University of South Carolina Libraries
SATURDAY MOUNINO.TULY-27^807! LOCAL MATTE1C?. Jon Wornt.-Wo kara now completed our oflloo j EO ns tu execute, in thu shortest passible time ALL KINDS OF JOU WORK, nutt wo jmwt re? spectfully auk tho patronage or our friends. I'"Ht ( lill ce Noller. POST OFFICE, ) CIIAKI.KSTON, S. C., July t?, 1807. ( After to-day tho maila for Northeastern will CIO?O al 8 o'clock A.M., ami to-tlny mid after? wards they uro expected lo reach thu Railroad I "Htoliou" at 2:30 o'clock P.M., and tobo ready for | delivery nt this olUco at 3:30 o'cluck P.M., except j on Sunday, when tho hour will be Rom tl P.M. to 7 | P.M., until further notice. STANLEY O. XROTT, P. M. POSTOFFICE NOTICE.- An ovciun,; mail for Augus ta and Savannah, nutt for distribution buyoud thosu oflicoo, will close tinily at tho Post?nico ul half-past .0 o'clock. LiTEitARV.-Our enterprising young triottd Ur. A. F. MELCUEHS, NO. 103 Market i.l re ct, has our timuka for lalo copies of 1'HANK LESLIE'S Jllu.itrile Zeitung, tho Kriminal Zeiluwi, Metro/tolUan Mc? cord, and tho Sunday Meicury. lu TUE NAME OF THE Pnom-Pias.-Thoso of | our roadors who sit undor their awn flt; tree, will find it to their prudi to examino tho advertisement of Mr. KIMS UAH in another column. Mr. KINSMAN lxjasossos a magician's wami, and what is not wm th a fig, becomes valuab'o confectionery whon it emerges from his laboratory. ABREST AND TniAt, OF THE PnlCE MlTHDKnEUH. Tho Augusta papors contain un account, of tho ar rest and trial of certain parties implicated in tho murder of Mr. Pmer., ol Bouth Carolina, noar Quaker Springs. Tho Chronicle ct ccidinel nays tho two negroes arrested for tho murder ol'tho Ute Mr. Pmer., near Quaker Springs, had n preliminary examination before Judge McLws yesterday. One of tho negroes made a full confession, giving thc names of nil tho parties ong.igcd in tho murder. Tho examination will bo continued to-day. -?- -lt. TO SEE OURSELVES AM Ur??? Oft ^ fT,u \M"'' ?S8? 0?v iHHdesiro would have J^lxxi?oT "and ho could have securotl hi? ropresoutation in a short timo. There aro fow art? lhathnvo mada such rapid strides os that of pho? tographing, and tho sun's rays aro now mada to prodneo results that ut most Boom magical. The desire among mankind to givo theil features to posterity is universal, and thc picluro galleries in every city aro visited daily hy numbera for this purpose. Sumo of IIICBO photographers nro veto rans in tho profession, and havo gained a high rormtntitm as artists; hut few eau compelo willi Mr. GEO. 8. COOK of this eily, and his gallery in King street is always crowded hy panie? desirous of having their features faithfully delineated. IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS.-Since Ibo night trains hnvo boen re-established nu tho Bunill Caro? lina Railroad tho trafic between this eily and other points has boon largely increased and thc accommodation thus presented lo merchants has enabled them to mrtko shipments with promptness. Thc Southern Express Company has never been bohind tho agu, but has always endeavored to fa? cilitate business men iu their engagements. In? fluenced hy theso motives they havo recently placed messengers on tho night trains bctweoti this city and Augusta, who aro prepared lo take cbnrgo ni all gooda intrusted to them. This action on tho part of tho Express Company will provo very nc- | ccptahlo io our merchants, both now and during tho fall Irado, for shipments of mouoy or giotto can bo tnndo willi caro and n prumpt delivery en? sured. A coauEsroNUENT of the Darlington Southerner I gives tho follow-in;; account of tho accident men? tioned in tho telegraph column of yesterday's is sue : "This morning about 5 o'clock A. M., tho pas? senger train ran over aud killed two young womon. Tho accident occurred near tho public road, ou tho -west sido of Sparrow Swamp, ns tho morning train was going to Kingsville. Tho names of tho unfor? tunate ones wera MAIVTUA .-.nd SUSAN DOIHTUT. It appears that Uioy had boon out until a late hom- ni night aud started Homo, ami slopped to rest awhile on tho track of tho 'Wilmington and Mauchcstor Railroad-fell nsloop, and was ran ovor as abovo stated, killing SUSAN instantly, and horribly mangliug Mam HA, who survived a tow hours, to toll tho dreadful story. "A. D. BRISTOW, Esq., summoned a jury of iu qucs*., who, after invest (gating tho matter, ren? dered a verdiot according to tho abovo facts." DIE MODENWELT.-Tho first nuruhor of this beautiful Fashion Journal has just bcon received from Europe, and in its salutatory says: Tho great difficulty in getting a correct translation has caus? ed tho delay. Tho papers will bo translated into English, and givo moro of Ibo useful than all tho other illustrated papors put together. Each pa? per gives eight pagos of finely oxecuted cuts, representing monthly every tiling iu tho way of dress that is beautiful and to bo desired hy tho lad i os. In addition to tho papers there is a finely executed pattern shoot, giving during tho year aomewhero botwoon thrco hundred and four hun? dred finely drawn patterns well explained and easily to ho takon ott. Tho superiority anti utility of theso patterns will toon ho aron and appreciated by thoso who havo be MI in tho habit ol getting plain or trimmod patterns from somo of our common pa'.tom shops. As tho ifodenweli is from tho very soat of fash? ion, it will becomo a popular magazino with tho ladies. Tho subscription prico is only $3. and il will coon bo found at every well conducted nows stand. THE PAM, TUA nr.- In a row wonks tho Fall trade of Charleston will open, and though it will not comparo with that of former years, yot it ?J ex peeled to bo au improvement on thal of last spring. Throughout thc wholo country tho crops arc good, and somo sections that have hm dolor been noted for their sterility havo produced aluin dantly, and Ibero will ovon bo a surplus for expor? tation. This result is cxtroatoly gratifying not only to thc platitor, but to tho pooplo at homo, as all aro affected by bin success or ill lack. Tho de? pression M>Md l?v ibo failure of last year's ero, has been romoved, and if tho rtgni ?t?tM tmm taken thc State will soon logain her former pros? perity, and Charleston becomo again a largo com? mercial city. Tho morchants of Charleston havo always bcon considered an activo and enterprising class, and havo used every effort to prom otc tho wel? fare of tho city. Beforo tho war thia was compara? tively easy, but tho subsequent destruction ol pro? perty, and tho break on tho railroads, turned tho trado into tithor channels, and as soon aller the surrondor as practicable tho New York houses sont drummers into tho country, who wero em? powered to bring tho Irado to that city. Induce? ments wero offered that fow could resist. Thoy wero liol pressed for old debts, and wero sold goods on