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THE ftAIXY NEWS. RIORDAN. DAWSON & CO., PROPRIETORS. Office No. 18 Harne Street. 8TJBtC'>TPTIOS RATES.-One cipv. twelve months $10; ? x mouth?; ?5; titree mouths. 42.50. ADVEHTISINO BATHS.- Fifteen cents a Uno for tho first insertion and ten cents a line for each subsequent in: ertion. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. TERAls_'ash, in advance. LETTERS should bc addressed to the DAELT NEWS. Va. 18 Hsyne-sireot. Charleston, S. C REJECTED M ANUSCRIPTS will not be returned. ~CH ARLESTON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1867. NEWS S ?'MMA xi: -Cotton was quoted in New York at 18i?18jc. for Middling Uphv ds. -Gold closed at 139^. -Estimated colt n sales in Liverpool 8000 bales. Uplands. 8 11-16. -Russia has wholly failed in its attempt to force the national language upon the people of Lith? uania. -Baron Beust is discharging the secret police of Austria, saving money and increasing individ? ual liberty. -The Tomahawk has discovered that Charles Reade stole the plot of his "White Lies" from the French of Augusto Maquet, -A French geu?eman. tho winner of a recent . match, drove his Pyirhenian pony sixty-three miles in eight hours and twenty-seven minutes. -The heir apparent to tho throne of Siam is dead; but as he leaves sixty-two brothers and sis? ters, there is no danger that the line will become extinct. -Tho rise and fall of cotton affects nearly equal? ly all parts of the civihz.d world. In Normandy one manufacttror has lost three million francs b\ the fail in this staple. -At tho council held a few weeks since at St. Cloud, the question of the price of food in Franoe was considered. It is said that the Emperor was especial'y concerned about the matter. -When the Chinese have a street row, the con 8eque:.ces aro direful. The other day two men had a. miff, uud belore they were reconciled, eignt hundred cues belonged to dead Chinamen. -Connec icut has the honor of containing a Yankee wno gives notice tba his golden wedding will take place in thirty years and that he will dis? count in advauce any presents bis friands intend to givo him on that occasion. -An exchange i elates that a gentleman recent? ly, purchased somo school-books tor his son, and directed him to hurry to school and see if he could get there before the text-books were changed. The fable has a wide application. -Sir Robert Napier has taken all the troops for the Abyssinian expedition from Bombay. A dis? patch sneaks of "dissatisfaction" in Bengal and Madras aVtheir exclusion trom the rather doubt? ful privilege of furnishing quotas. -The City Council of Tallahassee, Fla., remitted the city tax on Dan Castelio's circus, in considera? tion of tho very efficient services rendered by his troupe in stayin; the progress of a disastrous fire which occurred while he was performing. -Cn taking up the rails of a New York street raflroid a few days since, the wooden sleepers were found to have printed their exact representa? tion on the iron. The grain, knots and curvatures were easily detected both by the eye and by . o sense of touch. -Among the many economies of municipal ad? ministration in Paris is the sale ot the yearly "mud crop." In 1828 this yielded only $15,000. It now bringa ' $129,000, and when left for some time in rotting tanks, is sold for manure, at the incroia ed valuation of $600.000. -The English Hon e of Commons is not a lazy body, at all events. Its average time of sitting during the last session was over eight hours, two hours of tho time being after midnight. English legislators oat late dinners, and do the best part of their wori afterwards. -According to a return make to the House of Commons, the number of steam vessels registered in the United Kingdom was, on tho first of Ja uu ary? 1867, 2808, and the amount of their aggregate registered tonnage 869.502 tons, their gross ton? nage amounting to 1,270,210 tons. -The Republican majority in Wisconsin has been narrowed down by the recent election there to about four thousand five hundred votes. A. thojgh tiaro was no Congressional election, i t is believed that four out of the six election districts have given Democratic majori t'is. -A prominent Englisu politician, in a recent spejech at Bolton, asserted "that from twenty seven to thirty-four per cent, of those married in the parishes around London are unable to write their names, and that there aro forty thousand Children in the city of Ma aches ter attending no school,n -The money clerk of the . .ams Express Com? pany at NashvJle haU bis nose bitten through by a rat on Monday night. The Banner says that every Mi?- on that rat's back is familiar to the ex? press officials. Arsenic wou't poison him, and the most ingeniously contrived traps won't catch him. Bb ia emphatically the Black Crook of bis species. -Thad Stevens has wrntun a five column letter on the currency. His concisions ar J : 1st. TJAI neither principal nor interest of the five-twenties is payable in oom. 2d. That a paper legal tender answers ail the purposes of the ooud 3d. That tho national debt should be paid in legal ten? der- ?utos, and that the coin in the Treasury Bhould be used in liquidating the debt. -A dispatch from Key Weat reports the arrival there of tho Colombian war steamer Colombia, in command of Lieutenant Reed, formerly of the Confederate Navy. After coaling, tho Colombia will proceed to Havana, whero she wJl go into dry dock, and will sail thence for .. har. es tm as soon as her repairs aro completed. Lieutenant Reed, now Of the Colombian Navy, is the well known leader of the raid on Portland Harbor during the late war. -The French, it appears, are not partial to emi? gration. The numbers who leave their oountry, always small, seem to be steadily decreasing. Ac? cording to returns, the number of emigrants, which was 17 000 in 1856, had decreased to 6S00 m 1862, to 5700 in 1863. and to 5100 m 1861. In the latter year only 1300 persons, out of a population of 10,0.0,000, were tound willing to transfer