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THE PAIL Y NEWS. S3- LASSEST CIRCULATION'.-IKE DAILY HEWS BEIN (J THE NEWSPAPEB OFFICIALLY ; RECOGNIZED AS HAYING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION ET THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, ?PUBLISHES THE HST OF LETTERS REM AIN - UNG IN THE POSTOFFICE AT THE END OF . EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. LEITCH A Brana wilt ? ell at ll o'clock, at the old postoffloa, several desirable buildings and lots of land in different parts of th? city. Also, under j direction of the Master ta Equity, railroad bonds, j ba >k stocks, Ac. JAKES W. GXAT (Master in Equity) will eau at ll ? o'clock, at the old poet mee, lot of land, with build? ings, on RuUedge-atreet. Ah?, lot of land, with bandines, on Bro?d-stree t. Loam D. IsSAnssoms will sell at ll o'clock, at the old poatofftoe, crick dwelling ho ase and lot on Water street. H. ff. DBLEON wm sell at ll o'clock, at the old postoffice, brick stores, dwellings, ra'Iread and gas stock, and twenty acres of land eix miles from the city. MILES DBASE will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, corner King and Liberty streets, assigned stork of -dry goods, Ac T. M. CAXKX will sell at threo-qnarters past 9 -o'clock, on Brown's wharf, butter, bacon, Ac LAUBXT A ALEXAXUSB will sell at 10 o'clock, at -their store, Nc 137 East Bay, sugar, hams, Ac G. W. BnaWPsl t co. will sell at hall-part 9 o'clock, at their store, No. SO Vendue Bange, should? ers, butter, Ac . B. A A.P. CaldwaQ wfllsell at half-past9 o'clock, before tbeir store, No. - East Bay, corn, bacon, Ac ; Janal? A Co. will sell at half-past 9 o'clock, in - front of their stares, Na - Vendue Bange, hams, ' batter, Ac Hxxxz COSA a Co. will sea at half-past 9 o'clock, la iront of their store, No. - Vendue Range, twenty darcee hams. Joax G. MmxoB a Co. win sell at 10 o'clock, at -their salesroom, Nc 135 Meeting-street, dry goods, -clothing, sc. -. s . PoflTomcB NOTUS..-Under the railroad ?schedule taking effect this day, the Northern maila -TTM close at this office at i P. M. and 9 P. AL daily, ? except on Sundays, when only the 4P. M. mail will be put up. These maila will arrive at 9 A. M. and . -S:S? P. M., and the latter win bo deliverable at 8 A. . M., ana the {armer st 10J< A. M. Theoffioe hour on Sundays wfll continua to be fro ai 13:30 to 1:30 P. M. May IX 1868. ; 8TANLBY O. TKOTT, P. M. IitPOETANT TO TAX-PATKBS-DeHncruent tax , payers foe tho Parish of St Pnlhp*?'arid 8t Michael's i are warned that the executions for tho first half of | 1868. ending March Slat, have ossa issued and lodged laths sheriff's office for collection. There are five hundred and ninety-three executions, . -xorerlcg the amount ot 16,515 2i -:-. Tax Broom to Bliss Mcculloch on Tuesday | night wa? Indeed ? amdsamsV tostrmonisl. We learn i were seven hundred and fifty ; placed la the fair Ps hands previous to. har Jesarture fox Sa- , Tinnah.. . ?.? . ' Tax IMPXBSOSATION CONCERTS of .Harry McCarthy sad Hiss Partington, which . wars sa nounosd for last night were postponed on account of the unavoidable detention of Mr. McCarthy in Jfognata. Tbs promised entertainment will post ?rely take place to-nlsht . . ESCAPE OT A Itor^nATS CHABACTEB.-A ? - white maa named Charlea Hamilton, who is charged with various crimes, and who wa? to hive boen tried . before a mflitary OQtnrn issi roi tn Commbla. on Wed- I nesday. succeeded ta maki og his escape frau his ? colored guard, Monday afternoon,gear Kingsville the guard having aAllan asleep. Hamilton had besa -confined in Castle Pinokney for some tuns. , BASS BALL.-Tb> season for the renewal of j this and other^wt-door sports ia now fairly opened, ana we are pleased to ase that the base baUsts are ap in anns and sager tor the fray. A march game ' wjdl,take< place on Sttard&y s/ternooa, on Citadel -Green, between the Alert and Carolin? Clubs of this ?etty.- These Ciaos contested tho obtmpionship last { y<or, An i the engagement of Saturday will be numor - ousir attended by those who take an interest tn these .pastimes. - - . : ASSAULT AND BATTS?Y.-Wm. Smith sad | Anttwcy Brown, two colored seamen employed on the schooner Pinn, Iring at South Allan tic wharf, into a small caatroraray yesterday, when Brown . ?eut Smith o ve.- the eye, Infliotlng a severe wound. ' The wounded man was taken to the hospital, and the - other to the guardhouse. John riay (white) tried his muscle on Wm. Hop . tina (colored). Hopkins dem ot red. una appealed to a peMbmsu, but May stood on bis dignity, ana re-1 fused to acknowledge the arrest. , He was finally . taken to the guardboTise. . ' Z:M*B& 8;-^rl)e*Coas^^lifre meet?rig.whioh was held at tho Ms?rm Engtaa house, on Tuesday ' -iv^iing, ?bout fifty personi being present, Mr. W. Si Bene rey was called to the chair, ?ul Mr. A. L. Tobias appointed Secretary. Ihe following dele . , g?e? wort? them appointed to Mminate. a Mayor: W. .' S. Heaexey, J. Seraken, J. Hunt, W. B. Smith ?sd - John Bancks! Shs meeting then proceeded to Titimlnats AMsrawin. sad the following were pro* posed: W. G. Wh tiri en, J. WW Teideman, J. H. John? son. Mr. J. H. Johnson wis nominated. ThefnL lowtagwas then adopted: \ ~~\lfe'oit?i, That the delegates be empowered to chop?? their own time in nrtriinattng ? aayor. The rneeting than adjourned,-subjeet to tbs call of MOVEKENI- The emigrant \wbfch ha? frequently visited this [ port en route Inri Liberia, has changed herold pro? gramme sad ?sil?d from Baltimore ?to Savannah,, where a carga ctf colored ernigrsai ts are a waiting her. The Savannah lfcjfobBcan thus chronicle? the; arriv? al of Ula Golconda: V Tas amp Golconda, from Baltimore, has arrived below.. Tao Golconda, ls \ the veesel used by the j Ami--t?