly elected. When the House of Representatives or? ganized, an attempt was made to exclnde the delegation in the face of their certifi? cates given them by General CANDY; but they were allowed to take their seats. The protests in the case were referred to a com? mittee, which committee reported, in sab stance, that they had rather wash their hands of the whole business, and leave the House to decide whether the affidavits filed by the contestants should be received aa sufficient evidence. This report was made the speoial order for Friday, and was then the subject of a long and bitter d?bate. The point at issue was, whether simple affi? davits should be taken as sufficient evidence in the contested elections. DeLarge and Whipper, two of the most influential col? ored representatives, argued that it would cost too much to take personal evidence, and this was the general feeling. Mr. Moons, one of the representatives whose seats are contested, then gave a history of | the elections and the affidavits of the de? feated candidates. It was shown that the affidavits were, of course, ex parte in char? acter; that they were given by persons who knew nothing of the laws of evidence, and sworn to before persons who were neither notaries public nor magistrates; that the managers in one precinct swore to a circum? stance which was alleged to have taken place twenty-five miles away from that precinct; that the managers of the precinct at which fraud had been alleged ,had sworn that their account was correct and that no fraud had been committed; and that the affidavits of the defeated Radicals undertook to con? vict of false swearing every manager and registrar of elections in Anderson district, as well as one hundred and sixty-three citi? zens of character and respectability. Mr. Moons said : "Can you lend yourselves to "the perpetration of this enormity ? Jos "lice forbids it. Ton cannot-you dare not ?do it, gutless yon dare do anything." At this moment one of the representatives cried out : "Damn you ! we'll show you mighty "soon." In conclusion, Mr. Moons asked for permission* to send for persons and papers, or that a commission be appointed to go to Anderson and take evidence. What was the result ? The Committee on Privileges and Elections were, on motion of Whipper, ordered to decide the cate on ^the affidavits submitted. This is equivalent to declaring that the Democratic repr?senta? tives shall be ousted. The secret motive is said to be to declare, when the Democrats are expelled, that the election for United States senator, in which they took part, -fas illegal; and that con? sequently Mr. SAW ?? .n r was - not properly .elected. This might g i vo MA CK KY another ohanoe. Under any circumstances, how? ever, it is gratifying to see that our carpet? bag L?gislature imitates so well its big brother in Washington, and it is earnestly hooped that tho colored men will not stop their purging until there is neither Demo? crat nor whiten man left in the whole Gene? ral Assembly. The carnival is now at its height, but the bell will Boon toll that bids these mummeries cease. WE GAIL the attention of our readers to the notice of a public meeting to be held at the Citadel Square Baptist Church this evening. The purpose of the meeting commends it to tho favorable regards of an enlightened public It contemplates the continued ope? ration of one of the this State and in such a form as involves a material io wering of the cost of tuition. Just at the present orisis, when so much uncertainty attends the probable action of those who are legislating for South Carolina, in re? gard to the matter of education, it is par? ticularly important that every seminary of | h arning free from the risk of legislative interference, and the commingling of papila of different races, should be kept in vigor? ous operation. Jot Salt. FUR SALiE, AN Al WHIT KU A L-L. BOAT, suitable for sa Iii g or rowing, rigged complete. Apply at THIS OFFICE. tnth2? July 31 FUR SALK, OLD NEWSPAPER*-, IN any quantity, price 75 cents per hundred, A o ply at the Offlco ef the DALLY NEWS. February 20 fost ann /anni. STHLEN^TW^ WARD.-Stolen from my chamber at my resi? dence No. 99 Broad-street, corner of Orange, on Sun lay night, the 13th inst, one GOLD OBEN FACE WATCH, with Gold Dial and carved back. Nc, 6513, raak or W. Robinson; also, ono pair of GOL J SPEC? TACLES. Tb o above reward will be paid upon their delivery at No. 99 BROAD-STREET., July 21_ tuthag* DOG LOST.