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VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* TELEGRAPHIC. Our Calilo DUjiutches. QUEENSTOWN, J.uto 7.-'Iiio City of Dublin touched. Thu shit) Coros, which loft Bordinux for NeW Yi>rk, aud put iu.o Fayal leuky, bau beou cun dom ned. Funs. Juno 7.-A carringc conlainiur{ Napoleon and tho Czar, which was returning from tho Champ do Marx, wncro ? rOTlew Iud been given in honor or thc zur, was tired into; whether to kill Napoleon or tho Czar, ia unknown. di.AS ?.nv, Juuo 7_Tho steamship Et. Andrew has arrived. LONDON, Juno 7-Noan.-Tho bullion in thu Batik of England has increased $.*J7,000. Money quiet and stondy. Consols- 91). liomin 73. Li vi.ia ooi.. .limo C-Noon.-Tho Hrokors' Cii cu lar gives tho solos of tho week nt U.i.OOU bales, in? cluding 21,00) for speoulati ni mid export. Hto:k 853,000,ilicludilij; 103.000 American. Recent aro uniiHiially heavy for thu |>ast nook, being 140. 000 bales. Tho nun kel tn-div opens quiet; proba? ble salos 8000 ; Uplands Iii ; Orleans ll). I-ONDON, Jun? il-ll i'. M.-Consols n-ivnncod I ; others unchanged. LlVEhPOL, Juno 7-2 1'. M. Colton oasicr. Provisions aud produce unchanged. Corn de? clined. LONDON, Juno 7.-Vnuboni Jasper, a lecturer, won three groat prizes at AtcottH. LONDON, Juno 7-Evening.-Consols 91.1; Bonds 73. LivEiirooi,, Juno 7-Evening.-Cotton clo ed quiol; Middling Uplands Hi; Middling Urie m 11|; sales 10,000 hales. Mauchestur advices iml favorable; doods and Yunis all hoary, Bread stulfsquiut, with a downward tendency. * Lorn 37s. Cd. Provisions tine li am; ed. Lard "advanced tu 504. Thc Presidential Party in North Carolina. It vi.Eian, N. C., Juno 7.-Thc Frosidontial party to d iv attended tho comiiioiiccmont exorcises ut tho Clupol Hid University. They woro escorted thither by a procession, including tho scholars mid officers ol tho institution aud tho Uovernor of the State. Iloforo tho war tho a verane number of pupils was 600, but now not moro than 100, A ball will bo given to-night to tho graduating class und nt tom h-d by a portion of tho graduating party. Thu President mid friends lonvo boro on Friday and reluru to Washington on Saturday afternoon. ParrEMDUBO), Juno 7.-Tho President mid parly arrived boro at 7 o'clock this ovouinp, on thoir re? turn to Washington, having li .-on escorted thither hom Jurrat's Depot, thirty indus from Petersburg, by Mayor Collier mid a Commit tee of tho City Council. Tho Mayor rimowcd tho lender of houp - I Halides, formally offored br tho municipal Mt thorilios. Thu Prcsiduut, whilo grnloful. hir tho manifestation ol kindness, rcgrottod thai Iiis pub? lic ongagoinciiU compelled him to decline tho de? sired sojourn for a dny, ns business required his immediate return to Washington. Tho largo concourse at tho hotol received tho party willi ropcatod div.-M. und tho Prcsidoiit having huon called for, mailo a fow remarks, in whtoh ho said ho und tried to dinohurgo his duly faithfully. Ho lind in ide eonsclontioua conviction his oourago, tho public good his aim, tho Consti? tution his guido, and by thoso ho would stand. Ho oxprosBod nts giatitudo for Ibis reception, mid tho bona that whan ho again came hero it would Itu under more favorahlo circumstances, with u coun? try whole, anil peace and prosperity ovorywhero prevailing. Ho was heartily cheered. Socrolary Soward, in responso to a call, morely romarked that they bad hoard from Clio President exactly what bo would say were ho lo make n spooch. Postniaslor-Oonor?lRandal wan expected to speak, sud ho briefly adiaanishcd all to forget tho strifo of tho pant, and to unite for tho lu? ton to scour] tho country's prosperity. As tho party remained au hour tu Petersburg, they woro handsomely entertained with supper, and woro the rem pion ta of marked attention. Tho party willromain nt Ilichtiiouil to-night, und leave for Washington on Saturday morning. RICHMOND, Juno 7.-Thc Frosidcutial parly ar? rived at 10 o'olock, and Wen met at tho depot by tho Mayor aud tho Com mit too of City Council, anil Captain Millward dr thu Spottswood House, by whom thev were escorted to that hotol. A band cf ninnie performed several patriotic airs. At all tho stations on tho way hitlior, many ?rorsons. not? withstanding thc rain, came out to seo tho Pr?si? dant and salu ted him with oticcrs. At Weldou bo made a iow remarks, nord, in acknowledgment oi tho couuiliiiiciil, as did also Socrotar.v Soward, Boveral perseus' voices wcro board, applying to tho latter : "dod bless you, old man I" ''dod bloss you," und similar good wishes wore expressed for tho Presiden!. Tho re? ception at Wold .n was mora carn.ut than at any other placo between R doigh aud Pctorsburg. After the Pr?sidant had arrived at thc Spoils wood Hotol, a very largo n mn Uer of pe ta ons ci ow d ed to tho parlors, .vhoro tho Proi idout aud Sucio tary Soward were iutioduccd to thom. Thoro was to-night moro enthusiasm than when thu Presi? dent arrived in this City last .Sunday, mid Ibo greeting waa rax mo n cordial. Beast Batter's Views. WASHINGTON, Juno 7.-Tho following is a con? cluding paragrnpu of n letter from llutl"r, which was read to a uogro mooting last night : "Ia it not a m? 1 r e\ idont political trutu that where tho land is bold in largo tracts by tho employer, to bo lotted by tho omploycd, thero can bo no just nnd trno Hehl for tue exorcise of Republican citizenship, mid it is ono of tho pressing exigencies Of tho country, os tho v erv basis ot reconstruction, t nat some plan. must be derived by which tho lands of tho South may bo divided among thoso who shall occupy and till thom." Vfw York .News. Nrw YOBS, Juno 7.-Tho Southern Famine lie lief Comm ttoc is still vigorously carrying units beneficial work. lu addition to loading thc United States store-ship Surveyor, winch lett this port on Tuesday lust, tho Commission bnvu sinco shipped 8000 bushels of corn for Charleston mid Savannah for interior distribution,' Yesterday tho Treasurer, Mr. Jamos M. Drown, recoiveil, from Clarendon Dis? trict, S. C., an appeal for relief from tho hoads of G7 families, tho nam u of each porson being giving, representing 298 individuals, ?ho mum perish uti? losa roliof bo afforded. So h ug nu this cry for lood is beard, BO long will thin Commission cry for money. Now < ir l ra na Newa-TU? Governor of Louis? iana. Nsw OBLXANS, Juno 0.-Tho following order has just Leen issued : ; . H i: A nguA u rr.ns Gm MILITARY Dm r mer, j Now Orleans, La.Juno 6. J Speoial Order No. G2. (Extract.) Mr. Thoa. J. Durant having declined tho ap? pointment of Governor or the State of Louisiana, contorred on bim in Spcciul Order, No. 60, Extract 5. issued at thoso headquarters, Mr. Bonj. T. I Inkers is hereby nppointcd in his ste.ol. Mr. Flakers will at onco assume tho duties of bis otb ce, aud all records, Ac, pertaining to it will bo turnod over to billi. By command of Major den. P. II. Sheridan. (Signed) GEO. L. II ARTS U FF, A. A. d. NEW OBLEAKS, Juno 7.