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THE ?llMffll! DAILY MVS, G. lt, CATHCABT. EDITOB CATHCART, Mo MILLAN a. MORTON, l'ltOI'lllETOllS. Mo. 18 MAYNE STREET. CITY PIUNTER8. TERMS_CASH. RllBSUlUPTION DAILY-TWELVE MONTHS. siu.uu DAILY-six MON i ns. a tH, DULY-TH KKK MONTHS.. 2 SS bTNOLKLOl'IK-S. ?* '"rjcet?t, TO NEWS DKALBrlS...". 3 cent! WEDNESDAY MOHN1NO, AUGUST 21, lBf.7. A UIVER LYRIC Under my window, day by dar, The beautiful river rolla away. Bolls from lar-off woods of pluo Down lo Ibo glittering bay; ny frowning era? and fme;raul vine, Onwanl still Ibo foaming brine. To tbo ocean's singly sway. lt Many a lcaguo io rippling glee Tbo young bru k dances, blid and beo And dowers tbat Icsn trom tba shadowy grass Hork lo Its minstrelsy; And cloud and star, as abovo they past. In Its crystal bosom aa In e glaas, Thrlr radiant beauly a DO. lint tho brook balli hrard a Iogond raro, Tho winds bath warblod lt In the alt, Many an echoed volco hath told Of a world moro atraugoly fair; Of a wo.ld of waters, VSBI and old I Ob, to roach Iboeo depths of pearl and gold Well may tho brooklet dara I iv. Nsw gwalla the currant, deep and wide, O'er rocks aud chasms its strongth ls tried, Till In broader channels, smooth sud fro?, Tho wsves majestic glido; And on they roll right royally Till tboy feel thu heart-throb ol tho sea, Tho ebbing and doning tide. T. Hi .cit i fal river, roll away I Thy seaward current no charin can 6 tay. And t ou too hsst n, O, rivar of Ufo I Th ougb shadows gathering gray; Flow from meadows willi beauty rilo, Down through channels of storm and strife, To shores of endless dsy. VJ. blithe and gay in tho early dawn Ll.o dances forth to meit tho morn. Dui faut, fast fad.. >*. *-... uitfuauu ur youth's enchantment bora; In this roil r lu this dooper calm, Lat mo not utter ?no mournful psalm, Ovor Urn brlflhtooas gone. vm. For aa day by dav I look on thee, liv autieul river, flowing ino, I fool tho swifter rush ot tho stream - Which onward Hew? with roo; And I ga thor at times, thro' mist snd droam. An echoed murmur, s breath, a gloom Of the ovarlas Ung soa t New Caro for Yellow Fever. The Now York lJeratd, ot Friday last, publishes tho following: Considerable attention is paid by tho press of tho Weat Indies to a euro rooontly adopted by a physician in Jamaica, Dr. Alex. !. nidos, P. II. C. 8. E. It has mn tho rounds af tho Spanish, English, Fronch and Danish Journals, and overy whoro meeta with tho highest encomiums. Soveral of tho Govornmonts interested in tho Weat I nth os havo sot apart hospital buildings for tho epooial treatment of yellow fever under Dr. Fiddos' pro? cese. As that dread disenso is making considera? ble revenes in tba Foiitheru part of tho United States, wo give tho following account of tho treat? ment: Calomel, quinino and all othor modicums oro eel aside, as being not only useloss, hut positively in? jurious ; tho onlv medicino recommended is n full dose of castor oil nt tho beginning of tho diseaso. Tho rome y of Dr. FiddeB then consista in tho internal administration of sulphurous aottl, com? bined with tho external application of iced sheela around tho body whou the skin is hot and dry, or with an occasional vapor hath when tbo ukin ?H dry without being very hot. THO sulphurous acid ia not given tn ita puro form, but combined with an alkali no bane, Mich as tho bi-sulphltoof soda, tho sulphito of magnesia or pntash, or of ammo? nia, of which tho funner preparation is probably the boat, being taslolcHa and not likely to otfond tho stomach. Tho doso is twenty grains every two or three hours in a glnss of wator. Tho uso of sulphurous ocid and tho application of tho wet sheets or vapor bath aro indicated as much by tho dictates ot theory as oy the IOSBODB of experience. Tho Orel is a preventiva against tbo fermentation ot tho blood ; tho two lattor nra potent agencies for withdrawing poisonous mat? ter from tbo body without weakening tho vital powers. Si'ice Professor Poli, of Milan, instituted Iiis ol aborato scries ot oxpcriniouta to test tho efficacy of sulphurous acid in arrcstiug fermentation in tho blood ot animals, and sinco Dr. Do Bicci, ot Dublin, and Professor Burgraovo, of Ghent, re? peated tho snmo, tho therapeutical power of HUB medicino baa boen well known to tho mudienl pro? fession. But Dr. Fiddcs is entitled to tho credit of baviii't introduced it os a roniody for yellow fever and soveral other disoascs of tho zymotic family. There seems to bo no doubt of tho efficacy of thia new treatment, and Dr. Fiddos will havu the orella of having, in a great nu asuro, relieved tho Weal Indies ol tho dread which Europeans havo iu settling in them, besides preventing much suffering and untimely death; and it ia but natural to hopo ho will reap so mo substantial benefit from a discovery which ho has BO generously made public through tho West India press. GOLD MUTES IN Tnr. TninoTAniiis OF TUX Bot] rn - WEST.-Tho Salt Lako Vedolto of tho Slat of July his tho following about tho gold minos recently discovered on tho headwaters of tho Sweetwater, in Utah: . "At hut wo aro enabled to givo our distant mad? ora what wo'conaidor roUablo news of tho charac? ter, oxtont and richness of tho now gold discov? eries on tho beads of 8trawborry and Wilton Crocks, near tho South Paea. Our information ban boon dorivod from mon with whom wo wore acquainted in idaho and elsewhere, who would nol 'acaro' at a two-hit prospect, who can tell tho dif feienco botwoon a piece of quartz rock and a burned brick, and who can taao in the 'lay' of s country at ono viow, aa well as nomo other peoplo. We know our informants well-know they aro nol given to Munchausen romancing, and would nol bo apt to say anything about thc new mines thal they did not sincerely bolicra. "According to tho statements of all thono with whom we havo talkod, tho existence of numoroui gold bearing quartz-lodgoa on tho north eido ol the Sweetwater is a demonstrated fact. Tho dis? covery claims of Lewis IlobinBon, Terry and thal company, are exceedingly rich, ao far aa developed. With ordinary hand mortars, aolcetod lock wat being pounded out ct a yield of from (25 to ?VIO a day to tho mortar, and oven aa high as $100. The existence of placer diggings has not boon discov? ered to any groat extent, Bomo two ortbreo guichen only. Little for placora had boon done. In coming out from tho mines some parties crossed through tho country whoro thc Bandya riso, which had all the appearance of a wash country, and looked aa though it would bear prospecting. Not having their mining implement*! along, and - tho danger impending from an Indian attack, provontcd tho par? ties from prospecting Uiat locality. It ia said that across tho ridgo iu tho Wind hiver country, that surface indications aro good. But wo ragrot to bo compelled to slate that all thono who ventured over tfaoro did not como hack alive Wo havo tried to flnd out tho names of tho three mon who crossed the ndgo, anil who aro said to bo missing Sat, but have not aucceodod. Lawrence and Tony choli wero killed by tho Indians about noon of tho 22d, and Orrin Taylor was kilted tho samo day. Only eight Indiana aaa ssspertcd to havo been soon, and these wero manowar on tho finest kind of American Dorsos. Tto.ciigntry ls slate so far as known, with plenty o/ Vjjifcr, and a delightful cli? mate. Tho Indiana aro . numerous and very hos? tile, rhcro aro no minors or prospectors in there now. '1 bo Indians command tho situation. "Wo havo soon a great many specimona of tho quartz rock, and they aro exceedingly rich in gold. Partios also found aifvor quartz and copper veins in the same range. Tho course of lodgos aro north? east and aouthwoat, and look to bo well doflnotl." Fns-qrrET IN TUE CAPE Faun_For two or tinco daya past tho clayish color of tho water in tho river at this point has indicated tho appearance of a fresno', end a heavy fall of water in tho river and mountain torrents abovo. Tho fact hos boon mode evident by tho report Of thoso rtCOntiy from Fay? etteville. At Uiat placo the water in tho Capo Fear ls reported to havo risen flfty-flvo foot during Friday night. Bomo of tho crana along tho lino ol the river are reported destroyed by tho overflow. [ Wilmington Journal. BxoumunoN IN FLORIDA.