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TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8, 1357. LOCAL MATTERS. _-? ? - TUE Causes W *"K SOHKPOXB OF THK SOUTB CAROLINA RAIXBOAD. - The changes recently inau? gurated on thia road will affect the delivery of I lie Southern aud Western maila, which will not be re . eived until 7| F. af. The bom- of departure being 4.30 A. 31.. necessitates a mail delivery from this city at i o'clock, aud the paper .?.il go to prosa at au earlier hour than Waa heretofore the praotice. Our advertising fiieuii- will t.\ke duo notice of thia change, which goes imo enact to-morroir, and will furnish meir favors at as early an hom practicable. October 5th, 1867, To TRANSIENT ADVERTISERS.-No transient ad? vertisement will be published in this journal here? after unless paul for m advance. By transient we mean au advertisement from any person who is no t a regular advertising customer of tho NEWS. JOB WOKE.-Wa have now completad our office BO aa to execute, iu the shortest possible time ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, and wc most re? spectfully ask the patronage or our friend!*. Post Office Notice. Poet Omet / CHARLESTON-. October 5, 1367. ) On aud after tith instant the mai's for Columbia and pointa b?youd will close at 1.30 A. M. A 86cond mail for Columbia and tho Columbia liranch of Softth Carolina Railroad will elose at 9 P. M. Mails for Augusta, Savannab, aud the Way Mail from Charleston to Augusta will close at 9.3? A. 31. The second mail tor Augusta closes at o. 30 P. 31. On Sundays but one train leaves, and all mails . ?os?, at 5 P. ii. PO?T OFFICE, ( CHARLESTON, 8. C., July 6,18C7. ) j After to-day tho mails for Noi ([.eastern Railroad will close at S o'clock A.M., and. to-day and after? wards they are expected to reach tho Railroad "Station" at 2:30 o'clock P.M., and to be ready for delivery at This .?mee at 3:30 o'clock P. 31. CHANGE JF HOUR FOR DELIVERY OF SUNDAY. MAH.. On and after Sondar, 6th inst., this Office will tm open from five to six o'clock for delivering mails. STANLEY G. TROTT. P. M. UNITED STATES COCBT-HON. GEOROE S. BRYAN, I'aESEDiNa.-The jurors summoned wero called, and a sufficient number not answering to their names, new lists were made out and others ordered to be summoned. Mr. JOHN L. CROWLEY, on application, was made a Commissioner of the United States. OENEBAL ORDERS NO.-. We have not heard of an order being issued in reference to tho call? ing in of "Straw Hats,'' but, from the ITIRII at STEELE'S !:Hat Hail" (aign of rite Big Hat), we judge there lias boca a change in the weather, aud that Folt Hats are preferable, particularly tbe styles introduced by STEELE, tho purveyor of Hat fashions. 1 October S '.TRACTS FOE THE Trais."-Wv Baw last night a copy of a Washington campaign paper, containing in full the speech of FREDERICK A. SAWYER, Esq., delivered in the Hibernian Hall in this city, iu July last. We wero informed that 50,000 copies of this document have been struck off tor geT ^ral circulation iu South Carolina. NtTNc EST LCDENDCM.--Rejoice oh ye fe?deiw and yo short stops, be glad ! Let the pitcher clap his hands, and the basemen be merry, for now is the time to play. Old Jack Frost has given us a puff, and 3ase Ballists do rejoice. This afternoon the Alert Club will pl?y the second match game between their first and second nines. The first nine, it will be remembered, wero victorious in the former match, but their opponents have been practising heavily, and th?*y expect to do aomeOiing. All lovers of the game are invited to be present. The game will be called at half-past two o'clock precisely. ROBBERT.-Notwithstanding tho vigorous effort* of the Detective force, the Llueves continue th?h depredations, and robberies are not an unfrequent occurrence. On Sunday night last the black smith shop of Messrs. DEW AN & HARVEY in Pinckney street, opposito Church, was broken open, but tho enterprising thieves found nothing that could be taken away. Fortunately the shop contained only the tools and iron necessary to the trade, and these wese not considered av liable plunder. A few nights previous to this occurrence .Messrs. DEWAN & HABVEY ha.i left the new running gear of a wagon in tho vacant lot adjacent to their building. Doling the night some thieves who were evidently practised hands, removed every particle of iron from the gear, and the proprietors found, on their arrival, that their v ^rk was love's labor ? lost, and would havo to be .commenced. How I any parties could perform this job without attract? ing the attention of thc police, appears singular, and the only surmiso*is. that they were not around. EXPLOSION OF A SHELL.-On last Monday a freedman on Wadmalaw Island, named Ned Wash? ington, was endeavoring to remove tho powder from an old shell. He had almost eucceoded in effecting his object, when becoming disgusted with the slow process, he took an axe and endeav? ored to loosen the powder remaining ia the shell. The result was an explosion which shattered oue leg severely, and an amputatiou was performed by Dr. JENKESS, at the huco. Washington was sont to the city, and is now an j inmate of the City Hospital, under tbe charge of Dr. 8. CHATBCBN BROWN. Since his removal to ! the city gangrene has set in, and it is feared that the patient will not have strength to recover from his wounds. The frequent accidents that have recurred from the careless handling ot shells should be a warn? ing to every one, particularly to the freedmen, who are, iu most instances, the sufferers, aa their anxiety to procuro a small f>um inducos them to handle the shells without usine; the necessary pre? cautions. LECTCBE THIS EVEKINO.-Profesoor F. A. POSCEXB will deliver a lecture this evening before the Young Men's Christian Association, upon the subject of "The Psalms of David and the Metrical versions of them in use since the Reformation.'' The lecture wi J be held in the College Chapel, and will commence at quarter before 8 o'clock. The Association ii fortunato iu having; secured the services of so s?b!o aud talented a. lecturer us Professor POBOHEB, aud tim Professor bas been equally fortunate in having selected so compre? hensive and interesting a subject for his discourse; for who is there that do^s nof love to read and ad? mire the Book of Psalms, and who will not willing? ly embrace such an opportunity as this to learn more about them, especially that portion of their history which rel.iies to their use in the ancient Christian Church, and the principal metrical ver? sions which have Leen made and used from STEBN K o LD s tim? to this. We trust the community, by their presence this evening, will show not only their appreciation of the author and his subject, but their approbation of the efforts.tbeing made by the Young Men s Christian Association to successfully curry on a y aeries of insti nctive lectures during thecomiog Winter. THE NEW YOKE AND CHARLESTON BTEAMSHIP COMPANY.