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MONDA) MOKNLXO. 0* rOBJ R n, ta.;:. L? ?CAL MATTERS. To TRASSXqp ADVHBTWERS.-No transient ad? vertisement will be pubhshedin tins journal here atter unless paid for ?u advance. By transient wi mean an advertisement trom any person who is nut a regular advertising customer .it the NEWS. -o JOB WORK.-WV lure now completed ont office s. a? to execute, in the shortest'possible time ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, and ?ra most re? spectfully ask tho patronage ut ;mr friends. Post Utilee Notice. POST OFFICE, > CHARLESTON. October 3. lSt!7. S On sud after 6th instant tho maila for Columbia and points beyond mil close at l.JO A. M. A second mai! for Columbia and tho Columbia branc h of South Carolina Railroad wIQ close at J* P. M. Mails for Augusta, Savannah* and tuc Way Mail from Charleston to Augusta will close at 9.30 A. M. 'lhe second mail tor August i clo.-os ;.l t!.Jfl i*. M. On Sundays L>ut one tram I ea rue, ami all mails close at "> P. M. 1'oiT OFFICE, [ CH HUT. ros, 8. C., J;dy C, lStiT. ? Aft<-i tooday the mails for Northeastern Railroad will -lose :it S o'clock A.M.. aud to-da*' aud after? wards they ave expected to reach the Railroad 'Station" at &3Q o'clock P.M., and to be ready for delivery at this otlice at J:30 (?Mock P. M. CHANGS OK HOI R FOR DELIVERY OE SUNDAY MAIL. On and after Sunday, 6th inst., this Office will be open from ?ve to six o'clock, for delivering mails. \ STANLEY G. TROTT, P. M. ACGUSTCS E. COHEN, Esq., has been appointed by the Governor of Louisiana Commi-isioner of Deeds for that State. THE GKEAT NEA Cow.-Go and see the great monster of the deep, the Florida Leviathan, ono of the greatest narine eirriosities discovered iu modern times. It is on exhibition in Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, and all should go and see it. QUARTERLY STATU TAX. We an- requested by the State Tax Collector to remind delinquent of the quarterly State tax for quarter ending 30th September, 186*7. that the books will be clo6oJ after to-morrow, the 15th inst., and that donb.e tax executions will be issued against all who have faded to pay the tax on sales of spirituous liquors aud goods, wares and merchandise, for the months of July, August and September. HR. B. DOSCHER, of the Poutornce Literary De pa*, has sent us late copies of the Scientific Amer icsn, with a fine picture of ELIAS (Sewing Machine) HOWE, jr. The Scientific American is one of the beat aud cheapest papers published in the Uniied States, and should bc- in the hand of every me? chanic, even- niau of science, and ail who take in? terest in the progresa of arl and useful knowledge. Wc have also received copies of the "Irish Re? public," No. 2 of the new Baltimore literary , weekly, "Southern Society," and th? New York Staats Zeitung. DEATH OE T. P. ALLEN. 1'SQ.-The Greenville Euterprise brings the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. ALLEN, which occurred at his residence, in that town, on Monday last. Mr. ALLEN was p New Englander by birth, but came to this city when quite young, and fLr many years conducted a school with great success. He subsequently be CMne connected with tho firm of McCARTEn A ALLEN, but Lad retired from business previous to the war, and purchased a farm near the city. Du? ring the war he removed to Greenville, S. C., and remained a citizen of that place until his death. --o FREIGHTS.-The large amount ef merchandise now beiug shipped to this placj from Northern ports, intended for all points in the South and West, und the heavy increase in tho arrival of cot? ton from the interior to IM shipped to the North aud Europ?, has induced considerable activdv in freights, and several large chips' are now ou the berth for Liverpool. The demand for room in steamers bound North ia much ahead of the sup? ply, and freights from here have temporarily takeu a rise. Our steamship agenta have placed on a.l ditionaiajeteaniers. Among them Messrs. J. A T. GETTY nave the Prometheus; Messrs. STREET BROTHERS & Co., and COERTENAY & TRENHOLM ex? pect the Eclipse, the James Adger and the Rhode Island will soon be ready, an 1 Messrs. RAVENEL .1 Co. look for the Saragossii. We may, iu conse? quence, expect lively times i- the freighting busi? ness dnring the Winter. . -o TAXATION OF RAILROADS.-We obtain the follow? ing information from the Columbia Phoenix : An? other very interesting casu commenced yesterday evening, before Judge MOSES. The |*int is the legality or constitutionality of the tax imposed by the. last Legislature on the gross income of rail? roads. The Charlotte and South Ctn ulina Railroad made their-return under the law, and made ar? rangements to pay the tax. The Greenville Rail? road made its return, but did not pay the tax, and an execution to collect the tax was issued. The South Carolina Railroad made no return, and was .kuiMo taxed, ac? cording to the provisions Of the law, and an execu? tion was issued therefor, ujion which the latter corporation has presented a petition, praying for a prohibition against the collection of thc tax. This is the question the argument on which was com? menced last evening.. ARTHER, MELTON & MELTON for the railroad, and FICKLING SC POPE for the State. TRINITY CHURCH SABBATH SCHCOL.-The Sacred Concert advertised in Saturday's NEWS passed off very pleasant!? yesterday afternoon. The church was crowd -d, a large number of the little ones be? ing present. One of the ladies connected with the school presided at the meiodeoii. The einging was excelleut, the little songsters all joining with the spirit aud with all their might. In the absenco of the Superintendent. Mr. NA KEEL A. NELSON, the Assistant. Superinten? dent,' read the* semi-annual roport of the Trinity and Cumberland Sabbath Schools. From it we loam that the school was open twonty-three Sab? baths during the past six months. Average at? tendance of preachers twenty, and of scholars one hundred and seven; total one hundred und twenty seven. There have b'eeu fifty-four scholars ad? mitted, and 'twenty-eight have withdrawn. No death bas occurred in this school the past six months. Thirteen from the school have joined the church. The roll now consists of twenty-eight officers and teachers (fifteen males aud thirteeii females), and one hundred and eighty acholan (seventy-eight males and one hundred and two females); total two hundred and eight. IMPORTANT TO THE COTTON FACTORS.