University of South Carolina Libraries
ffcp g ?Uri |P;US. NEWS ST JM M Ali Y. . Now York quotations ?how Colton unchanged. Gold cloecd at 38}. In Livorpool Cotton cloned easier; Middling Hld. A lottor from Detroit H .'IN H advices from all tho principal agricultural districts of Michigan giro promiso of a bountiful harvost. At a grand anny festival in Richmond, Indiana, Misa JEMMIE ParacoTT wau voted to bo tito hand? somest girl in Amorica. An umlorlaker in Detroit advortiHOS tho names of flvo hundred prominont citizoiiB to whom ito "roforH by ponnisslon." In the Democratic Convention of l'ennui b ania, a rcHoltitiou thanking lion. SUKAIDAN wao tumultu? ously ruled out of ordar. Of coin-so I A French agency for international marringOB adds to ito aiivertiHomont, Bonheu ; garante un an"- happiness gtiarautood for ono year, A hardware manufactory at Now Haven, tho largest in tho United Staten, gives employment to 600 hands and tunis out 4000 dilVoront kinds of ar? ticles, worth from #1,000,000 lo $7,000,000 per year. Poal charcoal is tw only por cont, moro combus? tible than that of oak. It lias boon applied to Buttoning stool pialos and dies with ronmrkablo BUCC088. Tho soasen is extremely backward in Northern Yoi mont and Now Hampshire, and farmors havo not yet (hush od their planting. Hay is hp;h and aoaroo. Tito household oflccto of Mrs. LINCOLN, wifo of tho President, aro to ho hold at public auction at Springfield. Tho furniture is vatuod at $11.000. His. LINCOLN'S income ia stated to bo only $2000. Dy tho death of hor father, in Doth, England, tho wifo of Col. O. h. Knr.niiAitr>T, of Macon, fla., has fallon hoir lo an calato valued at over $1,000, 000, which will bo divided between horsolf, a bro? ther and two stators. It ia announced from Newburyport, Massactiu Bott9, that a merchant of that city recently receiv? ed a tclogram from Calo..t tn, anti liad been two day* and flvo Lours on ils pansage. This dispatch cost $900, and had travelled over 13,000 milos. An account of tho Portngtiosu dobt has just been published. It commoucos with tho first loan rain?' : si that country for tho mun ur $1,000,000, ur about ?900,000, in tho year 1700. Il now amounis to $230,605,000, thu annual Interest on which is $7,205,000. Thu Methodists inlond lo build a largo monu? mental church at Washington, to cost $200,000. Pews will Lo ?et apart for tho President and his Calli not, tho Judgo of tho Courin, Gem mle of our army, und other distinguished persons. Heats also will bo provided fur tho dill iront mates. Mr. Cn.viiLEa IIEAIIB, it appears, hos actually com men ced his limul o ned action against tho /found Table, for ita review of Hu novol, Griffith ti aunt. According lo tho Pall Ma 1 OazcUe, tho complaint covors forty-four papos of foolscap, and if pasted together, en 1 lo Olid, will bo flttcou yordu 1er rr. A diamond weighing between twenty-one and twonly-two carats lias been found on tho Crange Uiver, in Southern Africa. The Colonial Uovorr. mont bas talton tho matter iu baud, and wo shall Boon know whether that ie to be, as is predicted, ono of tho diamond-producing countries of tho wcrld. Tho proprietors of tho Hagcrslown (Md.) Mail baro brought unit to recover damages for tho do? nt met ion of that oflico by n mob, In May, 18)K2. other citicons havo ohio brought snit to re? cover for thc destruction of their properly lrom a similar canso. These who chose to danco must pay Ibo piper. A colored clergyman, in a prayer mooting lu Virginia, whilo engaged in supplication a fow wooka since, after praying lor Ibo tliviun lilosshig upon Ibo Governor ol that Stale and nil others in authority thora, continued : '.'And O Lord-O Lord-O Loni, if it will nut oxtiaust thy compass? ion, havo morey upon A no mw JOHNSON." IA Luxemburg, which now occupies sn largo a uluru of European conversation, a fa/orita nmuse taenl of thc inhabitants is cats' races. K-io'i wor? thy burgher lakes his cat in a bag two milos from town, sud, at a given signal, llioy nil shake their bags, tho cats luap out seared to death, and run homo as fast as llioy can go. Tho first cat that reaches thu town gates is tho winner. A now nu timd of improving ibo roads has bcon projected in England. Il is proposed to lay two pairs of no illy ll il railu willi a slight depression in .sob rsi), sn that wagon wheels will koop tho track, ami albo to lay a guido rail in tho middle of each track for tho driver to sigltl with tho polo of bis carriage, so OB to bo ablo ta keep tho v. heels in tho depression. Thin system, it is claimed, will ma? terially lessen tho power necessary to draw heavily Inden wagon?. In the year ending December 30, 18GG, 3011 bouses wore built in I'm in, and 225C woro pulled down, 12S9 by their owners, who will replace them with botter buildings, and 0C7 by tho government. This represento- an increase of 3790 habitations, corresponding very nearly willi tho incrcaso. of population. The Prefect-thinks that tho snpsifi cial aroa of Paris will sustain a population of moro than Huco nnd-a half millions, or twico aa many peoplo as woro returned in tho enumeration of 186C. In tho last census of Now York Stalo, taken in 1805, Hie number of homos in tho city of Now York is given at 49,844, of which 3S71 were of stone, 84,787 wore of brick, and 10,208 of wood. Wo woro shown yesterday a relic of tho lata war which ie, perhaps, tho most rare and curious to be found. It consists of two bul lets, ono fired from tba Co nf odors to and tho oilier from tho Fed? eral lines, whioh met so lull as lo bo mashed flat, tho ono into tho other. Doing tho conical shaped Mi snip bolls, they moat havo mot' cm precisely tho same lino of axis, and holli being m&shod equally flat, (hoy must havo boon going with tho samo vo. loci ty. Bach an omicablo meeting between auch deadly miseilca from opposing forces would hardly tako place once in ton millions of times. Tho balls were picked up botvoon tho picket Unos in front of Petersburg. A Convention of Jows bas boon in session at Philadelphia, nearly every synagogue in tho Unit? ed Hiatos being represented. It waa resolved to co-operate in the removal of tho Jow? of tho Turk? ish Provinces and tho Dirbary States to Palestino, and to.encourago ibo development of agriculture and tho arta there. A paper read by Rev. Ur. LESSES claimed that tho Fallaobiaux tribes of Abyssinia and tbo peoplo of tho interior of China aro tbo lineal descendants of tbo lost Their manners, customs, and forma of prayer, abow thia to be tho case. Aa effort? oro mobing to convert . thom to Christianity, a in esiien ger ni als mt to hu Bent out by tho Universal IsraoUtish Alliance of Paris to counteract tho movomont. ' Mr. FOTI s ET writes from London that '-Jons O. Bate arni BJ DOE ia frequently noon at the Langham Hotel, -where bo (FOBNEV) ?B stopping, wofolly changed in - nppoarnuco, if not bl opinions." Ho naye that JUDAH P. BENJAMIN, who Ul practicing law at tho London bar, docs not entertain any hopo of returning. Ile is counsol for PBJOLEAU, of Liverpool,' now heavily involved ia tho falloio of FBABEB, Tvcamout & Co., and ia also said to be tho American editor of tho London Telegraph, and tho writer of tho articles of that paper cu lo? gistic of JurnsuwK DAVIS. GEOBOE N. BANDEES