-A lotter to tho Savan? nah .Republican, saya that registration in Florida ia in rapid progxoas. Sixteen of tho most popu? lous counties havo boen heard from. Tho who lo number registered thus for, is H.OIC; consisting of 6,073 colorad, and 2,583 whites. ix on county, the most thickly sottlod in tho Kia te, and tho location of Tallahassee, tho capita), regie tera 1,637 colorad, and 407 whites. Tho British captives in Abyssinia havo boon se? parated from tho Emperor by a nativo rebellion, and aro regarded OB safo in conaequouco, England being spared the troublo and coal of a war. COMMERCIAL. ' Tn? eba ruston cotton Market. OFFIOK OF TBE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS. I Hsffuflwi Tn illy Evening, August 20, 18S7. f Th? market was characterised by a botler demand, bnl iras eaalar and In some transactions a half rant lower Bales 78 balee, viz.: 1 at 9), Sat Qt, 8 at UK, 99 st 91?. 24 at M, 8 at 37, and 8 at 71%. Wo quota; Low MidcUlng.3gis MildUng.jt ?27 Strict Middling.27K Haw Orliar, Marktt. HKW OILIUU, August IA-Corros-Tb? market open cd thu mernina wt tb a rta trie led Inquiry and a moderat? prospect of nosiness. La er In thu day the decusadas * sumed more animai lon, ard although Ibo movement aras s?m0-?lut chocked, by tba poor assorti, cut on aale, as well a? by th? high pretensions of factors, nevarthe leas s fair bru ha esa bas been transacted, oomniiaina at tho cloe* folly 840 bajes, ?ven broken jiaVx^ttoB! In the bus In ese. Prloes indicated continued Ormnraa ss tc the lower grades, but s decidedly better reading aa to itu higher ela asea of the ?tapio. With the above reinarla wo repeat our quotation's, as follows : Ordinary 201,022),- Oood Ordinary ?i feat's l/ow Middling aaa-, ?ul Middling Oft?-; addiug Itu market closed with a ettOYnirif: tomi. ney. Tliu mira foi tho past Ihrer, dara ooiiiprlso IMO balea, making 1 total ?DOO tlio week before. Tho n?.??? propel fo, . excluding the ariirata from Mobile. Florida .IT-rJ---' which aro Included lu their respectivo state ? ilils CU ' braco IUOB bales, ogalnat ll lc, Issi ^!*SXa.rS crease " lim bajes. Tho oWorU for the w.T S?*'a ?f ?" -"'??se. ?nuVAt HTATKXENT Of COTTOH. Stock on band September I, 180C.bales 10-0S2 Hecclred lo-day. . ott Itucctved previously_w jti ? Additional bales nisei from wrcckud.?oosc ,CM89-7M',B0 burnt and damaged Cotton, i.lckliiea' "au",lc"'*c.!. 13,323-778.1.83 Clc.rod to-day. ... B80-IUO Cleared previously.^,??-?5-.-.?MI Stock on band and on shipboard..~22.lH.t? Coixs.-Tlie market ls vory .lull, and prices have fur iner declined 2>io5c |>or bushel. 1 hu sales to-day em - brace 6260 sacks lu lots, or which l<-'.? min tl,'-HAW, WHI whip, at #1 10; 300 while mixed at ?1 12>i. and SOO white, 100 wbllo mixed, at ?1 ic per bushel. Wc. l's sales 14.280; receipts 21,812; exjiorLi 214H sacks. August? Alnrkct. AUGUSTA, August 19.-FINANCIAL.-?old miau?, willi good dee,.md. Silver 130.1133. COTTON-Quiet and uiubuugcd; sales ul Ibo day os fob IOWB: 0 at 25, aud a bales at 2GJ.? cents. Tomi 1/ hales. Receipts 10 bales. WHEAT-Hod *1 76al SS; white $1 Wat-2, sacks inclu? ded. CortN.-?1 neal 36, sacks included. BACON-Uucbangcd; slock light. Wilmington Market. WI I,M INO I ON, AUgUSt 10-TUItrKNTINE-ITiCCH unchanged. Itecelved te-dsy 880 i his, sU of which chsnged hands st S3 60 for virgin ; *3 30 for yellow din and $1 C? for hard, por 280 Iba. Snails iuiii'tNTiNE.-Uho sales to-day comprise only ttl bids at MM couts for couulry, sud 03 coots per galton for Now York packages. Hosts.-Markot sh ady, and Ibo lower grades oro In fair luquiry. Kalos of 1138 bb)? at ?3 25 for atminod commun. Kl 25X1 37,', for No 2, ?3 76*4 63 lor No 1, sud W 00 for l'aie. Tan-Sslcs of 107 bbts st ?2 16 per bbl. Hu lt inion- Market. BALTIMORE, August 17.-Corroa-Slock small but markot dull ; no buyers to-day, and pricos iiomiuslly ss before quoted. Comes-Wo report sales from second hands of 820 bago Rio at 15,'i to 18??c, gold, os lo quality, sud 7U baits do st 2i)?c, currency. FLO LUI - - nee, i pis oro light, owing lo the obstructed roads, and tho Injury sustained hy tho mills from tho late hoovy Ire-bet. samo of Ibo millers here who engaged ahead aro prevented from complying with tli?b. c"u'raets ss to period of deliver)-(tom tho disaster nbovo rrfrrro.i to. In o fow days, however, wo auUclpate these dillie ni? nes will bo rcmcdlod, and tho ronner ocUrlly ou tho part of miller? resumed. Tho markot was quiet lor Howard Street sud Western descriptions. QUAIN-Wheat waa lu very limited receipt lo-day, of? ferings on 'Chango only 1862 bushels whlto aud 3700 bush red: wo report sales of 1300 hush interior to primo whlto at *2a2Ol); Included woro COO bush at U 4 u2 60; 2300 bush red ranging from S2 06a2 OJ-only 270 bush at tho outsldo; at tho closo primo Virginia Volley .old at 12 46 Our market ls higher than either PhUadclphijksjr how York, and ls lo bo attribute,) to- J'?? r MU- ,,n,roSl8'.'bnt thu psrtlal susi? union ol gniioiici OTv. s fow days to repair dsmago sustsiaed by tho late flood wdl doubtless csuio some abatement in tito demand, ann tend to cquaUxo prices with neighboring markets, lu thia connection ll ls worthy of noto that tho groat hulk of tho Maryland crop now coming to markot ls tough and damp, and much of il solUng al very low prices compar? ed with tlio.-io quoted for prime dry. Corn-Only COO bush whlto and 27D0 bush yullow rcrotved; market quiet; 300 bust, wldte sohl at SI 12; 10SO bush yellow mixed at SI Hot 16; 460 bush primo do SI lOal 18. Oats-0200 bush oOorod; demsud sUll active lor Eastern sud -SouUi eru Hblpiucut; sales of 4000 bush at 73a78c, mostly 7Ca78c fer good to primo bright; 1000 bush damp at GOaOSe. Rye -703 bush received; SJ les of 200 bush st SI 26, ?M bush at SI DO, sod for primo SI 40 offered; a small lat choleo for aced brought SI 60 per bushel, PnovtsiONS-Market Qrm, with an upward tendency, particularly for Bacon. Wo notlco salts of 7 casks Hulk .-.boulders at 12c; 26 hhda Uacon Shoulders lu ono hit at Kio, and Jobbing lots 13\?c; 26 casks rib Sides at Lt.Mc; at tho (lone Jobbers wero quoting '.e above these Agu rm tor lots. Mess Pork lt firm al S21 60 per bbl, willi small solea. Lard steady at 13sI3Kc tor City, and 13)?al4c tor Wc ute rn ; outsldo Agu rca for Jobbing lots. timi AU-Wo notlco a qulot but steady markot; only sales reported 08 bhds Porto Rico at 12<?c-, 2 hhds Bsr bsi ocs at 12Hal2Aac ltcflncrn ycalorday reduced their prices .?ic; sales aro now mado on Ibo basis of b.'.c fer hard crust:isl. sud 16",e for soft A white. Wu int xv-No chsugo; market dull and nominal at S2 for free, and S0S36o per gal in bond. Chiirleston Wholesale Prices. An-nci.Es. HAGO INO, fl yard Dundee. SO @ 03 Gunny Cloth. 27 ? 28 BALE HOPE, fl lb-Mamlla. 21 0 25 Western. 13 ? ld Now York. - ? - Jute. 13J?? ffi BREAD. ft lb Navy. - ? - Pilot. lo t? - Crackers. 13 ? 16 BRICKS. fl M. O-OO ?20.00 BRA!1/', il 100 lb. 33 fit - COTTON. fl lb- . Ordinary to Good Ordinary. - @ - Low MiddUog. 26)4? 20 MJddUug to Strict MidtlUng. 27 ? 27)4 Good Ml.'di lng. - ? - Bea Island.?..???. 45 ( v 65 CANDLES,?* lb-Sperm. - ? - Adsmantlno. 36 ta 26 Tsllow. ll ? 20 COFFEE. ft lb-Rio. 9G @ 30 Lsgusyra. 9ft fl 36 Jsra. S 45 CORDAGE, ft lb-lurella. - ? - Tarred American. 26 ? 23 CORN MEAL, fl bbl. 0.00 ? - COAL, fl ton-Anthracite. 10.00 ftsil.OO Cumberland. nominal. COFFER. ? lb-Sheet. 