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l'HE DAILY NEWS. Ve?? Of Hie Omnibus ?111. The following is the message o! the Prt-si dent of the United, States,, sent to the House of Representatives yesterday,returning with his objections the bill for the admission ot Harth Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida to representation in Congress ;' 2b the House a/Representatives : In ieturuine to tba House of Repr esoD ta ti vea ia which it orig?nate 1, a bill entitled ,:Au act to admit the-Slates o! North Carolina. Louisi? ana, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida to repre? sentation m Congress," I do not deem it neces? sary to atate at length the reasons which con? strain me to withhold my signature. T will not, there tore, undertake at this time to reopen the discussion .upon the grave constitutional questions involved in the act of March 2,18S7, and the acts supplementary thereto, in pur saauce of which it ii; claimed in the preamble to this bill these States have framed and adopt? ed constitutions ot State government. Nor will I repeat the objections contained in my message of the 20th matant, returning without my signature the bill to admit to representa? tion the State of Arkansas, and which are equally applicable to the pending measure. Like the --ct recently passed in reference to Aikiosas, this bill supercedes the plain and simple mode prescribed by the Constitution for the admission to seats in the respective Houses of senators and representatives of the several States. It assumes authority over six Sbates of the Union whirl- bas never been del? egated to Cong; csj, nor is oven warrantod hy previous unconstitutional legislation upon tho subject of restoration. ? It imposes conditions which are in derogation of the equal rights of the Stbte.-i, and ia founded upon a theory which ia subversive of the fundamental principles of the Government. In the case of Alabama it violates the plighted faith of Congress by forcing noon that State a constitution which was rejected by the people according to the ex? press terms of an.act of Congress requiring;j that a majority' of tba registered electors' should vote upon the question of Hs ratifica? tion. For these objections, and many others which might be presented, I cannot approve ibis bill, and, therefore, return it for the action of Coh S!S8 reauired in auch c?sea by the Federal natitution.. ANDREW JOHNSON. WASHINGTON* D. C., June 25,1363. As already reported by t ol eg r a ph, the veto was immediately .overridden by a two-thirds vote in bo th.Houses, and the bill thus became a kw. ', . .. ' \ . 't ._ THE COTTON CEOP OF ALABAMA.- The follow? ing dispatch from the British Consul at Mobile bas just been received by the Manchester Cot? ton Supply Association : - - ;. - BEIT I SH CONSULATE, ). MOBILE. May 20,1868. f; My Lord: I have'the honor'to submit to yo<,r Lordship the following inteJhgen.o in regard to the past cotton ct op of Alabama and the present .prospect for the next crop. Ou the 1st of September last-that date be? log considered hero aa the beginning of tho cotton season-thc -number of bales stored at Mobile numbered 8714. feinco the lit of Sep? tember, 18U7J-to -thc present date the-receipts at (bis post., front the m;erior amounted to 351,192'balea, winch is aban- as much as wss expected, -the bad season and tho I uncertainty of labor everywhere in thc South-] at the very mos^nt when it is the most need? ed. 'bM<g*f?tt 5c ci ..' Borne momba '.go, owing to the very low pries of cotton,, the planters: Of- Alabama were entirely disheartened, and. talked of giving up I ooti on raising os alt oj>o thar, un profitable; brit tbe great rive in th e va :ue of cotton during the Htont?a of March and April has produced a general reootaon, und tho bolicf now exists'"! Stat with a fahr season at least four hundred thousand bale? wd. be produced in Alabama alone. .The overflowing ol'-many plantations and other lands occasioned by the never-end? ing raies ot,tbe last thirty days; bas done no material damage, for tba cotton ?s up, as welt. aa the Indian: corn, and the negroes are work- | i bu and conducting themselves better than usual. This. ia owmg, probably, to the fact thai the political excit? ment among the blacks i before the election last year is noe 'hke'y to ; disturb their minds this j ear. Money is again J more pie otu ul also, owing to tbe rapid advance- 1 in co tte n ; arid now that tiroir shipping season 1 is about to dose, mo.-1 of . the cotton having arrived at ibo ports, tbe planting interese is stimulated, the depression has disappeared^ J J and tbe prospects highly f iv?: able. ' ' - :.?'-. eft CRTDLA'NDi Tbe Right Honorable LoxJ. SIAMIEX; iL P_, Foreign ??&cp, London. . . HoBBiaitE DOUBLE Mr EDEE sr AN?oar.-A dreadful trag? dy becrirred' last week in Irwin County, Ga., about five' miles irorh Bowen's Station, by ?hieb & family lost two socs by the1 murderous hind bf a negro. ,Thp of the young mon w< re William and Daniel Luke, sors Of^Jir. James Luke. The name of tho m?r? is Jeebta.Williams. - The dreadrnl Qeed^as "not discovered until Sundav morna g, When the 'bodies of the two Cong m?n \y.?ni foi. nd lying in front of tho use in wk-ipa Williams lived. One.of; them bad be:n sh-j*.uu tb j. breast. ai:d there was a | bolo right iL rough his bod} ; tho other lied the entire uack pu t of- hie head blown off. ' Near them lay a largo dog. also dead. Thc sight was a horrible^d^sick^iujs^one.... By-'ihter - rogataig tho "nesroca ' ir. was ascert&i Jed that j Williams bid stated .to some, qi them that t.a bad shot th*..-ey our g men, assigning rio reason Whatever tor the -dobo. He had i ft the heigh borbood before the .discovery ol tho murder, 'ana could not be i o und, eiikcugh search was made uiligetrtly Iii every' direction. Why be kJledthc moods not kn?wn. - Williams waa a negro cf v-.-rr bad character. J?or eome tune past depredations have been committed appa the pinn to. rio irs in the vicinity, and suspicion nooned towards Wilhams as the gui .tv party. It is -surmised lbw xii?.se '"young men went to r~ sus house to.look for stojeri, good?i-.tbat.4be dog attacked them and was shot; that Williams -thea bhot und Ktiled them." These aro mere Burmidea. bat, ss no reason cn be given for fite m uni ceo oe deo??.tht-y aro. probably -cor? rect. 1 be rnnrdereu persona wer-i young men. Of fro m eighteen to twenty year's of age. Thev ware sons of a very respectable plauter, und their wanton murder boa created sorrow .nd indignation in th-i community. Tho citi? zens there hire offered two"''hundred "'dol?ate . ?eward fur cac appr?bensica 'ot Wunama, the munlerci', and -re. nope that, be may speedily be caught and punished ?or his crime. POLTIICAL Gossip is WASHESOTOB.-Tbe Washington ?orfo^badest of thc Baltimore Qasetto writes uhdVi'date'of Friday rrighV: 'Within the ijasirWeck or two there has been ? romarkab.e change in pubic sentiment hero rn reference to -the pr-.par .platform to bo framed end thc *ort of c sndidute pr.-per to be ?tleoied by the Democratic' Conv?nt, oa. Rita short timo ag?