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-T: i- Ki..' _ TUB mumm MM NEWS, G. IL CATHCART, EDITOR CATHCART, MoMILLAN & HORTON, PBOP1UETOBS, No. 18 HAYNE STREET. CITY PBINTER8. TERMTCASN. .SDB8CRIPTI0M DAILY-TWELVE MONTHS.110.00 DAILY-SIX MONTHS. ?MO DAILY-TUREE MONTHS.. KINGLE COPIES.M.6 eenie TO NEWS SEALERS_.3 cent? WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1867. L-ANGLKY LANE;. BT BOTXBT MOWSD-'O. In til the land, range np, range down. Ia there erar a place ao pleasant and sweet As Langley lane, in London town. Just ont of the bustle of square and street 1 Ll tue white cottages all rn s row, gardens where bachelor buttons grow, Swallows neats in roof and wall. And np abo rc the still brae sky. Where the woolly white clonas go sailing by I seem to be able to iee lt aU. Eor now, in summer. I take my chair, ABS alt outside in the sun and hear The distant murmur of street and square. And, the swallows and sparrows chirping near; And fanny, who lires just over the way, Come* running many a time each day, With her little- hand's touch ao warm and kind, And I smile and taDt with the ann on my cheek, And the little Ure hand seems to sit and apeak; For fanny Ls dumb, and I am bund. Ate sweet thirteen, and she _ /toe black ringlets, and dark eyes clear; And |am older by summers three; j should*nt we bold one another dear ? Bepaw ana cannot utter a word. Nor hear the m isle of bee or bird. Tba water carts splash or the milkman's call; Bec mae I hare nerer seen the sky, Nor Bat Etti? singers that hum and fly, Yat know shs is gaxing upon them aQ. Tor the ann is shining, the swallows fly, The bees and blue-fly murmur low. And I hear the water-cart go by, Wi h tts cool splash, splash, down the rusty row; And the nttte one close at my side peroriree Mine ?jes upraised tr the cottage earea. Whare birds axe chirping In summer shine, And I hear, though I cannot look, and she. Though the little soft Angers flutter in mino I Suth not the dear Utile hand a tongue, When lt stirs on my palm, for tho lore of mo? Hath not my soul any eye to see t Tis pleasure tc makes one's bosom stir To wander how things appear to har That I only hear aa I pass around ; And as long aa we altin the muslo and light, She is happy to keep in God's eight, And I am happy to keep Qod'a sound. Why, I know hi ir face, though I am blind, I made lt of n tuaic lons ago. Strange keg* mjm, and dark nair twined Banal the p< maire light of a brow af now; And wheo I ttt by my little ODe, And hold her hand and talk In the sun. And hear the music that hannis tho place, I know ?he ls raising her eyes to mo. And roeetlBg how gentle my roioe must be, Aaa seeing fae music upon my bee. IW if erer the Lord should grant me a prayer, (I know the fancy u only rain), I should pray Just once whsn the woaihar is flair. To tee tittle Eanny and L-sngley lane; Though Tanny, perhaps, would pray to hear The roioe oTthe^isnefshe holds so dear. The aoag of the bird, the hum cf tho bee; Mia better to be aa we hare been Each keeping up I in nth frig unheard, tM8S6t\ To make Ood's Hoaren mow atrengo tad near. Ak! life ts pleasent in Langley lanai ThetwwaiwM acata thrng tweet to hear, OMrftagof birda, or petter efrain. iSSTenny, my Ettie one, always near; And though I am weakly, and can't lire long, and Fanny, my darling, ia far from atrong, And though we can nerer married be. What then r since we hold one another so dear Ft? ttl? sake of the pliuaure one cannot set. And the pleasure th it only ano can hear. COMMERCIAL. Tb* Chariest*n OttOm Market. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEW8.1 Xiwjueuaxox, Tuesday Braning, Jury 3,1M7. J A undule ?mmmm? gkted it fr-T V- Balee 78 raUee, vtx : 4 ai 16c, 5 ti lSc, t.i at mr. ? at ile. 1 at.2^ 43 at tfXc and 8 ai 34. Wat/note ^?.^^mml??9W^ Um Middling, -rr^.23@23 * j*^*3TS? . ?fcSSsfcS.-. * V ' Ausrast* Market. fnT.vxx-Bruksii tn buying at 138 and selim? at 131. Oorrow-We can report no change in the marka* since ?tte? (hf wr--^rr--" tte tame. Eales, to-day S^rhrftortbaleeTu follows: 1 at 16, 4 et 30, 8 atii, 87 ai 23*. 3 et 23, lat?is, anda balee toeZirporaat MOBILE, June 47.-Corro?-The market continues ouest. wttfebuteUghl demand. Three brokers enterod tb? markst to-day, taking 300 i*le* tx tween them. The bwttor gradee ar? scarce, and command ndatlrely mach bAeher pries* than the grades of Low Middling sod be? low, which are quoted at yesterday-* retee-asry Good Or SarySOc, andlow Middling 23c Stock offering light MMI of eora* selection. MOTTSABT AM) PDIAICLLL-Gold bas boen unsettled to-day and rates lower and tending downward under un terorable Btw Tot* accounts, cOo-tug at 137*188. There S^SSM theories' tn regard to the deonne in New York. The growing r>riief that UM Radicals will be un? able tomuatar sufScieat loree to carry a reto orar the asad of Ute Frettdent, and consequent abandonment of tte July ?mico-relie ring the country from any fort tur irrnWon lor som* time to come-ls a reason mart gen? erally urged. The cause may bo found as well In this a? the proar*cU of an abundant crop and plethora of money in Europa. D. Bouda *dv?noed X In London to-day mobablyunder the asme Impulse which has operated for BBB in coin on this tide. 'Tran?act?ona m Sterling hare been to only t moderate extent We craotel 47?.U8tor sixty day*, and 147)ial4SX tor Steht commercial hills. New Yak Sight ia dnfl. and rat? easier. Banka attn adrarttee H. premtum, hut after mid-day bankers were wlUirar to draw st par. The caarmga of outside billa are mw**. MJB ?stejtjpi An taaprored demand and burine*? is reported in New Orleans Steht Exchange-checking par by banks and bankers, and >i diaoouut buying. New Orleans Market. " NEW ORLEANS, June 37.-Correar-We hare again to repot* ?dull sod inactive market. The offcring sup ply va? racagrt, and as factors steadily rafuaed to grant Uw conoeaaloos demanded by buyers, the morement baa continued light throughout, r tag ?mis wi to a few purchasers wno held prertounly waaxcuted ordert, the the eorapletton of which would not admit of postpone? ment. Under thea* circumstance*, th* hnsfnaas baa bean of a trifling character, comprising ai the close bari? te HW Inks, tie broktr* rau^pattng In the business, fotoaa rnrEc* krt wniiwdweakneat. -r"*mit7 aa to the tejante sMtJam soma scattering liata.of the latter clat riflc?ttcQdlBcio?iug alotaoffnUy He p*r lb, With the above rem*rka, we repeat nominally M follows: Ordi? nary IS*? Wc, Good Ordinary ttjta-, Low Ml dunns and Middling 3?*-. The rapidly deprecating character of the stock, coupled with th? prospective fall tog off^recelpta causes most factors to hold ont for STAI?*L*HT OS COTTON. Stock on hand September 1st, 1866....bales-laLOOT Beottrad today. .... 09 " Becerredprertously...f..749,146 740,003 Additional bel? made from wrecksd, loos? tad damaged Cotton, pickings, samples, etc...;. 1S,33S~7G2,4?8 Clearedtoday......, i,3C2 854,07 assail Ultrfottlj. .803 664-801.816 itoekemhand......... 69,734 Th? skports comprlr* 84* balts te Bo?ton, 416 te OuW Tte rupplks in Bght, tht stock on hand k be ing rary mush reduced, tho demand ls good, and price? kate agata adtaneed laiUk per Puah, Yeaterday, not re rjiajsl there wet* sales nona store of 11,700 tanka, of ferie* SMO mixed at EL 4 760 white and 6000 white and White miaed at tl 10. To-day 7730 tacks wan told, of Which 300 mixed, on tte landing, at ?1 io, 1000 yuDow tad yellow miaed at $110.300 yellow at tl 12*. 280 white mixed and 360 white at SI 16, SOO white at SI 17^, 900 wkitt and 1000 do, all on thy landing, at Si 30, and 4000 choioe white, from store, at il 30 per boah. PaxioBrr*.- The market ls quiet but ann. There ia rory Bttedteeagaged tonaag* in port, but not much ottering te ?ji*rH?^>* Tte rates are lc per lb for cotton by steam te Baw Toik and Boston; Xo ft? Philadelphia. Steamto BwW York and Boston ale per tack for com, ?Jo per bbl te floor, and SI 26 for pork, and tl Gall per hhd lor to? bacco, biaam for Liverpool *d for cotton; sail For HaTre l%o par lb for cotton. Maw Fawk Market* MONET MARKET. Ste Baw York Jfca??ui Pott, of Saturday, June 39th, .ays: Th* ioma market 1? abundantly supplied, and the ten ?aaay te te grattai aaa*. Loan* are freely mada on gor '" latSper cent, and on other stocks at tBOBCGE MAUSET. NEW YOEE. Jone ?