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THE DAILY NEWS. SA iTRDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1S57. ?Iy Love! All cUy y--sUr.l y. :s I spun. 3bo kito s o .mo into uv thread; And t c -ouLd of m Y wheel want ''hum-a^lrum.'' ^Hum-drurr.,'' tu my hoad. Last night when I milked my cows and suns O. tba malden ai) forlorn. While tho raij.i cam) un, a little star Leading Ly the boru. I beard a leap-rig over the 8.ile. And a wbist'.o. "lithe and itay ; The tims dova; ?mow ..?ra. ?y Lid, my lova. And flew up oat of hi., way. I know it wi? a tenderers for tao That male him save tho norh That had drop. m;o the mi.kurt paul. A-d wai drowamj ia the froth. And when I saw th J ripp?e of red Over lus cbc- k that .'tole. I ki ew th.- sojd.n jeuvl ot lovo Was si-.i.itig in ills sou!. Not o:.c > bivo I stop:, as I span to-day, lo pull a knot apart; A.'d tue so ?:i i oi my wheal goes ..ilaxry.rnel" ..Alar.-y-.iic ? " ia my heart. Farther impeachment Testimony. Tho following; are additional points of evidence beforo tho Impeachment Committee : CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE. Hon. Seimon P. Chaso was esau ned !\iiy 25th. He testified in rou ra to tho courts, bat particu? larly relativo to J cu er a on Davis and his trial. He gives a history of nu conversations w.ta th ; Pre? sident alter tno procamation of April, 1833, de caring the rebeli.on at an ond in ali tao States excepting lesa*. ?io .aid, 'T iLen dcbirtd to join tho loi.tuet Judges in binding Circuit Coulta, be? lieving mat it w"s my duty tu uo so as soon as tho military authority h..u leen w.mdruwL; but trials were ueld unuo. military commission ut diff?rent points within my cucuit, included Virgiuia, ana I Wished to 'io usaure i that the procura - tions relieved the UnitedStates Cucuit Coarta trexn all habuitv to interfere oa tue part of thc meeting. I inteuued to join m holding the court9 if sud re? lief couid be aasurej. I cai.oJ upou the President and asked Lim to ls.uo a short proclamation to that eUoct. 1 su mit .ed to hun a formal ono, drawn oy myself, that military authority was abrogated, and mo tiaue..s Corpus restored in all casOs Witoiu ino jurisdiction ol tho Coiled Staten, lio expressed a great readiness io do everything that was Locesaary to (acu?tate my de eir J io hold tho courts, but ne said mat bis" pro? clamation of April 2 was aumcieut ior that pur? pose. 1 repasa mat I tuougut so at brat, and uuouid pr-.ui.~iy have remained or tout upi .io.J, it these military co-uiuis,ioas uau nt been leouiK on, and that wnat 1 ues.rod was a simple declaration over his s.Kuature construing tho proclamation distinctly on mose two points. Ho expressed his reiiiui?r's to du over.?tUuig 1 wimed to bo done; I left hun, u .u nuttung was doi.e. I presume tue Piesiuout ivcurred to nis opuuou (nat ms piocla mat'.on dooiaiiug tno insurrection at au cud was and out not luina it worm wane to do auy more." TESTlatOXr or ATTOB^.-GIIXEBAL SPEED. Attornoj-Oeueial Speed, July 2, 1837, testified that immediately alter tue capture of Jefi'orsun Davis, lue President and the Cabinet, bus the mute paiticu'arly, were aLX.ous fur a spc-.dy triaL At mat liaio mo District Court waa being hetd in Norfolk, Judgo Underwuud tue pres_, Judge. T..0 matter of proaecut.n? Jct le?aos Laus was pl.cdd uuacr my charge more ? andi ?as p.a. ed uuuerinstructions roui mo Piesiueut to bring mm to trial as spoediiy as I mourut it coma be done; tue trial was Utat poatp-uea Uuui alter de ?c.op-tc.ts 8UOU.U oe madu at mo mai ot mo conspautois, 1 eaip.oyed eomisel to aid in thc prosecution, aud wo ali came lo mo concusi?n that unless the JueLo ul mo Supreme Court could preside, he tutuma not oo tried, i ned tuat diainc.iuatiuu tu hate Davis mea before Li udor wood; 1 wuuid Lot consent tu it at ali; mu Cniei Just.ce dechned tu go mero, bccuUac tue country was nut so qeiet as Ue uftured, mid b.cause militarj mle prevailed. I Opposed Dav.a o.tng med in .uy otate except where _u uau Ucea actuo-iy present, 'men ii waa said that we c-tdd appoiut a judgo ia Judge C-iioa's place uud try u m ia Last Xeaaeaseu. Tua. ?ras anxiously cu tuhered, and the President, wita mjSoli, uotu concurred that it would not luok well lui' mo President to maite a judire to tr. Davis at tuc President's o .vu home. 1 viol en ii] oppoacd nts being tried tur the crime uf treason before a mu. tar j comaiissioa, and so tue stood uutu 1 ibu olhce. I must say that I was on tucso grounds, me principal caus? of me non trial ox SXCBXTABX SEWABD'S TESTTAI0MT. Mr. Secretary ?eward, ou his testimony, denied tba. ue uau lu.-iriu.od ??.tu tue puoucatiun of Ba? ker's ujj.i. Ho aiau said tuat he . ad no orders or recurus lu uis ue^artiucut pruuibiltug individuals aieoted tu mo reboi states irum ontoriug upon mu uisCuar^e ot meir olhcial uutios, uud no or eis sasiae tuu euaetuieuts ot Legisiatures oi sa.i States. Ho stated mat ho had advised tnc President uo? tu appoint pos.masters and revenue officers .mu could aot ta.e tue oath. Tue Pro? visional Lioveruurs were paid mo salaries attaeb iuK to meir unices. Air. ?eward h&d seen no indi? cation ou m o part O' alt. Johnson to prevent tue trial ot Joh. Davis; on mo co unary, every tune me question nad oeeu raised, tue President al? ways appeared to be anxious tuat Davis should be tried by a c.v.. triuuna., after it was decided thai he suould nut be ?ned by a military tribunal. The quesuou as to tho authority of the President to ostaousu State Govt; umouts had never been dis / casseu, AU*. Seward feeUrg that there was no reu sou mai mere suould bo any discussion about it. TESTES! oe.1' OT 1. C. BASES. Detective General Baker weaves a characteristi ca.iy in incalo HU? about Tresideut Johusou and his alleged coua?utiun with tue robeuion. His evi? dence chiefly cuarges the President as beiug im p.i?Atoa wxm Jefierson Davis in 1834, and witu Hrs. Cobo, ut pardon brokerage notoriety, mlSb?. In regard tu .uo former, no alleges that he came pus B?aaeu ul a letter iu 1833. wuiuu Le had identified as tau handwriting ot Air. Juhuson, dated early in 1834. addressed tua ''Southern man." which, irom xueia ry, tue detcctivo says, gave advice to Jeffer? son Davis, s a ?niormat.on eoucermng the move xneue Oi troops aoout tue capital and eisewbere. Pm mer on me uetective says mo letter wus dated at -Naa'ivihc, and was a J ur ssod to Jefferson Davis, aud was appareauy in rtuly to ono received from Davis, u.