-Boni. F. ii lodger,' tho now appointee for Governor, c J lied on O o v. Wells this morning at thu Excculivo cilice, and made known that no carno iu obedience to au order from Gen. Kberidan, and is ready to outer upon tho du? ties as Executive of tho State. Welts declined vol uiitanly to vacate tho ol?ko. protesting in wilting against tho aetton of the military authorities. At 3 P.M., an orjor wau received ul thu Governor's oQIco addrossod to Flanders, but .ho was absent. Tim nat uro or tho communication was not ascer? tained. Mexican news rccoived hero to-day confirm the ! provious roport that Lojios sold (juorotara tu En? robed . fur 3000 ouuees. No new duvolopinoulu. [Sheridan's now Governor appears to bo endowed with a multiplicity or liamos. Wo followod thu telograpnic "copy.' ] Marine Intelligence. NKW YOBS, Juno 7.-Arrivod, tho Minnosoto City and Washington from Liverpool, tho Corsica from Havana. Tho Crotan nows was highly unfavorable to tho Turks. ' Domestic Markets. NOON DiarATcn. NKW YOBK, Juno 7.-Slocks strong. Money 7. Gold 861. .Morling, time, lOalOJ; sight 10?ulO?; '62 coupons lb!)j. Flour 10 >20o. lower, Wheat '?a 3c. loner. Corn dull and un ihangad. Pork quiot at 122 75. Lard dull at UtalSjc Cotton dull ul 27c. Freights quiet. EVENING DlBrATCn. Btocks strong. Money 7. Gold 1SCJ. 18C2 cou? pons 1091. Cotton dull and unchanged; salos 1400 bales at 27c. Flour-Demand improved under thc decline; Stato f8nll 25. Wheat cnaior but active Corn qulot. Pork $22 02. Lard heavy. Whiskey quiet. Naval Stores drooping. Froights qtdot and unchanged. BALTTAIOBE, Juno 7_Cotton dull nnd tn favor or buyers. Flour, dornend limited. Bupornno How? ard Btroot $10.50. Com declined 2a3 els. Whito 11.12. Mixed Wosteni $1. I'rovisious unchanged, CINCINNATI. Juno 7.-Flour Arm and u nc h a nu cd. Corn dull and unsettled. Whiskey dull. Pork ol ferod at $22.25. Bacon firm and in fair demand. Shoulders 0; Clear Sides 12', MOBILE, Jone 7.-Sales 700 halos; in fair de- ! inand; Middlings 23Ja21. Receipts, 33 bales; sales of tho wooli, 330; receipts of Ibo wook, 1117; exports of tho week, ll,ti'J8; stock, 22,411. NEW OBLKAXS, Jnno 7.-Salos of cotton 750 bales-dull and lower. I/ow Middlings 24}a25. Rccoii.U of tho wook 8358 halos, against 4000 bales. Exports 13,871 bales. Stock 00,147 bales. Sugar and Molasses, no quotations. Fhn ir ox'rem Iv dull. Superfino jobiiing al $10 75; doubto oxtra $12 76; chmco $18 25. Corn activo and lower. Mixed and yellow $115; whito $1 20. Oats in light < supply at 95c.a$l. Hay unchanged. Pork $24; Primo Moss $22. Bacon in good jobbing demand. Shoulders Otc; Ribbed Silos Ul je.; Clear Sides HI8" . V.ard vory Ann-asking 13jo. in t ici cen, and Mjo.aillo, in kegs, dold 130?. Sterling 47a51 New York Sight Exchange j por cont premium. 1 , AroustA. Jnn?7.-Cotton duU; sales 59 bales; Middlings 24c. BAVAKKAII, June 7.-Cotton oronoddull and hon ywj, a, amall businosa; closed with a bettor reeling; Mi (Idling 2 4 Ja2oo. RocotpU to-0 :y 676 halos. Ito 14-378. W??1' 80i^' E*ll0rla 855t)' Swe"* A salmon, four foet tear inches in length, and two feet throe Inches in girth, and woighing near? ly half a cwt., was exhibited In a fishmonger's 1 shop, in Edinburgh. [OOM M U M CAT10 N. ] Mrairal < oil? ?< of Soutb Carolina. At a meeting of tho Board of Trustees and romilly ol tho Medien] Collogo of tho 8lato of Soul li Carolina, tbo following resolutions wura ollcred in consideration of tbo meritorious sdr rice? of tho rotiriug officers, Professors MOULTIIIE mid I'm ii.i. su, for tho uboru institution: Mt'solced, That tho Ti uutccs and Faculty of tho Medical College of tho Stnlo of South Carolina feel vury ni i truro concern and ny m pa thy for thu i n tir ini? tie?' of ill health and advanced ago which havo prompted Professors James Moultrio and T. U. Trudeau to resign from tho elmira of Physiology and Obstetrics in Hint institution. JiCiolced, That whilo tho Trustees and Faculty nm constrained hy tho motives assigned by Pro? fessors Moultrio and l'riolcau for llioir resignations lo accent tho naino, thuy desire to make known tlii'ir esteem for thoir doficato sonso of honor and duty, whioh. ns it uniformly directed their con? duct in nil their official rotations with tho Collogo, has iii? ii need thoui to rotiro from thom. Ucfotvvtt, That tho Trustees and Faculty onto r tnin a high and just ostimato or tho maturo learn? ing nnil oxporicuco which Fnfessota Moultrio and I'.-.l'Iran contributed to tho instruction of tho classes in their dopartmonts, and of tho influcuco of their charactor mid oxnmplo in inspiring tho stationl s with an honorable and virtuous emula? tion ur cxcollonco in thoir profossious. Ihwlral, That au wall to cheer Professors Moul? trie and l'riolcau under tho inUrmitios of declin? ing yoiirH, UH al HU to ni a Lr public this tc:-ti noilial to thoir learning and virtues, thcao resolutions ho 'onimnnicatod to thom hy tho President of tho I oard of tho Trasteos and 'Faculty, and that tho samo ho published in tho city papers. IMPORTANT Killin LOUISIANA. JO YE UNO U WELU9 REMOVED DY OENEUAL BHEBXDAN. General Sheridan, aa our rendors aro aware, a Tow days sinco issued an order removing Governor Wolta, of Louisiana, from oflloo, and appointing thomas J. Durant in his atoad. Sjmctimo ago ! he c; ene ral doposod two rival boards of lovce com nissiouers, ono of which hid boen a ? pointed hy iovornor Wells and tho other by a SOCOBS?OU logis i.turo. Tile Governor Ihoroupon ali lal nod from he Prosidant and Soorotary of War an ordor ro piiring Ooucral Sheridan to withhold tho oxeou ion of his ordor regarding th J commissioners. This order was as follows : "WAH Dr.r.uiTui'.NT. I WASHINGTON, Juno 3,18G7. J 'Mnjor-Oen. P. II. Sheridan, JVis'O Orleans: "Application having boon mado to tho President >r tho United State?, by tho Oovcrnor of Louis ana and olhars, for revocation of your ordor re? lieving tho Donni of Levee ConimiBslonors, and hat the State authorities bo permitted to proceed n tho execution of tbo Stato laws, tho President lirccts thal all furlhor prococdinus bo suspended inti fuTihcr instructions. You will pienso report tho fuels in relation to vour order with tho rr an inn ?or giving il. EDWIN M. STANTON, Socrctary of War." On tho strength of this interference with tho Iforkines or tho reconstruction law, General Shori lon imni'diatoly issued tho following order: "Iiis lixcellonoy flin Governor of Loutaiana, J. Madison Wells, having mado himself an impedi? ment to tho faithful execution of tho act or Con? gress of Marah 2, 1867, by directly and. indirectly impeding tho General in command in tho faithful execution of tho law, is hereby removed from tho jfUco of (iovornor ol Louiuia?a, md Mr. Thomas I. Durant appointed thereto. Mr. Durant will bo abend and respected accordingly, '.'liv command of "Major-General P. II. S HEMD AN, "GnonoE E. HOOD, Assistant Adiutant-GonoroJ." General Sheridan, in reply to tba Secretary of War, gives his roasons for removing tho Lovco lie says tho Louisiana Legisla? ture last winter paesed an act continuing thc old Levco Hoard in ofttco, BO Hint M.OOO.OOO appropri ilcd might bo disbursed by a board of rebellious int^cedenta, and adds: After (ho adjournment tho Oovarnor appointed i lu>nrd ol' his own, in violation of this act, and mado tho acknowledgment to Ooucral Sheridan that his object was lo disburso tho money in tbo interost ol' bis own porty by securing for it votes it the limo of election. Tho tdd boord refused to urn over ita popers to tba now boord, and ap? pealed to General Sheridan to Bustlln it, which ho would not do, ns tho question would then have ior.o to tho courin and ha vu taken a year to decido. Ibo Stato Tras thon overflowed and poor people mil.M mi-. To iibaio this troublo and afford intruc iiato relief, which tho honest disbureeiuuiit of four inillionB would elvo, au ordor disBulving both scuds wa-i issued." O? Governor Wolta the General soys : 'T Buy now unequivocally that Govonior W?lls s a political trickster uud a dtauuionist. I havo icou him niysolf, whon I Ural carno to thia com? mand, turn out all the '-niau men who supported tho Government, and pul in theil stead rebol sol? diers. Hinno of whom had not doffed tho grav uni? form. I havo soon him agnin during tho July riot nf 186G, skulk nw ny wheru I could not find him to iri ve him a guard, instead of coming out as a man? ly ropretiontativo of tho State nud joining thu io who woro desirous of preserving tho peace. 