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NttWS SUMMARY. From 65,000 to 100,000 pcroonB daily visit tbo French Exhibition. Tho victory ot Bador.a was commemorated July Sd, at Berlin and throughout Proxnia. Among tho toilet article* which tho Sultan has lirnusht with him into tho countries of IhoiufldolH la an immense tank of Nilo wator. Ilia hit?hnesB ia forbidden to bathe in any loss sacred water. The government of Cuba Ib about to forbid dis cussion of Mexican atTaira. A few Cubans got to gether lost week, and celebrated Iho death of , Maxijmm/n. Tin y toaatcd tbo Monroo Doclrino. A telogrsm from Paris says: "It is reported that the Nicbolai Railway has been sold by tho Russian Government to a private company for 300,000,000 fiance, to bo paid in throo years. Tho I .(union .Vor given currency to a rumor that James Goadon Beknett, Jr., of tho Now York Herald, iutenda (o bring out a daily paper In Lon don oro long. Our national product of bullion ia now abont SIOO.OO.'.OOO per annum?$20,000,000 from placer or gulch go?d digging!), and $80,000,000 from quartz mining. Nono of tho mombcre of tho senior clasa of Pilncoton College would accept tbo Joromo-gold modal, which was to bo givon to tho moat gonllo manly member of tho class. Tboy consider thom aolves all gentlemen. (leiicral tinast ha? ordorod tho arrest of lire vet Msjor-Gonoral 8. W. CnAwroBD for diaobedienco of orders in having failed to report to his regiment at LouisviUo, as required, by special ordern from tho hoadquartors of tho army. Tho young French Prince Imperial went, quite unexpectedly and attended only by bia tntor, to call on tho Sultan, and bo introduced to hiB young bo.1. -Tbo Snltan ia said to bavo been moro touch ed by this mark of confldonco and family inter course thon by any other attention and courtesy which boa been paid to him. Tho Paria Moniteur publishes an Imperial do cro3, preceded by a report nf the Minister of War, ordering tho abandonment of twenty-nino fortified poaitiona and works, and the suppression of all restrictions on honao and landed proportion within' the lines of fortifications of thirty-nine other forti fiod places. Tho latent wonder has "come to light," as a country paper oxprcsscs it, in Gloucester, Mass. Thoro ia in that town, it soema, a child of throo years old, who plays on the piano and molodeon and sings with marvollons skill and correctness, and ovon composes original music?nareory lyrics, wo may supposo?of her cwn. Tho San Francisco Bulletin learna that "Ihero arc now on Iho way to this Btato from China, 439 Chlnamon on board tho ship Free Trade, and 159 od Iho California, making a total of 898 disciples of CoNrrjcrna, worshippers of Buddha, consumera of opium, manipnlatora of chop-slicks, and burn era of m confie to Jobs. " Tho wheat crop in East Tonncasoo ia very largo. Tho Athena Press of tho 28th says : "Tho vast wheat crop of thii county baa protly gonorally ail bean harvested, and we aro pleased to state tho yield, bo fax as has been ascertained, has como np to tho expectations of the fariner. Wo nndorstand that parties hero are offering to ongago at f 1.60 per bushel. Tho NationalIntctiijencer saya tho Grand Coun cil of tho Independent Order of Good Templars, t a recent mootirfg, decided to suspend tho char ter of Parity Lodge. No. 12, which Iodgo was organ ized on Tuesday evening, with Oen. O. O. Howard Worthy Chief Templar. Tho reason for suspend ing the charter ia understood to havo been that it had boon officially slated by prominent members of tho now lodgo that it was their intontion to ad mit colored pooplo to membership. A Saratoga correspondent says that a burlesque advertisement waa posted in the Union Hotel, an nouncing, in tho etylo of tho great tobacco advor tiaor, that, "in order to overcome a natural preju dice against the use of haah, the proprietor will, on Monday, placo a two dollar and a half gold piece in a certain quantity of tho haah; on Tues day one-halt that amount in two pieces; on Wednesday one-third of that amount in throo piooea," and so on for a week. Much attention ia now being paid in tho in terior of Louiaiana to tho propagation of a now grass called tho Hungarian, which yields two tons to Iho acre on bottom lands. If ao, and it cqnala timothy, and it ia a sure crop, it is far better than cotton. Let cotton go to Egypt and Brazil, so wo raise our own stock, grow our own food, and mako Just enough of tho cotton or other such crops to reap tbo, fair and average por contago of farming profit. Then, and not till thon, will wo got rich. Aiwa B. Pxbktns, of Worcester, Msas., adminis tratrix of tho lato Captain W. B. ITmanra, has positioned Congress to withhold for the use of his estate $885,981, with interest, from tbo $7,200,000 to be paid for liaaka. During tho Crimean war llm.Bnaalarj Government ordorod of Captain Pan stkb, through its roprosontativca, large amounts of powder and of firearms, but when peace waa declared tboy refused to foot the bills. Hence this claim. Tho Council of tho Grand Chancclry of tho French Legion of Honor haa been convened for tho pnrposo of degrading Colonel Miouti. Lopez, the traitor who sold Queretaro and its defenders to tho Liberals. Lopez bad been appointed in tho Legion by Marshal Bazaxne, in consideration of his courageous deods in somo expeditions against the Liberals, and in the summer of 1805 tho Mar shal married Miss se la Pesa, a nicco by marriage of Colonel Lopez. Tho onormoua consumption of baked beans in Boston every Sabbath is illustrated by tho fart that one baker at the South End, who sells these edibles by ths quart, already cooked, disposed of no less than six baahels of bakod beans on Sun day morning, or about 200 quarts, at aixteon conta a quart, and this in a vicinity where cooking stoves aro abundant, and many pooplo bako their own beans. No wonder tbo sale of firecrackers ia pro hibited at tho bub. Tho London Times remarks": "Experience has probably shown that (general oaths of allegiance have proved utterly useless. In poacoxdl and pros perous times they aro not needed; In times of diffi culty and danger tboy are not obaorved. Europe, India and America have of lato furnished abun dant proof that oaths, aa a political socurity, whe ther tboy be taken by people to their rulers, or by rulers to their people, havo proved utterly ineffi cient. Bineo tho census df 1800, tho population of Wil mington haa largoly increased, and although many of her sons foil to rise no moro in the recent conflict, still it is fully aa doniely populated now as wai the case previous to the war. Some per sons estimate the; population oven to exceed that of tho period nbovo mentioned, but as there are no definite means of ascertaining tho fact, it ia a matter of moro surmise and conjecture. How ever, it is hardly probablo that it can bo anything leas than 15,000, and upon this ostimato all calcu lations aro baaed, although somo diversity of opinion exists regarding its correctness. According to tbo Surope, tho 5,000,000 francs which the Czar brought with him to Paris for tbo expense of bis visit were all epont, and ho bad to negotiate a amall loan with a Greek baker boforo he went away. Tbo czarowita alone got through 900,000 francs?Just the Bum which tho ball at tbo Hotel de