^nething was* heard but sugges? tions of caution and Lauer, does of concessions upon g o ands of expediency. . Now thc m ist timid ar-? ar;;:'jg .istraighl-but coarse-a ? lain, downright und earliest .ssUe with ch-: Bidicals upon ail tacirinfamous hereaie?. Politicians wholagbol? d wJi iiia tl ought, be suffered to remota in their chosen ai itude. Ibo b gus repivsontatives froni the South havo for a f JW weeka bee i dropp-ieg down bere b*k* froga fi om the clouds, sud, like their pro types, they at once seek some hiding hole. I bear tac ia a jori ry of them oro wretchedly clad, and arc oburcd?io I e c oncealed until proper hataLmeats caa-be procurc-d.- -A"r.ew Kore <? currency ha?t-Consequestiy, to soma extent, got into circulation. Ic. consists, o tad va co cheeks up:n. the So-cre-ury'TJf the Senate and Sergean'-r.t-a?ms <*i toe lions-; for p*y "when admitted." As there no pa-siblo doubt, cf tbeb" "aonilsiiori, vb"-^ they Mick or wbito. andas tho regularity of their '-election" wiil J?a known, be so much a* locked imo, ject'Y-i checks h tvo boen freely tak , *?o liai no difneuity in gct od ' by ' uchos? aharera at fifty foliar; rhere'ar ;ecuriug a hand ^^^?^B?ttoa their eoods: - . FXEZUr PrISONi.ES ?; G S 3 AX ?EITAZS.-The Presidon bas'seat to ibtTHonVc a message iii .Jp Bopre-iOrititive Robins ;n's resolution ?b?fT biisvto.Ulce such, measures as shall ropi-r^?? ser-tro tbs roleasa from ina sot of Messrs. Warroo and Costello, t enid se.3tec.csJ in Great ' i'.rita'n fox _i and acts Soc Iron and dona ia this coun? try, by ignoring our na: U'-al.zation lc ivs, and totakrt aucb other rn ^aanres a?i will Securo their refuta :oo~?r flagwltb snch caremoities Man appropriate to the occasion, secretary Beward augusta to thc Freaideut tho esoedi -CBOT cta ruaewai by the Prcaident of thc ap? peal to Ci ?gr?a* made-tn 'bis bte annual mes Oigefbralogudative Jec'aratinn tiffirrning and AUMMtrtinjr the cTiaciple. which hai been anMeitodoAalionediri Orca:' Bn?arn, though fi? atme baa be?r? e?nsT?'?itty*a?:d fitTn'y niain tarned by ttro Exc-crti-e Deportment, in.r?>erard to an sbwiute equality ?nd identity of evil rights natur,.as?a and nativo citizens ofthe United Staloi when s jnuxning ia foreign j i counfrr'Hf. ITEMS UF STATE NEWS. -The militan- authorities orTer a reward o $5000 for the arrest of the murderer of G. W. Dill, near Camden.. -Mr. Thomas Aahby'B wagon, returning home- from Florenco on Wednesday eveninsr, with a load of corn, was halted by t.'.oredmen, sad robbed of two sacks of corn. -A colored man, supposed to have been insane, was run over bv the passeuger train on the W. C. & B. Railroad, about four miles from Laurenburg, on the 18th instant, and blatantly Mlled. -Th? Wimiaboro News says : Up to this date the season has been exceedingly good, and the crops are very piomisinst. The com and cotton are both looking, aa well as can be expected. -Jake Hanton, another one of the party who Was engaged in the rescue of the ' prisoners from the Deputy Sheriff at Orangeburg on tbe 11th of this month, and who was wounded in the melee, died on Moiday'last. -The BenntttsvUIe Journal says : During the past week or ten days we have beep bless? ed with frequent showers of rain, which has given new impetus to thy growth of grain and vegetation. The cotton and grain crops are doing remarkably well. - Fires have beem. rather too frequent in Newberry. The kitchen, flour and smoke? houses of Mrs. Henson, near Jalapa, were en? tirely destroyed. Another Uro occurred on the premises of Air. Jack Hair, where the kitchen was consumed. -A little son of "Mr. William Gray, residing near Brownsville, in Marlboro District, as struck by lightning a few days ago, and instant? ly killed. Mr. John Hubbard, residing in the upper part of thc same district, was struck by lightning and seriously injured, but is recover? ing. -On last Friday week the storehouse of Mr. Mathew A. Muldrow in Darlington District the scene of thc murder and robbery on the night of the 10th of January last-was s?t on fire, and the building was consumed -vith ali ita contents, which were goods, corn, peas and one bag of cotton. -A few nights ago, thekit:hen of Mr. Abner Bro ?n, of Sumter District, containing alibis cooking uteasila, crockery. &c., was destroyed by fire. Tho origin ot "the hre is unknown. Mr. F. H. Kennedy, of Me;han?c?viUo, has also boen a Bufferer, having .had his store-house destroyed, containing a large supply of groce? ries, provisions, eec -An altercation occurred on-Thursday hut at .Ninety-Six between two citizera of " that place, Mr. Kinx and Mr. Nathan Ingram, ard which will likely result in the death of the lat? ter. The difficulty arose at the Masonic cele? bration on the previous day with a son of Mr. Ingram, and. the quarrel having been assume d by tho fa her, ho received several shots, which it is thought will bs fatal. -A case of accidental ahoorintr occurred a; the plantation of Mr. J. T. E. Beik a fewmiios above Lancaster Courthou&e, on Saturday last. Solomon Banns and George. Mell wain, both colored, it appears were out' hunting and George in attempting to shoota partridge in a tb ici! et, .odged tho contents of his gun in-the back of Solomon's head, who died almost inatantty.' -The Orangeburg News gays : The mi'itary commission appointed by General Canty to investigate the matter of the. rescue of the prisoners from the Deputy Sherill on tho 11th of this month, met herc on Monday and ad? journed on Thursday, after aximining a few of: the -ni tn esses. The departure of the cornnrs eion was as sudden;...and even , more so, than their corniDg. The number of witnesses in attendance waa very large, bu only a feww:re examined. A BABE CONGRESS UNAL FLOT.-We have in formation of a plot in " contemplation by the Radicals in Congress which is calculated to startle every reflecting man in the country.- It is the purpoee and expectation of these Radi? cal conspirators to control thc Presidential election per fas altt nrfns. They intend, w? hear, to eiect-a'President' by the House Of Rep r< sentad voa, regardless of thc popular choice, throwing ont votes a: discretion where they find them adverso, especially from the South, tn all these States they will fabricate vates "rom apurions electors, and the purpose la that the present House of Representatives ihall-bave the practical control ot tho matter tn caao of a legitimate expression *)f the popu ar oboioe. they do sot count; on victory, and oy the aid of the House of Representatives od the regular army they think to control tbs natter. .General Grant 'ia to be elected by the Souse, and by bis sword is to usurp the ?2i-:e )f President from the duly elected candidate >f th* peop'e. Such u the prospnc: befara as, I these conspirators abai! no; be taught tc mail before tboir designs are consumai-.ted. Coiunurrial. Tue Charleston Cotton Market. ?FFICE 05 THE CHARLESTON DA. ?IV NEW?, i CHASLESTOX. Saturday Evening,' June 27. '88. ( lhere were but few ?ellers ai cur qu statics?, fae ors generally asking bhther rates. Sale* 1C7 hales ?y 3 at 24, 8 at 25, i at SS, 12 at 27,10 at 2D. 39 at SO.' tOatSOftc. Wequoiei UVX3POOOL CZJJBZtlCkZZOS. i'Ordinazy to toed OKiintry.