-A SKTTLCR PUP ABOUT eight months old; color nearly all white, with black ears, strayed from my yard, with chain and ?ollar. A suitable reward will be given te the finder If required. J. C. H. CL AU>8EN, Ju y 21 1 Market-street LOST, ON SUNDAY APTESKNOON LAST, from the southwest corner of Bull 'and Rut? ledge streets, a SCOTCH TERRIER SLUT, blackish gray on back, and tan legs and snout. A reward wiU bc paid for the return of the same to th? owner, CORNER BULL AND RUTLEDGE STREETS. Julyl Onc?tioncl. NIGHT SCHOOL! NIGHT SCHOOL! No. 35 WENTWORTH-STREET, LECTURE ROOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. THE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITH? METIC, WRITING, READING, GERMAN and ENGLISH GKAMMAR are from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Terms-$2 per month m advance. Boole-keeping charged extra, December 2 C. H. BERGMANN. Ol) Jlboertisfinents" M^AJVGUAKIMWUSI?W The loUowing articles were found in Pitt i tree t and brought to thia station by a policeman; me COAT, one Vost, one pair of Shoes, one pair of ?ye Glasses. 'I he owner may recover the same by :alling and establishing his claim tbeicto. JOHN C. MI.NOTT, Fitst Lieutenant L. W. PoUce. July 21 S CITY TAXES-SECOND INSTALMENT. CI1Y TREASURY, 1st Julr, 1808.-Under an Irdiuanco "To Raise Supplies for the year 1868," the ?BCOND INSTALMENT OF TAXfcS ON REAL ?STATE is required cn or before tho last day of 'uh, and if not paid executions shall issue in twenty lays thereafter. 8. THOMAS, July 1 City Treasurer. SHELL ROAD. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, ) CITY HALL, April 28,1868. J FARMERS AND OTHERS ARE REQUESTED not to drive over the line oi thc Meeting street todd, between Spring and Rumney-streeto, during he execution of the work. Cattle, drivers are re? quested not to use the Meeting-street Road at all. he disturbance of all the grade and tllignment ?gs, recently put np, renders it necessary to make he above request. LOUIS J. BABBOT, April 30 CWy Engineer. niants. WANTED, TWO NO. 1 STILLS, WITH Caps and Wonna complete, capacity 65 and 90 gallons. Apply at No. 42 MARKET-STREET, this day. 2* July 21 WANTED, BT A WHITE WOMAN without a child, a Situation aa WET NURSE. The beat recommendations can be given. Apply at the SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AMHERST AND DRAKE STREETS. 1* July 21 WASTED, BY A WHITE WOMAN, A ?situation as WET NURSE. The best of refer- j enees can be given. Apply at No. 63 OALHOUN BTREETy between Kiddle and Wall streets. July21\ STEAM ENGINE WASTED,-WANTED, A STEAM ENGINE, of twelve to fifteen horse power, suitable to drive a Rice Thrasher. Apply to J. H. BAGGETT k 00., Jory 21 tuthaS Accommodation Wharf. WANTED, A SITUATION AS BOOK? KEEPER, by a man who ls competent, and can give the most unexceptionable references. A moderate salary only expected during the RU rn rn pr* months. Address V. M., Postoffice Box No. 92, Charleston, S. C. _ Jmy 3 WANTED, AGENTS. - $175 PER month to sell tho NATIONAL FAMILY SEW? ING MACHINE. This machine is equal to the stan? dard machines in every respect, and is sold at the low price of $20. Address NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Pittsburg, Pa. Jone 29_ Imo* rE DAUGHTER OF AN EPISCOPAL CLERGYMAN, of Virginia, desires a situation as TEACHER. She ia competent to teach the usual English branches, with Latin, and Music on the Piano. Address Miss N. H. MANN, care T. S. Coles, Esq., CharlotteavfUe, Va. Imo June 2? EMPLOYMENT OFFICE.-SERVANTS can be obtained by application to t "UNION HOME," from 9 til ill o'clock daily. Servants can also fiad places by applicatlo to th same place, at the same hours. Inquire fo the M trou, corner Church and Chalmers street June 19. I ANTED, A SITUATION, IN ANY capacity aa V CLERK. The subscriber la willing to engage in any business, and will make himself g. neraUy userai in any way, and be satisfied with a very moderate salary. Address "L. w., " Charleston, through the Posto face._June 17 ARESPECTABLE WHITE FEMALE wishes a situation aa CHILD'S NURSE, with a family going North. The best reference given if required. A i dress TM. X.," office' of THE DAILT NEWS. June 3 WANTED. A FLACK AS GARDENER. An ex-member of Hagood's Brigade, C. 8. A., who lost an arm in the war, and who ls now m re-1 dured circumstance*,-is anxious to get employment as GARDENER, and to take charge of lota at Mag? nolia.