- irom souo uni in autuonty. from the fact mat it starts uut wita tue acknowledgmont ot anomei' letter, it. o. s on to make suggestions as to some uoiayed which hud bauu adopted b.v the Ouufedeiacy. Ju uuutuer piaco he refers tu Parson ?ruwniuiv in very eevero terms. Baanr tueu gue? on to state that bo took thc letter to tue Wuite House and had the signatme positively identiUed as mat of me Presidout by Coionei Browning, wno, without seei.ig the bod.? ol the letter or auo.ving its contents, suggested that parues were ir-tue uabit of forgiDg air. John-, son's Signature to lottcrs of reooiatmudation. Baker sa.?s ne got tho lotter hom Johu W. Adam? son, No."29 ALvrtlo street, Nashville; tua' it was stoieu tram Mr. Johnson's table; that Adamson Says that Uo (Aattaisou) d.d not take thu lotter, but that Govoruor Brownlow^ son employed u negro to pu-lom u. Baker declares mat uo"t.cvcr diso.osed tue fa:t uf his Uavmg mo lotter except to membei-s of Congress ai.d General Eckert, oi tho War D?putaient, sud states that afterward, when Some ot t_?a Congressmen, Messrs. HutcU kiss, Schofield, aud Vau nernau aud other-, cabed Ou uuu tu seo me paper it was, alas ! too late; bc had returned it. Baker adds that two peiauns read tue letter w.thuim, and ono of them, ne says, was C. G. V. aikms, whom ho met witu Adamson. Tuc omer party is :.ot named. Ai to Mia. Lucy Cobb, Baker says ho examined her at hts hoadqa-rters April 8ta 1336, lelltng Uer that a woman ux Uer reputation had no business about me Wuitc House, to which shu replied that she was mero by tue Knowledge and approval Oi the Pres.deLt, and mea she pronuccd two letters writteu by mu President, ono to ger uer h?lsend a place uuder tho i\stmaster-Cieueia;, and the other to have her appointed in tho Treasury De ?ai .ment. Baker, as m duty bound, to himse.f. oes nut givo Mrs. Cobb any' good character; he savs sue .d bini tha. sue nad obtauied a paruou for a party m i-i.ehmoud, receiving S30QO therefor, and mat she afterwards presented a pair o gloves to Robert Jo-uaou . itu a $300 bid iu each uue. The detective w.nd. up wita a disgustingston about Ails. Cobb's prcaonee with Mr. Johnson iii his at thu k.r- ?uo-t iiouso on two nights after no was Pres.deut. JVDOE BLACK'S TESTllIOXT. Hon. J. S. B.aolt, exam ned ou tho 14th of March list, in rop.y to t.\e question whether he prepared, or had any par', iu tho preparation of tho veto mcssago of tho voeonseruct;on bill, said io hUDstance, lhat there had bee. i se vc. al commu? nications between himself and t;;o f resident, but he iud not mink his coiifidentiai relations w.t.. Mr. Jo..nson shuuid be loicibiy onteicd, though he admitted tue powor of the rommittee to com Sol hil reply, ibo c.moiiitee, aiter consuitatiou, etoimi-ed" to requiro au aitswor, .vhcu Mr. B.ack returned, saying that if the question related to tue veto as a whole, he i\oul.i answer "no." but i: that any pj:-:i: n ul it i.'as su-rgestcd by bim, he answered "'eua." He men ex, laincd that VU.? i.e did write ot" the paper was eu iud down considera? bly, but mat tue ,ii.t c mainitig an analyse ot' the bill was used very freely aa written by tho wituese. He said mat if ne had had cjrft; Vasnzht to write, and thc President would have signed it, ihe mes 8 ago wo m i have been a much mure objectionable document to mc majority of Congress tutu lt is. Ol HEB TESrralONT. Mr. Robert Jo:_n>-on, the i resident's secretary, ta-ti?od Aiay 23d, that Howell's pardor, secured, it .s alo-iu, by oirs. Coiib. came '.brough thc office in tno regular way. Ho donica most em? phatically taut LO" ever recaved a pair of gloves, ur present whatevor. or any money, clireci.y or iuoirect y. from Mrs. Ccbb. Mr. Lawrence G-obt:?h:, Washington a?cnt of thc New Yen: Aasoriated Press, testified that ho accompanied thu Prcs.deut dui'in^ ins Western trip. Ho "6olcun?y says ne cannot affirm Androw Jounsou was ?aruiui. Ho could walk straight and speak without summcting. I think bis" course was that of temperance, to say the .east." Mr. Stanton, lato Secretary i f War, tos i?C i principady in regard tu the Davis trial and uis own preference for a civil tribunal. Tax CBABLESTUN D.\IX? NEWS.-We were pleased, in having received a friendly call by Mr. C. Ca-daden Hall who is connected with the NEWS. Andwj aro also pleased t? unow that ?ho paper in whoso interest ho is engaged, is well. \\ o wi di Mr Hall muen SUOOess in his thr'ouf-'h these upper regions, ihe last number pf tho NEW? makes a very handsome appearance ii its head-!.no. indeed thi. papor is grcath im? proved since it has into the hands of its presout enterprising and accomplishedfondue ors tn ?pe o: its comciy api earanco now, tho r&ffrVsav" -It is .ignificant ff tho now energy ?J^t?fch we aro determined to infuso into ^?pwmont cf our p i er. Onward is our motto uuu we she.:, novor pause in eur endeavor-s fflbvsSssive improvements, the NEWS, t.pc 00 i il S ur? other' iso, shaii have become worthy gf?PSS ?fdWar v support which it is now ?S?SrS the public" The NEV.8 SSSK on? of the most readable ir-.pers com ^ w thiaW-?rrtino ?portan, J Thing? in Washington. Tho correspondent of tho Baltimore fJaze?e writes from Washington under dato of November 27: SICKLES AXD STANTON. Tho movo of senator Conkhh to have Generals Sickl.-s .-md Howard continued ,n tho volunteer serviola .Major licuerals ia deigned entirely for '.Duncombe*-' Tho Legislative Department can neilin r muko. nor direot to bj made a military ap? pointment, (jenora! Sickled ans been mustered out. The only way he eau bo restored is by a nen appointment, which must bc ma le by tho Presi? dent, and continued by thc Senate. Bclorc Gen? eral Sickies was mustered out Congress might have passed a law authorizing hun to continuo tho General in servico as a Blajor-GeneraL He is now ou', and there is no fear or a restoration. Stanton, late ?secreta y of War, is keenly watch? ing tho progress of events, and I understand realiy indulges a hope ot' restoration. Radicals say his testimony before toe Impeachment Com? mittee consigns him to retirement and disgrace. Even arning tho most violent Radical* Utera aro noue so poor as todo Stanton reverence. It possi? ble, they despise him more than tho Democrats, and the Hainau of the late war keeps himself closely within h:s own doors, and is suflermg almost a complete isolation irorn tho human family. Tun aCESSAOS. Tao President's message trill probably not bo presented to Congress beioro Tuesday next, and toe reports ot members ot tho cabinet will be do hveicj. oa the day following. GOLD AND IlIPEACHilENT. Mach surprise han been expressed at fie report favoring impeachment ot the President not affect mg the goid market more than it did. It would have been regarde J as more complimentary to tho Executive had such a movement run up tue 01 gold, but ether consid?r?t.ons induced tile wish in official c?reles hore to prevent the nae and there* oy possibly defeat tho groat purpose ol oar ta in parties procuring tho report tavoring impeach? ment. A current rumor is that a pressure was brought to bear upon Hr. Churchill to securo his voto for impeach mont, and fortunes were to bo made by speculation ingold. To checkmate this another rumor says that Sccrotary alcColloch or? dered tho selling of twenty-five luillioas GI gold yesterday and this kept thc market steady to the consternation of the political ring, who were counting upon great gains. Such uro thc stories now afloat around Washington, but I have u> means ot ascertaining their truth. Suffice it to say, they arc generally believed. BLPEAL Cr THE COTTON TAX. Tho Committee of Ways aud Heans held their first meeting