-26 (SiIS Aowmidding.... .(j Middhug.SO ft Strict Addling.Z?fi<$ - Markets by Telegraphs rOEEIQti JUSK?T3. ~TOK?ov, June 27-Evening,-Consols C4.Jia24;i. toada WJiaTS^. LIVERPOOL, Juno 27-Noor -Caitoa f.rai; sales .2.000 bale?. Breadstuffs quiet! Lari 02s Eveni-j^.-Cotton quiet and )teady; sii<s? 10,000 ilea Com 34s SS Wheat 12J 2i.; nour ils. "ark 78a 6d. Lard heavy. DOMESTIC MABK2T3. 'Kxw xbax. Jure 27-Noon.-Mo-ey ah 1 sterliig rochanged Go.d 140>i. Floor 5roop:ng. Whoa: l?minolly lo wet Corbie, lower. Mess pork dull itS2810i LaidVearyi Cort?n very Him at 31 Sc freights quiet, lurptn?me stcaOy.: Resin irregu ar; streite! common $i NM 95. Evening.-Cotton len active-anJ unchanged: salas ?00 bales at 3. >?c. Flour , favors buyers ;. superfine ?tate $6 85a7 30. Wheat 2a3c. lower. Corn dall ; Ix 0. lower. Whiskey nominal Mess -steady at S2Sa S 25. X>ard hoary-steamer li .'-jilr.^ j. Groceries toady Freights firm-fair busino^a. BALTIMORE, June 27.-Produce and provtslaa aarkits show no marked changes. North Caroona ixe?, 7fJc77. WxXJurxaroN, June 27.-?ririt3 turpentine nom' ul at 40. Boains shade lowe-; strain-d, Si OJ; No 2 2 10; extra No I, ?4. Tar Atm at-3 75. AUGUSTA, June 27.-Cotton-Tho demand -ome r'hat active to-day; sales 337 bales, os a bast; of 3Cc ? middlings; receipts 20 bites. SAVAKNAB, Jane 27.-Cotton firm; no sa es; he'd t vary irregular figures; mi idling 3lu.)Ic. Accooata rom traps ara very ia-orab.e, ocing to tue late ilas. Moni LE, Jane 27.- "ol toa-3 .?es C0J ba'.e6 The larket cloee-d quiet; middling 23.; r-ceiots C bales; sparta 196. NEW OBLKAHS, June 27.-Cottor; quio*: and Hm; niddlinjB 29c; sates 130 kaes; 'e:ei t? 30 bales; zports 3:0 bale t. bte ling 153al55. New 1 nk .?3h? ? premium. Gold 139j?al30A? LOUISVILLE, June 27.-Flour un.-et?ed: super?n-s, 7'2oa7 59. t orn, 90a9?. aloes porlt. Sin. Shiul ers, 18^: cloar aides. 17. Lard, IJJj. Whiskey .omiaal. ? a ts 5 5 ? a a o o o o a a o 5 g s S S S kf Savannalk Market. 5AVA.NXAH, Jua? 25.-COTTOJ?.-Our market ex blbiied some little inquiry during the latter part o last week,' caused by tue aivsnc- in Liverpool, and a more than corresponding rise in prices in Now York, but bas again relapsed into its summer dull? ness. Had cur factors given way materially, we should doubtless have had more doing as we are now approaching a period when it is suppoarittbat our own spinners will be compelled !o take freely 01 the light stock ou hand. We find here a very slim offering stock, and that is composed genen'.ly of the lewer qualities very few lots grading orer low middling, which, ia held variously at rrom 28ii a30c. In fact, we have .no quotations to give whioh will afford any proper cri tenon of our mattet, and we forbear giving tnem, merely stating that good ordinary cannot tc purchased under 27c, while 25. is the offered prk e. Crop a counts are generally more favorable, and Vb ile they are so, there ls noflisposition evinced to place the general estimate higher thin lost yoar; in tact, two and a quai ter millions seems the favorite : Mirare. Culling rrom all our advices, we see no rea? son for apprehension cf much lower prices and if as New York circulars indicate, that American spin? ners want 10,000 bales per week until the new crop comee ia freely, namely, say ten weeks at that rate, or 100.000 bales; there is every re?eon io believe ic higher rates. There seems to us a good reason :or such au impression, when money is eo abundant, and as we see by the Timer' commercial report, that mire activity prevails tn cotton goods, and that a still greater degree is prophesied tor next month The harvest p? omises well everywhere, ani cheap f.od of course fosters consumption cf ?abrics. . Ibis country is, as tar as the pi ice ot cotton ia concerned, Independent of Europe, and although sa advance there stimulates our markets hers fti.l we advance fa-ter and Call slower and ts less propor t on, on any news from over the water. Sou tuarn markes ire part ctCStly strong; in'faut the great New Orleans only exhibits a stock of 11.0-10 r/aies. In view of small sales aai reducing slocks, it seem? to us that factors are shipping ?ath?r thin sol; at forced prices feeling great confidence in tl-.o future or the article. We are, however, indisposed to look for c-xtravaeaut p:lc?s. unless subsequent disaster befalls the growing ero;. No receipts. rZCTIPT-3 ASS EXPOET8 S. Is'.M. Upl'd. Stock on hand September 1. 122 611 Received since June IT. 1 841 Rec'ivpd-prenously. 11,112 175.085 lotal.11.234 47(1.440 Emortcd since June 17:. 36 1,682 Exported previously.11.124 470.431 Humed....;. Stock on aaa J Jun* 24.,. Erpo ar zn. To Liverpool previously., To France previously. To other Poreiga Port? | reviousiy. Tola: to Europe..'. 6,025 251,530 Coastwise this week. 26 1.682 Coistwisc previously. 6,109 '?18,911 Total esporrs since Sept. 1, 1807.1L16J 472.07 FiSANCiAi-?old firmar at l:9al?l. Excbango New York .-igb: ? quiet: bought at par and sold at a premium, sterling ii tough: at ;J2al52for sixty days ci ls. Rice-13 dull with small stock. We quito: '.lean Carol na. lOilO'jC; bj thc singlo cask, y,. higher rough,'?2 25a2 40: ml, Ha; middung rice. 7a8c Raagocn, lOijallc. ? FHEIOHIS-Are dull a?d very irregular Wo quote To Liverpool, by sail, %A ch aplanad aad 'id oa sea is ands; on timber. 26s; -o Queenstown, 38s when ca i ia 5 for orders; through via New York, by steam oa uplaais, iii on sei islands. ToN'W .ork by s-e.m, 5'>c : cr bale, -50cou"domes:ics. To Ph 1 a-ielphia, il 75 o i uplands, C5s- on domestics. The san Salvidor tor Now Yore takes rotton at 50? pe bale, aad the Yirgiaia ;to ar.ive) af 30c p r bale. Boston, S3 on uplands; fhrer,gh via Philadelphia, y,z cn ir 1 id to Balt?more, by s team,.SI per mle ; vu Baltimore, to Bo?'oa; S3 ner bale. Wei to Louxavt lo Ky, 75o per; toCacluasti-'65c; st l.ouir85c, Coastwise Heights are mire acive. Small vessels wtth large porte are ia request', ai w? learn cf sever? al cargoe1 of heavy timber awaiting shipment. Lum? ber to 3a' and. Plulalelphla ?8i9; to New York and boston o J limber at. J -umber SlOslX Cu? ban rfeights o> lumber- $8 to north elie; S9al0 to southside. Small.vessels a:e wanted tor the faade. Sou ii American freights ?-.). aad S3 primay eau be bal. Wilmiiiarton Harket. J WILMINGTON. June 27-Trjnpa?flrirKE1-92 bble. w?at to-Jay at S2 30 .'or r-rgia. M 80 for yellow d'p. and il 7 ? tor hard, por 283 lbs. Tba marke: rules lall, and otherparc'ls btferibg-cinaot be BOW unless at lower ? juris. >p;hrr? Ttrapssmrr.. -Marke1 quilty and only 3i bbb?, eimged hinds ar 33.'ic per gallon. . of 613 bbls. at $2, S2 05a2l3 for -trained $2 13 tor No. 2, aad 54 tor low pale. TAB - lia bals sall at ?3 7; per bbL Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, 'un? 26 -Corrow-"able advices to-dsy were a litt!? armer, cl-sta? strone; at 11 ??a lljja for I't.'.auds. Our c. iket was quiet but hold 1 rs lirra ; ao salo- worthy of r otice. Co7F2S-A day cr two ?mee there wa? a sile of 2 j bag' "ava, part ex Derim, at supposed .33j?o jold. -.