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mmm MM SEWS, O. ll. CATHCART. KDrron <j<\ niOAHT, MCMILLAN A MORTON, fnopiinfTORM. No. 18 HAYNE STREET. OITY PHINTJ5H8. TERMS CASH. HOBSORIPTION. DAII.Y-1WEI.VF. MONTHS.?1U.I1? HAILY-?IX MONTHS. MK 1>ULY-TURKU MON7 UH. H.oU ?I Nu i.i" COPIES.5 rent? TO NEWS conti THURSDAY MORNINO. SEl'TEMUEH 5, 1807. MATHEW ARNOLD'S ?SEW l'OHMS." Ticknor & Fiolds havo in presa tho "New Poems', of Mathow Arnold. Tho volomo contains thirty ono different po .'ms, and opona willi "Empedoclca on Etna," a dramatic poem, which flits tho first fifty-eight pages, and is followed by "Thyrsie," a monody to commemorate tho author's friend, Ar? thur Hugh Clough. Those pieces ind?calo great artistic skill, but they contain no popular (.lemont. Ibo legend of Saint Iii mulan ia in a different vi in: .SAINT bil AN HAN . Saint Hr.u.lian rolls Ibo me ll, ni malu; Tho brotherhoods of .ainu) ara ?lad. Ho grcols thom once, bo soils ogam. so lute I-such storms I-Thu Sslnt ls mad I Ho heard across tho hov. line ness Chimo convent bolls on wintry nights, He SAW on spray-swept Hebrides Tn levi.- tho monsstory li v tn ; Hut north, still north, Saint ltrsndsu slcorod; And now uo bells, no couvuutj morel Tba hurtling Polar light* ara neared, Tba sea without a bunion shore. At list-III was tho Chrlatmss nield. Mince uliono anor n day or Blorni) Ho socs flost psst sn Iceberg white, And on lt-Christi-a living form I . That fm ti ve mien. Hist scowling aye. Ot bair Hut red and tufted fau? lt ls-O, where shall Brandau fly? Tbo traitor Judas, uut of belli Palmed willi terror Uraudan nato; 'Tbo moon woe bright, tbo iceberg near, He bears a volco sigh humbly: "Watti By high permission 1 am hero. "Ono moment walt, thou boly mani On earth my crime, my death, Iboy know; My nemo ls under all mon's ban; Ab, tell thom of my respite tool "Toll them, ono blessed christmas night (lt wai tho flrsl after I carno. Bri atbhig Bslf-mnrder, frenzy, splto. To ruo my guilt In endless narnu) "I felt, ai I tn tarmont ley, ?Mid Ibo touls plagued by hotvenly poster, i An angel touch mino arm, and lay: Go bencc, end cool tbysolf sn houri " 'Ab, whence, this mercy, Lord ?' I said. Tue Leper recollect, said bo, Who asked ibo psssore-by for aid, lu Joppa, and thy charity. "Thon I remembered bow I wont, lu Joppa, through tho publio street, Ona mom, wbon ino sirocco spent It* storms of dust, with burning heal; "And tn tho street a Loper sate. Shivering with raver, ask ad, old; Sand rakoa his sores from noel to palo, The hot wind fevered bim fivefold. "He gazed upon ma ai I pissed, And murmured, 'Holp me, or I dis 1' To the poor wretch m> cloak I cast. Ssw him look cosed, and bumed by. "O Brendan, think what greco divino. Whit bussing must trua goodness shower, If semblance of lt flint. Uko mine. Hath such lnovtlraoblo powert "Well-fed, woll-clothcd, wcll-frlcnded, I Did that chance act of good, that ono I Than went my wey to kill ind Ho Forgot my good as soon as done. "That gsrm of kindness, in tba womb Of Mercy caught, did not expiro; Outlives my guilt, outlives my ooom, And Mends me tn tho lit ol Ure. "Once every year, when carols woke. On earth, the ChrisUuss night's repose, Arising from tho sinners' biko, I Journey lo tbeso belling snows. "I stanch with ice my horning breast, With silence balm my whirling brain. O Brinden I to this hour ot rest. That Jap pan Leper's eue was pain I" Tears started to Saint Brandon's eyes; ito" boned bis head ; be breethod s prayer. When he looked up-tenontless Hos The iceberg tn the frosty air I Of tho fourteen a oimota, tho best ia entitled WEST LO TOOK. Crouched on tho pavement closo by BolgraTO Bqusre A (rump I aaw, 111, mc ody and tongne-Uod; A bebo wis In her arms, and at ber sido A girl; their clolhea were rags, their feet wore boro. Home laboring men, whoso work loy somewhere there. Passed opposite; she touched ber gull, who hied Across, sud begged, and como bock ta ti a fl od. Tho rich oho baa let pus with frozen stare. Thought I: Above her slato this spirit towera; She will not uk of allens, but of friends. Ol shorer* la s common human fate. She tami from that cold succor, which attondi The unknown little from tbs unknowing great. And points ns to a better timo Iban ours. Among tho "nooma," distinctly so classified, those on "Tho Terraco nt Borne/' "A Soutborn Night," "Kugby Chapel," and "Heine's Gravo," are especially noteworthy. Mr. Arnold will probably never address a nation? al andionco, bnt he cannot fail to Im chorished by a choice and cultivated clans of roodera. COMMERCIAL. Exports. , PHILADELPHU-Per iteomahtp J W Evermsa-MM bales Colton, 114 boles Domestics, 5 bbls Spirits Tur? pentine,'IS cooks Cloy, 66,000 feet Flooring BoordK, 43 bales Rags, 3 bogs Feathers, 38 coses Wine, 1211 packages Mdze. JACKSONVILLE-Per*sehr Wido World-1000 bushcb Corn. ?EOnoETOWN-Per sehr D B Wsrner-100 packsgri Sundries. Thia t imi leaton Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THDsCnAKLESTON DAILY NEWS, 1 Cu aa LET?N, Wednesday Evening, September 4,1 Bm. ( Prices continuo quito irregular, ?Ith a light demand Our quotations la consoqnonce of tho iront of steadiness vary slightly from a few transactions which look place Botes Ol bales, ny 1 at 22, C at tm;, 4 al 33, B at 23X, 7 a .iVi. Altai, 6at?4>?, 6 ot 26, 3 ot 26\'c; 2 on privad terms, and 0 biles nuw cotton, uy 1 al 20, and 4 at *;i,e We quote : Low Middling.2. wi-it v Middling.34@24>i A n H u stn Blur Let. AUGUSTA, September 8.- FINANCIAL-Qofu-Buyim at 141 and ?cuing at 143. Sn.vaia-Buying ot 131 and selling ot 195. 100 shores Central Railroad stock sold to-day at 8Gc Georgi? Railroad a tock, 82. OOTTOK-Morket qulol sol nncbinged; soles very lim lted ind no relloblo quotation coo bo obtained : soles o tba doy footupJ.1 bolos u follows; 2 it 20ti, 8 at 22); enc lat 34.* were41 biles. Another bolo of new cotton wu received on Monday tu Cloghorn & Herr?n?, from A. 0. Bein il Lot/range. Wffitor- Bed, tl tSal 85; While, tl 90*3 10. Co tm-Un changed. Boco*- Shoulders, Mal JK; D. B. Sides, 1S?17: O. B Sides. Hajj; C. bides, 18*19. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, September 3-Roils-Market onie end steady, without material chango. Boles to-day ot 82" bbls u follows: 100 bbl* No 1 lt t4; UT bbl* low No 1 83 58; 4M bbls strained common ind No 2, ot ?2*3 26; 1 bets opaque and No ., 13*4; and a lot of 83 bbl* Nc 2. oi shipboard, st ?3 30 ? bbl. STOUT* TannsTist-Marketspilet. Solea of 390 bbl at S2c> and 33 bbls at 63>?c per gallon, and u to condl lion of package. On on s TuBramnra-8*lci of 0?0 bbls it formar 0? uros, viz: ?3 SO for virgin and yellow dip, and fl 66 fo bard, for psokogei of 280 lbs. Market steady. No transaction* In other article*. Mobile Market. MOBILE, Anguit 81 .-COTTON-There wu a very Ugh demand to-day, ord price* arc on Ibo decline. Bolos 6 boles, the market closing it 21s23>$o for low Middling. Moxo-raaT-Gold lt0*141; ntcrllng. 60 days, ISO; High 151 ; Frone* nominal; Ne? York Bank Sight y, premlus checking, *?r*,v< premium buying: New Orleans Sigh LATS H premium. New Orleans Market. ?BW ORLEANS), Aurait 31.