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i_L il. .flfTffi'f1 *11 l'r i^^TTtfrijii id;"\wr\i ~r fi * ^frfw III?. . KJ 'u fi . /.. .1. iiv. L'AUTO-UA-FK. ?A?.??? _ .. ? ' Whoun'?vor''a ?untof moor?ii?iit' Ulca?us.frooi a black ekj-, ,.'". Dy tbc r?d Oro'a ?low. m It smoulders low. We crooch, my lol(iir>f nuil I. My lettore. ?'/iJjjte ?frU?rp.?|Qi?0(3, Ikcni, . ' ? On Uic cHm?on lic?rlhrii|i Lbpre, '.? . sun vlvblaud Urteilt, Ui,|lii>Utfbt,', as cobrad In tnett lair. ???';,?,,,' I pn?h l?e balr Iront uiy forehead, T?at l/urna anil -tb rubs ?o fiut, l hluMiU! tbo wbllv, wlUip ataiitfo dull amilo,' - Of tbc uni 1 run-iL du al list. Who k?ioVa Lui f, ufo comfort '" ' Tb09u foollsli lettem bave boon 1 Tbo depth and ?coi??Uio strength and boi?? , Of ?iDio "leAVOs/' Unit uro always "qrceiil" Who know* bul I,.b.?V t 11'?. T?-rb?rrOV, I And/my di-caio, ? Ily tU? iiniii- bray wljl tocco and aay, ' "Wao'a V? for IhatV?utahe? glcim." ? ? ? ? orl totf aafTu?s, ""'" '? Tho Rl?rtihoor Of memories brlnhV That hid In each lino or thdao Wtlb'ra Of uilnc, Those lott?ra burn i-nlghl r ' Ab, well I tbo droaih" >wa? ? I?ll'y; Ita Joy ?ai an Uto thing, "'?loy IUhbpe\roa'aWabaita'loyalty DI?d'of a'Wb'.sporor's alimj. Ho tiLm?ihn last?to Jotfo'ra "ir A~roidiuto hand; and?1 h or? I " ' Do tilo K?d dark-oro? ot my purail] so Meottiraio through (bo ?iirO? iramV? (laro . it '/ - ? -?Vi ?,,, , ' ? ? >.?? [TimpVe Bar. , '"'"'.T'i'"' l'~iL^"?*? TUB BUPPLY jlJlD CON^UMl'TIOS OP | , . -. COTTON.. . POLICY OF THE BRITISH MANUFACTURERS. ' TUR MASOnlJuEB M A H KT. Wo present''to' our readers in tbc following ar ticle, a omo cs?rwitB.f^m, promurent British papera sud report#'tn Toforcnoo tu tbo present, coiidilion of ibo Man?lScatcr}narhot, Uiq prospectivo receipts and coueunuptlon for Hie present ypAr^a?jy^ V??nSS ^?to^nfo sl??atYcs. may bo overdrawn, aud tho 'future Ooiisumptlou nnd?r-?st?mato'd, it will bo wojl-for tho growers cotton hero to look tbe fact iKiu?roly in tbo faco, that there ia a decid ed prospe?rribkt, should tbo Amori can'crop' now in tho ground turn out a fuU ono, lower, figures than at pro sent prevails may bo submitted to.' Tbo gre/tf .b^tt)o. that will ; bavo t?b? f?tfg??t biv tween tho ralabr.oi . the) staplo iii this country and the prodb^ord of it |u othor parte, of tho world, is now boing "fairly inauguratoci,.und uur Southern planters may make op their minds for a struggle? with tho Hindoo, tho Egyptian, tbo Brazilian, and' nil other outsider^ Dial (ho high prices prevailing during tlm.whr.iavo'.prought ont na competitors. Whilo wo'r?xpo?t low prioo's, wo have no fear but that tho tbt^ligoneo and energy of tbo .people' cf those. Ht;itrat united (o tbo advantages with which Proridb?cd.'bae;bcslowcd on tho country for tilo production .of cotton, will givo thorn tbo victory ? all others. .,','? .;'?. . UTA IK or TllADK AT A ? . a e? , olay.7.?jjinoo Friday wo bare bad a quiut liia?lict .. with' ' obly a : moderato busi ness, but without any of tho depression which,.till rocoutly, characterised tbo tono of, this markot. Tboro has boon very litllo alteration in quotations, which,- uba mio, bavo been remarkably steady; still w here any change has takenplaco,' it has gen erally boon in favor of buyers.. Tho. largo pur chases of tho last tbrco weoka have rhiicbimprov ed tho Mmtlen of'producers, In so .far that they bavo cleared i/ut stooks to a prest o ito f, and have placed luniiy.-i'i?uui'r? eiul.ui?>uifactuvcra 'under orders fur soni u tiuio to come, 'ih o political oapeot of affa im, both on the continent nini ut homo, bas become- bricht er; and tho fire al' improvement Is tho weather has aleo tended foster tho moro cheerful foclrog. and to 'increiiwo' tho holier in tbe ol?aUelly , of ', Irado;,go^rally; .' Prices bavo now reo?hLd a point whicb', afpw inontbi ago, waa.ooneideriiil ijuilo. aaru.ljy.ihu majority .of buyers of cotton, goods and yarns ; ,honoo .cena denoo bas facon in ? groat meoslnro restordoV 'Buy ing now principally hangs on its legitimate emine? Huoh as p'rrt?'oMuHh?'