-We notice in the Edgeneld Advertiser, that some- merchants of Aiken, Messrs. H. WERSELS SC Co. and Messrs. HAHN &' SCHRODER, offer tot ship cottou from Aiken to Charleston free of charge Many years ago from 15,000 to 20.000 bags of cotton were for? warded from Aiken. There were in those day0 large warehouses in Aiken for the storage ol cot? tou, and its streets resounded with the tinkling bells of hundreds of telrns bringing the staple from distant points. But in the great re? vulsion ot 1837 those houses engaged in the cot? ton trade in Aiken were swept away in tho general tornado. Since then the superior facilities afforded by the South t arohna Railroad at its termini have concentrated the trade at those points. The merchants and business men of Aiken are new endeavoring to inaugurate a newera. And we understand that the gentlemanly a^ent of the South Carolin? Eaiboad at Augusta, Mr. John E. MARLEY, has assured them that every facility tor the transportation of-cotton from Aiken will now be afforded by the Comnany. And further, that Mr. WALLACE, I oUector ol United States Internal Reveune for the Sd District, bas appointed Ur. c. A. LAIHKOI- aa Receiver of the Internal Revenue tai on all cotton raised iu Iii? collection District Edgetleld aud Lexington which maj ba takeu to Aiken. Aiken has long been considered one of the most healthy situations in the State, aud when other localities are aftheted with malarious fever-, ii is exempt. This is caused bv its elevation above the sea level, and the absence of any streams or swamps in its neighborhood. eui account ol its proxiuiitv to the railroad, Aik^m offers superior advantages to shippers, aud wc ai.- glad fosee t hat her business men are anxious to resuc?tate both ber own fortunes and those of the State me? tropolis. Thc offer made by these Onus to ship cotton free of charge will relieve the planter from numerous vexations, while it will have the effect of increasing the trade of the town. Their exam? ple is worthy of imitation, and if the busiuess men in "other localities would use everv effort to direct trade to Charleston, the result would be in? creased prosperity both to the consignor and cou aignee. SENOR ROMKKO, MRS. ROMERO AMI? MISS KOIIE aoj-Tho Munster o? tho Republic o?' ilexioJ to tQe United SUtes, accompanied bj bis _ motlier fninl Bister, arrived in this cit* en Saturday afternoon. They are staying at Ute Chariest.>n Hotel. DKATH ot .Ms. JAMES PHYNNEY.- Ou Saturday thefaiuilj of Mr. JAMES PMYNSEY, received a tele? graphic dispatoh "from Richmond, announcing tua ile itli in that city on Friday, the Pith instant. Mr. PUYNN?Y kit tins city some two weeks since and proceeded to Richmond, with a view to try the effects of a change of air on his health, which had been failing for some time. In the de? cease of Mr. PHYNNEY , tim Printers of Charleston bave lost one ot the mosl estimable of their num? ber. Ile will long be remembered for his quiet and unobtrusive manners. Mr. PHYNNY was a nati\d of this" city, and was in the fifty-second year of his age. We sympathize with his rela? tives in their bereavement. AFFAIRS IX SOI-TH CAROLINA.-A correspondent of the New York Irhws, writing from Charleston, on the 4th instant, says : "Along the seaboard general bankruptcy must ensue during tho coming winter, unless creditors should prove vastiv more lenient than creditors usually are. Nearly every plantation ia more or lesa mortgaged, and should furoeloaeuros be insisted upon, the best lands in this State will change hands at a ruinous sacrifice. The lawyers are preparing to reap a rich harvest out of the eases under the new bankrupt law, for there will probably be no portion of the Union (hal ..viii contain "as large a number of insolvents, io proportion to the population, as South Carolina." MrsTERiors DEATH.-On Saturday evening Coroner WHITING was notified of a death a'. Mum PHY'S Boarding House, that demanded au inquest. It appeared that Tues. NUGENT, a man about thir ty-seven years of age, and from New York, had been boardiug at MURPHY'S, No. 2 Queen street, for two weeks. On Saturday afternoon about four o'clock, be came home aud soon became rapidly sieL While he was lying ou a sofa, apparently in a dying condition, a message was sent for the Rev. Mr. YATES, who instantly repaired to the boarding house, together with his son. Dr. JO? SEPH A. YATES. Before their arrival, the man had lied, and Mr. YATES observing an undue haste Manifested in the preparations for the burial, promptly notified the Coroner. Mr. WHITING was ! soon ou the spot, and after impannelrag a jury who viewed the body, thev were discharged nutil Mon? day week, in order to allow Dr. YATES full time for a post mortem examination and a chemical analy? sis of the contents ot the stomach, grave suspi? cion being aroused by tho suddenness of the death, the mau having been seen well, hearty and sober at 2 o clock the same day. He was supposed to have some $150? in his possession, but only ? 1 "u could be satisfactorily acsountod for. The matter will be thoroughly investigated, and if any guilt is attached to his late associates, they will be speedily indicted for'the crime. -o THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES,-OR "SUCCOTH." This ls the first day of the Festival of Huts, aud for the information of our non-fsraelite read? ers, we proceed to give a description of it, copied from the source to which we have been indebted on several previous occosious. CHAMBERS says : Un the eveuing of tho 14th day of Tishri, the Feast of Tabernacles, commences. (Lev. xxiii. 