University of South Carolina Libraries
VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* TELEGRAPHIC. Dat* ?'ut,ii- Olspalclir*. MANCHESTER, September HO.-A Htioiig poMca force, taking thc Foniana KELLY and DEARY tn tito depot, wore attacked by a mob. 'Hie priiotioia rroio rescued. Uno policeman killed ; several in? jin cd ; many rioters scrituialy injured. Another policeman in dead, and KELLI ?a ?till at large. LIVERPOOL, September 20.-The Broker'? Olren lar report tho auloa of tho trook nt 70,000 balea ; ex? ports, 10,001 ; speculation, 5000 ; slock, 837,000, of which 270,000 tra American. QCEEKSTOWK, September 20- The steamer /><? iroit, from Sbiulda for flan Francisco, put in here leaking. LIVERPOOL, September no -Noon.-Cotton open.-, quiot ; Uplands DJ ; Orleans 9, ; Hales 10,000 hales. LONDON, September 20-Noon.-Tho bullion in thc Bank of bins land baa increased ?150,00(1. LrVEnrooi., September 20-Evening.-Notwith? standing moderate activity, Cotton declined fully id.; eales 12,000 bales ; Uplands 9|d.; Orleans OM. Washington Noni. WABHTNOTOX, September 29.-SHERIDAN and SICKLES are hero. HANCOCK loavoa In a fow dayn for St. Louis. Tho Cabinet aeaakMl laatod two boure. GRANT waa absonl. Tho Bovcnuc roeoips to-day auiount tn $200,000. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. REYNOLDS, Qoartermaater, baa been aaaigncd for duty at Mobile. Judge CitABE lie-, gOUO to Uli 1.1. Dr. LUKE BL?CSBITHN baa loft Canada for New Orleaua uudor tho Aniuoaty Proclamation. Tho Bureau of Indian Affaira bas received n ot Iii nc confirmatory of the extraordinary demands of tba Indians on tho North Platto. The National Council of Amoricau mechanic* will asaomblo in Ila It i nun o on tho 2 lt h. Generals IIANCOOE, SHERIDAN and SICKLES dined togolbcr. T heir proaonco croatoa littlo aeu aatlon. GoTornor FENTON bad a prolonged Ioterviow with GBANV. _ Dentil or A. T. Munni. NEW YOUR, Boplember 20.-A. T. STEWART died to day, leaving ?70,000,000. From Richmond. BtCHAtoND, September 20.-Another nog i o to? day aued tba Richmond, Fruderickaburg and Po? tomac Railroud, for non-admittance to a li rm class car upon a first class ticket purchased in New York. Thc company determined to atand ault aa a teat question for the railroads South. Tho thermometer lino to-day in the abado was ninety-five. General WALFORD putera upon his dnlica hero us Revenue Collector, October 1. From Kew York. Nsw YonK, September 20.-Tito Hudson Rivor steamboats Dean Jitchmontl and V. Vanderbilt collided near Roundout, at 1 o'clock, thin morning. The JitcUmond tunk in an hour; tho Vanderbilt ia but littlo iujurod. Nono lost. Thorn arc reporta here ot' troubles in the Sto? nington Bank, Connecticut. Tho .cashier ia said to be missing. " Thc Ktcamsbip Ai tiona, from Aspinwall, brought 41,351,000, and dates front Panama to the 12th. A. A. BanTOH, lalo Ministor to Columbia, denies j negotiating for tho annexation of the Isthmus to tb? United States. Two Amoricaiia hire been killed, and ono vronndod, in Carlhngnna. Nothing moro front Smith Amorica. Toe Hcpnblloaix rmi) In North Carolina. RALEion, Sepleitibnr 20 -Tho Raleigh Register, edited by DANIEL GOODLOF., the recognized orgau of tho Republican pat ty in thia Stale, dnnouncoH ibo recont Radical Convention in bitter and scath? ing terms, cxcomtnuuicnteB HOLDEN and bia 00 adjatora. The party in certainly hopelessly divid? ed. Thu Ooua4ilultoaal Union mou will bold au immense mass meeting nn\t Friday tho 27th. All the most influential and prominent citizens signed the call. Election In Georgi*. AUOCBTA, September 20.-Tho Republican nf thia morning contains an order from General POPE, or? dering an oloction to be held in Georgia, com? mencing Tuesday, October 20, and continuing for thrco days, at which rogintored voters may vote for Convention or againot Convention; aUo for delegates to constitute said Convontiou, in case a majority of votes BO decide. Tho Senatorial Dis? tricts, a? established by' Slate laws, are adopted -for purposes .of representation.. Thc Convention will consist of ono hundred and six ly-ni no il do gates. Instructions ({miarally tho samo aa issncd for the election iu Alabama. From Chattanooga^ CHATTANOOOA, September 20.-The Crntchfield House waa totally destroyed by fire at G o'clock to-night. Tho fito was caused by tho breaking of a number of kerosene lamps in the oil room, which a waiter was carrying. Tho flames caught the oil in the barr?la, flashed up, and spread all over the house iu ten r ai nuten. Little property was aavod, oxcopt in tho lower atones. The Oro originated in the woodon addition, and ascendod, catching the upper Btory or brick. Several nar? row escapes, but no livne loaf. No water noar, and no engino in town. Water waa supplied, through fire hundred yarda or hose, from a Uro en? gino at the machine abopa of tho Nashvillo and Chattanooga Railroad, but too late lo check tho . fire. Oilier honans near WITH damaged by sparks, ' but not seriously. 1 loss 9150,000. " Insured, $45,000 in ??tna of Hm Homo of Now Haven, and other companies. Tho walls aro nearly all down. The Indian War. NORTH PLATTE VTA OMAHA, September W.T-Tho Feaco Commission hold counsel with SPOTTED TAIL, Tonxxv I,vu and otbor Chiefs, to-day. Tho Indian ultimatum ia tho withdrawal of tho troops from tho Powder Rivor country, and tho abandon? ment of the Smoky Hill route for the Pacific Rail? road. - Thor also demand ?uns, and ammuuit.on and presents. Tho Commission will roply to? morrow. War ?oem? inevitable now. From New Orleans. . NEW OBLXANB, September 20-Gen. MOWER is? sued an order similar to that of Gon. CAMBY . re? garding Confederates self-exiled and since returned and now subject to parole. Tho Interments by yollow fever for the twenty four honra, ending at 0 this morning, amount to 66. * Domestic Markets. ?--- KOON DISPATCH. NEW YOBJL, September 20.- Flour firm for low grades. ' Wheat steady. Corni unchanged. Rice and oata steady. Pork lower .at. $24 18Ja|24 25. Lard quiet. 'Whlrikey ateady. Cotton quiet 24Ja25. - Freights' quiet. -'Tarpenttne 59a59}.' Rosin- quiet and unchanged. Stocke excited and panicy. Money7 percent. Gold ?1 43J. Sterling 0|alOJ. '62 conpona $114|. EYENINO DISPATCH. Cotton dull and declining; sales 70O bales, chiefly at 241. Flour dull and declining ; State $81oli : Southern steady ; common to cboico now *lCial8|. .Wheat dull and lovror; Ambor State i ?2 00. ^ Mixed Corn $1 2-lal 26. " Oats decliniufi ; Ohlo7lja72. Pork lunvy at ?24L Lard ateady at lSfalil. Whiakey quiot. Oroeoriea generally dull. Naval Stores dull. Rosin $4afl. Freights quiet. Stocka activo, but lower since call. Mouev 7 Der cent. Gold 1484. * v BALTIMOBK, Bepteinbirr 20.-Coll?e, vei y small sales; Rio 18J gold. Flour firm; Family au'd F.xtra ndvancod 50c; Buporflno COc; common and medium grades strong at proviouR rates. Wheat firm cloaod advancing; primo Red $2 50a2 70; choioo S3 7oa2 80. Wtilto Corn $1 25; Yellow $1 33' Oats G0aC8o. Provisions bettor tooling; BhoiildtTf 15o? Rib SldeB 17-Jo; Clear Ribs 18al8gc: Moas Pori steady at $25o; built meats good inquiry, bnt holi aboie tho views of buyora. Lard, Woatorn, 11 Je . WixarntoTON, September 20.-Spirits Turpontim quiet al Mu. Rosin ateady at $3a0 50. Wealhci clear and warm. Nsw OBXXAMB, September 20.-Salen of Cotter to-day 160 balea; market dull and unsettled. Loa Middlings- 214c, nominally. Receipts of tho wool 1771 balea; exporte 493; stock 17,018. Flour afead and firm; Superfine $9; Double Extra tl0|. Cori acareo; advanced 6c.; White Mixed .1.90] Whit 11.80. Oata hold at 60c.; aalos at Voe. Pork dull holders ask $27.25. Bacon steady and firm; Shoul dora lCo., Clear Sides 19|c; Siigar-cnrod Ham 26|o. Lard quiet and firm; in tjorcoj 14}c. Gol 143?