-COTTOn-The marks wu characterized to-doyTjy Increased languor. Thor waa apporenuy morosnxlsiy to realize; ona au ovidro disposition on tho psrt ol holders to Ossie conccsiioni.bu moslbuyers bald sloof throughout, the anticipation of I further dscllno predicsted In tho downward tendency o the Now York and Liverpool markets Indn^iogtho bo lief that lowsr prices will pre rall noil week. Hone the doy's transaction? have been llttlo better uisn nomi nsl, comprising barely 100 lisles, Intended for tho com pletlon of provlon?ly unnuiabixi bussnos*. Price* wer irregular, and on the wbolo, lower, the market closing * completely unsettled that, wo are again compelled t omit quotations. There io little prospect of an lmprovi ment In the movement of cotton before tho commence meat of the foll trade. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, September 3.-Corni:-Ma kel qnh -no sale*. COTTON-fate on Saturday lhere were ule* of 80 bale good ordinary ot 23Ko; 20 Laira Middling 2S?,'c. Ti dario boles Middling 2 Cc; market cloted dull; som holder* hove withdrawn ibetr samples from the morko Pto un-Oar market ls without soimstlon. Tho di mond for aiport is light, end tbe local dealers alco bu but sparingly. The surplus slock or City Mi?br".ln.sOm extent Audi a market at Now York ?nd Bo*lira. Price continue to rule bera reUUvoly lower thon any other Al If, ..r?0rf'..,,W8 n?Te on,7 to rtP?rt 'o-doy soles of 20 bbtsaty ikUllsdnpir.tli.aodfoo bbls Howard Slrec Extra kt ?10. Quotations ire nomlnoUy uashiosod OBAM.-Heoef?t. of whet toJ?Fwld*SmiS*ed c 3660 baah cd* white, and 18,700 b uah ?i Ted. ni markt wu firmer with sol** of coo bushels gool sad prim whlUltt34?a3 66; 1000 bushel*low erado drT?2?2 ?f 1400 bushels choto* red, ?2 46; 3000 bnaMerfue* ? Wj3?i WOtaAjbl good do. ?3 26c2 30; sffbu*hsl fair, ?3 30; .WO bushel* low grade, tl 76*318. Com lho offerings were 7700 bushel while, and 1800 buihel yellow; Included tn th? ules ware ?366 b uah eds prim while tl fl 13al 18; 677 bushel* ordinary ot tl 10; 160 bushel.* prime yellow -?tel :J. Tbc? prices Indicate sn sdvauco-of ?sle on white, and ?M on yellow, ruinpaml with Saturdsy'e Balee- Oslo-lit,DUO biifheW o?crvd; do* msiiil good; IKHO hutdinlH luir lo elmira Mild at IS7 np lo j ?oe; bul* et CnaKKi; 2i?JI> linilu I* low grade tango lioin 40 to Me. ii}o- -'Mi liunbeli ol fe rei 1 ; market dull sud lower; aale? of GOO bushels ut ri .."il 4i>. MOLASSES-Nulbin;: M polled ; Stork - ni.ill aud prier unchanged. l'mivinnNi-Market very linn. Wo bulk Shoulder* held ul lVJialdc; rib Mile? re. Bacon tn in s lc? dy Isir jobbing demand ut Hu lor Shoulder?; Hie. for j rib, mid I7i: tor elrur iib Side.*: large loti cannot bu bad byllu- li ul.- MI- I, - 4. M,HI folk brid ut, fit HOM 7i>, aud Woolara laird I3>iel3^c iiKiK-Quiet, bu buid Hieidyal (M9>?e tor HnttRuon, and 11 'j 11- for Carolina. SlMIAn-Wo bavo only in entire Hatee ?if Ja bli.11 IWu Uko at 12?;r; -W ?kl tin b'Sc; msikei closed Urin but ipilut nt previous quota 'on-. WIHSEIIV- No salea or changa ht quotaltous reported. Kew Vork .Uiiriu t. at.isi v Manar.r. 'ibo Now Voik AV./i?nu "t Muuil-iv. Kv|4ointwr Haye: Tho luau market in (atty ut In... and lenders haya ililli cully lu uslug tbelr ueeun.ulallui: tumi?. There oro consldcrnliln arrivals of lon l; u capital eoiiipetm? tor employment. T be euri . ney moen::, nt wiKIITUKI M lea i activo. lu dlticoiin:., lillie la doini;. Ibo h?sl ullin pjii rcsdllv nt C?? '<. -l be bank ItslraiOHl n. fleets Ilsa COKO in inonev, ibu loan" Vr.lncj CsneU off .sear1) Ihre? millions wbilo Hie depilen ' ru Increased lw? uiiUlotii,and Ilia legal tenders 13 l'?' .?.. i iunl ri: MAnkcr. KEW VUBK, s. pi- mb. i- a.-IT.ocii, lc-Ttl? Market lor \"i intel ii .IMI suite nour la Tbobiwniid mediuiu gnules uro easier, while i milly bnuuls arc steadier. J he sales arc 8100 libbi ol ri. Wa" 50 tor Supcifilio Slate; I8 2ua.l0 70 tor Extra Mule; ?7 BPaU 7.1 lor Hie low grades of i-priug whet Waetortt Latia; ttl '."JAIU 10 for shipping Ubio; Sit) 15al0 70 lor trade anti iainily brands ul Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, and 410 I Dali 10 for bl. Louis exItoB. Csllfonila Flour 13 irregular. Salci cf SO.*, pekina al il 1 ?14, tbo latter rate for choice. boutbeni Hour ii Irregular. Common crade* an lower whilo choleo arc Him. Sales ol :ilMi bbls at " b In :.n ter eoiiiimm to good Dallimoroaiid cuiilry extras ; Mt) laaTS 15 lor new extra L'orgie and Virginia, sud ?III J ? ii:i lor ir.ide and mindy .tun trout Maryland nuil Beiname. QUAIN-Tho wheat markel Is rather limier, particularly for un wheals. Tho drmatid i. i-li?-,ii[ ly m exci*>* of tho supply. Wu bear ol' Mime Ira uses.-! iona lor lutjiro de? livery st about our neide quutatiiiiiH. T'no sulos uro Itj.tNM uusiielH ul Ci :cv tor muli, r Mate: M BOs'J OJ for white Michigan, part tn arrive; (SSS tar ember do; Vi l?5 lor nh ile Californian; Vi M tor umber Southern. " Osls ure more plenty, ipilto dull, and Salto '.inver. The sole? nm tu,(KIO linnhe.? Ohio at 7'.U"i7e. Hie tailor for choleo lu bags; Stale ut TlalOC| ilene) oUubSc, Mid Bontbcru nt Otallltv I'uru opeued dreidedly heller, (irires odvauciug 3a.V pur bushel, but ern Hie ateas ol' 'ObeUgU nm I ol Hi? iiu prnvement wu., lost autl thu matkel close.-* wry heney. Thu sales sro -V eu Uni. Is dump und nu nun.I ut $1 (Mal luh; .'-'ill dried ?1 Ital lt; Westum mixed ul SI Mal 'JU, closing at .il em M 17 tor No I; Southern whim, to iirrlve, ut SI lil. PivoviHtoHB-l'ork cooininee ijuiel hut very linn, aud clines s i ri ?lo better. Tho sales, easli and regular, ure I SOO hld*, al Vii Ste) tia us Tor nissa. lind ni fcurve nod prie,H uleaity. Small mle* al S17a lor plain inetui, und ; jiuej. on lor px Ins ps pen. Tierce beef and beef balun are dull und nominal. Cut meets aro steady sud tn lair requcul. Halm ol elly pickled shoulders at in.'?c. und heavy dry salted do at intn bulk. liacon ls tirm sud in demand, salen of LUI BI M . n e cured ot lJ'iuiac tor long char: i:t\?c tor Melford eut, sud ir..,>. mr lung cut hams, LIIII lihi.uoo Ibu short rib Hides at KfalSMo tn bulk. Lard ls dull, and tliuugh hohlem ant; former rat?*, our nulsldo tlgures euu only be oblaiued lor miall lulu from store. Sales or 300 bbls and les al ISjjalSJJd for Nu I; I. \u Liy..- for city; insulin lur luir lo prime st esau und liettie reudered. BOTTER-Is dull sud heavy. We quote ns fol? lows: ?milieu sud Orango county, pails, p. r lb ... .ipv; State, firkins aud tubs, lair to clioiee, !Ua3SO| Milium, Iowa aud Mlunesoui, 15s2Uo; Western Ruaervo, good lo choice, viuaJjo ; htatc tub?, Welsh, guod to cholee, jaa.'bV; Ohio, e..m ii ie u io lair, liaise. CHKEHL-ls quirt aud uuvhstigeil. Wequolo asfulluns: Slate, lue lory, gout, to choice, per pound, univ, l'Jal3.'iu; State fair to guud, -'.-; ststu dairies, choice, Hallie; Euglish dairy, t ouu., I'.uLIc; Lu^ii?)! dairy, Ohio, Hu 13c; Vcnuout dairy, em.i lo wilsden, liiul'Je; pinc nppic, lltulic; Ohio, prime, Ulalie; Ohio larlury, good lo choleo, lUal2c. < .ii-ni -Wojh'ar of no Eales; prices aro unchanged. Corros-Tno market to-duy is dull. The dumiiud which is only modurtu is euiitlued uiaiuly to spiuuera, though spucuLittira aro ut wm lt tu some extcut. ou'lng to thu prcsout light stock wu think prices will nut go lower, ilolder i uro now- asking freely 37c tor middling uplands and *Jdc lor do Sew urn um. FcntTLizEiui-A lair inquiry may bu noted fur l'eni Vlsn guano, said wo noto .?Im ul 70U SOO* at tut), ie nd, aud email lots to thu trndu ut t-oS, currency. Uuilgli .'. Sons .-uperpuopbslc ol'lmic is ut brisk neiuauii n.r lbs coa lui., trade, oud is quite popubir m Ibu n inn us well aa tho buuUicru males. Wu understand ibu estab? lishment, has recently expended * luii.i.uj ni Ibo pin . hube of uisUiriol for their Iseioiy ot i h ila de. pi un. This, tu some oxtent, shows the magnitudo ul tho irade iu ibis ur tic lc. lt ls soiling et SMSM po lull, rash. cl i'Mim..