-i, ? VUmiW-Hnn B/*M Aiy fttr th? T^p**-' . rrina emigrants io Liberia. '. There aro a large num? ber af negroes wtitlng her arrival at tho Lincoln Hos? pital, who have come from vivrions parts of the State, to take passage for their- native soil, preferring the . coroforte of a home in Liberia to the rrnoarttintiss of thia country. The Golconda will arrive up in A day -or so, whsaaistig^^ /. HOTEL ABBTVALS, WZDSTXSDAX, MAT 13 ' -CktiHtttoa mttl-E WBucker, Anderson, 0 Hr Wm Reynolds, Col J .R Palmer, and E H Hetoltsch, Co? lumbia; L J Jones, Newberry; B H Kempton, Hew York; Prank W Jones, Wajhington;, L F Gusrr, Flor.dee; J W Snaguo. city; Hon JN Friersonand tim fly. Clarendon; Dr M Bsynoldx and famfly, . Ststefcburg; J A ?oang, Camden; W Allen, wife and ?two children.; RH Morris. Bttthmaa??, YS; Bobext Shaw, Philadelphia, Ed c Gormly and H M Howe, Pittsburg; Alexander Kelley, Wilmington, Delaware; Esr Dr, Serin, Hrs Nevin, Dr J Nevin, Master Wtflie Nevin, and Mrs Sawyer, Florida; frederick H Pendleton and ?errant, Harth Carolina; R Dooglas, Augusta, Gs;HE Maynadier, familyand .-two se.vants, United States Army. Pavilion Hool.-J 8 Blchardaon and family, Sum? ter; N B Mellkharap, Florence; W J McFadden, Clarendon;F BefaJ, Bear" aBluff; Dr JKSutttvan, - Greenville; 3 8 Thomas and son, New York; J T ; Shakieforoe, Griffin, Geo; JohnD Harper, Kingstree, 8 C; Honry Smith. Winlaton, 80; A ABmo, Florence; S'Lesaeae, Clarendon; L A Bigger, Manning; J H . Keels, Go?rdin's; B H Lssssne, Clarendon; Capt J j ^M. solaran, Greenville COLONEL BOMTOBB.-At a meeting of th; Bo ard of Commissioner* of tbs City of Raleigh, held at the Mayor's office on the evening of tbs 6th inst, ?? th? following resolutions were unanimously adopt? ed : Wksnat, Tia? Board has learned that in the re ? ' cent change? of troops in this department Colonel J. 7. Bomford, th? Commander of this Post and nts oornfnand,bare been ordered to Charleston; X HO TO f111*6, Resdvsd, That this Board, ta view of its past om caa! rel?tiora wim Pot-Bomford, and th? officer* and .oilier* of bia command, feels ca led upon to expr?s? : iter?gr?t?ih*Tm?to part with? oommand which, hythe BgMtjSMs of it? action aaa tho vain? of ita ?ervica? in the preservatioD of order and the admin f^^^ torfl^Juatic*, has so endeared ltsaL* to Ods Board and to the csramnurty generally. Jtooiwd, That the high soldiarb qualities and gsntiemaaiy bsAring exhibited at -all times by Col. Bomfjid ia rbis community har? won for him um vetsal esteem as . friend and feUow-^tizen, and ex .?Ued ?e Uvellest iuterest in the futur? wetf ire of himself sad hts excellent fatally. stott***., That the Mayor is requested to transmit a oosroiJhsss rssolutuwk* to ?d. Bomford, with the requect thai he commtinicata tb? same to the of. flows ?.ad soidlero ot his oomrrjand. ?SaoiveJ, That the clerk i* directed to apread theae reaolutiona upon the minutes of the Board, and to ^^teh^coptes of the'same to the cltypspsrs tor ? PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. body, consisting of the clergy and lay de fro ai ovary Episcopal Church in the State, co yesterday morning at St Philip's Church. The morning prayer was said by the Rev ' Gadsden, and che service recite! as far ss thi by Eev John Johnson. The ante communie vice was read by the Bev P J Stand, and the s delivered by the Rer Wm P Dubose, from Ti IL The Rev W B W Howe read the offerte! tances and prayer lor the church militant, at C Hanckel, D D, performed the renuinder service, assisted by the Bevs P J Shana, T F den and John Johnson. After a brief Interval the convention was cal order ny the Bishop. The roll of the clergy wi called by the secretary, and the following ana to their names : J H Cornish, A H Cornish, ' Dubose, C P Gadsden, Philip Gadsden. Tl Gadsden. A Glennie, J M Green, L F Gi Hanckel. D D, J S Hanckel, Wm H Hsnckel Hay, WBWHowe, BP Johnston, JobnJohi PT Keith, A W Marshall, D D, J D McCullou McEBevan, S Malliohamp, T W Mennning Moore, J W Motte, C 0 Pinckney, A T Porter Potter, W O Prentice, B B Sams, J J Sams Shand, P F Stevens, P Trapier, B S Trapler, Walker, Bobe rt Wilson. The roll of parishes and churches entitled presentation wt s then called, and the foUowin swered : St Philip, Charleston: St James' St St Themas and ft Dennis, 8t Helena, Bea Prince George Winyaw, Prince Frederick's, Pee St Michael's, Charleston; St David's, Ch era w Paul's, Bad cliffeboro'; St Paul's, Pendleton; Tr. Columbia; Christ Church, Greenville; irinit; dety HOI; Trinity. Abbeville; St Tbaddece, A Zion, Richland ; Grace Church, Charleston; Ch of the Advent Spartan burg; Church of the Communion, Cazmonsboro'; Church of the Red er, Orange burg; St. Luke's, Charleston; St Jo Bichland; Church of the Nativity, TJnlonv?le; Cb of the Epiphany, Upper St John's; St Pani' George Dorchester; St Stevens', Charleston. The nat of the clergy was referred to a comm cons tating of the Rev Mesan P Tr?nier, D D, Cornish, W B W-Howe, and the certificates a deputies to a committee consisting of J J Pr Smith, T P Ilford and Wm Reynolds. These i mittees reported severally as follows: The Committee on Clergy reported that the fol lng were on ti tl od to all the privileges of the Con tion: Bevs E E Bellinger, E Capers, A H Comb H Cornish, W P Dubose, C P Gadsden, T F Gads A Glennis, J M Green, L F Gary, J 8 Hanckel W HanokeL P D Hay, W B W Howe, Wm Johnston, Johnston, Jno Johnston, C 7 Jones. D D, P T Ki E C Logan, W W Lord, D C, A|' Marshall, D D, McCullough, Stiles MsUichampr^. Moore, O 0 Pl ney, A T Porter, W B Prentice, J M Pringle, Sams, J J Sams, Joseph B Seabrook, P J Shand, Sternes, P Trapler, D D, aS Tranter, E T Wal Jos R Walker, Bobt Wilson. The following were enroled to seats and a vi but not lo a vote: X Y anderson, J G Drayton, FeB, Philip Gadsden, C Hanckel, DT, JW H La CE Le ve ett T H Lacas, D MoEHevan, FWM minger, J W Miles, JW Motto, J O'Bsar, MT Poi C D Walker and J.J Welch. The Commi ttee on Lay Delo ja tea reported that following are entitled to seats: St Philip's, Charleston-E Mc Crady, H D Lesen J i Pringle Smith.? W A Pringle. * St James Santos-W?. 11?, A H Seebrook.* Christ Church-J E Dewson, J I* Kinloch. St Thoatas sad St Pennis- Alfred1 Huger, ; Nowell,* J Bose. St Helena, Beaufort-F F Sams, . A Barnwell.* ? Prince George Winjan-S 8 Fraser, P J Middle I Jr.** JosD Pyott J H Bead.* Prince Frederick, Peedee-J B Sparkman, B St Heriot Bently Weston, Ben] Alston.