68 O CO FERTILISERS Peruvian OUBUO, fl lou. 100.00 ? - Pacific Ouana, f* 2000 lbs. 76.00 ? - Bsugb's Phosphate, ft 2000 lbs... GO.00 @ - Rhodes' Phosphite. ft 2000 lbs... G5.00 ? - MBpcs'BupcrFhoBphalo.ft 2000 lb 65.00 @ - Zeb's Raw Bono Phosphate. ? - Zell's Super Phosphate of Limo.. GO.00 ? - nsrt-cod, ft 100 lbs.17.00 @ o.oo Berring, t> box. 70 (v ni Mackerel, No. 1, t> half bbl. 9.00 0*10.00 Msckerel, No. 2, V> half bbl. R.00 & - Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. - @ - Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. 2.12 ? 3.00 No. 3. 3.00 ? - No. 3. - ? - Sardines, fi 100-quarter boxea.. 23 ft) 25 Half boxes_ 48 ? 60 FLOUR, tl bbl-Super. - 0 - Northern and Western Extra. - ? - Bsitlmoro Extra. - K - Southern -Sup. r.110.00 @10.60 Extra.11.00 o ll.:.? Family.11.60 t?l'i.OO FRUITS- Prunes, * lb. 22 cj) - Figs. 40 & - i Dried Apples. 10 ? 23 Almonds, son shell. 35 ? 40 t Raisins, M. lt., '<t box. 4.00 ur..CHI R?tsln?, Layer. 4.60 ? 6.50 i Oranges. - fe - Lemons. 4.00 r.e. 8.00 OLASS, fl box of 60 feet ; American, 8x10. 6.60 ? 0.00 ' American, 10x12. 0.00 & C.60 \ Frosch, 12x1?. 7.00 ? 8.00 ? (IRA IN-Mary land Oats, V bushel. - ? - Western Osts, ft bushel. - ? - i Cora, V bushel. 1.25 fl 1.4C I Heans, -p bushel.. -J.00 ?3.00 r HA Y, V cwt.-North lUvor. 1.15 ? - Esstarn. - ? - ; HIDES-Dry, V lb. 10 Ci M " INDIGO-fi lb. 1.00 fl 1.76 IRON- llcrincd, V lb. OT ? <"J? I Swed. 09 fl 10 LATUS, V M. 4.00 ? ?.60 LIME-Shell, TJI bbl. - ? - South Carolina. 1.8r ? - , Rockport.M. 2.00 ? 2.25 Cement. 2.76 ? 3.60 Plas 1er Parts. 4.00 ? 4.60 1 LUMBER. ?? M. feet 1 Clear Whlto Pine, 1st quality. 50.00 ?65.00 White Pino, good run. 38.00 ?40.110 Yellow paie. 20.00 ?25.00 Ikterus, ft M. fcot-Bough.12.00 ?16.00 Grooved and Tongued_ 20.00 CKrl.OO LEATHER, country tanned, ft lb. - - MOLASSES, ft gaUon-Cuba. 45 ? 60 Muscovado.j 65 ? G5 8 ugar House.j 60 ? 1.00 New (bl. JIU?. 75 ? 82 NAVAL STORES, fl bbl-Tar. - ? Pitch.I - ? - Rosin, Pale.| 6.00 ? COO Rosin, No. ]. 3.76 @ 4.26 Itostn, No. 2.*. 3.00 fl - Rosin. No. S. 2.60 ? 2.75 SplritHTurvenline, fl gallon. 60 fl 62 osaiiin. ?i in. le 1er NAILS-American. 4?20d, fl keg. 7.00 @ 7.76 American Wrought. - fl - Lathing.:. 7.60 ?10.00 Copper, ft lb. 1.00 ? - Galvanized. 30 (3 - Spikes. 13 ? IA OJ IS-Lard, fl gaUon. 1.10 ?1.46 Urieeod, fl galion. 1.64 ? 1.G0 Sperm, Winter, fl gallon. 2.95 fl - Cotton Seed, fl gallon. - fl - CsatorlB. 1.), fi gsUon. 3.00 fl - OUve, fl dozen. fl.00 ?10.00 Kerosene, ft gallon. 62 @ 64 Beniino, fl gallan. 60 fl - PROVI8J0NS-Bf*T. moss, ft bbl.16.00 ?30.00 Beef, prim.14.00 ?16.00 Pork, mess. - ? - Rump. - ? - 1 lacon, Huna, fl lb. 14 ? 23 Bacon, Bides. 16K? H Bacon, Shoulders. u.^ca IS Bacon, Strips. - @ - Lard, tn keg. 19K? I? Butter. 30 ? 40 Cheese. 18 ? M Potatoes, ft bbl. - ? - Onions. a.00 ? 3.26 PAINTS-Whlto Lead, ft lb. Black Lead. Zinc, Whllo. PLOW STEEL, fl lb R/C?-Carollna, fl rh. East India. SLA TA'S-Amort can, fl square.. SHINOLES, ft lt. White Pino, first quality. SALT- Liverpool, coarse, fl sack. Liverpool, fine. SOAP-Vue, fl ft. STARCH, ft lb. SPICKS, ft lb-Cassis. Mace. Cloves. Nutmegs. Pepper. Pimento. Race Ginger...?......???...,*..? SPIRITS, ft gallon-Alcohol. Brandy, Cognac. Brandy, Domestic. Oin, Holland. Oin, American. Rum, Jamaica. Ram, N. H., Whiskey, Bourbon. Whiskey, Retained. SUUAR, fl ft-Raw., Crush ed. Clarified A. Clarified B. Clarified O. Loaf. . Porto Rico. Muscovs/" . .SEO A HS- Domestic manufacture, fl Y TE?S.IS ft-Impcrisl. Gunpowder. Young Hyson. Black. TOf?ACOO. ft lb, aa uer quality. :s..... TIMBER-Utrera Timber-Yellow PUB Poplar.., Hickory. 10X6 ll 19.60 ? - 7.00 ? B.UI 19.00 ? - 9.00 ? 9.76 - ? - ll ? 16 10 fl 19), 1.00 ? - 1.76 ? - 76 0 - 9.00 ? 9.60 40 ? - 40 ? 60 80 ? - 5.00 & 6.00 4.00 ?19.00 3.00 ? 3.75 4.75 ? 6.00 8.60 0 3.76 5.00 ? 6.00 2.60 ? 8.00 3.00 ? 5.00 9.80 ? 9.40 9 ? 13K IB ? - 17 ? - - ? - 16J?? IT 18 ? 19 MK? I? 19 0 UH IS.? ?45.00 i.OO ? 9.60 9.00 ? 9.60 1.60 ? 1.60 1.80 ? 1.60 1.00 ? 1.76 40 0 1.60 4.00 ?19.00 - ? - CoiMiRitm por South t.'nrnltiin Itsillrottil! Allou?t (Mi ?00 bales Coll?n, ju bale? Mdr.o. 275 sacks Grain. 21H -nek?i Hoor. (fl (,bla Koalu, I car Old Iron.'J car? Lum S?&**'. To J farupscii & Co, Courtcuay ft 'Ircuholni. Railroad Agent, Street Uro? ft Co. U S Illicit k Son. J L Tamul k Uro, Al Goldsmith A Son, Johnston. Crews A Of, K II Rodgers k Co. O MT William? A Co, J (lonnllii. Vt S ll, i,rrj. OIUIMK k Co, W K Duke*. I,lr ul Nlcal?, J O Mllnor A co. ?'on,leurra prr Nnrl lien? 1er II Kallrund, Autrual 'AO. C.I bair? Coll?n. KW bbl? Naval Sion'?, 4 ear? Lumber, M dar, kc. To tl HT Wllliaiuu A Co, a) 1) Stoney, Koua paux, Lanmau k Co, tl E Prtlclictt, J ll Ilagituli A Co, tiraoaer. Lee, SmIUi k Co. ?dowry k Co, .IA JD Kirk patrick, Scruvcn A Nesbit, Kendall k Doekery, Kbauah A Maibiuee, W C Courtney A Co, Lieut Miada.' (J II Inura llAtll A' 1 ' ll. I'll ? ic ll u et I . Per steamship Mouefcn. from New York-Mrs McAr lluir aude?lM, N A blunt, 0 1J Liuucau, J E Duab. and ?I etcerane. "..'?-'r,slc:?""ld|i 5"?""ntlan, from New York-Dr J C ? bli..ii. ail, lt Evan? aud lady, S Siuitli, J Itlee. A Kings bury ami lady. Dr It Stouo and lady, L L Siddons, lt W Kingdon. W Wolcke. T M Wblto, J Wild, Mm Mullen. G S?ft.'****IsTtteu. J AniueM W ll Clarkson. 1 Booth. Mr? L lltcc. J fl Foster. J Worlhoir, A Uobue, ? A Courtenay, sud 10 steerage. .PORT CJALKNJJAR. cuni ci 1 li WkKtLT. eu MI i or THE atouN. First Q. Sib, lb. 49iu. mom I Last l?. tti, th. 20m. even Full M. latia, tic'.'Hm. ovcu | New M. 2"Jtb. Th. 45, morn AUIIOST. l'J,Monday..., Tuesday..., Wednesday Tiiursday.. Friday_ Saluntay... Sunday. r...?9 fi..Ul ?. .aa 0..38 r...:n c..:ui a..M o..:a I'.. .:u V. .'JU m.. 6 m.. 17 ll..SI Morn. II!., ll) I. ?ia MARI ME NEWS. I'd ll i OP C ll A n lt K ST O Pt Arrived Yesterday. Slcauisblp Moneka, Marshiuan, New York-left Thurs, day, at 4.30 P M, but was doiaiucd inside thc Hook unlit Saturday by a thick fog. oud strong southerly ninds. Mdre. To J A T Oetiy. Adams Express Co. Adams, Damen k Co, O W AI ni ar. J C llurckmyer, II Ilischoir A Co, L Duck, D briggs. Capt Hoyle, W M Hint k Co, T M liriBloll, U Cobla k Co, W Mccomb & Co, Cameron, Barkley k Co, T M Cater. T ClalTy, F F Chapeau, lt A A !. Caldwell, T i amii r, L M c.uniter, P Darcey. Douglas & Miller, D Decry, lt U McDowell k Son, U Daly Dovvto A Moiac, J M Karon k Uro, J U McElhoic, A W Eckel k Co, ll N Fuller. M A Tauulunson, Il Feldman, C Cl rove Icy, J U Oravcr, A Olhbcs, W Ournoy, Goodrich, Wino niari k Co, Orubcr k Marlin, U Gerdts k Co, J W Uar rissou A Co, N A Huut, H Heins. O ll Hoppock, Un?mes k Calder. O Tcldenian, 0 ll Johnson, Jcuiiingn, Timm, lliisou k Co. Kilroy k Co, Wagoner, Heath k Monacos, W Kltiaruau fe Uro, Klinck, Wiekcnberg ei Co, Lengnick k Sell, J W Linley, Lauroy k Alexander. D Lllllonlhal A; Co, O H Molao. J U Moulin. Mantouo k Co. Il Meyers, W Manichcr, C Madson. Muller, Nimitz k Co, U O'Neill' ? "ij?'V&'fi? a? 'cSl'A-'os?oii?. i Bulllvau. D Sonik'lns. J s .Scbinncr, I) ll Hllcoi. O W Stalfciin k Co. Sliackeiford A Kel.y. J Hmall, J F Taylor k Co. J II Wllthorgor. K M Welch, L Woiakopf. O W Williams k Co, J Walker, Order, and others. Htuamahlp Manhattan, Woodhull. Now York-left Satur? day. Milzo. To Sired Uro? A Co, J P Kelp, M Hitor, Nimitz k Co. A O Stone, H bischoff A: Co. J W Donuy, O W StefToUH k Co, Klinck, Wlckeubcrg k Co. I M Cater, D O'Neill k Hon, Lourcy A Alexander. J W Spr gue, W a Corwin A- Co, A O Barbot. O D llraho A Co. O Et A S Johnson, C Lltschgl. MclirtcusA Wohltmann, H OW rill, Dollmatiu Bros. W B Heriot A Co. J Siiisll k Co, South? ern Express Co. W Stcole, W Ournoy, Kilroy k Co, D F Fleming A Co, Dowto k Moise. O Gruveloy. II Selgllng, J A Cook A Co, Wagoner, Heath k Mouseus, F Woyhmann, J F Fairley A Co, Goodrich, Wiiieman ll Co. S II Msr eball. W Urookbanks, A G Goodwin, W M Bird k Co, L Lt Siddons, Hort A Co, It E I'enua], I. Schnell k Co, J H Muller. J Hell?. Worner k Ducker, J II V?llers, J Uur kamp A Co, W UfJorhardt. U D A tirons k Co, Uaotoue. k Co. Bari ft Wirth. J H Togni, Doublas & Miller, J ll Du? val A Sou. Cartmill, Harbeaon k Co, Fergus, u k ll ulm, a, U Daly, N A Huut. H Heins, G ll Hoppock, J A F Dnw t on G H Walter, P Sullivan, G Pierce, U Gerdts k Co, E J Dawson k Co, A Parker, J B Adgcr k Co. J II Ulllcu, G W Williams k Co, Ht ?sell k Co, C 1* Poppenhclm, A Il? ling. A Laiigor. Jeffords* Co, ll N Averill k Son. McLoy k Klee. Sloll, Webb k Co, J Cummins, ll Balido?, J M Caldwell k Co, G W Dingle, T M Hri?loll. Q W Clark A Co W Itoach, A I.lustoilt, J Wolkcr. Ageul, P Porcher, h Kaufman A Co. Hahn k echroder. M Marks, A Oublis, J B Archer, L Cohen, W Mr.Uiinli k Co, uno .