-Ma?? iniuir7 '-viay for invoices from import? ers, bu; no sales effceted; we no e from second hands 700 I-gs Sic at 27Ji'c curreacy. FLOTTE-Tb ere wera solos yea'ordsy. but cot be? fore .reported, o: 330 bbls Howard-street Kuper, choice bra a-J. at ?10 M; 250 bbls city mills spring wheat extra a: S3 50 ; 25*J bbls" Nortbwestern do at ) iii'- 50; to-day ICO bbls citv mils super at SO 25. The sales the past t^w days, togct er w'th ;i;h' racsipts, cauto a little more urmucss i n tho part ci dailere. The ma kit it? entirely bera of high iKde ? ?XT?S, city ground. ""Caair- i^a:-OJei ngs oaly iiOO bu he?s rod; market di '.. miller- cotbuylur; o:ly sales were30; bhsha c.-maaoa r<;d a: ?2 05. und 100 otishol- prime loat S2 l-l. Cora-beceipt3 il,?i2) bushel < wlnVo mt 40w bushels yellow; .j>a.y.,d brisk and >or wliit.- ?ev<3r?tconti higher:- nioiude; in thc siles re-? r.;) -usheli at?l ??; :3W bu hol? do v SI 14: IC50 io do a: SI 13; 100-3 ?o ?O at il 11*113; 850 busaels a: il 13. 3%0iushe'.9 bluer ad st tl 02al 0 V 1.00 b'lsaoLs ye low at SI lo; ?64busheisat ?108; ?IC0 bush?ls a; Si l?7; 7J0 do*: ?106; 200 bushels it Si 05; 300 bu?bel? tn erlor at SI 01. Oata-7001 Wthala rec iv.i'1 wl'h s?ls?? nf 2000 bushels it 62 Mais cuei-tire; OSi ocihals common at. 75 cents ?rei-int; 9?0;'.iushe?s gcal aid prime at 88a9J ce;.ts aer 32 .b t R.j e-1? ?u-he.a ?tr?redandsold nt il C5 oerhU'heL KOLASJ .s-Nothing doing; quotations nominally uuhaaged. 1'ar.Tsz if?.- Th? demand far bacon in jobbing ots con'lace-:; yesterday the market was eldred ol ill the bacon shoulders that could be had at 14 ceuts; iiwquctearm ar ltj^ ceuts: rib Bides steady at lG.;i c-n'.v clear ril> do ICX*!? cents; bncou bams a)i22 couts :ar sugir-cored. Bulk mea s held nomi? nally aa:TO bureri' view.> and'.vely ht.her han current uri :?s of bocoo. Mesa pork ls Jo^ bing it 329 pe: bb!. La d wo quote at 18 cents forjob bi- g lot? ol western, and 17>? cents for city. R:CE -The market is baro of Ban.oan in first ianda last sales ?as BOO bogs ex norlin. in bond, cn sri vat?- terms; we quo e jobbing lots to thc tra.te ar )%i!0 Mata; Carolina ll?llj? cents, as io quality. .-U0A.3. - Mark?t was quiot to-day, but hoMdrs firm it full f.ricee: no sales-quotations rcrac aa jeeter RKpr>~n SU3.1T?-Steady at 10^ cents tor hai-d irusaed. powderoJ and ^mnulatfd; 15X cents fir A vhire; 15^-enti tor B do.; C extra is;? cents; 5 ltli c?u8t; yslhiv 13% cents; molasses sugar .O.?i iii oeati. .--aa s-Ar-i fte lily se before viz: For alnryland pM?a 77 <-eat?; Bal?aiore do. 70; Monumental i7 teut? -;cr gallan. Kew Totk Market. J?Oi?fiX MABKET. Th? Nsw York Journal o? Commerce, of Friday, Tune 2'.;, 3-ys: The marke: prenais ? lilUo more animatioa in Mai comra^roia: dopirtments, but there appears to o bo vo iaiirease of the general t-ade. Money con tau??ia 3i;'?si7.' supply at ao4 pe- cent, for call oa-3, aa l s'ric ly arst-class mer-.uutilo paper tu in ?..:n.a i at 510 pet cent, per annum discouul. . P20D00E il.UtKET. NEW FOBS, Jutie 25.-BHEADST?PFS.-The mir ret for .-tue ani Western flour is moro active, ia iori for export, ar tte-idily he d prices. Thc halos nw 12.400 bbj a' Si 85a87 30 tor 6upcrfi:io itate; a" 7Ji? 25 :or common ox:ra - t it*-; 18 30 k8 5? fe: gool to do; S8 0la9 80 tor fancy lo; f7 831? 30 io: supe:?ne Michigan, indi ina, <>lilo, tot, aal S7 70.8 5 > for extra dc; S8 ?OJ9 73 fr ihotceezra jo. including shipping br<mdsof round loop Obl? at S8 C5a9 40, and trade brands oi dc at t9Aflal390; giod to choice white wbeit o.;t-a=i ot rU80al?30; ?* Louis at $8 60al0 for common toruir iXTj. aa-1 $13 50alt Et> tor good to choice, closing <tea y. We quite: Supr?ne .?tte, ?0'3a7 SO; .smi Stilt-* ST 75JS 5.; super Western, ttl 82a7.30: ex ;.a West m S7 70 8 5 -, extra I bio round hoop *8 65 IO V): do trade) 9 4?al2 00; extra Gcnessoc, -a-; .-xtr i .-t. Locan, ?8 50ai4,5:1. : 0CT32BN" FLOUB-Is nictive but prices remain vithou'. change. Wo no* c". s- le i o- 150 bbls at ?9 05 ill) ?O'.c: ian extra, and 910 6'314 65 for f,ood io .boise do t'A?FOENiA Ft.0Ui'-The market is miro ac'iv.-, ml pel MS are st.;adil ? held, li ho sales oro WOO sacks it SWal2 6o. Wnr-iT-I bo-e is a llmi'ed inquiry f r rxp^rt but vriccs arel Soi ea i-r; saes wera n-ude of33 39J >u<holsii.S2 for Ka 3 spring. 82 60a21>5 lot whi o ifi .'aigan. li 90 for extra chcico d ), il 75 for wliite . ti i'.oiD?, an t 62 55 for amber >t:to. Coas-Tbs c ark?, t is dmi and prices aro a ;out lc '>?e.\ r.iih a v?-y moierate inq'siry tor export and lome lt?. I bo sales aro C8 003 bujiiols AVost^ra ELS- a i'd a:il usai ou. Oars-riie tra.k*i is lalrly active, but prices ere rniraiar, cpstiag a li'tlo stronger, and closing dull inJ wit!: prices d dining; 'ales were in ide of 71,000 icaaelj >v'.< torn at BU.'?JBS??C, bi s?re and afloat, ansi ag tri th no !-U"eis at over 83c. Har-Hiy is a litt!? low ;r. with sale at 70c; 7?" or Shipping and SI 19al 25 for ret<>li qualiti-s >tr.. ? 3 si'llin,' at S3.9 c for long rj-c and Ti u for short rye. C'OFTEE-Ti e miik-'t for Rio ls iaactivc, but iriois ara q-i.t-j sceodily held. Wo di i.ot learn of ny B iles o; m >ai at COTTON-Tue Euroiem f.d'iccsbc'ngof a tavora ile clitrsoter, the spinners were induced to pur aaae frco'y a: ?n a?vunce of one half to ono cent. |jecula.*?M wi ex'ortera arc sti.l ic?iipo.^cd to entusa much itu offerings aro fir, but at the i Juso ;licr- it nct'auis to be ooraine 1 nt less than thc oaiile heures. Thc s iles are 3.1C0 bales, inc uding 2,100 lo apianare, 29C lo speculators and 710 to ex? porters. We quote: Upland ft Fioridx Mobile. N. Orleans. Texas. Ordinary. .2(5 26J? 26& 2fiJi GrodOrd 2:Ka28 27#?03.!," 28 s2sK V&W-W Low Mid..29 a23?; 29rJa2?H?- 20J?830 MX'ZOX Mtddliiu .30)4331 305*331.;., 30 a31? 3U:?'a31Ji MOLASSES-There ia bu J little doini, and prices ore in the buyers' favor, though quite nominal. We quote clayed at 46a48c; Muscovado at 48a55c; and Porto Bice at SCaTDe. We notice salea.of 100 hhda Barbadoe.?.on private terms. * NAVAL Sroass-Cru'ie Turpenlin?-We note the 1 sale ofSO hols'ac ?4 45. Spirits tu-pentme is f loadil V held at 43a4S Kc for merchantable ?ot?. 1 ho saiea are 213 bola at those piices. Rosins are per? haps in little more demand; pures are no' quotably changed ; tin? eales are 203 bb'3 common at S3; 3U0 bbls ?trained common at S3 CS; 300 bbls do at 83 OG .'ic closiic st those prices; iO0 bbls sood strained at $3 IS; GOO bb;a No 2 at ?3 25; Nc. 1 are held at 83 50a4 SO; pole an i prime do at 84.75 a7 SO. Tar is is m thc seller's favor; 25 bbls WU minion ""ere sold at $3 25, and 253 bbla Waahing ton at $8 75. Puov sloss-Pons,-The market for me?s i3qniet, but price* do not indicate any porticular chang". Sales w.iremad9 oi 500bbia at ?23 31^'. regular W3y. Th? Jobblnc trade ia light, but la at steady fign-es. We niiri.e ailee of 450 bbla at,828 for el l mesa, S24 for prime mess, and 82737 mr thin me.? The af? ternoon market: is quiet and pr: ; j3 ore not so flrmiy held We quote me93 3t $28 25a28 31. co?h ana reg? ula' W37. BEEP-Th-'re is no change to note. The.jobbins trado ii moderate at full prices. We notice sale* of 140 obii ii S15a2l for plain Wc3tem mesa, and ;3ia 20 for extra mesa. FXOKXn HEATS-Tba j ib .. me; irada U moderate but prices tavona rr buyers. We quoro hams at 17a 21c; -houTd rs at lUISc. an j cleir rib at I7al7^c. BtrrrEn-The marlo: is ouiet, and p.