University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS ?-LARGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAVING TilE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE PGSTOFFICE AT THE END OF EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. THE DAILY NEWS AT EIGHTEEN, CENTS A WEEK. Our City Agent, Mr. J. Silverstein, will de? liver THE DAILY NEWS in any part of tbe city at tho rato of oighteen cents a week. Urdfio lefj at tho periodical stores of Mr. C. C. Righter, Nos. 161 and 33S King-street, or at this office will roceivo prompt attention. A UCTION SALES THIS DA Y. MCKAY k CAMPBELL will sell thia day, at their cash auction house, No. 136 Meeting Btreet, at 10 o'clock, the bankrupt stock of a dry goods store. SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY will sell this day, in front of their office, No. 27 Broad-street, at ll o'clock, a house and lot, horses, mules, furni? ture, ??c. N. HUNT & SON will sell this day, in their salesroom, No. 142 Meeting-street, at 10 o'clock, booT3, shoes, &c. LOWNDES & GBTMBALL will sell this day, in front of their office, No. 26 Broad-street, at ll o'clock, mules. R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHES will sell this day, at No. 33 Broad-street, at IO1 o'-lock, horse's, mules, furniture, ?tc. NOTICE TO ODE AD\ EBTISEBS.-The Down? town advertising bos of THE DAILY NEWS will be found at the office of the City Railway Company, northwest corner of Broad-street and East Bay, The box will be emptied several times even- afternoon and night, and adver? tisements dropped into it up to ll o'clock P. M., will appear in the morrow's NEWS as surely as if handed in at our counting-room. SINGLE COPIES of this morning's DAILY NEWS, put up in wrappers ready for mading, may be had at our counting-room; price five cents. The DAILY NEWS will be mailed regularly, du? ring the session of the State Convention, to parties who may desire to have a full record of the proceedings, for eighteen cents a week. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS AND COMMON PLEAS-HON. F. J. MOSES PRESIDING. -The court was occupied in the consideration of civil cases. THE LADIES'MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION, grate? fully acknowledge the receipt of a half ton of j coal, from Mr. F. P. Seignous ; and also a load of dry pine wood, from Mr. Lampe. EQUITY COURT-CHANGELLOB CABBOLL PBE siDiNQ.-The case of McKeegan vs. Mcsweeney was taken up. Messrs. Mc Jrady and Magrath for the complainant. Messrs. Phillips and Campbell corara. The pleadings wore read and the case opened by Mr. McCrady. THE FORENSIC CLUB meets to-night in tho Courthouse, at half-past 7, as a moot court. The case to be argued is an action of trover for the recovery of a horso. We loam that there are several constitutional questious in volved in the discussion, which wo presume \ will be warm. All who feel an interest in tho 11 argument of questions of law will bo present. Tho meetings ar3 open to the public. LIST OF UNKATLABLE LETTER? remaining in city Postoffice of Charleston, detained for lack of sufficient stamps, or other good cause : H. J. Brabham, Bamberg, S. C.; A. Burg man, Charleston, Penn.; D. Ballo-itine, Ridgo ville, 8. C.; 8. Bowman, Pocotalicro, S. C.; 3. ChaDhn, Walterboro', S. C.; T. H. Clarke, Cam? den,'S. C.; W. A. Cantwell, Now York, N. Y.; C. M. Dennean, Cartorsvillo, Ga.; David Drink? water, Havana, Cuba; ttev. E. Ferguson, Aikon, S. C.; John Gibson & Son, Philadelphia, Penn.; Mrs. F. H. Glovor, Charlotte, N. C.; Isabel C. Guerard, Bluff con, S. C.; Joseph Hammond, Savannah. Ga.; J. B. LewLs, Belton, ?S. C.; Ste ?lien C. Milletto, Washington, D. C.; A. A. liller, Aiken, S. C.; Chanco Mc Loyd, Gra? ham's T. 0.; Domnick Patten, Wisconsin; C. R. Poole, Augusta, Ga.; Annie P. Pellet, Rich? mond, Va.; E. Robinson, Newberry, S. C.; E. A. Sanchez, Matanza, Cubs, A. D. Shepard, TNew York, N. Y.; W. H. ScbofMin, New York, N. Y.; 8. ?.Stevens, Ashr.ille, N. C.; T. W. Terrv, Baltimore, M. D.; J. Lawton Taylor, Davall'a Bluff, Ark.; E. Wotsell, Sen., Walter? boro*, S. C._ GEOGRAPHY AND RECONSTRUCTION.-An Irish schoolmaster once translated the first in Casar's commentaries to read, "AU Gaul is quartered in three halves." li he had lived in South Carolina he would have b jen puzzled to describe the multitudinous sections into which this State is divided. Tho last convention abolished the parish system, and the present body will probably transmogrify districts into counties and make other changes. To a per? son not acquainted with the history of the State the numerous divisions and Bub-divisions aro very puzzling. The military have their beats, thc courts their separate circuits and districts, and there are also four Congressional and three Collection Districts, besides othor minor divisions. The legal fraternity and State officials arc necessarily acquainted with these divisions, but tho public at largo would find it difficult to describe any one section ac? curately. Since the passage oi' tho Bankrupt act many an unfortunate wight has become fa? miliar with the jurisdiction of the several registrars; and thanks to the multitudinous as? pirants for political honors the Congressional Districts are no longer lerra incognita. The reconstruction convention seems imbued with the idea that old things must paf^s away; and mayhap the legislators in that body will in the plentitude of their wisdom devise some plan to make the various divisions correspond with each other. _ > BILL OF MORTALITY.-Return of deaths with? in the City of Charleston for the week ending February 15, 1868. DISBASES. li BLACKS on COLORED Asthma. Burn. Child Bed. Colic. Consumption. Croup., Debility. Dropsy. Fever, Bilious Remittent.. Hemoptisis.. Hemorrhage, Umbilical... Hydrothorax. Inanition. lu sanity. Lumrs, Congestion of.. Marasmus. Paralysis. Pericardium, Dopsy ot_ Peritonitis. Pneumonia. Total. RI CAPITULATION : Whites, 8; Blacks and Colored, li>-Total. SI Under 1 year of age... 3j Between 50 ar.d 60 yrs. A -itetr. land 5 yrs... 2 Between 60 and 70s rs. 0 Between Sand 10 yrs.. l|IJetween 70 and 80 yrs. 2 Between 10 and 20 yrs.. 2 Between 80 and 90 * rs. 0 Between 20 and SO yrs.. 1 Between 90andl00yts. 0 Between 30 and 40 j rs. 2 Over 100 years of age... 0 Between 40 and 60 yrs.. 2_ ^ Office of City Registrar. February 18, 1868. GEORGE S. P?L/.ER, M. D.. City Registrar. TUE THEATRE.