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THE DAIL - BIORDAN, DAW80N & CO., PROPRIETORS. No. 18 3AYNE-8TBEET. TRB.M3- TH* DAILY NKW8, PRICE (pavable In all Maw LH ADVANCE). 8rx DoLLAsa A YEAS ; Foca DOLLAXS TOB Brx M osma ; Two Dor-Li BS AND A QUASSKS ron Tana MONTHS. THE TRIWEEKLY HEWS, PRICE (IN ADVANCE). TttSSS DOLLARS A TSAR ; TWO DOLLARS VOR SIX MGJCHEK, No Subscription received for a lees pe Ho P?per sent unless Che Cash sccompanlwi the order. Ko Paper sent for a longer time tb an paid for. ADVERTISING RATES-Fifteen cents a bue for the .rat insertion, and ton cents ? Une far each subse ,iint insertion. Marriage and Funeral Notices one'dollar each. LETTERS should be addressed to TOT DAILY News, Ba IS Hsyne-street, Charleston, 8. C. REJECTED MANTJSCRIPrs will not be returned. NEWS 8 TT MM AR "ST. -Oold dowd in New York y eater dsy, at 40}. -The New York cotton market closed, a hair' to one cent better; eales 8000 batea, at SOaSOJ. -At liverpool the evening dispatch quoted uplands at lija., and Orleans llfi par pound. -Susan P. Anthony will certainly present her creriiXiiialB to Ow Democratic National OonveaUan. ' -It is said LbPt Queen Victoria will travel in Switzerland, and the Empress Eugenia in N or way this sommer. -It ia reported 'rom Pari? that Lamartine has lost his mental faculties, and that his death is daily expected. -William R. Burst, of the finn of Unrat & Co., died m Baltimore on Sunday. He waa one of the most protnincnt dry gooda mer- j chante ofthat city. -lt ia said that a sixty-four gun man-of-war ia now on {bo stocks of a private yard in New York, being bu?t for the Spanish Government, to he used in the war against Pern and Chili. -A drawing of one of the proposed sob.ornee fer bridging the English ch&nnol is on exhibi? tion in London. It involve? the construction of thirty-six, pillara itt the sea, -at distances of j half a mlle, io tower one hundred feet above [ theweter. -Ex-Governor Joe Brown, of Georgia, has been retained by the military authorities to prosecute the ease of ti? prison irs arrested on j Buarjaokro of having psitirirmted in the murder cf G. W. Ashburn, at Columbug, in that State, on the 2<>tl> of March last. -The nrsL colored man t? own stock aa an original sn becriber in a Georgia manufactur? ing company ia Ned Woodruff, a well known and respectable negro of Macon, who ia one of the projectors of tito "Findlay Manufacturing j Company" of that city. -It ia understood thai the Mexican Govero ; mont will repudiate the French debt, sud all debts growing out of the Intervention. Atthe Berne time the Minister ot the Treasury, in a wwwiiuufcialtoo to Cortgresa, remrtrrwnds the J payment of the English debt. The English debt, some of it at least, waa contracted in 1825, ; or near about that time. -The Young Men's Christian Association of j tte United. States and Canada will held ita thirteenth annual convention at Detroit, Mich? igan, on Jone 24. Extensive preparations for the reception of the delegates have boen made. Representatives from four hundred assoc-a wisisM? hi BM ShU?r-shc - bftrBsj ?uro 63cpoct?(3* -A vary oJd and dogmatical "fogy," who j writes to the New York Time?, dates from "The Beeches," and sigua himself "Veteran Observ? er," declares that "there is no law or authority in any government officer to pay the bonds (United Slate*) in merchandise;" and pro noonemg gold northing bot ''merchandise,* ?metate timi to par/ the bonds in gold would j be unlawful! -Tte IaTtasiana 'Supreme Court has decided that theOovarnor has the right to vote in the elections of the Hew Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad Company on tho six'y thousand shares owned by the State; and the Mayor of New Orleans on the eighty thousand .hara? heid by the city. Thia puta the com? pany substantially under the control of the Stats Bstol Oiry, as tba Governor ia empowered by the charter to appoint three directors in ad? dition te those decied. -Tte CincirmatiChamber of Conimerce, af? ter hriemng to addressee from a Mobile dele? gation 00 the subj oct, uoauimoualy adopted a resolution oordiaHy reconnuenrling the inaugu? ration of measures for a speedy opening of the ; Baron Mancbac passage from the Miasissippi to the Gulf. Tbs Louisville Board of Trade, after a similar hearing, passed a nori-comruittal resolution in favor of all effcrte to extend the | tads of tbs Southwest, if practicable. Evan to this ruiawarm approval there was abms op -At a sale cf engravings in London, mst month, a magnificent Imffssstas of Bem brandts etching, 'Christ Healing the Sick in tte Temple," known to connoisseurs as the '^radred Guilds* Piece," vas purchased for the enormous sum of ?1100, or t?500 in gold. B is probabfy the finest impression extant. Another copy of tho same stoning brought j ?270, and a third ?150. A proof before the let- j ter? by Raphael Horghan of Leonardo da Vin? ci's "Last 8upper," brought ?360. Two days1 sales bi ought nearly ??00. -Tte New Tors Directory far 1868-69 coin tains 186,761 names, so Increase of 8484 over j the number in the edition for last year. Hew York contains 1760 Smiths, 160 of whom are | "John Smiths." The starches, 824in number, are divided as follows: Baptist, 81; Congrega? tionalist, 7; Dutch Reformed, 17; Friendo, 8; Jewish Synagogues, 27; Lutheran, 18; Metho? dist, 43; African Methodist, 4; Presbyterian, 48; United Presbyterian, 7; Reformed Presby? terian, 6; Epiacopal, 64; Catholic, 89; Unitari? an, 8; Um versahst, 