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VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* FniE.-Tho nlnnn ut Aro UI?H morning, ot about half-pout 13 o'clock, tras canned by au attempt lo bum tho liarnos? nml Saddlery establishment ol Mr. BOLOKR, in JJroail street, south aido, between Ohurob anil Kout Bay aire?la. lt waa noon put ont, and tho only damage woe that occasioned by tho quantity of water thrown iutu tho building. Mr. BOLOEU'S stock waa insured. TELEGRAPHIC. Our ( utile Dispatches. LONDON, May 20-Noon.-Bouda 72J. LIVERPOOL, May 2J-Noon_Ovtton ?rm. Esti? mated nales 13,000. Uplam?B, lld. ; OrloBiis, lljd. Breadstuff* unchanged. Corn 39. Provisions Omi and uncbangod. Tallow advanced to 43B. Oil. WntliliiK'on \t\i?. . WASHTNOTON, May 20.-General THOMAU' visit licro refera oxcluaivoly to Tonnessco inalt?r?. Precautions liare been taken for prompt Federal action in caao uiilitia and tho people should quarrel. Tho Prosidont loaves on Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. STOVES, and ono private Bccrotary. Ho is to bo absent ono wool:. Tho Japanoao Commissioners aro negotiating for tho purchaso of tho Confederate- ram Stone? wall. Congressman BOUTWELL Ia going Boutb. Ho ia to apeak at Loosburg, Va., on Friday. Tho Government expenditures during tho quar? ter oudiug Marou ?1, wcro 4232,003,000. Receipts ?239,000,000. Tho Internal Ho venue to-day gi ve i tS16,000. Advice? ii om Montnngo indicato a abnrp cam? paign against tho IndiatiB. Tboro ia littio hopo otitortaiticd at Ibo Statu He par timmt of MAXIMILIAN'S safety. Tho Paris government has tu!.en moasurcu to greatly reduce tho number or tro.vpa iii tlio stand? ing army. Tho Spanish Hoot. in tbo l'acill: ?coau ia to bo materially siroiigthoncd. vii Riniii Mews. BiomioND, Mar 29-Tho City Council invit-d tim Trosidout to viait Richmond on bia way tu Raloiijh. A ?gbt occurred yesterday at DanviUo, Va., lio twoen tho mombcra of tho United Staten Burial Corps and negroes of Danville Bricks and pistols wcrousod. Tho Burial C..rpi wore driven out of town. Two were wounded on each aida. BTartne Intelligence. NEW YOUS, May 29.-A'rivcil tho Verla from Europe, and tho French steam lino-of-battle ship Jean Dart from Aiuiopolis. Domestic Markets. NOON DISPATCH. NEW YOBS, May 29.-Stock very atrong. Money G. Gold 137). Sterling CO dova' 109J. Sight lOJa 10). 'G2 rogistercd Bonds Glalil. flour 16a25o lowor. Wheat la2o lower. Com drooping and .tull. Meas Pork $23.1?|o23.2S. Lard dull. Cot? ton quiet and firm at 37c, Froighta dull. . BALTTAIORE, May 20.-Cotton moro activo. Low Middlings 25a23|c Middling Uplands steady at 27c. iii? Coueo 1GA19. Sugar dull and unchanged. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat acareo. -Corn moro active, advanced 2o. Wu a o IGo. Mixed 10al2c. ProviflfonB unchanged. , -: ?: - Si', J ".''''?f-.XtTtXOta OIBTATDH. Cotton firtri and uotivo; i un I OH 2500 bales, at 27.' Flour dall ?ad heavy {'State ?9 00al3 50;. Southern, dull and lower'; Mixed to Good $12 fiOaM 25; Fanoy Extra414-76al7. - Whoat dull. Com dull and la2c lowor; Mixed Woatern, now, (1 20a 1 27. Pork dull and lowor, $23 15a23 20. Lard heavy, at 12?ai:i?. Whiskey quiet. Rion quiot; Carolina $11 so a 12 60. Naval Stores quiet; Turpentine GOJaOl; IVmin $4eR. Wool dull AnahJaty;; ToxaVistos.. Froighta dull and drooping. Stock? weak... Gold 1371. 62 Cou JIOUII 9Jtl3f. LATZB.-'-Mohoy moro active; CaG on call. 7a7J on discounts. ,-Gold finn - and higher, cloaiug ot 137j. Spooie Bblptnouta $180,000. Exchango quiot and lesa tinn.. G o vorn ru ont? quiet and unchanged. Blocks urning. .,' CrsoTrlKATi, May 29.-Flour dull. Cotton finn nnd In improved demand at 21c Whiskey dull. Provisions firm and quiot.- Moss c22 50. Bacon Sbonldera, - i?Jc. ; Sides, Ile. ; Cloar Hides, 12jc. Lard dull, 12Jo. NEW OHI.EA.NS, May 29.-Salts of Cotton 1?60 bales. Market quiot and'unchanged.' Low Mid ?Hinga 21Ja?5c. Receipts 1G0 balos. No exTJOTta." Sugar, Louisiana Fair, 12o. ; Nothing doing in Molasses. Flour hrmor. 'Super $11 75a$.2. ' Corn dall. Yollow M iel il l / Jal 20; Whiio $13Sal 25. Oats advaiiring--92Je.a$? Laid fi mi-tierces Dtyci ; hogs lije.alije. Bacon firmer. Shquldcra Ojc; Cloar 12Jc. Pork dull ?I f 24. Corleo, fair to primo, 14lc.a23Jc. Gold 37. Sterling 47J. Now York Sight i per cont, premium. MOWLE, May 29.'-Sales 600 bales; firm, at 23Ja 24c. Receipts 167 balos. ADOOSTA, May 29.-Market activo and firmer; Hales 257 bales. Receipts 72. MiddbngB 2Sja24. HAVANNAH, May 29.-Cotton vory firm; Middlings ?5o. Sales200. Ilcccipts 830. A NEW. CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL bao been conao crated in Pokin, and tbo comor-Blone of an Eng lish Church laid at Sinkiang. The groit wall, it woujd appear, ls at last to comp down, and the Celestial Empire to bc fairly oponed lo outside barbarian!!. Tho only i ITO pd er ia, li ow'Loth China nnd Japan, could -eo doug and Bo'Tierslstorrtly have oppouod ovory inroad of progroea and im? provement from abroad. It ia no email compli? ment to this century, nay, lo thia orosont goncra-. lion, that a civilization of four thousand years uhonld fool impelled to yiold ita traditional and dogged Opposition to light from without, and treat with and loam from parvouuoa, whoso oldest dy? nasty can 'Hiarcoly dato back ? thousand yearn. There will soon bo railroads and tolograpba, elec? trotypes and a?wing machines in tbo Flowery ] Land, and who knowe but the next Universal Ex? hibition may bo at Pekin. The rv'erv Orleans Financial Tronblce-The Bank Failures amil Treasury Defalcation. NEW ORLEANS May 23.--Tlm failure of tho Now Orleans Bank of Commerce, Jacob Barker Presi? dent, is now* conaiderod a very bad one. Groat dissatisfaction oxiala that no official atatomont of the affairs of tho First National Bank has boan, malo to tho marriner, Mr. Knox, who baa now had tho institution in charge 'twelve, days.' Tho following ia . ita. condition: Liabilities, $1.170,000; ai.eta, $1,200, 000; ono-thlrd of tho assola oro . considered good. Tho liabllKiiw will bo incroaaod $400 000, that being tho amount of tho certified chocks of tho bank wbioh the troavury bold, and which wore taken up by a draft of L. P. Hay & Co., and Oaken Amos, but which .vero not forwarded for collodion. T, P. Muy A Co. represent May and A. 8. Mansfield, a pr?valo banking Arm jost about starling. Tho principal dobtora of tbo bank aro: Con. Boaurognrd, bv noto, $40,000. and over drafts aniuiinling to $72,000; Gon. Dick Taylor, $37,500; Gon. Harry Haye, $20,000; Col. J. O. Nixon, $90,000; Gen. Wade Hampton, Cuthbert Bullit!, Walton, Dcslordo, and othora. Th en o have, geucrallv endorsed for each oilier. Ovor $20,000 of tho runda of tho United States Court wore in tho bank. Tbo defalcation In tbo treasury is over a million. Whittaker'? bondanion aro Gon. F. S, Herron, U. 8, Marshal, T. P. May, and A. 8. Mausflold, each for ?60,000; Itobort Wateon and A. a?. Jone a tor $25,000. State Items, THE CASE OV J EEK GEE - Lieut. Hogue, of the Cth U. B. Infantry, waa boro a doy or two lost wook on a mission of mcroy, os bo iupposod. tho object of which was to oiJatniiio tho record relativo lo tho trial and conr?etibrfof Joli Oconal our last 8uporior Court, of tho murder of DarirB Gandy. Tho con? vict bas aontapetitio I toGon..SicklcH, sctliiig forth that ho wa J under tho control; of two:Um on pria onora piiottlng thom lo tho Poo Doo Rivor; that