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THE DAILY ffEWS. a&- LARGEST CIRCULATION.-TB?: OAIL? NEW? Emo TEE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RECOG? NIZED AS HAYING THE LAUGEST CIRCULATION IN THE C!TY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE POSTOF? FICE AT THE END OF EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO I HE PROVISIONS OF THE NEW PCSTOFFICL' LAW. ^______ THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19. 1867. LOCA L M ATTERS. AUCTION SALES THIS BAY. H?NB? COBIA & Co. will sell this day, ia front of their store, at 10 o'clock, bagging and rope. JOHS G. MILNOR & Co. will sell this day, at thea auction salesrooms, No. 133 Meeting-street, at 10 o'clock, hats, bhirts, jackets, &c. CLIFFORD R MATTHEWES will sell this day, at No. 56 Broad-street, at ll o'clo.k, a lot ot ?ani? s?me sterling silver. LOWNDES & GRLMBALL will sell this day, at thc old Postcffice, at ll o'ebek, several lois on Rut? ledge Avenue. JAMES TUPPER (Master in Equity), will sell this day, at the old Customhouse, at ll o'clock, seve? ral* lots of land (with and without buildings at? tached) iuthisoity, and other valuable pioperty belonging to estate of Wm. A. Alston, Jr. T. M. CATEB will sell this day, on Brown's wharf, at 9j o'clock, sides, butter and lard. MILES DRAKE will sell this day, at his store, corner Kins and Liberty-streets, at 10 o'clock, clothing, dry goods, &c. JEFFORDS & Co. will sell this day, in front of their store, at 9$ o'clock, hams, strips, shoulders, sides, ?Sec. LACKEY & ALEXANDER will sell this day, be? fore their sto-';, No. 137 Eist Bay, at 10 o'clock, nails, salt, hams, sides, ?tc. A CABLE TELEGRAM, dated London, December 14, says : "In the Court of Admiralty to-day, Prio leau*s plea in the case of the Alexandra was ad? mitted. A commission is to be issued for procur? ing evidence in the United States." A POSTOFTICE has been established at North Santee, Georgetown District, and a mail passes between it and Charleston onco a week, eaoh way, closing at the Charleston Post?nico on Tuesdays, at half-past 9 o'clock, and leaving North Sante? for Charleston on Fridavs. APPEAL FROM BISHOP DAVIS.-Right Rov. Bishop Davis sends us the following appeal to the mem? bers of the Episcopal Churches of this city : CHARLESTON, S. C., December IC, 18C7. To my Brtthren and Friends : Grace Church, Camden, was burnt in June last, and we now have no church to worship in. We bad hoped to rebuild this year, but from the calam? ities of the past season, the congregation is unable to commence the work without somo assistance. I knew your inability to helo us with money, but may I appeal to you for contributions in materials, brinks, lumber, lime, nails, slates, sashes, blinds. Any amount of either of tneae will be thankfully received. I have no moans of communicating- with you save through the secular press, which hob kindly permitted me to make this appeal. Com? municate with me in Camden. Any papers kindly disposed will please insert this." Yours in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, THOMAS F. DAVIS, Bishop of the Dioc :sc of South Carolina. SEQUESTRATION.-There was an erudite divine, once upon a time, in an adjoining State, famous for "darkening counsel" by the use of words of learned length. On ono occasion, when ho was to preach to a congregation of negroes for a brother minister, the latter feeling somewhat uneasy on this score, says: "Now, brother -, let me beg of you to be as plain with these people as you possibly can. Otherwise they will not understand you." This wa3 before the days of tho burean, and ere yet school marms had begun to illuminate this be? nighted land with the lii<ht of their countenance. " Never fear," remarks the learned brother, smil? ing. In the pulpit on Sunday afternoon, the visiting clergyman addressed his sable audience, not un? mindful of tho caution ho had received: "My friends, the Apostle says, do not purloin ; but lebt you should not understand the meaning of the word I will make it plain for you. The Apostle menus, my lriends, you mus! not sequester." There were large eyes and open mouths at this lu<?id ex? planation, but there wa3 no diminution of atealiug; and this would appear to be the present difficulty m regard to the transgression of the eighth command? ment. Our oolored friends, for some reason or other, seem to be ignorant of the moral law, and stealing, potty laroeny more especially, is ram? pant just now. In the exeioise of their calling nothing comea t miss ; everything from a frying? pan to a baie a cotton is liable to walk off at short notice. The ideas of meum and tuum have become very much confused, and the whole subjoct ncedr overhauling. Will tho Convention do it ? THE CAUSE OF IRELAND.-At an indignation meeting of Irish-Amerioan citizens held at Charles? ton, S. C., on the 14th instant, to tako into con? sideration the recent judicial murders at Manches? ter, and other atrocities perpetrated by the Bri? tish Government on naturalized citizous of the United States, it was Besotted, That wo do protest against the out? rages that have been porpetratod in all parts of England, auci iii particular the barbarous outrago of tho hanging of Allon, Larkin and O'Brien at Manchester. Besotted, That we, as a body of Irishmen and American citizens, will, ono and all, bind ourselves to never rest at ease until the Irish pee. pie have satisfaction from that tyrannical government which has acted so despotically in this case. -Rejoiced, That we, the Irish" and friends of Ire? land, of Charleston, S. C., deeply regret and de Elore the sad fate of ^ur brothers in England; we eartily sympathize with the famdies and relatives of those noble men, in this their hour of afflic? tion, but we ask thom to oe of good cheer, as the Almighty God, with all His mercies, will not for? sake them that suffer for righteousness' sako. Besotted, That the English Government by unjust legislation, has deprived the Irish peoule of the right of freemon. Many of us left the land of our filth rs on that account, but found a refuge under the expansive fold of tho American flag, which we have sworn to defend under any and all circumstances, and to oppose all foreign * powers, Sarticularly that of Great Britain, winch wo have one and will again, when the timo offers. Resoictd, That os adopted citizens of tho United States, having long pgo renounced any an i all alle? giance to Great Britain, wo now call upon all friends of Ireland in Cougress to urge on the government to settle at once and forever the status of adopted citizens, not to let John Bull or any other uatiou interfere with the rights of native or adopted cu? zens abroad. Resolved, That we? the Irish in this city, aro determined to continue this struggle, and cur motto shall be "Freedom for Ireland," and will patiently bide our time, ana England may yet learn that as the blood