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THE DAILY ??EW^ B10 R D A N \ \ ? ' '; ' OFFICE No. 18 SATNE-STREET. TSUMS-THE DAILY NEWS, PRICE (payable In -KB casu TN "ADVANCE], Srs DOLLARS A YEAR ; FOCH DOLLARS FOR Sn. MONTHS; TWO DOLLABS - AX? A QUARTER FOB THREE MONTHS. ,XHE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PRICE (TN ADVANCE), THREE DOLLABS A YEAR ; Two DOLLABS FOB STE MONTHS. No Subscription received for a less pe? riod. No Paper sent unless the Cash accompanies the order. No Paper sent fora longer time than paid for. ADVERTISING; RATES-.Fifteen cents a line for the first insertion^ sad tea cents a Une for each subse ? -jnsnt insertion. Marriage and Funeral Notices oas douar ??eh. IJSTTERS should be addressed to THE DAILY NEWS, Ka 18 Hayne-etreet, Charleston, 8. C. ' REJECTED MANUSCRIPTS will not bo returned. NEWS SUMMARY. -In New York on Saturday gold closed al Ital -Cotton was* firm and in fair demand on Saturday. Sales 680 bales at S0|aSlo. No seller under 81 at the close. R -In liverpool on Saturday cotton was steady : and prices unchanged. Sales 10,000 bclea. -Brigham Young is having seven state CAT* riages made for him in New York. -The corner-etone of the Brooklyn Roman ( Catholic Cathedral' will be laid in June. -The late Colonel Hazard, the Connecticut powder man,lea ves an estate of about $2,000,000. -It is apprehended that the immense crop of wheat in Oregon cannot be harvested. -The lady ritualists at St. Albans complain that the continual kneeling in the service in? jures their, silks. -The Great Eastern steamer has been char 1 tered to lay a submarine cable between Brest, \., the Azores and Kew York. a -Farming is today the most important in? dustry in California- more im portant than min? ing. So says the San Francisco Bulletin. -Artiflcial concrete waua ?aced with glazed tiles axe, it ia said, likely-to enter largely here - ; after, into the .construction of oity ?difices. '.' i r - -A corres pondent of the i Chicago Tribune says of the President's daughters, that "they are faithful daughters, , model hostesses, ex? cellent women." -The- Sultan tools the ladies of the Austrian embassy into his harem the other day, where' . theysnoked m'pes encrusted with diamonds, and drank coffee from golden cups. -A Russian ukase ia Poland orders all per? sona to salute the police, and to remain uncov? ered, when a .dressed ty any member of that body, under penalty of fine or imprisonment. ' -At Knoxville, Tennessee, great activity prevails in building-. - The saw mills are run? ning to their foll capacity, and turning ont large quantities of lumber, while frame build? ings are seen going up in every direction. : -The retail sales of intoxicating liquors in the United States, it is asserted, amount to nearly as much as the total value of all the railroAds in the country, with their equip? ments, which are estimated to have cost $1,654,050,799. ... -Horny C. Jarrett, the lessee of Niblo's Garden, New York, next season, has, it is eta ted, made Charlee Sickens the handsome offer of $10,000 to write nim a Christmas play, and the sietch.of the piece is already completed. -Another evidtmoe of .the decadence of the American shipping interest is manifested by the fact that the New York and Havre Steam? ship Company aro to dispose of their steamers Anigo and Fulton at public auction, on the 28th -r-FIounees are now .the rage in Paris. As mAny as thirty-six are to bo put on muslin dresses, and moreover, the flounces aro to be of Valonciennes. Valenciennes is also f ash ion a ble on silks, to the great dismay of husbands and fathers, who have to foot ihe bills. Bon nets, however, are growing smaller, if possible, . -Ahttle (JrfEculty arosein the Methodist Confersiice at Chicago' concerning the disposi tipn of the colored delegates. One of the brethren, amid moen, applause, invited them to partake of his hospitality. The next,morning he stated to the Conference that .it wasn't ex? actly convenient for him to keep them longer, and they were sent to a cheap colorod board? ing house for the remainder of the time. -Many years since the names of the late Earl and Countess of Mornington were con? stantly appearing in the English journals in connection with efforts made by ber ladyship to enferce the payment of an annuity settled upon her by her husband. A -vcent judgment in the Corrrt of Chancery, Lo. uca, decides that the countess' claim is a just one, and orders tho payment to her of a shin which, with inter? est, will amount to more than ?22,000. For twenty-nine years this case bas been before the law courte. ? .r-A bill has been reported in the House of Repr?sentatives from the Committee on Com mer JO, placing Passe a l'Outre, at the mouth Of the Missisnippi River, below New Orleans, rh the' hands of private parties, who have agreed to hkra a dep^h ' of eighteen feot of water always at the channel. By way of compensation they are authorized, to charge thirty cents per ton on vessels draw? ing fourteen feet of water and upward. The contractors are given eighteen months in which to complete their contract. ' -The St. Louis Democrat is not content with party expulsion, newspaper abnse and general "imamy" as punishments for the recre? ant senators who have voted against impeach' ment It falls bick on the more advanced criminal code of frontier communities, and virtually suggests "lynch-law." .Terbaps," it says, "Boss can find a home in Kansas, and Fowler io Tennessee, but we doubt it.'