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THE DAILY NEWS. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1867. Broke? Threads. \s tho shu'tlo Stt-ift'y files Ba k n J ?ort i bo o c oar ey.'S, Blending will? ii? : ugera light Warp and woof. till ttiey unite In a fib. lc good and *t.-ortg. Let us hear tho we .ver s song: Weaving ever, <iay by dav. As tho shuttles bri-kly flay Broken .hread- how oft annoy Aud on precious tim;) employ; Warning us-by sharp reproof We iuu<t tho warp a..d woof. Wi-ivi"" in life's bus- loom Min : lng su shine with the gloom Warp and wo fol dee is we blend Till lif's labri ? has aa end : Broken thr, ads we o?te . find B rd cu ug the nob.c mind. Broken threads in Ufe aboimd. lu oacb station thev ore fud; May Faun's kind aud rie tidly hand Hcip us to adjus. tho strand, Th t when 1 le's 1 ?I ?ide thai' ebb There snail be a perfect w . b. COMMERCIAL. ?exports. BARCELONA-Per Spanish bar? Sunrise-1500 balsi Upland Cotton.Per Spanish brig Galileo-550 bues Upland Cotton. Tbc cn? neston Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS,? CHAKLESTON. Monday Evening, December 23, 1867. ) A strong inquiry pr.valle2 daring thc day, which was generadyxmt by lectors, at rather firmer ra cs on the bet er qu dit es, but mferior grades reoc Jed about >4'c $i lb. Sales 1.50J bales, viz: 233 at ISJf; 26 at 13; 32 at 13,',' 78 at 133i ; 35 at 13? ; 439 a: 13*; ; 7 at ll; ll at liy? ; 51 at 14>?; 2n4atl4M; 196ail4.V; 9C at 15, and ICH) on terms which did not ;rjns?>irc. Wo quoto LiVEBPOOL CLASSmOATION. Ordinary to Good Ordinary.lHiAlSJj Low Middling.13^(3,14 Middling.14>?(<il4*? Strict Middling.15 ;<$, Vii S us ta Market. AUGUSTA, Docember 21.-COTTON.-This morning's sales were effected at 14c lor New York Middlings, but unlavoraolo tcegrams iVom New York caused tho market to close weak at 13& cents, sales 7u3 bales. Receipts 1198 bales. Coas.-Wo quote .?ow White, $1 10; Mixed, SI 05al OS. WHJ?T.-Wo quote White, $.' 70a$2 85; Bod, 82 20a 2 SO. New Orleans Market. NEW ORLEANS, Decemoer 18.-COTTON.-The sales to-day amount, d to 5250 biles generally at tull prices, withjut any quotable advance. We accorumgly con? tinue to qu^io urdinary ac 12>2al3c, Good Ordinary at 13-,al3.^c, Low Alidd.iug at U,*?al4>?c, Middling at 14^ai5c, und Strict Middling at -alSJfe. 'ib.o market omened wi h a very lair inquiry, but the movement was checked by (actors beug extremely strin? gent m their pretensions, and continued on a limited Bca.e until t_ey evinced a disposition to meet tho de? mand mere tnety, when it became quite acive resulting lu tut bus.:.c.-s noted above. The -u ?ply was by uo means abundant, aud in many cases buyers had ercat dam cul: . ia fluding tho dosciiptions they wanted. 1 here may have beou a lew cs-, s m which higher figures .vere paid for go;d suple, but with these exceptions the busi? ness was at yesterday's prices, although leaning towards outside rate.". STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stock on hand September 1st, 1867.bales-15,256 Arrived to-day.2,133 Arri.ed previously.219,926-212,059 227,315 Cleared to-day. 5,820 Lie ired previously.131,048-130,868 Stock on hand and on shipboard. V'0,449 \cw York Market. MONEY MARKET. The New York Evening Post, of Saturday, December 21, says : Gold is a little lower to-day. Tho leading rates were from flat to 2 per cent for carrying. The exports for the week aro about 2% millions. Sterling Exchange is a traction easier, as the rato of interest rules so low in england that i. c capitalists there are increasing their investments on this side. 1 be loan market is easy at G percent. The discount demand is small, but th .rc is a general disposiUon on the part of the banks to accommodate their dealers for short terras. Tho transactions axe on the basis o? 7aSa 8for choleo names. The Sub-Treasury during tho past week has disbursed a large amount of < urreucy for inter? est upon .tune Seven-.hirties an i December Compound Notes, which matured on the loth mst The principal of the latter has been redeemed generally in the 3 per ct Csrtificates, but the payments have probably increased tho amount of the bans, reserve The course of inteiior exchange is m iavor of this city, scmo remittances are still making to Cincinnati; but at other points the rate of exchange rules m ia vor ol this city. '1 ho stoct market is quiet in consequence of tho nc sr approach of the holidays. Governments ure firm, with a better tone and the speculators appear to be buying to cover their short engagements. PEODCCE MA BEET. NEW YORE, December 21.-FLO ra, ic-The market for Western aud State flour ls quiet, but with light re? cepta prices aro firm. The low grades of white and choice amber wheat flour are in fair demand. The sales are 4800 bbls at $8 40a9 20 for superfino State; SO 45a9 80 for inferiomver and eily extras; $10 00 ai 0 50 for extra Sn tc; $10 COall for fancy State; $9 50 ?10 70 for the low grades of spring Wheat Western ex? tras; $985al0 75 for ship mig Ohio; (10 85al4 70 for trade ana .family brands, $10 OOall ?0 for good to choice --pring wheat extra; $1150al2 75 for am uer winter Wueat extras Indiana and M'chigan, $13 00*1500 for white wheat d i uo, and $12 20alG 00 tor St Louis extras. Buckwheat flour is saleable at $4 75?*5 25 per 100 pounds. California Flour ls steady. Sales of 3C0 bags at $12 50 ?1878. Southern Flour is moderately active and steady. Sale? of 500 bbls at ?9 85all 60 tor ordinary to good extra Baltimore ana country; $10 S5A14 40 for extra and family Georgi > and Virginia, and $11 00*14 60 for extra and family Maryland and Delaware. Oats are very active, at about one cent per bushel ad? vance. The sales are 144.000 bushels Ohio and Western at 83%a84){c in store, mostly cash to-day, and 85c in atoro, buyer ten days. Bye is held with increased firmness, but ls quiet. The sales are 1000 bushels Western at il 80 in store. _, Corn is decidedly better ard Jj^^^^rTOMitir iiT-pirt for export, though mainly for Jaimie trade. The sales ate 82,500 bushels old Western mixed at tl 36a 1 40 in store; new do at $1 35al 40, the inside price at Loi g Dock, the rowket closing strong; Jersey (new; yellow at $1 38al 3v> PBovisio.NB.