them? selves to Algeria, a French colony, separated from the mother country only by the width of the Modi terrsnein. In the same year 1057 Frenchmen emi? grated to the United States. -Attention should be given in the Southern States to the growth of tho olive, which will thrive anywhere from tue Southern boundary of Virginia to tho Gulf of Mexico. It is aa easily Dropagatod as the willow, and should be set out in limbs two or three inches in diameter. These will tear in three years ; but if small slips be planted it will take them fifteen years to do so. In five years the former will yield a full crop. The tree bears biennially. It eui be pruned every other year and cuttings planted. It requires little attention, and is a source of great revenue in Southern Europe. -The advices from Central and South America indicate a very disturbed condition of affaire. An unsuccessful attempt has been made to get up a revolution in Costa Rica. Nearly twolve hundred persons havo disd ol cholera in tho Provinco o? Lower Nicaragua. The disease was equally preva? lent and equally fatal in other provinces of that little Republic. The possibility of constructing a railway across the Isthmus of Nicaragua is said to be not proved by the surveys recently made. An? other revolution has broken out m Peru, which is ?aid to be gaining ground. The war Tith Para? guay continues as desultory as ever. Lopez, it is reported, has ?eoeivcd heavy reinforementv. -The Echoes of the Clubs speaks of a clever ruse of the French Emperor, at which Parisians are delighted. It seems that soon alter tho Exhi? bition was opened, it struck tho Emperor that i', would be advisable, as well as a kindness, to allow the army eveiy facility for seeing it. Accordingly he corresponded with tho Coinmississionerv, with a view .to a reduction of tho tariff of admission for ali soldiers in uuiform. The Comm-.ssioaeib wer? obstinat., aud would not ?ecude to the Em? peror's request. The Emperor persisted in hio application, but tho Commissioners determined BOt to reduce the price of admission. According!} the imperor took to strategy, A battalion ot ?oidiers is requ-red to guard thc Ex dbitJon, and the Emperor gave orders that the battalion told off for this duty should be changed every day. So th,Q soldiers saw the Exhibition for nothing. " -The BoBton Post is responsible for tho follow? ing : jiisa Anna E. Dickinson, wo understand, vis? ited the school ship on Sunday last, by invitation of Judge Russell. She made an address to the boys which pleased them. She was invited to thc cabin and asked to place her name in the book kept for tho purpose ot preserving the autographs of d?stinguibhed visitors. After writing her uwn name there, sho turned over the leaves of the book and discovered the autograph of Andrew Johnson. Sue deliberately took a pen and erase-; the naneof Mr. Johnson. At the time Capta.ii Matthews was not on board tho ship. U^on get? ting on board, and learning tho above facts, he was indignant and at once erased the name of j Miss Dickinson, and wrote under, ol opposite namo of Mr. Johnson that his naroo had bi erased by Anna E. Dickinson. -Th? unflinching determination of the Cret to continue tie struggle for their independen the repeated notes of liussia and her allies in s port of thc Cretan demands, arid the warlko ari of tho Greeks, who feel immensely encouraged now having a Russian Princess as Queen-all t warns :ho Turks that, if they do not choose give up Crete, they will soon have to fight. 1 Sultan, it seems, has decided on tho latter com and of late made unusual preparations for v: Neodle-guna and war vessels have been purchas and the fortifications of Kars, of Crimoan celebri uavo bco.i strengthened. B it the fluancial s military condition ot the Turkish Empire contint to be so wretched that it is safe to predict that Turkey gets no aid from abroad, her resistance Russia will be of very short duration. The Lecturing Nuisance and the Ho Teresa Yelverton. Lecturing is growing to be a nuisance, man may breathe badly, speak badly, lo biidly, act badly and live badly; but, wh he has failed at everything else, from polit i o prize fighting, he buys a yard of red ba and begs a pine table, rents a reading roi .ind borrows a cracked tumbler, and takes a n start in the world as a public lecturer. I uim be famous or infamou , ho can dr .w audience; the one great requisite being a ma > mum of crime, or a maximum of morali Third-rate, and thirtieth-rate, people undi take to measure the intellect of a NEWTON STAEL, a Su AK? TEA nc, or a MILTON; to explt i he strategy of a HANNIBAL or a NAPOLEON; dud a remedy for every nuisance, from the i cial evil to crying babies; to teach the mar mouthed public to be keen in trade, and adr in finance; to give lively descriptions of t Noacbian deluge, and delineate the scenery thc Lunar Mountains; to show in one hour mc wisdom, chicanery, brass, and stupidity, th have been f mnd in any one ordinary man, fn i he days of CAOLIOSTBO to this era of steami civilization. Curio-ity is the motivo power. The a diences do not oare much for what is read said, but they pay their one dollar,-reserv seats fifty cents extra,-for the privilege seeing, face to face, some somebody of wh< there has been talk, or concerning whom ma an ugly rumor has been put in circulatic Women make up a large proportion ot the i tendants on public lectures; and, if they c secure a woman lecturer, whether ANNA Die INSON or the "Black Swan," their glory a; delight is complete. It is sad, nevertheless, to see a lady who h carried with her the sympathy of two con nents;-who has pleaded her cause in pers at the bar of justice, and melted to unwont tears a full bench of hoary-headed Judges; who has fought a manly stand-up fight again the contradictory technicalities of arbitra: laws; making a market of her misfortune holding up her woes to public commiseratio and selling delicacy and reserve, for tears 1 the pint an i condolence by the kcrchiefful. Mrs. TXBESA YELVERTON was pitied ai respected; but, with her