3; sod 18 miscellaneous. Two hundred and seven publications are re? gularly issued, ol Which eighteen are dailies. -A convention of Israelites ia to' meet in Hew Tori on June Stet, to confer upon tbe practicability of causing a general observance of their Sabbath. The Messenger says: "There exists no reason, of which we are aware, liv Israelites to decline complying with the saturai and biblical hw. There can be no misconstruction of the direct scriptural com? mand. We should be proud and grateful for the sight of synagogues crowded Friday even- ' mgs and Sabbath with earnest worshrppers, 1 who do not begrudge the hours apentia pon? te service, and who propose spending tim day < as their forefathers did-in the home circle, j enjoying the bhsn and serenity of family re- j unions which, in times past, served BO success- } fully to seep ever active and vigorous the beau? tiful Jewish life, the theme of poets, the gre te- ' fol recollection of many a Hebrew, now a ' stranaer to his people and his religion. ' t -A Mr. T. G. Foster, of Wake Conn ty, North Carolina bas invented S type-setting machine. The Raleigh Sentinel thus describes it : "Tte front of the instrument resembles s writing | desk, witbont tbe inclined plane? with the doora to the pigeon-holes dosed. - Tte type ]-c used by the operators are all arranged, as it j1 were, io the pigeoa-hoiee concealed from view,'! I .?? embracing the Roman letter* moat convenient, With pointe, spaces and quads, then the cap? j and the ita?ca. The boxes containing Ute types ar? all connected, by Wes and keys, with the lower or dees portion of the instru? ment; where the keys are arranged and manip-j nlated like the keys of a' piano, upon which | jare noted each letter, point, space or quad which the operator needs. The key of the let? ter desired is touched, and quiokly it ie brought to- tho face of the instrument, wten it falls into the stick. Thia operation is very qniokly pei formed, the p J wer of tho instrument bair 3 supposed to equal the capacity of six compos i - CHARLESTON FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 19, 1868. Tho World Piny? Marble with Chase. One of the most remarkable epiBodes in the history of American journalism that has oocurred, at least since tbobegianing of the late uncivil war, is the recent "ground and lefty tumbling" of the New York World; firet in abandoning what every one supposed was a white man's platform; secondly in writing Chief Justice CHASE up into the seventh hea? ven of Presidential aspirations; and finally . writing hin dewn again and out the back door . of the Democratic party. Whether M A B BU was imitating the great behemoth of J the Herald, by seeking to plant himself in j the ran of what he thought would be the voxpopuli; whether the World was throw lng out its editorial tentados to catch some evidence?of pu bl io sentiment; whether the j greenbacks on the hope of which the gym 'nasties were based, failed in their supply, are ra at* era of conjecture. But one thing.] is certain, the effort of Monsieur M. M., the J editor, from beginning to end, was a stu? pendous failure. False to his record, Mus .party, his professions, he made a bold, un? blushing attempt, in the very heart of the 'great Democratic metropolis of the country, to foist a leader upon the people who had been ignored by his own friends, and whose principles w^re utterly antagonistic to those of the old Democracy. The failure lays the World on ita back. Fine writing and rhet? orical rhodomontades will not qniokly re? store to it the confidence of the masses, by whom the journal had oome to be regarded aa an exponent of the opinion of the peo? ple, it made a hop e-kip-and-jump forward into thc outposts of Republicanism, but find? ing that its contemporaries failed to oome to time, it hoists the white flag and now sur? renden at discretion. Th? even t suggests two important consid? erations-first, that public sentiment has become so thoroughly ripened and fixed with reference to the vital issues before the country, that no fanciful summersaults, even by a metropolitan journal, can affeot it in the remotest degree. The individu? ality of the editor must yield to the de? mands of the multitude, or he irretrievably goes down in the contest. Sec end. The at? tempt to write up Judge CHASE as the organ of the Demooratio party, and then desert him as a sinking ship, is indicative of a de? gree of unpopularity which we did not sus? pect. Had the political homilies of the World held water, the capitalist? and bankers of New York interested in the cur? rency question, of which Hr. CHASE is un? derstood to be the standard-bearer, would bare rallied to his support; but the sud? den withdrawal of allegiance to him, and the diametrically opposite position to which the World has swung around, conclusively prove that the Chief Justice does not pos leta the strength requisite to giro back bone even to one New York newspaper. The result shows further, that the Democracy of ) tile country do net propose to be bound bj the dicta of any would-be nomince, on the subject of universal negro suffrage, even though he may be the most available candidato in the country. "Measures first, men afterwards"-that's the motto, and on this platform the Democratic party will march to victory. House Serrants. Hiring house servants in the South ie a eore and never-ending trouble. The col? ored people have very vague ideas of re sponsibility, and the manner in which