1 havo watched him nineo, and his conduct hos been as .nullius as tho murk lort in thu dust by tho mo ve? inent of a snake. I say again, that ho is dishonest, encl dishonesty is moro than munt bo oxpootod of lue." Rltaallitu In England. SCENE AT TUE SISBOF OF SALISH IIB Y'S VISITATION. Tho Bishop of Salisbury hold his triennial Visi? tation at Bridport, England, on tho billi of .day, when tlni e was a largo attendance of clergy and churchwardens. When ho carno to the subject ->f absolution, ho said t here was a turo to speak and a time to keep m lenee ; and ho believed the timo for hoing outspoken had arrived in Ilia diocese, and hu had, without any montai rosorvution, Gad knew, acted on t lint conviction. At this point tho Hov. Wm. C. Tempter, tho rector of Burton Brad? stock; stepped from his neat into tho aisle in frout itt his Lordship, ai d oxolaimo.l with much forvor, "I believe lhere is a time lo speak end a timo to bo silent; lot those that aro on tho Lord's side fol? low mo;" and ho turned and walked out of tho church, followed by one church warden. This scono m eated a profound impression, and Ibo Bishop waa for a moment apparent!? mach disconcerted. Intonso silence prevailed fur a minuto or two, and then tho Bishop said, "I would only rein ind yon that this ie a court, and tho clergy aro hound to attend it, though their consciences aro not bound to re?oive all they hoar. Of course a person may bo punished for any contempt of court." Ho then proccodod with tho reading of bia charge but tie fore bo hod concluded, I hough ho omitted what bo said would occupy soreral boura' reading, overy church wa iden hod loft tho church, aud tho clergy manifested signs of weariness. In tho afternoon' tho chi ireh wardens hold O mooting, nnd adopted tbo following address to the Bishop, which was signed by thirty-four of them: "aly Lord: As oburob wardens of tho several parishes within your diocese, wo havo this day at? tended your triennial visitation, and boara tho charge delivered by you to your clergy. Foeling that wo havo also responsible duties to perform, in endeavoring to preservo our reformed church from innovations and prue tices inimical to its puro faith, wo f.vail ourselves of tho occasion to ex? presa our (loop regret at somo of tho opinions and doctrines thoroin enunciated. Wo bebovo them to bo ot variance with thoao principles for which our forolntbers so' nobly and successfully Btrue glod moro thai, thrco hundred yn?r* UK? ?bau they proloeW? agalust UlO errors of tbo Church of Itomo. Entertaining tho h'ghest possible r?? sped for vour Lordship's personal ciinroptor and omeo, wo novorthcloss feel it incumbent on ns to assort our belief that nu less a ohock is at onco and promptly made both by Ibo clergy and laity to those innovations and pr?cticos wbioh aro alien to thc feeling's ol' all sound churchmen, a consider? able portion of those who aro now sincerely ilevo? ted lo tho establishment will he induced to with? draw to dissenting places of worship, or bo insidi? ously attracted toward tho Church of Homo, and thereby destroy the harmony and weaken tbo con? fidence which has so long and happily existed among them." Tho Pall Mall Gazette profoeBca to bove fonnd thu koy of tue ritualistic controversy. Hore it ia : "It fsa quost.onof powor, and tho question is: Who is to bo mante r in the Church of England tho clergy or Ibo congregation 7 Wo eon hardly doubt what tho answer will bo when tho issuo is once made thoroughly clear to tho common un* derstnnding. The average Briton can put np with a croat deal. So long aa the olorgymon oonflnoa himself to sermons ho wit. only growl in a hardy artic?lalo maiinor, and will, for tbo most part, so? lace himself by Bitting still and Iii .liking about other thing*. But whoo ho fully understands that tho olorgvman ia not content with being a sort of authorized ofllcial squire or lo tarer, but claims in addition to bo tho master of lils parish? ioners, divinely invested with all marmor of mysterious authority over thom, and when ho perceives thai ritualism ia only ono woy of asserting and oxerctaiug this au? thority, bo will feel called upon to make bia clerical friends know thoir places, aa bis fore? fathers did three hundred years ago. Ho will give them to understand that ho utterly disbelieves thoir divino commission, thoir power to forgive sins, to extort confessions, to work invisiblo miracles and tho like; be will moko them fool that church property is not tho property of tho clergy, but tho property of tho nation, that it is for the public os rtpro-'entod by Parliament lo dceldo bow il shall ho usod and for what purposes, and not tor tho elerey either individually or collectively. When launched upon thone relleotiona tho laity will probably toko into consideration aomo other topics winch hove boon left untouched for a long t mu. They will be a little apt to ask who appoint and remove tho clorgy ? and whotbor tho congre? gation havo not a cent m degreo of interest in tho subject whioh ought lo be recognized by tho law OH well OH tho in.crests of tho elorgy tnemsslvta and tb oso of thou* patr. ns 7 Such questions will most assuredly bo asked before long, tfid will proas for an answer in a moat urgent mann**." Tho Ordinanoe Investigating Comm it leo have not yoi been able to begin operations ot Washing? ton on account of tho. want of a quorum, It ia probable that thoy will adjourn until Juno 20th. Bat two of OJO members are In Woahinton, and the absonce of tho othorn, causea groat annoyanco to quito a number of manufacturers of arms and ordnanco supplies wbo havo boon for aomo time In that city, anxious to moko a statement of their j grievances, 'Iii ' j AMEU1CA i nnot (ill FnENCH SPECTA? CLES. M. Jon N LKUOINE, tito distingushed editor of tho | Journal des llebats, contributes au arliclo on tho 1 English in Paria tor "l'ariH-Ouido.n Whilo ho ap? pears to haro a fair knowlodgo of his subject, and < holds up to ridiculo mono of tho olden prcjudicos of his lint ?on as rcgardR England nul tho English, his very lively and interesting picture must ho ru- ] girded as a caricaturo rather than a portrait. Still wo havo no doubt ho endeavored to bo true to tho original-giving way to his uprightly fancy only whou templed to moko a mot. Tho Erouch havo a fatal foiblo for epigram sud pointed antithesis, and thoy not luifro.TUontly mako tho truth of hi H tu ry bend to theso {Kitty con?oit* and ornamental draporios. But tho porformanco* of M. LEMOINE aro entire? ly thrown into tho ninnie by tho brilliant fancy, thc en tiro originality of a brother oditor, M. KUMUNU TEXIEB, who paints a most Arcadian picluro nf | America in hin paper, Lc Hiede. Tho following paragraph?, which wo extract, rood moro Uko MONTESQUIEU'S Lettre? Persanes, or tho Arabian Nights, than a 6o?ia fide picluro of our eminent Im? practical and tinpot!tie ropublio. Ho says: In North America, a vast, etorilo, and unculti? vated territory, whom royalty has never boon ablo to tako root, thoy havo not tho biilliant spectacles we bohold in Merope. Thoro is danger, even, that oro long tho raco of of?lco-holdors (a raro animal in tho United States) will pass sway nltogothcr. I havo just read in a Now York paper that Prom dent JOHNSON, having to nominato a Governor for Virginia, could not ti ni a man who was willing to taitn tho omeo. Evory roan tho Proaidont ap? proached on tho subject, invariably replied: "Monsieur lo President, I am flattered at tho oflbr which you havo just mado me, bat I havo my own little mallets which roquiro my prcsonco at homo. You had better try, M. lo President, to find eomo I ono uitoaoupind, . nu? wi... lino nuil.Ino HnHjtr I.* do than to givo his timo to tho uorvico of tho Sta1 o. As for mysolf, I am in a hurry, and havo tho honor to bid yon good morning." And tho Prosidcnt is still on tho lookout. Ho is searching ! a Governor, and can find nono. Barbarous conn- i try I How difforcnt with ns I Horo tho Oovornmont need not light a lanlorn, like DIOGENES and Pre? sident JOHNSON, to find a man, I lieg pardon, a caudidato for office. Thoro aro always a crowd of them at hand, soliciting places. In faot thoro aro moro luau aro wanted. A hundred applicant-) for a singlo vacancy. M. TEXIEB IS evidently well informed on Ameri* can matters. To think of all the troublo poor JOHNSON hos had to find candidatos for his officosl Tho Courncr des Eiats Unis sots Borionsly lo work to provo that tho French editor did not know what hu was writing about, says that M. TEXixn ought to havo known that tho Prosidcnt hos not tho right to nominato a Governor of Virginia, that if he had known anything at all of American affairs ho could not havo hoon ignorant of tho fact that unices pay bottcr hero than in any o.hcr country; that thero aro ma uv men in o Ul co with (3000 a year salary, who, noverthclcBS, manago to mako $18,000 a \ oar out of thom. Similar M?ndern can bo found daily almost In evory ono of tho Paris journals. Tliis, however, should not bo surprising when il is conaidorcd that in England, where tho means of information on American ornum aro far superior, mistakes no loss serious aro constantly made; not from igno? rance of those who givo thom utterance, hut rather through desigu, and prosuming upon tho gnorsnco nf thoso to whom America is hold up as tho model Ilopuhlic. Thus Mr. Hinein-, in a re? cent argument in tho Houso of Commons, in favor of u ti i voi nal auffrogo, pointed to America as tho country where tho experiment had been tried with tho most signal success; and tho proof that tho people could bo trusted with power, ho stated, could bo seen iu tho fact that thoy always selected tho boat men for tho most honored and rosponsi blo positions. Mr. BUIOUT, of courue, knows bot? ter, oed so docs Mr. Mux, but, nevertheless, thoso falso aaticrtiona answer a yurpooe, and I hoy aro used nnBcrupulonsly. i 'AMI A io NT NO IN TOE Hourn.-Political cam? paigning In tho South is deprecated by many of tho Republican journals North, who seo in tho agi? tation created by Radical orators, tao promiao of an abundant, crop of diro results. According to thom, tho various military districts aro to ho con? verted into arenas, in which tho various factions that divido thu people arc "to put thoir political gladiators tn fight out tho irreconcilable bitterness of party hato,'' making tho South a second Kan? sas on a largo neale. Says ono of thom: The oxcitonicnt of that scono stimulated party lifo through tho whole country, and kept up a po Utica! fury that drovo UB to tho great extreme of the war. Now this agitation is to be transferred | to tho Southern States. Thoy aro to bc com o tho ' t beat io or tho samo sort of political drama that! must bo moro exciting as tho scono is largor, as ' tho passions aro moro intonso, as tho results ex? pected must be greator, sud as thero oro moro cities to bo burned and throats to bo cot, before thoso results can become attainable to cither parly. It is casv for tho North, quiotly looking on, spectators of tho terri bio struggle, to seo what must bo tho inovitablo issue Wo lio a people down by military law-wo tell thuin that thoir States havo no political existence just now, that thoy aro only freo to pursuo tho ordinary course of business and social lifo, and must lcavo tho rest alone. Thoy acquioaco and go on as quiotly as heart could wish, eagor only to he quiet--grateful for rest from political turmoil, and for tho chance to cultivate thoir Holds. Bat, pron? to I beforo tho ink of our military laws is dry, wo let looso on thom political missionaries, propagan? dists, agitators, to start again that very political lifo that, wo have said mast for the present bo ex? tinct. Wo show them that thoy may go hito poli? tice as much as they like, it thoy will go in on tho right Bido, and wo hint broadly that wo aro loady to distribute Southern landa freely to the class that wiU lid highett for them in Republican rotes. Congress s h nulli como to tho rescue on this point. It should certainly nssemblo in July, and take moaaurcs to pr?vido against political campaigning in districts not politically irco, but subject to mili? tary law." CHERAW ADVERTISER. T~vEVOTED IO UTERATORE. SCIENCE, ART, I / AORIO?LT?RK, and M IBO KLEAN KO UB NEWS. euoraw, 9. 0. Published weekly, by W. L. T. PRINCi At CO. rama or SUDSOXUPTION : Ono copy ono year.$4 Oe Ono copy alz months.3 00 Ono copy throe mouths.1 00 Five copies one Oe KATES Or AOVr.mlslmi ! Ono 8quare, ten linos or loss, erst Insertion.$1 {9 For each sub soquen t Insertion.1 0U AU Advertisements to bo distinctly marked, or they will bo published until ordered our; and charged accord - I '"(.dy I Mord?anle and odors advertising by the year, ? lib: ml deduction on tho above rates will be mado, reinnit IA BARNWELL SENTINEL IB AN EXCELLENT ADVERTIH1NG MEDIUM. LET Mord?ante and business mon try lt for ?few months. "No risk no gain." Bend on your cards sud Increase ? your tr ado this tall. There's nothing to equal Printer's ink-it has mado many a fortune. Terms for the paper-S3 per annum, In advance. Advertisements Inserted et the ralo of SI per square ol twelve Unes or less for each Insertion. Cania of ten Unes or less, at the ruta of $10 for three months. Contracts by the year or for six months, allowing priv? ilege of changing, on moro favorablo terms. Address EDWARD A. UnONUON. M.