Gandy saw and purauod worn, and tint it was necoaaaxy to kill Gandy in ordor that tho prisonora might malto good theil oa tapo : that ho waa arrested brought to ft apocdy trial without any opportunity of bringing into Court John Donnie, who waa lila principio and only witness, whoso testimony would have proved his Inuoconco, and that bia bio waa sworn away by parties for tho aako of reward, and thornford prays the mercy of tho Commanding Goneral. Wo Only givo an nu 11 jun ol tho petition from memory. If tho petition bo cor? rect, and Joff Goo WM aiding prisonors to encapo, ?nd tho killing or Mr. Gandy waa nceossary to ofToot thal purpoHo, doubtless, according to re? cognized laws, ho ia onlitlod to nioroy ; bot tho testimony of tho witnesses waa outiroly dif? ferent from what Jeff status in hm petition. Mr. Oandy was killed in Juno following ibo surrender _at ft timo whon them waa n i prisoners in thia section of country, and, oven if tboro bad been, it waa not noooatary fer Mn.m lo tako tho lifo of any ono in ordor to make their oscaoc. Wo aro ni so informed that John Dennis, whom Jeff aota forth In bia petit! m aa a material witness, was in .ttendanoo daring thc tonn of court. We have not heard the conclusions arrived at by Limit. Hogtie: but unless military authority intercedes, Jeff Ooo will b > hangod on th? drat Friday in June, in aooordenoe with tho aentonoe of tho CoxuL-Marton ?ar. RECONSTRUCTION. VOICES FROM THE SOUTH. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. VIROIJ?IA. v [From the Richmond Timtt qf Monday.] ATTENTION, "FBEEDMEW I"-Tlio fact may be considered as demonstrated by recent official sud statistical publications, that tbore are in tho neigh? borhood of ono hundred and twenty thousand wbito suffragans in Virginia and moro thin soven ty-livo thousand black Totora. Alter deducting tbo disfranchised whites and tho donioroJizod roiicgados who aro arrayed against thoir raco and color tho rrhito majority in Virginia will not fall abort of tbirty thousand votos, ir our pcoplo do not fnil to rogistor and exercise tho i n;hl of suffrage. Wo direct tho attention of tho leading and Controlling mon of both p.rtiin to thin statement aa pregnant with political interest and importance. It will toacli tho reflecting froid ?nen that thoao who bavo adviaod thom to organ? izo a party boatilo to thoir wliito employons, will doom thom to tho mortification of a perpetual and hopeless miuonty. It U far moro to their ia ti ree ta than il ls lo that of tho whites, that thov should unito with thoir omployora in electing tho bint mon to orneo, ro Kardicaa of the appeals of Radical demagogues. Whatever may bo tho power and atrongtb of tho nogr.i in Bomo of .bu ? ta toe further South, boro tho Caucasian occ ipiea tho natural and propor ro? tation uf tb 7 dominant and superior raco in num? bers au woll as in intelligence. It is fortunato, bowovor. for tho froodtnen, that tho toolings of tho dominant raco aro of tho kindest character to their Into slavos. Tboy havo no disposition to wiald thoir powor to tho injury of tho woakor raco, but aro sincerely and honestly dosiroua to maturo a av atom of organic Law calculated for tho perfect and pormaiiont protection ot all their rccontly ac? quired rights. Ir ia not at all probable that in lo? calities whero tho majority ot wbito voters fer members of tho Convention will be largest, that unv oauilidato will bo oloctod who ia uot willing to giro tu tho freedman all which iu ossontial for tho protection of bis rights of person and property. Union* tho nogrocs uball yield to tho advico of designing knaves, and organizo a bleak nun's party, thoro ia no probability of tho largo wbito majority in Virginia being oast as a nuit against them. As there is no conflict of interest botweon tho whites and tho blocks, tbcro ahould bo no snob po? litical organizations aa tboso which mercenary and rascally itinerant hirelings aro advocating Tho cmiaaarios of tho Northern Radic?is, for purely uolfish purposoc, aro attempting to place tbo black minority in thia S tutu in a falso position, and which will prove suicidal to their own interests. Wo are too familiar with the nature of tho nogro to at? tempt to win him by flattery. Wo wish to toll him m th J plainest posBiblo Language that neither his ?mancip?t .on, nor tho proscriptive legislation of CongrcSB havo mado him a trouper in Virginia thau his prosont employer and lato master. Hooping Ibis undeniable fact before him, we wiah him also to understand that he can best promote bis inter? cuts, poli I ?eal and individual, by refusing tobo mada tlio tool of tho bad mon who aro seeking to array bim in causeless hostility toward tho white race iu thia State. RICHMOND NEOBOEB.-A Riohmond correspon? dant of tho Boston Adoeriue' says that tho ne? groes of tbat city aro soiucwhat demoralized. Tho bod influences, it obsorvea, proceed from Wash? ington. '"It says: Wo hiivo'a good many pestilent follows in the capital-iullows who seem to livo for tho purpoao of creating strife and bad blood. Couti tor in in? oneca has neutralised muon of thoir miaohiof Ihore. d?vorai of them bavo boon down boro on so-called missionary tours. Thoir visits have boon pro? ductivo of nothing bot ovil; ao that, whit with tho raspings of tho rob?is on ono side and Ibo spurt ring of ibeso wild-headed Radicals 'on tho oilier, ibo poor nogra lino boon brought to a bad ?slate. The Richmond Enquirer saya of tho Northern pobtical agitators who aro now stumping tho South: * Wo would earnestly advise oar people to avoid these distui ounces, by staying awav from tho harangu?e of men who cannot talk civilly, and who stir up animosities botweon tho races. Do not go to boar them. Keep away from thoso gatherings ot excited blacks, infuriated by the appoala of malignants, and liable to commit trespasses that may run into blood. Leave il to the military to doa! with tho oxcoaacs whioh tho incendiaries may mutitjulu. Let Mr. Kelley and euell aa ho, havo tho iield wholly to themselves. They claim to bo freo to speak whatever, thoyploaau. Wo aro free not'to liston unless wo ploaso. Stay away from thoso who come not to reason with n?. a?ot ?? ??.? erando'we, no* to WILT us tn aispuvys of kind senti? ment"-but who come to abuse us and villi fy ns, aud itstigato attaoks cn us, and irritate QB if poa? uible to disorder." [From (As Richmond Timi.] YI'AUMXKO ra ros WOBK.