le sojourning in Lopdon, and baa just passed through tho courts cf bankruptoy. LEWIS P. WIOFAI.D, Of TOZAS, is alBO there, engaged in OOl looting tho UBUB of tho holdors of the celebrated cotton loans of tho Confodornto Government, and otbor securities. ' The Staunton, Va., Vvulioator, or tho 14th says: "A kind of caterpillar has been ravaging tbo for? ests on tho northwestern sido of tho town for nomo days past, It was at first auppoaod to bo tho army worm, but th os o who aro acquainted with tho op?ration? of tho army worm inform tis that (hoy destroy e very spear of grass, tho blades of grow? ing crops, Ac., ovor which they puas, but do not disturb tho foliage of largo, troca in their track. Theee, however, destroy tho foliago of tho troos. anil paca by the growing crops. Wo loam fronf gen Hem on who wont ont to oxamino thom on Wed? nesday morning, that thoy had disappeared, from which ho arguos that thoy aro caterpillars, which * operate only. when Ibo Bun Blunts,! and on ac? count of tho ctondy morning could not boaoon. The foioals ovor which thoy paused aro loft per? fectly baro of leaves. In 1863, fuuling that thoro ?oro nearly fifty vacancies occasioned by tho withdrawal or non appointment of cadets from tho Southern 8tates, tho Board ot Visitors recommended tho President to AU them from tho army and on tho ground of merl t. Accordingly, Mr. LINCOLN promptly di roo t - ed the Major-Uouurals iu tho Hold to select from their commands tho most anitaulo and meritorious yoong mon as candidates for the Military Acade? my. Generals G D-AKT, BUHNBIDK, 8 oin If AN and others mado forty-six tuiloctlons. Hen. BIIEHIIAX examined those whom ho uolectod in person, and recommended them in strong lonna, and thoy havo proved worthy of Lia commendation. Indeed, th eeo army appointees, a? a body, stand remark? ably wolL Though put down in tho rog Itter as appointed from tho Somborn States, thoy really tsskmg In tho North. CURRENT TOPICS. Tim ROUND TADLE is honorably distinguished from itu newspaper ootomporarioa in America by tho noblor chnmcler o? tho objecto, Ii tern tn re and art, lo which it ia dovolcd; by itu cosmopolitan H|>iril, which dot " ?ot Und in local pr?judice? tho itoruu of Jusllco and l?valo; by its good brooding, itu fearlessness, and by tho learning and wit which inn kn ?tn discussions. It has fairly earned tho kindly intercut of tho cultivated classes of tho wbolo conn try. To our pooplo it la Bpooialiy ro conimotuled by tito faot that it given but lillie opaco to political subjects, and nono at all to tho prevailing ungenerous motbod of treating thom. Tho fault wo havo to point out in tho Kimm/ 7hMo in ito character of a Journal of literal uro, is that it sacrifices to tho oxprosslon of opinioua much ot tho epaco which might, moro profitably to llaolf mid to others, bo given to tho narration ot facts. Al present, two or three columns ill each number aro givon to a Hlatomont of tho principles, nud a calculation of tho prospects of Radicalism in Eng? land, by n clover, end, wo suppose, expensive cor respondent. Tho sanio columns could bo put to a butter piirpoao. There aro a groat many of lia lu this country who desire to know something of tho cotcmporary litornturo of Englaud, Franco and normally, but who havo not access to tho literary pallors of tlioso oountrlou. Tho Hound Table would supply a groat want of its general readers if it would unilc rtake to givo this Information even upon tho most modorato ecalo. Tho Satin day H - view dovotos several pages every wcok to this de? partment, and thou iii, after all, it givos buts briof insight into foroicji literature, it supplies tho want as woll as could bo reasonably expected from nu English journal on general literature. As an illustration of tito tardiness with willoh foroigti books aro noticed in tho Jiound Tiiblc, wo find an elab?ralo and npprccinttvo notice of AUEBUAOU'S "On tho Heights" in thc nuinbor for huit .Saturday -tho first, if wo inistako not, wo havo soon in that paper-while Ibero wan a rm iT nf tho original of lilia charming H lory in tho North British Kroicxo for December, 18A5. This ia certainly hoing unnio ? hat behind tho timos. Jin. Din.MAU, Chief of the "Statistical Bureau," has compliinontcd tho country (and himself) on tlie happy oxpodiont upon which it was his good lorltino to light in saving tho country tho expenso of tho n .xl cohens, tnd procuring all tho nocossa ry information, freo of cost, through tho ofOclals of tho Internal llovonuo Bureau. When wo Ural saw this announcement wo wondorod somewhat that this slupondous task bad boen so quiotly ac? complished. Wo all know something of tho big job it is to tnko a conaus; how long a timo, anti how much troublo it takes. Yet, hero wo aro told, thia work of years wan dono in a fow wooka, and all without any ono's knowing anything about lt. What means tho Assistant Assessors of Internal Keveline havo for making accurate census roturus ?o could not understand. They havo only lists of taxpayers, and those not rory completo. Aro wo lo iiiiderslautl that property is hereafter to counti lulo population ? This is hardly compatible willi our now institution of uni verna l sulTrago. Mr. DKXIIAU'H Itguros, wo fear, aro not rory reliable. Uelow wo givo t'.i o uta lo n um I ot ono assistant as? sessor's experience of census-taking. Otliors may havo counted nos :s with groat accuracy, but it ls but natural to supposo that a good deal of tho lalo "choup" cousus is fancy, and at least a part of it gUOM-ff Jl'k. Rut seo tho account of tho editor of tho Graud Ilavon (Mich.) Union, lately an Assist? ant Assessor iu tho Fourth Michigan District: "Wo wero not lo bo paid for goiug through our diviaion and ttking tho conaus, and so, of course, wo did not do lt. Wo work partly for a living, and not altogolbor fur tho fun of it; and as to esti? mating tho population of thirteen towns aud uno city, without rogard to tho census returns, wo did not possess enough o. omniscioitco to trust our? selves with it. Bo wo quietly and soberly sat down, and, laking tho last cousus for a basis, wo esti? mated tho advance of each town in our division ni population nineo thal limo. If wo gut within six rows ol Oipplo troon of tho truth, it is a wonder." This census was indeed quiotly taken. Tim RICHMOND Whig, speaking ot registration and tho duty of Ibo pooplo of Virginia in rogard to it, has the following vory sonaiblo remarks: "Con? gress rules tho tl ovoroniout, and tho Republican mu ly rules Congress. That party wo tuorcforo havo lo convino:, satisfy and conciliate. No other ]):<rty bas, or is likely lo have, power ovor us. Ii wu bcok to t a I i s fy any other party, or to carry out our i rete: cucos merely, without consulting tito views mid mooting tho exactions of tho dominant party, wo will inevitably fail in what wo desire to ae comi llsli, viz: tho icliabilllation of tho Hiato. Wu therefore ad manish tho peoplo of Virginia to bo cir? cumspect, cautious and wiso, and lo approach tho great subject hu fore thom with cl ar hoads and cool tempern, and deal with it nu tho groat busiucsa affair upon which all otbor buainoss affairs aro dependent, making up their minds so to act in reference to it us to BOCuTO and pro? mote tho present