-i--ea have a downward tendency. The recc'.i.t? coatintr; tobe In excess of the soles. We quota Western a- 35a29e, and Stafe at 33a26r. tho laf er pnce ?or fair selected CHEESE-There is a fur demand for the high (Trade1 ter osport and home use, and with li.-ht of leringa ful: prces are current Wo quote-dairy at 7 a!4o, ano factory at lial5.'v,'e. LAKD-ho marget i^ quiet tc-diy. The demand ' ls limited hui wirb, small offerings pricoa remain without qiotable ebonee, Sales were mada of 700 Uerc-s at l?I?alO-r fir city and 16?el3lj for steam rendered Weitem. We quote city at 16c; No 1 ^Tent crn at lC'jnlO-.jf.; .ream render d and ketlie di led a;19^al7c; and kettie rendered at 17?$a18. The af comoon market is rr.t'aer heavy. W- Dorice salea of 600 tercos for July delivery, bryera' optim. at If , and ?OOliorces for August delivery, buyer J' op? tion, at Wife SUOAB-~ho mariel for raw ls very qriirc. hnt pnces rema:n without chang* Wo quote fair refln .ini atllJ?nll'-?c; jiooddo at ll?allfte, and No 12 box at I9?f e. 'l tie aale* are to tao trad -, and Include 175 hbda at llalSKs for Cnba, the latter price tar clarified; 13;jc lor Pcrto Bico; 15al0)^c ?or Demo? rara, and 40 boxes Havana at UfiC Beaned isqmV, but prie >B aro 8toad7. We quote soft VP'low at 14a lue; s t: whita at 15,'? il?r? ., and^cruahed, powder? ed and granulated at 16'"'.. Boj?oa Market. BOSTON, Juno 24.-CP-FTEE-Tko movements in coffe-a bava been quite uarmportant, and pricer re? main about foo ?ame aa previo r 'y noticed; sales of 1200 po.-ko 3 Java at 21 Kc gold, "ad 800 b wa st Do? mingo for export at .moot 9*4'r per lb gold, in hoad. In Bio nothing bu been done except In retail lots. OOTTOS-The roacset aft >- the etan cf our last rc rop, und'r >he influence cf lavorable advico3 trom uL-road, advanced fal: 2c per lb, but subs quant ad? vices have been ess favorable and a p-)rrt >n of tte advance has'been lost, spinners con Inno to pur? chase in small ?O R an i an f.b/ large mi'ls have a a ip* 6ly for the present, tho demand ter conmrapt on has eeo iinur- d, and wi fi (roods ruing at ow flgurns, manufacturers move cant?o -'ly. We quote ord nary at 27a28\ good ordinary 2?aC9c, Tow mlddllog 29a 30c on! miJdl ng at 3'kt31c per lit, including upland Golf. DOMESTICS-The d'm md tor cotton goods aaa boen moderato dorine- thc week, and the trade again move cautions".*. T-rioc? are low and holders .ore not wgiog sales, aaa general improve m mt is soon looked f r, and looters-are more disposed to pur? chase at tho riJSO. Woollens move off s owly, 'bp ! oloihlera purchasing moderately of heavy s'ooda for fall sale. Prices remain without improvarat, andthej badness ls stil quito unss Istactory. All port)cs ara j now-looking forward tn the fall trado to bring about | a favorable change, but the excitement of the Presi? den tinl clecUon may ta ter tero materially with busi? ness. GUSKT R/as-Marirot qn'et md no Mles to report; prie s aro n mi^ai;y i7\ ? ?dc for hean' bogs. - GUNNY CLOHI- Tl.e drmand for pur.ny o'oth has b it quite active this week and prices have advanc? ed. 1 bo ajles have been 1600 boles at 22c for im.ue dioto delivery, and at22??n22j?o fer august and .-?en (ember dcUvcrv, cxpcnSt.B'and interest a J J -d. the! ma-kef clcees ? rm and purchases to any extent cou'd not be nrado exaept at higher prices. L'.w- 1 te s des havo bom nt '8T7a24 uer ton fr Rastern and Northern, cs to quality. MoLAsrit'-TL'e murketfor thia af?lala has so'dom 1 o'o ai dull, and no' salea of any importan-re have been made for lotte weeks 'fast caved ia nominally 48c p-r guilon; and smoll lots of Barba? dos have been taken at COc per gallon NA\*AI fcToriTF-Thc?e have been -?j?es of 100 obis spirl'b tu*pcstino at I7.^a4cc per galton, and now held at 19c. Ter ia vary firm, and prices have fur thor advanced, t mill sales have been made at $5 60 ac per bou lto&in has been ia baiter demaod. bat ortees remoij vr.ihoui improvement S"!cs of i:]j bb'e (Ommon str.ilned nt ^3 25; 760 bb*.i No 2 at ga 37J?03 32 Vj ; 300 both No 2 ot 53 30; 102 bbla .rood No 1 at to 87 Vi, uno ISO bbls palo at ?6-i0 S3 per tbL P.tch i-t qalcr, and sale?confined to small lot-. uiQAB-The market for sugar baa been voy duli thr lughout the wook, the trado purcbusing only in raatl iotn, cud prices are n shade i asl or, although tho bulk of iho stroll is ho d tl rm and is net offered, in anticipation or Lag ter rates st an earl; day. Tue eales hove novn 70 tihds~gCOl procrry u\ i2il2>ic; 590 hhds fair to piime. refiling at 11 *-=a n=^~ ; and 709 Ux s No 11 t> 19. at 12^ul5%o per pouua. Be? rt ..'ed nwar hji* been selling ol JH?iaiG>jC per lb .cr pawdcrod and tfranelated. F. ll Klver Print Clotb narket. BOSTON, Juue 23 -Pnxtrruio )I.OTH- During tho ccr?y p .rt ul tho wo?!a ending t.--duy, gno-is rapidly advanced f ora 6>i to %%c, at wttiea price nome "it \ our mam'act in r, sold <o a lim to i extent for facuo production, since thoa, wi: i tho lud iu Liverpool market, cloihs ! ave be n qul-tcr, wit'i less d-'mand fr .m b-ayers. Tbe stuck in this market, however, ls very lirht, and manufiu-turcra are not ui3poscd to m ike much concession in pricce. Woquate as fol iows: Cffcrod. Anked. Po=t orado C4x04.;. .8??@8?? 87? Standard, 04x64.?.l?? 8>??8?4 Seconds.-., Bes^crade 04x6i.3??g,8X 8^ sUodarJ, 61:04.8'? 9% exports. BOSTON-Per sehr M M Poto- 13G.CO0 feet Lumber. NEW YORK-Per steamship Manhattan-158 balsa Cotton, 3S1 bbls Rosin. 17 bo'es Hogning, 138 bales Pornosties, 708 bbls Potatoes 393 crates Vegetables, 834 boxen Poacho-i. 150 bbb Floor. 88 parka .-es Sundries, 1200 sacks Wheat 101 emp-y Barrets. BA fdTaJORK-Per s eami-hip f:ea Gul!-132 balsa' Ui'Und Cotton, 464 bu-bols Wh< at 31 bbla Ntivul .-tort?, 12 bale? Yarn. 07 bales R tis, 34 bbla (iuauo. 6 bales Bides. 6 casks Itoa and Brass, 21. rolls Loather, 29 hhds Molasse?, OS hlidi Bono*, 6 bbls Whiskey, 31 cask* Kaolin Clay. 70 000 feet \ Lumber a d Timber, 700 package* Potatoes, Vegetables and Peaches, 48 r.a-;HOHeB Furniture ami btindrieu.. cr ?cir E J Pilmer-100, UuO F ct Lamber. PORT CAJL.F.1V13AK. rnAsrs OF THE MOON. Full Moon, 1th. 3 hours 31 minute?, evening. Last Quarter, 12tb, 7 boura, 32 minutes, evening. New Moon, 10th, 4 bou s 48 minutes, ?.vening. First Quarter, 2Glb, 8 boure. 43 u.inutea, morning. bl i 29 alouda).... 4 SO 7..10 1..16 ! 2..59 30Tuesday....j 4 66 ! 7..10 ; 1..52 3..S3 1 V/edne-?dav. 4..'h7 ' 7 .10 i Mom. 'Morn aiTbTOWdajM.! ,4. 57 7..10 ? 3..14 I C..43 3 Frltjttf.i 4 67 7 10 1 3..ft9 0..28 4 ..atorday...! 4..f8 : I Rises. ? 7..12 ?lsuuriay.. 4. 68 7..10 | 7..49 7..52 HOON BETS. mon .vs re J. ronn^uuts per S o ut li arolloa Haliroacf, Juue %7. 3 l e.'cs Cottor, 34 boles Opmestic!', SI sacks Four, 75 bbls Flour, 50 bnr.d.os Popor, 4132 bushels Groin, 789 boxes Fruit, 13 rar* Crosa TP 8, 2 cora r.