appearance last wc? in New York aa a public lecturer, her pedest of dignity slipped aside, and she fell to tl level of a strolling mountebank, or many-sylli bled prestidigitateur. Not long since, she spol of her own love-letters as "the sepulchre, < funeral urn, which contains the ashes of a that ever was, of all that ever can be;"-in tl same urn, she is now preparing to hide all thi was left o::' grief for undeserved misfortune. But Mrs. YELVERTON is a novice in her ne trade; and, unless she changes her tactics, sb will have a brief and inglorious career. ? her first appearance she read selections froi "Locksley Hall," "Sheridan's Ride," and th "Charge of thc Light Brigade;" and did nc read them well. This was not what wa wanted. The American public paid its dolla tor something per--', ally spicy, and briskly ci citing. It wanted "Yelverton Hall," and th "Walks through the Crimean Hospitals," am "The Charges of a Forsaken Wife against he Miscreant Husband." What were TENNTSOJ to the love-letters of real life; what wer SHERIDAN to the "mystic shores" and "treach ?rous waves" so graphically portrayed by thi Hon. TERESA? Mrs. YELVERTON herself say: that her love-letters were written for "ono be loved eye alone," that they were "the firs bloom of the plum, the first perfume of thi bud which aftertime destroys." The New Yorl publio wants to know why this amatorj "plum" should be made forbidden fruit; whj iLat romantic "bud" should not be food for thi worm of intelligent criticism? She is com pared to Sappho, Hypatia, or Heloise. Whj then should she put on more airs than thoa* renowned anachronisms were in the habit o doing? Why should she not imitate GOETHE'S Charlotte; and, by her nightly sentimentalism, earn daily "bread and butter?" A publio lecturer who is not willing to weat her heart upon L .r sleeve, to tell all the "emo? tional effusions" of her soul, to chronicle ever} aspiration, and catalogue every sigh, will not draw, when the first novelty is over. Mrs. YELVERTON can choose between rock and whirl? pool. She can either give up her public lec? turing, or work herself up to the exigences of the situation, and surfeit ber audiences with the sensational food they- constantly require. In the one oase, she will lose notoriety and dollars; in the other, sh? will tarnish name, fame and reputation. Bad to Worte. The New York Times is floundering. It ad? mits that universal suffrage in the South is an experiment that has not been fairly tried, and that nobody believes that the great mass of Southern negroes aro qualified to exercise the franchise wisely and for the public good. It declares, also, that t'ae adoption of universal suffrage in the South, was "a very unwise, un? just, and impolitic measure?." Having made tiesc admissions, having con? fessed the crimi rial faults of its party, does the Times frankly recommend Congress to be wiBe, ust and politic ? Does the Times wish Con? gress to recede from its tyrannous position, ind give UM white man the voting power that s given to tho black ? No ! it says that the legroes have* the ballot, and it would be diffi ult and dangerous to take it away ; that it nay be restored to tho whites, but cannot be aken from the blacks; but that, when the legro State Constitutions are sent up to Con? gress far approval, that body may substitute inpartial suffrage for universal suffrage, and, a this way, remedy the evils of the existing lystv.m. The apparent meaning of this is very plain, ^.cording to the Times, Congress is infallible, >ad cannot commit a fault;-Congress fears die black voters whom it has called into ex stence, and now dare not interfere with them: because a wrong has been done the Southern .vhite man, that wrong must be continued. Shame must be heaped on shame, inji cy on njury, disgrace on disgrace. The Southern states are to be tied down month after month, o be insulted, cajoled and oppressed, until luch time as it may suit Congress to consider he new Constitution and take pity upon this leople. Tho Souta is to be kept under mili ary or negro rule for an indefinite period, its brtunea are to be destroyed, its energies arc o be wasted,-because Congress is not to be ?urrievl in undoing what a Radical organ ad nits to be "unwise, unjust, and impolitic." This is an attempt on thc part of the Times o meet the chance in Northern public opinion; ind its counsel would not be strange if it did not come from what professes to bc a consis? tent and respectable journal. Perhaps, how? ever, the Times itself may be in error, and the late elections, and the unmistakeable signs ot change in the North, may induce the Con? fesional Radic?is to make concessions to save themselves irom decapitation. They are lot over brave, and may not care to face both jublic condemnation and private contempt. The Railroad? of Virginia and South Caro? Una. The Galveston'News Price Current, an estab? lished Southern financial and commercial nu thopty, 'speaks in high terms of the energy shonvn in the management of the railroads of Virginia and South Carolina. It says that every Southern State except these shows a de? cline as regards tho movement of thc last cot? ton crop, as obmpared with thc records of previous transportation. There is some in? crease in Texas owing to the increaso in the crop; hut South Carolina and Virginia are the only States whioh report an actual improve? ment in cotton transportation. This, says the Price Current, is to be attributed entirely to the railroad facilities of those States. "The South Caroliua Railroad has been running re? cently eleven trains per day from the city of Charleston, in the prosecution of the great en? terprise of frequent throagh communications.'' The concluding remarks of the Price Cur? rent show that, in this State, the necessities of the times have been understood; and that it is necessary to go away from home, to find our railroad system appreciated as it d< serves to be. The Price Current says: "Now, if it be true that in a Bingle year the superior railroad facilities of two Southern