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THE DAILY NEWS. On Guard. So voa think that the play it acted ont That your eyes have seen the end; And yon pride youri elf on a conquered doubt; Ah. well be it f o, my friend I "Only a tittle wiser," you-think, And yon smile at the pleasant jest, And wrap yourself In y our cold content, And paaa on yous way with the rest; And say to yourself, ^t? ?w?ter smile, . "I blame her not, not I; She is merely acting Woman In the drama of A Lie!" It ia only th? old. old story Of vanity, folly and woe; You could not see that my heart was free, And I-could I tell you so ? How could I tell that your words were true ? Men's vows-men's oaths-ah. me 1 They are lighter than foam-feathers blown by the wind Over a Bummer seat Ton break a lance in the mimic joust And doff a lordly plume, And talk soft nothings and breathe the spell Of flattery's rich perfume; And if, perhaps, the comedy slips Some day from bright to dark, And life's long tregear opens at last, You scoff-God save the mark! Yon point the gibe and shoot the dart, And f mile the bitter emile, And soothe your poor untutored heart With talk of woman's guile 1 What matters it after all-Life's thorns Life's roses best defend. You have thrown the gauntlet down ?-Ab, well, I take it up, my friend ! (iommcrri?i. Exports. - NEW YOBS-Per steamship Champion-22 bifcs 3 I i and 170 balea Upland Cotton, 806 bois Boam, S3 casks Clay, 110 bales Domestics, 300 packages Vegetables, 110 bblsSundries, 30 bundles Paper, .363 empty Barrels. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Mary land-254 balts i . Upland Cotton, 210 tierces Bice. 18 balee Bags, - . t?a bales Yarn and Domestics, ?9 rolls Matting, 13 packages Bides and Skins, 222 crates Vegeta bkSvlS packages .Furniture, 43 packages Sun? dries, 105,000 leet Lumber, Tile Cb arie st on Cotton .Mattet. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DALLY NEWS, 1 CHARLESTON-. Saturday Evening. May 2, '68. I In' the absence of an active Inquiry, the transac? tions were quite moderate; sales 260 bales, at rates which were generally about the same as the day be ? lore. The operations were 13 at 29, 3 at 29V. 84 at 30, 12 st 31, 73 ai 31V. 57 at 32. We quote: _ LTVSBPOOX, CXASSmCATION. Ordinarv to Good Ordinary..29 ft3Q^ >> Low Middling......31 (|-: . Middun*;..:.I...:.....31M@32 Strict Middling.- @ Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKET'. LO.VDO.N, May 2- Evening-Consols 93S"a94 Bonds "WXS.70X; LrvxBPooL Hay 3-Noon.-Cotton a fraction high : er. Sales 15,000 bales. Uplands on the spot 12^a j 13V; ?float 12%; Orleans 12J,'?13. Wheat easier. Others unchanged. Evening.-Cotton easier; fraction lower; uplands 13*d.; Odeont 13%. PAX&V Ji?y 2>-Bonne; dun Benies declined '?17. DOMESTIC-MARKETS. ? NEW YOBS, May 2- Noon.-Odd 139Honey 6a 7. Exchange l OS'- Cotton a shade firmer at Si^aSS for uplands. Freights dull Turpentine declining at 75. Roain firm at S3 35*3 40 for strained common. Evening.-Gold weak at 139V- Sterling IOalOS'. ' Cotton a shade Armor, with fair demand; sales 2800 baies at 82S'aS3, chiefly 33, but closing with no buy en over 82V- Flour dull; State $8 80s? 90. Wheat Tjfess active .at 3s3e. decline. Lard firm atl8al9V Naval stores quiet. Groceries steady and quiet ' Freights dull and lower. Pork closed at $39 37V ~, '? BALUHOEE. Hay 2.-Cotton firm at 32 V&33. Flour quievand steady; prices unchanged. Wheat firm; . Maryland $310i315. Carn firm; white 91 09sl ll ; yellow $120. Oats dull; Western 80s83. Bye dull s?$2 20. Provisions firm sud unchanged. Wrutxsoxox, May 2.-Spirits Turpentine steady at S? Rosin firm; strained S3 40; No. 2, $250; No. ?3*4 25; pale SSaSt 80. 'Cotton nominal; middling 30c. Tar advanced-S3 70. Ctacxrataxt, May 2^--Flour dull Corn 94. Pork $29. Bacon in {pc4 demand; shoulders 14; clear, sides l&:lird 19. ' j HOBELE, Hay 2.-Cottcn market closes nominal ; sales tc-day none ; receipts to-day 291 bales; exports ? none. NEW 02LZ1XS, Hay X-Sugar and molasses nomi? nally unchanged:' Cotton firmer; holden ask ad V?ice; n^enngs S1V?. Sales 1200 bales. Receipts JOTO bales. Exports, 1407 bales. New York Brui, . Vprenrium; sterling ?bank 15>4'al5S'. Gold 139Va 140.' . ; SAVAXXAB, Hay 2.-Cotton finner and holden ask, lng advance; middlings 32c. Sales 397 bales. Re? ceipts 450 bales. Exports to-day-coastwise 990 bales to liverpool 1850 balei. IS il ti'! I if I M r* w . ? ? ^ o .* r? " : . s . ES S cc o ts P ? ? I. I ? I i % II i S ? ? I I S ? 2 ? 5 ff i 1 .r 3 ? s i j? ,S ja j? ? ? S ct ? 2 S "s I H "s I .?.1 1 1 I ? "I I Stoltcsxont, Son? & Co.'t Report. LIYERPOOL, Anrfl 17.-Business is still some? what interfered with by the holidays, neverthess the principal markets have a very firm appearance, and the general trade of the country is eatistactoiily active. Cotton opened with a fresh rise of j.d to Vd per pound, but has been duh during the last lew days, notwithstanding a further advance in America, where prices are now more than ld above the parity of our marke, s. Soe buying, roth OD tbs spot and to surra, bas been languid, although the week' sales are swelled by the large quantity now arriving, which had been bought by the trade to arrive, and is returned ss sold when forwarded to them from the ship's aide. Americana cose about Vd per pound above last week's quotation;, viz.: middling Orleans 12Vd; Mobiles 12V; Uplands 12XcL Sea Islands very steady, bot tbe demand sub limited. Brazils ta moderate demand, closing dull at Vd advance. Egyptians were Va ??d per pound dearer at one time, tnt closed quiet without change, surais have also lost sn advance of vd made early hi the week, and are rather pressed on the market Latest quotations to arrive at 12)^d for uplands and Mobiles, and TJS'd for Orleans. During the week-the trade have taken 32,680 bales, exporters 6900 bales, sud t peculators 17,100 bales. Actual ex? port 5446 bales. The stock shows an increase of 60, 000bales. At sea from the States 165,000 balee, and from the East 18 ',000 bales, against 150,000 bales and 350.000 bales respectively same time last year. HAXUHXBXXB-Our market was quiet on Tuesday, but the little husmeas passing was at full prices; many of the milla closed during the whole or part of this week cn account of the holidays. In some dis? tricts short tun? is being adopted in the weaving sheds, but so far not to any great extent The mar? ket to-day is quiet and unchanged. Sales 8000 bales. Savannah Weekly Market. SAVANNAH, Arri 30.