-=P*jrk has beeu ver? dull, and no large sales are reufcrted for immediate delivery. lhc nominal price of moss is $20 75a20 85 cash and regular*-' '.Cr-e sales are 109 bbls mess, m small parcels, at $20 95 ??1, and 200 bbl- prime mess on private terms. For imure delivery we i ote 25U bbls old mess, seller W January, at $20 90; 250 bbls new nie BS. same delivery, at $22 26; and 500 bbb, new mess, seller February., at $22 40. Beet is quiet ut former ratC6. Sales cf 75 bbls, at $14 al9 or pla n meas, and ?18 50a21 for extra mess. Tierce beet ib quiet but firm at 6.9-31 for primo mess and t-34.ii'J tor India i esj. Beef hams vre att ady and rather ir ore active. Sales of 150 bbls at 829 73.32. "V^ f ut meats are neglected. .Bacon ls dull, .-ale of 25 boxes short rib at lljfe and 50.000 lb* long clear in bu U a'll ,\.c. Dressed h gs ure dull und rathor easier, closing nomi? nal. We quote at 8>ia8>ic lot western, and 8#a9c for city. Lard is moderately active and steady. The inquiry is principally fer .NO 1 western at Sales of 650 bbls and tierces at 12>4'al2>ic for No 1; IQ&c for city; TJ.\ai3c lor fa .r to prime steam and kettle rendered. Corns-Choice Rio is scarce and in den and, but otber grades are dad and nomina. COTTON-Thc market is dull and heavy at a quarter of a cent decline. We quote : New Orleciifl Uplands. Florida. Mobile, and Texas. Ordinary.13tf 18,-i 13* 13X Low Middling.15 16% 15<? 15? Middling.15.?? 16% 16 lo , Good Middling.16? 17 17? 18 BAT-Receipts aro light, and with a busk demand pr ces a?e bett tr. bales at $1 20 for shipping and $1 30a 1 60 tor retail lots. MOLASSES-Is quiet but prices aro without change. NATAL SIOBES- Crude turpentine is Isms and dull; spirits are firmer and in tah* demand. Rosins are firm. Tv is quiet v. o quote as follows : fcplrite Turpentine, free, V gallon, 50a61c; Spirits Turpentine In bond, fl gallon, 43a44?c; Crude Turpentine, ? 280 lbs, *4a412?c ; Rosins, common. V bbl. 82 a27 5; Rosins, strained, bbl, $2 75a3; R< sin.-, No 2, $t bbl, ?2 789 3; Rosins, No 1, 9 bbl. 83ao 25; Rosins, pale, bbl, 3 5?a4; Rosins, extra pale. 'p bbl, $4 50..3 60; Ko?ina, window glass, \i bbl, SCa7; lar, North counK, bbl 82 75a8; Tar. Wilmington, <P bbl, $3 12>ia3 25; Pitch, city, fi bbl, $3 50; Pitch, Southern, $ bb!, $3 50. PORT CALENDAR. COXKECTXD WEEKLY. PHASES OF THE MOOS. First Q. 4th, eh. lin. morn I LastQ. 17th, 10b. 14m. even FuU M. 11th. 6h. 50ui. morn | New M. 25tb. 6h. 19m, even DECEMBER. 6?N. BISES, j em. MOON RISES. HIGH WAI KR. Monday_? Tuesday... 25|Wcdnesday " Thursday.. Friday_ Saturday.. Sunday.... 4..?7 4..rn 4..58 4..W 5.. 0 5.. 0 C.. 1 4. -432 i 5..37 ;Scts. 5. .52 C..42 7..30 8..26 6.. 1 6. .43 7..27 8.. 7 8..1-? 9..21 10.. 2 Consignees per soutn Carolina ?uiiru.. i, December '43. 1633 bales Cotton, 273 bags Grain, 91 bbls Naval Stores, 4c. To G W Williams 4 Co, Thurston A- Uolm-s, G rae ser, Lee, Smith 4 Co. Adams, Frost & Co, L D De!-"auM sore, Cohen, Hanckel & Co, Mowry & Co, J & JD Eirk patrick, J M Caldwell & Sons, J D Aiken 4 Co, W Roach, J B E Sloan, J R Pringle, Hunt Bros. L J Wiss 4 Co, W C Courtney 4 Co, H L JcfTers 4 Co, G W Clark 4 Co, D Jennings 4 Co, W B Williams, G H Walter 4 Co, King 4 Gibbon, G W Witte, C >' Averill, E H Rodgers iv Co, J N Robson. Gibbes A: Co, Crane, Boyleston 4 Co, Brunner 4 A, Bailroad Agent, r-trcet iros Je Co. Watson * Hill, F A Sawy.r, Ccuricuay 4 Treuhohn, Howard 4 Bro, W C Bee 4 i o, W E Ryan. Ingrabam 4 Son, O Reeder, W W Smith, F C Mey. J A Quackenbusb. Utsey 4 Kenyon, W C Duke? 4 Co. Cbisolm Bros. J Campsen 4 Co, John? ston, Crews 4 Co, T Murphy, I H ?c W Dewecs, JC ll Clausftn. j A Enslow A; Co. W Gurney. \v Marcher, C P Fraser. J H Baggett & Co. W P Dowling. A J Salinas. West 4 Jone?, Frafor 4 Mil. Wagencr, Heatti A- Mon sces. H Blschttr & Co, Willis 4 f 'hisolm, A Robinson 4 Co, G E Fritchett Consignees per Northeastern Itailrontl, December '43. 439 bales Cotton, 150 bbls Naval Stores ba"? Grain Furniture. .Vdze. &c. To K H Rodgers 4 co. Adams'. Frobt 4 Co, J 4 J D EarkiatrUk, i, o Dc-aussure. Nach msn 4 to. W K Ryan, Mowry A; (j0 g^.^ ^ Nisbet Williams & Co, Z Davis, M Jacobi. Ravenel 4 c? Ken? dall 4 Dockcry, Graeser, Lee, imith 4 Co Cart Konil 4 Jervey, G H Walter 4 Co. W C Dukes 4 Co. (i 'H ingr? ham a: Son, W Roach, Cohen, Hanckel & co, J D Aikcu i: Co. Gaillard A Miuott, G E Pr'i ue t, j c Brmllev B Bischoff & Co. Kanapaux 4 Launeau, R Feaster W A Toomer, F A Sawj-er. Paucngcr?. Per steamer Dictator, lroin Fulatka, via Jacksonville, Fern andina and Savannah-J fi Dunsoe, T R Kinson, T J Rivers, H D Berry. W J Marshal, J Waldo, E S Pain, W D Craddick. J W Parker, O 1) Jones, C Rook and wnc, Mrs Pooser and 2 children, Col J b Dawkins, J M F Sing, E Buck, Capt Russell, SA"' ".hannon and wife, N F'iderlm, J Richardson. K J Don il. Mi-s M Piper, Mr Dahcny, R A Beckwith, M A Steers, E S DoVcaux, A Mc Quail. MARINE NEWS. POUT OF CHARLKSTUN, Arrived Yesterday. Bari: Alexander McNeill, Andrews, Ph?adelphia-1 day 9. Ballast To tho Master. Steamer Dictator, Coxctter, Palatka. via Jacksonville, Fernandina and Savannah. 245 bales S I Cotton. 10 biles Upland Cotton. 21 casks Bice, Oranges, and Mdze. To J D Aikcu & Co, Cohen, Hanckel k Co, Fraser D Dill, G H ingraham & Son, J k J D Kirkpatrick. W M Law? ton, Railroad Agent, King k Yenning, M & B, Pincknoy Bros. ti- V Artope, L I Potter, O Reeder, Southern Ex? press, Mrs M Franklin, Thurston \- Holmes, M Gold? smith k son, J S Schirmor, J A Euslow A: Co, I L Falk i Co, Sisters of Mercy. Steamer Planter, White, Cheraw. 1018 bales Cotton. kc. To J Ferguson, Mowry \ co. J H Bajgctt i Co, J 4 J D Kirkpatrick. Adams. Frost \- Co, G W Wilhams & Co, -crcven A- Nisbet, O II Ingrahain & Son, Giacsor, L''e. Smith k Co. Kendall J: Dockery". L D DcSaussure, Boper & Stoney, Z Davis, E H Rodgers k Co. Tucker k Jackson, Goodrich. Wineman k Co, R II Harney, and thc Mauler. IN THE OFFING. Several vessels, unknown. Cleared Yesterday. Spanish bark sunrise. Roig. Rarcclona-W P Hall. Spanish bri? Galileo, Vela. Barcelona-W P HaU. steam tug Isaac R Staples, Springs, Georgetown, S C Risley Ar Creighton. Went to Sea Yesterday. British bark David McNutt, McElhenny, liverpool. From this Port. British bark Elgin, Healey, at Gravesend, Dec C, for loudon. Sehr H A Hunt Compton, Boston, Deo 20. Cleared lor this Port. Steamship Saragossa, Crowe!!, at New York. Dec 21. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, at New York, Deo 21. Sailed for tl is Por , Steamship Falcon, Reed, from Baltimore, Sundav, A M, Dec 22. -O LIST UK VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. The Skjold, Aibiechtsen, cleared.Nov 19 Nor bark KjeLestadt, Werge, cleared.Oct 15 NEWCASTLE, EXO. Bark C A Jon?s,-, up.Nov 15 NEWrOBT, ENG. Tho Sabina, Martin, sailed.Nov 28 LEITH. The Bertha, Anderson, sailed.Oct 22 CARDENAS. Brig Liberty, Devereaux, sailed.Dec 6 DOMESTIC. NEWPORT, R. I. Brig Tangent, Rich, sailed.'. .Dec 4 BOSTON. Sehr E H Furber, Cobb, np.Dec 12 KEW YORK. Steamship Saragossa, Crowell, cleared.Dtc 21 Steamship Manhattan. Woodhull, cleared.Dec 21 Sehr Malia Luut, Tracey, up.Dec 10 Sehr Vauor, Bogart, cleared.Dec 14 Sehr M B Braiuhall. Hussev. up.Doc 14 Sehr Charles J Smith, Wngbt, np.Dec 18 Sehr Jennie S Shepard, Barrett, up.Dec 20 - 'ILL ADELPHI A. Steamship Alliance, Kelly, sailed.Doo 21 Brig Opon Sett, Coombs, cleared.Dec 4 BALTIMORE. Steamship Falcou, Reed, sailed.Dec 22 Brig Yankee ilade, Coombs, cleared.Dec 15 Charleston Wholesale Prices, BAGGINUT'? yard Dundee. 30 @ 65 Gunny Cloth. 22 ? 23 BALE ROFE, fl lb-Manilla. 24 @ 25 Western. 08 (gi \iys New York. - ? - Juc.I 8?? 09 BREM), ft tts Navy. - @ - Pilot. 10 ? - Crackers. 12 ? 15 BRICKS-, flM. 9.00 ?20.00 BRAN, fi 100 lbs. 33 ? - COTTON, fl lb Ordinary to Good Ordinary. 12??? 13>? Low Middling. 13?4'? 14 MidiUing to strict Middling. 14>j? 14,^ Good Middling. - ? - Sea Island. 35 ? 1.25 CANDLES, fl lb-Sperm. 28 ? - AdaniMi?ne. 22 ? 26 Tallow. 19 ? 20 COFFEE, fl lb-Rio. 24 ? SO Laguayra. 2*> ? 35 Java.\ (ai 46 CORDAGE, fl lb-Manilla. - ? - Tarro;. American. 23 ? 28 CORN MEAL. fi bbl.j G.00 ? - COAL. fl ton-Anthracite. 9.50 foilC.OO Cumberland.j nominal. COPPER. V lb-Sheet.I CS ? GO FERTILIZERS Peruvian Gaano, fl ton. 100.00 ? - Pacific Guaca, fl 200(1 lbs. 75.00 ? - Phoenix Guano. 56.00 ? - Baugh's Phosphate, fl 2000 lbs... GO.00 ? - Rhodes' Phosphate. fl 2000 lbs... 05.00 ? - Mapcs'Super Phosphate,fi 2000 tb G5.00 ? - Zell's Raw Bone Phosphate. 65.00 ? - Zcll'8 Super Phosphate of Lime.. G5.00 ? - Woolston's Phosphate of Lime..-. | 65.00 ? - FLSS-Cod, fl 100 lbs.I 7.00 ? 9.00 Herring, fl box. 45 @ 80 Mackerel. No. 1, fl half bbl.11.00 ?11.50 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.10.00 ?10.60 Mackerel. No. 3, fl bbl. - ? - Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. - ? - No. 2. - (al - No. 3. - ? - Sardines, ft 100-quarter boxes.. 23 ? 26 Half boxes.... 48 ? 60 FLOUR, fl bbl-Super.11.00 ? - Northern and Western Extra.12.00 ?12.50 Baltimore Extra.13.00 ? - Southern-Super.12.00 ?12.50 Extra.13.00 ?13.50 Family.14.00 @ - F?iT/r^-Frunes, ? lb. 22 ? - Figs. 40 ? - Dried Apples. 10 ? 28 Almonds, soft shell. 35 @ 40 Eal ailis, M. E., fi box. 4.00 ? 5.00 Raisins, Layer. 4.50 ? 5.50 Oranges. - ? - Lemons, fl box.10.00 ?17.00 GLASS, ft box of 50 feet American, 8x10. 6.60 @ G.00 American. 10x12. 6.00 |S.HV French. 12x14. 7.00 ? 8."0 GRAIN-Maryland Oats, ft bushel..... | 8B--T' 90 Western Oats, fi bushel.? - Corn, fi bushol. ' ., i,18 ? 1.66 Beans, ft bus A . 2.00 'a 3.00 SAY, fl cwt-No-th River. 1.40 ?1.50 Ea'-vri.. 1.75 ? - H/j>T'-D:.y, ft lb. 10 es 12 'INDIGO-fi lb. 1.00 ? 1.75 IRON- Refined, ft 16. 07 ? 07 Swede. 09 ?a 09 LATHS, fi M. 4.C0 ? 4.CO LIME-Shell, fi bbl. - ? - South Carolina. 1.50 ? - Rockport.I 2.00 ? 2.25 Cement. 2.Ii ? 8.60 Plaster Paris. | 4.00 ? 4.60 LUMBER, feet Clear White Pine, 1st quality.|60.00 ?55.00 White Pino, good run.i38.00 ?40.00 Yellow Pme. 20.00 ?26.00 Boarjs, fi M. feet-Rough.12.00 (S15.00 Grooved and Tongued- 28.00 ?32.00 LEATHER, country tanned, fi lb. - @ - MOLASSES, f? gallon-Cuba. 46 ? 60 Muscovado. 65 ? 66 Sugar House. 60 ?1.00 New Orleans. 75 ? 82 NA VAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar. - ? - Pitch. - ? - Rosin, Pale. - ? - Rosin, No. 1. - ? - Rosin, No. 2. - ? - Rosin. No. 3. - ' ?< - Suints Turpentine, e* gallon. - ? - Udallin, j?) re. 16 ? - NA ILS-American, 4?20d, $ keg. 5.60 ?7.00 American Wrought. - @ - Latliing. 7.50 ?10.00 Copper, fi lb. 1.00 ? - Galvanized. 30 ? - Spikes. 12 ? 16 OJ t?-Lard, fi gallon. 1.40 ?1.45 Linseed, fi gallon. 1.54, Spc.-in, Wintor, fi gallon. 2.95 ? - Cotton Seed, fi gallon. - ? - Castor (E. 1.), f* gaUon. 3.00 ? - Olive, fi dozen.I 8.00 ?10.00 Kcroseue, fi gallon. 62 ? 64 Benzine, fi gabon. 60 to - PROVISIONS-Beef, mess, fi bbl.16.00 ?30.00 Beef, primo.14.00 ?15.00 Pork, mess. 23.00 ?2G.09 Rump. - ? -- Bacon, Haras, fi lb. - ? - Bat on, Sides. 15 ? 1G Bat on, Shoulders. 13 (rn 13 Bacon, Strips. - ? - Lard, in keg. 12?? 16% Butter. 30 ? 46 Chceso. 15 ? 6t Potatoes, fi bbl. 4.00 ? - Onions. 4.00 ? - Apples. 8.00 ? 9.00 PAINTS-Whito Lead, fi lb. 10 ? 10 Black Lead. 10 (al 12 Zinc, White.! 12 ? 10 PLOW STEEL, fi lb 12 fa) - RICE-Carolina, fi rb. 7>?? 8 East India. - ? - SLATES- American, fl square. 12.50 fri - SHINGLES, f) M. 7.00 ? 8.U) White Pine, first quality.12.00 ? - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, fi sack. 1.75 @ 2.00 Liverpool, fino. - ? - SO A P-Bar, fi rb. ll ? 15 STARCH, fi lb. 10 ? 12 SPICES, fi tb-Cassia. 1.00 ? - Maoc. 1.75 ? - Cloves. 75 ? Nutmegs. 2.00 ? 2.50 Pepper. 40 ? - Pimento. 40 ? 50 Raco Gmgcr. 30 ? - SPIRITS, ? gallon-Alcohol. 5.00 ? G.00 Brardy, Cognac. I 4.00 iii 12.00 Brandy, Domestic. 3.00 ii 3.75 Gin, Holland. 4.75 tu" 5.03 Gin, American. 3.50 ? 3.75 Rum, Jamaica. 5.00 ? G.00 Rum, N. E.j 2.60 (<u 9.00 Whiskey, Bourbon,. 3.00 ??5.00 Whiskev, Rectified. 0.30 ?2.40 SUGAR, ii lb-Raw. 13 ? 16 Crushed. 18 ? 19 Clarified A. 17 ? 18 Clarified B. 17 fcs 18 Clarified C. IG},? 17 Loaf. 18 tl 19 Porto Rico. 14 ? 15 Muscovat'' . . 13 ? 15 SEGARS- Domestic manufacture, f? M., 18.00 r<?45.00 TEAS, & lb-Imperial. 2.00 (it, 2.50 Gunpowder. 2.00 ? 2.3C Hyson. 1.50 (u) 1.60 Young Hyson. 1.50 ? 1.C0 Black. 1.00 ia) 1.76 TOBA CCO, fi lb, as per quality. 40 ?1.50 TIMBER-Hewn Timber--Yellowline. 4.00 ?12.00 Ash. - (<u - Foplar. - la' - Hickory. ... - ? - TIN-I C Roofing Plate. 13.00 ? - I X Roofing Plato.?17.00 ? - I C Tin Plate', 10x14.15.50 ia, - I X Tin Plate 10x14. 17.00 @ - I C Tin Plate, 11x20. 1G.50 ? - Block Tin, fl lb. 40 ? - TWINE-Cotton, fi lb. 73 ? - Baling. 45 ? - Hemp. *? ? - Jute. GO ? - VARNISH- Bright, fi gallon. 25 ? - Para.ine. - ? - VINEGAR-White Wine, fi gallou. 60 @ Cider. 