they obtain their situations encourage their dis? position to be careless and indolent. They leave Mr. Jones to-day, and are hired by Mr. Smith to-morrow. Certificates of char? acter are not By s tem a ti cally required, and a smooth face and long tongue will gene? rally secure for the possessor any vacancy that may exist in the sweeping, cooking or washing departments of a super-respeota bte family. Housekeepers do not reflect that they throw their houses open to strange servants who have but half a name and not a vestige of local habitation. They give them the run of their yards, roomB and olosete, and yet are surprised if petty thefts are common and extensive robberies not unusual. There is scarcely a dwelling house in Charleston that cannot be easily entered at night by a person familiar with the premises. Bolts and bars, blinds and shutters are not all-sufficient, and a service of a week will give a sharp girl or man all the information necessary for a successful midnight burglary. Moreover, while the raw and inexperienced country negro is hired without difficulty, there is little in jehtive to improvement, and the servant standard must remain low. The remedy ia an obvious one. No ser? rant should be employed who does not bring t certificate of character, and this rule ibould be inflexibly observed. Servants viii then know that unless they behave veil they will not find work again, and this inowledge will tend to make them respeot 'ul, faithful and diligent. It will make sit? uations valuable, will prevent those sudden iepartures which now throw households nto confusion, and will teach servants that lonesty, industry and good conduct alone viii secure them a profitable and respecta? rte livelihood. In this way what is called he "engaging occupation" may be made olerably safe and pleasant. The Ring of abe True Metal. Gen. CHAS. P. Sro NB, formerly of Massa ibusetts,reoeived a Conservative nomination 0 the Virginia State Senate on the 3d inst. Ie declines because he thinks the choice forced by the abnormal condition of affairs, ;xH?vtfty8?? hi^ietter^^WhiTe, by lite consti "tution,.our country claims to be1* free re? public, resting upon.the' consent of all the I .'Whole p?opl?, no'-'Voluntary act of mine "shall appear to admit that it is not one-.j ?and it would be apparent, ph ou ld I now ?be selected ''rom among my peers for the "tragt in question, that one strong point "governing the choioe is my mere ability to "freely take an abominable test-oath which "disgraces the proposed constitution of the "State, rendering ineligible large numbers "of the most honorable and most trust? worthy rotors and tax-payers within its "limits." THE NEW YOEE Journal of Commeroe, highly temperate and able paper, holds the following opinions on the subject of negro suffrage: "No law in creation oan fix negro suf? frage into a permanency. It is but an "experiment. If it works well, contrary 'to the experience of mankind up to "this time, it will remain incorporated 'in the constitutions of Southern States. "If it proveB a lamentable failure, degrad? ing in its effect upon whites and blacks "alike, the sturdy good sense of the Saxon "noe will throw it off, like any other fetter "whioh hinders its progress. No law of "Congress, no Constitution of any State, no "amendment to the Constitution of the Uni " ted States, is unrepeatable. Congress has "shown tc mankind with what facility the "most sacred charters, the most solemn "compacts, may bo rent to pieces, where "party interests require it. At some time "not far distant, perhaps, the Conservatives 'may hare the supreme power, as the Rad ' "icals now hare it. It will be their duty to "revise and oorreot errors of Radical legis? lation. One of the first questions that "will oom? before them will be that of the "repeal of all negro suffrage enactments "and provisos. Unqualified negro suffrage "will then haye been tried apon its merits, "on the large neale. If, on the whole, it is "a good thing, it will not be molested. But "if it is a clearly apparent evil and' nuis? ance, nothing can. save it - from being "sponged, oat of existence." Tan New York Times thinks BUTLER'S in ves ligation had better be investigated by the Senate. BUTLER'S zeal is not equalled by his tho rough ne SB, and he has broken off 1 [ just where il began to be interesting. The [ Times says : "It looks a little as if they "were inclined to ' stop at the point they "hare reached. They seem to hare made "it reasonably certain that very large sums "of money were raised in New York and "the West to affect the new whiskey tax "law-mainly to keep the tax at $2, and to "gire informers half the amount of seis "ares. Why these managers should stop j "just at this point, we are not aware." _ IMJ^IZZZ rBJCNT, THE RESIDEN CKCOHMKR of Lynch ?nd Besufaln stree'a, containing four square and two attic rooms, with ail necessary out buildings, fine garden, ftc. Apply to GEO. C, GOODE ICH, June 19 ID Ho. 163 Meeting-street. rpo RENT, THAT DESIRABLE RR SI JL DENCE, No. '.8 Plncknej-atrest, suitable for a I B?rdln? Hern?n a? av Pr(?