Ville is said to bavo coat. Tbo King of Prussia waa far moro economical. Ho only gavo tbo prince royal, tho conqueror of Badowa, 80,000 franca pocket monoy for tho whole period ot his sojourn in Paris, and as to himself he spent "noth ing." But then tho Prussian budget ia in a healthy state. A correspondent of tbo Memphis Appeal hau Just rot urn od from a tour through Mississippi. His report is, in brier, that the farmers of North Mis sissippi havo dovotod lb reo-fourths of their land to brcadstuffi), and that tho crop promises to be large; that tho cotton looks healthy, but ouffora for lack of (be boo ; th at in tho neighborhood of Jack son tho planters omploy Gorman laborers almost exclusively, and aro delighted with tho ehango; and that in Central and South Mtaaiaaippi corn has had the lion's sbaro of attention, although cotton and oats bavo boon largoly cultivated and aro look ing well. A circular has boon issued by Hon. Gebbtt Ruit?, in which bo controverts tho positions of Chief Justice Chare upon questions or constitu tional law, denying that tho lato war was prose cuted unfer authority of tho Constitution of the United States, and claiming, on tho contrary, that it was earned on by Oongroas In accordance with tho laws of war, and that tho vanquished party is not in any sense legally obargoablo with treason. Ho regards tho soloctlon of loaders for purdahmont under tho chargo of treason as "better suited to feudal times than to our own, and to a despot rnlod country than to our own." Ho says that if oar Revolutionary fathois bad failed, and Wash ington and FftAMKiJs been hung for treason at tho close of tho civil war, tho opinion of the Chief Justice would cover and Justify the hoavon-appall lug deed. Mr. Surra bases his argument not only on the ploa of Justice, bat fears that a porotsUnoo In the rigorous policy marked out by Chief Justice Chase will entail tho dissolution of tho Republican party. OUltRlSNT TOPICS. Tub Wagiiino.on oonansroxDENT of tho Now York Hcratit glvca llio following startling pioco of nows: "During tho last fow days a now movement hou coiiio to light, which hoe for itu ohlcct tho an nexation of .Mexico to tho United States. Tho facts concerning it nro as follows: it seems that a Mr. AnnoTT, brother of tho historinn J. S. C. Anno rr, hau been engaged Tor two years past in planning and maturing a srlicmo for tho acquisi tion of tho nor'hern tier of Mexican States with a view ultimately to tho nbsorblioii of tho whulo of Mexico. Ho has travelled extotiHivcly through that country, put himself in communication with its leading men, including Juarez, aud niatlu over tures to thorn, with tho tacit sanction or promi nent parties in tho United Hinten. Until lately he mot with but litllo eucouranouiciit in Mexico. Hinco tho capturo and oxccutijil of M w, however, his propositions havo heon moro fnvora blo considcroJ. A fow days ago Mr. Ajjdott suc ceeded in getting together a iiunihor uf prominent Senators and Iloprcsontativcs. Jo whom ho mado a Btatomcnt of his labors anddj?bHpocIs. Tl. meet ing was held in tho Vice-President's room at tho capital. There wcro present Senators Waue,Svu nlu, Cuandleii, Nyf., Howauo, Ramsay, Cole, anil Ropp/sont&liveg Bankh, Dutlaji, ar.d a few others of lessor note. Mr. Anr.orr ,i;ivo a dotailcd ac count of bis plans, and laid before them maps and surveys ot tho territory proposed tu bo annexed lo Urn Uni toil States. Ho stated that b'uico tha suc coes of tho Liberals thoro wcro foars cntortaincd by Iho leading men of Moxico of a new invasion of that country by tho European powcra, who wero enraged at the death of Maximilian, and also of a Crash ropolition of tho intoslino strifes which havo torn tbo republic for so many years. Under these circumstances, Juabez and tbo bottor chtBs of Moxican loadors entertain serious propositions of placing Mexico undor tbo protection or the United Nt-itcn on cortain conditions, tho most vital ol which is that tboy shall t e taken caro of in tho way of sosuring good positions in their native country. Abbott urged that our Government should onlor Into negotiation with Ju.uir.z, aiid improve tho opportunity to aonox Mexico to tho Union. Ha expatiated upon tbo immense ad vantages it would secure to us commercially, and 1 in a territorial point of vinw. Tho Senators and Representatives present listened to him attentive ly for nearly an hour, witon oach ono gave his viows on the subject." "Tut Divine Couedt," says a North American loviower, speaking of Lohofexxow'o version, "is not a book to bo popular, in tho Bamo sense as tbo Lady of tbo Lako, tho Idyls of tho King, or Evan golino. Without study and without Insight,.no ono can roap tho doh'nht and instruction which tho poem o" 'tb to him who is qualifiod to enter into its spirit. 'But to ono who baa fitted himself by study, and v.! jbo naturo onablos bira to roap tho profit of his toil, Mr. Lonofellow's vorsion will bo tbo moans by which, while ignorant of tbo langnago of tho original, ho may ontor into and tako possession as his own of ono of those raro works of genius which shsro with naturo herself in tho power to administer vital nulrin ont to tho spirit of man, and to afford continual delight adapted to his various moods. Dante did not write to pltaso alono, but to instruct and lo help as woU; and in spilo of cbango of time, and cir cumstance, and thonght, his poem romains, and will remain, of tbo highest ucrvico to tho bigbost men. In rendering tbo substanco of Dante'b poem, Mr. Lokofellow baa Buccocded in giving nlao?bo far as art and genius could givo it?tho. spirit of Ditrrx's poetry. Fitted for tbo work as fow men ovor wero, by gifts of naturo, by sympa thy, by an unrivalod faculty of poetic appreciation, and by long and thorough culture, ho has brought his matured powers in thoir full vigor, to its per formance, and has produced an incomparable, translation?a poem that will tako rank among tho groat English poems. With tbo inorcoso of gen eral cultivation his work will bo raoro and moro highly prized; and it runs no nsk of being super seded or supplanted by any moro successful aobiovomont for which it must itsolf havo pro pared the way. It is a lasting addition to tho choicest works of our liloraturo." Ths Pabis oonnxspoNDENT of tlio London Kar, writing of tho Exhibition, says: Tho educational movoment inaugurated by M. Drmoi has already proved highly successful, inasmuch as it has led to tho following startling result, namely: that in lea h than two years tho adult educational estab lishments of Franco roso from 5623 to 28,5*G, there by creating an augmentation of GOO,000 voluntary pupils. Thanks to his porsovering ofibrts, thoro aro now 8000 bbraries in tho oomrnnnea of this country, which lend out 600,000 books per annum. A promenade through classes 89 and 00 will thor oughly initiale tho reader into tho present state of public education of tho wholo universe Ho will theto be able to study and compare tho different apparatus and methods, iUuslratod publications, treatises, atlases, globes, gymnastio games, Ac., employed for tho instruction of the rising genera tion. Among the moat noteworthy improvements introduced in tho printing and bookselling trades sinco tho last great Exhibition, must bo montioncd the