of martyrs produced Chris? tians, BO the blood of Irish patriots will riso up in judgment against her. JAMES POWER, Chairman. GEORGE NUNAN, Secretary . THE CHRISTMAS TREE FAIR yesterday morning was the great centre of attraction in the city, for, in addition to the numerous objects of beauty and articles of certa that have been exhibited there Xor some days; m addition, also, to the charms and graces of the fair exhibitors, and to thc splen? did performance of the Post Band, the visitor was rewarded with a Bight of the orphans, male aud female, all looking neat and clean, well dressed, and with happiness beaming from their innocent faces, the best possible certificate of tho tender care and nurture accorded them by their kind ben? efactors. But the cynosure of all eyes unquestiona? bly were the Japanese, from old Yu-ku-roo to little "You-Bet" and "All-Right." It would bo difficult to say who derived most interest from the confer? ence, the ladies at the Fair, or their distinguished oriental guests. The latter examined every object on the tablee with the cur.osity and "delight of a child, and before they were there fifteen minut?e, were loaded with dolls, rabbits, fruit, etc., etc., bestowed upon them by their gen? erous hosts. Tho attempts at conversation were very amusing. Little "All-Right" was all right, and generally answered Buch questions as were propounded to him iu tolerable English. The older members of th<? troupe do not appear to understand a word of Anglo-Saxo i, even though some of the interlocutors endeavored to adapt their questions to Japanese capacity by considera? bly raising thc pitch of their voices. By means of signs, however, sor e sort of communication was established. One of the ladies, putting a se^ar to her mouth, giving a pull' or two, and a mark of in? terrogation in her eye, Mr. John Jap grinned, and ?aid "X?-yi," whereupon followed a transfer of "long ninon." Thc black, glossy hair of tho Ce? lestials was an object of considerable attention, and its arrangement inucL admired. Somo of the fair hostesses surmised that their, guests used Ja? panese varnish instead of hair oil, but, upon care? ful investigation, Wu have arrived ut tho conclu? sion that this is not the case. The music of Mr. Weldon's band, in excellent tune, was much ad? mired by the occidentals present, but appeared to have no charms to soothe the savage breasts of the Japanese, lt is not up (or down) to their idea of the tuneful art. The Christmas Tree Fair was again well attend? ed last night, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, and will be open during the rest of fhe week, The Charleston Delly Xews for 1808-Im portant Announcement. Encouraged by tho recent largo increaso in ho circulation of TUE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, the proprietors aro happy to nnnounoe that, with thc opening of the new year, the price of subscription will be reduced to a figuro which will at once place the paper within the reach of every family in thc city aud throughout the State. On and after the first of January, lb'68, TH* D.VILT NEWS will be pub? lished at Six DOLLARS A YEAH, payable, in all j cases, in advance. It vcill then be, without exception, the cheapest first-class journa1 in thc Southern States. There is no good reason why our community should not bc furnished u ith a live daily newspaper at a rate approxi? mating that of the sprightly penny press of thc Northern cities ; and the very generous support ^vhich hag been accorded to us on all sides has hastened a step, long contemplated on our part, towards meeting the popular want. It is hard? ly necessary to say that there will be no dimi? nution in the amount or interest of the reading matter in any department of the paper; on the contrary, it viii be our constant effort and our ??ride to make it, day by day, more full, reliable and entertaining-the spirited compend of the world's news, the mirror of local life, and the mouthpiece of au enlightened and liberal pub? lic opinion. At the solicitation of many of our friends in the country, we shall also, during the first week in January, commence the is^ue of THE CHARLES? TON TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. Thc subscription price will be THREE DOLLARS A YEAR, or Two DOLLARS FOR SIX MONTHS, payable always in advance. This reduction in our rates will, we know, be all the more welcome to the public, inas? much as it comes at a time of unprecedented financial distress, when there are few, indeed, among our people who do not sorely ueed every dollar that can be saved. We do not permit ourselves to doubt that our enterprise will be rewarded with a steady increase of that popu? lar appreciation and support of which we have hitherto received so liberal a share. THE DAILY NEWS airead}' enjoys a circulation largely exceeding that of any other journal now published in this or the adjoining States : and its readers may rest assured that, in the future, no effort will bo sparod to increase the attractiveness of its columns, and to extend still further thc field of its influence and use? fulness. THE RAILROAD Son.-Wo learn from the Colum? bia Phoenix tbat in the bill flied by the South Car? olina Railroad Company, to ""loin the construc? tion of the Columbia and August- "Railroad, the Court of Appeals bas decided all points against :he South Carolina Railroad Company; BO tho work ?f construction goes on without let or hindrance. AN IMPORTANT FACT.-The activity that is now J'splaycd in tho diff?rent departments of trade is i sire sign of tho advance of Kris Kingle. Each establishment is striving to ouldo its neighbors by inering toits customers rare ind?ceme..ts to in? most .heir Christmas money. Tho number of thc stores, and the variety of their stocks renders it necessary for them to present their claims for oatronago to the public, and nono but those that ldvertise can be certain that they have secured Ibis desired end. A glance at thc columns of THE NEWS will chow our readers a complote busi? ness directory, in which not only the name and ousiness of the party aro recorded, but an inven :ory of their stock is furnished. There are at cresent a large number of ?trangers in thc city vhose sole object is tho purchase of their Christ? mas supplies. Tho few dava between tnis and thc STcw Year are the harvest time f jr merchants, and :hoy should not bido their Iii ht under a bushel. ARIEL REFUTED.