.' "And as tor Mr; Henderson," it adds, "Missouri will ureathim as he deserves;" and it recommends a."more congenial residence." Politics is be corning an exceedingly agreeable profession for gentlemen wbo think oaths of any conse quenco. -The foreign mails bring us a report of the exciting scenes which took place in the British Parliament at the close of the first act of the church drama debate. The most eminent speakers and statesmen of the English Legis? lature used language on this occasion such as has seldom been heard within the walls of Par? liament, Mr. Bright charging Mr. Disraeli as a traitor to the Queen and country. The London journals of the 8th instant concur in describ? ing the occasion as one of extraordinary ex? citement. The Telegraph says "the most prolonged and fiercest personal debate wit? nessed in the present generation" took place. The London Times describes the language need as of "unusual violence." -Wendell Phillips is filled with wrath at the impeachment verdict. Here is a specimen of his ravings: "Np matter what Mr. Justice Chase announces, thirty-five senators out of fifty-four have pronounced President Johnson guilty. Poll the nation and Bevon out of every ten say amen to that verdict. A technical rule of tho Constitution requiring a two-thirds vote may save bim his office, but the judgment of the nation is recorded against him as a crimi? nal. Thus far he leaves the tribunal set to try him free from any punishment but infamy. The only difference between this and convio tion is, that convicted, he would have gone forth beamgi&ifl disgrace alone. By tins, which m emcallacquittal, he drage haifa dozen Bejoajtors down with bim to infemy." First, he calls|:*he verdict "a victory in diflguisei1" and saays:?that posterity will so declare it. Then a little further on he changes his tune and class? es Senators Fessenden and Trumbull . with General. Xee _an<L Jeff?raon..DaviBr begging pardon of the latter for so doing. Mr. Phillips learns one lesson from this disaster, and that is that the Radical leaders "are hot tb DVrrust ed. Some people formed that opinion long ago. CHARLESTON. -o MONDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1868. Catting the Knot. In rescinding the order for holding the city elections on the 2d and 3d June, Gene? ral CANST has oomplied with the earnest request of representative citizens bf ail classes and conditions. There were so many dangers in the way; so many perils hanging over the oity, that every respecta? ble man in the community breathed a sigh of relief when the announcement on THE DAILY NEWS bulletin board, made it known throughout Charleston, on Saturday after? noon, that the elections had beea postponed. There is now time for organization and preparation, and the lesson that has been taught by these past days of anxious thought and hurried action will not be forgotten. The people most lie upon their arms, and never neglect an opportunity of increasing and developing their strength. Our escape is but for the time, and although under the new constitution no one is disfranchised, we shall still have a sharp contest when? ever the elections oome. ,~ IQ securing the postponement of the elec? tions Colonel PATTEN bore a prominent part. This gentleman, with' motives unknown to the hungry office-seekers and discontented candidates who gnashed their teeth on Sat? urday, has used all his influence to accom? plish the purpose so much desired; and it is certain that the city will long remember the man who, though almost a stranger, has been the choice of her people, and who has unselfishly labored for a measure upon which depended her interest, security and peace. Th: D?mocratie Bleetin?;. The Democratic meeting held in the Hi? bernian Hall on Saturday night was so far successful, that it was moderately well at? tended, and that the resolutions proposed were adopted without debate and without a dissenting voice. It is probable that the resolutions adopted will meet with approval,i and if they receive an active support from the city at large, the Democracy of Charles? ton may before long get upon its legs. The action of the meeting in regard to the convention lately held in Columbia, is sure, however, to cause Borne little irrita- j tion. Not only does the meeting formally j disavow the authority of that convention to ; represent the State, bnt the views of its faders are totally at variance with the np- ? country upon one of the cardinal points of ! political faith. The Columbia convention declared its willingness to give the colored people a qualified suffrage; the leaders of ; tho Charleston Democracy are i bitterly op- i posed to giving the negro any suffrage at all. Here is a sufficient element of discord, and it is not lessened by the fact that the Charleston meeting is prepared, in the event j of a refusal of the Columbia committee to < accede to its requests, to nominate delegates - on its own account, and send them to New York on the 4th of July to rap for admis- 1 sion at the doors of. the National Wigwam, i The people of the up-country districts are not threatened with negro supremacy in the same degree, that Charleston and Beaufort and Colle ton and Barnwell are threatened. , In several districts they have aa absolute whito majority, and they may not feel in? clined to undo all they have done to snit even the desires of the-Democrats of the Second Congressional District. They may, indeed, take the position that the Columbia convention represented the whole State fully as well as Charleston was represented by the handful of persons who voted on the adoption of. the resolutions submitted to the meeting of Saturday. (Qualifications of City Officers. The Courter is in error in stating that, in any city elections held under the new State Constitution, the persons elected must pos? sess the qualifications as to age, residence and property prescribed by the city char? ter, and has probably forgotten to read the new constitution of which it speaks so pos? itively. It is true that the seventh section of an ordinance of the convention to pro? vide for the election of certain officers pro? vides that : ?'Within thirty days after the ratification of this constitution, the Board of Commissioners shall have authority to call elections for all municipal officers, at present elected by the people, subject to such regulations as said Board may pre? scribe, not inconsistent with this constitution or the charters of such municipal bodies." But the Courier, in noticing that the reg? ulations