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N1CWS SUMIvlARY. Geld doced ic Noir York nt 53j. Cotton waa without any chango at 2Go2CJ for middling uplands. In Liverpool, cotton dosed at lld. for uplands. A li: t'o rag-pickor in Moniphis found, a day or two sinco, a valuable dimond pin among tho mass that sho had picked up in tho streets. Up to Juno l illi, 21,829 url.ito, and 49,822 colored votors had been rcsiatcrod in Lousiana. Tho total number of wbito votors in I860 was 50,962. A gentleman in Now York has a pipo two hun? dred years old-brought from Mexico- niado in tho shape of on ancient idol of that country. Tho raft Nonpareil was spoken nt Bea, ono hun? dred and te vent y mili H cast by south from Sandy Hook, rn Friday of hut week. Tho Indiauola Times, of tho 15th, says tho wcath or has boon insufferably hot-tho thcrmomctor rising at times as high as 98, A gonoral beer drinking trial lins como off in Oormany. Ono man drank twclvo gallons in half an hour, tho other fifteen, and bolh inn M ted at about tho Bamo timo. Thoy liavo got a girl of ten years in a privalo gymnasium in Itoxbury that lilts 270 pounds; ono of 13 that lifts 400 pu ninia, and ouo of 17 that lifts 465 pounds. Tho kins of ono Ton KELLY, who diud i econ th? at Publique, Iowa, havo found beneath tho hut in which he livod about $3000 iu gold, sud aro still digging. Two wiso physicians in Memphis undertook to euro a CSBO of rboumatisnt by pulling tho patient's arms until they broke ono oi tho tondons. A sui] has boen commenced for damages. The Jimptecule says : "Tho only itomB of nows we can gather from our upper country exchanges is thal the blackberry crop was very promising in Titus County, and that a ghost had hoon discover? ed in Qnitman." At a faabionablo wodding In Now York recently, tbocarriagos ii ned ino struct for a hundred yards, and tho perfumo from tho bride's dross was so overpowering that th rec little boya and a dog wcro enlloca tod. Tho death of tho last doscondnnt of ZWIKOLIOS, tho famed Swiss reformer, ia chronicled iu tho Swiss papo rs. Ile died at Pittikon, at tho ago of sixty, leaving behind many precious relics that bad belonged to his illustrious ancestor. Tho Cairo Democrat says a largo furco of stono cultera, sand washers, rock broakors and carpen? ters aro now at work proparing material for tho now postoftlco and custom houso at that eily, Which wiU cost $150,000 to $200,000. Tho latest nows from Chicago ropresont a boarding houso burned-throo ccrpBOS talton from the ruins-man trilled by a police officer-rapo of a child-suioido of a girl on account of a cornet, and other agroonblo incidents. Dino beef xoiV tell. A letter from Rome says that among tho nota? bilities now iu that city is a ritualist clergyman of tho Augolicau Church, who appear, at all tho Ro? man Cstholio ceremonies attired in tho full dress of a pilgrim or hermit, and assista most devoutly at all tho roligious functions of tho aoason. Now Hampshire boasts of threo millions oi dol? lars worth of borsos; four and a half millions worth of oattlo; ?vo ,aud a half millions worth of milch oowa; two million? worth of shoop, and six hundred aud seventy-four thousand dollars worth of swine Shoo strings aro little things, but very Humor? ous, and in union lind etrongth, at South Carver, Mass., wbero seventy hands aro employed in ono shop, making shoo strings and lacings of cotton, silk and linen, to tho valuo of ono hundred and aeventy-flro thousand dollars annually. The exports of wool last year from California ex? ceeded 4,GO0,00U pounds, and tho local consump? tion 2,700,000. This year tho manufactories, it ie t estimated, will consumo nearly four millions of pounds, giving an increase, of almost fifty por cent. Sumo emigrant passongors on a MlBsisBippi steamboat recently found somo bags of beans among tho iroight, and helped thomsolvos to a bountiful supply for Boup. Tho boanB woro costor oil beans, consiguod to a druggist, and caused a decided commotion among tho tim,von. The first railroad was chattered in Connecticut in 1?82. At thin timo thora aro G17 milos of road finished in the Statu and 127 milos of double track. The number of passongors by all tho roads during tho year 1800, was 5 G?0,7C5. Not earnings, $2, 162,776. A Providonco (Bhodo Island) writer bu bcon Visiting Ohl cago, and ho givos ft a bad character. Ho Bays that thora tho tailors' children go ragged, shoemakers' children barefoot, and though it is the greatest cattle market in tho country, Chicago has the meanost beef. The La Orango (Texas) Kew Era says : .We aro trying the oxporimont of forcing the growth of cof? fee, using the ordinary grains for tho purposo. A gentleman In thia county is said to bo succeeding finely. ? Tho grains aro placed in water, and in tho Buunhino, and when tho shoots put forth are trans? planted to rich sail. ,. Tho Sci cut; flo Couunissioners of the World's Fair at Paris, has awarded to Alabama tho palm of producing the most suporior minerals of any State in tho United States. Alabama has tho wealth of au omplro in her coal fields and iron mountains, aud only needs tho skilful hand of labor to make her ono of tho wealthiest Stales of the Republic. That oxoellent paper, tho Gal voa lon News, says tho cottou worm has positively made its appear? ance in Matagorda and adjoining oountisaj and on como plantations baa BO entirely destroyed tho plants, that tho owner? have roplowed, and planted corn, Brazoria, Wharton, Crimes and the coast counties gonorally, aro the principal sufferers. Tho worm ie much oarUor than usual. Steel in thought by Professor WWTEB to be an excellent material for domestic vessels, auch as saucopans. Tho entire vessel maybe in ono piece, without rivets or soldering, will host quicker, and is moro healthful than copper. A German manu? facturer has carried this idea into practico, and manufacturen steel housohold utensils very suc? cessfully. , Correspondenoo from Ireland state? positively that JAKES STEPBKKS had just paid a visit to Dub? lin, and returned to Franco ofter attempting to do fond his cours o in a Fenian council in Dublin. There was no hopo for tho cause. Tho writer staten, os a result of tho Fenian movement, tho United States will this year gain on abundant sup? ply of tho moat valuable emigrant labor from Ire? land. A correspondent of tho London Cosmopolitan notes tho fact that, at tho laying of tho first stone of the Hall of Arts by tho Quoon roscntly, tho flag of every nation, exoopt that of the United Slates, floated from the building. As tho flags were pro? vided by the Admiralty, it may be pertinent to say that porhaps tho American ensigns captured and lodged at tho Admiralty are so fow that thoy don't like to risk thom ont of their custody. Very satisfactory information baa boon reoeivod from Suez about the passago of tho Mecca pilgrims thia season; 8847 had arrived, and thank? to tho caro which hod boon exercised, and the sanitary regulations enforced, not a singlo doatb had oc? curred. Tho pilgrims from Jorusalem aro now re? turning. A Russian sicamor, tho Vladimir, baa brought eight hundred and fifty to Co ns tau ti nople'ond Odessa, The Waco (Texas) Register relates this : "Ono of tho negro juroT, upon returning homo in tho evening, related to his employer, with manifest pleasure, what had occurred during tho day, and inquired.of him : 'Do dom men in do court houso understand ono anuder Uko I do do boys in de quarter?' 