time. Charleston was then in no condition to compete with tho partios, although sho has sinco endeavored to regain some of her lost trado, but tho high freights and other causes hnvo operated against her. Wo loam from a gentleman of this eily who has just returned from tho country fliat the prospects aro fair for a good trade; but tho Northern drum mora hove boon overy whoro, and havo modi such representations that many will purchase thoir goods in Now Yolk. Nono dony that Charleston is in every respect equally aB good a m ii lo t as Now York, cud that goods can bo 'bought hero fully as cheap; hut ibero havo hoon fow .drummer* sont out from Charleston, and no inducements offered to Bocuro tho trado. Thia has opcratod badly; for roany who still rotain thoir atToolion for this city think that il is not tho market it was, and go to ether points to purcbaso thoir goods. Il should bo tho duty of thc merchants to corroct theso misapprehensions, and to show timi they aro not only prepared to sell on favorahlo tenus, bul havo full stocks, which embrace every article needed by tho trado. PropaiatioiiB aro now hoing mado for tho fall trade, a fow country mcroh Ants, tho van guard of the army, havo already arrived, and Hayno and Meeting pt mein and East Day will soon shako off tho lethargy that has characterized thom during tho slimmer, and become again busy Inn tiing thoroughfares. Tho stocks in ovory aloro ar J full and comp!clo, and visitors will find thl t tho prices aro tho same as thoso oskod in oilier otiua. It has been doeidod among Uio morchants to lowor tho tariff ?a muon aa posuiblo, and to ask a uniform price, for a cortain standard of goods. Thia will be a groat advantage to tho bnyor, and will facili? tate tho transaction of luminosa. Tim city is per? fectly healthy, and overy olomont Rooms favorablo to a good trado. Our country friends can visit ns with safety, and will soon bo convlnood that Charleston prosonts ovory advautago to a bnyor and can compote with any city North or Bouth as* a market. ConoNEn'B Isijl'i-'fr.Coroner WimiMi hold au Inquest yesterday morning over tho body of Elias Mooro, a colored youth seventeen voaruof agc, und ?rito had hoon in tho employ ot Dr. UEDDINGS. Elias, in company with sovorat of his companions, went on Thursday night to thc Hood ?;cto of Uon m ifn Mill Pond, near tho nest end of Dull street, for tho purposo of swimming. Tho de? ceased was nuable lo swim, but dovo into tho water, requesting his companions to look out for him. Not appearing again, Ihoy bscamo alarmed, and reported tho facts to tho Coard House. Tho next morning tho body was fouud, aud a Jury ho? ing impannolcd, rendra cd a verdict of accidental drowning. M Avon's COUBT, duly 2C-An individual who was red hot with valor and whiskey took a position in tho Charleston I Intel and smote tho air with his words, was surprised to lind himself arrested hy tho police for disorderly conduct, and still moro HO when he was neut to tho Provost Marshal for carrying a concealed weapon. . A di.-ciplo of WALTON, ulm thought that all was fish that carno to hts not, uudcavorod to innko tho matter miro hy stealing a not. This proceed? ing waa not popular among his brother anglers, aud tho thoif was locked up with instructions to study tho Commandments moro closely. Two feminines, ono plain and tho other light molasses color, had a alight misunderstanding, which caused them to move gundy on each other mid pull their hair in a cheerful manner. This demonstration wau followed by similar manifesta? tions until tho furies wero separated. A sontouco of ten day's confinement was imposed, which, with homeopathic, dosos of broad and walor, will ?notify their feelings of auger toward each other. Two peripatetic vendors of nows couimouced a friendly discussion on liloraturo, but becoming wanned up by tho argument, proceeded from words to blows, and wcro establishing their opin? ions hy lore i bio moans when interrupted. A linc of j? not only ruined their finances, but their stock iu trade became stalo, flat and unprofitable, and sorno of their cuitomcrs wero deprived of t hoir murnini,' Ntwa. CounT OF (iosr.n M. SESSIONS ANO COMMON PLEAD-Hon. V. J. Moans presiding-W. D. POU? TER, Esq., oponed Ibo nrgumottt for tho defouco in tho caso of Mrs. CONLON es. tho City of Uhririca torti and engaged tho attention of lb- '" -, . "m. "'..'-'?. A shun...a mun granted, at .no expira'''-" m which Judgo MOSES charged tho Jury, who found a verdict of f?OO? fur tho plaintiff. Tho T ictu in this caso aro familiar lo most of our reniera, ami il is kuotvu that tho Coroner's Jury, while thoy found a verdict of accidental death, soverely censured tho proper authorities for a neglect of their duties. CONLON (tho de cased) hail been a sloeploman for a number of years, and was a sober steady ni?t). At tho titno nt the accident thu bolt'ry of tho stoaplo was hoing prepared for thu now chimes by EnEDEiticK, an old rigger. It was necessary,I o open tho trap? doors Tor Ibis worh, but whon Ibo hands wero knocked off al night tho door was still left open; and tho unfortunate Htcoploinan, in going lo his | 1 po I, fell through from tho second slory lo tho lings below, mid wis .instantly killed, l'or a long limo tho slouplumoa had been in .the habit ol go? ing to their posts without a lantern, and CONLON knew the route so thoroughly thal ho did not con? sider i' necessary to supply himself with one. lt was contended that tho rule requiring (ho sloopleiiien lo take n lamp should havo been en? forced, and that thc steeple should havo been ex? amined after tho workmen had left. The accident was caused hy tho negligcnco of tho city s Hor vanls, and that fact, in connection with tho teati morry elicited, induced Ibo jury to find lor tho plaintiff. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUBT-Judge Bnv.iN presiding.-United Hintes cs. Bovonteon barrels of distilled spirits, sixty-niuu empty barrels, Ac, claimed by W. H. Kino, condemned on vcrdicl of guilty on au information of forfeiture for violation of Internal lloveiiuo laws. Thc following ordor wau entered, W. II. KIDD, claimant iu tho nbovo entitled case, having tiled his milice of appeal to tho Circuit Court : Un motion ol T. D. Conn IN, District Attorney of tho United States for South Carolina, ordorod That said W. H. Kum givo bond, with good and sufficient security, iii thu sum of $2000, to abide by (bo final decree rendered in tho cause, and to pay all such a.- tu, and expenses, and damages as shall ho awarded by tho Court upon tho final decree ; .he naid bond to ba flied by 20lh July or appeal dismissed. UNIT ED STATES COU UT IN AD MI SALTY-Judgo URTAN Presiding.