30 ? - French. 1.00 ? 1.23 WINE, fl gallon-Port. 2.50 ? 6.00 Madeira. 2.25 ? 6.00 Sherry. 2.25 ? 5.00 Claret, ft case. 5.00 ?13.50 Champagne, fl basket. 25.00 (?C30.00 ?.THREE MONTHS AFTER DATE, APPLI? CATION will bo mado to tho Northeastern Railroad Com? pany for renewal ot Scrip No. 82, for Fifty Shares of Capital stock of that Companv. November 13 lamo3mos THE NEW CHRISTMAS CAROL Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collius HW CHRISTMAS CAROL. "NO THOROUGHFARE,' Tiic startling Sensation of tie Bay ISSUED COMPLETE TO-MORROW A3 THE OHEISTMAS EXTKA OF THE CHARLESTON DULY NEWS. tfJ-GRATIS TO ALL, SUBSCRIBERS.-*** OFFICIAL. Heauqnarter* Second military District, I CHARLESTON, S. C., December 3.1867. j [General Orders ?Yo. 13?. I I. To provide for the support of tbe Provisional Govern? ment of South Carolina for tho yest commencing on the first thy of October, 18G7, and onding on tho thirtieth day ol September, 1868, tho Act of the Gcnoral Assembly, "To raise supplies lor the year commencing in October, one thousand eight hundied and sixty-six," approved Docembcr 21, 1866. will, as hereinafter modified, bo con? tinued in foroe until supersound by legislation or untU otherwise ordored by proper authority. ARTICLK8 TAXED "AD VALOBEM." 1. On all real estate, twenty-five cents on every hun? dred dollars: Provided, that on such lands as may be in the possession of tho Bureau of Befugces, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands on tho first day of January next, and the owner or claimant is thereby deprived of Ita occupa? tion and use, such tax shall not bc collected; on thc capi? tal stock of all gas-light companies, twenty-five cents on everyhuudred dollar?; on articles manufactured for sale, barter, or exchage. between the first day of Janu? ary, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and tho first day of January, one thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-eight, twenty cents on every huudred dol? lars, to be paid by the manufacturer; on the market value of thc gross amount ot spiritous liquors manufac? tured from the first day ot January to the thirty-first day of December, 1868, five per cent, to be paid quarterly at the end of each quarter to the Tax Collectors of the Dis? tricts in which it was manufactured; on buggies, carri? ages, gold and silver plate, watches, jewelry and pianos, on hand on the first day ot January, 1868-oxcept when held by dealers for the purpose of sale-one dollar on every hundred dollars. "TAI ON INCOMES." 2. Upon all gross incomos derived from employments, faculties and professions, including tho profession of dentistry (whether in thc profession of the law tho in? come, be derived from the costs of suit or fees, or other sourco of professional incomes), excepting cieigymcu, two and one-half dollars on evory hundred dollars; from commissions received by brokers, vendue masters, fac? tors, commission merchants, dealers in exchange (for? eign and domestic), or in mottgages, bonds and other negotiable papers, two and one-half dollars on every hundred dollars; from premiums recoived by insurance companies or underwriters, two dollars on every hun? dred dollars; from the receipts of express or other trans? portation companies earned within the limits of the State, one dollar on every hundred dollars; and from thc receipts of telegraph companies earned within the limits of tho State, two and one-half dollars o:i every hundred dollars; from the salo of tews papcrs or magazines, one dollar on every hundred dollars; on the gross rcocipts of newspapers pub? lished in tho State, twenty cents on every hundred dol? lars ; from the salo of goods, wares or merchandise, em? bracing all the articles of trade, sale, barter or exchange (cotton taxed by tho United States excepted), which any person shall make between tbe first day of January and the thirty-first day of December, 1868, to bo paid quar? terly at the end of each quarter to tho several Tax Col? lectors, twenty cents on every hundred dollars ; on the gross profits of all banks or banking institutions, tn o dollars on every hundred dollars ; on tho gross incomes derived from tho arts of photographing or daguerreotyp? ing, one dollar on every hundred dollars ; on all incomes from salaries, rents, dividends, and money at Interest, one dollar on every hundr. d dollars in excess of five hun? dred dollars ; on tho gross Incomes of all railroads (not exempted by law), L-om earnings within the State, one dollar on every hundred dollars. All persons keeping hotels shall pay a tax ol two dollars on every hundred dollars of gross income ; all persons keeping restaurants or eating houses shall pay a tax of two dollars on every hundred dollars of gross inivsr~ ; .ni ib? sens keeping livery stable- ?hid pay a tax of two dollars on ev >ry 1"*- <.?u dollars of groiB income ; all butchers and hucksters shall pay a tax of one doli*: or. every bundred dollars of gross income; all panons keeping billiard tables shall pay a tax of five dollars on every hundred dollars of gross incoma; all parsons keeping bowling alleys shall pay a tax of five dollars on every hundred dollars of gross inconio; all persons keeping bar-rooms, whether connect d with a hotel or otherwise, shall pay a tax or ten dollars on every hundred dollars of gross income; all persons keeping ferries or bridges shall pay a tax of one dollar on every hundred dollars of gross income ; all pei sons keeping toll? gates shall pay a tax of ono dollar on every hundred dol? lars of gross income; each person or company kcipiug a puoiic race track shall pay a tax of one hundred dollars; upon each public hack, stage coach, baggago wcgon and omnibus, drawn by two or more horses, there shall be pcid a tax of ten dollars; and upon each dray and cart, or baggago and express wagon, drawn by one borse, a tax of five dollars. "TAXES IMPOSED ron CERTAIN PBTVLLEOIS " 3. All persons representing for gain or reward any play, comody, tragedy, interlude, or farce, or other employ? ment of thc stage, or any part theiein, or exhibiting wax works or other shows of any land whatsoever, shall pay a tax of ten dollars por day, to be paid into the hands ot the Clerks of tho Courts, or of a Magistrate in the ab? sence oi tha Clerk, who shall be bound