'Of course they do,' waa tho roply, 'can't you andora land them 7' 'No, sir I'was tho honest confession of Ooo. GnirTLVa Juryman, 1 can't understand dom mon at all ; doy talks too high for mo.' " Here ia the way the Emperor NATOLBOK rides out in Paria to moot the Ceor : "Ho woro tho uniform of a general officer, with tho grand cross of a Bu? tuan order, and rode in a magnificent state carr i ag o, all covored with ornamentation and Unod iaaido with satin. The coachman and tho throo footmon be? hind were ari ay ed in thrce-cornerod bata, groen velvet coats, trimmed all over with gold laoo, while ?ilk vesta, abort pant) and stooklDga. Whllo be was being driven at a rapid rate toward hie des ti na tien, a brilliant assemblage gathered io tho wait? ing-room at the depot.' Having been accused by a c/i respondent of croaking in regard to the crops this season, the Shreveport Oasette says: "Fully one-half of tho cultivated landa in the Bed River volley, from Loggy Bayon to the Arkansas Une, oro under water, and tho crops of cotton ?nd corn upon them axe entirely destroyed. The corn crop on the Hylands ia very backward, and below an over? age, A very few planters, who koop their corn clean, have a fair prospect, but a majority of thom will not make a aoffloleut supply for homo con sumption. The light showers and bot sun for the post two weeks have produced o wonderful chango, ?ntl if the seasons continue through this month, we mar hopo to subsist without depon ding on tho Northwest far bread. Tho cotton crop through oat the country [? doing well, whoro it is mt in? jured with grass nod weeds." OU RR 13 NT TOPICS. " THE GBKAT SOUTIIEBN Ouossl" "Thc Conti? nental-Halifax to Mazatlan Railroad-threo thousand four httndiod milos 1" Thoso sensation? al hoads havo boon attracting our attcntiou for w".oral days, and on looking Into (ho circular, of willoh thoy form tho caption, wo And that a now railway schoino is on tho tapis, viz: from Atlanta, Qa., to Decatur, Ala.; tho necessity for its speedy construction is thus sot forth in tito circular : Tho Continental Itailway, of which wo hear so much talk, oommeiiccs nt tho extreme uorthoantat Hali? fax-and passing through Bangor, Port hud, 1 tos? t?n, Now York, Hiiltdolphia, Dali moro, Washing? ton, Lynchburg, Knoxville, Clovetand-thonco to Now Orleans by a triplo ronlo -mid from that point to Houston, Texas, sud tapping the Pacific, either nt Mazatlan or Olia; mas, or perhaps both, somo three thousand four hundred miles iu its entirely, between Cleveland and New Orloans, thu direct and shortest lino is by tho Dallon, Homo, and Bel? ina llailroad, and thonco by a trunk lino to Kow Orleans. Branching at Cleveland, tho Northern cord of this trinity goes by Chattanooga and N, IC. and 8. Wt Haili ead to Eli tun, thence to Mobile, intersecting tho trunk lino to Now Orleans abovo, a little south and WOJI of Molina. Whilo thu South? ern cord leaves tho main lino at Dallon and goos to Atlanta, Montgomery, mid Bulma, or dividing at Montgomery, goes through to Now Orloans by way of Mobile, Nearly two-thiids of this great railway aro in oporalion, aud short spaces, both lu Maine and Alabama, aro hoing rapidly flited up. This is tho shortest route across tho comment - is Ian gent to tho Gulf of Mexico, and tho wholo Now I Cngland coas t-embraces cvory varioty of soil and climate, and will associate many a different raco and character in its business Operation?. Tho Charleston, Memphis and Topeka Railway, and Its extension north and westward, now hoing under auspicious consideration, will cross tho con? tinental at right angles, Intersecting tho Three Ply at Atlanta, Jack non vi Ile, or thereabouts, and Oadsdcn, or rather a fow miles north of that poiut. Tho bearing of tho Continental is south, 45 degrees wost ; whilo from tho Charleston and Memphis north, 45degrcos west ; and at Memphis a slight anglo moro northward to an intersection with tho Union racine, at Topeka, or somo wi. uro in that vicinity, Bay four hundred and Iwc'jty-flvo milos from Momphis. Thoso two linai w.u form thu "Ureat Southern Cross," and wiP Vicomo in limo tho groat highway of tho world's commorco, securing to tito Southeastern Slates thoir duo in fluonco and posilion among tho nations of thc earth. Tho short gap in tho Charleston and Mom phis Road, from Atlanta to Decatur direct, Bay loan than two hundred miles, is tho first stop io closing up this routo, and measures aro already boing taken for its otrVly accomplishment. Thc shortest linos to tho most distant place?, is a good motto for railroad builders in this progrossivo agc Consolidation, concentration, and co-operation, arc WOldl Of good meaning iu railroad management Mr, GEO. WADSWOHTU, of Atlanta, is al prosont ir this city, armed with maps, and chock full of al sorts of information bearing on this ontorpriso RICHABD GRANT WHITE, one of tho regular con trlbutors to tho Galaxy, is writing a scries o papera for thal magazine, entitled "Words ant thoir Uses." In Uio nutnbor for July ho combat: tho opinion, current among English, and admit tm also by many American writers, that "our tasto ii languago ia less fastidious, our licenses and in accuracies moro fropiout, and of a character in dicativo of a want Of refinement and elegant cul lure, than thoso wo hear in educated society ii England." This is givon in tho very languago o Mr. MAUSR, who is consurod by Mr. WHITE tb such au admission; inconsiderate and unjust, inas much as ho compares our avengo epcoch witl that of educated society in tho niothor country Mr. WHITE then prococds to chow that tho Jira cotcmporory writers ot England aro not freo fror inaccuracies and ambiguitios of grammar au slovenliness of style. Ho cites numorous pot sagos from FonsTEii's "Arrest of tie- Five Mom hors," and Kno ODE'S "History of England," vcr open to criticism. Wo havo room only for ono o two of thoso. From Fiiouns: "And had DAHNLE proved tho useful Catholio which tho Quean intondo bim to bo, thoy would havo sent him to his accotu with SB small compunction os J AEI. sent the Oanaat ito caplain, at thoy would havojblesaod tho an that did it willi as much eloquence as DEBORAH; whereupon Mr. WnrrE remarks : "Horo wo ai compelled to ask : How small compunction di JAKI. send tho Canaanite captains ? and, What d< groo of oloqnonco did tho arm attain ? What di it with as much as DEBOBAH? What was it? am How much oloqnonco ls DEBORAH ?" 