-COTTON-The receipts of cotton since April 22d have been 1492 bales up and and 21 bales sea island, making the total receipts since the lat September, 470,348 bales upland, and 10,356 bales sea island. The exports in the 6sme time have been 6376 bales upland and 659 bales sea Island, ss follows: To Liverpool, 6763 balts upland and 633 bales sea island ; to New York 835 bales up? land and 21 bales sea island; to Philadelphia, 103 bales upland ; sod to Baltimore, 175 bales upi ton-leaving on band and on shipboard not on fte 29th inst a stock of 18,8? balee npli 299 bales sea island, against 21,016 bales upli 17' 4 bales sea island, to the same date last ye We have but little to remark on the cotton dm in? the past week, except t u at prices ha tinued firm and have slightly advanced ail last review, in consequence of the continued ble advices from the North and Europe, U stock and small receipts. Holders, in mosi have beta, rather stiff, und buyers were unw operate to any extent at the price? asked. M hos ruled at about 32 cenU, at which price the sales have been mode, and the tendency o is still upward. RICE.-Stock cr oU kmds very light; deman? prices firm. Wo quote rough very scares at 2 45 per bushel; clean with little or no d common at 10%3l0%c: prime ll%all%c, wh 1) %c per single cou. ITSCBEB AND LUMBER-There have been v arrivals of timber this week, and sales hav limited. Two cit; mills ore running, with enongh ahead to run through the summe: country mille are generally at work on order reeume quotations : MiU S7all; shipping ; Lumber-Much trouble has been txperunc two weekc past in getting lumber down in country, owing to the heavy freshets, and som have been stopped on that account. We quo sizes at $20a22; difficult $24a28; narrow ? $21022. FREIGHTS.-Foreign-steam to Liverpool vii York %d on uplands; on pea islands l%d; 1 %a7-16d on uplands; sea islands % a %d; on Sid ior sawed and 36d for hewn. Domestic York, steam, ?ic on uplands; on sea islands }-t mestice $1; rice 82 50; by sail, nominal. By to Philadelphia %c on uplands; domestics 7E Boston via Philadelphia %c on uplands. Bal S2 per bale cn uplands. Coaotwise-There eiderable demand for vessels, m atly to loa lumber and timber; $7 50a8 ls tne pnce on bc Baltimore; a8 to Philadelphia; Sil ?moer 1 York; ?9 SOalO lumber to Boston. To South. c& {21 and 16 primage. Wilmington Market. WILMIXGTON. May ?-TTRPEKTTKR-1 un changed. Sales of 126 bbls at $5 26 for i $4 25 for yellow dip, and $2 35 for hard, per 2 SPIRITS TORKLHITSK.-Market quiet, and tr rions meagre. Sales 62 bbls at 65c ; 35 do at Ci 14 do at 64c per call?n, closing at latter figure. RosTN-5>ales of 861 bbls at ?2 40 for strained for strained and No 2, S3 75, *4a4 50 for No 1, t $5 60a6 50 tor pale, as in qualit?. TAU.-No change in price. Sales of 90 bl $2 65 pe' bbl. Corros.-19 boles changed hands to-day at 3( middling. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE. April 30.-COFFEE-Was qui day; only sales were SEO boga Kio from second 1 at 16%al7%c; quotations generally unchai choice held at 18c, gold. COTTON-Advices per cable were still less fa hie to-day, closing quotations ai Liverpool i 12,'id for middling upland. Our market refl the same dullness; only sales reported were 25 good ordinary at 30c; 200 bales low middling, m to go ont of the market; at Sic; middling at the was held at 32c. Receipts light and stock redt FLOUR-We note a steady fair demand, with of 600 bbls Cardenas extra at S13 25; 300 bbls Ni western extra at $11 62 % ; 300 bbls do super at $9 a9 25; 100 bbls Howard-street do at $11. Qnotal remain steady as before. GRAD?.- Wheat offering to-day only 1717 but red ; no white. We note sales of 460 bushels Vii ia Valley rod choice at $316; S\0 bushels Hary at $310; 260 bushels prime do 58; 100 bushels m nm at S2 90; 500 bushels ont of order at ?2 80; bushels Pennsylvania at $2 60; 500 do pnme at $: Corn-12,140 bushels white and only 7u0 bushels low offered; market steady, with sales of 7500 bi els good to prime dry white at $1 08*110; 2000 bi ela common at $106al 07; of yellow only sale ref ed wu 170 bushels at Si 22. Oats-4030 bushell ced ved, with salts of 780 bushels Maryland at 86 700 bushels western at 83 cts weight. Rye bushels offered; 220 bushels sold at $2 20. MOLASSES.-With rmoU stock the market c tinues firm, and hi the absence of sales no qn ble change. NAVAL STORES?-Spirits turpentine B carce i prices firm at 74*76 cents per gallon; sales sn goals quiet and held Inn. Tor we quote at S3a3 OB to sise of barrel. PROVIDIONS-Were in active request to-day i pnces generally' close higher. We note sales ol hhds bulk shoulders atl3%c; 50,000 Iba do rib sit loose, 35%c, and 50 casks bacon shoulders, to trade, st Ulfe; 100 bbu light mess pork $28 50: i Hum and heavy do, in small lots, $29*29 50; 100 b romp $24, closing $24% asked. Lard-100 tier Western on private terms. We quote jobbing pri for bacon, v.z: shoulders 14%al4%c; rib aides IC I6%c; clear rib 17%al7%c; sugar-cured hams 20a2 loiter for best Western canvased. BUTTER-Receipts of franklin-street roll impr ing, choice selling at i Sc. and cause? a heavy mari for other descriptions, which are quoted as lollov ?few York State &3&56c; choice Western roll 4 'resh Glades 50s53c, as to quality. BICE-Market ste ?dy, with sales of l?0i200 ba itangoon at KUI 3%c; Carolina quiet at ll%all?? itock light N ew York Market. .MONET MARETT. The New York Journal of Commerce, of Fridt Hay 1, nays: There is no chance in the general condition ot t noney market from the comparative ease noted d lng the last few da. e. The supply of capitol co innes to increase gradually at thia centre, and bi rowers find no d rh cul ty in obtaining t?mpora [oana upon acceptable securities at 6 per cent., wi ixceptionsl transactions st 7 per cent Strictly Un dais commercial paper ia placed at 7a8 per cent p miram discount PRODUCE MARKET. NEW TOKE, April SO.-BEEADSTCTTS.-The ma iet for State and Western floor is not so active, and lechne of five to ten cents ls noticeable. The ??ali ire 7800 bbls, at $8 90a9 65 far superfine Stat HO OOalO 50 for common extra Sute; 830 Cl .0 65 ior good to choice do; $10 70all 15 for fane lo; $8 90*9 65 fr.' -iT>ernne Michigan, India?i )hio, Towt; Ac., and flo OOalO 65 for extra dc ?10 76*11 20 for choice extra do, including ahij nug brands of round hoop Ohio at Sip 20al0 tn md trade brands of do at $10 70al4 00; good t ho'ce white wheat extras $12 30a 13 80; St. Louis t Hial2 50 for common to fair extra, and $12 50 1$ for. good to choice, closing quietly. We quot? Superflue State, $8 90a9 65; extra b tate. HO OOalO Cl raper Western, $6 90*9 CC; extra Western, $10 00 LO 65; ext? Ohio round hoop $10 20al0 60; do trod? LO 70*14; extra Genese?, -i-; extra fct Louis, 110 116 00. SOUTHERN FLOUR-IS quiet, and prices (tin hav i downward tendency, sales -were mode of 650 bbl it $10 I5ai u 90 for fair extra, and fl lal 5 for good t thoioe do. ? 3 < CAXXXORKX*. FLOUR-The market is dull and price irv in the buyers* lavor. The soles axe COO backs a ?260*14. CORN-The market is fairly active, but a decline c me to two eta is noticeable. We notice salee c 18.000 bushels at $1 Hal 15 lor new Western mixet ?float, closing at $1 I2al 14; $1 13 for old Westen nixed in store; SI 14al 15% for do afloat, closing o 5114; $113% for kiln dried, and $1 20 for South en pUow. OATS-We do not learn of any change in the mar tet. i leewexe.node of 27.000buaheJsWesterns :4c for lots In store, and 86 J?aSSJ?'c afloat. PEAS-The market ia firmer; 7800 bushels Canadi In bond sold at$l 46. ' * - ?. COFFEE.