-.vre (juiei. email sales am repotted at Sljk] a2l.i, cr bags, and *J4>ic lureiolbs. lier.-Tuu receipts euuiliiuu liberal, and with utily ii mod?rete demand prices leud downwunl. Wo quiu si 7? oSSc for skipping, und ?1 al ;>o lur retail lots. bouAn.-UAW BUgarsam in luir demand und steady, on a basis nf llJ|sVllXa for lair lo goud reUuiug. .-oles of 105 hhdK at tor i ubi; VJ \e for Port? Bleu; und 12 Sc for EngUsh IsUuid, sud l l boxes lluyaua at 1'Ja lie. Bettued are quiet st lOfiuK^e lur i>owdered, grau ulatcd and cnumcu. L'onstnnecs per Soulli tu roi mu (tuilruuti, S cpl en lill 1' 4. IC bales Cotton, C bslcs Yams, 30 bbls uud on sacks Flour, G7 sacks Alidulm,?.., HI bbls Splrtl-H 1 in i miine, ls casks Clay, 3 can Lumber, 1 ear Callie, Ac. Tu J Turner. Goldsmith A: Sou, J N llobsuu, 1' Mulkui. K ll Jseksou, lUUroad Agent, Menin.iee .'. Co, H Lenee. J 1) Ai!., II A: Cu, K U ltodguru .'- CO, E J Kiugmaii, Kauapaux, Lan ncau Ar Co, U ? rTitcbett, Ailams, Fron & Co, W Hooch, j c li Clausseu, W li Zdsuldlu, E W< iliiig. Pa seen Bc rs. Per steamship Oco ll IJplou, fur Bonton-J Pettiuger, Miss M h Brown. W Meade. Per steamer bt Helena, irum Kdistu and lloekvillc J J Ml tell, lady aud child. Miss Muggio Fuller, Mrs O A Hughes, W Davis and lady, lt< v .1 ll SeuoruoL', D J Lu Bucko. A C Leo, Major J Jeukius, M .MU ledi K T llay usrd. W C Wilson, 1 ti E Bcnneit, D A lloddiii, D Cain, O r. Howell, A N Gamy, H li Christy, W C Minimum. Col Burger, li W Clerk, L F Behling, lt C McClure, N lu, low, W Pounds, J Loper. Olid 'Hi neck. PORT CALir.Nl>AR. ronmxTF.n WETSLV. niASE9 np mr. MOON. First Q. fit li. lill. lim. even j Last Q.9?b, Db. ir.m. even Full M. 13lh, 7b. 13ui. uvcu | New al. Sith, Cb. 9J, oven lt BEHTEilUEn. Monday Tuosdsy_ Wcducsduy. Thursday... Friday. Saturday... S|Sunday. 6. .37 6.-37 C. .33 6. .33 c.. ai e . r.i 0..1B u.. ia IL.fi0 ll.. 13 Mom. ll..Hi Morn. 13.. fi 1..A5 lt..SD MARINE NEWS. POUT OP C II A rc I. IS S Ti? N A ri in il Vestcrilay. Steamsblp Alliance, Kelly. Philadelphia-tell Satur? day. Mdzo, fcc. To II F Bsk? r .'. Cu. llailroad Agent, J E Adger Ar Co, Adsms, Damon k Co, (I W Atinar. T W Bliss, E Bates k Co, F T A Beamish .'. Co. 0 D Brahe k Co, W Brookbanks, W M Bird li Cu, Cemeniu, Barkley Co, H Cobla k Co, J Cosgrove, J Clowortby, A W Eckol ,*. Co. Dow I.- ft Moise, D F lTeuilng k Co, P J. Qullleiuln, J Ferguson, J Al Orcnr, Holmes it Calder, I. H Kellers k Co, Jcffonls k Co. alordecai A Co, Johnatou, Crewe At Co, C IT Moise, B O'Neill, Boper fc stoney, t: Bing, L BchueU k Co, Strauss, Vanees k Cu, K Slawsou, Shepherd k Cobon, I W Spcissegcr, E Somers, Oen lt 0 Tylor, A Tobin' Hons, J F Taylor k Co, F Vou Sauten, 1, Welskopi, J Walker, 1' Welch, ami Ordor. Bteaiuer St Ueloue, Boyle, Edixtu mid lloukyllle, Mdzo. To J II Murray, Clifford k MalUiuws, Klluck, Wie?Imberg k Co, W S Heuer}, T V SimmuuR, E Bales ? Co, ll 0 Boborbjon, Col W \vhaley, and nfliuni. I'll an il y < vi, i ilu} . Steamship 3 W Erermsii, luirle. Philadelphia-U t' Baker K Co. Sehr D B Werner, Horton, Oeorgclown-W Hooch. Sehr Wide World, Hlldrotb, Jscksouvillo-W Bosch. Went to Sea Yesterday. Steamship J W Everuian, Tuttle, Phllsdclphla. SUsznsh.p George II Upton, Hieb, Bolton. From tills Port. Steamship Champion. Logwood, Now York, 3 P M, Sap teinber 3. Steamship E B Sonder, Lcbby. Kow York, September 1 Up for this Port. Sehr Novada,-, ot Now York, September 2. Sa Heil for titi* Port. Br berk Queen, Stuart, from Liverpool, August 19. The birk Chattanooga, Freeman, I rora Liverpool. Augua JO. VIST UP VBSSKI.S DP, GLEAMED Astil SAILED FOB THIS POUT. FOBtlON. iJVETironi, Br bark Queen, SHU: t, stilled.August 1! Tho Cbstlauoogs, Frc.insn, sailed.August ll MiDDUtsnonotjan, BKO. Br lirip Bellona, Bantings, exiled.Jilly! VALENCIA. Tho Vole Angler,-. soiled.,j1)no |j DOMESTIC, uei.rjnrr, ME. B.-hr Rarsli Huck, Willie, sailed.July i um..un, ME. Sehr Eclipse, Pendleton, cleared.August I BOSTON. Brig Josie A Devercsu. Clari;, clo ired.Am nit ; Brig Cyclone, -, up.August '21 Sehr Marian tinge. Shepherd, cleared.August 3 ..ihr Chloe,-.Boston, up .August'.': HEW rons. Brig Sacramento, Lawson, cleared.August ! Behr Junee Smith, NlchOiS, up.August 2 Behr Nevada,-, up.Sept ! PHILADELPHIA Bark Orchitis, Hsvner, clrarod.August 2: behr John A QrifBo, Foster, cleared.August T THE HAHI0N STAR, EB. ABLlslIED K?ABLY TWENTY YEAHS A(IO, \f published at M.rloo, S. C.. In the central porUoi 2 . c"<mbry. sod utfurs a Isvorablo medium lo Mer cliants, Drnggisui, Mschlnlsta. and oU clssses who dcMn to extend their bnslDcea In "io Pee Dc? rosutrry, >or the benoni of our ailv -Hslng palroas. wo Miall, lr addition lo our subsertpUen list, w hloh 1? cmuitoiitly in ??0^Sn??,pn. !i,h ??d d'?u-ibule. gratiillously, coplea o the STAB, during the business season Un. Fall Bates or Advcrujrtcp Ubend. November 20 Edilur ?ud'lTopViel?r THE OKANGEI?UEG NEW?. FUBLIS1TED EVEnV SATtJTlDAT ironNTMa; Al Orengeburg, H. 0. Terras ii ps/ knnum, ba aj vance. D?ring the spring end faU seasons extra copies of Un OBAMOtaoao NEWS will be circulated for Ibo benefit o our advertising patrons. Contract Advertisements inserted on Ibo most libera terms. Address SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor Orangelmrg Nows, February HS Orsngcburg, fl Cuarlcstoii Wholesale Trices. BAOOItrO, V yard Dundee. SO 0 GS <liiimv Cloth. " 27 af 2? HALE HOPE, fl lb-Manilla. ? O 25 Wrstoru. 13 0 Itt Mew York. - ? - juio. nx9 - UKI:.UK n lh Navy.:. - 0 - l'ilot. I? ? -- (.'nickol-*. H fro "IB BHItlKS, fl M. . B.O" (1*00.00 RR AX, V iou lb. :o fa- _ rarriiif. v i? Ordinary to Good Ordinary. - fi - I ow Middling. S3 (j >.u; Middling'to Stricl MlddUim. /l (J, m; IKXKI Mfddlln?. - g; - bea I ?lam?. 46 fm cs FAXULES. fl lb-Spenu. _ (J Adamantine. .>.'. <.? 'JO Tallow. ls) (i 'Jd VOVFKH. r-kV-Rio........ gi ? :to Logier, ra..... as 0 ss Javu. 46 VOROAOE, fi lb-Manilla. _ ? - Tarred American. 30 0 38 CGHA' M KAL, fl bbl. 0.00 ? _ VOA!,, ft ton-Anthracite. 10.00 Cutiibcrland. nominal. COPPER, tl lb-.Sheet. 08 0 CO FtariLiXEns Pcnivlau (luann, 'rt ton. 100.00 ? I IVlllc Unana, ft 3000 lb?. 75.00 ? - lldugti's I'hOapbato, ft 3000 Iba... 60.00 M - llbodv?'FbOHpbalo. V 3000 Iba... (W.oo <<o _ Mapcs'Supcr 2000 lb GS.00 ? - Zcll's Uaw Uono Phosphat?. 05.00 4?) - /.ell'sSuper Phusphatoof Limo.. G0.00 ? - FISIl-Co?, fl 100 lbs. 7.00 ? 0.00 Ucrrlng, ft box. TO ? 80 Mackerel, No. 1, fl half bbl. 9.00 6*10.00 Mackerel, No. 3, ft half bbl. 8.00 M - Mackerel, No. M. y bbl. - ? - Mackerel, No. I, hy kita. 3.13 @ 3.00 No. 2. 3.00 fee - No. 3. - (g) - Sardines, ft 100-quarter boxen.. 33 ? BS Half boxe?_ *H (or) SO F?O UH, fl bbl-Super. - (a) - Northern anti Western Kit rn. - OS - Ilallimoro Extra. - tv - KouUieni-Super.10.00 ? - Extra.11.00 ? - Penilly.ll.CO ec - FRl'ITS-Prunes, V lb. M ? - Klus. 40 0 - Dried Apples. 10 ? 38 Almnnih . soft shell. SS M 40 Haialns, M. H., V box. 4.00 ec COO Hairdos. Layer. 4.60 ? C.BO Oranges. - Ci - Lemons. 4.00 ?t 8.00 tILASS, ft box nf CO feel Aincrtcon, 8x10. 6.60 ic fl.00 Amcricsn, 10x13. 0.00 ci 6.60 trench. 13x14. 7.00 ? H.00 li RA IX- Murytand Oabs, fl bushel. - 0 - Western Oats, ft bushel. - 0 - Corn, ft buahol. 1.30 0 1.38 Heans, fl bushel. J.00 0 ll.tsl ?IA r, fl cwt.-North Uiver. 