'I bo sontonc to uso tho words of tho Salitrdav fl nletn, ia . marked with slovenliness of grammar and durna ness of expression; it is so lacking in tho din c noss, precision, and forco winch, according to M LOWEIX, are as common ai tho day in the moth? country, that it con only bo bettered by boing a most wholly rewritten. Wo are all able te guns but only to guess, that what Mr. FHOUDE moons thot tho persona of whom ho speaks would hat sont DABNLET to his account with os little cos ponction as JAEL'S, whon sho eent tho Cacaoni captain to his, or would havo blessed with tho ol quonco of PEBOBAH, tho arm that did thoir pica uro." This may, perhaps, bo moro clear; but, 1 our lights, it is ovon less elegant than tho origina But wo muBt forbear quoting or criticising, for v much fear our readers will pronounce this hypo criticism-on occupation beneath tho attention i sensible pooplo, who can find something elsa i do oven in their hours of leisure. TOE BOSTON correspondent of tho Bpringflc Republican tells the following story on THAOTCEHA Whether or not lt ia true, wo aro unablo to ea but wo remember hoar Lng it ot tho timo of TUAC BRAY'S visit to this oity. Li Bichmond wo otto warda heard the same story told about THAOK nAT and a spirituelle lady of that city. Tho folio bag Ia '.ho story os told in tho Republican: "TBAC EBAT was by nature a singularly coors o mon ooorso in tbonght, and co anio in expression, ai thoso who were intimate with him often wooden to seo how woll ho simulated refinement in li books. His first request on landing in this cou try, on Ms first visit, was about tho last ono that well-bred gentleman would have ventured to mak He was in Charleston, 8. C., in 185G, during 'ra week'-the week of tho year, in old times. I mot, of course, Mrs. SUSAN PETTOBU KINO, doug ter of JAKES PETIOBO (famous as tho old Uni man in South Carolina, and who, by the way, rei ly cored no moro for the Union than he did 1 tho Confederacy, despising both and loading mo archy). Mrs. Ena is on authoress, on intelligei bright, and, not to got too Ano a point npon saucy woman, Har train of cavaliers was siwa numorous. On boing presented, THACKERAY, W bod been told something of tho lady's peculio t?os, sold, 'I havo hoard that yon oro a fast wornt Mrs. Krna.' Without suffering a shadow of c noyonce to appear on hor broad bu t-espi?gle foi Mrs. KINO responded, 'And I have boen told tl you were a gontlomon.' " TEE VicasBtrBo Republican of Jane 18, brit tho following item of prcss*goseip: "It is wbiap od around town th at Colonel MANLOVK, lalo edi in chief of the Vicksburg Times, and Colonel 1\ TniixiE, former editor of tho Vicksburg Herald, i shoat to establish a noWspapor in Ibis city on I LOKQBTBXET platform. Wo aro personally acqaai od with both of theso accomplished and obie Jo nolists, and although wo bovo hold views difJori very widely from thoso heretofore entertained c advocated by thone gcnllcmon, wo cannot but w thom the moat unbounded success. Gonoral Loi STREET'S views on tho great national issues now foro tho pooplo of tho South are oertainly nor of the most profound consideration of tho poo of Mississippi, and wo boil with Joy the lnaugo Hon in Vicksburg of any poper that will advoc tho principles enunciated by him in his letta Mr. J. M. G. PABSEB. It hos been charged t General LCEOSXBEST is a "traitor to the inter? of bis once loved South." U this ls so, wo wo much rather go down to history damn od as o t tor than to live the Ufo of a cowardly poltroon, i be blessed with tho nome of patriot. Men Jadgod by thoir sols, and not by thoir words. 8 styled prtriots who sought terogo within Feet linos, when the South was bleeding at every pi ond who now do no un; o such sold i er? as Lo BTBxrr as a traitor to tho South will bo Judged thoir record. AT TUX BAU. given by Lord COWLST, in Pa recently, tho Empress EOOXHTJC was in white, wore sia rows of Iorgo diamonds round hor ni The samo ornaments wero festooned in hor fa In dress, tulle, especially whilo, was the atril feature ; bat all robos wore differently tri mn although with about the some materials and ? clous at?nos. If Ibo tinth most be sold, ss correspondent, the dr ca a os woro modo of nott bat trimming, and that mostly of leaves which twined round the skirts, and g ll sa en od all i with what Is oatlod a diamante preparation. . crystal rod ct oed to powder, and adhered to el crape or other artificial leaves. Tho offset is 1 ly. Other robes woro bat foundations forjo to shine on. Some woro oil Koo, with very 1 trains. Tho prettiest wore vaporous wsYoe ol Ugh tori lido hs 3o, I?Anai8T CIRCULATION.-The DAILY NEWH publishes (he Official List of Let? ters remaining m ike Postoffice at the end of each week, agreeably to the following section of the New Postoffce Law, as thc newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston : BCOTIOHS. Ami bo lt further enacted, TluU Uti* of lot lora remaining uncalled Tor In any Postofllce In any elly, town or Tillage, ?hero a newspaper snail bo printed, shall hereafter bo published onco only In tho uowspapcr which, being published weekly or oftener, shsll havo tho largos! circulation within ranga of delivery of Ibo said outee *? j?- AJ communtcatlons inlcntied for ?nMicatton in this journal must bc O'lilresscd lo thc tilttor of Ute Daily A'ews, A'o. 18 Ifayiic-strcet, Cliarleston.'S. C. Uusmcss communications lo J'tibllahcr of Daily Nene, Wecannot undertake to re'.tirn rejected communica^ lions. Advertisements outside of Hie city must be accompo ninl in?7/i thc cash. CHA RLE S T O?7~ THURSDAY MORNING, JPKK 27, 18G7. JOD Wornt.-Wo hove now completed our ?(Tice so ns to execute, in tho shortest possible time, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, nnd wo most respectfully ask tho patronage, or our friends. PEIR80NA.Ii REPRESENTATION. Tliat thc will of tho majority should govern is a rulo accepted almost everywhere, and in ?this country bus long been deemed tho key to tho most satisfactory form of democratic or representative goTornmont, nnd Ibo only principio upon which such government is pos? sible. A few wiso mon very early foresaw gravo objections to this method of rule ; but as in tho main it workod woll, no citoria were linnie to chango it for any other plan. Bul in tho presidential election of 18C0, by thc divis? ion into parties, tho successful candidate had not received a majority of tho votes cast ; ho had only received moro votes than nny ono of tho other three gentlemen, who wero bis com? petitors for tho presidontinl office Tho im? mediate result of this election, as wo all know, was a giganlio fratricidal war, tho most un for? tunato over waged on this continent. A differ? ent nc h emu of representation, in which the wishes of tho majority could have boen consti? tutionally contorcd upon one candidate, would, in all human probability, have averted this dlro calamity. j This subject bas received considerable altcn [ lion of late, particularly in England, whore Mr. HARP, has offered a scheme, which would socuro clfectual representation to every suf? fragist. Hut before wo enter on its explana? tion, wo will briefly roview tho ohiof objections thal have been mado lo our present system by several leading American writers, ns also, by M. DE TOQUBVILLI:, JOHN STIIABT M i LL, and other foreign publicists. These wo find clearly set forth in a late paper on this subject in the Galaxy. 1. Our present syst em of electing representatives, lends to tho separation of tho whole voting population into two groat parties, compelling forced and murnini til uniformity of view, intensifying partisan conflicts, and giving undue power to small majorities. 2. Il has led in practice to tho non-re? cognition of thc rights of minorities, ns well as to their non-representation in our legislativo bodies. 3. lt condemns to private lifo the bes!, wisest, nnd most original minds in Iho country, and gives nearly all thc prizes of high public sta? tion to "available" mediocrities. ^ ! 