-The ethnological doctrines recently advanced by "Ariel" have attracted con? siderable attention, and various efforts have been nado to rofuto them ; but a clincher was delivered yesterday by a darkey that exhausted tho argu nent. In accordance with an invitation tendered hem, the Japanese visited the Christmas Tre^ .osterday morning, and attracted universal atten ion by their strange dress and peculiar manners. )n leaving thc ball they were closely scinned by a lumber of negroes, who viowed the Celestials witu . critic's oyo, and ono of tho party thus unburUen id himself : "If Ariol call do nigger a beast I woh? ler what ho call dose. They heap more liko a .cant than a nigger,*' and ho stalkca off fully satis tcd that ho was a man and a brother. Thc Japs tavo excited some curiosity among the negroes, cd whenever they have appeared in the streets lave been followed by large crowds who hail them s tho Injuns, and pass amusing comments on 1 heir general appearance. HOTEL ARRIVALS.--MUis House.- R. H. Gould is, Macon ; G. E. McCall, Darlington : J. G. Mc- '. 'all, Darlington; Jno. Pauomidon, Baltimore; J. 7. Gamble, Florence ; H. D. F. Young, Lancaster; ; Hopkins, Edi6to ; L. E. Johnson, Wadmalaw ; J. 1 [. Hughes, N. Y; Capt. Jas. L. Wyatt, N. Y.; M. L. I io in, Jacksonville, Fla. ; T. J. Robertson and C. .ogan, ( Munabia. Charit i ton Hotel.-L. B. Reed, Jr., N. Y.; Jacob ortman, N. Y.; David Clark, Albany, N. Y.; R. obnson, Macon ; R. Dunlap, Augusta ; J. A. irown, Newport, R. L; W. J. Singlotary, Marion ; T. F. Dubose, Darlington ; L. B. Newuan, S. C.; . 0. Corlery, Gainesville; E. B. Smith,8. C.; P. B. bappell, S. C.; J. H. Sanders, Sumter; T. 0. SAU era and two sons, Sumter; J. D. Dunlop, Camden; '. H. Clarke and lady, Miss.; H. M.LangandTbos. **. Lang, Camdon, 8. C. Pavilion Hotel.-Q. E. Whitaker, Mt. Pleasant ; L H. Wilson, John's Island ; F. Shaffer, Wadma iw ; Dr. L. B. Thompsou, John's Island ; F. Far ib, N. Y.; Chas. F. Little, Orai.geburg; Wesley itchford, Walhalla; S. Brother t.nd wife, S. C.; J. 1. Dove, S. C.; Peter Russell, Pa.; E. B. Ingram, bcraw; H. J. Ham, Titnmons'ille; M. Levi, Man? ing; A. Kingsberry, EdiaU.; J. R. Kennedy, :disto;F. Reed, Edisto; R. C.eckly, St. Matthews; as. L. Reed, Lancaster; G. 'leyrnan, Chester. CHRISTMAS SIGNS-THE V AGON YARDS.-Coining vents are said to cast thru shadows before them, nd the signs o? the .imes show plainly that Christmas is not far d' .tant. The various stores ?ave displayed their gala colors, and placod their lost tempting artic'.es on exhibition, in anticipa ion ol the trade .vhich always comes into tho itv at this time. Tho hotels show an increased umber of arrivr^, and tho streets aro crowded ' rith 8trango faees; but the places where the in ux is most nocicodaro tho wagon-yard3 in tho pi. cr wards cf ibe city. These caravansaries aro rowded with wagons from all portions of tho tate, that have brought to tho city not only tho amnion staple, but produco of various kinds, ?ins, furs, &o. A large tradu is conducted by ?e?e wagoners, whence theil- supplies are obtain ] in exchange for cotton. Each wagon yard has, i addition to its yard and stable, a 6tore where rc ry thing that is needed by the country visitor i in be obtained, and the owners of these yards induct a lucrative business by bartering with : >eir customers. Many of these parties have, for sars, be?n in tho habit ol visiting tho city, i their wagons and could not bo induced to leave ie beaten road ior the railway. 'They have inva iably sold their cotton to certain store-keepers, nd bavo no desire to change. This business, bough it may appear small, is one of consid?ra? le importance io tho city, and bas caused thc ipid growth of the Nock. Stores have sprung up long the whole route, and tliou^'i not ol thc first lass, they aro tuitec' to tho trade. Theic is a ri6k competition among the shop-keepers for the ountry custom, especially at the present time, ho largor estabhshmenta frequently do a busi- ' ess that would bo a godsend to some of the more rc tending down-town stores, and an amount of J:ton changea hands that makes thc section a , aluablc source ot supply to our cotton market. Many of thc prominent factors of this city coui ?onccd their business by keeping wagon yards. . ?lore the days ot the railroad the trado was con- \ ucted on a grand scale; but alter that innovation, ! ie business clustered around the wharves. Du ing thc ?ar of 1812 many storc-k: epera purchased ? otton at a very low rate, and the sudden lise in 1 ie price after peace was declared was the founda on of their subsequent conuaeroial prosperity, GREAT SUCCE&? OF THE WIDOWS' HOSIE BAZAAR. -Tho pelting rain laet night did not prevent the parlors of tuc Widows* Home, on Broad-atreot, from being airain throngod with a pleasant com? pany. All the multitudinous attractions of the opening nisrht (little blondo widow included) woro prosent, besides many new features of decidod in? terest. Among these latter perhaps tho most con? spicuous was an elaborato hat rack formed of buck's antlers, supported upon a handsome mahogany frame. In raffling this elegant pice? of furniture, tho ladies hivo adopted tho liberal 8chemo of "ail prizes, no blanks." The rack is laden with presents for tho happy chance-holders, each pre-cut in itself being more than a quid pro quo for the chance-money. How they can afford this generous modo of doing business passes our comprehension. The ladies of the Homo request us to make their acknowledgments to tho Southern Rolief Associa? tion of Baltimore, an 1 particularly to Miss How? ard, the Secretary, and Mrs. Carr, the Treasuror, for tho generous and timely aid thoy have hasten? ed to offer to their impoverished sisters of Charles? ton in the good work they have undertaken. The zeal and sympathy which tho fair Marylanders Eave evinced, is worthy ol' the fame of their chival? rous and magnanimous State. The Bazaar will be opon this afternoon at two o'clock, and continuo throughout thc evening. Dinner SB well as supper will be furnished by the fairest of handmaids. COTJ?T OF APPEALS, COLOIBIA-Tuesday, De? cember 17.-Thc caso of Hatcher cs. Hatcher was recalled, and Mr. Abney concluded hie argument. ?Written argument of Mr. Bacon for appellee read j by Mr. C. W. Hutsor. Mr. Gary followed on samo side. Mr. Abney closed iu reply. Caroline Jenkins et. at. rs. tho State. Briefs and mitten arguments of Messrs. E?utson & Legare for appellants, and of Mr. Grover for tho ??tate read by Mr. C. W. Hutson. R. T. Parks VD. W. D. Jennings ti al. Brief read and argument opened by Mr. M. W. Gary on be half of appellants. Mr". Abney heard for appel lees without closing, when court adjourned. The State cs. L. Potecs was continued on mo tion of Solicitor Melton. UNITED STATES DISTBIOT COURT-ls ADMIRAL Tr.-Columbia, December 10.