1.30 ? - Eastern. - 8 - IIIDKS- Dry, ft lb. 10 0 12 tKOJOO- fl tb. 1.00 W 1.70 IllOX-Rennel, fl lb. 07 .8 07.i Swede. DO (a) 10 I.A THS, ft M. 4.00 0 4.?I I. IM F -snell, ft bbl. - te South Carolina. 1.60 ? - Bockport. 2.00 Ci 3.35 (lemont. 2.76 (je 3. DO Plaster Parla. 4.00 8 4.60 I. UMIIHK, ft M. Icct - Clear Whllo Pine. 1st queilty.BO.00 865.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 ? Yellow 820.00 Boards, ft M. feet-Rough.13.00 ?IB.00 Orbovod and Tongued_ 38.00 Gt32.(Kl LEATHER, country tanned, ft lb. - .. - MOLASSES, ft gallon-Cuba. 46 0 SO Muscorsdo.I 68 Os GS Sugar Houae. SO o? LUI Now Orleans....*. 76 0 83 XAVAL STORES, ft bbl-Tar. - (a) Pitch. - 8 - Host?, Pale. 6.00 (a) COO Uoeln. No. 1. 3.76 ? 4.SS Kosln, No. 2. 3.00 ?J - Kosln. No. 3. 3.60 fie 2.76 luci il-- Tai mut i ne, V-nailon. CO (tb S3 Ossttui. st lb. HI 'tr - KA ILS-American, 4?20d, fl keg. 7.00 0 7.76 American Wrought. - ? - Lathing. 7.60 ?IO.00 Copper, ft lb. 1.00 (0 - O al vaulted. JO - Spikes. 13 O 18 OJ Lc.-Lard, ft gaUon. 1.40 & 1.48 linseed. f? rjsUon.V. l.t? @ 1.G0 Sperm, Whiter, ft gallon. 2.35 ft) - Cotton Socd, ft gallon. - 8 - Castor; ll-:. I.), ft gallon. 3.00 ia - Olive, ft dozen. 8.00 MIO.00 Kerosene, fl gallon. S3 OJ Ol Benzine, fl gaUon. 60 0 - PROVISIONS-Beal, mess, fl bbl.16.00 fit30.00 Beor, primo.14.00 816.00 Pork, muss. - 8 - ltiinip. - 0 - llacnn. Hams, ft lb. 14 8 23 Uacou, tdd, ?. Iu>. i. 17 Bacon, Shoulders. 14.Vc) IC Bacon, Siripa. - 8 - Lard. In keg. 12K0 16 Butter. 30 8 40 Chccso. 15 8 64 Potatoee, ft bbl. - 0 - Onions. 3.00 8 3.36 Apples. 4.00 ec COO PAINTS-White Lead, ft lb. 10 0 1? Black Lead. 10 0 12 Zinc. White. 12 ? IC PLOW STEEL, ft lb 12 0 - fl/C?-CaroUns, ft lb. 10??8 " Eaat India. - 0 - SI.A TES- American, fl square.12.60 (a) - SHINGLES, y M. 7.00 ft 8.ou White Pine, Und quality. 12.00 0 - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, ft Kart. 3.00 t?) 2.76 Liverpool, fine. - 0 - ,V0.l/>-Bar, fl lb. ll 0 15 STARCH, ft lb. 10 0 13)J SPICES, ft lb-CasaU. 1.00 0 - Mace. 1.75 0 - Clovca. 76 0 - Nutmegs. 2.00 0 2.60 Pepper. 40 0 - Pimento. 40 0 60 Ilaco Ginger. 30 to) - SPIRITS, ft gaUon-Alcohol. COO 0 COO Brandy, Cognac. 4.00 013.00 Brandy, Domcatic. 3.00 ? 3.76 Oin. Holland. 4.76 8 6.00 (Un, American. 3.60 0 3.76 limn, Jamaica. 6.00 @ COO Bum, N. E. 2.60 (d 3.00 Whiskey. Bourbon. 3.00 @ 5.00 Whiskey, Rectified. 2.30 8 2-40 Silt!AR, ft lb-Raw. ? 0 13J? Crushed. IB @ - Clarified A. 17 tm - Clarified B. - 0 - ClariBcdC.,. 10,S@ 17 Loaf. IB 0 10 Porto Rico. 13X0 14 Musrovai*- . 12 0 li'; .Sf.'f/.t/i.S-UumesUemanufecture, fi M. 18.00 046.00 TEAS, ft lb-Imperial. 3.00 0 3.60 Gunpowder. 2.00 0 2.60 Byaon. 1.60 0 1.60 Young Hyaon. TL50 0 J.CO Black. 1.00 0 1.T6 TOIIACCO. fl lb, aa per quality. 40 0 1.60 TIMBER-Bown Timber-YeUow Pino. 4.00 012.00 Ash. - 0 - Poplar. - 0 - Hickory. - ? - r/.V-IC Hoofing Plato_'..16.00 ? - I X Hooting Rl?h). 17.00 0 - I U lin Phill-, 10x14. 16.60 0 - I X lin Pialo 10x14.17.00 . 0 - I O Tin Piste, 14x30. 16.60 0 Block Tin, 1? lb. 40 0 - TWINE-Cotton, fl tb. 75 ? - Ballog. 45 0 - Hemp. 45 ? - Juta. 60 ? - VARNISH-Bright, ft gallon. 26 0 - Paraflne. - 0 - VINERA R-While Wine, fr gallon..... 60 0 Cider. 30 0 - French. 1.00 0 1.2S 117AV.', fl uallon-Port. 2.60 0 COO Madeira. 2.26 0 6.00 Sherry. 2.25 0 6.00 Ch ret, ft case. 6.00 013.60 Champagne, fl basket. 25.00 030.00 ZINC-Sheet, fl lb. 28 0 27 FUN FOR ALL S I7DLL INSTRUCTIONS BY WHICH ANY PERSON, XJ male or fiimale, cen master tho great art of Ven trlloqulsm by a lew boura' practice, maxing a world ol fun, and after becoming esperta themselves, can tceci Olhcra, thereby making lt a aqurco of moo-no. Foll In alrusUooi ient by mali for BO cents. SatiafacUon ffakr an teed. Addrcsa P. O. Dre-jrey 31, ftoj, N. Y. Mavis _'__yrr WBISKERS and MUS? TACHE. 4 forced lo from three lo five wecke by using Dr. hEVlU N E ' B Rt?TABRATillJ-R .O.tpn.teAIRE, Jibe ipoit wonderful rUgcpyery In mo- ( dorn science, artjag u'pim ?ha Board and Bair tn an almost mlracnl?tia manner. Ii has beer, used by' the nil tu of Psrli and Lohdoh with th J moat nattering s-qrecaa. Names ol ail purchaser! wU bo registered','and if entire saUafacUon It uot given it avery instanco, tho money wiU ba ebaerfupy rvfp'ndad Price by rnsU, tesiooT and pOktpaia, tl. ' ' Descriptive oir cilium am) IctUmonlafa rhslfeif frtb. ' AddrciS'BP.ItOKIl 8IIDTT8 4: CO,, Obenilate, No. 2Ht\i}tf ttzint Trby, N u . Sole Agente for Ino United Sitte? 'Mar^^ ?I_'_ay EXCELSIOR 1 E^CEXSJOK CHASTELLAR'S HAIR EXTERMINATOR, Foi- ItemoTlng Bapcrltaotta n-alr. rjtO TnE LADIES ESPECIALLY, THIS INVAI.UABM .1. depilatory recommends Itself as being sn almost in dlipr.nilble article to female beauty, ia easUy applied ?looa not bum or injuro the akin, but acta directly on th> roots. It ls warranted to remove superfluous hair fron low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely totally and radically extirpaUng tho same, leaving Un akin eoft, smooth and natural. This ls tho only artic!, used by tho French, and ls Sie only real arTeotnsl depila lory In existence. Price 76 cents per package,' poa paid to any address, on recs pt of an ordexTby BEUQEH, SliUTTS k CO., Cbemtitl Marrh 30 ITT NO. 2R5 Hiver at, Troy, N. Y. THE TRMVEEKLY NEWS, 1>DBLISnED IN WINNBDORO' S. 0., AFFORDS A profitable medium for the advertising pnbllc c Charleston. Wc respectfully solidi their rttrontge for our mutua benefit. GAILLARD, DEHPORTES k WILLIAMS. Novpir-bf r IS The laonneltSTllle "Journal" IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINO Al Benneitsvllle, H. C., In tho eastern portion of tai Malo, by STUBBS h LITTLE, Proprietors, and offer superior Indue, menu to Merchants and all others whi wish to extend their business In thia section of the Pei Dee country. Wo reapocUuliy solicit the patronage o our Charleston friends. Tonna-83 per senora, Invariably tn advance. Adver ls ementa Inserted at very roaecnablo ratea, Joly 8 THE LANCASTER LEDGER, CONNORS & CARTER, VltoPBrJSTOBS. ' PUDI.IHIIE? KV1.1U WT. PN ETD A Y MORNING hi X Lin cai tar 0. II., H. <\ Hating a large eubeorhatioi Hat, lt offers a favorable i/tedium to Merchants and al ,'i Ivertlfen who dralro i . extend their bualneaaIn Un upper District* of theStat... Batee nf advortiilni; Uh eral. Specimen copy ofpnptr sent on appUoatton. Augnit 22 . AB Bl CU ITU BAL OLD HIP VAN WINKLE (5IX, HOLD MEDAL Klir.RKY, POUT AND MADEIRA, UAEYEKT HwURIlON. WHEAT NU ntlENT, OLD UOMESI'EAD RYE. TN ADDITION TO DHU BUSINESS OK BELLINI) 1 WINES, etc.. In original packagc-i, ml In order lo> mauro tn consumers I'm o Liquors In a vouiixact nu J rou veulent torin, wo commence J thu enterprise ol bollllng and packing In casi'? our well known Wiuos, llrsudli's, t?hlskics, Ar., nm*, tiaro kent them nut In a Htylc Hint would procluilu tim potalliltllv of thrlr ticing luin)icrrd with before reaching tho pureiiasrr. Tho general appro claUon and grtUfjrlug success '.hat bas rewarded our clforta liss encouraged na lo maintain tho standard as re? gards quail lr, also to make Increased efforts to rel Jin tho confidence and yatronago wblcit has bren no liberally bc atoned upon us. BIHlNOEll A- CO., [Established 1778d Importers ot Wines, Ac . V.c. IG iteavor street. Now York. Tho shore popular goods aro prt up In ea- e i contain lng ono dozen buttles each, und aro sold hy nil prnmlncnl Druggists, Orocers. Ac. - -1> - Opinions of tia?. I'ress. Thc turnout lllniuger A Co., Nu. t!i Heaver street, ld s im.u-i.