4. It fills our representative halls with pur? chasable representatives, who, in spile of their known unworthiness, aro kept in official posi? tion by ignorant or indifferent constituencies. fi. It has given birth to thc convention, the caucus, tho lobby, the ring-irresponsible bodies, unknown to the Constitution, yet oft timon far mora powsrful in controlling legisla? tion than a wisc publio opinion. 0. Il incites to demngogism-that is, lo un? wise and hurtful adulation of the people, makes the majority intolerant and tyrannical, and compels an unwholesome uniformity of view nnd action at times when debate and opposition are needful to form a correct publio sentiment. The practical working of the system is thus happily illustrated : "Voters in this country may be classified into thrco parties-say tho Blue, tho Oreen, and tho Yellow. Tho mass of voters belong either to the Blues or Greens, and not over one in ten lo tho Yellows; yet this last is the power-conferring parly ! The bulk of stolid and prejudiced people are always Democrats or Republicans, but sd, also, are tho men of sincere convictions, as well as all tho really honest voters ; but tho Yellow, or bal? ance-of-po wer party-a contemptible faction In point of numbers, and mado up of the most questionable voting matorial-after all, controls tho action of Conventions, and dict?tes the choice of executive and legislative officers. That is to say, our system gives the controlling power to the exceptional, purchasable and im? pressible minority volo." Mr. HARE'S plan has been brought into no? tice by the reform agitation in England, and is strongly endorsed by Mr. MILL. A modifica? tion of this plan, under the name of the "cu? mulative vote," has found its way into Parlia? ment, and is favored by the tory government. It was first proposed by Lord JOHN RUSSELL in 1864. His proposition was to increase the number of "three-corner" constitudnoios-i. e. oleotoral districts entitled to three members, but to restrict voters from giving their voices for more than two of tho repr?sentatives. Of course under this rule the majority would al? ways have two of tho members, and tho mi? nority, if large enough, the remaining one. But (his, after all, only recognizes (\vp__parties of tho State, and gives no representation to tho minor interests aad opinions which exist in all free governments, apart from the leading political organizations. Mr. THOMAS HABB published his plan in 1858; but to Mr. MILL, we believe, belongs the honor of bringing it into general notice. In his "Representative Government" thia scheme will bo found warmly and cogently endorsed. Mr. MILL proclaims this plan as of "transcend? ent importance," and sees in it a euro for the most palpable evils of representativo institu? tions. This plan operates somewhat as follows: If the election ia for a member of Congress, for instance, the voter is to write down tho names of his candidates in the order of his preference. He may put down two, six, ton, or any number of names, and these will repre? sent his first, second, third, etc., choice. If the first fails to get the requisite number of votes, perhaps tho second may be more lucky, and so on. The process of arriving at a cor? rect result is necessarily more oomplloato than our present system, but thin is a matter for the managers or judges, of elections, with whick the individual voter has nothing to do. Among the advantages whioh would arise, from .the adoption of the HARE scheme, ora wise adaptation of the oumulativo vote in this country, are the following : 1. It would se? cure to minorities, beyond all peradventure, their- true representation in oar legislative bodies. 2. It would revolutionise the irre? sponsible convention system, perhaps do away with it altogether, thus ridding us of the wire? pulling, log-rolling and corruption, whioh the present system necessarily entails. 3. Il would do away with caucuses. 4. It would keep in publio positions the best and most trusted men in the country, because only those who were widely known, could secure the ne? cessary numbor of volee. 6. Il would rob minority votes, such as the "Irish volo " "soldiers' vote," working men's vote," et?., of (ho undue influence they now exert, because of thsir assumed power to tarn doubtful dlslriols and win party victories, and would thus save un from much questionable; legislation. 0. It would not only grontly increase Hie intellectual ?nd mural power 9tCongress, but would entura us the first minds in Hie country ns executive ofJicors. Under tito convention system which lias heretofore prevailed, our greatest mcu hovo been kepi out or thu presidential chair, while under tho HARE schrmc 'he most popular man could certainly bo elected. 7. ll would bring homo lo every elector thc feeling of actual and porsonnl responsibility, convert what nre now | bare majorities into uuauimous constituencies, and demoralizing political contests into efforts of honorable emulation between candidates. In 18('i0 the total vote polled for President was 1,080,109, of which Mr. LINCOLN had con? siderably less limn one-half-1,800,-162; yet tho electoral vole was over one-half; Hie wliolo vote hoing 303, Mr. LINCOLN obtained 180 voles, whereu thc true proportionate elec? toral vote would only have been 121 for his share. In 1801, Mr. LINCOLN had 2,223,036 votes, represented by an electoral vote or 213. Gen. MCCLELLAN received 1,811,734 votes, and only 21 in Ibo electoral college, whereas (ho real proportion would have been 120 electoral votes to Mr. LINCOLN, and 100 to MCCLELLAN. As n number or orgnnie conventions arc about tn sil all over i lie South, aud also in some ortho olhor States or the Union, there would seem to bc ni 'his lime a fuir opportunity for inaugurating a pi m ImBcd on, and moro or less similar to, tho one proposed by Mr. HARK. WO should like to sec thc experiment made, and although wc arc liol quite sure thal il would much husten the approach or thc political millennium, wc cannot help thinking and be? lieving that il would bc a great improvement on our present system or popular representa? tion. _WANTS._ WANTKD, A (1IIOD COOK IN A PRIVATE family. Apply at this offlco._Juuo 27 WANTED. A WHITE WOMAN, A GOOD COOK and Washer; references rrquircd. Apply at Ho. 44 DEAUFAIN, opposite MAZYOK STIIKKT. _Juuo27_ 1? WANTED-NALESHICN. EVERYWHERE -Ladles and OenUemon-tlOO lo $?C0 por mouth, to soil tho GENUINK COMMONSENSE FAMILY SEW? ING MACHINE. Erne only MB. lilis Machine will stitch, hem, Iou. tuck, binti, quilt, braid, aud embroider. Tho cloth cannot bo pulled apart, oven aller cutliug across tho scam every quarter of an Inch. Every Machino warranted three years. ? ond for circulars and toms to asunto, or call at MCDOWELL'S ULOCK, cor? ner Fourth and Oreen streets, Louisville, Ky. BLISS k McEATflRON, Oenoral Agents. N. B.-Positively nono genuine unless coining through our omeo. Juno 4 lulhsSmo WANTED, A SINGLE MAN, OF STEADY habits, forty or fifty years of ago, to take charge of a Colton Plantation, sltustod on Wando River, about six mites from city, (lemme preferred. Apply to ROPER A- STONEY. Vsndorhorst Wharf._2 Juno 26 WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK, WASH, and Iron, for a small fsmlly in the country. Ono qualified will secure a pleasant homo aud good wages. Apply lo No. 1 MEETING STREET. 3 Jane 26 FOR SALE. MIR SALE, A LIGHT IRON AXLE CART, suilablo for farm uso. Apply st No. 27 EAST BAX, [ corner Stoll's Alloy._stu IM?