- Mention has lieon made of the- pur? chase by the above named Company ot tlir Steam? ship "Rhode Island, originally the " John P. Kini," and built in 1860 for the Charleston trade. We remember well the great expectations in? dulged in by her former owners as to her speed and carriage capacity, but before oho fulfilled these hopes the war ensued, and these qualities of speed and size at once attracted thc attention of the United States Quartermaster s Department: Purchased by the Government, she was all through the war in the public service aud ful!-, sustained the high opinion set upon her qualities Strange coincidence' Seven years aita uer launch, after varied fortunes, she ia reclaimed and is to be put upon the hue to Charleston. We are of course gratified at this announcement, ai.U -,tili more so, as with the steamship James Adgei we WiQ, in a very short time bave a regu? lar Taesday, Thursday aa J Saturday dis patch of first clase steamers to New York: but that which would be a very great gratification to a largo circle of friends in thia city and through out Georgia-a compliment which our pister city of Augusta would particularly appreciate--is the anbstitution of the original name for tin? one she now bears. We know it cannot be done without the sanction of authority, but a proper representa? tion would, we feel sure, bring it about, and we hope the effort will be made. Let the name of Augusta's distinguished son float from the mas: ixaad of this fine ship, ITT-T-- liat^iMHHIl MMMIH'W^ ? THE PRIKTIKO OF TUT LAWS OF TUC L STATES, aloud .tun day a ?ga was awarded, I ? MCPHEBBON, til? Clerk of tile Houao of Ben tatives, to two papers published in thb Stat? the Sumter News and tho Charleston Adv Whether from a feeling of modesty at ? auch honors, thrust upon thom, or some cause, unknown to na, neither of tho two recipients have thns hr made anypnbli nonnoement of the fuct. Yeetorday aftetno learned that ?.-> Gar aa the Sumter Newa ia cos ed. the Congressional patronage has been drawn again. We did not learn the reaso s arouse t bat its roceni chango of editor am tics may perhaps h ive something to clo with As it is understood that no paper can r thi* public printing, that ia not biri?and sqi Republican, wo presume the South Ca Leader will make a strong bid. for it ; and is no reason that we can see why ir should 1 entitled to thi.s Lit of pap, with Utily as much as it? fellow Radical weekly, Ibo Charl Advocate. -o MATOB'S COTTBT.-A freedman, who wish make bia way through tho world without tit endeavored to walk through the market wi open umbrella. As this conduct was not ac ing to Hoyle, the freedman was asked,to clo! parasol; ho declined, and became obstrepe when he was arrested bj tho poUce. Ho wa? r>, and one of his companions who had attc-n a rescue, received the same punis.'.men?. Five culprits answered to the roll call, and guilty to tho charge of occupying moro o sidewall; than was their just privilege. It ap ed to Ve a unanimous affair, and was chara ?zedas the heavy drunk. One woman who? the party, went in with a will, and succeed raisin!! u small tempest, The immortals considerably embalmed when discovered, but sent to the grand rendezvous tor bad spirits allowed to recover undor a treatment of a board for a pillow. Tho delinquents did not mar at the change, remembering that it v pleasant thing for brethren to live togetin unity. Tar FARM ANO ?ABDEK.-We have veceivec October .number of th?3 Agricultural Maga and fully concur with the editor that it is the number yet issued ; indeed, the Farm and Ga has been increasing its facilities for impai useful information, over since its organiza Starting originally as an experiment, it hat como a success, and as far a.s we kuow, is the agricultural journal in this State. The nut before us, beside the usual reading matter, tains a number of illustr?tioua that add con: rably to the interest of tho work. The aubsi tion price, $1 per annum, is a mere bagatelle, we trust that tho agricultural portion of the < mani ty will not be backward in encouraging enterprise. Mr. JAMES R. JACOBS, the editor, is known in this city, being a graduateof Charle College, and ia fully capable of conducting arduous position he has undertaken. His jou speaks for itself, and we can give no better nc than the folio wing extract from its pages: " This number of our monthly is. we beli the best in arrangement, illustration, reading i ter, Ac, that we have yet issued. We aro di mined, and we bopo our friends by this time out, that the ' Farm and Garden ' shall be a class agrie ultural journal. We call upo ti the ] pie of the State to see that this, their paper amply supported. More subscribers, will em US still further to improve, and we promise 1 every additional il, (our subscription price) ceived Bhall bo applied to the improvement oi magazine. And surely twenty-four pages of s reading matter as we give monthly, and so ol illustrated, is worthy the paltry sum asked subscription." -o Tar REOPENING OP THE FAKE SCHOOLS.-' first Monday in October has long beeu the open dav of tho Free Sehoola of this city, and al early hour yesterday morning the* streets in vicinity of the different schools were alive v children anxious to recommence their studies ; to have their names registered. During the vt tion the Board of Commissioners iiavo perice several changes in the organization of tho sebo We have already alluded to the Morris sti School, which has been set apart for tho ednc&t of the colored children, and which has steadily creased in favor since it was organised. F additional pupils wore enrolled yesterday, niak the number registered nearly five hundred. T school waa opened two weeks ago, and is now full operatiou. It is patronized extensively by i ?.edored population, and wiH-eoon IMJURI in larity the private colored schools now iii the ci THE Nv'KM AL SCHOOL has becuS-hanged into a girls' grammar sehe where the higher branchos of the English langui are taught : but select clasaes are to Ix? forn where pupils can obtain the instruction that v flt them to become teachers. .About four hnndi pupila were registered yesterday, but the morai was principally occupied in arranging the claai and accustoming the acholara to tho discipline the aebool. Tho Commissioners have, made rangements for the accommodation of between ? hundred and aix hundred pupils, and should tl number be acceptod it will necessitate an electi of two or more assistant teachers. At present t Principal, Vice Principal and five Assistants cc Btitute tho corps. In arranging the buil ding it vi found ncceaa?ry to furnish new settees and otl t'uruitnre for the Assembly Hall ; tho contract I a portion of these wao awarded to Mr. C. A BBECHT. iu Wentworth street, near Pitt.