to collect and pay thc same into the public treasury, except in cases where the same ls now required by law to be paid to corpora? tions or otherwise. Upon every taking out of a charter, except tor rt hgious, charitable and eduoatIonal institu? tions, there shall be levied a tax of twenty dollars; upon each renewal of a charier liable to lax under this order, ton dollars, and all companies incorporated in other States shall pay for the privilege of carrying on their bu? siness in this State tbe same charter fee as ia required of companies incorporated in this State. All circus exhibi? tions, to bo paid at the time, fifty dollars per day. Each and every person keeping a dog or dogs, shall pay a tax of one dollar for each dog. For thc privilege of selling lottery Uckets within tho limits of this State, five hun? dred dollars per month, to be paid monthly or quarterly m advance to the Treasurer of the State of South Caroli? na, who, upon such payment, shall arrant a license for tho time for which such payment hki w ?en made, but not for less than one month. " SPECIAL TAX." 4. A capitation tax of one dollar shall be paid by every mile person between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, residents or the Slate on the first day of January, one thousand eight huudred and sixty-eight, except euch as aro incapable of ?arning a support by rea sou of ment il or physical disability: provided, that double exerul ions for the non-payment ot the capitation tax of the past year shall not be enforced, aud that lu all cases wbero exc.u tiou ha? not been issued aud no co ?ts hive been incurred, the tax may be discharged by t ao payment of the original amount on or before tho flrit da; of MarcM, 1868. 5. All taxes levied on property ai prescribed in this order, shall be paid to the Tax Collector for th. District or Parish ia which said properly is located, oxcept that tho tax ou railroad companies, oxpress companies, and lelagraph companies, shall bo returned to and paid di? rectly into the Trrasury of the State; and this return shall be made quarterly. 6. All individual taxes will be avowed directly upon and collected directly from tho individuals from whom they arc due. 7. The houses and lots on Sullivan's Island shall be returned to the Tax Collector ol tho Tax District in which they are situated, lu thc same manner as other town lots and houses, and shall be liable to the fame rates of taxation. 8. Beforo tho collection of the taxes herein provided for. everj' Assessor or Tax Collector (acting in tho ca? pacity of Assessor) in this State shall proceed to make an ad valorem assessment of all lands, buildings and im? provements, without distinction as to city, town or coun? try property, and upon all other property upon which au mt valorem tax has been levied, with reference to the market value of such property in United States curren? cy, and without reference to any previous assessment; aud such assessments shall be subject to revision by military authority. Each Assessor and each Tax Collec? tor acting as Assessor, boforo entering upon his duties as Assessor, shall take and subscribe before thc Clork of thc Court of tho District the foUowing oath, which shall be endorsed on hi* cimmission, viz: "I, A. B., do promise and swear that I will, to the beat of my ability, executo thc duties of Assessor lor my Collection District, and will, without tavor or patiality, ascertain and assess the actual value of the property, real and personal, upon which nu ad valorem tax is levied, before and for the pur? pose ol levying such tax." 9. Each Tax Collector shall attend at the Courthouse of tho Tax District (or if there be no Courthouse, at some other public place), daily for oue week previous to making his final return for the receipt of taxes of his respective District or Parish. All taxes on property im posed by the provisions ot this order shall have refer? ence both as to possession and valuation to tho first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, except where some other date is specially designated. All taxes on income imposed by the provisions of this act shall have reference to the amount of such income received between the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and all such income tax ahull bo duo and payable on or betbr thirty-first day of March, 1808. 10. Ihc taxes herein levied Bhall bo paid only in and silver coin, United Stated Treasury notes, or declared to be a legal tender by the Government o United States, or notes of National Banks, or tho bil ceivablcof this State, and also pay-certificatcs of Jt and Constable for attendance on tho Courts. Tho Collectors of thu several Collection Districts shall I lowed, on all sums of money paid into their nandj taxes, a commission as follows, that is to say : the Collectors of Abboville, Anderson, Barnwell, Ch< Clarendon, Darlington, Edgefleld, Kershaw, Lau Newberry. Orango, Richland. Spartanburg. Sm Union, York, Marion, St. Phillip's and St. Michael the rate of four per cent ; tho Tax Collectors of Che field, Fairfield, Greenville, Lancaster, Lexington, I boro'. Picken?. St. Matthews. Prince George's Wit St Bartholomews, Williamsburg, at tho rate ol ail cent; the Tux Collectors of All Saints', Christ Chi Horry, Priuco William's, St. George's Dorchestei Helena, St. James' Gooso Creek, St James' Sante? John's Berkeley, St. John's CoUeton, St. Peter's, Stephen's, at the rato of eight por cent. ; the Tax Cc tors of St. Andrew's, St Luke's, St. Paul's, St Tho and St. Dennis", at tho rate of ten per cent ; Prov that in any District whore the gross amevmt of taxes in Khali exceed thc sum of thirty thousand dollars commissions of the Tax Collectors shall be two per < on such excess. IL In sales of real estate upon execution (or non ment of taxes, if tho amount bid for such real ?stab not greater than the amount of the execution and ? it shah bo tho duty of the Sheriff to bid in the prop for the State, and Uio title thereto ahaU thereupoi passed to the State, Bubjcct to such equitable right redemption as may hcrcatter be determined upon by islative authority. Lmprisonment for over dun tax abolished ; but whenever the amount of the tax, c< kc, of any person cannot be made out of ai.y properl which he is possessed, th; Sheriff holding the cxecu shall make return thoreof to tho Commissioners of Rt orPubbc Buildings, or other appropriate municipal thority, who may enforco the payment of the tax du labor upon the roads, bridges and other public wot Provided, that tho commutation value of such labor s not be less than fifty cents for a labor day of eight ho 12. All taxes levied by this order, except when s taxes aro payable quarterly, shall bo duo and payabl follows: One-half on or before thc thirty-first daj March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, the remaining half on or before tho thirtieth dsy of Jt ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. Any; 6on desiring to pay tho whole amount of bis taxes ccpt tuen as aro returned quarterly) on or before thirty-first day of March shall have the privilege o doing, and bhall be entitled to a discount cf five cent, upon the amount of taxes falling due o:i the ! day of June, 1868. 