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TIE-IE ? ?i iii LISI OS MM mm, (J. lt. CATHCART. EoiToit OAi'iiOAiu, MCMILLAN & MORTON, I'nOt'UIETOltS. No. 18 MAYNE STREET. CITY F ttl NTS RB. : TERMTJASH. SUUSCUUTIONJ DA I L Y- TWBI.VK MONTHS.81? ,U U DAILY-MX MONTHS. O.OO U ?ILY-THRKB JIO.NTllH. M.rjO SIN.ii,K runi-:s.n con?? I'd NEWS UKALbTtr?.3 cent? TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1807. Tuc FOLLOWING] i.isr.s woro corupoaod by Goo. D. Prontico for tho inttuguratinu on Thursday Inst ot tho no? innrblo etaluu of Houry tiny, at Louis villo, Ry.: Tlalll Imo mu? g lui iou? ?cinbliuco, bail! oi Mm, ibo nubluHl of our mee Wo .rom, il lilting of Uiy v.iii, Tu MC again IliH ll vin? foool To luir tba m Irring word s oiiro moro, 'i'hsl Uko Ibu ?lui in god a cul. nc . imaleal Willi mightier iiovvur from allora to alioro 1 Inn thunders of Ibu' balUc-luvhl. Lol Hilt ? ?nini, high, maje il lo lenk. Tb 11 libels our BOZO as by a spell - lt N Ibo saino that erstwhile .hook The traitors on whoso poul? lt iv li I Ob tbat ho rc re n," .i i n in Ufa I To wa vu, an once, lila wauil of power. And watter lar thu storms of atrife That o'tr our country darkly lower) /.gaiu again, nu l yet airain Uo rolled buck pas a m's roaring lido When thu Aereo tonis of hostile mm Each other's wildcat wrath dolled Alu! ainu I (turk nh ir ms at length Snoop o'er our hall-wreck eil ship of state. And Ibero scorn uonu willi will and utrousth To uvc ber te .m ber awlul fslol Dat thou, lea |o .1 ie linage, llwu Wiitin Iby lofty placo abide, And manya manly li cai! will bow wi,i le gel nj; au a nagi H'M prido; And while bin hallowed salios Ho ?i i Abu- beneath old Ashland's Bod, Ono gozo at til cn should funicUfy Our hoares to country ana to Ood. We look ou' thee, wc took on thee, I'runu. H billie, glorious and sublimo, And j earn aa ll by ni lgie (leo And lea-, c ?B lu bin grind old time I Oil, be wu boru to bless our race Ai ages altor OQC? roll ,,. Wo seo tba linage of lils face firth boa no mingo of bis soul I Proud Blaluot If thc nation's lifo, Fer which ho lolled through nil bis yearn, Mint vanl -h in our wicked HI rile, And leave bat groans, and blood and tears, lt all to ni ii rc hy he given, Anil ruin all ?ur limit assail, lin'11 turu away lila eyes in ?leaven. And o'er theo wo will e.t thy vail. yt'rom the liottm Journal.? Vital Statistics or nluasacltusctts. Tho roport of Hon. Oliver Wartier, Secretary of Htrtlo, on tho let tiru of births, marriagoa omi dent hs ill Massachusetts; tor tho yest' lt?li?, has boen laid bcfoTO thu Leg eil nt ii iv. Tho number nf births and deaths are lusa than thosu in L-. il. but tho nuinboi' of marriages won Inrgoly iiiercusud. Tho decrease iii tho number ot' births waa doubtless owing to tho nbsunco of 33,001) men in tho miny tho year uoftiro, and tho change in tito returns of tho comparative number of marriages and dcutli i was ns cluuiiy duo to tho rolurn of iv lacgo proportion uf tho soldiers belo, o Ibo venr was uver. In tho thickly populated towna ninl cities thu ratio uf births t? the wholo number of i was greater than in thu rural di?tiiets, mid of purely American parentage tbei e wera Ll'.?Vii child i on burn, nud of purely fur oign 11,190. Tho relative iucreasu uf foreign lei tbs ii, ho'.vevur, less at tho pr?sent linio than tor tho ten years preceding ; au oiled to somo extant of tho otiack of the war uu iuunigration. Tho i etui ICI show clearly thu ? upenor l'ecttndity of the foreign ulumout in our population. In I6Y1O, from tho 1)70,952 natives in tho Coniinonwealtli 13 299 cliddien wero born, and from tho 'Jtil),ill foreigners 17,702 children. lu 18G5 tho relations Wcro rorcrsod, nud tho furoigu children iiiiiuhorcd 15,558 cud tho nativo only ll, um, though there was mill a great oxcoss of tho native element in thu aggregate population. Thosu ligures inoludo tho births from mixed and "not dated" parentage, wlitoh aro d v:ded bolwcon tho purely nativo anti ' purely furoign, according .1 tho ratio or thoso classes. Thu Secretary remar..6 thal it should not bo inferred that tho ratio ur excess of births among tho foreignurs soitlud in our largo towna over tho natives of Massachusetts is likuly to load tinnily to an extinction Ol tim American "eli itue 111, . since lt is extremely probable that tho foreign deaths also aro in similar ratio. Tho wholo mun ber uf krills in 18115 waa 30,219, or one child to ovarv 41.89 persons. Twins boru during tho venr, 317o; triplots, 15; illegitimate, 27; avid stillborn, 8?9. Tho liurriigo returns show Um', nut only did thu returning soldi ors mako baste to wed. but that an unusual numb ur ot young widows, relicts of men who full early in tho war, were married rt second timo. TliO'Whiile number of marriages wa? 1:1,0 ,1 Ot tho parlies 10,583 wcro bachelors and. 9798 maids, 2381 widowers and 1723 widows. Tho ave iago OK? at tko tir?t, marriage with men was 2G.4 yoars, and willi women 22.3. Onu mau was mai - ried for thu tilth ti mo, and 18 uiodo a fourth ex? periment in tho hymeneal lottery. . TLjo nlilriber nf deaths WOK 2G,lf?2. Tl 1 in in 2371 loss linn in 1804, und 1599 less than in 18?3, though alill 10?S abovo tho average fur tho Rvo years from ISliO to 1305. Tho whole number of Massachusetts soldiers who aro known to bavo died in rebel pripotls is 2132, Thia, probably, is notait, on Hie nantes or many suldiers thus'por tsbod WOrO not recurded. Amung causes or death, consumption still heads tho list, 4001, or leia pur cent, of nil tho deaths happening from it. A uuioutillu classification of thu disensos shows that Svmoticjliaolscs siuud lirat, with 8219 fatal cases ; - tho conaWtulloittU' HUI ; Inc il 0198 ; tho dovclip moutal 1215 ; and of violeut deaths thoro wara 930. In relative healthfulness Rurnslnblo is lirst of tho count ie-, Hoi iud ni 11 next, '? then Franklin and Hampden, Humpshiro eighth, and Suffolk last. Prom limit rd rolurtiH of tho city of lindo.1, tho Secretary concludes that tho mortality tburo among Ibo foreign dais is as excossivo as their jocundity, and that tho samo lad cou bo provuu of all the cities mid towns of tho commune,caltb. ' > TI?e Ne iv Citizens. Tho following from tho Now York Commercial Atlcer,uer,-ot Friday, is DistrucUvc : . wno' AHE TO nu; VOTES OF TILE v-nn-rv. SIEN7 Tue an aw er lo tb 01 ii ilpili y m md BtlggOBt itself tOO oin 1 um-ly to require a in 01 nenin sig um ont.' For tho emancipated slaves to volo for any porty 1 int that to which thuy uro indebted fer their froc dpin, would bo us unwise os ungrateful. Tho loast - informad n-oontj tho freedman are espablo ol dis? criminating' bet wi en friends and enemies. What we object tho eagerness ahuwn by Radical leaders to cheapen miltmgo and demoralize elco - ' tiona hy tim immediato introduction of musses of persons who. OH Greeley's Appeal admits, aro "ig? norant of tho m cans by which suflrage is ex? pr?s sod." ? .. ...i ' >> The fjueBtlon of Southern nog i o nuttrago should - bo dealt with hy statoamcn, in connection -.vit 1 tho " trn? ?uler?ala nud welfare of tho country. The indecent basto which charactcrizca tho movement ',,of Prcaidonllal' aapirantu, is calculated to alarm 'und disgust thoughtful minds. Thcro aro many things vastly moro im|K>rtant to tho frccdmon than the. ballot.' Nar ls it with 1 deronco to his welfare that ttl? Groeleys and tho Kelleys aro yelling fur "universal negro sultragc." These relleetious ara suggested by a lotter from Louisiana published]!) tho Philadelphia (Rjpubli . can)'Inquirer, giving what passed between a rc gisteriiig olliccr atilt a freedmen : ? 