States begin to tell in their behalf as compared with other States ol the South, how much advantage must the North derive from her wonderful amount of quioa transportation. This is getting to be an im? portant subject in these days. No doubt it is one of the great reasons of the prosperity of England, and of our own Northern States. Nor, without transportation can any country hope to prosper, whatever may be its natural advantages of location, soil and climate. Slavery mado us slow in works of internal im? provement ; and if we do not speedily get much faster on that line, we shall reap all the disadvantages of emancipation without enjoy? ing any of its advantages. The general policy of the South has often been mapped out; and we have supposed that our poople everywhere saw the salient points. Bu', when any enter? prising man attempts to lead 'he way in shap? ing our policy to meet the new situation, we do not find that he gets any great encourage? ment. So far there seems to be more who are inclined to pull back than to help forward. .As sure as guns are made of iron,' we shall have to get bravely over this spirit, if .we are ever to conquer prosperity against the com? petition whioh is all alive on every side of us." ARRANGEMENTS have not yet been made for the purchase of the Danish West India Islands by the Unite! StateB, but it is thought that the negotiations may yet be brought to a success? ful termination. The three principal islands in these possessions are St Thomas, Santa Cruz, and St. John ; and they lie at the en? trance of the Caribbean Sea, which they com? mand, besides being exactly in the course ol' commercial vessels Southward. The best har? bor is that of St. Thomas, whieh is of the first excellence and capaciousness. It is the natu? ral rendezvous and coaling station for the West India naval squadron, and affords at all times a safe harbor for vessels that are over taken with accidents and stress of weather. The Danish Government has long made this port an important one, three thousand vessels of all nations touching there every year, and the commerce and trade of thc other inlands finding it a natural exchange. Agriculture, that is, the raising of sugar cane and other tropical products,-is not so much attended to on tne Island of St. Thomas as on Santa Cruz and St. John ; but that is otfing to this very fact, that its fine harbor and peculiar position render it more profitable to devote attention to commerce, coaling and refitting vessels, and general traffio for the other islands. The population of St. Thomas is a little short of 15,000. _ _ THERE ARE seven iron works in successful operation in Northeastern Alabama. A ma? jority of these owe their origin to encourage? ment given by the Confederate Government, and the necessities created by thc Federal blockade. The iron district of the South is very extensive, and the oro, usually, cf supe? rior quality. This is the Southern age of iron; the hoe, the spade, the steam engine, the anvil and the hammer, are the w< apons now to be used. Want and misery are tough customers, but they cannot stand cold iron. THE MACON ANO AUGUSTA RAILROAD being within a few days of completion, arrangements are being made for a confection with the Cen? tral Road at Milledgeville. This road was as? sisted and encouraged by this State, in the be? lief that it would bring business to Augusta, which would then come to Charleston. It is hoped that this end will now be secured, and that the new road, as far as completed, will be? come an important feeder of Charleston. Nsw JERSEY is reforming her railroads, as she '.as dono her politics. The reforms sug? gested are,-to make the fare ten cents per mile on all roads and for all distances, tickets to be good on any train of the line which issues them until taken up by the conductor, local commutation tickets at low rates to be issued to encourage local traffic. This is infinitely bet? ter than radicalism. It will do more good, and cost less. FLORIDA is stealing away tho cotton trade of Savannah, because the steamers between that port and New York have put up the rates of freight on cotton to one cent a pound, or S5 the bale of 500 pounds. MILLINERY, ETC. FASHIONABLE Millinery Establishment. MISS C. MA?LE, NO. 432 KINO S ULLI, THIRD door?outhof Cal.ouu street, respectfully invites the attention other cu-tornera, and the public generally, to her stock of WINTER FASHIONS, consisting of Bon? nets, Hats, Feathery Flowers and Velvet?, ali of the latOEt styles, which abe will sell at very low prices. Pur? chasers will do well to caU and examine. Constantly on hana an assortment of FRENCH CORSETS. November 13 wfmS* FANCY MILLINERY, DRESS AND CLOAK HAKIM ESTABLISHMENT. ? Mas. M. J. ZERNOW, No. 302 King street, Fourth Door North of Wentworth street, Branch of Madame DEMOREST'S CELEBRATED PAPER? PA l t NS. STAMPING I and EMBROIDERY, neat? ly executed. wfm.nio RAILROADS. DAILY TRAM'S OX THE S PA UTA VB I HG AND UNION RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER THE 11TH INST., TRAINS WILL BE ron DAILY (Sunday, excepted) over the Spartan burg and Union Railroad. Fare reduced more than 25 per cent THOb. B. JETE lt, ?.ovember 8 fmwfl President ?. and U. R. R. INSURANCE: LIFE INSURANCE MENDY, OFFICE VA REAR OF ELMORE INSURANCE CO., LAW RANGE, UKO AD STREET. "WORLD M?AL?FE mwm co.," I OP NEW YORK, Piedmont Real state insurance Company | i OP VIRGINIA, FOR LIFE INSURANCE ONLY. J. ALFRED CAY, November * Imo Charleston, S. C, _WAKTS._ WANTED IMMEDIAT KL Y, A GOOD Cook Washer and Ironer, and to m tko herself genera'ly useful. Apnly at tho corner ot RADCLIFFE AND THOMAS STREETS, No. 48, West side, .november 13 1* WANTED, A SITU_T_ON~AS WET NUR^E. H is no objection to travelling. Inquire at No. 190 TRA I'D >TRLE., opposite Legare stxcot - November 13 1 WANTED, AGENTS FOR AN EXCEL L NT ARTICLE in great domand. Apply at J. ARNOLi-'S. No. 116 Church stroet, between Queen and Chalmers street. i* November 13 AGENTS WASTED FOR A YTtfGINIA LIFE LN-?KANCE COMPANY.