&144. sterling 66a?8J. Now York Sight Ex change ? premium. MOBTLX, September 20.- Demand good, princi . pally for tho batter grades. Sales COO balee. Mill - diing 21. Receipts'of tho week 2375. Exports c tba weak 1748. Bajea 23 75. Stock 6G97. AtJOOatA,4 September 20.-Ootteu moro activi , ..bnt prices weaker. Bados 124 balea,,. Middling. 21( , ii.,- BATAMKAB. September. 20.-Ootton dui) and di W^XW?LV B*,0"7^b?le"* -I^eelpta 811. Middling L^i JSmroAX, S^tember,-M.-Suporfine flou ,$7 60. Corn, shelled $1 10. Moao pork $21 ' Shouldora 14|c; clear aides Itu. Lard 131 ' Br. LOTTO, floptember ' 20.-Fl?ur flrnf at $7 7 60. Oom advancing, $1 lOal 1BJ. Provialor ; . taa^ Mes a pork $? 25; bacon abouldore 16 clear side*. l??- Lard 14J. Whiskey heavy. : I CTjsrjrjDt*n, September 20.-Flour firmer, teni ina np.. 1 Corn ?toady and unchanged. Provision and lard nn chan god. -,.,. SCHOOL TEXT UUIIKH, Now (hat t be period is at hand ? lien tbe ICIIIMJU, public and private, all over the country uro about resuming operations, it may not bo amiss to say something rotativo le toxt books. A good teacher needs no toxt book ; or if this rentnrk bo tlcemcd too swooping, wo will modify lt somewhat: given a good toncber, it matten but bille what text book la UBud. Wo rccolicet attending a school it was'syenrs ugo-aud in a country whero tho pooplo wcio loo poor lo purchase tuxt bo'iks fur their children. Tho toacher had a priulod manual for each of tho elementary brattchos that ?ero taught in tho school. Tho only bookR in tho children's hands were " Toaders ;" and yet, however incrcdiblo such au assertion may now ap pear, tho pupils from that school wont forth willi a thorough knowledge of orthography, arithmetic) geography nnd grammar, with a tolerable acquain? tance with history, chronology,physics,antinatural history-in fact quite ns much of these ai is usually lcm nod in even tho beat of common schools. How was it douo V lu thc first nineo, tho lonelier hid been legular ly ti uincil for his profosaion; ho was not ashamed of it; never thought it necossary to mako an apolo? gy for pursuing thin avocation. Ho did not look upon it as a stopping-Btonc to something oise. He therefore, gavo it his undivided attention. Like the lawyer, (bo physioiau, tho divine, or tho engineer, bo inado ali his studios subservient to his profession, 'i. He was eoouro of his position; bo held his office "during lifo or good behavior;" the children, lltorofore, had tho benefit of bis ser? vices from tho beginning to tho ond of thoir scholastic eniver; and hnw groat this bouellt, none but a thoughtful, oaruost teacher can fully appreciate. 3. The children were compelled by law to attend school regularly. Now, aa to the method of instruction: Evtry t bing was taught orally. Them was plenty of (?mo -aovan years, from G to 13; and every portion of this limo wan fully mapped ont. Each month of each of tho sovon years had ?B epocilio work allotted to it Moulin; were given to tho clements of gram? mar; and tho tender minti was not burdened with "rulos," till tho nascent intolligcuco had gained Biiuirient insight into tho subj oct to perceive: tho , necessity of those ruins. Definitions and rules were writ len on (ho blackboard, and copied on tho , slato by OAOU ot Ibo pupila. After tho teacher bad , cnrroctutl the copio?, they woro transferred ( to tho "Grammar Dook." We had also "copy , hooks" for every other branch taught there. A , groat dosi of attention was gi von to writing; and , spoiling was taught, not from tho dictionary, but , by "dictation." A chapter in history was read by < Ibo teacher, and overy momlior of tho first class v, .o. required to write ont over night as rnnch of it . sa ho could recollect. Tho task was correotod by t the teacher next morning, aud such additions ; mado as woro absolutely necessary; but In tho main the pupil's own langungo was permitted to ? roinaiu. There was thus every stimulus to excito , tho thinking faculties of tho child, aud momoriter j recitations woro discouroged; indeed ronderod , almost impossible by this method, lt is needless , to say that whatever WSB learned in thin slow and j painstaking mannor was thoroughly mastered, ( and seldom if over forgotten. , Wc bavo heard somn objections ottered to this ] method; one of thom is, that it docs not oxerdis? , the memory sufficiently; that learning by roto ( is of great sorvico in sharpening tho rnomory, and that this object can only be attained by , making the child learn and repeat "by heart" . tho oxact words of tho author. Wo aro not dis? posed to disenso thia nico point in pedagog?a, but , in onr school this desideratum was provided for. t In tho first placo, we bad tho Catechism, longer j and aborter-which do not recall .pleasant recot- , lections-for tho "Moral Law" was no( always | taught by moral suasion. In tho next place, we f woro well drilled in chronology, and "niles" of grammar and arithmetic; and lastly, we woro,re- ] quired In meunuiv,. and rooit* or de.'Inim, befuro \ ? tho school and st eliminations, euler tiona from , the best poets. , Wo learned drawing and singing, and had aban- j [ dance of limo for private lessons in foreign lan- | guages, munir, ic., ?c., and all Ibie at scarcely , any outlay for text books. , This, however, waa in the days of old fogy ism, t and we of couran shall tint be understood an de- f siring to set that school up aa n model fm tho ? moro improved schools, seminaries and academies | ol tho present day. We have occupied so tnuoh \ epaco in tho introduction tn. our remarks on ibo , (ext h. KII,c. thal wo shari not hu HIIIO to give moro | than a mero catalogue. Tho firsl difficulty that , presen(s itself to the teachor, if bo bo unbiassed j in favor of any particular author, is thc prout 1 multiplicity of school booka. Every publisher in i the land has Ina entire sorioa of toxt books ; and i some publishers havo uoveral aeries. Two y causeB underlie this evil. First, it is a j woU known fact that no teachor ever yet found a ( text book which he did not think be could int- j prove. He finds more and more dofecte, oa , he continnes to use it, until, -at least ? hts purpose ' becomes fixed to | write out a 1 syllabns for thc uso of his classes. This ho 1 does. After a whilo, thc class and partial friends , u(ge its publication, and tho pedagogue, liko 1 tho politician, is "tn tho banda of his fH?nde." 1 He yields reluctantly, and Vfith^ besoming ? modesty, and tho world is cursed with another , book. Nino ont of ten, or, porhaps, nineteen ont I of-,twenty, af school-books that BOO tbs light un- j der such auspices, are "bom to bldab unseen." They aro still-born, and their anUo!1 doomed to disappointment, akin to tito ?preta injuria Jornia. Happily, in the twontiotb case, Meroiiry'stops up ' and forms a partnership with Apollo, iud tho i result is a very profitable business. Homo ' of tboso writers of school-books sro in tho cn- ( joymont of largor incomes from thoir quaei lite? rary labors than authors of any other class. Thin, of conreo, usually depends moro on tho naino and husmean capacity of tho publisher, (ban on Ibo talent of tho author or the intrinsic, merits of tho book. If the H A ni'mm or tho Av M.ET0N3, to-morrow, wero to publish a man? ual of trigonometry, of rhetoric or logic, per? fectly devoid Of orlfinality or of adaptability, tho book would nevertheless sell, whereas a book of decided mont on any of these topics not Issued under snob or similar auspices, would