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Infini $ars Ntwx si1 M MARY. Cotton closed in New York at a decline of ?c. ; Middling Uplands 20,. Gold sioeedat 4?i. ' Cotton decline?) fd- in Liverpool yesterday, dos? ing quotation being 8f d. The ?jng Of Abyssinia conceals himself by dressing twelve warriors to as to look exactly like kim? A Paria g-^do-book seller advertises by sending little doga.round the streets with hiaoards tied to A magazine, to bf called lb? Woman'? World, is to be issned m London shortly. We presume, from ..4lt? hmo$\ that it will bo devoted to fashion and 8^ttsB*3aid that a new method of shoeing horses is oe ming into vbgne in France. The hoof is al? lowed to grow, bot i* is to bo surrounded by a thin circle of iron to prous t it against wear and tear. Some idea may fcc" formed of the numbers of our base ball players by the fact that a single manu? factory in Lynn, Massachusetts, bas made and - sold t irty thousand pair of shoes for bose ball players this season. . ? Hew Haven paper says that "psst of the rasp * berry crop of tho Wallingford Coman uni ty, this ' aeason, sold for *mB This would have boen more sotisfactcry if the writer had mentioned ] kow large a part it was. Tho "judicial mad" of tho Hon. Mr. BOUTWELL has discovered that the President is not required to execute-tho laws, bm to see that they are exe cflML It is a wonder that so sagacious a states? man has lasted so long. . An explosive substance, whose effects are some? what like those of gunpowder, has been discover? ed in Trance by M. FOOL. It is prepared by the action of chlorate and of nitrate of potass on or? dinary gino or isinglass. The celebrated Dutch zoologist, YAK DB HO vmv, has published an essay on tho singular am? phibious reptile, the Menobranchus. He bas sent it to the French Academy, ?nd it will probably bi published ha tbs Comptes Rendus. , We regret to learn that Gen. CLiwoatAif, while riding in a hack, in the City of New York, a few days ago, was struck in the eye by the driver's whip-lash, and if is feared he will lose the sight of tho eye entirely. In fact, it is reported that the eyeball was completely sat out. The San Antonio Herald says that no courts will, be held kt Bourne, Kendall County, Texas, because of an Indian raid into the town and settlement. Many of tho settlers had gone In pursuit, and those who remained at home were afraid to leave their families to go to town-hence, no jurymen." The Wihnington Evening Sar says: "The ground pea is tho enriching product of this county. We sro informed that a gentleman near this place made $25,000 last year off his crop. A Mr. NIKON, who liven near Rocky Point, will make this year from 13,000 to 15.0 0 bushels, ano the prices will rango Urom I? to farper bushel." Among tho s embers elected to the new North German Diet arel prince of tb? blood (AUSBUCHT), S dukes, 4 princes, 2S counts, 15 barons, 75 lower nobility, 4 ministexa, it generala, 80 country gen? tlemen, &t govermnen t employees, IS lawyure, IS municipal officers, 4 idargymon, 9 physicians, 6 professors, 2 bank ess, S momliaiHn, Sflaopkeepers, J. teacher, and 1 mechanic- 1 A telescope for tbs examination of objects situ? ated under water is said to haue been devised in Pasts, and to have been tested in one of the French oauaht. It is reputed to have enabled, the observ? ers to soe-paned marka distinct]! at a depth of more ikon fire feet. l'A practical application will be to the STSutjrtatioo of tko hull? of ?hips, with? out pta ring them "in dock." An exti eordinary rascal, flamed Dauannt, died tko other day ta one of the prison*, of lille, France, at tho age cf ninety-two years, of whick ks had ?pent forte five in jaiL He ia anppseed to .have committed during his dJ-gpeni Ufo every uoscrip tiou of misdeed. The last of Hie twenty-five sen teneos proneonced against bim waa incurred six yean ago, ky his suundftug some one out of a lange sum ot moUfcy, and- stnsstng a horse and dogcart. " " % .The famous bloody deoree, mderingno quarter to be shown to Liberalista, which has heretofore bean attributed to MAXHCOXVU, was, it now ap? pears, the product cf the French Marshal BAZA rsx. A confidential circular has boen published, which commands no exchange and no mercy to be ex tended to captured Liberals, and wbioh is signed by BAS?D?U as Marshal Commanding in Chief. Of .casse,?ux?sGm*??ranal the restare making the moot of it. Tko New York Evening Post sayo: "Several of ike country papers appear very much surprised to learn that Mrs. Tom Thumb' STU ASTON goes shop? ping on Broadway, dressed very uafltly, 'just as any other lady is supposed to do.' Perhaps they think shs ought to appear in gauze and spangles, or riding on an elephant, or hold in the atna nf of the Nova Scotia giantess, tte country folks may rest assured that Mrs. STRATTON is very much like other women, only there is rather leas of her. Gen. PALAULB, Treasurer of ike Kansas Pacific Ratho ad, and Captain COLTON, armed at Santa Fe on the 16th of September, sud were received by the territorial autbesitiee, Tbo^flurveying parties were examining three routes from Fort Union to the Rio Grande. At Albuquerque, and Sort Graig j the eduntry Wee favorable for tko construction af- : a railroad. 3un. PALMES found extensive deposits of anthracite coal, large beds of iron ore, and an abundance of timber for cross-ties, near the pro? posed fins of the road. It is the custom at the ' .Halles'' {the great cen? tre market ) to crown the largest pumpkin b?pught to Paris as the "King of thu Pumpkins. " Ibis year's gourd -weighed more than two hundred pounds, and was Bevan feet in circumference. The ceremony oonaists in decorating with flo WOES and ribbone tko huge vegetable, and bearing it tri? umphantly around the' ruarket, followed by all abe market people, sniping tbs popular songs of the doy. CtoarvAV aayac "We hear fk?7 Jb|? been crowning 'the King of the PunrpkinBf jUjffiy-jg^R. crown bini aa any other." A Melbourne correspondent of the Tintes writes : ?TEmjjkmdmmy 'np*- to receive from ttus colomy farther increased importations of wheatap& flour. The constantly increasing .quantities of lead coin? ing under cultivatior, with the aid of the steam plough lately introduced among us, assisted by the vaut reservoirs now in rapid course of con? struction in various parts of the colony, and which ore to bo applied to irrigation, as wei auto