-FLotra-Tbe offorlngs of West? ern and State floor ar* more liberal, and with only a a Seteate flamand atesj mr most detcripUona are from 10 to 26c lowur; choice triple extras, howerer, are scarce fgf? firm. The tales are 6800 barrels at STaS40 for auperflnt Btale; 68 60*9 10 for Inferior extra Stat*; S9 36*1100 fOT fair to choice do; S9 86*11 SO (Or low grados of spring wheat wettern extra; ?10 66*1160 for shipping ohio; S12al3 for trade and family brands of Ohio, Michigan and Ludteaa, and SIS 30*17 60 for ?L Louis extra*. Oaltfornia floor is lower. Bales ot 960 bbk and sacks St 913 71*1460. Canadian fleur ls dud and heavy at 111 30*13 60 for the low grade* of extra, and tl2 G5al4 60 for trado and family Southern floor te teary. Sales of 160 bbk at SS 80* 11 50 tor common to fair Baltimore and country extras, ?nd SH60*1636 for trade and family brands. . oom natal te satter. Sale? of 100 blas at S675 lor Jer eev and SB Sat? Fairfax. Uaanr.-The wheat market la Laaetivt , and prices are lower and noni I aa I Tho atlee are 1000 bushels of choice new Georgia, to .TtlTa? Vt 9?\\ 34? Harlty la inactiva and priest are somewhat nominal Batter auk te steady with a fair enquiry at SI 66*1 60. Oatt tea Ml and lower at the close. The salsa are ?B.0X Buatek, inclading 6000 bushels of Western, to ar rir?, at 7te73c: Ohio at83*86c ; Western, on the apo. at 73 .Sae : Yirgtttea at 80c; and State at 860. Sye to macttraat fl 36*190 te wettern. Cam te ute al atrongar under hg h t recel pta, bot tte st?rkst Steans terna, owtng to th? l*rg* arrirals ia proa ir*Tke tates ara ?8,6000 boah, unaound at 90a96c ; damp atflalOS; new western mixed ct8106*110-tue latter rate for rory dry ; old do. at ?112 ; a small lot of aouth ern yellow at 8116. Pnonaicnsa-Thai > has been a Mt trasmata doing in ??kat ki-? prloaa. the mattet cktEng antet. For fu? ture dehrery wa note 1000 bbk meas seller July, at 831, and 600 kbte meta, tallar August, at 89138. lt e sala*, cash and regular, are 4,660 bbl*, at 83100a tn St te ataat ; 88118M te Job lot* do, and 83113)? tor Beet ia unchanged. Sates of 76 bbk at 818*36 tor plain amt ; 123x27 tor extra do. Tierce beef and beef baiM remain dull ted nQmiaal. Cat meats sro steady and moderately activo. Sales of 300 pkgs pickled hams at 13a Bacon la ?toady bat quiet Sales of 100 boxes [art old long ont hams at io>;. Lard ls without change to note. We quote ll??al2}?c for No. 1; 12al2>?0 for dry; 12^al2,-.c for fair to prime steam, and rifflal'3>4'c for kettle rendered, with only a fair jobbing sale reported. Corns-Bio is more active, and hold era ask sn ad? vance of s?'a c. COTTON-There is a steady market tc-day at previous prices. The demand is only moder?te at 26a26>?c for Middling Uplands. BAT-The market is dull and heavy at 95*100 for ship? ping, sud tl 20al 30 for retail lots. MOLASSES-The market is unsettled. Ons-Am "rican Linseed is dull but steady at SI 37a 140 in cassi and barrels. Fish oils are dull and un? changed. Lard oil is quiet Bios-Is unchanged. We quote at 0%a9X ote ior Bangoon, and I2al2>,c for Carolins. SUOAB- Kaw sugars are firmly held and are wanted. Sales st lix all Xe for rah to gc od refining. Kenned aro firm at 10>,c for bards. TALLOW-Prices are steady; the demand fair. Sales of 93.000 lbs at linell Xe for inferior to prime. WHXBZXT-1 ho rcsrket ls Irregular at 36a40. FBXIOBTS-To Liverpool, per steamer, 1000 boxes cheese st 30s, MO packages lard at 3?a27s Cd, and 100 boxes bacon at 26s. To London, per steamer, 8 hhds tobacco at 35a, and 10 tierces do st 25a. Consignees per South Carolin? ltailroad. Joly ?. 370 bales Cotton, 158 bales Maze, 336 bags Wheat 24 bags Flour, 188 bbls Naval Stores, 1 car Sheep, S cars Lumbar and Wood, 1 chartered car and Sundries. To B B Agent Courtenay & Treuholm, J Adger k Co, Sten? house k Co. G W Williams er Co, M Goldsmith ii bon, W B Smith s Co, H L Jeffers k Co, E H Rodgers k Co, QW Witte. Averill k Son, B Hume, C H Weat W A Pratt, G W Clark as Co, Gibbes k Co, Mrs Suowden, J Turner, J k T Getty, Thurston k Hohnes, Willis k Chisolm, Utsey k Kenyon, H Back, and Order. Consign?es per Northeastern Rllroad, Joly S. 630 bbls Naval Stores, 30 bales Cotton. 20 bbls Her? rings, 1 car Stock. Furniture, Bedding, Ac. To J Mar? shall, Jr, Adams, Frost k Co, Graeser, Lee, Smith k Co, W J Millar 4 Bro, J il Caldwell k Son, J k J D Kirkpat? rick, G ? Pritchott G Holmes-, G H Ingraham, Ebaugh k Mallonee, Gaillard k Minott, A Robinson k Ca Passengers. Per steamship Champion, from New York-E W Dennis, C Ysneder, W Irving. Clara Bernard. J Bernard, James Green, wife and child, J Mi?sroon, C S Bingley, W Pit sen, A O'Brien, Mrs Lockwood and 2 children, and 2 in steerage. Per steamship Saragossa, from New York-Mrs E B Whitney, Mrs Mary Kylie, Miss Anns Kelly, B Boy ken, H Boyken, A Boyken, ? Boyken, E H Hasspirkle, T Tay? lor, J Robertson, K Bryan, H W Pemberton, Dr b C Brown, H Heins. PORT CALENDAR. COBBKCTSn wsxaxT. PHASES or TBS HOOK. New M. 1st ?h. 28m. even I Full M. I6th,2h. 36m. even First Q. 8th, Oh. Um. even | Last Q.24tb, 10h.16m.morn HOOK BISES. HIOH WATKB. Monday.... Tuesday.... 3|Wednesday. Thursday... Friday..... Saturday... Sunday. 4. .67 4. .57 4..67 4.. 58 4..58 4..60 4..69 7..10 T. .10 7..10 7. .10 7..10 7.. 10 7..10 4..46 Sets. 8..44 9..31 10.J? 10..64 H.. 30 7. .27 8.. 18 9.. 8 9..58 10..48 ll..36 Morn. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Steamship Champion. Lockwood, New York-left Sat? urday. Mdse. To Street Bros k Co, D A Ammo, T M Bristol], ? Bates, Cartmill, Earbeson k Co, Bk A P Cald? well, W 8 Corwin A Co, F Christean, B Chapman, Camp? bell k Higgins, T M Cater, Do wie A Moise, DF Fleming B Gereta * Co, W Gurney, N A Hunt Klin ci, Wicken? burg k Co, W Ktnsmin, C Litschgi, Lauroy k Alexander, McKay * Campbell, Mccomb k Co. 8 B Marshall, Ma? collar, Wilhams k Parker, T Murphy, B Martin, Man touo k Co, Muller, Nimitz k Co, North, Steele k Wardell, B OTiettt, D CNefll W Bosch, J P Merkhardt 8toll, Webb k Ca L Schnell k Co, G W Steffen? k Co, E Wag? ner, Werner k Docker, A Zoner, Master. Southern Ex? press Co, B B Agent B S Rhett k Son, Fogartle k Still? man, 0 Van eden, 8 k Co, G F Kinsey, E S Brahe, E Da? vid, C H Johnson, H Bischoff A Ca W H Cbafee, B Flan? nigan, J B Campbell, W P Bussell k Co, G W Wilhams A Co, J Small k Co, sud Order. Steamship Saragossa, trowell, New York-left Satur? day, P M. Mdxe, To Ra ven el k Co, B B Agents. G W Almar, Southern Express Ca J D Aiken k Co, Adams, Damon k Co, C D Ahrens k Co, Brown k Byer, Bellamy k Robinson, W Brookbank*, Bo?mann Bros. B ft AP caldwell. Cameron, Barkley 4 Co, Do wie k Moise, Fer? guson k Hohnes, A D Fleming, Gruber k Martin, Good? rich, Wliiaman 4 Ce, Graeser, Lee, Smith k Co, W Gur? ney. Hart k Co, J W Harrisson k Son, W S H entry, G H Hop pock, J P Kelp, Lainey k Alexander, Little k Mar? shall, S R Marshall, J B McElhooe, D O'Neill, k Sou, CP PopponheJta. J Purcell, Salas A Co, E B Stoddard H seigUng, Bojjoajpask Co, JE Smith, L Schnell H F Strohecker, WW Taylor, Tobias' H V?llers, C VolgbA, Wagener,,lies'', ? ????us?es, G H Walter k Co, A ZoVfc; TJ Conon, Holmes' Book Store, G ' von Bauten, M Drake, Major-General TH Gerdts a Ca J W Denny. Went to Bea Yesterday. Br bark James Wilson, Ferrer, Palma, Majorca. Behr RhodeBs Blew, Peterson, Bucksvflte, 8 C. Bohr W H Tiers, Hoffman, s Northern Port Steamer Dictator, Co letter, Palatka, vis Jacksonville, Fernandina and Savannah. From tais Port. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York, July 1. Memoranda. The sehr Robert Caldwell, Mccormack, sailed from Havre Juno li, for Port Talbot and the United States. LIST OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOB THIS POET. FOREIGN. Liv naroo L. Ship B C Winthrop, Stuart, galled..June S ur bark Flue de l'Air. Evans, sailed.May 14 TheTryphenla, Harding, aailed..May 25 ; . . BSWPOBT, KNO. Ship Anula Kimball, Lincoln, sailed.Msy 21 Ine Johannes. Buter, sailed.Msy 19 DOMESTIC BOSTON. Sehr Calista, Jones, up;.June 21 Sehr Isabel]*, Weeks, cleared.June 20 Behr Harm irai Hawkins, up.June 18 Bohr Jonas Smith, Nichols, cleared.Juno 18 Bohr Americas, Mess, up.June 18 HDaanaxjmxa. Stesmship Amanee, Kelly, sailed.June 21 BAuncosx. Steamship Pstapsco, Naff, up.June 26 Bohr D F Keeling (new), Granger, up.Jone 26 Bohr M - on?ght Stu les, cleared..June 21 Steamship Bes Gun, Dutton, sailed.Jone 27 Behr A P Cranmer, Cranmer, cleared.June 17 ID ESTABLISHED BRIG STORK E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PHXff dt BOUS ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market' HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LABOE ADDITIONS IO their usual stock of pure and fresh DBUGB MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDEB3 POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, kc. Comprising invoices from the most reputable manu kcturers. On hand, all the principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, including Preparations of AYER, JAYNE, HALL, CH EV. i LIER, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY. Ac. also, s arge assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE BAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS ?ETAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Great attention ls paid to the importation and seleo ion of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, nd none other are allowed to go out of the Establish neut PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with, accuracy, and the public can lepend on the utmost reliability in lie execution of orders. L ll. KELLERS, ILO.0 BAERJ.R Marchs 3HERAW ADVERTISER DEVOTED IO LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, AGRICULTURE, and MISCELLANEOUS NEW8. heraw, s. C. Published weekly, by W. L. T. PRINCk ;CO. Trams or BUBscBimoN : ne copy one year.84 00 ne copy six months. 2 00 lie copy throe Months.1 00 Ive copies one year.16 00 BATTS Or ADVXBTISINO : ne Square, ten lines or less, first 59 or sash subsequent insertion. 1 00 AU Advertisement* to be distinctly marked, or they ?1 be published untn ordered out and charge* accord tiy lerchan ts and others advertising by the year, a libs J deduction on the above rates will be made, november 16 THE SUMTER WATCHMAN *8 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT 8UM - TER, 8. a, by GILBERT 4 FLOWERS, Proprietors. ' FO?K DOLLARS per snuum, invariably in advance Advertisements inserted at usual rates. Every style ol Job Printing executed in the neates fie and greatest dispatch, ?eptemoer zt/ MISCELLANEOUS. ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDERFUL BEYELATION8 MADE BY THE GREAT A8TBOLOGIST, Madame H. A.PERRIGO. SHE REV ALS SECRETS HO MORTAL EVER KNEW. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money, Ac, have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives informa? tion concerning absent friends or lovors, restore, lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are beet qualified to pursue and in what you will be most success? ful, causes speedy marriages, and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the names, likeness and char? acteristics of tho person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, un va ils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we sec in the firmament-the malefic Btars that overcome or predominate in tho configuration-lrom the aspects and positions ol the planets and tho fixed stars in tho heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of roan. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, sud yon may never again have BO favorable an opportunity, Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired inlormation, $1. Parties living st a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety sud satisfaction to themselves, a. if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries an? swered and likeness enclosed, sent by mall on receipt ai price above mentioned. The strictest secresy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or dostr ry ed. References of the highest order furnished those .0 suring them. Write plainly the day of the month ir.j year in which you were born, enclosing a small loo . ot hair. Address, MADAME H. A. FERRICO, P. 0. DBAWEB 293, BUFFALO, N. Y. March 30_ ly "A smile was on her lip-health wu in her look strength was In her step, and In her hands- PLATT A noa BiTTKBs. " S. T.-1860-X. A few bottle, of FLASTATTOH BITTZSJ Will ours Nervous Headache. " Cold Extremities and Feverish Lips. " Sour Stomach and Fetid Breath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. Nervous Affections. " Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. H pain over the Eyes. " Mental Despondency. Prostration; Great Weakness. " Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, fte. Which aro the evidences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA. It ii estimated that se von-ten the of ah adult ailments proceed from a deceased and torpid liver. The biliary secretion s of the liver overflowing into the stomach poi? son the entire system and exhibit the above symptoms After long research, we are able to present the most remarkable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world has ever produced. Within one year over six hundred and forty thousand person, have taken the PLASTATIOS Erratas, and not an Instanos of complaint bas 00 me to our knowledge I It ls a most effectual tonio and agreeable stlmnlan salted te all conditions of Ufa The report? that it relies upon mineral substances fo Ita active properties, are wholly false. For the SA tis faction of the public, and that patients may consul their physicians, we append a list of Its components. CALISAYA BAUX.-Celebrated for over two hundred year, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, eta It was Introduced Into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1840, and afterwards sold by the Jesuits for (As enormous prie? of iii own -Hight in silver, under the name of Jesuit s Pow? ders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King of France. Humboldt makes especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during bis South American travels. ri.TI.nm.. BASS-For diarrhoea, collo and diseases of the stomach and bowels. DANDELION-For Inflammation of the loin, and drop leal affections. CHAMOMILE FLOWKES-For enfeebled digestion. LlvxKDxa FLO wrns Aromatic, stimulant and tonio highly invigorating in nervous debility. WnrrEsanxxM-For scrofula, rheumatism, eta. . AJBSS-An aro ma tl 0 carminative; orea ting flesh, muscle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-buds, orange, carraway, coriander, snake cot, etc S. T.-1880.-X. Another wonderful ingr?dient, ox great oas among the Spanish ladles of South America, Imparting beauty to the complexion and brilliancy to the mind, ls yet un? known to the commerce of the world, and we withhold lt. name for the present. _ IMPORTANT CEBTTFIO 4TES. _ -" """" AMMU?HIBrlr: X-fl?fcceniber 58, ?8C1. Meian. P. H. Dnaxx ft Ob.-I have been a great suf? ferer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, sad had to abandon my profession. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy I am new nearly a well man. 1 have recommended them in several esses, and, as far as I know, always with signal benafl t, I am, rerpectfully yours. Bar. J. 8. CATHORN. PBTI^CLI>BXA, 10th Monti, 17th Day, 1862. RESPECTED FBLEKD-.