novar pay tho printer. - Tho following list of text books offered to schools wo copy from tho Hound Table: . : j , First Leesons in Numbers, in tho Natani Order. By John H. Frenob, LL. D. Harpar & Brothers. A Manual of Arithim tic. By 8. A. Folter, A. M. Charles Scribner & Co. ... * I First Lessons in Numbers. The same. Primary Arithmotlc. The same. The Analysis of Written Arit hmo! ic. The same. Practioal Arithmetic. -Tho same. Commercial Arithmetic. Tho same. Juvenile: Montol Arithmetic. BvJohn F. Stod? dard, A. M. New York: Sheldon & Co. Rudimento of Arithmetic. Tho same. Tho American Intellectual Arithmetic. Tho same. ? New Practical Arithmetic. Tho same. A Primary- Arithmotlo. By G. V. Quaokeribas, A. M.' D. Appleton & Co.) il? An Elomonuiry Arithmetic. Hie same. A Practical Arithmetic. Progress in Practioal Arithmetic, liv- Horatio A. Robinson, A. M. Edited by D. W. rath New York: Ivison, Pbinnev, Blakeman & Co. Progresa in Higher Arithmotlo. Tho same. A Iligh Arithmetic. By A. Sohnylor, A. M., Pro? fessor of Mathematics in Baldwin University. Sheldon & Co. ' . ? . A Troatlso on Arithmotlc. By Ellas Loomis, LL.D., Professor or Natural Philosophy and' As i tronomy in Yalo College. Now York: Harper it : Bros. !.. 1 A Treatise on Algebra. The a arno. Elements of Geometry and Conic Sections. ) Tho same. r El?ments of Plano and Hpherical Trigonometry. Tho samo. i A Treatise on Astronomy. By Elias Loomis, I j LL.D. Now York: Harper * Bros. lt Common School Astronomy. By John Brockies-, r by, A. M. Now York: Sheldon A ?Jo. i Elements Of Aslrrriioniy. Tiffi same, e A Treatise on Astronomy/ Spherical and Ph val* ll I; cal. By William A. Norton; M. A., Professor, of ,1 1- Civil Engineering In Yalo College. Fourth odition, o revised, remodelled and onlarged. New York: d John wiley 4 Son. . [?,l7'?< i- A System of Geography, for the Uso of Schools. By Sldnoy E. Morse, A. M. New York: Harpor & - Bros. 1664. I- ?A System of Modern Geography. By 8. Atutoa if Ina Mitchell. PbUodelphia: E. fi. DuUor rVCo. 1867. ' i . J ... > . Mitchell's Modern Atlas. Tbe sama. I \. Outlines of Physical Geography.' By George W. >? Fitch. New York: Ivison, I'hinnov, Blakeman A a Co. i Physical and Intermellato Georirraphy, Bv r James Monteith. Noir York: A. S. Barnes & Co'. 5, ? Gnyot's Geographical'Bones. ..Pilmary.' Nsw i York:. Scribner* Co, MOT. . -,- , a . Common School Geography, Tho rjiuio. ia P Primary Geography. By Jamos CroiSihonk,' : lalaiU- Non? York! Wl?\iara *" Tim Child's Book cf . Nature, In Abroo parla. 1- By Worthington Hooker"; M. T>. Illustrated. Now a York: Harper * Bros. 1 _ . . i'll st Book in Ohoruislry. The ?ame. Natural History. Tho samo. Science for tbo'School and Family. Fail I, Ka? tmai Philosophy. Tho sams. St'iouro lor Irw School and Family, l'art II. l/'liouiistry. Thu snmo. Sciouco for thu School and Family. 1'art III, Mineralogy and Geology. Tho same* A Manual of Zoology. Hy Sanborn Tenner, A. M., Professor of Natural History in Vasaar College, l'iflh odition. Now York: Chatios Scribner k Co. 18U7. Nntursl History of Animals. Hy Sanborn Tonny and Abby A Tenney. THU samo*. Hnrpof's Series of School aud Family Headers. Dy Marcius Willaon. How York: Harper & Hr,m. Tho American Naturalist. Salem, (Mass.): Tho KHSCX Instituto. Introductory Courso of Natural Philosophy. Edited from (Janot 'a Popular Phraics. Hy Wm. ?. l'ock, LL.TD. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Columbia College. Now York. A, R. liarnos ? Co. 1800. A Natura! Philosoph v. Uv (J. P. Quaokonbos, A. M- Now York: D. Appleton A Co. 18?7. I'lemoutH of Natural Philosophy. By lilias Loo? mis, New York: Hnrper ft Uro?. First Hool; in Physiology. For thc usu of Schools and Familie?. Intended'ns introductory lu the larger work by thc samo authoi. Hy Wurtbingtun Hooker, IYofosaor of the Theory and Practico of Medicino in Yalo College, eic. New York: Sheldon * Co. 18GC. Human Physiology. Dosienod for Colleges and thu Higher Chinaos in Schools aud for (ionoral Heading. Rv Worthington nookci, M. D., etc. Now York: Slioldon .V Co. 18117. A Tort Hook on Physiology. For tho use of Schools mid Colleges. Being * an Abridgmonl nf tho author's largor work ou lluiunn I'hvsiologv. Hy John William Draper, M. D., LL. I)., ole. Now York: Hatpor & Brothers. lRfitl. A Text Hook on Anatomy, Physiology and Hv gionn. For tho uso nf Schools rind Families. Rv Jnhd C. Drapor, M. D. Harper & Brothers. Physiology and tho Laws of Health. For tho HBO of Schools, Academies and Collogos. Uv Ed? ward Jarvis, M. 1). Now York: A. 8. Harms ft Co. Theso inuit stiflice. Tho list is much Larger, but our spaco forbids our giving it entire. Tho aboro books may bo obtained at or procured through any of our booksollora. i. i rix in H FtimmiBW YOICK. I PROV ova SPECIAL roanrsroNDFNT. ) NEW YoRk Soptombor 18,18G7. Tho first day's racing at tho Hoboken courso, was a failuro, a flash in tho pan-tho play of Hamlet with tho part nf the melancholy Dauo omitted-a novel without nhoroinonr hero, a gaino of poker with no money bot, ti gamo of chose with tho kings riff tho board-a baU without a danoo ur supper- a hurdle raao poi hu m niu o with tho bardia race left out. Thorn was no hurdle moo at all Ibo untried woro not filled, nnd tho race did not tonto o?, nor did il come on, and everybody was disappointed, downcast, dejected snd disgusted! Tho races that did como off, ono, a dash or throe miles, snd tho other milo heats, woro not worth seoing, and thcreforo, not worth describing, where? fore, I havo naught to add- about tho great Ho tiofcon races. I havo sombtliing, however, to say about tho Tall fa&htons, of which the grand opening days aro it hand, and whereas tho stomer sox take no ex? traordinary Intercut in such mattera, bo lt tmdei . Hood and herewith proclaimed that this portion of my letter is oxclnsivoly addressed to ray friends, ho ladies. . Aa I do not profess to bo au fail in .ho lavatories and intricacies pf a lady'a toilet, and is any attempted description of mino may bo as itt lo understood hy tho fair ?nea as il would bo by me, tho unfair, it may be as well, or Let UT for un, :o steal a little ; which I now give notice thal I in :ond to du-reserving, howoror, tho privilege nf nixing up tho stolon ingredients in a dish nf ahrnseology, pat Hy inado up in my own style. In placo of the coquettish Fanchon, ladios will ippcar in olegant chapeau!, of which tho distiu rmlshing feature ia tho dindum, which is set np ?ght across tho Hont of n clnoo-Uttlng shape, or rill require n shape rising in front to admit a u oad barnhill lo bo trimmed with spraye of rich lowers, or satin, or velvet box plaits. . It will also bc allowablo lo walk abroad capped ur jonneted with a hat of brown volvot, with a broad .mud of pheasants' feathers intorwaron across thu Town, or on? ni nriroaon velvet, tmninod in front villi dilatera of tall leavoa and borneo. Again, an ndulgont husband may be coaxed into settling a jill far a Spanish hat of golden velvet, trimmed rith black laco and Jet, with a branch trailing tcross the front, from which are suspended jol lropa and a rosotto nf name material, hiding it lolf cunningly beneath tho shadow ol s chignon. Fashionable people say that cloaks will bo worn ongcr this season than last winter--which mar io taken in a double acnao, or ought to be, consid? ering how expensive they will bc. A Indy who ap? pears on Broadway iu a cloak of purple bimi rolvet (called tho Maiutenon), with a hood railing un tho hack, und consisting of two piecea tied loosely togothcr snd fringed with leads, will PBSR carrent in tho world of 'ashlan,'Ibo trimming