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THE DAILY NEWS. ?T LARGEST CIRCULATION.-THE DAILY NEWS BEING THE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS HAYING THE LABGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS BEMAIN IXG IN THE POaTOFFICE" AT THE END OF EACH WEi-K, ACCORDING TO THE PROVID? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. THE DAILY NEWS AT EIGHTEEN CENTS A WEEK. Persons who wish to subscribe for the DAILY NEWS by the week, can have their papers served to them regularly in any part of the city every morning by six o'clock. Mr. J. Silverstein, agent for the city delivery, will call upon such persons and oollect the weekly price-eighteen cents. Orders loft at the periodical stores of Mr. C. C. Righter, Nos. 161 and 33S King-street, or at the office of thc DAILY NEWS, No. 18 Hayne-street, will receivo prompt attention. AUCTION SALES THIS HAY. CLIFFOBD'& MATHKWES will sell this day, at the old customhouse, at - o'clock, plantations on Stono River. SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY will ?ell this day, at the old customhouse, at 10J o'clock, mules, horses, sulky; also, at ll o'clock, lots of land on Queen-street; five farms; lot of land on Spring-street; wood yard foot of Chesnut Sfreet. R. M. MARSHALL <fc Bno. will sell this day, at tho old postoffico, at ll o'clock, lot of land on Smith-street. JAMES TUPPER (Mastor in Equity) will sell sell this day, at tho old customhouse, at ll o'clock, lot of land on Market-street; lots of land on Tradd-street; lots of land on Elliott street; lot of land on Pitt-street; plantation on Edisto Island. JAKES W. GRAY (Master in Equity; will sell this day, at the old customhouse, at ll o'clock, a lot of land on America-street. JOHN G. MTT.NOB & Co. will sell this di.y, at their auction salesroom, No. 135 Meeting-street, at 10 o'clock, a lot of dry goods. MTT.VH DBAEE will sell this day, at his store, corner King and Liberty streets, at 10 o'clock, dry goods, clothing, &o. R. & A. P. CALDWELL will sell this day, before their store, at 9| o'clock, butter, shoulders, strips, lard. G. W. STEFFENS & Co. will sell this day, in front of their store, No. 28 Vendue Range, at ty o'clock, sides, shoulders, beef, salmon. A. H. ABRAHAMS & SONS will sell this day, at No. 888 King-street, at ll o'clock, stock of millinery stores. JETFOBDS & Co., will sell this day, in front of their store, at ty o'clock, sides, shoulders, strips, hams. LA us EY & ALEXANDER will sell this day, be? fore their store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, strips, jowlcs, shoulders, sides, hams. T. M. CATER w?l sell this day, on Brown's wharf; at 91 o'clcci:, whiskey, hams, shoulders, butter, lard. HENRY COBIA & Co., will sell thia day, in front of their store, at ty o'clock, bacon, macke? rel, coffee, lard. MILLIGAN & SON will sell this day, at -Vo. 22 Vendue Range, at - o'clock, dry goods, &c. ESCAPED.-Two freedmen, convicted of tear? ing up the South Carolina Railroad, and who were sentenced to imprisonment at Fort Ma? con, succeeded in making their escape on Fri? day, and have not yet been recaptured. THE BOSTON ROBBERY.-A requisition from tho Governor of Massachusetts for Robert Preston, tho bank robber, was received by Governor Orr yesterday, and tho candidate foi penitentiary honors will be soon installed. THEATBICAL.-We aro glad to hear that Manager Templeton, with his company, intends to pay Charleston another visit ere long. We sadly need something to enliven us in these dull times, and we even think our people could stand another doso of the Black Crook. A SMASH UP.-The horses attached to a yellow ambulance, standing in Vanderhorst slreet. near King, yesterday morning, became alarmed at some object and dashed off, break? ing tho shafts and creating a general conster? nation. They were captured after some diffi? culty by an enterprising freedman, who suc? ceeded in bringing them into tho traces. SUBBENDEBED UIMSELF.-We learn from the Columbia Phoenix that Robert Williams, freed? man, who shot Charles Morgan, on Christmas Eve, and from the effects of which he died on Friday last, delivered himself up on yesterday to the civil authorities, and was bailed by Coroner Walker in the sum of $1000, with sureties, for his appearance at the next Court of Common Pleas and General Seusions, in March next, for trial. PHOTOGRAPHIC COPIES OF CELEBRATED PAINT? INGS.-Messrs. 8eigling & Issertel have re? cently imported from Germany, and have now on exhibition at their gallery, a large assort? ment of photographic copies of the mojt cele? brated paintings of tho great masters. Some ? of these have a world wide reputation, such as Raphael's Madonna, and others of similar note. The copies taken by thc sun aro necessarily accurate, and each line is reproduced with absolute fidelity. These pictures are in every instance of exquisite finish, and are of all sizes, from that suited for albums, to that adapted for framing. This collection is entirely new, and was imported expressly for the Charleston market. IMPORTANT TO MECHANICS-NEW PATENT GRATE BABS.-One of the principal reasons why furnaces are so frequently burnt out is on account of the accumulation of ashes on the bars, which causes them to retain the heat for a long period. Grate bars have been gene? rally made quite broad at tho surface for the purpose of retaining the coals, but this saving has been counterbalanced by the extra heat which ls generated, and which destroys both the grate and the engine. Mr. D. W. Davis, of this city, has recently applied for a patent for an invention intended to remedy this evil. He proposes to make the bars with a feather edgo, which, while it allows the ashes to fall into the dust pan, will prevent the grate from being burnt out. As the grate is ono of the most expensive parts of an engine, this invention will prove very serviceable. The bars can be applied to every species of grate, but would be principally used in steamboats, locomotives and stationary engines. DBUSE AND DISOBDEBLY.-This was the charge preferred against a number of unfortu? nate wights who found a resting place in the friendly cells of the Guardhouse on Saturday and Sunday nights. They had evidently been sor? rowing over the death of the old year, and had not controlled their emotions when taken to the calaboose. The bibulous victima wero lodged, irrespective of class, color, or previous condi? tion, as they were all on the same level, and were all uubbed with the D. D. All stages of drunk were represented at the Mayor's Court yester? day morning-from the lethargic to tho lym? phatic-und the devotees of Bacchus had evi? dently been to the wake of '07, or weie rejoic? ing over the military announcement that licenses would bo granted, and had indulged in the flow of spirits that led to their incarce? ration. The city has for some months been so extremely quiet, that it is a refreshing sight to seo a strong hst of urrivals at the police regis* ter, and though it argues badly for thc state of public moralsr yet tho fines received will be most acceptable. It is an ill wind that blows no one good. BISHOP OF GEORGI.