-hardi, Ctnip seu k Co. T P Forreston, W Kinsman, S Yeadon, Homer k Haas, M Menke, J F O'Neill k Sou, F S Bcckmsu, J M Martin G Coh'n, D Soltcrie. A DcUniourt, 8 LaTorrv, P Zogbaum, Young k Co, J J McCertor, II Waldron, J J Klein, Courier Office, L Wagnor, J Mtrzyck. U H SubRis touco Dciurtnicnl. S 0 lt lt Agent, Il Stelling, C Ldlleii thal. Mercury Ofuce, Order. August loth, lat 37.10, lon 71.43, ?poke ship John Clark, of and ballimore, bound tor Hovro. Thc M oxperiuoeod southerly wiulla tba outirc passage. Went to Ken Yesfcrtlay. Steamer City Poiui, Adkins, Palstka, via Jacksonville, Fernandina and Savannah. From (lils 1'orl. Stcamahip Saragossa. Crowoll, Now Y.rk, August 20. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, Now York. August 2D, Steamship Sea GuU, Dutton, Baltimore. August 70. Sn Heil Tor tills Port. Steamship Falcon, Heed, from Baltimore. Auguit 20. LIST OP VESStCLS DP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS POUT. FOREIGN. Mvanroot.. I The Qnc. o. Cook, cleared.Ju'T 17 I The Chattanooga, Freeman, up.July 23 MiDousnonouou. cxo. Br brig Bel...aa, Rawlings, sailed.July? VlLENCIA. The Yolo Angier,-, Failed.June 18 DO M EST I G. lil l.fMU . aiat. Behr Sarah Buck, White, sailed.Joly 23 in-, ion. ut. I Sehr Eclipse, Pendleton, cleared.August 6 BOSTON. Brig G F Geary, Comdin, cleared.August 14 Sehr Marian Gage, Shepherd, up.August 1 MEW vi um. nr bsrk Ulllo M-. Clark, cleared.August 13 Brig Sacramento, Lawson, cleared.August 17 ling Susan E Voorhie, Fulford, U|..August 13 I sehr Wallala, Hawkins, cleared.August H Behr M U Hi am hal I. Huaaoy. up.July IB I Sehr D B Warner. Horton, cleared.August 12 rrm.anaLFBit. I Scbr C V William!, Thompson, sailed.Auguat - Dtl.TIM.ISF. Steamship Falcon, Recd, ?ailed.Auguit 20 Sehr D F Keeling, Granger, cleared.Annual '" Behr E J Palmer, Palmer, cleared.Auguit 14 KRAUSHAAR. A. CO. nra XOR rtrrnovaro QUAND ARD BQDABB PIANOFORTES tull Iron Frame and Ovoratriing Bau, MANUFACTORY AND WA HEH O DB? act. ll? Waat lionston-street. Bs. lt BEAU BROADWAY, NBW YOLK. ' I" TIE UNDERSIGNED, MLMBE11S OF Til? ri HM Ot L CHAUSilAAB k CO.. ?rs practical llano nuken ?od as such h tve had a largo oxperisnoe In oonneoUoi with some Ol the best Establishments lu this mun tr; ?ad Europe, lb air i Uno? are mads not merely lei t riem, bot Ly, ai d ander their immediate personal ? aparvlaiou, ti o abey allow no lustruruentu to leave than fae lo ry and rasa mut the bauds of their pa trout, urde II tiey htve a power, evonne??, urmnim? and roundness oi i jue, an elasticity of touch-without which no Inure tient uoght to be ut lalee lory to the pnbUo-as weU ? ttiat durability In construction, which rntblot lt to rt iain bi tu ? and tu withstand ?ad den Ohaugcs ol lem era tn re and exposure to extreme neat and cold, ?bid are sometimos unavoidable. They will ti til tiiaot bo happy to toe the proltsaici and th? pabilo it their Ware moma, ?nd Invite co rupari ?on between their own Plano* and tho?? ol any o thai manufactory. ANION EHA?HRAAB.TOBIAH HAM? OH ABLES J. BOHONKMANN. Avril ae BARNWELL SENTINEL IB AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. LET Merchants and bini ness men try lt for ?few months. "No risk no gain." Send on your cards and Increase your trado this falL Thorn's nothing to equal Printer'.! Ink-lt has mado many a fortune. Term? for the paper-S3 per aunum. In advance. Advortltcmonta Inserted at the rate of fl per square ol twelvo hues or less for each insertion. Cards of ten linos or loss, st Uio reto of f 10 for th re.. month?. Contract* by tho year or for six month?, allowing prlv Here of chancfui/ on moro favorable tenn?. Address EDWARD A. BRONSON. Wvemrn t Ut i'i|"iwr.i.i oo -reur'. loe TUE MAIMON STAB, "17^ STABLISH KI) NEABL-Y TWENTY YEAHS Ado, IS Fl published at Marlon, 8. C., In the central portion of tho country, and offers a favorable medium to Mer? chants, Druggists, Machinists, and all classes who desire to extend their buslnos* tn tho Fcc Dee country. For tho boor flt of our advertising patron?, wo shall, In addition to our subscription Hat, which ls constantly in eroaaing, publish and dlttributo gratuitously 3000 oxtra oopina of the STAR, during tho huffiness season thia fifi. Rates of Advertising liberal. W. J. MoK KUALL, November 50 Editor and Prooristor THE AIKEN PRESS* IT 18 PROPOSED TO PUBLISH IN THE TOWN OK Aiken, H. C., a Weekly paper under the above title to bo devoted lo General Intelligence- Political, Com? mercial, Social, Literary, and ltollgiout- willi . Do pan mcnt or Agriculture, Including tho Field, tho Orchan. thu Vineyard, ?nd tho Garden. A Now? Summary, tr contain ? dlgeit of tho Important event? of the week will occupy ap 'Bon of tho paper, and particular atten tlon will be glvea to tho untel?ed question of Labor, a, boat adapted to oar new condition, and tho devolopmcni of tho resources of tho country in Manufactures, A gr! culture, Prult-raielng, and Vlue-growlng. Terms-ls a year, in advance H. W. BAVENEL, Editor W. D. Kiaxmrp, Publisher._January 21 THE CAROLINA TIMES, PTJBL18HBD AT ORANGBDDRQ C. II. rruns PAPER OIBOTTLATEB THROUGHOUT THF JL middle, portion of th? State, and offen the beti fti flit lee for edaertltore. February 2* THE SUMTER WATCHMAN IB PTTBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT SUM? TER, 8. O, by OILBERT k FXOWKnS. Proprietor? at FOUR DOLI.Alis per tannin, Invariably In advance Advertisements lnie-o?5 et nati? rates. Every ?tyla ol Job Printing executed In the nexteti ?tyl* and grottest ditpttou, ba.?ptemn?r K I NI iE LL AN EO U S . SIMILWIL1I51IS ( HM AN: ! ! H. HUMPH UKY&' lUirrPA'I lilt: BI'KUIKICH Tj AVK r itt nulli rm: MOST AU rut EXP? JLJ_ lUKN?Ktiro?ucooBn:Hluiulo- Prompt-Kffl clent uni Hell Tlioy sro the only inixllolute pw frilly adaptedmiar ita?-au eluiule Uial mistases oannot bo nuutlni tboin; BO harmless aa to be (ree from danial io erndon! aa to bu always roba ble. They bawd Ibo high oat commendation from all, and will alvmdor aaUnioclton. Oafeta No, 1, reres l*s, Congestion, Inflammations.. 36 " 3, .. We. Werm-Vever, Werm-Oolo.. 31 " >. " <. K Colic, or Toolhlug of In- ^ ?. I, ?? Dliiriio? (Ih?dr?nor Adults.... 36 " a. " Uttevv, Griping, niuoua ooiic... a? " 6, .. vii ia morbus, Nausw, Vomit . V " 1, " Vilm, ?otda, Pronchilla. " 8, ? Nt lula, Toolbnclio, Fscoaclie.. il " V, ?? Ilexes,Btes HeausehejVeitlKO.. 3? " 10, " 1); pu I it, llb leon Htumaeh. " ll, " Krrssril, or Falutiil For.uda. " 13, Wis. too profan? periods. 3 " ll, " ?o, G mirth, DlfJlrult Breathing., i " ll, .' Hntlietuu, Er)?ils'>*?. EnpUons. af 11 ll, .. ut..nilen, HhouiuaUe Pains... 'it ?. 1?, .? ir? and Ague, ?bul Forer, " 17, " P^Vl?lmi'oV'??cioii?oK. " 18, " O?a I in y, and Bore or Weak If yea. 10 ? 19, ? ?Jsr-li, Ao?ts or Ohronlo, Inuu " 30, .. WiiVlnffCoupii*, violent Oonshs " 31, Asms, UUP twas, lld Breathing.. " ?3, .' BaOlueliiarfrre, Impaired Hear " 31, H bc ai Lei, KniarVod OUuj'da, BweU 3?. ? Oerni nobility. Physical Woakueas 00 38, " Dny and Bcanty HecroUoiia....... 60 30, " ncatcltness. Blckues? from Bid IL..........?. asl 37. <? Kley l?fc?