13. No Tax C t Hector or Assessor shall receive his c missions until his returns have been received at Treasurer's office, and been approved by him 14. Taxes levied by municipalities, corporations, othor local authorities, under any general or special of the State, will conform in principle to the modifica ti hereinbefore made. APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE YEAR COMMENCI OCTOBER 1,1867. H. It is hereby ordered, that the lollowing sums si be appropriated for the payment of the various offl and expenses of the State government : L Executive Department : For tho salary of the Got nor, three thousand fivo hundred dollars; for tho Frh Secretary of tho Governor, twelve hundred dollars; tho Messenger of the Governor, one hundred dollars; the Contingent Fund of the Executive Depart mc twenty-five thousand dollars, to lc subject to thu di of thc Governor, and to bc accounted for annut.lly bim to the Legislature; for tho rent of thcQovcrnc house in Columbia, three hundred dollars; for two wat men tor the new State House and grounds, nine bundi and sixty dol?a?, to be drawn on draft of the State Hot Keeper; for thc .salary and services of the Secretary the State, in lieu of ah charges against the State for sh. ing commissions, five hundred dollars. 2. Legislative Department: For thc salary of the Kei cr of the State Bouse and Librarian, three hundred d lars; for contingent expenses of Legislative Library, be paid on draft of the Librarian, accounted for li} h at the Treasury, and reported by thc Treasurer to t Legislature, two hundred dollars, if so much be neo sa ry. 3. Judiciary Department: For the salary of the Ch Justice, thirty-five hundred dollars ; for the salaries ten Judges and Chancellors, three thousand dollars cac for thc salary of thc Attorney-General, eleven hundr dollars ; for tho salaries of five Solicitors, nine hundr dollars each ; for tho salaries of thirty-one Distri Judges, at five hundred dollars each, fifteen thDusai five hundred dellars ; tor thc Clerk of tho Court of A peals, who shall bo tho Librarian, eight hundred doUai the same to include the expenses of fuel ; for the sala of tho Messenger of tho said Court, two hundred ai twenty-five dollars ; for tho purchase of books ::br tl Library of the Court of Appeals, ono thousand dollars, be drawn and expended by order of the presiding Ja tico ; for firewood and fuel for the Court of Appea.s, flf dollars, if so much bc necessary ; ter the salary of Sta Reporter, one thousand five hundred dollars ; and tl several appropriations aforesaid, for tho Clerks, Libr rians, Messengers, Reporters, and for the incidental e penses of the Court of Appeals, shall bo paid by tl Trcasuror, only upon warrants, to be drawn by the pr ..uing Judge of the Court of Appeals, at such time an for BOX h portions as he may deem just and proper ; an it shall bo thc duty of said Reporter to attend in perso or by deputy the sittings of the Court of Appeals, and t report such ar.Tumcuts and statements of tacts as ma bo necessary to a cort cet understanding of tho decision of tho said Court ; for thc pay of Jurors and Constable* sixty thousand dollars, if so much bc necessary. 4. Treasury Department: For the salary of the Treat urer of tho State thirty-two hundred dollar.-*, includin thc salaries of one or more clerks; for the salary of th Comptrcller-Genoral, twenty-five hundred dollars, iu eluding clerk's salary, said clerk to be appointed by, an removed at thc pleasure of tho Treasurer and Comptroi ler-Gencrsl respectively; to tho Comptroller-General, tw hundred dollars, for making out copies of the Tax Re tums in eighteen hundred and sixty eight; for publish ing the tax and appropriation order, if so much be necei sary, three hundred dollars, to bo expended by tb Comptroller-General and accounted for to the Legisla turc; for tho contingent expenses of the Comptroller General's and Treasurer's o dice, printing tax book? ant instructions to collectors, and distributing the same three thousand five hundred dollars. 5. The University of South Carolina: For thc salarie of eleven Professors, elevon thousand dollars; for the Ll brarlan of tho University, who shall bo the Sccrttary o thc Board of Trustees, six hundred dollars, to be paie by tho Tr;asuror of the State, quarterly, in advance, bli drafts being countersigned by the Chairman of the Ex ccutivo Committee of the Board of Trustee*; for the sala ry of tbo Treasurer of tho University, four hundred dol lars; lor the salary of the Bru sar and Marshal, four hun dred dollars; and for repairs to the University buildings two thousand dollars, if so much be necessary : Provided that tho sum; reaUzed frem rents of tho University grouuds and buildings shall first be applied to this ob jeot, and only the excess be drawn from the Treasury. 0. Ordinary Civil Expenses: For tho payment of tat contingent accounts of tho State, twenty-five thousand dollars; for dieting and ti unsporting prisoners, sixty thousand dod are, If so much l e necessary ; for thc sup port o? ireo schools, twenty-Uvo thousand dollars; Pro? vided, that the amount thus appropriated shah cot bc expended until thc Le. islaturo shall have established a system of free school*, the LeuefiU of which thad be ex? tended to thc children of citizens or residents of thc Stato without dijtiuction of race or color; lor theLunatic Asylum, nineteen thousand seven hundred and otghtcon dollars; Provided, thai the sum of six thousand dollars .