-ircndTi I-_r-i. .cr TUE MARION STAU, 171STABLI8HED NEARLY TWENTY YEARS AGO, 18 li published at Marlon, H. C., In the contra! portion of tho country, and offers a favorable medium tc Mer? chants, Druggists, M schielst*, and all classes who desire to extend their business in Ibo Pee Dee country. For tho benefit of our advertising pa tro ru;, wo shall, In addlUon to our subscription list, wldoh is constantly in? creasing, publish and dlstrlbuto gratuitously 3000 extrt copies of Ibo STAR, during Ibo business season thu Frau. Bates of Advertising liberal W. I. MoKEBALL, November M_Edllor au J Proprirtor. TUE ORANUEUURG NEWS. PUBL18UED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, Al Uranno burg, 8. C. Terms 13 per annum, In ad? vance. During Hie spring and fall seasons extra copies of the (J HAN o KU nun N KWH will ho circulated for tho benefit ol our advurtlsing patrons. Contract Advertisements inserted on the most liberal terms. Address SAMUKL DIBBLE, Editor Orarogeburg News, February Vi_Orangehnrg. H TUE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISHED IN WINNSBORO' S. a, AFFORDS A profitable medium for tho advertising public ol Charl eaton. We respectfully solicit their patronage for our mutual benefit. ! )_ * S " il AIT. t. A III). ???PORTlJB *f WILLIAMS. Noverrbei 18_? THE SUMTER WATCHMAN IB PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT SUM TER, ft O., by GILBERT At FLOWUIB, Proprio to ri. al FOUR DOLLARS per an-J U m, Inrxrlably In advance Advertisements Inserted st usual rates. Every Myla ol Job rnr.lirv executed In the wrest style and area'ft diapAtra._wumii?i ir.. The Greenville Mountaineer TS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT $1 60 PER JL year, in ?dranos. Advertisements lnasrted st usual ratei. ' O. E. ELFORD, May IO ' ' 1M1 kw and Proprietor -. M.W'.'.". ' : ! OFFICIAL.. Headquarters Second Military District,, (No KT ll CAHOI.INA ANO SOOTH CA BOLINA), J COLUMBIA, S. C.. Mnrcb 21st, 18?7. ) lOKMxiLAt. Oiuicns No. >.) L IN COMPLIANCE WITU OENEHAL OKDLTIS NO. 10, Headquartersof tho Anuy, March lllh, 1807, tho uu doraigncd hereby OKSitnir? command o? tho Second Mili? tary District constituted by tho Act ol Congress, Public No. C3, 2d March, 1807. cnUllcd "An Act for tho moro efficient government of tho robol States." H. Io Ibo ci? coll?n of tho dn'y or tho Commanding Ocnoral to maintain tho becurity or tho Inhabitants In their pursoua and p'O) orly, to suppress insurrection, dla order and violence, and to puniab or causo to bo pun labod ell diatiirbcni uf tho public poaco sud criminals. Ibo local en ll tribunals WIN bo permitted lo laka Juris? diction ol sud try offenders, excepting only such eases aa may by tho ordcrof ibo Commanding Oeuvrai bo rehired to a Commission or other military tribunal for trial. UL Thu civil govcrniucut iiow existing lu North Caro lina snd South Carolins ls provisional only, snd in all ro apects subject lo the paramount authority of tho United States, nt auy time to abolish, modify, control or super cede the Bains. Local laws and municipal regulations not iucoualsUinl with the Coostllutlou and laws of tho United States, or tho proclamations of tho President, or with such regulstlous as are or may be proscribed lu tho orders of Ibo Couiuiaudin ; elenora], aro hereby declared to bo In force I aud. lu conformity IborowiUi, civil o Uk ore sro In roby authorized to continuo tho excrclso or ihr lr proper functtens, and will bo respected end obeyed by tho Inhabitant*. IV. Whenovor any Civil Officer, Magistrate or Court neglects or refuses to perform sn official act properly re? quired of such tribunal or officer, whorcby duo and rightful security to pw sou or properly shall bo denied, tho essa will bo rcporl-? by tho Post Commander to these Headquarters. V. Tost Comm anders will cssso to be &rrc?Uxl persons '< chsrgod with tho commission of crimes snd o Hem-ca | whon tho civil uu thorium fall to arrest and bring such ofTsudors to trial, and viii bold thc accused in custody for trial by Military Crtebtul.?lon. Pmvnal rvmrt ur uUier tribunal organized pursuant to orders from those ttuau. quarter? *_? oy military authority will bc reported promptly, Tbochsrgei pt-etrxred will bo nccompsnlad by tho evidence ou which they ara founded. VI. Tho Commanding (louerai, dcalrlug to preservo tranquility and order by means and stonelea most cou ne? nia! to Ibo people, solicits tho zealous and cordial co? operation of civil oOiccis in the dl&chnrgo or their dulles, and tho aid of all good citizens In prcvontlng conduct tending to dibturb tho peace; and to the end that occa? sion may aeldoui arise fur tho exercise of military lin? don ty in matters of ordinary civil administration, tho Commanding General rcjpcctfully and earui'sUy com? mends to the people and sulhoriUos of North sud South Carolina unreserved obcdleuco to tho authority now es? tablished, and tho diligent, consid?ralo and Impartial execution of the tawsonsetcd for their government. VII. All orders heretofore published to the Department of tho South ore hereby continued In force. Tho following named officers aro announced ta tho stau* of tho Major General Commanding : Capt J. W. Clous, 33lb U. a Infantry, Act Asst. Adjt. lien, and Atile-do-Camp. Capt. Alexsuder Moore, SSIh U. P. lu fan try, Aide-de camp. Bri. Maj. J. B. Myrick, 1st Lieut. Sd Art, Alti.vdo-Csmp and Act. Judge Adv?cale. Major Jamos P. Hoy, otb U. S. Infi., AeL Asst Inspect. Ooo. BvL Major Oenoral . O. Tyler, Deputy Quartermaster (len. U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. BvL Brig. Oenoral VT. W. Bums, Major and C. H., U. B. A., Chiof Commissary or Subsistence. Bvt Lient Col. Charles Psge, Burg. U. S. A., Mod. Di? rector. D. E. SICKLES, Major General Comm?nding. Official : J. Vt. CLOUS, Aldo-do-Cxnip. Maren 36 OFFICIAL. Headquarters Second military District,' CUAJILXSTOH, S. C., Msy SO, 18C7. ) |C, KN mm. Oanrju No. Sl.| L Any citizen, a q ila! id ed voter acco. ling to tho re? quirements oi tho "A ct ta pro 11. fi for the more efficient pee c 111 m en f of the rebel Stala," passed March 2d, 1807. and the Act eupptementary lAerefn, passed March 23d, 1867, ls eligible to omeo In the provisional government of North and South Carolina. All persona appointed to office will bo required to take the ostb prescribed by the Act afore? said, and lo filo tho samo, duly subscribed and strom, with tho Post Commander. IL AU citizenssssosaed for taxca,nnd who ahull havo paid taxoa for Ibo current yee- r-e qualified to servo as Jure rn. It shall bo tho duly cf i-: ; .L.W civil o rn?