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O. ?I. C?tnOAJVV.,J3?m>u OAvtlfOARl-. ^roMILLAW f? MORTON, ibnsvi ,- ?. r-. 'paoi:H?kro?s.. No, il?.^HA^Y,I^E STKEJET. .-.ic i-T"Y -i I N TE RS. t?R?ViVCASH. "?'."??[' 0 ,' tall?StMUPTlOrlJ DAILY-TWELVE MONTHS.B10.UU DAILY-?IX UOMTBV;.;. ?.no DilLY-TURKEJJIO.NXUB.,... ?.mi Btct01jEOOPlB8......... ....5 rmi, 1 XO NEW? DEALKR8..;.'.i..'1 cents , J?IUOAY WO?NliSO, JUNK 7, 1867. ? I!. I . .1 .) '< i .' : , ... ' ?? M Swrctn to tile Sweet." DY. LESLIE WALT KU. Sweets to tho n*r?ell ? Thcsu flowers to ber breast, Who goutiest spirit of their beauly aoctua; May their, rauto lauguage give her heart unreal, - May their rlcbvporfiinio UH bor seul with dreams Of lova. Uko summer's wa nulli omi auuiuior's beaL Bwcota to tho awcotl Thesa rosea to bor lip?, I Fink, puro anil fragrant as a lifo divino, That vrbou from sea comb oalLug homo toy ahlpB, I ahall bo bloat enough LD touch willi mino. And pour my burning heart out, ul ber feel. Bw?ot? to Ibo awool I Thoso violets to lier oyes, Soa-bluo, and deeplybright with dawa ol heaven, U over, there moro eur tb ly leora ab all rino. Bo lt my ala, and ho lt unforgiven, Ifor vhicli lita heaviest peaanco sball be meet. 6 wee lu to tho awool I Carnations to lier eb eeks O? dear, whit? velvet with a Buah of roso. That moro tuan words a lovely languego apcaka; Aa'to my questioning ll ebbs and Hows, And J. am answered by hor heart's trna best Sweets toUu>fcWett,l ibis Uly to Uar hand; Fair, ? lately, calm, lt alllls' my fevered blood, And sways my boing with a soft command. Tho perfect typo of perfect womanhood, ? Whose gracious gilt shall m ?ko my life completo. . . Sweets to tho sweett Thin wreath about ber brows, Qforaiigo-bloskoniH, fragraut prophets be, Whoso Bceotcd breath sball stir hcr.csltn repose, With visions'ol tho ruturo ando! mo, - So shall uly toro bo won by lovo's deceit I .?vi,.L,i.()^i'7qifM'.i LIST OF LETTERS {UmslnlAg lu the Poatofnco at Charleston, for tho we.K anding .TONB.0.18C7, ami onlorou to ho printer In THE DAILY NKWD, agreeably to tba following aocUon o tho now rostofDoo Law, as tb? nowapapor having thi largost circulation In the City of Charlo.-Vuu : MULTI,'S fi. And bo lt further euri?ted. That Hats or let-' tera remaining uucaUod for In any Post?nico, lu any elly town or village, whom a. newspaper sball be printed.' sholl beroaflor beipnldliiliotl oucd only In tho ncwepsp<-t which, being published weekly or'?florier, shall bavo UM largest oixculation within range nf delivery of tho said ofllcc. . ? . ; a?- Parsons colling for Loiters Advertised, Bbouhl aloin that.they aro "Advertised.'' jTaT* onico hours from BA. kl. te 0 P. M. On Sundayn, from 12.30 A. M. to 1.30 P. M. STANLEY O. IIIOTT, Postmaster. T%OMEiS/,S EIST. ? A ?...'. . O . O ., j ? AK nicht, Mrs J D Oreen, Mfa J Mer- O'Couucr, MM AlKlen, Nuticy cor Louisa Alqute, Mrs MAH P Auhutter, Miss 8 - llano I tl nc, Alice C Perseus, Mrs M A Ailinn,, Mr? lloro, alary P Parker. Min? Clara Andrews. Mary lUppoldl, Mrs 8 Phillipa, Lucy Andrew*. MU : ,? ? . Pinknoy, ltozihi. Aullan, Mary P. "' Reb?nlcht.'Mra' P 1'lo.vnnt. Matilda Aulbory. Juno F Ucldtinau, Mrs F Plo?iltlei, Eley ll Uoywanl, Mary Proctor, Julia Raynard, Mrs ., . Hoodoraon, Amoila Provost, Eliza ' 'Thefinas'? . I L fi, \? Prue?or. Mm a lt Hov nurd. Mm Hock, Dolphinos tl i boinoH A Howe, Mrs ti ti Quinn, Maggie Beach, LuUo M 1 ol?an. Abigal It . llamott, Joun M Howe, Mrs Mopes Head, Misa E O - BannaU, Ellen Hell, Mrs M E . lt,ooddolph, Ann . Bingley, Sllvoy 1 , Robinson. Julio . Ann .Isaacs, C'arolir a Itowu, Harriot E Uocman, Virginia . J Ryan, Marina Brown, Cclllo Jonklua, llcltsoy H Brown, Cor lena Jenkin", Catherine Sandon. Susan ..Bryan, Mrs M F Jacobi, Banna Savage, Mra Mnry Brady, Mrs P, Eliza Sekendrof, Mrs M Hums. Mooglo A A Iii Buah, Mrs B Joues, Marla . . Sayle, Hue W ..... C .Innen. Rofla lt ,, Seabrook, Belsey :. Card va. Iluto ' K . SoybL Mrs lt F .. Cammer, Lizzie . Kavanagh, Mra J ceo it. Miss HatUo . Calvert, Mary P . Sotxo, Misa l'aine. tirrell, Mrs Limo Kceuau, Judith la . Caldwell, Mary Knox, Mrs A K Bbonabaii, Misa M ? .Ann... tu Knox. Mrs Otorgo singleton, Mlaa ll Cblaolm, Mrs L ll D Spinal eel, Btes Campbell, Eliza Kramer, Mrs B F .strobe!, Mary E Cowbell, PhUady Kenne.Ij, Eden Snare?, Julia M Chapman, Jenny K<untidy, Juli? Byruiiies, Sarah A . Clarke, Mary K L MilUvsu, Mrs E E Clarke, Martha tangi?lo, Marla Sullivan, Eliza li Coral, Mrs A Langau, Catherine Smith, t indy Cordroy, Miss Lawson, Lucy Smith, Mrs A Branla Ccnllnui, Jubaus Sinttli, Mrs Eliza Cormier, Miss ' Lcseane, JuUa Siuilb, llarcahcby Corella Linley. Ida U Smith, Ml, Mag Cellins, Mrs D Logan, Rosa gie S .Oolwell,.Miry Ann Lockwood, Julia SnUlh, Mrs Eliza Corcoran, Anna Loug, Nettie Smith, Mrs J eau? Collona,.Catherine Lockwood, M rd Smalls, Mary ' Cobla, Mary Jano Tkoi J T Cristy, Bachcl Loryoa, Esther Troaoot, Harriet Cunningham, M Turner, Mrs Eliza Mary Magill, Agneta I houison, Mrs O D Mitchell, Miss D Turon, Ma, ame Hart, Hu ion H Mitchell, Mlaa A ThoinBon, Julia E Davis, Jane A Thom?,m. Mrs Denny, Mary Bi Milner. Mrs Tenant, Misa C Dickson. Mary Mlckcta, ?liss O XV ..Dixon. Cyndia . Morreo, Mrs L B Waulcp, EUza Dorsey, Ezzey Mord, Laura Wells, Mrs Anna . , '. K Moro, Mrs Lucy '.' Walab, Mra F M .Edmond?, Anny MeJJeiihauer, Alias Weat, Susan J 1J Welch, Mrs ii Edwards, Martha Mitry, Mlaa Lot- Webb, Mrs M ! Ann tio Wea Hall, Mrs 8 J 1 SfTl. WT Murley. PhlUls Weston, Mlaa A M Flein In fl, Mrs lt Marj bey, M lt ' "Ford, TJUab'elh Mutphey, I, A Whitney, So rab Ford. Clam Motin cw?. L Alice Wlilltle, ZUlah M F?rirch?r, Mrs Vic- Mallhows, Daphna While. Sarah '., .tor ". : ' Matthews, SaUlo--' Wbeldln. Charity . a MarUn.Mrs Boral Winrdiigbaxn, L B Oarvo'y, Mary'Ann Miller, Em na Wood, Mrs Elaoy . Gaillonl, Mia F MlUcr, Mrs lt B Wright, Mrs U Puyrc Mc ' Walker, Mra O A ' j .aUBard, Mrs C D Mc Lon it h an, M L Wileen, Miss A O Garvey, Mrs McKlnnoy, Bachol WlUhuns, Pegga Okinbati, Ml&s J L McDonougb, Mary v. ? Olbboa, Ml.-'? El. O Zllks, Mrs Jano Ian , O'Gormoo, Mrs C ZoUlekoIIer, M J . .^,\\.'f Octjen,Mra Henry.,', MEN'S LIST. .. : . ..a-.-, ??.al: L-J-i . G.. . . O Abels, J M ara?asen. Wm Owons, J Back . :.. aVhsxSs,'John 3: Qrant (butcher) man .vAddiscsxrBdward anon, Benjamin Owen, J L - . e AniesrJeeflo.W - . . D P , Atklnaon, Henry Qrant. Baratt Parker, John : '.. ovJBd ? Oreen, llobcrt fcol'd) Bartlatt, Qoorgo P Grant, Isaac PeloL 8 E Banach, Carl ld Graham, Jack Phillipa, JosephB Barry, Wm .. Uuatia, John Phelps, Charles W -J Bart?, John A - . ? ? ** Portar, Thoodum Baker, Edward Hagan, Henry. . Pope, T W ? Itnniuar i . llanluu. John .. I'riuUen. Ch Bell, Wm H nslncs, 8tepUen .'a.. il. .V, i Bennrlt, Tom LA llAmptou, lultvanl ilaJhoters, John.'.' Beealsa, Ben F Ila th bc rn. All,erl < . Hainzell, kUilnrly Hays, ?eobun ..., Beld,.Jaa M Borae, J B Banca, A lu ld, NB . '? , Ikrarlna. ii llafsra, Henry U Utbcft, William Boag, JO A Bar kan, J Hlnrlnh Bioharaon. Qeorge BrsdlCen, Alichaul UonckeiL Jultn L BOMSA Cynu If Bryan, M J ...... Heath, Mil v. ?rd Bobdrts, Chaa .'. . BiaaketUi Barnuel W ........ Bogers, Capt Wm . .Brion, John , ? Banning, Sebapcr il ? .'..Brannan. Luke . Houston, Frank' Ilobcrtson, Dun Bucko. Ulnry (cel'd).carl. Huidici, J Q . i . lioopcr. George .. Kugglo, RafXaete Bock,.Harmann . Howard, Edward Huncken, Honry C .xi I . ... d' . CSpors; Cap W ? Irwin, Christo- Saxton, T Carpenter. Col R pber . , Schroder, Joh, . ..B . . J Iltur Cameron, Henry Jaekaon, Marion Bchwmg, Jakob' " Cahill, JMued . v Jenkins; Jacob Scott, Dr William . Colter, min, rt ? , (Iroedmou) ??i D , > !'" Chiles, Ben W . Jcffonls, J H.." Scollcy, An?row 1 ii-. Cb ap) bi. David i Johns, OB,. Scckondorfl. U .r i.-> Jaekaon ? util Jprd .u, JN-, .', Boibrpok. Jacob Uil Check, Charles P Jolicaop, Charlea Bossions, J D ' I. ;. - chnrchlU, M, F , W , '. Birnthon?, M ' i Cling. Guurgo , . Jones, D Henry '. Sldnos, Thomas Mi .Clements, Julina Joins, Colvin J ' simmons, J j "ll ,i p . Jnrves, Sauiuol, Situons, Olaacos . Conillu, Ii J . . , K. Simona, Lewie , .Cook, ll A Kelly, James Slum DI, J olin i T . < " Col Uer, J H Knbjbt, JA. imlih. llsmpton Coobrsn, James Kroaa, John Snitth, Ellpabl Corboy, John. .. Kroag, A . Hudlh, Wm W . Cochran, John B ublrusv, John O 0 Smith, Francis Crain ar, A V 0 , '. *. Sprockel*, Ocorgs . Crab roe. Capt ... Lawrance, John elevens, Dr Wm Croghan, Frank J Lawton, WW H . Cunningham,. J J Lang, J i stewart, Richard VVJD , . , Lce.Fclcr Miokos, T V , Days, Washington Leallc. O 0 Struung, William Delport, Mr . LcPsf o, Robert Sulirritodt, O U Davis, Ben I ... Lehmkuhl, Fred- Savalll, Charley Dearborn, Vf. i .rick . Suihvan. Thomas Dennis, Chorlos Lockwood, TP V Denn, David . .. Lomcllno, A O Terry, E L TJoyUng, James Lucas, M Tbcmas, Jas H ' Duggan, Patrick Lucas, ?oorgu ?iuUun, Johu .... Dunkin, Thomas Lyne, Thomas . Horm Dunne, Thomas M Trssoot, Faul ... XS. Malone si Connel- '(welluion. Doid Edy.Blkal (col'd) If, . . rich Edmonson, Jos Mackboy, Micbao) V ,< <lrecdinan) , A Virtlaw, Israel . Xktgrr'.ing. 1-' W k Mataon, Peler ' xv ; CAI Malhuwa, J no B Wallie, W D I Egg, Edward Merritt, MerriU Walker, Mr Ell loon, Honry Mohrtont, o Wade, P A i , . Esdorn, H P Middleton, A E Ward,! ". " ' P ..'Minis, Vf M- VValpor, Be->laroln farrelly. Hugh Mlkell. TE " Walker, WUlls O . if em tte, ES Mitchel, Henry Walker, W BI Jfeiunungor. ., , . Motte, Fotcr W^elklna, H Hank Adolph Morumcr,Jackson "ol ".' ' ' Flood Mlaa ' Menaces, Ile rad . Washburn, J TV, J P Mer tiler. Joh Wellbrook, Dick T-Tuidng C . MoUer, Johann White, Wen I i! Tf$??t\~r yt. I Murray, Andrew . Wlttachon, Wt two Fraser, John B,'-4:. E 1 Tttsa. Danial ' Murphy, Patrick Wilson, Edward , ,ta^" ?oyer, AH' . White, Biohard ' flsjueUoJj Meysr, Martin -jArrA . Sate* WH. " ?'