*oiae, Uravel. IO 38. " Kerns Debility, Bemlnal Emla a?. luvolurtary lilschargc-s.LOO 30, .. Sortlottch, Ci..?cr.90 W, >. Urliry Ineonttnencs, Welting a. .*) Bl, ? Parut Psrlodi, sven with fljir. 00 W. " Bark,.?a atUbsngeof Lt*.....1.00 ?3. ? Kol,,ay, Bpasnis, BL Vitus' Danoo. LOO M. " Dlrssrlex. Ulcerated bore Trost.... 60 lilll.V CASKS. ia si a ur, morocco so sod book.''SM? JO largo Tilla, In Broceo, and book. o.ue W largo Ttali, plajeaos, and book. 6.0U 1? boiei (Mos. 1 tl6), and book. s-W VBTKINAllV 8PICCIF1CB, irlahegany casos, 0 ?isla.*'V-T cinglo v?ais, wlihllrootions.. ?.V" V ?.These remites, by tbs case or Binghi box, ar* .eut to any part otho country, by UAH or Li press, fres )f eburno, on roce lt of Ibo pr len. A cl drees BOU'BUBYB' 8PE01TIO H?MCKOfAlllO UllUlUINEOOUPANy, Ono and Dept No. M3 Broadway, Nev/?ork. lie. HnuniniTs I conaulled dally at bia ellice, ppr tonally or by above, for ab forms of disease. DUIVIE ii o isl" Wbolosalo Agents. \ No. 131 Mooting street, rx, vt. tCC tili 1. o. ^Onnoslto Charleston Hotel. No. KHSU-BTREKT. llb den. Anrtl in O hi ms rita. CHEROKEE PILLS. Or Female MttguUttor, Cure Supprttiid, Rr cot tirs and Painful ifenttruatton, Orten Sleknetl, Asrreui ?ndSpinal Af? fection; Pain* <n Hit Bade, Std Hen Juche, Oiddintt*, ind sll dis? eases toni spring from It-rr (?ulerlir, by removing tbs carno and all Ina enYcta that arise from lt. They sro perfectly ssfe In all rases, AD eept tchen forbidden by dlree , lion*, and sre easy lo mluilnlster, as they aro nicely tugar canted. They ahoald tia In the hands of . every Malden, Wife-, and Mother I In Ibo land. Id?lica can address ua In perfect confidence, and stats their com? plaints In full, os wo treat all Female Complaints, and preparo Mo.'lclnrs suitable for all dlsraass to wlilcli tliey nre nubJecL-Thirty-two pago pamphlet, la a soalcif envelopr, freo. Tho Cherokee rills oro sold by all druggists at ll per box, or six luxes for to; or they are sent by mall, freo nf postage, in an ordinary letter, free from observation, hy addreaslng tho solo proprietor Dr. W. E. HEBWIW, 37 Walker Bt" N, T. ' N. lt.-Cherokee Tills No. 3 ara prepared foi ipecial cate*, when milder medicines fill ; thesa ara sent by mall, freo of postage, on rsoelpt of IS <As price of tack Loos. DB. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, fir, tfsurlier of Mite, ttiW'?ttf Cute? Otneral I'ehility Weat m'stftT-y ee*t, J/yiliHct in Famaltt, 5 PnlpUntion of the fltart and all Xtrtomt Diteate*. It re et?rea now life and vigor to tbs seed, causing tho hot blood of ?At the Phcntx Tftet ,uutl] t0 mmta ,ho Tf ros. #T ?SjSZi WSt g* ?h? of Genaro. rina life"-to San Un", removing Impotency and thle T.tiitr reimen- Pebility restoring Jlanlinttt ile the tytiem and ami full rigor, thus proving a tictrcome Unease. perfect *' Klirtr of /or*," io movlng .SferiVif.i/and barrenness In both sexes. To the yuung, mbliib-nsnl, nml aged, ile ie lanngrcator boon than tills " Ktlxii of Lifo." ll gtvca a now ?raso uf lifo, causing tho weak and debilitated to bavo rsnowdd strength and vigor, and th* ?ntlre system to thrill with Joy ami pleasure. Price, on* bottle tl; Hire* bottles %S; tent by express to any address. Our medicines sra seid sad recammendad by ill rripecUhlo dreggiits la every part of tbs dvlflied glnoe; como unprincipled dealers, however, try to deceive their enstenners by selling cheap and worth? less compounds In order to make money. Bs nst deceived-ask for these medicines md tsk* no others. If the druggist does not tee p them, wrlto tn ns, and wa will send them bvexpress, carefully packed, free from obsarvaUoa.. Wo will ho pleased to receive letters with foll statements In regard lo sny ?linea** With which lsdlrs ur gentlemen srs afjllctcd Address all letta rs for, ramph leis, or arl vic?, to ths sol* proprietor, _ ?tm Dr W. E, IsTimwTrJ, 37 Walker 8t., N. Y, May 3 wfmlyr NOTIVIS TO SAirxillM OH IO BJ IO RA NTH HOTEL OH DOABDIBO-HOUSK KEEPERS. OFFICE rr,KHK OF COUNCIL, I March 13, 1807. J TN ACCOHOAKCE WITH THE FOI.LOVVIN? ACT OF J tito Leglslaturs, passed tho 20tli day of Dcoetnber, WOO, all persona cou cern od sro hereby notified to call at this Ofllco and take out tho required licenso Immediately. W. U. SMITH, Clerk of CouuclL AM ACT TOB TUE nSTTEB PBOTZCTTOM OF SEAMEN' AMD DlttlOBAKTR IK TUX POUT AMD nABDOIl Of CBAHLXS* TOM. I. Ile it enacted, by the Senate and Haute of Repretenta? tive*, now met and titting in Ornerai Aitembly, and by thc authority of the came, That it shall not ba lswful for any person, euopt a pilot or public officer, to board or at? tempt to board a vessel anirlug in ibo port or harbor of Charleston, before such vessel shall have beou made fast to the wharf, without first obtaining I eave from tho mas? ter or person having cb argo of such vessel, or from her owner or agents. n. It shall not be lawful for any owner, agent, master, or other person having charge of suy vessel smTlug or being in tho port of Charles ton, lo permit or authorize any sailors, hotel or boarding house keeper, not licensed ss hereinafter provided, or auy agent, runner or em? ployee 01 any sailor's or immigrant's betel or boarding Louee, to board, or attempt to board, any vessel arriving lu. or lying, or neing tu tho harbor or port ot Charleston, before such vessel ahull have been made fast to tho wharf, or anchored, willi iutout to. Invite, ask or sobcit tho bearding of any of thu crow employed ou such vessel. lil- ll shall not oe lasrful for any sailor's or Immi? grant's hotel or boarding houso keeper, or tho employee of any sailor's or Im.eigraut's hotel or boarding houso kroner, having boarded any vessel mada fast to any wharf lu tho port ol Charleston, to neglect or rufus o to leavo said vessel, after having been ordered so lo do by tho master or person having charge of such vessel. - IV. It shall not be lawful tor any person tq kofcp, onn dnet or carry on, either aa owner, proprietor, sgent or otherwise, auy sailor's or Immigrant's nnardlag house, or sailor'? or immigrant's hu tel, In tba el ty ot Charleston, without having a Uconso from the City Council thereof. V. lisbali not bo lawful lor any person, nothavlng tho Uconso in this Act provided, or not being the regular agent, runner or employee of a person having such li? cense, to Invite, ask or solicit m ute elly or harbor of Charleston, tho boarding ar lodging of any of tho crew employed on any vessel, ur ot sny Immigrant amvlDg m the aald city of Charleston. VI. Tho eily Council aboli lake the application of any pemeu applying for a Usense to keep a sailors' or luiml gntnt's besrdlug houso, or sailor's or immigrant's bots], tn lbs etty ot Charleston, and upon saUstsctory evidence lo them of the rcspcctiblilty and comps teja cy of such ap? plicant, and of Ibo suitableness of his accommod?t! otis, shsll issuo to him a llctneo, which shall bo good for ono year, unless sooner revoked by said City Council, to keep s sailer's or lmnit?ranl'a boarding house In the elly of charleston, and to Invite and solicit boarders for the sams. VII. ' Tho Clly Council may, upon satisfactory evidence of tho disorderly c minuter or any sailors' or Immigrants' hotel or boarditig house, licensed as hereinbefore pro. vlded, or of tho keeper or proprietor of any aueh house, or of sny force, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, lu In? viting or soliciting beurriers or lodgers for such houso, on tho part or such keepor or proprietor, or any of hts agents, runners, or employees, or of any attempt to per? suado or entice any of tho crew lo desert from any vessel lu tb* harbor of Charleston, by each keeper or proprie? tor, or any of hts agents, runners or employees, revoke tho license tor keeping such bouse. VIII. Every person receiving tho license hereinbefore provided tor shall pay