and futuro wolfaro of this afflict? ed ;"ommonwooltli. Aro wo prepared to bocomo unconditional Union men? Aro wo prepared for tho present lo waive tho >>?gh seals and to be con? tent to co-operate in tho work of reconstruction, BO as to socuro a R?ate Qovornmcnt that wiU pro? tect ns. and lo bo admitted into participation in thu advantages of tho Fedoral aovorumout, or will wo determino to cngago in a hopeless, exasperat? ing and suicidal contest with Congroas aud tho lomiunnt party T If wo should organizo against thom and ontvoto thom at tho approaching iJoe lions, would not our victory bo our rain ? Those ire questions for our people not only to comider, lint docido, and that speedily. TOE TWELFTH ANNUAL convention of tho Yoong Mon's Christian Association of tho United H tales ind British Provinces, says tho H altimore Sun }f Saturday, will bo bold at Montreal, from tho; 10th to tho 35th instant. Delegates from Nashville, Poteirbtirg, Ixmiavillo, Charlottes? ville, Lynohburg, Alexandria, Cincinnati, Wheel? ing, and otbor placea in tho Wost anti Bouth nost, havo boon invited to como this way and lui tho gnosta of tho "Young alon's Christian association of Baltimore," and quito a number of thom aro oxpoctod horo to-day. It is slated that moruben from tho Booth will bs cordially recolvcd, lot only boro, but In Philadelphia, Now York, Al. liaiiy, and other placea on tho rou to ; also at Mon? treal. Throe delegates, WO beUovo, havo gone 'rom this city, Dr. 8. C. BUOWN, V. C. DIB ii LE, Esq., and Capt. CrnorrEHTEn. They loft On Salur lay last. They aro among tho first Southern lologatos that h ave gone so far North to Join in a rational rounion, nineo tho beginning of Ibo war. vVo aro glad to bo oblo to cl ir on icio such a bappy wont, and hopo that thoro may bo frequent ropo itions of snob occasions, now that the country a ono again. Wo havo a right to look to religious ind cbaritablo associations to load tho way in .tho vork of ro-establishing friendly relations ho tween .bo lately hostUo. sections. Tho Yoong Mon's lb t lulim i Association, as far aa wo know, baa boen mo to ita mission, and mingled little, if at all, iithor North or Sojth, io tho angry sea of sec? tional strim or party politics.. SATO OEM COAL Dun JIB : "ia it not a sclf-evi lont, political truth, whore , tho land bi held in arge tracts by tho oraployor, and to bo till od by Ilia employoo, thoro oan bo no just and trno field tor tho oxerclBo of ropnblioan citizenship? andi tia ono ot tho pressing oxig?nelos of tho country, is tho very baals of reconstruction, that som o plan must bo devised by which tho landa of tba Booth may bo divldod among those who ab all occupy tnd tUl thom." Ami is lt not a coif in ?dont troth, that a roan that holds nbout a million of dollars, ia it ie .said yon do, if not .ovor, has mofo than ils sham, and that ac moon monoy should not be loll! in BO largo a "tract." And, la it not Just aa iclf-evident,-that while land can be had, in ibundanoo, from ton oonta per nero to 11.25, (the rory richost prairie land) and "a homestead" for Kithing, that yon, and otbor holden of the two ii I li on dobt, (to say nothing or tho town and wanly, and Ht?to debts, which tho white laboring nen of tbo North aro' working hard to pay only ho intorost on, with no hopo nf paying tho prinoi >al', aro having littlo largor "traots," than under igrarian eye toma, yon havo a right lo T And can my plan be dovisod for tbo whlto working man lo iavo his equal republican citizonahip, onlee tboao 'traott" aro mado smaller by acme agrarian divis? ons ? ? Tra NATIONAL IwTXOXloxitoxB bas tho following: 'Congress appropriated half a million of dollars to dofrsy tbo expenso of registration limier tho Uilitary Roconalrnotion Acts. It ia estimated by tomo that thia amount will fall far abort of tho ac? tual OXPODBO, for wo boar it la stated that a single Hilliary department in tbo Bonth baa throo hun lrod boards of registration, Thoro aro fivo do iart mon In, and ono thousand flvo hundred bo ardu O all. They havo already hold Ul cir sees Ions tor' rooka, and will bold th oin for many to como. Each ii einher la paid eight dollars a day. Es ll me ti rig to I members upou each board, Including all tho ?annora and al tondants, and throe hundred boards to oach of the ?vo m o narc Li ea, and wo havo m lally oxpouwi oj ono hundred and t won ty thousand lollara for th ot o boards alono." ? .Vi t : ? }' i %. y. /.vf/a/tO'iK tn v\ LAROKHT CIRCULATION.-The DAILY NKWB publishes ihr Official Lisi of Let? ters remaining in the I'ostofftce at the end of each week, agreeably to the following section of thc Neio I'ostnfftce Law, as the newspaper having thc largest circulation in the City of Charleston: HECTION ?. And bo lt further enacted. That Mata or lot (era rcmainiuir uncalled ror In any PoatoOlro In any city, town or village, whoro a newspaper abell bo iirlutad, ahab hereafter bo published once outr lu tho narrina per whirl), being publlahcd weekly or oftener, aball haro tho largest drcuUUon within range of dot!rory of tho Bald Osaca ja* AU communications inleiulat tor publication in this journal must b: adilresscl lo thc J?litor of the Daily Netra, No. 18 llaync-street, Charleston, S. C. llusfuess Communications io Publisher of Daily Nctcs. HVrrinnoi uiulcrlakc to rc!' rn reiccteil communica? tions. Advertisements oulsiiie of tho city must bo accomjKi ntrd with thc cash. CHARLESTON. THURSDAY MORN INO, JUNE 20, 1807. Jon WORK.-We hove now completed our oflioo so AS to execute, in tho shortest possible timo, ALL KINUS OF JOB WORK, and wo most respectfully ask tho patronage of our friends. THIS ATTOI11HUY OBNEnAL'S OPINION. Wc publish this morning (ho opinion of I he Attorney Ocnoral. Il is n rory ablo opinion, and from bia point of view, clear and conclusivo. Wc must suppose that its publication means that tho President intends to bnHO somo action upon il. Otherwise timi publication is not only usolcss but mischievous. If Ibis opinion is tho propor construction of (ho Reconstruc? tion Acl, Iben nil tho orders which havo boen issued from the Head Qunrlcrs of Ibis Military District nre al once cancelled, anti what is moro, lite ofiiccr issuing them is responsible to any individual in damages for any loss (hat those ! orders h rive cn used. Whether Ibis interpretation of Hie Act is cor? rect, is a legal question which wo will not undertake lo decide. Rut ll docs not roquiro n legal education lo porccivo (hat (bia wholo question of construction depends rather upon Ibo intention of tho Act, than ils words. The ronl iasuo is not what (his or (hat clnusocan bo interpreted to mean, but what really was (be power, with which Congress intended lo invest (ho military commanders of (he District. In I other words this Act is something moro (han a law of which any individual may claim tho technical construction-it is (ho solution of a political problem, which has an inllucnco wider than any mero legal enactment affecting only private rights. In examining (his opinion, therefore, tho in? quiry ns to its policy, ns well ns its technical merits, forces itself upon our considcralion. And iu discussing ibis question il is impossible lo disregard (ho public history of its passage. In IHlii?, tiflcr thc sur rc inter