-..- Tho Georgia papera announce that Rev. Der. Beckwith bas informed the Episcopal Standing Committee of that Diocese that he will accept the Bishopric of Georgia, to wbich he .vas unanimously elected in May last. CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET LINE.-A change in the schedule of this line is announced to-day. The steamers Pilot Boy and Fannie will heroifter leave this city every Monday and Thursday uights, at 12 o'clock, and Savannah .nery Wednesday and Saturday mornings, at 7 o'clock. These boats touoh at Bluffton and the inland points, and connect at Savannah with the Florida hue of steamers. AUCTION SALES off REAL ESTATE.-These sales will be resumed to-day, and a large amount of valuable property will be put upon the market. Messrs. Smith & McGilhvray, R. M. Marshall & Bro., Cbfford & Mathe wes, and Leitch & Bruns will sell at the old custom? house city lots and he uses, and valuable plan? tations. As these salas are made to the high? est bidder, and few leuidents at present are able to invest, those capitalists who wish to se? cure valuable propert r at a low ra:e should not neglect this occasion. A PROVIDENT MOTS.-The delays anddifh culties which the State Conventions of Louisi? ana, Alabamu and Georgia have encountered in their laudable efl ort to secure their pay, have been a warnin ? which has not been lost upon the managers and delegates elect to the approaching convention in onr own State. "Wo learn that Collector Mackey (whom the Herald correspondent incontinently elects to preside over the deliberation!i of the convention) has gone to Washington for the purpose of se? curing, if possible, al. the hands of Congress, some certain and inmediate quid pro quo for the important service s which that body is ex? pected to render in pushing forward the busi? ness of r econ8tructk n. T Moss-A NEW COJOIODITT TN TBADE.-The climate, soil, and pi oducts of the South have been frequently extolled, but little attention has been paid to the woods, which are in them? selves an almost inexhaustable source of wealth. The once despised pine barrels and the cypress swamps have been utilized, and naval stores are noir procured from the first, while fine light timi er, equal to the Northern pine, is furnished by the second. Aside from thes9 advantages, he dim aisles of these woods have been festooned by nature with a grey drapery that is not without its market value. The moss that grows so luxuriantly from the trees is thu same that is used by up? holsterers, and, when properly dried and cured, forms an iii por tant article of com? merce. Little attention has been paid to this material hitherto; but there are few planta? tions where moss is not cured by the negroes and used for various purposes. SomofreeT men from their ii lands were seen on the streets a few days since with large bundles of this cured moss on their heads, which they were trying to sell. The result is not known, but the large upholstery and saddlery estab? lishments of the city could easily inaugurate a trade and secure au indispensable article at a less price than it is now imported. HOTEL ARRI _I.-Mills House.-J. M. Black, London; John Hoffman and wife, Flori? da; P. H. Ward, Marion, S. C.; W. R. ?heddou, England; Lee Chamberlain, James Albert Burt and Samuel D. E.arria, Albany; Mrs. John Preston and churl, Hiss Preston, Miss S. Pres? ton aud two servan is, Columbia. Charleston Hotel.-E. B. C. Cart and son, Chesterfield District; J. R. Richardson, New York; W. W. Watson, Illinois; Walter Ju? ren, Akron, Ohio; C. W. Meecher, New York; J. R. Johnson, Nejr Jersey; Wm. Woston, Rich? land District. Paviion Hotel.-C. Y. Sullivan, Hamton, Fla.; C. Q. Novitt, Miss Edingeton,Miss B.McRouse and Miss S. Watrese, Fernandina, Fla.; H. H. Marion, Summerville; J. B. Clark, Woodville, M. Y.; C. Littlefla.d, Beltsville, N. Y.; J. J. McQoiUian, Philaielphia; F. J. Watson, Ma? con, Ga.; W. G. Richardson, Gourdin's; E. M. Usher, Philadelphia; H. W. Butler, Florence; W. G. Baldwin, Now York; James G. Ramsey, Sumter, S. C.; J. II. Vannoy, Walhalla. BASE BALL.-Tl is game is to America what cricket is to Eng land-the national out-door amusement, and oven in the Southern States it is now generally played. Base bah has now its own newspaper; lind the American Chronicle, the organ of the base ballers, is attaining a large circulation. In the last number is the following piece of news, which will be read wi tb great int?r?t it by the base ball players of Charleston: The ball club) of the extreme Southern States will be gratified to learn that the cele? brated Atlantic Club of Brooklyn are making arrangements to leave this city in about two weeks time direct, for New Orleans, where they intend playing the principal dubs of that city. From New Orleans they will, probably, visit Mobile, Savannah and Charleston, en route home. They will defray their own expenses during the entire trip, and clubs desirous of playing matches with them during their tour mil please notify Mr. F. E. Boughton, the President of the Club, oare of this office, at as early a day as possible. All tho principal matches will be Dlayed on enclosed grounds. ThiB trip will be of immense advantage to the clubs in the South, and will be as influen? tial in advancing the popularity of the game South as the tour of the Nationals was in ex? tending the game out West. The Atl?ntica will have their full nine with them, besides some other noted players. The tourists will number about ti teen all told. The arrival of the noted Atlautics in New Orleans will create as much excitement among ball players as the advent cf the Al England Eleven did among cricketers in America in 1859. The Atlantics will take steamer for New Orleans as soon as they have effected arrangements in regard to the selection of grounds. CAPTAIN MABSHMAN, OH THE RALEIGH.