-As Senator Wilson traversas that portion of tho Sooth where the dog atar rogos wi In uncommon florconess, his radical? ism waxes exceedingly hot.. Al th >ugh he baa boen subjected to no insults, and bau had r specif ul audiences, be has gradually thrown off alt dis? guise, and justitiell tbo strong laugiiago whioh we employod when dononncing tho objects o hui mla aiou. Tho correspondents of the Radical Journals comment with surprise upon tho v?h?ment sbueo aud denunciation whioh, in bis speech at Augusta, bo heaped upon all who participated in the "rebel? lion.'' Ho ia described as having bulliod tho whites in tbo moat offonaivo marmor, threatening whole* salo confiscation if his orders, were notoboyod, and 1 if. the bellos la of tho ox tremo Radicals ivor o not coined out. Tboy describo his tone ..nd manner in his Sou thurn apo oohes as having assumed that of a EC bo nb II as ter addressing a crowd of refractory fmpils, giving them to understand that their fa tiro behaviour would dc terni i nu who th r lie would or would not bastinado them willi bis cobbler's strap. Tho rampant disc ?plo of Crispin aneerod in taunta of low-bred contempt at ail tho pore and good men whoso virtues are rovored by tho Southern pcoplo, and brutally tore open every half-healed wound which ho thought would giro pain to his white Auditors. Ho utterly abandoned the oonsprvativt position which he occupied in thia State of oppos? ing tho formation of a Radical black man's party, and urged the negroes to disregard tho advice ol their employers, and to vote against them. Hil course banded obviously to bring about open an' tagoniaui between tho two races, and, aa a corres? pondent of the Now York Timos assorts, ''hold oui to tb cm as a dir oct incentivo to support the Radi' eal candidates and none others, the probablo dla triuution among thom of the confiscated estates o tho wbito men who opposed the Radical party.' Having stripped off his conservative disguises Wilson's cUaigns arenow transparent. .,. ... , . (frost (AS Richmond Dirpatch, A/ay ii.] . After quoting tho. platform Laid down by tbo ne groes of Alabama, tho EUpat?h says : It is against the social port of this platform tha the whites enter t >oir protest. They aro willinf that the ''car or steamboat which is a puolio con vovanco" shall carry. all tao nogroes who pay foi rilling, bat tboy wish tho nogroes to bavo soparati apa tmonts, sen ar a to' dming-tablcs, and sc Daran sitting rooms. Thby do riot, wish to associate will them. That is the whole atinry. Bo oq to bjttiui on juries. Wbito mon cannot sit on thean wit! negroes .without associating .'Vt i th them. Wuy thon, should tho negroes try to force the! unwilling company upon men who think the; are disagreeable companions t "Riding in para or sitting in jury-uoxM, or stoaxnlioat cab ins," aro not social privileges. We aero to this. Bat it ie tho nogro that ta try inc to mako thoBD acta social privilege*. Ho 1 not content to ride, but he insista apon ridinj sido by side with tue wbito man. thus actual! claiming a " social privilege" whioh the Latter i not willing to concede to bini, '(ho nogro ma havo aa many steamboats, care, churches, achoo houses, theatres or hotels, aa he desires. " It i his privilog - to havo them. Mo white man will ol jeot. But th a does not satisfy Sambo. He wishi to force, bia children into M>? aame sohool wit white children, and bia own person into tho sam rooms and seats with white men. In foot, h olaima social equality ; for that ia Jost the earn an substance of the Alabama platform. And ho migl as well learn now as kt any future timo that tbi is just what ho pan novar have BO lcr.g faa whit men shall bo whit? mon. To attempt oby ooo pr o mino upon auch points ls to concede every thin that ia olauncd. NORTH "CAROLINA. [From Us Charh'tt Tint, ?lay 53.) "In conclusion, I would charge you, aa yon prii tho blessings of po ano and harmony whioh we a charo in common in BO largo a moaanre in Alb marlo, to avoid all aoorot political associattot and lengu?n, and to flee as for your life from tl deadly approach of ali social and political agit tors and reformers, bowovor spacious may be tt forma which they assume, and from whatevi class, oolor or condition they como. . .' Wo clip tba srbovo from a lotter addressed b Mr. Wood, of Albemarle county, to the oolorc people In responso to a lotter written by them i request him lo boco ni o a candidato to reprove; them in tho Convention. Wo have all along tak< this view of tba matter. Neither aoorot Lc agu nor political organizations aro neceas, ry to pro tc tho nogro in hts tights. Tho aenao of justice, U old fooling of respect and affoctlon. early aseooL lion, mutual interest, oil combino to prompt tl dominant race to protest bini, if necessary, si frankly to yield a ready acquiescence to tue nc order of things. If ail thia fall, the atrong ann tho Government ls around bim. and though i agenta may, in many caaes, act ao. aa to mal monoy out of the operation, the "blessed Burea will soo that no Hob does. Then we eay with M Wood, as yon price peace and harmony, avoid i accrot pobtical associations. Thoso Leagues ara gotten op not for the bono of tho mern bern, but for tho profit of tho loadoi ' Rotnembor ?hon you tako the oath to vote aa A tells yon, that A B may have sold you for the ? vcr. You aro aa capable of Judging who aro yo friends as any loader, bo ho white or ba ho bloc "Pr a no tho bridge that mrrioi you over a a fe," ia 5ood old aphorism, and will pay well to act upc ben, in these tunea of trickery- and domoraiu tion, take the advico of goutlomon whom y know, and who cannot possibly have any mien in deceiving yon. In that way peace will bo pt served, Rood fooling provan, and tho colored n receive (list asalaLanco and enoonragomont whl .rill lead to ita elevation and development. ,0 BORGIA. [From tim Mason J?vmaX (md Xuunfer.] . Thoro abanjd bo but, two parti?* in tba Sot now -ono in fi vor of auph vigilant action aa to scour' a State govorumont of Georgians-and I othor opposed to inaction upon the same pr j ciple. I ! . f: . 11 Tho Daily Opinion, Atlanta, after reviewing tho action of tho Ku pic mo Court on tho potitloua of Georgia and Mississippi, and tho effect upon auch action upon tlio quo tion of reconstruction, say? : Occupying this stand point, tho all-important quostion ia- How eau wo bettor our proaont posi? tion, and what ia tho quickest modo wo oan adopt to accomplish that result? Wo lear tho apathy aroused by the original "dig? nity" men. who woro disposed to li.Uou to Gov. Jenkins' predictions, will ord in sullen notion on tho part uf tunny. Of such disposition wo already hear rumors, li is reporto d from ono ol our neigh? boring counties, hy a correspondent, that while all will register who can do so, a majority will veto "No Convention;" and a friend from another coun? ty reports that, to defeat a convention, many havo determined not to regis ter. We submit that i ion her tho "dignity" policy of voting "No Convention," nor tho stubborn policy of not registering will avail anything to slop tho ball of reconnu oct ?on. It WAS sot in motion hy? the 8. 8. 8. Bill, lind at every revolution ban gat li? on d power, until lust HOW wo, au a people, nra powerless to slop its progress. Wo sro loft with? out choice, beyond that of acquiescence, If white men do not put our ship of H tato upon the right track, black mon will do it to suit tnemeotros. lr tho white-: will not assist in starting tho noblo craft, tho blacks will do it unaided ? Tho fact of our roturo to tho Union is inmutable; tho only quoslir .?, who IB to guido us? Witt it be sousiblo, thoroforo, for thoeo who aro eligible to participate in tho work of restoration, and aro accustomed to political action, to romain stub? bornly passant, and permit an unpracticed politi? cal olomont tomanagotho helm, unaided by tho counsels of oinorioncc? Wo think not, and urgo that auch shall not be tho case. W? trust our readers will look upon this matter as wo do. Hie peoplo of the State will not bo poworloss, unless thoy oloot to bo so. Wliilo ntnbborun -HP of action will nut ultimately chango tho result, it will servo to "ontinr.o all oar prosont unusual disabili? ties and liabilities. Which course isthowisoat? This ia tho question to bo considered, arid decided practically. "Masterly inactivity" will bo as fatal as masterly opposition could possibly bo. Both should bo avoided I \From the Augiula CanttitulionatUt, Hay 23.] A BuTTox-noLE Lowan.