* He is willing to work and can give the best testimonials as to experience, efficiency and fidelity. Address J. H. THOMAS, DAILT NEWS Office. May 12 ^7 WANTED,. EMPLOYMENT AS A WATCHMAN, or ia any other capacity in which he can earn a livelihood, by a one-armed soldier, who is in distress for want of work. Ad? dress "J. S.," Office of the DAILY NEWS. April 21_ WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL THE LEADING MAO A ZI > ES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at publisher's rate?. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21_Ko. 161 King-street WANTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, to sell cur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CLOTHES LINES. Write for circulars to the AMERICAN WIRE COMPANY, No. 162 Broadway. New York. 6m os April 20 WANTED, EVERYBODY , TO SUB? SCRIBE to the CTRCCLATTNG'LIBR ART. CHARLES C. ' RICHTER'S Select Library of New Books contains all of-the latest publications. April 21 No. 161 KING-STREET. ?fl foi TO RENT, THAT DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED HOUSE with six square rooms, gas, and large cia'ern of water, situated in Gadsden street, north of Bulk co nmanding a flue view of the Ashley Elver. To an approved tenant the rent will be low. Apply at No. 8 BROAD-STREET, or at No. 14 JOHN-STREET._July 21 TO RENT. FOR THE SCHMER. A ? HOUSE, containing eight rooms, pleasantly sit? uated, on the front beach Sullivan's Island, back of. Beauregard Battery. Apply at DAILY NEW? OF? FICE, ._July 2 mo tlE.\T, PART OF THE RESIDENCE JL No.' 9 Rutledge-etreet, with. kitchen rooms also, if desired. June 3 J&isctiiwons. &REAT ?IJSTHIBUTION . . ?J , BY THE METROPOLITAN. GIFT COMPANY. Cash Gifts to the Amount of $330,000. EVERT TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 5 Ooah Gifts.Each $10,000 10 Cash Gifts.Each 5,000 20 Cash Gitta.Each 1,000 40 Cash Gifts..Each 500 200 Cash Gifts.......:......Each - luo 300 Cash Gita.Each 60 460 Cash Gifte......Each 26 600Cash Gifts...*......Each 26 80 Elegant Rosewood Planos.Each $300 to $500 36 Elegant Rosewood Melodeons. .Each 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines.Each 60 to 176 250 Musical Boxes.Each 26 to 200 SOO Fine Gold Watches....Each 75 to. 300 750 fine SilverWatcbeB.Each 30to 60 Fine on Pal atinge, Framed Engravings, Silverware, Photograph Altrnma, and a large assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, ia all valued at $1,1.00,000. A chance to draw any of the above prises by pur? chasing a Sealed Tickst for twenty-five cents. Tickets describing each prize are sealed in envelopes and t noroughly T-MTOA On receipt of twenty-five cants a Sealed Ticket wUi be drawn without cho ce and de? livered at our office, or sent by mail to any address. Ihe prize named upon it win be delivered to tho ticket-holder on payment of One DoUar. Pilzes will be immediately sent to any address, as requested, by express or return mail. . -* You win know what your prize ia before you pay for it Any prize may be exchanged for another of the same value. No blanks. Our patrons can de end on fair dealing. RErxBENCES.-We select the few following names from the many who hove lately drawn valuable prizes, and kindly permitted na to pub lah them : S. T. Wilkins, Buffalo, N. Y., tlOOO: Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, UL, Piano, valued at $65u; Robert Jackson, Dubuque, Iowa, Gold Watch, $250; Philip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky., Diamond ditsier Bing, $000; lt. A. Patterson, New Bedford Mass,, Stiver Tea Set $175; Misa. Emma Walworth, Milwaukee, Wis,. Piano, $600; Rev. T. W. Pitt, Cleveland, Ohio, Melo deon, $126. 49rWe publish no names without permis sion. OPXHIOSB er THE PRES*.-"They are doing the Largest business; the firm is reliable, and deserve their success."- Weekly Tribune, Feb 8,1868. " We have examined their system, and know them to be a lair doaling ?rm."- .Vete York Herald, Feb. 28.1808. "Last week a friend of ours drew a $500 prize, which was promptly received."-Daily Net**, March 3, 1868. Send for circular giving many more references and favorable notices from the press. L boral induce? ments to ?f?nti. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of .-ealed Envelopes contains ONE CA>H GIF J'. Six Tickets for $1; thirteen for $2; thirty five for $6; one'hundred and ten for $15. AU letters should bs addressed to - HARPER, WILSON k CO.. July 20 Imo No. 173 Broadwav, N. Y. N OTICE TO FARMERS WILLIAM HUNT HA> BESUMrD HIS OLD BU? SINESS at No. 42 MARKl-T-STREEI,.north side, where be is'prepared to receive and forwaid all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS on consign? ment. Liberal advances win be made if desired, Consignments tor the New York, Philadelphia, Ba't' more and Washington Markets will meet with prompt attention. From h's long experience in this business he feels confident of affording satisfaction to his customers. For those preiemng to sell their pr ducts here the highest market prices will be obtained. Vagetables ind aU kinds of Country Produce wUl be retailed at wholesale prices. Imo June 27 rjpiIE FALL TRADE. MERCHANTS, FACTORS AND BUSINESS MEN .verywheie, but moro especially in the City of SharluBton, wtU please bear in mind that the PARN WELL SENTINEL is one of the best advertising me lluins in the State, circulating at every postofnee in he District, and has boen in existence since 1852. Business men would coosult their interest by trying iome et the Printer's Ink used at that establishment. Address E. A BRONSON, July 14 imo PubUsher and Proprietor. ST RECEIVED BY J ? E. H. KELLERS & CO., Druggriats, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, riCH? GRANDE GRILLE ANO KISSINGEN BITTER WATER, Zn Origina* Pacfcago*. April 30 CILARLESTON LAND COMP ANT? rjIHE FIR3T ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X above Company will be bald Thu Afternoon, Slat matant, at half-past Four o'clock, at the usual place of business. Shareholders axe requested to present their receipts. JAS. B. SPENCES, July 21_1 Secretary. CAROLINA BASE BALL CLUB. ATTEND AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF your Crab, at Vigilant Han, Thia Evening, at Eight o'olock. * " By order. B. F. TUPPEB, July 21_1_Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA HANGERS CHARI? TABLE ASSOCIATION. fTTHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF A this Association will be held To-Night, at the Han, northeast corner of King and Society-*treeta (entrance on Society-street), at half-past Eight o'clock precisely. A punctual attendance ls earnestly de? sired, aa business of importance will be submitted. By order of the President. VTM.flEPPE, Ja., July ll_l_Secretary. UNION CHAPTER, No. 3., R. A. BI. THE MONTHLY CONVOCATION WILL BE holden in Masonic Hall Thu Evening, the 21st instant, at Eight o'clock. Companions and candi? dates for Degrees will be punctual. By order of the M. B.H.P. PHILIP AUSTIN", July 21 1 Secretary. STONEWALL VIRE ENGINE COMPANY. ATTEND A REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of your Company, Thu Evening at Market Hau, at quarter post ?Ight o'clock precisely. By order. VT. G. MILLEE, July 31 1 Secretary. WARD No. 4. rEVOIERS OF WARD NO. 4 ARE INVITED to meet at Masonic Hall, To-Morrow Evening, 23d ins'ant, at Eight o'olock, for the purpose of or? ganizing a Democratic Clo b. It is to be hoped that every one who ls a voter in this Ward wdl be wil? ling to aid the cause by bis presence on thia occa? sion. 3 July 21 COLORED DEMOCRATIC CLUB. AMEETING OF THR COLORED DEMOCRATIC CLUB of W^rd No. Swill be held Thit (Tues? day) Evening, July 21. By order of the President. . July 31 1 . _Itotiifs itt Pan?wptrt). IN THE^IDISTR?CT^COT UNITED STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLIN*-TN THE MATT FR OF J08EPH PURCELL, BANKRUPT-IN BANKRUPTCY-TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The undersigned here? by gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of JOSEPH PURCELL, in the District of Charleston, and State of South Carolina, within said District, who bas been adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of said District. Dated 20th day of July. A D. i860. July 21 ros E. W. MARSHALL, Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOC'TH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF HUT? TON LEE, BANKRUPT.-IN BANKRUPTCY.