? " ' WWilock, John Oates. DrW TI ' !. Mflntoah, Jehu Jlobort ' ' ,u flarnej'. Ale* ". McQobrieh, J M ; Wlnklor, O lt ?'.' '..Oaxnole. J V7 McLaughliD,' ' Wlgg, John | . 'gadaaeo. Dr Alor Dsnloi J- ' Wlffisj?, ijecrgs, Edward U McMahon, Ml - ? WllUams, Tims rV; t?lW?'oi. ?'".. ohael'_ . " Wrode,o w \tlMn; Theodore ld ? lt " , Wringlo. HI , . Oodefarey, Mr. Nlx.FW. . ,.. , '. Z . '^iwSrW^am, ""j' ? i . Zacharia*, B 1 .' Gotjeh, Blnrleb 01?onrjurg, E fl Zappardo, ?Tisep - Grady, JW', ;.r Owens, Cha* D . '?pty j N JOUT" Persona Ac^icwl^pg Httcra In tho roetofflct will (' pto*? ^ 'place tb 6 ?ump n soj thi tipper .'tight hand cor "ld HA? of tim earelCaW, and they will altf please torataem. .nlo! ngfjUt wltebMl tho stamp ti le ttnr.cannq t be r?os]] ell, bul ^^^^^^M^^^^?i^jf^*?|o i ' "Uti Western Instituto of Homeopathy,' repreJ sectlcK all tho Wentera Btatos, baa bold *, two d?.^? geuioa at Inrliaiiopollo. 1 ? a ? ?? OOMM-EggiAt,.. Kxporl* for tilo IVrtib sud lng- Thursday, ?Tune O. , , ... uuiuua?ic. ' ' ? NEW YOUK-tl'or ?to.-vhasblp R ll Souder--12 bales Kc* ; fslsiiil Colton, 6G7 balcjUplaud. Cotton. 190 bales' Utnar-stirn, lG3.tro? lUcc, 40 L-utaCky.'?tun1SR.o?1n, CU Mils YcgclabttH, 81 ciupty Barrel?;'37 pif.? Lead,' 4 bbis (femar, oo biuidlo? Puncr, o 'iSiiile, 117 pack W" Huuilrlcs.Ivy. ?tcdniBlilp aMnliattan-dSl bal. s Ci lion. 2L-US bbl? arid,boxee Vegetables; ? bills' Molasses, ITO balefl DoincaUc?-, 237 b'it?NaTsl Rlorr?,' H Muli linne?, IS) package* Sundries.,l'cr sehr M II llramfiill- aov?ruincul Macblucry. NEW YOUR VU WILMINGTON, N O-l'or sehr H J Waring-2 balen Upland Cotton, ll bales Mos?, ? doren Shim ls, 4 eSSSB Milzc, 21 empty Barrels, 2J.'< Ihm-e? Colton Hood, 1 Wagon; 1 CreuUir Saw, 7 i>ack age,? Irou, IS pAckagcs Jc?aiulnu Itool, fcc..Ter ?tchr Myfovcr-21 cask? lUCc, 300 sacks Salt, 2 ubtls Mdzo. 1 ' ' ' PHILADELPHIA- l'er steamship Alliance-119 bairn Cotton, 6 bale? Hags, 21 casks Cia}-, 410 package* VcguL-iblw?, 2G bbl? Spirit* Turpentine, IU3 tons' Old Iron, 1H,000 foul Flooring Boards, IOU empty Barrels, 178 bales Domestica.Per w.lir LKJIUCU Oslo- 80 tons Iron, 86 bale? Colton, 10 tons Clay. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Sea Uull-a.-O bales Cot ! (on, BO bbl? ltontn, 0' bale* Hider, 17 bb!? Whiskey, 27 bbia Ale, ?MS packages Potatucs and Vegetables, 200 Back? Kalt, 21 package? Sundrli s, 40 omjpty Bbl?. .Tor' Behr Dexter Washburn-130,000 ftot Sawed Lumber, 23,000 feet Flooring Boards. ' Itu: tllAllLKSTOI* M A UK. ET. run TUX WEEK EIXDIMO TUUHSDAY, JUNK 0. 1867. COTTON.-On (bu 31at ult., tho commencement of the we-ok, tho market was advauctng, prices at Ibo closo of tho day being on tho basia of 2aLi620 cunts <tt lb fur M I,lilliuK Hyland. On Saturday tho alsplo became some what ?tith-r, MlddUug Upland aoUiug at 28 cent? ft lb, which rates continued until Wednesday, wlion quotations subsided about,', cant ft lb, which placed price? aa they stood on tho first day of the week. Yesterday prices con? ti nu cl to droop under ad von? nowa, (rum tho English market. Middling Uplands dosing nominal at 28 ,@20 cents f lb. Tho receipts of Ufa wonk nata boon'9 bales ot Baa Island'"and'1742 bale? bf Upland Cotton, ; against 7 halos of Boa Island enid 1320 balsa Upland Cot? ton the-IT <-ck br, foro. "Tho following fa s reporto! tho , dally transaction* . nd pro tfalllog'prlccs for tho week jost doled iii al -,' BI '. On Friday tho week op?nod willi an Improved enquiry La"which tao bettor qualities.of tho staple advanced a hali ?nt fl tb. Bales 145 balm; Middling Upland being quoted at 25,S@2Gc. ft Bk ., , ''.' On Saturday tho advance In tho English market caused an activo enqnlry with hardening pri?es. Biles 200 bale*; Low Middling being Quoted at 25c.; Middling at 20o., and Strict Middling ot 27c.'lb. '', , - On Monday tho market wa* steady with an activo de? mand. Bal? 308 bales; Middling Cotton 1 toing quoted at 20c. 43 &>. On Tnesday tho domlnd was quito light. Salea 80 bales at unchanged price*. ' On Wodnoaday, under a xnodorato Inquiry, price* be conio caalcr, and none rally about a half cut fl lb lower; sale* 138 bole* ; Low Middling bolng quoted at 24Xa35, and Middling at 2BXa2Cc. fl lb. Yesterday prices wera easier, and in sc-mu-instances decidedly lower ; salea Od balea-ssy 81 nt 38 ; 21 at 26>i ; 7 al 20 ; 9 at 28?. We quote : . .'Low Middling.21K(S> - Middling.25 bj 20 Strict Middling. .20,Sf? - , SEA ISLAND COTTON-Tho want of stock ha* preventod transactions, and Iho business of tho week has been at loo limited a character to establish prices. Wo therefore quote market nominal. COTTON KIAH SIM. a. ur*, upt'd. Rief. Stock on hand Sept. 1, IBC0. 2.15 8,300 ... : deceived n-oin May 30 to Juno 8, '07.. 0 1.742 47 ltocolved previously.15,728131,184 11,803 Total rernlpta.16,072 138,720 11,910 Kxroirm. S. I'd. ? Up'd. Rice. " From May 31 to J uno 0.'67. 12 1,1.01 184 Previously.ia,Ul 132,370 9.C8J 18,423 133,071 .O.Hi'-G Total oxpurte.16,423 133,971 0,80( Stock on baud and ou shipboard_ 649 4,285 2.01J aiuit iLI,K mir mu. 6'. J'ld. fffTd. Rice Stock on hand Sept. 1, 18C6. 362 1,010 10? deceived from May 31 to Juno C, 'GC.. 17 1.093 Received previously. 6,274 03,184 3,861 Total receipts. 6,653 1)5,887 8.C6I Exx-onm. S. I'd. Up'd. Rice. From June 1 to Juno 7,'00. 68 2, un From font. l'OGlo Muy 31, 'LU.... .5,071 88,444. 3,765 6,119 00,480 2,7113 TolsU-xports.6,129 90,486 2,701 Sic? k on hand and on shipboard.... 621 6.4V2 - 90 BICE.-Tho receipt? ol Carolina aro confined to a fon limited lot?, received by roil from tho Interior, but thc; ara HO light that the arrival* may be conaldcred nominal Tho stock of Corolin* continues to diminish, and factor aro firm. Tho solea of tho wcok amount lo shout 12 tierce* of clean Carolina; among which we noto tho fol lowing-say 60 tierce* clean Carolina at ll%c. fl lb., on, GO tierce? do. do. at UJkfc fl lb. ? j M ?VAL STOit: i-.-T boro have been received ?om 725 Pl.IR. Rosin, 400 bbla. Spirit* Turpentine, and 30 bbl?. Crude Turpentine. Tho Rosin was all sold at f ft bbl. for pale; 13 75(54 for No. 1; $3 for No. 2, oni S3 60f??)2 SO fl bb), lor No. 3 and common. Th* Spirit Turpentine was disposed of at 60351c. ft gallon, accord lng to condition of pack ape. Tho Crude Turpentine wa cusposcd of ot about S310 fl bbl. for Virgin. HAY. -The receipt* of thc week amount to some 40 bale* of North ltlvor, and .600 bale? of Eastem/ A bou 300 bale* of North River were aold from tho wharfs $2.15 per hundred. We learn of no transactions li Eastern. . Tim ariielo ls dull md Urge lots are dlfllcult t . CORN.- The. arri valu slncb our last report aro abou 30,000'bushols, part ' of which has been Bold. Tba fol lowing transactions havo taken place, say t?OObaahels c primo white In haga at SI.40 per bushol. waight, bag lncludod ; 1600 bushels prime white at SI.46 per .bushel weight, baga Included ; 6000 bush ol* or white tn bogs a tl.46 per bushel, weight, bags' Included; and 8000 bush elswhitoat a price equal to $1.42 per boah*), weight bags lncludod. .*. i . OATS_Havo been In light receipt,' Bay 3000 bushed for the week conalgnod to dealers, and wo leam of n wholesale transactions. FLOW it-wi th declining prloea at tho North, and th now crop of Southern being at band, the article' coi Unucs depressed, and .price? Lavo recoded during th week. We qnote Northern and Western .Super st SI per bbl.; Extra do. 13.60 per bbl.) Baltimore Svrpc 12.60,313 per bbl. ; Extra do. 914' per bb!. Choice lair ily branda sell at ?17(5)118 per bbL BACON.-Shoulders ore in fair supply, but tber ta but a light stock of Sides, the Utter being Urn Wo quote primo Shoulders st ll@ll.Sic- ft lb prima ribbed Sides; at l>Ma ft .lb., prime ?learribbe Side? ?t Ua/Mt?f., ft lb., and dear BUSS ai 14?U ?0. \ lb. Interior ni<-?t can bo btul ?tldwer niles.' . BUQAR?HP M?I.ABSES.-i^lotlho cargq ox' Neill Tarbor f rxrm Matanzas, wa* sold t y them oa Wednesd*; i st tba loll o win? rites, says 5 hhd* 'OrC?e^.SugST ? lSVfOJ f? tb.; 45 IdJilSL- do , dc "at J2e 'ft lr,. ; 5 lil,CJI. d< 1 do. at'Ili?-lCc. ft 1?.;? do. do. al llTioft Iti.j *5 bbb Clayed Aujl**?e?.at,6gc. ft gallon, and a few hints. Ol',jar - Uoscovsdo Hols**es ai 63c-ft gallon. . -j 8 ALT.