-e- of the i'isct and Ulunil tiutti of whatever they rcprcs. nt.-A'. 1*. Caw, Adrrrttttr. TTio Importing house ol lllniuger A: Co., No. IS llesvor strool, ls conducted upon principles of Integrity, fslrnesi ?.md tho highest honor.-.V. 1". A'lVillli/J Etprtu. GOODRICH, WI NEMAN & CO.. N ISS MKKT1NO STREET. Opposite Clisrlrstnu Hot . DOW IE St MOISE, srrri:sMins TO KIM; tM VAI?M1IIRV No. 1S1 MEETINO STREET. Wholesale- Agonis, ce ul. iou. R, O. January nfl wrmCmo.i TOUTZ'S OEI.WIHATED HORSE AND ri?illi I'OWiliU This preparation, long ft ii d fsvorably known, ?ill thoroughly reinvigo? rate broken down and low-splritod -horses, by ?ire tbenlng and cleansing tim stomsch and Intestines. Ilise nura preventive of all diseases lucidon! In this animal, such an LUNO FEVER. OLAND EUS. YELLOW WATER. HEAVES, (.ODOUR. DIS? TEMPER. FEV KUH, FOUNDER, LOSS Ol' APPETITE AND VI? TAL ENEIIOY, Ar. ITS USE IMPROVES TUE WIND. IN? CREASES TUE AP? PETITE-O IVES A SMOOTH and GLOS? SY SKIN-and trauti forms Ibo MISERA? BLE SKELETONS INTO A FINE LOOK INO AND SPIRITED HORSE. TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION IS INVALUABLE. It in? crease? tho qninllly and hui.roven 'be quali? ty of the MIL K. It bas been proven by ac? tual ex|>eriinent lo In? ore.-mo tho quanti I y oi MILK and ORE AU twenty per cent-, and innke tho RUTTER firm and sweet. In fst ?A. teni nu cattle, lt g V ? - them an appetite, o ens their bide, sud makea them thrlvo much fester. IK ALL DIBF.ASES OF SWINE, SUCH AS COHOES OLLLERS IN TUE LDNOS, LITER. Ac.. Ri s ait lele acts ss s specific. By patting from one-half a pa pe rr to u paper tn a barrel " of swill Ibo above dis? eases will be eradica? ted or entirely pro vented. U given in tim?, s certain preventive snd coro for ibo Hog Cholera. . PREPARED BY S. A. FOTTTZ ?; BRO., *No. 110 FUA.V KI-IN STREET BALTIMORE, Md. FOR SALE RY DOWIE & MOISE Mn mu?; HOUSE. NO. l?l MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHA11LESTON 1IOTKL. March 23 stntlninio KRAUSHAAR &. ?O. lita u cor iwaovsD OBAHD AND UQDAB1 PIANO-FORTES Full Iron Frame and Overstrung Boss, H AND FACTO UV AND WARSHOOBJ? 'le, 19 WestIlunstou-strsst. tim. n NSAR BROADWAY. NV?, YOWL 'TABS VWU liiiitJN ED, MK M lilma OF THF FIRM OS ? KllADBII A Alt Al (JO., are practiced Plano raaker. and aa snob bave bad a large experience In conneottoi arith some ol the best Establishments In this oe rm rrj and Europe. Their 1 lanoa are made not merely foi them, but ty them, si d under their Immediate personal supervision, a mi they allow no Instrumenta to leave theil factory and pasa Into the hands of th air petrona, rodes, losy have s power,'evenness, firmness and roundness o' tons, an elasticity of tonch-without which no teatro ' ment ought lo be satisfactory to abo public-ai well t that durability ta M?btyt)ct(on, which mublji ll to rs .nain tn 14 .S ?Rd to withstand surfiian dengea of lem Tbay will ai ali tloioa be happy to see the prolesxlci .nd tits pabilo at their Warerooms, and invite compati ion between their own and these ol any otlir man iliac to ry. ANTON HRATJSRAAQ.TOBLAB HA*? (lnAPiLK? I. BOHCNEUANN, April Vt DAKVtlA, ?OUM i% M?KJilWZife Li\f AHB GQLLBCTIQH ?FFICE NOB. St) ?bti to fa i?; How, IBA xO DAVEOA, ) Qkvjuoa B. You.iu,_S HEW YORE, QIBARD L. UoKXNiUB,) HAVING aXiO?SXDtVfF'IiiV auui.n, is OuLl.kl) TION BDHINaMH Of BIRNB?, WieiB tIBB 4 FLANDEllH. we will tttend ut lbs oolleotluii e uni dna iud uvetoilag dalma tbrongbonl tbs Untie alfi a-1 OAnafla. OOM ms i lox BK.' ma ALT. rna ?NHA 'snnsrv ? THE S?MTETI NEWS, PARU & 08TEEN, Proprietors. PUBLISHED EVER? THURSDAY, B. CS, Subscription ?.CO por annum. To Clnbs of tom 13.00 psr annum. ' Advertisements Inserted on liberal terms. Deoemntrn THE HERALD. ?8 PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NEWBERRY 0. H., AT 13 per annum, snd, having s largo circulation tbrosgh all the upper and lowrr Dlatrlcta or the State, affords great sd vantages to advertisers. Rates for advortlalng very rcssoosble-for which applj to our Agent, Ur T. P. SLiDHi:, at tho Utile House. ATIOS. k' ?aU. OBENF.KPJt. November WI*"," *ivt l'eonrieior?. OHERAW ADVERTISER? ?.EVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCIENOE, ART, f AORIOUT.TURE, and MISCELLANEOUS NEWS araw, B. C. PubUlhfid weekly, by H. 0. POWELL TFPUi OF H noami irnos : One copy one year.(1 Oe Ona copy six months.'. 200 One copy three months.. .. 1 00 Five coplea one year.;.,,.,.lo du Barks or A n VEnna mo : Ons Square, ten lines or less, first Insertion.ll CV For each subs?quent Insertion. 1 00 AU Advertisements to bo distinctly marked, or they will be published until ordered out, and charged ac core lesly Merchants and others advertising by tba year, n libe? ral deduction OD tba alwyn rate? will bo made, November!* THE SUMTER WATCHMAN TS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT HUH 1 TER, H. O;. br OILBEBT A FLOWEHS, Proprietor) st FOUR DOLLARS per ?nunm, invariably in advance. Ad v ci tl semen u Inserted at usual rates. Every style or Job Printing executed tn the. neatest style and great ?at dUpitco. eepterooer'A, I sV iaiDRTAKT TO COTTON PLANTERS. \ SOUTHERN INVENTION GRAY'S PATEKT LABOK-SAVIXO IKON wm mm PRESS. rj\lir. i.ATF-Sr AXD DY FA H THF MOST PKltFFCT L COTTON HCBKW yat MivcMad WHhoMiunl? a heavy 1 iii- can Oe. < aaily |i?ct; .1 Seul loi I??; ..; Ure ?lu] rttre Mal. tu ?.'. K iii ?ii* . n?nat?l v. ni lar itu- si Nu. '.ii ?a\, Chaiu-Mau, s. >.. A LSI l, RAILWAY ASH S l*i: A MRU AT SlUTI.irs. IMH il.l mci Hiationar\ Kti|2ini-a, Sa?- iliu?, llencrV.i Mci ur Ihr Olin1. UrUt Milln, Hark MUI?, linne INwi-n", I nr?'flu i H. IlcaimrH, Holttnjiit, Oil?, iron, Slecl. WIM rr'H rim Proof Sate?, Platform ami funnier Sieal", A-c, A-c. For wile hy C. K. HUGER, No. 7.1 EAST HAY, CIIAHI.KSTOX, H. V, May 2 nilli Gmoi MUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. CHEROKEE PILLS, znxale llegulator, Our.? Suppre:?ed, K^ceuiit and e'ainful Menstruation, ti nen ?XctneM, Xervout and Spinal Af /eettmt. Paint in the Bark, Sick Headache, GUtUntt?, ami all .iii rim Hint spring frua>. Irregularity, hy rt'iunviii^ thu cause end all tlia effects that arlan from lt. They aro perfectly ?alo In all cases <u> vept when forbidden by 'Unc? tion*, and nre erny tn administer, n.i they aro nicely tugar coated. Tlicy should lip In the of every Walden, Wife, anil Mothar In tba land. I.ailiri can address tia In perfect ?nnfldenee, anil atato tbclr com? plaint* in full, as we treat all female Complainte, and prcnuro Medicine? suitable for all diseases to svlilrli they ?re subject-Thirty-two paga pamphlet, lb a ne ile.I envelope, fri?* The Cherokee Pills aro nob! by all dttif gists at $1 per bot, ur six binna for }?'. ; or they are aent by wall, free of pnataire, lo on ordinary latter, free from observation, by addressing the sole pru[irletor Dr. W. B. MERWIN, 37 Walker St., N. Y. H. B.-Cherokeo Tilla No. 2 are prepared for tpetial cate?, when milder mcdlcinea fall ; thoa? are sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt of ll, th? prie? uf fteh hos. Du. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, JEfutence or WAfle, fl?aCaWKZay Cures General Debility Went >^9Hk-tKf^Sr'y Hytttric* in 't emalee, ^^aw?MT^ii Palpitation of the Heart and ' lu wft?R?8. A'ervout Dittaett. It re. atures nev.- Ufo anil vigor to th? .. j .