of (len. LEB, il immediately beenmo a question, whether thc ,cceded Slates wore to bo restored to (ho Union. If so, on what (erma, and by whom these terms wcro lo bo prescribed. The Presi? dent claimed (ho righi to effect this restoration by a sci.onie of his own devising. Congross refused lo admit his righi, and for two years this question, as to whore (ho righi of re-ad oi?B9ion rr .lcd, exercised thc national lcgisla titre. It was settled by the passage of thc Rc conslruci ion Aol of 18C7. That Act decided Ibo right to bo in Congress, tho law-making power of thc Government, aud proscribed tbo terms and modo of ila accomplishment. When this Act was passed, although over bis veto, (ho President resolved (o execute il, and did so hy tho appointment of tho live Command? ing Gonorals required by ila provisions. They were appointed and sent lo (heir com mauds without instructions, and were (bus compelled to depend upon (heir own construction of (he Act. Il is difficult to understand why this was so. Thc santo obie officer who has now construed tho Acl, was then as he is now, thc chief Law officer of tho Government -tho samo views which be holds now, it is (o bo presumed ho hold Ihon-and suTcly if cvor thoro was a propor lime when tho Com? manding (louerais should havo received full and preciso instructions ns (o their powers and duties, it was then when thoy were entering upon tho exorcisa of (hoir novel authority, and before their action could be complicated hy the conflict of civil and military powor. If, aa tho Attorney-General says, "their education and training have not boon of thc kind to fit them for tho delicate and difficult task of giving construction to suoh a statute aa that now under consideration," why for four muni hs have they nol only been allow- > cd, but compelled to construe it? Not only so. A mouth had not elapsed after their appoint- i mont bofore, by their acta and ihoir ordere, < they gave unmistakable evidence of what their i construction waa-a construction which, wo now learn from the Attorney-General, was unwar- i ranted and illegal, and by whioh Ibo lives and I tho property of freo oitixons for all thia timo i were unjustly imperilled. Why did not the i President ?uterfore? Why, during (beac mondia I of illegal oppression, waa the military com- < mander of this District, for example, allowed i (o "put himself upon an equality with the law i making power of tho Union," or "to placo him- ? self on blghor ground than the President," and i "to declare, in o ff rot, I am tho Hiato?" \ If, dnring all this time, the authority of the military commander depended upon the Presi- < dent's construction of the Act, why did he not 1 do his duty and construe il? Why did he hand i over tho pooplo of those .States to (he mercy ( and discretion of a more military usurpation T i If, on the contrary, thia powor of construe- ] lion waa only to bo exercised in conformity I with some political necessity, what has occurred I to ohango tho condition of things existing at * the passage of the act T ' Whenoe did tho mili- 1 tary commandera derive the construction which > (hey have enforood, and why was not that con- < nt ruction authoritatively corrected t But not ' only havo thc commanding ofheors the right to complain that they havo been betrayed by the Qovornmcnt, but what ia our position-the poo plc of th eso r?tales ? We watched with painful * anxiety tho debates on this bill-Il waa paescd. * Tho commanding officers wero appointed. What wea our duly ? To obey or to disobey thom ? 1 Where did we look for information ? To the - President. We saw him exeoute tho Act ; we Baw bim appoint the commanders; wo read order after order, dealing with our most im- i portant interesta, reversing our oldest establish- u cd laws, revolutionising the whole frarao work 1 of our Atnie Government, bot we heard no word ? of disapproval, no reversal of theae ordors, no interference in our behalf. Take, for example, ? Order No. 10, whioh has, porhaps, interfered ' more generally and moro directly with the law I of the State than any other. If wo had the J right to suppose for a moment that tho Le- I giolalure of the Slate would be allowed to E meet and to take charge of tho intercala of the State, doea any ono doubllhat it would have boen assembled and called upon ? lo do ita duty? But thia order waa Issued - without the slightest manifestation of disap- c proval on the part of tho Government, and wo V naturally concluded that il waa ia the exercise - of a recognized authority. And under thia im- 1 pression we have adapted our acllon to what Jj wo oonooived lo be the law of tho land, and o havo proceeded in good faith towards the work ? of nco ns intel ion in tho mod? which we had ] the right to bolieve was recognised aa legitimate -. by the Government. All this effort is now labor j lost. ? ' . ' ' ? But behind ail thia, there in another question, and one of the most direct practical Imp?rtanos t lo os. Who is right in this question of con? struction, the Attorney-General or the Com- E mending ; General T. Putting technicalities 1 aside, which cone true lion will : prevail f It ia worso than useless lo t?Hgui?o thc Issue which it) prcscntcil lo tip. Tho President anil (.'ongrosH have buen con? tending for two years, nnd thc result of (ho I contest lina hern Iho Kerens! ruction Act of | 1HU7, which wno tho defeat of Iho Prcihluiil. I? this construction of Iho Heo .. -traction Act nnylhing moro ?ban a rcnownl of Ibby conical, nud hnvo wo any assurance thal t lie President | 'will not bc defeated again ? Wo have iho Ad; wc hero nil tho discussion ou tho Act; wo hnvo tho notion and orders of I Ibo Commanding (louerais under tho Act; wo I hnvo tho opinions uf tho pross and of many of tho leodora of thc Hopublican party upon Iho course of tho Commanding Generals ns u guido I lo what is tho opinion of tho great muss of tho Northern people, us lo what thu Act mcaul, and how it should bo executed. Has any rensona blo man in tho South nny doubt that tho North? ern people, and moro especially lite Hopublican party, which controls tho present Congress by a largo majority, approve of tho course pur? sued hy General" HIIHUIPAS, SOIIOFIHLD, Pom, Ont) nnd SICKISH? Can nny man havo ?ny doubt who pays Any nit en I ion Co thc expression of publie opinion? What I hon is this deelam? on tho part of tho Government but a ronowal of the old issue . And what chanco ia there of ! any other result Ilion thc d?font of tho Presi? dent ? Grant thal tho opinion of tho A tierney Oenoral is unanswornblo; what then 1 It will only servo to secure a call of Congress in July; and what will thal Congress do? They will either simply seit le tho construction of tho Act bey end a pei adventure, by tho requisite amend? ments, or they will treal this attempt to avoid it as a part of thc pinn of Soulhorn action anil substituto another net whioh will bo moro ex? plicit and very much harsher. Surely no one supposes that tho military com m and ors in authority will ncquiosco in this oonslruction. If any ono doon, wc may as well stale thc fact Ihnl Ooncral SIOKLKS lins nlroady asked lo bc relieved, and demanded a Court of | Inquiry upon his conduct. Will tho Republi? can party who passed thin