-ThOre hsSrp been no receipt* of Itu* arti ole an jobbing Jots axe. sell ?og itt. per'i?ck fer Comme LlTerpooL . . .' .t' ( Xi 10UINO 'AND HOPE.-Ounny cloUi ts exUoUiely du and nominal, and wo quote from 36*300. per yan!. ' Korr..-There ts bat little inquiry for (hts lirtlcls Trime. Hamp may bo quoted ut20c per lb. ard Jute 13); per lb. .- I ?. . TIMBER AND LUM HEH -Tho (apply of Timber on Lumber on tho market bia diminish dd, and prices; ar . soma w ha t firms? with : mt quotable ohango. Wo reno w on rates, say for Common Timber. $4(9*5 |M; fur Ml limber tc???, and Shipping Timber $12 fl ! JV , Raft Lumber la Belling at tr2?$U ftU; Ctty Stool Sawed la held at $18.*525 ft M. F UKI, j ll i'd.-T o Liverpool/ by sall, are dall and noca nal. .Wo.quote tlie rate on Upland at ';d , ?nd ,>-,'< on Sc*Islands. To Havre, nominal. To th* Weat Indli noll dag offering. Coastwise arc gin orally quit- nomina To New York, by ?team, 75o. ft balo on Bea Island? on Upland?; 75o. ft licroeon Rice, an 40c. ft bbL oh Roali Ky Bat!, nominal. To Boston, by steam, nominal) >i@9-l( cent fl lb. by *alL To Ph ll adel phi s y, cent < lb. on Upland Cotton by s team, and - cent ft lb1, I sall. To Hal tun or??-Tho s ( ra ra er? Uko Colton for liva pool, to be in-shipped by steam through st Now Yoi steamer's rotes; on Lumber, by soil, to New York, Phil delphi* and Baltimore $Ct?7 V M on Lumber, and $9( 10 fl M. on Timber. "' EXCHANGE-Sterling Billa-tho rate yesterday. Wi $6 63@6 64 to ibo pound storllng for sixty days Milli DOMXSTIO EXCDHSJOC-Tho bonk* ore parcha*Lng Gig] Checks on Now York ot li per oauL oSi fire to tc doy*, ?? por cent, discount off; ten lo fifteen days, per cen I. discount otT;, (won ty to Iwenty-flvo diya, I per cent, off; twonty-U ve to thirty daya, l>i per cen!, ol I hey sell Bight butts on New York at M fl ices premium. I QOLD_Tho brokera wore yesterday buying at : and salli ag st 37. I T Aiiguata ,llatk?t . , . AUOCSTA, Juno 6.-COTTON-During tho moinii lhere wa? o fair demand and salo? of strict middling wo mule at 25 Sc ; Middling at ?4:, o/.V, but noon and ?tte noon advices ol quietness In Now York and Llrerpox caused a corresponding feeling here, and tho mirk closod dull. The soles to-day amounted to 168 balo aa follows: 2 al 20, 1 at 31, Hint 32, 3 at 23}(, 3 at 21,, 81 3*i;. Oat 34 X, 73 at II ;;. 13 at 23, and 31 bales ot 15 ii Tho reo Ipi* woro 20 hale*. GOLO-Tho Brokers oro buying ot 134 and sslllz st 136. Bnvan-Broksra oro buying at 128 and selling; at ?8L BTOCBS-We quote O corgi* ?SaaNSd Stock at Too. j ? ?j - , . , New Orlcoiu s .11 or l?<-t. j V, NSW-ORLEAH8,' June l.^-Cerrr ?N?-T1I? market tb-di ha* exhibited roversod acllvlly. Opemcg with a liber Inquiry, tbe movement ot o later hour wa* additional .limul?tod by tlie receipt pl furtbor ntvorable acoptrn from New York and liverpool, and, ncAwlth*tarJdin factor* mstcrially enhanced ihelr. pr?unalaruv, ?nd tl supply bffcrlng *fTordod Utile, sonne to buyex*, ?dil lout a largo bualneo* lia* been transact, d, iggr?v?ll og il 0 dos? fully 4200 boles, twelve brokers psx^pattbg In tl business. Prices Judi cited an Improved feclmgV ll greater porilou Of, tho ?alca effected re il Ul ev ll gu nu o rrroxlmatlng tho ?r.bJolnM qrioUUoni: Ordinary 20*22 Oc?dOixunory 23,s; a-; Low Middling 26a-; and I Hi, riling 20,w;a27. th? market cXimiog.Htiiex. ucjeUledt b withs looney dacldcdly rmwsra, j Jg Tbs rt.ic UonAry feeling a (tend lng Inmictloni lb, e ?SW operated In Ojvor of buyers, while tho undYisii ble charsctor of the assortment on ssl? proTsnttid ll ? ocsoatlan of several orders, thereby curtail toa ino) s grrgato omount of business. 1 ba dispatches daUd Ll orpuol, 6 P. M., arrived too late so exaroUe any vlslb lnflcecoetn c^irolionri. STATlkir NI OT COTTOM. Slock ou lund Sept lit, io ?J.Ules. .101,081 Received today. 48V Received previously.lill,141-734,030 830,713 cami to-<lay. 890 11? rt ixl provtounly.751.370-763,300 .Ukk ou Uiid... 81.463 1 ho exiwrta comprhw 60 bales for Philadelphia. 836 lor ] Kew York. f Hr.MU ANI? MOLA BS -Thor? have not been any ro dciptd I rum (bu coos! nineo yesterday. Thora ls very lil? li.? or nul liing doing, ovou at retail, and Ibero aro no regular or ir CM. Tho ilealora get on* a ho.iahf ad of Silgar', j 3ow nod thou st tho best Toto Ute,, eau roallxo. Wu cao- j it giro accurate i|Uo(a<lous to-day. Tho Stock of Cuba Sugar ami Molasses on band la quito largo, but Ibero la no movement' whatever. Advices Just from Cuba aro favorable for holders, howovor, and such that the taking ?rices fur Sugar have been advance*! lo per lb. No lin pi ?vc ment lu Molan.-L . I CoitM-Tho market ls doll, but prices oro unchanged. I Tho supply is liberal. Tho uk? to-day aro confined to I .862 ?seka, of whlob 600 while and yellow mixed at SI 13 II 20. 1600 mixed st fl 13>i, 600 do at tl 16. 1600 mixed iud 403 white mixed at 81 171 -, 300 mixed, 330 do aud MOO whit? at 8110 V bu ? bel. I ltlCE-Homo OOO aaeka India sold st 'J';c n lb. The ru ls very llltlo India in drat hands; that In second bauds la held at Kii.-o *x) lb. Louisiana ecus at ?HallKc; Caro- I lina 17*l3>ic . Fuiaoirru-The rale* of ? foreign porta aro Armor and fuller, ?lhenriae tho market la| uuchanrjed. Ila* rales aro lc per lb for colton by steam for N Y and Hoatou. Ho for Philadelphia. Steam for New York and Bonton, 40e per nark for corn,'.Mc per bbl for flour, and 81 35 for perk, cud 810*11 per lilid for tobacco, litcaui for Liverpool. ?;d for cotton; sall lid; for Uavro life. Wilmington Market, WILMINGTON. Juno 0-Tnararmwa-Tho market ] ?bas ruled dull to-day, and prices bavo docllood. Salea of 455 bbla at 83 26a3 30 for virgin, and 83, 3 25a3 30 for yel? low dip, V 280 lb*. Si'inrrs TunraNTiNE-Market atcady, with a fair de? mand, but owing tu tho email stock otTorlng Ibo falca aro light salon t?-day of 8V bbl* at 61S cants, and loo da at | GM cents por gallon. Roam-Market dull, and prices aro a shado lower. Solea of 411 bbla al 82 76 for common; 82 00 for strained; $3*3 '18 for No 2; 83 60a4 28 for No I, and 84 76 for Palo, i 'S 280 Ita*. ! COTTON-Is lu fair Inquiry, and market inn. Salea of 28 haine at 33 cont* for low middling, and 2i>? cont* V lb for middling, i . TiatBcn-Ono raft fair mill sold at ? lu 26 y M. llaltlrnorc Market. BALTIMORE. Juno 3'-Corrra.-Bark Ague*, from Rio, brought 6000 be gp, and Uio dlr. bark Frta, arrived to-day, has 8607 bagel; Stock now In Drat hands amount* to 25,000 bags. I The rnorkct continues, quiet No nits* worthy of noll e. Price* rango, for Jobbing lota, from 16 s lo i ti .S? cts., ? sold, a* to quality, (or common to ebenen Rio. I" Vi] -.ii ; ., -J I ; : . 'COTTON.-Tho mark?! waa quiet,' tilt holders, a toady and firm nt 28 eta. for middling Uplands ; 27 si cte. waa oflorad and rc theed jor a lot ; only ??lo rcportod wa.? round lot of low mlddlUie ?a anil rm. ri.ic p -'I. a continuo* dull, . and all grades have to 00 T ri ti Im 60 cl* por lb, lower. On Kalunlay Ibero waa a salo ol 100 bbla good Howard atreot ijupcr at 811. To-day wo beard of no aa Ina worthy ofapeUel nolle a Wo I rcvlee quotations aa follow* ; Uowar?-atrcGtKuper ?nd Out Extra...810 25 @811 25 Howard-Hired Extra Shipping. 13 BO M Kl 00 Howard street High Orados. 13 38 ? 13 76 Urremrd-etrcot Kt ai Hy., IB 80 @ 18 CO Ohio Supor and Cut Extra. 10 60 M ll 00 Ohio Super Extra Bblpplng. OJ 00 @ 00 00 Oblo rotalUng. Wi 00 (?j) 00 00 Ohio Family... 16'00 (?4 16 BO Northwestern Super. 00 00 (a) 00 00 Northwestern Extra. 13 00 8 13 00 City Mills Kuper. 10 35 (?4 1100 City Milla, Staudard Extra. 13 00 ? 13 00 City Mills Shipping brand* Extra.14 CO & 10 00 Ualtimore, Welch's, and GreoufJcld Family. 17 CO @ 00 00 HalUiuoru high grado Extra.. 10 CO K IT in live riuuri hew_.j. 8 25 @ 8 60 Cora Meal. Ofly Millr........... 8 GO fi 0 00 Grunt-Whoalwaa Iii Ugbl receipt to-day, but tho mir ket \vca heavy tod prices 10 lo 16c lower, luoludod In tho Kales waa a small percol of choleo Maryland red at 83 10; I SOU bush good Frederick county red at ?3B3; 315 bush medium Maryland do, S3 85; 350 bush medium Virginia do, 83 76; no Kile? of Pennsylvania roportodi goncrally held ob ive buyer*' vlows. . Com wa* lu largo receipt to? day, amouuUng to 43,000 buab white and 17,000 blum yel? low. Tho market opened quito activo, but closed dull and lower; Included in the nairn wore 10,600 bush primo whlto at$l 13) IG.OOO bush mixed and straw colored 8110 ol 12; COO buah Inferior 8107; BOO bueh primo yellow Si 15; 1500 bilah do SI 13; 4500 buah Western mixed at SI 08al 00; 400 do 81 07. Oat*-C600 bush received ; mar? ket dull ; pales 1000 buah prime Maryland end Pontwyl rania at Kilo; MOO buah primo Weetara Virginia 77 cenia. No lija offered or sold; quote non il nal st SI 40aSl 46 pur 1 bushey. MILL FEED-Supply continuos light and prtets steady as before quoted, vi* : For UiownaltifTa44al5c; Rght Mid - i diing* riSaSSej SSiGO fur good, and G0a70c for oil ra heavy I tp bushel. ' ' . .. MOLAHSES-Nothing doing to-day ; quotations nomi? nally unchanged., .ri... -, i i i MI A i e Inar.Uve but etcody. Wo report bales of 60 bbla Western Mcea Pork ut 823 I.Oa24; BO naaks Ba cou, ld retail lots, rd Kial ?','r for Shoulders; 12al2)?o for | rib r iden; ll\c 1er clear rib; eu laido quotaUona for city Flunked. . Hulk Hbouldcr* ara held at 9a9A/o; rib aides I .Ile. LnrdisdoU at 13>(c tor Western Ueroo*. liaron Radis aro Railing ot 17*17 ,'?c for best sugar cured can? vassed, latter lor Leno's. Rice,-MM and held firm at Italic for Carolin*, and .M aS>i,TS for itaugoou. bir.r-With lair Jobbing demand wo quoto'prlcca alca dyi'rir.: For Llvorpuol Fina S3 lOad'JO; do Ground Alum 48 10a2 20 i cr sack; Turk's I- land csaouc per btlkboL Booan-Wa? In better demand to-day and prices stea? dy. Tba sales embrace 132 hhiln Porto Rice, grocery at'c; 203 bilda grocery do; 334 hhde Porto nico, for re? fining, sud 60 bbda Uemcmra vacuum pan, all on privato terme. ?': . . ... - Wiiiasxr-Romaine inactive. Wo hoar of no aaloa, and ?blt quoto nominal, lu bond, at 33i35c por gallon. Kow York Market. MONEY MABKET. Tho Now York JSre.i?i?