-The market for Bio is steady and mode rately active. The nies are a500 bags, ex Mozart tm private terms Of the other kinda, sales were modi ai 250 bogs Ceylon Minarto at 23c, gold, duty paid. COTTON.-The market generally is very quiet Thc buy arc- can pick up small lots ct quotations to suppl their wants, ont no large line can be ODtained at leei than yesterday's rates. 1 he major;ty of the holden ire very firm in their views, believing that a little time will bril g buyers to high figur?e. The trans' ictions to-day ore mainly the operations of one oi two speculator*. The soles ore 3456 ba'es, including 340 to spinners. 2S84 to speculators, ana 232 to ex porteie. Upland & florida. Mobile. N. Orleans. Texas Ordinary.29 29% 2fl% 29% Good Ordinary..30 30% 30% 30% Low Middling..31 31% 31% 31% UiddUng.33% 33% 33 33% HAY-ls m the sellera' favor; Bales are making at 30a85o for shipping, and $1 lOal 60 for retail quali? ties. Straw is selling at 95o for long cut rye, and 80c tor short do. MOLASSES-There ia no chang? to note. The de? mand is light but holders are firm in their views. We do not learn of any sales of moment NAVAL STORES-Crude turpentine-we note soles of 300 bbls on private terme, s pi nts turpentine [dosed weak at 76a76%c; small salea were made da ring the doy, footing 120 bbls, at 76%o76c. Roeins there is a steady market ot $3 40 for strained com? mon; $3 45 for good strained; $3 75a3 67% for No 2; $4a5for No 1; the sales ore 300 bbls Btrained com? mon st S3 27%; 100 bbls No 2 at $3 75; 300 bbls No 1 at $4a4 C2%. PROVISIONS-PORE.-There is a good business doing at very fall prices. We notice Biles cf 4200 bbls it $29 37o29 75 lor new Western mees, cash and regular way, closing at $29 75 regular; $28*28 35 for 'C6a'67 meir ; $23o23 76 for prime and extra prime, and $25 for pnne mess. Also, for ruture deliverv, 10J0 bbls new We-tern mess at $29 62%a29 76, sellera' option the last half of May. The afternoon market ls quiet and prices are d ea J edi y lower; 25t) bbls mes? told at $29 25 regular way. BEEF.-The market is steai<, but quiet; Bales were made ot 29Q bbls at $15*20 for piaba mess, and 120*24 75 for extra do. MEDDLES.-The market is firm, but not active. The soles are 230 boxes at 16%c for short rib, and I8%c for short clear. ?MOSED MEATS-There ie a fair demand, and full prices are ready paid. We notice sales of 200 tes bagged hams et 21%*22c. We quote smoked sbould are at I6al6c; smoked noms, unbagged, at 20a21c, md rough sides at 18c. CCTMEATS-There '6 a good Inquiry from the trade it former prices. Sales were made of 125 pkgs at I7%al8c for ham? in sweet pickle. We ouote -boulders in dry salt at 13%al3%c. LARD-The market ia more active and pri es are armer. Solea were made (mainly for export) of 1700 tes and bble at 18%al8%c for .\ o 1 to kettle rendered city; 18%cior Nu 1 Western; 18%alnc for rfeam rendered and kettled dried do, and 19a 19%c tar kettle-rendered do; also. 1000 tee tor June de ivery, buyers' option, at 19%c. BUTTER-The demand is good, but the con throed ifcavy receipts induce receivers to accept lower j rices. We quote prime new at 50i51c. BICE-East India is more active; 150 bags Ran toon sold in lots at 9%al0c. Carolina is quiet a: io '. Jl%c. SUGAR-The market for raw ls moderately active ,t steadily held rates. We quote fair to good re? ining at 10%all%c, and No 12 box at 13J?c. The eales are 10SO hh*rat 11-12Sic, for Cuba, ll^alS^c for Porto R1CO,-BBU5C for Demerara. In refined there is no decided change. We quote soft yellow at 14i?al5Kc, ?o: i white at 15J?al5J?; and crushed, powdered and granulated at l?j?c. FUEIQHTS-To Liverpool, per steamer-45,000 bush wheat at 6>?a6>? rt ; 7500 bush corn, 6d. To Glasgow, per steamer-15,000 bush peas, 7?ia8d; 7500 buen corn at 7d. Boston Market. BOSTON, April 29.-COFFEE-The market for cof? fee has been quiet during the week and transactions limited. Sales of Java at 2io24},'c, cold ; Rio at ICU al7c, gold; 225 bags St Domingo at 9%c ?S lb, gold, m bond, and Mocha at 40c Yb, currency, in small lote. Corros-The advices from Great Britain have been quite favorable most of the week, and prices have advanced about lJia2c$ H>. but at the close there is again a quiet feeling, although the principal holders are firm in their views and look for a still higher range of prices. We quote sales of 5000a60JO bales, and closing prices range from 28a29c for ordi? nary; 30a31c for good ordinary; 31?a32o for low middling, and 32><a33}?c for middling, including uplands and gulf. "Advices from the South indicate email receipts for the balance of the season. DOMESTICS_There has been rather a quiet tone to the cotton goods market, the advance in row mate? rial failing to impart any life to the trade. Manu? facturers confidently look for a favorable reaction, as goods cannot now be profitably produced at current prices, and buyers are expected to take hold wittt a rush in a short rime. Woollens remain pretty much as previously reported. Cloakingo, fancy casameres, shirting flannels and other desirable goods have been in fair demand at steaay prices. Gussi BAGS- The market i? quiet but finn for gunny bags. Sales of 4U0 bales at is^aisyz cur? rency. GUSSY CLOTH-The demand for this article has again been quite active, and further large specula? tive purchases have been made. The transaction comprise 2400 bales at 213?o28c, according to tune of delivery, mostly at 9#c, gold, deliverable July 15; and 4000 boles here and in New York at 9%c gold, in bond, and 22c currency. The market at tne close is finn, and high?r prices are asked. HAT-There 2s a fair demand, with sales of Eastern and Northern at S17a24 per too, as to quality. MOLASSES-No material change to notice In Mo? lasses, with a steady demand from tue trade. The sales comprise '.'00 hhds clayed Cuba at 46c; 30 hhda do (a decs load) at 42c; 50 hhds Cienluegos Musco? vado at 54c; 450 hhds Sn gua and Remedios at 50a55c; 200 hhds Barbadoes at C0aC2c, and 300 hhds .f orto Rico at 68a75c per gallon) as to quality. NAVAL STOBES-spirits turpentine has advauced, with a better demand. Soles of 250 bbls at 67a7Uc, and small lots at 71a72c per gallon, now held higher. Tar is firm and pr.ces are tendiag upwards. Sales of 300 bbls Wilmington to arrive at ?3 37ii per bbl. and on the spot at ?3 62>?a3 75, now Arm at tbese prices. In rosin very little has been don?, and we have only to notice sales of 125 bbls No 2 at $3 37;? per bbl. Pitch is quiet at (3 75 per bbl RICE.-Sales of ?Gu bbls and bogs at 9>Jal0j for Rangoon, and'loralie for Csiolina; and 1300 bola Carolina, for future delivery, on private terms. SUGAR.