-Hon. Geo. S. Bry? an, D. J., presidiug. Thc court was oponed at ll A. M. In re James M. Acock-In bankruptcy. Wm Munroe, pro. pe!. Petition read and tho Judge signed refennco to W. J. dawson, Register 4th Congressional District. UNITED STATES CIBCUIT COUBT-FO?BTH CrncuiT -November 7-December 17-Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, D. J., presidiug. fx parle Thomas W. dawson-Petition for ox animation and admission io practice iu the United States Courts for South Caroliua. S. W. Melton, J. H. Hudson and E. C. McClure, thc committee appointed to examine thc applicant, having report? ed favorably, on motion of Samuel M. Melton, or dered that Thomas W. Clawson bo admitted. Ex parle Wm. ll. Boyce-Petition tor appoint? ment as Commissioner of Uuitcd States Courts for South Carolina. C. P. Townsend, pro. pel. Pe? tition was read, and. OH motion of Mr. Townsend, tba petitioner wm admitted and commissioned. At a statod term of tho Circuit Court ot tho United States of America, for tho District ot South Carolina, held at thc United States Court ito oms, in Columbia, on the fourth Monday in November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. SVA? Present-the Honorable P-orgo S. Bryan, Dis? trict Judge. Order for jury hst. In view of tho rights and privileges coiiferred upon persons of colur. in tho State of South Caro? lina, by tho first section of thc Act of Congress entitled "An Act to protect all persons in their civil rights, and furnish the means of their vindi? cation," passed April 9, 18U6. and tho sixth section of Act of Congr> ss entitled "An Act to provide for the moro efficient government of tho rebel States," passod March 2. 1867, On motion of David T. Corbin, United States District Attorney, it is ordered, for tho purpose of forming a new jury list for t' District, tho Mar? shal is directed to procure from t ic but collectors of the District of Richland a copy of then last tax returns, and from the said returns the Marshal, with the assistance of tho Clerk, is required to transcribe upon tickets-each containing one name -tho names of ?ill persons who arc, by tho laws of this state, as modified by tho aforosaii! Acts of Congrosa, qualified to sit as jurors iu said District; and al60 upon other hko tickets the names again written of all ol'tho persons qualified as afore-aid, who live within five miles of tho Courihouso, in Columbia; which tickets shall ho placed in tho jury box and jurors drawn therefrom hr tho nest term of the Court. GEO. S. BBYAN, U. S. Judgo District of S. C. On motion of D. T. Corbin, Distract Attorney, tho usual sessions orders w rc signed bv thc Judge. Thc Court was occupied tho w.iolo day with the arguments ol McMastcr aud Melton, in a matter of special pleading, involving tho question ot donned of J. M. Lewis, executor, in which tho plaintiff claims to be a citizen of Mississippi. Tho argu? ment was not Bundled when tho Court adjourned, but will bc renewed to-morrow. BUSINESS NUI ILES. ti, ii. If you want cheat; Blank Book; ; H you want cheap Stationery, Lluvclopes, Pa? per, Ac; or, MILHUIS' Almanac; lt you want Printing executed neatly; If you want Rooky bound in any style, or Account Books made to ord.T, with any desired pattern ol ruling, go to IiiEAii II imus. No. ?'J Broad street. SmriTBs per steamship JJ. B. Souder wUl please send in their bills of lading and perrnils at 12 o'clock, to thc agents, Jno. & Theo. Getty, office North Atlantic Wharf. TOILET ABTICLES AND CnutisTiiAs PRESENTS. Dr. G. W. Aimar has made his stand at tho corner of King and Vaudeihorst streets tho resort for thoso who dc6iro to increase their popularity by making Christmas presents. Ho has prepared himself for all demands, und can show his friends Christmas gifts that will at once charm ?he green? backs from their resting place. He has among other goods recently opened a choice variety of toiiet articles, comprising powder boxes, perfumo stands, A-e; these aro of all styles, qualities and colors, Hie popular Bismarck boing tho most prominent. Physics have been completely ignor? ed, and drugs have been placed in the background, as few persons have any desire to bo sick at Christmas time atd prefer the pleasure of giving and receiving presents to taking nauseous com? pounds. Dr. Aimar is, however, prepared for either cmorgeucy, and his customers can rely on him to furnish them everything from a dose of cae tor oil to a bottle of the fiucst French perfumery A Novelty. The latest and most effectual remedy lor the cure of debility, loss ot appetite, headache, torpor of tho liver, etc.. in PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS. For salo by all Druggists. tU .Suggestion* of the Setisou. King Winter ha* waved his sceptre over the land, whitening the earth, bridging tho streams, and turning tho water-falls to pendant crystal. Upon am mated as well SB inanimate nature, the frigid atmosphere produces a marked effect. The Wood is driven from the surface of the body back upon its inner fouutalno, and Chills and Fever, Rheumatism, Pul inonu ry Diseases. Bilious? ness, aud unpleasant disorders of the rt j m v.-h and bowels arc apt to be tho results. Now, what is require! to fortify the system against the attacks i f disease thus engendered ? clearly a TOXIC, which, sctmg throng i the stomach upon the circulaUon and tho nervous system, shaU redetermine the vital fluid to tho surface, and brace the nervis of motion and sensation. But t is not all that is rcqulrod. With the TONIC must Do combined such /LTEKATTVI and BEQTjLATiNO ageucL-o as will tend to keep tho whole ani? mal machinery "in good working order." Those three grand requisites of a Winter restorative exist, in their ful'est perf. ctiou, in HOsTE'lTEE'S STOMACH BITTEBS. which are compounded of thc purest vegetable stimulants and extracts, ol the most genial and h-althlul roots, barks and plants that the herbalists and botanists ot tho world have yet discov? ered. G December 10 INSURANCE. J. L. HONOUR, AUCTIONEER AND INSURANCE AGENT, NO. 8 BROAD-STREET. INSURANCE ON BOUSES. SIO "E*. FURNITURE, sc, Ac , taken in lirst-class SOUTHERN Insurance uonvanic?. Although (he Companies represented lu this Agency do not put out FABULOUS C iPliA^S ON P-Pl.R, ttiey wiU nc found STRONGER in c .niparison To MARKET VALUE OE TUI-.IR CAPITAL ANO HIE AMOUNT AT RI^K, th-u tho largest capital represented in thc city of Charleston. J. L. HO S OUR, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 3 Droad-strcel. December i7 Imo TONSORIAL. W. E. MARSHALL, mm mia mim SALOON, Xo. 31 BROAD-STilEET, Up Stairs, CHARLESTON, S. C. December 5 Imo1* 'JUE MARION STAR. ESTABLISHED NEARLY TWENTY ?EARS AGO, 18 published at Marion, S. C., in Un- central portion ji the country, und oilers a favorable medium to Uer. .