- Tho Hibernian Theatre is evi? dently the great centre of evening attraction. For the first timo since the war our citizens now have an opportunity of witnessing the per? formance of the great Irish actors, Mr. and Mid. Watkins. Last night was another tri? umph for the company, as the hall was full. While the Templotons offer such attractions, tnere is no fem of slim houses, though the audience regret the absence of their favorite, Miss Alice Vane, and trust that she will soon reappear behind the foot lights. THE SHD? JAMES A. WHISHT.-The heaving down of this ship waa successfully performed yesterday, at the ship-yard of the Messrs. Marsh, by the rigger, Mr. John Torrent, and the Messrs. Marsh. The task wai most ad? mirably executed, and the larboard sido of the ship was exposed to the keel. To the gratifi? cation of her commander, Captain Morse, and the agent of the underwriters, who were pres? ent, she was found to have received but slight damage, tho keel being somewhat ground off | near tho f>rc foot, and splintered off further aft, while near the stern post and forward tho oakum appeared to bo slightly Btarted, and the repairs necossi ry to place her in order is so limited in extent that thc ship is expected to be ready for freight in a few days." REAL ESTATE SALES.-Messrs. Clifford & Mathcwes sold yesterday a house and lot No. 7 Ashley-street for $1000. The house was of wood, and had four square rooms, double piazzas, a good kitchen, servants' apartments, &c, on tho premises. The lot was thirty-three feet front by one hundred and ten feet deep. Terms, one-half cash; balance ia one and two years. Messrs. Leitch & Bruns sold at tho same limo a three-story wooden house, with a slate roof, on a brick basement, situated on tho north side of Vanderhcrst-street, two doors from the market. The basement was formerly used as a drug store, and the premises have all necessary outbuildings. The lot measures thirty-three feet front by one hundred feet deep. Terms, $2G26-one-half cash; balance in ono and two years. Also, a three-story house on the south Bide of Water-street, opposite Church-street, formerly the property of Mr. David Briggs, and sold subjoct to Mrs. Briggs1 right of dowor. The house contains nine square rooms, two attics, pantry, bathing room, &c, with gas and water throughout the buildings. Terms, $5610-one-third cash; balance in one and two years. Also, a house and lot on the back beach of Sullivan's Island, commonly known as "Tho Pantry," and con? taining four upright rooms, two shed rooms and a pantry. Terms, $700-same conditions as above. NOTICES TN BANKRUPTCY.-Meetings of the creditors of the under mentioned bankrupts, to prove debts and choose assignees, will be held it tho office of thc Registrar, Hon. R. B. Car? penter, No. 59 Broad-street, on the days and at the hours named : Da'.f. I Hour. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Fell. Fob. Feb. Feb.21 Feb. Feb. Feb. Fob. Feo. Feb. Feb. feb. rob. ."ob. Har. Jar. lar. lar. lar. lar. dur. lar. .lar. Jar. liar, lar. lar. Jar. Jar. lar. Jar. Jar. 10 A. M U AM 10 A.M 10A.M. 11 A.M. M M. lP.M. 2?.U. 2 1' M. 3 P.M. 10 A.M. 11 A.M. 12 M 1 P.M 2 P.M. 3 P.M. 10 A.M. 11 A.M. Name. 9 A.M. 10 A.M. 11A.M. I P.M. 1 P.M. 2 P.M. 3 P.M. 10 A.M 11 A.M 12 M lP.M. 2 P.M. 3 P.M. 12 M. 10 A.M. .,10 A.M. 7 111 A.M y r.1 M. Cutter, W. B. Kegler, Phihp H Daly, Edward_ Legett, Wm. L.. Winstock, B. M. A- S. A Kolnitz, G. F. Von.... McLeod. H. L. Din ki n s, John G., ( Scott, Edmund & l I Benjamin, Solm'n | Gaillard, Chris. Wiliams, L. W. Riley, Jeremiah. Bellinger, Lucius S... Zone, J. B. Baker. B. It. Easfcrlin, W. T. Daniels, W. J. Jungblutb, J. II. WilUums, W. M. Conner, Dan'l G. Wilson, Benj. H. Briggs, B. Rag in. Rutjes, a. J. Thompson, C. R. Cordes, Theo. Kinsman, Norman W.. Houser, Andrew J.... uennls. John Ii. Waring, Th09. 8. Way, Madison P. Elzey, Rotiert M. smith, J. P. Bickley, John c. Isoar, Abo. Meyer, Jacob. Pack, Charles S. * Wi: tachen, A. Louisa Of what place. charleston. Charleston. Charleston. Bennetts ville. Charleston. Charleston. Manning. Manning. Charleston. st. John's. Aiken. Orange. Barnwell. Orangeburg. Bamberg. Bamberg. Bennottsvillc Charleston. St. John's. Char lesion. Georgetown Wrights' Bluff Charleston. IO ran coburg. 'hailcBtou. Charleston. Oiangeburg Charleston, ?t, Stcphon' Lewisville. BarmvolL Clio" Charleston. Charleston. ?Charleston. 'Salter's. Charleston. .AtthoUniiod State BC-.n-t. UNITED STATES COUBT-HON. GEOBOE S ir.vAN PBESEDING.-The grand and petit jurors inswored to their names. Tho grand jury was lischarged to Monday next, and the petit jury o Thursday. Ex parle Henry Summer, of Newberry-Peti .ion of voluntary bankruptcy. S. R. Chapman, Esq., pro pet. The petition was read, and the :ase referred to Henry Summer, Registrar of Third Congressional District. On motion of Jas. H. Rion, Esq., the Judge iigned an order approving the appointment of samuel B. Clancy rs assignee in the oases of Leban C. Chappell, J. G. Robb and Matthew Pettigrue, of Monticello, S. C., in bankruptcy. Tho Judge designated tho Tri-Weekly News, >f Winnsboro', as the paper in which to adver? tise. Ex parle Bradley T. Johnson. In re Wm. J. Sanders, bankrupt. On motion of Messrs. HcCrady & Son, attorneys of Bradley T. John sou, it was ordered that tho Marshal, having evied on tho proporty of tho said bankrupt, jhow cause ra Thursday why tho prooeods ipon th e execution are hold. In re Isaac Klein, a bankrupt-lu bankrupt? cy- Petition for salo of personal property. On notion of Brewster & Spratt, attorneys in this jase, it waa ordered that the assignee, Lucas Simons, do sell the goods of Klein, excoptiag the goods in the store at Florence, and hold the proceeds subject to fluther order; also that tho poods in the store at Florence be brought to Chaile8toii by tho Marshal and be jeld subject to the further ordor of tho court. The case ot Rittenhouse, Fant & Co. was continued. Mr. Wilkinson being heard contra. A NEW ABT.