_June M AT PRIVATE SALE-THE STEAM TUG "RELIEF," built In Philadelphia in nw;. Length ilily-slx (Ml feel six (G) Inches; depth sevcu (7) feet. I Breadth of beam sixteen (16) fi ct. Coppered lo ?Ix (6) I feet Hull and machinery hi good order. ALSO, ANEW STEAM PILE DRIVER-Length forty eight (48) foci; breadth fifteen (la) feel; depth thrco Cl feet alx (6) Inch's. Two (2) high pressure cuglnee, six (6) indi c)limier; twelvo (12) Inches stroke. Length of derrick forty-eight (48) feel; snoco for logs ll rte tn (16) inches. Fist's bottom sheathed with heavy slue; propelled br bor own power. Speed four (4| miles per huir. For I. J rn?, which shall bo liberal, apply to J NO. FERGUSON, Juno 16 alulhS Accommodation Wharf. OR SALE, A CARRYALL, WITH TWO Seats, polo and shaft. Also, a set of double and alnglo HARNESS, all In good order. Can ba seen and bargained for cash or a Hmo note at thirty days, al No. 21 Lynch street. May 17 TO RENT. WHARVES TO RENT.-W II A R F ON Cooper Uiver, east end of liasel street; also, I WHARE wost end of Bull street- Apply st BENNETT'S MILLS. thstuO Juuo 27 1 rpi> RENT.-THAT DESIHAULE HESI JL DENCE, No. 68 Cannou street, near Uutlodgo Av? enue, containing six upright and two attic rooms, with gas throughout, cistern, well, and ampio kitchen accom? modations. To au approvud tenant, term? moderate ; possession given immediately. Enquire at WILKINSON k GI LOU ill VT'S LAW OFFICE, Mo. 48 Broad street. April 29_m th TU KENT, THAT DESIR ADLE RESI? DENCE, No. 63 Smith street, sllumu-J on lbs mnh west comer of Smith ami Calhoun streets, containing 10 or 12 largo roams, double plsuaa, a Uno well ol water, ' largo cistern, and large lot, carriage house and stables. Poasesslou given on 1st July. ALSO, A ; LARGE THBEE-SROHY HOUSE, NO. 54 SOCIETY ? trco*L contoinin? 'J rooms, largo yard, and c.mtnodlou. outbuildings. Kent moderato lo an approved tunanL Apply to GEO. H. LNG UAH AM, No. IB Vanderhorst Wharf._ tulhaS_Juno 23 TO RENT. A COMFORTABLE TWO story DWcLLLNO UOUSF,No. 20 Cannon street, [ containing four rooms, kitchen, water, Ac. Possession ?;iveu immediately. Apply on tho premises on or be? or? Saturday, 29th, or al the southwest comer of COM INO AND WARREN BTIIEETS. 3_June2?_ fpo RENT, PART 4IF THE HOUSE Na. 40 X Wentworth street. To a desirable tenant tba terms will be accommoda ting. Juno 13 BOARDING. 1.EXCELLENT DOARD, AT VERV LOW \i rotes. In thu most central business part of tho city, without lodging, In a private house, cou now be had. For particulars address "X_ L," Post?nica May 16 BOARDING.-THREE PLEASANT ROOMS with good BOARD cnn bo had on tmmodlr to appll I nation to No No. 69 CHURCH BTUEET, wat al le, near Trodd street Terms reasonable. J mo 12 FOUND. FOUND,ON THE MORNING OP THE nd Inst, a POCKET BOOK, which tbs owner can have by proving property and paying for advert?s erneut June 4 REMOVALS. EKMOVAL.--THE OFFICE OF THE SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY bas I been removed from over Oae old Bank of Charleston to No. 69 BROAD STREET. May 26_ WILLIS & CU1S0LM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ANS SHIPPING AGENTS. STILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, 8ALE AND W nilli MENT ?to Foreign and Domestic Purls) of I COTTON. HI CE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. 8. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. OHISOLH October 2R S. A. LAMBERT, PRODU?E COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN ORDERS FILLED ON COMMISSION. Ofllce of JoliuF. Ne wk irk, | No 127 READE-8TUEET, CORNER HUDSON, IST K "W YORK. JJ- Agency for EXTON'8 rREMTUM TRENTON (TRACK El ts. AU orders sent will be promptly allende.! to._fimos_Deceml^r 18 O. CHITTENDElNr, General Conin?ssion Merchant, AND Manufacturer of Pao er, OF VABIODS KINDS, KO. 147 READE S T It K BT, Cor sr Hudson Street, New York. TVEALETt IN PAPES AMD Ut MATERIALS OE I f every description for Its manufacture. D?renther IB_Arno THE wmm EXPRESS COMPANY, Office No. 147 Meeting sir., t, CONNECTIONS WITH AXA Railroads Throughout TUX UNITED STATES. Every attention Riven to the safe Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. WILL CALL FOR AND DELITER FBEIQB3 TO ANY POINT IN THE CITY FREE OF OHAROB. H. D. PLANT, Pre. ld eat, April 10 Aconita, 0a, MEETINGS. KOITII ?'AHOl.ltVA ??I A SOM?: IIKNEVO LKNT SOCIETY. MHIE MONTI! LY lt RETI Nfl WILL UK HOLDEN IN JL Miuaulo Hall, THU Emling, lUo 27th Instant. st ? O'Clock. M i'inl ? nt SUll rn nd 1 Inten elect will si te n I URXU tuslly. ' 11 y order of tho President. W. A. WILSON, Secretary. Jute 27 1? I. U.U. P.-IIUWAKU LODGE, No.a THU REGULAR QUARTERLY MELTING OF THIS Lodge will bo bold, TA ti (Thursday) Srtning, st Odd Fellows' Hall, st 8 oVIwt. Members will picoso alt- ml prepare! lo pay nm am. J. E. MEYER, Juno 27 1 P. a. sud Trvsjturor. EDUCATIONAL. Mill I'll CAROLINA nil ?.IT \ ll Y ANDI'ULY TKCHNIU ACADEMY. AGREAT SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES, together with Languages, Literature, Pullllcal Economy, History, fcc Thc Second Session, Ninth Academic Year, opens July 1st, 1KC7. Diplomas conferred u|>ou Graduates lu tho regular course. A apcelal rotirsool KEOINKKIIINO, ARCHITECTURE and DliAWINU, la offered to llioao who wlab lo qualify themselves lor i ?vii Engineers, Lawyers, Ac., and do nut desire to (ninnie "tin f r tn ll, ii. A Commercial Course given to tboso who wish to pre? pare lor business lifo. A {Preparatory Courso for tho io who sro quilo young .or lltltu advanced. No utllltary duty except enough drill tor licitly HH> else. Expenses moderato. For circulars, coutaiulng full particulars, address (IRK. ll. E. COI ETON, Superintendent, Hillsboro, N. C. May 28_tiiUtslS INSTRUCTION IN FIIEM'II. ?\ATllfl. NICHOL", A NATIVE OF CHARLESTON. ITJL nut duriug t Ito ?>ast ll fu cn \ cars a rcsldoul lu Europe, is doaimus of giving instruction in tho French Lauguago, elttior at lier own residence or at tito bouses of ber pupils. Inquire st Mrs. FINNEY'S, No. 190 King slrcol. \ May 21 DENTISTRY. THEO. F. CHUPEIN, DENTIST, OPPII i:, - - - No. ?75 KINO ST IIB CT, KEAULV OrrOSITE ll AB EL. Tan MOST- BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETQ IN SEIITED at moderato prices. Uu~ TEETH EXTRACTED without pain by means of ClILUROFUItll NITROUS OXYD, Or by DR. RICHARDSON'S apparatus for producing COCA 1. ANESTHESIA. Msrrh B tullis Gmo CLOTHING. A. S HULL, Ag't., MERCHANT TAILOR, 14"ASKEM0VED Ttl No. 70 BROAD STREET, NORTH J L HIDE, BETWEEN MEET IN tl AND CHUhCU, where ho will bo dad to aco lils jld I rienits sud custom? ers, an 1 has lu Btoro a full assortment of CLOTHS, COATI NU, 0ASS1.MEHK8 and VKHT1NUS of every va? riety, which bu will i uni-o up to or Jar at aa low prices aa any similar establishment ALDO, A FUL? ASSORTMENT OF FURNI3HINO (?ODDS FOU ?1EN l LEMEN'S WEAH. M. J Nt). 