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THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN. DAWSON k CO.. PROPRIETORS. Ooloo Vo. IS Hayn? Street. sen VJFtlOS v: \T^S-uno cry. twelve --oath*, 510; ? X oj ' 'Vs, :5; three- montas, j2.50. Al)V?tTISIS ? [UTeS.- itt-ea .-eat* a 'lao for the fits: lcs-vtion, ?n i wn oe .ts a Une foi fach subsequent fn-ertion. Marriage and Funeral No.ices *| each. T?RAI>.- ash, ia ndvance. LETTERS shou'.d a - addressed to tue DAILY NEWS, ?io. 18 Uavne-trect. charl' stoa, s. c. REJECTED M v.NCsC?lPTS will uot be returned. CHARLESTON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6,18S7. NEWS SU Xl'A RY. Cotton sales in N;w York 2000 balee at 18 a 13je. for Middling Uplands. Gold was q lOied at 110?. Cottoa closed at 8 j in Liverpool for Uplands. - ir. Hutohasou, cotton dealer of ?-ivoipoo: and Messrs. Low.a Bros., of London, have stopped pfjJTAOnt. -The building improvements this year in Balti? more Live boon considerably larger iban for many years previous, -The Kontucky R ilroad ia nearly completed to the Tennessee SU tc lino. It pasaos ti rough im? mense coal beds. -I<unitration is beginning anew. Six hundred steerage pas3en?rer? arrived at New York on Satur? day by ono steamer. -Queen Victoria has written to Lord Derby, eug gesta.g tba a fitting provision should be made for the w dow i-f Profes or Faradty. -John B. Easthani (white Radical), elected to the Virginia Ccnvei.tion fiona Louisa county, has sent in his resignation to General Schofield. -At Boston tho failure of a lan-e fish realer in Commerce street is reported. The liabilities aro stated at $120,COO, with assets estimated at $?0,00. -Tuo Mexicans oaf? talion to manufacturing rifljd guns, and claim that tiioso manufacturer, in Oaxaca ai e equal to thoso imported from abroad. -A New Or.eaus gentleman oflbrs a reward for h physiciaa who wiii acknowledge that he has lom more tuan half a doaeu pititnts during the opi demio. - Tuurbw Weet!, according to a rumor ourrent in New York, baa d.sposed of bis interest in tnt Oomuieroial Advertiser, and is geing to Washing? ton *o Uve. -By a recent invention in Germany concussiorir of the air are made visible. Iba intensity and du? ration of tnundcr oaa thus be accurately measureo. by th eve. -It has been decided by a Philadelphia court that cast.rj< tho rdLctioa of tuo sun i to a lady't eyes is asaauit and batcery, and malus tuo ofieude. bab.e to le^al punishment. - Areal estate agent ia Baltimore, represent:: g some Frcncu capitalists, wishes to puxcaaae 60 OIK lo 100,000 acres O? land in North Georgia, for a oo. ony ot settlers Irona that couatry. -Professor Ouver Wendell Huimos bas taken u; bis abode in Alontreal. Ho is to wa.t th.-ru tia Uk ''Guaxuaaa Aagoi" appears flora London. He doc-s this to oocoro tao Ingush copyrigat. -lhere is once muru taut of thc Lin-ell Hotel at ot. Louis. Ono gout.eniau ofi'.-r ? to subscribe $7?0?0. Tue property adjacent tu the ru.OJ nw vvty much dup:so.ated the Aro. -The manufacture of oheo=e oa a very exten 8ive scale wul aooa ba cu...c ci a;, i.. Washnagtua Comity, V.rgiaia, by Mr. Palmer, lt <s proposed, we loam, to nave six uu.iurea oowo iront which to yb: L. the milk reqinied. -"Rovolat: ms never yo baekwara" used to be a maxim of tao Radicaos. Tao d.dnou.ty oi ita application lay oa.y ia ueterauning what was a revolution and ?hat wasn't. There is a liveiy spsoi uen of one now in progress. English woman, ia a London magazine, says .hat tue people ox this country, particular^ in -New Yolk, aie tao politest ana boat dressed sac ever saw. Our wunieu aro very pretty and very Freud, according to ta? same authority. -Mr. George E. Barrett, the sarewdest horse dealer ia Connecticut, is uead. bu was very roopuiar among his neighbors, never tasted liquor or used tooacoo, was never on a ste&mbo .t, auu only once ia a ia?way oar, and h ved ah his life ia tb? same houa?. -There is a new magician io London, named Rubua, one ol whose muka is to out off the heaa of a young lady and carry it to ti.e bte* o? the stage, wacrs ae uuveiis it, and wuexe, at his bid? ding, it itdii '-saea to tae audience niora! and uidac t?o bemcees. -AFreujusaoan/ has propounded the theory that phospuoresceace is du J to the omissiou w light ?>r*viuualy ? bashed. He finds that porous substances that have been exposed to li*ht have a doOomposing action un eaits o. silver when p-actxi iu contact with them .n the dark. -Miss Louisa Kedugg, aa American prix a donna, made uer first appearance in Eu:ope. at du Majesty's lau-tc, recently, as Margaret, in the Faust Tho Fiiace ol Wales was prooeu* a d the house waa fiaod w;ih aa auiienou br.ibaat, cnuoai and enthusiastic Hor sucooas waa complete. -Tao ? rta American Review tor October con? tains an artcle oa the "Civil Servioo ot tao Uaito Swtee." It deaaiboa .bo condition of trna ssrvioe es uepiorabie, and as fitted to produce in ah de? partment* ?f the Goverumeat the greatest possi b_e amount of irresponsibility and incspacity. -Harper's Magazine tor November, ia aa arti tide ou the Great Show at Paris, advocates m.a oegenatiou without acmplo as a necos&ny. "Wo cold whito foiks of the North and Northwest paling and ever paling, will oae dav need the reaa loro&ment ol this swart force, thia warm genius,'' ??tc., eco. - adame Lt a sa Kapp-Young made bar cebnt at tho New Yo.k Avadamy, ou Wednesday eve rung, as ' Selika," m Meyerbeer's ' l'Afr.caine," and rr. ated a very favorable imcr^ssioa. Sho ia a young German lady, pretty ana occoaipha'aed, wita a rich and exceedingly mellow soprano voioa of groat power. -There is a Mormon missionary at Colombia, Tann. The Herald thinks 'it is a pretty good jc?e on Tcuae-eoe to have a missionary so:.t here from Utah. But Brownlow has given the State such a r?putation t .a: ooo can hardly be surprised at any treatment sao may receive. Poor a.d State 1 Sae is eutiued to pity and oommisseratiou.'