//*tiif of Monday, June a, says: Tho loan market ls oiay at Ga7 per cent. There la a fair I demand, but,tho aupply ls adequate. Commercial paper la Blow nt anio sud passas at 8>?a7 for primo grada*, and I ai Ball for iiimca leai in favor. FllODDCK MAHK irr. NEW YORE, Juno 3.-FLOUB-Tho market for Wea tom and Utato Flour I* very dull to-day, owing to the annual olccUonTfbr officer* of tho Produce Exchange - business gcncraHy being auapoudod. Tho low and me? dium grades show a declino of16a3?o ncr bbl. The sales sro . 2360 bbls at 89 00a 10 10 lor Superfino Stale s. ill) 60aia 80 tor Extra Bute; 810 60all 80 for Ibo low gradea of ?pring Whoat-WCSIOTD Extra; til 86* 13 00 for aid riping chlo; 813 30*14 03 for tr il? and fami? ly brande of oldo, Michigan and Indiana; audSllalOT for Kt. Lou!?Extrae. California Hour lu 'JSaSOo lower. Considerable Interior flour la offering. Balee of 1800 bbl* and ssck* at SIS 60a IB for good and 812 60nl3 for lute nor. Canadian flouris lOalSo lower and dull. Bales ol'70 bbl* ai SI3 10*13 88 for the low grades of extra, and $14 10*15 70 for trade and family brand*. - Southern fleur (a oleo lower and didi. Sales Of 230 bbta I at SI 1 60al3 10 for common to lair Ualtimore aaa country extras, and 813 7Sal4 2fi for trade and lamlly brand*. Ry* flour t* lloady. Kolo ? of 460 bbl* at ?7 76*0 40. Corn meal ia mora active. Sales of 1100 bbls at SB 85 I for Western; f6 35 for Fairfax, and JG 20a0 80 for Brandy. [ wine. G na rn-Tho wheat market ls very Inactive; prices aro atrong for apilng but easier for white California?. Most holden aro wlthdrrwlng their samples of np ring from the market. Owing to the anuna! ol. ellen oi ofUccru for Ibo Produce Exchange business wa* very limited. Tho .aloa are ifOOO bushels of white California at S3 90. Harley and barley malt are Inactive and nominally un I ehanged. Gala aro rather firmer and fairly active. Hie axles ara 60,000 buabels Ohio at 04,*jci western at 80*83c, In store, ulalu kl BJ c. and southern st 85c, . j Rye la heavy. " Small sales" cf western ot SI 70a 1 71. Corn ls rather easier and very dull at tho cloao. The demand ls moderate though offerincs sra liberal. j ?.. Tho aaloa aro 66,000 bushels, chiefly new; unsound at SI UT; ne? nonie rn mired et SI Ital 38, tho latter price for smaU lots; old do at SI 27*1 28; new western yellow at Slits'; white weet tern at 8130 j do a on then) at SI 33*1 34. , ruo vial ova-Tim pork market opened vary dull, bat toward the close rather moro activity prevailed at easier rate?. Nothing raportod for further delivery. , Tho eales aro 1800 bbls at 823 30, cash, for new meta-, 823 35 bid regular; SlOalO 12% for extra prime, ? Beef ta firm but quiet, and wo have only to nota Job I bing **lc* at 813*10 for common to fair plain mos*; 817* I 31 for good to choleo do; and S21a35 for extra do. Tierce beef 1*dall ind nominal. Beef ham* aro moderately activo. Balea of BO bbla at 840 for wea le rn. -' ' ? < ' . Out meals and bacon ara quiet nominal al unchanged figure*. Lard la dull end heavy. Sales of 250 bbl* and tierces at about UJiallK ct? tor No 1; 12?< for city; Ulalu* eta for fair to primo steam, and l'J.v-alu ?; eta for kottle ren? dered. . > ' ! Aa ll ES-The market 1* quiet at 88 76 for pola, and.Jia for pearl*. ; I li v r-ran-ls d nil un 1 hoary. Wo quote new aa i oil ow a ; Go-had.' ind - Orango County palla,, 30cj. State firkin?, (food (o primo; 28c;'Slate half-firklne, medium to primo, 25a27o; fatale fir kins, common and lair, li ol Gc ; Bute Welah tub?, fair to prime, lftaaoo; West? ern reserve, good to choleo, 20a24c; Wes torn reserve, common to good,- 12a30c; Northern Pennsylvania, ISaSBc. Cntxai-la dull and steady. We quoto a* j fol? lows: Slate factory, good to choice, 17c per lb; ?lalo factory, fair to good, ISaISc; slate factory, common to primo,-liaise ; Vermont dalry, fair to good, 11*15.ct*; Ohio prime, J3al6o: Ohio, oom moo, Gallo; Pineapple, 20*330. . -.. ' ti . - I , , Cerras-We bear of no important eales; holdersido mknd f rmer prleec. 'V . ' - 'J To-rrmr-Tho market ta qnlot bnt firm. Wo quote at (HO fdr middling upUnd?, and 28>i?29o fordo Now' Orleans and Texas. . I!pur-- Manilla Is firm but dnU at Ile, gold. Other kinds ar* mac tl vo und nominal., Hora-Are firm and in good demand for home tuoJ We I quote at from 20a40a80c, as lo growth and quality. Moj iswni ls in fair demand, and prices sra well sus to'ntd/' '.,'.'?' BICK-Wa bear of no kales; prices are norninaL SUOAB-Raw sugars aro In good demand and fin i at 10);*lO)Xc for f*lr to good raflnlng. HoDned aro qu etat IBKc fur barde.V,"' - ? . FnKinfjTn-To Liverpool, per rrtcamer, '2,000 buahele corn ot 3,i,d. A vessel to Cork, for orders, with petro? leum at 4s, ?nd ono with petroleum to London, Bristol I or ClydoaiXoOO. , Man?beater, Market. MANOHBSTER, May 31.-Thia market ba* been quiet to-day, and destitute of anything lire activity in Ibu de? mand. -In this ros poet ft ls much In the samo position aa han be-.-n obaerved nlnen Friday last, bot, lt anything, move dK?d?dIy lame '.Tbo: recent1 operations seem to have exhausted tho demand for a tuna, but while buyer* have thu* utily very limited order? to give ont, produceT aro to w.ll sold, even lt they bavo not contracta on their book -, aa to rendar them decidedly les* than usually ren Mtlvetothe influence ota Unit lcd Inquiry. Blneo Fri? day tko Liverpool cotton market hair be n ?ornearhat eaaler, ?nd o-msequonlly buyer* In this msikot havq net been disposed to eutceed In their operation* the cu trent ] requirements of the dey. Such orders as they do reoolve, however, sra pretty generally given ont without b?atta : don as llu y Band. . Yarna aro tot tho moat part pretty steadily held, but more eb'as regards:tho known apln?ing? than tither sort?. At the rate? Obtainable 'thia day week a moderato amo?At Of buMhcss has boen dona. ' In export doicrip Uon* Indi* yarna have been fairly toquiredfor, but quott, .U?na aro ?bout >id \? Tb above the nie?'that buy? ers ?b?t? dlapostd to give In water yarn? for China and Germaiiy the demand (?"much ! lea? diatUdOd than it "war'1 a- week ago, bul ' tb? ule*'that bard " fakou 'plies- In" HM' rae*r|tlmo bave" BtrtDgihoned - them . n-rab>ri?lly, and - ?Urey aro held with ipuch flrmnca*. - For the Lariat and Mediterranean th?re has boen little doing!- but a? pro? ducer* Aro WcU ch/rxgrd in most Instance* much firm ' ne** eil?Ld. 'FOr tho naroo trude sp(nnltig> th? desiknd ha* boen only limited. Prices are steady, and hot ra oro than slightly in favor of buyer as regard*- Huck yaru*, but yarn* naod for rnfxed good* af? not eo firmly i hold, .Doubled yarna are . toad y with not io much doing tow* and BO'*, but 100"? are'*tlll in dotuand?I full (f not ?athe--higher quoUtiofii. Bollon yarn* are rory atrong, bbl morivincod quotation? of ?a to ld fi Tb cheek the operation* of bujoxa. Low chu* yarn*nir?aln quiot Tbf 'cloUi'mkrket ha* boon fully quieter than thttfor yarn. The advancing tendency of price? ha* beeu de? cidedly checked, and in some case* bayera can obtain rainer easier tonne, though as a rule there is wcaknea*, and not much, if any. reixogrettlon from the prloei that h*vr.beenacbially obtained, though higher Quotation? -' -tn abandoned. Ascompsrivi with tho prices' eek, thare ba? been'llttlo. lt any, al te it beti , and Chin? ahlrting* have been leia en? uc, t lix*e b'jeri rtoedy. OlTfn'jng clo\ha of the ^tjfc&P.ttpS WTiIto -MbtW kinds1 h sve -*Mef-.? TUcthk hara been th? l^lfcvsr, ?hlh?c*T*?with-longelolh?And dome*lice, but rwris cd Uleae good* oas tho decline been of mnci mo? il the close of the markM the fall ure of Meara Fraser, j TrenhcOm *v Co-, of Liverpool, largely eng*ctd ta th? m r n r"? P.tI^fjft.