-My daughter bas been much pspetttad by the use of thy Plantation* Bl t te rs. Thon witt sand nae two bottles mora, Thy Mend, ASA CUBBIH. BHsTaarasi Horm; Oaxoaoo, UL, ) February ll, 1863. f Mm-tt P. H. DOAXE ft Od.:-Please send u. another twelve oases of your Plantation Bitters. A. a morning appetiser, they appear to have superseded everything elie, and are grsatiy esteemed. Icsjra,fto., GAGE ft WATTE. Arrangements ara now completed to supply any de- I m and for thia article, which has net heretofore been The public may rest assured that In no ease wUl the perfectly pure standard of the PLANTATION BITTXES be departed from. Every bottle bears the facsimile of este signature on a steel plate engraving, er it cannot be gen miAny person pretending to sett PLASTATTOE BTTTEBS ts bulk or by the gallon, is a swindler and impostor. Bevan of refilled bottles. See that our irritate Stamp is Vtntv ULA TED over every oork. Bold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealer? throughout the country. P. H. BRAKE 6 CO., New York. tptfl 20_mwflvr CHEROKEE C nra o SEAT INDIAN MEDICINE, Cures all diseases caused by self-abuse, vii :- Spermator rhea, Seminal - weaknees, Night . Emissions, Lou Of j Memory, Universal Lassi? tude, Paine in the Book, IMtn -neu of Vision, Premature j OM Age, Weak Nerves. Diffl \cnlt Breading, Pale Oounlt ' nance, Insanity, Consump -,"- Won, and all diseases that fol? low as a sequence of youthful Indiscretions, The Cherokee Cure will restore health and virer, stop the emissions, and effect a permanent cure after all other medicines have failed. Thirty-two pare pamphlet sent in a sealed envelope, free to any address. Price |2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. Sold by all druggists ; or will be sent by express to any portion ofilia world, on receipt of price, by the sole proprietor, Dr/W. E. MERWIN, 37 Walker St., N, T. Cherokee Remedy, Cures ell Urinary Com? plaints, viz: Gravel, Inflam? mation of the Bladder and Kidneys, Retention of Urine, Strictures of the Urethra, Dropsical Swell? ings, Brick Dust Deposits, and all diseases that require a diuretic, and when used In conjunction with the CHEROKEE INJECTION, does not fall to cure Gonorrhea, Gleet and all Mu? cous Discharges in Male or Female, curing recent casu in from one to thru days, and ls especially recommended tn those cases ot Fluor Albus or Whites in Females. The two medicines used In conjunction will not fall to remove this disagreeable complaint, and in those cases where other medicine, have been used without success. Price, Remedy, One Bottle, $2, Three Bottles, $5. fc?p Injection, " ? I* ? - $6. The Cherokee " Curs," uXemedy,n and "Infec? tion" are to be found in all well regulated drug stores, and are recommended by physicians and druggists all over the world, for their intrinsic worth and merit Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to deeeive their customers, by selling cheap and worthless compounds,-In order to make money In place of these. Be not deceived. If the drug? gists will not buy them for JVC, write to us, and we will send thom to you by expreje, securely packed and free from observation. Wo treat all diseases to which the human system ls subject, and will be pleased to receive full and explicit statements from those who have failed to receive relief heretofore. Ladles or gentlemen can address us in perfect con? fidence. We desire to send our thirty-two papa pamphlet free to every lady and gentleman In the land. Address all letters for pamphlets, medicines, or advice, to the sole proprietor, ff #Dr. W. E. MEE WIN, 37 Walker St., N. T. May 24_ thstolyr PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE CLERE or COUNCIL, 1 May 1867. J The following Section of " An Ordinance to abolish tho office of Superintendent of Streets ; to provide for Keep? ing the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and open Courts in the City of Charleston Clean, and for other purposes," ls hereby published for the information of all concerned : For the due protection of the said contractor or con? tractors, it is further ordained. That every owner, lessee, occupant and tenant of any premises fronting In any street, lane, alley, or open court, shall on every day (Sundays excepted) have the dirt, filth, garbage, or other offal, placed in front of his or her lot, in a barrel, box or heap, and in readiness for the contractor, by the hour of seven o'clock, A. M., lrom the first day of May to the first day of November in every year ; and by the hour of nine o'clock, A. M., from the first day of November to the first day of May following. And any person offend? ing herein, or placing any dirt, filth, garbage, or other anal, in any street, lane, or alley, or open court, after the boura above named, shall be subject to a fine not less than two nor more than five dollars, for each and every offence, to be imposed by the Mayor. By order W. H. SMITH, May IS_Clerk of Council. BARNWELL SENTINEL, IS AN EXCELLENT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. LET Merchants and business mon'try it for a few months. "No risk no gam." Bend on your cards and increase rour trade this fall. There's nothing to equal Fruiter's Ink-it has made many a fortune. Terms for the paper-SB per annum, ia advance. Advertisements inserted at the rate of $1 por square oi rwelve lines or less for each insertion. Cards of ten Unes or less, at the rate of 810 for throe nonths. Contracts by the year or for six months, allowing priv lege of changing on more favorable terms. Address EDWARD A. BRONSON. November U Pnbimh? una ?Tooncioc THE SUMTER NEWS, DAER & 08TEEN, Proprietors. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT SUMTER. S. C. Subscription 84.00 per annum. To Clubs of lout ?.00 per annum. Advertisements inserted on liberal terms. December 3 MISCELLANEOUS. OLD RIP VAN WINKLE GIN, GOLD MEDAL 8?TEBRY, PORT AND MADEIRA, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. TN ADDITION TO O ?B BUSINESS OF SELLING X WINES, etc., in originel packages, and in order to Insure to consumers Pure Liquors In a compact and con? venient form, we commenoed the enterprise of bottling and packing in cases our well known Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, A.c., and have sent them out in a style that would preclude the possibility of their being tampered with before reaching the purchaser. The general appre? ciation and gratifying success that has rewarded our efforts has encouraged ni to maintain the standard as re? gards quality, also to make Increased efforts to retain the confidence and patronage which has been so h be rally be? stowed upon ns. BIN INGER k CO., [Established 1778.] Importers ot Winos. Sta, No. 15 Beaver street, New York. The above popular goods are put up in cases contain? ing one dozen bottles each, and are sold by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac. Opinions of tn? Press. The name of Bi Dinger & Co., No. 15 Beaver street, ls a guarantee of the exact and Utera! truth of whatever they represent.-Ii. T. Com. Advertiser. The importing house of Bining er A Co., Na 15 Beaver street, is conducted upon principles of Integrity, fairness and the highest honor.-.V. Y. Evening Express. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., N 153 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston Hot and DOWIE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KINO St CASSIDE Y, No. 151 MEETING STREET, January 80 Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C wfm6moa KRAUSHAAR & CO. IBS KOfx OBMIB GRAND ANO 8QDAB1 PIANO-FORTES Fall lion Frame and Overstrung Bau, MANUFACTORY AND WAREHOUSE H ->. 19 Wut Mo, 1) NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YOBS. -rrHI UNDERSIGNED, MEMBERS OF THF FIRM 04 1 KRAUSHAAR it 00., are practical piano nuken sad es such bsvo had a large experience In oonneotlot with some oi the beet EsUbllshmenta In this oountrj sud Europe. Their i lan os are made not merely ici them, but ty them, ax d under their Immediate persona) supervision, ano they allow no instruments to leave thea factory and pssi toto the hands of their patrons, unie ai 11 ey have a power, evenness, flrmneai and roundness O' tase, an elasticity of touch-without which no instr O' neut ought to be satisfactory to the public-as well a that durah Ul ty In construction, which enables lt to rs main in tn -sand to withstand sudden changes of tem 3(rature and ax ?osure to extreme neat and odd, whicl ate somttiic o . unavoidable. They wal at ad times be happy to see the proie*sk? and the pubUc at their Wardrooms, and invite compart ?on between their own Plane? and those of any othes ts anu? acto ry, ANTON KRAUSHAAR..TOBIAS HAMS OF ABLES J. SCHONEMANN. April M_4 ORDINANCE. _ * rpHE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS-P?