- Notwit standing th* comparatively short notice, thc pettees, ?cc., wore fm nibbed in ample til aud reflect great credit upon the mak< while some articles of school furniture that we ordered from tho North havo failed to reach tl city. Tho Normal, or more properly the Hij Grammar School, is undor the control of the ic lowing teacbero : Principal-Miss A. It. SIHONION. Vice Principal-Miss ETTA A. KCI.LV Assistant',-Misa H. F. BOKAH, Mias J?ITELI Wen.DSN, Miss JOSIE C. CARN. Miss MABIA 1 KEITH, Mrs. ISAP.L A. SMTH. THE ST. PHILLIPS STREET SCHOOL ls designed for both girls and boya, the formet however, being only in the primary departmen This school has also been redtted during tho vac; tion, and ia now capable of accommodating hoi ! nine hundred to one thousanJ pupils. Abot eight hundred were registered yesterday mornini and from tho crowd that stood bet?re the gates v, judged that many who carno with that intentio were debarred tho privilege on account of thei tardiness, and would have to return thc next da.\ Tho school ia divided into three departments-tb' first and second grammar ami the primary. Ther aro several classes in each department.-aud th accommodations in the Bhape of class rooms, tux ure thorough and complote. Tho toucher.- are: First Grammar Department: Prinoip:i! of Schoo -Mr. H. P. ABCHLK. Vice-Principal-General W. S. WALKES. Assistants--Mr. M. M. FABBOW, Mis3 C. (). Mu: TIN, Miss ANN ARCHER, Miss M. E. FABEB. Second Grammar Department: Principal Mi C. C. HAHBEBS. Vice-Principal-Miss A. Y. CunwoBTH. Assistants-alias A. M. RICHARDSON. Miss E. S JOHNSON. Miss M. E. CANTWELL. Primary Department: Principal -Mr-. M. WHITE HEAD. Vice-Principal- Mita MAB? C. PHOTON. Assistants Miss OCTAVIA C. PANSIN, Misa S. E. BOXXKBOK, Mira s. R. DAVIS, Miss JULIA B. IXXHX. MISS E. ( . ??CRQEKS. Miss M. E. FABEB. THE in^TINO STREET SCHOOL Has become quit" popular since tho occupation of that in Morris street by thc colored pupila. It is unfortunately too aniall and confined for the num? ber cf pupila that apply, as there ia no other free Behool in the Dpper Wards. At present it is im Ioeaible i?r the Board to extend the privileges of education Ly occupying other buildings. Tho de? struction of the Friend ?troot School, and the assignment of that in Morris street to the colored pupils, has necessarily prevented many from avail tug themselves of thc advantages of a free educa? tion; but wo iraat that, with returning prosperity an appropriation will be made that will enable them to rebuild the lower school, and furnish othera for the children in the upper section of the city. About two hundred pupils were-enrolled in the Meeting street School. 'The teat hers are Principal-Mi?s ISABELLA BLAIR. We Principal-Mis.- G G. WITHIBS. Assistants-Miss M- C GRISWALD MISS ti A TnaiioK?. Misa C ROA;.? The dav wa-) spent in the diffeicut schools in organizing the =evotal department? und m I acquainting tht- pupila with th. roles a?d regulations. Dnder theae circomstancea, it wi.s impossible t.> obtain a correct id.-a of (ht working condition, and we cannot do more than ?iw a brief uoticu of the schools, hoping tesuuie tua subject *: nome future du-. -0 - n. iv. If you want c-bc-ar. ?iank Boofca; If you want cheap Stationery, Envelops*, Pa per, Ac; or, MILLLKS' Almanac; if you want Printing oxeen ted neatly; If you want Booka bound in any style, or Account Books made to order, with any desired pattern of ruling, go to HntAH HARRIS, Nr., 59 Broad street, PBE-AJMMTTE MAN.-Wp bolicVC it ?S B?CKLF. M Lu LI yu that il ia ? weU-eaUbbshed fact tliat H Lc v.. er ona saan brooke a le?, or one woman baa Ms, immediately ai tor ward several oilier mon will break their legh, and BOVOral other ladies have con? vulsion-;. This is culled tlio law of coincidence. We worn forcibly reminded ol'th is the great law of chanco yesterday afternoon, when we bad the honor of ;v visit to our sanctum from Prof. W. C. txETRB, State Geologist of North Carolina, Dr. N. A. PRATT Analytical Chemist, of this city, and Prof. PitAXCia ?i. HOLMES, of Charleston C.'liege. Tho two former had boca to Prof. HOLMES' plantation yesterday morning, uoar Ashley Perry, about ten milos from thia city, to examino the bod (post plein, no (Icpoeit) w^ described at some length in our issue of Saturday. They were armad with tho geologist's I'snal tools, piel; and hammer, and went tu work, and soon bad reason to bo more than satis led with the reward of their labor. They found a piece of ibo boue (dorsal vertebra ) of tht- mammoth, but this ita* long ceased to be an object of curiosity, KO many ol' the romains ol' e?tinct animals having already been found in this bed. They kepi on in their search, and presently ?aw on the sloping beach a jagged object project? ing about one and a half inches from the sand. They began tn dig, and soon unearthed, to their delight ?Dd amazement, a human thigh boue, en? tire with the exception ol' tho '.ower articulation. Tho bone ii sixteen iucbes in length ; heavy onough to indicate petrifaction, yet not sufficient? ly KO to lead ii.s t?> suppose that it was entirely petrified. The cellular structure in the coutro is in perfect preservation. The outer covering only would appear to have undergono petrifaction. Its general appearance in every respect is precisely similar t.> (hat ol' the fossil usually found in the post-ploiocone deposits. Tina femur was found a few frat from the bono of tho mammoth rofoned to above ; and near it a small fragment (nine and a half inchon long) of a human tibia, apparently be? longing to Hie same period as the others we have mentioned. Professor KERU and Dr. PRATT also fouu I a small piece of pottery. similar to i'.