to tbs city Couocll aforesaid th? sum of twenty dollars. IX. Tho said City Connell i hall furnish to each sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding houaa keepor, licensed by thom as aforesaid, ono or more bad gea or shields, on which aball be printed or engraved tho naroo of emoh hotel or boarding houso keeper, sud Ute number and . treet or his hotel or boarding house : and which asid badged or ablrJdB shall bo surrendered to sold City Coun? cil upon the revocation by thom, or expiration of any Uconso granted by them, aa herein provided. X. Every sailor's or Immigrant's hotol or boarding? house keeper, and every agent, runner or employee ol such hotel or koeper, whenboardlug any vessel lu the harbor of Charleston, or whon Inviting or soliciting tho boarding or lodging of soy seaman, sailor or person omployed ot any vcaaeJ, or of any tir?mlgracet, shr.ll wear, conspicuously displayed, lbs shield br badge referred to In the foregoing secUen. XI. It shall not be lawful tar any person, except those named tn the preceding sceUoD, to care, wear, exhibit or display any such sid nhl or bulgo to ?ny or tho crew em. ployed on any reese), or to any iminigranj so arriving tn tho city of Charleston, with tho intent to Invite, ask or solicit tho boarding or lodging ot such immigrant or ol any of the crew omployed os any vessel being tn ibr harbor of O? arlos ton. XII. Vi hoover shall offend against soy or either of th? provisions contained in section 1, 3,3,1,6,10 and U, in this Act, shall be e. or med guilty ol a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, bo punished by Imprison? ment for a term not crxceoding ooo year, and uoi lera than thirty days, or by s Ono not exceeding two hundrea md HTly dollars, and not lest dian ono hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment xiii. Tho word ?.vessel,-' -A used in Ibis Act, shall bi chide vessels propelled by ateann In tho Renato House, tho twentieth day of Poconob. r, In th* y oar of our Lord ona thousand eight hundred ant ality-slx. TV. O. PORTER, Presidont of the Beasts. CRAB. H. ijlMONTON, Speaker House of Repr?sentatif es. Approved Doccmbcr 20, 1804 s Jama L. Ona, Governor. Usreh ll TUE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PDBLIHHEO IN WINNBBOR0' G.. P>, AFFORDS A profitable medium fur the advert?aing public ol Uharlestoo. . -, v. We respectfully solicit their patronage for our mutual benefit. I G AILLA HD, OfaPOBTkS lt WILHAMS, November 1? IMPORTANT TO COTTON 1'LANTKftS. A SOUTHERN INVENTION. PATENT LAtlUllSAVINtl IKON SW OTT?N PR1?SS. rilUK LATENT AND UV TAH THE MUST PEHFKirT I COTTON SCItKW yet invented. Willi um- Haig ? hravv Unir CM Ixl easily lurked. Send fur Descrip? tif and I'm o Lut. t.j I.'. K. ?in, I. , lli-neral Aijoiit for lira Stair, Nu. 73 I-'ant Hay. rherlrslon, S. I'. AUKJ? RAILWAY ANDHTEAUutlATSI'ITLIKS. IMrlaMu ? nd Station?r, l imine*. Saw tilt:?, lli'lli'ry'n Mel'ar thy Ulna. Orlal Milla, liark Mill?, Ile?? I'uw< rs, Thrvahora. Ilnapore, llcltiuirs. OU?, trou, Steel, Wild. rt'? Kira pi ?,>f sal. ?. Platform anil Counter ScoaU, i.e.. ate. Fur salo by < j. ic. l?uai'.J?, NU. 7 11 EAS I' ll AV. t ll Milts I (1%, HIV, May li ralbemos DRUGS, CHEMICALS,ETC, )LD MP VAN WINKLE OIN. GOLD MEDAL SHERRY, PORT AND alADEIRA, HARVEBT BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD nOMEBTEAD RYE. TN ADDITION TO OUR BOBIN ESS OF BELLING 1 WINES, otc, in original pickiges. mu lu order to tniuro to consumar? Puis Liquors In a compact and con? venient form, wo commonoed Uta entorjirlso ot battling snd packing tn cases our wall known ttlnci, Brandies, Whiskies, Ac. and biro sant th?m out In a stylo that would prccludo Ibo poaaibUlty of their being tampered with before roaching tba pu^haaar. The geucrsJ ?pre ctsllon and ?raUfy?ng anocess that ba? ' ?"r efforts bas encouraged, ns to maj nial ii tho re card, quality. also to make Increased eiTorta lo retain tho [IUUl.Ilal.edTi'i7b-.1- -hAQJlha. Iie.n w hberrily bo No. 16 Beaver street. New York. Tim above popular gooda aro put up In cases contain? ing ono doiou bottles etch, and are sola by all pro ni lu eui Druggists, Grocers, Ae. Opinions of tito Preis. Thu mme ot DI mn ger & Co., No. 16 Bearer street, ls i ITU ann n*- bf ihaAiact and liierst truth of whatever tbs) represent.-AT. sr. Com. Adeertiter. Si ,'. 'Thu Importing houso of lllrdngcr fc Ob., no.TS Bas vol street, ls conducted upon principies of integrity, fairnea) and tho nighest honor.-.V. Y. Kerning Ezprets. GOODRICH, MINEHAN & CO.. N 1S3 MEETING BTliEET, Opposite Chwlestaxi Bot t . sad t, POW EE ?A MOISE, MK CHSOIiS TO KINO & CASSIOB 1 No. 1S1 MEETING STREET, Wholcsalo Agents, ChirlostoD, H. C. Jsuuary 30 wfmGmos FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS ERS, YELLOW WATER TEMPER, FEVERS. FOUNDER. LOSS OK APPETITE AND VI? TAL ENERGY. Ac. ITS USE IMPROVES THE WIND, IN? CREASES TUE AP? PETITE-O I V E S A SMOOTH and GLOS? SY SKIN-aud Inns forms the MISERA? BLE 8KELET0N8?iv3? INTO A FINE LOOK INO AND SPIRITED HORSE. Tills preparation, lon and favorably knowr will thoroughly reinvigt rata broken down an low-spirited horses, b sirs I boning sn ele anal og tho atomic and inteattbos. Ula a sure preventlv of all diseases incides to this animal, such . LUNO FEVER, OLANI n EA VES, COUGHS, DIB TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION I INVALUABLE. It Ii cresses tho quioUt ind improves the qual ly of tho MILK. 1 hss been provon by ai tusl experiment to h ere aso the quantity < -, MILK ind C BE Al fl twenty per cent, an V nu*? tho BUTTE] firm ind sweet. In fa i_ lentng cattlo, lt g T 0 them in appetite, o ens their hide, ind makes them thrive much laster. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCU AS COUOUf ULM EBB IN TUR LUNGS. LIVER, 4c. this srticle sels ss a specific. By putting from ono-hau* i paper to s paper In a birre] of swill the nt HI ve dis? eases will be eradica? te tl or entirely pre? vented. If elven In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Choler* PREPARED BT S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., fl bl 1 lo* V H A N K bl ? BT RB CT BALTIMORE, Md. , FOR SALE BY D?WIE & MOISE WD1RN DRUG HOUSE, NO. 151 MEETING STREET OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. March 33 atuthCmo CHEROKEE C na OUST INDIAN MEDICINE, Carss all diseases earned by self-abase, vis:-tSpsrmator rhea. Seminal - Weaknttt, Hight - Xmittiont, toot of Memory, Universal LtttH- I lude, Paint in Iks Baot, Dim? ness of Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak/ferret. Dm. cull Brtalhing, Pelt CounU ? nanto,, /nea nita, Ooneum t> - ?? ... flan, sod all diseases that fol? low as a sequence of youthful IndlscreUnni Tbs Cherokee Caro will restera health and vigor, stop the emissions, ind elect a permanent cur? after ill other m?dldnej hiv? (Mied. Tklrty-two pt? pampblot sent in a sealed envelope, frae to any address. Price U per bottle, or three bottles for 15. Bold by sll ilnirgltls ; or wUl be soot by s ip rms to any L portion of tb? wer!J, en receipt of prie?, by tb? .ol? proprietor, Dr.W. B. HTRW1N, 37 Walker St,, N, Y. i t' ' Cherokee Remedy, Cares lil Urinary Com? plaints, vii: Gratti, In?am , malton of the Bladder and ^Kidneys, Retention of \ Urine, Stricturtt cf Vit \VrtthrtL Dropsioal Susil flngs, Brid: DustDeposits, and all diseases that require a diuretic, and when used la conjunction with th? CHEROKEE INJECTION, does not fall to cor? Gonorrhea, Olttt and all Mu cons IHsc?arges In M ?le. or Femeit, curios; recent cases in from ons to thrtt days, and ls e.perkily recommended In thoa? eases of Fluor Atout or Whilst in, Females. Tba two m?dirions usad lu conjonction will Dot fill to ramo v tb lt diann sahl? comp!tint, ?nd lo those eases whsrtothstmedicinas bivabaen usad wimont su?otas. Prie?, Remedy, Ob? Bottle, fa, Tt tu