*4e TvxnOj. rot lenna j apply to T. COLO AN, No. 69 Txedd-atrcet or to B. FOLEY, Marke? street wftnS* Jane 17 mo RENT, SEVERAL DESIRABLE X ROOMS, delightfully located, furnished or not, at desired; also, a oomf nable Bunding in the JW, - suitable tor a ?man family. Apply at No. 90 BBO AD 8TBEET. next to corner of King. Jnne 15_mwf3? rBBHT. Kl VK ROOMS, WITH OAS and use of Cistern and large yard, for twenty dollars per month, in a House lately repaired, situs ted in a healthy and pleasant neighborkood, ocou pied only by a gentleman and wife. Address "M. K. P.," P. P., Charleston._June 4 rDRE NT. P A RT O F THE R. K SID K Pi CK No. 9 Butledge-street, with kitchen rooms also, If desired._Jone 3 TO RENT, STORE No. S3 HU'SK STBEET, wi I h Fixtures. Tho H toro runs through to Market-street Bent low. Apply at No. 13 HAYNE 6TREET. Ray 9 M <Nr. rPUBLISHERS AMD JOURNALISTS. A Urge amount of TYPTC and JOB MATERIAL for sale, m lots to suit purchasers. Terms reason? able, and caab. Also, a fine HAND PRESS, price $2?J; aa Adams' Fewer Press, price ?IMO; and. a Card Press, price $100. Apply to F. Q. EKFONTAINE, Box No. 93. Charleston PostofBoe._Aprils SODA WATER APPARATUS FUR ?A LE-Marble Slab, two Fountains, Cooler, ftc, complete, for sale Apply at Nc 83 EAST BAY. April 18 mwf FDR SALK, OLD NEWSPAPERS, IN any quantity, price 76 cents per hundred. A np ly at the Office ef the DAILY NEWS. February 30 LOST, A LARGE BLACK. NEWFOUND? LAND DOO, answers to the atme of "Duke." A reward Witt, be paid for bia return to No. 35 MON? TAGUE-STREET. 1 Jone 19 BOA RDIWU.-DELIGHTFUL SOUTH? WEST BOOMS can now be obtained at the Mansion, corner George and Meeting streets. Mo pleasanter location caa be had In the city, lenna moderate fur the summer. wfl Jone 17 ^Dissolution of OXopartnersljip. SIDNEY W. HOPKINS THIS DAT RE? TIRES from the firm of HOPKINS, MCPHER? SON fr 00. (Signed) EDWIN A. HOPKINS. (Signed) DAVID HcPHEBSO *. (Mgned) SIDNEY W. HOPKINS. Charleston, a C., May 30,1868. Imo May 37 (Etarattwal. HIUHTSCHOOLt NIGHT SCHOOL! No. 36 WENTWORIH-RTREET, LECTURE BOOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. THE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITH METIO, WRITING, READING, GERMAN and ENGLISH GRAMMAR are from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Terms-$3 per month In advance Book-keeping charged extra, December 2 C. H. BERGMANN Cansona!. Y H lfi ? E R ' S FASHIONABLE BARBER'S SALOON, . IS AT No. 93 MARKET-STREET, South aide, between King and Meeting streets. Mr. HEUER is a German Barber, has been thor oughly trained to his business, and is prepared to serve his friends and-the public generally in the seve? ral branches of his art, viz: RH AYING HAIR-DRESSING SHAMPOOING HAIR DYING ftc, kt January ll WM- J. BOXAS.HENET EIS MAN, ra. TTTAI. J. RIB AI AN & SON, PACKING HOUSE, TEBBE-HAUTE, INDIANA, PROVISION AND COMMISSION > MERCHANTS, No. 871 W. BAL TIMORE-STR EE (Opposite Eutaw Uous?), Baltimore, Offer for sale full assortment of BACON, PORK suu LARD: also the celebrated ORANGE BRAND HAM cured by tteamelves. 3mos* ApriUl EMPLOTMKSTOFPICE.-SKRVAIVTS can be obtained by>^ca*ion to toe "UNION HOME," from 9 ?1H1 o'clock dally. Servants can also fiad places byaw?OB*on to the same place, at the ?ame hears Inquire flor tl? Ma? tron, corner Church and Chaim era streets. June 19_' _ -\TrANTKD, A WET NUR SB^ APPLY W immediately at No.67 WENTW0BTH-3T. June 17 - i . ?r _*_ "?TTANTED, A -SITUATION, TN ANY YT capacity as * CLERK. . The subscriber la wining to engage in any business, and trill make : himself g' nerany useful to any way, and be satisfied witta a very moderate salary. Address "L. W.,'* Charleston, through tbePcstofflce._?Tana 17 WANTED, A nBST-RATE FEMAhE COOK, that can come well recommended. Ap* pryat No. 801 EAST SAY, opposite Vernontatreet. fane 16_ y_]_ WANTED nw STRICT AT ELY, TWENTY HANDS. Men or Women, to work on a farm. Apply, to SAMUEL J. PETER, O'Neill Campe, near Seven-Mile Pump. June 15 RESPECT ABAJE WlaTTE FEMALE wishes a situation aa. CHILD'S NUBPE, with a family going North. Tba best reference given if I requirea. Address "M. X.," office of TBS DIXLT ] Nsw*._^_Junes WANTED. A FLACK AB GARDEN KR. An ex-member of H&good's Brigade, 0.8. a., who lost an arm in HM war, and who is now In re doced circumstances, is sautons to gat em ploy ment as ti AB DENEB, and to take charge of lots at Mag? nolia. He ls willing to work and can give toe best testimon?ala as to expel leons, efficiency and fidelity. Ad dress J. H. THOMAS, DaxtT Narwa Office. May ia_ ._ WANTED, EMPLOYMENT AS A WATCHMAN, or to any other capacity in j which be can earn a livelihood, by a one-armed | soldier, who la in distress for want of work. Ad* | dress "J. 8.," Office of tba DAXLT Haws. April 21_ WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL TEE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS- 1 PAPERS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES 0. RIGHTER, April al_No. 161 KJng-atreet WANTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, to sell Cur PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CLOTHES LINES. Write for circulars to the AMERICAN WIRE COMPANY, Ho. 163 Broadway. New York._Smew_april 20 WANTED. -A LADY OF REFINE* MENT and education desires a situation a* GOVERNESS. References unexceptional. For further information, address Box 257, Postoffice, Richmond, .Virginia. _ April 10 "TTf ANTED, EVERYBODY TO SMB. ?? YT SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRARY. CHARLES 0. RIGHTEB'S Select Library of Kew Books contains all of the latest publications April M Bo. 161 KING-STREET. ?pt*. JjROWV? HOTEL. SrjMMERVILLE, 8. C. I HAVING REFITTED AND REFURNISHED THE above Hotel, it will bc open for the reception of gueeto , on JULY 1st. Parties , wishing to engage Board can do so at tba Oharieston BotoL J. P. BORBACH. i June8_Imo_Agent