-noral pieces in i-rofessor Ho?.?ircs7 possession. This is a very important dise.r cry. and v*e do uni wonder that Professor HOLMES enthusiasm is at feyer boat. After looking for human bones in this bed for upwards of twenty-three years, it is sin^mar those shculd have been found at last by others, who were there casually on a first visit, Professor Hni.iins not being with them. As a curious coincidence, wo may also refer to the fact of our having directed public attention to thc sub? ject only two days agc -m Saturday's NEWS-and thor.) having asked the question, Why human bones have not been discovered in a stratum giving so many other evident-.s of the presence of man? Scarcely was the iii^di i. when the ques? tion received a signally brilliant and perfectly con viucinf-; answer in the femur discovered yesterday. We hope Professor HOLMES will give his fears to the winds, and proceed at once to publish this itn poriant discovery to the scientific world. BUSINESS NOTICES. AT.?. KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE AT THE DULY NEWS OFFICE. Auction Sales Thia Day. Mass DHAKL will sell thtsda.x. at bia store, corner of Kin.; aud liberty atreeta, at 10 o'clock, fancy boxes, desks, .vc. JOHN G. Mn.soi: f? Co. will !<ell Ibis day, tn their auc? tion sales room, No. US Meeting street, at ll (?clock, lhr*o stock of a retail dry goods store: also prints, on ac? count ol all concerned. WM. 3. IIASTIIC. S. C. D', will sell this day, at tho north? cast coiner ot' the Court nouxe, at li o'olock. a lot of land in Trident street, a lumber cart and a carriage; also, at ono o'clock! on MALONE'S lot. King street rond, all the right and title of the defendant in a diat?lory. T. M. CATFR will sell this day, on Brown's Wharf, at o'clock, butter, hains and sides. R. ic A. P. CALDWKLL will sell this day. before their store, nt ic, o'clock, strips, shoulders, ic, MCKAY k <'VMPBEIJ. will sell this day, at 10 o'clock, at their auction salesrooms, No. 13?? Mi cling street, op? posite Pavilion Hotel, bankrupt stock of dry uoud?, boots, LAI'BH A ALFKANUIK will sell tins da;., at 10 o'clock, before their store, No. 137 East Bay, ham?, shoulders. Ac. MILUOAN k SON ?ill sill this day, at 10o'clock,at No, 3? Vendue Range, dry gooda, shoos. Ac. -o ll TU VtV M. CL.KCKI.KV. Ill I?.. Homcnputblt' Physician, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. SOUTHWEST CORN FR COLLEGE AND GREEN STREETS, Charlestou. S. C. COKSTTLTATIOM BotJBS- From 7 lo '.?', A. M.; from to 4)/. P. from 8 to lo P. ll. October! thstlil'J -0 For restoring sdretigili and appetiie, use the great Southern Tonic. PAKXMS'S HEPATTO BITTERS and you wUl uot bc di^apiMiintcd. For salo by all druggists, tu -o \ Car?, what .- TARRANT'*! EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT, and what ac its effects? These are ques? tions which tbs great American public has a right lo ask, and it also has a right to expect n esndlri and satis? factory reply. The preparation is a mild and gentle ?aline cathartic, alterative and tonic, aud ls most care? fully prepared in thu form ot' u snow while powder, con? taining all the wonderful medical properties of the far tamed Seltzer Springs ot Germany Of Its effects we would say that those who have tested C>e preparation aro the best judfe?, and they declare over their own signatures that thu preparation will promptly rolicve indigestion. Regulate the flow ot the bile. Cure every species ot headache. Tranquilize thc nervous system. Refresh and invigorate thc weak. Miti? gate thc panjs cf Rheumatism. Neutralize acid in thc Stomach. Cleanse and tone tho bowel?. Assist the jailing appetite. Cure thc heartburn. If you are a sufferer give this Remedy one trial, and it will convince you ol' the abovo tacts. TARRANT k CO., Sole Proprietors, New York Sold by all Druggists. ames Soptember 12 The Ttmc to Advertise tn tile Country. Tux Team* has a large circulation throughout tht. rtiiddle and lipper Districts ot the State. Adve: iislD|. r.-.:<^ cs reasonable ar tho stringency of tho menor mar? ket will warrant Merchants mid others wishing to use tb?; relumes ol the paper will address JULIAN A. S?XEY. Propriitor, l v unary %"> i iolumbla, s. c. LOOK OUT! OK IOU WILL LOSE .4 FORTUNE. THE SALE OF . rOKETS IN GEORGIA ?TATE LOT? TERY, fur the Grand Scheme of Ootober 9th. CAPITAL rr.lZE. SaO.000, Tickets only One Dollar. Closes THIS DAV st 6P. M. Office No. 20 BROAD STREET. OotobcrS ?r - 1 Invisible Poisons. The lledttns and M Borgias fortified their systems rr i th no werf ul antidotes ageiust tbesuhtle poisons willi \Thi?S|hey tised tut-dm ro> their enemirs, and which thoy feared might oner day be employed against them suire?. /?Charo are inri ?Me poisons, almost as deadly, against wBWb few' of us think of taking any precautions. Theta banes are In the air. Whou thr atmosphere is surcharged -.villi thom, as tl sometimes i-< at this season, epidemic fevers i.usue. The Summer which has Just closed has beon a most remarkable one. The amount ol rain that has fallen han bera enormous, and thc exha? lations from the soil have been, and aro, dante' und co pious almost beyond eismple. These ?adulations exer? cise a pernicious influya,-;: on thu vi;sl power*,and pre dispose tue system tu disease. Everywhere people are complaints r>funu->aul debility, latitude aud depres? sion. These symptoms are generally i'oreruunets of au epidemic. Combat thom early--before they lapse int.? soniuthiuL' worm-willi HOSThTTER'? STOMACH BIT TEES, the mostefl'eciivi autidote to malaria timi tho vegetable kingdom has ever yielded, lu opt ration is three-fold,-Invoga railug, depurativa and autlbUious. Free Lom any Ingredient thai In thc slightest degree deleterious to health and containing the .mues aud *x troeta ot thc rarest medicinal herbs, it is Immeasurably superior, a ' a defensiva preparation, io any other louie. b*rt?*l cr mineral, at prosent used lu medical practice. A course cf HOSTETTER'a BITTERS ls, humanly speaking, a perfect safeguard a^ahul intermittent aud remittent fevers, <; October 7 Know thy Dest iny. MAXXUU B. T. TnoB5TO ?. the srest English Astrolo? gist, Clairvoyant and 1 sychomelr.cian, v,liO ?.RS aatnn inhed tho scientific classes of tho 01.1 World, has now lo? cated herself at Hudson, N. V. Madame TaoiiSTf.:;pos? ai euell wond?rfiii powei 9 of second fisTbt ai t.