-hauts, Druggists, Machinists, and ail classes who decir a extend their bualuejo in the Pee Lice country. Fur thc beiiciitoi our advertising iou ons, we shall, in iddition to out subscription hst, which is constantly in masing, publii n and distribute, gratuitously, copies ol he STAR, during the business icasou thu Fall. Rates Ol Aovertising liberal. W. J. McKERALL, November 20 Editor aud Proprietor CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS. GREAT OPENING OF FILL Al WINTER CLOTHING AI GEO. LITTLE & CO.'S, No. 213 King Street WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUR EXTENSIVE STOCK or KALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to which we Invite those in want to call and examine before pur? chasing elsewhere. Our facilities are such tl at wo can offer our stock of Roadv-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods at stich prices tnat will compare moro favorable than any other nouRe in thc linc. Our stock of Clothing wero manufactured undor our cmn supervision, and can state that they arc made up in I workmanlike manner, and of fashionablo styles. Our stock consists of all grades-Fino, Medium] and Low Priced. BOYS' CLOTHING. In addition to the abovo, we have on hand a very largo stock ot YOUTHs', COYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTH? ING, of all qualities. I ?renla will Hud it to their advan? tage to call and make a selection. Our sizes range from i years to ia years of age. WHITE AND COLORED LINEN SHIRTS, of all quali? ties, and warranted to lit. FURNISHING GOODS. Wo offer a large stock, consisting of Merino and Lamb's Wool Under-shirts and Drawers, Shakers' Flannel Shirts ind Drawers, Canton Flannel Drawers, Travelling Shirts. ill colors, English Half Hose, Suspenders, Bows, Neck lie?, Silk and Worsted Searls, Silk and L. C. Handker? chiefs, hommcd and ready tor ute; Gloves, of French Dog? skin, Buckskin, Buckskin Gauntlets; French Kids, Silk, ^loth and Cassimere; Collars, of Linen and Paper, ol atcst style. LOW PRICE PLANTATION CLOTHING We offer for Freedmen's use, at thc low price of FIVE DOLLARS PER SUIT (Sad: and Pants). We respectfully sobcit a call lri m the citizens of Charleston, and those visiting thc city, to our complete ?tock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, and viii take pleasure In showit g our goods to those who nay favor ua wi.h a call, and wo will guarantee that wc irOI sell at tuch prices that will suit thc times, lor cash >r city acceptance;. GEO. LITTLE ?? CO., No. 213 King street, October 20 tuths2moB Victoria Range. CLOTHING Kirn???? Being determined not to be undersold by any me, we will henceforth )ffer our m A\D WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Which being Equal to any CUSTOM-WORK, At such Prices that IE F IES COMPETITION. ??7 US AND YOU WILL BE CON? VINCED. I. L FALK & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHIERS, NO. 303 KING ST., ?etween Wentworth and Liberty-Sts October 24 thsru2raos Large Stock of SLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOTS AT LOW IPIR/ICIBS. rBE TAILORING DEPAKTM12?T f-UPPLIED WITH an elegant assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHE? 3d VESTINGS, which will be mado up under inc wore fa First-class Cutter. io. 219 KING STREET, Vest Side, One Door South of Mar? ket Street. WM. MATTHIESSEN, Agent. 8. W. McTUREOUS, Sup't. November 10 _ IPEClAlTl^rr?lf CLOTHING. [TTE OFFER AT COST, AT DETAIL. TUE BAL rV ANCE of our WHOLESALE STOCK OF Wi.V ER CLOTHING, including an assortment of GOOD USINESS SUITS, also COMMON" CLOTHING, suitable ir laborers. Any one in want of thc abovo is requested i coll, und thc will bc surprise 1 at tho low prices. EDUIV BATES & CO., December 'i 15 No. 122 Melting sireet. FURNITURE, ETC. IE AD FOR YOU It INTEREST. PRICES REDUCED. ?AVE YOUR MONEY UNTIL YOU REACH THE 5 Southwest corner of Meetim: and Wentworth .?tre-t?, here lt. WHITE will sell you just each FURNITURE i j ou want, from u CRADLE to n CHAMBER or PAR Olt SE T, ut prio a th it have pleased many other-!, are leusiug every day, and so they will you. Everything warranted as reprc.entcd. Hair, Cloth, und Vam .sh cheap to thc trade. Don't bc kept away, und don't leave if uthcrs arc he? ro yon; you will got your turn. E. WHITE'S f?RNIT?RE WARER003?S, Southwest CiU'uer of [eeting and Wentworth streets. December 4 Imo FROST. BIM & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IV AND MANL'FACTURKRS OK FUH:NTITUKE OF EVERY VARIETY. lo. 73 Bowery, "ear (.'anni Street, NEW t~ORK. fEAMLOAT-S, HOTELS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All Goods purvrfascd ot om- House guaranteed as re .caeuted. W. IT.O.-T. JAMES PLACK. CEO. SN?DE!:. October 24 3mos COLGATE ?; C?.'? GERMAN Erasive Soap, THE STANDARD Ol' EXCELLENCE. For Sale hy ul] Grocers. Octol ir 21 jmo AUCTION SALUS. I ll DECREE INEQUITY. Funnan .j* Spratt vs. Corker. Will bo Bold, under tho dirrclion of tho undersigned, at tho old Customhouse, THIS DAY, thc 19th of Decem? ber, 1867, at ll A. M., All that LOT OF UND, in this city, known in a cer? tain plat of lands, divi od by K. K. Payne, Surveyor, in 1842, by thc numbers IC, 18 and 115, bounding and meas? uring: LOT No. IC-Northwardly by Lor No. 18, 100 feet; Southwardly by i ot No. 14, 100 feet; Eastwardly by President street, 40 feet; and Westwardlv by Let No. 15, 40 feet. LOT No. 18-Northwardly by Lot No. 20, 100 foot; Southwardly by Lot No. le. 1?0 feet; Eastwardly by President street, 40 lect; and Westwardly by Lot No. 17. 40 feet. LOT No. 115-Northwardly by Lot >o. 117.100 feet; Southwardly by Lot No. 113, 100 feet; Eastwardly by Lot No. 118. 35 feet; and Woetwurdly by CUcsnut street, 35 feet, moro or less. Tonne-So much cash as may be necessary to pay the costs and thc umount clue thc plaintiffs in full, and tho ba'.anco on a 'credit Of ono year, to bo secured by thc bond of thc purchaser ai d mortgage of tho premise?, with interest from day of sale, payable annually. Pur? chasers to pay for paper? and stamps, JAMES TUPPER, J^cj;nfbcrl9_tb.4_Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Provident Institution for Savings vs. Robson el al., Beach vs. Robson et al. Will bc sold, according to postponement, under tho direction ortho undersigned, at the old Customhouse, THIS DAY, thc 10th of December, 1867, at ll A. M., 1. All that LOT OF LAND, with thc threo-story Brick and Tiled store thereon, situate on Ma^wood's South Wharl, measurinre ou the South on said Whari 23 feet, and iu depth 63 feet 6 inches, more or less. Bounding South on Magwood's South Wharf, North and East by storehouse and Lot formerly of Charles A. Magwood, and West rn hnds of Charles A. Magwood and Thomas D. Condy. ALSO, 2. All that I OT fiF LAND with the three-story Brick Building thereon, situate on ihc North side ot" the street leading to North Atlantic Wharf, measuring on thc North and South Unes 34 feot 7 itches, and on the Bait and West lines 22 leet 7 iuches, moro or loss. Bounding North on landa of Gcorgo A. Locke, East on land of I Bhett t Bobson, West on land of- Mathcwcs, and Booth on street leading to North Atlantic Wharf. ALSO, 3. All that LOT OF LAND, with thc Buildings thereon, being a portion of Atlantic Wharves, lying on tho South side of tho .-trfiet or way mallina tho Northern entrance to said Wharves fi om East Bay stroet, extending from the Noithllno ot the buildings owned by Khett .t Bob son to th naid street or way, measuring iu width from West to East 22 feet 9 ino ac-, and i u length - feet. Boundiug south on lauds ol the said Bhett ? Bobson, Weal on Innds of-, North on said street or way, and Cast on lands of Otis Mills and Erastus M. Beach. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, with interest annually from day of sale, secured by bond ot purchaser and mortgage of tho premises. Buddings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, December 19 th4 Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Robertson vs. Alston. Will be sold under the direction "of the undersigned, at tue old Customhouse, THIS DAY, thc 19th of Decem? ber, 1867, at ll A. M., Tbc following PLANTATIONS belonging to thc Estate of the late William A. Alston, Junior. These plantations ?oin each other and comprise a body of about 7000 acres, Oounded by Wucqatuaw River, Winyah Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. A short lonee running from the river to tho sea will onelote the entire body of thc land. The lands aro all wonded, and affording pasturage both in tho twamp and on tno sea shore. Tho property may be ad? vantageously used for Bice and Cotton cultivation and tho ?aising of Stock. On "Fricudncld" plantation there H a valuablo Unck Ri c Mill. 1. "FRIHNDE1ELD," a Rice plantation situate in All saints Parish, between Winyah Hay and North Inlet, con? taining 792 acres of which about - aro tide water River swamp) more or less. Also, "MARSH ISLAND," In Winyah Bay, containing 108 acres, more or less. ALSO, 2. "MICHAND'S POINT," situate in .Ul Saints Parish, 3eorgetOwn District, and contalninc 2846 acres, more or ess. Uoundlng South on Winyah Kay, West on lands of fohn A. Alston, Ea-t on Alain creek to North Inlet, and S'orih on lands of John A. Alston. ALSO, 3. "STRAWB'BRY HILL," a Rice plantation, con? taining about 180 acres of Swamp had, 900 acres of high and; bounding on Winyah Bay, tho Atlantic Ocean, and m lands of tho late Hu^hFraier and Dr. Blythe. ALSO, 4. "MARIETTA," a Rico plantation, containing 1100 lores, moro or less, of which -- icres ure tide water Uiver Swamp; bounding on Waccamaw Bivor, Atlantic Jcean, "bellfield," belonging to Charles Alston, and southon "Fairfield." ALSO, 5. ' CALAIS," containing 1391 acre?, more or less; )ounding on Winyah Ray. and on lands ot John A. Alston ind Paul Michaud. Also, a TRACT of 504 ucres, bound ug on Main Creek, Midland's, John A. Alston's, and ands fo:merty of the Estato of Martin. ALSO. 0. "HORSE ISLAND," in Winyah Bay, containing 19 icres, more or less. 7erins-One-third cash; balanco in one, taro and hree years, secured by boud of tho purchasers and mort? gages ot the premises, with interest iron diy ot sal', pay ible annu ihy. Purchaser to pay lor papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, December 19 tu3thl Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Jlorlbcck vs. Mcilanmon. ?Viii bc sold under tuo urroction of tbs undersigned, at tho old Customhouse, on TUESDAY, tho 7th day of January, 1868, at ll A. M., .Ul that LOT OF LAND, with tho three-story Brick Juilding and Outbuildings thorcuti, sit?ale on tho uorth lido ol lradd-strcot, between Muling and King st-eets, n this c.ty, in front 40 feet, and in depth 100 cet, more or less. Terms-One-third cash; bids ncc payablo in two equal .mina insta menta, with iutorest from thc day ol sale, layable ?inanady, secur>d by bond of tuc purchaser und uorlgagc of the premises; building" to bo insured and johcy usaigui-d. Purchaser to ) ay for papers md stamps. JAMES TUPPER, December 19 th3tul Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Exors. Boyce vs. Armstrong. Viii be sold, under tho direction of tho undersigned, at tho old Customhouse, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of January, 1808. at ll A. M., A l tba' LOT OF L\ND. situate m thc north Fide of j ilarket-suvct, in tl is city, and known as No. 42, measur ng iu fr< nt on Mai kOt-Street 20 feet 3 luches, tho sumo m the back Uno, liv 79 f et 10 inches in dopth, moro or C3s; boundiun north partly on Lot . Nos. 29 and 30 (accoru ngto a Pin ct the "Burnt Dis ri t," surveyed by Robert ?. Payu \ Esq., in May, lboO, ari 1 now of record in the itheo ol Re lalor o< Mcsue Conveyance for this Dis:ric ), ast by Lot No. 65 ou asl t Piat. now owned by James inn trong, south by Marltet-sroct, and west by a Lot of | and now or atc th . property ol Dr. P. M. Cohen. Terms-'Jne-th rd ra-h; balance in one and two years, ecurcd by of the i urchaser and inortgag* of tho ?remi.-os, wiih iutorest from day of sale, payable semi .tinually. i ho building- to bo 1 sur.'d and policy assign id. Purchaser to pay tor papers and stamps. J.vMEd TUPPER, Master lu Equity, December 19 th3tul _HARDWARE, ETC. SAM'L R. MARSHALL RESPECTFULLY BEGS TO INFORM DIS FRIEND i that ha has now on hand, and is receiving consraut jr, th : following jiii icm iv j .Vilich he offers at Wholesale und Retail. LXE9. Ht>ES, SPADES. SHOVELS. COTTON AND WOOL CARDS. SIEVES, Cil VINS, NAILS, SPIKES, CANAL BARROWS. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, [TJRPENTINE TOOL?, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. AUO, JILL AND GRIND STONES. PLOUGHS. CORN S HELLERS, STRAW CUTT' BS, HOUSER EEPING ARTICLES. JAULE AND POCKET CUTLERY. ?LATED SPOONS, FoRKs AND CASTORS, SAFE WIRE, SAUSAGE BT OFFERS, MEAT CD I TEES, POWDER, sIIOT, ? CAMUSKETS, GUNS, SPORTING EQUIPMENTS. WOOD TIN AND HOLLOW WARE. RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS FROM ENG t,.\NI>, of my own iuiuortat on, au assortment of GENS, L'TLERV, Stool Corn Milt,, i arron Ware, Sporting Ar? ides, A c. Will be sold low for cash or cuy acceptance. No. 310 K1SG-STREET, THREE DOOKS BELOW SOCIETY, SIGN OF TUE GOLDEN GUN. December 3 _25 STOVES ! STOVES! STOVES ! AT roe VERY LOWEST mm PRICES. THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED COOKING AND HEATING STOVES: J UV 10 BRANCH MUTUAL Fill KN!) NOBLE COOS BARLEY SHEAF III VAL BANGE GUIDE RANGE CA BOLINA COOK. HEATING STOVES .OR CHURCHES. HOTELS. SCHOOLS AND SALOONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTHERN MARKET. CAMBRON, BARKLEY & CO.. No. IOU MEETING ST RE KT, November 3 2mos Charleston, S. c. The Enst Florida Banner, -CALA, MARION COUNTY, FLORIDA. T. F. SMIIH, Editor and Proprietor. S. C. DiBBUHL, Assistant Tditor. rHE BANNER HAS A LARGE CTRCUIATION throughout tho most populous and wealthy portions l Florida. Lu ines? men, desirous of introducing their budines lirongh that section, would do well to advertise tu its oluntns. SCBSCBIRIOS, 33 A TSAR. SPAEXICK ii Co., Ageuti:, ?it Coarier Office, Charleston, on tb Carolina, September 27 ? AUCTION SALES, Sides, Buller and Lard. BY T. M. CATER. Will be sold THI8 DAT, on Brown's Wharf. at three quarters past 0 o'clock, 6 HHDS. t IDES 70 LlrkiiH mid tuba cboico Butter 30 tubB Lard Bbls. Pig Shoulders. Conditions cash. December 19 Bagging and Hope. BY HENRY COBIA & CO. THIS DAT, at 10 o'clock, In ?rem: O? our 8tore, will be sold, 5 bales H EA VT (FngUsh made) GUNNY BAGGING, slightly damaged. AMD, 70 coils FLAX BALE HOPE, of superior quality. Conditions at sale. December 19 [UNAVOIDABLY POSTPONED.] ? Sal!.' Salt ! BY LAUREY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, 19th instant, will bo sold before our store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 159 sacks Si LT. Conditions cash. December 19 On Account of all Concerned, Nails. BY LAUREY & ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, 19th instant, will be ?old before our Store, No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, on account of aU con cernftd, 10 kegs NAILS, assorted 3izes. ALSO, HAMS. SIDES, Shoulders, Strips. Pig Hims, kc, kc Conditions cash. December 19 Felt Hats, Cloth. Caps,, Ladies' nats, Shirts, Jackets, ?