must not be inconsistent with "the charters" of municipal bodies, is blind to the preceding declaration that they must .not be inconsistent with "this'' (the new State) "constitution." Article 1, section 32 of the new constitu? tion is as follows : No property qualification shall be necessary for an election to or the holding of any ofiice. j Article 8, section 7, is as follows : Every person entitled to vote at any election shall be eligible to any office which now is, or hereafter shall be, elective by the people, in the county where he shall have resided sixty days previous to such election, except as otherwise provided in this constitution or the Constitution and laws of the United States. These sections dispose of all qualifica? tions os to property, and only disqualify from holding office those who are disquali? fied by the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. As the Courier is manifestly in the wrong, and may have misled the "subscribers" who appealed to it for information, it will do well to acknowledge its fault and promise to be more careful in the future. THEATRICAL EFFECT was not neglected by <he (?rand Sa^hemg^f th?, Bjtdical Wigwam at CM?agoV We read that when the anani imouff *nomination*of their . candidate was announced, '"avnew drop curtain in the rear of the stage was uircovered^presenting 'a fine portrait of General GRANT," supported by- 'Liberty-!' -Above waa the--motto," ? Match him.' " .^Somebody suggests that.ii Watch him! would have been a great deal more appro? priate. EVERT PERSON, before employing a ser? vant, should require a certificate of charac? ter. This will improve the class of ser? vants, by convincing them that a good ser? vant has a better chanoe of obtaining situation than a bad one; and it will be protection to employers by protecting them against idlers and thieves. SOMEBODY HAS blundered. The Emperor NAPOLEON, at Orleans a few days ago, declared, for the hundredth time, that "the Empire is peace." Marshal NIEL, the com? mander-in-chief of the forces, said at Cha? lons a day or two later, "War is to be re? garded as possible." Which is which ? THE TERMS of the seven Republican sen? ators voting "not guilty" on the eleventh article of impeachment, expire as follows : FBSSENDEN, of Maine, 1871; FOWLER, of j Tennessee, 1871;" GRIMES, of Iowa, 1871; HENDERSON,, bf Missouri, 1S69; Ross, of | Kansas, 1871; TRUMBULL, of Illinois, 1873; VAN WINKLE? of WeBt Virginia, 1S69. TO RENT, A MEAT COTTAGE, FIVE (6) rooms and pantry, two kitchens, storehouse, Ac, with two (3) acres of Land, situated within 100 yards of the railroad, at Summerville. Terms, $200 per annum. The property is also for sale; price, $1000. Apply to A. D. E8TILL, with Kendall ft Dockery, Accommodation Wharf. May 25_ . mfl* TO RENT.--PART OF A HOUSE, KITCHEN, 4c,, near the Battery, partly fur? nished if needed. Apply at No. 6 SLEEUNG STKEET, between ten and two o'clock. February 10_? mth REST, TERMS DIODE RATE, TWO-SXOBT HOUSE, Meeting-street, south of I Woolfe-etreet. Apply, to Sr. ROURIG?ES, corner | Meeting and Society streets. May 19_Imo TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, THAT would room together, can be accommodated m a pr?vate family, where there are no other board? ers. Apply at TEOS_OFE2CE;___C____^yJl_ TO RE NT, A PART OF A HOUSE THAT has lately undergone thorough repair, con? sisting ol four or five rooms, with two kitchen rooms, with use of ch tem and separate yard; house pleasantly situated m a healthy and respectable neighborhood. Address "ELLERSLIE," DAILY j NEWS CTTICE May 19 ' TO RENT, STORE ?So. 23 HAY.VE- I STBEET, with Fixtures. The Store runs through to Market-street Bent low. Apply at No. 13 HAYNE STBEET._May 2 TO RENT, THE UPPER PART OF House southwest comer of Calhoun and King streets. Bent moderate. Apply at No. 433 SING STBELT, two doors below Calhoun-straet. April 27 fost un?i /0BH?. LOST-A LARGE BLACK NEWFOUND? LAND COG! foes by the name of "Champ;" tie had a brass collar around his neck with "D. P.' marked on lt, and was seen last on King-street Ball? way Car. A liberal reward will be paid for his re covary. Apply at THIS OFFICE. 3 May 22 BUNCH OF KEYS.-FOUND. IN ST. Ph?ip-street on Thursday, a BUNCH OF KEYS, i he owner can obtain them at this office on pay ment of expenses. May 16 LOST, B KT WEEN THU BATTERY and the Mall, either in the lower part o? King street, Trodd, Meeting or Columbus streets, FORTY DOLLARS, tied in a handkerchief. The bills were two Tens and one Twee ty. The finder will receive a suitable reward by leaving the same at THIS OFFICE._ April 30 fit Mt. SODA WATER APPARATUS FOR SALE.-Marble Slab, twp Fountains, Cooler, ftc, complete, for sala. Apply at No. 82 EAST BAY. April 13_ _ m wi rpO PUBLISHERS AND JOURNALISTS. A A large amount of TYPE and JOB MATERIAL for salo, in lota to suit purchasers. Terms reason? able, and cash. Also, a fine HAND PRESS, price $250; in Adams' Power Press, price $1500; and a Card Press, price $100.- Apply to.F. Gi DEFON TAINE, Box i\o. 92,'.Charleston Postofflce. . - April 6 FOR SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS, IN any quantity, price 76 cents per hundred. Aoply at the Office ef the DALLY NE WS. February 20 grtels. jyj-ADAME GIDIERE, CALDER HOUSE. COHNER OF CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS. CHARLESTON, 8. O. Transient Board 99 SO per Day. April 29_ Q.ILMOR HOUSE, MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, KIRKLAND & CO., Proprietors. April 27 lyr W' L L I A M IRWIN, PROPRIETOR OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPABTANBCBG. S. C. December g POTTS WOOD HOTEL, MILLWARD BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS, BICHMOND, VA. April C_ |TEW YORK HOTEL, No. 721 B ROAD WAY, NEW TOBE CITY. D. M. H1LDRETH ?Se CO., Proprietors. THIS LOK G ESTABLISHED FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, as popularly known in former times under the management or J. B. MONNOT, Esq., and more recently uuder that of HTBAM CB UfSTON ft