*? .b*r*o4 with providing lists of Jurors, to proceed within their several Jurisdiction?, without delay, and ascertain the names of sU qualified iwrauni snd pisca them on tho Jury Hst?, and from such revised lists ali Jurors at. ill be here? after summoned and drawn In tho manner required by law. III. Al] citizens are cltgiblo to follow any licensed call? ing, employment, or vocation, subject to such impartial regulations aa may be prescribed by municipal or other competont suth, ri ty. not Inc nia latent with common right and the constitution and laws of tho United States. Tho bond required ss security shall not exceed the ponai sum of one hundred dollars. One or more sureties, being citizens, and worth In the sggrcgate doublo the amount of tho bond, ovor and above just debts, will be sufficient. IV. Tho mayors or cities and oilier municipal snd town officers, snd sll sheriffs, magistrates and police forces ?re required to be vigilant ?nd efficient In main? taining order; ami in thu discharge of thorr duties they will be expected lo co-operate with the military autho? rities. V. Post Commanders may summon to their aid when? ovor tho ordinary uiuaua st tholr disposal shall not be sufficient io execute their orders, arneb of tho civil ottV oars, and as many of the citizens within th . territorial limits of the mi: ii ?ry post as may bs necessary; and the neglect or rcluaal cf any person to sid sud assist in tho execution ol the ordors of Ibo commanding officer will bo doomed a mlsdemosnor punishable by such Ono and Imprisonment as iuay be imposed by a military tribuna], approved by tho Commanding General. VL No license fur the sale of Ute xi eating liquors In quantities less than ono gallon or to bo drank on tho premises, shall be granted to any person other than an inn-keeper; the number of ?neb license? shall be deter? mined, an i the feee to bo charged for each license shall be proscribed and collected hy the municipal or town authorities, snd appropria tod exclusively for tho benefit | of tho poor. If any person shsll be found drunk on the premises where liquor ls sold the license may bo re? voked by any magistrate. The tax lmpoiod by tho In ternal rovenue laws of the United States ls an additional charge, and does not excuse tho party from the observ? ance of local regulations, nor exempt bim from the pay ma ut of such other license foes ss msy bo Imposed by municipal or other competent authority. VIL AU contracts hereafter m ado for the manufacture, salo or transportation, storage or Insurance of Intoxicat? ing liquor-. shaU, within this Military District, bo deemed sod treated as against public policy, and nn mvU 1 aeUon, suitor proceeding for lbs enTorcomont of any suoh contract shall be entertained In ?ny court. VL1L In public conveyances, on railroads, highways, sir octa, or navigable waters, no discrimination bees uso of color or casts shall bs made, and tho common right of all citizens meroin ?ball bo recognized and respected. The violation of ibis regulation will bo deemed a mis? demeanor snd tender tho offender liable to arrest and trial by a m Hilary tribunal, to ba designated by tho Com. mantling General, beside? such damages as tho injured party msy suo for and recover in Civil Courts. TX. Tho remedy by distress tor rent ls abolished. Where lands aro leased or lot out lor hire or rent, cotton, oom, or other produce of tho samo, whon severed from tho land, may bo Impounded; but Ibo same shall not be rc moved. And cotton, corn, or other produce so im? pound ed, shsll be held aa security for the rent or hire so claimed, and may ho told in ?ai ta faction of any judg? ment for the tame: Provided, that any unsatisfied claim for labor bos towed upon the cultivation of such I colton, oom or other produce, shaU In no easo bo post? poned to any demand for rent or hire; but to the extant I of tu oh claim for tabor, there shall be a Uon ou such cot? ton, com or other produce, having preference over any I claim for rent or hire. By oom rased of Major General D. E. Sjctxxs. J. W. 0LOUS, Captain 38th U. S. Infantry, A D. 0. and Act. Assist AdJ't Gen. OmotAx. : AutxAMOSB MOOBI, Captain 38th Infantry, Ald-de-Oamp. (3 June 7 ARLINGTON MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. J. E. KDWAHD9, President W. B. ISAACS, Viee-Preiidont D. J, HABBSOOK, Secretary. OHAS. N. SMITH, Med. Examiner. A Reliablo Southern Company. RATES AS LOW AS ANT OTHER COMPANY, AND when das-red, premiums ruado pavablo monthly, quarterly or semi-annually, or half of the annuli pre? mium in cash, and the remainder by note at twclvo months, thetoby bringing lt wit dn tho reach of all. BKVEN-EIOIITUS OP ALL TUE SURPLUS FUNDS, after paying espouses, divided every year among policy bold el t entitled to profit. CaB and get a circular and read the ad van tag ot to be derived from Insuring in the "ARLINGTON." J. L. HONOUR, Agent, May 16 w fro imo NO. 8 BROAD STREET. THE CAROLINA TI M KS, PUBLISHED AT ' OBANQBBURO O. II. mniS PAPBB CTRCTTIATES THB0UGHOUT TBE I middle portion of th? Stats, and offers the be.'I fM?iUe? for advertisers. February 2J3 ONE PRICE OUR SPRING STOCK IS NOW ready, und comprises a bolter assort? ment ol CLOTHING mmm GOODS, Adapted to this market, than wo have over offered. Wo have givon particular attention m getting up this Stock to lightness of fabric, strength of material and durability of color. Much tho larger portion of our Stock is mado In onr own workshop, and we warrant it in every rospect equal to custom work. We havo Goods not of our own mau nfactnre, such as aro usually sold ready-made, tho difference wo shall bc glad to show onr customers. In fixing onr prices, from which wo make no deviation, we have taken into consideration the depressed state of the market, and the univer? sal desire to bny goods cheap. Wc give below some of our lead? ing prices : CHECK CASSIMERE BOTTS.$8 00 ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS.9 60 ALL WOOL TWEED HU ITH.18 00 BLACK AND WHITE MIX CAB3IMERE SUITS, oar own mako.16 00 THREE STYLES OF MIDDLESEX 0A88I MERE SUITS, DARE, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT MIXTURES.18 00 ULACK AND WHITE MIX OASSDIERE suns.aa oo BILK MIX TRICOT, DIFFERENT MIX? TURES.34 00 FINE BLACK GERMAN TRICOT 8?IT8... .27 00 DARK BROWN GRAIN DE POUDER 8UTTS.29 00 BLACK DRES8 SUITS, ranging In prico from.$19 to G2 00 LINEN BUTTS, from.?5 to 20 00 In addition to the above, we have many good Stylos of LIGHT AND DARK FANCY C ASSIMERES, IN FULL SUITS' And in Pants and Tests. ALSO, ALPACA SACKS DBAP DBETE BUTTS MARSEILLES VESTS, Whit? and Fono;] BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, of very Ano quality HEAVY WHITE DUCK BUTTS, 4?., 4?. FURNISHING GOODS. In addition to our usual assort? ment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH? ING GOODS, wo wish to call parti? cular attention to our SHIRT DEPARTMENT. We have made arrangements to have our SHIRTS made by our own Pattern, and we think they will compare favorably in style and flt j with any Shirt on tho market. THEY COMPRISE FOUR QUAL? ITIES, $2 50, $3 00, $3 60, and U 00. We invite the attention of COUN? TRY MERCHANTS and PLANT? ERS TO OUR STOCK, which we are selling in quantities at very low prices. MANILLAR, WILLIAMS A PARKER, No. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OF HASEL, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mtjl3 U M A IUI IBU, In Charleston. Juno Oui, 1807, ?I tho resilience of T>r. D. UCIOER, by tho Ito?. Hr. roanxirr, Mr. WM. CALD? WELL, ol Chester, to Miss MAItY H. McKEN/.IE. of this city. s 49* Tho Relatives friends and Ac<inaln> TANCES of Mrs. CATIIAUIME, end of her two sons ALONZO sod JOHN KENT, ste respectfully Invited lo st. tend thc Funeral Services of ber daughter, OLIVIA J. KENT st Bethel Church at lislf-paat Four o'clock Thu Afternoon. 1 juno H flo- Th? Relatives itnd Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. E IJItADLEV aro respectfully Invited to at? tend tho Funeral borrico of tbo former, st tho lt- per Uospltal, THU A/ltrnoon, ?11 o'clock. 