-imbt-r, 1 cor Catilo. to Chi3olm Bros. J ('umpten & CJ, W Ounf, Adams. Frost & Co, Welch & Brand s. Burt ti Wirth, Cameron, Unrkley Si Co, Street Brothers ic Co, J N Teldeman k Co, F O t; Rraciio.'J II Bogae t. J B E Sloan. L' Bu;n. K il Rodgora fe Co, G W Wil? li As & Co, G Foll?n. * tenhoufe A Co, J B Topni, W N i?eju, Go dsmith ti ?on, l'.oilroad Agout. Cou^Isiieca per Northeastern ItaiU-oatt, Jane 27. WO bl ls NI.VA! --'tores, I b.Ve Codon, enr: Lumber, cara . tcck, bbls Potatoes, Mdzc. ft.-.. Io H F Baker 1 ft Cc, Adams, Fro.-t it Co, h BL-clio J ft Cu, J M Mar- I tin, H W liii-sniin, G Foi'in, Mrs E ' ! Toy, J jump- ! son ft i o. BI oldsinilh ft Nan, Haxyck Uroihers. Z Davis. G li Prltcuett J ?iorshall. Jr. s Cohen, B F .?damnons. G W Williams ft Co, F A -uwyor. Passengers. Por steamship M vshattaa. for New York-Miss A Northrop, Miss M T GrirbtU. ^iss M J Lemon. Mian M J Purni d e, alisa J S Hi ehcock. Mi?a L M Eostiir brook. Ml-s L F Grudd, O H Ingra am, fr, oud lady. Airs Hilson Box and dun /liter, Misi sliehol, Miss E A sitvens-, Miss M T Caren, Mrs Terry und iwo chil? dren, Mi H Beaman, alisa L A Hall, Misa ?u-?ut.OD nia, Misa K Norris. Miss E F King, Mi 8 ? W Weet, Masler i harl'-s Wc?t. M-sa <t Hnnckct Mis? T ll Hanck.-l, W U Wagn.r, J Hanckol, A B McGowau, tsdyond two children. O C Wharton, R Flo cs. P Levitt, Mrs -berm.-m, F R Blake, Mrs W Burns and child, Mrs J Nola->, T Campbell -ind lad;. J D Mil ?or, ti J Pitehrr, E L Wella, Miss Mary O'Donnell. J W Griffen, Cfc-pilmnn. Mis - I-abe! t* Harden, Miss Jaeb-on, A no fir..vos. Diana Spencer. E Bu ke, W Grattan, W Vonwick, Miss F A Woll-s Miss U ?cha per, Hiss Harriet Honlord. Miss M Higgv.-e, Miss O E >kilion, Miss M Andrews. H T Shaw, Coi b il Wit eon, Mrs \ Rice. Mri li ?f U-ug .maa, two children und servant, J A Riolls, D' N r-iraoos. H Bothmer, D Welsh, J TctTy, a G Stree', md 32 :n ateerace. Pt r cieamahip Seo Gull, tor Ballimore-H Plait, C H West, Jr, M Caroy. K Shirts, J SiodJard, 3 Mil? ler. Miss Mary Cawdry. Por steamsaip Montorey, from New York-Mi s E Moffett, Mrs E Wjnn, n P MorTott, T Reeves, T M, Parmalee. Mian M B Avro?, Dr G L Moses and lady, E RaveneX G D Dear, B Hesita, and 4 ic rteorage. : Per steamer Dictator, from Paiattra, Tia Jackson? ,vfJ>, Fernandina, ravaoinah, kc- Mr Gaines, wifs and servant, Sir Izird and wife, - Burkett. Mri Hart, Miss-is Campbell, 8 n Wella and wife, Mrs Bull ford, Mrs Volght. Air, wife and four children, H Bcllacnap. Q i? Fras-r, and 12 on deck. Per steamer Pilot Bov, McNelty**from Savannah, via Beaufort kc-Mr-? W Harria, n, Hrs w W Fnpp, B M Britter. S C Millett, and 5 on deck. farine. Hems. .Fort of Charleston, June 39. Arrived Saturday. Sehr Robert Palmor. Clark, Noank, Conn-ll days. Ballast To L T Potter. pflteamer Dictator, Willey. Palatka via Jackson? ville, Fernandina, Savannah, .tc. Mdza and Sun daies. To J D Aiken k Co. Z Davis. W H Chafee k Co, J F O'No'lI k Si n, Goldsmith k Son. J C Beck? ley. Welch fe Brandes, and others. steamer Pilot Boy, McNelty, Savannah, via Beau? fort, kc. Mdze. To J Ferguson. M Goldsmith k Son, Southern Express Co. W garrison. Arrived Yesterday. Sioani^brp Monterey. Byan, New York-lett Wed? needa?, P M. To Bayena! fe Co, J D Aiken k Co. J App!-*. Adums Kxprcss Co. Adams. Damon ^ Co. J C Bur-knryer. Bollmann Bros, E Batos fe Co, A Baero, J Campsen k (.o. I'D Clancy. T M Cater, Dowie fe Moise, M Drake, Douglas fe Miller, D Faas, Forsyh, Mccomb & Co, Fra.-ar & Dill. C Goldstein, H Gerdts fe Co, J B GrubT. Goodrich, Winernaa fe Co. Hart fe Co, W Glover. J W Harriss ra, J Hyman fe Co. W Bird fe Co, Holmes' Book Store. Holmes fe Ciider, N A Hunt J Burkamp fe Co, Johnston. Cre?s fe Co, T Kelly, Knete fe chapman. H Kiatte fe Co. R H Latte fe Co i.aurey & Alexander, G J Eulin, L?agnkk fe .NJ 1. J H Kurray. Maller. Nimitz fe Co, W E Mikel', W Matthieasoo.'D McGuire, M McGorty. M Marks, J B McEliiose. North, bteel fe Wardell, Olaey fe Co, T J Po:eaer, O'Neill fe i-on. D Paul fe Co. haveael fe Biraweil. li H Rodgers fe Co, C C Dichter, J Bussell, J K. Read fe I o, T W bpeisssager, G W Stettins fe Co, Sbackelford fe Kelly. Sfoll, Webb fe Ci P Tool?, B Dales. J V. Smith. J li Togal P Teckieniierg. Uffer bardc, Campsen fe Co, OH Wright. J t' M Wohltman, B Wl--g. Werner'fe Ducker, Wag^n^r. Heith fe Mm sees, G Wi Co. J H Wuhrmaa. G Williams, D H Wilson, J Walker. B White. 8 C Railroad Agent. Sehr Eliza 8 Pot LT, PoMer, New York-10 days. Hay. lo toe Master, ami Bing fe Gibbon. . AT QDABANrrNE. Sehr Ema a, lr.: ni Matin zan. Cleared sacattlay. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull. New York-Jame3 Adger fe Co. Stoimsbip Pea Gul!, Dutton. Balatuoro-Courtenay fe Trenholm. Behr M M Pote, Abbott. Boston-H F Baker fe Co. Sehr E J Pt?mcr. Smoot, Baltimore-street Bro3 fe Co. Sailed Saturday. Steamship Manna1tan. Woodhull, Now York. Sailed Yesterday. S'eamsbip Saa Gull, Dutton, Baltimore. Sehr C W bolt. Hart, Bouton. Sehr B J Palmer, Smoot, Baltimore. From ttl I a Port. Fchr Lilly, Francis, Now lock, June 26. Up xor tilla Port. Sehr argua Eye. Maj hom, at New York, Juno 26; Cleared for cilia Port. Steamship Moncka, Man'bman, at Now York. J ono SA Soar Jaoaa Srni h, Nicholl, at Now York, Jane 21. II cm ora tula. Th-.; ?-ehr Chilce. Ha ob, from Goorrjstown, S O, ar T.voil at Boston J ino 21. poBT OF GEORGETOWN, s. e., TO TONE 27. murri), Juno 25-Sehr Sta'c3man, Bedsit, Nov Y irk OLEABXn. June 24-Sehr Babe Bangor, Bctaworth, Waahms too, DC. June 25-Sehr Helen M Condon, Conloa, Belfast, Mc. LIST O ?<' Vtfi'SSKLS tJP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORI FOBEIGN.. MATANZAS. Sehr Emma, Anthony, up.June C D O M E s T r 0 . nocitponx. LIE. Sehr D Talbot, Packard, up.Jone 8 son roi... * Sehr B N Hawliinp? Wyat:, up.Juue ll seiir V ? fy.vcster, sylvolor, np.Jnm' 6 Schi- Dodington, Gregory, cleared.. .Juno 18 . iJIW vir.rr. Steamship Moneta, Marham ia. stated.Jana 2G Brig reo. Bowen, cleaved.Juue 13 '.-cu: fda Bicaardsou, Bedel/, neared .Juno 10 Sehr Othello, Eldiidg-, neared.June 13 Kobr Smith, r?iooo'a. cleared.Juno 21 S'ar Argus Eye, Miybem. un. .Jone 23 8ULZBACHER-9f;JWEBlN.-On tho 21th last., .it th* re-sidetico of t ic bride's pirou s, Mr. ISAAC 8?7LZ0 CdER. of'Jclumbia, S. C., :o Miss ELKA SCHWERIN, of Sum?er. STEVENS-POCANO.-On the evening of tao 20th Juae. bv t ia Bev. WM, 3. YACES. Mr. WlLLiAM H. K?BTOfS to Miss OATdERINE A. G?. OBI-IS, oldest daughtor of Mrs. ANTUE POTAHTJ, both of this city. ??j?iniirt). bTH ET -Diel, iu c ds city,/>n ho tnirning of the 27Mi inst., ANtsA CAKfc?l>l.'. infu: doughier of 'l HA.nrca and . nu il. .-tnzr.L: C? r i IVO. -Ti.e following briet' a ib ri commimo n'cs tie Je-ea i.- of ti" s M iE SWINTON, who o? DAVID 3. (?UTTINO, aa (ho Md Jay ot Jane, ia the iweotietti ya ir ot'ber lg;'. ' Th.: ?u 1 Jen vi 'losco of tho si kn:ss which termi? nated a lifo no ?ircr oui to us all, has ra ide this Ats pezBi:iou pccuhai' Sao hid scarcely tutu2 the Happiness ni exist.nie bsforo thc cup feb from her binds : 'ho had scarce b ic om - ill loofore she bogan to die. There was so mneh for cue detr fri o id 11 Uve fori She had b-en bnttlves'iorf mititbsun ted to tho pa. t horcf her choice, io whOT Bbo was devotedly attach? ed. .