mining, must necessarily give us every year much more wheat than ve can consume, and the surplus will principally go to England." , ' Ci From New Ax chang el, the village capital of the new American possessions recently purchased from Briseis, we learn that business was active, and building lots had advanced several hundred dollars.. ,Wo are further informed that thero is oc4rf %? cjrc4a?tion, but mat loather money pre? dominates. The Copper River country is said to bo rich in gold, copper and coal, but the savages ore'very hostile and warlike. When it is not loggy s lt rams at New Archangel, .but the reports from there praiso the weather very muck? and the scanty population of Russian Finns and German: are represented as very glad to bc annexed. Upon taquiry in proper diiections it is found that there is no authentic foundation for tho re? port that Mr. Bnowxrso proposes resigning bis position as Secretary of thu' Interior. His health is not much improved, and it io behoved by some that ah. old Mr. BBOWNXNO become convinced shortly that there is no prospect ut its permanent restoration, he will tender his resignation. Mr. Boor, who is named ty some as the probable suc? cessor of Secretary Bnowmno, ts not mentioned in that connection in official circles, and there is no good reason for behoving that ho would receive the appointment should a vacancy in the office, occur. The grout want of every interest of the country is some cheaper and more efficient means of freight transportation between; the grain-produ oing and the manufacturing and importing re? gions. The system of 9 xcmsiveiy freight railroads -on which individuals or companies could do thoir own freighting-seems to have met with much favor from practical business men. This system has the groat mei it of perfect simplicity. It is proposed to have several trao SB, on which cars aro to be moved at a ninfo-.. rate of speed,, say eight miles an hour. It has been absolutely demonstrated that a road managed on this prin? cipio would be worm more as a froigkt road than all the existing linos put together. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Age has sein Fart Macon and was not favorably impressed f with the "Second Military Di? jt" prison. He ] says: "The next featui- that startled me was at i Fort Macon, North Carolina. Tbat fort, is gani- T soned by blacks and ia used as a place of punish- ? meot for convicts. Recently I saw there a negro t soldier, driving and ordering eight white men who n were prisoners, while he made them haul a eeino a and catch fish for his black comrades and himself, fa Some of them wore white soldiers, convicted by g court martial of petty offene-*, and some were citi- h zena of the United States, sent there by military r. TOmmiSt?ona, without trial by jory, without warrant 6 pf law, and m the exorcise of pure arbitrary power, r, CURRENT TOPICS. Th? Loudon Timeiot thal7kb ult. save: "The ?unbtepy trfanj^ io J?mbica ?d-OoJober, I860, have, at least" baulks goodeffect-.that the home gov e -dment, aa Wall as the, peopld of the Island, have fell bound iO<io bOBtething to rescue the colony from the sejpai anowDmiinierciai Tum into which it was falling. Without entering again into th? con? troversy whick those events originated, it may bo Bind that, they hroaght, more clearly, bafore^thft" world the deterioration of tho island society, the docay of agriculture and Irado, the uniriendly re? lations of whites and blanks, the legislative mis stan?a;ement, tbs financial recklessness^and tho general im^ovsriiibtneat of all clasaes? * . . Vre may be reconciled to what seems a constitu? tional retrogressen by considering the social state of this, the Qa?cm of She British West indies. A noble island of moa? than 6000 squr -e miles, poa ses.iiug the mos. fertile land, fine harbors, and a hilly region ol' almost temperate climate amid the heats of the topios, ha? l-een reduced by che faults or ti. 3 misfortunes of the inhabitants until its name has become a byword for failure and decay. The est?te? from whi .\i in olden times cama in? comes which placed their possessors almost on a level with tho British peerage, aro now nearly worthless, and have in many cases boon abandon? ed. The soil is coyerod with weeds and brush? wood; or the negroes have takon poaaeaaion of it, built their huts ^and planted their provision grounds. The white population has steadily di? minished, and now cousiats, it is said, of not more than l&vOOO aouls, and of these comparatively few aw persons of wealth and 6tation, or largo owners of the soik Those who can absent themselves spend their much diminished incomes in Eng I knd, leaving their estates to attorneys and man? agers, who have none of the social influence which would bolong to the owners of the soil. In the meantime the negro race has increased uni? it is said to number more than 400,000, and from the small proportion of white people it has ha? less advantages th-n in other regions. The neera is an imitator, and if he sees before him a fair model in a prosperous and well-conducted white population ho will work up to it, but if left to him? self his progress will be slow indeed. Every one agreed two years ago tb at tho et ate ?at the colony had become intolerable. The Governor has found it necessary to impose an entra house tax, and it is to this they especially object. The fact is, the island ia.on the Terge of banknrptcy, and can only bo saved by lessening the cuiront expenses, and raising for a time the amount of revenue drawn from the people. To spend less and to pay more taxes are the principles on which tho budget of the island must be framed, li is a sad necea ii ty, for the people who must pay are fewer and poorer I than they ever were. ^ , ^ ; gi Al f THE LONDON City Press says: "The first known newspaper advertisement is one which refers to the theft of two horses. It is contained rn an "arly number of a paper called the Impartial In? telligencer, published in the year 1648. It was in? serted by a gentleman or Candisb, in Suffolk After this theso notifications wore very fow and far between for several years, until we approach the ora of the London Gazette. Hero; for some time, they assumed no very definite form, oomnst insf merely of a short official notice in italics At tho end of each Gazette, and not headed with tue title of 'advertisement.' Ono of the fltst called by this name in this paper is contained in tho number for May, 1667; It is sufficiently remak ablo to deserve resuscitation, aud runs as follows: <? 