* -The Empress Eugenio was to preside, on the 27th ultimo, at the distribution of rewards de? creed by the Society for the 1 rotecticu of Apprea ticee and Chddrea engaged in M&aufacturus, lo anon persons as have by tueir exertion tc dod to improve the morai and material ouaditiuu of ohd dren occupiea ia various depar.ments of i.. du s try. -A Gennaa pa^er says taat Prasaiaa so.diers, acoording to a roguiatiou, salute Lae iuspeoiiug effioer during parade, pronouncing in oonoort ?torgo*,"- aa sbbxeMatioa of guttut Jf.roe.t, at thu esme tune giving tie oilioer his utle. The officer replies, "Good morning, my oaLdren," aud the iaspoctiou goos on. Tae abovw story como?, bj way of Franco. -Oae thousand labo.-wro are wanted at oooe tc sooomenoo work on tae Selma, Roma aaa Dalton Bauroad, at Rome, aud Bloc Mona ta ia, Ala. Six thousand tous of rail have been purohaoed, and wtJ be doh ver od ia fivo moathiy iastahueuts. com menomg January lat, I8??-aalf at Ouarieetoa, and half at Mobile. It is proposed to hava trams Huming through to Borne by Joly 1st, 18o8. _Di clous' leadings iu New Yoik be.^ia Decem? ber 9L His selectious for tho drat eveuiag wul be "Tho Christmas Caroi" aud tho trul of "BardeL ea. PiattWick," from tho P.o?w?ck Papers. Tao prices of aduiesion wil. ba 91.?O, au J half a dollar .atta wdi bo charged for rcst.rved seat?. Mr. Diokena luteuds to road four eveniugs e^ou vr&m, grvitg also, poesib.y, a tnalttiM, and h.s otay m the couatiy will bojumitod to ita ?ty weeks. -Two more butchers' shops for tue sale of boree flssu as au artioio of human ?bod have beou opened in Paiia, wuxh tringa up the uunibor Oi these estabhaameats ia the ai ty to suveuteeu or fight36a. Fer "primo oata"ihe modest pr.03 of twenty-two eoaa ia doma .dod per pound, that is to say, about twenty oeuts of our mo^ey. Many ot tho poor wuo reoeivo rohef from tho bureem, oi enanty ar? mrnished with ticket? for yotaoe aud ?tapido da caetkit, -A capael eaneatore saddenlv made ?te appear* anea on the wah of tue Paria Bourse th - odier day. It was urawa m chalk, aad represented Na? poleon UL as Baudin oa tae tight-rope, with B.amarok oa ono end ol bia balaaoe polo sad Gan be>di on tho other; while tee Empress stood ua deraaath, wringiag ba.- nauds and crying ?if//t Die.-, tl va tomber J" (My God, he ia g^og ^ trimble!) Ino polioe found out thc authur, a broker** clerk, and Invited' his employer to di? ni s him, T^e iuntation was oompiied with of .ma. -. .ag Rassiaua, who, a dos on years ago, were ashamed to speak or write in Bussiaa, luve uow become to outrageously natioaal that they employ their unknown tongue oven in dipJomatm docu panffs ip which there would really be aomo ex? cuse tor replacing it by France. Ibo Emperor Alexander's ratification ie in Russian, but as it night just as trail bo in Chinese, & fly-losi giving I Frroch translation bas been tacked on to lt. The Kins of Italy employa tho n tio al lancuag?, ind tbe Emperor of Aaatrta, In his ratifloatioa still preserver th: u?e of tho Lita, tho traditional of? ficial lnngnapo of the Holy Roman Empire. -AUirniin? r.uiiure arc in ciro tlatiou iu Aut n-oro is to thc critical state ot the dykes m Hoi? land. It is asserted that the we tragt? of thc East ssrn bravea, oft o Scheldt, m altering ino course af ha river, has acted in a disastrous manner on i>n trio dykes. They aro menaced on several points, and they must all bo strengthened, au im uenso'abor which viii cod millions and perhaps cannot be finished tn time to prevent a disas'er. -Tho New York Timos says: ' We trust that che Southera blacks will PCB to it that those can? didates for Congress of their own color whom they may support, are men of ability, reason, ssnee aud character. We consider thia warning necessary oooaus^ wo notice that tho wbi;o men whom they have uio3t prominently sustained in tho recent elections arc not cf this bud. Tho foremost, of them aro wild, ravin*?, incoadiary demagogues. Oa tho other band many of the blaoh moa: bera of tiie COP.V. niton aro very scasiblo, rospootable per? sona-not much versed, perhaps, in o.natitutionalt ,aw, or tho arts of government, or tho philosophy sf btate.-maiisbip. bat yet possessed of a fair tniuunt o? common aense. Tho oolorod voters ?nay perlaps think tha: mon ol' this kind have .ess chance of bcin^ favorably received in Con? .?;ros8 than blac* Hujnicuts ; but even ir th a were the ca?O, theso votora would do themselves honor by deo ting reasonable and sensible repreaenta t.ve6.w Counting *:oees In Sonto, Carolina. An official tabular statement in another column exhibits the results of the registration in i his State, under thc military regime established t>y Cougress. The whole number of registered voters is 125,386, of whom 46,751 are whites ind 7'"',5S5 blacks. Thc negro majority in ! South Carolina is therefore 35,834. Out of the thirty-one districts ?D the State there are but :iinc in which the whites numerically prepon ierate on the registry lists. These are Ander -on, Chesterfield, Greenville, Horry, Lancas? ter, Lexingtou, Marion, Pickcns and Spartan urg Districts; and even in theso tho white nsjoritic3 are generally inconsiderable The tpproaching revision of the lists may slightly change the figures given; but there is no rea? son to believe that it will substantially affect the general rosult. "Hydras and Chimeras Lire." England hus dipped ncr hand into the Abys? sinian pie, and msy already feel inolined to ?vithdraw her sacred, nipping, fingers. Parlia nent is called on to vete supplies, a veteran general recommends au army of reserve; and .nero ia every indication that the African cru? sade will end in litt lo glory and less profit. The last of tho transport fleet has sailed, and uas passed the Cs pe of Good Hope. Brave are he red-coats and eager for the fray, and it is .xpected thut active operations-cool weather, tard marching, and hot fighting-will begin 'oefore the beginning of December. Toere is one difficulty, however, wbioh has tot been overcome, and it 1: but the first of nany Copper-colored Emperor THEODORE is ?ard to g?r at. There arc but three practica? ble routes into the interior of the Abyssin an bim ire; and it seems that, as in the cape of the egendary Arkansas traveller, whichever ono ts taken will be believed to be worse than ?ither of the other two. Fifteen thousand troops will lave to be fed ind munitioned. There