mis morning, and the lirst vote IJKOU WAS a UnAuimOU8 voie for the ripea! of tho cotton tax. lhere ia now vory little doubt tue ;.x wid no ai un early uay o: tau session, out not to ui.f back to s>Bpieuibjr, as bas bceu supposed, ino tax will ursa bo rcuiovi.d from u unmoor of articles of Ainer.caii manutucture. Wit" tue possible except ion of tao om to repeal tue cotton tax, lt ia noe expected that it wilt bo undertaken to bring lorward any important bm mis week, as there wilt ho no t.nie tor action tats suort bOsoioa upon any involving uiscissiou. Tue menas ol ibo uottou-repeal bin cairn tnat lt Will aaaa without debate, out ic is Known t?at ii will receive s..a:p o^positiou from mo wool interest, m Waich beaad it ia claimed taat there ia no rea? son wuy conon saouiu ?o tax free, wade wool is taxed twelve j. or cent. THE CUUBJENCT QUESTION. Tho vote ou the reao.ut.ou duecung the coru miiteo to - -po.t - bia lor thu \v.tadi_\vai or tao currency of tue na ?oaai euaEs, aad supply their ^i.cj with gieeabaeks, ia ?enorady regarded aa tua sense 01 Congress ia laver ci tuai measure, ?au ?omo meaibeio who voted tor thJ rcso.uuon ?xplaiu taat taoy do not lout committed ia luvor of .a J Odl waen ii a'Uad bc put up?a na pa-.sago, lac muicationa ure, no wu vcr, tuft! suca a ein ww oe passed ni lae House during lae DeOcuiuor sua? sion. VISIT OF A DELEGATE PEOil THE LONDON TAILOBS' EaUOUAlION aoCI-T? IO IUE PliEoIDENT. Yesterday atteruooa Air. James Veraor, a dele? gate tae lauois' Nat o'iai Knngrattuu Socie? ty of i.oi.uoa, ia company wita aevcrai delegates l?ow tats city, wus luuouucei to tue President. Alter explainuii; taut tue object ol taeir misoioa Maa to rame a luau ur.neieuet af the journey* men uulurs in lioadon wau nave been on u striae .or lue mat s?ve- uioaibs, lae President mude tueca a saoi. uuuaess, adud.ny lo carry dale, waen ne, .00, oiaue a iivea^ooa by lae needle; built iras not, au said, tue proieasioa waica degraded tue maa, out ia tad' iao mau lae pro.esaioa. lu the 01 expnuae 1 tue ouiKinaiioal ox pi csioa taat niue taaoia aro eSseatiai to moke a aiua, by tau maaacr ul its oiigw; uow a iiai0at ol l?e sacare beera e embarrassed und was roi.ovcd uy tao a.d 01 mau 01 Uia brotaren; dually ac grow nea, bougat a e.rriug J, uuu put up aa bia niobio, 'k.N.uo 'iUiio._ .dude Aie"-ueueo tao den vatioa. ia leaving, :..<_ President presented tho delegation wuu too. Tilings iii .Now York. WHAT IS THOU OUT OE laLPEACHalENT-THE VSNHNS ' SrSCXKPA X olt?TCS-THt Ull? ??ODS TIUDE &U. NEW YOBE, Novembjr 26.-Ino public mind has ceased .0 worry over ibo .aipououmuut bust aOos-tae pi'O.'ai.ajg fou'ietiou being taat noiii .ug practically wal coaic of it. Tue ames, Com ?ieic.ui und Lveaiug i'osi-ad itepabiicao papers T-gi?e tao commiiiue's report tue coal shoulder, aaa BUba Militia ll) Ugi'cO lU dOClarWg that, as the a. wy era say, tUey ba vo ao ease. Ibero is a more ocitied leuang ia ousUiOas ciroleS ia consequence, wbicU ia uoi SJ .cd aowevor, but tor tao ajyeec? Ali'. Huller ls uiakiag tars aftoraojn, ia laver oi paying tae iu t?test Oa tae 0-20'a ia pupcr. Posters ure out coding for a public meetiug ibis e-vewag, at tae Cooper iaatiluie, to protest against the airest by foreign Goveruaieata of American couzens wau muy cuuace to bo aojouruaig wiihtu taeir douuuioaa. lae UcmouStiuiiouia uuuerstoud to be a 1 eaiaii altair, aud aa a sort uf preiace to ibo pubi.e prc* essie, JU boujr ot the memory of tao Alaacacstei iaartyrs appointed for Friday next. Abo v aaa. ber ol Loiaaicicu auld u special meet? ing tata aiietaoon, lo urge upon the Government such a poLcy us war luciataic un early lelma to specie payments. A long import, cuiood^iug the viewawiiMU tuc UsUiuy advanced aa taat side of thc question, waa BUomilted. Tao report waa ordered io ba pr.nted, and a copy liiieclod to be Seat to eacu uicwuer ol Congresa. ia tue donate wateUaubaequeutiyf bowed, atesar*. Uauyne, Low, unuioadca, Conumg aud Alumy CwOfc part, lue,.'.es embodied ia ldc report ? cc generally unttorwed, thoura there mvs some dlffereuce ot op.aioa aa lo tae proper time for specie reaumption, aomo mguig a later, others un carder period. Ino dry K?oda report trade a littlo moro uetivc witnin tao lew d-\a past, dhu volume ol ousincss, to bo sure, ia not large, but it compares Hjell with thal wbicu waa truusitcled 111 tao euny part ol the monta. Woohena are iu active demand, but prices are no nigher. Tuero ia a lair dcaiaad tor cotton gooda for export, especially drills und brown sheetings. Tho striuReacy iu the moaey aiarket is a gre?1- drawback, but and things aro, on tho whole,'.iog symptoms of improve? ment. Affairs in tho State. -Mr. Wiley Glovor, ono of tho oldest and most esteemed citizens of Edgefield District, diei Mon? day night ot paralysis. -Not a sintrlo whit: man voted in Edssfio'.d at tbo late election. Tae Advertiser says tn.' candi dr.tos eiooted to the Convention will only represent tte interests of ibo lowest, wretchedest and dercest tvpe cf Radicalism. Their names aro ittvera, Eiiiot, Bonuaui. (tiirea low-cjunt-y 110 groesj, Harrts (anEdcciield ncsro;. Wooh. iledicis (two white men Jiving at Granitow..o). and Amaim (a while man living in Hamburg). It iscon-ol iug to remoubor that the Convcnt.on Li all proba biaty will never meet. -A bloody tragedy which occurred at Cho3ter C. H. on SuLd iv, is thus reported in the Standard : Ibo neieb'jorhood vms eturtled about 10 o'clock oa Sunday night last, by thc discharge of a gu1, f llowed oy stifled groaus of mortal agony. OJ roaching tue spot, Piivate Geo. W. Dernau, of thia garrison, waa found weltering in his gore-the bail haviug pouotrutad ain lei':'arm and ent?rina: lais left siao passed through his body a little below uis heart, and then mortally wounding a freodman who was passing, on his way homo from church. Thc news was soon reported mid excitod citizens were teen rushing to tho spot to witness tho hor nb.o spictac e ol a ghastly corpse. Private Dor nan was dead. Dis. Jessop and Jordan arrived at the sp t ana gavo their kind attention to the suffering ireodai m, who it ia feared is mortally wounded. Tho unfortunate soldier was somewhat under thu influenco oi strong drink and that bia arrest was order JU by Lieut it. U. Ross, Comm m dantofPost. Sergt." btoiukuhler in Lia attempt to carry out said orders waa tired upon by Dor nan whon the Sergeant returned tho tire. A NEW SVNAC-OGUE-Anew Hebrew Synagogue has just been erected in Now Y.r^: at a coat cf $300,000. abe Tost, of that city, says it is larger than Trinity Church, and adds : This edtfko is erected by a sect known ?6 t?o Reformel Jews, who have dcpar.ed from the an? een, tilth m many ways, but more in tho mar . cr of worship. lu ether synagonea tho n-ain fijor is open and un. ncutnberod Ly Scats, .1 reading desk occupying tho centro 0: tho room, lu this synacoitue lill is changed except tho mk, which res.8 tn its usual place in the transopt. The Reformed Jews have a choir like that ol tao Epis? copal Church, and tho centro of inc building is tilled with pews aud aislos. Under tba o'd dispen? sation, men and women do nrt sit together, and the mon wear their Lats during tire service; anu their is no orzan nor choir ot eiuger*. In iiio Re? formed synagogue the sexes occupy eons to? gether, a? in Protestant churches, and thc ?erv;cc is re?.d trom a desk cr pulpit, wade thc music is r.rnishtd by an organ and tho singers stationed in the gallery. CHEAPNESS or CaLNESc WASES.