Ac(, and who have j resolutely supported thc action .of thc military I commanders, desert (len. SicKLBs in such a case ? Will not thc issue thu3 made become a parly issue, and who is to pay tho costs of tho controversy but our unfortunate solves? This is not tho first time that wo hare been made lo pay for our conftdenco in tho Presi? dent. Ho undertook to restore us to thc Union if wo would perform certain conditions. Wo fulfilled thom-havo wo boen restored ? Whnl | hns ho succeeded in doing Uiat ho has under? taken lo do? Upon every occasion, from thc Convention between Simm AS- and JOHNSON to tho Reconstruction Act, he has finally yielded, nnd wo alone havo suffered from tho resist? ance. Wc hove too much at stake now to re? peat our errors. If Hie 1'rosidcnl undertakes al this day-after permitting, without ono word of remonstrance or objection, iho practical en? forcement of ono theory of tito Reconstruction Act to reverse that theory, to prercnt thc exer? cise of thia extravagant claim of military author? ity, and lo remand thcSlato t o I he control of its own civil authority, lui us at lariat hnvo some security Ihnl ho will persevere in his action, anti thal if, under Iho opinion of tho Attorney General, wo refuse obedience lo thc usurpa? tion of tho military commanders, wo shall bo hold harmless for our conduct : Ihnl if Ibis oon? slruction is r?pudiai cd by Congress, which Mr.'s opinion will as cortainly call to? gether in July as if thc summons had already issued, wo shall not bo held responsible, for 1 tho delay ia thc work of reconstruction, nnd tho Act will not bo amended so as to bear moro harshly upon our rights and interests. There is another point worthy of our con- 1 sideratlon. If Ibo Altorney-Qciiorul's con? struclion ia tho righi ono, then Governor OHR ia tho Governor of this State, and tho present j legislature has tho necessary authority lo make lawB for Ibo Slate. Then tho ardors which havo boen issued by Gen. SICKLES aro no longer of force. Thc confusion, thc uncer? tainly which will result from this state of things no language can fully describo. If Or der No. IO ia not of force, then any creditor | may instruct tho sheriff to enforoo judgment. Will the debtors of Ibo Slate submit quietly lo tho sudden aacrifioc of their properly ? Moro limn Hint, every caso of violence, every disturb? ance, we become responsible for, and it will bo absolutely necessary that tho Legislatura should be called together at once to make some law for the Stato. If any man in thia Hinte be? lieves that good is to result from thia condition of tbinga ho possesses a power of vision whioh we do not. Whether the administration of Gon. SICKLES has been wise or not, is a question into which wo do not at present enter. Much that he has ! dono wo think eminently wise-some things which he baa done we would have had otherwiso, and whenever that question cornea up for dis? cussion, we will expresa our opinion frankly, and, wo hope, justly. But the question whioh la now raised ls a much larger one. We do not even undertake Lo Bay that tho opinion of Mr. STAN BE HY is ?ot legally corred. AU we say ls, that ?f it ls, it ought to havo been issued months ' ?go. That now, correct or not, it will surely -rento inisohlovoua oxcitcment-will aeoure a lesslon of Congress in July-will give to tho liiaussion of that body a violeneo and bitter? lesa from whioh no good can result to us, and nterrupt tho progress toward reconstruction, which we wore making quietly and surely. The question raised by thia opinion ia the >ld controversy between tho President and tho Republican party. That controversy can do is no good. From present appearanooa it can I md only one way. But at this limo, and under > ixlsting circumstances, any fixed and aeltled policy on the part of tbe Government ia better J lian a vacillating course, whioh makes lasueB t o-day whioh it abandons to-morrow-which ; ,'xcito hopos it cannot fulfill, and whioh only a resistance thal cannot bo effeotivu without ita support, and which, when the time ionic", it has not the strength to support. WANTS. II/ARTBD 1MMHHUTKLY, A CO M PK- ? Vf TENT HEAD WAITES, with crops* i-eoommen la tiona. Apply at MANSION HODS*. UKO AD Bl HEBT. June JO_1 IITANTBI) TO RENT, A ?MALI, HOD BB, VV with not lesa Qiao live rooms, centrally located, nqaire At the SHOE STOKE cornar of Ooargo and Kins .treets. 1 Juna BO liruSTB!), AWUBlIt TO COOK. RKl O.lf. VV UE-HDA?10N a req aired. A jrply at THX8 OFTIOB, Jons 3* . IlfASTKD TO III HE, A UV BMtCT ARI.E W willie TEMALE, 'o do the Cooking and WaahlxuJ rf a small family. A mttannMa home where there la io colored Berrin li; liberal wages niven. No colored .arson nsod apply. Apply at No. ll TANDKHBOB8T THH?T, flrat kona? esa! ca* Comlna street, inn. .0 .11 WAN'l XU-U ALKBMKM, Ii VI ll Y W ll KHK -Ladles and Gentlemen-.100 lo taco per man th, a aol! the OENDIHE COMMON-SENSE ? AMIL Y HEW NO MACHINE. Prion only $18. This Machine will UIch, ham, feu. turi, bind, quilt, braid, and embroider, aha cloth cannot, be polled apart, oven after en liing croea the seam avery quarter of an Inch. Ev arv I achine warranted urea years. Peed for careulars and arma to agenta, or call at MCDOWELL'S BLOCK, cor? er Fourth and Oreen aire?la, LonJaviria, Ky. BUBS * McKATHROif, fl?nerai Asenta, S. B.-Positively nona gon nina ?olosa rxioiing through ur office. Juno*_ i 'tathatrao NT/ANTED TO IIIRB, A S KU VA ?IT, TO VT Cook, Tfaah and Iron. Beoommendation aa to bjxracter and qnallaaatlona wttl be required. Apply at IO. ? WENTWORTH bTBEBT. /nae 19_- a [TrANTED lHtZBDIATBLY, A GOOD COOK. W WASHXB AND DZOEEB, to go with s armai! fail f to Mt, Pleasant for the Bummer mnittha Apply thia ay at No. M SOCIETY B ntEBT, opposite Oermaa Oath lie Chnreb. 1 Juna 10 3AKNWELL SENTINAL. ~ PAN EXCELLENT AD VERTI HI JJ O MEDIUM. LET Merchants and titi rio aaa men try lt for a Caw m on Usa. No rUk ao gala " Bend on y?ir cards and Inmnaai mr trade Qua nvtt. Tb era's nothing to equal PrmUr"* uk-lt bxs misa mure/ a fbrtnne. " '.*. .~ Terms rw tba paper-St par annum, In advance. ' AdverttsaaieuU Insertad st Uxs rata of tl par temare ol ?-eire Unes or lesa fur bach Inawtton. rv i .... Darda of Un Unca c*. Uss. aline rate of tlO mr thrsa ionios. " ..: Ooo. tracts cy the year or m at( months, aDoarlna pal y ema of changing, on rata-? taroratla tarma. Addreaa. , ED WAH? A BRONSON, , NoTombcilj Ealjimb-t .lid < celtic1 or, , .V fi. _MEETINGS. ti Kit M A.N VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION. TUE REOULAR MONTHLY ML ETI No OF 'III I H Association will bo hoM To-tYight (Thursday), JUDO 20th, at our Hall, comer of King ami Calhoun stn. ts. aborn Mr. IJnetcdl's alore, punctual attendauco la re? quested. By order. OUST, nor KM Y I'll, June 20 1* Secretary. INION Iv 11.xv i % M (J Minen, NO. 4, lt. A. RI. THE 10:0 ULA ll COMMUNICATION OF THIS LO DO E will bob'iil, al Maaoulc Hall, Thu Ermina, 2Ulh In. si?.il. at vi, o'clock. Candidates for tho M. M. Degree will bo punctual. Hy order of W. M. WM. E. HOWLAND. _1 Bocrolary. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. AH Tn EHE WAH A DISAOHEEMENT IN THE NO 1 icm Klmoi lu thc papera rclaUvo lo Um bul iuc?t lng. for Ibo piurposo of encouraging Foreign Imuiluro Hon, uoUco la given Ulai thom wlU bo auolhor meeting, al Florence, 8. C., Julio 'J*!, aud that tho chinns of Dar? lington and unjoining Districts aro Invited lo attend. Juno 10 JOHN J. JAMES, Sccruory. AMUSEMENTS. Oint lanj-ilaitblt bitter 0?<ftlI?ivfiI| wire am 3?itJi1 km'ilfltti b. SJ?. uu| Ulotint ' raltRttcfti. i\u ?e?t roirb acm ?farttt-iStr. aibarf lim I Ubr ?laa>miltjafl unb um 8 ?br flbtnW Don 1'icimt illeafant al>|dbrrn. Jut a"il|}H,rrr flub fwunblirbfl crfuttit'ftiti refit jablr.irb tlniii. Pnbcu. eintritt $1. <Uaf|jflc ?18 Utnl?. Dit Uopiuiittc? : ?. ailtii?r, 0. Wuabtlmcr, D.SDIUtlcr. Juno 20 2 FOR SALE. FOR BALIS, ONE PAIR OP FINE LAHOE MULI?, warranted to work woll. Inquire at lt. LAAVLESS, No. 82 ?TATE STREET. 2? Juno 20 ?T PIt.IVAVIS s \ i,ti rm: arTMAM THO "RtLIHF," built In Philadelphia tn ltjfll. Length y-slx (00) foot six (0) lucho.; depth aoTun IT) feet. D road th of beam alxtoun (10| fuel. Copparod to alz (Si feet. Hull and machinery lu good order. AL80, A HEW HT BAH PILE DIltVER-Length forty right (48) fent; breadth ll neon (lo) feet; duplh Uiroo (iq feet BIX (B) Inches. Two (2) blgb proaauro uuglura, alx (fl) loeb oj lui dor - twelTO (12) iuohea -druin. Ismg in of ilorrick forty-eight (48) leet; space fbr logs Oflueu (16) indica. Flat's bottom sheathed with bosvj aloe; propelled hy her owu power. Speed four (4) mdoe per hour. For tenus, which shall bo libera], apply to J NO. FERGUSON, Jun" I" stuUiO Accommodation Wharf. T7IUII HALE, A l'A Hit Y A LL, WITH TWO JL Scats, polu and shalt. Also, a set or doublo sad eltigle HARNESS, all iii good order. Csu bo seen sud bargained for cash or a Ibno uoui at thirty dar?, at Nu? il Lynch s trccL _Msy IT -VTOTICH.-POlt ?ALK OR TO 11KNT, Tl?o il two story BUILDINQ on tho comer of Mooting ard Columbus atmete. Apply st No. COU KINO STREET Juno 111 2 ITtOIlHA I.B.-A PINK MA ?OLK AND DU A PT } MARE Apply to v ,,,"." BAV" NEi* * BARNWELL, No. 177 East Bay, opp. Accommodation Wharf. Jnno 19 -1 TO RENT. TO RENT, THAT DESIR ABL 12 BRICK lt MI DENCE, No. 28 Pincknny strooL Rent mod orate to an approved touant. Apply ou tho premiaos. Juno 20 ia TO RENT,-THAT ULNIRAIILU RESI? DENCE, No. 68 Cannon street, uoar Rutledgo Av? ernus, containing alx upright and two attic rooms, ?Rb ga? throughout, claturu. wull, aud sinplo kltclien accom? modations. 'To on approved tenant, turma moderato . ponvaaluii givenImmidlaUity. Euqulro al WILKINSON it Ol Lonni vi -H LAW OFFNJE, Ne, 40 Brood utroeL April 29_ loUl rpo RENT, PA HT OK THE HOUSE No. 40 _L Wentworth Btroot To a duelrstilo touant tho terms ?til bo accommodating. Juno 13 TO RENT, TIIHEB VERY NICE ROOMS. Will rout at low rates to roapoclnblo persons. Also, a nico Kltcheu with two rooina; can be used with a .tova. Apply st No. 61 NASSAU STREE I, a fuw doon Rom Lino, nsy 30 LOST. LUST, ON ?MON 11A Y PORBNOON, A PAIR OF SPECTACLES-gold frame-sliding temples, in black leather case. The Hillier will be baudouin id j rewarded by leaving them at Na 37 UAYNE STREET or No. 83 QEORQE STREET Juno 10 ITU VE DOLLARS REWARD.-LOST. A ? smell black sod brown tan THIUUFK, snaworiug lo the narnu ol 'Trinco." Tho uwnor's namo and ad J re sa engraved on hi? collar. Any ono returning tho doe to No. 26 MONTAGUE STREET, will rcoulvotSo abo vo re? ward, a* Juno 19 FOUND. FOUND, ON THE 1UOHN1NO OP TUE ltd lust., a PUCKET BOOK, which tho owner can have by proving property and paying for advorti.aineat, June 4 BOARDING. GREENVILLE, S. C. TIO A RHINO.-MES. & a LAVAL, WIDOW OF LATE 1 ' Major Wu. La vax, ls preparad lo scoommodale PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS in Green vi] lu on tho moat U bo ral tenus. The patronage of tho travelling public la solicited._stutbQ* Juno fl 1.EXCELLENT BOARD, AT VERY LOW li ra?ca, tn the most central business part of tho city, without lodging, tn a pr?valo bouac, oau uow bo Ind Fur particular, address "X. L." Po.toQlco. May 16 BOARDING.-THREE PLEASANT IttlOMH with good BOARD can bo bad on Iminodlalo oppU caUon to No No. 69 CHURCH STREET, wost ?Ide, near Trodd .truer. Terms reasonable. Juno 12 FINANCIAL. RONDS. STOCKS AND COUPONS WANTED TO PURCHASE. STATE HOI) III CAROLINA OLD AND NEW BONDS AND COUPONS Memphta and Charleston Railroad Bond, and Coupons Memphis and Charleston Itali road Stock South Carolina Railroad. Stock State ol Sooth Carolina Bleak. Apply lo H. H. DELEON, Jane 19 2 No. 24 Broad street. REMOVALS. ES MO VAL.-TUB OFFICE OP TUB SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY hos been re moved from ovar tho old Bank of CharlesUm ba Ko. 60 BROAD STREET. Mar 26 REMOVAL. OTTO SONNTAG, DYER AND SCOURER. REMOVED TO CORKER CLIFFORD AND ABOR DALE STREETS. OENT8' COATS, VESTS AND PAKTS DYED, CLEAN ED AND PBESSED. S Juno 1? COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION. r|THE FIRM OF PARKER A CHILD IB THIS DAY J_ cUsaolvod by mutual consent, . N. O. P AUK EIL ASA CHILD. MB. KO, PABKXR WILL CONTINUE THE BTJBI NESS, and ?etan tho affaira of tho Ule firm. Juno ll a M. O. PA ILK Kit, No. 103 Esst Bay EDUCATIONAL. VORTH CAROLINA MILITARY AND POLY TECHNIC ACADEMY. < -'? A OREAT SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL AND t\. PHYSICAL 80TKN0E8, together with Langnaucs J tera tore, Political Economy, History, Ac The Second Session, Ninth Academia Year, opone July st. 1867, Diplomas conferred upon O rad natos In the TUr couran, - apodal couran Of EEOTN EKRINO, ABOUTTEOTIIRH md DBA WINO, la offered to those who wish to qualify hemselvos lor civil Engineers, Lawyers, Ac,, and do not Lualrc to puraun other nudle?. AConunorclal Course given to those who wish to rre >are lor business Ula, A Preparatory Cooroo for those who are quite yoong ir Uttls ad ran oed. 0 No military duly except enough drill for hoallly eier ise. Expenses moderate. For circulars, containing fell particular?, address Osar. IL & coi BTON, Buperlntendant, HJUxhoro, N. a 36 tulhalS INSTRUCTION IN PUK NCI I. Vf ES- NICHOLS, A NATIVE OF CHARLES ru N, LU. but during shs past fifteen tears ?r?sidantIn turopo, la desirous of giving Instruction in Uie French AuRuage, el tu or st her owu rasldenoe or at the hoaxes .f har pupils. Lxqulxs si Urs. PUTNEY'S, No. 190 Kine street. May ju ? ? THE OTiraiiXPRBSSMP,W?! OfHco No. 147 Mooting Ur. tv CONNECTIONS WITH ALI. 'Railroads Throughout TBS UNITED STATES. _ Every attention elven to the safe fainsinlsslon of. Freight, Honey, nd Valuables. riLIi CA LT, FOR AMD DELIVER FREIOHJ TO ANY POINT IK THF. CITY FREE OF CHARGE. II. B. PLANT, 1'rcaldc nt, April IO_' ' ' _Angil tts. Qa, THE MARION STAB, 718TABLIBHED NEARLY TWENTY YEARS AO0 IB 2J published st kan ou, a a. In the central portion ' the country, sod offen t favorable medium ta Mer tania, "-nr~'~ M"sad wU rlissn vrhodssxrs i extend their buutness IA tbs Ps? DM countrr.. For the benefit of our BdrarUalng pativna, vs nhalL in IdlUon to our subscription Url, willoh ls BoxistanUy S mstns>n?blUh and dUlrlbuie gralulkmxly aooa extra Jles af tie BT AIL. during the txraJoess seiX? tm. . Bliss ti s\dv?xibjax^ ' \ '..?'J. Z?????& W. J. McMBALL, NoTxm'jer 20 VM^rw tai Proprietor. ' '.li ?j ?r?afjr? . i-' :i t. -a.v . .. '>..<> h ?).?! VJ ,ii.' .-' -.?,,r? .> I \*> DRV GOODS, ETD. ?5. CHEAP 35. VARIETY STORE, ?>5. KUTI KIM; i; AVENUE. 