-From tho Now Era'? account of Kelley'u spoooh at Atlanta, we should say th t his inaoloiioo had shared tho fato of Bob Acres' oourago. and oozed out of tho palma of his hands. Thc Mobile n ight exposed tho flimsiness nf his mock heroics, and taught him tho value of discretion. Ile was not only scared out uf his hat. hut out of his scalp. Jo tho astonishment of everybody, instead entrenching himself behind tho 15th Infantry and tho United States army, and from thoao invincible fortresses thundering anathe? ma aghast tho South and ita peoplo, ho roared as gently as s sucking dovo, ana tenderly insinuated that tbo North was rich and educate I while tho South was poor and ignorant. Ile wished to know why thu state of affairs existed, and, in answer re? ferred tho whole question to tho barbarism of slavery. Tho South is poor, God knows : sho may bo ignorant, but if tho North can show a larger bal? ance shoot and a bettor system of tuition. Mr. Kol? loy hould learn that bis friend Ger nit Smith gavo a Hounder reply whon declaring that in tho mat tor of slavery ino South owned tho cow but tho North strippod tho teats. In oilier words, tho money that Ino South mado abo was robbed of by her Yankoo brothron, and tho little remaining stolon by Sherman's brimmers and Sheridan's born burners. Any ono who chooses to examino tho statistics of Southern woaltb and Northern profl s, can roadUy account for tho lack of material enter? prise: in an agricultural region, and ita supromocy among those who ran tho Government machino te Hint themselves. Sinco tho war, Mr. Kellin 's party has koc t the Sooth poor and illi'orate. When bo taunts ns with misfortunes brought upon us by himself and his party, it ia at best gratuitous and moan. Wo understand that Mr. Kolloy retrained from speaking in this oily because of an intimation from General Popo that lucio had boon controversy enough In his line. If this ls true, Gen. Popo de? serves tho thanks of tho peoplo In his military dis? trict, and rises correspondingly in popular esti? mation. BEOIBTBATION IN Gr.O HO IA ANT) At. ADA MA. -Olllir.ll or GEM. POPE.-ATLANTA, May 2L-An important General Order on llegistration baa just been issued by Gun. Popo. The following aro tho salient points: The States of Georgia and Alabama will bo dis? tricted, and a froodmau placed on every Boord of Kcgiatration. Bogistera ar* to toko tho iron-clad oatn, and to explain to all persona their political rights and privileges. The right ta register and vote will. be guaranteed by the military anthori tics. Violent threats or any oppressive moans to prevent persons from vntlno -?? bilun?Jbj luimuuiaus arrest ana trial by military commission. No contract of laborers depriving thom of wages for any longer time than now ally consumed in registering or voting is permitted to ba enforced, under penalty of arrest and trial, In casos of disturbance at of registration or voting, civil authorities will be called on lor pro? tection, and iii their def .ult, the military. Civil officers, refusing to protect registers or votera will bo arrested and tried by a military commission. FLORIDA. Oov. MABvpt'a ADDRESS.-Governor Marvin it out, in tho Floridian, in on ''Address to tho People of Florida," which reflects credit upon tho hoad and heart of the ablo writer. Wo deeply regrel toat our abridged columns dunv us tho pleasuro ol rubhshing lbs document in fell. Tho best wt nan do, under tho circumstances, is to publish I few m tracts from it, After stiling that he does not beliovo tho rolfe prayed for by Mississippi and Georgia will bi granted by the Supreme Court : or ii granted, thai ihoir decision would be obeyed by Congress, om Senator arrives at this conclusion : "The truth in my judgment is, that we aro in tho midst of i revolution Milich cannot bo arrested by the deci sion of any court, and which will, In au - probabU ?ty, roll on in spite of anything wo can do in Flori da, until lt arrives at its" ultimate goal, which 1 prosont appears to bo tho ratification of the pro posed Amendment to the' Oonstitutlin 0i th united Mintos, and the vindication of tho claim o Congress, aa against tho Executive, to direct ant i superviso tho process of reconstruction." Ho is in favor of holding a Convention, and 0 accepting, frankly, the terms pf reconstruction a imposed by the Sborman Military BUL He urges that "lull, ample ana complote proteo tion by too law and Courts should be given to th freedmen, if it has not already been done, with a little coat to thom as possible, and that they shoal not be overburdened with taxes, bat encourage to bo industrious, to accumulate property, lo edt cate their children, and to oltvato themselves i tho scalo of civilisation, by ovary Jost and prop? means in their power. Let them have a fail equal and. oven . chance in tho race of life ia, know, the sentiment of tho conscientious, intou gent and thinking mon of the State. Let this sci timent bo evorywnoro expressed by tho whiles 1 an open, frank and generous manner, and I thin wo nomi not apprehend a oollision of tlvo tworac? at ino polls, Tho freedmen "will soon leam, they havo not already learned, that ia tho very ni turo of things they must havo the onoourxgemen the sup ort, and tho friendship of tho wbhes wit whom thoy aro living. Now that the war ia ove and their status ia fixed, they will easily undo stind that one friond on tho spot is worth a hui drud two thous un J miles off," ALAIIA.UA. ' - ? i Prem th? MtMIe Tim, Maj 19.) Tbs fo]ki wing we copy to show th? reliability Northern; report* of Southern OT ont? ; I v J A M oVs BT.>wT)Tna.-There waa on our right < the nigbt-pf the porno at the Kelley's meeting, i Individual,ru, resented to us as a special report for the New York Herald. As far es wa oan I mombor bim. he waa in the primo of manhoe above tho'middle siso, eleni and square built. When tho panie, commenced, and a mjvome was made by the crowd to part In the centre, tl individual, m his terror ana tear, fell on bia bo and sneaked under tho speaker's tabto. there d puting tho small protecting spaco with tho speak himself and certain other prominent officers of t meeting, How and when that individual crawled nut on 1 knees and hands, wo cannot tell, as other aqua amusing acones were then ongaging our attentit bnt as that individual waa within touch of us, 1 can affirm that he tells a willful falsehood whon says he Bay anything but the foot of the taole u der whh) i fro was hiding. And yet, that Individual, who had boon troatcd tho MODIIO press with all possiblo courtesy, whom Southern editors had oponed their s?nela that individu J, devoid .of tho least particle manhood, (Vd not blush when recovering Irom ! fe ara, to send tho following infamous ela udora the report of tho affair, as if he had had the co tgo to stand np and look at it. . From Uti Mobile Tima, May 31.] Tho following odilorial article wo find in I Times, prefacing tho order of General SWATHS UMialling martial law in Mobilo : , Oan zn AT LAST.