-To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby fives notice of bis appointment as Assignee of HUT? ON LEE, in the District of Charleston and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. '< Dated the 13th day of July, A. D., 1866. J. B. BIS S ELL, July H tuS Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ? UNLTrD STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-TN THE MATTES OF ALFRED RAOUL. OF CHARLESTON* BANK? RUPT-IN BANKBUP rCY.-To whom lt may con? cern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment aa assignee of ALFRED RAOUL, In the District of Charleston, and State ol South Caro? lina, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on bis own petition, by the District Court of said District Dated the tixtk qfJuhf, A D. 1868: July 14 tus A M. LEE, Assignee. ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES, FOB THE HUSTRICT OF KOUT H CAROLINA_TN THE MATTER OF JOHN D. HARPES, OF KTNGSTBEE, WTLLIAi"8BUBG DISTRICT, S. C.-TN BANKRUPTCY.-To whom lt may concern: The undersigned hereby gives no? tice of bis appointment as Assignee of JOHN D HARPER, of Williamsburg District, and State of South Carolina, within said District, who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition by District Court of said District S. OWENS, '. July ll etuthS Assignee Jasnrunrf. j?oYAl?~H^ OF ' . LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS OF POUNDS SIEB LING, AND LARGE RESERVE FUND. fire Bisks taken on Buildings, Produce, Mercnan diso, kc. Losses promptly adjusted here, without reference to England, in Sterling or currency, at the option of the assured. W. 0. BEE A- CO.. Agents, February 22 stuthSmo Auger's North Wharf. I MPEKIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. Cash Capital Paid Up and Invested over 98,000,000 Gold. U.S. Branch Office, No. 40 Pine-street. LOCAL DmZCTOBS Ut KEW TOBI: E. Vt. ARCHIBALD, Esq., H. B. M. Consul, Chair? man. RICHARD IRVIN, Esq., RICHASO DAVIN A Co. ED. S. JAFFRAY, Esq.. E. 8. JAITBAX A Co. J. BOORI! AN JOHNSTON, Esq, J. BOOBKAX Jo mi 8TOX k Co. A. A LOW, Esq., A A. Low A BBOTHEBS. DAVID SALOMON, Esq.. No. ll Went 38th-9treet JAMES STUART. E*q., J. k J. SrUABT. EDGAR W. CROWELL, Resident Manager. Risks taken as low as in other first-class Compa? nies, and Losses sdju?ted and paid here. Polices issued, payable in go.d or currency, by A L. TOBIAS, No. 109 East Bay, June 20 sruth3mo Agent for Charleston, S. C. F LAT RUCK. HOTEL. THIS HOUSE 13 NOW OPEN FOB THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS. Board ?3J per month. Passage from Charleston to Flat Rock by Railroad and Stage 920. H. T. TAVMER, July ll stuthlmo* Proprietor. A DAME GIDIEKE, CALDER HOUSE. COU NEE OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS. CHARLESTON, B. 0. Transient Board 93 50 per Day. April 2 J QJLMOR HOUSE, MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, KIRKLAND di OD* Proprietors. April 27 lyr gPOTTSWOOD HOTEL, MILLWARD BROTHERS, PaoPBiETOns, RICHMOND, VA. Aprils LLIAAI IRWIN, PROPRIETOR OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPABTANBUBG, B.C. December Q^RIFFIN, BROTHER di CO., GROCERS an COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 105 LOMBARD-STREET, BALTIMORE. April 22 Cmos N EW YORK HOTEL, No. 72 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. D. M. Hi LO lt ET H & CO., Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FIRST-CLASS 90TEL, as popularly known tn former times lader the management ot J. B. MONNOT, Esq., and nore recently under tbat of. HIRAM CRANSTON A '?J., is now uhdoi the proprietorship of Messrs. D. !J. HILDRETH k T. B. ROCKWAY, liner the finn ol D. IL HILDRETH k CO. The seuior partner from bis long experience as a M opric.or of the Veranda, St Louts and Sn Charles lot els of New Orleans, natters himself that he can issure his friends and the public generally, tbat its berner world-wide reputation as a popular first-close lote!, shall be fully sustained under ita present nanapement _lyr* February 13 j?-A FACT WORTH KNOWING.