CJ., is now undei the proprietorship o: lessrs. D. M. HLLDRE?H ft T. B. ROCKWAY, uner the firm of D. M. HLLDBETH ft CO. The senior partner from his lone experience as a ptoprieior of the Veranda, St Louis and St Charles Hotels of New Orleans, natters himself that he eau assure his friends and ihe public generally, that its former world-wide reputation as a popular first-class Hotel, shall be fully sustained under its present management. lyr* Febrnary 13 A MERICAN HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS. THE VERY IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE improvements wlitch have recently been made in this popular Hotel, tbe largest in New England, en? able the Proprietors to offer to Tourists, Families and the Travelling Public accommodations and con? veniences superior to any other Hotel in the city. During the past summer additions have boen made of numerous suites of apartments, with bathing rooms, water c'.oset?, tc, attached; one of Tufts' magnificent passenger elevators, tho beat ever con? structed, conveys guests to the upper story of the house in one' minute; the entries have been newly and richly carpeted, and the entire house thoroughly replenished and refurnished, making it, in all its appointments, equal to auy Hotel iu the countrv. Telegraph Office, Billiard Halls aud Cafe on the firi-t floor. LEWIS BICE ft SON, May 4 mw?3nios Propiictors. NOTICE. CITY CIVIL ENGINEFR'S OFFICE, ) CITT HALL, CHARLESTON, March 12th, 1868, l ALL PROPEI?X? HOLDERS ON THE LINE OF Mettlng-street, and other.citizens interested iu the building ot a Shell Boad oo Meeting-street, from Spring-sireet to the City Eou-.idnry, are hereby respectfully imormed that a Book ot' subscription will be opened for their signatures iu my oflice to? day, an.i that ?hen such an amount is pledged, as iu the judgment of the City Civil Engineer will war? rant the undertaking, the won; will be forthwith commenced. LOUIS J. T:ARBOT, March 13 City Civil Engineer. WANTED TO HIRE. A RESPECTA? BLE GermanWoman< as a Nurse. Apply, with city reference, lp C. P. PANKNIN, NO. 123 Meetings tie et.! jg ? wfm . . -May 6 ANTED TO PURCHASE A HORSE and Light Spring Covered Wagon, suitable for a Grocery Store. Apply to W. A. WILSON, No. 107 East Bay._ 3 _ _May.23 . ANTED, A WHITE WOMAN JMJ WET NUBSK-one without a child. Apply at No. 6 ASHLEY-STBEET,_..".Alayifl - WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TWO FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKERS. Apply to Mrs. M. J. ZEBNOW'S MBlinery and Dressmaking Establishment, No. 302 King-street N. B.-Just received, Madame Demorest's CELE BP. AT ED PAPtB PATIEBNS, for the month of June._May 21 WANTED. A PLACE AS GARDENER. An ex-member of Hagood's Brigade, a S. A., who lost an arm in Ute wir, and who is now m re? duced circumstances, is anxious to get employment as GABDENEB, and to take charge ot lots at Mag? nolia. . He is willing to work and can give thc best testimon?ala as to experience, efficiency and fidelity. Address J. B. THOMAS, DAILY NEWS Office. j * May 12._ WANTED, A SMALL HOUSE OF FOUR OB FIVE BOOMS, within five or eight minutes' walk of the NEWS Office. Bent not to ex? ceed $450. A part of a. ho use would be accepted. Apply to "P.P. P.," News Office.. . May 8 WANTED TO PURCHASE, A SECOND? HAND 7??-OCTAVE PIANO. For particulars, Address" D. C.," stating terms, at this Office. J May5_ . .1 ? ? i . WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY, A SITU? ATION A8 TEACHES in a private family. Would prefer to go into the country. Best of refer? ences given tf required' Address "J. E. B.," Charles? ton Poetofficp. uj . .. ' ;_ April27 WANTED, EMPLOYMENT AS A WATCHMAN, or ix* any other capacity in which he can earn a livelihood, by a one-armed soldier, who la in distress for want of work. Ad? dress "J. S.," Office of the DATLT NEWS. April21 v..! .; i WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS FOR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWa-V PAPEB8. at publisher's rates. CHA BL ES C. SIGHTER, . April 21_No. 161 King-? brett. : WANTED, AGENTS EVERYWHERE, to sell our PATENT EVERLASTING METAL? LIC CLOTHES LINES. Write for circulars to the AMERICAN WIRE COMPANY, No. 162 Broadway, New-York. '--_ - 6mos ' ? April 20 , WW TED. -A L ADY OF REFINE? MENT and education desires a situation as GOVERNESS. References unexceptional. For further information, address Box.257, Postoffice, Richmond, Virginia. . ? ; April 10 AGENTS WANTED--FOR A BOOK entitled A PICIUBE OF THE DESOLATED STATES, and.the Work of Restoration. Every voter needs lt before November, 1868. Freight, largest commissions and a premium of 1500 paid. - For par* oculars address, . , i_, STEBBINS, March 31' , too*._ Hartford, Ct ANTED. SALESMEN TO TRAVEL for a Manufacturing Company, and sell by sam? ple. Good wages are guaranteed. Address, with stamp, HAMILTON & HOWE, No. 418 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.. .. . 2mo? -March 30 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO SUB SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRARY - CHARLES C. RIGHIEB'S Select -Library of New Bocks contains all of the latest publications, April 21- . - - - No. 161 KTNG-STREET. <Mott0tiiil TNN'GLISH AND MATHEMATICAL Xi SCHOflLt TEEMS-$2 PER MONTH. Apply for present at No. 67 COMING-STREET, near Calhoun. A. DOTY, Ja. ?Mayal_? ? : ? ; _ ? NIGHT SCHOOL! NIGHT SCHOOL I No. 35 WENTWOBrB-STREET, LECTURE ROOM OF ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. rrtHE HOURS FOR THE EXERCISES IN ARITH X MBTIC. WRITING, READING, GERMAN and ENGLISH GRAMMAR arc from 7 to 9 o'clock P. M. Terms-$2 per month m advance. Book-keeping charged extra. December2 C. H. BERGMANN. BOARDING I BOARDING! BOARDING I Mrs. A TRACEY is how prepared to accom? modate a few more Boarders. Terms moderate. Apply at No. 79 BROAD-STREET. April 13 J ^nauTBiirt. rjlHE ARLINGTON MUTUAL LIFE IN? SURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL CHABTEB, 1887. Home Office No. 1914 Main-street, Rich* mond, Tau GUARANTEE CAPITAL..8)135,000 INCOME TO 1ST APRIL, 1668, fiscal year..