varioty as well as clearness of tho types em ployed: iho prpgross realized in stereotyping, by means of tho galvano-plastic process, tho employ ment of paniconographic etorootypo plates, and above all, iho cheapness of tho impressions by tbo introduction of improved printing prcssoa driven by steam. In tho French department, ono natur ally resorts to Cnniieu, Fuhne, Pl?n, and tho Im perial Printing ODlcc, for tho best specimens of typo, vignettes and ornaments. In Belgium ono admires Gi.veiieyn'b cbromo-lilbographs, Vandeji ahweha'b old Elzy virian typo and armorial bear ings; also Van Dooshklaeiie's. genealogical charts and specimens of old printing. PruBBia awakes Iho enpidity of tho passant by its epocimons of paper money and promissory notes. Fuou tub Whkk.i.iko Intelligencer wo copy the following : "Rev. Abut Stevens, well known throughout West Virginia as Methodist minister, now a toachor at Point Pleasant, has invented a clock which may justly bo rank od among tho re markable inventions of the times. It is not, accu rately speaking, a clock, but an attachment which may bo joined to any clock. It calculates, with sciontifio precision, tho rising and sotting of the sun, moon and stars, Shows tho changes in tho moon, and calculates all tho eclipses. It shows tbo right ascension and doclonaion of the stars, the place of tho sun or moon in tho zodiac, and in what constellation, with many other of tbo celes tial phenomena, Thus it will do for ono bundled years to oomo. At tho end of that timo it would have to bo stopped, so as to lose a day to mako the calculation correct for tho next ono hundred years ?a necessity growing out of the fact, understood by scientific mon, that calendar timo does not ab solutely correspond with actual tima, so that in a century tho former gains a day. Prof osa or Warnt, 8tato Superintendent of 8:hooln, who has scon Mr. Stetemb's invention, and la familiar with its details, says it will do all wo havo rrontioned, and much moro. It is, howovor, exceedingly simple in its construction, and easily understood. Mr. Stevens, who Booms lo have a genius for mechinicB, mado this contrivance throughout with his own banda. Ho calls it an 'astronomical clock,' and intonds claiming a palont for it." Tax roLLowiHo omciAL statistics show the dis tribution of profesaloob and trades in Italy: -The Cathollo clergy in tho peninsula comprise 101,133 individuals, being seven for every thousand in habitants. But in Umbria tho proportion is four toon per thousand, tho suppression of convonls and salo of ecclesiastical property at tho com mencement of tho present century not having boon effected In that province, an it was in tbo thou Fronoh departments of tho Tiber and Trashnonp. Other creeds than tho Ronan Cathollo ono do not comprise in Italy moro than 8293 persons. Agri culture provides work for 4,8G9,G25 mon and 2,839, 210 women, or 7,706,830 in lividuuls in all, boiog about ono-tbird of tho population. In this num ber, however, aro counted 231,770 males and 42,731 fomalos, who aro. ongagod in pastoral pursuits. The number of persons of both scxea ongagod in manufactures is 8,072,215, viz: 1,979,606 males and 1,692,710 females; thoro aro 66,651 men omployod in mining, and 024,133 In commerce. Tho number of artists is 631,485, of whom 404,722 aro mon and 12S.7G3 aro women. Then aro 180,597 function arios, including G354 womon. Tho army aud polico form an aggregate of 210,000 mon; thoro are be sides 601,437 landed proprietors, of whom 257,107 aro fomalos; 160,077 men servants, and 813,197 maid aorvanta; tho indigent amount to 905,835; and persona belonging to none of tho above cbisscs to 7,850,674. Im 1823 Loud John Rubszix, in a epooch in Par liament, uttered lamontatlons ovor England's humiliation at being doomed to vrltneca the for feiture of the commanding position which aho had formerly bold among the nations of Europe. In tho course of his spooch, ho quo tod tho following linos of Addison, the aenao of vrh i ch h o pronounced bottor than the poetry : "Tis Britain's cars to watch o'er Kiropo'a fate, And hold In balance each contending slate; To threaten bold, presumptuous kings with war. And answer each afflicted neighbor's prayer." Lariikmt Circulation.? The. Daily i ISjj.wh publishes the O?irial Liitt of Let- 1 remaining in the Pottoffire. at the md an each week, agreeably to the following station of the New Pottoffice Law, at the \ ncSotjia2>cr having the largest circulation in i thTVUjf of Charleston: HEcnoif 6. And bo it further enacted. That Uata cf let- 1 1er? remaining uncalled for In any Foatofflre In any city, , town or village, where a nowrpsper ahall bo printed, hall hereafter bo published once only lu tbo newspspor which, being published weekly or oftencr, shsll havo Uio largest circulation within raugo uf dcllrcry of tbo said safes sTsT* Ail communications mtcnactl for publication in OklA journal must lie addressed to the Hhtor of the Dai'y News, No. 18 llaync-slrcct, Cltarleslon, S. 0. llur.ncss communications '.o Publisher of Daily News. Wecannot undertake to re'.- 1 n rejected communica tions. Advertisements outside of the city must be accompa nied with the cash. CHARLESTON. MONDAY MORNINO, JULY 23, 1867. Jon Work.?Wo havo now completed our office so ns to oxecuto, in the shortest possible lime, ALL KINDS OF JOI? WORK, end wo most respectfully ask the patronage of our friends. THE BUAIID OH> REGISTRATION. In another column of our paper this morning will be found the appointments of Registers for the State of South Carolina. These appoint ments, we have every reason to believe, wore mado with great care nud circumspection, ns indeed may, in part, be inferred from the fact of their late announcement. Ocn. Sicklks, very wisoly, wo think, has delayed registration as long as he could ; and the second, we believe, i; Ihe only Military District where registration has not yet commenced. From the restrictions of the Act creating tho office, and from other obvious considerations, the judicious selection of Buitable men for these posts was attended with groat difficulty. Wo hope, however, that Ocn. Sickles, by dint of diligent inquiry and long deliberation has at last succeeded in appoint ing tho right men in the right place. MON. D. II. IIILI. H "SOTKH" AND h'PEKtil. The Hon. B. IT. UiLi., ono of Georgia's dis tinguished sons, wjjom in days gono by her people delighted to honor, during the last few weeks hns titillated the wholo realm of pnssiv ism by his "Notes on tho Situation," published, we believe, in the Augusta Chronicle and Senti nel. We do bot know how many of these "Notes" have been issued. We have Numbers 12 and 13 now lying before us, published in the Louisville Courier, whero they appear under a largo bending: "Splendid Scries of Patriotic Papers." And certainly they havo struck rt chord which vibrates extensively through the heart of Ihe South; otherwise they would not be so widely republishcd. It is easy at a time of strong popular excitement or deep feeling to make a great reputation for wisdom, patriotism and public virtue, by sim ply studying nnd pandering to popular prejudice. This is easy, wo say, requires no marked ability, and certainly is no test of moral courage. Wo have a right to expect something more from a