-Capt. N. B. Mills communicates to the New York papers a statement of the loss of the ill-fated steamer Raleiga, which contains some addi? tional part?cula! 6 in relation to the conduct of Captain Marshnan. We quote : "Capt. Mills got into one of 'ho boats as it was being lower? ed, but she was swamped at once, and all were struggling in the Bea. He was washed by a heavy sea up against the steamer, and suc? ceeded in catching a ladder-ropo, to which he clung, and thus his life was saved, for he can? not swim. He scrambled on deck again and said to Capt. Mirshman : TU take my chances with you on the deck, as I cannot swim. Your experience, I liave no doubt, points to this place as the most secure after al!.' Captain Maxshman repl ed that he had better not, but try to save himself by some meanB-by a hatch cover, a door, or anything he could lay his hands on. As for himself, he should not leave the ship until everybody else had gone. He had done BO on:e when there wan no hope of saving the ves iel, and loft her temporarily in cha rge of an inferior officer, and he had been called a murderer and a coward from one end of the country to the other, and he could not again pass through such au ordeal. He did not leave the vessel, and that ho died at his post no ono of the escaped doubts. Captain Hills then fastened a li fe-proser ver to bia own waist, and proitoeded to lower himself into the sea as steadily as possible for fear of getting under water, which he thought would be the death of bira. As ho was thus lowering him? self a boat can.o just under him and ho let him? self drop iuto Lt. H. was a socoud time almost miraculously saved from death. He saw no more of Captain Marshman. After five hours pubing iu a boat, which had to be baled con? stantly with the hats of the men, they reached a lightship ofl Charleston." UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT-JANUARY TERM-HON. GEO. S. BRYAN PRESIDING1.-The United States Marshal returned the venires, and a sufficient number not answering to their names, the Judge ordered a new tales venire to be drawn for both grand, petit and pleas jurors, which was done. The grand jury was ordered to attend on Wednesday, and the petit and pleas on Thursday. In re Martin Manly-Petition for voluntary bankruptcy. On motion of J. M. Adams, Esq., solicitor for the petitioner, the Judge signed an order of reference to W. J. dawson, Regis? trar of the 4th Congressional District. In re Daniel Hall of Gadsden's Grove, South Carolina-Creditors petition to declare debtor bankrupt. On motion of Robertson <fc Rion, an order was signed for the debtor to show cause on the 17th of February, why the peti? tion bo not granted. In re Isaac E. James, Monticello, South Carolina-In bankruptcy. Petition of as? signees to Bell property. Referred to W. J. Clawson. In re Pierre Bacot, Winnsboro', South Caro? lina- Robertson & Rion, Proctors for petition? ers. Referred to W. J. Clawson, Esq., Regis? trar in bankruptcy. In re Nathan C. Robertson, WinnBborc', South Carolina-On motion of JOB. H. Rion, the Judge signed an order for the assignees to sell, iu parcels, after advertisement in Winns? boro' News. In re James Brittain. On motion of E. P. Jones, proctor for petitioner, au order of refer? ence to W. J. dawson, Esq., was signed. In re James H. Andrews-Creditors petition for adjudication in Bankruptcy. W. W. Legare, Eeq., and Simonton & Glover, solicitors; debtor ordered to show cause on 20th January why petition should pot be granted, and to be re? strained in the meantime from disposition of j bis proporty. In re Phelan & Collender vs. Thos. Flynn. On motion of W. J. Gay or, Esq., eolicitor, or? dered that further aotiou bo discontinued, a satisfactory arrangement having been made between all parties. Eiparle David Briggs-In Bankruptcy. On motion of B. C. Pressley, ordered that Charles Inglesby, Solicitor, or the assignees, give no? tice of appointment by publication at least once a week for three successive weeks. Ex parle Francis J. Ebersvills-Petition for citizenship. Petition read by B. Garden Pringle, Esq., and on his motion the petitioner having complied with all the requisites of law, was declared admitted, sworn, and his name enrolled on the record of citizens. A HINT TO BARBERS.-The mass of profes? sors of the art of shaving and hair-cutting, labor under the delusion that tho passage of a comb through the average crop of human bair and whiskers never causes pain, no matter how great the force exerted, or how obstinate the resistance offered by tho tangled condition of the capillary growth. Especially is this the oase when barbers operate upon a victim who has a thin skin and a thick beard. Into that luxuriant growth they plunge the harrowing comb; through that thicket of kinked and clustered curls they ruthlessly pass the un? yielding comb. The victim, ashamed to cry out, suffers twice the pain he would endure were howling possible; and the barber is oursed none the less effectually that the curse is choked and confined by circumstances to the throat of the cursor. Now, by a very sim? ple expedient (unknown to all barbers, and which if hereafter practiced by them will be done under protest) this suffering might be avoided. Let the beard be first brushed with a stiff brush. This will straighten out the kinks and tanglos more quickly and effectually than a comb, and it will do the work painless? ly-a consideration of some consequoucc to tho customer, however trivial it may appear to the barber. That this discovery should never have been made by barbers themselves, goes to show that Fl garro was not alair representa? tive of tho average intelligence of his craft. BUSINESS NOTICES. H7~H. If you want cheap Blank Books; If you wait cheap Stationery, Envelopes, Paper, &c; or, MILLER'S Almanac; ll you want Printing executed neatly; If you want Books bound in any style, or Ac? count Books made to order, with any desired pattern ot ruling, go to HIRAM HARRIS, No. 59 Broad-street. THOSE WHO HAVE not supplied themselves for the winter with clothing and furnishing goods are recommended to examine tho stock of Messrs. Macollar, Wilhams & Parker, at No. 270 King-street, whore may bo found a stock of ready-made clothing, which, for stylo, workmanship and durability, is not equalled by any stock in the city. The prices, whioh are a great consideration in these times, are lower than tho same quality of goods can bo found elsewhere Don't fail to examine this stock before purchasing. A NEW PLAN OF LIFE INSURANCE.-Every Insurance Company has its speoialty, and each endeavors to win public patronage by some pe? culiar advantage which it offers to the assured. The Brooklyn Life Insurance Company is now fairly in the field, and it tempts both provident and improvident by londing part of tho pre? mium to the aBBured, aud by declaring that no loan note is a hen or claim against the policy in case of death after two years. Tho agents in this city are Messrs. Holmes & Macbeth, gentlemen of high position and known business ability; and from them, as will be seen by their advertisement in another column, any information with regard to tho Brooklyn Life Insurance Company can always be obtained._ For restoring strength and appetite, use the great Southern Tome, PANXMTN'S HEPATIC BITTERS snd you will not be disappointed. For sale by all drug? gists. _ _ tu You Slay Be Too Late. Be warned m time. Diseases like Indigestion and Dyspepsia are not to bc trifled with. There is such a thing as being too ?ate in these matters. Inflam? mation, or 8drrhus Cancer, or some other danger? ous disease may ensue, when all restoratives, no matter bow potent, would be ineffectual. Do not delay them. When the symptoms of Dyspepsia are first experiencei, resort at once to the great restora? tive medicine, HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, and you will be safe. But few disorders involve greater sufforing, and, if not in Itself Immediately dangerous, it is the source of many deadly maladies. Even if it did not tend to greater evil, the mental and physical misery lt produces ls alone a sufficient reason why no pains should bc ?