-0<t,t2c u*1?. ieli. known. In co un cc tien ritb thif p?rirpjccBU^rif? dortrlg the Ute dvllfsi.Jn Its U?ltcd\ts4vs>l>*?uno lue wu; on J hld a def rt>ju*< fleet upon tko market. Their fill u te, 11 wu rutnorodi rruild involve Ibo largo sum of ?1,000,000. Ibo ton ency of tho'ineiset toward ibo close waa rathol M Un, Ircctlob. ot k roi ter dullness, snd this aououncomcnl bad further uiraTdarablo Influence. Liverpool Cotton Market. f.IVTJlPOOL, May 21-Tho market ls without anlrna lon, holders offering, their stocks freely, Price? ero bout ?rd poi lb lower Utan last week's quotation*. I Hales lo airlie: American. Juno or July shipment, from ny Amoricaiiport, beela of Middling ll sid. Hales to-day 10,000 balee, Including MOO on apoculatlon nd for export [gili Lil? ElMij Y1 ? 0??ScTSSScTeTSc. GI I CD I ol SMUEU X X jg XXXir. Sf gi : I: j j i g: III 3 3 li : gs SS ai! gi i m QUOTATION i uni DST-MI culing Bowed lltid; Mobile UKO; Orleans ll .'.il; fair opon Egyptian I4j<d: Porn am fi Sd ; e, bellera Hunt VSd; Hung tl 'I ??J. A lalo Englttb journal contains Ibo following announce? ment of tho suspension of Mosers. Fraser, Tronholm & , at Liverpool. J.arKo Failure In ..Ivrrpool. HCGPKKBIOM or Mum an. FrursD, TnHHiior.vr k Co. L?o wi ll known oxtanalvo house of Fraser, Trenholm et 2o., who were the financial agents of tho Confodexato Jorwrnmonl lu Lhls oountry. and who were largely en. raged In the blockade-running irado during the civil war, ind RuUBeqUcotly had onormoua transaeuona In cotton md other American produce, liavo suapendod payment. Ibo announcement was mado In the following circular, laSUOd y este relay : "IO. HuiiruiiD-l'Licr. LIT ca POOL, "Slat May. 1B0T. "Omen.KUHN: Illa with deep regretthalwo have to Inform you that wo ?nd ourselves temporarily un anio to meet our engage m nuts. A a ta tem ont of our affairs will be at onco prepared and laid before you, and wo entertain a confident hopo of being aldo lu a short timo to dis? charge tn full all our obligations. Meanwhile wo solicit your forbearance, and remain, your obedient aorrants. "FRASER, TRENtiOLM A: CO." Tho UsbUltloB aro ?aid lo LUYOITO tho largo sum of il.000,000. Cliarlestoii Wholesale Piices, All TIC Mts. DAGOJNO. V yard Dundoo. . Ci un ny Cloth. ll ALE UOi't!, v lb-Mantlla. Weetara. Mow York.... Jnto. BREAD, fl lb Navy. Pilot.'....;., Crockero. BRICKS. fl M., BRAN, fl 100 Hie., COrJ?.V, ft ft Ordinary to Good Ordinary...... Low Middling., Middling to H trie t Middling.... Good Middling., Boa leland., CANDLES, ft tb-Spann. Adamantino. Tallow. COFFEE, fl lb-lUo. I .agu ayr?. Java. CORDAGE, ft tb-Manilla. Tarroll American. CORN MEAL, fl bbl. COAL, ft lon-Anthracite. Cumberland. COPPER, V tts-Shoot. FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, fl ton. Pacific (luana, fl 3000 m. , Baugh'a Phosphate, fl 3000 Iba. Uh.?len' Phosphate, ft 2000 tba. Mapca'Supcr Phosphate,fl 2000 lb Zell'a Kaw Donn Phosphate.. ZoH'a Super Phosphate of limn FISH-Cod, fl 100 Iba. Herring, fl box. Mackerel. No. 1. fi half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 3, fl half bbl.. Mackerel. No. 3, fl hld.. Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. No. a. Na 3..'. nx@ - 21?@ - 25 & 38? - I - 36 Ids - - a - Si ? ll 19 (ct 20 30 fi 30 SS 0 33 Ids ?5 - @ - 36 & 28 0.00 a - lo.oo an.oo nominal. BS (31 60 100.00 @ - 75.00 a - 60.00 a - 65.00 a - 66.00 a - 66.00 a - 00.00 a - 7.00 @ 9.00 70 a 80 9.00 aio-oo 2.13 3.00 Sardines, ft 100-quarter boxes.. 33 ? 33 Half boxea.... 48 a 60 FLOUR, fl bbl-Supor. 13.00 @ - Northern snd Western Extra.13.60 all.00 lJalttmoro Eitra.18.60 alt-60 Southern Extra......16.00 cols 00 FNWT.S-Prunes, fl lb. 23 a - Figs. <o ? - Dried Apples. 10 & 38 Almonds, soft shell. SS a 40 ' Hal sins, M. lt.. fl box. 1,00 & 6.00 Raisin?, Layer. 4.JO a 6.60 Oranges. _ S Lem ona.V. 4.00 Q> 8.00 OL ASS, ft box or 60 feet American, 8x10. 5.60 @ 6.00 i , i American, 10x12. 6.00 a 0.60 f i I French, l'iall..;. 7.00 a 8.00 GRAIN- Maryland Oats, ft busbeL.... - a - Western Osts, ft bushel. - a - ? Oom, fl bushel. 1.36 a 1.46 i Beans, fl busboL....3.00 (j 8.00 BAT, flVwi-North River...'...?.nj ?..n6' & -- - Eastern. - a - HIDES-Dry, ft lb. 10 ? 12 INDIGO-V lb. 1.00 a 1.76 IRON- Kenned, fl?]. 07 ft cn S Swede. 09 a 10 LATHS, f* M.....',..'. 4.00 a *.60 LIME-Shell, fl bbl. _ S - South Carolina. 1.50 @ - n Bookport. 3.Oo a s.3-5 . Cement.'.. 3,75 a 3.60 Plastea-Paris.. 4,TO & 4.60 LUMUKU, fl M. foot Char White Pine, Int quality..... SO. 00 ?55.00 -, White Pine, good run. 38.00 (340.00 . . Yellow Pino.....;. 30.00 ?328.00 Boards, fl M. foot.-Kough_ .. 13.00 ($16.00 Grooved and Tongued.... 28.00 ?32,00 LEATHER, country tanned, fl lb.I '- ' i -? MOLASSES, ft gsilon-Cuba. lt a io . Muscovado.....'.. 66 S 65 Sugar Honso. SO a 1.00 ? I Nsw Orleans_. 75 ? 83 fUrTAX/STORES, fl bbl-Tar. ; ?. g 'ff *C^*P^."!;;*,I;;KK;!.\";?;; i.oo & - . ? Rosin, No. 1.ivz.%6l? 4.00 Rosin, No, 3. 3.00 & -I- ' Rosin. No. 3. 3.60 a 3.80 : .Spirits Turpentine, fl gallon. 50 a 63 OSJ.UU!. ?? IB. . , .16 fi'/4. .V-a/Z^Amorican. <?20d, fl keg...;.. T.'? a 7.76 American Wrought., - a" - Lathing. 7.60 ?10.00 Copper, fl Bs...;..-.. 1.00 & - Ualvaiiixed.......e. 80 Si - 8pfkoi...v....."r: 12 a u OllS-ltui, ft gallon. 1.40 a 1.4? Linsoed. ft gallon. 1.54 a 1,60 Sperm, Winter, ft gallon. 3,85 & J-'" Cotton Heed, fi gallon. - & - Castor (E. I.), ft gallon. 8.00 fi - OUvo, ft dozen. 8.00 alO.oV Keroseno, fl gallop.,,,.,.-.. 63 S M Ben ri ne. ft gillon. 60 a PROVISIONS-Beef, mess, fl bbl. lt.00 ?30.00 , Beof, prime. 11,00 au,io ' Pork, meal. _ ?5 ?J ? Rump...-. - a --'? Bacon, Ham?, fl tb. 16 a SOkr - Tlaeon,.Slde?.f- .13 rf U <^$^<?^?j?i i b: fasrd. In keg. UH? 16 , , Butler. 30 a 40 " crheeso. 15 a M Potatoes, fl bbl. 8.95 ?' C .. . - Otuonj,.'.,8,00 S ?.? Armies.LA 'i?oo S ?.6S ??AINTS^-Y/l?le I.cid, fl '? 16 -Black Lead......;.? 10 a - 13 ?. Zinc, White.,.' 12 ? JO PLOW STEEL, fl tb ' ' 1? a f ?WC&-Osjolina, fl rb. 10K? 11V East nidia.'..'.. ."?.*.?(& C TES-American, fl sonare..13.50 <a ' h- . SHINGLES. ?M......'..; 7.00 ? 8.W White Pine, first quality.11.00 ?5 ? SALT- IJverpool, coane, ft sack. 3.25 a rr' IJvcrjiool, fine. - a I SOAP-Ber. ft tb. U a 15 RTA RC ll, fl lb. 10 & OJ SPICES, fl lb-Cassia..J. 1.00 a - M*co.......1.76 a 1 Cloves.,.,. > 76 a - ? Jutmegs....... O.OO a 3,60 J Popper.......'.. i 40 a r Pimento. 40 a ?60 ' Race Ginger. 80 a I SPIRITS, fi gallon-Alcohol. 5.00 a 6 00 Brandy, Cognac. t.OO &ialoo. Brandy, Dom catto. 3,00 fi a?75 Oin, Heiland...../.. 4.75 S 6|00 Gin, AiTtncan.'.. 9.60" a 3176 Bilm, Jamaica...,'. 5,00 a 8)00 Bnm.N.B...... 8.60 S 8 00 ' Wblakoy, Bourbon. 3.00 @ 6 00 rVhlakoy, Rectified., i.SO ? <a 2 40- i HUUAR, ft lb-Haw. . ? t% ,'ia Cruahed. 18 S I - . Clarified A. IT a I- ' ClarifiodB. - S ._ Loaf.:..'..;....;.. . IB S 13 . Porto Rico. . ' lSKa 14 Muacova.".;., 13 ? S' 'lt Sfle7.iH.y-Doineatlc manufacture., fl M. lfi.00 (.448.00 TEAS, fl rn-Imperial., 3,00 g 3.60 Qunpowder....... 3.00 3 2.60li ,,' Hyson. 1.60 S . Young Hyson. 1.50 a 1.60 Black,;.'..,. 1.00 g 1-76 TOBACCO, fl is, aa per quality. 40 fx) 1.60 TIMBES-titira Timber-Tallow Fine. 4.00 ?12.00 Ash. - a I - Poplar.'.- 9 _ Hickory. ''_' tm '. r/Af-I O.BooIuig Plata.15.00 ii - I X Roofing Plat?.;.17,00 A I-. , ' I O Tin Hate', 10x14.15.50 a -' X XTin Plate 10x14.17.00 S liju. I O Tin Plate, 14x30.16.50 S U?? Block ?n, fl tb. 40 S !_, rH'/iV?-Oottai. fl J*. 75 S Baling. 45 fi I-. Hemp. ,..., , . ta fi . Sute.....i.* vio ta -- rARNiSH-ndthl, fl gallon. 35 fi - "' ' ? .tl Fersflns.;..."..". ?rn j-i- . VINEGAR-^Whlto Wine, fl gsJion..... ^ 50 fi ?.Vii . . Older,...,. 80' a ! - -i Fntuih. 1.00 a 138 - WINE, fl gallon-Port. 3.50 fi 4 00 MiV-Jn. Efl 'fi g.,? . '^^^M3m ?8:."' sss tts s?sSaQ?s Bunda, S toe ats ?and Bania Billa, (br Week ending Jone fl, ISO?. ^T?! .'..?.'.. i , . nmruufo ?x . . _ J " AN?KErW" M. - M OR TrjT^y?j<c; j|). irokar. No. 8 Braaatd fi tree t, fJnaorlerto ja,; i.e. " tevrsns iLurx ai. tja, ..?'..'. \ I ??B?/of aj?sM'r^M1. Bank of Cbarleeton.m v< Rank of Cheeter.,. Jg Ban?of mOsfetOwa........,...,",,,,,"11 Dank of Himburg.IB Dina of Newberry.23 Bonk of South Carolina.M Hank of ?uto of 8. Carolina, prior to 1 Wi.09 Hink of 8 ta lo of 8. Carolin?, ?har lat Ju., 'Ol. .09 Commercial Bank. CobimbU.01 Exubkogo Hank, Columbi?.10 Fermcr'a a rut Exebango ll* ok.01 Morcb?nt'? 