-JAM ts IIEOAH os. Captain LIN? COLN, of tiwi bark birnie Kimball, and-FULTON tho Male. This was a libol for assault and battery on thc high Boas. United States Attorney CORBIN waa proctor for tho libellant, and Mossra. A. H. Hr.OWN and W. E. Mitti.i, wera proctors for re? spondent. Tho hearing of tho testimony aud arguments occupied Ibo Court tho wbolo of Thurs? day and yesterday, whoo, at a lato hour, tho caao was closod, and tho Court docrood that Captain LINCOLN pay a Uno of $50 and tho costs of tho suit In tho caso of IlrcuAUO ARNOLD OS. tho steamer Monckn, libelled for damages to freight, hoard sumo timo since, tho following order was rando : Itichard Arnold vs. Steamship Monda. Tho claim in this case is for tho vsluo of two horaos, ono dying at soa and tho othor on landing and for dumago dono lo a third with expenses in cldcut to his caro and euro, and tho exponeos of bringing said horses to Charlesion i ho libel ?H tiled against tho Mouoka as a common carrier, ll is admitted that the Mouoka is a common carrier, and that tho horses did dio, and that tho third was injured. Hut il is contended that though a common carrior, tho liability was limited by a special contract, and if not roliorod from liability by such contract, yut that tho loss and damage wero caused by tho peril of tho sea and tho incvi table consequences of a galo. Upon a moat careful examination of tho law and ovidonco in this caso, tho Court ia satisfied that tho respond i mt has failod to mako out tho ? xpress contract agroomont or stipulation which the law makes necessary to limit bia liability. Hut granting that such stipulation, agreement or oxpross contract woro m ado out, it could not uliiold tho vessel from ils own acta and givo im? punity to negligence or misconduct, or relieve tho ship from losses accruing from such negligence or misconduct. Tho Court ?H satisfied that tho death of the two horses and tho injury to thu third is proporly ro feral ?le to tho unskilful, unaufficionl stowage, an ' not to tho galo. It itt, therefore, uniere 1 and decreed,that the nv tiers of tho Monckii do pay to tho (?bollante thrco hundred dollars for each of tho horaos dving is aforesaid, and three hundred dollars for dam? ages dona to tho surviving horse, and tho cbargCB incident to bis keeping, aud euro, and tho loss of His service; also, ono hundred dollars for tho ox pensus incurred in bringing out tho Horses-in all Ibo sum of ouo thousand dollars, With costs of suit. (Bignod) OEO. B. nitYAN, Unitod {Hates Judga, A o Tan MASON SL HAMLIN CA BIN CT Untian, a Iones of this instrument aro molliflunusly sweet, with a volume, power and expression truly mar vcllcma in BO small and compact an organ. They aro beautiful, simplo and economical. [Atoo Orleans Timer tl. II. If you want cheap Blank Dooks; If yon want cheap Stationery, Envelopes, 1' per, Ac; or, Mn.i.tua' Almanac; if you want Printing executed neatly; If you want Hooka bound lu any style, or Account nooks made to order, with any desired pattern ot ruling, go to IlmAU HAMUS, No. GD Dmod street. l'are Vrnudy. THE INFAMOUS PnAOTlOE OF ADULTER ATINO BRANDIES having hecomo so common, that a genuine article ls tho execptioo, it is of vital importance to those requiring it for Family Uso and Invalida, that it should lie of undoubled purity and efficacy. Wo aro pleased to notice that tho old sud popular Wine Imiwrtcrs, UININOER At CO., No. 15 Beaver street. New York, ur,- very opportune lu c.-liing Ute attention ol fami? lies to their "GOLD MEDAL COONAO," of which Uioy say, that, "With a view (o meeting thc popular demand fur a reliable Brandy in itu natural state, Troo from alcoholic flavor and InipurlUos, and Billy appre rlaUng tho fart that lt ls often recommended by tho Medi? cal Faculty aa a sustaining stimulant, whoa all r,thor re? mello H fall, wo are now bottling and selling at reasona? ble rates a Brandy of our own Importation from ono of tho moat responsible Houses in France, and known aa "DININGER'? O OLD MEDAL COGNAC." This Standard A rlido ia sold by aU Of the prominent Druggists. sCmo February 3 Free'lo Everybody. A Large 0 pp. Circular, giving information of tho greatest importance to Hie young of both sexes. It teaches how Ibo homely may bocomo beautiful, thu despised respectad, and tho forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fall to tend their address, and rcoolvo a copy post-paid, by relui n mail. Address P. O. lira wir, il, March 30 lyr Troy, N. Y. TILE MAMON STAB, ESTABLISHED NEARLY TWENTY YEARS A ll 0, Ts published st Marlon, s. C., in the central portion Ci' the country, and effara a favorable medium to Mar? chants, Druggists, Machiniste, and all classes who desire to oxtond Iholr bualnoes In the Pee Doe country. For tho beuent of our advertising patrons, we ?hall, in addition to our aubacription hat, which bi constantly in creasing, publish and distribute gratuitously 300V extra copies of the ST AD, during tho buaiceus season thia Rates of Advertising liberal. Vt. i. MoREBALL, November 20 Editor and Proprietor a BUSINESS NOTICES. ALL KINDS OF JOD WOnK DONE AT TUE DAILY NEWS OFFICE. Depend upon lt Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's j BOOTUTNG SYRUP, (or nil diseases ofeUlldrcu. i i a safo j and sore medicine, lt has stood tho lest of thirty years, and never known to fail, lt regulates Hie stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and euros wlud colic ; produces natural, quiet sleep, by relic vin? tho child from palu. Ile suro sud call for "MUS. WINSLOW'S SOOTUINO B?HUF," Having the/ur limite of "CottTis A; PXIIKIKS" on thc oui- I Bide wrap|>er. AU others aro baso lmllatlons. miwii'. ,v MOISE, No. 151 Meeting street, opposlto Ibo C'liarlcBtou Hotel. July ST Htutb3 Try i n? in. Many persons havo within Ibis summe; experienced Ibo benefits to bo derived (Tow Hie uso of PANKKIN'S I HEPATIO Drrrmis. Wo would recommend (bein to all ' who stand In ueed of a tonic. For sale by all Druggists. 8 . October 0 Tlie Tinto to Ailvrrtise In ttl* Country. THE PntSNix has a largo circulation throughout Hit. middle and tipper Districts of Ibo State. Advertising rates as reasouabto aa ibo stringency of tho money mar? ket will warrant. Merchants and others wishing to ute thc columns af lb? paper will address JULIAN A. SELBY. Propriotor, February 23 . Columbia, H. C. Know thy Destiny. MADAME E. F. Tuousros, tho groat English Astrolo? gist, Clairvoyant and Psychomotaclan, who bas aston? ished Ibo scientific classes of Ibo Old World, has now lo? cated herself al Uudson, N. Y. Madoino Tuonr, ros pos? sesses such wonderful (lowers of second sight as to cita? ble ber lo Impart knowledge of tho greatest importance, lo tho Bingle or married of either sci. Wlillo mattala of trance, sha delineates tho very features of thc person you sro to murry, sud by Ibo aid of au Instruraont of In? tense jiowcr, kuowu as tho Fsychoaolropo, gua ra u ti ? s to produce a Ufe-Uko picture of tho futuro buaband or ?<fo of tho applicant, together with dato of marriage, position in lite, leading trails of character, .'