'Twlay 1 ir?? ut tho legistrar's office, v, hero 1 learned tunt over 1100 names had been recorded. While I Hun o a squad ol colored mt n called in and Ibo usual document read to them. Ono of the 1 mintier Was thou e died up to tho di eb: "What is your nanto, sir ?" "Sicily Johnson." "How do you spoil your first nomo V" "Don't know, masao." "Wli?io wcro you born ?" "Don't know, miBSo." "How'old aro you I" ? "1 'specks lou about forty yoars, massa." .?'How do you know that V' "Be.tso tin man on du stops told mo ho 'specks Faff forby, and I 'specksso too." (lio was certain? ly ovor sixty.) "Can you road or wrilo 71' "No, massa." "Whcro do you livo ?" "Dowd hero on tho bin" (bayon). Tho candidato fur ettiaUliablp was directed to hold up his right hand, when tho oath was adm i n isterou, in rospulikO to which ho constantly ro peatod, "Yea, massa," "Yrs, massa." Tho dork then mid : "Can you repeat lo mo any thing I boro just said to you?" "No, mnsaa." "Doyon know what I did say to you?" "No, massa." Tho applicant for registration thon modo his mark, received hie certitlcato, and deported n "citizen." This is ono evidence of tho general ignoranco of tbd blacks-tho 1 reed mun. The Hoax about the Pennie? of 1808. About tho first < f April RIuno ono started a re? port Iii tit tho nickel couts of 1858, contai ni og tho "aproad eagle," which was BO extensively criticized ana ridiculed at tho limo tl tho issue, hod bocomo vory acareo, owing to tho fact that tho Government was calling thom hi, in consequence of a mistjko having boen modo in tho alloy, by which their value was greatly enhanced. lt was oeaurtod that tho amount of gold nacd in tho alloy modo tho coin worth about twenty-flvo conle. Hvorylwdy began examining their pocket-books, tills, Ac, anti it w os generally bu lt id that the 1 oin was quito plo n I v. Handrads of thuin havo been gathered toge tl 1er, ?nd tho search still continue?. Woobsorvohy sumo of oor exchanges that these indefatigable rollo bunters aro now endeavoring to moko salo of their colluctloiia, and lind it an up-hill business, nf tho nickol issue of 1856 is worth no moro than tho faeo, ono cool.- An enterprising lady residing in Phila? delphia is asid to hare collected no less limn 600 of tho pennies rcforrcd to, aud carried thom to ' the ts ul for exchange, and ead indeed wan her disappointment on finding that she was tho victim of imaplaood con ll de nco, and that I mr bright antici? pations of gain woro not tobo realized-tho officers of.tho mint declining to laka thom at all. An editor in West Cheater published tho Btatuinonl that the pennies worn actually worth twenty-flvo cents apioco, when ono of his subscribers sont in . tom* ot Ibo promium-boaring co nts to him, with a I request to havo ono dollar credited to his account for sabaorintion. : This was moro than thu too . erode.leim editor had bargaiood for when bo mode w: 1 tim ?tilemont; and ho was compelled to como out : ' In.rbli next number and ackuowlodgo that bo 1 'knew nothing whatever on tho subject pf tho pre - ! miara; that ho had found tho slaloment afloat iu ?liotror newspaper, and printed it withont know? ing anything at all about it, and ho waahed hts hafirl? of tba wholo affair. In short, the bubblo has bm stol, und "11 ie le'H Willi tho nag lo" will no doubt toon c? a so to to hunted and hoaxaod. Thc Boltd Men of Gotham, The Kew York correspondent Of the Hoi ton Pop gives tho following returns of incomes as reliable. A. Ti Stewart, king o? tho dry gooci? market, ex? ists (his lifo is peculiar) on $730,802. Wm. li. Dodge, who got James Drooka out ot Congress, at n pretty heavy oxpenuo, cots ulong comfortably on an incomo of $177.187. Ilia ?on, Win. E. Dodge, Jr., President of tho Young Mon s Christian Asso? ciation, m anu?;; a to tako caro of lilmsult OU $33, 030. James Ourdou Kennett mado $112,yo7 last year by scudding about on tho political sea. Sona lor B.D. Morgan netted $85,214 out of his iner cantilo bunao lu Exchange "la?e. George 1)1 ?HS U rival of Claflin and Rtownrt in the wliolesalo dry gouds trade, cleared $185,0PJ. Oeorgo W.'Heck or, of,tho famous Hour mill, mado $10<J,8jl. August, bank ur, turf-putiun end Chair? man'of t)io D?mocratie National Commit leo, hud ileO.OUl wboruwlth to niaiutain hw ele? gant mansion. Kb os 8. Higgins, carpet manufac? turer, gael tax on 1317,H17. Marshal O. Roberta i-itdu $74,500 uut of bis steamohipa. Wm. ll. Astur, who owns moro real estate, than any oilier mau in Now York, hud au iucomo of $081,210. IV ter Lor? in a rd, of tho pioneer tobacco house of America, re? ceived $212,000 from real catato omi business. Ea gouo Kully, banker, or Now York and Han francis? co, returned $112,783: Haran Slovens, famous for hotel enterprises, cleared $132,035. A. A. Jt J. O. Low, of tho bouso of Low Brothers, returned re? spectively $120,850 and $212,732. Arnold, Constable A Co., dry goods merchants iii Canal utro.t, had a good your's husmo -s. Aaron Arnold's income was $283,71)0; Hiehard Arnold's $131,2J0; J nines M. ('ob? st abie's, $130,010. Moses Taylor, at tho hoad of tho steamship business, made $316,407. Uundrods or others had inclines averaging from $75,000 to $150,000, but 1 linvu only niuutimiod Hmso whoso names uro known throughout thc country. Of the saun, class, whoso incomes were merely moderate, I may narnu thu foi lins aug : John J. Cisco, $51,523; W. P. Earle, $32.715; Hotelier Hnrpcr, $39,143; Daniel Lord, $18,558; W. il. Appleton, $53,031; Franchi H. Cutting, $41,050; Cuan. Delmonico, $30,281; Coo. Wilkes, $12,220; (J. S. Appleton, $31,000; Lo i,rand U. Connor, $10,045; Ocnrgo I/iv., $20,777; Lloyd Aspiuwall, $10,000; Siuclair Tommy, $17,350; John J. Astor, $15,007; Eruucio Leland, $12,071; W. H. Vanderbilt, $23,070. In tue majority of install?e i tho incomes aro fifty pur cent, below thoa o ol last year, and sumo lihou a deed.mi of three hundred per cout. All tho hankel u and speculators re tu rn 1 incomes, whilo tho roturas mado by merchants show a great falling elf. Fruin present indications there will bo a gloater declino next year. COMMEBO EAL. Kx porte. ?ALTIMORE-Por sehr Hester Waaliburn-130,000 foci Lawed Lumbar, 23,000 fe- t Flooring lluardjl. lin I ll Ul lento ll I ill lon PI ni Kel. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, I OUAnLKitTOM, Monday Evening, Juno 3, 1807. I Thora waa au activo dcuiaud al about Ibo rates of tho day belora, ?alca SOS biles ; say Ital IE, 4 st 21. 21 al 22, M at 211,', 9$ at 23, C stS3>? 30 at 23,Ci, 2 al a.-,, 122 at 2?.S, IS al 2?, ll at 27. Wo <iuoto : Low Mi.Mini/.33 ,Mi.I liing.2d Strict Middling.i7 'n u III I. IUK market. NEW O II LEANS, May 20.-Curroy-Tho movement in-day has buen toward increased Inaction. Tho supply V, na light und meagrely us ,uru .1, with a decido I hulls poslliun ou Ibu pan ol huyere lu como forward, uulcsa at concussion* luau laclora, wbtlo tho titler, ou Dio other hand, lu view of Ibo uucuurngUjg tune of Ibo Liverpool advices, uianilcstuil uo desire wluilnrcr tu accept oihor iii in lull prices, ilene,., tho day's transactions bsvo been ul a res?nete i character, amounting at tho close lo barely ICIO bali u, ten brokers participating In tim business. Wu li ii e na . Ululions Ul r< port ill ].flees, tile Hal ea CU*. Civil being at ligures within me range of last evening's quota? tions, wblcU were us hollows : UnUuary, 20>2lc; ll coil Uriliunry, ?U./i.J.Sc; Low Middling, 24S02?C, aud Mid il bi.; 2Gc lt ls Hardly necessary tu add tliat thu uiisatls factory p -it.o.i ut sterling uxchaugo vxurcbiul au in lluuuco m trier uuiavoruUlo to extended operations, i i \ i cui N i os' corrow. Stock un hand .SopI Ul, 1S00. .bales.. 102,032 ltecoived to-day. IUD ltocclveil previously.732,013-733,10a tte-iei Exported to-day.nona Lipo nul previously.713,802-743,803 Stock.on kana.1)1,382 tl bore havo not been any exporta of cotton for two Jaye. .suomi AND MOLASSES.-Only 10 Ibis Sugar and 3 bbla elstern bottom have been received from tbs coast sluco \ . ii. nt ie.. No Molataua. Tho season for thu domestic productlun is over, and only a few hbda of Sugar weru mill to-day at 12u per lb for lair, and ci.1'ai3y,c for yel? low eui iiinl. 'Hiera ia not tung duiug lu Cuba Sugar or Molasses. i n MN the mar let is il nil and prices aro a little easier' for buyers, though witbuutany quotabls declino. There s iles tc-day of lu,7IM0 Barks, ol which 2.">00 white and yellow un m.I at*l 17ii, 100 while mixed, lino mixed, COO du, aud lil.) do at el 20 per bushel. 