QCMHER BOARDING. FAMILIES AND OTHERS SEEKING 8UM MER! BOARDING, will find toe NICKER90N HOUSE, in. Columbia, 8. C., one of toe most comfortable and beautiful locations In the South. Parties desartog a pleasant and healthy location, with good fare, ai moderate price, will piesse make early application to WM. A. WRIGHT, Superinteodeni, : junee Imo Columbia, a C. fJTHE MANSION HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. I TBE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED THE ABOVE house, where day, monthly and tran rient boarder? will receive the create it attention. - The table will be famished witta toe beet toe mar- J kel affords. ', Situation central, rooms large and well furnished, sod tonne medente. . Southerners are invited to give toe Mansion House ? a trial. MADAME T. M. RUT JES, (Formerly of Charleston, 8. C. ) Mansion House, No. 33 Four and a half-street, May 80 Imo . Washington, D. 0. A MERIGAN HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS. THE VERY IMPORTANT AND EXTWEBTVE Improvements which have recently been made in tola popular Hotel, toe largest in New England, en? able the Proprietors to offer to Tourists, Families ind the Travelling Public accommodations and con? veniences superior to any other Hotel in the city. During the psst summer additions have been mad of numerous suites of apartments, with bathing rooms, water closets, Ac, attached; one of Tufts' magnificent passenger elevators, the beet ever con? structed, conveys guests to the upper ?1017 of the house in ons minute; toe entries have been newry and richly carpeted, and the entire house thoroughly replenished and refurnished, making it, tn ali ita appointments, equal to any Hotel tn the country. Telegraph Office, Billiard Balls and Cafe on the first floor. LEWIS RICE A SON, May 4_mwffimos_Proprietors. ^.EW YORK HOTEL, No. 721 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. D. BL. HILDRKTH ?St CO.. Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, as popularly known in former times under the management of J. B. M0NNOT, Esq., and more recently nader thai of HIRAM CRANSTON A C J., ls now under the proprietorship of Messrs. D. M. HILDRBTH AT. B. ROCKWAY, oner the firm of D. M. HfLBRETH A CO. Tke senior partner from his tong experience as a pl oprietor of the Veranda, 81, Lents and St. Charles Hotels of New Orleans, flatters himself that he can assure his friends and the public generally, that its former world-wide reputation aa a popular flrst-clsii Betel, shall be fully sustained under ila present manacement lyr* February 13 ?^J- A DAME eiDIKRE, CALDER HOUSE. COS NEB OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREET8. oauBLTttroR. a 0. Transie nt Board ?3 50 per Davy. April 29_ QILMOR HOUSE, MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, KIRKLAND ?k CO., Proprietors. April 37_lyr g POT TS WOOD HOTEL, . MILLWARD BROTHERS, PBOEBJXTOBS, RICHMOND, VA April 6_ yf I L L I A M IRWIN. PEoraiETOB OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPARTAN BUBO, B.C. December _ /r rUHjers. Top Blessing! Top Dressing ! M APES' NITROGENIZED SUPER-PHOS? PHATE OF LIKE. FOE COTTON, CORN, WHEAT AND GENERAL CROPS. AS A TOP DRESSING TO A GROWING OROP THis FERTILIZER cannot be excelled. It may be used before or after toe planting of the crop; for even when applied as a top dressing, it cannot be tost by evaporation, as none of its constituents are votatilc. It may be applied at each hoeing of cotton, and in tho hills during the cultivation of corn and other crop-. When crops have been previously m mured in the usual way, and found to be of slug? gish growth, it may be augmented by the usc of this Fertilizer. This Fertilizer has been successfully used through? out the Southern States during toe past fifteen years. For full anilyaes of MAPER' NITROGENIZBD BUPER-PHOSPB ATE OF LIME, letters from promi? nent Plante' s throughout tho 8tate of south Carolina, ?nd analyses of crops, cee descriptive pamphlets, ?hielt will _.u furnished free of charge; and all orders Ailed by H. W. KINSMAN, SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, APrlilS No, 153 East Bay, ZERLBBABKL CHAPTER, NO. ll, R. AREGULAR CONVOCATION OF THE CHAP' TER will be held ti Msionlo Hall, Thii (Fri? day) Evening, at Eight o'clock. The Beyal Arch Degree will be conferred. By order cf the M. E. H. P. Jnoe lB 1 L. A. ALLEN, Secretary. HOPE! FI HE ENGINE COMPANY. A ITKND REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING XJL TA? (Friday) Evening, the 19th instant, at Eight o'clock precisely. Committee will take notice. Md be presentat Seren o'clock predsely. .,_ By order. PHIL. BUCHHEIT. Jr., June iv 1 Secretary H. E. E. Co. notices io lankrnptrq. I^TTTHE PIBTHICT' CQi^T^)F~TH? UNITED STATES-FOR THE DISTRICT OF 1 SOUTH CAROLINA,-IN TH tj MATTER OF RICH? ARD M. H AR YIN, BANKRUPT, BT WHOM A PE? TITION FOB ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPT? CY WAB FILED ON THE 39TH DAT OF MAT, A. D. 1808, TN SAID COURT-IN BANKRUPT? CY.