-THE lest investment for an invalid, wno Buffers from Lability or loss of appetite, is a bottle of PARS? ON'S Hepatic Bitters, as it will be sure to g+ve relief, roraaleby-all Druggist*. f rpHJC THIRD AATN IVERS AKT or SCHILLER LODGE, No. 30, L O. 0. F. WILL BE CELEBRATED ON THTJESDAY, THE 23d of Joly, at the Schufcsenplatz (Rikersv?le), for the benefit of the WIDOWS AND OBFHANS of that Lodge. The South Carolina Railroad will leave Ann-street Depot at 9 o'clock A M., and 1 o'clock P. M., and re? turn to the city at 7 o'clock P. M. Passage to and fro, 26 cents. Tickets for Hall and G roan da, 91. Can be had at the Platz and from the following Committee : GUST. HOFFMEYEB, Chairman. H. W. TTKNCK EN. I J. H. A LITERS. D. NOBDMEYER. J. WINTERS. F. HIMMELREICH. | J. H. TTETJEN. Joly 18 6tuth3 Hem publications. WEEKLY LIST NEW BOOKS, ko. MOBTE D'ARTHUR. Sir Thomas Malorr'a Book of King Arthur, and of his Noble Knights of the Bound Table. With an introduction by Sir Ed. Strachey, Bart. 12 mo. Cloth. $175. PAGE. Man; Where, Whence, and Whither, being a Glance at Mau in bis Natural Biatory Relations. By David Page, LL. D., F. B. S. E., F. G. 8., author of Past and Present, Life of the Globe, Philosophy of Geology, Geology for General Readers, Acc., kc. 12 mo. 9150. SEW ALL. Evenings with the Eibls and Science. 1 voL ISmo. 91 25. BLEDSOE. The Philosophy of Mathematics with reference to Geometry and the Infinitesimal Method. By Albert Taylor Bledsoe, A M. LL. D. 12mo., doth. 92. LOOMIS. A Treatise on Meteorology, with a Col? lection of Meteorological Tables. By Elias Loomis, LL. D., Professor of Natural Philespby and Astrono? my in Yale College, and author of a Course of Mathe? matics. Bvo. 92. OZANAM. History of Civilization in the Firth Century, translated, by permission, from the French ot A. Fred. Ozanam, late Professor of French Litera ture In the Faculty of Letters at Paris. By A 0. Glyn, B. A 2 vols., 12mo. 99 60. FRERE Old Deccan Days, or Hindoo Fairy Le- j genda Current in Southern India, collected from oral tradition. By M. Frere, with sn introduction and notes by by Sir Bartle Frere. Illustrated, LSmo., 91 50. VAN BOECKE. Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence. . By Heros Von Borcke, lately Chief of Staff to Gen. J. E. B. Stuart 1 voL, with map. 92 75. YONGE. The Pupils of St'John the Divine. By the author of The Heir of Bedclyffe, with four iUus trations by E Armitage, A B. A, London. 92. ROGER?. Essays from Good Words: Ten Essays, originally published lu "Good Words." By Henry Rogers, author of "The Eclipse of Faith." 1 vol., 12 mo. 9175. M'ME RECAMTERS. Memoirs and Correspon? dence of Mada i e Becamier. 1 vol.. 12mo. Vi. M'me Swetchine's Lite and Letters. I voL, 12mo. 92 ST. BEUTE. Portraits of Celebrated Women. 1 vol., 12 mo. 92. BECKFORD. Vathek. an Arabian Tale, by Wm. Beckford, with notes critical and explanatory. 1 vol 9126. ST. CLAI8. Dainty Dishes : Receipts -oUocted by Lady Harriet St Clair. 1 vol. 8vo. 92.25. NEW N , Tl LS. Beaumarchais, 9150. Fairfax, by Esten Cooke, 9175. Malbrook, $115. Artist's Dream, 9175. Lost Name, 60 cents, br&keepeare, by author Guy Livingstone, 60 cents. Poor Human? ity, 60 cents. Rumor, 75 cents. Gerald Estcourt 75 cents. Lords and Ladies, 75 cents. June 12 J^ELIABliK TEXT BOOKS. ?rnx azar or THKTB CT.AW.'J QUACKENBOS' ARITHMETICS: Practical, 91;"Elementary, 60' cents; Primary 40 ? cents; Mental (nearly ready), 50 cents. This .Series is meeting with a most gratifying re? ception from teachers everywhere, and la exactly what ia needed tor mental discipline, as well aa for a practical preparation for the business of Ufo. It Ia clear, thorough, comprehensive, logically arranged, well Braded, ls supplied with a great variety of ex? amples, end teaches the methods actually used by business men. Special attention ia asked to the PBACXTOAL. Ita rules and analyses are free from unnecessary words: it] methods are the shortest possible. Above ali, lt is adapted to the present arate of things. During the last five years, spode payments have been sus? pended, prices have doubled, the tariff has been al? tered, a national tax levied, Ac. Our book recog? nizes all these changi?, AND rr rs TBS ONLY OKI THAT DOES- the only Arithmetic that describes the ?different classes Of L'niteJ Statca Securities, ?nd. shows how to find the comparative results of invest? ments In them. Used In the Matts Schools of Mew lort, Brooklyn, Albany, Jersey City, Ac., and giv? ing the highest satisfaction. No progressive teacher can afford to use any other. QCACEENBOS' ILLUSTRATED SCHOOL HISTO? RY OF THE UNITED STATES. Brought down tol8e6. 91 Quackenbos' Primary History U. 8. For begin nasa 91. Quiesce boa' First Leesons in English Composition. 