-Tho Richmond Bu ki g and Insuranc Company, of Mci.mond, Ya, IN URES LIVES on ihe most reasonable terms, with se? curity undoubled. Those unable to insure an MADE ABLE. AOLNXo WANTED in every city and county in the Union. App icants for Agencies will ad Irosa l. B. STARKE, General Agent, November 12 Imo Bor No. 208, Rlchmjnd, Ya. WANTED, A WHITE SHOEMAKER. TO work as journeyman in house. For particulars, apply to No. 646 KINO ?sTREET, near Cannon. November 12 2* TT/ANTE .>. BY A L DY COMPETENT TO VT teach English, French and Music, employment in tue city. Address X. Y. Z., Daily News Office. November 8 Imo WANTED, A SITUATION AS TEACHER or Governess, by a young Lady, competent to teach Euglish, Ftencn and Music Tho best of refer? ences given. For further information, address J. CA M ; K, associate Editor southern Cultivator, Athens, G?. Novo i ber 7_ _12_ WANTED, A MAN THOROUGHLY AC? QUAINTED with all the branches of Bookkeeping and Accuunbng, to go to Galveston, Texas. Address M. A., box 2684, N\w xorkPostofflce. November 6 12 WANTED.-TO IiWKST THREE HUN? DRED DOLLARS, m some safe, lucrative busi? ness, which will give employment to the a. verbser. State business, witt full name, and where an interview may be hud. Address X. J. H., Daily News office. November 2 12 WANTED-SALESMEN Vi EVERY COUN Ix South, foran articie in great demand; $600 mane by or? ?gent his fi?st month. Address immedi ?to.y BLISS fc MAC EATHKU>, Louis vi de, Ky. October 31 Imo WANTED-A SITUATION BY A COMPE? TENT BOOKKEEPER, from the 16th of Novem? ber. The best references given. Address SIGMA, Daily News Office._ia October 31 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GRAY JACKETS, And how they Lived, Fough t and Died for Dixie, WITH Incidents and Sketci.cs of life in the Confederacy. Send for Circulars. Address JONES BROTHERS A CO., Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. October 21 Imo* TO RENT. TO RENT, THE CHARLESTON CLUB IK USE, having been thoroughly '.eflttod and re? furnished, is now offered for BALL *, PARTIES and EX? HIBI IONS, Company and Society Meetings, Ac. For terms apply to W. Y. LEITCH A R. S. BRUNS. November 13 wfni? No. 25 Broad street. TO RENT. FOUR ROOMS IN A DELIGHT? FULLY situated Houao on south Bay, and kitchen room if lequired. Apply at No. 35 HAY.xE STREET. Nove m ber 13 _ TO RENT, THE THREE-STORY BUICK HOUSE corner of Church and A tl .ntic streets, now occupied by W. E. MlkeU, Esq., m complote repair, and possession to bc given on let December. Rent $600. Apply to THOMAS J. KERR, November ll rawf3_Kerr's Wharf. TO RENT, THAT BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, No. 20 Cannon street, containing four square rooms, dressing room and pantry, with doable piazza; gas fix? tures throughout ; stable, hay loft, carriage house and smoke house, all complete. Also, one two-story House in thu yard, containing tour square rooms. Possession given on tho 1st November. Ai ply on THE PREMISES. October 19_fmw rLEASE FOU. A TERM OF YEARS, the VALUABLE ESTATE belonging to the late Colonel Kout, situated m onngeburg District, i ons is t liig of 35b0 acres, two-thirds cleared. The soil is rich red clay, fino ior ul kinds of crops, J bo Estate is water? ed bv a largo creel-, on which isa FINI MILL SEAT AND DAM CO.uPLEiE; the test water-power in the state for Mills and Factories; situation healthy all tho year round. Ou the place are sixty laborers (freedmen), who would contract cbeaply, as they desire to remain. Tho Estate will be leased lur a term of years m one body, or in farms to suit small capital. For terms, ap? ply to MOWRY A CO. November 12 rpo RE AT.-THREE BOOMS, FOttNISH JL ED, with or witbo t b ard, in five minutes walk of jue new ostotUcc. Apply as Xfll ?> OFFICE. November ll_3_ SEA ISLAND WO UPLAND COTTON AND RLE PLAN CATIONS. FARM? and Cil* PROPER* i x of all kinds for SALE and LEASE by CLIFFORD ti MATBEWES, Real Estate Agents, No. 66 Broad street. November 9 Smoa REWARDS. Ci AAA REWARD.-% SKILLFUL ROR UUu BERY was perpe raied upon the Hotel oi POHL a AiYERS, at ranu ville, on he Une oi th : South C rolina Rdiroad, on thc night of th . 30th Octo? ber. The tiUi'tlars made a b eacu through an 18 Inc . wall under tho platiorm surrounding tae bull lng. and passed up through the liquor co.lar into tho bar-room, und abstracted content of ibo drawer. Three boules ot liquor and a money box, 10 inches by 14 inches ititi 6 luchos dot r, ima. orass hinges, iron lock, papoied on in and outside with light colored wal. paper, numu of Pohl A Myers upou tne i.p in largo lettorr; said u-.x contain in"; the following amounts: G connue, s, i0.a28.95; Gold, ?20; Mlver ?14.28; Railroad Script, ?20; s ate Mou.y ?42; to.ttl amount, ?6,425.22. The auovo reward will be paid for the detection of tue robbers an I r. co very of the money, or in proportion to <he amount iee avered; or ?500 if monoy is returned, and no questions will be asaed. POHL A MYERS, November 7 S* Branchville Hotel, S. C. FOR SALE. FOR S ALK OR TO RENT, THE I L.V.VTA HO.N on Edin i Island kno*n as the Headquarters, or Seabroo . Place, containing 300 acres of bust qua! ty cotton and provision land, and 65 acres in woods. On the place are a dwelling house with 16 rooms, barns, staDica, out-buildings and quarters for 20 famines; all m flrst-rute order. Also, an abunuant suppiy oi good water. Steamers to and from Charleston land at tho ?lace four times a week, making it a very eligible location ior ; store. tor terms, apply te J. EVANS EBINGS, Edisto, or CLIFF J.. D A MATHE WES, Charleston. November 13 wth FOR SALE OR LEASE, REAL ESTATE in tho rno-t desirab.e local ty In the city. hoerul. Apply to J. It. SLOAN, No. 1 Ann street, be? tween tho nours ul ll A. M. and 3 P. M. Nov mber ll Imo FOR SALE OR RENT, AN EXTENSIVE TURPENTINE FARM, belonging io the Estate of J. H. MCINTOSH, ana situaied near Society Hill, on tho cheraw and Darlington Railroad, is offered for sale or rent; together with two Distil.erica, Tools, Ac. A pur? chaser, or lessee wishing to cut additional boxes, can secure skJluj white labor on reasonable tsrms. EDWARD MclNl'O H. Ext'r , November 8_(J_Society Hill, So. Ca. FOR SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS, IN ANY QUANTI 1Y, price 76 cents per hundred. Apply at UieOfac ol thoDAlL? NEWS. Imo i ctober 23 BOARDING. GOOD BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED IN A privrte family, at No. 45 EAST BAY. near the Ba.tery. Terms $8 per week. wfm October 9 BOARDING.