-Tlus is to sire notice that on the fifth day nf June, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against (he Estate of RICHARD M. HAR VIN. of Packrrltle, in the District of Clarendon, and State of Benth Carolina, who bas been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay. ment of any debts and delivery, of any pro? perty belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for his tue, and the transfer of any property by h'm, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors ot the said Bankrupt, to prove his debts, and to choose one or morn Assignees of bis Estate, will be held at s Court-of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 73 Broad-street, Charleston, 8. C., before B. B. CAR PERTER, Registrar, on the twen? ty-fourth day of June, A. D. 1808, st 2 o'clock, P. M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal as Messenger. June 19 _" _1_ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UHTTED STATES, FOB THE DI8TRIOT OF j SOUTH CAROLINA-LN THE MATT BB OF E. JOHN WBTIE, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PE? TITION FOB ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPT? CY WAS FILED ON THE 29TH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1888, DJ SAID COURT-LN BANKRUPTCY. This ls to give notice, dat on the fifth day of] June, A. D. 1868. a Warrant fn Bankruptcy wan is . sued against the Estate' of E. JOHN WHITE, of Charleston, ia the District of Charleston, and state ol South Carolina, wbo has been ad? judged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any prop? erty belonging to said Bankrupt to hl'ti or for bis nae, and the transfer of any proptety by him are forbidden by law ; that a raceline of tho Crediton of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held st a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 73 Broad-street, Charleston, 8. C., before R. B. CARPENTER, Registrar, on the . twenty-fourth day of June, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. P. H. EPPING, United States Marshal aa Messenger. Jone 19 _1_ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNTIED STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF I SuUTH CAROLINA-IN ILE MATT KR OF J. M. BALLEY, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PE? TITION Ft >R ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPTCY WAR FILED ON THE 29TH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1868, IN SAID COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY-This ls to give not toe, that on the fifth day of June, A.. D. 1898, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of J. M. BALLEY, of Orang? Pa? rish, in the District of Orangebnrg, and State of South Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt onhiB own petition ; Unt the payment of any debts and delivery, of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to htm or for his use, and the transfer of any properly by h'm are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors ot the said Bankrupt, to provo their debts, and to < hoose ono or more Assig? nees of his Estate, will be beld at a Court of Bank nrptcy. to be holden at Na 73 Broad-street, Charles? ton, 8. C., before R. B. CARPENTER, Registrar, on the twenty-fourth day of June, A D. 1868, at 13 o'clock M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal as Messenger, Jone 19 . 1 lostness (Curbs. jjT AHSIHLAXLT?^KO^HE1U%^ AUCTIONEER B, BEAL E8TATE AGENTS, BROKER? No. 33 URO AD-STREET. BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, io., BOUOHT AND 80LD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PROPERTY LEASED. ?-Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, Ac, every Wednetdas. October 19 yylLLIS dc CI Ii HOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMD SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of | COTTON, BICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, 8. C. K. WILL 13. .A. B, CHTSOLM. October 25 C. J. 8CHLBPEGRELL, No. 87 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILLP. LUMBER OF EVERY DE8C81PTION AND BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING LATHS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASSES, SHINGLES ; also, GROOTE AND TONGUE BOARDS, ic, con? stantly ou hand at the lowest market pri?es. September 13_thmlyr JpROST, BLACK & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in, and Manufactu? rers of FURNITURE OF EVERY VARIETY. No. 73 J Bowery, near CanaLatrert, New York. Steamboats, Hotels and PnbUo Buildings famish? ed at the shortest notice. All Goods purchased of | oar Hoase guaranteed as represented. May 1 fm w8 rn os Q.R1FFIN, BROTHER 6t CO., GROCERS ARD COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. IOS LOMBARD-STREET, BALTIMORE. April 23_._6mos ?alfXS ZNOX.JOHN 0IU4 KNOX & GILL, COTTON FACTORS AND OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 136 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE. Consignments of COTTON, RICE, ic, respect? fully solicited, and liberal advances made thereon. Orders for CORN and BACON promptly executed with care and attention. April 37 12mos* JT^RUGS AND MEDICINES, JUST KEUEIVED BT E. H. KELLERS & CO. BOTFLIES Ol' HOSTET TER'8, HOOFLAND'S AND COLLETON BITTERS. Ayer'p, Jsynes' Wright's, Rad way's. Cephalic, Beckwiths Holloway's, Sanford's snd Brandreth's Pills. Gray's, Holloway's, Daley's, McAlisters', Rus? sian. David's and Morebead's Ointment Hegemsn's Fer rat ed Bark and Oed Liver Oil and Benzine, Burnett's Cod Liver Oil, Ayer's Sarsapa? rilla, Cherry Pectoral and Ague Core, Ac. Ac. Country orders solicited, snd will meet with prompt attention. E. H. KELLERS & CO., February 17 Rn No. 131 Meeting-street. rjUlE OLD ESTABLISHED RETAIL HARDWARE STORE, No. 314 KINO-STREET, Between Society-street and Georgo-street GOODS SOLD AT LOW PBICES. JOHN VAN WINKLE, January 21 tulhs6mos No. 'Mi King-Btrect. Q U . SASS, ATTORNEY" AT LA W, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. 