-The cemand for engor? has been steady and better prizes have been rfoliz^l during the week. The eales comprise 1C00 hhds poor to good refining Cuba at Hallie, mostly at Oae latter rate ; 700 bags St. Domingo at ile; 100 hhds good grocery at UJkfOj 100 hhds choice grocery at I2;?al2J*c; 75 hhds Porto Rico at 12??al3??c; 500 boxeB No 10, for refining, at ll%c; 1500 boxes from 12^alGj?o per pound, including 125 boxes superior whites at the latter rate. Refined sugars have been in demand, and refiners are sold ahead. -The sales have been at 16??c for powdered and granulated, and 14al5)4c for coffee crushed. Conslgneea per South Carolina Kallroad, May Z. 244 bales Cotton, 81 bales Domestics, 2519 rocks Com, 93 sacke Peas, 48 sacks Rice, 25 tierces Hame, ITS bbls Naval Stores, 17 cara Lumber, 2 care Wood. To Railroad Agent, E H Rodgers & Co, H Cobie ft Co, J N Bobson, J Campeen it Co, Street Bros ft Co, .stenhouse ft Co, Cameron, Hartley ft Co, J C Mal lonee, Goldsmith ft Son, Caldwell ft Son, J T Gib? son, G H Walter ft Co, G W Witte, W C Courtney & Co, G W W?liime ft Co, C Gravely, F D C Kracke. H Bischoff, WiRis ft ChiBolm. G E J-ritchett, W Leb by, D Loeb, G W Steffens, Bollmann Bros, T H ft w Deweee, J D Stocker. Passengers. Per steamship Champion, for New York-G A Sweet. Col Hastings, C Benedict. J Rowland, E G Stoney. A Gcrdon, E Meyer .and lady, Mrs Myers, two children and', servant, Mrs Johnson and two children. Dr S S Gifford, G Hatch, G Bussell, Mrs L Klein. R F Littlefield. Miss H Izard, O V Swift, Mine Mary Smith, Mra Clotwirthy and three children, O CaUighan, F Arney and lady, F A Strafer and lady, J W Laine, lady and servant, E. Thompson. Mrs Tit man, Madame Bernard, H Dunham, D B Dunham, L sprague, W H Alyn, C E'DeForrest. Mrs Eve, Mrs C c Jonee, two children and servant, L B Welsh, Jr, Dr A L Hammond, H Senile, Mrs Dennison, Mrs G S Place, D McNeill, s Hirsch, Mr Rodgers, S Hosell, P Qamn, and 9 steerage. Per steamship Maryland, for Baltimore-Lieut E W Glover, USA. Mrs Gaus i and three children, C H Williams, L H Glover, and ?I on deck. Per steamer Dictator, irom Palatka, via Jackson? ville, Fernandina and Savannah-Mr Shadlow and wife. ? Hatch, ? Randoluh, Mrs Bytbewood. G W Ellis, Mre Trescott, G W Sweet, E W West, .capt E B Ives, Miss Ives. C B Benedict and two children, Mrs Johnson, J Howland, Mr Eodgeis,Mr Corning, Col Hastings, G Leonard, J Stubbs, Col DC DeJarnef, Mrs Delix and servant. J H Taylor, F Hope, D Baes gis, L Cohen. T D Harris, W W Pemberton, P M DeLeon, and 8 on deck. Per steamer Dictator, from Savannah-A M Huger, H V Templeton, M A stephen.*, E G Ohio, J S Lyle and wife, C G Newcum, Mire Newena, J B Boyles ton, A Isaacs, Mr Campbell, J B Nixon, J F Britton, J Murray, and 119 Firemen, PORT CALENDAR. PHASES OF THE MOOS. Full Moon, 6th, 1 hour, 28 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, 14th, 0 hours, 7 minutes, evening. New Moon, 22d, 1 hour, 27 minutes, morning. First Quarter, 28th, 6 hours, 34 minutes, evening. 31 sus SISES. I SETS. MOON BETS. HIGH WATEB. 4 Monday.... 5 ?Tuesday.... C|Wednesday. VlThursday... 6 Friday..... 9 Saturday. lOISunday... 5.. 12 5..10 6.. 9 5.. 9 6.. 8 6.. 7 5.. 6 6..42 6..43 6..44 C. .44 C..45 C..46 6..47 3.. 69 4. .36 Bises. 7..48 8..44 9..36 10..26 5..45 ti..33 7..15 7..57 8..41 9..20 10.. 2 _farine Vims. Port of Charleston, May -i_ Arrived Saturday. Steamship Falcon, Horsey, Baltimore-52 hours. Mdze. To Mordecai & Co. Courtenay & Trecholm, S C Railroad Agent. C LiUienthal, H Blatte ft Co, D Paul ft Co, E B Rodgers ft < o, C Gravely, D Briggs, agent, G W Steffens ft Co, Mrs A Parker, J Thomp? son, W F Paddon, H Bischoff ft Co, C Jordan ft Son, W H Chufee ft Co. J A Cook ft Co, J A Qnockenbush, J ft W H armstrong, W G Wbilden ft Co, Jennings, IhomUnson ft Co, t JB Fischer, Douglass ft Miller. Georgia Central Railroad Agent, H H Wilhams, J Hurkamp ft Co, G rodin, J Campeen ft Co, H Ba denhop ft Co, C D Braue ft Co, W Febrenbach. J H Graver, J Tuomey. W L Webb, Wuhlburn ft Stelling, J C Ojeman, J H Kennel er, Erie te ft Chapman, D A Amme, F Opdebeeck, G H Brown, R E Pennal. G A Trenholm ft Son, Ottendorf! ft Co, A Tobias' Sons, J M Gwin, Goodrich, Wineman & Co, Dowie ft Moise, T A Beamish ft Co, H Cobla ft Co, clacius ft Witte, Neumann ft Borger, F W Chut sen, Charleston Ho? tel, Bollmann Bros, Marshall, Burge ft Bowen, B O'Neill, Order, and others. Steamer Dictator, Willey, Palatka via Jackson? ville, Fernandina, and Savannah. 1 bale Cotton, 16 packages Mdze. ftc To J D Aiken ft Co, G H Ingra hom ft Son, Z Davis, E Cud worth. Arrived Yesterday. Steamer Dictator, Willey, Savannah. To J D Aiken ft Co. Cleared Satntday. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York-James Adgar ft Co. Steamship Maryland, Recd, Baltimore-Courtenay ft 2renhohn. Went to Sea. Satnrda y. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York. Sehr Menawa, DlBsoway, New York. Sehr Paul 1 hempson, Godfrey, Bucksville, S C. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship Maryland, Reed, Baltimore. Sehr Withe Martin, Noyes, Philadelphia. From thia Port. Snip Calcutta, Moses, Liverpool, April 16. BOTE Helen sande. Otis, Liverpool, April 16. Spanish brig Umon, G arra ga, Barcelona, April ll. BJ irish brig Altavela, Thompson, Caibarien, Cuba, April 10. Cleared for this Port. Steamship James Adger, Lockwood, at New York, April 30. Memoranda. Sehr N F Burgess. Burgess, at New York April 30, for Georgetown, S C, via Charleston. The ecbr James A Crocker, Small, from Fall River for BucksviUe, S C, arrived at Newport, B I, April 28. LIST OP VKSSELS UP, CLEARED A SD SAILED FOR THIS FORT FOREIGN. UV?_EPO0I_ The Eaetham, Leach. Bailed.March 27 BREMENHAVEN. The Dorothea, Plambeck, Bailed.Mareh 1 DOMESTIC. nonos. 8chr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, cleared.April 18 KEW ?OM7. Steamship Jes Adger/Lockwood, cleared_April 30 Sehr Maria Pierson, Grant, up.April 8 sehr Nellie Burgees Burgees, up.April 29 Sehr E H Atwood, Higgins, cleared.April 25 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Hannah Little, Godfrey, cleared.April 23 BALTIMORE. Steamship Falcon, Horsey, cltared.april 25 KEW OELEANB. Sehr George H Pierce, Farrow, up.April 3 jig- A-A-A -A-A-THE BEST DYSPEP? TIC BITTERS now in use are PANKNIS'B Hepatic Bitters. They never fail to give relief. Try a bottle, and be convinced. For sale by all Druggists.' m Special Hatters. JO"A MA88 MEETING OF THE UNION REPUBLICAN PARTY will be held at the aub House, Meeting-street, This Evening, at Eight o'clock. MANY REPUBLICANS. May 4 1* ?- NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE-Consignees per steamship JAMES -ADGER, from New York, are notified of her cargo being This Day discharged at Adger's South 'Wharf. All goods remaining on the dock at sunset will be stored at Consign?es' risk and expense. JAMES ALGER k CO., Agenta. May i_, 1 ?"CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MONEEA are notified that aho is discharging at No: th Atlantic Wharf. All goods not removed at sunset win be stored at expense and risk of owners. JOHN & THEO. GETTY, Agenta, May 4 1 North Atlantic Wharf. JOS" CHARLESTON SAVINGS INSTITU? TION.-Depositors in this institution who have not had their booka balanced are requested to hand them to the Treasurer.for ihatpurpose. lithe Forty-second Dividend is entered up in the books, they need not be handed in, as they have already been balanced. H. S. GBIGGS, May 4 3 Treasurer C. S. I. JO"DEUTSCHE SCHUTZEN-GESELL SCHAFT.