1200 yellow and whitu tl 20*35, lUOO wbllo m i. .: at SI 21, 800 white, asuudo, and 1000 ut fl 33 is r bushel FnmutiTS-Wo havo ngatn In note a dull freight market. Tho rates aro lc por lb fur cotton by stearn tor New York and Hinton, %c fur Philadelphia, .steam for Now York aud Huston, ?. c per sack for com, Ooo per bbl for Hour, aud fd lor Dork. Btoatn lot Liv. rpool, :,.l lor cotton, will i,d, for Havre 1 Sc. lin it haine Market. BALTIMORE, May 31.-CoTTOK.-Holders were firmer to-day, ,(lioii/li lhere la y e. y llltlo activity on the pan uf buyers; Wa notice thc sale of a email tut low middling at | 20 rents, and alric middling, which ls scarce, lu M finn , at J7>; COIltS per Corrie.-'Ibo mt.kit is quiet; wc bav.ionly to i otico sales uf 123 bans punic aud coon e. Ititi nt 1 s '.nl's S cculu, gold; low grades very dulL Stock of Itlo tu Diet bauds ic,.XIII ba??. I i.ooi. -Wo m.tii e sales lo day of 300 blois City Hills Spriig Wheat Super ot $10 75; 125'bbla Northwestern Extra, good, al ia 60; 100 bbla Howard struct do, choice, flt 33. Tho Diirkot clu9?d very flat, with plenty nf aullers, bat uo buyers, iu anticipation of a further d?? chue lu prices. Wu repeat our quota tiona of yesterday, though mostly non,mu), as follows : Unwarit-slrcul Sliper auu Cut Extra...$10 25 Sill 73 lion ard-slr. ct Extra Shipping. 13 0U (ul 13 60 Howard-street High lira.les. 13 73 lo) U 60 Howard-street Futility. l(i 00 @ 16 60 .Ohlu Super and Cut lixlra.ll CO ? li ? uno retuning. 00 00 (?a 00 ou Ohio Family. 15 00 (fli ll! 00 Northwestern Super. 00 00 <*, vu i-> Northwestern Exlra. 13 60 @ 13 23 City Mills Super. ll 00 tullin City Mills, Staudard Extra. 13 50 @ 13 60 Cily Mills sin ppm;: brands Extra. 16 00 (3 10 ia) lialliniure, Welch's, Ureoiilluld and Wcvcrton l am hy. IS 00 @ 00 00 Hal Union high grads Extra..17 OJ (a) 17 60 ilya Flour, now. H 60 M 8 75 Corn Meal. City Mills. 5 60 fol 6 70 OiUlK-Wheat was oxcccdiugly Ima v y to-day ? no buy? ers except at a matahil dccilnu on former quotations. Tho off. rings were milli, only COO 1.nabots white aud red; sates also limited, lucliidbig primo Marylsud wbito | at ta 'is, and fair to j ood red at $3 7Sa3. Corn-Kc cclepta 10.200 bushels wbltoSaid 10,000 bushels yellow; market uml, sod prices declined 3a3 cents per bm tu 1 ; Included m tho sales woro 5000 rustirla good and prime whits ut il rill 13; 3000 busbola mixed at ?1 10; 1200 bunin ls Inferior wbllo at Hal 03; l'Juo buahcla yellow at $1 18; subsequently SOOUiSOuO bushels do at tl 10; snd 1000 bushels Weah rn mixed at tl 10. Oats-3500 bush? els offered, with sales of 13. u bushels good to primo at BUaSJ eta: and UO bushels inferior st 76 cents. No re? ceipts or eales of Rye. II AV AM) STUAW-'Ibero la very little doing in tho fanner article, and wu quote nominal at isa gio for baled Timothy. Ryo straw ls lu demand at (30*32 per U.U. M m. i Far.s - 8 iure our last weekly review so rue 700 bbla j Cuba liavo boen takeu lo account fur bolting, i took to? day 141 hbda. 17 tics and 30 bbla Cuba, just arrived; 06 Illida Porto Rico, aud 514 bruis English Island; quota? tions nominally unchanged. PnoviaiOiB-Tho market la Headily maintained for ali descriptions. Mess Pork ia lu vary light supply, and finn at ?23 60323 76 per bb). Hulk Moats ara offered bul I sparingly, and mostly to arriva. We notice Ibo salo of 60 oinks clear rib liaron Bide?, in one lot, at l?,V, eli; from Jobbers la lola we quote bacon fchouldors, city smoked, at luiP)', cu; rib bides 12a 12S cts; ?loar rib do 12.'; eta; liane, lilli eui for plain and sugar-cured, aa to quality. Lard 13 eta for City, ami 13Salli;; cts for West? ern-outsldo tor retail lots. Rica-Is quiet and without quotable change, vis : Carolina held at llal3 cents, and liangoon at OSaOyi cts per lb. Sea Alu-Wo notice a quiet market, but holden aro finn ; Cn. only axle lr -day was 25 bilda Uomarar* vacuum nan on piivuto terms. Slock to-dy 1843 hints mut lull haies Coba; 6719 hhds Porto Rico; 1433 hbda k na li ak Islam), sud 357 hhds Martinique; quotations same aa yesterday. SILT.-With mod orate demand from dealers wo repeat last quotations, viz: For Livcipoe! Ground Alum $3 10a 3 20, and do lino ?3 10a3 20 per sack. Turk's Island 58a CO cents per bushel for lots from Blore. Wuisxix-Continues quiet und prices nominal as be? fore reported, at l)3a35 couta per gall ou for lots la bond. Pi civ Yoi k Market. XION KY lt A tl K KT. Tho Now York Evening Pott ot Friday, May 31aL says : Tho loan market ls easy at Cad per conL Commercial paiior ia quiet at o ',?7. rnonncE MAH BET, NE . YORK, May 31-FLOUR, Ac-Thc markot for Western snd stato F.our ia unsettled. Parlies compel? od lo soil havo lakon off 25a50c per bbl, but many houses have withdrawn their samples from Ibo market. Tho aalca aro SSO0 bbla at to 65all 60 lor Superfine Slate; 111 00x13 35 forEatrs Mitti SH 0.1x12 30 for thc low gradea of spring wheat Weston! Extra; $13 20a 13 35 for shipping ublo; $13 coal 1 25 for trade and family brands of Ohio, Mlcuigan and Indiana; and $14 2&al7 00 for St Lonls extras. California Hour la lower. Bales 3300 bbla at tuc; 23, ind tl2al3 50 for unsound. Canadian flour la lower and dull. Bales of 100 bbla at I H3 DCalt 25 for the low (?rodos ol eqtro, and $11 I. alfi for trade and family lironda. Southern flour is ?Iso lower and heavy. Ka -f 150 I bbla al til 75.11 J 60 for common to fair ballimore and I country extras, and $13al6 85 .for trade and family brands. Rye floor la unchanged. Sales of 400 bbla al $8 25a 3 40. Corn meal ls shady. Hales of COO bbts, at 15 80 for city and $0 25 for Fairfax. Onus-Tim inarkot ls much lowor, and prices aro en? tirely nominal. Millers aro disposed to hold off. Tho sales nro 7500 bushels at $3 35 for No 3 Chicago (pring; ti 7b for No 1 MUwaukao club, and $3a3 10 for wbllo California. Harley ls unchanged. Bales of 76G0 bush ubi of Canada Wost, free, at $1 35. Darlby malt ia steady, with talos of 4000 bushels at $1 50al 65. Oata ara mach lower and quito heavy, alia uah s aro 43.000 bushels Western st $3a84>?c; State al 88c? Penn? sylvania and Southern at HT. ssc. Rye ls rallier lower. Solea of WOO bushels western at $1 70*1 7?. Cora ls Irregular, prices well mu tallied, whilo ell ls lower. Tho inquiry ia moderato and la mainly for local consumption. Tito axles oro 80.000 bushels now western mixed al $1 17a! lt), at railroad depot and delivered; old mixed at $> 27al 30; aouuiorn while at $1 2lal 35; southern straw colored at tl 21. l'BOVisioss-Tko pork markot bes boon fairly active at rather bettor rates, cloalng steady. For futuro delivery wo bear of 500 bbla mess, buyer June, at $33 70. Tho taloa, cash and regular, arr 2500 bbla at $23 for old mc A? ; $33 25a33 ST t, for now do; $33 30*33 ir/ij for eily mess. fellocf ls quiet bal Arm. Balea of 50 bbla at tlSalA for c nn inmi to fair plain mess; tlGa'j 1 for good to choice do, and t2la35 for extra do. Tierce beef la nominal. Beef bama aro dull and nominal. Bales of 50bbla on pr?valo terms. Cal meats are steady. Bales of 350 pigs at ?Mas!;o for dry ashed shoulders, tho Inside- rate below Uia mar? kot, tad 13>?o for pickled barns. lue u is steady but quiet. Sales of 50 boxes long :lcar at ll\c ? ? . Lard la nominally unchanged. Salas of iso bbls and les st 131?iiaS'c for Nu 1 ; iajial3o for city; JSalSlio for fair to prime steam, and lQKo for small Iota do. BCTTKO- Is dull and heavy. We anote as follows; aovbou and Orange county pftlla, per lb. 80o? ?late nr- I kins good to prircf. 2Ss: state, hilf flrklBf medium to tirtmo. 26*37o: elate, firkins, common and fair, Kalie; I laka, Welsh tabs, I. lr to prime, lflaaOc; western reserve, .ooo to choice, 2Ja24o; western rcfterrr. common to joe a, iji20o; northern Pennsylvania, UtfJe. i II ?^??