-DecalcomaDio is one of those ivords that few understand, ind as the science is of recent invention, it requires some ex? planation. This almost unpronouuceable word leacribes the art of ornamenting china, glass, }aithonware and woodonware of whatever dnd, such as jewel and other fancy boxes, ivory and paper macho goods, japanned tin? ware, bindings of books, cigar coses, fans, leather work of every description; in short, avery possible article considered worth wliilo to bo ornamented and beautified, and thus in? creased in value by this new process. It is simple to perform, durable and very effective. Tho designs aro printed in colors upon pa? per so prepared that after they are ce? mented to tho surface of thc article intended to bc decorated, by simply dampening the back of tho paper, it may bc at once and en? tirely removed and thc finished v. ork exactly resembles painting; nothing but thc colored design remaining upon tho work. Tho method is simple and can bo practiced by anybody, ex? hibiting the taste of thc person and producing tho effect of a real painting. Mr. Von Samten hus obtained a number of tho implimcnts and utensils necessary to produce this astonishing transformation, and has several samples on ex? hibition, which will convice tho incredulous of thc efficiency of the procoss. It is one o? the ni'ist entertaining amusements that has ever bi-en invented, and those who make tho small uutlav itcceesary will be moro than recom? pensed by the interest that is taken in thc pro? cess and the gratifying result that is produced. Mr. Vo i Santen is tho only agent for the D?? calcomanie in this city and has but a limited supply of the new wonder. EXTRA MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL.-Pres His Honor the Mayor, Aldermen Ravel Wragg, Gerdts, Small, O'Neill, Olnoy, Hono Wbilden, Cosgrove, Parker, Courtonay, Enst Marshall. The minutes of tho last mcetiug were rc and confirmed. Sundry applications for licenses were rc and referred to the Committee on Licenses. A memorial from sundry members of t medical faculty, relative to the taxes due W. H. Collins, shewing that ho had generoui and gratuitously furnished a large quantity drugs, etc., to the poor of the city, after t evacuation. The memorialists prayed Coun to remit the taxes due to January 1st. Rofe red to the Committee of Ways and Means. Tho petition of Mi's. M. A. Whitnoy for i numeration for damages inflicted on her pro etty by a mob, was referred to tho same coi mitteo. The petition of the Rev. John Moo e, PaBt of St. Patrick's, asking for a sufficiency bricks to pave tho sidewalk in front of tl parochial residence in St. Philip-street, wi referred to the Committee on Streets. The application of W. H. Dawson, attonn ofMisB Clementina Gadsden, for renewal i city ecrip, was granted. Suudry bills were referred to the Committe on Accounts. A report was read from the Commissionei of tho Market on the claim of Mr. Bull, dil puting the said claim. Received as informi tion. The returns of the Harbor Master and Cit Sheriff were received as information, and tb return of the City- Sheriff was referred to th Committee on City Lands, with power to r< port to Council a plan for managing tho lease property. The report of the Trustee? of tho Rope Hospital was received as information, and 01 dered to be published. The report of tho Commit teo on Tidal Drain waa read and received as information. A memorial (rom the Trustees of the Charles ton College, in behalf of the beneficiarios c the Boyce fund, asking for the payment of th interest on the city stock, was received as in formation. The Committee on Retrenchment and Relic reported favorably on tho petition of Mr. Pen dergrast for payment of city work done b, him, $42.60 in King-street, and tweuty-fiv cents per foot in Elizabeth-street. Thc Committee on Accounts reported favor ably on sundry bills. Ihe Mayor presented a report on tho appli cation of Mr. Dolan, late Sergeant of Police, fo pay, allowing him pay for ten days as request ed. Adopted. The following bill was taken up and pass?e its Becond and third reading, and waa orderec lo be engrossed as an ordinance: A BILL TO AMEND THE FIBST SECTION OF Al O UD JIN ANCE TO PBEVENT THE FILLING UP Ol LOTTI WITH CERTAIN MATERIALS, BATIFIEI JANUABY 18, 1859. Beit ordained by tlie Mayor and AUlermn m City Courted assembled, That, horoafter, ii Hhall not bc lawful for any person or persons or body politic, to fill up any low lota or low lands within tho city with nco chaff, sawdust or ? ffol of any description, except duri ig the roontns o' December, January and February, oxcept such lot or lots as may bu covered by thc tides, under a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence; and, also, a further ponalty ol twenty dolLiTs for oach and overy day that such prohibited materials Btiolllieor bc permitted to remain on any euch low lot or low laud, aftoi twenty-four hours' notice from tho Mayor, City Inspector, or City R'jgistrar to louiovo the same. And one-half of the first named ponalty shall go to tho informer in oach case. Alderman Cosgrove o?bred a resolution that thc City Treasurer report to City Council at nach regular mooting tho amount of city bills ind currency in thu treasury. Adopted. Aldorman Parker offered a resolution that vheroas reports aro in circulation that there ia i large quantity of real ostuto in this city which ? not on the tax list, thereforo bc it Resolved, That tho Cornmitteo on Assess nenta be instructed to inquire into und roport vhether tbero ia an} foundation tor such re? ports. Adopted. Tho majority and minority roports of th: 3omtnittce on the Artesian Well wcro considor jd, and tho following loaolution, offered by Alderman Olney, was adopted : Resolved, That tho majority report of the Committee on the Artesian Well uo adopted, but the assessment o? five hundred dollars per year for the past two years bo remitted, and that it be referred to tho Cumuiittco on thc Artesian Well, to roport to Couucil what dis position shall be made of (he water. Tho Mayor asked for a leavo of absence for .wo days, which wus granted, and, ou motion >f Alderman Oluey, Alderman Honour way ap? pointed Mayor pro tem. No further business appearing, tho Council idjourned._ DESECBATION OF THE MABKET.