must be reserve de? pots and nngaxines of supplies. And th? worst of it all is that, when all is ready, the ex? pedition will have to march an unknown cum? ber of miles, throu h an unknown country and unknown danger, to find their vuliai t foe. They wil certainly meet with the hornless -.heep and snorting hippopotamus, as well as buffalo, or codils, hyena, lion, elephant and bear. They will u.ake the acquaintance of a two-horned rhinoceros, twenty feet long ser? pents, and stinging flies, whose bite is mad ucss or death. They will meet with sand, jungle, torment and botheration. All this is jertain; but they may, in addition meet with .tydras, and unicorns, and mermaids, and men with eyes between their shoulders. Nb wonder that the troops want cheering and heartening. They will fight for the English captives, but they know that tho first overt blow may be the signal for the murder of their imprisoned countrymen. This lowers their mettle, excites the good folks at home, and causes tha whole business to meet with but re? luctant approbation. However, if BARNUM I were there he could make a fortune. A real live two-horued, rampageous, ferocious Abys? sinian rhinoceros, as he apr.eared in his native land when attacking the perfidious in? vaders of his private jaugle, would draw better than the French opera or unintelligible Ris ruRi. It is n t too late to send a special agent. The expedition, so far, is but a jest; it may becomo seriouH, tragic, earnest. Mon. Gerrin Smith again takes np his Pen. The Hoa. GEBBIT SMITH, an original aboli? tionist, and a man who bears the reputation of being disinterested and sincere, has again tuken pen in hand for the benefit of the ear clogg d people of the South. His last effusion is addressed to tho Hon. HEBSOBELL V. JOHN? SON, of Georgia; ard, in it, he replies to seve? ral assertions made in a letter written lately by that gontlcman. Mr. SMITH says that the North does not wish to puni-h the South. Thia is u question of fact; sad the North ches punish the South, whether she wishes it or not. All this para? phernalia of market uni bayonet, sash and epaulette, registration and election, disfran? chisement aa i ruin, is punishment acoordlng t . our understanding; and when the North up? sets th;> wbolo combination, and checks the speed of tao mirtary machine, it will be time to believe that sh ) is thoroughly in earnest in her charitable asseverations. ?esides this, Mr. Jaira says, that the wer was no: a. defensive one on tho part of the South. ThiB matter, like the definition of treason, Is generally decided by final recuits. If a min is in your house, and you take him by the collar and torn him out, you havo vin- ' dicated jour right to your property; but if the man returns with all his family, drives you Into theare t, and bars the door behind you, a? has re-vindicated his right, and will hold possession a .til you can eject him by stretegy or foroe. If the South had been successful, the world would have a Imltted that she bad icted puroly on the defensive;-as ?ho was un? successful, sho must submit to being oalled the beginner of rebellion. Another point of Mr. SMITH'S letter ia that regarding tho negro; a poiut upon which there are at iea?t two decide . opinions. Mr. ?MI7H says: "You ch.irga the North with u aoheme of 'ncgroiiing the Southern States,' ind subjecting tiiom to 'aegro rule.* There may, possibly, be here aad there a Northern negro who would fall iu with such a soheme; but I am certain that there is not one white aan who would. Mos: of thc Northerners would have whites rule in every p.irt of the land; and ws, who make up the remainder, tvould leave the people of ?very seotion free to jhoose whore they will for rulers-black, waite jr red." This may be oorrect in theory, bat it is not ,et showa ia practice. It is true that the S'orthera people would reject, and etatup down, iegro equality in their own States; but it is :ot by any means oertain that they would con iemn negro voting in the South. Congress ivhica professes to b? tho people, forces every tiad of abomination dowa tho throats Of the 9outh; aad d es not halt, wino?, cr meet with reproof, until i: is -eeo that its measures, ii anchi eked, will ead ia negro Govornors, negro Congressmen, an J, m <y be, a negro Viet?Pre? sident. The ?cuta care? comparatively lit tl? for power in mau?ra of Federal policy, bat it do?? care for the governmont and preservation of ite own States. Here is the bitch. The North is williug enough, lt seems,- lo allow 6outhern negro suffrage as leng 'ts that suf? frage does not cstead to, find have influenco upon, Federal f|ueeiions. Ile South, on thc contrary, would not particularly object to the negroes voting for all Federal offices, if there were a restricted suffrage upon nil State af? fairs. It matters but little, after all, to argue ubout what the North doos want and docs not want. By their deeds must we know Northern politi oinns, and by their actions must wo judge the Northern people. Let them show that they are in earnest in threatening to break tho neck of Radicalism, and in their professed desire to give peace to the whole country, and the South will be willing to meet thc North in all frank? ness and sincerity, and to believe, also, that tho North has no intention to carry out the work of desolation which her representatives have BO faithfully begun. Mr. SMITH is doubtless writing in good faith, but ho will do more good by talking to his own people, than by telling those who lio between the upper and the netue ? millstone that it is all a joke of the National miller, and that, if they keep still, they will only most gently be crush? ed. Death in one thane is about as bad as death in another;-if the South is to be ground out of existence, it matters not that it was done in all kindness, and it will be no consola? tion that, after passing through the mill, she may bo permitted, in a now form, to bc the comfort and sustenance of tens of millions of people. Mr. SMITH has doubtless wiped his pen, and, in future, he may as well keep it dry. MIlllNERY, ETC. FANCY MILLINERY, EiR/ESS AND CLOAK MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. Mus. M. J. ZEBNOW. No. 302 King st tot, Fourth Door North of Wentworth street. Branch of Madame DtMOKEST'8 C5LEUBATED PAPEB PAli- NS. STAMPING and EMBROIDERY, neat? ly executed. October 30 vffm'2mo HARDWARE, ETC I STOWS f STOWS ! AT THE VERT LOWEST MARKET PBICES. THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED COOKING AND HEATING STOVES: OLIVE BRANCH MUTUAL FRIEND NOBLE GOOK BARLEY SHEAF RIVAL RANGE GUIDE RANGE CAROLINA COOK. HEATING STOVES FOE CHT ECHES, HOTELS. 