/c. BY JOHN G. MILNOR & CO. THIS DAT, tho 19th instant, at 10 o'clock, will be fold at our Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting-street, 15 dozen FINE FELT HATS, nev and fresh goods, de? sirable stylos Men's Cloth Caps, Silk Harr Net?, Leather Money Bags 30 cases Ladies' Straw, Velvet and Plush Hats; Buck Purse*, Wallets Enamelled Bags, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Pencils 144 China Toy Tea Sets, Vest and Coat Buttons, Wool? len Nightcaps Linen Bosom Shirts, Groy Melton Cassimeres, and Bell, nap Shirts Hickory Shirts, Ribbed Wool Jackets, Children's Bal? moral Hoso Satinet Pants, Fancy Worsted Scarfs, Men's and La? dies' Woollon Gloves White Blankets, Satinets, Cassimeres, Briarwood Pipes, kc With a variety of other goods hot enumerated. Conditions cash, At Private ?Sale: Bales 4-4 BEAVER CREEK SHEETINGS Bales 3-4 Heavy Brown sheetings Bales Cotton Yarn. December 19 Handsome Sterling Silver. BY CLIFFORD & MATHEWES. Will be sold, at our offlco, No. 56 Broad-street, THIS DAY, 19th instant, at il o'clock, HANDSOME ST HR LING SILVER, CONSISTING or: EXTRA LARGE AND >M.\LL WAITERS, PITCHERS, Candlesticks, Cheese Knife and other articles. ALSO, 1 HEAVILY PLATED WAITES. Terms cash. December 19 Cotton, on Account of all Concerned. BY CLIFFORD & MATHEWES. Will bo sold TO-MORROW, 93th Inst., at Union Press, East Bay, at ll o'clock, THREE BALES UPLAND COTTON. Terms cash. December 19 BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. MILLER'S PLANTERS' AND MERCHANTS' ALMANAC FOR 1868, CONTAINING ITS USUAL VALUABLE INFORMATION NOW HEADY. 43-The Trade supplied at the following rates: $10 per Hundred; $1.50 per Dozen. HIRAM HARRIS, PUBLISHER, No. 69 BROAD-STREET. December 19_thu tu 13 BOOKS For the Holidays. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS COMPLETED HIS USUAL COLLECTION OF HOLIDAY BOOKS, made with great care, and comprising the choicest Pub? lications of the London and Continental Press. His specialty, hov ever, for this season will be SUITABLE FOR A^L AGES, and solcctcd from the very bost publications ol LONDON AND THE CONTINENT. He also offers choice editions of BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBCMS, PAPETERIE, kc, all of which, having boon recent.y purchased for cash, on unusually favorable terms, will bc sold at correspond? ingly LOW RAIES. JOHN RUSSELL, IMPORTER OT FOREIGN BOOKS, December 16_ No. 285 King-street. JP. Q,ui3srisr, (LATE M. M. QUINN.) UP-TOWN BOOK? NEWS DEPOT. No. 1357 KIM; STREET, OPPOSITE ANN, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS, such as BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, kc; parlies living ui> town will find ft convenient to give mo a call, and can rely on getting their papers regular. City papers sold and subscriptions taken for all Papers and Magazines. Foreign Papers and Reviews ordered for regular sub? scribers. Particular attention pail to orders from the country. A good supply of SCHOOL BOOKS alway? kept "on hand. Smo November 21 MISCELLANEOUS. "Prevention is Better than Cure." DR. RICORD'S Celebrated Preventive Lotion. A PPROYKD AND HIGHL? RECOMMENDED BT A'V_ thu 1'lench Medical Faculty, as the only safe and ii nail'Lie mtldoto against infection This Inminable i reparation is suited lor either sex, and hu? proved, Irom ampie experience, the most efficient and reliable Preventive ever discovered, thus effecting a desideratum long sought for in the Modical World. It used according to directions every possibility of danger may be avoided; a single application will radically neu? tralize the venereal virus, exp cl all impurities from the absorbent vessel*, and render contamination impossible. Ile wise m time, and at a very small outlay, save hours ol uutold bodily and mental torin-nts. This most rciiable specific, no universally adopted In tho Old World, is now offered for sale for the first time in America by F. A. D?PORT .t CO., only authorized Agents for the Urited States. Trice $3 per bottle. Large bottle, double size, $5. Thc usual discount to the trade. Sent, securely packed, on receipt ol" price, to any address, with dircc tioUB and pamphlet, by addressing to P. A. DUPORT k CO., Sole Agents for Dr. Uicord's P. I.., May 22 J yr No. li.? (?old Street New York. C. DUCREUX'S PATENT For Instantaneous Detachment ot Horses from Carriages. THIS INGENIOUS AND VERY USEFUL INVENTION, which has been patented in the United States, France and England, ls now offered by tho subscriber to thc public, feeling assured they will Oud lt, upon exami? nation, ono ot the greatest inventions ot the age. Prominent amoug Its advantages arc: Finsi-Thc facility with which horses may bo harness? ed to or unharnessed from a C arriauc, also rendering lt unnecessary lor the person uu.iaruessiug to pass between or beliind thc horses as is customary, thus avoiaing any liability of being kicked. .SECOND-lu case of a horse falling, he may be loosed from thecarriago in ouc secord, witnout tho driver leav lng his scat It is so simple in its operation that a child can work it. THIKD A>'D GBEATUST-In casen of horses taking fright, becoming uumauagable or ruuning away, tho tembl? consequences which so frequently follow may be all avoid? ed by thia simple application to carriages, as the horses can bc loosed troni the carriage "ma twinkling, " and tho carriage is quickly and safely stopped. Mr. C. DUCBEUX gave several public exhibitions. The great favor and praise mauiff ited by tho public on these occasions, ls one ol tho evidences ot a popular apprecia? tion ot' tts merits. Tcims may be known and orders received for applying tho patent to carriages, or purchase of State Rights, by addressing to C. DUCREUX, Patentee, No. S3 Elizabeth street, New York. October 22_Hmo PIANO-FORTES-GRAND, SQX'ARE AND UPRIGHT-Which aro now acknowledged to be, by thc Leading Artists in this country, SUPERIOR TO ANT OTHERS IN AMERICA. These Instruments pos? sess every modern improvement, are of the largest size, finished in CARVED aud PLAIN ROSEWOOD CASES, embracing every variety of style. Each has the full METALLIC FRAME. OVERSTRUNG BASS (with or with? out the agratle arrangement). Each has thc FRENCH ORAND ACTION, acknowledged to be superior to any other in rapid execution. '..Lose Instruments are all SEVEN, SEVEN A>"D A yUAllXEE and SEVEN AND A TUinD OCTAVES; constructed of TUCBOICJULY SEASONED WOOD, and of thc finest and best mu ferial. For ?BE AI POWEB, SINOINO QUALITIES, SWEETN?EB ai!