*T!LISH?D I for the Information ofgtt fff?fff?Bt* .' 13 nB?SStS TO SEOTJLATE THE cLEAN SINO or rnrvrEH AMD VAULTS IN TUE CORPORATE LOOTS OE THK CITY. I. Be it Ordain od by the Mayor and Aldermen, That from and alter the ratification of this Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person to cleanse or remove the contents of Vaults or Privies within the limits of the city, without having previously obtained a license for the same; aU such Uoerses to expire on the 31st December Cf every year, and be subject to all requirements impos? ed by Ordinances regulating the granting of Licenses for Drays and Cans. H. That the use of Barrels in open Carts and Wagons is prohibited, and parties applying for License wul be re quired to provide closed Carts suitable for the purpose. UL All persons having such License shall repoit rt one of th Guard Houses, during the dsy, his or their in? tention ti Io such work during the ensuing night; in the Lower Wards such report to be made to the Main GUST J House, m the Upper Wards to Upper Guard House. IV. The place or pisces for the deposit of auch offal shall be designated from time to time by the Mayor. V. Every owner or driver of such Licensed Cart or any other person who shall violate any of the provisionj of this Ordinance, or shall neglect or refuse to ob serve the same, or any of them, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars, to be en? forced by the Mayor in his Court, or recovered in any other Court of competent Jurisdiction. Ratified in City Council this seventh day of May. tn the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six? ty-seven. lu 8.1 P. C. GAILLARD, W. H. SMITH, Mayor. Clerk of Co undi gmo_May 10 NOTICE TO SAILORS OR OULIORANTS. HOTEL OR BOARDING-HOUSE KEEPERS. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 March 13, 1867. J IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING ACT OF the Legislature, passed the 30th day of December, I860, all persons concerned are hereby notified to call at this Office and take out the required license immediately. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council AS ACT FOE THE SETTEE PROTECTION Or SEAMEN AMD IMMIGRANTS Qt THE POUT AND HARRO lt OF CHARLES? TON. J. Beit enacted, by the Senate and Bouse of Representa? tives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That it sbaU not be lawful for any person, except a pUot or public officer, to board or at? tempt to board a vessel arriving In the port or harbor of Charleston, before such vessel shall have been made fast to the wharf, without first obtaining 1 eave from the mas? ter or person having charge of such vessel, er from ber owner or agents. II. It shall not be lawful for any owner, agent, master, or other person having charge of any vessel arriving or being in the port of Charleston, io permit or authorize any sailors, hotel or boarding house keeper, not licensed sa hereinafter provided, or any agent, ronner or em? ployee of any Bailor ' ? or immigrant's hotel or boarding house, to board, or attempt to board, any vessel arriving in. or lying, or being In the harbor or port ot Charleston, before such vessel shall have been made fast to the wharf, or anchored, with Intent to Invite, ask or solicit the boarding of any of tho crew employed on such vessel. IXL ft ahaU not be lawful for any Bailor's or immi? grant's hotel or boarding house keeper, or the employee of any sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding house keeper, having boarded any vessel made fast to any wharf In the port of Charleston, to neglect or refuse to leave said vessel, after having been ordered so to do by the master or person having charge of such vessel. IV. It shall not be lawful lor any person to keep, con? duct or carry on, either aa owner, proprietor, agent or otherwise, any sailor's or immigrant's boarding house, or Bailor's or immigrant's hotel. in the city ol Charleston, without having a license from the City Council thereof, V. It shall not be lawful lor any person, not having the license in this Act provided, or not being the regular agent, runner or employee of a person having such li? cense, to invite, ask or solicit m the city or harbor of Charleston, the boarding or lodging of any of the crew employed on any vessel, or ot any immigrant arriving in she said city of Charleston. VL The City CouncU shaU take the application of any person applying for a license to keep a sailors' or immi? grant's boarding house, or senor's or immigrant's hotel, in the city ol Charleston, and upon satislsctory evidence to them of the respectability and competency of such ap? plicant, and ot'tho suitableness of his accommodations, shaU issue to him a license, which shad be good lor one year, unless sooner revoked by Bald City CouncU, to keep a sailor's or immigrant's boarding house in the city of Charleston, and to invite and solicit boarders for the same. VIL The City CouncU may, upon satisfactory evidence of the disorderly character of any sailors' or imrdgranta' hotel or boarding house, licensed as hereinbefore pro? vided, or of the keeper or proprietor of any such house, or of any force, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, hi In? viting or soliciting boarders or lodgers for such house, on tho part of such keeper or proprietor} or any of his agents, runners, or employees, or of any attempt to per? suade or entice any of the crew to desert from any vessel in the harbor of Charleston, by such keeper or proprie? tor, or any of his agents, runners or employees, revoke tho license for keeping such house. Viii. Every person receiving the license hereinbefore provided for shad pay to the City Council aforesaid the sum of twenty dollars. LY. The said City Council shall furnish to each sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding house keeper, licensed by them as aforesaid, one or more badges or shields, on which shall be printed or engraved the name of euch hotel or boarding house keeper, and the number and street of his hotel or boarding house; and which said badges or shields shall be surrendered to said City Coun? cU upon the revocation by them, or expiration of any license granted by them, as herein provided. X. Every sailor's or immigrant's hotel or boarding? house keeper, and every agent, runner or employee oi such hotel or boarding-house keeper, when boarding any vessel in the hurbor of Charleston, or when inviting or soliciting the boarding or lodging of any seaman, sailor or person employed on any vessel, or of any immigrant, shall wear, conspicuously displayed, the shield or badge referred to hi the foregoing section. XL It shall not be lawful for any person, except those named in the preceding section, to nave, wear, exhibitor display any such shield or badge to any of the crew em? ployed on any vessel, or to any immigrant so arriving hi the city of Charleston, with tho intent to invito, ask or solicit the boarding or lodging of such immigrant or ol any of the crew employed oa any vessel being in the harbor of Charleston. KU. Whoever shaU offend against any or either of the provisions contained in section 1, 2,3,4, 5,10 and ll, in this Act, shall be deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprison? ment for a tenn not exceeding ono year, and not less than thirty days, or by a fine not exceeding two h un drei and fifty dollar e, and not less than ono hundred dollars, or by both such flue and imprisonment. XIII. Tho word "vessel," ss used in this Act, shall in? clude vessels propelled by steam. In tho Senate House, the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand ehyht hundred and Bixty-six. W. D. PORTER, President of the Senate. CHAS. H. SIMONTON, Speaker House of Representatives. Approved December SO, 18CC : JAMES L. ORR, Governor. March 14 FI UK LO Ar*. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, ) Crrr HALL, November 9,1866. j ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN THE Burnt Districts and Waste Places of tl ie City, un? der "An Act of the General Assembly, giving authority to the City CouncU of Charleston to proceed in the mat? ter of a Fire Loan, with a view to aid in building up the City anew," are hereby notified that the form of appli? cation for loans con bc obtained at the office ot the Clerk of Council, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. All applications must bet?" 'd in the above mentioned office, as the Committee wiU meet every Monday to con? sider the same. By order of the Mayorj W. H. SMITH, November 10 Clerk of Connell, DRUBS, CHEMICALS, ETC. SARATOGA rlE WATER OP THIS SPRING IS BELIEVED TO be unequalled by that of any other in the far-famed valley of Saratoga. Ita virtu ea are auch aa have secured lt the high encomiums of all who have used lt, possess? ing, as it does, in an eminent degree, cathartic, diuretic, alterative and tonic qualities. From SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D., Professor Practice of Physic, Jefferson Medical College, Phila? delphia, formerly of Charleston ,8. C. PHILADELPHIA, November 18, I860. I have been for a year or more past in the habit of taking the water of the "Excelsior" Spring of Saratoga. Accustomed during the great portion of my invalid lile to use the different waters of the several fountains which boil up along that remarkable valley, dependent, indeed, upon them tor much of the comfort I enjoy, I am satis? fied that the Excelsior Water ls as well adapted as any other among them, if not moro so, to the purposes for which they are generally employed. It ia very agreeable, strongly impregnated with the carbonic acid, lively and sparkling. * . * I can heartily and conscientiously recommend it to all who need a gentle cathartic and diuretic. SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D. The Water is put up in Pint and Quart bottles, and packed in good order for shipping, Pint? in boxes ol lour dozen each, and Quarts in boxes of two dozen each SOLD AT WHOLESALE BY GOODRICH, WHIN & CO., Importers and Wholesale Druggists, No. 153 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. BOWIE & MOISE, No. 161 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston HoteL And for sale by first class Druggists and Hotels. January 13 Gmo ??THE SALE OP THE PLANTATION BIT? TERS is without precedent In the history of the world. There ia no secret in the matter. They are at once the moat speedy, strengthening health-restorer ever dis? covered. It requires but a single trial to understand thia. Their purity can always be relied upon. Jhey are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Cascarilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavender Flowers, Wintergreen, Anise, Cloverbuds, Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Coriander, Burdock, S.-T.-1860-X. &G. 1 hey are especially recommended to clergymen, pub liesperkers, and persons of literary habits and seden? tary life, who require free digestion, a relish for food, and olear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to find In these Bitters what they have so long looked for. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet They overcome effects of dissipation and late honra, They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They core Dyspepsia and Co ne ti patios, They ours Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. Th ey cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer? The following startling and emphatic statements caa be aeon at our office. Letter of Rev. X. F. enan, Chaplain of tte 107tt|New loft Regiment: / NIAS AOQUIA CBXZX. March 4th, 1889. Owlngtto the great expo?ur?,.*ad terrible decoreposi yon af tor the ital ?a aMadiotam, I was utterly pros trat? e?4ao*very trick. My stomach would not retain medi? cino. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. DBAKH, of New York, was prescribed to give me ttresgth and an appetite. To my great surprise they gave mo immediate relief. Two bottles ahas oat allowed mo te Join my regiment . . . . I have since seen them need in many cases, and am free to say, for hos? pital er private purposes I know of nothing like thea. Ber. E. F. GRANE, Chaplain, Letter from the Ber. N. X. GILDS, St Claireville, Pa. GXXTLXXXX :-Yon were kind enough, on a former oc? casion, to send me a half doasen bottles of Plantation Bitters for $3 60. My wife having derived so mach benefit from the nae of these Bitters, I desire ia to continue them, and yon will please send na aix bottles more for the money enclosed. . I am, very truly, yours, B. E. ?lLUo, Pastor Ger. Bel Church, BOLSiEBa' Holm, 8upiarNTXHDErr'a Omca, ) CCTcrjrHATi, OHIO, Jan. 18th, 1888, j .'. . . e . . * I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds ot eur noble soldiers who slop here, more or lesa disabled from various causes, and the effect ia marvellous and gratifying. Such ? preparation as this ls I heartily wish in every family, in every hospital, and at hand cn every batte field, G. W. B. ANDREWS. Superintendent Dr. W. A OHXLDS, Surgeon of tte Tenth Vermont Re? giment writes:-"I wish every soldier had a bottle ol Plantation Bitten. They ara tte most effective, per feet, and harmless tonio I ever med." WILLAM)'* Hom, 1 WASHTHSTOW, D. a, May Md, 1868. J GBWTLKMXX:-We require another supply of yu ur Plantation Bitters, the popularity o whian dalli In? creases with the guests of our h on so. Respectfully. SYKES, CHAD WICH A Co. Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. Be sure that every bottle bears the fac-aimile of om* signature on a steel plate labio, with our private stamp over the cork. P. H. DRAKE & CO., NO. 202 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Physicians, Grocers, Saloons and country Hotel-dealers. April 18 tharalyr CHEROKEE PILLS, Or Female Regulator, Cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Menstruation, Oreen Sickness, Nervous and Spinat Af? fections, Pains in tho Back, Sick Headache, Giddiness, and all dis? eases that spring from Irregularity, by removing the causa ana all the effects that arise from lt. They are perfectly safe in all cases, em cept token forbidden by direc? tum?, and are essy to administer, ss they are nicely sugar coated. They should be In the hands of I every Malden, Wife, and Mother In tho land. Ladles can address us tn perfect confidence, and state their com? plaints In full, aa we treat all Female Complaints, and pre?are Medicines suitable for all diseases to which tiley are subject.-Thirty-two page pamphlet, in a sealed cnvolope, free. The Cherokee Pills are sold by all druggists at $1 per box, or six boxes for 89 ; or they are sent by mail, free of postage, In an ordinary letter, free from observation, by addressing the sole proprietor Dr. W. E. MEBWIN, 37 Walker St., N, T. ' N. B.-Cherokee Pills No. 2 are prepared for special cases, when milder medicines fall ; these are sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of 96, th? price cf each bo?. DB. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, Essence of Life, %m^8&Wl/l///4Um7 Cares General Debility, WeaJc ^?&m\>^mW'y n<**' Hysteric? in 'Females. ?jMPjW?|?8 Palpitation of the Heart and ??M)fKK%?? all Nervous Diseases. lt re -^JPWBHfc?r" stores new life and vigor to the ?IIIIM^ aged, causing the hot blood of As the Ph?nix rises _ontn t0 C0Qr90 the veins, res jST a&SS tu'h ^ tbe Organ, of Genera nev life'''-to does tlon,removingImpotencyand this Ellxtr rejuven- Debility, restoring Manliness ate the tyttem and and full rigor, thus proving a overcome disease. perfect "EliaHr of Love," re? moving Sterility and Barrenness In both sexes. To the young, middle-aged, and aged, there ls no-greater boon than this u Elixir of Life." It gives a new lease of life, causing the weak and debilitated to have renewed strength and vigor, and the entire system to thrill with loy and pleasure. Price, one bottle $2 ; three bottles 86 ; sent by express to any address. Our medicines are sold and recommended by all respectable druggists In every pert of tbe civilized ?' 