-A vessel recent? ly arrived at San Francisco a largo amount of goods from Curta, purchased at, so re markab.y cheap that me cu.dcrahouse officers at that port would not believe in tho veracity ol the invoices, and sciz d the goct's as falsely valued by tho purchasers. Tae probability is. however, that tho invoices arc correct, it takes so tittle to sus? tain lifo in ihma arid wases aie so low, lathe importation were handsome sets of porcelain bought fo * four dollars tito s^t. Beautitul fa"s, paimed by hand ia brilliant colors, with figures of dragons nnd Chinese beauties, purchased at a cent oacb. Spades for Karden use bought at tho cost of a few cents each. Straw nats ot a good quality invoiced ut a cent each. Nice baskets-, ia sets o? four, costing in thc Celestial Kingdom but lom' cents a tc:, and other articles equally ?ow. ->raximilians remains could onlv bp recognized by certain physical ma ka, peculiar to tho Haps bnrge. They a.o contained in a handsome coffin f r tish d by the .M.x can Gover meot, and . r <e ca.vly fixed by me ms 01 blocks and braces cov? er d bftck si lt velvet. T.10 interior of thc cofda is of whit ; cedar, Licbly polished and var? nished. Tbs exterior is veneered with a dark red woco, cal,ed grauidita, closelv rosemblm? roce wood, though not quito so dark, yet darker than mahogany. Ine design, though "lain, is very tasteful and handsome. This coffin is to bc placee in a leiden box and ho^etically sealed, and this again in a wooden case. kt. COMMERCIAL. imports. LIVERPOOL- Per Norwegian birk Harken Adolstoin 25)f? st-.cks Salt, to H Muro i Co; 1359 sacks Salt, to Order. 'rae Charleston Cotton .*lurKti. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, I ..UAULCSTON. Fri.luy Evening, Novomber 29,18?". I Tho market openoi activo and weaker, whon a tcr some transactions, intelligence was announced that prices atLivevpool had fiKen to 8?d., after which tho rates herc declined about ?c. ib. Sales 8Xi bales, viz: ll at lt, 21 at 14?. 31 at li?. 115 at li?, 22 at li7/,. 93 at 15, 12 ot 15?. 217 at 15?. 33 at 15?. 223 at 15?. Of this last 6alc, 2JJ W;.rc dispos d of previous to tho news ol' a decline. We quote-. L1VEBP00L CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to Good Ordinary.U ?l-l? Low .Middling.14?(g? Middling.15? a Strict Middling.15?@ On 'thursday some 115 bales no: previously reported were sold; say 130 at 16, 19 at 15?, 41 at 15?, 200 at 15?, 25 at 15?. Wilmington .Mo.rR.ct. WILMINGTON, November 27.-TURPENTINE-Sales of 184 bbis erode'lurp.Ltiao at ;3 30 ?orvigm and yellow dip, uud 32 2J 9 bbl lor Hard, per 280 .bi. ian-Milos ol 20 buts at s2 25 \\ bbl. ROSIN_193 obis No 1 w. rc s.ld at S3 ?1 bbL SPliUT3 'IUBPENIINE-60 casts Spirit J lurpeuUne Ohanged hands ut afc gallen. Corro*- ales var? saies of only ono small lot ut 14.'ie for Midd ?ng iti. HAWES-a*, ail tales ot Cypress Log Timber at ?;0 3 M teat Daltimoro .Harket. BALTIMORE, Novcuaber 27.-COFFEE-Tho only sa e reported was ?50 b ga prime uni choice itio, a rt sa.e, ex adelaide, a: 17?c, goia. i OTro*-Was a> u UOivy and lower to-day under un? favorable Liverpool advices pe. came, >aks loot up 240 bales b'p.auas at 15 ul??c, us to quality; lutt.r tor Miu uanc. Closing du. I. FLOUE-Was a0'iun heavy tD-day; very lit.le inquiry and no salts woituy ol nonce, A lot ot 8J tb.s choice Rye sold utiS, and 40 do *b' 1 ?; common dui! at s 7 5u u 7 15. ve repeat our pro.ious rang:- of quotations, though m. ut y nominal. Gaul*.- Wheat rece pta to-dar H70 buthel- wu.te and 931J bushels red; utu-uet was beary ror low grades, or walch the balk oi tba samples Were comprised; included in tho huies wore 360 Ousucis wane at bl cO; 8u0 bushels cnoico Maryland red at sb 55; bo7 busuels p.imo do ?250; ?OJJ busue.s interior to lair tl 75 a 2 35. Corn-2a,000 busue s willie and 9100 ousnuis yellow received; market o.isk tor White, but yellow wus neglected; pnces goue roiiy tavored uuyers. We rc-p.-rt sams oi 1200 bushel* old waite at tl 29 a 1 33; .00 bushell new arv white, vi 3J; 4000 busheis do, ?1 25; 7 J JO bushels damp do, tu couts a ?1 .0, aa io conumou; l.UJ bushels uauip yellow, ?1 03; 05d busheis, si 12 a i ?6; b00 bushe-.e new Western mixud, ?1 25. outs-5 SOU busho.s ottered; uurket Inaner tor -.rime; llOu busnels good io prime ai li a 77 (a .JC ol' ?00 ousae.s blacit at tuslatt&i); I?33 bo-huts inw-or to a a coats per cashel. AioLiSSZs.-Nothing doing; prices nominal ta tho ab? sence ot sates. 1'novisiONS-ihc maikct is dull and prices further fa? vor o ay. rs. For Baoon, wo quot? suoaidcrs 12 a I2?c; rio biacs 14? a 15c; clear 11.< 16? a l??e; city Ham-, uew, 17? a 18;. aiess P.ik nominal at ?Xl 60. Lard, in tierces, jodbiug at 13.; .-ejs. Ate; ballimore refined loo. it J ls aiiiJiS-Nuihiaig uOing worthy ot men. ian; ?tock ul ali deocr.ptious uga;. RICE-Wc near ot uo soles, and quote market quiet at 9a 9 >?c for Carodua, New York Market. MONEY JIA?K -X. The New York Evening Rost, or Wednesday, November 27th. says: Gold ls steady, thu lending rate Ueinj unchanged at 4 a 7 lor earryi. g over baumces. Xh.r.ia very utue uuainataon iu Wall Btreet to-day. Tho loau mar jiu; is easy a; 7 pur coat on call, un t ut 7 a lo oa discount. 'Ano lore.yu nausea seam to have con? siderable caiauc.s to lcd. lue tiow oi corru..LS irein thc West ts BaiCaUinn^ but the uemand tor ina South is amad. X e stock m irket is dull but Arm. Governments aro a little more m demand, ilaii.oaj. shires aro quiet, and quotations ure laixiv susuuu-.d. rnuDCCE MAltKET. NEW YOliK, Novemoer '?1-t noun, A-c-Tho market for V? asteria und s.ute near is du..; iii a low gradua oi Staie a ? firm und saleable-wuno .no uiodiuin grad.s aro irregular undgo-ieruliy .ewer. abe sales ure VOuO bb.s ut sd 45 a 9 10 lor t-uperflnu State; iii 7J a ? OJ tor txtn otate; ?lu OJ U iv i ? lor ia .cy suie; ?tf 3d ay 75 lor thu low prudes oi spring Wheat Weetara RXtra; *9 60 u io 4J lor BlUnpiaig Ou.o; sio 60 a 13 tor trade and lamny brinda, and ?10 40 u J5 ?orst. i-ou.s Rxtras. i nea>\ beat Hour ls null a. $3 90 a 4 20 per 100 lbs. coln .am- flour is nure ac.i.e. sales ol luau Obis and bags u. ?ll lor .