of tho cloak should bo yorkod in enrious dovices on the hack, and tboro ?hould be a small coat slcoro adorned with a pro? fusi?n of bead fringe. It would also be in place :o wear a black velvet sack, with bead and gimp in the back in the form of a palm loaf, and blue for trimmings on the annul h rs, wrists, front and oottom, together with a rich fringed sleovo. Tho favorite color for dresses will bo tho now red-brown Siamarck, with skirt* Bhort for tho streets hut tvith long trails for vioiting. A bind: silk suit, liowover, with a abort overcoat Instead of an ovor akirt will do, or wo'may wear if wechooao a brown lorded velvet and still bc iu thc faahion. For morning dresses in thc full, Gabriell os will be worn made loose and confined with a belt of Bama mate? rial. Add to thia that it will bo rathor fashionable this foll and winter to have a good supply of groon baokB conatantly on hand and my fashion story is told. A now ami magnificent templo of music will soon bo added to tho attractions nf this over-growing and wonderful metropolis. - Piko's Opera House, at Ibo corner of Fight.i Avonno and Twenty-third ?street, is fast approaching completion. The build? ing, whidi promises to bo ibo handsomest uti no - tun-of tho kind in America., is ono hundred and eighty-dvo foot in length, hy eighty in breadth, and eovouty feet high from parquette to dome, lt will soat ten thousand seveti hundred persona, with additional standing room for porhaps a thou? sand more. There are twenty-seven handsome boxea in tho front row of the drcsa circle, and also bi x proscenium bo xoa. The auditorium is ma Jo up of tho parquetto, n?xt tho parqu?tte circle, then the dross olrclo, and next the family cirolo. The roof and domo ara- handsomely ornamontod with tho finest frescoing in large modal liona ' of blue, .dtnb ' and '?old, ana benoatb tho dome aro the nino muses moat artistically executed. The base, of tho modaUions is sur? rounded'wi th ? border of gold, and 'aa each of tho statues boara a torch in ila band, and tho dome ia of stained glass, tho offeot may he imagined when these torches are lighted; and hoaidos thia the building is lit up by the glaro of innumerable Jets of gio. Tho opera honso cost & million of dollars, and will'bo thrown opon to the public about tho first of November, when La Grange, Brignull, and other groat artiste*, will innko their appearance there. I have asen Forrest as King Lear, and am al a IOBB for language which oan give adequate expres? sion to my disappointment. Forrest's Lear would not roflcct crodit on u stock actor of modest pre? tensions, tie haa not only lost his voice, but bis physique, MO far, front hoing attractive, ls tho fe verno, aa he is portly to and beyond Hie bounds of obesity, and as ho walks the stage, or rathor wad? dles over it,' ho looks like a peripatetic empty hogs? head, with a pair of Icga protruding through a hoi rr In tho'bottom. ff? I have had occasion to take a mn over to New Jersey, noted for three things; first, for the savage Jnstlca of ita Jurymen, with whom to try a crimi? nal ia to convict and hang him; secondly, for its bad and kill-at-forty-yards liquor, known na Jorsoy lightning; and lastly, for its fine cows. I havo honored Bordontowu with a visit, nordontown ia about throe arid a half boura rido from New York and ouo and a. half from Philadelphia, and should bo oaRed hoarding-towh; as living must bo un? commonly cheap '{Tiere,'wlier?' a furnished honso cont ainlu'c; bi teen rooms (all furnished) can bo rented for tho moderate sum of '$000 p?r annum I aaw nothing in Bordentown worthy of noto, aero a barber shop, where smoking ls not allowed. Great hoavona, aud all yo gods and goddosseal a barber shop whoro smoking is prohibited! Let such a placo bo stricken ont from tho map. Tho 'nines, Tribune, World nnd Kinross, agrf.o in .tho opinion that tbs throat of tho Herald in re? lation to its Intontion to cut loono from Ibo A?io? dated Press mid alt omi to its telegraphing oh ita own account, ls what ls called, in cara playing par? lance, "a lil uff." Bennett, however, annnrWoa to-dav that lie holds a full band and ls ready to bo called. . . , ;, - ? Theatres all making, moiroiiionoy lhan over business lrjoldngiup srrilhnRiy hnd-liopofully. MOULTRIE. Tho sentence of Captain CHAULES Fa ED ES tex BBdwk, I Tobirly-BOT?otRi ?"Jfx'Vcd^StatoB colored troops, who was tried before a court martial at Raleigh, -North .Carolina, in November last, has 'Jaw been eon?fhifJd m Goberai OSANT. Captain llBOWK ' waa tried.on tho ohargoa of selling thc property o? tho United States and appropriating to his own uso tho prooooda of ,thn ealos. He waa found wm's, and sentenced to bo dishonorably diamlaaed the service, wllh loas of all pav and al? lowances now duo or hereafter to become due ; to bo forever disqualified to hold any offlco ot trustlor^fltijiiaiir.tlif govarpmant ; to pay a Ono of i-JtflOVrfd b^lmr/tiabncairF-Fort Macon, North Carolina, until tho fino ia paid ; and that tho narho and place of abode of tho criminal and tho eou t anco tn? pul hah ?il In' tho nowapapors of the Btatoa of MasaaoUofiolU aiidNprth .eaToUi.o. In at prov? ing the eenuroc*. the Sectary of WOT armouiicca that Captain Baowa coaaed to bo aa <Mrxs of tho United Sute? Anny on the Slit ult. LKTTEIl KIM) H AX' tx CASK) > \ i. CUR tl f M'l/VIIKM. KEW YORK, r'ritlay. Soplombor Ut, loT.7. Tltu halcyon days which have hleasod tin this wook ?com lo have anticipated their acaaoli, for tile clear, cool October hourn uro in ll util shining iu September. Now Vork i* hrfak ami Imay, anti tho groat heart nf thia o .ut ?neill ia quickening ita putaoa, for Um autumn pressure iu now crowding ita groat erimia*. Broadway presents a ?pion di il panorama, although Ilia "Conti i:ml" ia very ?lowly tilling, for "tho aociuty" ia yet away. But aauntoring in tbo neighborhood of tho "Fifth Avontio," or hoapitabln ''Now York," wo arc certain of meeting Hcoron of Southornora, wboao friendly graap and kindly greetings go straight to your "heall ol licarta." Business ia brisk, and a? un editorial of the Herald announce!), "Irorn evory quarter tbo indications reach UM of a wonderful rovival of trade." In fact Ibo rapid growth mid wonderful prosperity of ibo oily splendidly illti? 1ratos tho onorgy ?i thia Amerjcun people. "Money is ploiitiful. every where," saya tho same paper, "and full pockota make mon good iona, promote. tho public health, extend lifo aud foster morality." And with Ibwac moat cen a i ble clauses, we heartily agrao. FER? NANDO WOOD baa again mon before thu public, mid in a spceoh to tho bntcherB and drovers hits so vorely tho present city administration. Yesterday, as truly a part of tho Indian Bunt' mer aa a temperatura of seventy-three degrcca at 2 P. M. could mako it, witnoaaod quito an exciting scene 011 tho river-tho Aunual Regatta of tho Hudson Amateur Rowing Club. Tho Park ix also crowded at this bcaaon, and well-kept equipages, with finely groomed h?rnen, rouder thc beautiful drives brilliant. Ono of the excitements, of tbo' wock la tho arrival of Ooueral HICKI.ES from Charleston. Ho ia stopping at the "Brovoort," a ploaannl, quiot IIOIIBO. Tho ox-ofllcera andaoldiora I of tho Third Army Corpa and Excelsior Brigado aro preparing a public roccptiou for bini to-piglit, in which they baro invited tbo Sovonlh'Regiuiout to join. Thia, tho crack regiuioul of New York, will enjoy a inoonligbt parade to-night. Tho theatres arti now in f?ll blast, anti Ute "Black Crook" in still triumphant al Niblo'a. Nightly that bouao is crowded, and old men and young maidens continue flo' lia charmed by tho glitter aud inazu of the tittil ul. U._.LJ.CK'9 prolty litllo theatre ia now closed fora short limo for ron ovatinii. The obarmingi'iiiqiiwitri^Ti* has been Ibero delight ?nj; i-rdwrted jmnsi-s irv lim two-fold I character of' i?Vile. i??TUr-4p'4! iti'jsIarcltionoBs. M un non A M boa- dratr?itized lu. 