-pared to prevent or cure it In no country on the face of the globo is it so completely domesticated as in our own, where it is found in neatly every household. HOS TE ri'ER'S aTOMACH BITTERS are universally conceded to be the sover? eign remedy for this annoying disease, as they act directly upon the digestivo organs, correct and tone the stomach, and give renewed vitality to the system. Acting delightfully upon the nerves, and soothing the bram, renders them efficacious as a mental medicine, as well as a genial stomachic. If token os a preventive, they will be found particularly well suited to thc diseases arising from the unhealthy seisou of Autumn, and their use will prevent the creeping, unpleasant sensation often complained ot' when ihe chills are stealing slowly upon iho paUent. January 6 6 rjiHK CHAlU.E?TON DAILY &KW8 ' WILL BE IS-.UED BY SIX O'CLOCK EVERY MOUSING to oubsoribers in any peril n of ihe city, at El ?HTEEN CEN id A Wi-EE, p-iyable weekly. Orders loft at ibo Periodical Stores ot Air. C. C. Kl H TLB, Nos. 161 and 338 KING-STREET, or at the Ofllce of the DAILY NEWS, No. 18 HAYNE-aTREEX, will receive prompt attention. J. SILVERSTEIN, December 2 Agent for City Delivery. Jtart?oit Soles. UNDER DECREE lil EQUITY. Schipman vs. Rouse. THIS DAY, the 7th January, at ll o'clock, will be sold at the Old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND with the Bull din rt there? on, situate on the east aide of America-street, In that part of the city hnown as Hampstead, measuring 40 feet In front and in depth 100 teet; bounding north on land of Robert Hunter, south on South-street, west on America-street, and ea=t or -. Terms-One-third cash; balance in two equal suc? cessive annual instalments, with interest at the rate of 7 per cent payable annually, with bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises; the build? ings to be Insured and the policy assigned. Fur chaser to pay foi papers and stamps. JAMES W. GRAY, Master In Equity. January 7 ml roi UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Horlbtck vs. McManmon. Will be sold under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAY, the 7th day of January, 1868, at ll A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, with the three-story Brick Building and Outbuildings thereon, situate on the north side of 1 radd-street, between Meeting and King stieets, in thia city, measuring in front 40 feet, and in do;'tu 100 feet, more or less. Terms-One-third cash; balance payable in two equal annual Ins ta tm en ts, with Interest from the day ol sale, payable annually, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises; buildings to bo insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, January 7 th3tul Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Exors. Boyce vs. Armstrong. Will be sold, under the direction of the under/iign ea, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAY, the 7th day of January, 1808, at ll A. M., A.l that LOT OF LAND, situate un the northside of Maraet-street, in tb is city, and known aa No. 43, measuring in front on Market-street 20 feet 3 inches, the same on the back line, by 79 feet 10 inches in depth, more or less; bounding north partly on Lott Nos. 29 and 30 (accorulng to a Plat of the "Burnt Dia? nn, t," surveyed by Robert K. Payne, Esq., in May, 1860, and now of record in the office ol Register ol Mesne Conveyance for this District), east by Lot No. 65 on said Plat, now owned by James Armstrong, south by Market-street, and west by a Lot of land now or .ate thu property OJ Dr. P. M. Cohen. Terms-One-th rd cash; balance in one and two years, secured by bond of the purchaser and mort? gage of the premise., with interest from day of sale, payable semi- annually. The buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JA M RH TUPPER, January 7 thStnl_Master In Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Cole vs. Simmons. Will be sold under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAY, the 7th day of January, 1808, at ll A M., All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings and Improvements thereon, situate on the west side of | Pitt-street, in this city, between Montague and Went? worth streets, measuring and containing in front or Pitt-street di feet 10 inches, and in depth lrom eas! west 60 feet 3 inches. Butting to the north on lanu now or lately belonging to Joseph Melton,to the east on;, to the south on land formerly belong? ing to Thomas savage, and to the west on land now or lately belonging to William Graham. Terms-une-half cash; the balance in one and two y ear.-, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of the prom- ises, with interest from dsy of sale, paya? ble annually, Buildings to be insured and policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, January 7 mltuS Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Dunlop et al. vs. Edings et al. Will be sold under the direction of the undersigned, in front of the Old Customhouse, THIS DAY, the 7th day of January, 1868, at ll A M., All that PLANTATION OB TRACT OF LAND on Edi ato Island, containing about twelve hundred acres of high land, butting and bounding to the south on the Edisto River, to the easton the Atlantic ocean, to the north on lands of Mrs. James Legare, ana to the west on lands of W. James Whaley, Constantine Bailey and E. M. Barnard. Term*-One-fourth cash; balance lu one, raso and three years, secured by bond of the purchase) with interest lrom day of ?ale, and mortgage ot the premi? ses. Purchaser to pay ror papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, January 7 tu7 Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. ./tyan vs. Davis. W1U bo sold, under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAY, the 7th day of January, 1868, at ll A. M., 1. AU that LOI OF LAND situated on the south side of h iliott-street, in this city, and designated by the letter A. on a plat mode for the purposes of this tale, by John A. Michel, Surveyor, measuring in iront 30 feet, on the hack hue 41 feet, and In depth about 71 tc et 6 inches, be the same more or less. ALSO, 2. All that LOT OF LAND, adjoining the above on thc-east, and designated on the same plat by the letter B. measuring on the north and south lines 30 feet, and In depth 71 feet 9 inohes, more or le?. ALSO, 3. All that LOT OF LAND, with the large and com? modious Warehouse thereon, nest east of the above, and designated on the same plat by the letter O, measuring en the north line 108 foet 8 Inches, on the south line 102 feet, on the east hue 74 feet 