-.uparnne; sl2al2 6U lor JLat.r. Via the ?.xiorn," and ?14 ?6 lor UBaJ luis vu lue I? boutheiu Flout is n sb-da lower und dull, bales ol 210 bul? ut ?4 25 a ll .0 tor Oiuiua y lowood EXITS JJailimoie and cOJUtry; ?lu 26 u 13 oC lor j.xiru un., i timuy Geui>ia tua . Virgiiiia, und ?lu uo u 14 15 tor ouu.iu.n to choice Extra and Fumny Ma. yian J und Delaware. Outs ate easier und lia mod?rate uuuiaud. Thc sales are 70,Oda bushels, inc.uding 2u,i0d buaiucis, last bait cead, ai id;4e ia atoro; vnu .uu t\ astern ut Tte lu s .ore, and au s butte uiloat; suU.ueru ul 78c. com is ur mer una lu goon ueinand for export. The ?aios aro U2,5oo i usheas Western aukad at SI S3 a 1 .4 in store; ?lae a 130 oUoa.; DOW Wes.era Mix? ed tl ?SO. PBOVISIONS-Pork opined flrmer, but subsequen?y feil ott. uno o.oses uub aud heavy. i lie -a.ea, ca^h and regular, are 1260 bbls, ut ?20 90 a 21? tor Mess; ub.ut iou obi< m jou lo.s at ?21 a 21 'A, und 200 obis primo Mess at ?2J. Foi tuturo delivery we hear of 10.0 bbls new Western Mess, seiler January, ut ?22. Licet is 6teaay una <u UL' demacd. Sale? oi 225 bbls, at ?.4 a 19 .or ptain Mes -, and ?.9 u 21 .or ex.ra Mess. fierce Bref ls eeLiug in trna.i io.s to a lair extent. Sales of 800 tea ut $3 J 6u a 32 60 tor prune Mess ; ? 33 s 87 lor India M-as. Hool Hims ure quiet. Small sales at $26 a 27. Cut Meats ?ire dud. Sa cs 2000 green Hams at Ile. Bacon is rather more active, bales or '?26 boxes city, on th-; spot and lor next week's denvery, at lo? a Ile lor Cumberland cut, H?c mr abort no. and 12 u i2?c mr long clear. ... For December delivery, 260 bxs CumborlanJ at lu?c, and 250 short rib at ll?c. Dressed Hogs ?ie du.i and lower. We quote at 8? a 8?c for city. laird is held at firmer figures, but owing to the un? favorable foreign advices, buyers reiuse to operate. We quote nominally ?t 12? tor No 1,1/? lor city, 13? a 13? for lair to p inn su am and katie ruudered. CofTEE-lhere bas boen rattier mora doing in Rio Toffee, bul at a reducdon oi ?c %i lb, tue low grades be? ing particularly heavy, tales of ubout 8500 bugs. Weet India grades aro neglected. corros-Ti o maruotis dull and but little demand, mostl. lor suipment. Wu quoto: New Orleans Uplands. Florida. Mobile, anil Texas. Ordinsrv.14 14? 1*? >*?C Low Middling.1G? Iii? lo? 16? Midd.iug.16? 16? 17 17? Good Middling.18 18 19 20 LUZ- ihc market is lower UL der larger recoipts, busi? ness is light. We quote at 70 a 75c for shipping, and ?1 a 140 for retail loti. NAV?I. .-TU?ES-trude turpontino is firmer. Ppirit; are moderately ucuve and steady, ito. ins arc dull and heavy. Tar il quiet. . e quoto as follows: :-piii*s Tur poi.tiuc, free, %l gallon, 65c; Spirits Turpentine, in band, a gillon, 47c; CruJe turpentine, in Lbls. ^ 28J lb?, c4 76; Rosins, common, in b ls. $ bi l, ?3a3i2?; Rosins, 6 raa-.'d, m ouls. bbl. i3 25? a 3 50; ltceius, No 2, in bbls. '-' bbl.^3 60 a 3 75; Rosins, No 1, in bbls, fi bbl. $8 87? a 6; Rosi m. p.-lo. in bbls. 9 bbl, $5 50 a 6; Rosins, extra palo in bb s, $ bbl, SC 5Ju 7; Ro-ins, wiu dow class, in i bis, '^ bbl, $7 25 a 7 60; lur, North county, In bbls, $ bbl $3 a 3 25; T.r. wilmington, in bbls, ? bbl, $3 25a 8 60; pitch, city, in bbls, $ I bl, $3 75 a 3 87?; Pitch, Southern, in bb s. 9 bbl, $3 67? a 4. RICE-ls quiet, ?-mall -ales of Carolina 8? o 9?c. ."ALT-All kinds arc quiet, prices arc unchan red. We quote: Turks Island, p;r bushel, 55c; liverpool, G'd por ack, $2 10; ao fine, Ashton, $4; syracuse, ?2 50; do ground, $1 00 Liv, Fine. W'thingt's, ?8; do do, Higgin's, ?3; l', ne plus ultra, ;3 25. bUOAR-Raw sugars aro only in moderato d mind, tut -i h u reduced supply and mo 'crate arrivals prices aro ?rm. Refined are In lair demand ou i firm. We quote: Inferior to comm m refining, ll?all%c; fair to good, ll? u 12)?c; fair to gool grocery, 12? a 12?c; prime grocery, 12? a 13c; Porto Rico, ll? a 13?c; Me? lado. 6?? a 8'jc; Havana No 6 to ll. boxes, ll a l-?e; do Nc 12 do. 12.S a 12?c; doNolS to 15dO, 12? ii 13?. ; io No 10 to 20 do. 13? a 15?c; do No 12 id bond do, gold, 5? a 6?c; ManLUu nags. 10? a U?a WmsKXT-Tho is dull ut 80c. Sates of small lots. FEEIOHTS-To Liverpool 1C0 bales compressed cotton at ? a5-10j, 600 bbls Rosin at 8s, li.6JO bushclo om at 8?d, and per steamer 70,0 bushel* feas al 10%d. 'Jo Loudon, 14.500 bus . o s Peas at lOd, 500 tic ce i Beef at Os; 25 tous TsDo* at 30s, 25 tons Zinc at 85s, and to Glas? gow, 7600 bushels Wheat ai 9d, and 600 bb.6 Resin at 8s 6d. An American b rk with 20,000 bushels Corn, in bags, to Dublin at 7s. Passe aigcra. Per steamer Pilot Boy. from Savannah, via Beaufort Hilton Head, Ac-E BrUlae, Miss R E Lee, Col A M Msr tiu. F A McLean, W Martin, R T Spence, W P Beach, ..irs P- Ty. Mrs F C Evans, Mrs Billard, Col E H Ludlng lon, Mrs Brown, C Q Keu''".l, W McPher.-on, Miss Ba n. Well, Miss Townsend, F Ru?an, P O'Bry sn, and . 2 deck -1 -- Consignees uti* aoutn Carolina tiatirouti, .November SS and 39. 1656 bales Cott.n, 68 bales Mdze. 835 sacks Corn, 193 sicks Bran. i:<5 bbis Naval .-toroa, 3 cars Cattle, &c. To V c Dukes A Co, O W Williams A- Co, W ii Chafce, J k J D Kirkpatrick, Mowry a: Co, Tatt 4 Howland, M Gold? smith & .-on, J M Caldwell ? sons, J D Aiken s Co, HJ Randall, Railroad Agent. SteDhouso ?? Co, West A Jeno?, J Jara, D F Fleming ?? co, J M Tcidemann k co, J W prague k Bro, i burston s Holmes, W B Multh k Co, Adams, Fiost i: Co, W L. Williams, V.'iU.s k ehiso.m. ? a Rodgers 4: Co, F a Siwjo.-, Runt Bros, G II Walt-r k Co. C N Averi 1 & Son. King ic Giobou, J a E Sloan J R cha30. J Walterthuiu, I C Blum, Johnston. Crews i co J D Butch, J K Pringle. H L Jeffers n Co, Wardlaw ?? Carew, PiiickDoy l'roihers, W C Couitnev k Co, Dr Pur? cell, oracBcr. Leo, t-ratte k Co, C c Pin kaey, li'owa d & Bro, Fr. s.r i> DU, W W Smit?, O Itcedor, j' (. H claus s.-n. cohen, Hancktl 4 Co, cart, KootT k Jerrcv, ingra ham k . on, L D Desaussure, Z Davis, Kanapaux* it La a nein, J N QuackenbUsh, Gaillard k Minott, W PDow? Ung, G W Clark k Co, Street Brothers A- co, T U D-nvecs C.iisolm Brothers, Courtenay * Jronholm, Boner & Stoney, J H Bagfctt A: Co, J A Ensow ?j Co FW Milteil J E Walker, A J farinas, E J Wtss ar Co, G W Wilta R?v T Uerinitigham, P Walsh, D Jennings 4: Co W Raa h W Wilson, A A?cLe?sh. "-au-., Consl-TEces per .\ ort beast er a Rallror.d, November 2J8 and 39. 343 bales Cotton, 233 bbls Naval stores, Lumber M-lzo kc. To Kendall k Lechery, Mowry k Co, Grae?cr, Leo' South tCo, W K Ryan, B A Wiueberg, J M Caldwell k Sou, Z Davis, J H Bagi-ett k Co, Williams ii Co O L Pritcheit 1 ?vb a wy cr. Cart. Kopff fe jfcrvcs, StOlL Webb k Co Major H I- Parker, W C u. ko3 k Co. J J Middle ton. I D stoney, Galled k Minott, J C Madon?e, RF Simmens. J D aiken k Co. M X Cohen. H L Arno d G II ?' s? m ?unt LRO^B. O Reeder, O D Brahe mfi coif T? rT?.*.C0- M ?0-;aenty. alaifek broth' era, L coheu k Co, Kana, aux dc Liuneau, A J Salinas agent Baltimore Steamsb.p Co, and Order. i"kilUi3 PORT CALENDAR. CORBECIEO WEEiiLT. PHASES OF THE MOOIC F?-UM^VM1 P'^-n-orn I LastQ. 18th,llh. iOm.morn run AI. nth. I?. 50ui. even | New M. SStb.llU. 41m -ven 7?T -- H?SOV. *nrc.: t.^:s'? i N00-* UM? fl i BISES- j sEia. ; KiSEe, ? WAIEE. 26 Monday. 6..40 4..D4 ? Sets. 7 8 26 Inesday.... 6..41 4..?4 c..33 i 7..5J 27|Wednesday.| C..42 | 4..64 | 6..23 ' 3..30 23 thursday...i 6..43 . 4..53 | 7.. 8 | t'.. 7 29 Friday.I c..4-1 I 4..?3 ! 7..4> , 9.61 30 Saturday...! G..15 1..63 I 8..45 j 1-unlay.I e..43 ' 4. .ii 'J. .41' ll..16 M A RI N Fa N E VV S. .