'Aa advertisement_Wo aro, hy his Majesty's command, to give notice, that by reason of tho great heats which are glowing on, there will be BO farther touching for the evil till Michaelmas neat, and, accordingly, all persona concerned are < to forbeai their addresses till that time.' In Cham? bers' Journal, in an article on 'Early Nowspaper | Advertise rn enfc,' we read: 'Charging for advertise? ments commanded at ? very early period. A few j at first might have been inserted gratuitously, but the revenue flowing from this source ns so ops a consideration that the practice soon began ' of charging a fixed sum for each. ' Ia the Mer mi? nus Librarius, a bookseller's paper, it is stated ] that 'to show that tho publishers dosiga tho pub he advantage of. trade, they will oxpect bot six? pence for inserting any book, nor but twelvepouce for any advertisement relating to the trade, unless it be excessive long.' The next intimation as to price is in the Jockeys InlcLigencer, which cbargod r 00 shilling for each and sixpence for renewing. The Observalor, in 1704, charged one shilling for | eight lines, and the Country Gentleman's Courant, ia 1786, inserted advertisements at twopeaco per line. The Puttie ^dierliscr charged, for a length ofTrale, two shillings for each "insertion." , ? > - ? . < ' . / ? Of TBS "NAPOLEON OF THE AMERICAN PRESS," the New York Evening Gazette says: ''Person ally Mr. SENNETT is very correctly, represented by his ph jtographs. His look is not nnkird, but is in? quisitive, skeptical, and suspicious, with its some-ij what sinister expression increased by strabismus. Sis eyes are .bluish gray, and of ordinary size. His features aro largo, ooaree, indicating strength rather than delicacy. The body is large-boned, md graceful neither in form nor motion; the shoulders square and sharp, and the frame gea? j orally angular, and some what loosely put together. Bis; temperament is sanguine and nervana, making ajan enthusiastic as well as excitable. His manner ls usually quiet and considerate. Hi%movements ihow something of the age which his hair be? tokens; but his mind is BB clear, if hot clearer,".^ ?han in the days when it was moro active, readily listens to those who have ideas to jfier, and is willing that they should write thaf* believe, provided always it bo upon subjects apon which he has no hobbies, or about indi; J .Adust/against whom he has, ho spTW Toward th? latter he is incorrigibly and bitterly re venge? ful to the last. The moat sfSy-aM STBpt?infrruc tions concerning auch persons are given to at- j t?rttes of tho o fla?. Their os?mes are not to be | mentioned in the paper, not ev en in the news col? umn, ff they aro public characters, for fear of ad-" vertieiug them. Then the editorial columns are made to reek with rmscrurmkme abuse of thean. warfare is carried on by others than < BENNETT himself. Tho Herald has now, in fact, Mae Cerebas, a triple head, and barks at any one who dares to offend BENNETT pere, BENNETT mer*, or BENNETT fils. Neither can seo, apparently, that magnanimity bec?rcs thom: and that, by putting it to such small uses anty themselves deprive their journal either of character or influence. IT SEEMS QUOT OLRAK, from the revelations of the-European press, that the French military; authorities in Mexico forced apon MAXjRffl?N the bloody poKcy which was afterwards invoked for his own?destruction. General BAZAINE is proved to have demanded it at his hand, and to haili en? joined upon his officers to t ko no prisoner?;. This greatly aggravates the odium heap 3d upon the Emperor. On the other hand it is charged, in high Imperial quarters in Paris, that NAPOLEON was induced to withdraw his army from Marino, and thus abandon MAXDOMAN* to bistate, by prom? isse on the part of our Government which were sever fuhTtted. it has baan said that Mr. SEWABD, through an accredited official, oasurjajLtfco Empe? ror tfcat, if he7 would withdraw hm troops,-irs wov44.b^come "responsible for tho safety of JLua Minta?, and sea to itahat BO "disastrous results shoufWoBow. It was in reliance upon this promise that the ?rench array was withdrawn-but the' promice itself waa not fuBBed. We aro not in position to know what founesttion there* ia for thia serious allegation; bat we do Ihow that ft is urged' ia high circles in Paris in extenuation of the Em? peror s course. ?ll .' / Li . ii at ? ; * THE EVENING STAR, Wilmington, of Wedneeda v, says: "Two freedmen, at the theatre last night demanded tickets tor the parquotte and dress air clo. ST. MAUR refused them-they insist ed upon knowing by Whose authority*hc denied them the right, and the Professor referred-them to tho commanding officer of this place. Colonel PRANK told the Professor should such a case be.brought before bim he would have no other discretion, un? der existing orders, than to refer it for decision of the General commanding this District. Wc anti? cipate no trouble on this score. The Colonel seems to be not only an officer, but a finished gen? tleman; and wo havo no doubt that under h is regime fae city will ba, as it always has bwen, ono 5f the most orderly in thc South." CBIZF-JOSTIOE CHASE, says tte Now YortrTimM, 8 anxious to haye it publicly known that he is in ?vor of female suffrago being ostablishod ty law. ft told Miss Lomr STONE to "be free to say from oe thatjtthink there Will be no end to the gob3 that rill come by it;" and he further expressed the pinion that at no distant day women will posseBS he franchise as freely as men. Mr. CHASE is re ortod by his enemies, if not by his friends, to be candidato for the next Presidency; and we should ? ke to know, seeing he considers tho subject of uch great consequence, whether ho is willing to iave it inserted as a plank in his Presidential .latiorm. To stand by ono's convictions, and to lisplay high moral courago in upholding them indor ail oirenmstances, aro admirable things. ?gg--- ?in TI?. NEWS p?^^g? the Official^^^^^^^^ g5. And be lt farther eaacted. That lists of let? ting uncalled for ba any Poetomce in any city, " which, being pnbRttcd weekly or-oftener; shall have the largest arcnlabnn within ffaga of delivery ol the said ofhco * t?