lender of tho people. If he is worthy the confidence and high posi tion with which his fellow-citizens have en trusted him, he should be himself superior to prejudice, and endeavor to bring tho truth homo to the understandings of his constituents; the naked truth, as seen through the medium of sober fact and prnclicnl common sense. This Mr. Hill hns not done. On the contrary, ho ia running wilh tbo current, and sees his re ward in the popular plnudila which greet him nil around. We had expected otherwise of Mr. Hill. Wo knew that long before the close of the war, he bad lost faith in tbo success of the Confederate cause; wo gavo him credit for some foresight and practical good sense, and fully expected that ho would be ono of the first lo seek to heal the breaches between the two sections of the country, and that he would do ao by the only practical way, v?t; advising them to accept tho proffered conditions of those who nlonohadtbe power to diclato the terms on which our re admission into the Union should lake place. Instead of this, Mr. Hill writes a "splendid series of patriotic papcra," arguing ably, learnedly, eloquently, if you will, that Congress had no right to enact laws such ns, upon ex amination, he finds the Reconstruction Acts. This same fact is proclaimed in every one of tho "Notes" we bava seen. This is the sum and burden of tho "Notes." So again in his five column speech delivered in Atlanta July 10, 1807, ho rings the charges on tho uncon stitutionally of Ihe Acts of Congress. He opons in a very ambitious strain: "Human governments," he says, "like everything ehe, naturally tend to decay. They can only be preserved by constant watchfulness, courage, and adherence to correct principles. These remarks apply with unusual force to free gov ernments, which aro the most difficult of all to maintain." All very true, even though not altogether original. Dut while these general observation wonld be qnito appropriate in the mouth of an undergraduate speaking his "piece," Ihey come with bod grace from an old secessionist, who long ago made the discovery embodied in this exordium, and carried his "watchfulness, courage and adherence" to the verge'of counselling war. The floor of Con gress, before the war, was the place where these themes could bo properly discussed. Our rights under the Constitution could debated ad libitum. We were members of tbo Union, entitled, without a doubt or question, to the full enjoyment of all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. But the moment wo seceded and mado war against the United States, our relations to that instrument underwent a change. When delibe ration failed, and discussion was fruitless, we resorted to the ultima ratio?tho arbitrament of tho f word. In this also wo failed after a long and bloody struggle. What then? Shall wo now return again to those gladiatorial exhibi tions in tho constitutional amphitheatre? Mr. Hill seems to think this the proper course. To read his "Notes" ono would supposo there had been no war, or that he at least bad for gotten that there had been a war. Some of bis arguments are the same as we were in the habit of hearing daily in 18G0. Can it be that the distinguished ex-Senator haa becomo oblivious of the intervening period, and simply continues the argument he begun seven years ago? To show tho potcnoy of his reasoning we will adduce one of bis strong points. He says: "It is my business to support the Constitution, and my duty and pleasure to persuade others to do so. Some of you who favor the accep tance of tho Military Bills take an oath to this effect, and still intend to voto for a convention wbioh you admit to bo contrary to the Consti tution! How is this? If you have a con sotonoo I havo said enough. If you vote for the Constitution you are perjured I" Now this is of a piece with the entire long and labored argu ment. If the premise were granted, the oon slusion would bo inevitable. Grant that wo have not forfeited our rights under the Consti tution, and Mr. Hill is right, but in assuming this ground he begs the whole question. Pre cisely hero is the split. Mr. Hill, and others with him, persistently contend that we never became aliens or enemies, that we never for feited our constitutional rights ; tho war with them waa no more than a prolonged political discussion, that could not change the status of tho combatants. These postulates, however, ara not coneeded by the representatives of the people of the North. They con toad that when ws entered tho arena of war wo thereby not only voluntarily surrendered our rights under the Federal compact, and sought redress by s> lew mill unniilhorizcd means, b?l wo moreover, ike ?II pcrMM entering into n fight, Incilly IVotiud oiir.selvrR to abide I lie issuo of 'lie ein lest, whatever it be. Wu lust our cause nnit liiere is no higher court lo which wc run appeal. The sword wits the lust resort, ntul it is not mniily Lo murmur at the decrees of fete. Sufficient time has elapsed for us to have hrceinc recon ciled to Ihc issue, and Hie majority of our peu ple would ere this have uccepleil the terms of reconstruction ottered us, if their minds' hud not been distracted by the counsel of designing or mistaken guide?. Mr. Hill, wc honestly boliove, has done more lo oppose the Congres sional reconstruction plan limn tiny other pub lic man of tho South. True even lie ndviscs the people lo register, though with what con sistency wo cannot seo, inasmuch as registra tion is one of Ihe offsprings of thrHc "unconsti tutional" Reconstruction Acls. Hut who of I Mr. Hill's admirers, after rending Iiis "Notes," or hearing or rending his speech, would think of registering? Ho would be afraid of "perjuring" himself. And even if he was not so silly us lo helicvo this he would still resort to if its a convenient excuse for not per forming the unpleasant duly ; nud if it shall be found, as wc fear it will, thnl the number of | negroes in Ucorgia who have registered greatly outnumber tho whites, it is to the efforts nnd influence of Mr. Bekj. II. Kill, Mr. Hersimiel V. Joll.XaOX, and others of the men who for merly led the people, that this defeat will bo due, nud on their heads will rest Ihc blame of | the disastrous consequences Hint may result from such inaction nt this time. Our object In noticing thus at length these arguments of tho lending men in Georgia is tc warn our people from following what wo con sider tho direction of false ei iinsellora. Regis tration will soon commence in South Carolina, and it is all important, of whatever parly we ire, and whatever o u opinion of the past, tho present or the future, that every one of us who is not disfranchised should register, end thus qualify ourselves for a discharge of the right of suffrage when the time comes. It may he that we shall not be able to have our owr will ; indeed it is all but certain that wc shall not. Tbcro is still, however, much room for tho excrcisb of a healthy influence, and it is all important that wc should bring it to bear in the right direction. wants. TO GOUP THE country. Apply at PavUlon Hotel to-day between 1 and 2 o'clock and from 7 to B p. m. 1 July 23 WANTED,-HOARD DV A GENTLEMAN and Lady In a respectable family. Address P. O. D. 8. C. 1* July 10 toTr ? nT. rlvo UKW, PART OF A not SE, WITH i every convenience on tho premises, suitable for i family. Apply at No. 70 Tit ADD BT UK KT, betweal Meeting sod King street!._3?