'it 1 NH' exquisite story, "The Oldi CurioaiiyShop,".with groat suo cesa, and tbia lonely half child and half woman *bas oxcellod iii Ilia itorchionoaa. T.ittlo Noll is not an atti activo on the stsgo; and though ber story constitutes ono nf DTCXT.NS' proso poonta, Ibo episodu in dovoitl of dramatic Incident, and tborofnro loses Irv representation. But uot sn wltb tba Marchioness; ber Ufa al Mian Sally Brass' house, and interviews with thc Incomparable Dick, convulso you with laughter. SwivoUer's character ia well sustained, and, in fact, t hc charnel era aro p.mi? ora Hy admirably brought out in every thing which thia management ttUompts. The Olympic, with its t nfl tr-ful renovation opened Mo urtu y night .With Jm-EBSt?N as "Bip Yan Winkle." Ho woll deserves hlB rank ni first conn-dian nf thc ago ; in truth you fail to rocognir.o bis acffng, fur every phase of the character each word arid goat ore, ia ao pnrfrcUy natural that you forgo', JEFTCBSON, aud think only ' of genial, genero us "Bip"-nt ono thuin convulsed by his humor, and then feeling a strange dimness in tho eyes at bis sad miafortunos. In Boora wo rccoguizo dramatic genius, tho perfection of orf iii.7 or representing characters ; hut with Je Hoi a on wo soein to look upon tho character, and not tho representation ; wo forgot tho actor, and aeem to view lite reality. Mrs. 1.1MU 11 has beeti playing '.F.lizniicih" st tho French The lire, and was moat aurccasful in the sword scene. , advent. She inatiguihles thu aeaaou at tho Tin s tro Fran?ais on Wednesday night, September 18th. Her r?pertoire is splendid, but thc gem scents lo bo "Marie Antoinette." Il is Written especially lor Bisroni by OiAt'oifrrn, who prepared ber "FJiza beth." Tho scenery and costumes have boon "gol? ton up" with great care and expouac, and aro said lo lie true lo hiatory. Thu number of representa? tions for Kew York ia limited to fifteen, and among the novelties are "Satur Terese," ''Francesca di Rimini," '?Giovanni tl'Area," and ''Beatrice.1' This ia the leal week nf THOMAS' pleasant con? certs al Tenace Harden, where lagor is drunk and MENDELSOHN'S delicious Illunie huton. ,I to. 1,11,1 night wo bad the overture to "Ray Blas," au au danto and presto from tho symphony in A, and tbat magnincont, thrilling "Wedding Mareil.'' Ou the Ulb Hnptomber Mr. DOLBY, agent for CHABLIS DICEXNS, sailed in the CHiba to treat with DICKENS in rcfarsnco to his viait to America. If ho accepts the torma offered, his reading will commence in Boston in December. Tho rooming papers announce-"At . Weat Park, on the Hudson, on .Mondar, September 9tb, ROT. THOMAS HOUSE TAYLOR, D. V., rector of Uraco Church, New York." And ao tho fashion? able pulpit of this fashionable church will bc va? cant for rival aspirants. The music still forros half the attractions, and the exquieito notes of tho evening hymn yet wraps tho aoil in ita voiceless prayer. . ! But writing of the church recalls a acusibio editorial on lt itu il ism in tho Timi J, with several well timed auggealiona,-"If the authority of tho Episcopal Chnrcb in thia country ls to be enforced upon ita ministers, let it restrain. them from per? sistence in that which ia not csaobtial, bul largely offensive,"-and every good churchman must fin dorae this soutiment, althongh "SI. Alban'*" and "The Church nf Ibo Apostolic Succession," teach SD diff?renUv in Hotham. But enough of tho church, ciao I may whiBper of tho Stato, and, as wo bavo not tho " open uoaamo." wo had hotter adhere tu thla: rogiou of tho old Kniokeibockcra.'aud hope that the sunshine ?3 aa ploasaut in Charleaban to-day. J. C. M. From Washlngtou.. A lili! VA l. Or OEHEBAJ, HAM COOK-st 11.ITA UV Ititi.y. IN MIH.SISdlPPI-A IlionilANDED OASE DISPOSED OF PENNSYLVANIA DEUOCnATTO DELEGATION-OENE KAL FITZ JOHN POBTEB'B 0*ABK. - fFrosi the Hallinan .Sun.] WAHUINIHON, September 18.-Senator Hancock arri veil hero tliis ovening. Ho will have au inter? view-with tho Pre aident and Grant to-morrow. It is probable he will remain here several days. Hencial Hberldan is oxpectod to srrive hore to? morrow. A case cornea up from Ooneral Ord's command for revision of tho proceedings of a court-martial recently held in Mi H sis s i ppi. ' Th? facts,'aa prov? ed, are, that the Lloutonant commanding in a town in Mississippi' sent his paramour to a hotel in tho placo to board. Tho hotel proprietor re? fused to give her romo.. The of?cer remonstrated and threatened, and, failing to, indueD fhn hotel keeper to yield, sent for a detachment Of soldiers and took poaaeasion of the hotel, and placed his paramour in a room*. Hie facts were reported to Ocneral Ord, a court martial ordernd, and the court found the lieuten? ant guilty OB charged, and sentoncod him to dia inissal from the Berrico. General Oran t approved the aeiilonce. Judge Holt recommends tho abatement of the sentence, and that the offender bo suepnndod ono month, on tho ground that tho principal witneas waa once in the Confederate ser? vice. Tho President to-day approved the sentence of dismissal. - ? .' ' There waa no business of groat importance which would warrant a call for a epociel scanlon of I the Cabinet to-dav, not??thatanding thora was no moating yesterday. Thu next aesslou will be on tho regular day, Fridaj. A delegation of Democratio politicians were hero to-dav, among them Hon. Samuel J. Randall, morn ber of Congress from the First District of Penn " mia, and General McCandloas, of that Stato. pitrpose of the viait la understood tn be to make some arrangomont for the distribution of tho Government patronage that will result in ad? vantage to tho Democratio party in tho October eloctlon. Hon. Louis V. Bogy, of St. Louis, late Commis? sioner of Indian Allaire, ia in thia oily on official buainnsa. I . Goporal'Fitz John PorterVcasn was.again up for consideration to-day in tlio'War Department. The true state of the oaso ie a petition asking for the I roopoDing and rehearing, was referred by tito I Pro aide ut pro. Jornia .to General Grant, who, though disposed to give Ooooral Porter a fair op? portunity to sot himself right bofore tho country, nus. upon tho suggestion of a legal queatiun claimed tobe advene to tho application, reported I tho case back to the President, with a recomrnon dation that tho legal questions bo referred (o the Attornoy-Gcneral for bis opinion. , Tho point difficult of determination ' is whotboi, alter eontence arel judgment In a military case baa 1 boen approved by the Executive, and judgment oToontcsr. tho President han power to reopen tho causo and order a new trial, no matter whether tho Upso of time eince tho approval be four minutes or four years. Another auggoatlon ia to i cf or the matter to a special rouunieaionar tn bo named, who shall oxatntnb tits testimony how proposed to bo offered, and report whether lt is of such a character aa would, by analogy, warrant ai new trial in ? civil case, according to tho rules of civil proc^dnro. Tho papera wore aont to tho Prcsidont this aftorDoou by Qcuoral Graut, and will probably bo handed to Mr. SUuberry to-morrow. ! , iifcJ. Ex-Mayor Withers, . of Mobile, hos boen hero I several dava, but bats riot called cn tbo President, Ot asked io bo reinntated, aa reported in nomo pis. pera. . .... Governor Fonton, of Now x>tk. And Hon. Ed? mund Cooper Of