- AU comm unioalionn intended for pu bilcal ion in. this journal mustie addreiaod to the Editor of the DaUi/News, No. 18 Hayne-street, (Marleston, 8. C. Business Communications to Publisher of Daily News. Wecannot undertake lo return rejected coinmunica? de oftht city[m?st be'aaxtntpa CHARLESTON. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBBB 4, 1867. - 5-T5-r--.-?.." JOB WORE.--We have now completed our office so as to execute, in the shortest possible time, ALL KINDS OP JOB WORK, and we most respectfully ask the patronage of oar friends. FRENCH IffVLUENCE Iff EUROPE. Scarcely ha3 the world had time to recover from the surprise into which it was thrown, by the attempted invasion of Rome, and the arreste of GARBIBALDI, when a new sensation is al? ready awaiting it, in tha shape of a "calmly worded note" addressed by NAPOLEON to the South German Sovereigns, " asking pledges against union with North Germany." It is true, the Cable dispatch bringing this startling piece of news, introduces it with the i sible and dcub?-cjeatlog, " lt":.& exp.i but without this qoaltfying wwrdkoi, IB^ft internal evidence of the dispatch would be sufficiently strong against its genuineness. We have of late had so many startling dispatches of a diplomatic character from across the At? lantic, that there is generally a presumption against their authenticity, until they are cor? roborated by the more slowly travelling mails. Such wa9 the famous note of GOBTSCHAKOFP, inquiring into the condition of Ireland, greedi? ly swallowed by the thoughtlessly credulous press of this country, but especially by the New York Herald. Next we were treated to a special telegram to the Tribune, announcing that the Russian Cabinet had addressed an ulti? matum to the Sublime Porte, demanding the cession of Candia to the Kingdom of Greece ; and more recently still, -seme philhellenic journal has given currency to another hoax, viz : that the deposition of the King of Greece wa* under consideration, with the viow of annexing that classic country to the United States. With such and so many recent examples be? fore us, of the mendacity of so-called dispatch? es, we must be excused for being skeptical, when asked to believe that the Emperor of the French addressed the above named " calmly worded" note to the Sovereigns of the South German States. It is not necessary to refer to the Law of Nations, to sec that of ?H the causes usually as? signed to justify interference with the internal policy of a foreign nation, there is in the pre? sent casa not a single one that will serve NA? POLEON as a panalble prat ext for ?triai* tu mg a persistent opposition te the withes of the people of Ocrraany, and of their rulers. It is not claimed that there is any appeal from an oppressed people ; er that sovereigns are call? ing in a mora powerful brother asonaren to kfd th asa in quelling an insurrection of their sub? jects. Nor, as we have shown in several of our previous ar ticlos, can NAPOLEON seriously protend that the peace of his Empire ls threat? ened, by the new relations into,which his neigh? bor* on Use Eastern frontlar 'propose to enter. The only real and truthful reason for this French jealousy is, that the position of France, a* the first power jin Central Europe, might be called in question. Her relative influence in the Congress of European States, would un? doubtedly be lessened, bot hot in any way that wc oan see to the detriment of her people. This therefore would not justify a demand, the effect of which may be a terrible war, in? volving all Europe. The continuance or interruption of thc .peace of ?aropey d?pends almost solely opon the. for? eign policy of "NAPOLEON. All "the other ques? tions and disputes now pending between th* several powers, we believe, arejmscept?bl? ot adjustment through the ordinary diplomatic channels, lt is trae th* " Eastern Question" 4s a standing threat to (he peace of the King? doms anti people ef Europe ; but if the contro? versies now agitating Was te ru and Central Europe are once definitely Bottled, ?.c., when the boundaries of Denmark, France, Germany, AujjSjria ?nd Itally shall have been.determined, rid their people have beeome moderately cou? nt with their governments, Russia would find ?lou solid a front on her western border to ven? ture upon an assault on Turkey. The relas^Mjfcasanoe and Ge.rMff>.>f>ere' fore, we ce^ftaiiiigaia, are ile jnly source of apprehension ?A present. Is jur remarks last ?Sn^lAnt^ Frjfcce, when, she linds that the German, people are deter? mined upon national"unity, vr?q?d withdraw hjer flpr^tipju. Since than* jiad to find Nt*- Ti8t? **ff ^ pohoy are inoreasing. H. EMILI si GIBABMN, who, during t? ?ijranaburg exiittanent hast spring, was the loudest and forcett adv?cete of war with Germany-strut* with Priswo nhola^r-now advise* a different course. In a ??cent number of La Liberte, be says : " The Gannan Union has succeded the German Con. federaoy ; ?nd to this Union, temporarily divided into two, the Union of thc North tad the Union of tie South-will succeed unifica? tion undo:- different lonna, and finally this German Unification will be folkartd by Ger:; H>an Unity. This course of event* can be fore teen and calculated with the certitude with which the bureau of Longitude calculates the course of the stars. " Whether it is a source of regret or not for France, the French government, if it is judi? cious, will consider tin German Union as .?. fact, sure of accomplishment as ate. and will dake its measures accordingly. To attempt now to stenvthie current, would only serve to increase its force, and to result in th? shedding of oceans of Tflood. In 18CC, Franc?, had she BO desired, might have recovered the left bank of the Rhine, but it were vain itrj'rance to try to hinder Prussia from transcending, in 1868, the right bank of the Maine. ?Nor will she attempt such interf?rence. France will hold the tame relation toward Prussia, in re? gard to Germany, a? she did toward Piedmont, in regard to Italy, wh*n, notwithstanding treaties and conventions, and all her distaste to Italian unity, she at last had to become recon? ciled to this ide?. " Under eaoh reign, in monarchies, there is a crisis, which acoording to the policy adopted, will decide what plaoethis reign shall occupy in history. This hour struck in i8t?b, for tho Emperor of Austria, and for the Emperor of the French, for the King of Italy ?nd the King of Prussia. Thanks to Count BISMARCK, whose bold daring under the