-> ena? ble her lo imper! knowledge of the greatest Importance lo the atngis or married oi cither suv. While In a alan, n trance, she delineates lue very lsaiares ot lae perara yon arc to marry, sud by the a.d ot aa Instrument nf in ti r.jc power, know.l as the PaycboxUGtrope, guarantee, to produce n lit.- lite i icture of the future husband or wife oi the applicant log< thor with dite.,: marriage, posniou In Ufe, leading traits or character, A*c, This is no hum bus, s- tbouaaud or iest,?u,-.nlsl- ^aii assert. Sba .viii scud, .-.hen desired, n certified cerilfieato, or wriitao guarantee, that rite picture i? what i: ; nrporta t.e. V, enclosing a muait lock oi hair, and giving plaoe of binn, diupoait?ou ?nd i >inpleaaon,attd ^ncloglnq flfty. ccu and stamped envelope UJUI. ?A?,? tn yonnelf, rou ?vi? r..? f Ivo lbs picxtue and ? (laired i'jfurmatiou n> return mail, all . otnii-.unicaiioa? sacredly confldantial, Addr*^-. iu confidence, Madam; F. F THORNTON, P.O.Box233, Hudson. N Y_ ly March 30 Free lo Everybody. A L?r?e C pp Circular, giving fnlormatlon of ?he rroate;! Importance to the joting of both :.a.tts. It teaches hr-w the homely may become boautiful, tl., .i^spljed respected, and thc icrsakau loved. Ko young iady ct gen ll oman should fail to tend their sddre:.a. and receive a ropy post paid, by return mai!. Address P o Draws'-. 'A. Match 30 lyr Tro.., N Y*. LOOK OUT! Or you will lose a Fortune, THE KALI' OF TICKKT8 TTOEORGIA STATE LOI TERY, for th? Grand Scheme oi Oct*b*r 9Ui. OAl-TT V ). PRIZE, S?O.IMIU. TiokatK only One Dollar. OloPftu THIS DAY at ? P. II. OftVd No. iO BBOAD STREET. October 8 1 AGRICULTURAL, Two of Hie Prisses are ?ow ready for delivery, rpHE ATTENTION OF PLANTERS IS CALLED TO J. the best COTTON PRESS that has ever been offered to tho market for baling cotton. It ta warranted to presa 650 Uss. into au ordinary fired bale with two mon. Il is substantial and durable, and can bo placed ic thc samo building with (he Gin, One of them can bo wen in <*.per ation st North Commercial Wharf. Apply to WM. S. HEKERY, * NO. SH MEETING STREET. October S _tutbsf. IR ON TIE S. FAS? P1TB\T TIE. A SUPPLY OF FASSMAN'8 SELF FASTENING J\_ COTTON TIE, (anew auu superior article), just received and for sale at lowest prices. Liberal discount to dealers. R. J?. BUTLER, Agent, October S NORTH ATLANT IC WHARF. IRON TIES AT REDUCED PRICES ! JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY Or 'BEARD'S PATENT SLOT TTE," AND '.BEARD'S PATENT IM PB OYE D BUCKLE TIE," which will be sold at greatly roduced price?, and on liberal tarros. Dealers supplied at a hean discount. GEL?. W. WILHAMS & CO., Factors IVtober .? ie BAILEY'S PATENT SELF-FASTENING WBOUOHT IRON BUCKLE TIE. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT LOUISIANA STATE FAIR. IT IS AS CHEAP A TIE. AND THE BEST ONE YET inveuted. It is the : trou jost Tie, standing by test a htraln ol' fiftOO) two thousand pounds. The most easily adjusted Tie, as it is self-lantmlng. The most simple, requiring only to sbp thu band into the buckle, and the elasticity ol' tho cotton fastens itself, and it caunnt be? come unfastened. For sale, in laige or small quantities, by ROS*. ROBERTS A CO., . Commission Merchant* and General Agenta, No. 90 Front street, New York City. STREET BRO. A CO., Agent3. July IG 3uio Charleston. 9. C. "EAGLE" COTTON GINS, .\unr. ONLY BI BATES, HYDE & C< >., Bridgewater, .Matti; NEW YORK-1ST Water street. BOSTON-". Pl.,.-ulv Building. NEW ORLEANS-Cl St. Charles Aucu.stfi arno CHARLESTON ii.?irn.Ti?iL wiR?HOiii AND * SEED STORE. LITTLE & MARSHALL, No. 140 Meeting Street, (OPPOSITE PAVTLH>N HO PET;,) I ?nt Irr* ill all Kimi- ol' Agricultural Implements, SAW AND ROLLER 8?NS COTTON GINS. \: GRISWOLD OIN. HEN ERE Y'S MCCARTHY OIN. H. L. EMERY & SON'S SAW CIN A NI? t 'ON DENSER, for Hand or Horse Power. SOUTHERN COTTON CO.'S (UN. NEW YORK COTTON CO.'S GIN. BROWN'S ?DOUBLE CYLINDER GINY BROWN'S HAND OIN. ^CARVER'S OIN. EAGLE OIN. -I HORSE POWERS. LITTLE GUST HORSE NM. THE LITTLE GIANT, THF BEST, MO=T COMPLETE CUD CHTAPFST HORSE POWER MANUFACTURED. In introducing this new Power int? the, t. wr r.ouldstat.- that tho following are come of the advan? tages posseased bv tua'T UTI E GIANT" over ali other Horse powers : L Ita great strength ou account of being double gcired. which not only doubles thc strength by dividing the Btraiu cn twice the number of teeth, but by gcariua on both sides of tho wheels it equalizes thc wear on the tbufts, and materially lessens th? friction, cnr.bMngtlifi horses to do much moro work than with snv other Power. Its compactness and extreme portability, lt weighing about one-half as much as other Horso Power;, and occu? pying but one-third tho space, it can be packe j in small boxes, thud saving much expense. It ls so simple that thc most ignorant person would have no dhlicuir. in putting it together. 3. The facility r?ith which it can bo adjusted to anv kind of machinery at any angle, either on tho ground or over head, without moving it from, its foundatiun, will be appreciated by fermer* snd plauters ss specially adapt ?.(1 for driving Cotton Gin OOH vc: L. KnTEHY'S PATENT ENDLESS RAT LW A VT HORSE BOWERS. KISHM'lTZm NOMI* AMI REAPING ?ACHINES. WASHING MACHINES. Plows of all descriptions, Cast Trou and Steel. rLOtV CASTINGS, in every variety; Cultivators ; Home Hoes : Burowa : Cast Iron Field and Qardeu Rol lera ; Fan Mills; CoiuMilK: Corn Shelters; Corn and Cob Crushers; Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutters ; Planta? tion Carts and Wagon? ; Caual arid Garden Barrow* ; >ugaf Mill? : Grindstones ; Raid Scrapers;-OautiiH > liofeli ; Sj tades : Raken ; Fork- ; Hoes, ftc., &e. Oar 'I. n seeds, uf all Kind*, warranted pure and Fresh. LITTLE & MARSHALL, No. 140 Meeting Sired, (OPPt'SITE PAVTMOH HOTEL.) CIlARLBSTOff. s. c. Time 13 tuiiu CO^MISSSO^ MERCHANTS. EDWARD LOWNDES, FAHD ll AMI MMM Wm\\\l BOYCE'S WHARP, C H A ll LKSrL\< > \ . S. C. Ri pb inii> r '. i stofblino 11H.LIU1 H. MIMD * bx, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers AM? COMiSSSON .VIERCHAJKT8, OFFICE No ll Al S fi STREET. WILLIS & CH1S0LM, FACTORS, tmm yiRtilvfs, AND S Fl I PP ? NG ? G EST TS. ?X/ILLATTEND TO THE PURCHASE^ PALI' AND >* SUI 1'MENT .t.. Foret?ni awl Domestic P--"i ; 1 i O iTON, RI CE, LUM iii; AND NAVALS" TOBE! ? ATLANTIC li 'mr . ?um lento?. S.C. I. a ii.i.i... .A. R. CHISOLM \ OT IC IO. TTUIE SHIPPINC AND COMMISSION 3?S?ESS V will for Ute present bo carried as usual by ?Ja nodi rsigfittd at No. o East Buv, over tho ?tore formen.? . iptaa by CRAIG. TUOMEY * CO. _. Mi persons haring individual claim* mu* prsssniVu i?.aae. and thoa* indeMed mdltldually T" "^J^1 mom to . . : i .. .it.. THE TR?