'I'. FLYNN (formerly of C. D. Carr h Co.,) will aupvriulond Hie Tailoring Department aa usual, sud. will give lils rapecInl attention lo Cutting saul Malina of AltMY AMD NAVY UNIFORMS. B May ll_2mo N G. PARKER, LATE PARKER k 0 H I LD, DEtr.rn IN CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AMD FURNISHING- GOODS. '?mo I* No. 103 EAST DAY. WHITE SDIiPUilll SPRINGS, CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. TITHE PROPRIETORS OF THIS CELEBRATED J- WATERINU PLACE, having gono to great expenso slnco ibo last season, lu changing tho position of and re? pairing Uio COTTAGES, grading tho Walks and creeling now Ilullulngs, tojother wi Ul many otbor Improvements, wiU open THEbPRINOS for Uio roeeptlou ol visitors on Saturday, June 1st, 1867. Being situated In tba northwestern part of ibo S Uta, in a country rein ar kau B for ita beauttysnd healthful? ness, these, together wltbtbe virti?se! tba Waters, maka lt ono of His moat deal rabio WATERING l'LAOEH in tho country. THE MINERAL WATERS Of THE SPRINOS are the Whlto and Bino Sulphur, and Chalybeate, and they possess all tae Untat qualities of th eso waters, and aro sovereign remedies far all diseases or tba LIVER, BOWELS, STOMACH and KIDNEYS. TUE SPRINOS aro sccesslblo by any of the roads lead? ing lo Salisbury, N. C., and at Hut point tbs Western North Carolina Railroad will convoy visitors to Hickory Station, at which place conveyances aro always lu attend? ance io toko ihem to TUE SPR1NUS. Dr. WHITE, of Uto Medical College of Virginia, will be at TUE SPRINGS tho cn Uro Season, and Invalida may rely upon good attention. Having again secured tho services of Mrs. WRENN, and made ampio arrangements for keeping a GOOD TABLE, and tho best Winos, Liquors and Segara, and having engaged 8m!tb'a Band for ike Season, we safely promise to all every convenience for pleasure, comfort and amusement that may I HI desired. BOARD PER MO V TH.SOO OO 111) \ 111) PEU WEEK. 18 OO no.Mil) PER DAY. 3 00 Children antler 7 yean of aga and Ber vania Unix* Price. J. GOLDEN WYATT & CO., PROPRIETORS. Msy 30 _2m0 BEAUTY.- Auburn. Golden, Flaxen, and buken CURLS produced by the use of Professor Be BRKUXS FRISER LE CHEVEUX. One applica? tion warranted to curl Uio. most straight and stubborn hal "of either aox into wavy ringlets, or heavy masalvo cu. . . Has been used by tba fashionables of Pails snd Landon, with tbe most gratifying results. Does no in? jury to Uio bslr. Price by mall, scaled and postpaid, fl. Descriptive circulars malled free. Address BERGER, SHOTTS & CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street. Troy, N. Y , Sole Agents for tbs United States. March 30_ ly ELDER ft BROWN, MANUFACTURERS AND PATENT? EES of Lbs celebrated COMBINATION ORADLE AND BABY TENDER, Pro? pelling, Horses, and all linda : of Rook, lng Horses, In valla Chairs, wlth.donble and singlo wheels, from |2S to IIS; Children's Carriages, Fancy and Varnished Wagons, Fancy Bal es, Invalid Carriages, made to ordar. Paney Propeller .nd Baby Hookers, ?a., Ac, life-sase Horses, mada toe .der. Depot, : o. MB BROADWAY. Manufactory, Nos. 419, 150,1S1 a d lil WEST STREET, New York. octotxtt a?_thatnlyr Ott I>? \ A % t'JC rrUTE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED X for Ute information of sil concern ed : AS 0111)1 SANCE TO BXODXATK TU E CLEA Tl SIMO Ct PaTVTCB AMD VAULTS IM THE collFORATK Li H ITO or TUB CITT. I. Bo lt Ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, That from and alter the ratlBcatton of this Ordinance, lt shall not be lawful for any person lo cleanse or remove the contents of Vaults or Privies within the Umita of the city, without having previously obtained a Ucease for the sams; all auch licenses lo expire on tho Slat December of every year, and be subject toaU requirements impos? ed by Ordinances regulating tho granting of Lleeuau for Drayo and ?lari*. U. That the use of Barrels In open Carts and Wagons ls prohibited, and part lea applying for License will be re? quired to pr?vido closed Caria mutable for the parp?se. ILL AH persons having such License shall re poi t nt ono of Ul Guard Houses, during the day, bis or their in? tention tx lo such work daring the ensuing night; tn the Lower Wards snob report to bo made to the Main Gaari Houao, in the Upper Wards to Upper Guard Home. IV. The place or places for the deposit of such offal thill bo designated from timo to Urns by Ute Mayor. V. Every owner or driver of such Lloemaed Uart or any other person who shall vi?lalo any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or shall neglect or refuso to observe tho same, or any of ihem, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a fine not lo exceed twenty-five dollars, lo bo en? forced by tho Mayor In his Court, or recovered in any other Court of competent Jurisdiction. Banned In City Council this seventh day of Mar, In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred sod six? ty-?oven. lu a.) r. a QATLLARD, W. H. SMITH, . Major. _Clerk of Po tin eil_8mo_May 10 nones. OFFICE OF THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE, I CSAHX.CSTO>, 8. C., Msy 23, 1863. I PARAGRAPH U. O-- ORDINANCE TO REOULATH the '?Cleansing of Privies and Vanita," forbids the use of barrets in open carts and wagons, and part?as ap? plying for license are required to provide cloted carts suitable (br the pnrposo. AH persons, therefore, who purpose taking Jobs of tho kind, are hereby required1 to bring their carts to main guard house for luapocuon be? fore spplying for license. O. B. SIG WALD. Mayal tao Captain of Police. TAVDRK.KEEPERB'IIOTICB, OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, ) March 1,18?7. J A LL TAVERN-KEEPERS, AND PERSONS RETAIL. A. THO spirituous liquors, within the olly limits, who b's re not executed their bonds and taken ont the proper o arda to ahow that Uiey havo Ucee so to soil, will be rr- | ported aa not ?implying with the Law, aller Monday, Mb uxsL Those who have cards are hereby nodded lo hare tim ; same placed In a conspicuous place In the window. All falling to observe thia notice will also be reported, stier UM above, mentioned Unie, W. U. fill ITH, K??b* . M| cf Qm&. FINANCIAL. CITY HI 1.1,S, RECEIVAHLE roil CITY TAXES. For salo by Z. B. OAKES, June VT_2_No. 4 Broad .t in cl. NOTICE. IJMtEEDMAN'H SAVINGS ANO TRUST COMPANY, ' No. 0 State street. Money depo-iled eu or beforo tho I Mh day of July will hu uuUtied tn Interest an ir. m July lal. NATHAN RITTER. Juuo 37 _ 16 Cni-lnnr. NATIONAL lui m in o s A v i N fi s AND TRUST COMPANY. CHAllTEItED DY ACT OF CONOItKiW. OFFICERS. M. T. HEW ITT, Proal Uni. J. IV. A I.void). Hret Vlcc-Presldent. LEWIS CLEl'HANE, Second Vicu-Frcaldent. DANIEL !.. EATON, Actuary. SAM L. HAItltlH, General Inapector. Hanking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, cornrr of 1'Jth street, Washington, D. C. BRANCH AT CHARLESTON, 8. C., NO. O STATE HT1?EET. Opona cvpry day, Sundays and Holidays oxcrptcd, from 10 A. M., to 3 P. M., aud from 3 tu 4 P. M. DEPOSnS OF ANY AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Inlorcat payable iu January and July, in each year. All deposits will bo repaid with lu toroa t due when re? quired. AU tile profita belong to tho depositors. Branches have been established iii tho principal ellie, from Ni w York lo New Orleans, ami ac. mini s can bo transferred from one Branch to auothor, without cbsrgo or interrupting tho lutorost. Inicstmcuts are only mado Insecurities of tho United States. RICHARD H. CAIN, Chairman Advisory Committee. FRANCIS L. CAHDOZO, Secretary. NATHAN RITTER, June 20_ Imo_ _Cashier. STATE BONDS ! STATE BONDS ! STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA BONDS (OLD AND KEV;) Stato of South Carolina Coupons Northeastern Railroad Coupons Memphis A Charleston Railroad Coupons City of Columbia Honda anil CoupouH. Wauled, aud highest price paid, by ANDREW M. MORELAND, Broker. June 22 C Nu. H Broad street. DRY GOODS, ETO. GREAT ATTRACTION AT MELCHERS & MULLER, No. 199 King street. PRIOR TO TAKING STOCK, WE WILL SELL OUR CHOICEST 8ELEC1 ION OF FOREIGU AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AT snd BELOW COST, for cash, for thirty days i nly, commencing June ut. MELCHERS & MULLER, No. 199 KING STREET. Juno 1 Htu tb imo SEWING MACHINE $20. AGENTS WANTED. $20. $75 to $200 per month-Barnie* and females-to fell tho ONLY GENUINE COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Manufactured. It will hem, fell, stitch, ruc.';, bind, braid, quilt and ombruiilor beautifully. Price, only $20, including Barnum's self-sower and seir-turnlng hem? mer. Eui I y warranted for Ovo years. CAUTION.