* St Michael's, Charleston-J. P. Jerv#y,? Jw M \ son,* Richard Caldwell,* W C Courtney. St. David's Cheraw-ffUHsm Godfrey,* E J W diO,*, Thomas E Pow?, H Mciver. St Paul's, Badcliffeboro'-W T Wragg,* ? Hohnes, W L Trenholm, J D Aiken.* Trinity, Colamtif*-Wm Reynolds,* J B Palme E H Belnitech,* J P Tho n as. rt Paul's, Pendl-ton-James F Green,* W Warren, W H D Gaillard,? F. Porcher. Christ Church, Greenville-H C Markely. * Trinity. Society HUI-Thomas Smith,* J NV liaras, W ' Pbinney. Trinity, Abbeville-Jam ?a A Norwood, WilUan Lee,* J T Boberts n, John A Tal madre. St Thaddeus, Aiken-smory Coffin,* H W Baven P T Hayne.* ZIQP, Bichland-H P Green, W B Clarkson,* J Woodruff. Grace Church, Chirles ton-Wm Wasley, F P ! ford,* D Jennings,* a Fitch, M. D ? Church of the Advent St a?tanburg-W S emit J C Winsmlth, L T Hsnckel, T W Nowell* ' Church of the Holy Communion; Connohsboro' HLloomer, G A Trenholm, John Hanckel,* Edwa Sebring. Grace Church, Anderson-W H Peronneau, E Booker.* A T Broylos, Jos Pr?vost. Church of the Redeemer, Orangeburg-G H Wt ter.* St Luke's, Charleston-WC Bee,* IS EBennett PP Porcher.* ? St. Joto"s, m chi ?ad-D W Bay,* B H Brown. ' . Weston, Bobt Adams. . Canst Church, Columbia-Tho? B Clarkson,* H Thompson, O F Jackson,* Wm Wallace. Church of tho Nativity, Unionvflle-T N Dewain D Johnson, J W McClure, R W Shand.* Church of the Epiphany, Upper St John's-Phill C Knit, Chas Sinclair, Jas Ga?lard, Jr, Jno Stone Porcher. * t ' St Stephen's, Pineville-W M Porcher, Julius DuXcac. Ft.- Paul's, St. George Dorchester-B A Pringl John Gadsden.* fat Stephen's, Charleston-GE Tr escott,* H Archer,*' J McCrady, J E Newton. .. The reports being received, the names of the del gatos were called and forty-five found to be presen (The names are marked with an asterisk.) . On motion, the Ber J D Mc Cullock was unan moualy re-elected secretary and the BerWPBi bose appointed his assistant Mr T P Elf o rd was elected treasurer eira voce. The Ber Bobt Wilson was appointed preacher be fore the next annual convention, and the Ber 1 ho F Gadsden, alternate. The president also appointed several stondhu committees, which were thb same as those ot las year, with soma slight modlficationi. The standing committee of the Dioceses reporto that they had recommended to the Bishop, as candi dates Tor order*, Mr Wm H Campbell and Nath'l ? Fu 1er; for Deacon's orders. Messrs Jno W Motto Walter C Querry, F Withers Merominger, and Octa? vius Porcher; for Priest's orders, Ber P ti Hay, B1 Dunkin Perry, Thoa Gadsden and T With- rs Mern minger. They also gave canonical consent to the cons?cra? tion of Ber J F Young, I lshop elect of the Diocese of Floxias, Bev J W Beckwith, bishop elect of Geer gis, and of the Ber W H Bissau, D D. Bishop eleel : of Vermont; also of the Bev Francis M Whittle, at assistant bishop of Virginia. The committee to whom was referred the applies . rion of St John's Church, Florence, for admission to the convention, reported favorably. The Committee os Clergy reported in favor of the resolution concurred in at the last convention amending the constitution, and the tollo wing reso? lution was unanimously adopted: Resolved. That Section 2. Article OT, be amended by inserting after the word "Blocese," in next to last line, ?or who after a continued service of at l*aet twenty years in the Diocese, by the infirmities of health or of age may have been incapacitated for further ac ti YO duties of the ministry." After some other unimportant business the con? vention waa dismissed with prayer, and adj out ned to meet at 10 A. M., to-day. SALK OP SEO?E ITI EB.-ileasra. Leitch '& Bruns sohl yesterday $10,500 of old State stock tor forty-nine cents. Seren Northeastern Railroad Bonds, $000 each, f yr seventy-one tents. , 9tve Income bonds M<nnphla and Ohio Railroad, $1000 each, for seventeen cents. One hundred and three whole shares Southwestern Railroad stock far thirty-two and a half to thirty-two and throo quArter-cents. Ons hundred and three half shares Southwestern Railroad stock f jr fifteen ?nd three-quarters to six? teen cenia. j Fortr-three share* Peoples' Bank stock for $115 per abare. - CouponJ Northeastern Baflroadat forty-seven cents. -Coupon* Memphis and Ohio Railroad at twelve and a half cents. THE CATHOLIC FAUL-The announce: that the Fair was to be positively closed, the rn; of pretty articles waiting for an owner, the fallo , Harry Macarthy to make his appearance, and fir the intense interest taken in the contest for the man's silver trumpet and suit, drew a crowd night that packed the hall to suffocation, and in ed the managers to continue the Fair for j nsi nights longer. It is now announced that the w?l positively close on Friday night. While the ballots were being counted the mos tense excitement prevailed. The votes were cou in a lower room, and when the managers appe there was a'general rush to the hall, which was t densely crowded. The managers took their stat on the stand, but it was some time before soffit order could be enforced, and the bell was ram pea tedi y before the vote could be announced, following table shows the result of the balle tiing Vigilant. Marion. Pioneer. .Etna.. Washington........... ?". ". ". " *. '. German. Hope. Palmetto. Hook and Ladder Ko. 3. Pheonix. Banks. Total.; ?s soon as it was known that the Pioneer was victorious company, the excitement of the cn found vent in three cheers, and an affectionate i bracing scene was enacted by so oe of the lu Pioneers, lt was some minutes before the crt dispersed, and the warning bell was not rung u some minutes later than usual The following is the list of prizes drawn. It ' be seen that among them is the great raffle * forty prizes, each of which was worth far more tl the money expended. Pair vues, J O Sch ac to ; fancy paper weight, , Black; pair powder cases, J P Chase; two gi paintings, Mrs J B Lafitte; silver eggstand, Bev! Quigloy; silver cup, J A Tomat; elegant pra book, Mrs E McCarthy; pair tidies, W W Taylor; ] turo, Miss Mary Orten; fruit cake. Miss Tn der H bag sugar plumbs, Miss Lizzie Johnson; picture Mt. Calvary, Bichar? (Both; cameo