-. O lt T OK CHA ll I, li. s I ll . Arrived Y celestia v. Norwegiin bark Har!:en Adclsteln, Larsen, Liverpool 54 days. Salt. To R Muro a co, and urdox. November | Ctii, lat 33.39, lon iO.67, spoke tho Bremen ?Wp Betty, from Newcastle for Kew York. Sehr Palmetto, Magrath, Combahoe. 2100 bushels Rough Kico. To W C Bee & Co. Scbr Emma, Powers, Comban*1. 2000 bushels Rough Rice. To W C Bee ? Co. Sehr Sanb.-e. Prince; Back Ii ver. 2400 bushels Rough Rico. To Hop r .V: Money. Sehr Kuma Baker, L :onard. Baok River. 2300 bush els Rough 1 icc. To W C Bee k Co. Sehr Charlotte. Petorson, Pack River. .14,01) bushels Rough Ric . To Cohou, Hanckel * Co. Sehr Willam A- John, Stewait, Combahec. 2075 bush els Rough Rice. To Adams, Frost & Co. Sehr elvina. Ilabenicht, Back River. 2400 bushels Roug.i Rice. To Roper & stoney. Sehr L ursa. Irom Cooper River. UOO bushels Rough Rice. To Cart. Kopff A: Jcrvey. Sehr Ann S Deas, from West Point Mill. 170 bbls Rice, To Cohen, ftancltelA- Co, clifford k Matthcwes. i Steamer Pilot Boy, McNelty, Savannah, via Hilton j Head, Beaufort, kc. 17 bags Cotton, 270 bags Cotton Seed, 8 bags Peanuts, bbla i rannes, and sundries. To J Ferguson. C Goldstein, E H Rodgers k Co. 8 P White bead, P u'Bryan, Hopkins. McPherson k Co, W S Hastie. Jr, Ravencl k Co, Porcher k Henry, southern Express Co, and Ol der. Sloop Columbus, from Cooper River. 240 bushels Rougii Ri e. To G H Ingranam k Son. Sloop Amelia, from Ashepoo. 802 oushels Bough Rice. To Cohen. Hanckel ft Co. ' Sloop Dorothea, from Ashepoo. 1116 bushel* Rough Rice. To Cobon. Hanckel k Co. Sloop Juba, from Cooper River. 1500 bushels Rough Rico. To urder. -, Irom Ohi'olm's Mill. 200 bbls Bice. To Clusolm Brothers, B S Bhott k Son. Cleared Yesterday. Sehr Ocean Traveller, Adams, Wlmirigton, N C-H F Baker A: Co. Went to 8ea Yesterday. Ship Charlotte, Spear, Liverpool. From this Port. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York, Nov 26. Steamship E B Souder, Lebby, New York, Nov 26. Cleared for this Port. Steamship Charleston, Berry, at New York, Nov 27. MST OK VESSK1.> If, CLEARED AND SAILED FOL THIS 1'OUT. FOREIGN. UVF.KPOOt The sjrjold. Albrechtson, up.Oct 28 Nor bark Ejeilcstadt, Wcrge, cleared.Oct 16 LErTH. Ilia Bertha, Anderson, sailed.?ot 32 CUXHAVEN. Th.) Competitor, Turner, up.Oct 4 HAVANA. Sehr Nicanor,-, sailed.Nov 14 DOMESTIC BOSTON. Sehr E B Glover, Ingersoll, up.Nov 9 MKW YORK* Steamship Charlccton, Berry, cleared.Nov 27 Ship St Louts. Hubbard, cleared.Nov 14 Brig susan E Worbis, Fulford, cleared.Nov 20 Scir Amencus, Tcrrv, cleared.Nov 24 Sehr B N Hawkins, Wvatt, up.Nov 16 sehr Harri' t Newell. Gould, up.Nov 13 S-mr Mary Flotcber,-, up.Nov 25 ?Sehr Harhucno, Horn, up.Nov 26 PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Alhance. Kollv. taied.Nov 27 Sehr Wido World, Hildreth, cleared.Nev 15 Sehr W W Pharo, Al o J, cleared.Nov 22 BALTTMOBE. Sehr Shiloh. Hubbard, up.Nov 16 Charleston Wholesale Prices, ARTICLES. BAGGING, 9 yard Dundee. 30 @ 66 Gunny Cloth. 20 @ -' DALE RCi'E, $ lb-Manilla. 24 (gi 25 Western. 13 ? 15 New York. - ? - Juc.I 12)40 BEEAD, fl lb Navy. - @ - Pilot. 10 ? - Crackers. 13 ? 16 BRICKS, . 9-00 ?20.00 Bii.-laV, 100 fis. 33 (S - COTTON, ? lb Ordinary to Good Ordinary. - @ - Low Middling. - (a - Middling to Strict Middling. - @ - Good Middling. - @ - Soa Island. - ? - CANDLES, fl lb-Sperm. 23 ? - Adamantine. 22 ? 25 Tallow. 19 ft 20 COFFEE, f* lb-Rio. 24 ? 30 Laguayra. 3? ? *5 Java. ? *6 CORDAGE, $ lb-Manilla. - ? - Tarred American. 26 ? 28 CORN HEAL, ? bbl. 6.00 ? - COAL, ?. ton-Anthracite.- 9.60 (910.00 Cumberland. nominal. COPPER. Vi lb-Sheet.I 68 <8 60 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, fl ton. 100.00 ? - Pacific Guara, fl 2000 tts. 75.00 ? - Phoenix Guano. 65 00 ? - Baugh's Phosphate, fl2000 Ibu... 60.00 ? - Rhodes' Phosphite, fi 2000 lbs... C5.00 ? - Mapcs'Super Phosphate,fl 2000 lb 65.00 ? - Zeb's Raw Bono Phosphate. 65.00 ? - Zcll's Super Phosphateof Limo.. 60.00 ? - Woolston's Phosphate of Lune..- 66.00 & - FISH- Cod, fl 100 ms. 7.00 ? 9.00 Herring, ? box. 45 ? 80 Mackerel, No. 1, 9 half bbl. 11.00 ?11.50 Mackerel, No. 2, ft half bbl.10.00 ?10.60 Mackerel, No. 3, fl bbL. - ? - Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. - ? - No. 3. - W - No. S. - tS - Sardines, fi 100-quarter bottes.. 23 (gi 25 Half boxen.... 48 ? 60 FLOUR, bbl-Super.111.00 @ - Northern and Western Extra.112.00 ?12.60 Baltimoro Extra.|13.00 ? - Southern-Super.|J2.00 ?12.60 Extra. 13.00 @18.60 Familv. 14.00 0 - FRUITS- I runes, fl 10. 22 ? - Figs. 40 ? - Dried Apples. 10 ? 28 Almonds, soft sholl. 36 @ 40 Raisins, M. R., fl box. 4.00 ta 5.00 Raisins, Layer. *.60 ? 6.50 Oranges. - ? - Lemons, 9 box.16.00 ?17.00 (??ASS, V box of 50 feet American, 8x10. 6.60 ? 6.00 American, 10x12. 6.00 @ G.50 French, 12x14. 7.00 ? 8.00 GRAIN-Maryland Oats, fl bushed-1 86 ? - Western Oats, fl bushel. - ? - Corn, fl bushel. 1.40 ? 1.65 Beans, fl bushel. . 2.00 @ 3.00 HAY, fl cwt.-North River. 1.80 ? - Eastern. 1.86 ? - HIDES-Hey, ? rb. 10 ? 13 INDIGO-lb. 1.00 ? 1.76 IRON- Rehued, fi tr?. 07 ? 07 Swede. 09 ? ICJ, LATHS, If! M.- 4.00 @ .60 i.iME- ?hc\:, fl bbl. - @ - South Carolina. 1.60 ? - Bockport.j 2.00 ? 2.26 Cement.j 2.75 rta 3.60 Plaster Paris. 4.00 ? 4.60 ? UMBER, 'ri M. Icou Clcar Whito Pine, 1st quality.|50.?U ?5?.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 ?iu.uo Yellow Brno. 20.00 ?25.00 Boards, fi M. fest-Rough.12.00 ?15.00 Grooved and Tommed_ 28.00 6832.00 LEATHER, country tapned, V lb. - ? - MOLASSES, fl gallon-Cuba. 49 ? 60 Muscovado. 65 ? 65 Sugar House. 60 ? 1.00 New Orleans. 75 (gi 32_ NA VAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar. - @ - Pitch.I - ? _ Rosin, Pale.1 4.60 ? 6.00 Rosin, No. 1. 3.Q5 (a) 8.60 Roam, No. 2. 3.00 ? - Rosin. No. 3. 2.76 fts- 2.88 butt ^I'JToeuttne, ^ ?rall?n. 60 <u. - . la-uoi. ?tc. io (a, - NAILS-American, 4@20d, ? keg. 5.50 ? 7.00 American Wrought. _ _ Lathiag. 7.60 fo.10.00 Copper, ?4 lb. i.00 (? - Oaivuuized. 30 w - Spikes. 12 (g, 16 QI LS-Curd, v* gallon. 1.40 (?a 1.45 Linseed, $ gaUon. 1.64 ? 1.G0 Sperm, Winter, gallon. 2.95 ? - Cotton Seed, Q gai iou.I _ (al - CastortE. 1.1, %i gallon.j 3.00 <4 - 0ii76, donen.18.00 ?10.00 Kerosene, fl gallon.? 62 @ 64 Benzine, ? gallon.I CO ? - PROVISIONS- bcof, mess, # ital.. ..?aO.OO (gi30.0U Btof, prime.114.00 ?15.00 Pork, mess. 28.00 ? 42 Rump. _ ? ?_ Bason, Hams, ^ fjs. - ? - Bacon, Sides. 16 ? 16u Bacon, Shoulders. 14 to - Bacon. Strips. - ? - Lard, m keg. 12XW 15 Butter. 30 ? 46 Cheese. 16 ? 64 Potatoes, i& bbl. 4.00 ? - Onions.I 4.00 ? - Applss. ?.00 (g 9.00 PAINTS-White Lead, 9 lb. 10 @ IC Black Load. 10 ? 12 Zinc, White.? 12 ? lb PLOW STEEL, ?Ire 12 ? - RICE-Caroliua, ft lb. 8 ? 9 East India. - ? _ SLA rA'?-American, ^ square..12.60 ? - SHINGLES, 'f. M. 7.00 (a) 8.CO Wuit* Pine, first quality.12.00 @ - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, ^ sack.. 1.76 ? 2.60 Liverpool, tino. - ? - SOAP- Bar, $ lb. U ? 16 STARCH, ?? lb. 10 ? 12 SPICES, ? lb-Cassia. 1.00 ? - Mace... 1.75 <?) _ Cloves. 76 ? - Nutmegs. 2.00 ? 2.60 Popper. 40 ? - Pimento. 40 ? 60 Race ?inger.'.. 30 fd - SPIRITS, ?