_July M TO IlENT. Ptlil ONE OR A TE1PII OF years, tho two-and-a-balf story WOODEN (DWEL LING, No. 10 rtutledgo Avenue, oppoalto Doughty street. Apply at T11IH OFFICE. wfm Juno 20 TO RENT, THAT DESIRABLE RESI. DENCE, No. 11 KINO HT 11KET, with all tho neces sary outbuildings, clstoni, Aie, Inquire aa No. 9, SU U 111 BIDE OK THE ABOVE._wftn_June 4 TO RENT.?THAT DESIItAULE RESI DENCE, No. fis Cannon street, near Rutlodgo At onuo, containing sli upright and twoatUo rooms, with gas throughout, cistern, well, sod smplo kitchen accom modations. To an spp.oved tenant, terms moderate ; possession givenimmcdlstcly. Enqulro st WILKINSON A OLLCUHIST'S LAW OFFICE, No. 48 broad street. April 29_path TO RENT, TWO FRONT ROOMS, To gether with kitchen accommodslions. Todoairablo persona the rent will bo moderate. For furl her particu lars spply st this Office._July 18 TO RENT?THE TWO AND A HALF BTOHY BRICK RESIDENCE, cornor Society sud Moo Una streets, having cistern and stablca ou tho premises, anil good accommodations for servants. Rent low. Apply to 8. HART, Br., No. 33-1 King street. July 9 for sale. I/O II 8AI.E.--A HANDSOME ROSEWOOD 1 PIANO, six and a half Octave, lu oxcellcut condition, can bo aeon at tho King Mansion, cornor tioorgo and Meeting streets. _ mvrl July 22 FOR SALE, A FINE HE VEN-OCTA VE ROSEWOOD PIANO, nearly new. Price four bun drcd dollars (?sOOj cash. Apple at No. 71 DROAD BTRKET, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., were It can ' seen. _ . July 11 F III SALE, A CARRY"ALL, WITH TWO Beats, polo and shaft. Also, s set of doubto and single HARNESS, sit In good order. Can bo seen and bargained for cash or a Ihne noto at thirty days, at No 91 Lynch slrcot May 17 taken up. PICKED UP ABTRAT, ON KINO STREET Road, uoar Foot Mile House, and brought to the city by two trcodmcn. a white and yollow spotted COW. lho owner can havo tho aamo by applying nt No. 608 KLNO 8TREET and paying oxponsos. 3 July 3-1 XT Of ICE?PICKED IIP NEAR THE BAI JJN a BATfEAU. about 18 feet long. The owner of the' aamo can have her by proving property, and payi ng advertisement and salvage. Apply to JAB. UEYVET', Point House, Knill vans Island. I* July 33 lost. LOST OR HTDLKV, COUPONS OF MEM PHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY BUNDS, aa follows : Nos. SCO. 734, 73S, 7?9, 763, 833, 1143. 1140.1313, 1330, 1337. 1331. due to November, 1800. snd May, 1(07. Brokers and others are roques ted to stop these Coupons If offr rod for sale, and any Information eoncornlog them will bo thankfully received If left at this Office. 1 July 33 boarding. BOA It Dl NU .? A SPACIOUS SOUTHWEST ERN Room with water convenience, and Dressing Boom attached, opening on Southwestern Piazza, can bo obtained with Board on reasonable terms at lho King Mansion, corner Georgo and Meeting streets. July 33 _mwl 1.EXCELLENT BOARD, AT VERY LOW li rates, In the most central business part of the city, without lodging, In a private house, can now be had. For particulars address "x. L," Postofflce. May IS BOARDING?THREE PLEASANT ROOMS with good BOARD can bo bad on Imm?diate sppli catlon to No No. 6? CHURCH STREET, weat side, n ear Tradd street. Terms reasonable. Jane 13 removals. REMOVAL. OTTO BCHWETTZlCIt, WATCHMAKER AND JEWEL LER, has removed from No. 413 King street to No. 874 KINO HT 11 K KT. 1* July 31 copartnerships. DISSOLUTIONS THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING under the name of R. ARNOLD & CO., was dlso.ved by its own limitation, on Use lat of April last. The busi ness will be continued by lho subscriber at tho Old Stand. No. 319 Meeting street, wham Mr. A. E. GADs DEN can bo found ready to attend lo the customers of 1 the cstabllsmcnL It. ARNOLD. July 1st, 1807. No. 219 Meeting street. July 1 lmo educational. EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT OF REV. DR. M VERB. rruiE PRINCIPAL OF THE ABOVE NAMED INBTT x TUTION baa much pleasure In announcing to his patrons, as weU as to ths public generally, that owing to conUnuod increase In the number of pupils, babas found II necessary to obtain more suitable promise., and thoreforo aecured lbs commodious and eligible bouse situated at the Northwest cornet of Coming and Bull streets. The slm of tho institute being 11 thoroughly educate Ihc pupils for collegia to or builue. < career; a systematic and accurate elementary train bag la ndoped for such aa may need that course, and peculiar advantages are also offered for lho aludy of Iba classics. Mathematics and Book-keeping. In consequence of recent nocexsvry changes made In tho government of tho Academy, and with a view of | facilitating the Interests of the pupils, the Principal will to assistai by Mr. JOHN QANHON. a gentleman of known ability, and who nas had considerable expert enro In' tho art of teaching. Mr. OANNON performed bis ooRoglata oourao of studies with distinction. In one of tho best collages In Fiance, and subsequently taught tho French languages and classics with unusual success. In tho collcgo of Idols la thst country. Rare and excellent advantages arc therefore afforded for tho study of French under his supervision. A primary class connected with lho Institution la con ducted by Miss nos A DIBBLE, and the varions depart ments receiving the personal superintendence or the Principal; every exertion la made to promote the Inter eat, of the pupils. Oourso of instruction : English, French, LsUd, Oreek, Hebrew, Spanish and German Unguagoa._ mf 3m_Jalylg. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH. RS. NICHOLS. A NATIVE OF CHARLESTON, _nut daring the post fifteen > ears a resident In buropo, Is desirous of giving Instruction In the French Language, mtner at her osm residence or at the bous of her pupils. ? Inquire at Mrs. FLNNEY'0, No. 190 King street. May 21 M THE LADIES' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION, HAYING ON HAND A LABOE BTJPPLT OF READY MADE ci.ol IIINd, suitable for Gentlemen, La- 1 diras tad Children, and bel?g desirous of diminishing our Block before the season advances too far, wo wo old espe cially draw the attention of the publia towards tho reduo tlon which will bo made la our prices for the next two or throe weeks from dato. Apply at the DEPOSITORY, January 30 Ko. 17 Caalmers street E. M. WHITING-, CORONER AND MAGISTRATE, HAS REMOVED BIS OFFICE FROM OHALMEBfl *lr?H to MC. TT CHURCH STRUCT, near 81. Michael's Alley. Auanst 11 MEETINGS. &rittfclK Sftftft' UntcrstntxiingH-tiosrllsclinrt. Toi Diitalictcrn Uder (WUIIfrbait trite Hermit MtfK* Itigt bafi Uculc Vlbcite M KUtjr im ccJ -v-mit Jcltrb I'itMtr, ISiffl'eii Seriell? nut Ai?H< *Hr., t>it ^tirttcljobriAC <<i'i|.-iuiiihunt flJtt|lllt.l. 