breastpin, Chaza!; fruit cake, 0 Luchheit; pin cushion, Brewer; silver butter dish, Mrs SaUgman; fruit ca Thomas Murphy; child's embroidered dress i sacque, Mr Gantt; fruit cake, E Lafitte; doll, J M don; holy water font, Miss Bose Bechard; wa stand, E. Clarke; a bride, L Truall; marseilles au Miss Mary A Gannon ; set of shirrs, S Sellers; robe chambre, Hoppcck; toilet set, Magrath; fruit ca' W B Botchloss; gold thimble, C O Campbell; cam bird cage, Paul B Lalane; iced cake. Carrie; rosa Miss Josie Brake; tea set, Mrs Boa vins; twei pounds of cake, B Coraray; photograph of Blah Lynch, Mrs V 8oubeyroux; preserved citron, ll L B Addison, one shirt, Thomas Mulcahy; ] cushion, John Touhey; cushion, Cull eton. The following prizes, forty in alL were won by tl subjoined parties: One pair vises, Beanie?i Chase; writing portfolio, Mrs F L O'Neil; writi portfolio, Hon J B Campbell; one pair ear ringa a breastpin, E L Henery; child's dress, B Gulller? dressing gown. Captain John.N; plnoushic Patrick D'-ane; large worsted doll, Mrs Charl Johnson ; bead bag, Hugh S Angle; child's dress, H Williams, Jr; worsted Afghan, Junes A tanti infant's dress, Israel Ottolengui; doll, B F Mob handkerchief, J a Tomli&son; baby cap, John Foote; handkerchief, M P O'Connor; child's drei Senor Moneado; red jacket, Florence T Downe dolL Mrs Henry Street; child's diese, Israel Ottole gul; ladles' companion, Hon James B Campbe bazlquo box and gama, Martin C McGan; pair mai Mr. Hoppock; pair mats, Dr C D i1 ega ; worsted hoi dres3, Samuel Y Tupper; pair vases, J B Lee; do: D M Drlstoll; chemise band, T D Clancy; hw dress, Mr Hoppock; sack, Mrs John J Cohen; phot graph of Father O'Neill. Mrs Phillp Wiseman: pocket book, Mr E 7 Sweegan; breastpin, Mrs F O'Neil; breastpin, A H Mowry; office stand, Ml Did dell; infant's flannel, H H Williams, Jr; infant flannel, H T Peake, Esq; China cup and saucer, a Barnes; sash, S Y Tupper; child's cloak, John Devereux. THE COUBTS.-The Stato Court was occt pied yesterday, and will bo to the end of the term, I hearing civil cases of no goner .1 Interest. Tb? Court of Equity convened, but, no bualnei being ready, it was adjourned until to-day at 1 A. M. _ ; UNITED STATES GODET-WEDNESDAY, MAY 1! HOM. GEO. B. BBTAN, PUESICLNG. -Simeon Fair,Esq presented the petition of Jas. B. Hair, of Le mg toi for voluntary bankruptcy, and on his motion tb case was referred to Henry Summer, Esq., Begit trar. The following ^rere referred to E. B. carpen toi Esq., Begistrar: J. J. Davis, of Clarendon-Blandlng, Eichardso: and Blume pro pet Barnett Livingstone, Orangeburg-Izlar and Did ble pro pet J. S. McFaddin, of Menning-Blandlng, Richard son and Bhame pro pet. The following appointments of assignees wer j made by Henry Summer, Begistrar, and approve by the Judge : T. J. Levin, for Caiman A Exender; H. W. Price [ for J. W. Davidson; >>. W. Co oman, for W. E. Clary j D. C. Pnirott a. tor Philip Epstein; A. C. Hawthorn for Wm. Hood; Jacob Levin, for Jas. C. Kenneth j Wm. Enotts. for H. O. Martin; Wm. Knotts, for J W. Martin. I In re Jno. G. Grant-a bankrupt Petition for In j qtdsPion to stay levies, Ac. B. B. Carpenter, Esq. [ reported favorably on the petition, and the Judge gnnted an order authorising the assignee to tell thi property in question. The ease of Caroline Carson vs. Robertson, Ball MoBlrnie ard others, was continued to the hour oi adjournment_ COUBT or APPEALS-COLUMBTA, MONDAY, MAT ll.-Opinions were pronounced in the following cases: Wm. Pluckier vs. A. B. Jordon and wife. Donkin, C J. Decree affirmed. E. J. Moody, assignee, va C. B. Haselden, W. H. Moody and A God bold. Inglis. A J. Decree modi? fied. Thomas Lyster and John 0. Lyster vs. Bo bert C. Hamer, et aL Dunkin, C. J. Appeal dismissed. W. J. Morris ada. S. T. Cooper. Wardlaw, A J. Motion dismissed. Samuel Watson VB. Evan der J. Moody. Inglis, A. J. Motion dismiasei. Elizabeth Shaffer et al vs. N?al C. McDuffie. Ward law, A. J. De? ce? affirmed. R. D. F. Rollins ads. the State. Wardlaw, A J. Motion granted. Benjamin Crowley for another, vs. Elias Stein. Wardlaw, A. J. Morion granted. Isaac Eubank s ada. the State. Dunkin, C. J. Mo? tion dismissed. Columbus A White vs. Lemuel Thomas and P. L. Dean. In J Us, A J. Motion granted. Elbert Brownlee ads. the State. Wardlaw, A J. Motion in arresst of judgment granted. Oases from Northern Circuit were then called: D. S. Lee vs. 6. Kraft and wife. Mr. B. F. Arthur for appellant Mr. C D. Melton read argument ol Mr. Bobo contra. Daniel McLure et ah, vs. George Steele, adminis? trator, et aL Mr. Smith read brief and was heard until hour of adjournment The following cases were struck off: E. G. BUlings, Commissioner in Equity, va. James H. Davis. Lafayette Po tea: ads. the ? tate. M. M. Calhoun et al, vs. Floride Calhoun et aL, was continued. Wm B. Prysock, who had been convicted of rob. bery, having abandoned bis appeal, was arraigned and sentenced. Tuetday, May 12.-The case of Daniel McLure, et. st, vs. Geo. ; teele, administrator, et aL, was resum? ed. Mr. Smith concluded his argument for appel? lant Mr. Williams contra. Mr. Smith in reply. . Moses Lindsey, et aL, vs. E. P. Sandi er, et at Mr. Smith waa heard for appellant My. Williams contra. J. N. McElwee, Jr., vs. 8. W. Massey, et aL Mr. Smith read bri. f and heard for appellant until hour of adjournment._ REPUBLICAN WARD MKETTNQB.-In accord? ance with the resolutions adopted at the Club House on Tuesday night meetings of BepubUcans were held in the different wards last night to nominate nine delegates from each ward. We have received the following: Ward 1-J F Greene, John M Adams, Joseph A Gftlhbtt, Mark Cochran, George B Stoddard, Ports M Wilhams, Cyrus B GlUUrd, Wm B Hoyt, Wm Tatt Ward, 3-Whilom M ls haw, Ale loader Williams, April Washington, David Barrow. Henry Wages, Joseph W Lloyd, Charles Daly, Joseph P Howard, William Ivans. Ward a-Peter L Mular, John Robinson, Thomas M Holmes, T E Dixon, F B Miller, M Moss, Charles Simmons. Bobert Arteon, W J Murray. Ward 6-Dr E C Heckler, Wm Millar. John Bo? num, J Davis, Jacob Motte, John Allen, J Aiken, B Savage. J Deas. Ward 6-George Addison, John Campbell, B Beils, E C Tucker, B Forrest, Dr Camplin, Wm Dart, J D Price, Dr Collins. Ward 7-1P Wall, J B Muebiagton, H C Moseley, Joris ? Musbington, John Stoving, Bi chard Prince, Wm Poag, A Taylor, Jr, eamuel Taylor. Ward 8-?bert E Philippy. L W McLemore, O F Davis, J M Freeman, J S Smith, J H Cole, J B Mor? ris, F Mitzeh J A Hayna. The central committee will meet on Friday night MAT QUEEN.