> gallon-Alcohol. 6.UU ? COU Brandy, Co?aiac. I 4.00 ?12.00 Brandy, Domestic. 3.00 ? 3.76 Gin. Holland. 4.75 ? 5.00 Gin, American. 3.60 ? 3.75 Rum, Jamaica. 6.00 ? COO Rum, N. E.I 2.60 (p) 8.00 Wbiskoy, Bourbon. 3.00 ?6.00 Whiskey, Reclined. 2.30 OD 2.40 SUGAR, 'fi lb-Raw. 13 @ 16 Crushed. 18 & 19 Clarified A. 1.* ? 18)i ClarinedB. 17 SO 18 Clarified C. 16J?? 17 Loaf. 18 ? 19 Porto Rico. 14 ? 16 Muicovar1 . .;_I 13 (J) 16 SEC ARS-Domestic manufacture, ?l M. 18.00 ?45.00 TZAS, lb-Imperial. 2.00 ? 2.50 Gunpowder. 2.00 ? 2.5C Hyson. 1.60 ? 1.60 Young Hyson. 1.60 ? 1.?0 Black. 1.00 (gi 1.75 TOBACCO, V> lb, as por quality. 4U (?j> 1.60 TIMBER-Hown Timber-Yellow hue. 4.00 ?12.00 Ash. - % - Poplar. - dp - Hickory. - ? - TIN-l C Roofing Plate. 15.00 ? - I X Roobng Plate.|17.00 ? - I C liu Hate', 1UX14.15.E0 (3, - 1 X lin Plata 1UX14.17.00 ? - I C i'm Plate, 14x20. 16.60 ? - Block lui, fl lb. 40 ? - TWINE- Cotton, r;) lb. 76 ? - Baling. 45 tv. - Hemp.I 45 (gi - Jutu.i 50 fe - VARNISH-Bright, ~$ gallon. 25 ? - 1'araiine. - ? - VINEGAR-Wait* Wine, tl gallon. CO ? Cider. 30 (3, - French. 1.00 0 1.25 WINE, fi gallon-Port..... 2.00 ev 6.00 Madeira. 2.25 ? 5.00 Sherry. ?.25 dj o.uo Ciaact, V* cass. 5.00 (g,lll.30 Champagne, ^ basket. jj.uo r^au.Od ZINR-Shoal, ID.I 26 ITa; 27 Tho t aro lilia Times. PrrjLlSHED AT ORA>OEBIRU C. II. rpHIS PAPER CrRCULAIES THROCGHOCT TH! x middle portion ot the State, and offers the best facilities loradvor.issrii. February 2? ? P?OW IS YOUR TIE! Stoves 80 Cheap THAT IT WILL "GOOD SAMARITAN." November 6 MAKE YOU LAUGH ! -o The Cheapest Stoie Store Between the I'otoniac- and the Kio Grande ! A LA li G K ASSORTMENT OF HALL, PAR? LOR AND ?-OOHING STOVES, SHEET TUON, LEAD, ZINC ANO COPPKR, LEAD AND ICON PIPE, GUATES AND GBATK TRIMMINGS. TIN ROOFING AND PLUMBING WORK ATTENDED TO AT SHORl N' '1TCE, AT ADAMS, DAMON & CO., So. 16 Broad Street. THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL SOD DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. TI BEST nm m IN DSK ? PANKNIN'S HEPATIC HITTER*, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC SUTTERS, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC KIlTEBS, PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS. l'.iM?M.V'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THE BEST TUNIC ISOW IN USE THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE THE BEST TONI J N >W IN USE THE BEST IONIC NOW IN USE THE BEST TONIC NOW IN USE. SOLD BY ALL DBUGG1S1S. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DIlU?GLS'IS. 80LD BY ALL DltUUGLSiS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIES. November 6 BALM OF LIFE! FUR Alala WHO ARE CONSUMPTIVE,OR ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO ANY IRRITA? TION OP THE LUNG*, WHETHER TUB COUGH HAS BEEN OF LONG CONTIN? UANCE. OR OF RECENT ORIGIN. RODRIGUES' PlllM?l! ELIXIR SPEW HAS RAPIDLY DISTINGUISHED ITSELF FOR TTS wonderful restorative aad curative qualities. Un? der its ctimniative iufluence, and by its penetrativo agency, tbis health invigot sting cordial excites a general beneficial reaction, and disperses the impermeable ob? struction! which prevent access io other remedies. While gradually reducing the accompanying constriction which a tun da the malady, it reproduces the essential warmth und elastic vigor of tho respiratory vessels, which, by this remedial combination, promotes the heal? ing process by which relief and cure is effected. Hemorrhages are arrested and cured, witn every other concurrent disorder. As neii'ier narcotic nor emetic properties of any kind aro employed in this Pul tn onie Compound, and the moat assiduous attention given to the quality and medica] value of each component article which constitute lt, it is confidently and conscientiously recommended for its salety and reliability, without rtstrictiou m generous, j wholesome diet, or apprehension of renewed cold from its effects. For sale wholesale and retail by the Proprietress, Mrs. CECILIA HOLUilUUES, northwest corner of MEETINCj AND au Ci LT Y SI lit'E ls, and at the Druggists. PRICK KINGLE BOTTLE *1.2o, November 12 lyr " Prevea lion is J'ctter than ture." DR. RJLCORD'S Celebrated Preventive Lotion. i PPRfiYKD AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY j\_ Hie i- lench Medical Faculty, as the only safe and ?Miall LI- iniidote against infection from special Diseases. This im ullin; lo i rr; iiration is suited for oithcr eel, sud hus probed, from arnpie experience, ibe most cfbdent sud redablQ Preventive ever discovered, thus effecting a dcstden.tur long sought for in the Medical World. It used according to directions every possibility of danger may be avoided; a single application will radically neu? tralize the venereal virus, ejspel ah Impurities from the absorbent vessels, and render contamination impossible. Oe wisc tn tune, and at a very small outlay, save hours ot untold acdlly and mental torments. This aost reliable specific, so universally adopted lo Ute Old World, is now ottered for salo tor the first time Lo America by F. A. DUPORT & CO., only authorized Agents for the Urited States. Price S3 per bottle. Large bottle, double sixe, as. The usual discount to the trade, sent, secure! ? packed, on raceipt 04 price, to any address, with direc? tions ai;d pamphlet, by addressing to F. A. DUPORT k CO, Sole Agents for Dr. Ricord's P. L, May 23 lyr No. M Gold street. New York. E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PHIN di DORN) WHOLESALE AM RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS lt. their usual stock of pure and fresh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EURUPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOOD8 FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDERS" POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, Ac Cou. prising Invoices from the nice reputable manu tacbirers. On hand, ail the principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER. JAYNE, HALL, CHEV? ALIER, DAVIS. WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, Ac. Uso, 1 large assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES ?ADDLE BAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Great attention Ls paid to the importation and selec? tion of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS. and non* other are allowed to go out of thc Establisb r mt i INSCRIPTIONS compounded Tilth ac. cy, and tl?e public can depend on i. utmost reliability in the execution o- rders. f. H. KELLERS, B.D..D Ball M March 9 DER CHARLESTONER ZEITUNG. JOHN A. WAGEN ER, EDITOS. ?