-Wo greet with thankfutn tho order hereafter published, and which is at I tho Inauguration of tho reign of Peace. We havo for months past ' sid. that whon rc lutirmi have roached tue military period, thoy on the o vu of subsiding Into thu normal oandit of society, and WO havo sincerely prayed for prompt accomplishment of those immntoblo ru Tho order just- iaauod by Col. Shepherd, F Commander, after due consultation with superior officer, will bo greeted by oar eiti* with Joy aa being tho "commencement of the e: of our civil troubles. It matters little, for tho prosent, how muph freedom wo may. or may not o. Joy--society is least free from violence; life is soouro, pro-port safo, and lt is a groat-a giant atep towards pe and proa pen tv. We we. o no*, docoived in our expectation? Ooo. ?wayne Ho has dealt with tho groat qi lion liefere him tn a fair, literal and noblo epi ho baa not eought to exhumo * past full of ? eora, ho bas not listened to the poisonous adv: ot agitators on eithor Bide; bnt, Uki a stateai and a ooldior, ho has sternly seizod on the fal and providod for all poss hie ernorgonoio?, Tho result of his nivea tgations clearly prc that tho commander and officers of tho garr? havo not been biased in their report, and that I have represented the Plata of pabilo fooling t the fairness, t ruth and indopondonoo of gentle] as well as soldiers, I JW?? Os M*Uft**jy ?dvtrUstr, Hey 22.] A-mu? D in a POLITICAL MxxrWOS.-If the t to voto ?ver filled the pocket or the stomach voter, tho privilege was greatly abused. In u ty-nino caseB ont of a hundred auch is not fact, and thoao who In the effort to moko ni thia groat right aro neglecting their business, a positive injury to themselves and tho oommn at largo. Ono planter In thia county told UH yos torday tliat all lila laborera loft homo, twenty-two niiloa fwi tho city, on Thursday lait, and re? mained in town until nftoi- tho speaking on Saturday. Tho timo tlioy lost will of courso bo dcductod from thoir wages, and wo venturo they lost touch moro br coming off lo c?tond loaguo and politioal mcolings than thoy will over gain. This ord is goneraUv complaiuoi of, and moro particularly du wo find it apokon of in our North Carolina ox 'Junges, whoro tho politi? cal agitators hara boon continually getting up pub? lic moetings. Tho Henderson Index estimates that tho county ot Granville lost fully 16000 In labor hy? the luto gathering of freedmen nt a mooting in that town. Homo 8000 woro In at tendance, noarly all of whom lost two days from their work. Wo do not object ta thoir being fully informed on tho sub loot of thoir rights, but we do iu alt sincerity sey thet tho host thing tho black man can do is to work and strive to mako something for his vrifo and children. If ovil whito mon toll you tho govonimont will pr?vido fer von nt thc oxponso of your whito neighbors, and thus toll you off fri in your labor, you aro listening toovilcoiinnollora, who only wish If uso yon for tuc r oirii political advancement. 1 If you Lave n Rood place with Homo money in your pocket, corn in tho crib, and mont in thc umoko boase, you will lind them bolter friends to von thin all tho political speakers from Maine to Cali? fornia. You will not bo in tills desirable fix if you continually negloct your business, for tho moro you loso from vour work tho less money you'll bavo at the and of tho year. In tboso hard tiraos, no laboring man can afford lo loso ono day in each weok, and it is wrong for any one to induce him to do so. Lot political mootiogs alono, is our advice to tho blacks, and wo behove tho whites, too could got along very woll by slaying away from them. MISSISSIPPI. I AV. - Ott /-fV-m, (?fiu.? Clarion. Map S.) Tho writer has had recent opportunity of inter? changing ristra with many intelligent and loading citizens of Eastern and Southern Mississippi, and is gratiOod to bo able to stale' with entire eo-11 donco that tho groat Conservative He-construction Party ia rapidly absorbing ovory other element. In some of tho conation it will moot with bat little if any organized opposition. Multitudes who woro, .n first impulso, disinclined to toko nari in tho re? construction roovoment inaugurated by Congress, wita minds inflamed by a sens'o bf its severities, and with doubts of tho good faith of tho Govern? ment, have undor tho salutary influence of the so? ber, eocond thought, fully determined to accept tho situation as thor find it, and to enroll them? selves and roto for a Con va dion, and for good and true mon, pledged lo roorganizo tho State Govern? ment, preparatory to admission into tho Union. In somo localities, it is to bo regretted that a ?chemo to array tho colored voters, as a class, in a Sosition of antagonism to tho whites, is being ill? ustriously prosecuted, but wo trust that it will bo successfully counteracted by tho, vigilance and properly directed efforts of intelligent and patriotic people, who will look to the prosperity of all and tho gond of tho entire country. In every com? munity there aro discerning blacks, who bavo de? tected tho designa of those iniquitous plotters, aud aro warning tho votera of color against thom. Tho plans of tho disorganlzere, who aro for tho most part omissanos from otbor regions, bavo boon greatly aided by tho counsels of tho im? practicables at home, who at first adria od tho suicidal pol oy of "masterly innctivy,"' but now advise that tho people register their names and roto tho nnti-Lou vent iou ticket. It will bo an easy task, howovcr, 1er our conservativo friouds to con? vince tho now raters that thora ia a medium ground which thoy may occupy between Ibo Im? practicables on tho ono hand and liad.cain on tuo otbur. It is tho polioy of prompt oimpliauoo with tho requisitions of the Uovornmont as embodied in tho reconstruction measures. We do not road t ,0 signs of publio fooling amiss, when we assert that it will prorail by au unprecedented majority in Ibo coming elections. Tho Columbus, Miss., Index, of a lalo dato, says: accounts which wo bavo received from difforuiit portions of tho tit ito, assure us that tho people KOnorally will rog la tor and that there ia ground to Lupo that if tho (montion of holding a convoution ls fairly submitted, will bo voted down. Just now our pen?lo aro iu doubt as to what courso to pur? sue They are beginning, however, ti understand tho questions to bo deeded, aud by next Ueptem bor thoy will bo fully awakened to tho necessity of making a stand in de.once of the principios or tho Constitution. The lido seems to bo turning in favor of the Democratic party at the North, and by September wo will be enabled to Judgo with somo degree of accuracy, ' whether thero is auything to hopo tram tbs. .ipjarUir. A SxHinos Onslow.-Tho editor of the Aber? deen, Mississippi, Examinar, ba aUn.dinpj^t^jjii^ Mj??'