1 lank, Ciieraw.10 Pooplo'l Rank. Cliarlcaloii.47 PUntcr'a Hank of Fairfield.OT Hinter's ?nd Mocliaidc'n Hank, Obarloevon-IB BouUiwcslem Railroad Hank, Charleston.38 Stats Dank.Uluulenton.00 Union Hank, Charleston.CO DONDS, STOCK uto oooroits. cuupkla Bond?, City.SO aiuphl* Coupon?. City.40 ty Of Columbia Honda.41 nth Carolina HiilroaxI and Hank -nih Carolina Hallroxd Six Per Cunt, Honda.68 uth Carolina Railroad Seron Por Cent. Uotids.GO mill CaroUna Railroad Ccrtlftcatc of Iiidcbtctliiuss.48 ty of charleston Six Per Bent. Block... ...40 ty of Charleston Certificate of Indebtedness.BU ty Of Charleston FLro Loan Donds.BU ?te of South Carolina Hoods (old).33 ata of Bon tb Carolina Honda (now l**uo of January a, 1807.57 ato of llouth Carolin? Block.20 atc of South Carolina Coupona. rapio'* National Bank Stock.Par lr*tN?Uon?l Dank Stock.Par oithcaBtcrn Hallroed lat Intorost Honda.OU ortheaalerh Railroad lat Coupons.... ;.46 or th OM torn ItalLroad Certif?calo of Indoblodnoas...4U barlcalon Oas Company Stock.,.ll blrleaion City Hallway Stock.30 barloston and Savannah Hallroad Honda (Biala I guarantor).40 luarlcalou awl Havannah ltallxoad liomin (lat inter bat of 2dlioD).ll (ty of Havannah Honda.79 Hy of Savannah Coupon? (duo previous lo lal June, 1806).90 Hy of Savannah C"oupona (duo after lal Juno, 180(1).05 lempbl? ?od Charleston Hallroad Donds.60 lemphls and Charleston Hallroad Coupons.60 Money bringa J>, por cent, a month un (Irst-olaia col i to roi?. . Any Information tn relation to Donds, Sleeks, Hank Illa, lc, will bo rumlabod by application lo tho Uroker t No. 8 Dread street. exports Of Itlce, Naval Stores und I.u mtier, flu ni th? Port Of < lin ri ry t o ll, Croll- 3 r |l te' r 1st to dune 6, 1807. _ BICK. \s. BTorutM.j j-uunxn. Hore oe. Harrcln. Feet. lo* ton. lew York. : ow port, H. I. TOTldenco, IL I. hlladelphia. lalUmore. lorthom Fort. low Orleans. TllmlDgton. ersey City. latin als.i tarbedocs., [avana. tuba and a Market. Avorpool. Ito do Janeiro. Irdlfax, NS. lardeas?. lo rd eaux. Veal Indies. baracoa. Irlalol, Eng. i ah a m an. larcclona. Instan, Hon. raina?, Majorca.... lalbarion, Cuba.... falencia, Bpaln_ >orto Hlco. Havre. lt. Johns, N. is.... 618 C.6G0 9,077 ?l.lli 172 1.861 707.B7H 1,103,289 490.684 910,744 "?,871,789 J.700,173 1,337,800 110,000 627,020 191,967 693,6911 261,970 600, IM 198,260 234.0C4 190,0X5 279.913 204,000 19,600 SO.?'?? 132,671 12,000 72,001 41.008 147,000 77.40U 10,460 M. IMO 482 bale* Cotton, 192 bale* Mdzn, 36 bales Hay, 4 bbln ip Iii te. Turpentine, 07 bbl* Honan, 1 car Calilo, 1 car [.umber, and Standbies, To R H A gout, ? I reel Drus k Jo, Courtenay i Tronbolm, I' Mulk?), B B Hbclt k bou, iVoUaoj it Uro, P Walsh, Wilda ft Cblsolm. O W Williams k Co, E H Ilodgora ft Co. Thurston li Holmes. J P.mi? mi, O O Martindale, W U Woodward, O E Pritcbott, W IV Smith, Oraeacr, Lee, Smith ft Coi J E Adgcr & Co. Passensera. ' Fer ateimor St Haloes, from Georgetown, R C-Miss E ] Middleton. J J Uaxzsrd, lady and 2 children, J Li ll ru cc, TN Brown. L Brown, J ? Drown, J A Brown, Mrs E A l"orlcr. J H Ulalu}, R Floinlng, O Fenn a and lady, J P L'y a lt, B Ulna?, and 46 deck. PORT CALENDAR. connEcTED WEEKLY. rnasxa or THE WOOS. Kow M. 2d. Db. 47m. morn I FuU M. 16th,Uh. 34m. even Unity, otb, lb. 17m. mom | Last Q. jsiii, uh. 9m. morn ll,Monday .. .. ' |Titesdsy_ Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. Ha, tn rd ay. . . Sunday. 4..63 4.. 63 4..63 4..63 4..63 4. .63 4. .63 7.. 3 7.. 3 7.. 4 t.. 4 7.. S 7.. B 8..11 9..13 10.. 8 ld..68 ll..SB Mora, 12..18 8..35 ?. 10..18 ll..10 Morn. 12.. 4 1.. 4 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF I'll A lt I, KHTO.V Arri veil Vrilcnluy. Behr B O Evans, Hammond, Now York, 8 days. Mdse. To W Roach, R R Agents, Adams, Damon A Co, A Uls .JhoB. D A Amine, O ii Baldwin k Co, ll Dlscholl A Co, r M DrlatoU. R fe A P Caldwell. Cameron. Darkloy ft Co, 3 S Quartermaster, W H C hafte, C lid ria ft Witte, Dowlo k Moise. U Cobla sr Co, B Decry, O Dlcgnara. O Oold rteln. Goodrich, Wlncman ft Co, Oramann ft Bchwocko, 3ruber ft Martin, W Gurney, J W Harrisson, Hastie, Talhoun ft Co, L Jacovlch, Jcfford* ft Co. Kiluck. Wick in berg ft Co, D LIUIcnthal ft Co, Many ck Drue, Muller, Simile ft Co, J H Muller, P O'Donnell, D O'Neill, D O'. Si ill ft Bon, D raul ft Co, Bavcncl ft Barnwell, L Schnell k Co, Shepherd ft Cohen, O W StuLTens ft Co, J H 8tctn noyor, T ll Trout, Worner ft Ducker, It White, Q W Wal? lanie ft Co. W s Corwin fe Co, JOH Cl?uuen, H Bul vinkle, and Order. Behr Jcaialo R Rmllh. William?, Now York, S day*, raving fe tono. To W W Hhackclfonl. P O'DonnolL Behr Bird,-, Wando. Naval ? to ros. To J A Ens. ow fe Co. I Sehr Undine, Nelson, Wando. Naval Blore*. To J A Lindow ft Co. .il* Bohr Ann 8 Deas, from Wost Point MIR. 110 bbls Rice. To Thurston ft Holmes, Coben, Han ck el ft Co. fi teamer Achilles, SchoUingcr, New Orleans, 4 H days. Sound to FnUadclpbla, and pul tu for a supply of coat Steamer Bt Halen?, Adair, Georgetown, B C. , 1 bale 'aiton, 119 sack? Rice, 68 bbl? Naval Blores, Molasses, lc' To W W Bhackelfcrd. W K Kian, lUaley k Crelgb on, W McMillan, Miss Fraser, J M Eason ft Bro, Mn B t W A Hi tun. Mrs C Allston, McGorltz ft Deignan, J La Iruce, Terry fe Nolan. ' . Prout tnla Part. Iteamshlp Paiapaoo, H off, New York, June 2, knar ME Long, Hardy, Providence, May 81, Hailed far tuts Port, rho Johannes, Buter, from Newport, Eng;, May 19. . . . Memoranda. LITXSI-OOL, Miy 20.-Tho Confidence, from (.Inri fis? on fer this port, which was stranded In Fethard Bay, Co .caroni, waa townd hem last night j' LINT UP VI'S S Kl.!* DP, CLEA BED AND HAILED VOR THIS PORT. .J FOREIGN. i . . aUvaTJUrOon. ir bark l'Alr, Evana, ?ailed.May 1* | hip B C Winthrop, filswart, np. .-.May hip Amelia, Cornier, Balled. '"' he Tryphinia, Harding, sailed....,., aa-wroax, BUM. , hip Annie Elm bell.-?up.......Mai .he J Coming, Hookaway, aallod.April lie J oin tm es. Rater, sailed..'. May - ' : DOMESTIC. . 1 soerow. trig James Miner, Pendleton, cleared. .May 23 "ho Whitney Long, Bayes, aailed......May Ott ?hr Bergen, Paraiuxa, cl aired.,.May 33 ehr Matas Law, Johnson, up.,.'.....'. .May 23 iraw TOBT. "ll ?hr HT P Coining, Wood, dened..... .May 26 chr LIUy, Fran ri?, up..'. May 27 chr Wino la. Hawkins, np.i.May 27. chr Miranda, Hardy, cleared.Mair aft , ? " . riiiLanELJ'nia. chr JU Baker, Adama, dmr ed. .May . ,. li a tn ai 0 iii. chr Daniel Chase. Mitchell, np.May ia ehr Maggie E Gray, Finsbury, cleared.May 80 ti 11 li I BT OP BIUPP1NU In tile Port Of V h ra rle? ton, Jane ll, lStlT. vxssxxs uHLin loo TOMS. Aim ?TBAXOBI oaAjrrrna .. . . . WaTBZM IBB ?IAXX lnuXlTXli. . j '> . HTEAMHIlirH. >Jf \ sragoisa, 778 ton*, Crow ell, at Atlantis whirl, for New , York,loading....,......Bevofccl ft Co bampton, 1276 lona. Lockwood, at Adger** wharf, for New york, loading..;.Btreot Bro* ft Co . .. -? ? :? . mm.i . I tillouri, 82i tons. Edward?, at Boyce ft Co'a wharf, from ., Uverpool, wailing-.,....J Fraser fe Co eleni, 791 tba*, Danton, at Boyce] fe Cn'* wharf, from Now York, walting........ ........VBRmllh fe Co embay, 966 tons, Jordan, at Union wharf, for Liverpool, loading...",..Cpurte i?y fe Trauholm i'. " .. ' DARKS. !" ' ' ' une* Wilson (Br), dot td tl*, at Benn ott'? wharf, from ' 8wanIalind, repilrlug.........PJ Eajiard lepoacho (Pru*), 297 ton*. Lubke, in Aerator River, for , Liverpool, loading.....Blaley fe Creighton torthern Crown (Br), 421 tomi, Mkthia*, at ' ' : . . Drem Newport, Eng, dlatdairging...ll Mora fe Co BRIOS. angler, 169 tons, Smith, at AtlanUo wharf, from George? town, I> 0,dascharglaag. . ,R M CuUor ' SCHOONERS, bHoh, 270 toni. Hubbard, at AtlanUo wharf, from Rel ti? mor?, discharging.... R M Initier ellie Tarbox, - lona, Pendleton, in Ainley River, for .. FaU River, Man, loading.,. Bo nalani ft Bala? avid Faust, - tons. Lord, at Brown ft Co'a wharf, for Wilmington, N C. ready.Tupper ft Bone A Orlan. 806 fons, Foster, at Central wharf, from Phil suelpms, djKharging. H F Baker ft Co J Waring, 31? ton*, Bm fib, at Southe m wharf, fofl Wll ?? ' nalngton, N C/ ready..... i. ,W Bosch J Palmar, 197 ton?. Palmar, at Kerr'* wharf, from Dal timor?, dischirguig..;................. ,.p P "Locke tollo Treat, 193 iona. Trim, In' the Stream, from I Ban, . gor. Me. Jual irrlvod...........,L T Patter O fcvana, - lona. Hammond, at Adger* wharf, from New York, discharging.,.;.'.;.'.. .W'Boeoh ?ala B Smith, ~ ron*. WiUiims, al Boyds fe de's wharf, from No w York, d: ac har fing.... ... W W, fib ack ? Lford llld* ft Laura, - lona, Melndpe, at Ken'a wharf, from CalLarltn,.Cuba, dla.-.harglhg..J A Eua'ow ft Co T?? 01U.NG?SB?RG NEWS ?>X7BL1?URD EVERY SATURDAY MORNINO, AT , l/rangahurg, S. a Term? |2 per. annum, lt ad Sun r.g thu ?piing md fal] eatscu? rrxtr* copia* rjf the LaxoauiiTaa NEW? Wlil be ctrtrnUtod for the benefit ol AdTerUwmccU inserted on li? mo*t llooreJ r?iutJ Adrares* . SAMUEL' DIBBLE, 1 ?'Ll"--' 6?,lic3 '?.> ''? wmU** Uranrtdwg Nowa, Pabcuiry 28_, ,,OT?Axft**^nrg, ("T JUBLLSB7ED IN WlKb'aBORO' & O , AFFORDS A >^m^UlIfuMy^'tft th* t?Ttrrtixtng pub lc C,\ WT e resp?oculry *oUd t fcefr1 patro-oaga' fur ^ar raant, fi? .OJ. ./,./. ;i OA1UARD, D?APORTE3 fe WlLLUka?. ???vrmbrrW DRUGS, CHEMl'rAL8, ETC. EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR I CLIASTJdLLAR'S IAIR EXTERMINATOR, For Rcmovlniz Superfluous Muir. PO TUE LADIES ESPECIALLY, TOM INVALUABLE depilatory riM unuiicuili Itself aa being an alumni In Ispcuoiblo article tu fcmulo Wanly, Ix easily applied, sc* not burn or i nj ure tlio ?kin, but actn iii rec tl y on thc rat*. It In warranted tu ninnvo aupcriliiouii bair from iw furehoadu, ur fruin any part u( Ibu budy, completely, itally and radically extirpating thu sumo, IravftiK Ibu tin con, (mooth mid natural. I Mn IH HI? only artlelo sod by thu French, and ls thc only real effectual dcpl la? ity lu CZIHUUCC. Price Tri cents per package,' post aid to any address, on receipt of un ordur, oj llEUOKlt, HUU'ITH & CO., Cboiulats, March 30 ,TI__ .Jf0^2"? KITCT st., Troy, N. Y. 1I.1J WP VAN WINKLE OIN. O OLD MEDAL 8HKKKY, POUT AND MADF.IItA, HABVEST OOUKUON, WHEAT NUTUIENT, OIJ> HOMESTEAD RYE. EN ADDITION TO 00* BUSINESS OF BELLI NO WINES, eic, lu originel packages, and In order tn mure to consumers Puro Liquors In a compact and con roulent form, wu commenced tho rutcrvriso of bottling ind packing tn csaea oar wall known Wines. Ilramlics, Whiskies, &c, and hayo anni them out In a stylo thal would preciado (ho possibility Of their being tampered ivt'.h boforo reaching thepurchaser. Tho general appr?? ciation and gratifying sacco? that has rewarded our a Hort* baa encouraged ni to maintain tho standard as re? gards quality, olio to moko lncreajod efforts to retain tho confidence and patronage which has been so kborally bc< itowod upon us. VI Ml.NUi .it ti CO., [EaUbUahcd 1778.1 Importen cl WUics, Ac, No. Io Heaver street, Nc?' York Tho aboTO popular goods aro pitt up in cues couta lng ono dozen bottle! ea eh, and nie sold by alt proniiuont Druggists, Grocers, .'