1 June 8 OBITUARY. DIED. In Ibis city Msv If Ci. 1807, ofter sn Illness of three mouths, CHARLOTTE POYAS, relict of the Into J AU ES DILLINOIIAU. ailed 80 years, ll months sud 18 days. .Rlcssed aro tho dead that dlo in the Loni. " . Died at Walterboro*. on ?th March, 1807. Copi. FltED ERICK FHASEIt, in Hie RM year of hi- ?ie. Captain pRAsan had for veare been a aiifforor. and for several weeks, and even months, before his death bis ?uuerlnB? wore intense. Death released bim from nil nf these sufferings. Rv it bo was "unclothed" ol nn rarlblv ?nd commtiblo body, and tho freed spirit winged lb? WIT to th pr?sence ?nd o' Christ. There. In tim en? joyment of rest ?nd peace, lt n ?alts Hie rna i rroc'lon mom, when lt shall ho "clothed upon" with n ar?:rlliia1 heavcnlr ?nd Incorruptible body. Ills children nnd snr rowin? Christian Monda sro thankful for the reunir?n -o mauled Uiem. that ho fell "asleep In Jenna;" and rom fort ono another with tho Jovful hnvio Ilia!, a* "Jesus dlod and moo again, even so thom also which steep In JeauB will Ood bring willi nim. ?nd together thoy shall be caught up to meet tho Lord In tho ?lr; snd so (hov shall over bo with tho Loni," in whose presence aro ond lesa ploasnrcs, unepoakabte bliss, and Immortal pliry. SPECIAL NOTICES. a?- TnraiTY CHURCH-HARF.T, STREET Serviro In this Church ro-lforroi?. at 10J? A. M. and al Bli P. M. ......u.rM mst tn IM ny ...PjJQl'-f?f?ro Ibo Young Mon's Christian Association, will bo repeated In thc Morning. 1 Juno 8 afar DEATJT?FUL HAIR.-CH EVALTEIl'S TAPE for the HAIR poalilvely restorcB gray hslr to tts original color and youthful le au ty; Imparta Rfc, strength sod growth to tho weakest hair: stops Ita filling out at once; koepn thc bead clean; ls unparalleled as a hslr-drcaslng. 8old by aU druggists, fashionable hair-dressers, and deal? ers in .-ancy goods. The trade soppllod by tho whole aalo druggists. SAKAI! A. CHEVALIER, M. I)., June B s'uthOmo Nor; Vork. 49" BATCHELOR'3 HA TR DYE_THIS SPLENDID BAIR DYE Ia tho best tn tho world. Til? only true and perfect Dye-harmless, -elisblo, Instan? taneous. No disappointment No ridiculous Unta. Natural Black or Brown. Romcdlos Uio Ul effects of Cod Dye?. Invigorates the bslr, leaving lt soft and beautiful. The gonnlne ls signed triHiam A. Batchelor. Ail others aro mere lmltaUons, ?nd should be avoided. Sold by ail Druggists and Perfumers. Factory, No. 81 Barclay street Now York. 49" BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. Decomtx-r 10 lyr <T THE STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA, DABLLNQTON DISTRICT.-IN EQUITY- B. W. ED? WARDS, Administrator T. E. HOWLS, vi. E. S. HOWLE, JAMES P. WILSON AND OTHERS_DILL FOR IN? JUNCTION, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It ls ordered that tho CREDITORS of THOMAS E UOWLE, deceased, bo enjoined from proceeding lo recover their claims at law against tho complainant and that they do prove and establish their demanda against rho ?aid HOWLS before the Commlstoner of this Court, on or before tho drat day cf December nott and lu default thereof thal thoy bo j barred tho beceflt of any decree to bo pronoun ood herein. The above ls a trae copy from tho original order mada tn tho above stated case, 12th February, 1807. A. F. EDWARDS, O. E D. D. Commtsalunor'e Office, Carlington C. IL, Feb. 22, 1867. February 23_ ?lt ATsT THE STATE OF EODTH CAROLLNA DARLINGTON DISTRICT-IN EQUITY-HANNAH J. HABT, Administratrix, rt. ELLEN E BART, JOBN WITHERSPOON, et ot-BILL FOR INJUNCTION, ACCOUNT AND RELIEF.-It is ordered that tho credit? ors of JOHN L. UART bo enjoined from proceeding to recover their claims st law against the complainant and that they do provo and establish their demands against the said John L, Bart, before tbs Commissi oner of this Court, on or before the first day of November noxt, and in default thereof thst thoy be barred from tho ben. eilt of any decree to bo made herein. It ts also ordered that a copy of this order bo published at least once a week until tho first day or November next in tho Darlington .SeulAemrr and the Charleston Daily .New. The sbovo la a trao copy from tho original order made in the above case, 12th February. 1807. A P. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D. CoaranssiOKSB'a Omer, Darlington C. H., February 22. 1887._saan_Febniary ?3 IP THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON DISTRICT.-TN EQUITY.-P. B. BACOT AND T. L. BACOT, Administrators. PETER BACOT, ea. THE HEIRS AND CREDITORS OP PETER I B. BACOT.-Upon hearing tho pleadings in this caso, lt ls, on motion ot W. W. JTARLLEE, Complainants' Solici? tor, ordered that all and singular tho creditors ar th? Isle Peter S. Bacot Complainant's Intestate, be required to Diu and provo their respectivo demands and debts in Judgments and otherwise against the said Intestate, be? fore tho Commissioner of this Court, by er beloro the first day of Novembor next ?nd in default thereof that they bo debarred from lbs benefit or any dooroo to bu made therein, and that the Commissioner of thia Court do advortiao this order once s month In the Darlington Southerner and the Charleston Daily Nwt, until tho said first day of November noxt The abo - o ls a true copy irom tho original order made In tho above case, 13th ol February, 18G7. A. F. EDWARDS, C. E. D. D. Commissioner's Offioe, Darlington C. H., Fobruary 22, 1807._?30 fl_February 23 49* NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAI' AP? PLICATION will be mada to tho proper authorities for a CHASTER OP INCORPORATION OF THE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION. as . May 18 XS- AVE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE WM. BLUM DINGLE as a Candidato for the Bhexlflfslty at the en anlog election. Beptembor ll_8 s ay MESSRS. EDITORS :-YOU WILL PLEASE announce Gen. A. M. MANIOAULT ?a a Pan did ?te for Sheriff at the ensuing election. A CITIZEN. November a stu 49" THE GRAVEST MALADIES OF YOUTH ?m RA "RT,Y MANHOOD-HOWARD ASSOCIATION BS8AYS, on Ibo Physiology of the Passions, ana m. Error?, Abuse* and Diseases peculiar to the first age oi man, with Reports on new moth ods of treatment em* ployed in this Institution. Seat in sealed letter en* val opes, fro? of eh arg o. Address Dr. t. BKILLTN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. May 20 Brno 49* BUTCHER'S LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER will cortsdnly es termina to th ooo pests, la Its use ls per? severed in. Beware ol bogus Fly-paper, which some dealers koop because they can got ll for nearly nothing. Don't be swindled. Ask for BUTCHER'S, which ls ?old by ?B live druggists. Imo May 28 r BEAUTIFUL HAIR,-CHEVALIER'S UPE FOR i RE HAIR positively res to roe gray hair tc tts o.-l(pinal col i a and youthful beauty; Imparta lifo ano strength lo t*io weakest hair; stop? its tailing out ai once; keeps tho head clean; ls un parallel od aa ? hali dressing. Sold by ?il Druggists and fashionable bair dressers, and at my offioe, No. 1123 Broadway, Now York. f ARAH A. OHEVALIER, M. D. HOWIE s MOISE No. lol Meeting street, Opposito Charleston Hotel. Aax-uarj 1 amos ?sT A YOUNO LADY RETURNING TO HER ooo-, y homo, after a sojourn of a few months In th? city, was hardly reoognlxed by her friends. In place ol a coane, rustic, flushed taco, ?bo had a ?oft ruby com. pl oxton of sim oat marblo ?moo thu osa, and Instead ol tw ? nty-Lhreo sho really apriearedbut eighteen. Upon in qufry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that sh? used the cine AH-IAN BALM, ?nd considered it an Invaluable Bequia I lion to any lady's toilet By ita tue any Lady or Gentleman can Improve their per? sonal appearance an hundred fold. It lt simple In lt* combination, ss Nature hrnelf ls simple, yet nnartirpssar od in lt* efficacy in drawing impuxltle* from, alio heal? ing, cleansing and beautifying ibo skin and oomplerlon. By Ila direct action en the cuticle lt draws from it all ito impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving tba sur? face as Nature intended it should be-cl sar, ?oft, smooth I and beautiful. Price ll, tent by Mall or Exp re?, on re I oct pt Of an order, by W. L. CLARK ti CO., Chemists. No. 8 West Fay?tte Street, Syracuse, N. Y. < Tbs only American Agents far th* asl* of th* sams. MarchW ; '-_ly 49* ARTIFICIAL EYES.