-The managers of the Fly month Fair (colored), held in Meeting-street oppo? site Pinckney, design giving a representation of the May Queen and her Court this evening, that will repay a visit The Fair presents other attractions for visitors, and should be patronized. BTJSnSTESS NOTICES. HTH. If you want cheap Blank Books ; If yon want cheap Stationery, Envelopes, Paper, Ao. ; or Miller's Almanac ; If yon want Printing executed neatly; If yon wont Books bound in any style, or Account Books made to order, with any desired pattern of ruling, go to Hiram Harris, Agent Ko. 69 Broad street. CASHMERE GOATS.-Mr. Seth Spencer wants to purehise some Cashmere goats. Applications may be made at Ko. 7 State-street Cloting aub /nrai9j)ing ?ooh. NOW IS THE TIME ! NOW 13 THE TIME TO THROW OFF YOUR WINTER CLOTHING AND TO RE? PLACE IT WITH GARMENTS SUITED TO THE WARM WEAT HE bl THAT IS NOW UPON US. IF YOU ABE IN NEED OF A LIGHT WOOLLEN OR LINEN SUIT, YOU WILL FIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT AT BI A CU LL, YR, WILLIAMS ?ft PARKER'S, Who have a full stock of KEW GOODS, JUST MAN? UFACTURED, that will suit all, as wi*i be seen by the list of prices given below : A NICE STYLE OF CHECK CAS SEME RE SUITS-SACK, PANTS AND VEST.$ 6 00 A NICE STYLE OF GREY FLANNEL SUIT SACK PANTS AND VEST.. 8 00 A KICK STYLE OF OBEY FLANKE ? SUIT SACK, PANTS AND VEST.13 00 BEAL SCOTCH FANCY CASSIMEBE SUIT SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 19 0 DARK MIXED CASSIMEBE SUIT-SACK, PAMS AND VEST.18 Ot DARK MIXED CASSIMEBE SUIT-SACK, PANTS AND VEST. 210 FINE DARK INDIGO BLUE FLANNEL SUITS-SACK. PANTS AND VE8T..18 00 FINE DARK INDIGO BLUE FLANNEL SETTS-PACK, PANIS AND VEST.19 Ol FINE DARK BLUE INDIGO FLANNEL 6UIT8-SACK, PANTS AND VEST.. 20 00 KEW STYLE FAKCY CASSIMEBE SACKS, GOOD AS CUSTOM' W?BK.$6 to 16 00 KEW81YLE FAKCY CASSIMEBE PANTS $1 to 10 00 HEW STILE FANCY CASSIMEBE VESTS $2 to 5 00 FINE BLACK CLOTH LINED SACKS... .$9 to 18 00 i IKE BLACK CLOTH DBESS FROCKS, EQUAL TO AKY CUSTOM WORK..$9 lo 35 00 FINE BLACK DOESKIN PANTS..M to 12 00 WHITE MAB5EILT.ES VESTS, EQUAL TO CUSTOM MAKE. S3 to 6 00 WHITE AND COLOBED LINEN AND DUCK SACKS.$160 to 7 OT WHITE AND COLORED LINEN AND DUCK PANTS.....$100 to 800 WHITE AND COLORED LINEN AND DUCK VESTS.I.$160 to 4 00 COTTON ADE AND SATINET SACKS.. .$2 00 to 3 CO COTTON ADE AND SATINET PANIS.. .SI 00 to 2 GO GENTLEMEN 'S FURNISHING GOODS. WHITE SHIRTS, Silk and Merino UNDER? SHIRTS, Biown and Bleached Jean and Linen DHAWER8, GLOVES, HOSIERV, TIE*, SOABFS, BOWS, COLLARS, Ac ?3? ONE PRICE. Goods aU starked in ptain fig? ures. Ko deviation made. MACULLAR, WILLIAMS & PARKER, No. ?70 KING, CORNER OF HA8EL-8TREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. April 22 ' S PRING AND SC MAIER CLOTHING. GEORGI! LITTLE $ CO., No. 213 KING-STREET, NEXT TO VICTORIA HOTEL, Have just received a now and Urge supply of MEN'8, YOUTH'S AND BOY8' CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, which they are oiler lng at unusual low prices. They would call especial attention to their assort? ment of YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, which win bo found the largest and mort varied ever oflered in this city. Mr.y 1_? _ Imo QLOTHINC AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CLOSING OUT SALE OF THE SEASON\ We are now offering the balance of our SPRING and SUMMER oIOOE at greatly reduced prices. J. 8. A- E. PIEB*ON, May 5 Imo No. 26 Hayne-street iHillineri) (Boots. Mrs. K. J. ZESNOIf WOtLD RESPECT? FULLY inform the Ladles that she will OPEN THIS DAY A LARGE ASSORT? MENT OF MILLI? NERY, of all the latest \ and most desirable styles, including Madame Eemorest's CELEBRATED PAPER PATTEBN8. DRESSMAKING in ali it* branches. A perfect flt guaranteed. STAMPING AND EMBROIDERING DONE TO ORDER. No. 302 KINO-STREET, Fourth Door above Wentworth-etreet April 16 tuthsSmo Charleston, . SPECIAL NOTICE TO FARMERS WELCH & BRANDES, NOS. 67 AKD 69 STATE STREET, having increased and extended their facilities for SHIPPING AKD FORWARDING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Solicit consignments for the Kew York, Philadel? phia, Baltimore and Washington markets, on which liberal advances will be made if desired. . To those preferring to sell tneir products here, he highest market prices will be paid. April IS Imo Jlari?on $?[?S. Ribbons, Ladies' Ronnets, Men's Strata Eats, Felt and Wool Eats, Clothing and Dry Ooods. BY JOHN G. MILNOR & CO. THIS DAY, 11th, at 10 o'clock, ve will sell at oar auction store. No. 136 Meeting-street, A desirable invoice of BIBBONS, Bonnets, Hats, Clothing and Dry Ooods, just received per steamer Champion. ooHSisTXKo or: Cartoons Bonnet BIB BUNS, Cartoons IK Border? ed Bibbons Cartoon: Nos. 3, 4,6 Watered Bibbons Cartoons No. 4 Trimming Bibbons Cases Ladies' Straw Hats Cases Men's Felt and Wool Hats Cases Men's Fancy Straw Hats, Leghorn Hats Silk Head Nets, Bead Head Nets. ALSO, An invoice ot CLOTHING, Dry Goods and Shop Goods. Kentucky Jean Costs, Linen Vests, Flannel Coats, Black and Check Vests. Pants. Jumpers, Vestings, Blue Plaids, new style Fancy Prints, superior Nee? dles, Palm Fans, Jaconel Muslins. Dotted Swiss Muslins, Lawns, Suspenders, Pins, Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Mite, corsets, Parasols, Ac. Conditions cash. May ll Assignee's Sale-Postponed on Account of the Weather. ' MILES BRAKE Will seU TBIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at his Store, comer of King and Liberty streets, A LABOE STOOKOF DEY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ac, by order ot th? Assignee. Pieces PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS Pieces Cambric, Tape Checks, Nainsook, Brilliant Pieces Poplins, Mozamblques, DeLsines Pieces Grenadine, Barege, Lawn, Plaid, Diaper, Nan? keen V Flannel, Carsimere, Satinet, Broadcloth, Ac Dozens Hoop and Balmoral Skirts, Ladies', Misses' and Gent's assorted Hosiery Suspenders, Neckties, L. C., H. S. and T. B. Hdkfs Spool Cotton, Stay Binding, Diamond Lace; L. B. Shirts Shirt Fronts, Umbrellas, Needles, Buttons, Ac. CLOTHING. 