?ii aro uppobod Jo thoa0 publio gatherings at tho prosont timo. Wo ore opposed to thom bo oauso ' wo think that tho hour is for earnest tuought and uot for debate; the hour is for staJy and ni gus-eyed scrutiny cr the political horiaon, and not for windy aud excited haran gu - B. We aro opposed to them because starvation staros uar p opie in tho fara; because there is no corn In our cribs; because coin ia one dollar and ten cents a bushel in bt. Louis, tho Egypt of tho land, aud is aLU advancing, ai d because the season has thoa fax IK on unpropitious, and thought and labor should not be dive. tod from tho fields. Wo aro op? posed to thom, because wo believe that at tho prosent moment the most perfect amity exisla among ell classes of our citizens, and will exist un? id crimination end recrimination from tho rostrum divides thom. Let dignity prevail. No matter whet a man's views or politics may be or may hero boen, there can be no necessity for his crawling on lus bolly and eating dirt; nothing can bo gained by it. Baseness wields no influence, but manliness moves tho mob end loareus tho mens, ir yon bavo con? cessions to mako, mako thom graoefillly; admit the necessity, yield io it if rou will, but do not show your contempt for God's laws and the intelligence of tboso who know you, by professing loro for tho task necessity eoaigns you. , TUB crAor-j. From ail directions tbs reports continuo encoura? ging with reference to the wheat orop. In tho South the prospect appears very good for a bettor wheat crop tuan wo hevo bed for ten years. Of courte the breadth of land iu wheat is not so great aa before tho war, yet the yield will, if no injury la sustained by tho crop hcloro .harvest, be vory burgo. Tho soeaon has thus far, however, boon unusu? ally cold ana backward for other crops. Corn is much rotsidod. tn portions of tho wes tom part of tho Stn te, owing to tho coldness and dampness ot tho ground, the oura that was planted usa rotted, and tho work of replanting has been neces? sary. The season for making corn is abort there, ena tho crop that is not forward is always in peril from tho early fro:!ts of fall. The farmers in that region oro tho ref oro somowbat uneasy; but it is a long timo in advance to bo croaking. A vory genial Bummer may hurry up tho growing crop sp ea (O' make pp tho linio lost by tho'backward ?Wing. \Iitchmond DUpatoh, of Monday. THE CBOfs.-Wo rooelro encouraging informa? tion coucorning tho erupa from noaxly all quarters of tho Biete. The oom is most promising; the cotton is backward for the limo of year, but not for the season. ' Besides, the season in this State is moro than long onough fully to maturo cotton, which shall bo -cow planted. The weather la as good as can te, and favorable to planting, It is tmll in goocf tiuip tor a month to come, if tue raina continuo, to plant sorghum. Tho season con? tinu es most terorablo fur sotting out p oLatoo alina. Uoutlon Jtleqraph, TR* Cuora.-Our Western exohangea aro unani? mous in saying that there never was better prom? ise ol orops than thia season so far presents. Tho accounts from tho Bou th ern States ere al? most as encouraging. The harvesting ot wheat ia now progressing in the upper portions of Georgia, Alabama and in perts of Tennessee. Tho corn, though backward, la healthy and rigorous, and cotton is genoraJy looking well. This is truly gratifying intelligence, as wo soe that in spine jf tho Northern markets wheat ls quoted et B to $310, ana it is Btatod that a grow? ing crop in North Carolina has sold as high aa 13 60 per bushel. These prices obviously cannot long bo maintained, end with tho advent of the new crop of wheat ws sincerely trust much of tho terribie suffering in oar famino stricken bind will bo speedily alleviated. [Savannah JVeiat and Herald. BLAKELT. EA ar.Y Co., QA-, May 18,18C7. Massas. OBKZ A Sos: Supposing that you would like to know something 01 our orop prospects, I will say to you wo bavo had a cold, we ?. backward spring; labor bea boon scarce, and the planting not so largo as last year*, wo have a little moro oom planted ban we hid lest yean tho corn is small and backward (or tho timo, bnt from whet I aoo and bear of it, at tho present, it promise-? well. I sapposo we hero about ono-nelf enough, If it yields wolf, to make a plentiful supply for the country. The cotton, as usual, ia much complained of, tho plant small, bed stands, Ac But tho worst ls yet to bo told. Borne of us have a, little oem, many of us nono; if wo find sometMogls Siro our mulos to-day, wo do not know howwo shall food them to? morrow. I fear every day to near of snrrendora all over ihe country. Wc, in this county, have had nono yet that I nave heard of. Tho moat houses are aa badly supplied as tho cribs-but little to oat for man or ocast, and uo monoy to buy it with, and still thoy will not plant oom. J. B. It. LAUHXHB Oouirn, GA, May 14, 1BC7. MESSES. Eorroas: Crops in this and Wilkinson county are at present rather encouraging, Tho cold wind and rain made cotton look litolosa for s few days, but tho present warm weather bas greatly revived lt, A Pretty IST?0 ?rop hes boen Slanted aud tho stand 1B gonsrally good. Small rain ia fajir, but in limited quantity, Laborors ero generali y Working well, but It re? quire 1 close attention lo koop them up to he soratob. They are ea yet entirely undisturbed with politics. If thoy get excited on this subject, I fear our crops will euffor much, for you know that one idoa et a timo ls SB muon as thoy can bear. Provisions are very acaree, and it will bo a bard run to get through avon with considerable suffer? ing. J.T.O, [M?UdgnUl? Bcoordtr, TBS WsATirSB-CHOPS DI Botan Coincrr.-For B overol days pest wo have been favored In this sec? tion with fight rains and cloudy, warm weather, whioh bavo boon of great advantage to tho grow? ing orops, The gardens ec ns i by improved, and tho orops of cotton aud corn aro vory promising, 'ibo oats and wheat crop vs !U soon bo ready for the rc apo r, and the proa pot bi 1 head are reasonably good, lau* l>e?.~Oeor\ i Odutn. W. D, Sloan, Esq., a nativo of Piokena district, died In Pontotoo county, A?us., on the 10th of March, 1867, at tho advanced ?ga of sixty years. Mr. Sloan Was the fl ret Sherill ot Piokens district, and emigrated to Mississippi m 1190. ONE PRICE OMI UH ! OUR SPRING STOCK IS NOW ready, and comprises a better assort? ment of CLOTHING niHM GOODS Adapted to this market, than we ha?e eyer offered. We hayo giren particular attontlon in getting up tliis Stock to lightness of fabric, strength of material and durability of color. Much the larger portion of our Stock is mado in onr own workshop, and we warrant it in every respect equal to custom work. We have Goods uot of our own man? ufacture, such as uro usually sold ready-made, tho difforenoe we shall bo glad to show our customers. In fixing our pr ires, from which we moke no deviation, we have taken into consideration the depressed state of tho market, and the univer? sal desire to bny goods cheap. We give below some of our lead? ing prices i --- CHT.OK OA88IMERE BOTTS.? 00 ALL WOOL TWEED BOTTS.9 60 ALL WOOL TWEED BOTTS.18 00 BLACK AND WHITE MIX CASS THE HE BOTTS, our own make.16 00 ] THREE STYLES OF MIDDLESEX CAS8I MEBE BOTTS, DARK, MEDIUM, AMD LIGHT MIXTURES.IB ? BLACK AND WHITE MTX OABSTMEBE sorra.?..MOI BILK MTX TRICOT, DIFFERENT MTX ' TORES.......84 00 I FINE BLACK GERMAN TRICOT BOTTS. ...27 00 DARK BROWN GRAIN Da FODDER BOTTS.? 0 BLACK DREBS BOTTS, ranging in prioe from. .$19 to 69 00 LINEN SOTTB, from.IA to 90 00 In addition to the above, we have many good Styles of LIGHT AND DARK FANCY CAS SIM E RE S, IN FULL SUITS" And in Pants and Tests. ALSO, I ALPACA SACKS DEAF DxETE BOTTS jumma VESTS, White and Fan* J BLOE FLANNEL BOTTS, of very Ano quality HEAVY WHITE DOOK BOTTS, &o., Ao. FURNISHING GOODS. In addition to our usual assort? ment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH? ING GOODS, we wish to call parti* cnlar attention to onr SI?DRT DEPARTMENT. We have made arrangements to j have our SH I.HTS made by our own Pattern, and we think they will compare favorably in style and flt with any Shirt on the market. THEY COMPRISE FOUR QUAL? ITIES, $2 50, $3 00, $3 50, and $4 00. We invite the attention of COUN? TRY MERCHANTS and PLANT? ERS TO OUR STOCK, which we are selling in quantities at very low prices. MANILLAR, WILLIAMS & PARKER, No. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OF HASEL, CHARLESTON,! S. O. Mi? 13 imo MAIUUBD. On Wednesday ovenlng. 33d instant, st HL Michael's Cburcb. by tho Hov. P. T. KEITH, Mr. EDMONDS T. DROWN to MU? SUSAN C. V., daughter of tho late Major JOHN A. KEITH, all ol Charleston. On Ute 32d May, 1867, at th? residence of Ibo brldu'a toother, lu Cetndcn, lt. A. SNOWDEN to Mian E. It. LEE, daughter of tho lato Dr. Jos. LEK. * OD the 33d Inst., at Uraco Ohurcb, by tho HOT. C. C. PntCKHET, J. H. AVERILL to SUE II,, daughter of E. W. MA USU ALL, all or this city. . SPECIAL NOTICES. aw-WE ARE A?THOB1ZED TO ANNOUNCE E. M. WIIITINU, Esq., si a candidato tor s ho mr ol Charleston (Judicial) District, at the neat olooUon. September HI mW NOTICE-I, WILLIAM M. SACK, DO hereby Inform Ibo public that my wife, HARRIETT ADI O AIL SACK, has no authority front mo lo boco ruo a sole trader, nor do I coe sent to havo her aol In thal capacity; and I furthermore stato that I will uot bo responsible for debts oontractod by hor. WM. M. SACK. May 39 0 ?BT BEAUTIFUL HAIR._C1TEVAL1EB'8 LIFE FOR t HE HAIR poul tl roly restores gray noir to | ita original coli i aud youthful beauty; Imparts Ufo and strength lo tho weak ont hair; stops lbs falling out at on co; keeps the head clean; is unparalleled aa a hob drolling. Bold by all Druggists and fashionable hair-I dressers, and ai roa/ office, No. 1133 Broadway, New [ York. SARAH A. CHEVALIER, M. D. DOWLE ft MOISE, Ko. iel Meeting ?treet. Opposite Charleston Hotel. January i ?moa AW DUTCHER'8 LIQHTNTNO FLY-KILLER will certainly exterminate these pests, If Its use ls per? severed in. Bowen, ol bogus Fly-Pspor, which some dealers koop boes uso they can got lt for nearly nothing. Don't be swindled. Ask for DUTCBER'S, which ls sold by all Ure druggists. Imo May 38 mr BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-TI1TB I SPLENDID HALB DTE ls the beet In the world. The only true and per/set Dye-harmlos?, rc hablo, Instan? taneous. No disappointment No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedios tho Ul effects of Ba? Dyet. Invigorates tho hair, leaving Ii io fl and lieauUroL The genuine la signed William A. Batthelnr. AH othors sro more Imitations, and should bo avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Porfumors. Factory, No. 81 Boroloy street. Now York. *a- BEWABE OF A COUNTERFEIT. December 10 tyr mr THE GRAVE3T MALADIES OF YOUTH AND EARLY MANHOOD.-HOWARD ASSOCIATION ESSAYS, on the Physiology of tho Passions, and tb? Errors, Abuses and Dis csu os peculiar to tho first sge ol mon, with Reports on now methods of Ireatmont em? ployed In thia Institution. Sent In sealed letter ou velopoo, free of charge. Address Sr. J. a KILLIN HOUOHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. May 30 gmo aTsT* NOTICE T J MARINERS.-C APT AI NS AND PILOTS wlshln ? to anchor their vesjou In Ashley Elver, ara requested not to do so anywhoro within direct range of the hoads ol tho SAVANNAH RAILROAD WHARVES, on tho Charleston and st Andrew's sida ol the Ashley Ri vor; by whioh precaution, contact with the Submarine Telegraph Cabio wOl be avoided. b. 0. TURNER, H. M. Harbor Molter's O?Toe, Charleston, February 0, I860. February 7 BaTERRORS OF YOUTH.-A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debdlty, Pre mamre Decay, and aU the offerts of youthful indiscre? tion. wUL for the aako of suffering humanity, send fro?, to .11 who need lt, the receipt and directions for DMltUsg the simple remedy by which he was cured. Bufferers wishi g to profit by the advertiser's experience, con do so by acdresidng, lu perfect confidence, JOHN B. OODEN, April ?3 amos* No 43 Podar street. New York. mu?fAW1?i?i U orE*1^ tnssnTO'by'Dr*: F. BAUCH and P. UOUOLEMANN (formerly employed by Ho i eso nw EAU, of Paris), No. SW Broadway, New York. April 1?_lyr SfsTPUBLIO NOTICE.-THE DISPENSARY OF the Fourth Health District, In oh rgo of Dr. J. BOATERS BUIST, boa boon removed from the City Hospital to the southeast corner of Kt. Philip and Warren tiree ts, where patienta wLU be seen botwoon 9 and 10 o'clock A. M., and S and 6 o'clook P. M., and calla left as heretofore. UEO HUH 3. PELZ ER, M D., May 34 10 City Registrar. mm- HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR BEN KW EB hos proved Itself to be the most perfect pre? paration for the hair ever odored to the public. It la a vegetable compound, and contains no injurious I properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE O RAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep tba hair from falling- out. It dean sea the scalp and makes tho bair soft, lustrous | I and silken. It ls a splendid bair dressing. No parson, old or young, should fail to uso IL IT IB RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. ' Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Benewer, I and take no other. R. P. HALT. A CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For aale by all Druggists. Wholesale by BOWIE & BOISE, SUCCESSORS. TO KINO AM) C AS -i I DEY, Marchi thly*_Charleston, B. C. i IN l^TJTTY-COLLETON DISTRICT. BM ParU GEORGIANA E. T. MAGUIRE, petition to perpetuate testimony In relation to a ti Ho (now lost) lo a Lot of Land in Ridgevlll ?, in this District aforesaid, con? veyed by THOMAS H. GOODWYN to MICHAEL MAGUIRE, and by MICHAEL MAGUIRE TO GEORGI? ANA E. T. MAGUIRE, on or about tho -day of November, in tho year 1804. On hearing the petition In this case, on motion of O. P. WILLIAMS, petitioner's Solicitor i Ordered, That all persona In anywise Interest? ed in said Lot of Land be and appear before me, at my office In Wollerbotough, on Monday, the 17th day of jnnt next, to show os use, if any they have, why the prayer of tba petitioner should not ba granted. B. STOKES, O E. a D. Commissioner's Offloe, Wallerborough, May 17, 1887 Hay38 Ult anr A YOUNG LADY RETURNING TO HER Iocmjatry homo, after a sojourn of a fsw months In tba atty, waa hardly racognixed by her friends. In place of i coarse, rustie, flushed face, aha hod a sod ruby com? plexion of almost marble smoothness, and Instead oi tw n ty-three she really oppeand but sigh lean, Upon In? quiry ta to Uta cause of so great a change, aha plainly told them that abe tuted the CIRO AB'IAN BALM, and considered lt an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By lbj usa any Lady or Gentleman con Improve thou* per? sonal appearance an hundred fold. It ia simple in ita combination, os Nature herself la simple yet unsurpass? ed In ita efficacy in drawing Impurities from, also heal? ing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and oomplaxton. By Its direct action on Uta cu hole lt draws from it aU ita Impurities, kindly healing the esme, and leaving the sur? face aa Nature Intended it should be-daer, soft, smooth and beauului. Price tl, sent by Mail or Expresas, on re? ceipt of an ardor, by W. L. CLARE ft CO., Chemists, No. 8 West Faye ito Street, Syracuse, N. 7. The only American Agenta for tho sada of Ute MAD e. March 80 ly AMERICAN ?LEAD PEMIL COMPANY, NEW YORK. Factory, Hodson City, N. J. WHOLESALE SALES ROOM NO. 3? JOHN STREET, SEW YORK. ALL STYLES AND GBADES OF LEAD PENCIL, of superior quality are manufactured and offered ct br termo lo tba Trod?. The public are Invited , lo give the AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL tho pre? ference. 