42.) Thc interval between the Day of Atonement and this festival is employed in preparations for this fe> tive period. Each family fits up some room especially built for this purpose-for a booth, or erects ouo in the courtyard or ?arden. The un genial climate of the corth, and tho advanced season of the year (generally late in September;, will riot allow the Jew to make the " JUI his regu? lar dwelling-place during the festival ; but he at least takes his meals in it. Another peculiarity ot this festival bf the use of a branch of a palm-tree, of a willow, myrtle, and citron. It is these which, according to tradition, are meant by Leviticus, xxiii. 40. The willow brauch and the myrtle are tied to the lower part of the bough of the palm? tree, but the citron is kept separate ; and it is the duty of every congregation to provide these re? quisitos for the use of the members. There are, however, few religious Jews who, if they ian afford it, dd not procure them for their private use. Grasping the palm branch with tho right hand, and with the left the citron, and holding them close together, a benediction expressive of the occasion is pronounced, and the branch slightly shaken. Tlds ceremony ia gone through every morning during the ?eve-i d ivs of UM festival, and by each individual separately. No Jew would taste food before the performance of this rite. The eighth day should properly so conclude the festival; but rabbinical authority has added a ninth, under the title of 'Rejoicing with the Law. This, as its name betokens, ia a day of great mer? riment, in which even the groatost rabbis- ot courso in their own way-take part, expressive of their delight in, and attachiaentto the law, the last section of which is publicly chanted in the synagogue : for the Pentateuch is divided into fifty-four ?sections, according to the number of Sabbaths contained in au intercalary year ; and on each Sabbath, beginning with that following this festival, its respective portion is read, so that the whole cycle is completed on the Sabbath before, or rather, as established by custom, on that festival. The synagogues on this occasion exhibit scenes ol' extraordinary bustle, and not rai ely abo ol' up? roarious joy. In "the evening the plates of wor? ship are crowded, and the boys aie seen euteriug with little gailyrpaiuted banners and wax lapels in their hands. ' The synagogues are most sump? tuously lighted ; and before the ark generally glit? ters a veil of very costly materials, not unfre quently gorgeously bedecked with pearls and precious stones. After a short service the veil is drawn bael;, tko ark opened, and the scrolls of the Law-covered with costly stuffs, and occasionally also with plates of precious metal-are solemnly banded by the beadle to various persons summoned by name to the ark for that purpose. This done, a portable canopy, carried by several youths, is extended over the minister and wardens, who. with the seroils in their hands, bead a solemn procession, which is joiued by all other bearers of Merolia, the youth, aud the little boys, tho latter holdinu' in their hands the banners alluded to, at the tops of which lighted wax tapors aro fastened, nil chant? ing hymus in praise of the Law. -0 ll? R? If you want cheap oiank Books; If you want cheap Stationery, Euvelopes, Pa? per, ic; or, MILLERS' Almanac; li you want Printing execute J neatly; lt you want Books bound in any stj le,.or Account Books made to order, with" nn> desired pattern Ol niling, go to HIRAM HARRIS, No. 5'J Broad street. ru rsiNESs N< >TIOES. ALL KIND* OF JOB WOKK DONK AT THE HAILY STEWS OFFICE -cr Auction Sales Titi? Usy. MCKAY a. CAMPBELL. wiU sell this day. at No. I George street, at 10 o'clock, uelurnltUTS ot a family de? clining housekeeping. CAMMKLL] KNOX S CO. will sell this day. at 10 ??clock, in then- cash auction house. No. 55 liasel street, balance oia country atom. -o A-A-A-A-A l be best Dyspeptic Bittere now lu use are PANKNIN'S Hepatic Bitters. Thej never tail to ({ive rebel. I ry a bottle, and tie convinced. For sale by ail Druggists, ta -o A Cara. What is TARRAN I'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER &PERIEKT, and what are its effects? These are mies lions which the great American pubiu- has a right t > ask, and it also has a right to expect a candid aud saii.? tactory reply. The preparatton ia a mild and Kentle aahnc catbarUc, alterative and tome, and is most care? fully prepared in tho lorm of a snow white powder, con taiuiup ull the wouderlul medical properties of the far famed Saltier Sprimrs of Germany. Ol its effects wc would say that tho-'-' who have t. siro; the preparan 'ii are the best judges, an<l tb? > declare over their own signatures that tue preparation will promptly relieve indigestion. Regulate (he flow or the bile. Cure every species ot headache. Truiiquili/.e t!ie un vous system. Refresh and invigorate the weak.' Mitt "at. uv pan;'?* of Rheumatism. Neutralise acid in the stomach. ? Kant" and tone the l?>,vels. A-sisi the tamiii: appetite, mre the heartburn.. If you an- a anderer give this Remedy one trial, and it wiU convince you ut the above lads. TARRANT ft CO., Sole Proprietor*, New York. Sold hy ail Druggists. Suma September 12 -o- - Tile Time tu Advertise In the Couutry. TIIK Puosu Las a large circulation throughout thc middle and upper DUtriets of Hu, state AJvertlsiu;. taus as reasonable as th? auiuK?ucv of the money mai ket wm warrant. Ueeeh?uts and others wishing to ns. tbe cehuans oi the paper will address JULIAN A. SRI BY. Proprietor, February 25 Columbia. S. C. The Greenville Mountaineer I S PUBLISHED EVERT THTJBSDAY. Vi M SU PEU J. year, m a Ivsnce. Advertisements inserted* at usual ! , u- E. ELFORD, M*S 10 tdltoi un.i Pronrieto An Anhinin Suggestion. N'ovr, ia heavy togs arise and searching winds COSJ luenco to blow; now, aa UM human body, exhausted like inanimate nature by tho heats o? Summer, begins to wilt and ?lr wp; now, ere :he inclement Winter makes it? trying onest; SOW ia tba time tor a preparatory course .ot tiic beat a. climating medicine in existence, HOLTET-' I ER'S STOMACH BITTEKS. i . ver ami Ague i?, rampant ul all Mparts of the country. Quinine, the physician!admit, will not quell thc phase ot tuc discal which ai preseut pervades the entire Weet. li is well that it is vi, t.