'no; some unprincipled dealers, however, try to ecel ve their customers by selling cheap and worth leas compounds in order to make money. Be net deceived-ask for these medicines and take no others. If the druggist does not keep them, write to na, and we will send them by express, carefully packed, free from observation. We will be pleased to receive letters with full statements In rogard to any disease with which ladlee or gentlemen are afflicted. Address all letters for medicines, .pamph? lets, or advice, to the sole proprietor, jtk Dr W. E. MEBWIN, 37 Walker 8t., H. T, May 26_wfm lyr NOTICE. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL.-THE FOLLOWING clause of Section 1 of an "Ordinance to Raise Sup? plies for the year 18C7," is published for tho information of persons selling Goods by sample or otherwise, who are not residents of this city. All such persons are hereby notified to report at this office. "Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all goods Bold in this city by nona not residents, by sample ar otherwise." W. H. SMITH, March 8_Clerk of Connell DAVEGA, YOUNG & M cKENZIE, LAW AND COLLECTION 0FFIC?, Nos. 39 and 40 Park Row. ISAAC DAVEGA, ) SEO ROE B. YOUNG, J HEW TOBE, GERARD L. MCKENZIE, j HA VINO SUCCEEDED TO THF TORSION COLLI C IION BUSINESS Of Mesara, BIRNEY, PEI B Liss A FLANDERS, we will attend to the ocileotion ol r**i doe and maturing elatina throughout the Cotis? ates asa Oteada. mMMisMioBsUu rom ALL TEM STAT SM, lanuary g DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! ' MOTHERS ! YOUE ATTENTION IS CALLED TO IRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOB CHILDREN TEETHING ri 3 VALUABLE PREPARATION IS THE PRE 8CTR1TTION of one of the lest female physicians and nursea ki the United States, and has been used for thirty years with ne vcr-failing safety and success by mil? lie i of mothers for their children It not only relieves the child fron pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects icidi ty, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will also instantly relieve OB1PIKO LN THE BOWELS A FD WIND COLIC. We believe it ls the best and rarest remedy in tho world, in aU cases of DYSENTERY IND DIARRHOEA ia children, whether it arises from Teething, or from any other cause. Be sure and asl for * MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, Having the fae rimile of CURTIS k PERKINS on the wrapper. ALL OTHERS ARE BASE IMITATIONS. For sale by the Wholesale Agents, HOWIE & MOISE, Ne. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. AprU ll_ TEMPUS CERANDI DIFFER M IN ANNUM RODRIGUE'S FDWI EL?XIR SPECIFIC. FIR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION, PAINS LN THE CHEST AND SIDES, DIFFICULTY IN BREATH? ING, BRONCHITIS. OATARRH, ASTHMA, COUGHS, HEMORRHAGE, and all affections of the Lungs. This great rv vivify er ls offered to tho public, that all who will avail themselves of tts remedial power may be benet) tied. It only requires a fair trial to confirm its invaluable agency in diffusing through each channel of the human organization a restored vitality. It invigorates and em? bues the Lungs with healthful elasticity ; restores warmth ; which is their essential element; rouses the sluggish ves? sels into activity; heals the affected lobes; purifies and enriches Uta blood; regulates the circulation; Induces free and easy respiration, and expels, through its admin? istration, each and every concomitant disorder present ia the malady recognized as Consumption, and hitherto deemed hopeless and incurable. This compound is perfectly rafe, possessing neither narcotic nor emetic properties,' which unfortunately are always employed as essentials in every preparation for Cough or Lung affection-a mistake which too often in Its irritating and debilitating consequence?, only con? duces to much general derangement of the system, de? stroying sppctite tad creating an injurious nervous ex? citement, augmenting suffering with frequent fatal re? sults. Under the influence of this approved and Invaluable Specific the most distressing Cough yields, difficulty in breathing and pains and soreness subside, hemorrhage ls arrested, and health and strength re-established. PRICE FOR SINGLE BOTTLE $1.25. Sold by the Proprietress, MRS. CECELIA RODRI QUE'S, northwest corner SOCIETY AND MEETING STREETS, and the principal Druggists. April a_lyr USE GALUCHAN S PILLS FOR A CERTAIN CURE. TT7E HAVE USED GALLIGHAN'S PILLS, AND FINI YT that they win do all that ia claimed for them, ant cheerfully recommend them to public favor. T. H. WATTS, Ex-Governor of Alabama. J. W. A. SANDFORD, Att'y Gen'l of Alabama ROBT. DOUGHERTY, Judge Supreme Court Ala. From THOMAS J. JUDOS, Judgo Supreme Court. I have used GALLIGHAN'S PILLS on my plantatloi for Fever and Ague, ana nnd mern au mat ls claimed foi them. THOS. J. JUDGE Montgomery, Ala., September 39,1838. LOWNDES COUNTY, Alabama. GALLIGHAN'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS will do They aro decidedly the best medicine for Chills and 1 e ver I ever gave. I would not be without them forflvi tunes the price. J. A. GRAHAM. A MEHI CUB, April 17, 1887. One box of GALLIGHAN'S PILLS cured me perfectly of Chills and Fever. They are the best medicine toi Chills and Fever I ever saw. A. G. RONALD SON, Clerk Superior Court, Sumter County, Ga. MONTOOMEBY, ALA., July 9,1808. Messrs. BLUNT k HALE-GENTS: I have used yow GALLIGHAN'S PILLS on two occasions for Chills anc Fever, and find that they effect all that they are Intend ed to do. They are the best remedy for the disease ULT I have ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. Respectfully, DAN'L SAYRE, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. of Alabama ALBANY, GA., March ll, 1867. I have used GALLIGHAN'S PILL8 In forty cases ol Chills and Fever, with peri oct success. They are th? best Fever and Ague Pill put up. A. B. FANT. WHOLESALE IN CHARLESTON, BY GOODRICH, WIN K.MAN' dc CO., No. 168 Meeting street. And by all Druggists. B LOL N'T di HALE, PROPRIETORS, May 14 omo Montgomery, Ala. S1MILIA 8IMILIBUS CURANTUR. HUMPHREYS' HOMOEOPATHIC SPECIFIC! HAVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST AMPLE EXPE? RIENCE, an entire success : Simple-Prompt-Effl? uent sad Sellable. They are the only medicines per? fectly adapted to popular use-so simple that mistake? oannotbe made In using thom; so harmless ss to tx tree from danger, and so efficient ss to be alway, relia? ble. They have raised the highest commendation from au, and will always render satisfaction. Cents. So. 1, eurea Kev?rs, Congestion, Inflammations.. 91 M 2, ? Worms. Worm-Fever, Worm-Cole.. 36 ? % * Crying Colic, or Teething of In* fonts. M n 4, II Diarrhoea of Children or Adults.... it " i, " Dysentery, Griping, Billons Collo... SI .i e, choisi a Morbos, Nausea, Vomit* lng. 31 II T, " Cousin, Colds, Bronchitis. " 8, " Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.. 31 ? 8, .> Headaches, Sick HeadacheJVertigo.. 31 " 10, " Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach.. " ll, " Suppressed, or Painful Periods. M jj, H Whites, too profuse periods. 3 " 18, " Croan, Cough, Difficult Breathing.. 3 14, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions. 96 ? 15, " KL ema at ls a?. Rheumatic Pains... M " li, 11 Fever and Agu?, Chill Fever, Agues. K M 17, 11 Piles, Bund or Bleeding. 60 ta 18, II Oplhalray, sud Hore OT Weak Eyes. 00 H jj, H Catar-n, Acute or Chromo, influ? enza.. 60 90, * Whooping Cough, Violent Coughs 60 m ai, II Asthma, Oppressed Breathing.. M ? 33, " Ear Discharges, impaired Hear? ing. 60 '? 28, " Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, Swell lags. N " 34, " General Debility, Physical Weakness 60 ? as, H Dropsy and Scanty Secretions.. 00 " 98, " Sea Sickness. Sickness from Bid* lag. IC 97, " Kidney Disease, Gravel. 00 " 38, " Nervous Debility, Seminal Emis dons, Involuntary Discharges.1.00 " SB, 11 Sore Mouth, Canker. 00 " 00, II Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bed. IO 81, " Painful Periods, even With Spasc i. 00 II ts, H Suffer.rigs at Change of Lie.1.00 II ss, H Epilepsy, Spasms, St Vitus' Dan oe. LOO u u, ?i Dlpthcrla, Ulcerated Sore Treat,... M FAMILY CASES. ie vial*, morocco case and book.