-Beware of those soiling worthless cast iron machines, under the samo name as ours. For cir? culars and terms, address C. BOWERS k CO., No. 266 S. l mn Street, Philadelphia Pa. lm Blay 20 Thcro cometh glad tiding? of joy to all. To yoong and to old, lo gi cat and lo small; Tho beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is flee for all, and all may bo fair. Hy tlie use of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion, Tho most valuable and penoct preparation in uso, for giving tho skin a beautiful i?- ri like lint, that la only found In youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pim? ples, Blotches, Moth Pitches, Sallowness. Eruptions, and all impurities of tho skin, kindly bealing tho samo leaving the skin white and clear aa alabaster. Its use cannot bo delected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation ia perfectly harmless. It is Uio only article of the kind used by tho French, and ls con? sidered by the rarlalan aa indi, pan sable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during tho past year, a sufficient guarantee or ihr efficacy. Price only 76 cents. Sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of i.n order, by BERGER, SHUTTS A CO., Choml.U, 286 River St, Troy, N. Y. March 30._lyr PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE MILLION 1 I IWILL BEND, POST-PAID, 60 PHOTOGRAPHS OF tho most celebrated Actors for 60 conta; 60 Actresses lor 60 cents; 60 Union Generals for 60 cants; 60 Rebel Generals for 60 cents; 60 Statesmen for 60 con ts; 60 beau? tiful young Ladies lor 60 cents; 60 fin ?-looking young Gentlemen for .Ml cents; C largo Photographs of Fruucit Dancing Girls, lu costuma, beautifully colored, exactly aa Uicy appear, for 60 cents; or for 60 cents, 0 of the most beautiful Ladies of tho Parisian Ballet Troupe, aa they nppear in the play of tho Black Crook, at Nlblo'a Garden, New York. Bend all orders to P. O. Box 177, V >T, N. Y. May 13_lyr NOTICE. OFFICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE, ) MAIN G OAHU Honer, J CBABLXSTOM, 8. 0.. Juna 16lh, 1867. ) rraiE FOLLOWINO ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED I for tho information of aU whom il may concern : O. lt. Hil,WALD, Chief of Police Bio. 6. Hr it ordained. That Privies on lots within tho city shall bo so constructed that the contents thereof can? not escape therefrom or overflow; and whenever any Vault or Privy becomes offensive, the samo shsil bo cleansed, and the owner or occupant of the premises on which any Vault or Pilvy may be situated, the condition of which aha!I be In violation of this Ordinance, shall re? move, alter, cleanse, amend or repair the same within a reasonable time after notice shall havo been given him by the Mayer, and served by tho Chief of Police. In case of neglect or refusal, the same shall bc performed by order of the Mayor, at tho expense of the owner or occupant of such premises, to bo first paid by the city, and then recovered with Interest from such owner or occupant by Council In tho City Court. June 17_12 PUBLIC NOTICE. Orri? CLXRS or Co tnt cit, 1 May 1867. j Th? toll awing Section of " An Ordinance to abolish the office of Superintendent of Streets ; to pro vic! s for Keep? ing the Streets, Lane?, Ailey?, and open Courts In the city of Charlee ten Clean, and for other purposes," ls hereby published for tbs information of all concerned : For tile due protection of the said contractor or con? tractors, it it further ordained, That every owxtor, lessee, occupant and tenant of any premises fronting In any street, lane, alloy, or open court, shall on every day (Sundays excepted) havo tho dirt, filth, garbage or other offal, placed In front of his or ber lot. In a barrel, box or heap, and in readiness for tho contractor, by the hour of .even o'clock, A. M., trom the first day of May to tho first day of November in ever}* year ; and hy tho hour of nine o'clock, A. M., from tho first day of November to tho first day of May follow io?. And any person offend? ing herein, or placing any dirt, tilth, garbage, or other offal, in any street, hmo, or alloy, or open court, after lbs hours above named, shall bo subject to a Ono not less than two nor more than five dollars, for each and ovary offenes, to be Imposed by tho Mayor. By order W. II. SMITH, May 15 _Clerk of Council. ?el ll li LOAN. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, j Can ILaIX, November 9, 1866. J ALL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN THE Burnt District, and Place, of tho City, un? der "An Act of the General Aa.embly, giving authority to tho City Council of Charleston lo proceed in the mat. ter of a Firs Loan, with a view lo aid in building up tho City anew," aro hereby notified that the form of appli? cation for loan, can be obtained at tho office of the Clerk of Council, between the hours of 9 A. M. and IP. U. ?il applications mutt be? "d in the above mentioned office, ai the Commutes will meet every Monday to con. sider tho same. By order of the Mayor] W. IT. SM ITO, November 10 Clerk of Connell. C.F.VOSLER, NO. 108 MARKET ST., Rooks, Periodicals and Stationery. JUST RECEIVED A lar e supply of STATIONERY PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTiXUtAPH ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES for 1867, Etc timo, fin? and large selection of NOVELS, try tho mosl reVrrsted authors. BONO BOOKS, BOOKS for Hems Am 'j?mente, Ac AU tbs MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS. DAILIES constantly on hand, end rnbeeripUona re? ceived for tbs same. Ord eta from tho country are rospootfully solicited. TEHMS LIBERAL _ November 8 NOTICE. OFFICE OF TUE CHIEF OF POLICE, 1 . CnABixwroK, B. C.. May 4,1867. I fTlDE REO ULAR INSPECTION OF THE LOTS AND X uclosnrea, vanita, ko., will commence on Monday ncr!, Gt Inst Owners and occupants aro h ire by reo u trod to see thal their premises are In good condition and that all filth and garbage la removed aa required by Ordi? nance. Other inspections will follow. By order of Mayor QLTLLAXD. 0. B. BIO WALD. ?bJffvt follet, GROCERY AND MISCEUANEOu% BACON, Lauding (hisday ox steamer Alliance ASI) FOR HALF. BY HENRY COBIA & GO. IB Hims. VKItY CHOICE IJ. H. SIDES fl III IIIHIK. very choler Shoulder*. Juno'?7 I COHN ! CORN ! OAArt BOTHELSPRIMP, WHITE COHN LAND 4\J\J\J INO pur MWIUW Alllane.