-WEEKL? SEWS, T>UBIISHED ? S WTNN9BOBO' Si C., AFFORDS A ? profitable medium fa? rae advertising public CA L Karlcston We mpsctittlty solicit their pstreur.. ? ?-r ?ur mutine betti ?.t DA I J. LARD, oeSPORTES \ WILLIAMS Nev?-,- j;. AUCTION SALES. Butter, Ham'i and Si '.'i. BY T. M. CATER. W1U be sold THIS DAY. ou Brown1? Wharf, atthrcv quarters -past Nine, o'clock, 7ii nrkins STATU BUTT BB, in store and landing steam er Sonder . 400 Bagged llama ino side tl tierces Unhanged Ham?. Coiiditioua cash. . October 8 KY R. ?i A. 1'. CALDWELL. THIS DAY, tho Bib, will bo sold, before our store, al naif-past 0 o'clock, . BACON STRIPS Bacon Shouldors Bacon Hams Hacon Sides KPRM Butter Kegs Lard. Conditions cash. October 8 trams. Shoulden, Strips, (on], App.'es, cte, BY IiAl'KEV cw ALEXANDER. THIS DAV, the 8th instant, will be sold before onr ?ti-re, No. 137 East Bnv, at 10 o'clock, ??On SHOULDERS ISO New York S. C. Si rips 10 obis. Apples-in tine order 10 coils Rope 12 dozen Clothes Lines lo dozen Straw Brooms 4 Nests Buckets, Sic. AND OX ACCOUNT or ALI. CONCERNED, 15 bags COHN 7 tierces Hams 1 hhd. Sugar. condition.- cash. . October 8 Hoots, Shoes, Broqaiis, Balmorals. Gaiters, dec. BY rf. r i I % i O? HOS. On TO-MORROW 9th inst., at 10 o'clock, in our tales room, No. 142 Meeting Street, opposite Pavilion Hotel. We will HOII for cash 50 Cases BOOTS, SnOES, Brogans. Balmorals, Halters, kc, all Fresh and Seasonable, Goods. ALSO, ' 10 CARTOONS SHOP GOODS. Liberal cash advance* on nmsiguniants, October S BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC^ SLATE. 4. FINE LOT OF ROOFING SLATE FOR SALE l\. cheap Ht C. W. SEIGNIOUS'S COAL YARD, October 8 10? Kant Bay, near Hasel street. ANDREW HcfOHB, Jr., HAS THIS MAY OPENED, AT NO. 217 EAST BAY, opposite now Custom House, a General Commis sion Business for tho sale of LIME AND BUILDING MATERIAL, and respectfully solicits the patronage of | the public j-enorally. stnwl2 September 28 MISCELLANEOUS. important to Farmers and Millers. PORTABLE GRIST, MEAL AND FLOUR MILL, COMBINED. HART A MUNSON'S FRENCH BURR MILLS, LAT? EST IMPROVEMENT S, patented 1860 several MILLS in operation in this city. At low prices. JNO. CAMPSEN 4 CO., Agents, No. tl Market street, rppnaite State street. September M tnflmo mmm m mm ATTENTION ! Gin rO NO 20.1 LAST B\~V^^kl'Y ?OUH f CROCUS EJWBT POWDER ROTTEN STONE FLOUR EMERY EMERY CLOTH, Ac. tor polishing. ALSO. TANSERS' OIL NEATSFOuT OIL, for Leather Hose LUBRICATING OILS, for Machinen, At Mgures within thc roach of nil. WU. H. BIRD Sc CO. SeptemN r 18 H O W ?7 S PREMIUM STANDARD ALWAYS TAKE THE HIGHES I' PREMIUM. AND TOOK IT AT PAWS THIS YEAR, as ofttclal docu? ments will allow. These Scales are plaosd entirely on their actual merits, aa evnrr Seale is to give entire satisfaction. RAILROAD TRA' K COUNTER HAY, COAL BUTCHERS' DORMANT DRUGGISTS' and PORTABLE BROKERS'SCALES, Ot every size and variety. ' Call and examine samplna al the CHARLESTON AGEHCY, sign of Marvin's Safe. W. M. BIKO Sc CO., Septembers NO., ?8 EAST BAY STREET. - MARVIN'S FIRE, BURGLAR UD DAMP PROOF MARVIN'S PATEN i SAFES nc7cr mould their cont6nts. MARVIN'S PATENT SATES never corrode the iron. MARVIN'S PATENT SAFES LDVcr lose their Fire proof quaUtv. M,VRYTN'fl PATENT SAFES are the only SAFES ailed v.itu Alum and Dry Plaster' No ether Safe has these qualifications. \\TH REFER TO i HE MERCHANTS, COTTON PAC V? TORS, Bankere ami Jewelers of this city whom we nave auppiled. Six ty eicht of these Safes havo been sold by us since the do?? of the war, which alone should be a sufficient gu?rante* that they are all we claim. Call and examine the stock now on limul, or send for a W. M. BIRD Sc CO, .N.-. 'Jon EAST BAY, A#euu torCnariMituu. September!! imo _INSURANCE. EIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. BISKS TAKEN ON" HOUSES, COTTON, Rf CE, FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE, &?.., AT TARIFF RATES, IN THE FOLLO WIS 44 ' RELIABLE COMPANIES, VU I MERCHANT'S ANO MECHANIC'S FIRE INSURANCE PANT, ot' Baltimore. Maryland Eire Insurance Company, of Baltimore. Howard Fire lusurauce Cofnpany, of Baltimore, National Fire [n su rance Company, of Baltimore, Associated Fin luau's Fire innurauce Company, ,,f Uniii niore. . Standard Fir? Insurance Company, ol Nev, \..rk. %.>iil:<c-i - and Neu York Firs Insurance Company, ofNew Yolk. MARINE RUSS TAKEN Ai REASONABLE BATES lo the Oriental Mutual Insurance Company <-t New York Apply ... HUGE Ii & ItAYENEL, A^oiits, CORNER EAST BAY A SP EXCHANGESTREET. October I - _ W,H*_ WORM) MUTUAL LIFE IIIJB? ?0MP1N? OF . t. ti Y O R-K . --r'-'rrrEROTHINGHAM ' I V, Y WI I I RTS GEO. L. WILLARD. ^..?V, ntn il ll . H. E PEER REPENT ' , ul TTE*MW 1" TH UM AF j i, , ct S El b JOHN HOLSEY. u wv ? i i i E. TOWNSEND. '^? r i r THOS. T. BUCKLEY ST ? BFECEal \ . HENRY A. SWIFT, r/' v - rsIA CK rAS. H. PRENTI? E PSrra R GU A VE-. H MESSENGER. XT^XOSLB GEO. L. NICHOLS iv rs V NOYKS, J. W. FROTHtNGBAM ? -U ?' FOWLER, WM, C. f.KELDON. ? ivi i B CALDWE1 : OLIY ER ?3. CARTER wa BENTLEY. LEWIS B. LODER. WM P. PREN! ICE ?. T. B. MAXWELL. , H FROID IN. ?il UM EZRA P. PRENTI,'! ., - r ?Bt R BENL lilfRs. oments : GEORGE I. WILLARD, Presiden i. O. H. GORDON. Vier; President, o .. PLYER, secretarv and Actual.-. THE PLANS FOR BUSINESS FC':' THIS INSTITU? TION ara very lib?rai and attn ?-vc- to thoa? who wi*h to insuse their brea in u FIRsi ;. COMPANY. Its business ls vcrylar?t- und rapid: ising, AU th? various kinds ot policies are In .... : . as favorable terms a= offc rrd iu any otb'.: goo.i ompany :a the conn rv. DIVIDENDS increase wit .;-,e agc- ol :t.e Policy. Non-perticipsting rate^ tiru li . ihan those of lily Company in the world. Losses pal i in thirty days titer duenouce and proof ol dcatn. . iberal m rango inenta mad? tn regard to travel. One-tin ?. 1 of th? am.vjut i l premium mil be loan dthe policv-nol, ur if desired. J. AL?RED CAY. Gem :?1 Aient. ?fti.