.c. This ls no limn- ] bug, os thousand of testimonials can assert. . *fl??jj| send, whon desired, a certifie.) GOrtljEg^fc^ "jj" maranie*. (Ital UM piduro ls whs- jg^ ^ of blnh ?"RIO?'JM5 ^8TniUrcompIeilot.,and enclosing flay cent. ?S'?"?!a?upc<l cnvclupo addressed to yourself, you will rn- | .eh e Ute ph i un* ami desired Intormatloii by return mail. til comiuiiuleattona sacredly contldentlal. Address, lu ?onfldetico. Madame E F. THORNTON. P. O. Uox 2"J3. Judson. N. Y ly March JU Yordict ur Uio Faculty. iTIMI'I.AM's I % 111 s I ' I : N s A li I. I : AS HEDI. OINKS. Tho most dlslingulshcd physicians in Uto United Slates tavc receully been pine. .1 on tho wltucss stand, and lave, with onu voice, declared that puro stimulants aro raluahle me du ?nal agents. Tills d?cision of the faculty ?dors especially to medicated nUinulanl?, of which tho Hires', and (he bet al prc ie nt knowu ls HOSTETTER'S vi UM At'li BITTERS. Hs basis ls tho alcoholic prim :lplo of the lo i esl rye groa n In the United States, and itu lethal Ingredients comprise Ibc extra?is of a large mint? ier of plants, harks and roots produced In various parin >[ tl e.- world, and all noted in thc countries to which boy aro indigenous for their (lownrful sanativo propvr les? As au luvigorant and tonic, tho value ot the nit? ers eau scarcely ho overrated, il euee Hs extraordinary 'fleet In lever and aguo and Intermittents and remit? en ts of every type. Hs anti -bilious properties aro mar? vellous. Persons of billons habit, liy taking a small niau il ty once or twico a day, may completely chango j heir contUttilloiial tendeucy to liver disease, and escape ill tho unpleasant consequences which arise oltlier from tie un.lue sen - Uh i nena cr tho un natural torpidity of tho illlnry organ. Chronic ronsUpaUon is cradiratrd horoiighly and In a very short space of lime by small loses of Ibis wholesome regular, taken night and mniling ; and for sit tho disorder* which aro auperin 1 m i d by exhalations from decomposing vegetable and mini il maller In tile streets ot riUcs, or tlio lulasuia ol iwampy districts; it is, wbcu taken as a protective and .nwentice medicine, ibo most reliable of all sat. guards. July 22 MISCELLANEOUS." ?? iv. 2fU.itcr? WOHNT JETZT 31c. 127 Culbeuip 2lraf?.\ ber Cilattl aeaenllter. X?T ?Obiflc ntaebt fllfittrjcitij bent verehrten Teutleben Uublllitm bit turbine flnpthjc, Irlt berfelbc bei c ! reu ,-,cn slerbef?lleu, bic i'derfluna veil 3 ? r o, t n jcjlid'cr BMlMtt, pt ben biQisfKn fre'iftn, trie, bei ?Pe-rabnifrcn, ralltycr grre?ui??)Uii rhii.i$>t cen Uerriaar?, dul i 23?lli.*fic rcftyafjat reiib. V. ft. ?lilmerc, ?ilrebenbieiitr ter Xcutfrf'cii 8t. 'OKatlb. flirtije. July 27_2? _ AT PRIVATE SALE. CONCENTRATE!) PERMANGANATE SALTS, FOR PURIFYING DRINKING WATER. SICK ROOMS, BILGE WATER. CESSPOOLS, DRAINS. v.c., and for uso In all cases w here a deodorizer or dlsln ectsnt Is required. Approved by tho Surgeon-General, if. H. A., Washington, 1> C. and for salo In rpaantlUca lo mit Uio public at No. 130 MEETING STREET. IricKAY & CAMPilELL, AucUon and Commission Merchants. July 10 _ _tnlhs UTHY HAYE THAT M. 8T DISTRESSING DISEASE W DYSPEPSIA, wheu Dr. C. G. GARRISON warrants > euro. Price f 105 per buttle. For sale, wholcsalo and retail, ot my store, No. 211 louth Eighth street, Philadelphia, and by DOWIK cfc MOISE. SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE No. 161 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel. July 16 _mthsC ELDER & BROWN? t&t MANUFACTURERS AND PATENT sflf EES of the celebrated COMDIN AITON PSStjyQrr?*?.CRADLE AND I^LIV TENDER, i'ro ^^StGr*^s^pelllng Hortet, and all kinds af Hock f* {?.--> x** lng Dorset, Invalid Ohairs, with donble ???V*- X and slugle wheels, from fis "lo StA; Ihlldron'r darri ag st, Fanoy and Tarnished Wagons, fancy Snl KI. Invalid Carriages, made to order. Fancy ?ropeller a ul baby Rockers, Ac., Ac, llfe-tlze Horses, nado toe -1er. Depot, .- o. 633 BROADWAY. Manufactory, Nor. 449, 50. 461 s d 463 WEST STREET, New York. Hetohsi lb thttnlyr imwj. "13 E A U T Y_Auburn. irss. tfidW\\ Xi u.ilih ii Flaxon, and Ata^JBV Rm ?A milken CURLS producetl by ? ...Ot BL Iff the use or Professor DE- pl^T? JMK HRKUX'S Fr.ia EH LE wk ? SkrH**?^T CHEVEUX. Ono applies- Jk\\ H jSHR lieu warranted to curl Hie 4>&3piJg)km^ ry.-mont straight and stubborn is' "of either ?ex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massiv? t_ . Han been used hy tho fashionables ol Parla and ?erndon, wiUi Ibo most gratifying resulta. Does no lu ury lo tho bob*. Prlcoby mall, scaled and postpaid, tl. lescripUvo circulars -nailed free. Address BERGER, .H?TTS At CO.. Cbs' . No. 285 River st reel, '1 roy, N. ... Hols Agents for ' ll ailed Stales. Mandi au_ly LEA & PERRINS' CELEBRATED woruinR?iiiii? Mi di. I'nONOl'NCJCD (IjL. EXTRACT RV J?-7 of a hitter Irani a 0OMNOIHHKURH ll "^ZTT" TO ni THE osi.r sdR-Vk Brothcrit ?fl WO lt O EB TE lt. May, Cloud Sauce ?SE?-?>-: ?HWpM "Tell LEA k PER AMP ArrzJOADLK \t3?fe,|lllNH ihnl their SAUCE ii. lif"' "Ils highly rs teem ed In tu? ro -?&T: Idle, and ls, lu my opinion, .VfitPf'-Itlin most palatsblc, rt ?VKHY VARI KT Y af.'-'-ff-vt? as ibo moat who'.e rWXMrnrno SAUCE that ia OP DISH. *Hr-??E?rmado.'' Tho success nf this moat delicious and un ri vallo 1 con liment having caused many unprincipled dovtora Io pply tho nemo to Runout Compound?, Uio P\niuo lt .trptdfully and carnally requested to toe that Ina nemo if LEA AJ PI.mum sro upon the WRAPPER. LABEL, (TOPPER and BOTTLE Manufactured by LEA JU P Eal RI fl B. Worenler. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NBW -aTORK, AGENTS FOR TUE UNITED STATES. October 10 fmwlyr BARNWELL SENTINEL TS AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. LET I Marchants and bualnoaa mon try lt fora fow months. No rink uo gain." Send on your cards and Increase rour tr ado this fall. Tbere'e nothing to equal Printer's nk-lt has rn ad o many a fortune. Tonna for tho paper-ts per annum, In advance. Advertisements Inter tod at the rats of $1 per square ol wolvo Unos or loas for each InsorUon. Cards of ton Unca or less, at tho rate of $10 for throe. QOntbs. Contracts by tbs year or for six months, allowing priv lege of changing on moro favorable, terms. Address EDWARD A. BRONSON, Nnv.-irds-i U eui 11.r,.-. .nu .