49" Office No. 16 BROAD-STREET, over the Peo? ples, National Bank. May 8 g AMURL H. MARSHALL, IMPOSTEE AND DEALER IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS AND AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENT8, Nb. 310 KINQ-ST., 3d DOOR BELOW S0C1E1T, Sign of the Golden Gan, CHARLESTON, S. C. March ai ymo QHBAP OBY GOODS I CHEAP DRY GOODS! WE WOULD INFORM OUB CU8T0MEBS AND the Pobllc In general, thai we hare ieceived per re? cent arrivals large invoices of DBY AND FANCY GOODS, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Bogle Silk Trimmed PARASOLS, from $1 50 np. Best Silk Mi ts. from 30c. ap. White Mik and KM Gloves, st very low prices. A large lot of White Goods, lower price than any in the city. 300 dozen Linen Towels, from 16c. np. Ladies' Pocket Handkerchiefs, from ia Kc. ap. The latest style of Hoop Skirts, from 60c. up. 8-4 Table Damask, at SI >^er yard. Ladies' and Misses' White Hose, from 16c ap. ALSO, A very large assortment of STRAW GOODS, at low prices. A lot of fine Ribbons, at various prices. Gents' fla? Undershirts, from 75c ap. Gents' best English Hell Hose, from 40 to 50c White Unen Track, ftc FURCHGOTT ft BRO , Son th west corner King and Calhoun streets. Jane 17 Imo B? C KI BOC m iR;,B.?:c'K S BEI FRITZ, No. 86 MARKET-STREET. GIBT8 HEUTE FREIEN L UN SCH MIT GUT TERRERGEE BOCK and LAGER BEEB, wozu alle Freunde and G?nner h?flichst eingeladen werden. FRET AG DEN 19TH JUNE, 1868. Jone 19 1 AALESTON STEAM SAW MILL, WEST END OF BEA UFAIN-STREET. THE SUBSCRIBER Having rebuilt bis STEAM SAW MILL, ia now pre? pared to execute all orders for SHIPPING and C ll Y TRADE with dispatch. JOHN H. ST KIN ME Y KU, May 5 Weat end of Beaufain-slreet JUST RECEIVED Bk* E. H. KELLERS & GO., Druggists, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, VICHY GRANDE GRILLE AND KISSINGEN BITTER WATER, In Original Packages. April 30 B? OK AND JOB PRINTING. TBS UNDERSIGNED INFORMS BIS FRIENDS and the Public that ho has a huge assortment of I NEW TYPE, MACHINERY, and a fine stock of j CABDS, PA PER, ftc, direct from manufacturers, and will execute all orders for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING In a neat manner, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Having large fonts or type, will eon tract for the publication of a Weekly ot Monthly on liberal terms. Orders for BOOKBINDING promptly attended to at low rates, U left at No. 33 HAYN E-STREET. May la JA1*- MCMILLAN. Jg FOLEY'S CLOTHING, SHOE AND HAT STORE, No. 85 MABKET-STBEFT. CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Where may be found every variety of GREAT COATS, FROCK AND DRESS COATS, Shirts, Un den hirts, Vesta and pantaloons. Drawers and Socks, Boots, shoes, Hats and Caps, Tranks, Carpet Begs, Valises, ftc Februarys SHCROPT'g LOW WATER DETECTOR PREVENIS THE EXPLOSION OB BURNING OUT OF STEAM BOILERS. THE PRIME CAUSE OF STEAM BOILER EX? PLOSIONS ARISES FROM A DEFICIENCY OF WATER IN THE BOILER WHILE IN ACTION. EXPLOSIONS FROM DEFICIENCY OF WATER. Low water In steam boilers is no unusual occur? rence. Imminent danger frequently arises from this cause, and it cannot be too forcibly Impressed anon the minds of engineers, that there is no part or the apparatus constituting the mountings of a boiler which requins greater attention than that which sup? plies it with water, In a properly constructed boil? er every part of the metal exposed to the action of j the fire should be In inmediate contact with the wa t. r. and when proper provision ta made to main tain the water at a sufficient height above the parta so exposed, accidents can never occur from thu canse. Should the water, however, get low from defecto In the pomp, and the surface over the Are become over? heated, then, even st the ordinary working pressure, there is great danger of an explosion. There Uno occasion, under such circumstances, to search farth? er for the cause of explosion, from the fact that the material, when overheated to a certain degree loses abontflve-elxths of ita strength, and ls, therefore, unable to resist the Internal pressure. When a boiler becomes short of water, the first thing usual? ly done ts to put the feed pump in action; this cer? tainly remedies the deficiency, bat increases the danger, and may lead to the explosion of the boiler. Aahcroft's Low Water Detector Ii eminently fitted to guard against accidents caused by low water. Itneeda not the care or attention of the engineer or fireman to keep it m order. Opera aby the force of natural laws, it takes care of it . and to only called into action by the fall of the water below any fixed level, and then it gives the alarm to all within sound of the whistle of a defi? cient supply of water. It stands as a watchful monitor over the magazine of power on which lt is placed, and not only guards lt, but notifies the atiendan t, if he ls forgetful or negligent of bis duty. JOHN F. TAYLOR 6l CO., Agents, PHOENIX IRON WORKS, Nos. 46 and 48 PBITCHARD-STREET. Jane 13 Imo DON'T FAIL TO TR Y THE CELEBRA- i TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANEMN'8 HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'8 HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis asses of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For tale by all Drueglsls. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC. PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BIT1 CBS, an n nf ailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestivo Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Dru pg! ?tn. DOVT FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs sud the Liver. For sale hy all Druggtsbi. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis ?ases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For ?le by all Druggists. DON'T FA IL TO THY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Di? nses of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For tale by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TR Y THE CELEBRA TED SOUTHERN TONIC. PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis iases of the Digostive Organs and tho Liver. For lalo by all Druggists. DON'T FAIL TO TRYTIIE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE ?ATIO BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis isses of tho Digestivo Organs and the Liver. For lale by all Druggists DONT FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis sacs of the Digestive Organs and tho Liver. For ale by all Druggists._^__ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE 'ATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for aU DIs ?ascB of tho Digestive Organs and the Liver. For ?lo by all Druggists._ DON'T FAIL TO TRYTHECELEBRA TE'? SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE ?ATIC BITTERS, an unfailing romedy for all Dls ases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For ala by all Druggists, lyx November 21 ?weerie* and ?XlmtUnms. 2nd BALES PB?ME NOBTH BITER EAT t)\J landing and for ?ale by W. B ri MI TH & CO., Jone 10 1 Napier's Range. HAHN! HAMS! JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, A choice article of 8DGAB COBED KENTUCKY HAMS, of the celebrated Magnolia brand. For sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Jon? 19 S POTATOES. WANTED, ONE THOUSAND BARRELS GOOD SHIPPING POTATOES. Will pay the highest market price. ROBERT LAWLESS, No. 53 State-street Jane 18 2? M AB Y LAND CORN, LANDING EX "E. J. PALMER," FROM BALTIMORE 0000 ^U8H^OFTHEABOV3EFOB8ALE STREET BROTHERS A CO,, Jane 18_2_Na 74 East Bey. BACON SIDES. ?)(\ BHDS. CHOICE WESTERN MEAT, EX E. J. tU\J Palmer, from Baltimore, and for sale by STREET BROTHERS ft CO., Jane 18_3_No. 74 East Bay. BERNARD O'NEILL, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 189 EAST BAY, QFFER8 FOB SALE AT BED COED PRICES BACON. 40 hb(ls. PRIME C. B. SIDES AND SHOULDERS 20 ttercf s Hams and Strips. SUGAR. 76 ends, and boxes Bright Grocery Sugars. MOLASSES. 100 hhd a., tierces sud bb lu. Mosco vado Moiseses. FLOUR. 160 bbls. "Nashville Mills" Extra and Superfine. LIVERPOOL SALT, &c. 600 sacks, seamless, in good order. Weekly supplies of LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, Ac, ftc, ftc. June 17 3 J'EMIJOHNS, . ^HA? DEMIJOHNS, OF ALL SIZES t?\J\JV-t 100 hampers Claret Wine Bottles. For sale low by C CACTUS ft WITTE. April 21 3mos CHLORIDE OK LIME. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. THE BEST DISINFECTANT. FOR SALE BY E. H. KELLERS ft CO., Druggists, March 28_No. 131 Meeting-street MARBLE MANTELS, ttONU BIENTS, HEADSTONES, dec. AFINE BKLECTION OF MARBLE MANTELS constant! v on hand at 8. KL AB ER'S Wars room, No. 61 First avenue, near Third-street, New York. Call and ..xarnine before buying elsewhere. February 3 Gmo COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS AM OTHERS CONSIGN YOUS ABBES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER, CHESSE, EGGS, FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND 8KLN8, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEDS, SORGHUM, MOLASSES, 4c, ? TO JOSIAH CARPENTER, GENERAL COMMI8SIUS MERCHANT No. 442, iii and 446 WASHINGTON-STREET, New York Cit?, And receive his weekly PRICE CURRENT of Pro. duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Our. rent published in the United States. SEND FOB A TRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards Famished Free. UMSJL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSMNMENIS. Established slay 1st 1860. FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. March 4 o lyr Baltimore #bw.lismtnto. i XHOTI PI AB olnT GOLD MEDAL FOB 1868 HAS JUST BEEN AWARDED TO CHAS. M. STLEFF FOR THE BEiT PIANOS NOW MADE, OVER BALTIMORE, PHILADEL? PHIA AND NEW YORK PIANOS. OFFICE AND WABEBCOM. No. 7 N. LIBERTY STREET, ABOVE BA LTIMOBE-STBEET, BALTIMORE. Md. SHEFF'S PIANO4* HAVE ALL THE LATEST improvement, including the Airraffe treble, Ivory trouts, and the improved French Action, folly war? ranted for five years, wilh privilege of exchange within twelve months it not entirely satisfactory to purchaser. Second-handed Pianos and Parlor Or? gans always on hand from 960 to $300. REVEREES WHO HAVE OUR FIANOS IN USE; General Robert E. Lee, Lexington, Va. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington. N. C. bi ?hop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Messrs. B. Burnell ft ?nus, CL irlotte, N. C. Max Strakoeeb, Italian Opera. Messrs. Pierson A Sons, Sumter, 8. C. Charles Spencer, Charleston. B. C. Apnl 22 6mos WM. KNABE cV CO., MANUFACTUB EBB OF PIANO FORTES, BALTIMOn Ii. MD. April vo _ _Cmo E. [AUSTIN JENKINS. ALFRED JENKINS, JR. in ULMr n JEKXtNS. ?piPW. JENKINS Ai SONS, IMPORTERS ANL ^?MJjns IN SADDLERY AND COACH MATERIAL8,| NO. 180 BAL'i IM ?RE-STE EET. April 22_Ctno<_Baltimore, M ?pl H. GR?PY df CO., DEALERS IN LRATIIEB, HIDES AND OIL, No. 42 SOUTH CALVEBT-8TBEET, Baltimore. F. H. GBUPY.H, G. CUBTAI April 20 6mos