$10.00 10 large vials, in morocco, sad book. 6.00 JO large vials, plain case, and book. 0.00 10 boxes (Nos. 1 to 10). and book. S.00 VETERINARY SPECIFICS. Mahogany cases, 10 vials.$10.00 Single vials, with directions. 1.00 ay Th ese remedies, by the case or single box, are tent to say part of the country, by Mall or Express, fres it charge, on receipt of the price. Address HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC H0MOOPATHI0 MEDICINE COMPANY, Office and Depot No. 663 Broadway, New York. Dr. HUMPHREYS ls consulted dally at his office, per tonally or by letter, aa above, for all forms of disease. DO WIE dc MOISE. Wholesale Agents. No. 161 Meeting street, Opposite Charleston Hotel. W. A. SHRINE. A. VT. ECKEL dc CO.. Retail Agents, No. SSI KING-STREET, 4th door above Market-it April 16_Oharlesten. 8. a tttm 1 TTHL^KERS and MUS- ^aw iWamK YT TACHES forced to f% AajjH grow upon the smoothest &?jH .?^w face m from three to five ^^^P B??tfl weeks by using Dr. SEVIG- Sf^SM HSfE. N E ' S RESTAURATEUR EH 4f?jt ^ktxy CAPILLAIRE, the most H^Bb t^KSB^Sr wonderful discovery iu mo ^^HB"^ dem science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It bas been used by the elite of Paris and Loudon with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and if entire satisfaction ia not given in every instance, the money will be cheerfully refunded, price by mail, sealed and postpaid, il. Descriptive cir? culars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGER SHUTTS& CO., Chemists, No. 2*6 River street Troy, N* v., sole Agents for the United States March 30_ lT "THOMAS R. AGNEWS IMPORTES AND DKALEB IN Fine Groceries, Choice Teas, Etc.. Kfc, NOS. 360 and 263 GREENWICH-ST,, COR. OF MURRAY, NEW YORK. November GHICEBRING & SONS ESTABLISHED 1823, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Sauare, And U?rifrriit PIANO FORTES. WARE-ROOMS, NO. 652 BROADWAY 3STE-W YORK. CHICK ER ING ? SUM' Grand, Square aod Upright PIANO-FORTES ABB KOW. AB THE? ?VAB HAVE BEBB, OOH? 8LDERED the bett la Am eric?, having been .warded SIXTY-FIVE PRIZE IB EDA LB. Of which fourteen were received In the month? of Sep? tember and October, ISCS, and first premiums over all competitors at the different principal Fain in thia country, and the PELZE MEDAL at the WORLD'S FAIR, LONDON. TH A LB KK G'S OP1NIOB. I consider Chickarlng a Bona' Pianos, beyond oom. parison, the best I have seen in America. 8. THALBERG, Chairman of Jury on Musical Inetrumen GARD. It il with feelings of pride aa American manufacturers that we publish the following testimonials, which have been received by ns recently: EUROPEA* TESTIMONIALS, Received during the month of August, I860. LONDON, Joly 30, 1867. Missus. CHIC nant o A SONS-Gents: I have much pleasure in enclosing a document signed by the first composers, musicians and professors in Europe. I held your Pianos in inch high estimation {vide my oertlfU cate) that I felt lt my duty to take one of them with me to Europe, to aeoertain the opinion of my professional brethren. The enclosed certificate will prove how unanimous they have been cn the subject. I beg to forward, at the same time, a letter I received from my friend, Mr. Collard, which I am sure moat be gratify, lng to yon. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, yours very truly, JAMES M. ?TOLL LOSSOW, Jan nary 14,1806. Jamel M. WekU, Esq.: MTDZAB8X>: I have great pleasure in asking youto convey to Messrs. Ohlcharmg the ?presi?n of my highest approval of their instrument. It la, I consider, not merely the beat Instrument of American manufac? ture that I have tried, but one of the fltreat Grand Piano? fortes that has ever eenie under my observation ; and the Messrs. Ohiokering may well be proud of having turned out from their manufactory an instrument which, for touch, quality, power and workmanship, tt would be very difficult to surpass In any part of the wide world. Dear slr, very sincerely yours, OHAS. D. COLLARD, Firm of Collard ft Collard, Piano-forte Manufacturers, Losnos, August 33, 1801 Jama M. WehU,Miq.: MT DBAB Sm: As yon are going back to the United otates, I must beg yon to remember me kindly to the Messrs. Cnlckering. Tell them I was delighted with their Grand Piano-forte-at good an instrument, I think ai toot ever turned out, beth in touch onditr v Wishing yon, Ac, I remato ever ti oly, R F. BROADWOOD. Firm of L Broadwood ft Sons, Piano-forte Man mac. tarers, London. Loamos, Jury 30, I860. Meurt. Ohicktring e\ Sons: Giarrs: I have Just been invited by Messrs. Collard to trys Grand Piano-forte manufactured by yon, andi have no hesitation in endorsing the opinion of my old friend, Mr. O. D. Collard, via: That it ls the finest in. strum ent I ever played on. Believe me, gentlemen, meet faithfully yours, J. L. HA TTON. rVrr?mon?a?? from the mott dittinguithed Arttiu in Ear-opt to Meurs, Chickering ?t Som: Lo?DOH, Joly ?, 186?. Having played noon a Piano-forte made by Messrs. Cbickertng A Sons, of Boston and Kew York, I have much pleasure in testifying to its ; cn ?ral excellence. For sweetness and brilliancy of tone, delicacy ol touch and magnificent power tn CJD cert purposes, 1 consider lt a really GRAND PI A* C-POI TE, AND DECIDED? LY THE BEST I HAVE sass or AM two IN MAHTJTAOTUB*. ABAWH:T.T.A GODDARD. GIO X) BEGONDL G. A. OSBORNE. ALF BED JAELL. W. KU H?. LOT ?AV SLOPER. JULES BENEDICT. J. BOSOHELE8, M. W. BALFE. Prot ol Conservatoire de CHAS. BALLE. Lelpiig. BBLNLEY RICHARDS. & ARTHUR 0HAPPEL. BEBB FA VARO ER. Director of Monday Con. SYDNEY SMITH. certa, London. Among the chief points of excellence of the Chick ar? lng Pianos, of whioh apeak the renowned artists in their congratulatory testimonials to the Bessrs.(Blinkering, are the greatest possible depth, richness and volume of tone, combined with a rare brillia! cy, clearness and perfect evenness throughout the ?attire scale; and, above au, a surprising duration of senna, the pure and sympathetic quality of whioh never changes under the most delicate or powerful touch. During the peat forty-three years tills firm has manu? aotnrsd 80,000 PIANOS, In the construction of which they have introduced every known and valuable Improvement They have invaria? bly been selected and used by ail yi the world's ao knowUdged great artista who have visited thia country professionally, both for private and pabilo use. THALBERG. I consider Chickening A Sons' Pianos, beyond com* parison, the beat I have ever seen in America, GOTTSCHALH:. I consider Chickering A Bona' Pianos superior to any in the world. They are unrivalled for their singing qualities and for the harmonious roundness of theil tone. There ls a perfect homogeneity throughout all the registers. The upper notes are remarkable for a olsarness and parity which I do not find in any other toe trament, while the base la distinguished for power without harshness, and for a magnificent sonority. WEHLI, Your Pianos are superior to any T. have ever teen ia thia country or in Europe. I have never h(?rd a tone so per oct ; it yields every expression that la needed In moils, and its quality la capable of change to meet every a? B tim ent. This ls a rare power, and is derived from th s perfect parity of Its tone, together with its sympathotio, elaaUo and well balanced touch. POZNAN SKI . During the past eight years I have constantly played upon the justly celebrated Erard Pianos ; yours are the only instrumenta that I have found, either here or in Europe, to equal them in all their points of excellence. It may be satisfactory to oar j atrons and Mends among the public at large to state that testimonials have boen received from all the leading artists who have visited or are now residing in the U ii ted States, a few ot whose names, besides those above, we append: LEO. DE MEYEB. GUSTAV HATTER. ALFRED JAEL. J. BENEDICT. H. !? ANDERSON. M. ST/RAKOSOH. R. HOFFMAN. J ULI LEN. ARTHUR NAPOLEON. And many others. BB? ILLUSTRATED ALBUMS AND PRIOB LISTS SENT BY MAIL. WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broadway, NEW YORK. HENRY SIEGLLNG, Art CHARLESTON! S. O October* mwf-ta?