$2O7,OO0 - Number Of policies issued, 1034-Insurance, 14, 967,200-one clslm, $5000. Showing the largest avengo of policies of any American company, and success that is unparalleled in the first fiscal year. Issues all kinds of non-forfeiting Life and Endow? ment Policies, and also Policies upon Return Pre? mium Plans, NO BESTBICnON OF TRAVEL OB RESIDENCE in any p-rt of North America, north of the southern cape of Florida, ot In Europe, at any season of the year.. NO EXTRA CHARGE ON FEMALE LIVES. SPECIAL FEAT (TEE OF THE CHABTEB. Secures amount of insurance lo a married woman, whether effected by herself or her husband, or an; other person, for her sole and separate use and bene? fit, and that of her or her husband's children, li any, as may be. expressed, free from the control or claim of her husband or creditors, or the person effecting the same, or his creditors. Liberal loan of participating premiums upon the profits of the Company. Life policies after three years, endowment after two years, non-forfeU able. All policies after one year have a surrender value. Agents desiring to represent the Company will please address tut Home office. DIEECTOBS. JOHN ENDERS. HENEY K. ELLYSON. WM. F. TAYLOB. ASA sNYDEB. S AMI.. 3. COTTRELL. H. E. C. EASKERVILL. JOHN PURCELL. SAMUEL C. TARDY. CHAS. T. WORTHAM. GEORGE JACOBS. WM. WILLIS, JB. J. W. ALLISON'. ED. A. SMITH. GEO. S. PALMER. THOMAS J. EVANS. A. D. CHOCKLtY. JAMBS'A. SCOTT. H. C. CABELL. B. M. QUA RLES. D.J. HARTSOOK. W. H. TYLER. JOHN C. WILLIAMS. J. E. EDWARDS. WM. G. TAYLOR. A. Y. STOKES. A. P. ABELL. J. B. MOBTON. WM. B. ISAACS. K. H. DIBBRELL. GEO. L. BIDGOOD. WM. H. PALMER. SAML. M. PRICE. DAVID t BUBB. J. E. EDWABDS, President WILLIAM B. ISAACS, vice-President. D. J. ri ARTSOOK, Secretary. CHAEI.ES H. SMITH, M. D., Medical Adviser. JOHN H. CLAIBORNE, General Agent J. L. HONOUR, Agent. No. 8 BBOAD-STBEET, . April 27 Imo Charleston, S. C. Uttering flares. Q REENBU?EK WHITE SULPHUR " SPRINGS, GREENBRIER. COUNTY, W. VA. The undersigned, lessees of this old and well known WATERING PLACE, announce that (encouraged by the liberal patronage received last season) the have largely added to their accommodations in comfort and lu apuenrance, and aro prepared to entertain FIFTEEN HCNDRED GUESTS. Tho Bathing accommodations are in fine order; Hot and Wann Sulphur Baths, so eminently effica? cious in many cases, are at thc command of visitors at all hours. In addition to other amusements, they have pro? vided a new and elegant BOWLING ALLEY and BILLIARD ROOM, conveniently located. Protessor ROSENBERG ER'S celebrate 1 FULL BBAsS BAND has been engaged for the season. A good Livery stable willt'e iept oa the premises. The completion of the Virginia Central Railroad to Covington leaves only twenty mil** of staging, through a beautiful mountain country, over a well graded turnp;ke. Terms: Three dollar* per day, and eighty dollars per month. Chi.dren under ten years of age and colored servants half price. White servants accord? ing to accommodations. PEYTON & CO. May 0 Imo patf? (SU NOTICE. THE SALT WATER BATHING HOUSE OFF White P int Garden will be opened on the 77i Hoy, and l outiuuc open lor the season. Hie pro? prio tor has mad" several alterations in Baths and La? dies' Di e? Si ny rooms. The Retreshment Depart? ment, such a* Icc Cream, fcc., will be of the be.-.t quality. The proprietor'?ill give hi? imm?diat.- at? tention to the comfort and con> euience of visitors. M. McMANMON. May 4 mws Proprietor. I FRIENDSHIP LODGE, Ko. 9. THE REGULA?. COMMUNICATION OF THIS Loone will beheld ThistEvcning, at Masonic Hall, at right o'clock. Members will take doe no? tice and govern themselves accordingly. Candidates for the third Degree will attend punctuilly. ..--'Bv order of the W. M. May 25 1 P. RICH, Secretary P. T. Notices in i?nkrnptft). Iff TH? ? WiaTKICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF JAMES D. MITCHELL, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PETTTTON FOB ADJUDICATION OF BANK BUPTCY WAS FELED ON THE 6TH DAY OF MAY. A. D. 1868, IN SAID COURT TN BANKRUPTCY.-Thia is to give notice, that on the fft/xnth day of May, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of JAMES D. MITCHELL, of Charleston, in the District of Charleston, and State ot South Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and deUvery of any proper? ty belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and Hie transer of any property by him are forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more ..Assignees of his Estate, w?l be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bs holden at No. 72 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C., before B. B. CARPENTER, Begintrar, on the thirtieth day of May'. A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M. ? ... - "J.\P. M. EPPING, United States Marshal as Messenger. M?y25 "._ 1. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNTTEB STATES, FOB THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE * MATTBB OF NATHAN W. SALLEY, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF BANKBUPT CY WAA FILED ON THE' llTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1868, TN SAID COURT.-TN BANKRUPTCY. This ia to give notice, that on the fifteenth day of Moy, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the Estate of NATHAN W. SALLEY, of Orange Parish,, in the District of Orangeburg, and State of South Caroona, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt .on his own petition; tb at the paym?nt of any debts and deuvery of any prop? erty belonging to said Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the tran star . of any property by him are forbidden by Uw ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debtsand to choose one or more Assignees ol his Estate, wfll' be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 72 Broad-street, Charleston, 8. C., before B. B. CARPENTER, Registrar, on the thirtieth day of May, A. D. 18C8, at 12 o'clock, M. . . P.'M. EPPING, United States Marshal as Messenger. Mayas' . . 