160 Cassim ere. Linen and Saunet COATS 800 pair Cassi mere, Unen and Satinet Pants CO Cassiraere, linen and Saunet Vests 6 dozen Farmers' Spades. On TO-MORROW, 1 will sell, 76 cases BOOTS AND SHOES._May li [POSTPOKED OH ACCOUNT OT THE WZATHZB.] Corn, fie BY B. & A. P. CALDWELL. THIS DAY, the 11th inst, will be sold bet?re our Blore, at half past 9 o'clock, 70 BAGS CORN. ALSO, BACON SHOULDERS Kegs Nails Boxes Caadles Boxes Cheese Boxes Claret Wine. Condl?ons cash._May 14 Hame, Butter, Lard, fie. JEFFORDS & CO. Wm sell THIS DAY, iwlront of their stores, at ?K o'clock, 800 Choioo SUGAR CURED HAMS 10 tubs Choice Butter 35 tubs I eat Lard 400 Shoulders 4 hhds. Smoked Cumberlands 30 barreli Choice Eating Potatoes 35 barrels Light Brown Sugar 25 barrels Syrup 25 barrels Flour._May 14 v Shoulders, Butter, Cheese, Sec. G. W. STEFFENS & CO. WOl sell TBIS DAY. m front of their Stores, No. 28 and 3C Vendue Range, at half-past 9 o'clock, 10 HDDS. SHOULDERS 10 tubs Butter 25 boxes Cheese 1 hhd. Joles CO bbls. Fine ? lour 200 boxes Herrings J. 60 boxes Candles 10 boxes Cocoa 20 quarter barrels Pigs' Feet May 14 Sugar, Earns, Pigs' Feet, Tongues, fie. BY LAUREY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, the 14th instant, will be sold in our store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 20 bbls choleo Grocery Sugar. ALSO, HAMS, Smoked Beer, Pigs' Feet, Tongues. Conditions cash. May 14 Sugar-cured Earns. BY HENRY CO BI A & CO. THIS DAY, at half-post 9 o'clock, in front of our store, will be sold, 20 tierces HAMS. Conditions cash._May 14 Butter, Bacon, Pork, Crockery, ??c. BY T. M. CATEB. Will bc sold, THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at three-quarters past 9 o'clock, 47 Arkins and tubs NEW BUTTER 600 Bacon Shoulders 20 bbls Mess Pork Lot open Crockery. Conditions cash. May 14 Prags, Cljcratcols, (Etc QOSTAR'S PREPARATION8. EVERYBODY-Tries them ! EVERYBODY-Uses them ! EVERYBODY -Behaves in them 1 EVERYBODY-Recommends them ! "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Roaches, Ants, Ac 'COSTAR'3" BED-BUG EXTER. A Liquid-Kflls-"Sure thing." "COSTAR'S" INSECT POWDER. For Fleas, Moths, Insects, Ac. "COSTAR'S" CORN SOLVENT. For Corns, Bunions, Ac. "C03TAR*S" BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Ac 'COSTAR'S" BISHOP PILLS. (Sugar Coated) Dinner PUL "COSTAR'S" COUGH REMEDY. For Coughs, Colds, Ac. "COSTAR'S" BITTER-SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. Beautifies the Complexion. * Makes the Skin fresh and fair. ?5-111 Beware III of all Worthless Imitations. JaW None Genuine without "COSTAB'S" Signature. ?3- 25c. and 60c. sizes kept by all DRUGGI. TS. SGT (1 sizes sent by mail oo receipt of price. mW ?2 pays for any three $1 sites by Express. OW 95 pays for eight SI sizes by Express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, No'. 612 BBOADW?Y, N. Y. kW For sale by HOWIE & MOISE, and GOODRICH, WIN EM AN & CO., CHARLESTON, 6. C. aw And at Wholesale in all the Cities and large towns m the U. c. May 2 o A o 6mos Ruction Salts. [SALE POSTPONED o jr ACCOUNT or XBZ WEAXBXS.] SWUJW Mouse in Queen-street, one door from Rutledge-street, south side. W. Y, LEITCH & TL S. BRUN& Auctioneers. WO! be sold THIS OAT, 11th instant, at tbs Old Poetomce, at ll o'clock. abat d?sirable SMALL HOUPE. containing roar rooms, situated in Queen-street south side, one door from Butiedfte. Lot measures 19 feet front by 107 feet deep, more or less. Terms-One half cash; balance in 12 months, with interest, secured by bond and mortgage. Property to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pa? us for papers and stamps. May li_ Desirable Stand for Grist MUI, Blacksmith or Carpenter Shop. W. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. Will be sold st auction, THIS DAT, 14th luttant, at ll o'clock, in front of Old Post mee, That spacious SHcD BUILDING in Ma ?roz in e 6 treet, a tew doors from Archdale-street;. Lot 32 feet front on Magazine-street, by 104 deep. On the prem? ises is a spacious Shed on brick pillars. 104 by 20, with stable. Conditions cash ; purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. May 14 Positive sale by order of Executor of James Moorehead-Mouses and Lot in Archdale-st., nearly opposite Market-street. W. Y. LEITCH & E. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. THIS DAY, 14th inst, will be sold at auction, at ll o'clock, at the Old Postofflce. AB that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings there? on, known as number thirty-seven (87) Archdale street, measuring and containing on Archdale-*treet SS feet, 18 feet on the back line, and 141 feet deep, more or less; being south of the Bread and Cake Bakery. Terms-One-third cash ; balance in two years, with interest payable Femi-annuaHy, secure-1 bv bond and mortgage of the property; property to be insured and policy assigned. Parch'isers to pay us for pa pera and a!amps._2thl , M<yl4 Grocery Store at Auction. W. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. Will be sold at Aucticn. THIS DAY, the 14th instant, at ll o'clock, at the Old Postofflce, That BBICK STOBE AND DWELLING, on. the west side of Cburch-etreet, one door south of Tradd, known as No. 47. The house and kitchen are built of brick (two and a half stories high); the house con tains ten rooms, besides store. On the lot is a cis? tern, welland all necessary outbuildings. Lot meas? ures 36 feet front by 118 feet in depth, more or less. Terms-One-half cash; balance in one year, with interest, secured by t ond and mortgage; property to be Insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stomps. May 14 Residence Corner Lynch and Beaufain streets. W. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BBU.SS, , Auctioneers. Wul be sold at Auction THIS DAY, 14th instant, at ll o'clock. That desirable RESIDENCE, at the northwest corner Lynch and Beaufain streets, contaimng four square and two attic rooms, with pantry, gas, and every modern convenience. Upon the premises are a kitchen, brick stable and cistern, and all necessary outbuildings. The garden is elegantly laid out, and planted with the choicest roses and exotics. Walks laid in cement; arbors, kc. Lot measures on Lynch street 62 6.12 feet, by 175 feet in depth, more or less. Terms-One-third cash; balance payable in ?.wo notes at one and two years, with interest from date, secured by mortgage of property. Policy of insur ano?> to be assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers. May 14_ [SALE POSTTO^XO OK ACCOUNT OT THZWZATHXB.] UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. The Charleston Savings Institution vs. Mitchell. THIS DAY, 14th May, at ll o'clock, wm be sold at the Old Customhouse. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the BUILDINGS thereon, situate on the west eidu of Butiedge-trreet, measur.n? ia front on sa d street 76 f>et, on the back line 65 feet, and in depth 185 feet 6 Inches, bethe said dimensions more or less bounding east on F.utl-dgo-strcct, south on land of W. L. Webb, and we-t on land of Benj. F. Evans-the sud Lot tiing part of one purchased of Thoa. L. Webb, Tracee ot McKewn Johnstone and wife. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance in one, two sod three years, secured by bond of the p ire baser and mortgage of the premises; with Interest rrom day of Bile, payable annually. The buildings to be insured and thc policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for pa ; ers and stamps. J. W. GB ki, May 14 Master in Equity. UNDER D KC REE IN EQCITY. Oxlade vs. Welch et al. THIS DAY, the 14th May. at ll o'clock, will be sold, near the Customhouse. All that LOT uF LAND, nita thc ouUdings there on, situate on the south side of Broad-s reet in the vicinity of St. Michael's Church, measuring in Iront on said street 34 feet 9 inches, sod in depth 139 feet, be the same more or less; bounding north on Brad? street, west on lot formerly of John Lee, now of Dr. H., east on land now or late of B. Downie, and south ou land now or late of J. L. Petigru, Esq. cash; balance' in one, two, three and four years, bearing interest from day of sale, payable semi-annually, with mortgage of the property; the purchaser to insure the buildings, and keep the same insured, and assign the policy of in? surance, and in default thereof, any bold >x ot the bond may insure and collect the insurance under the mortgage. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. J. W. OKAY, May 14 tu 2th l Master in Equity. Jnsnranif. rTOrOS BiiBW YORK UVJB / INSURANCE COMPANY, THORAS FHG32, AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA, No. 34 Broad-street. The NON-FORFEITURE PLAN was originated by this Company. tuthsSmo April 14 TOOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OP LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS OF POUNDS STER? LING, AND LARGE RESERVE FUND. lire Bisks taken on Buildings, Produce, Merchan? dise, *C. Losses promptly adjusted here, without reference to England, in sterling or currency, at the option of the assured. W. O. BER & CO.. Agents, February 22 stutbemo Adc er's Norm Wharf. rjlHE ARLINGTON MUTUAL LI PE IN SUBANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL CHARTER, 1867. Home Office No. 1914 Main-street, Rich? mond, Ya. GUARANTEE CAPITAL..?136,000 INCOME TO 1ST APRIL, 1868, fiscal year .8^07,000 Number of policies issued, 1034-Insurance, 24, 967,200-one claim, 15000. Showing the largest average of policies of any American company, and success that is unparalleled In the first fiscal year. Issues all kinds of non-forfeiting Life and Endow? ment Policies, and also Policies upon Return Pre? mium Plans. NO RESTRICTION OF 'J RAVEL OR RESIDENCE in any p rt of North America, north of the southern cape of Florida, or in Europe, at any season of the year. NO EXTRA CHARGE ON FEMALE LIVES. SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE CHARTER. Secures amount of insurance to a married woman, whether effected by herself or her husband, or any other person, for her sole and separate use and bene? fit, and that of her or her husband's child ten, if any, as may be ?-xpresaed, tree from the control or claim of ber husband or creditors, or the person effecting the same, or his creditors. Liberal loan of participating premiums upon the profits of the Company. Life policies after three years, endowment after two years, non-forfett able. All policies after one year have a surrender value Agents denting to represent the Company wm please address tue Home office. V SXBE0T0B8. JOHN ENDEB6. BEN BY E. ELLY80N. WM. F. TAYLOB. ASA eNYDEB. S AML. S. COTTRELL. H. E. C. B ASKERVTLL. JOHN PURCELL. SAMUEL C. TARDY. CHAS. T. WORTHAM. GEORGE JACOBS. WM. WILLIS, Ja. J. W. ALLISON. ED. A. SMITH. GEO. S. PALMER. THOMAS J. EVANS. A. D. CHOCKLtY. JAMES A. SCOTT. H. C. CA BELL. B. M. QUARLES. D. J. HARTS 00 K. W. H. TYLER JOHN C. WILLIAMS. J. E. EDWARDS. WM G. TAYLOR A. Y. STORES. A P. ABELL. J. B. MORTON. WM B. ISAACS, lt. H. DIBBKELL. GEO. L. BID GOOD, WM. H. PALMER. 