-lull be rcfuuded to tho Treasury of tho State, when the arrearages due irom thc Commissioners of the Poor o? the several Districts shall be paid. 7. Or tinary Local Expenditure: For nu .interning and keeping opon thc Roper Hospitil in Charleston, three thousand dollars, to bc paid to the Medical Society in trust for tho Roper Fund, to delray the extensos ot said Hospital; for the salary of tho physician of the Jail at Charleston, commencing the twenty-scvcntii day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, five hundred dollars per annum; for enforcing thc quaran? tine in South Carolina, including salaries of Port Physi? cian and boat hire, eight thousuud dollar*. If so much bo necessary; for thc transient poor of CharlcBton, eight thousand dollars, If so much be necessary. 8. For the support of tho Catawba Indiaus, twelve hun dred dollars, il so much be necessary, to bc paid to the order of the Indian Agent, and to bc cxponded under the order of the Governor. 0. Public Buildings: For completing thu roof of thc Stato House in process ol construction, two thousand dollars, if s.i much bc necessary; for continuing the construction of the Penitentiary, for the pay of officers aud guards, for subsisting guards and convicts, and for clothing convicts, eighty thousand dollars, to be paid on the drafts of the Governor, from time to time, as the several sums may bo needed. 10. Extraordinary Expenditures: For the rent and fix? tures of a house for Ute uso of the Court of Appeals, three hundred dollars, thc contract relating thereto to be approved by the Chief Justice before the incuey is drawn on his order. IL It shall bc the duty of Ute i'onimissloiier of Public Buildings in the several Districts to furnish Uie Jailor or Sheriff thereof with a sufficient uumber ol '.lanketa for thc comfort of tl] prisoners, and a!so to pay tor such medical attention and mc liclues as may be required by thc sick. The Sheriff and Jailors ol' thc several Districts in this State will promptly make requisitions upon the Commiisioners tor blankets and medicines, and, if the samo am not furnished by the Commissioners within five days, thc Sheriff shall rep .-rt the failure to these Headquarters, giving the names ol' (he persona who may be the Commission! ra in his District 12. The contingent accounts of Clerks, Sheriffs, Coro? nen?, Magistrates, Constables, and other officers of this State, shall bc forwarded to the Comptroller-General, who shall audit the same, and if founts conformable to law, lie shah draw his warrant npon the Treasurer for the payincut thereof. 13. The Act entitled "An Act lo provide for the issue of bills receivable in payment of indebtedness to thc State, to the amount of five hundred thousand dollars," passed December 21, 1800, aud the Aot entitled "Au Act to provide for the redemption of bids receivable, issued by this State," passed September 20, 18CG, aro hereby continued in force. 14. The Treasurer of the State ol South Carolina is hereby authorized to pay the appropriations herein made, and the salaries ol' public officers, payable by law, out of funds applicable thereto, which have fallen due since tho Irst ?iy ot October, 1867, and which may hereafter fall lue. 15. No moneys raised under the provisions of this or 1er or the Acts herein mentioned, shall be applied to the joymect of principal or interest of any debt contracted ? incurred in support of thc late war against the United States. 16. The unexpended balance of appropriations made vi thin the lost two years and undrawn, may In paid by he Treasurer, according to the laws of South. Carolina, ixcept "for the" salary of thc Adjutant and Inspoctor 3cnorul," "support of the Military Academy at Charles ion," "for military contingencies" for serv?tes of the Secretary of State in signing military commistions, and br support of fre? schools, which last shall remain In he Treasury subject to tho conditions of the p rovision in section fi. By Command of Bvt. Major-Oeneral ED. B. B. CANBY : LOUIS V. CAZIARC, Aide-de-Camp, Act'g Ass't Adl't Oen'l. Official-0. M. MITCHEL, Aide-de-Camp. December 9 Headquarters Second Military District.) CHARLESTON, S. C., September 30, 1867. J CIRCULAR.] PENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RULES FOR he government of Military Tribunals in this District, Provost Courts will not exercise Jurisdiction ba any case ?vhen the question involves the title of land; nor in any :ivil causo where the debt sued for or tho damage :laimed exceeds throe hundred (800) dollars. In all :ases where the amount claimed either as dobt or dam? ages exceeds twenty-five (25) dollars, the defendant shall ae entitled to ten (10) days' notice, and if it exceeds ono Hundred (100) dollars, he sholl be entitled to fifteen (16) lays'notice; Lut this right may be waived by tho de? fendant, and the trial of the cause set for an earlier day, upon his written consent thereto, which consent must ippear on tho rocord of the Court fly command of Brevet Major-General ED. R. 8. CAN BY. LOUIS V. CAZIARC. Aide-de-Camp, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General. Official : O. M. MITCHT.^, Aide-de-Camp. NoV? mbor 25 Headquarters Secoud Military District, ) CHARLESTON, S. C., November 14, 1847, ) 'GENERAL ORDERS NO, 117.] IN ORDER T J CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS OF Gteneral Orders No. 95, Commanding Officers of Posts are authorized, when lu their Judgment d >mandod by the public service, to require, by order, the services of citizens to perform tho duties usually performed by roudmastors ond overseers of highways. In conforT ity with the existing usage, such soivlces will receive no compensation. Any person failing to obey the orders of tbc Post Commander in the premises, will be subjected to the samo pains and penalties as are now provided by law in tbe case of the neglect or refusal of a roadmaster or overseer of highways to perform the d ti tl ea ol' such ornees. By command of Bvt. Major-General ED. R. S. CAMBY. LOUIS V. CAZIARC. Aide-de-Camp, Act'g Assisting Adjutant-General. Official: 0. M. MITCHELL, Aide-de-camp. November 25 4 _MISCELLANEOUS?