-Ea macht mir Vergn?gen, den Mitglie? dern anzuzeigen, dass ich Erlaubnies vom komman dlrenden General erhalten babe, am n?chsten Mitwoch, den Cten Mai, in voller Uniform, imit Buchsen), auamarschiren zu d?rfen. April 30 A. MELCHEBS, President. US-GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OF FICE, SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, CHARLES? TON, S. C., Apr? 28,1868.-The following Freight Tariff, from Nashville and Chattanooga to Charles? ton, 5. C., will take effect from and after thia date: To CharJestonfrom Nashville. Chattanooga. Bacon, per 100 fte.83 6i Oats, per bushel..."*8 21 Corn, per bushel.35 26 Wheat, Bice and Barley, per bushel.43,'? 32}? Pork and Beef, per barrel.2 57 1 92 Flour, Apples, Onions and Po tatoes, per barrel.1 59 1 19 Whiskey, Highwines and Al? cohol, per barrel. 3 95 2 95 .(Signed) H. T. PEAKE, April 29 wfm6 General Superintendent. ? j?- OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR. CITY HALL, MAY 1, 1868.-In compliance with in? structions received at thia efflce, the City Assessor would call the attention of all concerned to the fol? lowing named branches ot bueinesB in which the tax ol three-quarters ol one per cent. muBt be paid, .viz : On all sales by Bakers, Butchers, Hucksters, and by dealers in Bice, Lumber, Hay, Grain and N-val Stores. Returns for the above and payment of the tax will be required Irom January L 1868. W. N. HUGHES, May 1_15_City Assessor. ?-THE PEOPLES CANDIDATE FOR Sheriff for Charleston County-Captain C. B. SIG WALD._5*_ April 29 ?-W ORKIN GM EN'S CANDIDATE Major E. WILLIS will receive the support ol the workingmen and tax-payers of the city for the Majority, and we ore authorized to state, will serve if elected. MANY WORKINGMEN, April 23 Imo From all Wards. ?-MESSRS. EDITORS : WE BEG LEAVE to suggest tiie nome of Mr. E. D. ENSTON aa a suit? able candidate for the Mayoralty at the ensuing elec? tion, being impressed with the importance of ielect? ing one who repiesenta every class in this commu Lity. We are satisfied he will receive the support of the citizens and TAX PAYEES. April 22_ ?S- MESSRS. EDITORS DALLY NEWS : You will please nominate B. 9. DURYEA for Mayor, and oblige MANY NATIVE AND ADOPTED CITIZENS. April 14_ JO? CIRCULAR.-TO THE LADIES OF THE VABIOUS CHURCHES IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON.-We, the Officers and Members ol the Young Men's Christian Association of Charles? ton, would tait this method of respectfully appeal? ing to you for assistance. We propose holding A FLORAL FESTIVAL OR FAIR, during the latter port of the coming month of May, hoping we may thereby realize a sufficient amount to enable us to continue during the present year the Tarions religious and charitable works which we have commenced, and thus far carried on with great success, but which we must necessarily but reluc? tantly abandon, unless we derive aid from some source. The plan ot a Festival or Fair, during the season of flowers, hos suggested itself to our minds, and we feel assured that it only requires your assis? tance to make it a complete success. We propose that the ladies of each church prepare one table or booth, supplying the same with such ar? ticles tor sale as their own good judgment may sug? gest, believing that a generou* emulation thus en? gendered, as to which shall best succeed, will, when all are combined in one collection, present a moat elegant and complete display; and, furthermore, that each table remain under the control of the ladies who prepared lt, in order that at the close of the Fair it may be seen which has succeeded best in the enter? prise, and thereby contributed the largest amount towards the cause in which we are aB so interested. We, therefore, respectfaUy call upon the ladlee composing the varions congr?gations of all evangeli? cal denominations in thia city, to combine among themselves, and commence at once the preparation of such articles aa their own fancy and judgment may dictate. Let all as ii st, the humblest as well a? the wealthiest, and with united ene-gies carry out this work. The members of the Association win, one and all, cheerfully perform all and every labor that may be required rf them, and will hold themselves always in readiness to obey every reqnes . Those ladies who are willing to assist us are re? quested to meet every Friday Ajlernoon at Five o'clock, in the rooms of the Association (in King street, over Messrs. FOOABTTE & STILLMAN'S Store), to confer with each other and the officers of the As? sociation, and perfect such arrangements as may be? come necessary in carrying out the plan suggested to a successful termination. By order of the Association. 3. E. FOG ARTIE, April 21_Secretary Y. M. C. A. JO-BITTERS.-THE HUMAN STOMACH seems to require a tonic stimulant. From the time Whereof the memory of man runneth not to the con? trary, tonic bitters have been used. Formerly men made their own bitters, and few thought of eating breakfast without first taking their "tansy." Those were days, however, when prohibitory laws were un? known, and, in consequence, liquors were pure. Dealers could then afford to be honest and sell noth? ing but the unadulterated. Now. however, what with government tax and court fines, pokeberry juice and alcohol must pass muster for "old rye1 and "pure bourbon." People have come to fear poisoning more than malarial diseases and dropped their "tansy." Right here ia where HOBTETTEB & SMITH, of Pittsburg, have proven benefactors. Years ago they commenced the manufacture ol HOS TETTERS STOMACH BITTERS, laying it down as a rule that has since been conscientiously followed, to nv nothing but thc purest liquors, manufactured expressly for them. By strict adherence to thia rule they have won public confidence and reaped their reward in a large, profltab.e and steady business. Their BITTERS is known all over the conn tr;. They are pioneers of the business, and have the lar? gest manufactory in the world. Nor hus success in their case, as in t JO many instances, rendered them careless; their Bitters is as pure and good to-day as was the first distillation. We heartily recommend them as a tonic. As a specific for dyspepsia, biliousness, consti? pation, nervousness, general debility, and remittent and intermittent fevers, ita efficacy has nev.r been questioned. There are many worthless imitations; we earnestly caution the public against them. May 2_ { JO- WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL CURE the Itch. WHEATON'S OINTMENT will cure Salt Rheum. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures Old Sores. WHEATON'S OINTMENT cures all Diseases of the Skin. Price 50 cents; by mid 60 cents. AU druggists sell it. WEEKS k POTTER, Boston, Prot rietors. Sept itu I er 16 38mwi'ly Spfri?l Hntiiw._ ^erSABSAPABIlXIAN LT discovered Virtues-Hidden for over 300 years the discovery of the True Virtues of the Boots Brought to light and made manifest in DB. BADWA?'S SABSAPAB1LL1AN BESOLVENT, by a new process recently discovered by Dr. Bad way, for obtaining the active properties from vege? table substances. ' 8ABSAPABTLLIAN, PABEIBA BRAVA, Associated with other newly discovered roots, en? tera into the composition of BADWA?'S RENOVA? TING BESOLVENT; secures a remedial agent, that cures aliforme of Chronic, Scrofulous, Skin, Glandu? lar, Eidney, Bladder and Uterine Diseases, by com? mun! sating its curative, reparative and fruitful effi? cacy, through the Blood, Sweat and Urine. The ordinary Sarsaparillian decoctions and Sy? rups are mere washes, compared with the Sarsaparil? lian of the Besolvent. It is a well known fact that Sarsaparilla os ordinarily prepared either as offlci nally or as a proprietary remedy, never possessed the confidence ol medical men, and all the reputa? tion it enjoyed was deemed by weil informed Chem? ists, Physicians and medical writers to be due to other remedial agents associated with lt The true curative virtues of Sarsaparilla for three hundred years has laid hidden in the cry Staline prin? ciple of the root Under Dr. Badway'e new process, SAB S A P A RILL I AX is secured and brought to light, and associated with other ingredients, it fulfils the most extravagant expectations and views of men. One ounce of Dr. Badway's Sarsaparillian contains more of the curative principle than ten pounds of the extracts from the crude roots, as prepared offlci nally or in the popular advertised Sarsaparillas. PABEIBA BEA VA-Another of the ingredients of the Badway's Resolvent, held in' high estimation by the moat eminent medical men of Europe, South America and United States, as the best remedial agent for the diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Ute? rus, and aa a lilhonlriptic for dissolving Calculi, as a curative ior Jaundice,Rheumatism, Leucorrh?e?, kc, since 1668 hes never been properly prepared. Under Dr. Badway's process the cisompaline principle of this valuable root is secured, and, associated with Sarsaparillian and other ingredients in the Besol? vent, makes lt a perfect cure in every form of dis? ease of the Kidneys, Bia i der and Urinary Oigans Dropsy, Gravel, Incontinence, or Stoppage of Wa? ter, Diabetes, or Urinary Diarrhoeas, and every kind of weakening, irritating or purulent discharges, not proper to mention in on advertisement, is rapidly cured by this remedy. So quick does the Resolvent enter into the circu? lation, that it may be detected in the urine in ten minutes after it hos been taken. In many cases it hos secured a free discharge of water-in cases where catheters were formerly used. Is not this a blessing ? BUCHU, Turpentine Junipers, Gin, Copaiba, Cn bebs, and other distinct Diuretics, are in many cases hurtful. In Diabetes, Urinary Diarrhoeas, Catarrh of the Bladder, Dropsy, and in weakness or ulcera? tion of the Kidneys, are unsafe to use as a continued remedy, and should never be given unless under the supervision of a physician, oe the strain these direct remedie* may produce on the Kidneys may, in the course of a few boura, require opiates, to change or modify their actio?; this fact is self-evident to any medical man. A compensating remedy like the SAB SAPARILLLAN" BESOLVENT, is the true remedy to use ba these case?-even as a diuretic. PABEIBA BBAVA, as prepared by Dr. Ead way, and one of the ingre? dients of the Besolvent, isas superior to all forms of Buchu, kc, as rich cream is to watered mils. Let all suffering from unnatural drains from the avstem- caused either by self-abuse, depraved habit Of body, bod blood, impure association, weak? ness of the genital organs, or Skin Diseases, Scrofula, uncured Secondary Disease, Syphiloid Ulcers, Chronic Disease, or from Consumption of the Lungs, as well as degeneration of the Kidneys, or Chronic Disease of the Liver, Spleen, kc, commence at once the nae of the SAES AF A KILLIAN RESOLVENT. It commences its work of purification at once; it re? pairs the waste of the body with new and healthful matenal. It restores functional harmony to every organ in the system, and secures the natural secre? tions of the proper constituents of each. 'Persons have been cured, and have children now ilving that were deemed incapacitated, by self-abuse, kc, through the use of thia remedy. Ask for Dr. BAD WAT'S SARSAPARILLIAN, or RENOVATING BE? SOLVENT. Price: SI per bottle, or six bottles for {6. May 2 mo .6 Progs, CfyemtraiSj (Ctr. QOSTAR'S PREPARATIONS, EVERYBODY-Tries them 1 EVERYBODY-Uses them 1 EVERYBODY-Believes in them ! EVERYBODY-Recommends them ! Are you troubled by Bate, Mice, Beaches, Ante? "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. "Only Infollitle Bern edies known." "Free from Poison." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Bate come out of their holes to die." Improved to keep in any climate. Are yon Annoyed with Bed-Bugs? Can't sleep nights ? "COSTAR'S" BED-BUG EXTER. A Liquid "Destroys and prevents Bed Bugs." "Never Foils." For Moths in Furs. Woollens, Carpets, kc "COSTAR'S" INSECT POWDER. Destroys instantly Fleas and.all Insecte on Planta, Fowls, Animals, ic. "A sure thing." Thousands can testify. "COSTAR'S" CORN SOLVENT. For Corns, Bunions, Warts, ic. "Try it." Don't suffer with Pain! A wonderful power ol flealini! ! Every family should Seep it in the hsuse. "COSTAR'S"' BUCKTHORN SALVE. Its effects ore immediate. For Cute, Burne, Bruiees. Wounds, Sore Breaste, Piles, Ul? cers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cuta? neous Eruptions, Chapped Handa, Lips, kc, Bites of animals, Insects, ic. ?A Universal "Dinner Pill" (sugar-coated). Thirty years administered in a Physician's Practice. "COSTAR'S" BISHOP PILLS. Of extr? ordinary efficacy for Costiveness, Indiges Jon, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, General Derdlty, liver Complaints, Chilla, Fevers, ic. i!ot Griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. "That Cough will kill you. Don't neglect it "COSTAR'S" COUGH REMEDY. The children cry for it-it's a "Soothing Syrup." For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, bore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Affections. Singers, Speakers, and all troubled with Throat Complainte, will find thia a beneficial Pec? toral B.medy. "Beautifies the Complexion, giving to the skin a transparent freshness. "COSTAR'S" BITTER-SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. Benders the sain clear, i-mooth and soft. 1 emoves Tan, Freckles, Pimples, ic. La? dies, try a bottle, and see its wonderful quality. OW ! ! 1 Beware ! ! ! of all Worthless Imitations. ?S? None Uenmne without "COSTAR'S" Signature. OS" 25c and 50c. sizes kept by all DRUGGISTS. OW SI sizes sent by mail on receipt of price. OW 82 pays for any three SI sizes by Express. OW m pays tor eight SI sizes by Express. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, No. 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. OW For sale by _ DOWIE & MOISE, CHARLESTON. 