-A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with BOA KD in a private fami? ly. Apply at No. 2 GEORGE STREET. Terms mode? rate.^_October 24 BOARDING.-EXCELLENT BOARD CAN bo obtained, at rcasonablo rates, by applying at No. i,A KING STREET, one door above Hudson street, near tho Citadol. Tho Street Cars pa is tho door every ten minutes. 3mo October 7 STORAGE. STORAGE, THE MOST CENTRAL AND conven ient in tho dtv, at very reasonable prices, for COTTON, RICt'. SALT, FERTILIZERS. Ac. Ac. In? surance, when desired, as low as any in the city. Apply 'o GEO. W. CLARK A CO., Corner Ea6t Bay and Cumberland strsets. September 17 COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE. IHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXI3.ING between CHAS. ELIAS and WOLF Ei las, under tho name ff CHAS. ELIAS t BRO., has been dissolved. Hereafter tho business will bo conducted individually Claims against tho firm will be paid by CHARLES ELIAS. CHAULES ELIAS. WOLF ELIAS. Camden, S. C., November 9,1867. November ll niWl3 REMOVALS. BRITISH CONSULATE REMOVED TO THE OFFICE OF THE 8PANISH Consul, No. 48 BhOAD STREET, u> Ul further no GEO. RIVERS WALKER, October 30 JJ. _ Acting Com-ul. BOOTS, Sj OES, ETC. ?00 Cases BOOTS ANO SHOES. JUST RECEIVED, TN ADDITION TO OUR FORMER STOCK, FIVE HUNDRED CASES OF BOoTS AND M?OI S, direct from the a anuiacturera, which we oner 'jr sale at the lowcbt market prices. D. F. FLEMING & CO., NO. 2 HAYNE STREET, CORNER OF CHURCH STREET. N'oveuibor 6 _._ STOCK NOW COMPLETE EDWARD DALT, Agt. WHOLESALE D F ALER IN o. mwm "im iHuimoj AT Xo. l-l MEETING STREET, 3 HAR ?. E S TON, S. C. October 31 Imo AMUSEMENTS. REOPEN)NG OP HIBERNIAN HALL. THIS EVENING, NOT. 13,186?. GRAND VOCA!, ?ND -INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT! FOR TUE BENEFIT OF THE NEW GERMAN CHURCH. ?\ITV<IC CONDUCTED BY MR. HOFFMAN, PRINCI jVJ. PAL German School, assisted by Prof. DtDEN and a large Orchestra and CboruB, comprising nearly all the beat professional and amateur talent of this city. PROGRAMME. PART L L OVERTURE- "Tancred!"-(Orchf ?tra).ROSSINI 3. THE 23TH PSALM-Grand Chorus, with Orche tn accompaniment.KLEIN 8. SOLO FOR BARITONE-"Good Night"-By. KUEXIN 4. SELECT'ONS FROM MOZART'S "DON JUAN" for Piano, by.HEBE 5. "D'UN PENSIERO"-Terzetto from "Somn?m? bula".BELLINI PART TL L OVERTURE-Iuliani in Algiori, by.ROSSINI 2. MARCH-"Militaire," Chorus with Orchestra, hy.BECKER 3. SCENE AND ARIA FROM "JUDITH"-Sopra? no Solo by.J. CONCONB 4. TRIO FROM "OBERON," for violin, Violincol lo and Piano, by.DEBERIOT 5. "GLORIA," for Chorus and Orchestra. Dom open at half, past 7; to commence at half-past 8. Tickets to bo had at the following places : The Book and Music Stores and principal Hotels; Messrs. FOOAB TCS A STILLMAN, JAMES B. BETTS, CPFEEHAHDT A CAMP? ST;?,-, M&Lcnxas A MULLER, J. R. READ A Co. ; also from ;he Conductors of the street cars, and at the door of the Hall. N. B.-Tho Cars will he in attendance after the per? formance. N. FEHRENBACH, November 13 3 for the Committee. BARNUM'S MUSEUM COLLECTION VAN AMBURG'S GREAT MENAGERIE! IN CONJUNCTION WITH DAN CASTELLO'S GREAT SHOW! NUMBERING IN ALL 300 MEN AND HORSES, AN ENORMOUS MORAL COMBINATION OF INSTRUCTION AND REFINED AMUSEMENT 1 WILL EXHIBIT IN CHARLESTON FOR THREE DATS ONLY, COMMENCING Monday, November ll, ON THE CITADEL SQUARE. BARSUA'S DEPARTMENT, NATURAL HISTORY, COMBINES A GREAT NUMBER OF SPECIMENS OF various descriptions and characters in the school of Na? tural History, which have been collected at the expense of the largest energy, Indefatigable i ese arch, and the most lavish outlay of money. m AUBURG 4 H'S DEPARTMENT CONSISTS (WITH NUMEROUS A0DI1I0NS) OF THE Ure Van Ambtuv Zoolo0icai Collection, comprising specimens of the rarest and most beautiful wild Beasts, birds and Rcptilos, from every section of tae known world. DAN CASTELLON DEPARTMENT, COMPRISING DAN CAST ELLO S GREAT CIRCUS, composed of the most distinguished luminaries in the Lquestrian Profession, comprising the best Male and Female Riders. A Great Gratuitous Exhibition charac? terizes the entres of our Establishment in every place. A BRILLIANT STREET PAGEANT. TN THIS GRAND C WALCADE AND MOVING PIC 1 URE will appear a seres of the most elaborately finish? ed Chariots, gorgeously decorated Platform Cars, artist! finished Cages and Dens, contain'ag the whole of the Zoo ogical Collection, tho Band Charlot, of original design and resplendent decoration, called the Throne of Apollo, and a Cavalcade entitled the Crusader's Triumph, conflating of over ono hundVed and fifty Mounted Knights, clad in Burnished steel Armor, with their Ban? ners, Pennons and Insignia, and accompanied b.v their Ladies in Costumes of Medieval ages, all preceding the crowning feature of the Procession, a large LIVING LION, boite on the elevated platform of ihe Splendid Tableau Carriage, loose, unchained, untrammelled, and free in the public streets. This sight forms tho Great sensation of tho times. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. FIRST SEASON IN AMERICA OF THE GREAT PARI? SIAN Artiste and Equestrienne, 1st? of the Cirque Impe? riale, MADEMOISELLE PAULINE, And the Child Wonder. LITTLE MINNIE, The youngest and mose pttite Equestrian Performer in the world, whose remarkable sk Ul and courage have eli? cited the most enthusiastic encomiums from the press and public. Tickots can be purchased at the Charleston, Mills and Pavilion Hotels, without additional charge. Admission, 75 cents; Children under 10 veers, SO cts. NOTICE.