~T7. ^^ aped, causing tho hot blood of lJ?LaHFHSi?l}'R J "'"'1 to ?nn?? th* rcs j?5T SSmSS tim rlng I?S ?tr9ar ?f, Gt"tra? net? lift"_?o ?ion tl?",removing Impotency and inf? Elixir reinven- PebHlty. restoring Manltnue ale the ?yttem and and full rigor, thus proving a (ijCTBraitiliiMK. perfect "Elixir of Lore," re? moving Sterility una llarrenneaa ID both aexea. To tho young,, and aged, there Isnrvgreater boon tbau thia " Kllxlr of l ife." It give? a new len.*> of life, causing the weak and debilitated tu have resewed strength and vigor, and the entire ey.ntem to thrill with joy and pleaauro. I'i?ce, ODO bottle ti; three bottles |3; aant by express to any address. Our rnedlclnea aro mid and recommended by all respectable drngglsU in every part of the cWlfliod globo; eome unprincipled deslere, however, try In deceive their customers by Belling cheap and worth? less compounds In order to make money. Bc nat deceived-?ak for these medicines iud take no ntbi-ra. If tho druggist does not keep them, write tn us, and wo will send them by express, carefully packed, free from observation. Wo pleaaed tn receive letters with full ?talements In regard tn any disease with which ladles or gentlemen are ?miete.! A J drei* ail latiera fur medicine?, pampo ?.?ts, or advice, to the sole proprietor, A Dr W. R. MERWIN, 37 Walker 8t.,~N. Tr Mays SI.1111,1 \ HIAI1L1BDS < TR ANTI lt. HOMi-HRETfl' ilUnuetlPAVIIlfl SPIECIFIOB RAVE PBOVTD, FBOM TUB MOST AMP LB EXPE BI KNOE, ac entire au coe sa : Simple-Prompt-KO. aleut and Ilcllabls. They In) tba ouly medicines per n-ctly adapted to popular usa-ao simple that ni Ut? vu amnotbe made lu oelug thom; so hamil nea ai to be lieo from danger, and so cifflclont aa to bo always relie tile, d hey have raised Ibo highest commendation from til, and will always render aalufactlon. Oenta ?No. 1, onroa Fsvcra, OcDgosdon, Inflammations.. 3i " 3, .< Worms. Woria-rovor, Worm-Colo.. " 8, " t r pim, Colic, or Toothing of lu I .nu.04 " s, " Dlarx-liccaof Children or Adulta.... 3? " (, " Dysentery. Griping, UUlcns Colic.. 31 11 a, " Clinics. Morbus, Nausea, Vomit? ing.;.,. .. ?, ?. Conglis, Colds, Drour-httls. .? ?, " M. u m I nin, Tootliacho, Faooache.. " ?, " Ilaailuvuca.RIck UeAdachajVerUgo.. " 10, " l)j .pri.aln, Billons fjlomaeh. 11 ll, " Bapurtltadi or Painful Period*..... " 13, w littra, too profane parloda. " ll, .. t r. 1111, Dough, Dlttcult Breathing.. .' lt, .. Salt Htisnin, Erysipelas, Eruptions. Ss " 18, " Illienraaatlaau, Rhonmatlo raina... 31 " IS, " Pavar anti ARU?, Ohlll Pevct, Aguoa. M 17, Pilca, Blind or Weeding. at) " IB, .. Upt.lialxny, and Bora or Weak Eyes. IO .. 111, .' Cat**--Ii, Aouta or Chronic, Lnau. HUS. " 30, '. Wixooplni, Coafrli, Violent Goughs Su " 31, " Asthma, Opprcxaed Breathing,. W ?> g.], .> Uar iilectiarg?*, Impaired II ear in 8. W . . 31, Kc ru ru In, Lu Ur* ed t) landa, Swell? ing*....:.,. " Si, 11 acxterai Debility, I'nyelcal Wuluma BO .' 31, .? Dropsy and Hcanty HecreUons.... in ?i 3a, .. Baa, Sickness. Bl ctn ess from Hid? ing. ?. 37, " ICIilney Ulaeaae, Uravel. tr, 11 38, " DtiToni alrbllttjr, Rcml&al Kinui. aloua, Invnle.ttvy i>lachargea.1.00 " 39, " Sor? R|r>ulU, Oankur. IO " KJ, " lla-iaiisrr lucoiitluenti?, Wuttlng Bad. '? 8), " Palnfat Ptiluds, wau vvrUi SW"*.,.,. SO '. S3, " atutTert,,gaatOb:uig?ofL(?.l.Ofl <. S3, '. lCullertay, Uuums, ut. Vltna' Danoo.LOO ?. st, .. Dlptbaris, uloerated Bora Tro**.... So I- ATTI I. Y t.'ASKa, at vials, morocco casa and bcos....,,flaoti JO large viele, In murueco, and book. a.tu 10 iasrge vlala, plato case, and book.,. S.0u IS boxes (Moa. 1 to K), and bulk. s.00 VKTKIllNAJlk UPKUIVIC?. Mahogany cuoij 10 V|a1|....i..$10.00 ilnglo vials, with dlreotlOBS. 1.00 at?rTbesa remedies, by the ossa or single box, ara sent to any part of the country, by Mall or Express, free sf charge, ou receipt ot tho pricu. Addreaa HCMPHBK?B' SFEOIFIO HOUOOfATniO MKDIOINK OOUFAMY, 0 nice and Depot No. 883 Broadway, Maw York. Dr. Htwrasnm lscouaullod dally at lila oQloe, per loually or by letter, aa above, for ali formt of llatett BOWIi: ?i aiOISfa, Wlisdeaalo Agenta. Ko. ist alseU?g a I reo t, QrmoBlto Charleston Hotel. W. A. SHRINK* A. W. HICK KL.? CO.. Retail AgSTtU, Ho. 331 ElNO-HTItKET, 4th door ?bcvaMarket-st. April 1?_Ohajrleaten. B. O. CHEROKEE G rm OIXAV INDIAN MEDICINE, Carca all diseases caused by aolf-abuaa, vii:- Spermator rhea. Seminal - Weakness, Might - Emittione, Lou of Memory, Universal Lasts fud*, Paint in th? Back, Dim nut of Vition, Preaaturt Old Age, Weak tferce*. Digi Joulf Breathing, Pale counte ' nance, Imanity, Consump? tion, and all ?lseaset that fol* 1 J v u . aequence of youthful Indiscretions. The Cherokee Cure will restore health and vigor, atop the emissions, and affect a iiermaneat our* after all other medicines hev* titled. Thirty-two page pamphlet asst lu a aaaled envelope, free to any address. Prto* ta per bottle, or three bottles for $& Sold by ail drSgglsts; or will be sent by express to any portion of th* world, on receipt of prie*, by th* aol* proprietor, Di, W. B. KERWIN, 37 Walkar BL, N. ?. Cherokee Remedy, Corea all Urinary Com? plainte, vit: Oraeel, Inflam , motion of th? Bladder a??o? ^Kidneys, Betenti*n cf \Urlns, Slricturet of tht \Urethra, Droptlcal Sseell fingt, Brick Hutt Dtpolltt, and all diseases tbat raqulr* a diuretic,and whan used la conjunction with the "CHEROKEE INJECTION, doc* not fall to eur* Gonorrhea, Olttt and all itu com Ditchargtt In Male or Female, outing recent casu it, from om to three dayl, and ls especially recommended In those cases of Flwtr Albus we mitti In Fematei. Th* two medicines, med lu conjunction will nut fall to remove thia dlbagteeable complaint, and In those CUM whet* other medicinal ba.v* ber . "4 without.UOCMV 1'IIM, He j say, ('ne Bottle, #9, Thre* Bottles, 13. 1.?+ injection, ? " li, " if Th* Cliarok?? " Cure," "Remedy? an A * Ir?te tlon" ar* tb b* found la 'all well regulated drag .tores, and ars rtoomxusnded by physlclana and drngftats all over lb* world, for tbslr Intrlrule worth end merit Bom* unprincipled dealers, however, try to deoalv* their customers, by selling cheap an J worthless componnds,-ia order tn tusks money In place of thea*. Be not cfaciirai If the drug? gists will not boy them, for fO\j wrlO to ns, and w* will send them to you by erpreoe, aecorelv packed e r.d free from observation. Wo treat all diseases to ?which the human system is subject, and will b* fleased to receive full and explicit alitements from koto who have failed to receive relief heretofore. Ladle* or gentlemen can nd dress us in perfect con fld*ne4. W* dtslr* to send our thlity two pi?* {latnpblet free to evory lady and geollemau In the and. Address all letters for pamphlets, me.iUI ne* cr sdvles, to tb* sols proprietor, f 0 Dr. W. B. UBBWOI, 37 Wklkar St., H. Y. "*T *? tnlr ath ~ELDEE ?56 BROWN, M A NOTA mn nnw AND FATITT BXS of the oelebrated OOafBINATIOH .OBADIB AND BABY TKNDXB. Pro I pell?n g Hors as, and all kinda rot Roc?. , . lng UcraeS, Invalid Chaira, with doubla r T- ^ and slngki wheels, from isa to SIS: Children's Carriages, Pansy and VarnLahed Wagon?. Fasoy Hoi lee, invalid Oar rug*?, mada to order. Paney Pr ono 11er md Baby Bock era, fte,, Ac, U/s-ala* Horse*, triado toe ..!*?. Depot, > o. tts BROADWAY.. Uanufxctory, Nos. 4A9. UO, Ul s rd isa WIST BTBSIT, Nsw ioik. ' OvtoUi 36 Uatu'yr DRUGS,CHEM.TALS, ETC. ..A amil* ?ta oj uer lip-bsaitli uta tu her in strmirftli was in her stop, ind In h?r lundi limo nu* U.TTJUIS.'' S. T.