^aag'H'giggBfci cu t tit- I? quiet ?nd bf ?TY. VT? quote now M fol' Iv-i.'i; jute fectory, good to choice, per lb, 170; ?Uto actory, fair to good, lJelGot state factory, common to iriiuo, llal6o; Vermont Outr ; ltlr lo. good, lledte; >bio, prliuc, l'Jsloc; Ohio, common, Cai'ic; pineapple, louise Oorrtit-flUo J? bul; lu moderato doinand, but holders I ire firm.' ' ' Cornil?-Tba msrkct ls strong. Tho domsnd ls not rory brisk. We quote st UT Ko for middling uplands sud tH)io tor do Now Orleans anil Tuxes. HAT-Tho rcc'ipta continuo fsir, and Ibo domsnd bo? ng ouly moderate, prices are hoary. Wo quote at ?1 60a 183 for shipping, and al KOal for ratall lota. llore-Aro firm and in good demanu for home coo lumpUon. Wo quote at from 2Ua40aB0c, aa to growth md quality, MOLJLWHS-Ia without chango. ll. j RICE-Tho demand ls fair and tho market steady. lalee vf Carolina at 12x12.1? cents, and Rangoon al 9>?a is? rente. UuuAJt-Raw silgara aro lu good demand and steady, talca of Cuba al lujral t ire. WKIBKJ.I-Tho market Ls niora active, kialoa of 1300 ibis ni :i6c, lu bond, fur western. i'in uiiii?-Tho engagement ? to liverpool by steamer iro 77,000 bushels peae at a >, ; ?00 bales compressed cot ou at 3-lOd, and 200 boxes bacon at 20a. To London, 100 ona oil cako al 19s Od. To llrlatol IOU tons hoary g oods in private to rms. A small vessel with 1300 bbls polro euin to Croustsdt al Ss Od, and a vessel to Naplos and lonoa, with tobacco, on private timm. .'otton Mnrkete and Cotton Manufjctures. MANCHESTER, Ms, 10.-Tho market continuos very tcoly, bul haa been ?omowhat tamor to-day, and tho up rard tendency of prices has hardly boen au marked. Yuma, both for export and for homo UKO, remain iron;-, but buyers aro rather slackening oil lu their In luirles, und tho amount of business doing bas suuiuwhat uoderutcd. The dolli inarkot cxhlblls little chango. A quiet bust .ess Is all that ls doing, bul Bloodiness generally pro raJlt. A private telegram from tho Calcutta firm of a Man hostur house hes boen received aa follows : "t'ocertv. May lt_Market dull; louranuaa docllno. .'otlou. ti \d pur lt), cost, freight aud Insurance." A telegram fruin lloinuay to Ilia asmo dale reports a I ;ood Oomoo J. 71b shirtings. Gr 'ix The subjoined extract of a private letter from Now fork, from n very roliublu Biiurec, doaling as lt (looa with ' ho present poslUou of the New York cotton markol, tba j iroepccls oi the next crop, aaa the price at which A mer eau cuttou can now bu grown with profit, will bo of hi? eres! : Contradi for April gava us an ephemeral doroind In otu i H on Saturday and Monday, aud holden got a tro uendoita advance lu mlddUug gradea under tho cxdUag io AH from your side. Yesterday all waa changed ; no d er? inn] u; middlings lj;o dowu, and lower grades fully ac; luolalious given in our slip aro too high by Ko for a fow iler modo ut thu close yesierday, I hu fact Ia that M must narrow and very bau lu this country; and broad ?rowing dearer shows Huit wo cannot look for better lungs unlit good harveata ara ensured. Hence if Ibo :ottou crop proiulsuj to > iota what bas been planted for i}i millions), holdem will sell freely; aud wo may ship 176,000 balen inoro to your aldo by tho middle ol hoptcni ncr. Our spin nura will glvo Uttlo holp In Ibo way of buy iug cotton. it Booms io us ihal with uvuu 2y? IIIIIUUUB for our uoxt j .rup. there ls enough cotton produced now for current jouaumptlon al Od to 10d per lu in Liverpool, 6d per lb f * b lu tho southern ports will glvo tba planter lt to loo per lb net for Ibo average ot hts crop, and as tho nogrooa erork thia year, thia will pay him woll, and lead to a Larger product hereafter. 181 buh H Colton, 10 bales Yarn, 33 bales Waste, 21 bbls Spirits and 2:1 bbls Crudo Turpentine, tl bbls Rosin, 1 car Cattlo, 1 cir Marbi?, and Suudrios. To R It Agc street uros A Co, ll 1? Hussey, Ulbberi Jk Co. E U lb ??ora A Co, E J Wies A Co, I! N Averill A son, Willis A: Obtsoliu, J li Auger A Co, M Uoklamlth fe Sou, Adams, Frost A Co, Mrs Suowdeu, Mullet, Uuchet A: Co, A lt co? llison A Co, O E rritcbclt, Ulsoy es Eeuyon, W Pltxcll, J Cunipscn A Co, Chisohu liras, U U Uiipi>ock. I'asscnscis. Per steamer Eliza Hancox, from Savannah, via Beau? fort nod Ulllon Head-Miss A WsiUaw, J II Dopplah, M tirai, N Eminuo', Mn Wiidur, A J wilder, J L Reddish, J KucHter, F Kuestor, W Knight and Lady, ("ant Uroalisb, Mrs Scrautuu, A King, F A illcknou, L N Dunaldsuu, E ll Nickol?, C lt Wright, J a Ihumpsou, (i W Ely, sud 10 deck. ~~ PORT CALENDAR, j COIU1ECTEU WEEE1.T. riiABEs or TUC MOOS. Now M. Sd, 9b. sim. morn I Full M. lOth.llb. 31m. ovon First Q. tltii, lb. 17m. mom | Last g. 26Lb,0h. Om. morn 3 Monday_ * I'Tiicsdar_ 61 Wednesday U Tbursdisy.., 7|Friday. .... 8 Saturday., tl -i und .iv.... 4. .83 4. .63 4, .63 8. .31 9. .3. 10..18 ll..10 Morn. 12.. 4 MARINE NEWS^ I? O U T OP CHARLESTON. Arrived Yntrniay. Sehr E J Palmer, i'.diner. Un Iii m o re, 3,'; days from tho city. Corn and Mdze. To P P Locke, R lt Agent, Holmes fe CsMer, Jeffords & Co, R H McDowell. J Prca?, ley, C 1) Franke, J U Uravcr, J Yon Hollen, C N Averill Ar Son, Klmek. Wickcnbcrg & Co, U M Butler, J & J D Kirkpatrick, J E UV vin, West te Jones. MI earner ?liza Hancox, Richardson, Savannah via Hil? len Hoad and neunter;. Mdze. To Ferguson At Holmes. Sloop Amoila, Roberta, Aahcpoo. 8 balea 8 I Cotton. To W C Bco A Co, J R Pringle, Kanepaux, Lannuau A: Co. Cleared Yesterday. Sehr Dexter Waabburn, Harkness, IUltluioro-J A Ens low te Co. Went to Rea Yesterday. Sehr Y m?o. Muon, Jackson viii ce Scbr Holden Hate, Dlsidaud, Philadelphia. Hohr My rover, liughee, Wilmington, N C. LIST OP vr>sr.i,s . CP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREION. LIVEIU-OOI. Br bark Fille do l'Air. Evans, ?ailed.May 14 Sldp It C. Winthrop, Stewart, up.May 4 Ship Amelia, Cunncr, sailed..'.March 28 Vho Tryphonla, UanllUg, Failed.May 8, EMU. Ship Annie Kimball,-, up...;.-.May ll Thu J Coming, Uookawuy, ?ulled.Apnl 10 DOME8TIO. Horro!?. Brig James Miller, Pendleton, cleared.May 23 Clin. Whitney Long, Hayes, aaUeil.May 25 i .dir Beinen. Parsons, cleared.May 23 lehr Maina Law, Johnson, up.May 23 BAKOOB, ME. lehr NelUo Treat, Trim, dearcd.May 20 MEW roar. lehr R G Evans, Hammond, cleared.May 27 ?chr S B hi ni tb. WUllama, rjBarcd.May 26 ie hr U P Cuahlug, Wood, dearcd.May 26 lehr tilly, Francis, up.May 27 lehr Wanota. Hawkins, up.May 27 ic hr Miranda, Hardy, cleared.May 29 ruiuioEij'uia. Ichr J N Raker, Adams, cleared.May 7 ! tchr S R Thomas, Arnold, dearcd.May 22 lehr John A OriQln, Foster, cleared.May 24 j nALTiatotiE. Ichr Danlol Chase, Mitchell, Up.May 29 I ichr Msgglo E dray. Pillsbury, cleared.May 30 EXCELSIOR ! EXCELS 10 if ! CHASTELLAR'S HAIR EXTERMINATOR, Por Removing Superfluous Ilsa tr, IVO THE LADIES ESPECIALLY, THIS INVALUABLE depilatory lccommende Itself aa being nu almost In tlspcnafblo article, to female beauty, ia cully applied, Iocs not burn or injure tba akin, but acta directly on the ?ola. It ia warranted to remove superfluous hair from ow foreheads, or from any part of thc body, completely, dally and radically extirpating tho aanio, leaving the ikin Bolt, smooth and natural. Thia ia tba only article isod by tiio French, and le tho only real eOoctual depila ory in existence?, i'rlco 76 conta per package,' poet aid lo any ml dre es, un receipt of nu order, hy Il F U( .KU, SUUTTS Al CC, Che mia ts, March 30 ly No. 28A ltlvor gt., Troy, N. Y. PUBLIC NOTICSS. OFFICE OF CITY TREASURY. 