-. For salo hy WEST A JONES, June 27_1_No. "fi ?M ll?y. KICK! RICKI KICK! 2rr TIERCES WHOLE KICK. FOIl HALI'. HY . ) a. A. KitsLow K ca. Juno27_I_ >o. HI East Hay. SI I)KS, SHOULDERS, &c. Cti \ II lt DR CHOICE CLEAR RIDES yt :ui hlitl?. choice c. R. Hille? M lilnlM. rb?rica Ribbed Kldea M hirds, rh oles W. stern sluinlilurs 26 hillls. Ptntilation Shoulders ?Ml pac'ingcs I., HI 1/nulliv from steamers Falcon ?nil Alliance, ?nd for salo low by JEFFORDS A: CO., Jun.; 2U_J No. Ml Voiiduo Hauge. CHOICE 'WESTERN BACON. QR i IUDS. sriiiirTi.Y CHOICE SHOULDERS. OO ?U MUDS. STRICTLY CHOICE C. il. SIDES. I 'IIIIIIIIJ: M steamer "Falcon," ami for sain by _Juno25 tullis'.)_HKNIiy CORIA Ai CO. "DURHAM" SMOKING TOBACCO. 1,000 I'OCN os ALSO, AFEW R?XES nXC CHEWINO TOBACCO. FOR salo by ORAESEH, LEE, SMITH A- CO. Juno 20_3_North Atlantic Wharf. CALIFORNIA WINK COMPANY. (iSConrOBATEU S uv Ell UK It 1, 1BG0.) WINES, FROM THE VINEYARDS OF Sonoma, Los Angelos and Nana Counties, California. W. H. CHAFKK, Agent. NO. 007 EAST HAY. CHARLESTON, S. C. HOCK, SHERRY, SWEET ANUELICA, MUSOATEL. Port, Wino Hitters, ci? -I. Hollomo Urandy, Callloruis Catawba,Snnouia Clrs'up-ignu in quarts). Sonoma Cham* pagne |ln plut*, 21 lu a ..ono)-lil wood sud (?Isas. April 30 tulbsGiuoa mm w. mum & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND BANKERS* MAIM; S lil ll 1, CHARLESTON, S. C, ?JEORGE W. WILLIAMS & CO., Cotton Factors, CHirnon STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAMS, TAYLOR & CO., Commission. Merchants, NO. 147 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. Msy 7 lutlis3mo LOTTERIES. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY ! FOR TOE UENEF1T OF THE |2a<? ASOIsTIC ORPHANS' HOME. W. YV, BOYD & CO., Managers. JAMEH EEHR, Uanagor'a Agent for Charleaton. THE LEOISLATORE OF THE 8TATE OF GEORGIA, st Hs last session In December, 18CC, granted a Lottery Privilege to Deputy Grand Master W. W. ROYD, or Atlanta. Ga., (and other grantees,) for tho benoni of the widows and orphans in tho State, snd to oreel and endow an Institution to be caUcd tho MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME, who has associated with himself in tho discharge of this duty aa Managers, several of tho most cm lunar, wealthy snd Influential men In Georgia, who have accepted tho sacred trust. mai.aper in thia cause, ls s sufficient gu?rante Lottery will bo conducted In a lair, open and just man? ner. Tlio proceeds "of the Lottery, less tbp current ex? penses, havo lo be applied to tho building and endowing of tho MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME, and being devoted exclusively to such a chantal.1? pur? pose, permission lisa boen granted by tho Commissioners of Internal Revenue of tho Treasury Department st Wash . legion, to draw said Lotteries exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other duty. Hundreds of thousands of friends of tho Masonic Fra? ternity in the Hutted States, and all good citixens, wul be rejoiced lo seo tho "MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME" erected and endowed., and bo tho pride and glory of ths Grand Fraternity, for tho great Institution of FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONRY hovero, lUre God's Angel of Mercy, over the widows and orphans. It mlntstors Its loving chsritlos to tboso in want, sm! Its prlnclptea of liberality, brotherly lovo and charity will endure for ages, and their binding force be strong as links or steel. TO BE DRAWN IN OPEN PUBLIC AT ATLANTA, GA., ON Wednesday, July 17tli, 1807-Class D. SCHEME THE BAUE FOR EACH MONTH. 1 Prise of.??0,000 la.?80,000 1 Prixo of. 20,000 is. 20,000 1 Prlaorf.. 10,000 la. 10.000 1 Prise ol. 0,000 ls. 6,00o 1 Prixo or. 2,6001 ._. Knnn 1 ?rixe or.. 2,600} . 6-??? 21 Prizes of. COO are. 12,000 65 Prizes of. 260 sro. 10,760 120 Prizes of. 200 are. 28,000 ICO Prizes of. 100 are. 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of ?600 each for tho nlno remaining units or tho samo ten ortho No. drawing tho ?60,000 P. lao are. 1,600 0 Approximating Prizes or ?260 each for tbe nlno ic mailing units oftbe ?mo ten of tho No. drawing the ?20,000 Prize ere. 2,260 9 Approximation Prizes of $200 oacb for the nine remaining units of the same ten of tho No. drawing the $10,000 Prize aro. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes or ?100 each for tho nlno remaining nolls ot tho samo ten of the No. drawing tbs ?6,000 Prixo are. 900 18 Approximation Prizes or ?100 each for tho nlno remaining unite of the same ten of tho Nos. drawing tho $2,600 Prizes sro. 1,000 121 Prizes amounting to.?168,000 Whole Ticket, ?12 ; Halves, ?6; Quarters, ?J; Eighths, $1.60. tnr All tie Prize* above staled are drawn atevory drawing..***/ PLAN OF THESE QREAT LOTTEHIBS AND EXPLANATION OF DB A WIN OS . The numbera from 1 to 30,000 corresponding with tba numbers on tue Tickets, sro printed on separata slips ot paper, and encircled with small lubes, snd placed in a glsss wheel-ell the prizes in accordance with the Schemo, aro similarly printed and encircled, and placed in another glass wheel. Tho wheels are then revolved and two boys, blindfolded, draw tbe numbera and prize.. Ouo of tho boys draws ono number from th? wboel of numbers, and st the same Hmo tho other boy draws out ooo prixo from the wheel of prizes. Tho num- ? ber snd prize drawn out aro exhibited to tho audience, . and whatever prixo comes out is registered and placed to tho credit of thal number-sud this operation la repeat? ed until all tho prizes ai o orswn ouL Tho Tickets are printed In tho following style: They sro divided Into Eighths, printed on the face of tho Ticket. 8 Eighths dearing Ibo same number co nal tuts a Whole, . TlckoL Prizes psysblo without discount . W. W. ROYD A CO., Managore. Atlanta, Ga. Correspondents may roly on prompt attention to or tiers by simply eLoloalng money with full address. AH arder* for Tickets and Schemes and Information to be> fldressed to JAMES KERU, Agent, OFFICE NO. 20 BROAD STREET, Key Box No. 684, Charleston, 8. O. Juno 14_Imo AN ORDINANCE rO MOULAT? TBS STOtUOXj OF rxTBOLt Uli, ITS rsa OUOTa, AMD OTB Ul nlfuauilil.t on a. SEO. I. Be ll ordained bu Ike Mayor end Aldermen, ilk Pify Owned auembled. That from and after the 16th day af iona next, lt shall not bo lawful to keep Petroleum, Kerosene, Rook Oil, Benzine, Dent?lo, or any other In? flammable oil or olia ou storago or for sale In any cellar,. lloro or building south of lino street, in a larger quan? tity than fifty gallons en sny ono lot or promisee, and my such quantity so kept or stored ehaH be contained In vessels of tin or other metal bao. X That Petiotoum, its products, or any other In? flammable oil or oil*, ?hen brought into the city by Und at water, may be kept ob any lot or In any building la which cotton la not Mored, for a period not exceeding twenty-four honra, upon the expiration of which timo lt ihall bo removed surf kept In the manner as required by the foregoing section. Hie. 8. Any person er poisons violating any part of this Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of two hundred lollara, for each o rr eu ce, recoverable u> any Court of co in? potent jurisdiction. Us tl ned In City Council this twenty-fust day of May, lu the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. (L.3.) P. a 0 AILLA RD, Mayor. V?. H. SMrrn. Clerk of Council._- June 6 E. M. WHITING, CORONER AND MAGISTRATE,. Tl AB REMOVED HIS OFF10E FROM CHAlMEBJ?% H. street to No, TT ?HUB0H BTBJ?T. near St, ??W'I ?Uley, ?vfjwtl?