-1860-X. A few bottles of PLAKTATIOX Lumea YT Ul ours Nervous Headache. " OOld Kitranilllne and Feverish Lips. " Hour Stomach and Fetid Uroatb. " Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous Affections. ?? Kzcosalvo Fstlguo and Short Breath. " Fain over tho Eye?. " Mental Doapondeuoy. ?. Prostration; Oroat Wolknoss. " Hallow Complexion, Weak Bowell, ?ko. Willoh are tho evidences of LIVER OOMPLAINT AU 1 ) DYSPEPSIA. Il la estimated that sovon-tentb* of all adult alimenta prooeed from a dooeaaed aud torpid liver. Th c. hillary aecrotlona of tile liver ovorfiowlnK into tho stomach poi? son tbs enUro sj stem and eiblbtt the abovo symptoms. Attar long research, wo aro ablo to present thu moat remarkable euro for thoao horrid nlgbtuiaro dlsoasea. Ute world haa over prodncod. Within ono year over ali hundred and forty thousand persona have taken tbs P&ajfT ATI o N u ITT Kies, and not au I natalies of oomplatnl baa come to our knowledge ] lt ta a moat offaotual tonio and agreaablo ?tl ninian raited ta all conditions of life. The reporta that lt relies opon mineral substance a fer Ita activa properties, ard wholly fAlas. For the astil . laotTon of lbs public, and that patienta may ennui their physic!- ns, we append a Ult of Ila components. OALLSAYA HAM.-Celebrated tor ovor two hundred years in the treatment of Fever aud Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, tito. It waa Introduoed Into Europe ny the Oounttaa, wlfn of tba Viceroy ol Fem, In IOU), and aflerwaxda sold by tho Jesuits fer t\c enormout price of ile own wight in silver, uuder tbonatno of JetuWt J*ow den, and waa Dually made publlo by Louis XVI, King of France. Humboldt makes especial roforenco to Us f?brifuge qualltloa during bis South American travels. u i bo A e ii.LA BAUX-For diarrheas, collo aud dlaoasoa ol tho stomach and bowola. DAHUBLIOM-For inflammation Ol tba luina and drop loal affections. UiiAktoairuc Fzowtnu-Far enfaehlod digestion. LAVATSDKB. FLO warns-Aroui aUc, stimulant and tonio highly Invigorating tn norvouadobUlty. WnrranoBSKN-For aorofnla, rheumatism, eta. Asnea- An aromatto oarnilnatlvo; oroatiug flesh mnsolo and milk; much used by moUiorsnursing. Also, clove-buds, orang?, tar rs way, ootlandor, enake oot, otc 8. T..-1880.-X. Another wonderful Ingredient, of crreat usa among the Bpanlah ladles of Mouth Amortes, Imparting beauty to tho complexion and bi llllancy to tho mind, ls j ot un? known to the commerce of tba world, and we witbbold Ita name fdr tbs pruaoot, IMPORTANT OKUTIFIOATES. Baonaaitn, N. Y , December 38, lg?. Messrs. F. B. DALAS* A OD. - I hsvo been a groat suf? ferer from Dyspepsia for throe or loor years, ead bad to abandon my profession. About three months ago I Ul od the Plantation Hitters, and to rey groat loy I am DOW nearly a weU mau. I hsvo rocommooded them in several catos, and, as far as I know, alway? with signal banoal. I am, rcipoctfuliy yours, Dov. s, S. OATEOBN. Fnn.Anci.raLA, lOlh Month, 17th Day, inca. Ilia;-an nm FatZHv:-My daughter baa boen nindi benellHsd by tho use of thy Plantation Unters. Thou wilt a end. rue two bottles more. Thy friend, ASA OTJI1BJN. Snmnrsaw Boen. Unnuoo. lit., i February ll, i ?SW. I Mas?as. P. B. Dints At Uo.:?>l'luase aoad aa ancthei twelve caso a of yoor FlautaUon Bittora. Aa a morning appetiser, they appear to have superseded everything else, and are greatly esteem od. Yours, ara, HAGE A WATTE. Arrangements are now completed lo supply any de? mand for thia arricio, which bas not horotoforo been possible. The publlo may rest aaanrnd that In no case will the perfectly puro standard ol the PURTA-TION lirmuts be departed from. Every bottle bean the facsimile of our signature on a steel plate engraving, er tl cannot be gets U1IU. .any person pretending to sell ti HIM TJimaaa in bulk or by the ua ? I ow . ia a svrindler and insolier, /lau are cf refilled beutlet. See thai our rrivale ii'.amp ia uitaiu TtUTitn over every cork. Sold by all llru^glau, Grocers and Billers throughout the country. P. H. DRAKB & CO., Navv York. Anvil Kl inwfitr aarTHK BALE OF THE riiANTATION DIT. TIULS ls without proc?dant In the history of tho world. There le no seoret In tba matter. They are at once the moat speedy, strengthening health-restorer over dis? covered. Il requin ia bnt a single blal to nuder, tan J this. Their purity can always ba reUed npon. ' They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Cascarilla Dark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavendsr Flower?, Wintergreen, Ajalas, Olovsrbndi, Oranga-paal, Bnalo-rooi, Caraway, Coriander, Burdock, S.-T.~18B0~X. &o. They art especially recommended to clergymen, pob ] I cap Bikers, and persona of literary babita and scion, tary Ufa, who reunir? free digestion, a rollah fer food, and clear mental I arra! tl ea. Delicate female! and weak persona are certain ;o ?mi In these Bittere what they have ao long looked foe. Tn ey purify, strengthen and Invigorate, They or?ate a healthy appetite, They ara an antidote tn ciscas or water and diet Tliuy overcome c3vc? a of dissipation and late boura. They a\^nadlten the system and enliven the sdnd. Tfcjyj prevent mlaemaUe and Intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure DyapepsU anil Countlpitlou. Th ey cure Diarrhea. Goolara and Cholera Mer los. Sher (IN id ver Complaint and Nerveuo M ead ache. They are the beat Bitters in tit? world. They make the weak man strong, end, tc*, nliiosted nature'*, great restorer. The toUawlug startling and c.mphatlo statsmanti oan be teen at our offlee. Letter of Rev. E. 7. Cn Aire, chaplain of the 107th New York Beglmenti Navua AOCTDIA Cns II. March Ith, 1863. Owing to tho great esposare and terrible decompos]. Uen after the batUo of Antietam, I waa utterly prosirat ed and very ai ck. My stomach would not retain m adi eine. An article called Plantation Bittere, prepared by Dr. Daaaut, of New Yuk, waa ptaaorlbad to give me strength ead an appetite. To my great surprise they gava me Lramedlate relief. Two bottles almost allowed mo to Join ruy rosUuent. . . . . I have lince ieee lhasa used tn many caaes, and am free to say, fer ho? pltal er private purposes I know of nothing Uko them, Bev. B. F. GRAN 8, CRxaptaln. Letter from the Bev. N. E. dn?na. Qt- Olalrsville, bj,, SantaaJZKt-You were kind, enough, on a fermer oo etalon, to aend me % bali dotton bottlta ol Plantation Blltara for || (JO. Hy wife having derived ao much bone Al from tho uso of tl,cao Bitters, I desiri .1 er to cootlnne them, end yon will pleats wail us alI bottle? more for the mosey enclosed. I am, very troAy, yosta, ft kV olW-i, Pastor aar. Bef. Ohoroa, ao inn n.' Hon, BcysaisTispajrr s o mes, I OnctrrnATZ, Omo, Jan. nth, 1808. ( . .