3AML. M. PRICE. DAVID L BURR J. E. EDWARDS, President WILLIAM B. TSAAOS, vice-President D. J. HaBTSOOK, Secretary. CHABI.ES H. SMITH, M. D., Medical Adviser. JOHN H. CLAIBORNE, General Agent J. L HONOUR, Agent. No. 8 BSOAD-STBEET, April 27 Imo Charleston, S. C. tW A-A-A -A-A-THE BEST DYSPEP TTC BITTERS now m use are PASXHZN'S Hepatic Bitters. They never fail to give relief. Try a bottle, and be convinced. For sale by all Druggists. m Nortluastem Railroad Certificates of Indebted? ness. BY H. H. DelEON. Will be sold THI3 DAY, May H. at ll o'clock, at tho Old PoBtofflce. $8,699 184)0 CEETXFI0ATE8 OF INDEBTED? NESS, bearing seven per cent Interest, payable January and July, in amounts to suit purchasers May 14_ Twenty Acres Good Land, six miles from Charleston, on State Road. BY H. H. DeLEON. W?1 be sold THU DAY, 14th instant, at the Old Postofflce, at ll o'clock. About twenty acree GOOD LAND. On the puce is a wooden bouse with three rooms, and another house with on. large room. Conditions cash. May 1? Estate Sale-Real Estate and Stocks. BY H. H. DeLEON. Win be sold, at public auction, by order of the Execu? tor, THIS DAY, May 11th, at the Old Po?tornee, at ll o'clock, All that LOT OF LAND, with the three story Brick Store, on the west side of King-street, three doors above Market-street, and known as No.' 231, now - occupied by Messrs. Eckels A Co., as * Drag Store. The lot measures 27 feet front by 216 feet deep, more or less. This store is leased to 1st September at rate of $1800 per annum, On the Lot ls a two story Brick Kitchen with four rooms, also a Store Boom. Cistern, Ac ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with the three story Brick btore, south of the above, formerly occu? pied as a Dry Goods Store, at an annual rent of $2500, and known as No. 229. Tba Lot is 27 feet front by 216 feet deep, more or less. At the end of this store is an additional Brick Building with four rooms, gateway, ci>torn, Ac ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with a two story Wooden Dwelling, on north side of Queen-street west of Franklin-street, leased at $350 per annum to 8th No? vember. House contains five rooms, double piazza to the west private stairway, Wooden Kitchen two stories high with tour rooms, cittern, gas, Ac Lot 38 feet front by 83 feet deep, more or lesa. ALSO. A LOT OF LAND In Logan-street weet side, 38 feet front by - deep, ALSO, LOT OF LAND norh side of above, 50 feet front by - deep. Both of these Lots described by plat on lay of sale. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND on east aide of Savage-street, 25 feet front by 93 feet deep. At JO, 260 Shares GAS COMPANY STOCK 68 Shares Memphis and Charleston Railroad S ock 48 Shares Dry Dock Stock 20 Shares Charleston and f ivan nah Railroad Stock 3 Shares South Carolina Ra ?road and Bank Stock 3 Share? South carolina Ballroad Stock (half Shares). Terms-For Stocks cash. For Beal Estate, oner third cash; balance by bond and mortgage, payable, lu two equal annual instalments, with interest cn the same from day ol sale, payable semi-annaally. Bonds to be given is amounts as may be required. Build? ings to be insured and policies Purchas? ers to pay for papers and stamps. May M_wfmfl 3 [POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF TBS WXATHXB AND BT CONSENT OV PASTIES.] Sale under Fore '/?ture of Mortgage-Brick Res? idence in Water street. BY LOUIS D. DeS AUSSURE. THIS DAY, the 14th of May, at ll o'clock A M., vdll be sold at the Old Postofflce, in the City of Charleston. The BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on the south side of Wator-street containing nine upright rooms and one drei-smg room, with piazzas to the south. On the premises are a cistern containing 10,000 gal? lons, and a brick kitchen. There ts also an on- rance on Zig Zag ahoy. Lot measures 140 feet 3 inches front line, 144 reet 4 inches back line, 94 lest 6 Inch? es west Une, and 88 feet 7 inches on the east Une. Conditions-Five thousand dollars with interest at one and two-thirds per cent per month, fromWd November, 1867, to day of sale, and the expenses of the sale payable in cash, under the operation of a mort gsgefrom J. Legare Yates to John Chadwick, av ed 22a ai arch. 1867; the balance of tho purchase m one v by bond bearing 7 per cent interest, payable in one year, to be secured by mortgage ot the property; the buildings to be insur. d and policy assigned. Pur? chaser to pty for papers and stamps. Mav 14 Mering plaits. Q_RKE.\BRIER WHITE SULPHUR 8PBING?, GREENBRIER COUNTY, W. VA. The undersigned, lessees of this bid and well known ., WATERING PLACE, announce that (encouraged by the liberal pa tro nacre received last season) the have largely added to their accommodations in comfort and jj appa* ran ce. md are prepared to entertain FIFTEEN HUNDRED GUESTS. The Bathing accommodations are in fine order; Hot and Warm Sulphur Baths, so eminently effica? cious m many cases, are at the command of visitara at all hours. In addition to other amusements, they have pro? vided a new and elegant BOWLING ALLEY am* BILLIARD BOOM, conveniently located. Professor ROSENBERG CR'S celebrated FULL BRAS8 BAND has been engaged for the season. A good Livery Stable wm ne kept on the premises. The completion of the Virginia Central Railroad to Covington leaves only twenty miles of staging, through a beautiful mountain country, over a wall graded turnpike. Terms: Three dollars per day, and eighty doHarn per month. Chi dren under ten reu? of age and colored servants half price. Whits aervants accord? ing to accommodations. PEYTON A CO. May 9 Imo Soft*. 30,000 FRANCS ! ! HE RRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDALS AT WORLD'S FALR, London ; WORLD'S FAIR. New York : EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, paris; AND WINNER OF THE WAGER OF 30.000 FRANCS ! ! ($6,000 UM GOLD], At the recent International Contest in the Paris Ex? hibition. The public are invited to coll sod examine the re? port of the Jury on the merits of tho great contest, and see the official award to the Herring's Patent over sU others. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 251 Broadway, corner M urra;-st, New York. FARR BEL, HERRING A CO., 1 HERRING A CO.. Philadelphia. ) CMci gd. HERRING, FARREL A SHERMAN. New Orleans. Large Stock on band by JOSEPH WALKER, igent, Nos. 3 BROAD AND 109 EAST BAY STREETS, CHARLKSTON, S. C. Horch 3 9mo THE: S CHIT ER W ATC HMAS JJ AS B? FAB THE LARGEST CIRCULATION of any paper in Sumter, ?ul was established in 1860. Merchants of Charleston, look to your interests in advertising. 49- Advertisements Inserted on Uheral rates. G ELBERT A FLOWERS, May 1 6 Proprietors. TAU UREK> VILLE MOUNTAINEER I8PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT $150 per year, tn advance Advertisements insertad at UAUfcl rates. G. E. ELFORD. May VI Wigand Propri?t?s