8CHOOL3 AND SALOONS, Or EVERY DESOBIPnON. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTHERN MARKET. CAMEt'J, BARKLE?&CO., No. JW MSETI9IO STREET, November 2 Imo s Charleston, S. C. MEDICAL CARDS. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. RE?NSTJERNA, Physician and Surgeon, HAS HTS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE AT NO. 74 H A SEL STREET, two doora Eaat of the Post office. N. B.-DIeeaeee ot a private nature cured with dis )>ateh._aw8?_October 12 DENTISTRY. DENTIST KOOMA AT HIS RrHDENCF, NOBTHWEBT COR? NES of Meeting and Society Streets. June 19 wBsnio HATS AMD CAPS. HMS 75e, CAPS 50c.m MEN'S AND BOTS' FELT HATS, 75c, $1, $1.25 ; Bore'good Cloth Capa, for School, 60c; Youths' Dress Felt Huts, tl.60, $2.50, $3 ; Fancy Caaaimero and Silk Hats, fine, $2.60. STEEL'S" HAT HALL," 313 King street. Sign or the "Big Hat" Oetobar 16 WA TA! LOBING, ETC. EDGERTON & RICHARDS HAVE NOW OPENED THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSI M ER. S AND VEST I.\<-?-', which they are prepared to make up, OR WILL SELL BY 2 HE YARD. ALSO, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH AB : WHITE LINEN B080M SHlBTS, SHAKSPEARE COL LABS Merino and Shaker Flannel Undershirts and Drawers Duke of Edin1 urgh Cravat Ilea Suspenders, Kid Gloves Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Cotton Hali Ho** English bilk Umbrella., etc ALSO. Tailors' Trimmings. ALL OT WHICH I BET WILL SELL AT TnE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. BARGAINS ?? FLANNELS. SAXONY, WELSH, PATENT AND TWILLED SCAB LET, of direct Importation hom Liverpool, which we offer at Wholesale and Retail, at a considerable reduction from Import coat, or tu low aa the Ulterior artiolo of American FUnnela. They are all Wool, without mixture of shoddy, and are admirably adapted for Ladles' Balmo? ral bklrta. Noa. M ANO 34 BROAD STREET. October 36 RAILROADS. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL "( PE..INTLNDEXT'S OFFICE, I CHABIXSTO I, . C., Octobers, 1867. I ON AND AFTER OCTOB . UE Ol H. 18C7, THE PASSENGER TRAINS on th? . ? mb Carolina Rail? road wlD run as tollowa, riz: Leave Char.eaton lor columbia. 4.30 A M Arrive at Emuville.ll. 1 A M Leave KJ ns vide.11.41 A M Arrive at Columbia. 1.10 P M Leave Columbia.10.00 A M Arn? at Krogvillo.11.S6 A M Leave Kinsv? e.12.05 P M Arrive at CharJeaton. 7.05 PM Leave Charleston for Augusta.10.40 A M Arrive at Augusta.7.40 P M Leave Augusta.3.40 AM Amvo a" Charloeton.12.20 P M Th. Passenger Train on tho Camden Branch will con? nect with Cp and Down Columbia Tra im, ana Wilming? ton and Manchester Railroad Trams on Mondayt, Wednesdays and Saturdayt. .MUHT EXPRESS, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AC? COMMODATION TKALN will run as follows, vii: Lt ave Charloeton for Columbia.6.40 P M Arrive at Columbia. 6.0J A M Laave Columbia. 3.00 p M Axii.e at Charleston. . 8.20 A M Leave Charlas.on fer August-. 7.30 p M Arrive at Augusta.6.50 A M Leave Augusta.4.10 P M Arrive at Charloeton.4.00 A M H. T. PEAKE, October 4 fmwlmo General Superintendent. FUN FOR ALL! FULL INSTRUCTION BY WHICH ANY PERSON malo or r.malo, can muttr the ereat art ot Ven? triloquism oj a lew boura' practico, making a world 01 tun, and after becoming experta th air selves, can teach CK hers, thereby malting it a ?a ure* ot moome. Full m ?cuctians sent by mail tor 60 cents. Satisfaction guar? anteed. Address P. O. Drawer 21, Tro:, T May 13 lyr WANTS WANTED TU PURCHASE, POR CATH, A small sired BUILDING- LOT, either vacsut or oui uui:?:; a 6mail Dwelling, situated above Calhoun itrcef. Apply to :To. 133 ST. PHILIP MBSET. one loon* b6li,-y Caunon street. 6 November 6 IT/AN if ED, BY A RELIABLE MAN, OF I ? i :bi r sud steady habite, a sltuauou as Bar lender, .trvii orPri'.-,^ Wuichuiiui. cither ia to city or tbe country, test of references Uveu. Address A. A., et this ofiice. a* November 6 ASITl'ATION 18 WANTED BY TWO respectable GIRLS, one as Cook and Washer, and the other as Nurse and Chambermaid or .seamstress. The best of city references given if required. Apply ct No. 37 TRADD TREET, between Church and Mooting. Novomber 6 1* YTT ANTED, A MAN THOROUGHLY AC v V QUAINTED with alt the branches of Bookkeeping and Accountiug, to go to Galveston, Texas. Address N. A., Box 2684, Kw kork Postofflce. November 6 12 WANTED, BY A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, a Furnished Boom near the centre of the city. Address J. &" o?ice of the Daily News. Novembor 6 1? AFEW FAMILIES AND SINGLE GEN? TLEMEN, wishiag to have WASHING and IRON? ING done with neatness and safety, will find it to their interest to apply ?t No. 7 BUBNS' LANE. Orders thank ?ully received. 4* November 4 WANTED, A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, containing four square Rooms, and located above nd within ten minutes walk of thc Ponoffloe. Address, stating terms and when posses:-ion can bu given, "F." omeo ot thc Daily Nows. 3 November 6 WANTED_TO INVEST THREE HUN? DRED DOLLARS, in some safe, lucrative buai nuas, which wilj give employment to the u verheer. State business, witt full name, und where an Interview may be b.d. address T J. H., Dally News office. November 3 12 WANTED-SALESMEN IN EVERY COUN. Tx South, foran srtlc.o in great demand; ?500 m au e by one ?gent his first mouth. Address immedi ate:y BLISS A MAO EATHROC. Louisville, Ky. October 31 Imo WANTED-A PARTNER WITH A CAPI? TAL of $4000, either active or silent. Busi. ess will pay 31 por cont on Investment Address E. J. H., City Poatoffice. 0 October :>1 ANTED-A SITUATION BY A COMPE? TENT BOOKKEEPER, from the 16th of Novem? bor. The best references given. Adaress SIGMA, Dally News Office. 