8. C. Sold by all Wholesale Druggists in all the large cities. May 3 D * c Gnws _^WWf._ FOR LIVERPOOL. <w23r?S! ?^Xn^ SHIP SEDBURGH. E?iEAI5 Mtt8ter. is now loading, and ?havingj? portion of her cargo encaged will ?meet, with dispatch. For Freight engat? ments apply to PATTERSON ^TOCK April 29_booth Atlantic Wharf. -VEIV YORK ?UM) CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LESE. FOR NEW TORR. THE SPLENDID SIDE WHEEL 'STEAMSHIP JAMES ADGER LOCKWOOD Commander, will leave .Adger'a Wharf on TFidnetday, May 6th, at 5 o'do:k P. M. 49" The steamers of this line insure at three-quar? ter per cent For Freight or Passage, apply to JAMES ADGER 4 CO.. Comer Adger'e Wharf and East Ba; (Up Stairs). May*_3_ FOK KEW YORK. PEOPLE'S MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.. -' --'-'MI THE STEAMSHIP MONEEA, -?j Cautain B. B. SHACKTOBD, will leave f3 North Atlantic Wharf on Friday, W* 8th inst, at Nine o'clock A. M. For Freight or Passage apply to JOHN A- THEO. GETTY, Agents, May 4_North Atlantic Wharf. FOR BALTIMORE. THE FAVORITE SCBEW ^ STEAMS HIP FALCON, J. D. HOB "SET Commander, will sail from Pier rNo. 1, Union Wharves, on Wednes? day Afternoon, 6th inst, at Five o'clock. I brough Bins Tarling signed to Philadel ?hia, Boston, Louisville, Ky., Cincinnati, Ohio, St. onie, Mo., and other Northern points. For Freight or Passage, apply to COUBTENAY & TBENHOLM, May 4 8 Union Wharves. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LISE STEAMERS. B_ THE STEAMSHIP SARAGOSSA, r-'' Captain M. B. CBOWTT.T., will l?ave 'Vanderhorst's Wharf, on Saturday, ?May 9, 1868, at - o'clock. For Freight and Passage, apply to April 28_RAVEN EL k CO., Agents. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BALTIMORE AND BREMEN, Via Southampton. . THE ECBEW STEAMED S OF THE "SOUTH 0EBJ4AN LLOYD, BALTIMORE.Capt. VOECKLEB, BERLIN:'..Capt. UNDUETSCH. OF 1C00 TONS AND 700 HORSE-POWER. WILL RUN REGULARLY BE? BI TWEEN BALTIMORE AND BRE *MI?N, vu SOUTHAMPTON. From .Bremen on the 1st of each month. From Southampton on the i tb of each month. From Baltimore on the 1st of each month. Psi CE OF PASSAGE-From Baltimore to Bremen, London, Havre and Southampton-Cabin $90; Steer' aga S30. From Bremen to Baltimore-Cabin 190; Steerage $40. Prices of passage payable in fold, or its equiva? lent They touch at Southampton both goixu and re? turning. These vessel* take Freight to London and Hull, for which through bills of lading are signed. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each vtssel. All letters must pass through the Postoffice. Nc bills of lading but those of the Company will bc signed. Bills of lading will positively not be de? livered beiore goods are cleared at the Customhouse, For Freight or Passage, apply to A. SCHUMACHER & CO., No. 9 South Charles-street, Baltimore. Or to MORDi- CAI k CO.. Agents, East Bay, Charleston, 6. C. April 20 Cmos PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE AT GREATLY RE DU CED RATES i STEAMERS OF THE ABOVE line leave Pl ? No. 42, North River, foot of Cana* t erect, New York, al 12 o'clock noon, of the 1st 9th, ic Lt and 24th of every month (except when these dat?e fall on Sunday, then the Saturday preceding). Departure of lit and 2lst connect at Panama nitl steamers for South Pacific and Central American ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. Departure of nth of each month connects with the new steam line from Panama to Australia and New Zealand. . Steamship GBEAT REPUBLIC leaves San Fran? cisco, for China and Japan, June 3. No California steamers touch at Havana, but gc direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or further information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the whan, foot of Canal-street North River, New York. March 14 lyr F. R. BABY, Agent FOR EDISTO, ROCKVILLE. ENTERPRISE, FULLER'S LAND? ING AND WAY LANDINGS, r - g-TF*^*>w THE STEAMER ST. HELENA, SmSEBi Captain D. BOTLE, will receive Freight,This Day, and leavo To-Morrow Morning, it 4 o'clock, and EdiEtO Wednesday Afternoon, ac 3 o'clock. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to JOHN H. MURRAY. Agent, May 4 1* Market Wharf. THROUGH TICKETS TO FLORIDA, BY CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKE! LINE, VIA BEAUFORT, BILTON HEAD4ND BLFFFTON. - . jff^w THE STEAMER "PILOT BOY," pES? Captain W. T. MCNELTT, wi)l leave Charleston every Monday Sight, at 12 o'c. ck, end Savannah every Thursday Morning, at 7 o', jock. All Way freight, also Blufitcn Wharfage, must he pre-paid. For Freight or Passade, apply to JOHN FEBGUsON, Accommodation Wharf, March 3_ FOR PALATKA. FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL LANDINGS ON THE bT. JOHN'? RIVER. - .?tr^fc? STEAMERS DICTATOR AND Jj^gSEgCciTY TOINI, trill leave Charleston ever.; Tut ?day and Friday Evenings, at 9 o' for above i laces, and Savaunah every Wednesday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock P. M. Steamer DICTAI OR, Capt. L. M. COXETTEB, sauf Tuesday Evtning. Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. S. ADKINS, sails Fri. day Evening. Returning, the DICTATOR will leave Savannah every Saturday Moraine, at 7 o'clock. For Freight or passage apply on board or at office of J. D. AIKEN k CO., Agents, january 3 South Atlantic Wharf. SO- NOTICE.-ON A FINAL ADJUSTMENT of the arTaitB.of the late co-partnership of CRAIG, TUOMEY k CO., it was agreed that all the outstand? ing debts due the Concern should be paid lo the subscriber, who is alone authorized to receipt for the same. All persons indebted to said Concern, by note or otherwise, will make payment to JOHN TDOMEY, SC East Bay, April 8 Corner Adger'e South Wharf. ?S- THE WIFE OF A CELEBRATED SOU 1 HERN GENERAL writes as follows: "I have used the preparation for the hair called PALMETTO HAIR RENEWER for the past j ear, and consider it all that is claimed for it ud even more, for it has given me a luxurious growth of hair, and has changed my hair (which was very gray) to the color and beauty of youth. I would recommend all my friends to try it For sale bv DOWTE 4 MOISE Who're Agents, April 8_wfm!2_Charleston. ta- LADIES BEING CONFINED SHOULD never be without COMSTOCK'S RATIONAL FOOD. It prevents constipation, gives strength and great nourishment to both mother and child, being digest ed and assimilate .1 with the least possible labor of the stomach, and is a substitute tor healthy breast milk if needed for the child. Physicians give very little or no medicine w^ere thia iood is used. Ask your physician about it GEORGE WELLS COME TOCK, No. 87 Cortlandt-etreet, New York. For sale by DOWTE k MOISE, April 8 wfml3 Agente, Charleson, S. C. WM. KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS . OF PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. April f/0_'_Gmo UMSEN, CARROLL & CO. PRESERVERS, PICKLERS, OYSTER PACKERS, Ac No. IS Light-street, Baltimore, Joint Proprietors and Sole Agents for BORDEN'S CONDENSED MLLE, Prepared by the Baltimore Condensed Milt Company April 22 . Cmos g A R S AP AIU L 1, I