Bottles, U. tInjection, ? ? Jj, ? ? %\ The Cherotcn " Curt," * Remedy," ?nd " fnlso lion" ar? to ha found in ill well regoliUd otoo .tores, and ar? reeoromendtd by phjnlelant ind druffiiti all ovir th? world, for their Intriatle worth ind merit Som? unprlndpltd dealers, however, try to decal,? their enttemtrt, by ?tiling cheap and worthless pompo cindy-la order to raak* monty In pUea of th tat. Bs Hot dtceittd. If the drug, (bu will Dot bay tttiin fbr ye., writslo cs, ind wt will ttnd thtm to you by arprace, te cc r ?lr uicktd .nd frtt from obit rv tri on. We treat ill dlKsjea te which th? hnroaa ?yittm lt tulje-ct, ind will bs pleased to raottra fall sod txplioit itatemtnU froa ts OJ? who hart failed to ree?IT? reih f i trttofbra or matltratn can sddrtes al in j es tie? oort Jtdemet. wt itel rt to ?tad our thtr.. i ro paar? pamphlet fra? to every lady and ftntltiui, InUi load. Addrtea aU J?tun for pampaltu, niedldaea or ad ri ca, to th? tc!? propri?t?, r, 9 Di. W. B. finaWLN, 87 Walker Bu k Tt **rM ttuttUyt PRUQ8? CHEMI0A18| ETC, | ?rTHs BAU: OF TOE MANTATION BIT. TSBS li witbeat precedent In the blttory of tho world. There la no oooret In tho matter. Tho; aro at once tho moat (10007, .Ireuglhnnlng hoAllh-rostoror over ilia oovorod. It require* hat a olngto trial to underttaud thia. Their parity can alwayi bo relied npon. They ar* compotod of tbs cetebralod dalis ?ya Bark, Cascarilla Dark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavendur Flowers, WUtergreon. Aalao, Oloverbnds, Orangopeel, Snake-root, Cara?av. Oorlander. Bnrdook, 8.-T.-1880-X. fto. "I boy ara especially reoommondod to clergyman, pnb llcrpeakert, and persons ot literary babita and seden tory life, who require free dlgcetlon, a relish for food, and clear mental i acuities. Delicate females sud weak persons ?ra certain to lind In these Hitters what thoy have so lung looked for. They portly, strengthen and Invigorate. They croate a healthy appetite Tiny ar? an antidote to chango of water and dlol. They overcome offset? of dissipation and late boort. Thoy strengthen tho system and oallveu tho mimi. Thoy prevent mlumttto and Intermittent lovers. They purify tho breath and acidity of tho stomach. They eura Dyspepsia and Constipation. Thsy eora Diarrhoe, Cholera and Oholora Horba?. irhny nora Uver (JoiuvJ?! i 'in tho* world.** They m aie the weak man strong, and are exhausted natnro'a great restorer. The following eurtllng and emphatlo ?Utemoni? can be seen at erar office. Letter of Hov. E. F. Oatwa, Chaplain of tb? lD7th]New York Begtmentt Maia AOQULt Cn a RI. March ?th, 1PXS. Owlngfto the great oxpoiero and terrible decoinpoil lion arter tho battle of Antlotam, I waa nttorly prottrat ed and very ?lek. My ttomach wonld not retain modi elna. An artlclo called Plantation Blttors, praparcJ by Dr. Datara, of New fork, was preter? bed to glvo mo strength aaa an appetite. To my groat surprise tb ey gave me Immediate relief. Two bottles abuott allowed mo ta Join my regbninL . * ? . I bava tlnoo teen them used tn many cue?, ?nd am froo to say, for hos? pital er private pnrpotet I know of oolhlng Uko them. Btv. E. V. (J KA MK, (Jbaphdn. Letter from tho Bey. N. B. Oruis, BL OlalravtUo, Pa. GtorrLBMiM:- Toa wero kind enough, on a foriuor oo oaMon, to ?end mo ? half doxxen hottlos of PlanteUoti Bitters for SS Co. My wife bavbjg dorivod to mucu benefit from the uso of th oto Bitters, I deulru ta continu? them, and yon will pleito tend ut boltlai more for tho money endured. I am, vary truly, yo ira, N. X. UlL.Ua, ranter Oar. Bof. Oharch, BoLDianV n out, HorEnnrrEMORirr's Omca, I OmOtKHATt, OHIO, Jon. lEtb, 1803. j . ........ I kara given your Plantation Blttors to hundred? o .or noblo soldiers who slop hare, mora or Ivs? d latido J from vari out canses, and the effect lt m arrolla aa me gratifying. Bach a preparation aa this I? I heartily with tn uverj family, in every hotpttal, trna at band on every l?UIi field. Q. w. D. ANDBEWB, Sn perin tendent Dr. W. A. c into J, Burgoon of the Tenth Vermont Bo giman t, WTitci: "I wlih every soldier had a boltlo ol P bm teflon Bitter?. They are the mott etTocUvo, pur fact, and harmless tonio I OTC : nt ed." Wnxjnn'8 norn, 1 W asumo-ros, D. C, May 23d, lt?3. | OuTiiirai:-We require another supply of yon PlantaUon Bitters, the popularity o which dally Ul creases ?Uh tho gu et bi of our house. Respectfully. STEES, CHAD WICH Ic Co. *o. Ac. kc. kc. kc. Be oura that every bottle boar? tho fae simile ol ou ?[?nature on a Steal plata ltble, with our private liam] over the cork. P. H. DRAKE & CO., NO. SOS BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by ?ll respectable Druggists, Physicians, Oroccri Saloons and country Hotel-dealers. April 13_ thtfulyr "A amil? waa on her lip-health waa In bar look rtrttigth was Ui her step, and In her ht nos-Puni, noa BfTnaa." 8. T.-186?-X. A few bottles ot Puimno? rfrrrmaj Will oar? Nerrena Headache. " Oold Extremities and Feverlah Lip?, " Boor btomaoh and FtUd Breath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. <. Nervont Aflecdona. M ExoeaalTO Fatigue and Short Breath. , ? Pain over tba Kym?, ii Manta] Despenden ey. " Prostration ; Oreti W fit nett. " Ballow Complexion, Weak Bo welt, ko. Which are the evidences of LTV EB COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA Il Ia estimated that sav?n-tenth? of all adnlt slime nu proceed from a deceased and torpid liver. The bular] Beoretlont of the liver overflowing Into the .tomseh poi ?on tho entire system and exhibit the above symptoms After long research, wo are able to present tbs mos remarkable cnn terr theto horrid nightmare dltottes the world has tver prodaoed. Within one year over ali hundred and forty thousand partout Lava taken tbi Poi tm-noa Birran*, and not sn lntbmce of complain baa ooma to onr k n owled* e I lt la a raoat effectual tonio and agreeable tllmulan ?mitad ta all oondlUona of ufa. Th? reports that lt rall ot npon mineral inbalances fa Ita active properties, are wholly tal??. For the seilt faction of the pabilo, and that pallante may oontnl their pbytlulana, wo ?ppend a Hst of Itt components. OtxistTA Uinx.-Celebrated tor over two h un dr ot years tn tho treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyapoptlt weak net?, ?ta It wt? Introduced into Europe by Un Coan Itu. wlft of th? Viceroy of Pera, In IMO, ?ni tilintante ?old by the J tanita /tr (At rnorvaeus prtet o Ut enem tceiokt tn tilter, ander the name of J univ % Bom dori, and waa finally mad? pnbllo by Lom? XVI, Km; ctTFranoa. Bom bold t maka? especial reference to It febrifuge qualities daring bte South American travel? Otantau.i.t Bau-For diarrhoea, eolio aud disette ai the t to mach and bow ate. Diam ruo?-For lnHtmmttlnn of tba loins and drop leal affections. Ommomui Fi*wxas-For enfeebled digestion. Lavajroaa FLOWXJU- A rom stir, ?nmutent ami tonio highly lo vtgo rttliny In nervous de om tr. wnrraxn axers-For tero fa te. r hs amati un, eta Atnxu-an aromttlo oarroinatlvoj oreaUng rteth muela and tn ilk ; mach used by mother? nursing. Auricle va-b ad?, orange, cam Way, coriander, ?n.t. & T.-1860.-X. Another wonderful Ingredient, of ?rest na? smoaj tht Spatula, ladle? of South Am artos, Imparting beear to lbs oomptexion tnd-brliuanoy to th? mind, te yat on known to the oom tn ero? of the world, and We wllhhoh Ita nun i far tba presaaL IMPORTANT' CERTIFICATES, Itocnimn, N. Y , December 38,1801. Mesara. P. H. Daaxa A Oo-I have been a great ?nf farer from Dyspepsia for throe or four year?, ?ad had ti abandon my profanion. About Ihre? month? ?tro tried th oiP Un it lion Bitters, and lo my great Joy Tan new nearly a wall maa. I have recommended them U .avara) oates, and, aa far aa I know, alway? with tig na booiflt I aa, respectfully yours, Rev. J. 8. OATHOON., 1Mb Month, 17th Day, IBO. Baxy un sui Failure:-My da righter ha* been mool bec ti tied by the tua ol thy Plantation Blt tera. Thot will ?end mo two bord?? mort. Thy friend, ASA CUBBIH. Bara KUI Dons, Ora ot oe, llb, 1 February ll, IHM. j Mettra F. B. Baan k Oo.i-Platte Mad ut teethe twelve cote? of your Plantation Bitter?. Aa a, appetiser, they ap pair to bara ? up anted ed ?verythini ??ie, and ar? greeny ea tetra td. Toart. ?