-rcum to> THE AIKEN PRESS [T >B PROPOSED TO PUBLIBU IN TUE TOWN OB Aiken, M. C., ? Weekly paper under the almeo title o bo devoted to 0 on ural Intelligence-Political, (Join norcia], Social, Literary, and Religious-with a Doper! noni of Agriculture, Including Ihn Field, tho Crehan, ho Vineyard, and tho Gardon. A News Summary, lr ?blain a dig?it of tho important events of tho wuk viii csxtrpy ap ntton of tho paper, and paitlcnlar alten lon will bo give a to the unsettled question of Labor, ru lest adapted to our now condlUon, and tho developmen >f tho rcsonrees of tho country tn Manufactures, Agrl, Frult-ralalng, and Vlno-growlog. Terms->3 s r~r, i-i ii-r-^ci > H. W. RAVEN EL, Eilitor W, D. K rax LAUD, Pubuaher, January n RAILROADS. DOUBLE DAILY ALL KAIL PASSENGER ROUTH BETWEEN ATLANTA AND SEW Chaliuiuo^n mid Uland Junction, TIIKOUUIl IN POHVY.MNS HOURS. mAAlXR LEAVE ATLANTA DAILY Al HUG A.M. AND JL 7:00 P.M., making closo connections at all points. Arriving tl Now Orleans at H I'll, anil 11:101A.M. ttyl'MamTllllrri by tra?na ul tm Georgia Railroad inako BavM couti actions willi Ibis rollo at Allanta. NO 8TEAMIIOATS OU OMNIIU8KM ON THIS HOUTE. FJJEOAJITSLEEPINOCOAIJTESON ALL NI' ?H I' THAI NS. DAQOAOE CHECKED TH KOL'IIIL KAHK AS LOW AS HY ANY OTIIlll BOOTE. THROUGH: TICKKIS RODD UNTILUSED. Ctn bo obtained at Genera] Ticiel om r, Atlanta, Ila., Gool illa Ilallrooil, Augusta, (la.; South Carolina Itailroail. Charleston, S. C.;South Carolin:. Ilallroail. Columbia, H. C. JOHN II. PECK, Mader Transportation. July 13 3u o Western anil Alluutiu Railroad. MACHINE SHOPS. December IS WILLIAM S. HENEREY, MAMU INDI til MIHI!. No. 3U Hooting street, |NKAli LIMO.) CHARLESTOM, S. <J MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES. HOII.KRS anil MAIMIINKRY, Saw Milln. Corn Mills, Horno Powers. Vritlcaland Horizontal Silbar Mills, Cotton Seotl Crushers, McCarthy Cotton (lins, ami all kinds In"* a?i.i Dross Castings, lo older. ,.,.ril lia llislufinio JOHN r. TA Y I.on. IA M HS HA lt KLEY. IRON \v ^ % Clmrlcston, S. C. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO PKOPR1ETOBS, Engineers, boilermakers, FOUNDERS, ETC., ARE mr.PA ULT) TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR 1IIOI1 and LOW PRESSURE, POHTA1ILE an STATIONERY STEAM ENGINES anil niHLEILS, RIC THRASHERS (from now patterns, willi oil tho modem Improvements), STEAM SAW MILLS, fte., Ac. WINGS IN IKON AND BRASS l*rumptly atluudcd lo with neatness and dispatch. Repairs to Marine timi other Work, Shall receive special altonUon. FOR SALE-Ono ll-horso po? cr ? IRA ll ENGINE, nearly now; sorcral now and sccoud-li nd i, <; lo I!, horse power. ALSO, CONSTANTLY IN,C0UHSK OF CONSTRUCTION, 10, 12 und 20 Horse Power Steam Engines. Do" All Orders for REPAIRS or NEW WORE sbaU rc ccivo our prom pt and careful attcntlou. JiMIN F. TAYLOR & CO. May ll limo ASTROLOGY. uni. Ililli WORLD. ASTONISHED AT TUE tVOSDl.?l't'I, REVELATIONS MADE BY Till: (1 Kl",AT ASTROLOGIST, Madame II. A. PKRItiaO. SHE REVALH SECRETS NO MORTAL EV Ell KNEW. Sha restores to happiness thoso who, from dole)ul II vents, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and mends, loss of roouoy, &c, have bocoiuo tlospoudcuL Bho brings togcUicr thoso long separated, (-ives iulorma- | Hon coucunilug absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolon properly, tells you tho business you aro best iiualifltd to pursue and lu what you will be moat success, ml. causes speedy marriages, und tells you Ibo very day rcu wiU marry, give* ycu tho names, likeness and char? acteristics of tho persou. Silo reads your very thoughts, and by ber almost supernatural powers, uuvolis thu dark ind hidden mysteries ol tliolulurc. From tho stars we tee in tho Armament-tho ntaleUc stars thal overcome oi pr ? dominum In tho cooflcpirutlon-irani tho aspects and positions of the planets sud tholixodstars in thu heavens it Ibu Hmo ot blrib, ahu deduces tho futuro desliuy r,( man. lall not to consult tho ur cate, t Astrologist ou barth. It costa you bula trille, audyou may never again Uavo so fAVorabloBU opportunity, ConsulUitlnu foo, with likeness and all desired IntonuaUon, tl. J.*iu Ucs living it a distance cm consult tho Mad anio by mail with .apia', safely and satisfaction to themselves, os If in persou. A Tull and explicit chart, written cut, willi all inquiries Jr iwcrod and likeness enclosed, sent by mall on recolnt >. price above mcuUuuod. Tho strictest seensy will Ka maintained, and all corrcspoadcncu returned or destr y 3d. Ileferenccsor tho highett order furnished thoso .n orion them. Wr ito plainly thu day of thu month J na j-car lu which you were born, enduring a sui jil loo. ot MADAME II. A. PKRRIOO, P. O. DitAwr.r. ?}.>?>. nurraLo, N. Y. __>T IM HI.M MU It IK. OFPIOE OF CITY TREASURY, 1 January tl, iw.7. PHUI.IC NOTICE U H Kltr.ltY GIVEN THAT UNDfclt Ibo following Ordlnanco licenses havubuon prupami Tor delivery tn on Ulla Ofllce. H. THOMAS. Olly Tniaursr. RFC. 1. tie it Ordained by the Mayor and AUIermenii: ?ity Councilatieiubled. That from'ami after thc drat dey sf January, licenses shall be taken oui for all caria, dray ind wagons, used for private and domestic purposes, ir. tho asmo manner, and according to tho unto provision, now of forco lu relation lo carts, drays and wagous, lotoi fri ven for him, except giving hoods. And each stiel, ?arr. dray ur wagon, shall bu prrvlded with a lu.leo ccu laltiliig tuc number thereof, and marked Printe, lo ur placed on the outside of ilia shaft, . Seo. 3. Nu person nindi bo taken by the Treasurer tr lurcty to any bond under the Ordinance conc.rtdng ll censes for carls, drays, wagons and othor car runes, ?n? icas bo or abo bo a freeholder. Seo. 3. Tho follow!ng shill hereafter ho the raba lot licenses for public sud pr?vala carts, drays, waguin, tte . ti lodi OK tho horses or inuits used thereof, whltb stir ll no freo from oilier taxation: cunMC CAiiTB, nnaya, inc., on moat: I:IH I/ITII> in AM nUSJNESH WHATKVKC, l on Hine. tllRECT OH IWOIIECT. For every cart, dray or wagon, drawu by ono horse ct mule, 130. For every carl, dray or wagon, drawn by two hiracaor mules, 130. For every hack end carriego with two wheels, lin. For every back and carri ago with four wheels, IT'. For every stage or oranlliua (oxcept Uno minibus with two hartos, ISO. For OTOry stag* or omnibus (incept Uno omnibus, lrawn by four horse?, 100, For every truck drawn ny Iwo or moro horses ormnles, Ka For cvory express wagon drawn by two or morouorst f ar mules, too. ruutAD ai a TS AND TOIVAVS CAATS, DIIATS, ETC Tor every bread cart or wagon, IS. For ovory cart, dray or wagon, used for privateer do. mesUc purposes, and not tn be employed in thelraos porting nf goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, o' any albor commodity, for compensation, ellbor. dlrorly or indirectly for Ibo same, shall pay fr.r .. ll cc uso tho sam ol IS, exclusive of tho horse or mulo. Ratified In Olly Council, Uds 10th day of Jamary, (us.) In the year of our Lord one thousand eight Imo drud and sixty-six. , P. 0. GAI I.LA HD, Major. Dy tho Mayor. January 3_W. fJ. SMITH, Clerk of Contri!. NUT1CB. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL,-TUE FOLLO\M NO clanto of section 1 of an "Ordlnanco to Raise Sup? plies (or theyoir 1B07," la pnbllshrd for tho infunoitlon af persons selling Ooodt by sample or otherwise, ? ID arv not realdonta of this city. All tuoh persons aro hereby no tl liest (o report st this office. "Three dollars on cvory hundred dollars of all gaodt told In this city t >oat not residen ts, by sam e." ca otherwise." W. IL SMITH, March A_Clerk of Coane I THE SUMTER NEWS,. DARR A OBTEEN, rropriotora. PUnLIHTJED EVERY TRTJRHDAY, AT HU ?IT EH. KC. Subscription 14.00 per annum. To tlliiba nf fnu t?.00 uer annum., ' Advertsetnonts laser to.1 on liberal (rroor, Dooembor? CLOTHING. N G. PA UK EU, I- A X H I? A II K K It k 0 II 11. D', DKALEn Itt ULi'THINU, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS L'UHNlSlIIXa GOOD; June ll Ni>. I03KABT HAY. Hi WW ! ,ul\o' ! AT IYo. 218 KING STREET. WE OEFER FRO? THIS DAY OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF YOUTH'S ANO BOY;,' HUMMER CLOTHING at COST. KIMO. Homo SUITS ur Flannel ami Mellon Cloths, slightly damaged, at U K. Utan Itali ul original com i f:i ?.or Huit). They range lu alzo I rum i to 111 years ol agc. AUTO, Tho balance of 0< ntlrnicii'H SPKINU AND SUMMER CLOTH I.NO, at Cost t'rl-cs. O? . full carly ami maku your eclcctlous. UEO. LITTLE c. CO., Nu. Ula KINO STREET. JJ" Remember tho Store. M . i". July 24 CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OK mm tiMm, WHIt'II WE WU.I. OFFER FOR FIFTEEN DAYS AT COST AND UNDER, TO MAKE PREPARATION FOR OUR FAUL STOCK. LINEN SACKS.?1.97. ?3.00 nml 13.00 l'.iN?N ?2.00 FLANNEL SACKS AND PANTS...Sl.BOoud ?2 00 CHECK LINEN SUITS-SACKS, PANTS AND *. VESTS.Kt. 00 WHITE DI CK SACKS AND PANTS.?8.00 BLACK ALPACA SACKS.IAIK?. f 1.00 omi ?1.00 BLACK ALPACA PANTS (good article).?3.00 Tim above Uouils aro our own make, anti wo warrant them i '?iul to tho liest custom work. 0. E. & A. S. .JOHNSON, No. Ul? KIM; kjTHHfST, July 20 fituthlS OPPOSITE SOCIETY ST. GREAT REDUCTION IN AT No. 219 KING STREET, One door south Market street. 20 PEU CENT. DISCOUNT. NOW LS THE TIME TO BUY THE BEST QUALITY OF M j : N'S AND YOUTHS' SEASONABLE CLOTHING EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY, WITH A LARGE LOT OF THE CELEBRATED STAU BUA ND SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. - ? Having perfected arrangomonta with my Manu lacturcra, I am ablo to aell tho ontiro STOCK at tho above discount. Frico of each ARTICLE marked in plain figures. WM. minmi Agent. B. M. McTUREOUS, Sup't "July 25 Imo AN ORIUXAM-E ro raovinE ron TUE MQUIBATIOH OP ina nenuttar ON nu: uKirr ol' un: CITY wnrcu a connan SOTU DAT or JUNE I.AKT. Be it ordained bu the ilayor and Aldermen m City Council nttrmUrd, T hat for tho purpose of llqnhlaUng ho Interest en Ibo public debt or Ibo city, wbleb accrued in tho 30th day ol Juno leal. Six Per Cent. Stock, obliga ory utf tho Corporation of the elly or Charleston, shall io bumed, under the direction of tho Mover, lo tho fier? ions balding Stocka or Six Por CeuL Bonds of Ibo city, ind ouUtled to receive tho Intercut accrued thereon at ho tlino abovo staled. Ibo said Stock lo bear Interest ifler tho ralo of six percent per annum, payablo quer? erla, redcemablo In thirty years from date: I'rorided, hal no part nf said Block shall bo Issued for my sum lesa Uian twenty dol?ais, or for any raclloual pert of n dollar, Proridtd, alto, hat all suma for Inas than twenty dollar* and lor trJC Ional |>arla or a dollar el tall bo paid in city billa. And, meid"! farther, that any person bona fide holding Hock, or Six Per Cont, liomin on sold 30th day or June, ipon which lutcrept bas accrued, shall'havo the privilege in Ul tlie let day nf Boploinbor nott erl discount) i g such ntereal, or any part thereof, against taxes duo by him to he city on aald 30th of Juno, and may roce ive any bal moe In hie favor In city billi or new atock, according to ho amount thereof, In manner aforesaid. Bf.onoN 2. That ibo form of certificate? and modo of rsnsfor of aald ?took shall bo subject to the asme Tgu'.aUoni aa now exist In relation to other 81x Per . oat Stocks ol tho city. Halloed In City donnell this tenth day of July, In the rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ilxty seven. In. a] P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. \V. H. Sunn, Clerk, of Council. Jnly 16_ Imo TO TAX I'AYERHi FIE FOLLOWINO ORDINANCE LS PUBLISHED for Uro Information of all peraona concerned : IN onnmaxoc TO ismu AN onntxaitca TO minx sur rzjEs von TH? TEAK 1807, ann pon muan marom*. I. Re lt oldened by tho Mayor and Aldermen iu Cit/ "ouncll assembled, That all taxes parable ondor tho Or llnanco le raise supplies for the year 1B07, and for othor mrposos, be pal 1 on or before the 2-Jth day of Jeno next : ind that persons who sheU mako default of payment ol heir taxes on that day, snell pay, lu addition to the imounl of their laxo*, ono and a half per cent, per nontU until tho Birt day of July, whoo, il not paid, an imount of two pori eenL per month upon tho amount >rtaics iban be paidt and ?dor tho Slat day of August tiree por oonU per mouth ot tboemcuntof taxes due iball be paid until payment ol Ibo wholo amount ls made. II. nial all persons who ncgloct or faU to pay their Tiontbly taxes on or before the bacon tb day of each nonth, ?hall respoctlvcly pay on tho amounts thorcof, wo per caul per month from such fifteen th day, until laymen! bl made. llaUftcd In City Council thia seventh dav of May, in the year of cur Lord ene thousand eight hundred and ahttg savon, lu a.] P. O. O AILLA III), Mayor. W. H. 8lirra, Clerk of Council. 3mo May U AUCTION 8ALES. UNITED STATES M AHSII A L'S SALE. BOUTU CAROLINA DISTRICT. Nullum Zanantkij ea. ?fy/lin .f- '?anansky. BY MCKAY & CAMPBELL, ?Hill Auctioneer*. Uy virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa. to mo directed, from tito Honorable tho Jinlgu or tho Dlnlrlct Court of .South Carolina, In tito abor? cane. I will e xj -j.. for mle at public aiicilou, nt lite well knowu nloro southeast cor ncr ?f Killi! un i Wentworth streets, ).< thu City ol CbnrlcMun, cuinnriiciiig on MONDAY, July 'Jilt h limb, ol lu o'clock. A. M., . THE LNTIHE CON I KN TB OK SAID HHY tIOOH? STOKE. ' ".ii rn i UM . : FANCY DREM) OOO!)*, French Merino*. sllkH ll lack and Colored Alpaca*. Kmprcsn chillis, Delaine*. Callous, Ar., Ar. lni|iortiil While Hood*, vir.: Linen* and Mncn I.aa un Tallie Linen, Pillow Cawing, Sheeting, Tu* oiling Crash, Ac, Ac. ALKO, JACONElH, llbiboii La wraf, Organdie, Ac. Ac. HOSIKKY. Ladles, Misses and 'lento' HOSK ami HALF HOSE. MJsu, Kid. Llslo Tb road. Clolh ami oilier CLOVES, of Km;. Hali, French and Ocrmau manufacture. ALKO. OLOTUf, Casslmcrcn, Tweed?, SaUuetp, Jean*. Ac. AI.HO. Kronrli llroclio, Merino and Woollen SHAWLS. Ijulii ?' Cloak H, comprising Mosques mid Sack", lu silk, lltack and Fancy Clothii, FlanuclH, wliltoand colored. A usn. Pf IM LS TIC'S, comprising Unna ii Hoiucs|>un, Lo**u> clolhH, sin , lin,,', Striped Osnabllrgs, Denium, Muse)*, Ac., Ac. ALSO, A larne and choteo assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS KlbboiiH. EmbrolderleH, HOIHIH, Scarf*. Nubian. Necktlcn, HilkfH.. Dru** Triuiiuli g*. Ac, Ar. Catalogue* nn Satiirnay, 27th hud., can bu hail of Mc? Kay A Campbell, Auction, o?a. N". Un M.i Inn: street, and at ?toro un mm nun; of sale. Terms cash. J. P. M. EPI'INO, U. S. Marshal. Du Augusta Constitutionalist, Savannah ltepublicaii, Columbia I'hienlx. cup) on Friday, 'JUtli inst., and send bill lo Nfcw*. July JJ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILLUM 0. GILLIL?SD & SOX, "-..i voltio Agents, Auctioneers AND COMMISSION iff KROKANTS, OFFICE NO. ntl UAYNE STKEET. tVttdomUir :? WILLIS & CH ISO Lil, FACTORS, COMMISSrnX MBKCI??XTS, AND . SHIPPING AGENT S. WI LI. A I TEN l) TO THE PURCHASE, SALK AMD SUI I MUNT (to Foreiim mid Domestic Portal ul COI TON. Kit E. LUMUKU A N D NA VAL KTOitEH. ATLANTIC UT IA lt I.