_ AT COURTENAY'S, No. 9 Broad street, STATIONERY, Foreign and Domestic, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES). A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP BLANK BOOKS, lilli PMS, AND 1NTINC BM STATIONERY, At Seduced Prices. November 29 TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING REPAIRING AND Painting of Roofs, Gatters, ke.t PROMPTLY EXECUTED B Y J. B. DUVAL k SON, No. 337 KINO'STREET, ONE DOOR NORTH OF LIBERTf-STREET. December 14 sw KEROSENE STOVES, WARRANTED TO BOIL, BAKE, BROIL, FRY, HEAT SMOOTHING Mi, ' WARM ROOMS, ETC. THEY GrVE NO SMOEE, LEAVE NO DUST OR A8H ES, are simple as an ordinary lamp, and can do tbe cooking of a family st less expense tba : tho ordinary coal or wood stoves. A hst of persons who have them in uso can be seen at our store. Circulars furnished. For sale at Manufacturer's prices. Wholesale and Re? tail, by J. R. DUVAL &? SON, No. 337 KI.VU-?TKKKT, One door north of Liberty street December 14_ _ _smw TIN WAR B CHEAP FOR CASH ! PRESSED AND PIECE PANS X PT , PER DOZEN, 64c.; 1 pt. 66c. ; 3 pt. 91; 1 qrt 75c. ; 2 qrt $1.22; 3 qrt. $1.28; 4 qrt, $1.96; 6 qrt. $2.6U; 10 mt $3.50. PIE AND DINNER PLATES, 8 in. $<;.75; 9 in. $7.95, per gross. FUNNELS-Vials 60c; Pints 80c; Quarts $1.05; 2 Quarts $2.00; 4 Quarts $3.00, per dozen. WASH BASINS (Pressed, Plain and Japnned)-small $2.00; large $3.60, pei dozen. PRESSED CULLENDERS-small $8.00; large ?4.00, par dozen. At NO. 16 BROAD STREET, ADAMS, DAMON & CO. November 0 wfm PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS. THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY ABE now manufacturing the best, cheapcatand most dura? ble Paint in use-, two coats, w. ll put on, mixed with pure Linseed OO, will last 10 or 15 years; it Is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and caa be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream to suit the taste of thc consumer, lt ls valuable tor Houses, Barna. Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, Pails and Woodonware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ship's Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs (it be iiig fire and water proof), Floor Oil Cloths (one manufac? turer having used 5(00 bbls. tho pant year), and, as a paint for any purpose, is unsurpassed for body, durabili? ty, elasticity and adheslvenes j. Prico i>6 per bbL of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. 'War? ranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which gives lull particulars. None genuino unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. HOLMES fe CALE EU, Agents. December 13 fmw?mo Meeting-street. LEA & PERRINS' CELEBRATED i PRONOUNCED EXTRACT BY Wff of a letter from a f l MEDICAL GENTLEMAN CONNOISSEURS I I at Madras, to his TO BE THE ONLY J?-\. Brother at jSNgLJ? WORCESTER, May Good Sance ????1851: AND APPLICABLE .jSgSgl RINS that their SAUCt ir/TSt!",1 is highly esteemed in In TO '?-~E?? dis, and ls, in my opinion, :-"?iSp*^- 'be most palatable, ta EVERY VARIETY Ifc?^M well as thc most who'.e. Mfc'jrw some SAUCE that ll OP DI8H. *SB?fc>'made." The success of this most delicious and unrlvallel con diment havlug caused many unprincipled defers tc apply the name to Spurious Compounds, tho P'JBLIC ls respectfully and earnestly requested to see that tne name of LEA k PERRINS aro upon thb WRAPPER. T.JBF.t. STOPPER and BOTTLE. Manufactured by LEA ?Si PERRINS, Worcester JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW YORK, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. October 19 fmwlyr , _PAPER AND STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, PRINTING, ETC WAL KKK'S No. 3 BEOAD-STEEET, ?APER AND STATIONERY WIIII?OIISI, POWER PEESS PRINTING, ?CCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURING. i f fl tl AND BINDING AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. LARGE STOCK OF BLANE BOOKS AND STATIONERY AT REDUCED PRICES ! Every facility of improved Machinery and Paper purchased direct from the Manufacturers, enables the Proprietor to work AT NEW TORE PRICES. C_TH:_?ISTJ>V_:A.S GIFTS ? A large Stock of FANCY INKSTANDS and STATIONERY, and a beau? tiful variety of SORRENTO FANCY BOXES! BRACKETS, WATCHSTANDS AND CARVED WORK, &c., &c, &c. FOB SALE LOW. December 19 READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OP R/E__10ir-_v____)_3 CLOTHIISTQ THE WHOLESALE STOCK MURPHY, LITTLE & CO., No. 161 Meeting-street, Opposite Pinckney, __T RETAIL. BELOW MANUFACTURERS' COST. CALL SOON AND SECURE A BARGAIN. December 0 GREAT EXPLOSION! THE GREAT EXPLOSION WHICH HAS JU3T OCCURRED OPPOSITE TO US. HAS SO frightened ua that we havo determined to put down our Stock at SUCH LOW FIGURES as will _)___"_" 002vI_?__TI_I02ST ! NOTWITHSTANDING THE BURSTING GT" SHELLS. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, AND EVERY ARTICLE THAT APPERTAINS TO A WELL-KEPT FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT. We promiso, in all cases, to Rive satisfaction. We Manufacture all kinds of Furniture, and Repair in the best manner at THE LOWEST PRICES. Remember the "SIGN OF THE GOLDEN ROCKER," at the corner of King and Market-streets. December 18 MACKEY & BAKER. CAMERON, HAMLEY & GO., No. 150 MEETING STREET, DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OP ??1 STEAM ENGINES CIRCULAR SAW AND GRIST MILLS BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS BAR AND SHEET IRON AND CAST STEEL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GUM AND LEATHER BELTINGS LACING LEATHER AND BLAKE'S PATENT BELT STUDS GUM and nEMP PACKING PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS SPERM, LARD AND PETROLEUM OILS BRASS AND IRON, SINGLE AND DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS No. 150 MEETING STREET. VT i n ?tnth6mo November 2 _ STOVES ! STOVES! STOVES ! NOW IS VOIR TIME! Stoves so Cheap THAT IT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH ! The Cheapest Stove Store Between the Potomac and the Rio Graude ! THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Hall, Parlor and Cooking Stoves. Sheet Iron, Lead, Ziuc and Copper. Lead and Iron Pipe. GEATES AND G RATE TRIMMINGS. IK ROOFING AM) PLUIBIKfi WORK ATTENDED TO AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, AT ADAMS, DAMON & CO., "GOOD SAMARITAN." November C No. 16 BROAD-STREET,