-.r the'remedy (so called' id dead? lier Ui,?a IIK- malady, but it quinine is iuemcient m iu termlttent fevers. HOSTETTER'S BIITERS is irre? sistible, li would be safe to make a contrai t, under heavy penalties, that any given "Fever and Ague Dis? trict'" niiould be exempted from the disorder tor any particular lime provided every inhabitant would take the BITTERS according to directions, .luring the term of tho contract. lhere has never beeu au instance in which Ulis sterling invigoraut and anti-febnle medicine has tailed to ward off the complaint, when taken duly as a protection against malaria. Huudreds of physicians have abandoned ah the officinal spoci?es, and now pre? scribe Mus harmless vegetable tonic, and nothing else, SH s preventive and cure for all the forms of chills and lever*. Vigor is the thing most needful in these cases, as well as In dyspepsia and nervous affections, and HOS TETTER'S DITTERS are the safest, surest, and most wholesome strengthening preparation that human skill has yet coucocteu. c November ll Know thy Destiny. M A PAMS E r. TnouxTON, the great English Astrolo? gist, Clairvoyant and Psyehonietr.elan, who had ustou Islied tho scientific classr* of Ibo Old World, lias now lo? caled m rue! f ai Hudson, N. v. Madame THORNTON pos? ses!* n such wonderful powers ol second MgUI as to ena? ble Uer lo impart Uno?ledge ot th,.- i:ieate?t importance lo the singh; or married of either *ex. While in a stain pf trance, she delineates the very .'?atures ot the person >uu are to marry, and by the aid-of a>i Instruraeut of in? tense power, known as thcPsychoiuotrope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position iu life, leading traits of character, Arc. This is no hum? bug, a- thousand of testimonials csu assert. She will seud, ?nen desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture li what it purports to be. By en. I.-.m.; a small lo. k oi hair, and giving place of birth, age, disposition and complexion, au J enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed ts yourself, you will re? ceive the pi. ture ;?nJ desired intormatiou by return mail, All communications sacredly confidential. Address, iu Madam* i P. PfJORNTON. P. 0. Box 2 2:t, Hudson. N. Y ljF March 30 Free to Everybody. A Lar^e ? pp. Circular, giving iutoriuatlon of the l'i ea?est ?inpoi'laiico to the young ol both sexes. li teaches how the homely may become beautilnl, the despised respected, ami ibe forsaken loved. . No young lady or geutleuian should fail to tend theil iJJr.--.-. uud receive a copy post-paid, by return mail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, March HO lyr . Tra*, N. Y. YELLOW - FE VER_MD ??SALL POL NEW YOES, Juue 18. 1867. WE. 1 HE UNDERSIGNED, SHIPPING MERCHANTS ol the City of New Y'ork, from the oft repeated testimony ol' many ditl'rreut tea Captains, in whom we have im. Illicit confidence, sud feeling it a duty which we owe lo our irllow men. hereby bear witness of the great confi? dence are feel in the truly marvellous curative i.owe.ra of MAJOR J. T. LANE'S INDIAN REMEDY lor the cure and ,- .-event hm of SMALL POX. YELLOW FEYER, Ac., aud we cheerfully add our signatures, hoping its won? derful merits and great blessing ms} be kiiowu to the World. BREST SON'S \ co.. No. 43 South Street CURTIS A WARD. No.-ti South Street D. R. DE WOLF A CO, No. lii'J Broad Street. HENRY A SON. No. 25 Ooentles Slip. SIMPSON k SHAW, No. 27 Coen ties Slip. WM \. MOORE, No. 205 South street. .1 \s I. TAPSCOIT, NO. BC south -treei. GEO. L. TAPSCOTT, Ol Tapscott Bro.. No. BC South street. ROBERT HAWKE, No. 80 South street. And many other-. The Remedy lias never been known lo fail. Price |ier package $5. Forward eil i ree to ny. point In the United State?. Address J. T. LANE & CO., ?? o. 163 Broadway, New York. Sep ember 7 36? RAILROADS. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL.HOAO. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. I CHARLESTON, S. C., Octobers, inti", j ON AND AFTER OCTOBER THE OTH, LSC7. THE PASSENGER i RAINS .m the Rom h Carolina Rail ruad will mu XH follows, vir.: Leave Charleston lor Columbia. 4.30 A M Arrive al Klmrvllle.11.16 A M Leave Ringville.11.40 A M Arrive at Columbia. 1.10PM Leave Columbia.10.00 A M Anne ai Kingull.-. .11.86 A M Leave Ringville.12.00 P M Arrive al Charleston. 7.05 PM Leave Charleston for Augusta.nut) A M Arrive at Augusta.7.40 PM Leave Augusta..?.?? A M Arrive ai Charleston.12.20 P M The Passenger Tram ou thc Camden tiraurh will con? ned with Up a ti.I Down Columbia Trains, ami Wilmiug lon and Manchester Railroad i Trams on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. NIGHT EXPRESS, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AC? COMMODATION" THAIN will mil us follows, vi/.: Leave Charleston lol- Columbia. f..4(> 1' M Arrive at Columbia.5.0(1 A M Leave Columbia.:t.oo P M Arrive at Charleston.3.20 A M Leave Charles:on for Augusta. 7.:io P M Arrive at Angosta.6.60 AM Leave Augusta.4 10 P M Arrive at Ch9rlestou.!.... 4.00 A M H. T. PEAKE. October 4 Imwlinu General Superintendent. HOTELS. S. S W A ND A LE, PROPRIETOR OF THE Mansion House, GR KKK VILLE, S. C. June s _ _ ST. JAMES HOTEL, M AV ORLEANS. I HlrTiilt.". ? WM. A. HURD. Ol New Orleans. ft". F. COKKERY.Ol .-.poll-wood Hotel, Richmond. Telegraph and Railroad i ifl?eea m Rotuuda of Hotel. .linn- 17 Gmo STOOVKNS IIOt'SK. Nos. 'il. '43, tj AMU il Broadway, N. v.. opposite Bowling Green-I II thc CuropeHii Flau.-'1 HE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the travelling public. The locution i.s cs lieciaUy auilablc lo merchants and business men; it is iii i lose proximity to tb? business par! of the city-ison the highway eil Southern and Western travel-and adja ent I" all the principal Railroad aud steamboat depots. The BTEYANS HOUSE has liberal accommodation mr over ueu gm ats-il i= well furnished, and possesses every modem Improvement for the comfort und etitorlaiuuieut of its inmate?. Tbs rooms sre spacious and well \euii laled -provided willi Pai aud water-the attendance is prompt aud respectful-au J the lable is geueronsly pto i.led with every delicacy ot the seat-oust moderalu rates. Che rooms having been refurnished aud remodeled, wc ere enal -ito ofter Lx;ra facilities for tho comtort and pl.