\ Cliarlcslon. S. C. E. VILLI*.A. lt. CHISOI.M October 7* _HOTELS. PAVILION HOTEL. A FINK LUNCH S c v v e tl E v ? v v I > ix y , FROM ll TU l'A l-'i O'CLOCK. Juno G S. SWANDALE, PBOPntBTOR CK TUR Mansion House, OIIEK.WILLK, H. C. June H ST.^?iWES HOTEL, NEW ORLEANS. " PROPnrEToits : WM. A. HURD.or New Orleans. W. V. ('ORRERY.Ot Spottswood Hotel. Richmond Telegraph and Railroad OQICCB in Holl?nelo nf Hotel. Juno 17 Cmo STie V liss HOUSE, Nos. ?1. '?ll, le? AMI ?7 broadway, N. ?.. opposite Howling tireen-'. u tho European Plan.-TUE STEVENS IIOUSK is well ami widely known to tho travelling public, 'l im location 1M CS IKHtUiUy suitable to merchante, nnd business men; it in lu clono proximity to tho business part of tho city-i* on th-highway of Southern nod Wooten! travel-and adj a cent to all tho pnnclpel Railroad and Steamboat depot* Tim Ns HOLHI: hos liberal accommodatiui: for over SOO Kurala-lt ls well furnished, and pos*i*uu'.* every moilern improvement for tho ? on .?'ort and entertainment of Ka inmates. Tho rooms aro spadoni! anti well vcutt* tated-provided with gas and water-the attendance ls prompt and respectful-and tho table is generously pro? vided with every delicacy of tho season at mod?ralo ralos. Tho roo m a having boen rtfurflSsh e< l and remodeled, wo aro ona!' *dto otTur extra faclUtlca for tho comioit and pleasure "f our guests. UEO. K. CHASE A CO., May 28 Gmo ? Proprietors. WHITE SULPHUR sruiM.s. CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THU PROPRIETORS OF THIS CEI.ERRATED WATERING PLACE, having gonn to great expense since tho last ?nanon, in eh un ging tho position of and re? pairing tho COTTAGES, grading tho Walks and erecting now nutldlngs, together with many other improvements, will open TUESPRINUS for tho roccpUon ol visitor* ou Saturdav, June 1st, 18G7. Being situated In Ihn northwestern part of tho Slate, In a country remarkable for lt* bcautty and healthful, nc**, these, together with Ibo virtue* ol Ibo Waters, make it ono af tho most dcslreblo WATERINO PLACES in the country. THE MINETIAL WATERS Of THE sritl NOS aro the White amt Rino Sulphur, and chalybeate, snd they |io*ee*a nil I ie liin .it qualities of these waters, and oro sovereign remedie* fur nil disease* of tba I.I VLit. BOWELS. STOMACH and KIDNEYS. THE SPR1NOS aro accoaslblc by any af tho road* load lug to Salisbury, N. C.. aud at thal |K>int tho Western North Carolina will convey visitor* to Hickory Station, at which place conveyances are always In attend? ance tn take thom to THE SPRINOS. Dr. WHITE, or tho Medical College of Virginia, will bo at TUE SPRINOS tho entire Season, and invalids may roly upon good attention. Having again secured tho services ol Mrs. WRENN, sud modo ampio arrangement* for keeping a "OOOD TADLE, and Ibo best Wino*, Liquor* and Sugars, aud having engaged Smith'* Baud for he Season, wo safely promise to sll every convenience for pleasure, comfort and amusement thst may bu desired. DIIAltD I'll I' MONTI!.Stol Oil IIOAHU ?M.u u I I Iv. is OB lt!) A Itt) PER DAV. .'IO? Children nailer 7 year? of age anil Her? vanta flair Price. J. GOLDEN WYATT & CO., , PROPRIETORS. May 30_2nio :. KRAUSHAAR. ?. Go. m acoer atntrfO U II A in D ARD BQD1B1 PIANO-FORTES Fall Iron Frame and 0 vars tran (? Baw MAEUFAOTORY AMD W A RBnoUHl ?ex. 19 West nonston-atruat. NBA? BROADWAY, NEW YORK. rHX UND1EHIQNEO, MEM UK IUI OF THF FIRM Ot lt UAUflH A A n A CO., ara practical piano maken and aa sncb have had a large experience In connectas! with soma 01 tnt beat Establishments tn thia cenntr) and Europe. Their I lan os are made not m array rei them, bet ty them, ai d nuder their Immediate personal saparvudon, ami they allow no tr atrium to leave tbtb r.erury and pass Into tbs banda of their patrons, tin le si they have a power, er eran ess, 0 rameas and roundness o lona, an elasticity of touch-without which no lustro nant ought to be satisfactory to the public-aa wall a that durability In construction, which ?neb?es U to rs nain la tu * ead to withstand sadden changes ot lets tera tore and exposure to axcreme neat and cold, weld ire surestimes ruuvoidable. They will at all timos ba happy to see tba proftoalct and tba publie at their Woreroomo, and Inri lo comport ion between their own Plano? and those of any other Biara e. factory. ANTON KRAiranAAR..TOBIAH HAM? CHARLES J. BOH ON KM ANN. April M_ ?tTrHISRFJlR and MUS- ^Stt%. W TACHES forced to tf^f% grow upon tho smoothest Attflsf loco in from throo to five TJ_. _V weeks by oslng Dr. HEVK1- 2f?S NH'H RESTAURATEUR CAPILLAIRE, tho moat ?dMpliKav? wonderful discovery In mo- ^ajOt?"*^ darn science, acting upon hoard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It isa boori used by tho elite of Pari* and London with thc noel nattering success. Names of all purchasers will >o regis tercel, ami If entire satlsfaetJou la not given in ivory instance, the monoy wdl bo cheerfully refunded. :*rico by mall, scaled and postpaid, tl. Descriptivo cir niara and testimonials malled freo. Address HERO Ell, HlaOTI A CO., Chemists, No. 284 River eire*I Troy, N. f., Hole Agenta for the United Htato* March 30 iy 3HERAW ADVERTISER, DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, SCTENOTi ART. AORICULTURE, and MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Iheraw, ft. a Publlahod weekly, byW. L. T. PRINCh too. . TCHaU or sruncHir-riOM i Ino copy ono year.ft 00 Ino copy six months.,.1 00 )no copy three months.;.1 00 rive coplea ono yeer.IS 00 rara or aDvlsnrnrnto t roo Square, ten lino* or loss, drat St 'or oech ?rthsequenl Insertion. 1 00 AU Advtrtlaetnecte te be distinctly marked, or they rill bo pabUahed until ordered ont, and charged accord. ^ilerc.hxnt* and others advertising by Uia yeer, - liba. ?1 deduction on the ?bovc rale* will bu made, Noveril Mt IS AUCTION SALES. ?AI.K OK CJOVKHNMKNT I'llOPKKT Y. Will be sold ut publie auction on TIJKHDAY, July 30. I W.T. nt ll o'clock A. M., a lliu lillico of thc Uudcrelgn cd. Nu. C H.h. rn u hat I, Charleston, P. C., I (cine) IIUltKK. II (llirvc) Cart*. 