12 October 31 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GRAY JACKETS. And how they Lived, Fought, and Died for Dixie, WITH Incidents and Sketches of Life In the Confederacy. Send for Circular*. Address JONES BROTHERS & CO., Broad etrest, Atlanta, Gs. October 21 Imo* TO RENT. TO RENT, THAT BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, No. 60 Cannon street, containing four square rooms, dressing room and pantry, with double panza; gas fix? tures throughout; stable, hay lott, carriage house and smoke house, all complete. Also, one two-story Houso in thu yard, containing tour square rooms. Possession given on the 1st Novembor. Apply on THE PREMISES. October 19 fm w TI O RENT, A COMMODIOUS HOL SE, N o. 4 JL BEAl'i AI.\ STREET. Apply to A. B. CUNNING? HAM, No. 6 Limehouso street. November 6 3* TO LET, PART OF A HOUSE IN PINCH NEY STREET, No. 23, to a small 1 family without children, A man doing business .own town will find this a desirable location. A suitable family can arrange with the undersigned at the Lumber Yard, corner Bay and Market strvets. J. N. WOOD. Novemoer 4 3* IO KENT, THE FIRST FLOOR OF A pleasantly located Residence below Broad Street, consisting ot four fine Rooms, with Kitchen and Ser* vaut?' Booma. Will bs rented low to a permanent ten ant. Address J. s. h., Lock Box -o. 93, Charleston. November 2_6_ TO RE JV'I, FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, WITH or without Boord, in a private family, in the lower part of the city and on Une of City Raliway, buded for a family or single goatlomen. Apply at TxllS OFFICE. October 26 FOR SALE. FOR SALE, A VERY FAST TROTTING MARE, warranted sound and gentle; also, k BUGGY AND HARNESS, la good oidar. Apply at No. 30 QU ..EN BTiitEi, one door from the Nortuwsst corner of state. Novemoer 6_1? T7IOR SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS, IN ANY Jj QUANTI i Y, price 75 cents por hundred. Apply at the omer oi tiia DAILi NeWS. Imo v otober 38 BOARDING. BOARDING.-A GENTLEMAN AND HIS Wife can be accommodated with Board, with a large south room, either furnished or unfurnished. Terms reasonable and accommodating. Also, Single Gentlemen taken. Ap ly at No. 121 QUEEN hi REEL November 0 ths3 AFEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM MO Ali-b with Board and Lodging, on reasona bie term., at No. 25 MAZYiK STttEK 1'. Novemoer 0 GOOD BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED IN A private family, at No. 4S EAST BAY, near tbs Ba tery. Terms SS per weak. wfm Ootober 9 BOARDING_A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated BO\BD in a private fami? ly. Apply at No. 2 GEOBGE STREET. Terms mode? rate;_Ootober ai FIRST CL A!?S BOARD WITH COMFORTA? BLY iurnUbod rooms, can be had at No. 1 SO? CIETY bTRKET._Imo October 9 BOARDING.-EXCELLENT BOARD OAS be obtained, at reasonable rates, by applying at No. 4?4 KING bTREET, one door above Hudson street, near tbs Citadel Tbe Street Cars pasa the door every ton minutes. 3m o October 7 STORAGE. STORAGE, THE MOST CENTRAL AND convenient in the city, at very reasonable prices, for COTTON, RIC'-, SALT, FERTILIZERS, Ao. Ac. In? surance, when desired, se low as any in the city. Apply GEO. W. CLARK A CO.. Corner East Bay and Cumberland street:. Soptomber 17 COPARTNERSHIPS. LAW CO-PARTNERSHIP. rE SUBSCRIBERS, UNDER THE NAME OF BROWN k unrBT.i,, bavo associated themselves tn the practice oi their Prof asion. Office, Law Range. Broad street ALEX. H. KROWN, November 6_3_W. E. MIK ELL. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE CO-PARINER9ETP HERETOFORE EXISTING under the name of THOMt"SOV A BROTHER, is this day dissolved by its own limitation. JOHN M. THOMPSON ls authorized to use tho name of the firm in liquidation. JAMES CAB LIN, HEN BY F. THOMPSON, JOHN M. THOMPSON. CnsJXSSTOH, So. C* ., Xmember Otb, 18C7. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUE THE WHOLESALE GROCERY and Commission Business at No. 112 East Bay. Novomber fl S _J. M. J HOMPSON. THE FIRM OF H. A B. WIEHRS IS THIS DAY DISSOLVED BY mutual cousent. H. WIEHRS. Charleston, November G, 1807. B. WIEHRs. THE UN DE K SIG NED TITTLE CONTINUE THE BUSINESS AND SETTLE YT al! affairs of tho late nrm. H. WIEHRS. November 6 1* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY ENTERED into a Copartnership, under the name and style or McMLLLAN A JO WITT, foy tho pur, ose of conducting the ROOK and JOB PRINTING, ?nd liOUK BINDING business, at No. 33 Hayne street JAMES w. MCMILLAN. i HAD. C. JOWIIT. CBuautsTOtt, November 1, 1867. November 4 6 REMOVALS, COOK'S GALLERY, EEMOVED TO THE NEW BUILDING ON KING -TREET, next door to Russel's Book Store. Booms ou hist floor. 0 November 6 BRITISH CONSULATE EEMOVED TO THE OFFICE OF THE SPANISH Consul, No. 48 Bi-.OAD STREET, u> ni further no? li.*. GEO. RIVES S WALKER, October 30 H. M. Acting CoutnL HOTEIS, CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. C. A. MILLER.tasliler. J. P. HORBACH.Superintendent. October 17 S. SWANDALE, PROPRIETOR CP THE Mansion House, Juno 8 GREENVILLE, S. C. ST. JAMES HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. pnopuiETons : WM. A. HURD.Of New Orleans. W. F. CORKERY.Ot Spottswood Hotel, Richmond. Teicgraph and Railroad offices in Rotunda of Hotel. J nae 17 Gmo STEVENS HOUSE, Nos. 541. ?3, ?5 AND '?7 Broadway, N. Y., oppos?e Bowling Green-i n the European Plan.-THE STEVENS HOCbE ls well and widely known to the travelling public. Ibo iocatiou ls es? pecially suitable to merchants and buslnces men; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city-ia on the highway of Southern and Western travel-and adja? cent to ah the principal Railroad and Steamboat d?pota. Tile STE Vi N?? HOUSE h aa liberal accommoda?or. for over 30U guests-lt ls w?U furnished, and possesses e ver? modern Improvement for the ?.ouilort and eutertainment of its Inmates. The rooms are spacious end weil venti? lated-provided with gas und water-th? attendance it prompt and respectful-and the table is generously pro? vided with evury delicacy of the season at moder tte rates. The rooms having cseu refurnished and remodeled, w . are ena) id to ofter extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure ?r our guests. GEO. E. CHASE A CO., May 28 6mo Proprietors, j MEEI SN ?S i AN DMARK LODGE, No. 7?, A.?. F.?. M.?. rEE REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF THIS Lodeo will be held Thu E-tning (Wednesday, No ember 6th), at 7 o'clock. Dy order of the W. M. THEODORE E. NEWTON, N-.Tomber 6 I Secretary. HEBREW LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. rHE LADIES OF 7 HE CO GREGATION OF THE "Hasel sLoet 8<nagoguo." and the Members of he "Hebrew Ladles' Benevolent Society," are requested 0 attend a mooting at the "Tabernaclo," This Day, at 1 O'Clock. . C. M. COHEN, November 6 1* President. PALMETTO BASE BALL CLUB. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE Club wiU be held 2Aii (.. ednesday) Evening, at Pa rlUon Hotel, at 7J? o'clock P. M. Business of Importance requiring thc presence of ?very member, punctual attendance ls requested. By order. JOSEPH HILTON, November C 1 Secretary pro tem. COMMISSION BBS OF MAT RETS. ARHO ULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE COM? MISSIONERS will be held Thu Afternoon, Noveim ber 6, 1867, at Market Hall, at 5 o'clock. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD. November 9 1 c hlef Clerk. EDUCATIONAL. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. JOHN GADSDEN, Principal, with a Corps of Teachers. BO ABD OF TSP STUB. RSV. A. TOO .viER PORTER, Rector. G. A. 'I?(ENHOLM, EDWARD SEBRING. JOHN RANCELL, J. D. ALEXANDER. M. T. BARTLETT, EVAN EDWARDS, Secretary and Treasurer. THIS SCHOOL WILL BE OPENED (D. V.) ON THE 9th of DECEMBER. Session of TEN MONTHS. Holidays, one week at christmas, Good Friday and East? er Monday, August and September. Tho hours wUl be from 9 A. M, to 2 P. M. The Infant Classes, 9 A. M. to 12 M. Thc Recesses will be in rotation of 15 minutes each. Boys' and Girls' departments distinct. Sowing and Embroidery, voluntary classes, after the exercises of tho School. TEEMS-Books at wholesale cost price, and found lo tboso who cannot purchase. Tuition 60 cents s month, in advance, and more accommodating terms to those who need. Applications for admission made between hours of H aud 10 A. M. at bouse of the Be .-tor, corner Rutledge and Spring streets, till lurther notice. November 8 wfmlS AMUSEMENTS. BARNUM'S MUSEUM COLLECTION VAN AMBURG'S GREAT MENAGERIE! IN CONJUNCTION WITH DAN CASTELLO'S GREAT SHOW! NUMBERING IN ALL 800 MEN AND HORSES, AN ENORMOUS MORAL COMBINATION OF INSTRUCTION AND REFINED AMUSEMENT I WILL EXHIBIT IN CHARLESTON FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING Monday, November ll, ON THE CITADEL SQUARE. BARNUM'S DEPARTMENT, NATURAL HISTORY, COMBINES A GBEAT NUMBER OF SPECIMENS OF various descriptions snd characters in the school of Na? tural History, which have been collected at the expense of the largest energy, Indefatigable research, and tbs most lavish outlay of money. W A?BURG 4 C0.'S DEPARTMENT CONSISTS (WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS) OF THE entire Van Ambur,- Zoological Collection, comprising specimens of thc rarest and most beautiful Wild Beasts, birds and Reptiles, from every section of the known world. DAN CASTELLON DEPARTMENT, COMPRISING DAN OASTELLO S GREAT CIRCUS, composed of the most distinguished luminaries in tbs Equestrian Profession,, comprising the best Male and Female Riders. A Great Gratuitous Exhibition charac? terizes the entros of our Establishment in every piece. A BRILLIANT STREET PAGEANT. LN THIS GRAND C IVALCADE AND MOVING PIC? TURE will appear a sextos of the most elaborately finish? ed Chariots, gorgeously decorated Platform Cars, arti.ti? finished Cages and Dens, containing the whole of the Zoo ogled Collection, tho Band Charlot, of original design and resplendent decoration, called the Throne of Apollo, and a Cavalcade enUUed thc Crusader's Triumph, consisting of over ono hundred aud fifty Mounted Knights, clad in Burnished Steel Armor, with their Ban* nen, Ponnons and Insignia, and accompanied by their Ladles in Costumes of Medieval ages, all preceding the crowning feature of the Procession, a large LIVING LION, borne on the elevated platform of the Splendid Tableau Carriego, loose, unchained, untrammelled, and free in the public streets. This sight forms the Great Sensation of tho times. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. FIBS! SEASON IN AMERICA OF THE GBEAT PARI SlAN Artiste and Equestrienne, late of the Cirque Impe? riale, .MADEMOISELLE 'PAULINE, And the Child Wonder, LITTLE MINNIE, The youngest and nioao petite Equestrian Performer in the world, whose remarkable skiU And courage bars eli? cited tho most enthusiastic encomiums from the pleas and public. Tickets can bo purchased at the Charleston, Milla and Pavilion Hotels, without additional charge. Admission, 76 cents; Children under 10 veers, 60 ots. NOTICE.-First performance will take place on Wed? nesday Night, October 80th. Afternoon at 2 o'clock. Evening at 7 o'clock. November C 0,9,11,13,15,10* HIBERNIAN HALL, .? Commencing This Evening, 6th. ST. 2^ZJ^?"HJ, MAGICIAN AND VENTRILOQUIST INDIAN, CHINESE AND EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES. Dance of Fairy Children. Admission 60c.; Cn'ldren under 12 years 36c. Sects will be reserved for Ladles._November 6 LA DI KS' FAIR. FOR THE BUILDING OF AN EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT FLORENCE, S. C. THE LADIES WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THIS CHURCH have determined to bold a FAIR, on the 12tb, 13th. lltb a-d 16th of November at the MASONIC HALL. Arrangements axe being made to have a CONCERT or CHARADE the last two nights. Dcors open at 10 o'clocs each day, and 7 o'clock each evening. Admittance 26 cents. Any donation or contribution will be thansful'y re? ceived. 