8 inches, and on the west line 71 ieet 10 inches. ALSO, 4. All that LOT OF LAND st the southeast corner of Elliott-street and Bsdon's Alley, designated on thc same plat by the letter 0, measuring on Elliott-street 36 feet, on the south line 3b feet 9 inches, on the east Une 74 feet 4 inohes, and on Bedon's Altey 72 feet 10 inches. ALSO, 5. All that LOT OF LAND next east of the above, and designated by the letter E, on the same plan, measuring on the front and back lines 36 feet, and in depth ou the east hue 76fcet 10 inches, and on the west line 74 feet 4 inches. ALSO, 6. All that LOT OF LAND next east of the above, designated ou the same plat by the letter F, meas? uring on the front and back lines 36 feet, and in depth on the east line 77 ieet 4 inches, and on the weat line 75 feet 10 inches, more or less. The Plat ol tue above Lo.s to be seen at the office of j the undersigned. ALSO, 7. All that LOT OF LAND situate on the northeast corner of East Bay and Elliott streets, measuring In front on East j Bay-street 34 feet 6 inches, and 51 feet on the back line, by 101 feet in depth, more or less; bounding north on lands new or late of S. N. Bailey, east on Last Bay- street, south on Elliott-street, and west on lands of B. C. Pressley. ALSO, 8. AU that LOT OF LAND situate on East Bsy street, known lormerly in tho plan theroot by the number 7, and also three feet of lind adjoining there? to, being part of an alley or passage of six feet, lying between this Lot and the Lot next south thereto (the owners of which ia common with the owners of this Lot being entitled to the use thereof, measur? ing in the whole 33 ieet In front and 100 feet ia dep.h westwardly; bounding easton Esst Bay-street, north on lands now or late of Mrs. catharine Turner, west on lands now or late of Mrs. Ann Fox, and south on the said alley or passage way. ALSO, 9. All that HOUSE A>D LOT situate at the south? west corner of Archdale and Magazine streets lu this city, fronting east on Atchdale-street 108 feet, more or less, north on Magazine-street 210 feet, south on s Lot now or late the property" of Walter Knox, and west on a lot now or late the property of William Aiken. ALSO, 10. LOT OF LAND situ?te in tho town of Walter boro', in the District of Culleton, and known as Lot No. 73 on the plat ol said town, and having such quantity, buttings and boundings as are represented on said plat ALSO, 11. All that PLANTATION, containing 992 acres on the Horse Pen and Elbow Branch, and granted to Peter Pye, on the 6th July, 1886; another Tract of 440 acres on the Elbow Branch, and east side of Black Oreek, and granted to Peter Pye on the same day as .iuo ve tract ; another Tract of 100 acres near the town of Walterboro', bounded on the south and east by lands or Wm. Feribee, north by landa of the Wal? terboro' Tract, and west by lands of the estate of Pe? ter Pye, which tract waa conveyed to Peter Pye by H. T. Crampton on tho Sib May, 1831 ; another Tract of 160 acres on the Gresfr-Swamp near Walter? boro', and convey* d to Peter P? e by H. C. Glover on the -6 th Lecemoer, 1811. Terms-One-third ooah ; the balance in three equal successive annual instalments, secured by bond of | the purchaser and mortgage of the premises, with interest from day ot sale, payable annually; build? ings to be insured and po.ides assigned. Purchas? ers to pay for papers and stamps. JAMBS TUPPER, January 7 tul Master in Equity. Sauings institutions. ~~~~ Somi. ~ FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., No. 9 STATE-STREET. MONEY DEPOblTED ON OR BEFORE THE Suth January, 1868, will bo entitled to interest as irom January 1st. NATHAN RITTER, Cashier. December 2i 20 NATIONAL PBEED .AJAX'S SAVUNTCrS AND TRUST COMPANY. HARTERED LY ACT OF CONGliEStJ. No. 0 STATE-STREET. DEPOSITS CAN ALWAYS BE WITHDRAWN WITHOUT NOlICE. D posits of Specie are repaid m -pecie. AU other Deposits are repaid ia "Green? backs." or National Bank Bills. NATHAN RITTER, December 24 Imo Cashier. portion Sales. Bacon, Mackerel, S?c. BY HENEY C0BI? & CO, THIS DAY, at 9J? o'clock, In front cf our stt<re, will be sold, 200 BACON SHOULDERS 100 Hams 20 half barrels Mackerel 10 bags Bio Coffee 20 tubs Lard 15 boxes Starch 30 barrels Yellow Sugar. Conditions cash._January 7 MILLIGAN & SON Will sell THIS DAY, 7th instant, at No. 02 Vendue Bange, DBY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Notions, kc Furniture, Cooking Utensils, ic, &c. January 7_ BY MILLIGAN & SON. TO-MORROW, 8th instant, at the Wharf fool of Ven? due Bange, at 10 o'clock, we will sell, The SLOOP ELVIRA, with her Bigging, New Sails, &o. Capacity 20 cords Wood or 1800 busholsjRice. Terms casa. January 7 Furniture of a Family Declining Housekeep? ing. MILLIGAN & SON Will sell TO-MORROW, 8th Instant, at the residence No. 36 Queen-street, near Church, at half-past 10 o'clock, THE FURNITURE OF A FAMILY DECLINING HOUSEKEEPING, CON HISTING OV: 2 BBU39ELS CARPETS, 13 by IS; Mohair and Cane Seat Chairs, Sofas, Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Glass Casi!, Writing Desk, Bathing Tubs, 1 lot Books, Sideboards, Cooning Utensils, 4c, &c. January 7 Estate Sale- Valuable Sea Island Colton Plan? tations on John's Island. BY CLIFFORD & MATHE WES. THIS DAY, 7th January, will be sold st the old Customhouse, end of Broad-street, That first-class SEA ISLAND COI TON PLANTA? TION, situated on Steno River, John's Island, known as the "Peaceful Retreat," seven miles from Charles? ton, containing about 1100 acres, 100 dened, and well settled in negro houses. The Land is of the best quality, and there is a good landing on the pla.e, which steamers to Ecisto pass several times a week. AUA At the same time and place, A valuable SEA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION, on John'? Island, one and a half miles fr m. Stono Biver, containing about 700 acres, 240 cleared. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one, rvo and three years, secured by bond and mortgage of the property, with interest from day of sale. I'ui'chaser to pay C. tt M. for papers and stamps. January 7 6 At Auction.