-asuiv . f our ?uests. GEO. E. CHASE A CO., May 2s Cmo Proprietors. TOBACCO, ETC. JOSEPH SCHROEDER, CO M MISSION AND W li 0 L h s A L E DEALER IN SEGARS, fieai'aiiu Mauufactured Tobacco, \u. "SI KXT'HAAGE PLACE!, BALTIMORE, MD. tttr -V fine as sort ni eui of connecticut, Havana and Ya 1.1 Leaf Tobacco always ou baud. September 16 Into FURNITURE, ETC. FU RNITURE ! I l RX ITU RE ! MANTJFAf PURED BY . * . F. KRUTINA, No^. 'Mi ant! Os Eas, Houston street, XrYV Toil: City. VU. IHIS FURNITURE,I OY P UNO OF PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRAR* Sb'iTS, is ol the latest styles, and mauubt. tumi of the v. ry liest material, nuder the personal aupervlslon of tho Pi npi ietor, ami guaranteed. Parin ? iu the south deairing im. Household Furatlnre eau h.- supplied direct from Um uiauiiiacl?iry;or I hose abonl visiUng N.w Vor* will im.t il to their advantage lo examine this stock before purcliasiug elsewhere. All iio. .ls warranted, w(iu ?turne July :tl UEiNERALr INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, NO. (j STATE STREET CHAR] ,KST< >\\ S. ( !. LABOR PKi?> I KEB AND LABOR TUL ND Appin allon-to l.-i.u.i.-ai the fleueral CUlin Office to If. Y, ST0NH0USE, Claim Afielo. September IU lmo^ THE S ll .1 i E ii N E XS' S , DARR Si 0STEEN, Proprietors. PU Kl [SHED El i RY i UURSDAY, AT SUMTER. S. V. Subscription H.Oo per atm.mi. Tu flubs ..i lom i.l.OD Pc aumin:. Advertisement ::i..i.. 3 on term.. Oeceili! I . lOTTER!E8i _ GEORGIA O4??! FOR TRI" OF THE MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME. BOYD, WILSON & CO., Managers. Great Extra Sdieme, CI a ASS C. CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000, ON THE HAVANA PLAN. $60,000 in Prizes to be distributed. TICKETS ONLY Ol DOLLAR!; TO BE DRAWN AT ATLANTA, QA., WEDNESDAY, NOY'R 6th, 1867. All the Prizes will be drawn ! A PACK AUK OF TEX TICKETS FOR TFX DOLLARS Li Ali LE TO DR A ?'$30,000! -o ALSO, THE GRAND SCHEME, CLASS a. To he drawn at Atlanta, l?a-, Nov. 13th, 1867. CAPITAL PRIZr. $60,000. 1 Prize of.....SOO,000 ? Prizes of...$9,500 1 Prize of. ?5,000 IS Prizes of.... 500 1 Prize of. 10,000 55 Prises of... 950 J Prizes of._ 5,000 150 Prizes of... *00 54 APPROXIMATION TR?ZES AMOUNTING TO $19,350. 30,000 NUMBERS.518 FRIZES. TICKETS $12. HALVES $6. QUARTERS ii. EIUHTS $1.50: The above Brilliant Scbome is worthy the attention ot' tlie public. Its management ts under the control ot gen? tlemen uf the hhthest Htattdiug in our midst, and in the Masonic fraternity. The charter of this Lottery is from HID Mute of tieiuKia, and bonds given tor the payment ol all prizes. All Frizes paid without discount. Olhcial Drawings sont each piiivhsjer. All Prizes Ca.bed al this Office. Usf" Correspondents may rely on prompt attentiou lo orders by simply euelosiug moue.v wita full address. ?ar* All orders for Tickets, Schemes, aud information to be addressed lo JAMES KERK. Manager's Agont, Lock box No. 684. Charleston. S. C. Office: N.-. 20 BTtuAD STREET. October 14 KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY (ON THE HAVANA PLAN) \ FOR TnE 1\ E N I F I T OF THE . SHELBY COLLEGE, MI RRA\, EDDY A. CO., Managers. Great Scheine. CLASS T. CAPITAL PRIZE, $50,000 ! ;SS PRIZES-$130,650 IN PRIZES TO BE DISTRIBUTED! To he drawn at Covington, Kentucky, OCTOBER 16th, 1?67. WHOLE TICKETS, 310 ; HALVES, itf ; QUARTER-'- $3; EIGHTHS, SUM The chances are tar more favorable to draw pri.os iu this tban iu au) ot leer Lotten m the world. Purchaser, of Lottery Tickets should always examine the -Cheines, Pi paid in full without discount. Official drawings sent each purchaser. Correspondents may rely on prompt attention to orders by enclosing money with tull address. sj?aVAll O'tfers for tickets, schemes, and infoimatiou to bt jddre-!*ed to H. T. PETERS. . ' l'aiied States Licensed Agent, Key Box SQ. Charleston, 8. C. OrtJie No. 90 Hasel street. September c SALUONS. RESTAURANT. WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS ! MESSRS. H. IL BAllOP? No. 133 Meeting street, HAVE RECENTLY BEFITTED THEIR ESTABLISH? MENT, ililli luv,, UOW CO Bil Kl?! with tu,, BA R A FINE RESTAURANT, WHERE MEALS CAN bb" OBTAINED.AT ILL HOI ' KS. CHARLES ROBERTS, an old and popular Caterer ot this city, has been eugag.-d as Steward, and be will de? vote his lime to this business, aud th? eutlrc routine of the Culinary Department will be under his immediate supervision. Every ilelicac) that ran bc obtained either ni Ibid mar k.t or abroad will be secured, and lb* Tables be supplfcp ?!lh the rtr-jt ot Hie seimon. THE BAR Uv- BFEJJ RESTOCKED WITH liquors of every variety, ANO THE CUS rOM?RS OF THE E8TABLI HMl '-'l r. ill bc s.--rvc.l by attentive and carrtul waiter?. Orders for MEAL-, both Dinners and Suppers, will laeei with prompt attentiou aud h.- prepared bi expert euced cook?. The Billiard. Saloon, un the second door, is supplied willi PHELAN TABLES, ot the best iiiske, and has every convculeuco for Hie . om lort ol'visitors. September ll M. M. QUINN, Wholesale & Retail l V.r.n IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, ETC, xo. rm KINO STRE??" (Opposite AunatTre.ii, . C h ar los ton; ( S. The LATEST ISSUES i?l me Press always on hand. Subscriptions received und Gooda .L.-U?eri i w i??r w irded bj .Mail or Express. .-\ll CASI! ORDERS will be prontptl) aiteudcd i February 2s i> MISCELLANEOUS. GRATES FOR DWELLINGS AND Offices, of all sizes aiid patterns. For salo by. . SHEPHERD & COHEN, Ni). 