1 Ir^ THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF 80UTH CAROLINA-TN THE. MATTER OF. WIL? LIAM H. CUTHBERT, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPT? CY WAS FELED ON THE 6TH DAY OF MAY, A. D; 1868, TN 'SAID COUBT-TN BANKRUPT? CY.-This is to give notice that on the fifteenth day of May, A. D. 1$68. a Warrant lu Bentoptoy was issued against the. Est?te of WILLIAM H. OUTHBBBT, of Pariah Prince. William, in the District of Beaufort/ and State of South Carolina, who has. * been adjudged a' Bank? rupt on his own petitton.; that the pay? ment of any debts and deUvery' ot , any property belonging to said Bankrupt; to him or for his use, and tbs transfer of any pro? perty by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to .be holden at No. 72 Broad-etreet, Charleston, S. C., before E. B. CARPENTER, Regis? trar, on the thirtieth day of May, AT D. HR at 2 o'clock P. M. J. P. M. EPPING; ? ? United States Marthel as Messenger. May 25 jg ' ' 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 'UNTIED STA?EI, FOR THE DISTRICT OF ?SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF WIL? LIAM B. CUTT KB, H ANKBUP1-PETITION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE.-Ordered, that a hearing be had upon thepet?tion oh Ox?fourth coy of June, 1868, at ll o'clock A. M. before the Court at Charleston, and that node?-.thereof be. published in TEX CH?BLESTON DATLT NEWS and Charleston Courier, and that all Creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may appear at said time and place and ah ow cause, if any thoy can, why the prayer of the petition he not granted. It ls fur? ther ordered, that the second and third meetings of Creditors be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on the third day of June, 1868, at the office of R. B. CARPENTER, Esapire, Registran By order of Ihe Court, this twentieth day of May, 1868. DANIEL HOBLBECK, Clerk. May25 mwf3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOB,THE D1STBICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF JOHN H. JUNGBLUTH,.BANKRUPT-PETITION FOB FINAL DISCHABGEV-Ordered, that a hearing be had upon the petition on the fourth day of June, 1868,at ll o'clock A. M.. before tte Curt at Charles? ton, and that nottct thereof be published in THE CHABLESTON. DATLT NEWS and Charleston Courier, and that all Creditor* who have proved their debts, and ether persons in interest, may appear st said time and piase and show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the 'petition be not granted. It is far? ther ordered, that the second ana third meetings of Creditors bo held st 10 o'clock A. M. on the third day ?of-Junt, 1869, at the ?nice or B. B. CARPENTER, Esquire, Registrar. By order of the Court, this twentieth day of May, 1868. ' DANIEL HOBLBECK, Clerk. May 25 - mwfS IS THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOB. THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-TN THE MATTER OF ADOL? PHUS J. BUTJES, BANKRUPT-PETTTTON FOB FINAL DISCBABGE.-ordered, that a hearing be had upon the petition OD the fourth day of June, 1868, at ll o'clock A. M., before toe Court at Charleston, and that notice thereof be published in THE CHABLEBTOK DATLT NEWS and Charlea ton Courier, and that all Creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in interest, may appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they can, why the prayer cf the petition be not'aranied. It ls far? ther ordered, that the second and- third meetings of Creditors be held at 10 o'clock A. M. on the third day of June, 1868, at the office of B. B. CABPENTEB, Esquire, Registrar. By order of the Court, this twentieth day of May, 1868. DANIEL HOBLBECK, Clerk. May 25 mwf3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, DISTRICT OF. SOUTH CAROLINA-.TN BANKBUPTCY-IN THE MAT? TES OF JULIUS MATTHIESSEN, PARTNER OF MAT I niESSEN, O'HARA k CO.. BANKRUPT PETITION FOB. DISCHARGE.-On reading ^he petition in this case, on the third day of April. 1868, lt is. hereby ordered that a hearing be had at Charles? ton on the first day of June, 1868, at ll o'clock A. M., and that notice be published that all Creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons in in? terest', may appear at said time and place, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer or said peti? tion should not be granted. - By the Court DANIEL HOBLBECK Clerk District Court United States. April 13 ap'l 13 27, may ll 25. June 1 IN THE DISTRICT COCRT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOB THE DISTBICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA_IN THE . MATTER OF DANIEL W. BRANCH, B \NKBUPT-IN BANK? BUPTCY.-To whom it may concern : The under? signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of DANIEL W. BRiNCH, In the District of Edgefleld, and State of South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Dis? trict, dated the 27th day or March. A. D. 1868. May ls ni3 CHARLES TNGLESBY, Assignee. Business Carbs. T^ILLIAM P. DcSAUSfeURE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE No. 23 BROAD-STREET. May 25 mth2 QAJtUEL K. MARSHALL, fMPOBTEB ANO BEALES IN ENGLISH AN:D AMERICAN HARDWARE, CUTLERY.. GUNS AND AGRICULTURAL IM PLE KENTS, Nb. 310 KIXG-ST., 3d DOOR BELOW S0C1E1Y, Sign ot the Golden Gan, CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 3mo . "pttOST, BLACK. <K CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in, and Manufactu? rers of FURNITURE OE EVERY VARIETY. No. 73 Bowery, near Canal-street. New York. Steamboats. Hotels and Public Buildings furnish? ed at tue shortest notice. All Goods purchused of our House guaranteed as r. presented. . May 1 fmw3mos C. J. SCHLEPEGRELL, Ko. 37 LIKE-STREET, EETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME aud PLASTER? ING LATHS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASSES, SHINGLES, ic, constantly on hand a the lowest market prices. September 12 thtnlvr J7 H. KELLERS 6i CO., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MARKET FRESH ADDITIONS OF DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS RECEIVED WEEKLY. ^PRESCRIPTIONS pl"T CP WITH CARE.