> DER THE ABOVE HEAD THE UNDERSIGNED pn pose to publish a German Weekly Paper, to be the organ of the German population, and devoted to the interests of this State, tn encouraging Immigration and Industrial Pursuits. Literature, Agricultura, Commerce, Arts and Trade, will be represented m ita columns, and the nevrs ot the tl iy will be given. ..i encrai JOHN A. WAGENER has kindly consented to i dcrtake the editorial management for the present. Subscription-?3 for Twelve Months; SI.50 for Sis \Jontl.s;Sl tor Three Months. Advertisements inserted on liberal torms. C. G. EttCKMANN k CO.. September 25 No. 3 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. BARNWELL SENTINEL IS AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. LEI Merchants aud bu?biess meu try it loi a few montos "No risk no gain." Scud on your cards and iucreaet your trade this lall. There's nothing to equal Printer' . Ink-it has tnado many a fortune. Terms lor the paper-?2 uer annum, in advance. Advertisements inserted at the rato of SI por square 01 twelve Unes or less for each insertion. Cords ot teu lines or less, at tba rata of $10 for tbre. months. Contracts by the year or tor six months, allowing priv !lej?e 01 changing on more favorable terms. Address ED WA R D A. LiRONSON, Novcnao-i 1? K'II..M.?I ? ciai'ncr. | AT COURTENAY'S, No. 9 Broad street, STATIONERY, Foreign and Domestic, lil A LL ITS BRANCHES. A LAP/jE ASSORTMENT OP BLANK BOOKS, msm HOKE mmmm, At Seduced Prices. November .9 CAMERON, BARKLEY & GO., No. 150 MEETING STREET, DEALERS I.V EVERY DESCRIPTION OF STEAM ENGINES CIRCULAR SAW AND GRIST MILLS BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS BAR AND SHEET IRON AND C 1ST STEEL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GUM AND LEATHER BELTINGS LACING LEATHER AND BLAKE'S PATENT BELT STUDS GUM and HEMP PACKING PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES RAW AND BOILED LINSEED OILS SPERM, LARD AND PETROLEUM OILS BRASS AND IRON, SINGLE AND DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS No. 150 MEETING STREET. November 3 ituthftao DILLON'S PATENT IMRSAL COTTON TIE IND IRON HOOPS. THIS TIE IS NOW GENERALLY ADOPTED . 0? THIS TIE WITH THE HOOP COMPLETE, WEIGHS XO MORE TTHAN THE U*?J& ROPE, and renders an allowance for tare unnecessary ; tho ONLY TIE REQUiTtlNG NO SLACK WHTW PUTTING ON and is so perfect that tho nocesslty for heavy Hoops is entirely obviate**., oan bo sold by the POI7Wi? OR TON as cheaply as the heavy floods ind less perfect Ties. Each Tie is warranted perfect. The Iron lis i - ?a btrey superseding the use of Ro-e, on account ot its combination of advantages, ita simplicitv snd economy, wau* ita preservation ol the Cotton wben baled, trom destruotiou by '.Tre. both in warehouse and on shipboard, rsnoe-w iU socurity to Insurance Companies a natter ior consideration. FOR SALE, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, BY WILLIAM ROACH, Agent ior South Carolina^ November 3_ _----? A Ta mnin A KT -OIANO-FORTES-ORAXD, WAf*3 AJ!D A M H K 11 . A l\ dt UPRIGHT-Waich sre now sctmowleaaad tol>e. A1V1JU-LA 1 1 ?y the Leading Artists in this country, SUPERIuB TO AN?OlHLEa IN AMERICA. Ineso Instruments poa. LEAS MU? C0MP1M?, ISSOTS METALLIC FK?.ME. OVERSTRUNG BASS (with or with, VCW Vill? ?*" out the aRTano arransemena Each bas the xRENcH il JiU TV X y J AV IV. QUA. \? ACTION, acknowledged to be superior to any other in rapid execution, These Instruments are all - givES SEVEN ASD A QUABTXB and SEVEX A?ID A im? OCTAVES- constructed of THOBOCGHIY BEASONEC WOO?, FactOrV. IludSOn City, h aud of the anett and best material. Poraxxar ?wa; rrtLiuij, A^II t.^-uu VI?J? [taronw QUALITIES, SWEETJ?EES ?cd nam or ron I throughout mo enure BEGiaiEB: ELEGANCE OF FIM8H ~~~~ ~~~~ ?ul ?RJVAT DURABILLAY, the Piano-Fortes of Messrs, ~ - . JENNI'S A SON are unsurpassed by any other miters lr? WHAT T?C A T 17 C \ T TN R 00 Vi the WOHLD, and have taken the HIGHL-.X PREMIUM \} llULJuOiijLi U O-dJ^X-O 1VUU" WHLRhVElt EXHIBI! ED. Ire same bcurt?es wiuoh enable this firm to produce a SUPERIOR INSTRUMENT, _ .,n,,^T-,yT isir VOUK. also enable them to offer their PUrOFOKTEa to toa NO. M JOHN STREET. NE*? Y OH tx. publicn,XWBsmPCBCESCT. lowwr tbauaa\cy ctlMrFI?SR> CLASS manuXaiturcr ba th? country. _ The special attention of Dealers, Teachers and ethers ls invited to the examination of these Planes before raak . "TW?? np T PAT- PI-NCIL: ! lng then: selection elsewhere. Eve*y Instrument is rally _ ALL STYLES AND GBADLS CTJ^R^^L | WAREAX1ED FOR FIT*. YEARS. Descriptive circa ? ol sdDerior quality are fnannflWOTsa (,,T!-?I ? lars sent to all parts of th? country upon appl'cation. Ad ($1 at lair terms to the Trade. The ^ciL^hS w ! dtM?- JENNYS c SONS, t Wt to yive the AMLRICAN LEAD PLNCIL the pre- Koa, 233 and 235 East 21st atvork, ?Q? terence. ! Between 3d and 3d Avenues. Nswreet, W THE PENCILS ARE TO BF. HAD AT ALL TB i | S^teint-r ,7-lyr_ >5S PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND HJ-tua ?rttM CELEBRATED ??CRAIG MICROS n._._T ,, JL COPE" combine i instruction with amusement, and AS'? FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PEN CIL ? ^ts JOrever. Best, simplest, cheapest and most power 43 _o-- i lui Microscope in tae warld; magn fies 10,000 Urnas, or TESTIMONIAL. cqu il to ether Microscopes costin,; HO; ania on an en SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, ) j tireiy new plan, requiring no local adjustment, there E,!GI::EEBI*O DEFABT-TENT, > ton ?t can be re-oily usea bv every oue-even by YALE COLLEGE, November 10, 1866. I children. A beautiful nfl to old or young; adapted to i ? ?A nlwava recommended tho Faber Polygrade ^ family circlo as well ts scienbflc use; shows tho r i i?L.Ptu RS tho only pencils ?tted ior both ornamen- adulter-tsons in fo.d, thousands of animals in a single Lead l eucus ? drawing; but, after a thorough [ drop of water, eels in vinegar, globule* in milk, blood .U??hfl American Polygwdo Lead Pencils, tua- j and other fluids, tabular structure or hair. claw, ona ,ll,?.rt hT the Amcricm Lead Pencil Company, Hew fly.8 f00t> tlg0 tba celenrated "trichina spiralts" or pork vfrir I rind them superior to any pencil in use, evento ? worm> wllieh ls Musiag ?, many deaths among pork O^ber ? old Whsh Cumberland Lead Pencil U^rs; ttnd )n mct u? o?jecta ?hieb may be rimmed be? a superior pencil tor sketching, onumcn?l and Ms v;ondt:rful jr^-copc are without number. All m/?cWswUacTand all the ordinary uses of a lead t mVltedt0 a?vid geo its great magniiyuw power, nenril ' ^v,-cft"verv 111100-5 the first premium at the Ohio State Fair. Libe P These rendis ora very finely e*^^^t\w5? S1 ?isf?unt ,0 A?eaU' D<?l,r8- Pne? ,IQOO?I lead ; even the sottest pencils hold the pouu ww, p-cked tn a ne t box and sent prepaid to any andreas cs .hoy are all tbac can bc desired in a penriL ? receipt of $3.75. Money can be sent by mail at our risk, ?reat pleasure to bc able to assure AmeT^? "i" TT? ! Address GEORGE M?ADE, Drawer Na 80, Racln?, Wia MtU no long-t be co.i:pu.:icd to depend upon Germany ci contm,_ November ll "cyotberioreigumaikettorpenrn. --? ? ftOfeao? S Ac. ?HE FLORENCE GAZETTE, 0 - pUBLTbHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT FLOBENCK. axt PENCILS ABE STAVTEP: X S. C., offers an exceUant medium to Merxbxata arad' ?T N>aroffr5w^An PBSCIL CO. ?. Y." ethers who wish to extend their business toSpS 1 3&9??S w?tnout^Te exact name* the tirm Ejection of the State. Bate, of advertiser? 5? ? ? Pd. to li December 18 aonable, 8ajpt?tttBfrM