3 (three) sets Cart liamena, i iTtii?-( 'null lu Government Kund?. I>ro]ier(y to ba removed Immediately after .ale. JAS. 1'. I .ow. . July -?l G Ureve} l.t. Col. auil A. Q. M, ItAKKKTT SCI I ll lt. Au noun i nml Co in ni I ?x lon Jltniiuni. nt .Vu. NU KIIIU ?Irrel, In low Iii omi atrrrl. D?fern ht? services tor thc a iii-of UEftUII AXDIME al iluy mil n?i;l a at bin Klori', also for lim Halo of .Stuck. Monds, It, al Kstalc. V.I?. Il< rues ami l'r<?litre, li. nt Ulljr nTem ICH will bo given. ConHiirumciits Miiieitesl. Tenni ni.i.lei.ile alni I'liarillili cs Hat I.fae! iou. July 1 Imo MISCELLANEOUS. -JD .DB I GU fcc, . DENTIST. KOOMN AT Ills ItlVIDT.Stir. NORTHWEST COU i M u ol Meelina ami Hndoly Httcvts. June l'J ic-('.inn fllllK SlIIIIINO ANIt COMMISSION IIUKINE8S i ?III for Hie |ir. tent lie larrleil en as IIHII.I hy tho und. rsm. I ul No. <H Kant Hay. ovi r tho Blore formerly occupied by UKAHI, UHI.MKY A co. All |NlfatMia liavlnu elaluiH must present tho name, ami those luilelitetl inillvidiiallv will make pal*, meut lo JOHN TUOHEY. July 'JU .11 Ml'Slltll'S. OFFICE CLERK OK coiiNi:ii"i July H. iv.;. I JUNK-SHOP KEKIBRH AM) TKUDI.I'.IH wno lune iliad.' a|i|.In atlon fur LICENSES are hereby iiotilieii I? report nt IIIIR ?nice Inniicilialc.y. W. ll. SMITH, In1, >a Clerk nf ( oiiurll. No. I I:\CKS. OFFICE C'l.ErtK OK COUNCIL. I July 21. is.,7. J ' I MK isl. PERSONS WHO M AUK APPLICATIONS IOU JL No. I MQUOlt LICENSE a n hereby iiotitletl to io [iori at Hil. oiine with their applications Ilium liatoly. W. II. SMITH, July '?1 Clerk of Council. H8TIMATKH WASTED. CITT I?AML WiVaX < IVII., 1 SEALED ESTIMATES KO ll Tlll?" tVi.JHGT- 1 Traitu M.. -i ,..",,.. u.,y w?u Im reeelvuil unUI thc lnl proximo, ami are III bo inna i.-i in llio COM.MITTKK ON STREETS, ami lo lu: Iel! at Hits Oilier, wm ,., j .laos ami KpeiilicalioiiH eau I?' heen. LOUIS J. HAItllOT, July 'JU City Civil I Inclin er. W I LL! A3? BROOKBANK**, " STKAH GAS I IT I I It AMI I'l.UMBKII( PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL OAS FIXTORKS. 0A?J Ki n INO ANP PLUM III NO PROMPTLY AT IKNDKH TO. Na IM KINO SITIKKT, Atutust at Uilwrou Hrunil aiMl oini-ii ?Irrel-'. FUN FOR ALL ! I.MILL INSTRUCTIONS ?V WHICH ANY PERSON. 1 mate or female, eau inanl< r tho ttreat arl ol Ven? triloquism li) n lew hoiirx' |iractlr.e, makin); a worltl ol fun. anil after liecmiiliig et]HTtA themselves, oatt leaeh others, thereby making lt n wmreo of Income. Kuli in? struction* sent by mall for Si) cents. Satisfaction ?gar? ante, ii. Address I*. O. Drawer -it. Troy, N. Y. Muy 111 _ lyr t *Y ?V., I ^%aaaaW ' November '?7 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR TILE MILLION ! ! [WILL SEND, POftT-PAID, CO PHOTOGRAPHS OK Hie most celebrad ii Actor? for St) cents; Sd Actresses lor KO cents; SO Utilou Generals lor 60 cents; SH Hebel Generals for SO rcntit;{Ki Statesmen fur 5U couts; BU hcau Uful young I-a.ll. a lor ?1 cents; E0 Hue-looking young Gentlemen for H catatar C 1 nr,? ? PhotogrupliM ol Kreuch Dancing Uni-, in eoHtituie, lieuiitifiilly coloriai, exactly au they ai>i>car, for SO cents; or for Si) cents, li ot tho moat I., aolnul I .nie s of tli,. l'arlslau Hallet Truiiim, ai they ii|i|ioar lu the play of tho black Crook, ot Niblo's tl arden, Now.York. Semi all ordors to P. O. "ox 177, Tr V. H- Y. May 13_lyr There coiuctli clad liding, of joy to all, To young and lo old, to gi eat and to small; The been ty which oueo was so precious and rare, Is freo for all, aud all may bu lair. Oy thc usc of CH ASTELL AR'S WHITE LIQUI D ENAMEL, For Improving and Unaudfyina tho Complexion, Tho most valuable anti perfect pronaraUon In uso, for giving tho skin a beautirul pearl like Hut, that Is only found lu youth. Il quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pim ptrs, Hintelns, Molli P itches, Hst own uss. Krup lions, aud all Impurities of lim akin, kindly healing Um samo leaving Uio skin white and clear an alabaster. Its uso cannot hu detected by thu closest scrutiny, and boiug a v. r.i tnt il, - rn parution is perfectly harmless. It ta tho only at ti. le of tho kind used hy Hm Prcuch, and la cou Hldered by tho l'arlslau aa Indispensable! tn a perfect toilet Upwards of 30,0110 botUca wcro sold during lim past year, a Hiilllcleul guarauiro of its cfllc&oy. Prlre only 10 cents. Kent Iry mail, pot'-iiaid. on reeolpt ol nu order, by Il ERO ER, sunns k CO., Chemists, .lab River HI., Troy, N. Y. Marrb 30._lyr ri 'in,ic NOTICE:. x Omer CLKIUC or COUNCIL, > May 1HH7. j Tho following Section of " An Ordinance to abolish Uto min ? i .? Slip rail.-ii.!? 'lil or Mr. ctn ? to provide for nn; tb.i streets, i jin n. Alloys, and opcu Courts In tho City of Charleston clean, anil for oilier purposes," ls hereby published for tho Information of all concerned : For the iluu protection of thu sold contractor or con? tractors, if ii furtkrr nr?ainetli That every ownur, lessee. <H ciipani and tenant or any premises fruuUng tn any ?tu et, lane, alley, or open court, Khali ou every day (Sundays exei-pUal) bavo Ibo dirt, tilth, gartinge, or oUier offal, placed lu front of lila or her lot, lu a barrel, box or heap, and In readiness for tho contractor, by tito hour of set en o'clock, A. M.. mun tho hist day ot May to Iho Hrsl day of November in every year ; and by tho hour of niuo o'clock, A. M., frc m tho first day of November to tho Ural day of May following. And any person offend? ing herein, or placing auy dirt, tilth, garbage, or other offal, hi any atreot, laur, or alloy, or opon court, aller tho hours abovo named, slisll bo subject to a fine not les. than two nor moro (han flvo dollars, for each aud every offence, to bo limioscd by tho Mayor. _ Dy order . W. n. SMITn. May is Clerk of Council. ?l.l)j:S?itilLfNlli:i) Dltlili STORE l?. II. KELLERS & CO., (I.ATK fins eu DOHM WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DRUGGIST?, No. 181 MEETING STREET, Thiftl door above jVIai'lcet HAVK LATELY RECEIVED LAflUE ADDITIONS IO their usual stock of pure and fresh DIIUOS . MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMEIUOAN FAMO? OOOD9 FINE SOAPH TOILET POWDER I POMADE* COMttTj i< ;i COM aa BBCMUCa EXTRACTS, Ac, CVmiprlalug Invoices from the most reputable manu, facturera. On hand, all tba principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES* Including Proparauons of A Y KU, JAYNK, HAIX, CHEV. ILTER, DAVIS, WU Kl HT, HOLLOWAY, sir. Oso, a arge assortment of ?0R0I0AL INsTIlUMKNTH mn SADDLE 0A0B MEDICINE omn G J, AH .S . lIETAL AND (ID ITA PERCHA tlOOIM GLASSWARE OF EVERY m'stJHII-TIliN, Great attention ls paid to tho lmportaUon and ??leo. lon of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, nd nono other aro altowod to go oui of the EaUblisb nout PRESCRIPTIONS compounded villi am'-aey, mid tho public-can lopend on tho ntmosl reliability lit .ho execution ?f ordors. UI.KELLERS,SI,?,.Il BAER,V.t>% March ?