circumstances rises to thc dig? nity of geains, a spirit of decision inspired thc two Kings, while a spirit of irresolution enerva? ted the two Emperors. On the same day on which the Austrian Quadrilateral passed from the hands of FRANCIS JOSEPH to those of VICTO? EMMANUEL, the left bank of the Rhine ought to have passed from the hands of those who withhold it, to those of the Emperor NAPOXION ILL, either by the co-operation of Austria or of Prussia. He had but to choose betwten the two. This would have been infinitely easier of accomplishment than what M. BISMA?OK ef? fected. But there must be no hesitation where action is required. NAPOLEON, led astray by secondary considerations, hesitated and lost recious time, when it weal fatal to lose asvnglctl L Mr + * ^ I Hnute. ," * t S ll " The present add th^'futur?belfes; talban, but not the past. Let us be j?st*J?? It ?" not Prussia we ought'' to ^pf use,- but ou?Jpves. Austria and Prussia proposed to themselves ute same end. Prussia outstripped Austria in tbejtacj^. This waa. hej^jght, this was ber duty ; and this will be the glory of the reign of King-WILLIAM, and still more will it ever re? dound to the glory of hrs minister. France could, and Franceibould-not have outstripped Prussia,-but have arrived at the goal at the same time with her. If the two words, "ex? pectant neutrality" have any meaning at all, it( is this ; flse they are mers empty sounds. M Siuce then, it would be vain for France to attempt to pr?tent the unification of Germany, let not France in 1867, again commit the blun? der she did in 1886." Let France cease her tergiversation. Let her take lier point d'appin', resolutely and openly upon German unity. "If France knows how to play it, she still has the game in her own- hands. But in order to win, she must rise superior to mere French, to the height of European interest. At that elevation, the events of 18G6 and 18C7 aro as waves of a tempest in a glass of water." _WANTS. ./CHARLESTON ORPHAN HOUSE.-WANT ED, A PORTER and ?ARDENER, for the above named Institution ; wages. $25 per month, rations, fuel and light, with the use of s comfortable dwelling: ap? plications to be left with the Steward. October 2_what TTOUSE WANTED, A GOOD, COMFORT ?X ABLE HOUSE, at a lair runt Apply to GBO. W. CLARK ft CO., Corner East Bay and Cumberland streets. October 3 -_ _6 SITUATION WANTED.-AV A.\ TKO, KV A married man, of steady habits, a situation in any respectable business. Wm make hlmRelf useful in al? most any capacity. Address "G. P.." at this office. August 18_ AGENTS WANTED WO Tl THE LIFE Alfi) CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL ROBERT ?. LEE, BY JAMBS D. MoOABE, Ja., of Virginia. Anchor of "Life of Gen. stonewall' Jackson," "Lifo ot Oeu. Albert Sydnej^Johnton," "TuJ Aid-de-Camp," Ac 9apd for Circulars and eeo our terms, and a full de? scription of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH IN? COMPANY, Atlante, Oa. Imo* September 7 TO RENT. rR?NT, COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WIT? use of Kitchen, in a private family. References exchanged. Apply at Na 101 CALHOUN HT REET, near Anson. October 4 rno RENT. THAT LARGE THREE STORY JL frame Dwelling, Na 83 Radcliffe street, tonjh ?ido. On the premises are SS outbuildings, carriage house, eUbto and floe cistern, TFor t rms apply to GEO, H. i INGRAHAM A SDN, Ko. 19 Yanderborst Wharf. j September 30_mwfi r> KENT, ?BORE ANO HOUSE, NO. 16 ARCHDALE STREET, East side, opposite to West street Apply to WM. BYRNE, cerner of Kmg and John October 3 rpo BENT, THAT LARGE AND EX?K.V X SITE STORE, Na 73 EAST BAY, with Residence Rove. Apply to _ CLIFFORD k MATTHE WE3, Real Estate Agents, No. SB Broad street.. October 3 ' wfs3 FOU TJICKED \W, AT THE SAR, ONE SMALL XT FIAT, which the owner can have by proving prop? erty sud paying expenses. Apply at fte POINT HOUSE, Sullivan's Island. J. HEWET. OctpfrSM_ 2* > FTF&SU?.~ F>R SALE, 1 FINE LARGE MULE, 1 SAD? DLE AND DRAFT HORSE, would suit well for buggy- AU warranted to work well. Inquire at No. 52 STATE STREET._2*_OstSOSra O TEAM MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. ?5 Tho undersigned offer for sale their valuable STEAM MILL PROPERTY situated ou Black River, AAsSSl mlle?above Georgetown, S. V. nar property consists of 400 acres of Land, on which is a Dwelling House and outbuildings, formerly used as a summer retreat for health, a.Steam Circular Saw Mill egErr4jffcsa power, aa good as new, of th? best modern seialli III I?IIII. and in complet* running order; where ves artsVaosMng the Georgetown bar can load at all seasons. Any quantity of Timber* can be purchased, delivered at Ute kati, on most reasonable terms. This propel ty will be sold at considerable sacrifice on J original cost if applied for soon, or one-half of the tn tersst wuT be sold toan approved purchaser, who will furnish como cash cipital to commence the Timber business. For further particulars, aOStresa Dr. HORE 'IT FI A HI LEE, Mars' Bluff Postofnee, S. C. ffABLLEE ft McCUlCHEN. September 20 13 -UL.; I"I - re M mis._ STENHOUSE k CO. HAVE REMOVED ffo? THE SPACIOUS STQE?S, . Nos. 108, 110 ?md ifo aJAST BAY, lerner Accommodation Wharf, WHERE THEY WOULD INVITE5*?DB5R CITY AND Ccsj?ryiriondsttcall andsesssflni ttjtr large and wen selected stock of FLOUR. cowaniriye m rear SST: . , MD bbls. FLOUR, JA,rfF?JLIi " 7*0 sacks Floor, J?"sngswiss. Prices ranging from ?7 to $13 60 per barrel, ateo, on iiianuiiMSim. j 20 Mads. BACON SHOULDERS SS bois. Sogar. _ For sale low by STENHOUSE A CO., Pot OBST 4_Nos. 108, lit an? 112 EaatBajfj REMOVAL Mrs. I. J. 2?E1?0W vimFECiruuzn. N IM M S m tj? ^sB Wk fciends and customers thaTshe^As rc _V;.B moved her stook of MILLINERY AND ?a STRAW GOODS TO NO. 302 KING ^wJB ??BEET, EAST SIDE, FOURTH DuOR mkn NORTH OF WEN1WORTH STREET. REOPENED. OX IN BY & 0 0. T>EOPEN THEIR PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY TO JTL BAY, with all the LATEST NOVELTIES AND I? PROVE^EawBOT THE ART. , T\\\wmk . NC.2G1 AIK? fiiREEi', P8MBTHER8HIP8. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. ri OOPABTNEBfiHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING under the name and stylo of CATHCART, MCMIL? LAN k HORTON, is thia day dissolved by mutual con tent, Hr. G. R. CATHCART having retired from tho tame. All persons indebted to the lato firm will make Immediate payment to J. W. MCMILLAN, on behalf of the undersigned, who will continue the business under the name and style of MCMILLAN k MORTON, AU claims against tbs late firm must be presented at the Omeo of mu ftsnrtrtSToe DAILY Nrws for payment. JAS. w. MCMILLAN. MANDREL) MORTON. October-*. 