-Seventeen Mules, Three Horses, Wagons, Cart and Rockaway, Harness, '? iirnilure, Mirrors, Piano, Canister* French Mushrooms, Peas and Veal, and Smoking Tobacco, $c. BY CLIFFORD & MATHEWES, Will be sold at our Office, No. BO Broad-itroet, TO MURROW, 8th Instant, at ll o'clock, 17 prime YOUNG MULES, well-broke 3 Draft and baddie Horses Wagons, Cart, Rockaway and Harness Lot of Furniture aa above, Engravings, tte. Imported canisters Mushrooms, Green Peas, Veal One barret Smoking Tobacco. Terms cash. January 7 INDER DECREE UV EQUITY. DeLeon vt. Cohen. Will be sold under the direction of the undersigned, at the Old Customnouse, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of January 1668, at ll A. M. ALL THAT LOI OF LAND, situate on fae Weat aide of Friend-street in this city measuring in front on said street 43 feet, by 90 feet in depth, bounding north on land? o; Mn. i lizabeth Lt John Ball, eatt ' ou Friend-street, south on lands of Mrs. bmlth, and west on lands now or late of h. Macbeth. Terms o ish-Purchasers tc pay for papers and stamps. JAM 8 TCPPER, December 24 tn4_Master lo Equity. l \ DER DECREE IS EQUITY. Frost vs. Baker. Will be Bold under the direction of the undersigned, at the old Customhouse, OD TUESDAY, the 21st day of January, le63, at ll A- M., All that LOI OF LAND, with the BUILDINGS thereon, situate on abe north side of Lamboll-streei, lu thia city, measuring in front on La ai DO ll-street forty-one feet, more or less; on the bac* Une forty two feet, more or leas; and in depth from south to north ono hundred and eighty-five feet. Bounding to the north on land of Wm. B. Pringle; to the east on land lately or Josiah Taylor; to the south on Lam boll-atreet, and to the west on land of Miss Heater T, i-rayton, Terms-One-fourth oash; balance in one, two, three md four years, secured by bonds of the pur? chaser and mortgage of the premises, with interest from day of sale, payable aeml-annnally. The bulldt lags to be Insured anp policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, December 31 tu Maater in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Hayne vs. Witsell. Will be sold under the direction of the undersign* ed, at the old Customhouse, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of January, 1868, at ll A. M., All that PLANTATION, which formerly belonged to C. C. Pmokney, Esq., late of the Estate of Or. J. W. Leith, known by the name of "Aukland," con? taining 1164 acres, more or less. Bounded east and northeast by land of the Estate of Dr. Leith, late of Wilmot J. Gibbes, Esq., south by Anhepoo River, northwest by lands of Burrell Sanders, and west by lands formerly of Thomus Riggs, now belonging to Joel Laricy. Terms.-A sufficient amount in CMh to pay tho bond due to the complainant and the costs of thyse proceeding; the balance in one, two and three years, secured by bond of purchaser and mortage of the premises. Purchaser to pay lor papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, January 7 tu3 Master in Equity. I \DER DECHUE IN EQUITY. Brown vs. Estabrook. Will be sold under the direction of the undersigned, at the Old Customhouse, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of January, 1868, at ll A. M., L All that TRACT UF LAND, situate in St. Paul's Parlsb, Colleton District, containing 1200 acres, mere or less; bounded north by Caw-Caw Swamp, south by lands of Thomas Farr and Lt, Lo Idelbchamp, east by lands late of James Stanyamo, ind west by lands of Colonel Roper. ALSO, 2. All that LOT Of LAND In the village of Sum? merville; bounding north on lands of Carrington ?t Co., and measuring on that line 629 teet; cast on Young-street, running irom lands ot siiid Caning tou down to Saw Mill Branch; south on Saw Mill , Branch, and west on lands of Mrs. L. S. Gillmore; containing io the whole about ten (10) acres. Terms.-One-third cash ; balance in two equal sue* cesslve annual instalments, secured by bond of pur? chaser and mortgage of the premises, with interest from day of sale, payable annually. iPurchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, January 7 tu3 Master in Equity. E. Business (Harts. H.'K'E LL K RT&'? O., DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAli MARKET. FRESH ADDITIONS OF DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS RECEIVED WEEKLY ??PRESCRIPTIONS PUT UP WITH CARE.-? January 3_ Q RE AT DISCOVERY ! EVERY MAN HIS OWN ARTIST! A SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! An instrument by which any person can take cor? rect Likenesses or Photographs. This instrument, with mil instructions, sent by mail tor one dollar. Address c. B. AMES 4 CO., No. 181 Broadway, New York. January 3_2mo L. BARRE, RtiAL ESTATE, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BRO? KER, No. 141 East Bay. January 1 3mo furniture. J^ROST, BLACK & CU., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL?R8 IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, Of every variety. No. 73 BOWERY, NEAR CANiiL-STREET, NEW YORK. 81EAMBOATS, HOTEL8 AND PUBLIC BUILDING? FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All Goods purchased of our Howe guaranteed as represented. R. W. 1TB06T. JAMES BLACK. GEO, e.VTDES October 24 Sinos judi?n Stoles. Whiskey ai Auction. BY T. M. CATEE. Will be sold TB IS DAY, on Brown's Whirf, st three-quarters past 9 o'clock, 10 BBLS. GOOD OLD WHISKEY-HIGH PBOOF. Conditions cash._January 7 Positive Sale of Earns, Shoulders, Strips, But? ter, Lard, ??c. BY T. M. CATE?. Will be sold THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at three quarters past & o'clock, 10 BBLS. NEW YORK HO HAMS 15 bbl?. Kew York Strips 15 bbls. Hew York Pig Shoulders 1000 second quality Shoulders-some sound 75 tubB Lard 050 arkins and tubs Fresh New Butter-all just landing 10 bbls. Pig Heads. Conditions cash._January 7 G. W. STEFFENS & CO. Will sell THIS DAY, in front of their Store, No. 28 Vendue Bange, at 9K o'olook, - kegs Choice YELLOW BUTTEE - hhds. Sides - barrels Pig Strips and Shoulders - barrels Bolognas and Smoked Beef - barrels Mackerel and Salmon, Ac. January 7_ BY R. & A. P. CALDWELL. THIS DAY, the 7th inst, will be sold before our store, at three-quarters past 9 o'clock, 15 boxes MANTJPACTUBED TOBACCO 14 tabs Batter 200 Bacon Shoulders ' 200 choice Strips 20 kegs Leaf Lard. Conditions cash. January 7 Strips, Jowles, Shoulders, Sides, Hams, S?c. BY LAUKEY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, 7th instant, wu! be sold before our store, No. 137 East Bay at 10 o'clock, 2500 LBS. EXTRA 8UGAR CUBED bTRLP3 1000 lbs. Extra Sugar Cured Jowles 2000 lbs. Shoulders 1200 lbs. Sides 1500 lbs. Hams soo lbs. Currants, kc, kc, kc. Conditions cash. January 7 Dry Goods, Clothing, $c. BY MILES DBAHE. THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at my Store, corner of Ki og and Liberty streets, INVOICES OF DE i GOODS AN Li CLOTHING, CONSISTING OT : Pieces Bed, White and Grey TWILLED FLANNEL, Empress Cloths, Figured Alpaca, Fancy Stripes, Irish linen. Damask, Casaimeres, Satinet, Jeans, kc Dozens Hcopstdrts, L. B. and Belknsp Shirts, Madras, L. Cambric and Printed Bordered Hdkfs., Blankets, Ladles', Genfs and Misses' Hosiery, Coat's Spool Cotton, Under Shirts and Draweis, &o. Gent's Cassimere, Satinet and Jean Pants. Gent's Cassimere and Satinet Sack Coats. january 7_, Sheriff's Sale. A. H. ABRAHAMS & SONS, Auctioneers. By virtue of a writ of fieri fados, to me directed and delivered, I will sell at tbe premises No. 888 King-street, commencing THIS DAY, the 7th inst, st ll o'clock, A. M., precisely, THE ENTER F STOCKS OF TWO MTLLLNEBY STOB ES, to,-re th tr with four SHOW CASES and four COUNTi- SS, levied on and to be sold as the property of Isaac Klein, at the suit of D. Loeb. WM. fi. HASTIE, S. 0. D. January 7_ Positive