1 Jannary 3, IH<7. J PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEliEIlY GIVEN THAT UNI) li li Ilia following Ordinance Licenses havobcen pre parvo or delivery rm m this otu co. S. THOMAS. City Treasurer. SEO. 1. lit it Ordained by the Mayor and Aldtrmtntn fity Council aittmbled. That from 'and after the first das >f January, li cunase shall be taken out for all carla, drey' nd wag on?, used for private and domestic purposes, tn ho samo manner, and according to tho same provision? low of force In relation to carte, drays and wagons, latin riven .for hire, except giving bonds. And each auch ort, dray or wagon, shaU bo provided willi a badge eon sining tho number thereof, nud marked Privait, to w ilaced on the outside of the abaft. Sro a. No person shall ba taken by tho Treasurer ar uroly lo any bond und or the Ordinance oont-tirnlng ll cusca for curta, drays, wagons and other carnages, un? ana bo or abo bo a freeholder. SEO. 3. The following ehall hereafter be tba rate? loi .censes for public and private carla, drays, wagons, Ac. adiidlug tba hordes or mujee used thereof, which slier ie fran from other taxation: OH!.Ti: ('A HTS, 1IBATB, ETC., OB THOSE lUrlOTID nf AK1 nuBiNEim, ron IURE innrer OB iHniEuarr. For every cart, dray or wagoo, drawn by ona horse ol ania. ?20. For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two horeoaor anice, 830. For every hack and carriage with two wbeole, $20. For every hack and carriage with four wheels, tn). For ovcry stage or omnibus (except lino omnibus rilli two horaoe, ?60. For every stag o or omnibus (except line omniuoa, Irawn by four horsoi, (00. For every truck drawn oy two or moro horses or mule? co. For every espross wagon drawn by two or moro hom s ir mules, ?00. rt P. KID CASTS Airo rai VATS CASTS, CHATS, ITO. For every broad carl or wagon, IA. For every cart, dray or wagon, uaed for private or do. nestle purposes, and not to be employed tn tho trans ?rtlng nf gooda, wareo, merchandiao, lumber, or any thor commodity, for componsaUon, either directly oi ndtrocUy lor the same, shall pay for a License tho sam cl A, exclusive of the horse or mule. Ratified In City Connell, this 16th day of January, IL. a.) In tba year of our Lord one thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-six. P. 0. G Ali.I.Ann, Mayor. By the Mayor. January 3 _W. H.JIMlTI?\J7kffk of Council. NOTICU. OFFICE OF THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE, 1 CUABXESTO*, 8. C., May 2J, 1808. I PARAGRAPH IJ. O.- ORDINANCE TO REGULATE the "Cleansing of Prislesand Vaults," forbids the iso of barr?le in oj en carte and wagona, and parties ap lylng for Uconao aro required to provide closed carte allable for the purpose. AU persona, therefore, who 'tu-pose baking Jobs of the kind, ero hereby required to ring their carts lo main g mud house for Inspection be ;ro applying for license. C. H. BIO WALD, May 24_imo_Captain of Police. NOTICIE. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE,) OiiABiaUTOlt, S. C.. May 4,1847. I rK REGULAR INSPECTION OF THE LOTS AND Indosures, vanita. Ita, Hill commen?a on Monday ext, 6t (run. Owners and occupants ere hereby reqoired 3 eoe that their premise? ?re la good condition and that ll filth and garbage Ia removed ? required by Ordl anco. Other ina poe Ilona will follow. By ord cr of Mayor BaXxJJLaVO C. B. (HG WALD. Chief cf Polio*. MI8CEUANE0US, OLD ESTABLISHED DIU li STORK Ii. H. KELLERS & CO., (I.ATI". JPI1IN ?3* DOUN) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door ubovo Market HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LABOE ADDITIONS lu thu ix usual stock of puro and frosh DRUGS 2 . MEDICINED' DYS STUFF? EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY QOODS FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDER i POMADES COSMETICS COURS DltUBHKS EXTHAOIH. Ac. Comprising IUTOICCS I rom tho most reputable inonu facturer*. On band, all tho principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER, JAYNE, II A LL, CHEV ALIE?, DAVIS, YVTtlUHT, HOLLOWAY, Ac. Viso. I lartju SHsorliuont of SUBOICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE BAO H MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA OOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DE801UPTION. Cir oat attention ts paid to tho Importation and soloc tion of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and nono other aro altowoJ to go out of tho Establish? ment. PRESCRIPTIONS compouudo? with accuracy, mid iii o public cnn depend ou thc utmost reliability in tho execution of orders. E. ll. KELLERS, lil. U DAER, U.II March?_ OUDINANCH. rpHE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS PUBLISHED JL for tho lutorinatlon ol all coLcorned : AH OIU1IKAHCBTO Uto0 LSIE rnK OLXAXBIHO OT rUITIES A.Nu VAULTS ut TUE oonronsTC LIMITS OF TUB cm. I. Ho lt Ordained by tho Mayor and Aldermen, That from sod siter thu rsUOcatiou of this Ordinance, ll shall not bo lawful for sny person to cleanse or remove tba contents of Vaults or Privies wllblu tho Huilla of tho city, without having previously obtained a license tor Ibo Mino; all mich llconsos lo expire ou tba 31st Dacarubcr of avory your, and bo subjoct to all requirements Itu pos? ed by Ortllnnncus regulating Ino grauUog ol Licenses) tor Dray? and Gsrts. LL Thst tho uso of Barret? In open Carts si?' Wagons is prohibited, sud parties applying for License will bo lt .ininti to pr?vido eloiod Csrts suiublo for Uiu purpoxc. III. All persons baring such Llcenso shall re poi t rt ouo of th (iuard Homos, during Ino day, his or their In ten?on u lo such work durtug the ensulug night; fa the Lower Wards such report to bo msdo lo the Mam tl uar ? House, in the Upper Wards to Uppor tl us ni House IV. Tho pisca ur pisces for the deposit of such ofl-t shall bo designated from tuno to time by tho Mayor. V. Every owner or driver of such Ll cen sod Cart or any other person who shall violate any of tba provision' of ibis Ordinance, or shall neglect o.- refuse to obscrv. tho saino, or any of them, ehsU forfeit and poy for each ousnoo a lino uot te excucd Iwenty.Avu dollars, to be en? forced by tho Mayor tn his Court, or recovered in any other Court ur competent Jurisdiction. Ratified In City Council this seventh day of May, in tho year of our Lord one thuusaod eight hundred rnd alz tv Keven. IL. al P. C. GAILLARD, Vf. H. SMITH, M i ) or. tlleik of Co an eil Imo May 10 finn,ic NOTICE. Omer. Ci.ssx or ConRorx, ) . . . May 1 tv,7. j Tho following Section of " An Ordinance, lo sbollsh tba olBoe oTHuporintondent of flirt els ; to pr?vido for Keep? ing tho Mir.'em, Laues, Alleys, sod opea Courts tn Ino City of Charleston Clean, and for other purposes," ls hereby published far the Information of all concerned : For tho due protection of the asid contractor or con? tractors, it ii further ordained. That every owner, lesaeo, occupant and tcasnt of any prc ai lacs Ironttng In any (licet, lane, alley, ur open court, shall ou every day (Sundays excepted) have tbo dirt, 111 th. garbago. or other efl J l, placed in front of his or ber lot, ta a barral, box or heap, sud lu reediness for the contractor, by tho hour of ???von o'clock, A. M., irom the Hist dsy ol May to thc first day of Novctnbor tn every year ; and by tbs hour ol niuo o clock, A. M., from tba first day of November to the first day of May following. And any person offend? ing herein, er placing any dirt, filth, garbage, or other offal, in any street. Uno, or alley, or open court, after the hours above tunned, shall bo subject to a Ana not lea? thsn two nur moro Uiau five dollars, for each and every offence, to be Imposed by the Mayor, Dy order W. H. HM 1TH, May IS . _Clark of Connell. , TO TAX PAYERSr fTUTK FOLLOWING' ORDLVANUE IS' PUBLISHED A. tor tho In tonne lio a of all persons concerned: AX onoraANca TO Ataarn tx oanrxtncs io mil? SUP? PLIES ron THE TEAS 1807, ans rea orara rrmrosxa. L Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermon tn City Council asso obied. That all taxes parablo ..ndor the Or? dinance to rs Iso supplies for the year lu??, and f?r other purposes, be paid on or belora tho 29th dsy of JUDO next: and thal persona who shall make default of payment ul their taxes on that day, snail pay. In addition to the amount of their taxes, ono and a half per cont, per mouth unLU the 31st day of July, when, ll uot paid, an amount of two per' cent, per month opon tho amount of laxes shall be paid; and attor tho ?1st day of August throe per cont, per month on tho amount of taxes due shall be paid until payment of the whale amount ls made. II. That alt persona who nojtoct or fall to pay their monthly taxes on or before the flltconth day of each month, shall respectively pay cn the amounis thereof, two por cout per month from auch nftoeuln, day, until payment la made. Ratified in City Council this seventh dsy of May, tn tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred a nd sixty-seven. |i- ? I P. 0. (1 MI.LAUD, Mayor. W. H. Surra. Clerk of ConnclL 3mo .May ll TAVKRN-KEHiPIEltS'NOTaCH. ' OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL. > March 1. lHi',7. f A LL TAVERN-KEEPERS, AND PERSONS HKTA1L j V INO spirituous bunora, within tho city Umita, who have not executed their bonds and token out tho proper cards to show that they have license to soil, will be re? ported aa not complying with tho law, altar Monday, 8th mst. . , t ; lei oso who. havo cards ire hareby notified to have tb? tame placed in'a conspicuous place In fha window. All tailing lo observe this notice will also be reported, after the Bboro-montioned time. W. H. SMITH, March Q Clerk of Connell. KULK una. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, I Cm Usu, November V, isca, j ALL PERSON^ DESIROUS OV REHUI 1.1)1 NO IN THE Burnt Districts and Waste Places of tbs City, un? der "An Act of the General Assembly, giving authority lo tho City Council of Charlcstcn to proceed tn the mat? ter of a Fire 1 -T??. with a view,to sid tn building np the City anew," are hereby notified that th? form nf appll callan for loans can be obtain od at the office ef the Clerk of Council, between tho boura of 9 A. M. and a P. M. All applications mast be J* tl In th? ?hove mentioned office, ss the Com ml tit? witt meet avery Monday to con? sider the same. Dy ordur of the Major W. H. SMITH, November 10 Clerk of Council. CITY TAXES-MONTHLY KETUIIVH. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, \ Cm HALL, Jone Isl, lur,.. I NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO ALL CONCERN ED that the Monthly Returns (or the month ol May past, tn compliance with the Tax Ord!naneo, ratified on thc 'ISlh day of December, 18Go, must be made on or be? fore the ISlh Instant, D. O. GIBSON, Juno 1_13_City Aaaeaaoa, THE LADIES' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION, HAVING ON HAND A LARGE8UPPLY OF READY MADE CI.OTH1N0, imitable for Gentlemen, La? dies and Children, and being desirous of diminishing oar Stock before tho season advances too far, we would o-spe? cially draw tho attention of tho publia towards the reduc? tion which will be mada in our prices for the next two or throe wooka from dato. Apply at the DEPOSITORY. January 79 No. 11 Chalmers street. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory, Hudson City, N. J. WHOLESALE SALES ROOM HO. 3* .TOIIJ! HT HIfiKT, KEW YORK. ALL STYLES AND GRADES OF LEAL PENCIL of superior quality sro manufactured and offered at fair terms to tile Trade. Tho public are Invited to give th? AMERICAN LEAD r EN (III, th? nre I terence. ' TUE PENCuXS AHE TO BB HAD AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND N.liION DEALERS. ASK FOR THE "AMERICAN LEAD PENOIL. " _ -rom wo* i A i. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, EvorxxxiuKo Dxpajrnarjrr, ] YAL* OOLLKOB, November 10, lBSo. 1 I nave alway? recommended tba Faber Polygrade Lead renell? as lbs only pencils fitted for both ornamen? tal and ma th cms tl esl drawing) bat, after a thorough Wal of the American Polygrade Lead Pencils, man. nlxelnred by the American Lead Pencil Company, New York. I find them superior to ?ny pencil In use, even to the Faber or the old English Cumberland Lead Pencil, being a superior pencil for sketching, ornatnsntal and mechanic!.! drawing, and all the Orvliniry use? of a lead pencil Those pencils ?re very Unaly graded and have a very smooth lead; even the ?oftest pencils hold the point wall; they are all that can be desired tn a pencil. It tire? ma great pleasure to be able to assure Americans that they will no long?r be compelled to depend upon Germany or any other foreign market for penona, LOUIS BAIL, Professor of Drawing, Ac , ALL mern ASS ?TAMTED: ttf "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL 00. N. Y." None retrain? without t ie exact nama of the firm i took toll._Brno_December It The Greenville Mountaineer IB IUULIHIIBD EVERY THURSDAY, AT ft 60 PER year, tn ad vaneo. Advertisement* Inserted at usual ratea. "Jr . O.K. ELFORD, May 1? Kiter ind Prcprlolor - MISCELLANEOUS. A Treacherous mid Deadly Fool CATARRH ! VAIN A ii li NOISES IN Tl IK. HEAD. Dr. Norton's Now Itcincdy FOR CATARRH, AND MOUE OP TWiATMKNT 18 TlfE ACMK OF PKIIFKOTION. jT BREAKS UP Tan TERRIBLE DISEASE AT ITS JL Fountain Head, mill rcnmvoH at uuca .11 tho wrulcbiii! symptoms of this loathsome malady, auch an Pain In thc Temples. Offcnalvo DJacbanics, Obstruction of thc Breath? ing Tubes, Repulsivo ll real li, Knapping Soumis lu Ibe Ears, Abseot-Mludcdncnn, Menial Dcproiition, Dimness Ol vision, Sora Throat, Hocking Cough; restores tho sense ol Tasto anti Smell, and permanently cures thc disease IO all Its types, forms and ?tages, with absoluto certainly. This remedy and modo of treatment, Uko tho disease, ls peculiar. lu con.l'ta of tbo Inhalation nf barmlcas ll (puds from tbo palm ol tho hand. Tho immediate rebo? il alTords ls alono wurta lou tunes thu co?t of tbo renie diva. Norton's New Pamphlet on Catarrh l-l nut. lufonua Uon uevor bofuro publlubud. Call ut our lunn el .\?;i ney. or seuil a stamp for lt. Prepared by GERRIT NORTON, No. ll Ann-street. Now York. Dra. RAOUL & LYN AH, CITY APOTHECARIES, Notomlicrl UmluCmo flirrest Inr ^hariaelnlj' HOTHBK?r~ MOTHERS J MOTHERS ! YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTING SYRUP rou CHILDREN TEETHING rpms VALUARLE PREPARATION IS TUE PRE JL SCRIPTION of ono or Ibo beat fcniilo physicians and nurses In tho Unlb-d Stalins and has been used tor thirty yean with never-tailing safety aud success by ? Ilona of mothers for their children. It not only rollovos tim child from pnln. but Invigorates tho atom adi and bowclB. corrects acidity, sud gives tono and energy to tho wbolo ayateiu. It will also Instantly rclluvo GR1PINQ IN TUE DOWELS AND WIND COLIO. Wo believe lt I? Ibo beat nud eur. .,1 remedy In tho world. In all cases of DYSENTERY AND lUAItltlilEA in children, whether lt arises from Tcothlng, or from any other causo. Be ?uro and ask for .lilts. WINSLOW'S 8UOTIII1VO SYRUP, Having tho fae eimile of CURTIS fe PEREIN8 on tho wrapper, ALL OTHERS ARE BASE IMITATIONS. For aalo by tho Wholesale Agents, DOWIE Ss MOISE, No. 151 MEETING STREET, April ll OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. tlietu3inos fTIHIB DELICIOUS TONIC, ESPECIALLY DESIGNED _L for the usc of tho Medical Profession mid thc Family, is now endorsed by all Ibo prom I no it Physicians, Chem? ists and Connoisseurs, as poa.en?inn all thoeo intrinsic medicinal qualities (loma and dluretlcl which bolong to OLD AND PURE GIN. Wo trust that our established reputation founded opon elghty-elirht years nf experience-abundantly vin eheste? otu- claims to public coundon,-c. and guaran? tees Ibo excellence of this Standard Article. Pul up in cases containing one dorj-u bottlca oach and sold by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac. A. M. Ii isl sm: li A- CO. [Established ira. Solo Importers No. IB Reaver afreet/ Now Yoi Opinions vi' 1'rese. Tho Billingara, No. IA Beaver street, bave a very high reputation to sustain, aa Ibo oldest and bret bouse In Now Y'ork.-?lome Journal. The house of A. KL l'lningcr A Co., No. IS Beaver street, haa sustained, ror a period of eighty y ara, a repu? tation that may woll be envied.