-In' was em on- mid ia a loving finally diclo, upon whoso. st oem ber gsutln virtn-s grew dal .y. -ho fl Heil au enlarging sahorn of f ion d ship. Fr.-m Sun? day .e ruoilay abe prnthoi^l tao infant c ass around h r, and told -h 'mo herS-vomnd tnohv. Ayou b> f'jj. she nus not the >.-m a conni 'tent end honored mcm'ier of tho church of Jofaa Chris'. Abs, ho v full of beauly and promise wai tho flower th -t fed beioro tile roapor's scythe I Yet sorrow, ia snch a casa ls not witt out preaont consolation, nor without h >M of 'uturo reuuio.i. Faith cheers with t Je conviction that our sister spirit haa row.ed the frome :u Hiavcn, Wae e there is DO mure so:row, nor sighing, nor pain. H' po die^iars . o:ic more saint o* whom tho wo-ld wa< not worthy, now glowing in the light of God. Ace love sees the lair nro-.Y whenro th i craage fl wots of tho bridal' lavo 8carro oxba'.vd tl,cir p'tfa'ne, non. crowned ..vtb <h . ore : ra o (lu cf ituni >t t ?1 ty. Wliutvf.-re, let aa instiler Clint aor mitrmnr a ..lor tlita tcr-jviv m.nt. Ara cl that a'<K0ut 1'r'.tn fie 1 o?r, she ts present with tho Lord, bo it o'irs to traee hir up? ward foo ld ti.s and presi tow.irl that shining prize ! Sp??ial t?ntircs. twx SPECIAL MEET.NCr Ol'' THE LOT HOLL ERS of Mosno'da Ceraabsry will bo held st the Halt of the Charleston Ioaurauce and Tra?t Com? pany on Monda;, vOth innbint, at Twelve o'clock IL J .mo 23 lathami ?TTHE I' T O ? I C THAT WA -J POST? POXED from tho ?5?h inst int, will come otioa Mon? da, 20 h instant. Ail oossottw 1 ill tbo day's ?mu?o mcnt wll bo on band, and can g-t tbeirlickets al the beal ead f-avo thoir.boai expenses. The steamer wiii leave Market wharf at Eight A. M. June 27 2 ' JOS- FIRST NATIO N AL B?WK Ol C a ABLE3TO .V. - ; ? A R L ES t ON, Juno 27, 18E8 DIVTDEND.-ITio Board of Directors of this Bani having declared a Dividend of F?V? (5) PEE JENT, (free of Government Hut), oa the capital Bto:k, thc same will bc paid to thu Stockholders on aol after thc 1st Ju y next. WM. C. Lt Rh ESE, June 29 Cashier. S3- OFFICE CHAKLESTON GASLIGHT COMPANY, June 21, 1608.-A Dinoend ot Flt TS C-KTS PeR SHARE nu the Capital Mock of thii Company having been declare! by the Dlrec'.oi3, the same will be puld on and iflcr lttproiimo. The Boobs of Transfer will be los-d from this date to l3t proximo. W. J. HERIOT, June 24 7 Secretary. /STTOE STEAMER CITY POINT u'ILL discontinue her trips to Florida, for simmer repairs, until fu:tber notice June 2 ??^CONJUGAL LOVE AND TUE SAPPI NES-, UF TR" 3 MARRIsOE.-I'FSiys for Young Men on tho Ell or?, Abuse . und Diseasps which de? stroy tho Manir Powers ami creole impediments to Marriage wita sure moan? of relief. Sect ia sealed letter envelope' frei of charge. Address HOWARD .\S80CIATTON, Oox P., Philadelphia. Pi. May 20 3mo iS-NEW MARRIAGE (>HIDE.-AN ESSAY for Young Men, on Physiologien J Errors, A JUS ea and Di-moses. incident to Youth and Early Manhood, which crcato impediment? to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sont in scaled letter envelopes free ot charge. Address Dr. J. :. E.?LLIX HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phiiadclf hia, Pa. January 31 Special Mires. . ~j?r~so?TH CAROLINA? 'CHI?TLE?T? DISTRICT-IN CHAN'CEEY.-OFFICE OF Tl SE?I3IKAB IN EQUITY.-BAVEN EL ?c COMPA1 va. JAMES MUBPHY & COMPANY, et al-BILL Fl AOCO'UNT AND SPECIFIC PERTORMANC E. appcoring to my satisfaction that THOMAS C NABO, defendant in this cause, is absent from a resides beyond thc limits ot this Hat?, so that I ordinary process of the Court cannot be served hun. on motion of Messrs. MAGRATH k LOWXDJ complainant's solicitors, o< dereel that the said i lendant, THOMAS OXNARD, do appear and plo answer or demur to this bill within forty days In {the publication of thia order, oran order pro confe will bo granted and entered ag limit him. JAS. L. GANTT, Begistrar in Equity, Charleston District ' May 7th, :368._Iel0d4_June 2i [ ?" THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN {HABLESION DISTRICT.-LN THE COMM( ?LEAS.-JAMES MCCABE va. ROBERT McCA IOU,.-ATT AOHMES T.-Whereas, the plaintiff di ti the thirteenth day of June, file his declarad ?alns: the de'ecdant, who (83 it is satd) is absc tern and without the limits' of this State, and h author wita nor attorney known within the sin 'Opon whoa: a copy of thc said declaration might ay rod: Ic ls therefore ordered, that thc said defon ?U do appear and plead to thc said declaration on blore the fourteenth day of June, which will be tai year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ai fl-ty-uin?, otherwise final and absolute judgmc wi) thtn be given and awarded against hun. J. W. BROWNFIELD, C. C. P. Qerk's Office, Charleston District. June IB min p NOTICE.-OFFICE OF CITY REGI TEaB, CBABLESTOH, 8. C., June 22,18G3 -In co ecqjence of the resignation of Dr. Jos. Yates, tl OSfce and Di-pensary of the First Health Dlstri havibean removed from No. 11 Morket-s'.reit to tl NORHwEfl COBN?K-OF GEORGE AND ?SSC sUIELTS-pbysi ian in charge. Dr. T. GBXSG bliONS; residence, WEST END OE MONTAGU: STBIET. BOTODAHIH3 OF THE DI-STEJCT. Rotnded on tho north by routh Moe ot Callion, street oa the east by Cooper River, on the south t Sou LBat'ery, and on the west by east side ot Mee Ing-Bcoet. 0?a> hotiM-Mornlng between 0 and 10 o'cloc alternbn between G and 6 o'clock. (fc^ned) O ZORGE S. PELZEP, M. D., Jan<22_ 10 City Rccl3trar. iWPALiVIETTO PIONEER CO-OPEBi TTVE ISSOOIATION, bavin* for Its objret to lu nia Jim its members turd the public with the necc harlie ? Ure, unadulterated snd of good quality, fi 1 turnedato each pa? ruent, and from the profitai such iasine?s to acenmniato carita! for its mei ber?, ae now thoroughly organiz.-d and doing ihrivirj bntino?3. Tao Capital Steck of this Assoc a'ioa lalimittd by charter to (50.1) Five Hundrt Share* < (?200 COI Two Hundred and Sixty Dollai each, pvsb'e in par funds ot One Dollar per week. Any t?te poison, a resident of South Carol n shall bc eligible for mcruberthip alter complyii wi h the requirements of the cous'ltution. No member shall ba allowed to subscribo for moi than oacsbare in lie or ber individual name. Tho Betid of Ma i agoment in their quart e ri 7 stat mcnt to fee Association shall est mite the profits 1 tho businas for the qu-.rter then cloring. and sha distribute be same m the following proportion, vb Thirl:-tans an 1 onc-thiid per cent. (33>j) of sal profit to mi shareholders in rates to the amount 1 th- credit d their respective shores. Sixty-six in j two-thirds per cent. (10 H) of Bil profit to the credit cf tb; shareholders in rates I the amount ?' their purchases at the storo of the A sociation icr?io quarter thou ending. It ls provled, however, that all such dividonc sholl bo pased to tho cred't ot their respecdv sharea until tha full amount of two hundred an sixty dollars le paid in, and then su h share* eba bo concollod, ?he dividends to bo paid by tho Door by dtatts np? tho Treasurer. \ Tho aaivanire ot'bekg a shireholtier tn this A?SI elation ls cv. jut, aud car only be surpassed by tb anticipated sttcess of tho future Certificate a if. Mock may be had and tnstalmen' poid at the to-operative Grocoiy Ston, Marke street, No. 107,lo W. H. WELCH, S orekceper; ? THOMAS. P.Bi.'