-There aro few persons who have passed through the narkot and have not noticed tho numerous booths or eating stands that are located in (be owei portion near East Buy. It is of little ini bortance to know whether thesa reatauratcura lave paid their markot license or not; but here should be some surpriso cxprca6od when :he despoliation of property is witnessed. These small dealers have each a stove in which ihey keep their provisions war n. Tho smoko from this stove has no means of escape, and .ho pillars and ceilings tao blackened and ibused by the fires that uro daily kindle J in :hese chosen spots. The bootha aro well pa? tronized by a numbDr of porsona who could hardly obtain a warm meal cheaper, bat the fumca of cooking and t he disagrecieblo rosult uausod by the smoko induco many to neglect that portion of tho market. The liaat Bay 3nd, where theso cookUts moat do congregato, ia not occupied by any one, but if tho "flesh pots" were removed lo tho new Pish Markot the nuisance tumid bo abuted, and thc custo? mers of the African dames can then bo acn ed with their savory viands without aunoyance to others. HOTEL ABBIVALS.-Mils House.-J. Ford, South Carolina; W. Rees Ford, South Carolina; R. W. Vaux, Georgetown, South Carolina; C. H. Johnson, Virginia ; Hov. Wm. Curtis. Lime? stone Springs ; C. H. Baldwin, Columbians. P. Worsham, Kentucky; P. Kirkland, Augusta; II. G. Hagen, Baltimore ; J. Howell, Joraey City; Jno. Poteen, Pennsylvania; C. A. Sliultz, New York; Isaac T. Smith, Goo. P. Putnam, Jaa. G. Putnnm, Misa Putnam and Mr. J. T. Smith, New York; Kate Remington, R. K. Remington, J. A. Remington, Mary E. Remington, Kate H. Remington and S. W. Remington, Fall River, Massachusetts; H. Coppei thwait, S. C. Groot and A. Groot, New York; C. D. Funner, South Carolina, Charleston HoicK-A. H. Siinouds, New Or? leans; Earnest Kram, Oraugebur? C. H.; Dr. S. T. Dearing, Richmond Cornily, Ga.; G. A. Pc tcrkin, Marlboro"; Dr. J. H. [Lane, Marlboro'; G. Tyler, Virginia; T. E. Rice and J. D. Wads? worth, New York; J. Layton, R. Hoag ?nd family, Albany, N. Y.; V. A. Bruck and J. C. Medlin, Cbcraw; Mrs. J. M. Wilson and G. S. Cooper, Iudianlown, S. 0.; C. W. Dudley, Bcn nctlsvillc; R. H. Draper, J. H. Jcnks, Cooper River; Mrs. L. Dolbearo, Weat Newton, Mass.; E. N. Plowden and Miss J. S. Plowden, Claren? don; Dr. Wm. Reynolds, Columbia; Robert Bradley, Williamsburg. Pavilion Hotel.-E. V. Millett, New York; Major LaMolto, Georgetown; F. M. Bailey, Edisto; J. F. Grimes, Barnwell; J. H. Snber, Newberry; Wm. C. Je.-ff.uds, Madison City, Fla.; \V. ti. Singlotary, ..illiamsburg; Mrs." Clark and child, Wilmington; .Mrs. G. B. Tauuton, St. Stephens; J. J. Nettles, M. C. Hall, Dr. Samuel Gr ilium and wife, Northeastern Rail? road; E. Stevens, Now Haven, Conn.; W. C. Jones, Northeastern Railroad; J. H. Mcilveen, Floreuce. THE PROPOSED UNITED STATES MAHBHAL_A Washington telegram yesterday informed our readers that the President has nominated Dr. Tliomas Sim as the United States Marshal for South Carolina, in the placo of the incumbent, J. P. M. Epping, Esq. Of the causes of tho proposed change it is not proper to speak at present, nor is it by any means certain that Mr. Epping will be removed. Dr. Sim is understood to be a Northern gen? tleman ot some ability who located in South Carolina after tho war and engaged in plant? ing. During the war ho was a surgeon in the United States Army, and we have heard it stated is tbe one who enjoyed the dis? tinguished honor of removing the log of j .Major-General Sickles after that officer was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. Following the fortunes of General Sickles to South Carolina he was for a time in one of the bureaus con? nected with the Post, after which he turned his attention to the more charming pursuit of agriculture. Ho is the author of a pamphlet which somewhat elaborately discusses the probable causes of yellow fever and the neces? sity of a quarantine at Charleston-a brochure, which, at the timo ol its publication, attracted the attention generally of the medical commu? nity. Dr. Sim is represented to be a gentleman of quiet, unassuming manners and a conservative in politics. Magnolia Cemetery. To the Editors of the Baity News : May wo call into service your valuable papor, to draw the attention of the ablo and ener? getic President of the City Railway Company to tho importance of extending their road to "Magnolia Cemetery?" It would be a great accommodation to tho citizens of Charleston, as so few of them own their carriages, as they did in times past, and they would be glad to use tho cars to visit the graves of their friends. We have no doubt that it would be a paying business to the company, and as their charter grants thom the privilege of extending their track to the cemetery, wo hope that they will see tho importance of doing so. Tho neod of it will be thc greater, as wo understand that the military authorities have it now under con? sideration to stop burials in tho city. "CHABITY." BUSINESS NOTICES. H. H. [f you want cheal. Blank Booka; if you want cheap Stationery, Envelopes, f aper. Ac; or, MILLER'S Almanac; ll you want Printing executed neatly; If you want Books bound in any stylo, or Ac? count Hooks made to order, with any dosircd pattern ot ruling, go to HIHAJI HARRIS, NO. 50 P.road-8troet. ALL WHO are in want of good substantial boots and shoos, will find them at John Com? mins' No. 131 Meeting-street, nearly opposite the Market; they aro offered at retail. w4 WE REFER to John Commins, No. 191 Meet? ing-street. Ho has reoeived men's water proof shoes of a peculiar make; the soles are com? posed of India rubber and leather, the uppers of fine cali-said to bo a very superior shoe for wet and cold weathor. jfinanrial. ?STATE BONDS, STOChS, &c, WAM'KI) TU PURCHASE. STATE SOUTH CAROLINA BONDS (OLD AND NEW) STATIC SOUTH CAROLINA STOCE CiTY. OJb' CHAHLEnTO."