-K. V. Evening JW. GOODRICH, WIN EM AN St CO., NO. 163 MEETING STREET, .. , Opposite Charlee too Hotel, and DOWIE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KINO ACAHH1DEY, January 3D NO. 151 MEETING STREET, Wholooalo Agents, charleston, a 0. milis Gmo liALLlCHAN'sPiLLS (CHILLS & FEVER WE HAVE USED OALT.IOUAN'S PILLS,! AND find they will do all Hint ls claimed fur Ihcm, and cheerfully recommend them to pub le favor. T. H. WATTS, Ex-Governor of Alabama. J. W. A SANFORD. Alfy Oen'l of Alabama. ROUT. DOUGHERTY, Judge Supremo Court, Ala. From Tu OMAH J. Jonas. Judge Snpremo Court. I bare used OALLIGHAN'S PILLS on myplantaticn lor Favor and Ague, and find them all that ls claimed for them. THOS. J. JUDGE. Montgomery, Ala., September 39, law. LnwMOES Coe -TTY. .Alabama. OALLIGHAN'S FEVER AND AOUE TILLS will do They ara decidedly the best medicino for Chills and 1 c var t ever gave. I would not bo without thurn for five tunos the prim. J. A. GRAHAM. Aurr-iciis, April 17. 1807. One box of (i ALT.IOU AN H PILLS cured mo perfectly pf Chilla and Fever. They aro tho. best medicine tor ChiUs and Fever I ever saw. A. G. RONALD80N, Clerk Superior Court, Sumter County, Ga. Moirrooirenr, ALA., July o, 1BQA Mewn. BLUNT A HALE-G?NTH: I have uaed yonr OALLIGHAN'S PILLH on two occaelone for Chilla ano Fever, and find that they effect aU that they aro intend ed to do. They aro the best remedy for the dlneaso thi I have, ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. Respectfully, DAN'L SAYRE, Gran 3 Bec brand Lodge of F. and A. M. of Alabama. Auiirr, OA., March ll, 18C7. Ihavouaed OALLIGHAN'S PILLS in forty casoar Chills and Fever, with perloct success. They are thi beat Fever and Aguo Pill put up. A B. FAUT. I WHOLESALE IN CHARLESTON. BY GOODRICH, WINEB1AN sb CO., No. 163 MocUng street. And by all Drag gists. Il LO ll NT 4f II ALE, PROPRIETORS, May II_6m0_Montgomery, Ala. CHEROKEE C -rna OXXAT INDIAN MEDICINE, Corea all diseases canned by aelf-abuse, vii:-Spermator? rhoea, Seminal - n'?rin*as, Hight - Emitelvne, Loee of Memory, ?nlrerenl Laeei tuite, Paine in the Bael, Dlm neee of Vielem, Premature Old Age, Weak yerre*. Diffl [cult Breathing, Pale Counte 'nance, Iiuunlty, Cuntump tlon, and all diseases that fol. low aa a sequence of yuuthriil Inrneerellnna. Tba Cherokee Cure will restate health and vigor, stop the emissions, and effect a permanent cure after all other medicines have failed. Thirty-two pars pamphlet seat In a sealed envelope, fr oe to any address. Pri?e |9 per bottle, or threo bottles for 85. Sold by all drar?tsta; or will be s ot by express to any portion of tim world, on receipt of price, by th? sole proprietor, Dr. W. B. KEBWIH, 37 Wafter St., H. 7. Cherokee Remedy, CT rea all Urinary Com. plaints, viz: O rac tl. Inflam? mation of the Bladder and Kidney, Itettntlon cf Urine, Strictures of the Vrtthn. Dropeleal Streit '/np-,. Brick Duet Depoetle, and all diseases that require a il I ero tic, orel when used la conjonction with tba CHEROKEE INJECTION, dees not fall to eura Gonorrhea, Cleet and all Ute eons Discharges In Male or Female, eating recent eases in from one to three days, and la especially recommended tn those eases of Fluor Albus or Whites in T?male*. Tba twe- medicines need In conjunction will not fail toicutove this disagreeable complaint, and ia those caxea where other modi ri nae bara bean used without sueccis. Price, Remedy, One Bottle, fl, Three Bottle a, 15. Injection, ? ii, ? " |A Tba Cherokee M Cur?," "Remedy," and "/?/??. flo?" ara to ba found la all wall regulated drag .torea, and ara recommended by phytlelsna aaa druggists all over tho world,fbrthalrlr.trlnsle worth and merit, Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to deceive their customers, by selling cheep and worthless compounds,-In order to maka ninney In place of these. Bs not dectlced. If the drug? gists will not buy them for y ., wrl;? to es and we will send thoa lo yon by estprjee, securely packed and free from observation. We treat all diseases to which the haman erstem ls labjeet, and will ha rleased to recs! to full and explicit aUtementa from boee who have failed to receive rel la f heretofore. Ladlee or gentlemen can address na I? perfect eotv fldstsos. Wa desire to scad oar iblrly-two page pamphlet free to avery lady and gentleman In tba bad. A tiri rase all letters for pempb'.eta, medicines, er advice, to the sole proprietor, I sk 6 Dr, W, H. liEBWIrj, 87 Walker St., V. *. turu ^ v?Mri.(! ESTABLISHED 1859-8 TEARS ! THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOnre^Y, NO. 92 BROADWAY, NEW \ Assets,.$3,07. ,788 Incoiuo,. 2,000,070 Dividend February ?, 1867, over $600,000. AU tho most desirablo and popular kinds of LIFE and ENDOWMENT Policies issued, and every advantage appertaining to tl'" H Tauted to Policy-holders. PURELY MUTUAL. THE CHARTER Ol' TUE SOCIETY REQUIRES THAT ALL PROFITS ?0 TO TUE ASSURED. Dividends Declared Annually on the First of February, AND APPLIED AB CASH TO TUE REDUCTION OF FUTURE PUK M ll'M H. DIVIDENDS TJTON TUE FII18T year'? premium may be applied to ro tuciug Ibo accooJ year's premium, and su uti annually thereafter. Jual and liberal dealing wllb Ibo assured, promptness lu tho payment of hue-en, uud the grenier advantages of. fored to Ibo a .sored by ibis Socloly, bave aocurod to lt a success auch BI bsa not been equalled lu Ibo sanio ?paco of tim.. In thia or any other country. In Ibo short Kiiaco of seven yosra lt baa accumulated a fund of Over Tlircr Million, nf Hollina, and haa nocurod nu nuuual Incoiuo of Over Two Millions. Dun UK tho year 180? alonu il axaurcd, hy new policio?. Over Till rty Millions of Dollars, Increased lt? lucoiua liver ?Ino Million, and added to lui fund moro than Fourteen Ilumlrcil Thousand Dollar*. It ls thoroughly eshiblishud on a solid boals, conduela itu business oil tho Cath /'/un, un i tfa ratio of ' 'Total Fx prndiiurt" lo "7'uf<if Cai* Income" if Iii? Wan raaf of ann nthtr rom;xiny previoiiilv nrganit'J, H'S POLICIES AVERAOE LA1MJEII TUAN THOSE OF AN Y OTU Ell COMPANY IN AMERICA, showing that for luvest?llenla persons aolect thia Hr viet y in prclcrcncc to soy othnr. Tho Assured have tho option annually ol applying their div blends In any of Ibo FIVE following ways, under tho rules ol thc Hoeiety: F curr-To Ibo permanent increase of the sum aesurul. HEcoHD-TO tho mcrcaso of Ibo mun assured for ono year, or n term or years. Tirnua-To ti a ponnsuiut reduction of tho premiums. Foctirn-To (be reduction of thu premlu ? for ono or moro year?. Firm-Tu tho reduction of Ibo uurabor uf years In whlcb premiums aro lo bo paid. O. A. BOWEN, Agent, No. ltd MLT.TI.VQ STREET. WM. C. RAVEN El., M. D., MEDICAL Px A MIN tu. LIFE INSURANCE RETURNS FOR 1866. AGE, RISKS AND ASSETS OF TUE NEW YORK COMPANIES LOCATED IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, for the year ending December 31, 18GG, from a Synopsis published by the Wall Street Underwriter." IBtl.... IIIS... ISM.... 1 50. . 1RS3.... 1B?9... 18S9... 1SC0... waa... 1883... 1862... leot... 1884... 1884... 1885... Mutual. New York Lifo.... Manhattan. Dolled States. Knickerbocker. Equi tabla. Qua rd tan. a arma ula. Washington. Security., North Am erl can. Olobo. National. Widows' and Orphans' Universal. TOTAL RISKS. ?131,855,000 00 00,430,000 00 130,110,000 00 18,071.000 00 Not rendered yet 80,740,000 00 11,747,000 00 20,711,000 00 9,741.000 00 11,104,000 00 18,318,000 00 11,018,000 00 1,181,000 00 7.110.000 00 8,300,000 00 TOTAL ASSETS. ?18,408,000 rr? 7,000,000 00 rt.61a.000 00 1.003,000 00 1,879,000 00 3,077,000 00 737,000 00 1,240.000 00 717,000 00 767,000 00 i,6oe,oo: 00 800,000 00 300,000 00 630,000 00 air,,ooo 00 rnoponnoK. t 7 to 1 O to 1 10 to 1 Stol 17 to 1 10 to 1 17 to 1 13 to 1 10 to 1 19 to 1 15 to 1 10 to 1 14 to 1 17 to 1 . Hr. DAHMES' report ls not yet published. t Fractions over H counted units. THOMAS FROST, (, AOEST FOR BOOTH CAROLINA OF NEW YO ll K LIFO, May IT tullis Imo Mo. 68 BROAD STREET. SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF ATHENS, GEORGIA. :(o): THIS FTR3T-OLA83 SOUTHERN COMPANY, ESTABLISHED IN 1847, IS STILL ISSUINQ POLICIES OF IN SUJtANCE against loss by Aro of atocaa of Mu rob au diso, Hoaooa. Furniture, Cotton, Vessels lu Port, sic., Ac. THIS BEING A MUTUAL COMPANY, YE AB LY POLICY HOLDERS PARTICIPATE IN TUE PROFITS, ?nd be? come Htockholdors. WITUOUT ANY LJABILTTY WHATEVER. A dividend of forty per oe nh oat of tbs profits of the Company for tba past twalvo months hu been declared, thereby reducing the premium to I usurers nearly one-naif. Dividend Scrip of tho Company taken tn payment of premium?. Losaos promptly adjusted and paid bera. J. L. HONOUR, Agont, May 7 tuthslmo No. 8 BROAD faTEEET. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. ?-TILE SALB OF THE PI.ANTATI?N BIT TKBB la wi thoa t precedent lo tb? history of tba world. Thar? U so uaret In tba matter. Thor are at ooo? tb? oort ticed/, sUengtbenliig health-restorer ever dis? covered. It roqulres bal a ?Ingle trial lo understand tola. Tbalr parity can aiwaya be relied npon. The} are ooiupoeeJ of tba celebrated Calisaya Bark, UaacarUla bark. Dandelion, Chamomile flower?, Lavondei Flowers, Wtutergrenn, Aalae. OIoTarburls, Ortnso-poel, Bnake-roni, oaraway, Oorlander, Bardook, 8.-T.--1860-X. fro. 1 bey ara aipoclally recoaimended to clergyman, pnb ll r speakers, and persona of literary babita aud seden? tary life, who require Ire? dlgeatlon, a relian for food, and olear mental luir!tlea. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to fina In these Bitters what they nave so long looked for. They purify, streu?tlien and Invigorate. They create a healthy appa tl te. They ara an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late honra. They strengthen tho system and enliven the mind. They prevent mUanutto and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They core Dyapepal* and Constipation. Th- y cnn Diarrhea, Cholera and Oh ol Ara Merlina. Db ey curs Liver Complaint and Nervana Headache. They are the beat Bitters In the world. They maka the weak man strong, and are eihAUated nature's great rea tor ar. ? The following startling and emphatic ita lernen ts can bs seen at our o fa oe. Letter of Rsv. B. V, Dauan, Chaplain ut tko 107 lb Ne? Tori Regiment 1 Naas Accron OUBSS. March iib. 1B6S. Owlngft 0 the great espoanrs and terrible decompoai. lion alter tho balli? of Antietam, I was utterly prostrat? ed and very tick. My stomach would not retain med> olao. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. Diu ITS, of Kew York, waa prescribed to give me strength and an appetite. To my great surprise the) gave me Immediate relief. Two bottles alison allowee ms ta Join my regiment, . . . . I har? amos teen them used m many cases, and am free lo tay, for bos pl tal et p rt rata purposes I know of nothing Uk? them. Rsv. X. ?. tttUNE, Chaplain, Leiter from the Rev. N. E. OILS*, HI clair;rule, Pa. flnTT Biiii :-Toa were kind enough, on a former oe caelon, to land rn? a half dosten bottles of Plantation Paters lor $3 SO. Uj wife haring dsrivsd to muci. ban alt {rem the asa of thees Bitters, I desire i*r to coo Un os them, and you will plaass land J* m bottles mears for tbs mosey ea closed. I sm, vary truly, 10 -rs, H. E. Oil-"o. Pastor Oar. Ref. rjhoroh. Boulia nv H ona, KormiNTiNDanT'i Om as, 1 On mn ari, onto, Jan. is th, 1MB. J . ........ I kava given yeer Plantation Bitters to hundreds ol i or neble soldiers wbo slop here, more or less dltsbltd bern Tarions causas, and the effect la m arv alloue and rraufylng. Boah a preparation as this ts I heartily wish tn every bailly, lu ?vary hospital, and at hand on every battle laid. O. W. B, ANDREWS, Bu perin lead ?nt Dr. W. A. Orm-ps, Burgeon of th? Tenth Vsrmout Be? rimed, WTltes:-"I wish ovary soldier had a bettie of Plantation Bittars. They ar* tbs most off active, par ?ct, and harmless tonie I ?ver a sed." ffn-MiuVi Boru,1 Wu ni KO rou, V. O., May 33d. 1863. J ?irrusi?;-We require snottier supply Of yo ni ria/itali on Ruters, th* popalarity o whian dally tn Tr*- - with th? ga es ts ot our boas*. Respectfully, BT EES, OH ADWIO* k OO. Ao. ?K\ Ac, fia s.a. Bs tor* that every bottle bears th* fae-tlmUs ot om Igualare on S ttsel plate label, with eur p ri TI te a Um p rrer th? 00 rfc. P. H. DRAKE & 00, MO. 301 URO ADV? AY, H. ?. Bold by all Marketable Druggists, Ph ya lol ana, o moor al cooa, and country Bot&lsdt alara. ?PTtl M_ th-tn ITT ?AVKOA YOUNG*McKEiNZlfc Ut AND COLLECTION OFFICE, Noa, SO and 40 Park Bow, fBAAO DAVTtOA._ I a BO HOI B. ioma, I saw TOB?, GERARD X* UcKEHZIfc,} ri AvrRu gm03ia)*D TO TH* troBmas oom*. IX TION UCHINKAS el Uses?. BIBB BT, Pain ISti A ri jin D ERO. tr* win tttsnd tu the ootlaetton te ut da* and BiatarUij chairas UircDJShrmt thsQatfcsf atasaja Otasd*. aoutntwOBtVU rom AU ram sr ?rsa, DRUGS, CHEMIC ALS, ETC. FOUTZ'S OELEBBATED HOUSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. Tilla preparation, long ?nd favorably known, will thoroughly reinvigo? rate broken down and low-aplrlted hereon, by B I ron gt h on lng and Cleansing tho stomach and Intea tinea. Itlsa sara preventiva of sil diseases Incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVER, OLA ND EHS, YELLOW WATER, HEAVE?, COU OHS, DIS? TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUNDER, LOSS OF APPETITE AND VI? TAL ENERGY, Atc ITS OSE IMPROVES THE WIND, IN? CREASES TUB AP? PETITE-G IVE? A SMOOTH and GLOS? SY SEIN-and trans? forms the MISERA? BLE SKELETONS INTO A FINE LOOK? ING AND bPIRXTED HORSE." TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION IS INVALUABLE. It In creases tho quantity and improves the quali? ty of tho M IL K. It bas been proven by ac. toa! experiment to in crease tho quantity of MILE and O RE A M twenty per cant, and maka the BUTTER firm and sweet. In fat t_ taning cattle, lt gi ve - them an appetite, o ens their bide, and makes them tlirlvo much raster. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE. SUCH AS COUGHS OLL F.R8 IN THE_ LUNGS, LIVER, ko., - ^SaawgaaMlMUl*iw thia article acta sa a ^AKaaWjKe; -- aBaaV sp?cifie. By putting /aj^li MA from cne-haif a lAuern?j?SnJBB A'r^^^*1''KeWrfi to a paper In a barrel ^?aaBBt-?.. ?; .' '?' ^'rWr\ of swill tho ah? ve ills- ^^^^SBSSWW^H > I" eases will bo eraxlica- . _-.~MasL=-'"" ~aEfsVatjjljl tod or entirely pro. | SgBK^^SatBB^Lt^B vented. If given m *?sfi3**LT!ii^rc?ffWiT^ time, a certain preventiva and cure for the Hog Cholera. PREPARED BY S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., No. 110 FRANKLIN ITRERT BALTIMORE, Md. FOB SALE BY DOWIE & MOISE SOUTHERN DRUG ROUSE. NO. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. March ?_BtnthBmo ^smsav T> E A D T Y.- Auburn, A\~&*. Btr Wk. Jj Golden, Flaxen, and tf^h\\\ Bf et) gW Wlken CURLS produced by M. - W? M?\ JJH tho use of Professor Da- wwL, Jm AWB\JHLV BREUaVS I' R I H ii II LE T?V AB ?B^sffli CUEVEU?. Ono applica- JktJmT a??___3s7^ Uon wsrranuvi Ui curl the dSPgfctalsw) . ' ~ most straight sud stubborn T vjf Wr ia'-of either sex into wsvy ringlets, or heavy massive ra- . , Has been used hy the fashionables ol Paris snd London, with the most gratifying r?solu. Does no in* lory to tbs hair. Price by mall, sealed and postpaid, ll. DascrlpUve circulars malled free. Address BEBO ER, mUTTS At CO., Ch rratils. No. MA River street, Troy, N. r.. Bola Agenta for the United Slates. March So_ly NOTICE. OFFICE CLERE OF COUNCIL-THE FOLLOWING clause of Section 1 of an "Ordinance to Ralas Sap? allos for tho ye ir 1867," ls published for the information :f persona selling doods by aampie or olherwiae, who are iel maiden ta ot this city. AU such persons ara hereby inti fled to report si this offlos. "Three dollars on every bnndrcd dollars of all goods lold In this city by raons not residents, by sample or ilbsrwiss." W. H. SMITH, k>arel, 8_Clark of Ooqnrl) NOTICE. UPPER WABDS GUARD HOUSE, i C uasxisro H , Hay 9th 186t. I ?1 TOPPED FBOM TWO COLORED MEN A COW, 3 who stated having (bund ber ton roues np Main load. Tba owner Ls requested to eau, pay expenses snd tako er away. E. J. UNOMAN. May 9 lat Lieut. U. W. G. H. 7HOB. 3R- AGKBWi Fiat? ?rM.rlM, Ckolas Xata, ??a-, saatv, ?Na MO sf tN 9*\JL9TTWICE4!T~ OOO. OF MVtULlW