-ARTIFICIAL HU i HAN EYBS made to order and Inserted by Dra. F. DAUOH and P. OOUOLKMANN (formerly employed by BonsoinratAvT, of Parti), No. 89? Broadway. Nsw York. April 14_-P* 49-WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE E. M. WHITING, Esq., as . candidato for Sharif! ol I CbArlrston (Judicial) District M the next election. September 10 PRICE FIVE CE?IS SP EC I A.. NOTICES._ ?W YOUNO MK N'S CUB18TIAN ASSOCIA? TION.-Au oxtra Uualncaa Mo?ling ?iii bo held nt tba Rooms of tho AesociaUou, Klag itroot, TM* (Saturday) Keening, at 8 o'clock. Business ol Importauca will bo Bub.,,ll vd. W. W. PEMBERTON, June 3 1 Boc rotary. ?" ORFHAN nOOSE CHAPEL.-THE REV. D. X. LAPAIT will po rio rm Ulna? Service ia thia Oha pel To-Morrow Afternoon, 9 th Instant, at S o'clock. Juno H i 4T?rERRORS OE YOUTH.-A OENTLEMAN who Butlered fo> year* from Nervous Doblllly, Pre? mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful lndisortv lion, will, for tho rake of suffering humanity, soud free, t> ill who need lt, tho receipt and direction* for making Um t Imple remedy by widen, ho waa cured. Suffarer* wlshi-plo profit b) tho advortlaer'n oiiwrionoo, can do *o by addressing, lu |>orfoct conDdonce, JOHN U. OGDEN, April I * 3mo?? No ll Cedar street. New York. ara- NOTICE T > MARINERS.-C A I' T AIN 8 AND PILOTS wis!,In . to anchor their Teasels In Ashley Uiver, k.o ron.uesU'dn'it to do HO anywhere within direct rango of tito hoads ni tho SAVANNAH RAILROAD WHARVES, on tho Charleston and Ht- Andrew's eldo of tho Ashley Rlvor; by which precaution, contact with thu Submarino Telegraph Cable will be avoided. H. O. TURNER, H. M. Harbor Master'* OfHcc. Charleston, February 0, I860. February 7 SHIPPING. + -E> WArVTFD IMMEDIATELY, TWO yX/?k VPSSELS TO LOAD LUMUKU. 0?J5? Apply to JOHN k TITEO. O ETTY, No. 48 Eut Day. Juno 7 - citti V"rjt.~i>-w???"? a. r. c. Jordoa .'JfJTy.coiuuianilcr. having half her cargo eugage I. ?rT"** will have dispatch for tho abeve port. * Or frelglit engaiicnienta apply to COURTENAY At TRENHOLM. May 23 Union Wharves. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR UNITED STATES MAIL LINP. ONE OF THF. FAVORITE AND ELEGANT STEAM SHIPS SARAGOSSA, (HUN ?DA, WILL LEAVE NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF EVERY SATURDAY. THE ST EA M M li ir SAR A GOSSA CAPTAIN CROWE!.T,, ?/.^n WILL LEAVE NORTH ATLANTIC //V?.?i'lW- WHARF on SUNDAY, Juno 9lb, at (iff- 10 o'clock A. M. ."fe^C?=?=t- Junn 3_HAVEN EX k CO. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTUlM STEAMSHIP LINE. POR \ K W VOIt lt, TUE SPLENDID 8 ID EWU REL STEAMSHIP OHAMPION. H. W. LOCKWOOD, l'on UAH o Fin, WILL LEAVE ADO ER'S S- OUTH WHARF. ON Sunday, the 9lh Inst., at 8 o'clock A. M. 0*T*Nn freight re olv d after 0 o'clock P. M. Saturday. Ot)- Tho Ships of thia Uno nra provided with elegant accommodations fur passenger*. air All outward Freight cngagemoutn munt bo made at tho owe ol COURTENAY ? TRENHOLM, No. 44 Eaat Day. ara- Paasoco cogagomenui and mattere conn oct od whir i tn vt ard Freight will bu atleuded to by STREET DRUTHERS & CO.. No. 74 East Day. STREET BROTHERS Ai CO.. ) OOUltlENAY k TRENHOLM, | A???" Juno 3_0 P?.R SAVANNAH. THE STEAMER "DICTATOR," 1000 TUM, BURTHEN. CAPTAIN L. kt. COXETTEB, TTTTLL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTIC WHARP EVERY TT Tuetdax. Night, at 9 o'clock, for Savannah. May 10 THROUGH TICKEW TO FLORIDA BY Charleston und Savannah Steam Packet Line. VTA UT"Al KOUT Atm HILTON HEAD, Steamer PILOT BOY.Captain W. T. MONIXTT. 3toamer ELIZA HANCOX. ...Captain J. K. RiouAJUxor. Steamer FANNIE.Captain D. B. Vraomrr. 1EAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON. j and Charlea ton Wharf, Savannah, every Monday Wed nos lay, Friday and Saturday morning*, at 7 o'clock The PILOT BOY leaves Ch aries ton every Friday, and Savannah every Saturday, Tho ELIZA HANCOX loaves Cbarioeton every Wed nea. lay and Saturday, and Savannah every Monday and fri? lay. Tho FANNIE leave* Charles lon every Monday, and Savannah every Wednesday, touching al Bluffton going and returning. Freight received daily and stored free of ebargo. Freight to all points except Havannah moat bo prepaid. No Freight received after sunset. For Freight or Passage', apply to FKH?URON A HOLMES, Agents. Charleston, B. a OLAQHORN k CONINGHAM, Agonts, Havannah, Ga. N. B.-Through Tickets sold at tho Ora cu of the Ageo I cy In Charleaton to point* on the Atlantic and Oulf itali, road, aid to Fernandina and points on the BC John's River;_April 1?_ . NEW YORK AH O DHE.UEH STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE FIRST-CLASS U. 8. MAH. STEAMSHIP B A Ta X I O , A O. JONES, Master, Will leave Pier No. 4S, N. lt., on Saturday. April 20,at Noon, FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND DREMEN, (skim; passenger* to Southampton, London, Havre ani Braman, at the followiig rates, payable in gold orita equivalent bi currency : First Carin, ?HO; Second Cabin, SOS; Steerage, 835, From BromoD, Southampton and Havre to New Yea a. ?Trat Cabin, ?HU ; Second Cabin, ?76 ; Bleerage, ?43. EXCURSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME-First Cabin, 3210; Second Cabin, ?130; Steerage. ?70. i wigTBriM MKTnOPOLX , Capt. Wai. WEUJ. ......May 1 NEW STEAMER..- "-/. -> For Freight or Pasaage apply to ISAAC TAYLOR, President, Fobmary 37 ly No 40 Broadway, N. Y. OLD ESTABLISH DRUG STORE E. H. KELLERS & CO., (CATE PHI? ak IX)RN| WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. I?1 MEETING STREET, Third uoor above Market HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS 10 thou- usuel stock of pure and frosh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS PINE SOAPS TOILET POWDEB3 POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, ko. Comprising Invoices from ths most reputable manu, facturera. On hand, ali tba principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER, JAYNE, HALL, o mw. ALTER, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, kc tito,*, largo assortment ol , SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE DAOS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS I METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OP EVERY DESCTBIPTION. Great attention it paid to th? importation and aelac ttonof PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, I sod none od sr.are allowed to go oui of ilia Establish I niant. 141ESCRIPT??NS compounded with accuracy, and tho public can depend on the utmost reliability In tho execution cf orders. ' E. 0,KELLERS, M.1).0 MEMA March? '