*...... I have given your Plantation Ritten to hundrtdt of eur noble aoldlert who atop here, more or leta dltabled Crom various omasa, and the effect la tnarvaUoua and gratify lag. Bach a preparation aa thia lt I heartily wish io even family, tn every hospital, and at hand on every lutile field. Q. W. D. ANDBKWB, Bapertotosdant. Or. w. A 0 BitDs, Burgeon ol the Tenth Verm ont Be g inion t, WT 1 tea:-"I wish, every eoldUr had a bottle of Ciao tallon Bittere. Tksy are the moat effeoUve, per teed, and hermia** tonio I ever mad," WruABira Born, t WAS rmi OTOH, D. 0" May 22a, 1888. ( aasTi.rtiss:-w? require another supply of yum Plantallon Billers, tho popttltrlty o whit h dally Ut* erv sec a with the guetta of our bouse. RetpectfuUy. SYKES, CBADWICB I: tte so. An. ho. atc. he. De euro that every bottle bears tho fac-timlle of our etgnatnre ou a steel pialo table, with our pr?valo stamp over tho cork. F. H. DRAKE & CO., NO. 202 BROADWAY. N. Y. Sold hy aU respectable Brugg la ta. Physic Uns, Grocers, Saloons and country Rota)-dealers. ApiU 13 thstnlyr -- JJEAOTI - Auburn, Aff-Vfh. O Cold en, Flaxen,, and Jrat iB'tmJm ?liken CURLS produced by ? gt tm nsw the nae of Professor D*> Itt wi taB (itO^'iOtm. BUKTJX'S FRISER LE TO*k M JH?wrM-CHEVEUX. One appllca- AK^SXT j9 mfr!Uon warrant?d lo curl tho^tjaDCjew. -BV1 mottliraient ? did etabboni "**^Ma9 hal "of either tax Into wavy clngUta, or heavy massire ot- Baa bean tated by tb* faahlonablee of Farta and London, with th? most crtaUfrtng results. Doss no Lu? lu ry to tba hair. Prioofcy mall, aeeJed and repaid, tl. Descriptive circulara mailed free. Address BEB?KR. SBTJTTS A CO., Chemists. No. 1(88River street TTov N Y., Sol? AetnU for the United Stales, Mareil 80 1, I! Il I (J Kit I! ! Mi * XII ??i ESTABLISHED 1828, MANUFACTURERS OP Grand, Sauare, Ami U?d^ht PIANO FORTES. WARS-ROOMS, NO. 052 UK 0 Al) WAV STSW* "YOBK, . .. ?i - CHlCkElUN? ft 89?I' (.rand, Square and liprigtu PIANO-FORTES ABE NOW, AH Til EY EVf R BAVE BEEN, OOH lil I'Fi: KO tho boat lo Amarles, ha7lug bcon Mild*] MVi V. I- ivi? PUI7.K iii ??u A LS, Of which fonrloan woro reoolvod to tito mouthe of Sap. tambor ami October, 1830, ami Drat prou.luiua orar all competitors at th? different principal Fairs lu thia country, ami ttis PHIZE MI:I>AI, at tba WORLD'S PAIR, LONDON. THAL.DICHCi'S 0IMNIO.1. ( consider Ohlckorlng li Bona' Pianos, beyond oom* parlaos, the boat I barn soon in Amortes. H. THALBERG, Ohalrman of Jory on Masloal Inotroman OAED. It li willi feelings ol url Jo sa American manofactarar* that wo pnblisli tbs following to3tlmoutals, whloh have been received by us recently: EUHOVRAs TKSWIIKI.UH, fteceiceu" dur in? the mon.'.', of August, JBCfl. Loirooa, Jota M, 1807. M asina. Oniossnrao A Hons-dental [lum much ploasura In enclo?lng a doenmont slgnod by tho Hxst oomuosora, mnslclaus and profasiora In Etrropo. 1 held yonrTlanoa In anch high estimation {vide my cartis, este) that I folt lt my dnty to ta!? otis el thom with mo to Karapa, to aacertaln tho opinion ot my professional bro tb ran. The enclosed certificate will prove bow unanimous they have been on tho aubjoot. I beg lo forward, at tba same tim?, a latter I receive*! from my friend, Mr. (lollara!, whloc I am srrro must bo gratify? ing to you. . I have tho honor to bo, gentlemen, yours very truly J A ?I lia af. Lo ?fro?, January ll, IBM. farm ii. V/t\H, Sta. : Mr Dci.u 8m: 1 cato great plosion in asking yunto convoy to Heaara. Chick*ric? the oxprs-elon of ray highest approval of their Instrument, It ls, I oonatiler, not mortify Ibo boat Inatrnmeat of American manatoo taro that I bavo tried, bat ano of tba fl nest Grand Piano? fortes tbs i han ev,ir conni nuder my observation; and tho .Mosers. Ublcxortn* may e. ?ll bo proud of hiTing tunnel out from their manu Liri nry r.n Inslriimnil which, fur touch, quality, powor auil workmanship, U would be very ?i?lcult tu surpaie lc any put ol the, wida world. Dear abr, very alncaroly yonra, (Ul AH. I). (101.1, A liD, ?inn of Oollard & Uollard, Plenu-rorUi Manufacturers,, London. Lo roos, Anguat 11, LS Sa. Jama Af. WMi, Ag.: UTDaaoUm: As you are going back to the DulteO ? lates, 1 must beg yan to remember ms kindly ta Ina Messrs. Ohlckerlng. Toll them I was delighted wi tb thslr (Irand Flano-forto-os cooa* an <<u{ra"n<nl, f (Am b Ol uaio-.T fur um cul, beth inlourh a ml lr r 1. Wishing you, ko,, I remain over ti .i ly, B. F. DIIOaUWOOD, Finn of I. broadwood & Eons, Pleuo-fortd Maculae? torero, London. Lomaon. J air 30,HIM, Hans. dickering J *i?c Osiers: I bavs Inst been Invited hy Mesara. Collard to try a Qraud Piano-forte manufactured by yon, and I bavo no h null at ion lu eu dorking tho opinion af ray old Mond, Mr. O. D. Oollard, viz: That lt la the ?neat tn atromentl ever played on. Hellet o me, genllomen, moat faithfully yr.ura, J. L. 'jAITON. TaHmonicdt fran the moil diiUnguiiktd Jrrtiiti in Europ to Vf un. Chiekering ta Sei?: LOM DOH, July 38,IBM. Having played npon a Piano-forte mads by Meura. Obickortng & Bona, of Boatou and New York, 1 bara much pleasure In testifying tn Its general exceJlenoa. For aweetnoaa and brilliancy or tone, delicacy of touch and magnlllcant power for concert pnrposaa, I conaldor lt a rosily OCA.NO PiArto-roare, AMO DSOIDBID. LY ina scarr I nava SEHN or A MI: uioi:r Mairrjrarrrrraa? ARABELLA OOUDARD. OIULO BKOONDI. U. A. UHBOBNE. ALFRED JAKLL, W. KUHE. LINDSAY SLOPER. JULES BEHEDIOT. i. MU??UELEd, M. W. BALVE. Prc!, ol Ooneonretolre da (Jll AH. BALLE, Leipzig. UIUNLK? 1UUBABD8. B. A MTU Oil OH APPEL, RENE FAY Abu EU. Dlructor of Monday Oona BYDNEY BM ITH. certs, London. Among tho thief pulu bi ol excellonee ol the Oblakar . lng Pianos, of which speak tba rcuownod artists in mel* coners! ula lor y toatimoniala lo tho Molars. Uh lr kn .-tug, aro tba gr ea teat poselblo depth, richness and volume of tons, combined with a raro brilliancy, clearness and i perfect cvonnoas throughout the enlim scale: and, ajbove all, a surprising duration of son ml, the pure ana eympathetlo quality ol which never changes under the. moat delicate or powertul touch. Daring the past forty-three years this Ona has manu? aclu red 80,000 PIANOa, In tba conatrnctlon of whlob they havo Introduis ri every known and valuable Improvement They ha-ro ir.vurla I bly been selected and naod by all of tbe world's ao knowiedoed great arUala who hara vlalted thia country pro loaslonally, both for private ana po hilo aie. TI I \ 1. Ult fill. I consider Chickerloo, & Bona* Pianos, beyond om portion, tho baot I have ever seen tn America. donni n\i.n. I conaldor Ohlckerlng & Bona' planet eaperlor to an/ lc the world. They are unrivalled for their sluging qealltios and for the harmonious roundness of their (ooo. There la a perfect homogeneity thronghont aU tho registers. Tba upper notos aro remarkable for a cloarnoas and purity which I do not find la any other Instrument, whllo tba b?sela dlallngulabsd for power without harshness, and for a raagnlfloant sonority, Yonr Planes aro superior to any I have ever sean fm Ibis co on try or In Europe. I have never hiard a tona so perfect; lt yields every expression that la needed In muito, and Us quality ls capable of change to meet every aauliraant. This ts a rare power, and ls derived from the perfect purity of Ile tons, together with tts ey tu pathetic, elaatlo and Wall bstanced tooth. FOVNAM8KI. Doting Ibo past eight years I have constantly played npon the J olby celebrated Erard Planet; jo/ut are tba . only Instrumente that I have fonnd, elthe/ here or In Europe, to equal them in all their points ?t excellence, It may be aa tl ?factory to oar patrons and Metida among the pabilo at largo to stale that testimonials have been received from all the leading artists who have visited or are now residing In the United H ta tea, a fa-? of whose nsmes, hctldei thoa? above, wo append: LEO. DB MEYER. GUSTAV HATTER, ALTO ED JA EL. J. U K H EDI (rr. H. fcaHDKJlHON, M. BTIIAKOSOH, B. HOFFMAN. J Ul.LIEN. ARTHUR NAPOLEON. and many others. tr ILLD9TRATED ALBUMS AND PRIO*. LIST? BENT B7 MAIL , WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broadway? NEW YORK. ".'?.'?.?' HENRY SIEGLING, Asr't OHAKXaESTON1 ?. O Ootooat ? mw r .'mo