1867." _ Octobur 1 NOTICE. 1THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING . between tho undersigned, in the PLAINING MILE md LUMBER business, under the firm of EBAUGH k ilALLONEE, has been This Day dissolved, by mutual unsent JOHN C. MALLONEE alone ls author! led to lettie the affairs of the said copartnership. D. C. EBAUGH. JOHN C. MALLONEE, CBAMJrsTON-, September e, 1&67. * NOTICE. rngj? 'JMDBRSIONED HAVING PURCHASED ALL 1 Mr- EBAUGH'? interest in tho above Copartnership, irUl continue on his own account the business, boreto OTS conducted by the late finn, of EBAUGH ft MAL LONEE, at the asm* place, HORLBECKS WHARI. near die NormeastextfRauroad. JOBS O. MALLONEE, CHARLESTON, September c, 18677'-' September!) | . lmo BOARDING.-THREE PLEASANT ROOMS with good BO ARD pan be had ou immediate appli -ation to No. .19 CHURCH STREET, west side, near fradd street. Terms rsasonabls. -? . - ...Jun_ci'jL 1EXCELLENT BOARD, AT VERY LOW 'j rates, in the most central busluess part of the citv, tfitboutlodKing,in a private house, ?un now be had. For particulars address "X. L," FOStQffice. Mar IJ _S TOI, A 8 E._ STORAOE, THE MOST CENTRAL AND convenient in the dty, at very reasonable prices, for COTTON, RICE. SALT, FERTILIZEILS. ic. Ac la? wrance, when desired, as lbw as pny lottie city. Apply to GEO. W. CLARK ft CO., Corner East Bay and Cumberland streets. September 17. ~ PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE MILLION ! i IWILL SEND, POST-PAID, 50 PHOTOGRAPHS OF tbo most celebrated Actors' for 00 cents; 60 Actresses lor SO conta; 60 Union Generals for 60 cents; 60 Rebel 3enerals for 50 cents; CO Statesmen for 50 cents; 00 beau? tiful young Ladles tor 60 cents; 50 fine-looking young ^entkamen for 60 cents; 6 largo Photographs Of French Dancing Girls, in costume, beautifully colored, exactly at, they appear, for 50 cents; or for 50 cents, 6 of the moat aeautilul Ladies of the Parisian Ballet Troupe, as they copear in the play of the Black Crook, at Niblo'R Garden, ffew York. Send aU orders to P. O. Box 177, Tr v. N. Y. May 13 lyr MEETINGS._ BACLE F IKE EKGINE COMPANY. *7"0? ABE HEREBY "SUMMONED-JO ATTEND A. ? regttlar.monthly meeting ox your Company, at your' Hall, on TA?j(Friday)-.ED<nin?r, October-*, at half-past 7. o'clock preciSely. By order. A. MARION COHEN, Sec'y. October 4 1 M A RIO V FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. ATTEND THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF your Company at your Hall Thu (Friday) Evening, thc-4th inst, at 8 o'clock precisely. Brorder.' . ~G: A. CALDER, October* 1 Secretary M. F. E. C. DEUTSCHE SCH?TZEN-GESELLSCHAFT. ?ie KeaelmS?ga Sftenattidie i>?riamm?ung fintct ftatt bieten St jae, lim 8 Uh\ tn viiitftecf? ?palie, Ocfe Ains tnt* Gal6ornt Str. " ? 6 e o. S o r b e ? , Scftetar. October 4 1 FREUND?CHAFTSBUND. -AN, EXTRA JtEETHTG OF THIS SOCIETY TAKES *JGL place Tb-Jtight, at 8 o'clock. Prompt attendance ia requested, by order of the President. CHARLES SI KO LING, October* 1 Secretary. EDUCATIONAL. HIGH SCHOOL OF CHARLESTON. rE sSXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL be resumed on MONDAY, 7th Oetober. W. E. KING-MAN, Principal. Ootobo: 3_3_ MRS JOHN A. BLUM . TT/ILL RESUME THE EXERCISES OF HER SCHOOL VV oif TUESD?K, October 1st, at ber Residence, Mary street, opposite Elizabeth. MUSie AND FRENCH taught whoo desired, september 20_ PUBLIC SCHOOLS-CITY OF CHARLES. TON. . fTTHE EXERCISES OF THESE SCHOOLS WILL BE JL resumed on Monday, the 7th October. The State Normal School having bean discontinued, a FREE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS will be opened in that building, and the Girl's Grammar Department of the St. Philip Street School transferred to that School. In ad? dition to the regular course of instruction afforded in Ute Public Schools, it ls the intention of the Board to or? ganise at this School ose or mose advanced classes lor the benefit of young ladies wb? may desire- to prepare themselves for teaching. In the St. Philip Street School, in place of the Girl's Grammar Department, removed ho the Normal School, a Boy's Grammar Department will be organized. ' - Applications for admission to either mt the Schools csu be made daily at tho respective School Houses, between the honre of 9 and 10 A. M., on and after the date above j mentioned, until further notice. By order of the Board. E. MONTAGUE GRIMKE, Secretary Coinuausioners Freo Schools. September 23_?_m2 10 FEMALE COLLEGE. THE FALL TERM OF THE FEMALE COLLEGE, Spartanburg, S. C., will opea October 3d, 1867. ?he Pr?sident, Rev. A. W. C?MMING8, D. D., will be aided by competent, experienced teacher? in every de? partment. Board for half year.$70.00 Tuition. 20.00 Contingent Fee. 2.00 Music and all the Ornamental Branches very low. Those wishing to patronize the School will please ad? dress the President Itu August 9 URSULINE ACADEMY. , VALLE CRU CIS. THIS INSTITUTION WILL RESUME ITS ACADEMIC , EXERCISES SEPTEMBER 1st. For Prospectuses please address "MOTHER SUPE? RIOR," Unmlino Convent and Academy, Columbia, So. Ca. Imo September 4 FINANCIAL. BONDS, 81MKRS, COUTONS, HUH HANK BILLS. |AE ABOVE BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET X rah*, by ANDRREW M. MORELAND. Broker, No. 8 Broad street Soptetnbor 20 . a fmwanio T AK fll? ? ?,_ ETC". NEW TAILORING GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO INFORM HISP AT RONS and the public generally, that he bas Just re? turned from the North with a goon supply of Cloths, Casatmercs, and Vestings, forolgn and domestic, and also,' an assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. JOHN RUGHEIMER, NO*. 