90 cents. Quaokenbos' Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric. 9175. Quackenbos' Natural Philosophy. 335 IUustra tioos. $2. Cornell's Geographies. Primary. Revised and brought down to 1867. 90 cents. Intermediate, with a care rally Revised Text and New Maps, (the most magnificent ever presented in an American school-book), 91 60. Grammar Behool, 91 50. High School Geography and Atlas, 93 60. Harkness' Latin Text-Books. Latin Grammar, 9176. Latin Reader, 91 60. Introductory Latin Book, 9126. Youmans' New Chemialry. 310 Engravings. 92. Huxley and Youmans' Physiology-TETE WOES on this Important subject 136 Engravings. 92. Specimen copies of any of the above works mailed, postpaid, to Teachers and School Officers on receipt of one-half the retail price. Favorable terms made for introduction. Why use inferior books when TUX BEST are within reach ? Address QUACKENBOS' GRAMMARS: An Eng Uah Grammar, SI; First Book in Grammar, 60 cents. . Clear, well condensed, and consistent throughout ; brief in its rules and definitions; happy in Its illus? trations ; practical in its application of principles; in? ductive and philosophical in its arrangement; origi? nal in ita viewB; bold in ita reforma; every way adapted to the schoolroom ; interesting to the pupil; labor-saving to the teacher; full and ingenious in ita explanations ot perplexing constructions; makes the learning of Grammar easy; makes the teaching of grammar A poarrrrE PLZASUSZ. Such is the verdict pronounced on QuackenboB' Grammar by our beet educators. Hosts of recommendations published In our Circular. D. APPLETON cv CO., Nos. 90,92 and 94 Grand-street, New York. May 2 nae mos COUNTRY ?ERCHANTS, llA?R?p,' FARMERS AND OW CONSIGN YOUR &SHE8, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DREED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRi KAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, rROVI8ION3, OILS, LARD.. TALLOW. TOBACCO, SEEDS, SORGHUM, MOLASSES; 4c., & TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, GENEKAlt COMMISSION ME KC HANI !io. 142, 444 and 446 WASHINGTON-STREE1, New York City, ind recdvc hts weekly PRICE CURRENT of Pro luce and Groceri?s, the most complete Pnce Cur? ent published in the United States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards Furniahed Free. LIBE EAL ADVANCES SCADS OX CONSIGN* ?1NTS, Established Hay lat I860. TEST CLASS REFERENCES G172N WHK& REQUIRED. March ta Lyr (tornes unb Jttisrelianeons. OS?AA POUNDS CHOICE SUGAR-CUBED STBIP8 Landing, and tor sale by - July 21 2 B. A; A. P. CALDWELL. TOBACCO! IN BONDED WAREHOUSES AND IN STORE. ?>?CA BOXES CHOICE AND MEDIUM QUALI HES TOBACCO. W?I bo sold "in bond "or "tai paid." ALBO, JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE: 100 boxas Sound Low Oradas TOBACCO. G. FOLLIN, Tobacco Manufacturer's Agency. No. Kl East Bay, Joly 21_1_Next DATLT NKWB Office. SMOKING TOBACCO, 1 AAA LBS. GENUINE No. 1 "DURHAM" XUUU 20 cases (106 Ina. each) "Bill Arp" 20 b?rrela (in bulk) "Bough and Beady" 25packages "various other Branda." O. FOLLIN. Tobacco Manufacturer's Agency, No. 151 East Bay, next DAILY News office. July 21_1_ WHEAT ! WHEAT ! WHEAT ! WANTED TO PUBOHAS E, WHEAT IN LABOE QUANTITIES, for which the highest market price ls paid by JOHN CAMPSEN k CO., _ No. HMarl?st^b?eet, oppc^te State-atroet July 21_ a HAY. 7?1 BALES PRIME NORTH RIVER- HAT, I OJ. landing .from bark "E. Will tams." For Bale in lota to suit, by . T. J. KERR k CO. July 21_?_- 3 SHINGLES. 7VTOW LANDING, AND FOB SALE ON MAB J.1 8 HALL'S WHARF, east end of Calhoun - street, 30,000 PRIME SHINGLES, in bundles. July 21 tuthsg JNO. MARSHALL, Jg. COFFEE, SU?fAB AND HO flIOLASSES. 1 AA BA?3' VARIOUS GBADES, RIO COFFEE ifv 75 hhda. and boxes Bright Grocery bugar 60 barrels Low Priced Sugars 100 barrels Molasses, in oypress barrels. Recently purchased and for sale at reduced price* by BERNARD O'NLTLL, No. 189 East Bay, And Noe. 18 and 60 State-street. July 20._;_2 CHOICE WESTERN BACON. QABam DAVIS' O. B. AND R. STD ES 20hbds.Davis' Shoulders 30 tierces Davis' Canvased Hams 20 tieroes inferior brands Hams 20 bbls. Meas Pork. Landing direc1. from Cincinnati, and for sale low, by BERNARD O'NEILL,' No. 139 East Bay, and July 20_2_Nos. 48 and 60 State-street BACON. " QC BHDS. RIBBED, CLEAR RIBBED, AND OO CLEAR SIDES and SHOULDERS, just land? ed and