Tennossoo, ?rrivod hero to-day. .' DATA. ., . Sf iilCtt, p. .Li THIS STAY liAW. .UV. KJiiif:- We cannot rolrnlu fi?m aipr^iu? our flHHfiil ni (ho limiti (o tho \ ii'ttii of your roi iva pondent "" Tho injury which lisa tioen ilona to the whole conniuinitv hy thu Way Law und itu .supporters ?4 greater, itt our judg- I luuttt, thin tho relief it hail afforded in individual cases. Tho relief at beat is tomjKjrary-tho injury M permanent. Credit ban t?.on almost ?holly des troypil; for who will trust a ciiiniuuiiiU whose cry | is-pay no Jobi, pay no (us-pny nothing. Tho truly worthy aro placed in tho category with tho dishonest, and all miller in n sort ot* common ru piidialion nt dobts. Tho ovil cllecl ii|H>n our | poopln is mara and more manifest overy day. There is nu almost utlor iiidiflbrunco lo Ibo ful? fillment ol commets, and n Tory groat disregard io written an well ai verbal agtvenionlH. Ask H mau for money ho hun owed for n long ti me, and he ?till laugh ill your lace. Hut my nbjict inj MAI ?OJ much to i'limtuoiit on (his stale of thine* ns In rc mnrk upou tho strange forge If itlnuss lint exists in | regard to tho creditor, Has a creditor no rights? lu ho mit i Hu J lo no co u sider a lion? Is all tho H\ lupnlliy lo gu out to n man who owes money, mid none to Ibo man to whom tho ninney is duo? Tho jvorvorsity of reasoning muong sumo on this ; Matter ia worthy of attention. I.el mo lilied i ute ii lillie. Iliad ria ved by cllMM i con?noy and hnrd work $2000. Sonto lime ?go i man wauled to buy a bouse. I did not then waul tho money, boarding us I did with a friend. I only wanted tho interest. Ho I loauod it to him. Dut, a year ago ho reused paying tho intercut, sud no 1 uti >pp. d my iuconio. Mm cover, . Lera tho loan nf tho iiiottoy, I hare married, mid now I want my 12000. But my il oh tor snys no. I wont pay you principle or interest. 1 ano hint, get Judgment whon tho Stay I.nw and Order No. 10slips in mid say, you sha'nt havo your mojioy-you sha'nt noil tho man's houso I I say thc bouso, in fact td not his-it is olino, and he honestly has no right to it until ho has paid mo my ninney-be keeps tho honan-and (hu money unit Ibu interest-.and has nil the sympathy, while- 1, a poor haK-slarv eil creditor, may windln or go I? tho pom house, 'lins is uno of a thousand cases that can bo mentioned ot' o similar kind. Debtors en Joy the proporiyb ought with creditors' money pay no mtei ct, H Ilise to pay principal-and thou howl liko mad butts if u poor starving trios to collect bin honest dues. There novor waa a moro truthful s mite nen writ ton I lum thia, by "Anti Stay Law" : "We venlnre the asser? tion, that a majority of tho persan?, who so in? fluenced dun. SICKLES, have not paid their debts for twenty years without the interposjdtaoi nf tho Sherill'." We may, if allowed, glvo i?aV viows on tho practical working nf those law.? mid orders I in oin bnsinoss relations with the ennntry. POOR CREDITORS. SPECIAL NOTICES. ta- T?TE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY NOTIKTE8 all parties who oro Ind elite I to tho estate of MATTHIEU. BEN, O'HARA k CO., liant rup ts. that. If such Indebted? ness is not adjusted before thc 16th jlav nf October, 1867, legal proceedings to compol tuc samo will bo Instituted. September IC " ll ' LOOTS McI.AtN. OUT CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH BAJL ROAD BONDS AND COUPONS.-By decree of tho Court nf Equity, on ?Glh ol January Hat, ll was inter alia or? dered. "That Ihn said Trustees, Is? ?o W. Hunrr, En vfAiD fiinnrao. and JOHN E. Canny, do forthwith pro? ceed, to call, by public advertisement In ono or rance newspapers iu 'bis Slate sud olsen here, upon all persons holding Bonds and Coupous of Bonds secured hy the First Mortgage, to mcneill and prove their demands on or before tho first July next." This orrlor having been complied with, no Bonds or Coupons uni hitherto pre? sented will bc received, and parlies who have heretofore pr, H nied Bonds ami Coupons, icc*..m tearing ihr tame in fAc Anruf? of Ihr Trntlrrt, aro hereby notified that ltn leaa they are brought forward ou or before (be ..sith day of September, they will not be received. I. W. ll A VN E, ) X^l*EPSX\Vd...\,e. september J tul sj OS-FINAL NOTICE.-ALI? PERSONS nAY DiG dalma against tho Estate ol HENRY MlsSROON. tato ol Charleston, deceased, will present them, duly ?I lestod, lu thc undersigned. Many of the account? and claims against the Estate, formerly presented, having been lost during the war, parties having thc same are re? quired lo present timm again, properly aitoauvl. rt . ALSTON FRI NO LE, Administrator r.f nENRY MissnooN. r.eptenil.i-r ll si M> NOTICE.-NOTICE IS H Ell EBV GIVEN that application will be made liefore Chief Jualtco Dun CIN. et Chambers, on Ibo loth of November next, tor the Incorporation of ? -THF AMERICAN MISSIONARY AaV I BOCIATION .IN SOIITH CAROLINA," the object .of | which U to establish a Normal School fur colored per? sons, willi ? capital ato-k of one lui mire 1 dollars, with the privilege of Increasing the sams, by donation." or | otherwise, to tho som of fifty thousand dollin, the pur? pose being to educate teachers for schools in South Caro? lina. ?9 September 14 aw A LADY OF UNDOUBTED CHEMICAL I SKILL, HAS RECENTLY PERFECTED CHEVALIER'S UR FOR THE HAIR.-It positively reitorex gray bair | to Its original color and youthful beauty; (mparts life, strong! h and growth to tho weakest hair; stops Hs falling I ont at onco; keeps tho head clean; is unparalleled aa a hair -dressing. Sold by all druggiats, faablonabli hair drcssera, and dealers in fancy goods. I ho trade supplied by the wholesale druggists. KAKAU A. CHEVALI EH. M. !>., New York. For sal* hy DOTfTE k MOISE, Wholesale Agents for South Carolin?, Jillie fl ul m h i'uio No. 161 Meeting street. ?W- BAT OH BLOB'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE la Ibo best in tho world. Tb only Irut and perfect Dye-harmless, reliable. Ina tan. tanrou?. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Romrdles tho IU elf oe tn of /fas: Dyu. Invigorates the hair, leaving il loft ind beautiful. Tb; genuino 1? slgnod lEi'ffCam A. Batrhelor. All othcre sro mere Imitations, und should bo avoided. Sold by all Druggists ind Perfumera. Factory, No. 81 Barclay street, New York. tOT BEWAREOF A OOUirrEREEIT. December 10 |. ITT ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE IIACULUII, WILLIAMS & PMER, . . il .. < Mnmifactarara, Jobbei'H & Itetailera OP " FINE AND MEDIUM CLOTHING. WHOLESALE ; ?.>;. ??? RETAIL DEALERS ..::..?>!:?.. . M'iir?.. ?.. Uli J GENTLEMEN'S f??H| HOS. CORNER OF HA SK L STREET, ora-ARIi E HTO M", S. C [, August 3J . Imo ?h. ii?? Iv ritjjoifloi i !.. 'nv ttl SPECIAL NOTICES. Mg- PROIM-HALS. HlTIlT. DKP?T AND IHM BU URINA QUAnTEKMAHTKl;. ATLANTA. tl.\.? BER TEMBKlt m ic. lrtf.i.-Sealed proposal* uiu ba received si Hil- OBktl nulli 11 M.. .Monday. Septcmln-r 30th, l.niT. fur supplying Ilia Qiiartartstasler'rf Depuri'uuni lu thu city willi .J.-..0OU POl'SDS SHELLED COHN. I'm up lu good ?Irons; sacks, or nm N os limn iwii er mora titan Utrea bushels per sack-Corn lo b? flr?u hon, diu anti pcrlccUy sound. Ilids must lx> lu Tntrr.icATr, ?iib n copy of thu ol vntiltcnionl ATTACUEII TO I:AOH. an.I lioar lim endorse? ment of TWO licsisiNSini.E persons ?hu aro ? illina to bc como surety lor Um bidder In thu event of Ibu contract being awarded 1.1 him. Proposals not complying willi Ihn re<,Ulr.iuiciits nf lids a.lvurtisunuint villi tin i ejected Delivery lo commence .