.e. Opinions or tit? Prese. Tho uamo of Uinmger k Co., No. IC Ileavor gtrcol, ta a guarautoo nf (bo exact and literal truth of wl.otovcr they reprasout.-if. Y. Com. Advertiser. 'rho importing hou.ia ol lllnlngor tc Co., Mo. is noaror ?Irret, ls conducted upon principles of integrity, lalmcsa and tlio highest honor.-Jr. Y. Kreiling Express. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO.. N 183 MEETOJO STKEET. Opposite Charleston Hot and HOWIE & MOISE, ?!.<.( USSOIIS TO KIM. .* ( \SS 11)1 Y No. 161 MEETINO STIIEET, Wbolcaalo Agents, Charleston, H. C. January 80_. . wfmOmo* \j itt ?4 (FO R) jSs? ' . ii*, CHILLS & FEVER WE HAVE USED ?ALLIOUAN'S PILLS, ANO lind tboy will do all that la claimed fur them, and choerfully recommend thom to public favor. T, ll. W ATI'S, Ex-Oovcmor of Alabama. J. W. A. SANFORD, Alfy Ocn'l of Alabama. ItODT. DOUGHERTY, Jadgo Supremo Court, Ala. From THOMAS J. Jtroac, Judge Supremo Court. I bava used GALLIOHAN'fl PILLS on my plai-.tatlcn lor Fever and Agaa, and find them all that ls claimed Tor thom. TH03. J. JUDGE Montgomery, Ala., September 29, 18S9. LOWNDES Coovrr, Alabama. OALLIGHAN'S FEV Ell AND AGUE PILLS will do. They aro decldoilly tho beat medicino for Chilla and l e? ver 1 ev?r gave. I would not bo without tie ni fur nit. tunes tho price. J. A. Oil AHA H. AMTnicus, April 17. 18S7. Ono box of o AI,MOHAN'S PILLS cured mo perfectly of Chilla and Fever. Tboy are tho best medicino tor Chills and l over I evor saw. A. O. DONALDSON, Clerk Superior Court, Sumtar County, Ga. MONTOOMEUT, Au., Joly 0, 18C0. Mount. BLUNT k HALE-GENTS : I Lave used your GALLIGHAN'S PILLS on two occasions'for CliiUs ano Fever, sud find that they effect all that they aro intend? ed to do. They aro tho boat remody for the dlsoaso Iii. i I have ever tried. I consider Utein perfectly rclUblo. Riapccirully, DAX'L SAYHE, Grand Soc Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. of Alabama. Am AMT. GA., March ll, 18C7. I havo used GALUOUAN'S FILLS In forty cas?se Chills and Fever, with perfect success. They aro ti., boat Favor and Aguo Pill put up. A. D. FANT. (.WHOLESALE IN CHARLESTON, BY GOODRICH, WI\EMA.V di CO., No. 163 Mo. ling street. And by all Druggist*. H LOU NT & HALE, PROPRIETORS, May H _Brno_Montgomery, Ala. "A ?mil? was on ber lip-health was lu ber look rtrsngth wu In her atop, and In her banda-PLASTA noa Binni," 8. T.-1860-X. A few bottles of PLAJITACTOB UITTBM Will oars Nervous Headache. .. Cold Extramltloa and Foveriah Lips. M Boar btomaoh and Fetid Urea th. *. Flatulency and In di gestion. '< Nortons Affections. " Excessive Fatigue Jind Short Breath, M Pain over the Evos. - Mental Dcapondcnoy. .. ' Proatratiou; Great Weakneca. ?. BallowComplexi?n, Weak Bowell, Aa Which axe the ovidsncea of LIVED COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA It Ia eatlmaud that saven-tontha of all adult alimenta proceed from a deceased and torpid liver. The biliary aecretlona of the liver overflowing Into the atomach poi? son the anareayahun. and exhibit the above aymptome. After long reararen, we are able to pr?sent the moat remarkable euro for trteao horrid nightmare dltooaea, the world hu ever produced. Within one year over six hundred and forty thousand persona have takes the PLAJSTA?TO? Urnims, and noa an Instance of complaint hu c?m? to o yr knowlodgol r,< It U s moat effectual tonio and agreeable ttlmalan nUted to all conditions of life. > Tho reporta that lt rel!?a upon minerai aubatancea fo Ita activo properties, ore wholly false.. For the a*,tis faction of. the pabilo, ' ?mt that patient? may-oorjiul their pliyllolana, we append a Bat of Its oonipoaanU, 1 OAUSATA M lull,-Oolebratod tor. ovar two hu mired rears in tbs treatment of Fever and .Ague, Dyapepsla, Weakness, eta. lt was (ul rod oped into Europa by the OOVJDUM. ?rife of the VlocrOy ol. Pera,.in li 10, and kftorwardi sold by. tho Jesuits fte IA? enormous prie* o) ttl avia todpAf fri l?W, ander the name of Jisuiei Pow teri, abd WU finally made pabilo by Lo ul j xvi. King if Fran oe. ; Humboldt makes especial reference to Ila febrifuge qualities during bia South American travela. ? OASOAB-DLU BABS-For a torr hau, collo and dlaeaaea of-th* etoauacb ono bowels. DAHD RIJOH-?tor inflammation of th* lol a* and drop leal affect]ana, , ? - OuAM'iMiLj? FIOWZUB-For enfeebled digestion. LA.7KHL XU FLOKXJU-Aromatic, ?timalant and tonio llghly IhvlgoraUhft'ln n'ervoa* debility.'-, .' ? 1 . NYiirrsaonxxs-For aero fula, rhenmatlim, eta. " Ainw-iArt '' aromatic oarmtnaU*e? oreatlng Seah, xruaoleamd milk: m Uah used by momera narama. Aloe, dove-bud I, orango, carraway, ocnlander, an ala cot, etc ?. ' I M f . 8. T.~1860.~X Anotbst wonderful Ingredient, of areal nee amona be ?panlah ladloa of South America, Importing beauty ? the complexi?n and brilliancy to tba mind, la yet nn mqwn to tao e?tameroe?f tbs world, and we withhold ta name fdr the present. . ' ntPDUTANT CERTIFICATES. Bo?nisnrj, N. Y , December 28, 1Mb 'MesxrC-'FVH.'DBUiSJC k Co.-I have bean a grral aol tarer tren DyMMpkl* forthra* or four year?, ead had to kbandbii my profession. Abont three.month! uti irita the Plantation Bitters, and to my gnat Joy 1 am lew* nearly a well mos. I have recommended them In tsvaral caaes, sad, u far ss 1 know, al way a with algnaJ leueflti I om, respectfully retire, j? ly. - Hev.J.a. (J AT H URN. " x>tfTT in?T.TTti, loth Month, 17th Day, 188]. BiarBOTsu FhrrwD:-My daughter hu boes mach Mnaflttsd by th* ase of thy Plantation Bitters. Thoo lilt tend rn? two bottles more. | - Thyfrund, ASA OUBRIN, tot"?! . ' .-? BKXBSIAB HOD??, Cmaxoo, lu., 1 j February ll, 1843. ? I Msiaait, P. H. DBABB A Co.i-Pleaoa aead na another wehre euee of yon* Plantation Bitter?. Aa a moralnf opetlxer, they appear to havo mporaeded evorythlna ML ind are greatly esteemed. ( .Tirari, ftO,, |] ft GAGE A WAITE Arrangements ore now completed to ?apply oar de send for this article, which bas net heretofore beeo .nanni*.' . . " ' fi .. .Tbs pabilo may rest au ur ed that In so cue will th? ?Tfootjr pure ?tandard ol th? PLARTATTOH BITTXU be Sported from, livery botlU bears Ut fUc-simUl of our 'faaiuTi en a tfstl plats tnfravUsg, tr it connel M tm Any merton pretending to sell PIUHTATIOB II ITT IR? <S ulk or ly (*? gallon, ts a swindler ani inputer, Bmtart f rsfUUd bouts*. Ses Oat our Privais Stamp is Vina n^ATBH ever mary cor A Bold by ail Drngglats, Qrooeriand Dealers thronghonl le country. P. H. DRAKH & CO., New York. Anni 20_ mwfivr PIRK LOAN. , MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, I . mm Cm HAT.T- November 9 1860. i f A ^^ONt? DE81BOU80F RED UILB^ Girl T SB m? ..?ll^n, DkWei* ?n<l Waate Place? of Ihe Clly un A?l ?'tba General Aaaombly, (riving anthon ty ? the Otty Council of Charleston to proceeUln tba mat irpf . Fire LOuo, with a view to aid In building up the lS!.*n.,wl' ??hereby noUflod thal tho form ufTppll ditto for loan? can be obtained at the office ef the Clerk r Council, between th* hours of 0 A. II. and 2 P. M. AUoppUcaUona muat be? M in tho aboTe mentioned Bee, u tb? Oomml tteo mil mest ?very ttemday to con. dar the lame. ?.'.-. Dy order of tba Mayor-; W. li. BM ITU, NovambarjO . Clerii of OouricIL .. .mtoBijg? Ajtn ?BALBfl a PtBM Orwarrl??, ?kola? Tattoo, ?te., ?tau,- .. M. lnb rna ORJtvjfwiaii-rr.. ona. or MUM RJ > 0RUQ8JL CHiM,?ALS> ETC 8INILIA 8I1ML1W8 CUBANTWB. nTJMl'UKBTH' IIIIMIKDl' A iii IC HPKCIK1C? IA V K PROVED, FROM Till: VOST AM li,?: KI PB. lil EMOH, tn eu Uro ?nccoi?: blwplo- Prompt- Kin. ult end lleliablo. They ero tho ouly medicine* pe? elly adapted to popular una-?u ?Implo that mistakes n not Lu math? lu it o lo- ilium; HO hannie's aa to ba MI from danger, aud ao enlrletil nt to bo alwaya relia* e. Tin y bavn raisin! tim highest eoiuinuuitatlou from 1. and will alwaya Hinder ?allifactlcii. Conti. a, L core? Kevrn, (loncratloii. Inflammation?.. 2S> . 3, " Wen ni? Worai-Fuver Worm-?olo.. 24 ? t, " < : r j I ii i; Colic, or Teething of In? laut?. M . i, '. Dlrirrlioia of Children or Adult?.... 38 . t, " Dy?ent*ry, driping, IIUlou? Colic... 34 . S. " clinic i ia Moilun, Nm lim. Vomit? ing. 38 . 7, .. <;ouc;li?. Cold?, bronchitis. . 