'l'litjllicCCt filtb ?.fetlflt Ink eUntlliib (intuFtdlcii. Cr. ',tfcil, BctKtlr, July M_ J_ WASlllMiTOiV i.ltiHTinfantry chari table association. ATTEND a REGULAS MONTHLY MEETING THIS KVKNINO. Id Mvhp. 11.11. nt H o'clock. Tho punctual attendance of cviiry member la earnestly mpicsU-d, an Uiu Coinmltico appoint. .1 to revise the Countiltillou will male Unir report. .1. L. UONOUIt. July 21 _1 Secretary and Treasurer. STUNELWALL F1UH K COMPANY. A TTKN1> THE REOULs.Il MONTHLY MKETINO OF i V your Coinpauy 77n> Evening, at Market Hall, at 8 o'clock pn . l-clv. You aro i>arllrularly r. ?pn :h -1 to In In attend ance, as the 'rnor Mat will Uu read. Members fail:in; to altcud will On dealt with ar. ortilon lo Itnla XIV. Roc 1 of Constitution. By order YY. G. MILt.EH, July 2*1 _ 1 Secretary. WASHINGTON ITltK KMilVE COMPANY. ATTEND A REGULAR MONTHLY MKETINC OF your Company, This Ennivj, at Ifcu Hall, at 8 o'clock 1'. M. precisely. By ordor. A. W. STEVENS', Jttly M_1 _ Secretary \V. F. 0^ PH1ENUSUIP LOI>UlC, NO. O, A. K. M. AREGULAR COMUIINKIATION OF 1HIHLODOE will bo hold TAii ?rmfnp. at H o'clock, at the Ma sonic Hall. Members sud candidates govern themselves accordingly By order of tho W. M. E. SCOTT, July M * ! Secretary. FINANCIAL. BONOS, STOCKS AND COUPONS. BONDS OF ALL KINDS Stocks or all kinds Couiions or all kinds Bank bills nl all kind*. Bought st highest rates by ANDREW M. MORELAND, July 12 lino Broker, No. H Broad slrooL NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS and TRUST COMPANY. Branch at Chart esion, S. C, NO. 0 STATE STREET. DEPOSITS CAN ALWAYS BE DRAWN WITHOU t NOTICE. Deposits of Specie are repaid in Sprlr.. All othor Deposits sre repaid in "Greenbacks" or Ifs Uonal Dans Pills. Deposits of sny amount rooslvod from any perron. NATHAN RITTER, Cashier. July 11 15 NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAVINGS AMD TRUST COMPANY. CHARTERED BY ACT OF CONGRESS. OFFICERS. M. T. HEWITT, Prcal'lont. J. W. AI.VOHD, llrst VIce-PrcrldonL LEWIS CLEPHANE, Second Vicc-l'rcslrtcnt. DANIEL L. EATON, Actusnc HAM L. UAItltlS, General Inspector. Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 10th street, Washington, D. 0. BRANCH AT CHARLESTON, S. C, NO. 0 STATE STREET. Opou OTory day, Sundays and Holidays excepted, from 10 A. M? to 3 P. M., and from 3 to 1 P. M. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Interest payablo In Jsnnsrr and July, In each year. AB deposits will no repaid with Interest duo when re quired. AU tho profits belong to tho depositors. Branchen havo been established in tho principal cities from Niw York to Now Orleans, an I accounts can bo transferred from one Branch to another, without cltargo or interrupting ihn Interest. Investment, am only made Insecurities of tho United SUtes. RICHARD H. GAIN, Chairman Advisory Committee. FRANCIS 1- CARDOZO, Secrotary. NATHAN RITTER, Juno 10 Tuto Cashier, GLOTHING. N G. PARKER, LATE PARKER * CHILD, wam m CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS aim FURNISHING GOODS. June 11 No. 103 EAST BAY. BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND JUST IIEIEIVED lOOO IIPJ^IIE^S OF LADIES' SUP. CONGRESS BOOTS, Prlco $1.25 to $2.50 per pair. AB Goods marked down to prices corresponding with tho times, as wo shall sustain tho reputation heretofore enjoyed of seUlng. HIGH AND LOW CUT SHOES or all kinds modo to order, at the lowest CASH PBI0E8. No. 375 King street, above George, D. O'NEILL & S0NS?. July 18 thsm CRISPER COMA. Ohl she was beautiful and fair, With a tarry eyes, sud radiant hair, Whoso curling tendrils, sott enlwluod, Enchsinnd the very heart and mind. CRISPER COMA, For Curling, the Hair of either Bex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Hoary Maaaive Curls. I > Y USING THIS ARTICLE LADTB 1 AND GENTLE JL> MEN can boanuTy themselves a thousand-fold. It Is the only artlcls in tho world that will curl straight hair, and at tho samo Umn give It a beautiful, glossy ap pearance. Tho Crisper Coma not only curls tho hair, but Invigorates, beautifies and cleanses It; Is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and Is the most complete, article ol the kind ever o He rod to the Amtrioan public The Crisper Coma will bo sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for II. Address aB orders to W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 8 West Fayette streut, Syracuro. N. Y. March 30._lyr LEA & PERKINS' CELEBRATED WOnOTERSniRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED m EXTRACT BT VJY of a letter from a OONHOIH3EDR8 II to bz rira only Mmmfok Brother at ? . J?jfc? WORCESTER, May, Good Sauce (5K=?5184I: . ?Ten LEA k PER AHD amiOABU f^S^lRINS Hist their HAUCB is highly esteemed ha In dia, sud Is, In my opinion, ?j. l.lHPBrtt'lUin moat palatable, so EVERY VAllICTVy?SSkwl^i, u the most wbo'.c IriS?rrSjeomo SAUCE that Is OF DISH. ^ReW'msdo." The success of thismost delicious and nn rival loi con Alme?t baring caused many nnprlnupled dot .er. to apply tha name to Spurion* Vtmpoundi, the Pjdijo IS rttpectfiiUg and eamutlg requested to tea that Iho name of Lata at Prnnnrj are upon tho WRAPPER, LABEL, STOPPER and BOTTLE. Manufactured by LEA it PBRRIRS, Worcester. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, J3TJETW- YORK, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. October M fniwlvr der FIRE miaa. i MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, 1 Cm Hau, November 9,1s?n. f LL PERSON^ DESIROUS OF REBUILDING 1NT91 Burnt DUuloU end Waste place, of tho city, uo An Act of tha O crsi .?;?embly, giving authority to tho City Ooanctt of Charleston to proceed in the mat ter of a lire Loan, with a vlaw to old In building an the City anew." sre hereby notified that tho form of ? t pll. cation lor losnu can be obtained at tho office of the Clerk Of Council, between the hours of 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. ' All application, mutt be #' >d in the above mentioned offlo*, ts tha Commit',** will mort every Jfoada* to con sider the same. By order of the Mayor W. O. SM ITH, November 10 Clerk ol Council. (BANCHOI.-T'la 1)1,1) HTA NUI. FOR TIIK NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WIM. HELL many styles or Goodx Iii Diu DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT leery cheap. Borna of thcso OoixDI will Ix- poM nl a i;r. at leal below Hie 11 nit coil, roiiiprlmni;, in purl, a lot ol M US 1,1 Ns at 16 cunts, original pri?e M . i iiIh. tliixllu* ?I IS cent*, ori||liuil print 25 renia. Mio-Um at 'ill cent*. original prieo Muslins si 25 ccnlH, original prico 35 Ul 40 cents. K small lot of RarcgcH at IA coat*. K ainall lot of Itorogm al 25 cenlH. Mole Poplins and jipmn ni 23 cent?. ,\ kid ?II lot or llsrvgo Uclaluc* nt 15 conls. ?X1 yards Figured Kren.ii Cambric at 25 <-eiitn, worth .M.