A. X ASD ITS POWERFUL CURATIVE ASSOCIATES. P?EPABZD TTSDEB A ?TEWLT DI6COTZBXD PEOCXSS FOE EXTRACTTS'G THE CtTBATTVE PBOPEBTTFS FEoii VEGETABLE SUBSTASCIH, xit TEBS ESTO THE COMPOSITION OF DR. R A D W A I'S RENOVATING BESO L V E 2f r_ A NEW PRINCIPLE DISCOVERED. One Bottle of Reiolvent is Better Thane Ten Large Bottles of the Advcrtiaed Sarsaparillas, or Direct Diuretic Rem edies. PKTBICIA??S wonder at the extraordinary power of RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT in caring ? the wont lonna of Scrofulous Syphiloid, Chronic Skin Diseases, and ita marvelous power in resolving - calculons concretions, affording Immediate relief ana. consequent cure of Diseases of the Kidney, Bladder, Liver, Lungs, Pancreas, Spleen. Its rapid influence in the cure of Diabetes, Incontinence cr scanty, tor- - bid, albuminous, cloudy urine; tts almost instant er flcacy In stopping itching and painful discharge ot urine, and 'ts singular power in curing discharge J from the Uterus and Urethra, L?ucorrhcea. Bloody ? Urine, and other unhealthy and weakening dis* charges;-and inquire wherein the 8AESAPABIL Ll AN used in the Renovating Resolvent differs from ordinary Sarsaparillas ! Sarsiparillian la the only principle in sarsaparilla that possesses curative properties; all other parta of the root are inert, and useless. One ounce of the extract obtained under Dr. Badway'suew procesa for extracting the curativo ? properties from vegetable substances, contains more of the true principle of core than twenty pounds of. the ordinary roots. SAES APA RILLI AN is only one ot the ingredients that forms this truly wonderful medicines and it is s the only remedy that coamunicates . i its purifying, cleanaiuB* and reinvigorating proper- . i ties through the BLOOD, SWEAT, URINE, and ' other secretions, securing a harmonious functional. action of every depraved organ and gland in the sys tem. If the blood ls corrupt, the Betolvent will. make it pure. If the Lungs are ulcerated and lore,. secreting thick phlegm and prurelent matter, the R?solvent will loosen thia -I.-posit and repair the wasting lung with sound and healthy material, pf ., the bain ia covered with pimples, apota, pastalee, sores, ulcers, ic, the Resolvent will gaickly remove ? I these annoyances. If mercury ia deposited in the bones and has accumulated in the system, the Re? solvent will drive lt out. If the Throat or Bronchial. Glands are ulcerated, the Resolvent will cure these ? signs of an early warfe. Direct remedies, possess- . in g only exclusivo properties, are hurtful, aa they < increase the functional secretions of ont organ by suspending the constituent secretions of others;-. [ hence; a compensating remedy like the Besolvent ls 1 the only means of a permanent cure. BEAR IN MIND THAT EVERY DROP OF BLOOD* Impregnated with the Besolvent and absorbed to Fupply the waste of the body, will make pure, sounds and healthy flesh and fibre. The first ?tase that ta? rakan commenc?e ita work of purification and in? creasing the appetite and flesh. A REMARK..BLE CUBE^ SOBES ON TEE TONGUE, ULCERS TN TEL? THROAT, SORE GUMS. SORE MOUTE, SORES IN TEE NOSE, AROUND TEE ETES, die, If recently exhibited, a few bottles will cure. if. chronic, or ti .ough the effects "ot Mercury, Potas? sium, Corrosive sublimate, from six to one dozen, bottles may be required to make a permanent cure.. B. E. B. A GREAT SENSATION !-A GOOD SENSA? TION! PAIN CUBED IN AN INSTANT! In 1847 the great grand principle of stopping the - most excruciating pain in an instant, without em? ploying such dangerous agents as Chloroform,. Opium, Morphine, Aeon tia e, Ether, ic, waa first made known in RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. This remedy accomplished thia wonderful and de- - li ch mil desideratum in all casen of external and in teraal pain. In on instant it afforded relief, the moment it was applied to the parts ot the body where inflammation or pain existed-lt at once re- - lieved the patient of the most violent and excruciate - lng panga and throbs of pam, and imparted the de hgbrful sensation of ease and comfort. Every kind of pain, whether Rheumatism, Neu? ralgia, Toothache, Pal - s in the Chest, Side, Lungs,. Stomach, Bowels, Kidaeys, Spine, Lc,,-.. Arma, Feet,., one application was sufficient to kill and extei xinate the pain. Taken internally, twenty drops to a teaspoonful would cure, and will cure, Asiatic Cholera, Fever - and Ague, Chills and Fever. Bilious Colic, Inflam? mation of the Bowels, Cramps, Spurns, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and every pain that m av exist in the in- - aide of man. woman or child; this woe BADWAY'S READY BELIEF of 1847, and it ls BADWAY'S BE- - LIEF, greatly improved, in 1868. Wethen started it in its mission o' relieving the infirm, pain-stricken, sick, distressed and crippled of all nations throughout the world, and now to-day it is need, patronized and revered aa a household necessity, in the palaces of Sultans, Emperors,.. Haimos, Kings, High Priests, Kobiea, aa well as in. the cottages of the laboring classes of ever}- nation on the face cf the earth. CONGESTION. OF THE LUNGS CURED IN THIRTY MINUTE8 ! Important to Know how to Use "Rad- ? way's Ready Relief" in Acute and nangeroo* Attacks t HT OWN CASE. On Saturday night, the 19th, I was violently seized-', with Congestion of the Lunga. For a few days pre- - vious I felt a dull pain over my left lung, withr occasional coughs, but being actively engaged, paid, no attention to it When seized, the pam was so piercing, cutting and excruciating, that every breath drawn was like a red hot knife cutting my lung. Be- - mg absent from home, I sent out for three bottles of RADWAY'S BELIEF, applied the entire lot to my lunga, back, shoulders, ?c., and m a few momenta ? . got up counter-irritation. Respirations were easy, and, as the akin became reddened, all pain ceased. In halt' an hour I wu tree from pain, and all signe- ? of Congestion, Inflammation, ic, gone. This is aa important cure. It is well that everyone should know how to use this remedy in severe attacks. The same rule holds good in cases of Inflammation ot. the Loins, Bowels, Kidnevs and Stomach. Apply the BELIEF freely; soak the skin with it It will instantly secure the withdrawal of the inflammation -. to the surface, and persons now suffering may, is* ? THXETV MINUTES, be free from pain. CHBONTC INFLAMMATION. Da cases where inflammation bas existed for a length ef fame, in addition to thc BELIEF, .take six : ot BADWAY'S PILLS. Powder them. In half an . hour, in most COSCF, they will operate. If not, re- , peat the dose. In one or two hours at the furthest ?' thry wiU operate, and the patient soon get well. In ? Bilious, Typhoid, Fever and Ague, this treatment ie sure to cure. Let it be tried. - '? JOHN BADWAY, M. D. {J-Dr. RADWAY'S REMEDIES arc ?old Dy Drug gists and Storekeepers everywhere. Get the New ! Style, with India Rubber Cork. DO WIE St NOISE, ' AGENTS, ' - u'-Charleston, S. C j. May 2 nae ' Cmos"" *