Sale of a Desirable Building Lot on Smith-street, near Bull, at Auction. BY B. M. MARSHALL & BRO,, Auctioneers and Real Kata te Agents. THIS DAY, January 7th, at ll o'clock, will oe sold at the Old Postofflce, Broad-street, ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, together with the wooden buildings thereon, situate on tue east side of 8in!th-street, and'measuring thereon 34 feet by 92 feet deep; bounded on tho north by land of 8 ey le, and wuth by land of Edwards. atiri? us-One-thirl cash; balance in one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage. Pur? chaser to pay us for papers and stamps. January 7 stamtui Billiard Saloon, Fixtures, Furniture, ??c. BY R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. On THURSDAY, 9th instant, commencing at 10,4 o'clock, will bo sold at the Phelan Billiard Saloon, southwest corner Market and Meeting streets, SIX PHELAN BILLIA BI) TABLE?, forty-six Arm Chairs, Glassware, Carpeting, Oilcloth, Window Shades, Chandallers, Gas Fixtures, Bar and Bar Furniture, Clock, French Plate Mirror, Stove and Pipe, kc. Conditions cash. Articles to be removed same day. January 6 Superior Furniture and one Seven-Octave Piano of a Family declining Housekeeping. McKAY & CAMPBELL, Auctioneers, Will sell, on THURSDAY, 9th inst, at 10 o'clock, at residence No. 233 Meeting-street, one door I rom Ann-street. Superior BLACK WALNUT PABLOS SET, Brus? sels carpet and Bug to match (new), 7-octave Plano, French Clock, Vases, Window Shades, kc, kc Dining Boom-Black Walnut Extension Table, Black Walnut carved Marble-top Sideboard, Blank Walnut Bookers, Cone seat Chairs, superior China Teat Set, Breakfast and Dinner Plates, Knives and i'orks, Plated Ware, Glass, Ac, kc Bed Boom Turm tore-Marble-top Cottage Sets, Wool and Cotton Mattresses, Blankets, Sheets, Pil? lows, Carpets, kc. ALSO, One very fine China CHAMBEE SET. TOOETHEB WITH KITCHEN UTENSILS, kc. kc Terms cash. Goods to be removed day of sale. January 7_ UNDER. DECREE IX EQUITY. Henderson, Administratrix, vs. Henderson, et al. VALUABLE PLANTATIONS FOB COTTON AND PBOVISION8. Will be sold by the undersigned, before the Court? house, in Walterborough, ti. C., on MONDAY, the 14th day of January, 18C8, at ll A. M., All that PLANTATION known as " O BANGE GROVE," with the Bundinga thereon, m the District of Celle ton, containing 892 22-100 acres, more or less; bounded North by lands belonging to the trust estate of Mrs. S. E. Henderson and children; East by the Black Creek Bead; South by lands now or late of Nathaniel He> ward, deceased, and West by lands of the estates of Nathaniel Heyward and Paul farris. ALSO, A HEALTHY SUMMER RESIDENCE, on lot of 5 acres, with necessary outbuildings, adjoining the above tract. ALSO, Two (2) TRACTS OF LAND, containing respec? tively 644 6-10 acres and 673 3-10 sores; the former bounded North by lands of Bey ward; East by lands of Purria; Southeast by lands Ot Williams; South by lands of the estates of Smith and Heyward, and West by lands o? Daniel Blake; the latter bounded on the North by lands of Robo, t Snead; East by lands of Varnadore and Graves; South and southeast by lands of Loylose, and West by lands ot Snead and Hey ward; said tracts to be sold m ten (10) separate parcels, as per plats of Robert K. Payne, of February 7th, 1866-said parcels containing the following num? ber of acres, to wit : No. L 127 7-10 acres; No. 2, 106 3-10 acres; No. 3, 104 5-10 acres; No. 4, 914-10 aorrs; No. 6. 116 7-10 acres; No. 6, 112 4-10 acres; No. 7, 93 5-10 acres; No. 8, 98 8-10 seres; No. 9, 124 9-10 acres; No. 10,143 7-10 acres. Terms-Ont-third ( H ) cash; the balance In two (2) equal annual instalments, secured by bond, with personal security and mortgage of the i?remises,[with ! interest from dav of sale. Purchasers to pay for : papers and stamp's. B. STOKES, O. E. C. D. ; Persons desirous of purchasing can examine palta nd receive a description or tile lands at the omeo of I Messrs. HENDERSON & BEHRE, Attorneys at Law, ; Walterborough, s. C. tu?il November 26 j (Dmmisiiiim j^tuljanU. COMMISSION MERCHANT, BOYCE 4 CO:3 WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. January 1_ 1 tbs tu TTTILLIS & CHI S OLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND IO THE PURCHASE, SAT,ff AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Portal et COTTON, R1 CE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES, ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. E. WILLIS.A. fi. OHJ80LJI Oct ober 25 M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, E, AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROKER*, No. 31? BROAD-STREET. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, 4c., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PROPERTY LEASED. JOT Auction of HORSES, FURNITURE, kc, every Wednesday. October 19 _ ?Storitoi! Soifs. ?lides, Shoulders, Strips, Earns, efe. JEFFORDS & CO. Will sea THIS DAT, in front of their Store, at 9J? o'clock, 4 HHDS. CHOICE C. H. SIDES ? 6 lids. Choice Shoulders 10 t bis. Strips 40011g Hams 4001 'ry Salted Shoulders 8 this. Shoulder Pork 10 t bis. Pure Leaf Lard 3 c rums Codfish 201 lbs Lard 40 tores Cheese._ January 7 Dry Goods. BY JOHN G. MELNOR & GO. THIS DAT, 7th Inst, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at our Auction Salesroom, No. 135 Meeting-etreet, FLN'S ALL-WOOL BLACK CASSTMERE, Saucy Cassia ere, Brookfield Denims, Striped Kerseys, A vols and Beverley Tweeds, Farmers' and Choctaw Jeans, Penfield Stripes, Muslin Delaines, Tabling Diaper, Cassimere Pants, Overalls, Woollen Half Hose. Letter Paper, Bed and White Hannels, Opera Fl anni ls, Shirting Stripe, Bed Tick, Skirt Braid, Spool Cotton, Pins, Needles, Scissors, Knives, kc. AT EBTV AXE SALB : CHCICE PEACH THEE?, from Now Jersey. Will be sole, in quantities to suit purchasers. i Janrary 7_ Two Huies, Horses, a Sulky and other F? hicles; also, Furniture. BY SMITH & MeGIIilTItAY, Auctioneers, No. 37 Broad-street. THIS DAT, at 10# o'clock, in front of their Office. " Unli mited animals end articles received np to the hour t f sale. ' January 7 Hotu* and Lot, with Shop adjoining, at North' weft corner Spriny and Ashley struts; ala?, a Wood Yard in the northwest part of City, at Auction. BY SMITH & McGlXI?YRAYy It ea> Estate Brokers, Ko. 37 Broad-streot. THIS DAT, the 7th January, at ll o'clock, will be sold at the old Customhouse, ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, thirty feet fronton Spring-street by ninety-four feet deep on Ashley, more sr less, together with the Buildings thereon, con si ting of s neat Two story Wooden House of fe ur room.;, suitable for a Store or Dwelling. Hw re ti a good shop adjoining to the west; and now occu? pied as a Millinery >tore, the present tenant of whicl, having built the same on the Und, is, by agree nent, privileged to occupy it for about fear years more at fifty dollars per annum, ofter which it will belong to the pm chaser of the land.', ! Th" whole property will be sold together, subject to sold agreement lams-Half cosh; balance in one and two years, seem jd as usual. Purchaser to pay 8. & McG. for popers and s tam os. ALSO, That well known WOOD TARP, sixty feet by one hundred feet ot the foot of Cflesnut-atreet on Gads? den's Creek, in the northwestern part of the c ty, ha vu g a good wharf of Palmetto lofts, and bounded nortl:. on Gadsden's Creek; southon Imus of -- ; west an Chesnut-street, and east on'louds of estate of G'idsden. Te.