-.iii, ami etiiitiiiuu ut uul less linn one-third ni the whole aniouut pet IIIODIII; or thc whole amount may be listliruml at once, if Hie COU trae tor pr?tera lt, al law Depot l>u.irl.rlirjsl,r's More house, Alisma, Ul. The cutt will lie weighed m.I in ..peeled when received. Bidder* aro inviletl to he present al the opening ol tho hlds. Satisfactory evidence of loyally of each suece-i-fiil Md' der, ami solvency ol surety, will lie reipiiro.l Tho tlovernineul roi.-rvca tho right tu reject say anti all bltls. Proposals should IM addressed !.> the undersigned, ami endorsed upun tba envelops! "Propossls lor Hie tl 'liver of Corn." Hy order ol' Ut i. Url)). Hen. II. MAXTON. ('Idol if. M. H. J. FARNSWORTH. 1st l.t. nutt lufanlry. A. A. (j. M . Septembre'll 7 lu charge ol Depot. iW NOTICE.--ALL PERSONS IIAVlSn ANY tleinantlH against thu nstntn ol WILLIAM I. TANDY, will present tbeM, properly nllcled, mid those Indebted will make payment to HEOROK TANDY, Hi) temi .er 2ft a? Administrator. ?sr THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON DISTRICT_IN EQUITY-H. xe. ED? WARDS. Ailniluislralm T. K. ROWLE, M, K. H. MOWLE, JAMES P. WILSON VND OTHERS.-BILL ron IX JUSiT-ION. ACCOUNT ANO REMEP. - Il ls ordered that Ihu CREDITORS nf THOMAR E. ROWLE, deceased, bo eiijoinetl from pr., ......lin,: lo recover theil claims al law against the rntiiplalnatil, and that Isley tin pruvii and < itol d loll Ih. li .len ia ti.I- against Hm eal. I Ho? I.r.he tim CummlsMourr of Hil? CouH, on or liefiiro the tl rsl day of December neil, anil lu d?failli thereof that they Isl barred Ihu In nelli of any dec lae? tu Isa pronounced herein. lin' abu. ,? ls a inc- copy uni thc original order made In th.- shove slated rose, lilli February, IHCT. A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. D. ll. Coimniasiouoi'n Onice, Dallington C. H.. Feb. JJ, WOT, February 2:t H4I SAT THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON DISTRICT.-IN EQUITY.-P. U. R?OOT ANO T. L. BACOT. Atlmluistraloni, PKTKH BAGOT, rs. TilEnEIItHANDOnEDITOHS HF PKTKH H. BACOT.-Upon hearliig tho pleadings In this ease, it la, nu motion or \V. w. il uti.I.KI:, CoTojplalaauU' solici? tor, ordered that all and singular thu eivdituns of tho late Peter H. llscul. Complaluaura Iniesiate, hn required to ole and provo their respective demands anti debts In Judgments anti otherwise against thu sail Intestate, fore Ibo Commissioner ur thia Court, hy or Indore the ?rat day of November next, and In default lliereof thal lie-y bo debarred from thc benefit of any decree to lie J made Hierein, and that tho Commlaclonor nf Ibis Court do advert?an this order rinre a mouth In thu Darlington .?vtuthrrncr and the Charleston Oui/y AVtei. until the asid Drat day of November unit. The above la a trnncopy Iront thu original order madl? in Hu. sinn e eas.-, hull ol February, lan". A. F. EDWARDS. C. E. D. 1). Couiuibtsloner'H Omet-, Darlington C. H., February 22, 1H?7. i-i.', ri February43 43* THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DARLINGTON DIBTRICT-IN EQUTTY-HAN NA li J. HAUT. Administratrix, rt. ELLEN ti. UART. .JOHN WITHERSPOON, ri ul.-BILI. IOU INJUNCTlllK, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It is ordered that the rredil otH of JOHN I.. HAllT he tami ptOCeedlUH I recover their claims at law agalmit th? complainant, ami that they do ]tmvo and establish their demsiuls against Ike said .John L. Hart, befar? IbauOajQ\jg^jgp?rtJjf iud lu ilofault thereof that they be i.u r.-.l front the lien i-ilt of any decree lo lui made herein. It is also eider,-.! that a copy of this tirdor he pnlilUhetl il least once a week until Ibe first day of November next lu the Darliugton SsMlXtmrr nu.I thu riiarlsstnn Dnifi/ lYVtra. Thu above Is a nu. copy from the original order made in the above Case, tUk February, 1 A. F. HOWARDS, I!. E. 1>. H. raxiinsAtoiita'aOrncr, Darlington f. ii . P?bruai) .li, indi. rM fl Fein nary 2;l . ??MKS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR Children Teething, greatly farililates the procesa of teeth? ing, by softening the gums, reducing all Inflammation ?iil allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and lu KURE TO REOUI.ATF.TIir. BOWELS. He).end upon II. moth? ers, il will glva rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. Wc have pot up and sold tills article for yous, and can ray in enntxdenre and truth of it what wu have never bcen able to say of auy other medicine-Never lisa il fail? ed in a single instance lo effect s cure, when timely u?cd. Never did wo know an Instaure of dissatisfaction by ?my nnn who nncd it. On tho contrary, all are delighted with ita operation, and speak iu terme ul commendation ol' its magical offecta and medical virtue." We speak in thia matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after years of cxpcricnco, and pledge our reputaliuu for tho lul?llment of what wo herc declare. lu almas! every in? stance ?hrrc the infant ls snfferirxft from pain and ex? haustion, r 'lief will be fonnd In fifteen or twenty minute aftar Ibo ss nip is administered. Full dire -Hons for usine trill accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for "MUS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." Having the fat simile of "CUKTIH Ar PEHEIM?" on the mi mide wrapper. All others aro bose imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout tho wu lld. I'riee, ..ul v its rents per bottle. Olllces-No. 21S Fulton streut, Nuw York; No. 3U.', High Holborn, Loudou, England: No. 411 Ut. Taut street, Mon? treal, Canada. DOWIE fe MOI8E, Agents, Augustin tuthsGtno Charleston, S. (J. AYJ-A YOUNO LADY RETURNING TO I IL'li country home, siter a sojourn of a fsw months lathe city, waa hardly recognized by her friends. In pisco jt a coarse, rustic, flushed face, Bhs bsd a aoft ruby com plnilou of almost marbia smoothness, and Instead twrnty-throo she really appeared but eighteen. Upon io qulry os to tba causa of so great s change, abo plalul.. told them that abo used the ClBCA-imAN TlAT.M, ami considered it an tn valuable acqulai lion to suy lady's tulle i By Ita tue any Lady or Cl cn tl cm cn can I m prov o their per? sonal appearance an hundred fold. It ls pimple lu Us combination, as NAlura berseU ls simple, yet unsurpass edin Hs efficacy In drawing Imparities from, also bes! lng, cleansing and beautifying the akin and complexion. By Ita dirent Jet Inn on tho cuticle it draws from lt all Its Impurities, kindly healing th? sume, aud leaving the snr. face as Nature Intended lt should bs-clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Plica SI, saut by Mall or Express, ou re ralpt of au order, by W. L. CLARE fi CO., Clinnlsts. No. .1 Weat Fayette Hlreet, Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the aale of the ss tn... March no ly " OOSTAR'S " PREPARATIONS ESTABLISHED EIGHTEEN YEAHS. I, til?n ru tory, Ko. 10 i'rusby afreet. New York. 3O0O Boxes, Bottles and Flasks manufactured daily. SOLD DY ALL DHVQG ISIS EVERYWHERE. " COSTAR'S " SALES DEPOT, Na. 484 BROADWAY, NEW YOflK, Where il, SJ to ?5 alica aro put up for ram Illus, Stores Ships, Boats. Public Institutions, Ac, Ac. It la truly veanderful the oonOdcuco that la now had In overa; form Of Preparation * that comos from "Costar'a " M COSTAR'S H EXTERMINATORS-For Its ts, Mice. Bosches. Ante. Acote. "Only infallible remedy kuuwn." "Not dangerous to lb? human family." "Hats como out of their hi.I.-s tn die," kr. "COTTAR'S " BED-BIIO EXTERMINATOR-A liquid, out un in Dollies, and never known to tall. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER-For Motha in pur? and Woollens, ls Invaluable. Nulli lng can oxceeil lt for power and cfuracy. Destroys Instantly all Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, kc. "COSTAR'S" BUOKTHOnNSALVE-For Cute, Burns, Wounds, Bruises, Broken Breasts, Bore Nipples, riles lo all forms, Old Sorea, Ulcers, and all kinds or cutaneous sffKtious. No family should bo without lt- It exceed t In efficacy all other Salvos In use. "COSTAR'S " CORN SOLVENT-For Corns, Bunions, Warts, kc. ' " COSTAR'S " BITTER SWEET AND ORANOS BLOS? S 1M9-BesaUfics Ibo Complexion, br giving to tho attn s soft and beautiful freshness, and ls Incomparably be? yond anything now in ase. l adles of taite and position regard lt ss su essential to tbs toilet. An unprecedented sale ls Its best rrcaihraeudslion. One bottle ls always followed by mora. Trvit to know. "COSTAR'S" BISHOP PILLS-A untveisal Timmi' Pill (sugar-costed), and ot extraordinary efBcacy' for Coi liveness, alt forms of Indigestion, Nervous and Sick Headier, e. ? Pill that la noa- rapidly superseding oU others. "COSTAR'3"COUOH REUr.DY?-Pjr Coughs, Colds. Hoaraeneas. Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Arth ma, and all forms ot Bronchial, and Diseases of th Th roil and Lon gu. Addreaa HENRY H. COSTAR, - No. 482 BROADWAY. N. t. DOWDE & MOISE, WHOLESALE! AGUNTA, No. 161 Meelina street, opp yatte Charleston rintel. Juna 17 mk' 1 V J I wa_/i-S Ll! SPECIAL NOTjCES. ??-OIM'IIAN IIOIHK l'IIAI'lM,. THi: ..KV. JOHN FOIIRKsT, l>. II., .! Hw ITr-it FrusbyWriau tTiiii.h. will Invine M. ivi,-.- lit til?n Chapel T Vurn, ? After.i. ?.M |;i-i . it hlh-pul I o'clock. Seplelul>cr2l I ?ir NO i n i; T > MAII1NKKH.-? A I" X AI N K AND Pilots wiiiiiriH i . tnriini their vcaao??ta Ashley Uiver, me reqtil ..i noi m dn iui anywhere -itiiin dtrcoi range <>r Hm IMI..IH m ihm SAVANNAH RAILROAD wu MI i.iti.-.I HI. Andrew'? aldo ut III? Ailil.-j llii.-r, '.>. ii Lie I. 11.vaine.II, contact with tliu Sill,nimmo Tel. graj|ili fuM. ?ill be molded. K C. Tl'HNKtt, U. M. HIIIIMII Matin's -.?ill-e. ? I. ul. -I.lYl.nnry il. HiiO. Frbi iiiry T a.TNF.llVOI S Ul.lill.I i \, Wi i'll I TS (?I.OOM Y mi.Miil-. iii. kw -?!??><?-. .I. i r. .M,.H. invotanlaty inn si.oi*. kia* ni -|.. nun rrt??w?, kia*..(power, tlluy lera ul ni.-unuy. mu! tlii.-.ii.-u. ,1 tutpoi.ii.v and im be.'ilily. lind a wivereigu eure ni llUMTlllllYV lin MEOPAT1IU' SPECIFIC NV. TWENTY-EIGHT. Oom p.w.l ur Hie iiinsl valiialite mihi and potent curative-, they ulrike at once Hie root ul Ibe matter, t um up (b.-. avaient, arreil Ihn db charge*, anil Impart vigor and eu. Ffity. "ie aud vilttlity. lo Hie entire mau. They bar? cured Of maila. Prk'? IB per package of six luve- Rllil vial, or 51 per slllgl* hov. Sold hy druggists, and seul hy mail lill reel ipi ni prico. Address HUM? PHREYS' SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE COMPANY, N.i MSBHOAMWAY, NI'.W YORK. P.I .ar* Altl'II KTAI, l'.YI.S.-AUT1K1C1AI. HU? MAN i vi s mill? i.> ohkv ind Inserted hy Ilia. F. HUTU an.I P. OOIHH l'-MANN ?C*morty nin.i..>e.l by RAIAMI.SSIMI ,ni P41U). X.i. SM Broadway, New York. Aplll ll Ivr SHIPPING. FD? MKORtiKTOWN, S. (! I UL Fl S F S IT. eli . 1LJ XJ A. N T E R , CAPT. f. i'. WHITE. Is NOW RECEIVING FREIGHT FOIt THE AliOVH pull, and will leave Va-Kipkt. All 1 'n i. hi munt lie prepaid on the V. Ino i Foi- Freight or PaaaaM apply lu JOHN FKRGUSON. September'll I AiTuinnin<l?tlnii Wharf. HOHTON AMI t IIAItl.KHTON s I 1 ; V ni si 111> UNI:. . , 1 UK NF.W AL STEAMSHIP OEORGE IS. UPTON, Rion, l.'oionnuder, *- ?? iltcrnntely every Mlis-ii day?. Colton. Unwin, and general merchin dine h um tim Interior cf Georgia, South Cirnhna ami other lMiinla l'on^lgued tn my cara? will Im forivanled tn Hu.ton uni all i nm 1 Nu Hi uni lau. For Inbiri or passage, having exeullcnt matu i .i.iiii aiviiiiiuiiKlaliiiua, apply tu WILLIAM ROACH, Agout. aj^fCalanWiaaagn Wa. tullisltno September lu roil WRifl?rrs BLUFF A XD A 1.1. I >TK. IT?IlilOI ATK I.Ai.OIXUS UN TIIIC SA.VTKK TUR I.(ORT DRAFT STEAMER MARION, CAPT. .1. T., ls No tv RECEIVING FRKKlilT AT ACCOMMODA I. TTliN VVharr, aud will leave T#-Marnnr Xiyht. All freight mini hu prepaid. For I H leid i-nt;.ii;emiiiitii.apply I . JOHN FERGUSON, Sc-pteiidi.-r 'il Ai e.iuimod illnu Whin. FOR R ALT. MORE. THE FAVORITE STEAMSHIP ?3 IE A GULL, N. P. DUTTON. DuMMaMtHca. I ?Tit.I. HAU. FOR TUE A HOVE PORT. FROM >? Pier N.? I -". -'. - ' ' K',.r i . .. ou or pa-ijaee. appl) lo COURTENAY A TRENBOLM. BqaeUltaer In wiall Union Wilarra*. FOR (IAJIDNEU'IS BLUFF, WI) A il. IN i I ll ll ni tri: 1, Will w.s OA! THfT. PEE REF. ITIVF.n. inF r.iniTT DRAUGHT STF-IMEK PLANTER? CAPTAIN C. C. WniTR. IS NuW RECEIVING FREIGHT FOR TUE ABOVE pnlnla, ind will leave .. i'- > l.i. V.t'.-. lilat In ? All Freight must be iirepaid un Um whirl'. Fur FreTubt cngigeiiients apply lo JOHN FERGUSON, Septembrr 19 Accommodation Wharl. ~FOR~??~\V YORK; RFGTiMR UNITED STATF3 MATT. LINK. JNE OF THC FAVORITH AND ELEGANT STEAM? SfJIPS *ARAOOSSA AND GRANADA. WILL LEAV? EYKKV SATURDAY. TnE srDF.wntEi. r.Tr.vMSHTP A. LA. BA.MA-, CAPT. UMEBUHNER, WILL LEAVE VANDERH0R8T 3 ' Wborf on Saturday, September 21, 18GT. *at 12 o'clock M. nilla Lading for ?igniturc must posi? tively ho handed IO tay 10 o'clock ol that day. September IT_RAYENEL k CO. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSlItT LINE. POI! saw YOHK, THE NEW AND ELEGANT SIUEWHEF.L STEAMSHIP MANU ATT CAPTAIN W. S. WOODHULL. WILL r.RAVE FROM ADO ER'S SOUTn WHARF on Saturday. Hoptctuhor, at 12 al. cr All outward Fcalght tiiigagemcnts mtut be mido it Ibo ?Or* ol COURTENAY A- TRENUOLM, No. 4* East nay. tXtV for Vttiifta and alt mattera connoclud willi UK? inward burines* of tho Ships, apply to STREET BROTH? EUS At CO., Mo. 74 East Bay. STREET BROTHERS A- CO.. I COURT ENAY k TRENUOLM. J A??ni?. Hoptember lu _ _ _ _ FOR SAVANNAH. ,. THE STEAMER D I O T A T O IR, . 1000 TOS S BURTHEN, CAPTAIN L. M. COXETT ER. ?, J.^ WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANT 10 ?^jK??gkWHAnF. evt-ry T?ESDAYNtQtll. at TTlily.ynliie o'clock, for that pori. w?aT Fnr fTolght or pilliga, apply ou hoard or to the om ce nf J. D. AIKEN fr Co., September 12_Agenta. FOR PAL ATICA, FERNANDINA, JACKSUNVlIiLR, AND A 1.1. TUG CANO. IM.S ON lill HT. JOHN'S Ul V III VIA HAVANNAH, URO. TtTF. NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP 3D I O TAT OR . i lu il ii T.rna Hurt Uni) CAPTAIN I M. fJOXETTEK. WILL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANT IO ? WH ARF, livery T17F..1DAY NIOHl, at ' J o'clock, for tim above placea, connect. _.lug with thu Georgia Coulral Railroad at Savannah, for Macon. Mobile ind New Orleans. All Freight moil tao paid hero by ahlppcrn. For Freight or Pansage, apply on lioard or al the orTJcu of J. D. AIKEN A CO., September 12 Agents. Til lum.ll TICK BITO FIMI Di . 13 Y CHARLESTON AND HAVANNAH STEAM PACKKT TJNE' NEMI-WKEKhY, VIA BEAUFORT AND nil.TON HEID. WEEKLY, VIA BI.UFTTON. STEAMER PILOT BOY....CAPT. Vi. T. MoNET.TY| STEAMER P MURK.CAPT. T. PECK? ONE OF THE ABOVE STEAMERS VT?UJ I.? AVK CrmJ?itcn fvcry JL'rn.-fav and rim. Jjy Uarnxrtar, it 7 o'clock; and Havannah every iredMxfjy and Frida* il-, m ni,;:, at I o'clock. Touching at VluOTon on ifs*. Jay, Irin from ChalictUm, ind uiulncia'dy, trip frota Sivtnnab. Freight received dilly trout 9 A. U. to S P. M tod stored n co of charge. An Way Freight, aUo BlniTlon Wha?'f ??a, mint ba ur?, paid. For freight or paisAgc, apply to JOBK TE ROU HON, Acecanmodatlon Wharf. Charl J i to c. CLAOHOBN * CTONINOEAMfl, _ Agenta, Sarantrab. Ga. POLLER* IJ?E, A flints, Be autor t, S O. N. D.-TRROUOH TICKETS iola at th? rdBoe 0? tfcr> Agency In Charleston to pointa on tho AUaaRo and Oult Rtllmad, and to Fernandina and point on tba St Joh. ?a WW, Augnal.^