-$? January 3 tuttd ^mnsements. F A m R IS AID OF THE YOUNG MENS CHEISTIAN ASSOCIATION, OF CHARLESTON, WILL COMMENCE AT HIBERNIAN HALL, ON "MONDAY EVENLNG,~MAY 26, AT 7 O'CLOCK, AND CONTINUE OPEN EVEEY DAY AND EVEN INO FOR ONE WEEK, FROM 12 M. TO 2 P. M., AND FBOM 5 UNTIL1 ll P. M. PRICE OF ADHISSIOX: Single Tickets.25 cents. Children.10 cents. Serrants in charge of children..10 cents. JKtT*No Baffling will, under any circumstances, be allowed. ...... jKS~The Street Cars wul be in attendance st the close of the Fair. May 22 J OOKQIT FOR MABTENO LOWANDES, The Champion South American . BARE BACK ELDER. LOWANDES' GREAT BRAZILIAN CIRCUS, FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY. ALEXANDER LOWANDES.Director. THIS COMPANY BEING ON A TOUB THROUGH the States, will give A FEW PERFORMANCES IN THIS CITY, having performed in aB South America' and over the West India and Bahama I ?laud?, with great success. They will produce the most * WONDERFUL AND EXCITING A RE ?j?C FEATS ever offered in thia city. Appearing in their DABING DEED: OF HORSEMANSHIP and unequaled ATH? LETIC ACHIEVEMENTS. THE CORPS GYMNASTIQUE is .unapp reachable, either in regard to talent or extent, and will be ena? bled to present every variety of J LEAPING, VAULTING, , :0? & -, ??? ? 2 a ?? ?. j TUMBLING, and ACROBATIC FEATS. aS-Farther particulars will appear uhortly. . May 25 f> RAND ORATORIO XX OF. . DANIEL, OB THE CAPTiYlTY, wm bo Riven at the Military Hall, Wentworth street, on Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, May 27th and 26tb, by several ladies and gentlemen, for the ben edt of St. liam' Protestant Episcopal Church. Professor D. D. MCALPIN, Organist; A R WIGG, Conductor. v Tickets cf admission, 25 cents; children under twelve, 15 Cents." Doors open at Seven, Concert to commence st Eight o'clock. mw2 May 25 JHtsce Uonwtts. M^EraCALTl^O^CE^ FEEING from diseases pertaining to ' the GaNLTO U BIN AB Y ORGANS, will receive the latest scientific treatment, by placing themselves under the care of Dr. T. BEENTSJERNA Office No. 74 HASEL-STREBT, three doors east from the Pcst offlce. _mst_ May 25 DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy' for aU Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists._ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Drusglsta. . ON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CBLEBRA TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE PATIO BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of thc Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists._) [_ DO V T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIO, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Drngglsbi._' _ DON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE PATIO BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the. Liver. For sale by aU Druggists. DON'T FA Ur TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN IONIC, PANKNIN'S HE PATIO BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for ell Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale" by all Druggists._? DO.V'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC. PANKNIN'S "HE PATIO BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by aU Druggists. _?_. O VT FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHEBN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by ag Druggists_ DO.VT FALL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIO, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis. eases of the Digestive Organs and the Li ver. For sale by all Druggets._._ DON'T FAIL TU TRY THE CELEBRA : TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE? PATIC BITTERS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For ?le by aU Druggists. _ ON'T FAIL TO TRY THE CELEBRA? TED SOUTHERN TONIC, PANKNIN'S HE PATIC B?TTEBS, an unfailing remedy for all Dis? eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For i-ale by all DrnngiPts. ITT November 27 Tt: E. C R E A M. TBE ?NDEBSIGNED INFOBMS HIS FORMER customers and the public in general, that he has re? sumed h? Business for the season at the old stand, No. 85 CALUOCN-SThEhT, where he will be happy to see all his former patrons. JJ B._Caris will run as usual to all parts of the city, and no cream sold as mine wfll be genuine un? less'obtained from carts bearing the name of Henry Larcomb. ICE abo for sale at all hours at No. 85 Calhoun-street. HENEY LABCOMB, May5_lm0 ^?OTICJ? TO FARMERS. WILLIAM HU-iT HAS RESUMED HTS OLD BU? SIN Rsa at No. 42 Market-street, north side, where he ls prepared to receive and forward all kinds of VEGETABLES and FBUITS on con?ignment. Lib? eral ad' ance.? will bo made if desired. Consignments for ihe New York, Philadelphia, Bal'imore and Wash? ington Markets will meet with prompt attention. From his lon? experience in this business he feels confident of affording satisfaction to his customers. For those preferring to Sill their products here the highest market prices WU be obtained. Vegetables and all kinds cf country produce will be retailed at wholesale prices._Imo_May 14 C HAKliESTOS STEAM SAW MILL, WEST END OF BEAUFAIX-STREET. THE SUBSCBIBEB Having rebuilt his STEA1I SAW MILL, is now pre? pared to execute ail orders for SHIPPING and CI1Y TRADE with dispatch. JOHN H. STEIN'ME Y Ell, jlay 5 Weit end of Beaufain-street. T H E 0 E R ' S FASHIONABLE BARBER'S SALOON, IS AT No. 93 MARKET-STREET, South sid*, between King and Meeting streets. Mr. HEUEB is a German Barber, has been thor ou 'biy trained to his business, ana is prepared to serve his triends and the public generally in the seve? ral branches of his art, viz: SHAVING HAIR-DRESSING SHAMPOOING HAIR DYING kc, k( January ll ?rorer i cs aub ?isctUmm. CLA?SSEN MILLS, . CHARLESTON, 3. C. WH?ATlvJ1VHEAT I1 WHEAT! tl HAVING JUST FINISHED Di THIS CITY A regular Merchant Floor Mill,! am now pre? pared to purchase -WHEAT, ftrwbich Twill pay ibo highest market value. . F. W. CLAUBSEN. May 25_, : ?I / -? mwO FLOUE ! FW?EXTEOTJR ! 