-, 1 caso assorted Calicoes (chrsp) at 1'-", rattan. Wo aro Biso sbowlii- good n?"ortniciit-> in eaeli Depart ao?t. IRHII LINENS: Kamlly ami Fronting I.'neini; U>ng sloths at lu, 121,', 13, IS, 20 t >2G cent*; llrown shirtings 10, 1.";. IS, 20 to 25 cent*; all widths ill Uli .a. ln .l ami llrown SlilriliigH; Fancy Llnt-n Drill; Drown Drill; Cloths and Casslniercs; Medium Cassl meres lor Hulls, In teituro U> suit tin' aoaaoti. It LACK GOODS. WE ARE OFFERING A GCOD ASSORTMENT OF BLACK GOODS, In AtpocaH. lloiiiliar.liiCM, Luplu'H Black sTiallv, HI ick I Main.? ul GO renlR. n lot of Ulack Hareaei aad < 'rap.i Maniz at 40 room (wortb tiOct*. a niontli ago) B 1 Crai?! Marelz and Ilarcge, for Shawls. Together with altuuat every article to bo had iuour Hue, which we are oltorlug CHEAP FOR CASH. ST0LL, WEBB & C0.? July mwf No. XH1 KI\U ST II K KT. DRY GOODS ! dry 1.00ds ! drv goods ! Soiling OIT"! Selling Off \ U 111 I FillllS, NO. 291 KING STREET, WKXTWOHTII, FOR 30 DAYS ONLY ! Our entirf. STOCK of dry and fancy o00dh will be nold at a id below cost, to repair and refit thestoroto make room for n largo fall stock of goods. BLOCK & LOTNS, corner of kino and wentworth. Joly 10_fmtu3 J. & P. GOATS' THREAD. BRIGHT COLORS Id Fancy Doxos, with their ?vcll-Unown Trade mark. FIFTY SHADES OF COLO In each llox of tiro Dozens. For Sale by tho PACKAGE, of 100 Doscns, by JOHN & III llll MIIINCLOSS, Solo Agents In Now York. July 15 mwsl3 F?R s^PrTi RE ETC s furniture ANDi?eRT?k?NC The subscriber announces Til VT he has connoctoJ, ss heretofore, tho UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, In sit its parts, with tho furniture, so thst bo is pre pared to rurulsh funerals complots, and to give personal ttcntlon la the moat dolloate, respectable and sstbtfactc ry manner. Ho Is also prepared to remove bodies to any distance free of smell and decay. fisk's metalio cases, and all kinds of coffins, ilwsys oa hand on ths moat rcasonablo terms. R, WHITE, FURNnrroE wareroomh, Southwest comer Weutworth and Meeting strcots. Or st No. 0 college 81beet, at night and Sundays. June 23 fniwliuo DENTISTRY. IlEUUCTION OF DENTAL PRICES TU SUIT THE TIMES. Dit. J. E. DAFRAY, DENTIST, IS NOW PREPARED to complete tho luaertton of whole upper or lower lets of AJIT1FICAL TEETH, npon tho moat approved uethod, and with the best materials, at 120 per set. Par iai acta In proportion. Durability, natural appearance, perfect fit, and neatness of finish, guaranteed. All other operations upon tho Teeth performed in a iklllful and warrantable manner. Offlco al bis residence NO. S LIBERTY STREET, slay 20 mwf Charleston. S. C. ASTROLOGY. Tim WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WOHDEHFUIj REVEI-ATlONS MADE BY THE GREAT A8TR0L00IST, Madame H. A. PERRIGO. SHE REV ALS SECRETS no MORTAL ever knew. Bho restores to happiness- thoso who, from doleful avents, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and rrhmds. loss or monoy, Ac, havo becomn despondent, ahe brings together thoso long separated, gives informa tion concerning sbsent friends or lovera, restore* lost or itolon property, tells you Uie business you nr?i host lualulod to pursu0 and In what you will be most success* ail. sausea spoedy marriages, nod tells you tho very day r cu will marry, gives you tho names, likeness sud chsr icleristics of thn person. 8bo roods your very thoughts, md by her almost supernatural powers, unvslls tho dark led hidden mysteri?s of tho future. From the starsWe tea In the firmament?the malefic stars thst overcome or or- dominate In tho oonflgurstlou?from tho aspocta anil positions of the planets and tho fixed stars in tho heaven s it the timo ot birth, sho dedacss the futurs destiny of man. Fall not to consult tho greatest Aatrologist on sarth. Itcosts you bnt a trifle, and you may never sgsiu Save so favorable an opportunity, Consultation foe, with likeness and all deslrta information, $1. Parti as living it a distance can eonrmlt the Madame by mall with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, os H In person. A lull and explicit chart, written out, with all Inquiries an - rwerod and likeness enclosed, sont by mall on receipt >. price abova mentioned. Tho strictest socrosy will bo maintained, and ail correspondence returned ordoatrcy srL Baforences of tho nlgbcst order furnished thoso o airing them. Write plainly tho day of tho month mj rear La which you won born, enclosing a small loo . ot .Address, Manaire H. A. PERRIGO, P. 0. Daawaa 203, Dorrano, N. Y. March 30_ly Gin, as a Remedial Ageut. pi IN, AB A REMEDIAL AGENT, HAS BEEN IN FA OT VOR with the profession for a very long period, but >wing to ths difficulty of obtaining a pure article it has '?Pen into disuse In many soetlons of ths country, much 10 Uie regret of medical men, who consider it aim oat a ipoclfio In very runny dlsoasoa. For all oasos of Grant/, pure Gin, if administered under professional guidance, will certainly wink a cure; and if taken as > pr?ventive. Kling, as it docs, on ths sensitive membranes, it cleanse a His parts so as to remove all possible sediment. Admin vie red In tlus same way. It will pr?vaut tho formation of Mcuti, and do away with tboso terri bio operations, Lhcrofore, so necessary for their permanent removal. Iba is of IncaJeulsbls benefit to females In thoso diseases 10 peculiar to ths sex, and from Its tonic, ss well ss Its modyno properties, It ts frequently superior to iron, jark, or even the electrical vom edles. In cssos of a poai ivo tendency to Fklhlm, or Consomption, aba, in proper ioantitlcs, by supplying or filling up the constant dying >ut of the natural firo of tho system, will Often entirely nerd off that awful disease, which carries off ono-clxblb if tho population of tho r.aitod fitstes annually. Pure 11a has tills peculiar advantage over other dlfruslblo it?nt?i. that It exhilarates without cresting any thirst of m nnhenllby character, it sooth as while It also oxcitea, ind Is a powerful nervine ss well as su active tonic. uniniNOEkVS UIdD loidon dock gin joiooecA ill tho qualities that can bo desired for tho hlgh ist and noblest ass of all wines or Uquora. Its lngre Uentssra tho distil Led Juices of carefully selected grains, nado delicately pungent and Oavorons with the aromatic lecture, of tho Jumper Barry. Ago has mellowed all heae mingled aromas, and glvon an exquisite mildness? i rmooth, oily body?sod an almost floral odor to ths lquor, which ronders it delicious to tho senses, of smell ind taste alike, whits Its sparkling liquid parity loaves lothieg for tho sys to desire. 'The writer must remark thst Messrs. A M. Dnrntoxa , k Co. merit ths graUtudo of tho entire iredlea] profrs ion, as weU ss ths world s ', large, for Laving lotroduced > sttDiultnt c t such unoxooptlanablo pun It and unequlvo J1 power, both as s prevonUvs and cur?Uro agent, and a isrndess oxhUsrative boverkgo."?Chrmicat Jvurnai and \ttiieal OattUt. tat m?mos January 29 PUBLIC NOTICE. Omoi Ci.xna or CouwoTL, 1 May 1847. f The following Section or " An Ordinance to abolish ths 1 filco of Superintendent of Streets ; to provide for Keep ag the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and open Courts In ths ?ty or Charleston Ohvari, and for other purposos," Is isreby pobliabod for ths Information or all concerned 1 For the duo protection or the said contractor or eon rsctors, it is furUur ordaintd. That every owner, losseo, ksenpant sod tenant of any promises fronting la any iti set. Uns, alley, or open court, shall on svery day Sundays excepted) hare tho dirt, filth, garbage., or other IBM, placed in front of his or her lot, in a barrel, box or tsap, and In readinoaa for the contractor, by ths hour of wien o'clock, a. m., Irani tbs&ist day of May to the int day or November la every year ; and by ths hoar ol lino 0 clock, A kl., frcm the first day of Novombsr to tos tint day of May following. And any person offend pa herein, or placing any dirt, filth, garbage, cr other rail, in any street, Uns, or alloy, or open court,- after the lours above named, shall bo subject to a Ado not lass nan two nor more than firs dollars, for each and every jtteoes, to be Imposed by ths Mayor. Ey order W. U. SMITH, May is Clerk of council. GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS^ MOLASSES ! MOLASSES ! IA UII1M. KWKKT ClIIIv MOLASSES y\f HOhbln. Svvicl Cuba Muliwt For ?! bv ItONAFONT .V SALAS. .Inly tri .1 No. Hh Cast llsy. ~ltOL?B ! HOPE ! >/\ HAI.K COILS RICHARDSON'S oree? IJSAf" Mr rope. r*ur tola by July 22 1_ ii. .'