for sale low by B. sc A.P. CALDWELL. July 20_ 2 BUTTEE. ?)A BEO? PSIME BUTTER. JUST LANDED ?U and for sale by B, A A. P. CALDWELL. July? a BACON. COFFEE, &c. EXTRA 6UGAR-CURED SHOULDERS Choice Breakfast Bacon Fresh Roasted Coffee. . - . ANO An Assortment of TOILET SOAPS. Jost received and tor salo at ? CO-OPERATIVE GBO DEBT STORE. ' No. 107 Market>?treet teg- Goods deUvered free of charge. July 16 . .,. , ; , ROPE ! HOPE ! COILS OREEN LB AF MACHIA'E ROPE HALF COLLS GREEN LEAF MACHINE ROPE, PERSONS WISHING TO PURCHASE BO PR will do weU to call oa the undersigned, aa I guarantee to sell at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES, FREIGHT ADDED. EVERY.C?5DL GUARANTEED. For ?ale by J. W. ROBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. June 20_P?fl _atothlmos AUGUSTA WATERMELONS. ARRIVING DALLY, AND SOLD CHEAP, BY MBS. 0. D. KENRICK. No. 83 Market-street south-side, Jury 16_6 Opposite Market HalL FRUIT! FRUIT! FRUIT! PEACHES AND APPLES RECEIVED EVERY DAY from Aiken on consignment The aboro will be sold to small boxes to suit families by BART k WTBTH, June 25 Imo Nos. 66 and 67 Market-etreet DEMIJOHNS, 'tZf\f\f\ DEMIJOHNS, OF ALL SIZES tJ\J\J\J 100 hampers Claret Wine Bottles. For aale low by CLACIUS k WITTE. April 21 Smos CHLORIDE Of LIME. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. THE BEST DISINFECTANT. FOB SALE BE B. H. KELLERS k CO.; ~ March 29_ ^ Ha 131 MeeUng<treeV MARBLE MANTELS, MONU MENTS, HEADSTONES, ?Sic. AFINE SELECTION OF MARBLE MANTELS constantly on hand at 8. KL ABBE'S Ware room, No. 64 First avenue, near Third-street, Nev ?ork. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. February 3_Ono C0-0PERATIYE GROCERY, MARKET, BETWEEN KING ARD ME ETI H O STREETS, (8 0 'ff T"M. " 8 I D E.) AN EXTENSIVE, VARIED AND CAREFULLY selected supply of the NECESSARIES OF LIFE, and also the luxuries-WINES, LIQUORS, etc.-will at all times be found at the above Store, established under the auspices of the ''PALMETTO PIONEER CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION," and which will continue and extend the advantages it already offers' to the public. Fresh arrivals and bargains will be regularly reported, and every facili? ty afforded patrons. The "object" of the Association is, aa set forth io its charter, "To furnish members and the public with th? necessaries of life of good quality, unadulte? rated, and at lowest market ratea,- and from the profits of such sales to accumulate capital for its members." Copies of tie Constitution and By-Laws can ba found at the Store of the Association, and all in? quiries legarding the practical working of the enter? prise will be most cheerfully an J promptly satisfied. W. H. WELCH, Superintendent J. N. WIG FALL, Assistant Joly ll PROCLAMATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CITY OF CHARLESTON. ; >. Whereas, there is reason to believe that the fire which occurred on the morning of the 23d instant was the work of an incendiary: Now, know all men by these presents that L Mil? ton Cogswell, Mayor of the city aforesaid, do offer a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLA BS for the dis? covery and proof to conviction, to any court of com? petent jurisdiction, ot the party or parties who fired the building on Meetiog-street lately occupied by Messrs. Dowie k Moise, which was burnt down, with another, on the morning above stated. Witness my hand this twenty-second day of Jone, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixry MT.LTON COGSWELL, Mayor. W. H. fu?a, Clerk Of Council. June 23 B OOK AND JOB PRINTING. THE UNDEBSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and the Public that he has a large assortment of NEW TY i'E. MACHINERY, and a fine stock of CARDS, PAPER, kc, direct from manufacturers, and will execute an orders for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING in a neat manner, and at GREATLY SEDUCED PRICES. Having large fonts ot type, will contract for the publication of a Weekly or Monthly on liberal terms. Orders for BOOKBINDING promptly attended to, at low rates, if left at No. 33 HAYNE-STBEBT. May M_JAS- W. Mo MILLAR. CITY TRJBA?UKY, JULY r, 1868?_BO? TIGE TO HOLDERS OF FIRE LO^N COU? PONS-The Fite Loan Coupons due t>?. ?.y sad pmjmm in tba dry of Saw ?ork, will U paid on Mfr aeaU?o? ot thia Offlee, B. THOMAS, ?uy Treasurer