50 ANSON STREET, THREE DOORS NORTH OF HASEL STREET. September 24 10 FANCY GOODS, TOYS, ETC. UM GLAIS' IIEADI)I PAMS FANCY GOOBS, TOYS, FIKEWOEKS, .CONFECTIONERY, &c. rr\HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INVITE HIS 1_ friends sud the public generally to Inspect his beautiful Mock of Fancy Goods, Toys, kc, now opening at his Bazaar, No. 290 King street A mote beautiful and completo assortment bas never been exhibited in this city, and SA seeing ls Believing, a ' cordial invitation la extended to all to be convinced. To UM city trade and merchants Iron? Ute country now buying in this market. I am prepared to sell goods lower than any other bouse infho cit.. F. wm ?ANTEN, No. 290 King HI rent, i door? below Wen worth. September 24 Imo LAW CARDS DURYEA & COHEN, KS. DURYEA. - - J. BARRETT COHEN* LAWYERS, OFFICE : LIBRARY BUILDING, COB. BBOAD AND CHURCH STREETS. Acgust 10_ _ mf3mo LAW NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE ASSOCIATED AS PART? NERS, and propose to nrac?oo in the STATE COURTS OF LAW AND EQUITY for thc Districts <?? Barnwell, Beaufort and CoUeton, under the name and atrio oi -"DA^?iT." i Catee, lor the prflfecnt, at GTLLI30NYILLE, South OBfofma. . K.J.-PAYANT, i November M to J. tt ?AVANT. I ? IS ll Billilli I ll ' >-? 1 SHACKELFORB & KELLY, F AG Tb pS, GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, MO. 1 BOYCE'S WHARF, ('Marleston, S. C. w. w. oHAcxanvonu. WM. ATKKN EFT LT. . .Aflly ia . . >_t ; WILMA* ? ?IU1L?NB. 4 S8K. Kcal FM atp Agert s, Awt ioutwrs INP COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OffcTOE NO. 33 MAYNE STREET. fteutember'H W1LLIS .& OH1S0LM, FACTORS, mmm\ MEBCMANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS. WILL A IT END Td THE PURCHASE, SALE Ajfl>" SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Porto) ol COTTON. RILE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. 9. ?. E. WILLIS....1..A. R. UHISOLMj October ns_~ NOTICE. THE SHIPPING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS will for the present be carried on as usual by the undersigned at No. <8 East Bay, over the atore formerly occupied by CRAIG, TOOMEY k CO. V All persons having individual claims must pr?tent the same, and those indebted individually will make pay- j meat to * JOHN TUOHEY. July 20 DRUGS, CHEMIC ALS, ETC. FRESH ARRIVALS OF DRUGS AND MEMES ! ! E. H. KELLERS & CO., No. 131 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET. C1AL0MEL, QUININE. MORPHINE, BI. CA KB. SODA, / SULPHUR, NIT. POTASH, OPIUM, CASTOR OIL, kc. We have packages ol the above articles put up ex? pressly fof country orders. On hand all of the Principal Proprietary sud Patent Medicines, which will be sold at a low figure. September 25 TH?1?ST TONK; NOW IN ?I?B! November 27 The Bennettsrille "Journal" TS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT L B?uuottayiUe. S. CL in the eastern portion of the State, by STUBBS A LITTLE, Proprietors, and offer superior Inducements to Merchants and all others who wish to extend their business in this section of the Pie Dee country. We respectfully solicit the patronage of our Charleston friends. Terms-$3 per annum. Invariably in advance. Adver? tisements inserted at very reaaoaable rates. July 8 IAA BBLS- WHISKEYS, OFDIFFEBENT GRADES, J (JU qualities and prices 600 cas cf Ota ret Wince 100 caeeMlchiedAm?-<&ran?9 108 casks "Brandy, Gin, JsSaica Bum. St. Croix Bum, New England Barn, Sherry Wine, Port Tine, Madeira .Wine, Jcc, Ac. 1000 dozen of the above in cases. For sals by S^tember 17 _ GEO. W. CLARK j Op. SAL I , &?RUP, Sic. 1 r AA SACKS SALT F0B aAfcK, BI LOTS TO A OCHJ ?tit purchasers, at less than market rate?. 600 Blue Grit Grindstones. 100-bsxreta Syrup. '*? 100 barrels Sugar. 108aLkega Nails. . 60O bags Shot, * . *? 100O boxes Haning. 100 boxes Starch. 1000 boxes Soap. 100 boxes Tobacco, kc., kc. For aale by GEO. W. CLABJ*" k CO. September IS__J_ GUNNY CLOTH ! GUNNY CI?FH ! 1 AA BALES GUNNY" CLOTH, EX LB A HEAVY. JUJU 100 Bolls Genny Cloth, Extra Heavy. Just reseived. For sale low and in lots to ault, by September 16 . GEO. W. CLARK* CO. BALING HOPE. 1 A/l COLLS MANILLA HOPE. J_ \J\J 200 Colls Hemp Hope. 200 Colls Juts Rope. Just received and for sale cheap for cash, by September IC GEO. W. CLARK ? CO. "BREAD ! BEE AD ! BR?ADI 1 AAA BOXES ABMT BREAD. M/UU For sale by GEO. W. CL A Bat k CO. September ?6_a_ SMITH'S BURTON AL?. IA BARBELS JUST RECEIVED OF THAT CEL? 1U BBATED ALB, by DEO. W., GLARE. A QO. September 16_ _ 1 ~ GUN M CS?Wm. I rjf\ BOLLS-ABOUT SIXTY Y ABBS EACH. Vi VJ Focjialo at MEETING STREET ICE HOUSE, 1 September 6 ?'_ BALE, ROPE, BAGGING AND TWINE:, ' FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASER* BY the Manufacturer H. CLTJCU8, No. 67 Pine street, New Yaric. September 24 _ . . imo J. G. H ARV OT. WM. P. ItARVElT. el G. HARVEY A; CO., * COMMISSION MEKCHAN 9%, AND UL AL ER S IN BACON, PORK, LARD, CORN, KC., No. 76 Exchange Place, BALTjJfORE, AI D . TJAVING CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPERJCB XT quality of SIDES, SHOULDERS, Hams, Stripe. Lard (In ttirces, barrels and kegs), Pork, 4a, ko., we would respectfully solicit orq>rs rr*m Southern Mer? chants. . J. G. HARVEY k CO. September 25_* ' Imo*' ruroaTFB uniBi ia- or Pine Groceries, Choice Tea?, Kto.. Md,' NOS. 260 aad 202 &ft8KWICH- >T" COB. OT MUR RAY NEW YORK. " November "? . 8ttO0?S. WINES,. L?QUO?f?, SEGAR?! MESSRS. fl. fi, B11.10P k ? No. 133 Meeting skeet, HAVE RECENTLY REFITTED' THEIR ESTABLISH? MENT, and have now connected with tbs BAR 1 FINE RESTAURANT, WHERE MEALS CAN BE OBTAIHEB AT ALL HOURS. CH ABLES ROBERTS, an old and popular Cate, i t this city, has boon engaged as Steward, and be will vote bis time to this, business, and .the entire routine the Culinary Department will be under his immodiate supervision. Every delicacy that can be obtained either tn this mar .Ht or abroad will bo secured, and the TSb*s oe sujiplissT "with the Ont of the season. THE BAB HAS BEEN BESTtJrjKED WITH * . liquors of every varie ty, AND THE CUSTOMERS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT will, bo served by attantlvo aujl sjreful waiters. Orders for HEALS, both Dinner? and Supper\ will moot with prompt attention, and bo prepared by expert-, cured cooks. The Billiard Salton, ; On the second loor, is supplied wi UT PHELAN TABLES, ?f the best loaSX sndlsw e^cw cenremence mr th > com? fort of TWtorp. ^eptcsnbir ll mut. PBOPRTJET0P. OF TBE Mansion Sousa, UREE\i VH.LK,. S. C. . , June 8 _* _ 1 ST. Mm*? ao?fL ; NEW (ffilaE?L?VS/ PRO?BJBTOKS : WM. A. HURD.Orffsw Orleans. W. F. CORKEBY.Of Spottswood H?teL Ric!i?bnd. Telegraph and 11 II il I mil I MU? is IMxiUibtfif H?tsi. ,Japei7 * _J5*^_ STEVES? HOU8K, SOfSV 31, ?3. SJ5 AJn> DT Broadway, N.- Y., opposite ?oirij? ?iw-J the European Plan.