-,. m rf-ar ot Limn Insurance. inly 13 stUthSnm Lau Ran. , Broad atresL ?U&TIOM SALES ! Irhrtierved Sate. -Bankrupi' Stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Slices, Hals, Notions, Au, ac. MeKAV & CAMPBELL, Casi? Auc tion House, No. 130 Meetins Street, opposite Pavillon Hotel, - Will commence b> sell, THIS DAT. TUESDAY, 8th inst, at 10 o'clock prut laely, - Pieces of FRENCH MERINO, Dulaiues, Bareges, Poplin*. Striped Woollen Plaids, Silk Velvet. Mull and Swiss Jaconet, ( 'ainbric Lawns. Browj Domestics, ac. ALSO, - Pieces CASSTMRRE, Iv-teraham, Satinet*. Twcoda, Jeans, shepherd's Plaids, Flannels, ??c., fte. ALSO, Ladies' and Gents" VESTS and UNDERSHIRTS, Gents' super Llneu Bosom and Woollen Travelling Shirta, Co at Binding, "Coates' " Spool Cotton, Silk Thread, Whito Tape, Cloak Trimmings, Ac, Ac. ALSO, MILLINERY HOODS, Ladlee' sad Misses' Hats, trim med and untrimmed Pieces Ribbon, Ladies' Linen and Cambric Handher? chiefs, hemstitched and embroidered. HOSIERY-Ladies'. Misses' and Gents' Hose and Half Hose, Gloves, Ac. ALSO, Ten case? dents' FELT and WOOL HA Ti?, a erv fin? assortmeut ALSO, - Cases Gents' SEWED BOOTS-custom made - Cases Gents' pegged double soled Boots - Cases Gents' sewed Gaiters - Cases Ladies' and Misses' Balmorals Varied assortment of regular Goods. ALSO, 100 Suits Custom-made CLOTHING. ALSO, An Invoice of PRINTED LINEN DRESSES, Lace Book Collars, Infants' Embroidered Waists. Hemstitched Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Ac. These are worth the attention of the trade? . ALSO, One 16 carat S DIAMOND RING, first water. Cutlery, Nortons, Ac. Tue above Goods open for examination one hour be fore sale. Terms cash._October 8 SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me direoted and delivered, will be sold THIS DAY. thc Nth day of Octo? ber, at the northeast corner of the Court House, at 12 o'clock M. precisely, All the right, title and interest of the deieudaut in a LUMBER CART. Levied on and to be aold as thc property of Bell A White, survivors of Bell, White A Co., at the snit of W. H. Chsfee. ALSO, At the same timo and place, All the right, title and interest of the defendant in a i ii i lana Levied on and to be sold aa the property ot Michael Wallace at the snit of William Moran. Terms cash. WM. S. HASTIE, October 8_ H. C. D. SHERIFF'S SAXE. By virtue of a warrant of restitution cum FL Fa will be sold THT8 DAY, the 8th day of October on the lot of Malone, King street road, nert door to the Foundry of E. Merker, at 1 o'clock P. M. precisely ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE DEFENDANT IN A DISTILLERY, with Boiler and P<pe sud five small Boilers, and ot ter appurtenances, levied on and to bo sold as the property of Ernest Merker for costs due in the case of the State ex rel. G. L. Buist Ad? ministrator, vs. Ernest Merker. Terms cash. WM. S. HASTIE, October 8 S. C. D. IN EQUITY. Dunlap et al. vs. Edings, et ai. Will be sold under the direction of tho undersigned, in front of the Old Custom House, on THURSDAY, the iith day of October, 1867, at ll A. M., All that PLANTATION OB TRACT OF LAND on Edisto Island, centainin. about twelve hundred acres of high land, butting and lwundfug fb the south on the Edisto River, to the east on the Atlantic ocean, to the north on lands of Mrs. James Legare, and to the west on Luids of W. James Whaley, Constantine Bailey, and E. M. Baynard, Terms-One-fourth cash; balance in one, two sad three years, secured by bond of the purchaser, with In? terest from day of aale, and mortgage of the premises Purchaser to pay for papers raid stoups. JAMES TUPPER, October ? tu3 tal Master in Equity UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY Flagg vs. Ward. Will be sold, under the direction of the undersigned, la iront of the old Cuatera House, In Onarleston, on THURSDAY, the 24th day of October, 1867, at ll A. IL, the following VALUABLE RICE ESTATES In Ocorgotown District, belongiac to the late Colonel J. J. Ward : LONGWOOD, containing 4A0 acres BROOK GREEN AND hPRINGFTELl). containing 1100 acres PROSPECT HILL, containing 400 sereu, AUB ALpERLY, containing 536 acres. With tho high Land attached to each. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. JAMBS TUPPER, October 7 ml th! Master in Equity. ' LOOK OUT! Or you will lose a Fortune. THE SALE OF TICKETS IN GEORGIA STATE LOT? TERY, for the Grand Scheme of October 9th. CAPITAL PRIZE, $'?0,000. Tiskets only Ons Dollar. Close? THIS DAY at 6 P. M. Office No. 'ii) BROAD STREET. October S 1 SALOONS. RESTAURANT, BY WWW & KHIMMBR, Corner of Broad ami Ch u rc li street?, CHARLESTON- S. C. Tl/E WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM OUR YT friends and tho public, that we hare recently iii up our establishment and hare now connected with the B -A. IR,, WHERE THE BEST LIQUORS MAY BE HAD, . A NUMBER ONE RESTAURANT, OH THE OLD FRENCH COFFEE HOUSE STYLE, Where everything in Season ia furnished on reasonable terms. Orders for MEALS will be promptly attended to. MILL POND AND PLANTED OYSTERS always on hand, and wihbe shipped to any part of the State, in cans or in barrels, a: low priceG. HARN & 8HERHAMHER. September 17 _taths2mos RESTAURANT. WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS ! .MF?.il..,'n.i?P&(U No/133 Meeting street, HAVE RECENTLY REFITTED THEIR ESTABLISH MRNT, and hsve now connected with the BAR A FD?? RESTAURANT, WHERE MEALS CAN BE OBTAINED AT ALL HOURS. CHARLES ROBERTS, an old and popular Catere r ot this city, bas been engages! as Steward, and he will de? vote his tlninto this business, a'ud the entire routine o the Culinary Department will be nuder bis Immediate supervision. Everv delicacy that can be obtained either In this mar? ket or abroan will be ?ecureu. and the Tables be supplied nth the first of the s.tasjn. THE BAR HAS BEEN RESTOCKED ??ITH Liquors of every variety, AND THE CUSTOMER* OF THE ESTABLISHMENT I will be r awed by attentive and careful waiters. ' Or.ieis mr MEALS, born Dinners sod Suppers, ?fl! meet with prompt attention, and be prepared hy experi? enced conks. The Billiard Saloon, ?.in the second ?loor, ia suppbed?with PHELAN TABLES, Ol the i>*?t make, and has every convenience for the com' fort of visitors. September ll YELLOW FiYBUND SMALL POX. NEW YOKE. lime IS, 1SC7. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, SHIPPING MERCHANTS ol the City of New York, from tba oft repeated testimony of many aid?rent Sea captains, iu whom v,c have im? plicit confidence, and feeling it a duty which we owe to our fellow-men, hereby bear ?ri mes.-, of the great confi deace we feel in the truly marvellous curative powen of MAJOR J. T. LANE'S INDIAN REMEDY for thc cure und prevention of ?MALL FOX. YELLOW FEVER, Ac, and We cheerfully :,id our signatures, hoping lt* won? derful merits and great blessing lasy be known to the World. fiRtET SONS s CO.. No. AJ South Street. CURTIS A WARD. No. 43 South Street. . D. H. DxWOLF A CO, No. loi Broad Street HENRY i SON. No. 25 Coenties Slip. SIMPSON A SHAW, No. 27 Cosntiej Sup. WM. A. MOORE, No. '.