(l PUBXTT OF TONE throushout tuceutire RccisiEn: ELEGANCE OF1TNISH and G Er. AT DURABILITY, tu.- Piano-Fortes of Messrs. JENNYS i SON are unsurpassed Uv any other nuken in thc WORLD, and have liken the HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXH1BI1ED. The same facilities which enable this linn to produce a SU l'ERIOR INSTRUMENT, also enable them to offer thur PIANO-FORTES to thu public at TWENTY PEU CENT, lower than any other FIBSV CLASS manufacturer in thc country. The special attention Of Dialers, Teachers and others is invited to thc exan.iuatiou ol these Pianos bet?re mak? ing their selection elsewhere. Every Instrument is fully WARRANTED FOR J IVE YEARS. Descriptive circu lars sent tu all parts ot the country upon appl'catlon. Ad aiw JENNYS i: SONS, Koa. 233 ami -JJ5 La.-: -?Ut stvork. Between 2d and td Avenues, Newreet, Sutern bar 87 _ _ CHER AW ADVERTISER. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE. SCIENCE, ART, AGRICULTURE, and MISCELLANEOUS NEWS Cheraw, S. C. Published weekly, by POWELL A WURLEY. TEUMS OF SCnsCBIPTION : One copv one year.?3 Ot KA ms or ADVEurifiNu : tine Square, ten Unca or les?, one insertion.SI 00 For ?.ach subsequent insertion. 76 All Advertisements to be distinctly marked, or they will be published until ordered out, and charged accord, .ugly Merchants aud others advertising by the year, a lib?? rai deduction on the above rates will be made, November 15 AUCTION SALES. Hams, Strips, Shoulders, Side?, ?e. JEFFORDS * CO. WUl sell THIS DAY, in front of their nore, at half-put 9 o'clock, 10 boxes Choice S. O. PIG HAMS 10 boxes Choice Strip? 600 Bright Shoulden 300 Bright New Side? 75 boxea A laman tine Candles 75 tubs Lard 26 boxes Cheese. December 19 Clothing, Dry Goods, ?c. BY MILES DRAKE. THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I will sell at my Store, comer of King and Liberty streets, AN INVOICE OF CLOTHING, CONSniTTNG OF: MEN'S TWEED, JEAN and SATINET SACKS Men's Casslmere and Satinet Panta. ALSO, Pieces EMPRESS CLOTH, White and Grey Flannel, Ss? net. Jean, Br" wu Plain, kc. Dosens Lidies' and Gent's Hosiery, Madras H din., Hoop s. in?, Gloves, kc On IO-MORROW, I will sell, 100 ca --a* BOOTS and SHOES, prime stock. December 19 Lot on Rutledge Avenue at Auction. BY LOWNDES & GRIMS ALL, Real K?tato Brokers. Will be sold THIS DAY, at ll o'clock, at the old Post office, All that LOT OF LAND at the northwest corner of Rut? ledge Avenue and Mount-street, measuring 67 feet on Rutledge and 98 feet on Mount-street; a small House on the Lot. An elegant stand for a store. Terms cash. _December 19 Lots on Rutledge Avenue al Auction. BY LOWNDES & GRIMBALL. Real Estate Broken. WU1 be sold on THIS DAY, December 19, 1867, at ll o'clock, at the Old P. stofflce, Two LOTS OF LAND on Rutledge Avenne, each 40 feet front by 137 foot deep. Throe Lots on Nunan-street each 10 feet by 137 feet deep. Four Lots of Land on Payne-street-two 10 by 110 feet deep, and two 10 by 216 feet deep. These Lots are high and dry, and weB drained. Thor arc almost Immediately at the terminus of the City Rail? way. UM, Four LOTS on Mount-street, each 10 feet by 133 fret deep; one 10 feet by - feet These Lots are admirably situated for market farming. Terms-One-half cash; balance in one and two years, with bond and mortgage of the property. Purchaser to pay L k Q. for papers and stamps. December 19 fawthl In the matter of John K. Millner, one of the Firm of J. M. Sines Sr Co., Bankrupts-In Bank? ruptcy. BY LEE & CO., Auctioneers. By virtue of au Order of Sale, to mo directed, from the Hon. George S. Bryan, Judge of the District Court of South Carolina, in Pankruptcy, for the District afore? said, in the above case, I will sell, at public auction, at the old Postofflce, on MONDAY, 23d Inst, at ll o'clock, A. M., ONE TURPENTINE DISTILLERY WITH APPURTE? NANCES, consisting of Steam Engine, Retorts, Baskets, Tool?, Ac, located at Monk's Corner, together with the exclusive right tor the State of South Carolina of James A. Mattock's Patent for au Improved Method of Distil? ling Turpentine. ALSO, THE EQUITABLE INTEREST TN A FIVE YEARS LEASE OF ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, upon which the said works are situated. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for rapers and stamps. LOUIS McLAIN, December 13 9 Assignee of Jso. K. Mxrjurn. PRIVATE SALES. BY ANDREW M. MORELAND, Broker, \o. 8 Broad-street. At Private Sale THE STOCK OF A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE, in the lower part of the city, with lease ot Building, at rent of $160 a i ear. If not sold by the 2d of January, wUT be sold at oublie auction. Apply to ANDREW M. MOREL IND, December 17 ruthi Broker, No. 8 Broad-street FINANCIAL. WANTED. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD SIX PER CENT. BONDS, due 1st January, 1868, wanted by ANDREW M. MORELAND, Broker, No. 8 Broad-street. December ll_stnth3 ON NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. CHECKS CONSTANTLY FOB SALE TN SUMS TO suit on NEW YOBK and BALTIMORE. Apply to L. GAMBRILL, November 22 Imo No. 7 Broad street PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING. JAMES w. MCMILLAN, THAD. C. JO WITT Late of the Late of the firm of DAILY NEWS. . BUBK.E * JOWITT. MCMILLAN & JOWITT BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND BOOK BINDERS, NO. 33 HAYNE STREET, OPPOSITR CHARLESTON HOTEL, HAVING PURCHASED THE EN TIRELY new and complete Job Printing material of the DAILY NEWS Office, are prepared to execute, in the highest style of he art, at prices competing favorably with the North, every variety of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, SUCH AS BILL AND LATTER HEADS BUSINESS CARDS GUTTER SNIPES INVITATIONS CATALOGUES HANDBILLS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS DODGERS POSTERS CHECKS DRAFTS BOOKS NOTES, Railroad aud Steamboat Printing, &c., ?fcc, &C, &C. ALSO, AND GERMAN, SPANISH AND FRENCH. All orders left at the DAILY NEWS Office will be promptly attended to. November 1 WM.G.MAZYCKT Book and Job Printer. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, TN ENG? LISH, GERMAN, FRENCH OR SPANISH, exeoa. tod in the finest style and at rates which w?l DEFT COMPETITION. Orders lett at tho CHARLESTON LIBRARY BUILD. INO, corner Broad *nd Church streets, or sent through POSTOFFICE BOX NO. 340, will receive immediate at? tention *? December 10 The Sumter News. DARR A OSTEEN, Proprietors. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT SUMTER. S. a Subscription $1.00 per annum. To Clubs of four r?t.iW per annum. AovertisemenH Inserte! on blieral terms.; Occeuitera .