-TdE bTEVKNS MgRSt te flail ind widely known to tho tnivaBtog pub!lv. UaTSStlfifB istee pccia?iy snitaAle to ax^chsm&m^.tmkma. om it is m close proximity to tba bTnumffpan orme ??J- is on the-bjghway-of Southern and-Wtitett- LslSsj ind sdS ^The?8T^VENSHO^E?a?ffiffi^ over 300 guests-it is well finililifc aasfpenajiti a every modern improvement for tfie cosflfott aniss^arhiinjnsBt. of its inmates. The rooms ara sptcioiujpd, ventt tated-provided with gas an** trater-ts? atamt snce^i*" procapt and respectful uWd.fltfXbte ktflOUK^a^rJ3")'. vlded rtith every dehcacy of. the. season at moasrs? rates. Tho rooms havirfg beeiyfe?rblihed and reraodaled, w* ure maV-idto offercxuArttcUlUsBfor tltsaMMisal pleasure .f pur guesU. GEO. K. CfiAEE AJ?O. Ma- 2s 6mo _ Pa^rtoTS. TlWWtirtt-lt JOSEPH SCHROEDEBi, COMM ITSTS 10% AND WHOLE8ALE 3 DE ALERON SEGARS,; t oui and Xanajhctured Tobacco, So..Jl BI( HA.\t.E FLACK, BALTIMORE", MD. H-j- A flue assortment 6U Connecticut. Havsua and .Yara Leaf Tobacco STMSSja' sTUand. September 16 _?_ Imo SEGAR STORE, CORNER BROADWAY A.VD lT?ft STJH E?T, NEW YORK. THE DNDERHIGNXD WILL BE his Southern friends. The choicest HAV.VJIA w OARS, of all the leading brands, with a gstoeral assort? ment of Smokers' Articta* always on baud. junB i p. orroLKNGBT. Agent PIANO-PORTES^?KAIVD, S**7,*^ ???? UPRIGHT.-Which srenow jctooSdadjg ^ ^ by the LeadinK Artists m thai country^^PPEBIOR TU AN? OTHERS IN AMERICA These T&j^f? out m?Sff arrangement). Kb im the FRENCH, OR A NI) ACTION, acknowledged to bs supoHor to soy other in rapid execution. These aastrumenta are all SEVEN SEVEK AN? A<UA?1T* and SEVKf AMD A THTBD ocTAVKs- constructes\aof TBJOEOUOHXT SEABONID WOOD, aud of the finest and beet saatetiaL ForojHBai eowaa, ?rNOIVO OCAUTIEfl, SWKITNXSS Bud FT7ETT? OT TON* ?iroul'hout the entire BMJBTEB: JB^BGAilCE OF 1TN1SH and GR? AT OURABLLITY. the Piaac-Fortera|.Messrs. JENNY8 4 SON are ansurphased by any other railers, in the WORLD, and bavV taken the HIGHEST PBiatTUM WHEREVER EXHLBI1ED. Tte same HadMueii which enable this finn to produce a SUPERIOR INBTJR?MENT, also enable them to offer their PIANO-FOBTES to the public at IWSNTI ran corr, lower than any-ome?-*??sr. cLABs manuActurcr in the country. The special attentfen of Dealers, Teachers and others ls invited to the examination oXtheee Pianos before mah. I lug their ssteciioD elsswhsre. Every las rm ment i? rnuy^ WARRANTED FOB WVE YEA RB. Descriptiyji drcu- 1 lars sent to all parts of the oountry npoc appl)?Ucm. Ad dcess, JENNYS k SON}, Noa. 238 ?nd236 East Mst street, Between 2d and Sd Avenase. Nsw Zerk. September 27 Ayr j^KY_A_ND ^iSCtLLAWEO?S TP ME! 1400BABBEL9 ?IJ8TA?? LMS aOO barrels WHITE LOEE _" " .fir" Landing from seton** 8. fi! 7tea?*??"1> COO b?rrela ?EM?T ?. 800 billi FliniB : ??Ea?/*' V* For tale by OLNEY & GO. Noa. 9, U and 13 VENDU? BAN?*, Octobers . . St PETUtffi WESTER^ JflEKP * Bora. * ' **/"k/"i Otf?Lfi SUPERIOR WESTERN ?sfeMP HOPE. OkjAJ Por ?ale by . MOBAT?CAIA CO. October 1 . ._g?_4 . SUPERIOR MOLASSES." If r\ BBLS. GOOD MOLASSES OKJ 100 bbls. Choice Mojaaae*. In tina packages. T r aale by . ~ October 1_4_MOBDEOAI j CO. LIME, CEMENT, AJIB PM$TEfc PARIS. I ?TAA BARRELS LIME. LOUU 100 Barrel? Supsnor Whit? Lim*. .200 B?rrela Piaster Paria. . 100 M. Lathes. Plastering Hair, ftc, 4c. for aeie J No. 217 East Bay, opposite gag 8S553?BJI September 28_ M g COEN. BUSHELS PB?ME WHITE CORN. FOB aafeby ?. B. IL ber 30 mg ^SMB. ! WKAT! - WWBPED TO Pt HOHAatB. W?i?~\f\ BUSHELS PEIMK BED AND WHA'K ty&\J\J WHEAT, for which the- highest market price will bo paid. JOHN CAMP9EN 4 OO. (Maher 1 . tu?* ? K^mTl DOrjtLS TlWLUD ?teaJCLESS SACKS Z.OVU LIVERPOOL SALT ? ' 200 bales Eeavv SfandahTBagging 600 whale and half coils SfiSdUHl drast?aaf and af is BO url Hemp Bone Coffee, sugar, Moiaases, Candles, fte., ftc. FOR SALK LOW BY - M G?0.W. watiA?fe * ?Q., WHULEsWIS, Ha> neJStteet, Charle? & C.. September J?1_._ wtajB LEA & PEBJLtNB' CELEBRATED . P?ONOVSCKD ' ? , EXTRACT / ?n ?if . . KZ of a latter frau a GOHKOMBE??S ' j H ^^^^ so NC TICK owu jyH?W Broker at n A a J^aiOBOESTEB, May, Hood Sauce ?mSr1' ftfjKF ''Tai LEA ft PEB AKD APPLICABLE tg?Kk?INft that their BAUC3 _ V L?H*)13 *lgfe>y ta aSWS=Idla. aa^ia.lhniyep?itoi, ErBSlPffrffie mtm palatable, as EVERY VARIETYIiaMteBwell aa the most whole ?EdHeomo SAUCE that la OF DISH. ^E5"made." The success of thia moat dell clou? ano mirrool e T eon dimest haring caused many unprincipled de?lan to apply tba nae*? io Spuriout Compoindi, tba P-jauo la i rMpeciruttji and ea-nt?ily requested to a? thaa-tte name ? of LIA ft Pr.HBfe.-s an? upon tho WRAPPER, LABEL, STO WER and BOTTLE. . . Manufactured by r r LIA & PC RR INS, Worc**ter JOHN DUNC AN'S SONS, rsi ii w nrni?Min r AGENTS FOB THE UNIXED SEATO Qc tobar 19 y_ fmarayc ?ifcm/uuft*. Important to Farmers and Millen. PORTABLE GEIST, Sf AL ?SO FLOUR MILL, COMMIES. KART ft MUNSdlrS FRENCH BUBB ?ELLS, LAT? EST ncPBOVEMENis, patented 18*0. several LS in operation in this city. At low prjsatr JNO. CAMPSEH ft CO.. Agenta, No. ll Market street, < pposlte State street. September 13 _.... tatfeoa ATTENTION * B?1EMEWCL'OTH\ ftc, tej^BSKg, ALMO, TANNKB3' 0TL (C?C 2XS* NBAOTTOUT OIL, tor Leather Hewer i **B1?BlCATTrtO OILS, for Maoaiasar, itti*Wt?fhMtbor?achofaU. . * WS. M. BULB ? CO. SeptenaisrlS . ja j .. i8Sr yM- . . -il las-:. /fl ,? TW ..-ill 4 L*AYS- *JatE THE IDGfflteT-PKEaCU?." AMD ?^TOQl LIAT PARIS THIS YEAR, ae odtotaijQ:cw . BMSe^avrr,- pilcad entirely on ft Casual'milita, ^ejery^W Tarier^. Call and e?Sab? teMUt at Ote CHARLESTON AGENCY, sign of Marvin}i??fc. ' ' - Seyteraber j), NO. 203BAtgyy.E fffJtgET. . FIRE, BUBGIaAll i. DAM? PROO?V: - -. .^r- :. . ..**? sr i MARMS'S PAIENT SAFES nevar mould MARVIN'S PATENT SAFES never corrode fha teso.. MARVIN'S PATEN* SAFES never loss'then: Ftra-pr?of quality. MARVIN'S PATENT SAFES are the only SAFES ailed with Alum and Dry Plaster. Wa other Sais bas these qnaUtations. . - XTTR REFER TO THE M?BOHAKTS, ?)TT?N ??C W TORS, Banhexaand Jewdera of thia ally whom we have supplied, gt?y-eif ht of t?cee Safes hara beata sold by us since the ?Uve of the war, which alona ajaaaJd be a snAaient gn&rantc* that they are all we dahli. * Cali and ex?mipe tba S took now on hand, or bawd Ibra Circular. ' . _T \ W. AL BIRD ? jOBr N.. 203 EAST BAY Agente for Charlatana. ^geutenrbCTC^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BS^^ J. M. BRADSTREET k. M. IMPROVED ;; Mercantile Aeeacya NO? 50 BB0AD SaSBE?li CHARLESTON, S. C. ! J? lt FONDA. SnperiHtfflideiit September ti ...