! STUCK Null 1HEA8TERN HA1LHO..D BONDS SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD BONDS CU Y OF SAVA.NN.IH BONDS MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD BONDS. Full pri?es paid by H. H. DELEON, February 19 wi2 No. 24 Brou '-sir. et. CHfcOKS US NEW YORK. FOR SAL li Bi CONNER 4 WILSON, February 10 inwilO No. 6 Broad-street. DKAF1S ON ENGLAND. SIOUT AND 1IME DRAFTS, IN SUMS OF fl and upwards, on Union Bank, London. For ?ale by CONNER & WILSON, February 10 mwfl? No.O Uroad-stroet. STATE BILLS HLCEIVABLE, WANTED. Pi TATE BILLS RECEIVABLE ,J BO*Dd, STOCKS AND COUPONS DANK PILLtf of all kinds. Highest prices paid by ANDREW M. MOREL AND, Broker, No. 8 Broad-street. February 18 6 CHECKS ON NEW YORK, FOR SALE IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS'. TIME BILLS ON NEW YORK PURCHASED. Ad..mecs m ide on consignments of Cottou und Rice to our lricnds in New YorA i" LAFITTE & CO., Februarys Imo No. 20Broad-s reet ilota in jknhruptci). IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP TH IC UNITED si A lEs, FOR THE DISIKICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF JO? SEPH R. ROBLRTsON. BANKRUPT-IN BANK RUPICi-Tn WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.-The undersigned hereby Rives notice of bis appointment as asalteo of JOsEl'H R. ROBERTSON, in tho Dis? trict of Charleston and state oi South Carolina, within said District, who has been adjudged a Hank rupl upon his own petition by thc District Court of said District. Dated thc 18th day of February. A. D. 1808. LOUIS MCLALN. ABslgnoc. February 19 w3 IN THE DISTRICT COURT Ol' THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF JA? COB AILYEK, KANKRUFT. BY WHOM A PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPTCY WAS FILED ON TUE 10TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 1808, IN SAID COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY.-This is lo givo notice that on the thirteenth day of February, A. O. 1808, a Warrant in Uaukruptcy waa issuad against the Estate of JA? OB MEYi.R, of Charles on, in tho District of Charleston an-J State of South Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own politl?n; that tie pay mont of any debls and delivery ol any pro? perty belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and thc transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of tho creditors of the suid Bani rupt, to provo their debts and to choose ouc or moro assignees of bis Estate, will be held at a t ourt of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at No. 59 Broiid-strcct, Charleston, S. C., boforo H. U. CAR PENTER, Registrar, on the seventh day of March, A. D. 1808, at 10 o'clock A. U. J. p. M. EPPING. Um teil Statt s Mar .-hal as Messenger. _Februaiy 19 w2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-IN THE MATTER OF CHARLES S. PACK, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION OF BANKRUPTCY WAS FILED ON ? Ul 5TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. 18C8, IN SAID COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to givo notice that on the thirteenth day of February, A. D 1801, a Warrant in bankruptcy was isnued against thc Estate of CHARLES S. PACK, ot salter's Depot, in tho District of WiUJanuburjr, und Slate of South Carolina, who has becu adjudged a ?aukruptoii his own petition; tli?t thc payment of any deb's ?nd delivery ol' any property belong lng to sui J Bankrupt to him or for his usc. and tho transfer of any properly by him, aro forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the crediton of tho said Uaukrupt, to provo thtir debls, an.l to choose ouo or moro assiguces of his Estate^ will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. C9 Broad street, CbarT-stou. S. C., brfore R. B. CARPENTER, Rc, istrar, on the seventh day ot March, A. D. 16G8, at ll o'clock, A. M. J. P. M. EPPING, United States Mnrehal as Messenger. February 19 w2 COLGATE & C0/S <i E R 31 A N I Erosive Soap, :UE STANDARD OF [EXCELLENCE. For Sale by all Grot cr?. 3ino January 31 loots, Sfjofs, (tu. Water Proof Shoes. JU*T RECEIVED, A FRESH 8UPPLY OF THOSE CELEBRATED WA I ER PROOF SHOES, with India Rabber Soles and fine Calf Uppers. For sale at BETAIL. JOHN COMMINS, No. 131 ME; TTNG-STREET. Nearly Opposite the Market. February 19 1 SHOES ! SHOES ! ! 1 nfl CA>ES 0F HOOTS AND SHOES, GOOD JLvyv/ and substantial, selected for retailing. For sale by JOHN COMMINS, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, Nearly opposite the Market January 29 wi /ertilijfrs. GUANO. PEBUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FBOM AGENTS, at market rates. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, ?75 ca-U ; $80 1st November, with interest, approve J city acceptance. BAUGH'S PHO-PHATE OF LIME, $C0cash; $85 1st November, with interest, approved city accep? tance. PHOENIX OPANO. ?65 cash; $65 1st November, with interest, api.rovcd city acceptance. FLOUB OF BONE, unadulterated and unburnt FARMERS' PLASTER OR G?PSUM, warranted pure. In offering the above Manures to Planters I do so with every confidence, not only having testimonials from Platters who havo used them the past year but tho further guaranteo tu at every cargo, as it arrives, is analyzed by Prof. SHEPARD, ot tho South Caro? lina college, and the high reputation ot theso Ma? nures tully kept up. J. N. ROBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. January 1 wfm2mo KODUNDA ISLAND GUANO. A Pore. Unmixed. Natural Guano, aa Fine as Flour (although, not Ground), just In the Condition In which lt is Imported from thc Island. THIS GUANO Id FBOM A BECENTLY DIS? COVERED deposit on Boduada Island, in the Carribean Sea. West Indias, latitude 16 degrees 66 minutes north, longitude 62 degrees 23 minutes west It has boon used for many years in tho West India Islands in the cultivation of Sugar Cane and cereals with great sucoess; was introduced for the first time to the farmers and planters of the United States in thc spring of 1866, and has met wi. h unprecedented success, an thc subjoined reports and testimonials ful? ly corroborite. The BODUNDA GUANO is not a minorai phos? phate, rcquir ng tho action of the Sulphuric Acid to render lt soluble; its great power as a fertilizer is in its entire solubility, without tho aid of acid, lt ls not a "manipulation" or Compound of t ish or Flesh with Mineral Phosphates, tho regularity of which is always une? rtain and dependent upon, and controll? ed by the honesty ol tho manufacturer. The BO? DUNDA is a PUKE NATURAL GUANO (that term hoing understood tornean tho excrement offish-eat? ing birdsi, as tho large par centago of organic mat? ter sufficiently attests, and as found upon the Island of Redunda, in the very state as imported and gold to consumers. lbs regularity and uniformity of tho fineness and condition of the various cargoes already importe d by us into the United States, tested by thu analysts of the most eminent Chomists of this country and Ea rope, is sufficient proof of its origin and a guarantee or our ability to lurnish this Guano of the quality and purity represented. Tho Pit ICE of tho RODUNDA GUANO is not the least unimportant in theso days of agricultural com? petition and pecuniary embarrassment The vory low prico at which it can be sold placea lt within the roach ot every farmer, r.ud avoids tho risk of large loss frequently incurred by failures ot the crops in thc purchase of high priced fertilizers. lu the preparation of lands for Wheat and other cereals this Guano possesses properties that roudcr it moro desirable lor theso crops than any yet offered to thc public. Pamphlets containing Iho analysis and experi? ments made bv the m> st prominent Chemists of this country and in Europe together with innumerable ccri?lcotus of lu entire success Irom farmers and planters, can ba obtained at our Olllcc, to which wo invite attention. Price $40 per lon, in bags or barrels, In Charles? ton. A liberal deduotion mad? to dealers and purchas? ers of large quantities. WILLI* dc CH1SOLM, SOLE AGENTS FOR CHARLESTON. Sj. C. ??~WM. CRICHTON & SON, Uowij's Wharf, Bal? timore, General Agents for tho United States. January 1 wfui'Jmos ?SW ?OUR CROPS. FARMERS AND PLANTERS PLANT LESS LAND, MANDEE MORE HIGHLY. USE THE WANDO FERTILIZER, MADE AT HOME UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DR. ST. JU? LIEN RAVE .s EL, CHEMIST. PRICE 965 PER TON. WM. C. DUKES & CO., Agents. February 18 6 The Wando Fertilizer Company HAVE ON HAND A SUPPLY OF THE ABOVE FERTILIZER, MADE AT THEIR WORKS IN THIS CITY. D Farmers will Hud it to their iuterost to try it PRICE $50 PER TON. W. C. DUKES Si CO.. Abouts, No. L SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF. January 31 NAPES' MTROGENIZED SDPfiR-PHO?P??TI? OF LIME. TEItMSi SG3 PK:l 'FOX, CASU-TIBIE SALI - VAN I5K ARRANGED Hilt. H. W. KINSMAN, SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, No. 153 EAST BAY. January 20 Prujjs, (?l)emif?ls,J?tf. ^ RUGS AX O .MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED DY E. H. KELLERS & CO. SUPPLIES OF HOSTET! ER'S, HOOI LAND'S AND COLLETON BITTERS. AVer's. Jaynes' Wright'*, Radway's, Cephalic, lleckwith's Holloway's, sanford's aud Brandrcth's Pi. ls. Gray's, Holloway's, Dalloy's, McAliiters', Rus? sian. David's and Morchead's Ointment. Ht-gcman'H Ferratcd Bark and Cod Tiver Oil and Ccimut, Burnett's Cod Liver Oil, Ayer's Sarsapa? rilla, Cherry Pectoral and Ague Cure, ic. kc. Country orders solicited, and will meet with prompi attention. E. II. SELLERS A: CO., February 17 inwi No. 131 Meeting-street J-^RUGS AND MEDICINES, FRESH BY EVERY STEAMER. E. II. KELLERS & CO., No. 131. MEETING-STREET, CHARLES ION, S. C., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Aiwa va on hand a lareo assortment of DRUGS, PATENT M?DIILSES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY and TOILE r ARTICLE-. _ , Physicians' orders lilied promptly, and at the low? est market rates. K. H. KELLERS, M. D. H. BAER, M. D. February 15 mwf Jlnrtton Snits. Mules at Auction. BY LOWNDES & GRIM KALL. Will be sold THI > DAT, in front of their office, at ll o'clock. February 19 Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Balmorals, JfC. BY K. HUNT & SON. THIS DAT, the 19th instant, at 10 o'clock, in our Salesroom, No. 142 Meeting-street, we will sall for cash, 60 cases assorted BOOTS, SHOES, Brogans, Bal? moral?, Gaiters, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Boots, Balmorals and Gaitera, ic, to wbioh we in? vite the attention of buyers. February 19 UNDER 1IKCREE IN KU. LT TY. Lorents vs. Managhan, et al. On TUESDAY, 26 th instant, at ll o'clock, will be sold at the old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings there? on, known as No. 10 Beaufain-strect, in thia city, measuring In freut on said street 30 feet, and in depth 102; bounding north on land of B. Mordecai, cast on land of estate of Calder, west on land of P. Moran, and south on Beaufaln-street. Terms-One-thi rd cash; balance In one, two and three years, with interest semi-annually, secured by bond of ttie purchaser and mortgage of the pre? mises, the buildings to be insured and the policy assigned. Purcbnser to pay for papers and stamps. J. W. GHAT, February 14 ftuw Master in Equity. UNDER. DECREE IN EQUITY. R. T. Morrison,Jr., et al. vs. Toomer et al. On TUESDAY the 3d March next, at ll o'clock, will bf sold st the old