30 fl S?(?3 CHOICE FAMILY FLOUS ' ' *J\J\J 780 sacks Choice Extra Flour ' . An ?? v 250 *acU 0110100 Super Flour. fetSteSS Rround 8t Chm-sen's Mina. For sale low to sni t consumers and the trade; by May 25 a mw? F. W, CLAUSSEN. COAL! COAL! M*?28 ? . " . mwQ $9. COAL!: COAL! $9. EED ASH, EGG AND S TOVE COAL, BEST QUAL? ITY, for Nine Dollira per ton. dehveredT For sale by , . ...... ... WM. JOHNSON, ."Upper Coal Yard, East enc Lanrens-etreet Orders left at Aimer's Drag Starr;. Dr. WQtberger's Drug Store, E. E. Fennal's, or Adams 4 Damon, Broad-street, before TO o'clock each day; wfll be promptly attended to. tj tow ?.. -? g May 8 BACON SlDiES; QA HHD8. STRICTLY CHOICE CLEAR BIB *J VJ AND RIE SIDES.' Landing and for sale by t? ?ta HENRY CORIA b CO. May 23_. _ 2 SHINGLES ! SHINGLES-! MOLASSES, Q A HHDS. CUBA! CLAYED MOLASSES 0*? 100 barrettBugarHouse Syrup ?' . T, Tor sale by ., T. J. BEBB A CO. May 22 3 -8MJE* .TA BABBETy GLUE, OF VARIOUS GRADES, Oy fer aale by . WM~M.BrBD ACO,. May 7 ? ' ?' Na 203 EastBay. mm****. ALL SIZES. FOB SALE BY - WM. M. BIRD & CO.. May? - ? ' ' No. 203tEastBay. HE??aHN^ , X.C\Ck?l DKMI?OHB^OF ALL SIZES OXJXJxJ B?ld?tp*sUlaretWmeB?ffle? For sale low hy . . 5* C LACTUS A WITTE. Apr?21 , . ,~,v ,v?; tegggBgg 3flioa. ; THE BEST . D?ir?PEGTANT. TO?- 'BALE BY . -sarnas. Kmiaa?*'oo?'- ? March 28 / 50.131 ffittofrstrek MARBLE - MANTELS, M0NIJ 5LEXT8, HEADSTONES, die. AFINE.SELECTION OF MARBLE MANTELS constantly'on hand at 8. KLABEB'S Ware room, No. 51 First avenue, near Third-street, New York. Call and examine before buying elsewhere. Februarys*"*, .-? 6mo PALMS FOE AND i OTHERS. . ' ' fTTSE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY JL are now-msnufacmring' tte best, cheapest and most durable Paint in use; two coats, well pnt cm, mixed with pure Linseed OfL win last 10 oe Bf years; lt ls of a light brown ot' beautiful' chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, Paus and Wood enware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boat?, ; Vessels and Ship's Bot? toms, Canvas, Metal arid Ehingle Roofs flt being ?u? and water proof), floor Oil Cloths fons mann facturer having used MOO obis, the past year], and, as a paint xor any parp?se,, ls unsurpassed rot body, du? rability, elasticity* and adhesiveness. Price 16 per bbL of 300 rbi., which will supply a farmer t-.? years toc?me. Wa -.muted in all cases as above. 8end for a cuxular whl;/a gives fuB particulars. None pennine unless brande J ir* a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint, HOLMES 4 CALDER, Agents, December 13 frnw?mo* . Meeting-street COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DMM, FieifERS If 8TS?RS CONSIGN YOUR . - ABBES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTES, CHEESE, EGGS, FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, Fuss AND SEINS, DRIED AND GREEN FBUIT8, GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, GINSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, il,...I C4 tit--.. , ? ... OILS, LARD, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEDS, . SORGHUM, MOLASSES, Ac., ko. . . i t^s^?bv r 'r:'-: ?'sy JOSIAH CARPENTER, GE XE KAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 442, 444 and 446 WASHTNGTO?^TR?ET, New Torie City, ind receive bis weekly PRICE CURRENT of Pro? duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Cur? rent published in the United States. SEND FOB A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards Furnished Free. LIBERAL ADVANCES HADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. Jj Established May 1st, 1860. FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. March 4. o lyr /erttiijcrs. _ GUANO. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. BAUGH'S BAW BOSE PHOSPHATE, QUALITY guaranteed as per analysis of Professor Shep? ard. These manures can be used to advantage as a top dressing, and aid much in stimulating the plant and bringing lt to early maturity. They can be uied with equal advantage for Corn or Cotton. My present Stock, if desired, will be sold, payable 1st January, for approved City acceptance with 7 per cent, interest J.N^BOBSON. Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Whait April 28 c ruths Imo Top Dressing! Top Dressing! MAPES* NITROGEN IZED SUPER-PHOS? PHATE OP LIME, FOB COTTON, COPN, WHEAT AND GENERAL CROPS. AS A Tt)P DRESSING TO A GROWING CROP THIS FERTILIZER cannot be exceUed. It may be used before or after the planting of the crop; for even when applied as a top dressing, it cannot be lost by evaporation, as none of its constituents are volatile. It mav be applied at each hoeing of cotton, and in the hius during the cultivation ot corn and other croo-. When crops have been previously manured in the usual way. and found to be of slug? gish growth, it may be augmented by the use of this Fertiliser. This Fertilizer has been successfully used thiough out the Southern Sutes during the past fifteen years. For nill amlvses of M APES' NITROGENIZED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, letters from promi? nent Plante1 s throughout the State of South Carolina, and analyses of crops, see descriptive pamphlets. -\hich will \jt furnished free of charge; and all orders filled bv H. W. KIN SMA A', >OLE" AGENT FOR SOUTH'CAROLINA, AprU ld No. 153 East Bay. SHELL ROAD. . CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, ) Crn HALL, April 28,1868. J FiBMEBS AND OTHEBS Akt. REQUESTED not to drive over tho line of the Meeting street Ro'd, between Spring and Rumney -s tree ti, during the execution of the work. Cattle drivers are re? quested not to use the Meeting-street Road ax all. ibo disturbance of ah the grade and alignment pegs, recently put up. renders it necessary to make the above request LOUIS J. BABBOT. April 33 City Engineer.