.ont; JAS. J. GBAUJ*, Searctai and Treasurer. .ALBERT 0. STONE, JOHN F. MA BEB. Juno 20_Crmtatttft' Coird of Mauagemsrl. J6S-SARS.aP*??ILLIAN INSOLVENT Id i bettor remedy an .a suter curativo for Bilney, Bloc der and Ut-:rino ddkuiiias than Buchn, lurpcutici Cubebs, .lumper. Tin, or any otaer dinet diurelt known. SAB'APARir.L&N BESO?.VI2N*T Ll a qnlclrer eui for the removal oftpot3, blemlste", Bore*, eruploa of t ao skia, black aiots or worm* ia tho nein, tba , cuy of tho ordin?r sai sapa ri i lr: 3 in use. beac d( cortians oro mcio ra hes to tho powerful, siimula lng and purifying (fflcacy ol Dr. BADWAY'S SARt?J PASIL:.IAN RESOLVENT. A fowdraes will restor ti* a vigor ot life laths weak, dobtUtatel and Infirm. BADWAY'S SABS?P4B'LLIAN BESOLVENT ls th consumptive'* hopo. It lo J jty_b.t h.' phloem, repair tho was*e of tho bid; with new and hoilt'ay mate ria', modo from pura,ilea blood, and srop'a dec^y Lot ir bo tried. 1 jTi-Ln U not a flt ortafe remedy to take as a pen eral medicine; it is subjtct to the snme objections a Bluo Pills, Qalaine, Cairos va Sub imate. Mercury and olhec direct oj excla-ive properties. P? . son* that hava taken ether of these rase 1.1 agon cres for a a of tine, aro awaioof thc seri om troubio involved-the tyer, spices and other glat? sufiVir. Bo with Duc'au-ita oxalusivo diarera.; actio: on tho kidneys, will, ifissd continuousl;, ratjaeac tho secreting functions' of other organs. RIK hu, ai ;B weUknown, la a dire*; dlurcti -, aud is chiefly oaa p'oyed by medical men it eecuro nn increase J act!ai of tbs kidneys. But in moat cases when thai employed, i's use after a few doses, ia suspmded, and opla'o* admioir tared, to modify ita netbo, or to compensate tai kidnoys tor tho ?rroat strda they sufi's? trom tho di . reet Infi renee of Dacha. Now, Bucau iodiscrimi nately used ia casca ot dUbet-aj, aravel, brick dus: deposi'-, urea, uric, or Uduc ac U, aad in granular d generation of the kidneys, catarro, of tho bladder dropsy, ftc, is like ti'atlrrr (-?Us t> ca-jc? d arrhes 1 PABSIRV BRAVA, viiiiatel w.'ti Saraipirlliiin andotnerremelial ngenw, iuBidwiy'; Renovaiiu; Resolvent, ts a compensating rem-My. It cures ovary kiadoi d?3aav5 of t ie krJnays, bladrlir, S?in and Uteri ie Organs. A few d'3cs will ma-o fae mos! ' J exuraordiuarj c nutro-tar th a battor. ' One Ouace of Dr. Rad way's Extract of Ilia P ire:? fcrava Root is norla novo than all thc Sacha teavei thn ton gan?ration < of Hatte itara or otii-ar savag rs ca* -.other. Tiy lt tnd bo cared. ' Ak f.rDr. R dwiy'j ?irsapa'lilian Re'O'.vant, 01 Bcmvating Boso'veai. Pr'ca SI por bot?lj. or sij : iotths.fir$5. Addrcs3 Dr. BAD WAY k .0., Ko. 87 Hat J.ia Lona New York. SARiArABILLI-vN ItE^ LVENT pto;s all w?ak cuing ?Vhargas that tbraatcn lo destroy Lie. Tha Bosolveii, when preparo ! under the old ero tess, ; cured maiy persona of diseases brought on by self> abus >, win have siuce marrieil and h?vc children. This oughtto bc r>od ovidenco of Its pr-warful purl 1 ?ying and fnlt.'ul cfflcicy. As prepared now, nader Dr. Radway^ now process, there is no disease that caa be reaohtd through the blood, urine and sweat, ' but that it wRVcure. Many disensos, Dot p-o()er to monbon in un advertissm- nt, is explained, and means of cure pointed out, in Dr. Bad way's nen i Medical Pubhvaifui, FA LSE AND TB?J?. now reody. , Address RADWAYV GO., No. St ?elden Lane. N. V. [Tice of BESOLVt???T SA .S aPABtiiLlAN, SI per bottle, or G bottles fot S5. Juno 23_PAC _jj ?3- BATCHELORS HATE DYE.-THLs splendid Hair Dye ia the best in the world; the only truo au.? perfect Dye; harmless, reliable a.'tnntaneons; no disappointment; n? ridiculous tlnrs; remedies the illoActs of bad dyes; invigo? rates and leaves the bab: soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by aU Druggfets and Perfumers; an properly applied at Batchonr's Wig Factory, No Bond-6tri:et. New York ?, lyr_January i ?S-A FACT WOItTfl KNOWING.-THE i best investment for an invdid, who suffers from debility or losa of appetite, B a bottle of PAJTE KIM'S Hopatic Bitters, as it willbe sure to give relief. F or salo by all Druggists. f (Chrtlpg onU /orn?slpg ($00210. LOOK ? irplii? LOOA AT THE PRICES TO WHICH WE HAVE MARKED OTR STOCK OF LIGHT WOOLLENS AND LINENS M iDE FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE, AND 8EE WITH HOW LITTLE MONEY YOU CAN PURCHASE A COOL AND COMFORTABLE SUIT MADE IN THE BEST MANNER. FUSE MIXED CASSIMEEE SUIT-3A#K, PANTS AST) YEST.3 TC 00 SCOTCH CASSIMERE SUIT-SACK, PA>TS AND VEST. . 17 00 FINE DARK MIXED CASSIMEEE SUIT SACK, PANTS AND VEST . IS 00 FINE INDIGO BLUE FLANNEL SUIT SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 19 00 SILK MIXED CASSIMEEE SUIT-SACK, PANTS AND VEST.'..v. 30 00 BLACK D'ETE SUIT-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 15 00 BLACK TEICOT SACK. li 00 LIGHT FRENCH FLANNEL SACK......:... 4 00 BLACK ALPACA SACKS...... :;..... 2 60 to 5 00 LOT OF FANCY CASSIMEEE SACES-ior merly sold at 39 00 to 812 CO-now. 7 00 LOT OF MIDDLESEXCAfSIMERE SACKS.. 6 00 FANCY CA? Sill ERE PANTS. 5 00 GBET FLANNEL PANTS AND VESTS... .... 4 00 '?BE? FLAM IL SACK AND PANTS. 060 COTTON A DE SUIT S-s A CK ANS ; PANTS..3360 to $0 00 WBITE DUCK bUIIS-SACK, PANTS AND ' VEST.. 10 00 HKAV? WHITE DUCK SUIT-SACK, PANT8 AND VEST. 15 CO BROWS DUCK AND LINEN SACKS.... 2 00toJOO BROWN DUCK AND LINEN PANTS... : 1 00 to 4 00 BROWN DUCK AND LINEN VESTS.v.. 100 to 2 SO WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS..'..... 2 SO to ff Ot? XL, KIM EV S FURNISHING GOODS. ?3?DK AND GAUZE al ERIN 0 UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LINEN, MUSL'N AND JEAN DRAWERS, HOSTERT, OLCVES, TIE-', SCARFS, BOWS, COLLAES, Ac. tc. WHITE SHIRTS at 32 CO, 32 50 and $3 00. fiS* ONE PRICK. ?IACULLAB, WILLIAMS & PARKER, No. ? 7 O KINO, CORNER OF HASEL-3TREET, CHA3LEST0N. S. C. Jun.?J<5_ SPRING ? SS cumin. No. ?91 KING-STREET, CORNER OF WENTWORTH. A large and well selected Sto* of FINE ANT) MEDIUM QUALITIES 0? SPRING AND SU3L3IK?. CLOTHING For Mon, Yoaths and B<*ys, Is ottered at LOW PBICES, to which thc attention of buyers is directed. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. SILK, COTTON, LISLE T BREAD AND GAUZE MERINO UNDER SHIRTS JEANDBAWEBS, of superior inako ALL VARIETIES OF SCARFS BOWS, HECK TIES . 8IOCK9, GLOVES, ic, ic ALSO, THE STAR BRAND STURTS, Noted for their fltfcnc; qualities and superior work? manship. COLLARS, of all the prevailing styles, such os SARATOGA, SHAKESPEARE ELDORADO, TBALBUBG BYRON, PEBsIGNY EGBERT, Ac, tc, tc. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Supplied with aa elegant assortment of mPOBTED AND DOMESTIC CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES AND VESTINGS, Vilich will be mads np to order under tho care of a FIRST-CLASS FRENCH CUTTER. A visit to the Store ls solicited, and tho Stock will bc shown with pleasure. Prices fixed and marked on ea< h article in plain . figures. WM. flATTHIESSEN. B. W. McTUEEOUS, Superintendent. June 9 Ima