35. MATTING ! l-l RED CHECKED MATTTNO AT So CENTS A VAItI>, tod ?cry good Calicoes at 10 cent*. Also JIIHI ro clvod s splendid SMorliucnt of FRENCH UAMUU1CS, ?ni nen PRINTS, sod ?ILK LE NOS. 35. RutloKilo Avelino, 35. SILVEY & SBLIGMAN. GREAT ATTRACTION AT M?LCIIERS & MWIt, No. 199 King streot. Pnion TO TA Kl Nd STOCK, WE WILI, HELL OUR OUOICEST H ELECTION OF FOBEIGIT AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AT sud DELOW COST, for cash, for thirty dsys ouly, ooniinoiiclng Juno laL MELCHERS & MULLER, No. 199 KI NU STREET. Juin' 1 aliilhlnii) MILLINERY, ETC. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS WILL DE OPENED MONDAY, May 27th. ANEW ANO ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FASU 10NAT1LE coonil, comprising many novoltica, which havo boon purchased elute thc btu docll lu In prices, and will ho sold vorv low. Customers will plauo call and oxnmluo. Mrs. BOOTH, No. 423 King Street. May 2C alnthlmo SAIO0NS. ICE CBEABtr MRS. C. DIINNEMAN. NASSAU STREET, NEAR tho corn or of Columbus, iuforuia the publlu that Hilo will devoto tho preened* ol her ICE CHEAM Hun Un, during eight days, commencing TAi't (Aluminy) Arrcmna and continuing nulli Monday Evening (Juno Jilli) noxt, lurluaivu, tor tho benefit of tho now O milan Lutborau Church to bo ercalod tu Ujls city Concert music, on Ibrco ovcnlngB of Ulla woos. 7 Juuo17 ICECREAM. ri'. ONDERSIONBD RESPECTFULLY INFORMS ht J former cualouiora. and Ibo public generally, that ho baa reoponod, for tho season, his SALOON, No. 46 CALHOUN STREET, oppoalto Elisabeth, wboro ho aili bo happy to servo thom. Having attentive attend tut?, lila efforts will bo to pleaac. Thu quality of bia Jrcam la too w oil known tor comm out Familien supplied as usual lu quanlilloa to anil, at ail louts. Flo Nica, Maroons, otc, supplied at tho shortest no Jcs. tn all casca, Cream, quality and quntlty warranted No charge If tho Croom do.i'l provo aa recommoud'-I. HENRY LARCOM HE. ?at* Tho ICE CREAM Wagon will bo out every day. Sundays excepted. Imo May 28 CLOTHING. A. S HULL, Ag't., MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMO VET) TO No. 70 II HOAD STREET, NORTH SIDE, HKTWKKN MEETING AND CHURCH ibero he will ha ?lad to too his JUI friands and custom ra, an 1 han lo aloro a full aBHorlmont of CLOTHS IUATINO. OA.-4MMERE8 and VESTINGS of every val loty. which be will maka up to or Jar st ss low pi looa as ny shnllsr oalabUahiucnL Auto, A FULu ASSORTMENT OF FURN IS HJNQ OOODB -ORGENTLEMEN'S WEAR. M. JNO. T. FLYNN (formorly of C. D. Carr A Co. rill anporiiiloud UM Tailoring Hepartmuul aa usual an? rill olvo bbl especial attention lo Cutline and Makin ir of IIMYANDNAYYU.NIEORMS. >^i?'?"T??<? Maj ll mum, wiiiTMD & co., LANOPACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS nv FINE, MEDIUM, AND COARSE SLOTHING, A MERIGAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOB. M, 67, 59 3L and ol, Bndaon stroot, nw Duane, Now York. T. F.OARHABT. W. H. WHITFORD. _ . J. D. VAN WAOKNKN. Pscsmbor 10 Brno .T. HAMILTON. N G. PARKER, LATE PARKER & 0 HI LD , DXALXca rs ?OTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AJCO FURNISHING GOODS. Jun?la . No. 103 EAST DAY. he Univ, raul Verdict of sill tbe Most Ex perle ncr il I'nstry Cooks and Housekeep? er, ta that tba YEAST POWDER B 'THE' MOGT'SJHLIAHMI OP ALL BAKING POW DEES, being brs\tttlruBy while, arid freo from all In rloua Ingredients, beside* torra liing only two-thirds of o rmanuty to havo the same afTcct as olbor Y emt iwdcrs. If you want delightful Ile Orari, Biscuit and cm Bread, give it a trial '"or sala by ORUP, KU A MARTTN, _ Ho. 330 King atroot. HENRY ll ESCH OFF A CO, ? " No. ItrV Eaat Hay. W. 8. CORWIN A CO, Ra. SS? King atroat DOWIE A MOISE, Druggists, No. Iii MEKiTNO bTTULET, Op poa! to Charleston Hotel, january 3*_ tbatuSmo OfWIrfANCBL "UTE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED . for the Information of all concerned : i OUDIH?HCB TO xotarrLATK mi cuxantraa op parvrxs aro VAULTS rx TH? OOBFOBATX- uwrra or TB* CUTT. I. Do It Ordained by tho Mayor and A ld arm en. That rm and after the ratification of this Ordinance, lt shall t bc Uwful for any perso? to ct natue or remove the ?tents of Vaults or Privies wimbi the limita of tba y, without having previously obtained a hoarse for the me; all such llcenaee to expiro on the Slat Hs? ember ev, ry year, and be subject to all raqulrtruonu Impos bj Ordinances ruguls Ung tho granting of Licenses for ?ya and Carts. . ?. That the nao of narro!, tn open Carts and Wagons prohib? tod, and parties armrying for License will ba re? trod lo pr?vida closed Osrfs suitable (br tho rrarpoae. LIL AU persons having such License shall repoi t M a of lb Guard nooses. ohxrhur the day, his or their In dion h lo auch work during the Wftitng night: in the war Warda such report to be made to tba Main Onar J ra ao. in the Upper. Wards to Upper Guard Houee. lY:!P?!J&e~?rJ?*emf0T depoailof auch offal all bs dcatfjiiBled from time to tune by the Maror. f. Every owner ar driver of each Lioonaod Carl I other Dorsou who snail TloUte any of I ho prevision, this Oral nanos, or shell ueclccl Ti roroae to^baervc > rame, or any of them, ahaS forfeit and pay for ^eaob anee a Ane not to oxoeed twenty-five dcilarsL to be on - ^^.?52?!?? Sf!'S0*** ? recovered IQ soy 1er Court of cotnpetent Jurtadlctlon. 7 tl fl ed In City Ootmdl thia seventh day of If ay. ta the near of our Lord ode thousand olgh t him ired ind ii? y solan. ... ? ? U^-.- .. a?, a GAILLARD. W. BL Mann, Maror Clerk of oocncfl tmo May io THE AIKEN PRESS. r I^PK?,PSgIiIL':r0 PUBUAH IN THE TOWN QI k ^r?\^-. .' ? Weekly paper under the abors title, se devoted to Cen eral tatelllgenoe-Poll ti cal, Ooro rctal. Social, literary, and Religions-with alSoparf nt of Agrio ol taro. InHadlng tba Plaid, the Orohard. Viairysnd, and tte Garden. A Kew* Summary, te italn a digest of tba Important evania ox the week. i{^SPPm^ itlodoi the paper, and parttstrte atten > will Da gi von to aha tutaetllea qaestum of Labor, ai t adapted (o our nsw condition, and - tba davelopxaaoi thoroaonrcos of tbs connLry ta l^mx??HoTt% AnTt tar?. PruH-Mlaln?. and Yin*growlng. I ; temi .aa a rear, In adtaaoe.. . -r/,. ii, m . H. ff. RATKNELvEditor. 7. D. Hiasiajrp, Pobiiibeir. - ? January ll . ). ,lmii.?{r.\: lie ;le,.:lr:io na-. t , A Mt 4 ir 4.?!b??.--??-rt?,< . .??:.-. ;. GROCERY AND MiSCEUANCOUS. CORN I CORN ! CORN ! ?(rAA HIIKHKIA PRIME WHITE CORN. IS TWO IO' 'Vt bimbel *4rkH. litiKlhiK Hil" day from wlioon ir IJIIIIT Chane, mini fur nal.- luir willi?- landing dy I'. N. AVERILL ? WIN. Juun ll? ll Nu CH liant Hay. tili? w. w mm & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND HANK..RS, M \ wi; ST UK KT, CHARLESTON, S. <\ GEORGE W. WILLIAMS Si CO., CotlO?l JPt\OtOVr*t CHUKCH BTUEET, CHAW.E8TON, H. C. WILLIAMS, TAYLOR Si CO., Corni nissioit Merchants, NO. 147 HAID BM LANK, NEW YOHK. May 7_ CALIFORNIA WINK CON PAN li (iNcunruRATRD ?uriuiir.ii I, HMO.) w i N r<: s , ITUiM TI1K VINEYARDS OF SOHO inn. Los Angelos mid Nh, Count ?cs, (aliioniiii. W. II. CHAFER, Agent. NO. 207 EAST HAY, CH Alli.Elli ON, 8. C. uocK. H 11 Ku KV, BWBBT ANOELICA. MUSCATEL] Purl, Wino Ulttcrn. Claret, Hoiiumn llraiuly, Calirorull Catawba, Sonoma Uliaiui>agii<i lin qunrtn). STiiiuina Cbsxs] lainiii (lu pint-, 21 lu n cauu)-In WIMHI ami ('lan*. April ao inn. INSU R?NC?." TUE LIVERPOOL AND LON IM ! AND UL.ODK KI UH INSUItANCK COMPAI Cnxiltal.910,000,000, Uo^~ HTOCKUOLUEIIS PEIIHOSALY REHIONSIULA j ( LOSSES AI UH STEH II EUE. Hay 18 [enif . SEWING MACHINES. $20. AGENTS WANTED, $20.J tTS to 12O0 por mouth-malen nuil fu??alos-lo sell ONLYGENUINE COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Manufactured. It will hom, fell, nlllcli. tuck, , braid, quilt and embroldor huaiitirully. Prlco, uni] lucludiug Uaruuin'n aull-nuwur and suLf-luruiug ats) ii i or. Fully warran Uti fur tl vu y oars. CAUTION.