17 October 28 INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY, OFFICE IN REAR OF ELMORE INSURANCE CO., LAW RANGE, BROAD STREET, "WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO,," OF NEW YORK. Piedmont Real Estate Insurance Company. OF VIRGINIA, FOR UFE INSURANCE ONLY. J. ALFRED CAY, November 4 imo Charleston, S. C. E. M. WHITING, CORONER AND MAGISTRATE, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFIOE FROM CHALMERS sheet to No. 77 CHURCH STREET, Taett St. Michael's Alley. August 31 FINANCIAL. NEW YORK EXCHANGE EXCHANGE ON NEW YOKE FOR BALE IN 6UMS to suit purchsserB, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Oovcmber 6 wiral mo PHILIP H. KEGLER. BANKER, NO. IO BROAD STREBT. CHARLESTON, S. C. CHECKS FOR SALE ON NEW YORK, BALTIMORE AND BOSTON'. FOREIGN" EXCHANGE-BELLS DRAWN ON ALL TB7C PRINCIPAL CITIES IN EUROPE GOLD, SILVER. SECURTTTES. BANE NOTES &c, BOUGHT AND SOLD. COLLECTIuNsi MADE AT ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSTTS. October 39_ _Imo? BONDS. STOCKS, COUPONS, AND BANK BILLS. fTTHE ABOVE BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET 1 ratos, by ANDBREW M. MORELAND. Broker, No. 8 Broad street September 20 fmw2mo DRY GOODS, ETC. No. 248 KING STREET, Between Hasel and Market-sta, RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF their CUB to wars and tho public generally, to their very extensive stock of DRY GOODS, Which wUl at ali times be found complete. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. In thia will bo found a well assorted stock of PRINTS' GINGHAMS, SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, sU st the lowest market ratee. Especial attention ia called to our very cheap 10-4 Sheetings, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Longclotha. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. We have RED, WHITE and COLORED FLANNELS, in great variety; Blankets, Shawls, Nub Us, S on tags. Hoods and Scarfs, very cheap. COLTH DEPARTMENT. A splendid quality of BLOADOLOTH. for Ladles' Cloaks, at S2 per yard. Fine Cloths, Caa-lmeres and Vestings of aU descrip? tion?, suitable for Men'a and Boya' weer. LINEN GOODS DEPARTMENT. The attention ol Housekeepers la invitad to our very cheap LINEN GOODS, consisting of Irish Fronting Un? en, Ltnen Sheeting, Pillow Cace Linen, Table Damask, Table Clothe, Towels, Napkins, Doylies and Huckaback, at 20 cents. - . Linon Table Cloths at 75 cents to tl. Shirt Bosoms from 25 cants up. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. IN THIS PARTICULAR LINE WILL BE FOUND THE latest novelties of the season in the vary beat nibrica and styles: POPLINS, Merinos. Empress Cloth, Mohairs Black and Colored Silks, Scotch Plaida And an extensive variety of low-priced Dress Goods. A large lot of Balmorals and Hoop Skirts, very cheap. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE TBE LATEST STYLES OF SILK AND CLOTH COVERINGS made of the best materials and very reasonable. MILLMRT AND NOTION DEFUtTIENT. FULL LINES OF THE BEST MAICES OF ETD, SILE and THREAD GLOVES Ledlea' Hats, Bonnets And a very heavy stock of beat Silk Ribbons of all widths and shad en; together with and ex enslve assort? ment of cloak seta, Bugle Gimpa and Fringes, Guipure. Brost els Thread, Cluny ard blond Lacee, Black and Colored Silk Velvet Ribbons. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. LADIES'. GENTS', AND CHILDREN'S BEST ENG? LISH, French, and German HOSE and HALF HOSE of all qualities, in Cotton and Wocl, very cheap. A call ia respectfully solloited. LOUIS COHEN & CO., No. 218 KING STREET. October 19 wfm?moa 420 DEY GOODS 420 AT LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURE. ARE OFFERING PRINTS AT Sc.. 10c. AND 12}<c. Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings Kentucky Jeans and Tweeds Black and Colored Satinets and Cassimeree Black Silks at 91 and upward A large and varied assortment of Shawls, fcc. Blankets, White and Colored; Swlsa Counterpanes, Ac Ladies' Black Cloth at $2 and upward. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! OF THE LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. AT THE LOWEST AND MOST UNFASHIONABLE PRICES G0UDK0P & BECTHNER, No. 420 King st. (East site), ?l BREE DOORS SOUTH OF CALHOUN. November 4 C F4.LJL AND WINTER DRY GOODS I THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE IS SPECIALLY invited to our Fall and Winter stoe? ol FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, which is now complete lu every department. In WOOLLENS AND BLANKETS, adapted to Planters' use, we hare a large stock, to which we m rite special attention. MARSHALL, BURGE & BOWEN No. 143 MEETING STREET. September |j ?.? .- \ innot F O TJ "R, or on CELEBRATED SEA-ISLAND SHIRTS, SENT ANYWHERE BY EXPRESS, C. O. D. FOR ?10, Address ALLEN G. FOWLER, No. 3 Park Bow. New Yolk. October 21 mwISujo The Best is the Cheapest ! AND IF YOU WANT THE BEST COMBINED Weekly Agricultural, Literary and FainUy News? paper on the cont nent, send for MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER, which is in advance of aU others ba value, variety and m ter est of contents, and superior m Typography,* Illustrations, Ac. The RURAL employa thc oest talent in all ita departments, and has a far larger circulation than any other Journal of its class In the world-best evidence of intrinsic merit and superior? ity. Both presa and people almost universally pronounce it the Napoleon in ita sphere ii journalism. It ls ably edited, neatly printed, and profusely .Ilustrated-prac? tical, scientific and uieful, moral in tone, pure ia senti? ment, and highly entertaining. The RURAL la adapted to both town and country, but ia mainly devoted to the Interests and welfare of the rural and industrial population, among whom it has an immense circulation ic ail parts of the Union. THE RURAL NEW-?ORKER ia published every Satur dsy (not a monthly of only 12 issues a year), each num? ber comprising Eight Double Quarto Pages. A nev Quarter begins October fi, and Volume XIX lu January ?ext Only 93 rn, Tea?