>05 South streit. JAB. T. TAPSCuTT, No. so South strer'.. ; GEO. L. TAPSCOTT, Of Tapacott Bro., No. SC South straot. ROBERT HAWKE, No. BC ?outh street. And many others. The Remedy has never been known to fall. Price per package $5. Forwarded free to any point in tho United states. Address J. T. LANE A CO., >;o. 163 Broadway, New York. September 7 . 3e* AHCTjOji_SAlES. Janey Boxea, Desks, dote Bows, Dry Good* Clothing, tte. BY JULES DRAKE. THIS MORN I VJ-, at 10 o'clock, I will sall at my wore, cornr r of Kin? and Liberty ?treeta. A Ur?o aasorimont of the ABOVE OOOW, OommsncUj^ with an invoice of FANCY BOXES, i'cr?i8TD?O OF: '.?00 Ladies' PANC? WORK R?XES 100 Ladles' and Gents' Portable Writing Peaka, Brass bound 7fi Glove Boxn? f .. ?:o Toilet aad 30 Brush aud Comb Boxes. DRY GOOPS. Pieces Canton Flannel, Caa timare, Tweed, Satin?;, Jean, Ked and Grey Flannel, Irish Linen, Brown Plains. Kerseys, 4c. Dozens Brown Blankets, white and Grey TJndarahirts aud Drawer?, Neglige Shirts, Sontag*, Breakfast Shawls, L. B. dir?a, L. Cambric and Printed Border Hdkfa. 200 do.. Ladies' and Gents' Cotton and Merino Ho? siery, Coats' six cord Spool Cotton, Colored Sewing Silk, Ac ? Genta' Business and Dress Coats, Cassim ere, Satinet and Jean Panta, kc. Large Stock of a Itelaii Dry Goods Store. BY JOHN G. MILNOB, & CO. 1HIS DAY (Tuesday), 8th instant, at ll o'clock, will be sold, at our Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting street, Alargo and well assorted stock of DRY GOODS, con SS"*, 'JL Part- of Broadcloth?, Cashmeres, Satineta, Red and White Flannels, Canton Flannel, Black Alpacas, urcss Gooda, Ginghams, Mourning and Fancy Calicoes. Cottonadcs, Brown ar.d Bleached Shirting and Sheeting, Tickings. Shuting Stripe, Tabling, Damask. Fine Irish Linens, Black Italian Cloth, Scotch Diapers, Burge. Bom - bazmcs. Hosiery, Ribbons, Kid Gloria, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Linen Cambric and Cot? ton Handkerehlefc, Spool Cotton, fins, Needles, But? tons. Tapes, Combs, Linen Diaper, Huckaback Tow? eling, Ac, kc. . ALSO. An assortment of MEN'S FELT HATS. r> cases Cotton Cards. ALSO, An Invoice MEBTNO SHIRTS and L RAWER?. 10 dozen Corsets. 2 bales Brown r-hirHngp. 20 pieces Red and Witto Twilled and Plain Flannels. Conditions cash. The sale will be continued THURSDAY, If not all dls posed of _October 8 Prints on acceuntaf CTnaencriters and ail concern ed, Jeans, Fiirnihate, dc. . BY JOHN G. MIL NOK ?t CO., THIS DAY 8th Instant, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at our Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting street, on account of all concerned, 1 case, 21 pieces AMOSKEAO SECOND MOURNING PRINTS ll pieces Belgian Tweeds s pieces Clark Falls Jeans 4 pieces Ermine Cloth Jeans. ALSO, 2 handsome MAHOGANY DESKS, Letter Proas and Looking Glass. Conditions caah. October 8 MILLIGAN ?Si SON, 9To. ?? Vendue Rang?, Will seU THIS DAY, 8th Instant, at 10 o'clock, MATTBESSES, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Hay Cotter, Plates, Dishes, Pitchers, Tumblers, 4c. Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, 4c. ALSO, l BILLIARD TABLE, completo._October 8 Two Mules, One Spring Wagon, One Spring Cart, Two Buggies, One Sulkey', One Fine Spy Glass. BY H. M. MARSHALL ?t BRO., TO-MORROW, at 10* o'clock, atNo. 33 Broad street. October 8 . , . .. One Elegant Rosewood Piano (Seven Octave); Tiro Handsome Beussels Carpets and Bugs, Xew Mattrasses find Blankets [SilJc Bound); Two Feather Bids, Household ?uunilure, ?ec. ?rc. BY R. M MARSHALL ii BRO. Auctioneers. No. 33 Broad Street. The above will be sold at li o'chok TO-MORROW. October 8_? ? ? Sale of Government Property. Will be sold at Public. Auction, on MONDAY, the Utk day of October, atio o'clock A. H., on the premisos, at Bonnean's Depot, on the Northeastern Railroad, A FRAME BUILD,NG, late tho property of the so called Confederata States. The building ia 40x18 fret, with a 7 foot piazza. Tarma, caah in Government rania. In compliance with Instructions from the .Commissioner Bureau P.. F. and A. L. JAMJ?S P. LOW, October 7 Chief Disbursing Officer S. C. LOTTEni?S. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY (ON THE HAVANA PLAN) FOR THE BENIFIT .J*: .. .-.'V .<?.?. OT THE SHELBY COLLEGE, MURR AY, EODY & ?*>;, Managers. ? -?- .* , Great Scheme. CLASS T. CAPITAL PRIZE, $60,000! 788 PRIZE!?-$130,650 IN PRIZES TO BE DISTRIBUTED! To he drawn at Covington, Ken tacky, OCTOBER 16th, 1867. WHOLE TICKETS; ?1*; HALVES, $6 ; QUARTERS, $3; EU|HTHS, $1.50 The chances aro far more favorable to draw prizes in t lui than in any other Lottery in the world. Purchasers ol' Lottery Tickets should alway* examine the: tc asmen, Piixe* paid in full without diaconat .*? Omolal drawings sent each pureba ser. ,A corresponde nu may rely on prompt attention to orders by enclosing ninney with raU address. 63-A11 o'dors for tlcketa, schemes, and information to be addre*?<*d to H. T. PETERS, i tilted States Licensed Agent, ' Key Box 52, Charleston. 8. C. Office No. 90 Haael arrest Septemt "GEORGIA FOE TEE OF THE ?USOME ORPHAN'S HOME. BOYD, WILSON & CO., Managers. Great Extra Scheme, CLASS B. CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000. $60,000 in Prizes to be distributed. MS ONLY ONE DOLLAR ! a r? TO- BE DRAWN AT ATLANTA, QA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1867. All the Prizes will be drawn ! A PACKAGE OF TEX TICKETS FOR TEX DOLLARS l I ABLE TO J)RA VT' $30,000 ! ALSO, il 111.V ?1IBIMN0N MMES ! ...msi CAPITAL PRIZES FROAI ? ; $5000 TO $80,0001 WHOLE TICKETS from $1 to $20! SHARES IN PttOjKJRTION. Draws every aay, Sunday excepted, at Atlanta, Geo., si i P. M. Drawing received in Charleston, by Telegraph, at 5 P. M., daily. S AU Prizes paid without discount. Official Drawings sent each purchaser. All Prizes Cashed at this Office. Correspondents may roly ou prompt attention to arden by simply enclosing" monet with tall address. All orders for Tickets, Sch?met, and information to be addressed to JAME.S KERR, Mmwll Agsnt, . Lock Box No. 58?. Charleston, S. C. Office: No. 90 BROAD STREET. ^ptemberlG ..PUL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, IVO. 6 STATE STREET CHARLESTON, gfc= C. LABOR PROCURED AND LABOR FOUND AppUeattocs to be made at th a General C?ala Office to H. Y. ST0NH0?3E, Claim Aaremt, Septemlwr 19 " imo,