-Uuwiru or tbuno selling worlblunn titi Iron machined, uudur thu Kimo uaiuo un oura. Fur? culara and leimi. aildrt KM O. ROWERS .V CO., No. vf.?. 1 lltli street. Ptillaitulphla l's. lui M av vu. DENTISTRY. THEO. F. CIIUPEIN, DENTIST, (111 Ki:, - - - NO. ?75 KIMI STU K KT, NEARLY OPrOHITE OAflEI.. TUE MOST RF.AUT1FUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH IN? SERTED at modumlo price*. a ? - TE ETTI EXTRACTED without iain by un ana of C II i. o lt 11 V O It M NITROUS OXYD, \ Or by DR. RICHARDSON'S apparatus for producing ?j LOCA 1. AN JKHT'IIKHIA. ' March S lulim lan ri TElirilS CliriANDl DIPFEII ? I? ANXUII,, RODRIGTJE'S PULMNIC EL?XIR SPECIFIC. FOR TUE CURE OF CONSUMPTION. PAINS IN THE - CHEST AND HIIIKH, DIFFICULTY IN UUEATU NO, liltONclil UH. CATAItRU, ASTHMA, COUGHS, I Hil (I Hill I AO E, and all aflocUoun or Uio Lunn?. ThU great r?vtvlfyer is offered lo th? public, that all ?ho will avail thora- el voa or tts remedial power may bo xroofilted. It only requires a fair trial to conti ma Ita Invaluable iganoT tn diffusing through oach channel of tho human irgaxdxaUon a reatorod vitality. It lnvU(oratoa and om ines the Lungs with L,al thru 1 etan tl city ; re st?ret warmth ? ?hieb la their essential ?l?ment; rousc-a tho alugglah vos ' ois Into aotirity; boals tho affected lobes; purifies and arieses the blood; regulates the cl rc ulall on; Induces reo sud easy respiration, and expels, through Its sdnila Btrstlon. oach and every concomitant disorder present In bo nu lady recognized as Consumption, and hitherto ioemcd hopelcaa and lncurmblo. This Compound ls perfectly safe, possessing neither uiroutio nor amallo proportion, which unfortunately sr? ? . Iways employed aa essentials in every preparation for lough or Lung affection-a m Intake which too oft eu In ts irritating and debilitating consequences, only con luces to much general d?rangement of tho ajstom, do Iroytng appetite and croa Ung an injurious oort ou a oz* Itoment, augmenting suffering with troquoot Intal ro? ui ta. . Under the Influence of this spproved snd tnvaluablo pooina- tho moat dlstronslng Cough yields, dlfllcully In ii i rsa thing and pains snd soreness subside, hemorrhage . arroaled, and health and strength rv>-oalabliahod. PRICE FOR SINGLE 1IOTTLE ?1.15. Bold by the Proprietor, northwest corner SOCIETY LMD M EKTINO STREETS, and tho principal DrugglaU. April 2_ly_ ... ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD ASTONISHED j AT THS woHnmruL R?V?LATIONS MADE DY THE GREAT AST110LO0I8T, Madame H. A.PERKIGO. ?HE REV ALS SECRETS NO MORTAL EVER KNEW. j Bbs restores to happiness tboso who, from doleful rents, catastrophes, crosses In love, loss of relsltnus and \ ' tonds, loss of money, Ac, hnvo Docomo Despondent, . J be brings together those lung au para ted, gives informs, ?h. on concerning absent friends or lo* ors, rca I aroa lost or .'.. ulan property, tells you tbs business you sre best tr aaliOed to pursue and in what you will bo moat auccees** * il, asuana apoody marriages, and tolls you tbs vary day DU will marry, glvos you tbonanioa. Ilk anona snd cliarw-Jfil : te ria tica of the person. Hbo roads your vary thoughts, ?M ad br her almost supernatural powcm, nnvatla tho dark ?5 ad hlddon mysteries of tho futuro. From the stars wa ' -.; is in Uro firmament-the loaiuflc alsrs that overcome OPVTS Kdomlnats lu tbs ooufigurallou-hroni the aspects andy oaltlona of ths planets sud the fixed .tan In tho heavens*^' I tho time of birth, sho deduces the futuro destiny oL TA ian. Fall not to consult Ibo groatoit Astrologist ou,.;, irtli. It costs you bul a tritio, and you msy never again ' i v n so favorable an opportunity, Cunsultatlou feo, with keness and all desired Information, tl. l'art!ea Uvlug I . dlstanoo can consult tho Madams by mall with equal Hr ty and aa tia fae lion to theinaolvca, aa If lu persou. A lil and explicit chart, written out, with all Inquiries aii rered ana likeneas oucloeod, soul by mall on recel pt ort, rloo above mentioned. Tho sirictesl socrasy will ho alntalned, and all oorroa|K>ndauoe rutu rn od or destroy L References of the tugboat order furnu?ied thoso ..o '\ ring them. Write plainly tho day of tho month and ' arin which you wera born, cucloilng s small loo. of Hr. Address, Mansies H. A. FKlUUao, P, O. DUAwm 2?3, Durr ALO, N. Y. March 50_ly PUBLIC NUTICK. OPTICS OF CITY TREASURY. I january S, I8e7.1 >0DL1O NOnOE 13 UEHBUY (UV EN TUAT UNDER . the following Ordinance llcensos have been p r?pand r delivery from this omeo. B. THOMAS, City Treasurer. 3zo. 1. De it Ordained by Oe Mayor and Aldermen! rt. If Onmeitatttmbled, That from land after the Aral de; January, licenses shall be taken out for all carts, dray, d wsgous, unod for private and domes tic purpoaos. In 9 mme manum-, and accord lng to the aamo prorisloua w of force In relation to caris, drays and wsgous, Iel or Wen Ifor biro, exoept giving bonds. And oach such rt, dray or wagon, shall bo provided with a badgu con? ning the number thereof, and marked I'm dir, lo Lo toed an ths ou laido of the abaft. Iza. X T?o person shall bo taken by the Treasurer aa rely to any bond under the Ord tuan co cooee ruing li? ases for carts, drays, wagons sud other carnages, un* ? ho or sos bo s freeholder. ima. 9. Ths following shall boroafUr be tba rates for enses for public and pr?valo carla, dray?, wagon?, Ac, duding tho horses or mules used thereof, which shall free from otb er taxation t sue CA sm, nana, aro., on -moa ZVFLOTZD ni am aiTSDizss wBJkXzvzB, ros mai DIBXOT OB IMDIBEOT. Tor every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by ono horse ct ile, MO. for avory cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two horses or ties, ISO. For every hack and carriage with two wheels, 920. Tai every bark and oarriago with four wheels. Sta far ?very stags or omnibus (except lino omnibus th two horses, WO. for every stags or omnibus (sxcept Une omnibusi nm by four horses, KW. for svsry truck drawn by two or more horses or mulos, ?. for every express wagon drawn by two or more hors? s mules, MO. BBJtUD OSAIS AMD MUT AT* CA nm, DBA TS, arro. 'or avery bread cart or wagon, to. 'or avery cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do. alic ptirpot?i, and not to bo . employed tn tho trana -ting of gooda, wares, merchandlso, lumber, or any er commodity, for compensation, either directly or trootly for the same, ahab pay for a UCWUM Ibo sum ol exclusive of the horse or mule. Ratified tn City Council, this lsth day of January, ?e?) In the yaw of our Lord ono thousand eight hnu . dred sod sixty-six. P. a QAILLAILD, Mayor. By the Mayor, an nary t W. U. HMITU, Olen of OouccU,