8 .' Neurnluln, Tootliacho, Pacoacho.. 38 . 9, .. Ileniliiinira.Hlc.HoailachoAVertlgo.. 38 . IO, 11 li > .pr ini o , lillloiia Ktomaeh.. ? II, " Btannrataaeali or Painful Periods..... " ll, '. White?, loo Vrofneo SI '. is, .. Crouii, Ootigii, Difficult Breathing.? 23 11 lt, 11 Rait ll li rn in, Erj ?ipi la?, Eruptions. 31 >. IS, .. lt h rn ?.at 1? m, lthunmatio Fain?... 31 " IC, " fever ?nil AK no, ullin Fever, Aguoe. H .. 17, '. Pitea, llllnd or bleeding. M " 18, " Opilialiuy, audHoreor Weak Eyes. SO <? IB, " l mw- h, Acute or Chronic, Inila enxr.. SC .. 30, .. Whooping t ouRh, Violent Oongb? M " 31, " Ail lunn, Uppr.-tirvl UrnutbUig. CC o 33, " i:?r t>l?cliurge?, 1 myal rod li nar? ing. i-C M aa, .. HcroTuln. Enbrgid Olaniln, Hwsil. inga. SC M 34, .< ll CIT era i nobility, Physical Weakness SC " 33, " I>ro|i?y ami Meanly Bccretlooa. St " 38. " Hen sTsatlttatiSB. Sickness from Hld. In?. ?< ?? .7, .. Kidney Dl.inir, llravol. Bf " 30, " Nervous Uelilltlr. Bes?las) Emis? sion?, luvolurlary I lscnargns.1.01 " 30, " Borr ?:<>?.:ii, C?li?cr. W " 80, " Liinniy Inrnuilariiie, Wotting Bed. Il ".m. 11 Painful. Per I oils, ovon ?fill Hpantr i. U " S3, " BulTer.issf.? at Change of Lfo.1.01 .. 83, " Kpllcp.y, Hiiuuia, St. Vitus' Dance,l.(H o 14, " Dlptherlo, Uli-orntsd Boro Trust... St KA ,MI I. Y UAUIOU. li viii/, morocco can? and beek.f 10.01 10 largo vials, tu morocco, and book. Ctn 10 largo vials, plain caso, anil booti. 6.U IS boxea (Nos. 1 to 18). and bcok. 8.1s V KT Kt UN A M. Y HrKCICICB. ?ahogany caaes, 10 vista.$10.? tingle vlsi?, willi directions. 1.01 .aT-Theso remedies, by the case or single box, sn lent to auy p.ri ortho ccnnliy, by l?sil or i.;yr^, try it chsrgc, on receipt of thu pried. Address UTJUI'UIIEYU' BPEOIFIfJ UOMlEOrATUlO SILlHUlNE COMPANY, Office and Depot No. m.; Broadway, Now York. Dr. Huantnm la cumuli, .1 ila?y ul bis ethno, per tonally or by luttor, as above, fer ?li forms of disease, Ito tv IK ?V M DIM:, WtinliiRoIo Agent?, Nu. ut .Mcii?tii: street, Opposllo Charleston Hotel. W. A. Hit Kl N i:. A. -t . KI it KI, ta CU.. r. rt nil Agents, No. 231 K1NU-HTUEET. (th door abov? Market-It. april 16 ?mn Ob?r)"t?n. H. O. CHEROKEE PILUS, Or Female Mlcgulaior, Cure Snppremtil, RrcMlvt and Painful Menetruiilion, Oreen SU-Hilm*, Xtrrvua mut Af. fiction*, I'ain* fu IA? Huile, Hick lleuduclt, (Jiddinesi, tad ?ll di. eases timi spring fruir Irregularity, by lemming tho cause and ?ll th? i ll, m il it ?riso fioni lt. They no- [??-rf tl y ?ale In lill c., nr cejit trAf/r fuili.tden bij direc? tion'. ?sd ?rr easy Ul mlmlnliter, ns llicy sro nicely migar coated. They eiiniild bu lu tho liaml? ol every Million, Wife, and Mothar In thu lanil. I.idlri can mid rou ns In perfect coiiHilt'OCP, auil atnUi their com? plaints In full, ns we treat all Female Complaints, ami preparo M edleba s inltsblo for ol) diseases ia which lli.-y ar? subject.-Thirty-two pago pamphlst, tn ??enteil rn villain1, frc?. Tko (in rokee Pills aro anM by all dniggiiU at tl per bux, or six boxes fur tb; or they aro sent by niall, free nf p...IL-..-,,, la an ordinary letter, frre from observation, by addressing the solo proprietor Dr. W. B. M?RWIN, 37 Walker St., N, Y, ' N. H -Che rut?n. Pilli No 2 aro prepared for ipeciiil cunee, when uni lei medicines fall ; the?? aro sent by mall, freo of postage, on receipt of $5, tn? price of each boa. Du. WRIGITT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, Essence or iii*, Wn;M???tf Cmos Otneral Debility, Weat T^LW?s "Stk llytterice in Female*, l?RZrg Palpitation of the Heart and Jg? nfl .Verrou* Diiiaue. It re titi r, i now lifo amt vigor to tba aper!, causing the hat Mund of W?^UF?SSf OTK youl'i to curse Ihe veins, rea #r sssss ti", Si ,L? s 07 " ? utntrak new nfc"-ti dm Hoi. reinectng Impotency and thu Elixir rejuvrn DtlUlty ititortng Jlanltntu at? the tytiem and and full ttgnr, tims proving a overcome dlieate. perfect " Klirir of fons." rs moving Sterility ?nil lUrrennras In both sexes. To tho young, mlililii--ngeil,?nil need, there ls no greater boon than this 11 Kllxlt of Life." lt give? a now \etao of lifo, causing tb? weak and debilitated to bavo renewed strength snit vlgur, and tho entire system to thrill with Joy and plea-ore. Price, ono bottle fi; three botttea SS; aent by expresa to any address. Our medicine? are sold and rcoommtnded Ly all reipcctablo dmgirlsts In every part of the civilized glube; ?orno unprincipled draleis, however, try to dr ce I vc their cn sin m cn by selling cheap ?nd worth? less compounds in order to make money. Be n?t deceived-?ak for ttieso medicines ind tako no others. If the druggist dors not keep them, write to us, and we will ?earl thom by express, carefully packed, free from observation. Wu will be pleased to receive letters wltb fall statements In regard lo snr dlieass with wbleh ladles or gentlemen ara afflicted A,Pire!? bil latiera for medicines, oamph ]?ts, or advice, to tho tole proprietor, A Dr W, R. MERWIN, 37 Wolker St., H. Yr May 28_ _ wfm ITT 1WUS CliRANDI DIFFER H IN AMI RODEIGUE'S PULMONIG EL?XIR SP??. TTtOR THE CUBE OF CONSUMPTION, I'AINB IN Tili JD cnrsT AND SIDES, DIFFICULTY m BP.KATH Nd, BRONCB1TI8, CATARRH, ASTHMA, COUGHS lEMOItnUAQE, and allaJToclions of tho Lungs. Thia great r> vivtiyer ta orTered to ibo public, that al rho will avail themselves of Ita remed?s! power may b< rcneatted. . It only requires s fair trial to confirm Its Invaluabh ?ency ut diffusing through each channel of the humar irganlzation a restored vitality. . It Invigorates sud em. rues tho Lungs with hralthful ehvsUiity ; rc ito rot warmth, rhich M their essential element; rouses tho sluggish ve? al? Into activity; heall tho ?floeted. lobes; purifies and nrichea tho blood; regulatos tho circulation; Induo? ree and easy respiration, and expels, through lt? ?drain il ration, sooh snd every concomitant disorder p nient In be milady recognized ai Consumption, and lutbortc loomed hopeless and Incurable This compound ls pcricc?y safo, posssasing neither laroo tlc nor emello properties, which urffartnnatcly ar? lwaya ojiployod on caseulial? in every preparation roi lough or Lung affection-a mlstako whlcli too often in la Irritating and debilitating cocaoqnencea, only, con? ucos to much general dexangemont of tba system, da troytng sppeUte and creating au Injurions ne rv on? ex ltcment, sugmenting ruffcrliig with Iroquont lats! re? al ls. Undor tho Influence of this approved snd tn valuable pcclflc the moat distressing Cough yields, dUQeulty in roa thing and patna and sorcnoas subsido, hemorrhage i arroalcd, and bealtli ind strength racsUbUshed. . PBICE FOR HI NO b K BOTTLE 81.35. Sold by tho Proprlotor, norlhwe?t corner SOCIETY iND MEETINQ 8THECTS, and the principal Druggists. April 2_ly_ ATFUCTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DB. JOINVTLLE'8 wr.TTTTt jon in bo ourod permaneally, and at s trifling cost. Th? astonishing sucosas which bas attended this tn* ?loable medicine fur Physical and Nervous Woaknoea -ener?! Debility and Prostration, Los? ol Muscular Eu? ngy, Impotency, or any of tho oonsoquoncos of yea thin. idiacro'don, rendors tl tho nt oat ysiunbto pr?para Uon vcr discovered, It will remove all nervous affections, depression, ex. [lemont. Incapacity to tludy or business, loss of memo. v, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of ln inlty, atc. It will restore tho appetite, renew tho health f those who have dealroyed ll by sensual excess or evil notices. Young Men, be humbugged no mora by "Quack Doc irs"and Ignorant pi actllloners, but lend without delay ir the Elixir, and be il once roo to rod lo health aud hap loess. A perfect Cure It Guaranteed in every lustsuca. rico ll, or four botllei to ono addro>e S3, . One bo UV- la sufi! cl act to effect s euro In all ordinary ALSO, DR. JOINVTLLE'8 SPECIFIC FILIA for lb? ?eedy and permanent cure of Gonorrh??*, o lent. Ur? ural Dischargee, Orate), Stricture, and aU ?(tee?Jons o ie Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from on? to ve days.. They aro prepared from vegolable entracte uti sro harmlos? on tho ?v?tcm, and never nau?o?te th? j]mach or impregnate the breath. No chango of die . nocoaaary whlto turing thom, nor does their action In ly manner Interioro with buslneas pursuits. Pru o Si arnot. Hither of th? above-mentioned artldoi will .bo sent lo ly address, closely waled, and post-paid, by mall o rnresi on receipt of prtoo. Adda eas all orders to Ii tn OK tu SIILTTB A CO., Olotnists, March 30 ly Ho. ^8? Uiver itroet. Troy, jg. T. The Greenville Mountaineer S PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT tl 60 PER year, m ni vane?. Adveruaerrjents lnasrted st usual te*. .?; i O. H. ELFORD, M?y 10 Editor and ITO printer AVEGAJO?iN??MsSMS L?f AND COLLECTION OFFICE, Nos? 30 and 10 Park fiov* . OAA0 VkYAtk,. I. lil ttl TAvraa auooopno TO TE? TOHHIOJ oqIJJSC. L HON BVJHINaSa of Messrs.. DTBRlir, PRU. eVt ? n^MDHLH, ?rs will atv,rad lo li? eJcJixMem * Rda? ?nd, xnatarbag alstztts throrict?rii:tJ->rTni?aja Jr^^/i?f^s712r #UJ| ALL TUM *VfMTM*\