297 Kin?gtrei't. October 14 mg JOB PRIM ! JOB ?Wm\ NO, 69 MEETING STREEf, NEXT TO MILLS nor SK. . . MERCHANTS AND OTHERS CAN HAVE THEIR JOB PRINTING executed at the above establish? ment, with accuracy aud promptness, aud ou reasonable tenus. J Oe lober 14. COOPERAGE ! COOPERAGE!" TO FACTORS, PLASTERS AND MERCHANTS. Inn: UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY inform yon that he has a number of first rate work? men making BARRELS of all kinds, wet and dry; and KEGS of all sizes, wet and dry, and that ho is prepared to make contracts for thc Cooperage of Rice, for ship? ment and factorage, at "very reasonable prices. SHOP No. 3 CORDES STREET, leading down to Kerr's Wharf. . JOHN K. BEVIN, i.c'ober ll 3 ENMEBnND FIREMEN ATTENTION! GO TO NO 20;; E\RT BAY AND BUY YOUR CROCUS EMORY POWDER ROTTEN STONE FLOUR EMERY EMERY CLOTH, Ac, tor polishing., ALSO, TANNERS' OIL NEATSFOOT OIL, for Leather Hose LUBRICATING OILS, for Macluuery, At nellies within the reach of all. WM. BL BIRD & CO. September 18 HOWE'S PREMIUM STANDARD VLWAYS TAKE THE HIGHEST PREMIUM, AND TOOK IT AT PARIS THIS YEAR, aa official docu uieuts will show. These Scales are placed entirely ou their actual merits, as every Scale is warranted hi give entire satisfaction. RAILROAD TRACK COUNTER HAY, COAL BUTCHERS' DORMANT DRUGGISTS' and PORTABLE BROKERS' SCALES. Of every size and variety, talland examine samples at the CHARLESTON AGENCY, slgu of Marvin's Safe. >V. 3?. BIRD ii CO., September n NO. JU.1 EAST HAY STREET. MARVIN'S FIEE, BURGLAR A\D DAMP PROOF MARVIN'S PAIENT SAFES never mould their rontents. MARVIN'S PATENT RAFES never corrode the iron. MARVIN'S PATENT SAFES uever lose their Ftre proof qiialUv. M ARVIN'S PATEN ! SAKI'S are the only SAFES tilled With Alum sud i>ry Plaster. No other Sale liss then i|Uslideatioua, \\TV- REFER TO?THF. MERCHANTS, COTTON FAC? TI rlORS. Junkers and Jewekrsol tills city whom we have Hupplied. sftty-eight of these Safes liave beeu fold by us since the clo-e ol the war, which alone should bea *u ill clent guarantee thal they ure all we claim. Call and examine the Stock now on hand, or - end for a Circular. . > \\. M. BIRD ? CO, NJ. 203 EAST BAY, AgcuU for Charleston. September , .' BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. S li ATE. A FINE LOT OF ROOFING SLATE FOR SALE rv cheap at C. W. RFJGNIOUS'S COAL YARD. Octobers 10* East Bav, near Hasel stroet. J. iii. r & IMPROVED Mercantile Agency, M 0. ?O BROAD SIR E E T, tHARLESro.N, S. C. J. Ii. FONDA. Superintendent. '.ptembcr 0_ PIANO-FORTES- ti KA NO, sill IHK AND UPRIGHT- Which aro now aeknowledge<t to bo, by the Leading Artists lu thlj country. SUPERIuR TO ANY OTHERS IN AMERICA. These Instruments pos? sess every modern Improvement, are of Hie largest size, finished lu CARVED aud PLAIN ROSEWOOD CASES, i'uihraciug every variety of style. Each has the full Min ALLI!) FRAME. OVERSTRUNG BASS (With orwitli ont the agraffe arrangement). Esch has the FRENCH GR.WD ACTION, acknowledged lo bo superior to auy other in rapid execution These Instruments are all 8 EV KM, SEVEN \M' 4 QUAUTER and SEVEN AND A THIBU OCTAVES; eoustructed of riiORouoHLX SEASONED WOOD, ami of tue finest ami best material. For OKLAI POWER, SIN OIN? QUALITIES SWEETNESS aud rUBITY OF TONE throiiehout tlieentireBEOIBTEB:ELEGANCEOFFINISH and G Rr. AT DURABILITY, the Piano-Fortes of Messrs. .JI NN Vs ?ii 'JON -re iuii<urpui<Hed bv anv other makers in the WORLD, and have liken the HIGHEST PREMIUM. WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Tue Haine facilities which euable this hnu to produce a SUPERIOR INSTRUMENT, also enable them to offer their PIANO FORTES to the nubile at TWENTY PEU CENV. lower luau auy other FIIIST .i.Ass mauufa- tirrer In the country. The special attention of Dealers, Teachers and others is mvite.1 to the examination of these Punes before mak mg their selection elsewhere. Every Instrument is fully WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Descriptive circu? lars sent to all parts ol the country upon appl'oatiou. Ad? ores*. JENNYS .v SONS. Nos. JX! and 235 East Dist street. Between 3d and 3d Avenues. Ne .? vork. September 21 lvr M BEST MUG KOW IN W\ PHOTOGRAPHS F< H ? THE MILLION ! ! r WI! I. SEND, PO 1" PAID, 50 PHOTOGRAPHS OF ti-.- most ceLbraii .1 Ai tors tor -td cents; iii Actresses lor 5ttcents; MDnioD Generals tor 60 cents; CO Rebel au raia for GO cents; 50 St ucsmcn for CO cent;; GU beau timi young Ladies i ..- MI cents; Wi flnt-looking young Oi>ntlemeu for BO . tents; ii largo Photographs ot French Dancing Girls, in costume, beautifully colored, exactly as iii. ) appear, lor io rents; "i a r 50 cents, t ol the must autiiul Ladies of thc pari-hn Italic) Troupe, as they q.pear In I he pl?} oi Hie Black Crook, at Niblo's Garden, Sew York. iend all orders lu P .>. Bon 1.7. 'J' \. N, V. Ua\ l i _._lvr_ WILLIAM BROOKllANKS, STEAM GAS FITTER AND J-M'.UUKK, >LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL OAS PIX ? DHLs. GAS EITTING A ND PLUMBING pRnMPTI.i VD I ENDED Ti ). No. Hit KING Si'RKK'l. Auitust 31 '?. !?. -II l-lro.:.. ..:i.i one. !. StRvK THE LANCASTER LEDGER, CONNORS tx C vRTER. PROPRIEIOli: QDBLBSHED i.\ KRY WEDNEsiM . MORNING AT Lancaster! ti., s. c, Maviugai rgccubsctiption Hat. lt ofter*a favorable medium to , -icuauts aud all idvertisers who deshe to exteud ibei, business iu the iper Districts ol the State, HM,:-, m idvertisiog bb rah sp, . unen .-,.|.. ..; paper beni on application. Auzust ?J AUCTION SALES. Superior Furniture, of a Family declining House? keeping, consisting of a Chickering's 7 octave Piano, Parlor, Bedroom and Kitchen Furni ture, ?c., ?cc - McKAY & CAMPBELL, Wiri sell THIS DAY. Nth instant at IO o'clock ae?Vo. 1 George Street. PARLOR, CNR SUPERB SET. coKsr-vrwo or; SOFAS, ARM CHAIRS, CHAIRS, MARBLE-TOP CEN? TRE Table, Tapestry Carpet. A.. Ac. DRAWING ROOM TAPESTRY CARPET, SOFAS. CEN tre Tables, Chaira, Book Cast-, Chirkering's Piano, Ac, Ac. BEDROOM MARBLE-TOP SETS, CARPETS, CHAIRS, Ac, complete. ALSO, KITCHEN UTENSILS, COOKING STOVES, ftc, ftc. Terms cash. October 14 Unreserved Sale of Dry Quodi. BY JOHN G. MILA Ult 6t CO. . . TO-MORROW, 15t1 inst, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at our Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting street. A LARGE AND DESIRABLE STOCK OF GOODS. ooKSisTixa OF : RED AND WHITE ALL WOOL FLANNELS. Kerseys, Printed Sattinets, Fsncy Cassimsres, Empress Cloths, 10-1 Bleached Shooting, fi and 4? Brown Shirting, 4-4 Longclotha, Apron Cheeki, Check Homespuns, Max aaiUw Quilts, Shirting 8tripes, White and Slats Jeans, White and Gray Mixed Merino Shirts and Drawers, French Corsets (assorted sizes). Brown and Mixod Half Hose, Women's blate and Mixed Hose, Hoop SHH*. ALSO, AN INVOICE OF SHOP GOODS. CONSISTTSQ op : BIBBONS, Gloves. Jaconet Cambric,'Swiss Mn?lins, Diapers, Pants 8tuff. Dress Buttons, Trimmings, Em? broideries, Suspenders. Madras Handkerchiefs, ftc. Couditiona cash. AT PRIVATE SALE: 60 DOZEN COUNTRY KNIT WOOL, AND WOOL AND COTTON HALF HOSE. '_ October 141 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed and de? livered, will be sold on MONDAY, the 4th day of No? vember next, at Northeast corner of the Conrt House, at 12 o'clock M. ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE defendant in all that LOT OF LAND, with a two-story BRICK BUILDING and utber improvements thereon, sit? uate North side Henrietta street, and known aa No. 34. Levied upon and to be sold os the property of John Moran, at the suit of Edward Kerrigan, Administrator cf Peter'C. Kerrigan. ALSO, \ . At the same time and place, ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND'INTEREST OF THE defendant in alt that LOT OF LAND, with a two and a half story WOODEN BUILDING and other Improvements thereon, situate West side of Pine street, and known as No. 1. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of David Magrath at the suit of William Moran. Terms cash. WM. 8. HASTIE, S. C. D, October 14 n CLOTHING. CLOTHING No. 219 KING STREET, West side, one door South of Mar ' ket Street. NOW OPBNED AN ELEGANT ASSQBTED STOCK OF CLOTHING, Made up specially for this Market. The greatest care ind skill has been bestowed on the Cutting and Work? manship, and every Customer eau rely on purchasing from this House a perfect Garment. THE STOCK COMPRISES ALL, GRADES, FINE, MEDIUM AND LOW PRICED, INCLUDING MANY NEW STYLES. BOYS' m wm CLOTHING, Flill.ll 3 TO 16 mu OF AGE. To supply the increasing demand in this brauch of my business, 1 have great!, enlarged my Stock, Parents n il! lind here all they need tor 1 heir Sons. SI11JR1S. THE STAR BRAND LINEN BOSOM SHIR T S AND The STAR BRAND SHIRTS I have sold in this city for over twenty years have always given satisfaction in FIT and MATERIAL? ? IN FURNISHING GOODS J OFFF.Ri MERINO AND LAMBS' WOOL UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, .shaker Flannel Undershirts and Drawers, Canton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers, Travelling Shirts, Half Hose, Suspenders, Neck Ties. Scarfs, Gloves of Beaver. Buckskin, Dogskin. French Kid aiul faasimeie, Collars ot Linen ami Psi>er in all prevalliutf ?Ivies. timm MIHI. A full supply of CLOTHING for Freedmen of English Kersey and Dov.estic Goods, and heavy Grey Blankets weighing live pounds each. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. The Stock I offer this season is very attractive, consist? ing of ENGLISH, FRENCH and AMEBICAN CLOTHS, Beavers, 'tricots, Coatings, Cssslmeres, Velvets, Vel? veteens and Corduroys. The excellence of the style and flt of Garments made at this House, by au experienced Cutter from France, are sure to please those who will leave their orders. Prices fixed and marked on each article. The entire stock is offered at low prices. Purchasers are invited t? call, and look through tLe supply. Agent. B.W. NeTUREOUS, Supt October IS i ii MIX & No. 598 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. i ESTABLISHED 1830.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FINE CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHICH WILL BE ?OLD lesa than at any other establishment in the city, and warrantod equal to any made in the United .Slates. 43" Descriptive catalogues sent ou application. August 30 THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISHED IN WINNSBORO" s. C., AFFORDS A ' invtttable medium 6? ?V advertising public ol Charleston. We resBcctiull) souVH lueir isUronsste wrour imitiih bt'Urftt. ........... (MILLARD, DESPOBTES ft WILLIAMS. Noviu.lirr 1.1 _ The Beiinettsvill? "Journal" TS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT I BenuettsviUe, s. c.. m the eastern portion of the Mate by STUBBS .v LITTLE, Proprietors, aud offer superior inducements to Merchants aud all others who ? to extend their business iu this section ot the Pee Dee country. We respectluUy solicit the patronage ot ,.ur Charleston Iriends. .Perms-$:? per amain, invariably lu advance. Adver? tisement* Inserted at very reasonable rates._July s THE ORANGEBURG NEWS. PFCLlsUTD EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. AT ?rangeliurg, S. C. Terms fi per annum, in aj v.iiiee Duiiug the spring md tali seasons extra copies ot the OKASantORU SEW* -viii be circulated for the benefit ul "ur advertising patnus. Contract Advertlrementa inserted on the m?>st liberal terms. Address SAMUEL DIBBI.t. Rditor Orangeburg Newe, February 23 OratigeburiJ, S AUCTION SALES. - Balance of Country Store, Dry Goode, Straw Goods, Millinery, Hardware, ic. CAMPBELL* KMOX * CO. Cash Auction Hoaoe, No. 59 Henel street, opposite Postoffice, wm sell THIS DAY. commanctog at 10 o'clock. DRY GOODS, viz: POPLINS, Empresa Stripea, Plaida. Gin.-hain*, Prints, Flannela, Longcloths, Stripes. Caaai tuere*. Jean*. Satinets, Hdkf*., Shirts, Ac, Ac STRAW dOODs AND MILLINERY, viz : LILLIANS, Gladiator?,Boll Lear, Engenta, White and Colored and Fancy styles Puttier*. Plumes, Flowers, Plain and ?'ancy Silk Ribbon?. Velvet Melissa. Elastic, Ac, Ac. WHITE GOODS, H Ubi ER Y AND NOTIONS, viz: CHECK MUSLINS, Lawn?. Jaconets, Cambrics, Bril? liants, Super Ladle*' Uent's and Boy*' Hose and Hali Bose, Fancy iTimmlng, Bottons, Ch?-ns. H*msttch and jther Cambric Hdkfs, Cloves, Bareges, Vails, Ac, Ac. ALSO, Sundry articles HARDW.VRE,'tc, Ac.' Condition? cash._?_October 14 I'NDER DECREE I Si KQ.CITY Flagg os. Ward. ?Viii be sold, under the direction .of the undersigned, in front of the old Custom House, in Charleston, on THURSDAY, the 21th day of October, 1867, at ll A. M., the following VALUABLE RICE ESTATES in Georgetown District, belonging to the Ute Colonel T. J. Ward : LONGWOOD, containing 440 acres ii HOOK GREEN AND SPRINGFIELD, containing 1100 acres . PROSPECT HILL, containing 400 acres. ' AND ALDERLY, containing 525 acres. With the high Land attached to each. Terms cash. 1'ure basera to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES TUPPER, October 7_m3 thl_Master in Equity. Two Horse Waggons. Viii be sold, at George's Station, November nth. to the highest bidder. Three (3) NEW WAGGONS. October 13 ._2*_JOS. STREET. Sate of Government Property. Viii be sold at Public Auction, on MONDAY, the 14th day of October, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the premises, at Bouneau's Depot, on the Northeastern Railroad, A FRAME BUILDING, late the property of the so ailed Confederate States, lite building bi 40x16 feet, ?ith a 7 foot piazza. Terms, cash In Government funds, n compliance with instructions from the Commissioner hireau B. F. and A. L. JAMES P. LOW, October 7 Chief Disbursing Officer S. C. _AGRICULTURAL. iftON TIES "AT. . REDUCED -PRICES ? JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF "BEARD'S PATENT SLOT TIE," AND "BEARD'S PATENT IMPROVED BUCKLE TTE," ?hieb wid be sold at greatly reduced prices, and on 1 be ral terms. Dealers supplied at a heavy discount. REO. TV. WILLIAMS & CO., Fact'rs October 4 10 WAILER'S PATENT SELF-F?STENINQ WI10TJGHT IRON BUCKLE TIE. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT LOUISIANA STATE FAIR. ' IT IS AS CHEAP A TIE, AND THE BEST ONE YET invented. Itls the strongest Tie, .??anding by test o .train or (!000) two thousand pounds. The most easily tdjusted lie, as lt is seif-fastening. (Tho most simple, squiring only to slip the band bato the buckle, and the -lasticity of the cotton ta* te ns itself, and it cannot bs -ome unfastened. . . , For sale, in large or small quantities, by . ROSS, ROBERTS k CO., Commission Merchant* and General Agents, - Na. 86 Fronkatreet* New York City. STREET BHD. A CO., Agents, July 15 T_3mo ?* * Charleston. 8. C. "EAGLE" COTTON GINS, MADE OXIT BT . BATES HYDE & CO., Bridgewater, Blass. NEW YORK-187 Water street. BOSTON-5 Pheonix Building. NEW ORLEANS-til Sb Charlea street. Augusts . - 3mo INGERSOLL'S UNI POWER COTTON PRE!; For Convenience, Economy and Cheapness, the greatest Labor . Si \ ?ne. Machine that can be i ul ou a Plantation. aiPun?na OF THE PEOPLES -ALLENDALE, BARNWELL DISTB?CT, S. C., i Marchi. 1867. I Sitars. Ii tied: Marshall: ' GESTL MEN : I used, dnrmg the past season, ons ol "Inger*", i's Portable Cotton Presses," purchased of yon last Sep ember.. I have alway* been prejudiced in fa for of the -Screw Press," and nothing, but dire necessity in? duce . rue to try any other. I take pleasure, howevar, la a/1 iing my testimony in favor of it? entire adaptation to the wautu ot a cotton plan tallon, lt ha* surpassed my dost sanguine expectational I have packed with but two hand?, yet I prefer four-two at each lever. My bale* ad weighed .over 600 lbs. .The first lot I sent to market averaged 562 Isa! My impression is that 500 lbs. ls about thc capacity of the Press, and a greater number of pounds subject the fodow-block io too much risk, un? ies* the aides of th? cotton box was increased. It would add greatly to the value of the Press if the .?orton box waa ten Inches longer. In haste, I am, very respectfully. Your obedient servant, Ac, B. W. LAWTON. P. 6. I took my Press down and carried it some four miles to pack the crop of a neighbor, who failed to hara a "Screw" built; be was so much pleassd that ha ha* determined to abandon the "Screw''and purchase "In. gersoU's Press." - . - B. W. L. OFFICE OF KINO'S MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMP^NT, 1 YORKVILLE, S. c., April 15,1867. J GENTLEMEN : I have just received your letter of Fsb ruary 14th-upon my return to this place, alter an ab? sence of two months-and this reply may be too late for your "Descriptive Circular of Ingersoll's Cotton Press.'* The Press I used in packing my cotton hut year worked admirably, packing, with ease from 600 to 625 lbs. With good active hands to work it, I am satisfied that from eighteen to twenty bales might readily bo packed tn a day. Thia Press combines the advantage* of lightness, and ronsequentportability and simplicity (being easily maa aged bjr any one of ordinary intelligence!. Great com? pressing torce, with little motive, power, and "last, but uot least," it la worked etotiroly by hand, thu* saving for the farm horses the hard labor Imposed upon them by the u?e of the ordinary -'Screw." Respectfully, Ac, yours, E. AI. LAW. To LITTLE A MABSHALL. Charleston, S. C. For DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR and PRICE LIVT address LITTLE & MARSHALL, * Agents for the Ingersoll Cotton Press. June 17 No. 110 MEETING STREET, Opposite Pavilion Hotel, wwi Charleston, S. C. ASTROLOGY. Ti WORLD MUMMIED AT THE WONDERFTTL REVELATIONS MADE PY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame H. A.PERRIGO. SHE RCYAL?T-SECRET8 NO MORTAL EVER KNEW, she restorer! to happiness "those who. from doleful events, Litastrophes, erosses in love, loss oi relations aud friends, loss of Blaney, A.c., bavo become despondent, she brings together innsp long separated, (fives lnfornia tion concerning absent Mends or lovers, iv?tor*s lost or stolen property, tells you the busmen you archest qualified to pursue and in what you will I" moil meeais nd, ?anses speedy marriages, and tell* you the very day you will marry, (."ives you thc names, likeness aud char? acteristics of thepersou. She reads your very thoughts, uud by her almost supernatural pewort, unvafls the dark and hidden mvsteries ol thc future. From ne stare wo see in the nrmaiueut-thc walene stars that overcome or pr. dominate iu the configuration-from the aspects and positious of the planets and the nxed stars in the heaven* at the time of birth, she deduct* die lulure destiny, t mau. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist ou earth, lt costs von but a trifle, aud you may never agaiu have HO favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, with, likeness and all desired information. $1. PartieaTiviDg; ? at a distance can consult the Madame by mall with equal -afetv and-ati'taction to themselves, ss ii in person. A lull and explicit chart, written ont, with *U inquiries ar? awura! and liltenees enclosed, sent by mall ou receipt ot Dries above mentioned. The strictest secresy .wul uiaint?ined, and all correspondence returned ordeetrrt ,.j Eetfeeent'csof the highest order furnished tho?? ot airing theta. Write platal; the day ot the monthar-a vear io which >.HI were boru, ?uclosiug a small loo* ot Addrsssv MADAME H. A. P?RRIGO, P. O. Dh A WT H 298, Bf FFALo, N. Y. March :w> Vf '