-First performance will take place on Mon? day Night, November 11th. Afternoon at 2 o'clock. Evening at 7 o'clock. Novombor 8 6* DENTISTRY. DENTIST. KOOMS AT HIS RESIDENCE, NORTHWEST COR NER of Moeting and Sooiety Streets. June 19 wsomo HARDWARE, ETC. AT TOE VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED COOKING AND HEATING STOVES: OLIVE BRANCH MUTUAL FRIEND NOBLE COOK BARLEY SHEAF RIVAL RANGE GUIDE RANGE CAROLINA COOK. HEATING STOVES FOR CHURCHES, HOTELS. SCHOOLS AND SALOONS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTHERN MARKET. CAMEiif N, BIRKLEY & CO., No. 150 MEETING STREET, November 2 2m0, Charleston, S. C. THE TRl-Wb L.KLY NEWS, PUBLISHED IN WLNNSBOBO' S. C., AFFORDS .?. profitable medium for th? advertising public ol Uharleston. We respectfully solicit their patrono.e for our mutual acnefit. PAILLARD, D?SI'ORTES 4 WILLIAMS. Novemnex 15 f?EETiHJS. L,A CANDEUR LODGE .Vo. 36, A. F. M. AN EXTRA COMMUNICATION OF THIS LODGE! will ak* place This Evtning, at 7J?, at Matonlc Hall. Jae M. M. Degree wlU bc conferred. By order of the W. M. JOS. SAMSON', November 13 _1* Secretary. MASOMC EAl?t ASSOCIATION. ., AMEETING OF THIS ASSOCIATION WILL BE beld This Evening, at Masonic Hall, at 7)? o'clock. By order of the President. November 18_I_G. H. INGRAHAM, Secretary. GERMAN FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. YCU ABE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR AT the Engine House, in full uniform (black pants). This Day. 13th instant, at 1 o'clock, for Quarterly Meet? ing and Parade. By order of the President JOHN C. WOHLERS, November 13 1 Secretary G. F. E. Co. AMUSEMENTS, CHARLESTON T H EATRE. Lass?es and Managers.TZIOLRON k Bao., Of the Savannah and Vicksburg Theatres. THE MANAGEMENT RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNf E to the Ladles and Gentlemen of Charleston and vicinity that they havo, tn conjunci?n with the Hiber? nian Society tutted up the popular resort. Hibernian Hall, and will inaugurate on or about NOVEMBER 18th, A SERIES OF Brilliant Dramatic Sensations, Producing during a stay (limited to three weeks) the fol? lowing Select, Fashionable and Truly Great Specialties, with the Best Company and Appointments tn the LITTLE BAREFOOT HEIR AT LAW ROSEDALE LEAP YEAR RuMEO AND fULIET FRENCH SPY .SEVEN SISTERS BEAUTY AND BEAST THE ANGELS BLACK CROOK. Ac. Seats secured ii advance,_6 November 13 CHARLESTON, FOUR Di?S ONLY. LOCATION CITADEL GREEN. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18,19, 20, 21. JOHN ROBINSON'S GREAT COMBINATION HS ? IMGII, Forming a Grand Stock Enterprise, consonas ling TEN SHO WS OP FIRST CLASS SE LEO HON IN ONE GRAND AL? LIANCE. THE MAMMOTH ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Ja composed of the curious and rare animals of Asia, Africa and South America, including Ornithological selec? tions cf the most beautiful specimens of FOREIGN BIRDS, iormiL'g the most extensive collection of WILD ANIMALS in tho country, supported by mea THE LARGEST C?MPAAY OF EQUESTRIANS In America, numbering 160 Men and 26) Horses, in? cluding 60 Performers, 6 Lady ?qu ea in ena es, 3 popular Gowns. ? In the Zoological Department will be found A HERD OF TAPIRS, A FLOCK OF AUSTRALIAN EMEUS. A HERD OF PORCUPINES, THE PERFORM? ING ELEPHANT "EMPRESS," INTRODUCED BY MR. JOHNSON. - GRAND GRATUITOUS EXHIBITION I A Gorgeous Ancient Pageant-The Gr. nd Charlot of j Mars, Oberon and Achilles; Living Lions In oren Dens ot Gold and Bronze; Knights and Gladiators, in Armor of Ancient Romans, as escort to the glittering and costly Oriental Equipages. Thia grand and imposing Proc?s sion will be preceded by the Chariot of Oberon, contain? ing TH08. CANHAMS OPERATIC SILVER AND STRING ORCHESTRA of twenty first class Musicians. The Procession will enter the City at 10 o'clock. First Grand Performance Monday Evening. Doors epen at 6% o'clock. Matinees each day, commencing Tuesday, November 10. Doors open at 1 o'clock. Admission 75 jents. Children under 10 at -35 cents. November: 7,11,13,16,18? LADIES' FAIR. FOR THE BUILDING OF AN EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT FLORENCE. S. C. THE LADIES WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THIS CHURCH have determined to hold a FAIR, on tba 12tb, 13th, 14th sud 16th of November at the MASONIC HALL. Arrangements are bein? made to have a CONCERT or CHARADE the last two nights. Deon open at 10 o'cloca each day, and 7 o'clock each evening. Admittance 25 cents. Any donation or contribution will be thankfully re? ceived. 17 October 28 EDUCATIONAL. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL OF THE CHURCH OF I HE HOLY COMMUNION. JOHN GADSDEN, PruvapaL with a Corps of Teachers. BO APD Ci rBDSTEES. REV. A. TOOAIER PORTER, Rector. G. A. I h EN HOLM, EDWABD SEBRING, JOHN HANCKEL, J. D. ALEXANDER. Al. T. BARTLETT, EVAN EDWARDS, Secretary and Treasurer. rnS SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED (D. V.) ON THE 9th of DECEMBER. Session of TEN MONI HS. Holidays, one week at c hristmas, Good Friday and East? er Monday, August and september. The hours will bo from 9 A. M, to 2 P. M. Tue infant Clashes, 9 A. M. to 12 M. The Recesses will be k rotation of 15 minutes each. Boys' and Girls' departments distinct. Sewing and Embroidery, voluntary classes, after the exer Isca of the School. TERMS-Books at wholesale cost price, and found lo ihoae who cannot purchase. Tuition 60 cents a month, m advance, and more accommodating terms to those who need. Applications for admission m ado between hours of a and lu A, M. at bouso of the Rector, corner Rutledge an 1 Spring streets, Uli mrther notice. November 6 wfml5 J. M. BRADSTREET k SON. IMPROVED Mercantile Aerency, NO. 20 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. L. FONDA. Superintendent. September 6 THE SUMTER WATCHMAN [8 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNEEDA*. AT SUM? TER, S. C.. byGlLBERT k FLOW^iiS, Proprietor?. ,t FOUR DOLL ABS per aauum. Invariably tn advance Advar?9eznente Inserted at usual rates. Every style ol Job Printing executed In tbe neu'es' lylo and ?watest dispatch. .sxpeemoet ft j . .. ttosaSoa._.