-as-Half cash; balance in one and two years, secured as usual. Purchaser to pay S. k McG. tor pape ra and stomps. _January 7 Five Desirable Farms within four miles of the eily, comprising the riih and valuable Tract hiown as the "Happoldt Farm," at Auction. BY SMITH & McGlXLIYRAY, H eu! Estate Agents, No. ?7 IBroad-Street. THJ3 DAY, the 7th of January, at ll o'clock, ot the old Customhouse, east end of Broad-street wid be sold, Those FIVE FARMS, contiguous to each other, numbera 1,2,3,1 and 6, containing 56, 4*K> 25;<, 12>,: and 40% acres respectively, more or lees, and ly in ? between the right of woy of the South Carolina Rai'road and the Ashley River, with a settlement and outbuildings on Form No. 6. Tiley ore easiiv accessible to the city by two rail? road ls, by the Plonk Rood, and by the Ashley River. Ileso Forms offer most desirable' and lucrativo ra vee menta on account not only of their proximity and accessibility to the city, but ol' their produotive fertility as vegetable or bea Island Cotton lands. These Forms will be sold, one with the privilege of the remaining four. flats con be seen ot our Office. '1 erms-One-third cash; the balance in 1,2, and 3 yea rs, secured as usual. Purchasers to pay for po? pen and stamps. tu want u? January 7 Positive Sale of two Choice Building Lois on ?'he south side bf Queen-street, sixth door west jf King-street, at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, R ?al Estate Agents, No. 97 Bread-street. Tills DAT, the 7th of January, at ll o'clock, in iront of the Old Customhouse, east end of Broid itreet, will be sold, That LOT OF LAND former ly known as No. 77 Qneen-street measuring 63 feet front hy 155 teat deep on the east Une and 116 feet on the west Une, nure or less, back Une 93 feet more or less; Dounded eo4t by ML Loin's undertaker's yard, south by St Au? di sw's HoU lot and lands of I. H. Thayer, and west by lands of J. Johnston. ALSO, That LOT OF LAND immediately adjoining the above on the west next but ono to the new CothoUc Church, end being port of what was formerly kn^wn as >o. "? Queen-street measuring 27 feet trout by 115 feet deep, more or less. Terms-One-third cosh; the ba1 ance in one, two ai d three years; secured os USUAL. Purchaser to pey S. k ii cG. for papers and stamps. January 7 wfm6 tu 1 ?tortaeers' jprioatt Sales. Valuable Plantation in St. Andrews Parish, three miles from Charleston, with handsome Residence and Settlement thereon. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. For sale The very valuable PLANTATION in 8t Andrews', salted for the raising of Seo Inland Cotton or Farm log purposes, situate two and o hair miles from the 1 lew Bridge Ferry, on the main rood, lying on the 'raters of Wappoo Creek, about one hour's row from Charleston, and on the Savannah and Charlea ton I'tailroad, containing 360% acre? of land, of which 1253? acres are in woods, and 2?t4>? acres ot cleared Cotton and Provision land, up m which there has )een made 199% lbs. clean long staple cotton to the .ere. From tho location of this place, having three ?lirect Unes of communication with Charleston, lt is most admirably suited for farm ing purposes. Great -poins have been taken in mantiring the place with liable manure lrom the city, and lew places jn the 3tate are in a better condition of cultivation. The -acuities for manuring with miran mud ore great the tract being indented with creeks and marshes. The tract, c i ?ci. t19>i acres, is banked in with heavy ditches and bank. The settlement consists of o handsome House with thirteen rooms, built in modern style, two good stables for st least twenty hornes, four large barns and cotton houses, gm house with tin roof, ano negro houses to accommodate about seventy-five negroes. This is one of tho finest settled places in the vicini? ty of Charleston, and from its contiguity to the city makes lt on admirable place for o residence, planta? tion and form. Terms accommodating. For particulars apply as above at No. 23 BROAD-STREET. December 21 tuf 6 ID?trfyeSj Jeujelri), (Cte. GOLD iND SOLID SILVER WATCHES. ALL WABRANTED TO BUN AND THOR? OUGHLY BEGULATBD, AT THE LOW PBICE OF $10 EACH. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. _ 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches.?260 to $1000 100 Magic Cosed Gold Watch? s.IM* to 0 60 100 La s' Watches, Enamelled. ira to 300. 200 Gold Hnnt'g Chronometer Watches 360 to 300 200 Gold Bunting English Levers.200 to 250 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches.... 160 to 200 600 Gold Hunting American Watches.. 100 to 250 600 Silver Hunting Levers. 00 to 150 600 SUver Hunting Duplexes. 76 to 350 COO Ladies' Gold Watches..... JO to 350 1000Gold Hunting lupines. 60 to 7ff 1000 Miscellaneous Watches, all kinds.. 60 to 100 2500 SUver Hunting Watches. 25 to 60 6000 Assorted SUver Watches. 10 to 76 The above stock will be disposed of on the popular, one price plan, giving every patron a fine Gold or' SoUd silver Watch lor $10, without regard to value. We wish to Immediately dispose of the above mag? nificent Stock. Certciflates, naming the articles,aro placed in sealed onvelopes, and weU mixed Holdors are entiled to the article named on their certificate upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $1000 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the article named thereon, upon payment Irrespective of ita worth; and os no article valued Is** than $10 is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no Lottery, but a straightforward le? gitimate tronsacUcn, which ?ay be participated in even by the most fastidious 1 A Bingle Certificate will be sent by moil, postpaid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for $1, eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5, sixty-six and more valuable premium for $10, one hundred and most superb Watch for $15. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this is a rare opportu? nity. It is * legitimately conducted business, duly authorized by the Government and open to the most careful ?TUtiny. Try us. Address WRIGHT, BRO. k CO., Importers, No. 16' Broadway, N. Y. ."?ptober ii THE FhOKLVt'E GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT FLOR? ENCE, S. C., offers on excellent medium to Merchants and ethers who wish to extend their business m the Pee Dee section of the 8tate. Rotes of advertising very reasonable, September 14