. a. p. caldwei.b. HACON AND FLOUR. I Q HUBS. IllDIIS ANI> <:. It.KIIII.S LO !:? IkhhiiIh Chilien Strips H barrelo Kxlrn Flour Mi barrels Mldilliiue? I'lnnr 7S barrels I'lantnlliui Flour. For sale bv K. Ac A. P. CALDWEI.b. .Inly H_ BACON, KLOIJ It AND PORK. 11 JUST RECKIVEII. IIIllisS. ItlltlIRD ANDO. lt. SIDES fiU r" I'blH. 1'i.rk Head* 230 bids. Flour, Family. Kttrs, Snj>er, ami Sell Katahut. Vor ?ni.' by WM. tlURNEY, July 2-1 i| No. U? Kiuit llav. NEW FLOUR. 1 ttCl SACKS ATliAKTA HILM new FLOUR, 1 \J\ ' jUHt receive . lay railroad ami tor sal.? bv HTHBI.T HUOTIIIHS k CO., O. A. NKurTKli. Sale?inau. Nu 74 Maat llav. July 2-2 '-2 NEW SOUTHKUN FLOUR. SACKS o KO ltd IA FAMILY I.OUIt _ co barrets (Jcorgta Family Klour. For nalc by J. N. rodbon, July 10 fini Kon. 1 tint ? Atlantic Wharf. 80 FOlt SALE. 1>RIUE SMOKED BAflON. DAMN, PORK TIUM MINOS, At., .Vc, at reduced prices. In quantities lo suit purchaser*. Apply to Mi KAV k 0 \MPUKI.L, July II No. Elfi Meeting alrect._ COItN. CiAAA DtMBJSijIPIUMB WIIITK CORN. A\)\J\F inn bushels Prime Yellow Corn. For sale by T. TUPPEH * SONS. .Inly M :l TcOUNI OATS ! FLOUR! onAA HbSIM'.l.s PRIME Will If. MII.I.INit ijUUW COHN. In bulk iiii.l InuH lino Imslinla Prime Yellow Corn 12011 bushels Prime OalH inn barrels low-priced Flour fto barrets Extra Hour ? bags MOW Flour. II A V. 3ni balks PRIME K. R. HAY. Landing sml in Flore. For sale by .INO. CAMPSI N k CO., No. 11 Market street, nppsslts Stale street. GBO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLESALE MERClIAiNTS, CHARLESTON, S. C, UFFElC FOR S.M.I'. LOW, FOR CASH I QftfaA SEAMLESS SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT OUUt/ 600 colls Hemp and Msullla Ropo 200 bales Ouimy and Dundco Batujiug 11100 kegs Nsiln, assorted sizes 300 bis h Coffee Sugar, A, B and C 200 bags ltlo CofTee 100 bhls Molasses and ?yrop 300 boxes AtlaiiiauUno Candles 200 kega Hszord's Powder 600 bugs Shot 2000 lb*. Lead Copperas, ltlun Stone, Maddor, Indigo, Spiers, Ac. July 10 wrin2mos "THOMAS R. AGNEW, mronTEn and murs rs Fine tiroccrlcs, Cliolci Teas, I'.fi .. F.lo, NOS. 2G0 snd 202 GREENWICH- T? COR. OF MURRAY, NEW YORK. Novrmbcr TOBACCO, ETC. PIPES I MR. I* LORENTZ. OF THE CHEAP fiEOAR 8T0RE, til thanking the public for tho Uborsl patronage l>cstowod an blm. Informs his uuuicrous h-lcuils that Mr. 3. NDHDUAI SEN will In future havechargo of tho RE 1 Ail. DEPARTMENT, under tho msuagciiiout or Mr. LORENTZ. The rear of Ihn Store snd s bullillug In tho yard has or tho present been arranged for JOUI1INO, and Is wi ll lupptied with s full s look of every artlclo In tho Une. laving, of different celebrated brands of TO 1ACCO, and havlug connection? with tho most celebrated nanuracturcrs, be in prepared to offer liberal inducements o the trade every where. Orders solicited. July 16_a "li cri0l1" SEGAR STORE, CORNER RRUABWAY AND17TII STREBT, NEW VORK. THE UNDER-tlONED WILL DE PLEASED TO SEE his Southern friends. Tho oholccat HAVANA SE t ARS, of sll the leading brands, with s goncral scsort ueut of Smokers' Article, always on hand. Jans 4 D. O?TOLENGUI. Agent. COMMISSION MERCHANTS" WILLIAM II. GILLILAiiD & SON, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 33 DAYNE STREET. Beolsmbw a_ WILLIS & CI11S0LM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND 3 III PILING- AGENTS. WILLA1TF.ND TO THE PCROHASE, SALE AND sill i Ml.Ni' (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) o? :OTTON. II I CE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WUAliP, Charleston. H. C. OUI80I.M ivniTE mmm springs, CATAWDA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. TiiiE PRorRiirrons OF THIS cet,ebrated L WATI'ltINO PLACE, having gono to groat cxpsnso lore tho last seosou. In chsnglug tho position of aud re airing the COTTAOBK, Rrsdlng tho Walks and crooUag iew Dulldinga, tOKoUinr with many otlior lmprnvuuicuts, nil open THE SPRINGS for tho reception ot visitors 00 Satiirdav, Juno 1st, 18G7. Being el tooted In the northwestern part of tho State, n a country romsrksblo for its beantty and hoslthful lets, these, together with tho virtuesol tho Waters, L?tke t one of tho most deslraslo WATER LNO PL, AC EH la tbo ?UI??T7. riiE MINERAL WATERS )f THE SPRINGS are tho White, snd Blao Sulpbar, snd Thslybcste, snd thoy possess sll tV finest qusllties of h one wsters, and are sovereign romodlos for all diseases if the LIVER, BOWELS. STOMACH and KIDNEVri. THE SPRINGS are aeocsnlbto by sny of tho reads lotd ng to Salisbury, K. C, snd st that point tho Wettom ,'orth Carolina Util rood will convoy visitors to Hickory ItaUon, st which pltco convoysncos ire slsrsys In sttsnd iDce to tako thorn to THE HP1UNGS. Dr. WHITE of tho Medical College of VirglDls, will bo it THE SPRINGS tho entire Resson, sod InrsUds msy ely upon good attention. Having again secured tbo services of Mrs. WRENN, ud in ado smplo arrangtroeols for keeping a oood TABLE, snd the best Winoa, LtquorB and Began, and iQTlng engaged Smith's Band for .hs Scaion, wo saioly iromijo to sll every convenience, for plots ore, comfort ii.d omusomont that may ba dot trod. lOARD PER MONTH.?GO 041 IOARD PER WE Kit. 18 Oil 1UARO PER DAY. ??1 Chlldacn ander 7 yrmrs of age and Ser um. llsUf Prlre. J. GOLDEN WTATT & CO., PROPRIETORS. May 30_2mo There comctb glad tidiaajs of joy to all, To young snd to old, to gl est snd to until ; The bosnty which onco was so precious and rare, Is free for all, and all may be fair. I y the ose of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. For Improving and BeauUfrlog tho Complexion, Tho moat valusblo and porfoot preporttion In use, for lvtng tho skin a beautiful pearbllke tint, that is only laud In youth. It quickly removes Ton, Freckles, Pint les, Blotches, Moth Pitches, Ssl.owneu. Eruption?, nd all Impurities of the skin, kindly hesllng the unit iSTlng tiio skin white and clear as alabaster. Its use aonot be delected by the closest suruUoy, snd being a egetsbla prepsraUon Is perfectly htrmleas. It Is the nly artlclo of the kind used by the French, and la eoc Idrred by the Parisisn at indispensable to a perfect )lleL Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during tho ut year, a sufficient guarantee of Its eflVcavor.^Prlce oly 76 conta. Sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ol ica rder, by _ BERGER, SirOTTM k CO., Cbomlals, 38S River St., Troy, N. Y. _?yr E A U T Y.? Anburn, (leiden, Flaxen, and bllkeu CURLS produced by tbo use of Profeator Dr BREUX'S V RI U K R le CHEVEUX. One sppUctv Uon warranted to call the m os t a trol.i Ii t and stubbarn . t1 "of either sex Into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive %.. . . Has been used by the itshlonsbles of Pails snd ondon, with the most graUrylng results. Does no lo rry to the hoir. Price by moll, scaled snd postpaid, tl. feoctlpUvo circulars moiled free. Address HERO ER, H?TTS a CO., Chemists. No. 388 River street, Troy, N. '., Sole Agents for the United Hit tes, Idareh ?0 1* March SO. B