- ... J GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS ^ BACON! BACON ! QA HHD>. CHOICE CI EAU BIBBED SIDES Ou 20 hadi. good Shoulder? 90 boxe? good Shoulden. For Hale low to clow Mle?, by November 13 wfm3 HENEY COBIA ac CO. COAL! COAL ! I0I*S BEST BED ASH EGO COAL, NOW ??i I Tb 1? .ding, which will be sold low for cub by ap? plying to F. p. frEIGNIOUS, Coal Yard, corner East Bav atd Hasel utreets. November ia . 3 , COEN, SHINGLES, BRICES, &c, 1 KC\C\ BUSHEL , COEN JL t)UU 6O.C0O Cypreaa Shingle? 60,000 Carolina Brick* A lot of Spirit Barrels Bagging and Rope. For sale by SHACKELFORD A KELLY. October 30_No. 1 Boyce'i Wharf GRdCERIES AND PROVISIO?sT I r\ H'JDS. CLEAB BIBBED SIDES WJ 16 ht du. Prime Shoulders 6 bbl? Sugar Cured Shoulders 6 bbl?. Sugar Cured Hams Coffee, bogar, Flour, Lard, Ac. For sale by WM. O UBS EY, November ll_mwf3_fro. 102 East Bay. GUNNY CLOTH. THE BEST AND HEAVIEST Di THE CITY IS TO BE found at GEO. W. CLARK i CO.'S September 18 No. 199 Bait Bay. WHISKEYS, WINES to LIQUORS, I AA BBLS. WHISKEYS, OF DIFFERENT ORAD RS, LUU qualities ant prices 600 case? Claret Wines 10O cases Schif dam Schnapps 100 OM ks Brandy, Oin, Jamaica Bum. SL Croix Kum. New 1 ngland Bom, Sherry Wine, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, kc, Ac. 1000 dozen of the above in cases. For sale by September 17_GEO, ff. T-l' K * CO. SALT, SYRUP, &r. 1 SHA 8A?ES SALT FOB SAL . IS LOTS TO LeJUU ?ult purchasers, at leas thin market ratea. 600 Bluo Grit Grindstones. 100 barrels Syrup. 100 b?rrela Sugar. 1000 kegs Nails. 600 bags Shot, 1000 boxes Herring. 100 boxes Starch. 1000 boxes Soap. 100 boxes Tobacco, Ac, A-c. For sale by GEO. W. CLABK A CO September IG GUNNY CLOTH ! GUNNY CLOTH ! 1 AA BALES GUNNY CLOTH. EXTRA HEAVY. LUU 100 Bolls Ganny Cloth, Extra Heavy. Just received. For salo low and in lots to suit; hy September 16_GEO. W. CLABK A CO. BALING BOPE. 1 AA COILS MANILLA BOPE. ?\J\J 200 Colls Hemp Rope. 200 C'JIIB Jnte Rope. Just received and lor sale cbean for cash, by September 16_GEO. W. CLARK k CO Bi*EAD ! BREAD ! BREAD ! 1 AA.I I BOXES ARMY BR EA P. ?UUU For sale by GEO. W. CLABK A CO. Septemb; r 18 ... SMITH'S BURTON ALE. ~~ 1 f\ BARRELS JUST BECETVED OF THAT CELE LU B BA TED ALE, by GEO. W. CLABK k CO. September 16 BALE, BOPE, BAGGPG~AN?~ T\WNE, T7V3R SALE LS LOT8 TO SUIT PURCHASERS, BY Jj the Manuiuctarer H. CLUCDB, No.' 67 Pine street, New York, September 24 ?mo LEA & PERRINS' CELEBEATE0 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PRO\Ol\C?D J-, - EXTRACT ' 0OKK0IS8EDB3 ll xe ax na o?fLT ^BK\B. Brother at ~ , " l?ffiJ|wORCESTER, May Good Sance R?S18611 _ S ?Lt:- "Tell LEA A PER AMU APPLICABLE 3gEg BINS that their BACCI '. 'Vt5"".' 1B highly esteemed in In? *? i^^cr di?, and ls, In my opinion, ___._" _, "w"" ^oS??:' the most palatable, a? EVERY VA^TYSBT well as thermostable. WMT tome SAUCE that is OF DISH. 1?M^B>/m^e.'' . 1 The success of this most delicious and namiUe 1 ?cm dimest having caused many unpriaupled der ?An to apply the name to Spurious Compound?, the PJBLIG la respectfully and carnally requested to sae that Lae nama of LXA k PXBBXNS are upon tho WRAPPER, LA BEI? STOPPER and BOTTLE. Manufactured by LEA & PERRINS, Worcester JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW -srojtx, . AGENTS FOB THE UNITED STATES. October 19_ fmwlyr ^^^?^ COLGATE & CO 'S K^MflM j THE STANDARD OF SKrWRSfll EXCELLENCE. ???LA O?TSTM For Sale by all Grocers. ^^JJ^l^^Jr October 21 3mo THOMAS R. AGNEW, mroBTxa ABS DXALXB m Fine Groceries, Choice Teas, Bte.? !?*.?. NOS. 260 and 262 GREENWICH-,T" COB. CF MUR li AV NEW YOBS. November H OTEIS. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. C. A. MILLER.Cashier. J. P. HORBACH.Superintendent. October 17_ S, SWANDALE, PROPRIETOR" OF THE Mansion House, JUDO H GREENVILLE, 8. C. ST. JAMES HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. r ROPnrETOBS : WM. A. HUED.i.Of New Orleans. W. F. CORKER Y.Ot Spottswood Hotel, Richmond. Telegraph and Railroad Offices in Rotunda of Hotel.. Jane 17_ 6mo STEVENS MOI SE, Nos. SH. 33,965 ANO JW Broadway, N. Y., opposite Bowling Green-Cn the European Plan.-THE STEVENS BOUSE is weU and widely known to the travelling public. The location ls es? pee lally suitable to merchants and business men; lt ia in Close proximity to the business part of the city-ta cn the highway of Southern and Western travel-and adja? cent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The STEVENS SOUSE has liberal accommodation tor over 300 guests-it ls well furnished, and possesses every moJeru improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its Inmates. The rooms are spacious and well venti? lated-provided with gas and water-tbe attendance ia prompt and respectful-and the table ls generously pio vided with every delicacy of the season at moderate rat?. The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, wo are ena! -ato offer extra facilities for the comfort and, pleasure "f our guests. GEO. K. CEASE k CO., May 28 6mo Proprietors. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ROBERT MURE & CO., BOYCE & CO.'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, IIBEBAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS j of COTTON, BICE OB NAVAL STOBES. to Liver? pool, London and Glasgow, and to Northern ports, October 29 _ Imo R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, AUCTIONEERS, Real Estate Agents, Brokers, No. 33 BROAD-STREET. EE AL ESTATE, STOCKS. Ac, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS NEGOTIATED; PRO? PERTY LEASED. _" . MW Auction of BOUSES, FURNITURE, Ac., every Wednesday. _<W*?? . WILLUM fl. GILULtiD 4 SOX. Real Estate Agents Auctioneers AND COMMISSION fiERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. *3 BAYNE STREET. Seorpmbt-r <_ WILLIS & CH1S0LM, FACTORS, COJUnSSKtS UEBCHiVTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCH^E, SALE AND SHH MENT ito Foreign and r>omeetie P.j*ta)ot COTTON, ttl LL. LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES, ATLANTIC WH A RF, Cn?xI?*tO?w BK C.