&, OAQB k WAITE. Arran gt rn ente are now complet ed to inpply ?ny d? mond for thia srUela, which hu net heretofore ba? peart hie. The pabilo may rait usurad that In ao casa will Uv perfectly pure ttendtrd el th? PnatrrtTZOa ll merma tx ?optrted?rom. EMM boUU boto? tht fne-iinUe of tm tts a tfstl plate eu?roMn?, tr it cannot ot fm Ant ?orion pretending io ten Pm urmo a Brrraii u bulk or br tht BtUon, it a tvtsulttr and impotUr. Bc*** tf refiled bettlet. Bet that our rrtoatt Stamp il Ctrtro rna ITO trott roery ceri. Sold by Hi \Srz??-?z- Qrootn tnd Dealortlhrooghon tb* cc un try. P. H. DRAKS ft CO., New York. ?-"*'. ??_ mwflrr ELDER ft BROWN, MANTJFAOTTJHIHa AND PATKXT _E8 of th? celeb r s ted OOMBINATIOl ORADLE AND BABY Tit ND til, pro I pelling H?rste, and all kind* : of Book . m bag ll ontta. Invalid O bair?, wi Ih don bL r ' '. and ?Inila ?heels, from iii 'to tis Ohlldrtt't Carrlatjat. Fthoy and Virnltbed Wagon? ran cy sci itt, Invalid OarrUffta, mad? to order. Faa? fttMstUor ? d Baby Bookers, ko., kc, llfe-tlxe Boree* ,JP*7?t, Mp. itt BBOADWAT. Manufactory, No?. M? "?iSill 'i** **** BTBtWT, ?ra York. OOWOtJl M thttolyr IIICKBRIMI: & SONS ESTABLISHED 1828, MANUFACTURERS < >F ?-rand, Sauare, And Uumtot PIANO FORTES. . WARE-ROOMS, N O. ?52 B li 0 A 1) \Y A Y 3STE"W YORK. -o CHECKERING fe Grand, Square anti lli>ric;Iit PIANO-FORTES ABE NOW. AH TBE? EVER DAVE WEEN, COR. SIDEREO tho bait ID America, having been awarded SIXTV-FIVR i-in/.?, RIKDALiS, Of which fonrteeu woro received in UM months of Hep tomber and October, 1FG5, aud ?rnt premiums ovor all oornrotltora at the dlilorent principal Fairs lu thin country, iud tho PRIZE MEDAL al the WORLD'S FAIR, LONDON. THAI. I! Kitti's OPIK ION. I oocalilar Ohle sering k Hoon' Pianos, bojrond cam? pari ?un, the brat I hare leen In America. H. THALBERG, Ohalrman ol Jory on Mualcal Inatrnnion C A R D . Il li wllh fooling! of prlda aa American roinufaclnrnrs thal wo pubUib tba folomni.; tcatlmouiatii, which bava bean received by aa recently: Kill 111)1'KAM TKS'I l.'KIII,'. l.s, Received duri nj the month of j4u.9U.vf, I860. LOK?ow, July 85, IBC7. Mrsana. OuioaaniNo Ar 80Ku-Uouta: I bave mush plaaanrc In enclosing a docuiuout slenii.1 by Ibo UTHI oomponen, luualclaua and professors In Enropo. I ?old your Pianoa lu auch hljrb eaUniatlnn [vide ruy corllll cate) that I felt lt my duty to tate ann ol thora wlib ino to Europe, to aa certain fha opinion of my professional brethren. The encioaod cortlllcato will provo how unantmona they have been on tho subject. I bop, to forward, at Ibo HM tim?, a lcltor I rueolved from my frlond, Mr. Oullard, which 1 ara auru uuihi bo grauiy inn to yon. I havo the honor lo bo, penlb tuen, yonra very Imly, JAIIU IL WEULL Luifnoii, Jannaryll, lKit. Jomet Af. rye?li, Fia.: MT Dian Hm: I have (treat pleasure lu Baking junto convoy lo Mesara. Chlckerlng tba exprnnlon ol my highest approval of tholr Instrument. It In, I con.ldor, not merely tbs best liisirmtiont ul American maniiiao turo that I have tried, but one of tho doest Grand Pinuo fortes thai baaevor como uaihr ruy ebacrvatlou; and the Meurs, ?hicliarhic may ?..ll lie proud of h.tviuit turned out from their niainifr.rtory au tiiBtnimouc which, for touch, quality, i?.*.r ami workmmiditp, lt wonld bo vary dlUicidl lo In any psrt of th? wide world. Dear slr, very sincerely yenni, CHAO, li. COLLARD. Firm of ?ollard A Collard, Plauo-forio Manufacturers, Leudcu. I-OM.OH. AOKHbt 23, 1808. Jana M. Wehli.Eiq.: Mr Dian HUI: Au you ara Rains; back to Ibo fintfncs Statos. 1 munt br? you to remember me kindly lo tho [oatrs. Ohlckerlng. Tell them I wea ilobRlitid wich tholr Grand rimo-fono-ru cond an n:ir?w, ? think at teat ever turnea out, both in touch enif (rr '. Wishing you, eic, 1 remain averil dy, B. V. llllt)nL>Wlk>L>. Finn of I. Ilroailwood A Bona, Flsna-forls Mtunlto. turora, London. Lennon, July 80, IHK. M turi, dickering AX Som: Gurra: I have inst boon Invited by Mesara. Collara to try a Grand Piano forte manulscturod by you, au 11 have no hesitation tn oudor.lug tho opinion ot tuy old frlond, Mr. O. D. Collard, VIE: nm li is thu ii MM: tn .troment I ever played on. Uallavo ma, gentlemen, moat fatthfnlly yonra, J. L. ii A ri uti. Ttttitnoniattfron the mott diitinguuhcd Artiitt in Burtwt to Mum. Chiekcring ct Som: Lox DOH. July 28, 18?0. Havlog played upon a Piano-forte made by Mesan. 0bickering A Bona, of Boston and New Tork, 1 buvs much pleasure in testifying to lbs general excollence. For sweetness and brilliancy of tono, dollcacy of touch and magnificent power tor concert purposea, I consider lt a really QUAND PlAKo-ronTK, A_HD m omi n LTTHK atar I nava HKK.I OP AMKIItCAN MAKUFAOTOUB. AB All EL LA GODDARD. OI0LO UEGONDl. O. A. OSBORNE. ALFRED J*ELL. W. R??H1'. L1N1IBAY BLtlPKB. JTJLEB BENEDICT. J. MllSOHELEH, II. W. BALFE. . Prob of Conservatoire So Uli Art HALLE. Lehna. Uh I MLE Y BbJHABDS. H. A11T110II OB AP PEU BENE FAVAUuEB, Director of Munday om. B7DNKY. HM11 ll. certs, London. Among tbs chief points ol sxcellonco of tho Ohlck ir? ing 1'lau us, of which apeak the renowned artists in tholr conn rat ula tory testimon?ala lo the Messrs. Chickening, are Ute greateat possible dspth, richness and volume ol' tone, combined with a rare brilliancy, clearnosa and perfect ovenneas throughout the cnllro acalu; and, above all, a surprising duration of aouud, tho pure sud. sympatheUo quality of which never changea under tba most delicate or powerful touch. Daring the past forty-three years thia firm has m tx rt ac tared BC.OOO i?i_avisros. In the conatrnctlon of whioh they have Introduced every known and valuable Improvement They have Invaria? bly been aelacted and uaed by all of tbs world's oe* knouiledged great arUsta who batu visited thia country professionally, both for pr?valo anil pabilo nie. TU A Lil Kitti. I consider Ohlckerlng A Bout' Fianna, beyond oom. parti on, the beat 1 bave ever seen lu America. OOTTHCIIA Lit. I eons I Jar Ohlckerlng A Bona' Planos superior lo any In the world. They aro no ri vail ?1 for their alDglog qualities and for tho harmonious roundness of their tono. Them ls a perfect homogeneity throughout all the registers. Tba nprier notes aro remarkable for a clearness aud purity whian I do not find In any other Instrument, while thu. baas is distinguished for power wi thon I harshness, and for a magnificent sonority. Tour Pianos ara superior lo any I have ever seen ta (hil country or In Europe. I have never BMld a tone ao perfect; ll yields evarr expression that la needed In rou nc, sod Ita quality !? capable of chango to meet avory sonllment. Thia la a rare power, and la derived from tba perfect o uri tv nf ba tone, together with Ita aympitbetlo, olaatlo and wall balanced loach. FOZNANSUI. n.5u,??^Ul*..p*,t.e!*nl J**" 1 n?T constantly played Tit^n the jnauy celebrated Era rd Planos; triare tho x??j?,Vnmo?^ 1 n*Te ioaDQ' *lw? hero or lu ?ropa, to equal them tn ail their points ol excel I cn cu It may ba aatufactory to our patra?a and friends arnon? the.pabiloat Urge to state that testimonials havo been reoelvod from aU tba leading artist. Who have wilted or aro now residing tn the United Butes, a few of '{^."^?sbsair?ei thoM above, we append? rf?'-'???v G oar AV ITATTZS. ALFBKD JAKL. J. BENEDIOT. ^^H. M. HTRAK080H. B, BOFFMAH. JDLL1EN. ABTHDB NAPOLEON. And many others. tTsxrrtBTLllArSkTW) ALDDMB A"D PBI0B "SW WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broadway, NEW YORK. HENRY SIEGLING, Asr% OHAKLESTON! ?. O miete?