Customhouse, All that PLANTATION in Christ Church Parish, late the property of Dr. Anthony V. Toomer, de? ceased, and known as the "Bee Hive," measuring 529%, acres, more or less, of high land, and 900 seres, mote or less, of marsh, and having such marks, metes and bounds ss aie delineated on a plat of Robt E. Payne. This said plat may be Been at my office. Terms-One-third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, up n bond secured by mortgage of the premises sold, and payable in two equal annual inn i aiment?, with interest payable annually on the whole amount until paid. Purchaser to pay for pa? pers and stamps. J. W. GRAY, February 12 w3tul Master in Equity. UNDER I" EC REE IN EQUITY. Morrison, Jr., et al., vs. Morrison, Adminis? trator of Toomer. On TUESDAY, th a 3d March next, at ll o'clock, will be sold st the old Customhouse, All that PLANTATION, late the property of An? thony V. Toomer. deceased, sud known as "White Hall," situate in Christ Church Parish, Charleston District, and me* curing six hundred acres, more or less; bounding north on land of G. Whits, cast on land ot A. V. Too mar, south on Bo wat Sound, and west on lands of T. H. Jcrvoy. A plat of the same may be seen at my office. Terms-One-lot a th cash; balance in one and two years, In equal lr atahnenta, secured by bond of the purchaser and n ortgage of the property, with in? terest payable Be ni i-annually. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamp I. J. W. ORAT, February 12 w3 tul Master in Equity. /trtilijrrs. CHARLESTON, S. C., IS PREPARED TO FURNISH FABHEILS AND PLANTERS AN AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PHOSPHITE, COMBINING IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE THE requisites fer the lan;eat yield of Cotton and Cora. Our friends who have tried this FERTILI? ZE P. give their unqualified testimony of its com? plete success in largely increasing tho yield of their crops. Wbero tho application was doubled, the in? crease of yield wis fully as great, and we are assured that it hun provee for cotton "THE MANURE." PLANTERS W* LL FIND IT ADVANTAGEOUS TO work less ground, to cultivate more thoroaghly, and to apply liberall) a preparation such as the above. Our FERTILIZER S ARE MA OE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF Dr. St. JULIES RAVENEL, Chemist, WHOSE REPUTATION AND SKILL EN3?RE A reliable article. We Lave no hesitation ..->. stating that in our STA* DARD MANURE the public have a FERTILIZER w] dcb will gi vu the most satisfactory results. WE CL UH THAT AT THE SAME COST PE"t ACRE, TH W ARTICLE WILL DO BETTER THAN PERUVIAN U?ANO, our iriends writing that Guano loses its effect upon the plant generally about the beginning of September, and this sustain? ing the plant in U green and healthy condition until killed by frost. Directions for use sent with ship? ments. Price to 5 per ton of 2000pounds. A SU PERIOR ARTICLE OF PURE BONE FLOUR ALWAYS ON BAND, AT $65 PER T0\ OF 2000 POUNDS. WM. C BUKES & (JO., Ag'ts. february 17 CROASDALE'S GENUINE SUPERPHOSPHATE THE STANDARD FERTILIZER. RICHER IN AMMONIA AND PHOSPHORIC ACID THAN ANY OTHER FERTILIZER IN THE MARKET. Sold for Caib, or Approved City Accep? tance. RE.-'D THE FOLLOWING : CHABLESTON, S. C., December 15,1887. Wm. Ourney: DEAS SIB : For the past year I have had the superintendent:* of a large Cotton planting interest near the city. In the cultivation of the land I have usfd CROASDALE'S PHOSPHATES, and although the season was ?aost unfavorable to a fair experiment of this Fertilize!, I can with safety say that the bene? ficial effects on I he crops in the progress of les growth was most manifest. My faith in its utility ls so Btrong that I wi"I recommend its uso for the ensuing aeason. Very respectfully, G. W. S. LEGARE HILTON HEAD, December 20, 1867. Wm. Ourrey: DEAR SIB : I experimented with Cvo d?neront Kinds of Phosphates ami Manures tho past season on cotton land<>, ind am forcibly convinced that "CROASDALE'.. SUPER-PHOSPHATE" is far su? perior to any other of the fertilizers I have tried, and think so lavoratly of it that I intend giving lt the preference tho coming season. Tours respe :tfuilv. F. E. WILDER, Superintendent V. 8. Cotton Company. For sale by WM. GURNEY, No. 102 East Bay, Agent for State of South Carol.ns. Jan 28 30, Feb 1 4 6 8 ll 13 1518 20 22 25 27 29, M'cb 3 5 7 10 12 14 17 19 21 34 26 28 31, Apr'l 2 4 January 28 -*4TOW REA.DY I THE BEST POLITICAL AND STATISTICAL MANUAL PUBLISHED. THE DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC For 186S. AMONO THE CONTESTS WILL Bc FOUND : A BISTORT O.'i' THE SAN DOMINGO MASSACRE, A countorpatl of which is about being enacted in the southern elites. The \lmanac also coutains full and official Returns ol' all tiie Elccti ma for this year, compared with pre wous ones; tin most important acts of Congress; President Johnson's Velo Messages and Praclama lions; Lists of I cderal and State officers and Mem? bers of Congre ?s; Popular and Electoral Vote for President in 1830 and 1864; St. tistical and other iu lormation indi:pensable to every politician, planter, farmer, merchs at or mechanic. j hose partie i wishing to obtain the only Demo? cratic Text Eo< k published, must send on imme? diately, as ALL OBSESS ABE FILLED ACCOBDDVQ TO THE DATE OF TI IEXS RECEPTION. The cash must ac? company all on 1?re. TEEMS. Single copies by moil, prepaid.20 cents. Seven copies oy mail, prepaid.SI 00 Fifteen copie i by m til prepaid.2 00 One hundred copies by express.12 00 Address VAN EVRIF, HORTON k CO., Publishers No. 162 Nassau-street, New York. ij^-For sali ay all News Agents. January ll 51 urti on golfs. Hortes, Mules, Vehicles and Furniture, at Auction. BY SMITH & 3IcGILLIYRAY, .A act ion cc ra. No. 37 Broad-, treet. 1HIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, IN FRONT OF TU ELU OFFICE._February 19 Positive sale of Three Mouses and Lot on the south side of Nunan-street, seventh west of Rutledge Avenue, known as No. 15, at Aw tion. BY SMITH & SfcGILLIYRAY, Real Estate Agenta anti Brokers, No. 87 Broad-?trf et. THIS DAY, the 19th luttant, st ll o'clock, IN FBONT OF THEIR OFFICE, will be sold, without reserve, The above PROPERTY, coniistin<i of three Dwel? ling Rouses, each with double piazzas, four rooms. Lot 24 feet front, more or less; same width for M feet, whence to thc back Une wid'h is 45 feet, more or leas; by 100 fret deep, more or less. Terms-One-half cash ; the balance in one year, secured aa usual; purchaser to pay S. k McG. for papers and stamps. February 19 Household Furniture, Large Brussels Carpet, French Plate Mirror, One Piano, at Auc? tion. . Bi R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY. at ll o'clock, at No. 33 Broad-ftrset. February 19_ Six Plantation Mules, Three Fine Horses, One Hand Cotton Press, One Wagon, ?cc. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, 10>: o'clock, at No. 83 Broad-street. February 19 MCKAY & CAMPBELL Will seU THIS DAY (Wednesday), 19th instant, at 10 o'clock, at thtir Auction Salesroom No, 136 Meeting-street, THE ENTIRE BANKRUPT STOCK OF DEY GOODS, coNsrsTnia ow: CALICOES, DRESS GOODS, HOMESPUNS, Resdy Made Clothing, Hosiery, Notions, ftc. Terms cash. February 19 gluriionecrs1 jpriootc goles. Brick Residence in Water-street. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSNURE. At ] ri va to 9M1? The BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on south side of Water-street, containing nine upright rooms andona dressing raom, with piazzas to the south. On the promises are a cistern containing 10,000 gallons, and a brick kitchen. There is also an en'rance on Zig? zag Alley. Lot moTsurps 140 3-12 feet front lino, 144 .12 feet back Une, 94 ieet 6 inches w?st line, and 38 feet 7 Inches on tho east line. Apply as above at January 31 fmw No. 23 BnOAD-sTREET. Brick Storehouse on Queen-street. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, At Private Sale The Jorge TWO STORY BRICK STOREHOUSE on the south side of Queen-street, between Meeting and Church streets; can store sbout 6000 bales of Hay, and is well arranged for a Stonehouse. Lot moa-urea leet. Apply as aoove at No. 33 BROAD-STREET. January 31 fmw geprs, Coborro, Ctr. UV Ii KAI, No. 145 EAST BAY, MANUFACTURERS'AGENT FOR THE SALE OF ALL GRADES OF CHEWING AND 8MOKTNO TOBACCO. A large assortment always on hand-whole, half, and quarter boxes, at prices varying from 30 cents to SI 26 p r pound. ST oking Tooac .-o in b-rrels of 100 pounds each, from 20 cents to 40o. per pound. Genu? ine Durham Smoking Tobacco, 60 cents per pound, Order? aoUcited. Terms cash. January 6 ra wi ly r gotcls. ^ KW YOUS HOTEL, No. 72 1 BROAD WAT, NETv YORK COT. O. M. H1LDKETH ? CO., Proprietors. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, as popularly known in former timos under the management ol J. B. MO NN OT, Esq., and more recently under that of Hilt Ail CRANSTON k CJ., IS now undei the proprietorship of messrs. D. M. HILLEL i H k T. B. ROCKWAY, uuer the firm of D. M. HILDRHTH k CO. The senior (.armer from his long experience as a proprietor of the Veranda, st Louts and Rt Charles Hotels of New Orleans, flatters himself that he can assure his friends and ho public generali)*, t at ita former world-wido r?putation as a popular first-class Hotel, shall be fully sustained under its present mauaaemont. lyr* February 13 ?1 MARLESTON' HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING TAKEN CHARGE of the above weU known Hotel, respeotfuUy In? forms his friends and the travelling public that it has been REFURNISHED IN ALL OF ITS DEPART? MENTS. The table will at sal timo? be supplied with THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS, lnclud ?og every delicacy in season, while the cuisine wUl be unexceptionable. The Bath Rooms attached to the Hotel are supplied with the celebrated Artesian Water, and HOT, COLD OR SHOWER BATHS can be obtained at any time. The same attention wUl be paid to the comfort ol the guests as heretofore and travellers can rely upon Anding the Chariest : a Hotel equal to any In ths United States. The pail n - age of the travelling pubho ls respeotfuUy solid ci. J. P. HORBACH, Agent, January 6 2m o Prop rie to.. s. WANDALE:. P50PBIET0B OF TEE MANSION HOUSE, GREENVILLE, 3. C. June 8 S T . J X I?l tl S II OT Ii BJ i NEW ORLEANS. rnoraiEioBS : WM. A. UVllb.Of Nsw Orleans \\. F. CORKEUY...OI Spottswood Hotel, Richmond Telegraph and Railroad Offices in Rotunda of Hotel. June i7 _ I L I. 1 A M IRVIN, P20PRIETOE OF THE PALMETTO HOUSE, SPARTANB URO, S. C. December 9 GREA 1 HEAL III EBWftlllW AND BALM OF LIFE! FOR ALL WHO ARE CONSUMPTIVE, OB AT E SUSCEPTIBLE TO ANY IRKIT?TI0N OF THE LUNGS, WHETHER THE COUGH HA8 BEEN OF LONG CONTINUANCE, OR OF RECENT ORIGIN. RODRIGUES' mim: ELIXIR ?ii; HAS RAPIDLY DISTINGUISHED ITSELF F IB ita wonderful restorative and curative quahtiea. Under its stimulative influence, ami by ita pen etrative agency, thia health invigoiating cordial ex? cites a goner*] beneficial rcacliou, and disperses the impermeable obstructions which prevent access to other remedies. While grauually reducing ths ac? companying ."oustnetion which attends the malady, it reproduccE the esseutial warmth and elastic vigor of the respiratory vessels, which, by this remedial combination, promotes the healing process by which relief and erne Is effected. Hemorrhages are arrested and cured, with every other concurrent disorder. As neither narcotic nor emetic properties of any kind arc employed in this Pulmonic Compound, and the most assiduous attention given to the quality and medical value of each componont article which constitute it, it ia confidently and consriontioualy recommended for its sate'y and reliability, without restriction tn generous, wboleeoni- diet, or appro hen.-ion ot renewed cold trow ita effects. For sale wholesale and retail by tbe Proprietress, Mrs. CECJLXA KODKIGULS, northwest corner of MEETING aSD SOCIETY-STREETS, and st the Druggists. PRICE SINGLE BOTTLE $1.25 November 12 jyr