-lass to Clubs. Great induce? manta to Club Agenta, sud one wanted in every town. Now ia the Hmo to subscribe and form Clubs. Speci? mens, Show Bills, Premium Lista, Ac, sen FXXX-or we will send the thirteen numbers of this (October to January) or any preceding Quarter of this year (os trial, or as ape1 linens), for O:?XT jim cxirrs. Address D. D. T. MOORE, October 9_wi_Rochester, N. Y. THE HERALD ?S PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NEWBEFB? C. H., AI $3 per annum, and, having a large drculatioc throvgh ail thc upper and lower Districts of the State, H fiord s great advantages to advertisers. Rat?, far advertising very reasonable-lox which applj to our Agent Mi T. P. S LID Lit, at the Milla House. .THOA. t * ak H. 68KNEKEEL N -J v ?m ber KU an and Proprietor*. GROCERY Mg MISCELLANEOUS. SIDES AND SHOULDERS. g r\ BHDS. PBD?E O. R. SIDES ?I I I 50 bads. Cholos Shoulders. Landing ?nd fer sale by BESSY COBU A CO. V Novena ber 6_wfm3 ORANGES! ORANGES! JUST RECEITKD. 1 rv rv rv A SWEET ORANGES,, WHICH WILL BE lU.OOU ?old low by F.KBESSEL.?.. No. 95 King street, second door from Broad street November 6_2* SHINGLES ! SHINGLES! QA riAA CYPRESS SHINGLES. JUST RE OUiUUU ceivod and for sale at the low price of $7 per M. by J. G. & H. 0. MABTTN, Bennett's Wharf, West end Bull street November 6 1 LIVERPOOL SALT LANDING. <OZ.fifi SACKS LIVERPOOL ?ALT ?lO\jyJ Landing and for sale oy November 0 C GEO. W. WI?XTAM8 ft CO. TO ARRIVE PER BREMEN BARK GAUSS. 1 AA CA8K9 BOTTLED LAGEB BEEB [VU 160 hampers Bottles ?00 Demijohns, of differ ,nt sizes. AND JUST RECEIVED t 54 and 5-8 Bencessey and G tard BRANDY 20-4 and 10-8 Madeira, Port und Sherrv wines Casks soo tc b Whiskey and Holland Oin 900 Demijohns, of different sizes. For sals by CLAC1US ft WITTE. October 34_00434,36, nora,fl DUNDEE BAGGING. OA BALES PURE BUMP, JTJ3T BECETOD PER ?\J ship Chattanooga, IN STORE i ! 50 bales "EWAN," superior quaUty-ltf, \\, VA lbs. to tbe yard. For sale by W. C. BEE & CO., Comer Vanderhorst's Wharf and East Bay. November 1_ftawa FLOUR ! FLOUR! QA A BARRELS OF FLOUR-PALMETTO, UVE OUU OAK.-and other brands, Jost'received per steamer Saragossa. For sala by RAVENEL ft (JO., Comer of East Bay and Vanderhorst's Wharf. November 5 3 OATS! OATS ! QAAA BUSHELS PRIME OATS, LANDING EX (jVJyJVJ steamer somerset, and for saie by JOHN CAMPS EN ft CO., No. 14 Market street, opposite State street November 6 9 f CORN, SHINGLES, BRICKS, &o, 1 CT AA 11?3BEL, CORN lOUU 60.000 Cypress Shingles 60,000 Carolina Bricks A lot of Spirit Barrels Bagging and Rope. For sale by S HACKELFORD ft KELLT. Ostober 30_Bo. 1 Boyce's Wharf GUNNY CLOTH, THE BEST AND HEAVIEST TH THE CITY IS TO BE found at GEO. W. CLARE ft CO.'S september 18 No. 199 East Bay. WHISKEYS, WINES & LIQUORS, I AA BBLS. WHISKEYS, OF DIFFERENT GRADES, LUU qualities and prices SOC cases Claret Wines 100cases Schiedam Schnapps 100 casks Brandy, Gin, Jamaica Rum. St Croix Ruo, Hew England Rum, Sherry Wins, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Ac, ftc. 1000 do?aa of tbs above in esses. For sals by September Xl GEO. W. CLARK ft CO. SALT, SYRUP, ?fcc. 1 Zfi Ci SACKS SALT FOR s ALE, Di LOTS TO lyVv rait purchasers, at less than narke t rates. 600 Blas Grit Grindstones. 100 barrels Syrup. 100 barrels Sugar. 1000 kegs Halls. Ooo bags Shot, 1000 boxes Herring, 100 boxes Starch. IMO boase soto. 100 boxas Tobacco, ftc, ftc For sals by GEO. W. CLARK A 00. September 16_' GUNNY CLOTH ! GUNNY CLOTH ! 1 AA BALES GUNNY CLOTH, EXTRA HEAVY. LUV/ 100 Rolla Gctinv Cloth, Extra Heavy. Just received. For sale low and in lotii to suit by September la_GEO. W. CLARK h CO. BALING ROPE 1 Arv COILS MANILLA BOPS. LU U 300 Colls Hemp Bope. 300 Odis Jute RC:XJ. Just received and tor sal? (?sap for cash, by September 16_GEO. W. CLARK ft CO Bh EAD ! BREAD ! BREAD I , 1 A Al I BOXES ARMY BREAD. ' lUvU For salo by GEO. W. CLARK ft CO. Septsmb: r 16_ SMITH'S BURTON ALE. 1 A BARRELS JUST RECEIVED OF THAT CELE 1U BBATED ALE, by GEO. W. CLARK ft CO. September 16 BALE, ROPE, BAGGING AND TWINE, ?710B SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT PUBCHASEBS, BY J the MaauUcturar H. GLUOCS, NJ. 6T Pins street. New Tock. September 34_'_?_' imo LEA & PERRINS' OELEBKATED ttORC?STEHSfllR? Sill. PRONOUNCED Bi CONNOIBSEURS xe n not onXT Good Sance Ajrp A?PLIOAILT TO EVERY VARIETY EXTRACT of a letter from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras, to bis Brother st WORCESTER, Ms/ 180: "Toll LEA ft PER? RINS that their SAUCE is highly esteemed tn In? dla, aid ia, tn my opinion, the most palatable, rs ?rall aa tbs most who".e. .. .some SAUCE that ia OF DISH. ?a^S?ii" Tbs ancosas of this most, delicious and unrtvaUs 1 con dim en t having caused nany unpr?u.pled defisrs to apply tbs same to Spurimu Ocmfovndt, tbs Pmio il r<tpcafully and tarnatly nxjassted to MS that ins nsms of LEA ft Pusan are upon tbs WRAPPER, LABEL, STOPPER and BOTTLE. Msnunwtured by LEA St PERRINS, Worcester JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, sij&Tfcy Y?itK, AGENTS FOB THE UNITED STATES, ober 19 _' _fmwlyr COLGATE & CO.'S QEft&gAN ' Erasiye Soap, TUE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For salo hy all Grocers. October 31 8tno OMAS R. AGNEW, IMTOBTEB SHU SEJXX3. ES Fine Groceries, Choice Teas, Etc.. Ho, NOS. 360 and 362 GREENWJCBoT,, COB. OF MUR BAX NEW YORK. Noyembe? ?g .? g? ? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ROBERT MURE & CO., BOYCE & CO.'S WHARF, CHARLESTON. IIBER AL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS j o? COTTON, BICE OB NAVA?. STORES, to Liver? pool. London and Glasgow, and to Northern ports. October?_lmo_ R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, AUCTIONEERS-, Real Estate Agents, Brokers, No. 83 BROAD-STREET BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, ?C., . TO HT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; LOANS H . Oil AXED; PRO? PERTY LEASED. ?.Auction of HORSES, FUR NH T RE, feo, ewry munuday._October lg JOHN k THEO. GETTY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMD STEAMSHIP AGENTS, NO. ls EAST BAT, Will make LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGN M. NTS OF COTTON to our friends in New York, ftc. October 9_ Imo WILLIAM H. GILL1LAXD i SOS, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 05FICT. NO. 33 BAIN E SIRES!. SeDti taber S WILLIS & CHIS0LM, FACTORS, msm mum, AND SHIPPING AGENTS. Tim LL ATTEND TO THE P CRC HASE. SAL? AM> VV 831 i'MENT (to Foraign sadDotossrttois?ts)oi COTTON, RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, %. O.