1 THE PENCILS ABE TO BB IT AD AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL STATIONERS AND N.HION DEALERS. ASE FOB THE "AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL. " Ta^rraroxiAh. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, ) EFOnriKniKO Dipisniiyr, I Yaua COIAJKIK, No,em bar 16, 1888. ) I have alway? recommended the Faber Polygrads Lead Pencils as Ula only pondla fitted for both ornamen? tal and mathematical drawing; but, after a thorough trial of the American Polygrads Lead Pend?a, man? ufactured by the American Load Pencil Company, New York, I find them superior to any pencil In uso, erren to the Faber or tho old >>ig'ia?i Cumberland Load Pend), being a superior pondi for sketching, ornamental and mechanical drawing, and all tho ordinary uses of s Isod Those pondla are very finely graded and hara a very smooth lead; avon the softest pee al? hold the point well ; they are all that con bo dsslrod lu s ponoU. Il gives ma STCOI pleasure to bs obis to assure A merlos na that they will no long?? bo compelled to <lspond upon Oerxoony ox atty oth- assign maraoTfor P*"^^ Prof soso r ofDrawtstT, fte. , au, s*Xraxa Aita rtumn: 'IVT1 git- . AMERICAN LSAS PEN OIL OO. N. Y." , Nona f ?nuise without tit exact nome of tho firm t took toll. Orno Decoro ber ll SHIPPING. xrv POIl 1.1 VKItl'IM)!,.-TIIK A, . Q*kO American (now) ship BOMBAY, F. 0. Jurdyi gHy?<.'-.?>nift'i'l'T. having btu* her cargo engedi xi. wu] bavo dispel ch for tho abet port. . 0?? freight engaiiomoiile apply tu COURTENAY Ai TRENIIOLM, May ?1 Union Wharr?. VOU SOUTH GII1STU, FK.VWlUtt'H lal li ANO, lli;.\M. i P? POINT ANO WAY IsANDlNtM. mnE STEAMER IDEA, CAPTAIN CHAKI.Erl W/L X LEY, wlU rocelTo freight Tkit Day, 80th hui., atsoutia Atlantic Wharf, and leave Te-lf\gM. ?&JvS?L? P^^e. ?poly on board, ?M FOR ED?STO AND RO?KVILLK. THE STVlAMEit W. ^W. FRAZIEB, OATT. JOB. F. TORRENT. WILL LEAVE ATLANTIC WHARF AH ABO Ya* To-Af OTTO ic, May Slat, at 8 o'clock A. M. Shippers will Uko noUco that no goods will be raoaM ed unloaa tho Freight ls prepaid. For Freight or Paassgo, apply on board or to JNO. A THEO. O ETTY. May 80_1_No. ta? Esst gaffr NEW YORK AND CHARiEsTOr. STEAMSHIP LINE. F?ll NKW YORK, THE NEW AND SPLENDID 8 IDE WHEEL OTRs "MANHA.TTAN,'* M. 8. WOODHULL, Commmander, WILL LEAVE DROWN ft CO'S. SOUTH WHABJP. Off .Saturday, Juno 1st. at S o'clock P. M. Of The Ships of this Uno are provided with I accotumodaUona for peaacngora. ??? I be ManhatUn ls tho only Bidewhoel leaving Cb riv.ton this wock. 43" Tho Steamship "Charapu?n" wlU TbUow y tares 8th, 1867. 4S~ Freight ongtgomonta must ba tnsdo st tho oak? of Ibo Agonis. ?3- No freight rooolved after 1 o'clock P. M., fa**)**. day. For Freight or passago, apply to STREET BROTHERS ft CO.. May 38_S_No. ti Esst Bay, FOR SAVANNAtL THE STEAMEB "DICTATOR," 1000 TONS IHHirilE.V, CAPTAIN L. M. OOXETTBB. YT7TLL LEAVE MIDDLE ATLANTIC WHARF BVBB? TV TWsdov NipAf, at ? o'clock, for Savannah. For freight or passage apply on board or to ofiTtoe ot J. D. AIKEN ft CO, Agon ts. May 10 South AUantio Whart THROUGH TICKETS TO FLORIDA BY Charleston and Savannah Steam Packet Line. VTA BB AT) YORT AND HILTON H RAD, .rrrr-rz.-rrrr...rxxpEZW.T. ?CNSXTX. Steamer ELIZA HANCOX_Captain J. K. BiOHsnnsosL Bteamor FANNIE.Captain D. B. Vnictiri LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF. OHARLEHTO.< and Charleston Wharf, Savannah, avery Monday Wed nos I ay, Friday and Saturday mornings, at 7 cf clock Tho PILOT DOY loaves Charleston ovary Friday, anl Ba ran na h. every Saturday, Tho ELIZA HANCOX loaves Charleston every Wedne*. day and Saturday, and Savannah every Monday sud Fri* day. Tho FANNIE leaves Charleston every Monday, tuft Savannah every Wednesday, touching at BruflTon going* and returning. Freight received dally and stored tree of oharva. Freight to all pointa oxoept Savannah mort be prepaid* No Freight received after a unset. For Freight or Paasago, apply to FERGUSON ft HOLMES. Agenta, Charleston, 8. G. 0LAOH0EN ft OtmiNQHAM, Agents, Savannah, Os. H. B.-Through Tickets sold at the Office of the Agen? ey In Charleston to polnU on tho Atlantis and Gulf Bsd*, road, sad to Fernandina and points an the St. Joan's River._April 1? KIW YORK AND BRR UR M H TRA .IIS II IA* COMPANY. THJD FIRST-CLASH U. 8. MAIL BTKAMSHIP B J? XJ T I O , A. O. JONES, Master, WEI leave Pier No. to, N. R, on Saiurday, April ?J,?J Noon. FOB SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN, taking passengers lo Southampton, London, Havre an t Bremen, at the foUowUg rates, payable tn gold or 114 oqul valent In currency: First Cat?n, sllO? Second Cabin, tti; Steerage, ?85. From Bremen, Sou th amnion and Havre to New Yate. First Cabin. ?HO; Second Cabin, ?TS; Steerage, $43. EXCURSION TICKETS OUT AND HOME-FtroS Cabin, ?itu; Second Cabin, ?130; Steerage, ?70. Wi STERN MET BO PO LL , Capt. ??1L Wara.......May ts NEW STEAMER.May ll For Freight or Passage apply to IB A AO TAYLOR, Pr?sidant, February 97 ly Ho 40 Broadway, H. Y. OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORR E. H. KELLERS & CO., (I.ATE PHIN da DORN) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUfiBISTSL No. 131 MEETING STREET. Third door above Market HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LABOE ADDITIONS TO their usual stock of pura and fresh DRUGS MEDICINES _ DYK STUFFS EUROPEAN. AND AM EB! OAK F ANGY OOO Ott FINE BO APB TOILET POWDER! POMADES COS MUTTI CS COMM BCalM EXTINCTS, fcc? Oom prising Invoices from th? most reputable manus facturera. On hand, all the principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER, JAYNE, HALL, CTTsTV. ALIKE, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, ko. ?lao,? ktrgs assortment of .DBOIOAL INSTRUMENTS TBUS8E8 SADDLE BAOS MEDICINE OBTESTS O LASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OP EVERY Da*8OBiPTI0r#, Oreel attention la paid to the Impartation and aalen? HOB of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, I and nono other ar? allowed to go out of the Istartllar? mont PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy, and the public can depend on the utmost reliability in the execution of orders. E.D.KELLERS,M.D.. U BAER.H.DL larch ?_ IBB MARION STAR? ESTABLISHED NEABLY TWENTY Y KAILI AOO, 19 published ct Marton, S. OL, In the central po-ttoa of tbs country, and offers s favorable medium tn USN chants. Druggists, Machi nil ts, and all nil ssas who deeirei to extend their business in the Pee Das country. For the benefit of oar advertising pi treat, wi tahal?, lu addition to our aubeeripUon list, which ls constantly in? creasing, publish and distribute gratuitously 9000 extra copies of the STAR, during tba business ssason thia Bates of Advertising liberal. w. j. MOKEHALL, November ao_Editor and Proprietor. THE AIKEN PRESS. ria PROPOSED TO PUBLISH DI THE TOWN OF Aiken, li. a, a Weekly papar under thc abor? uti*, tob? devoted to General IntaUgac?-?>olitloe*L Com? mercial, Social, Literary, sad Rel gioua-with a Depart? ment of Agriculture, '^'"^'"f th?) Plaid, tia? Orchard tba Vineyard, ana tba Oatdtas. A Mm tomj& oem tata s digest cs* ina Important ?venta of the wa**, will occrapy a p ttott of tba MM toa MtaWa* attar*, tico w?l be alvan to tba wnasvrUrt question of Labor,, aa beat adtaptsdto ont Baw ooruilUrsa. aaa th* os?^pm*nt ot tbsnatonrcss of tba ooontry tn kCasnAotaraaT A&t. cultura, Fru? Vrahdng, ?sd Ylse-growcig. Terms-?? a year, ta advance. H. W. HAVEN KI* Editor. w. D. IniTAirn, fubUshsr, Jsauarp at