-p^epot?lrt'of^^th? msrlr?ta for whloh tho pureli isoh are iutetidpd. and is n?t notr ho eorioualrnkmp'cT?d by ?latf?st1 in. dDuilucr?lil am?TB, aud, by. coniUdor^i t'lo lUi of ! fluandal;dilllcul tios : c??s?qq?u'tly,Vatq/.?r?hter' pfolMjMf. o( & gradual .return . til.i\ ' morn,, healthy ?lato of trailo iban tiiia dia?ri?t-faae eujoyed-foca nod. Wiiotbor pricoeliavo-or have Hot yot reacneil a safe point la still a dobatoablo question,' bet that they ai^Traw'mil?h^afitftlian tlioJ'worOi'ili' a fact' which win amTOen Ceba ta tho j^uvranant bf this market.i-B^yj^mrixjors and mluiufa'cturer? ?il bering tei Uioir'cikuuous policy of only buying from hand to mnu.tbi tbW,Trilldo.muQb to on uro Uieui selves from a recurrence of thoso violent fluctua tions which have proved Bo diaoitrons to tbo traile generally. ~*~ -?.?;.. POUOT OF CONBUMZBS. A telegram from Bombay to tbo 2?Lh instant, rc ejrtu UMXHUKot Without ohauft? fot] impori?. h?t djBJ Wifd^d iroight. jEschur'go, d xn With reference to the recent upward movomont in cotton, Messrs. John Mann & Co., in Un ir cir cular, dated 3d * It is di filoni 11 extraordinary foundation was I the weight obi creased transa!Ci? took a part, which is a pity, for it was againet themselves and against tho wbolcsomo policy of taking no cotton from Liverpool until tbov need it. Liverpool ia the placo wboro tbo stock sbould bo held and not by Spinnern, u>/ie>t ihr article is at an tirttfic?Ut,xcu~u<?'CDnatmierb' .tbonce only wbon they require it. Tbe larger it grows, the morcra vai I ahi : .boon mo'. ' h honid buy not a pound until that pound le wanted. Take a lessob fro buyers in our own market in diflicnlt times. They lcavo producora to hald tboir stocka of cloth until tboy oro roquirod. aud with what painful experience Bo" im rMuriJiplace'ihf ia tiniij bihugliM _ pepdiifl for uso.k ;l t-TBE-teiiiaF awb08t?POli if v. OF OONSITUERS. To (he mtfor-af.?te Examiner and Times .?. 8m Joliira p?rHoUally interested Itf?tbfl wisU-bc ing of Ibo CQtt,on,trade iu Trincasi lini, -aud would eamOBl^8i?-tuo5atrcnn?fi of spinncra and mabii facturo?:ito Ilio iifphcpt .stato.,of apTab?s. Cottqu spinning aM'tlio nla?u^uctirir? of cl?th' h?ve, ex cepting; to a fow producers of fnuay - urticle/ti bo(o almost ruinous trades for tho'past aix iiiOnClis?' and why ? Simply bncauso thu world could not toko off tbo production at tbo high vnlui-u ruling, and merchants would not trndo with mi absoluto certainty of loss. Must manufacturers still work to a loas ? I aay moijl) decidedjy not) ;if. thoy only pursue a modorutoly priidout course'.'" Yarns anil cloth are both readily saloablo iu Mauohcslor just now, because.-,*bcey appear to have touched a lord of vali^Wuich W?rcbanta think is totorably safo; and if buyers of cotton would only operate from hand to mouth, not bo iiiflli?hCed by sanguine br?keri, inundations, boll worms, or rather torri fying rnmoi ??Ihoy Md lia/io'the,pliiuefi^urrkcir own hands. <"M^6g^()rw?rd-W%o drrtf of Ktf ?jjit, .teen weeks surely far enough ahead? vious cxpor/^Avjnoro cotton in view than our pro be required, exclusivo of wliai'iA^jjiJljmkiiig c^u pocially if tho consumption and export of*tKo pial eighteen weeks bo taken as a criterion. It has bcou said that figures eaji Lo modo to pcoye anylbiug, but foots oro i.iuhbb?^ i?>iiJ,<(j, ipjefj.'oie aro a few: There are fully tXX),000 bafoa aifoaT. from India, and at least 100,000 bales trom America, overy bafo of whloh may VO?gAM rocoivo by tbo end of Au 8 ? 1? ctJ?SP^WC? . ,. Wo shall, oleo, most undoubtedly, recolvo from America ?00,000 batea in addition to what is al roady afloat, for . stocks oro largo at the ports (4o7,00p;j???fiMlflow toward Liverpool, aa coa aumptiorf Wflib onitod States in on a niosl limited Bealo Just now, and tbo weekly receipts will, in all ?ibilitT, r-" probability, euf?co for its requirements. Wo may oxpect In thu soventeon wcoka at least 20,000 bol?x from Turkey and tho West TnRufo lUf^imiritiU Brazil, and 50,000 from Egypt, whfc'i you will lind "foot up," as our Vaukeo inonde would say, le a "pretty smart volunto.1.'. To recapitulate? ?--, ASoal from India. 000,000 Afloat from America. lCO.teu Will bo shipped frouiAmoiica In if woeka,. 300,000 ^l^rotSmtetmU ? Will be reoelvod from Weit Indios and Turkey.. 30,000 Grand loia!? , .?. 1,130,000 Ueduct;n \1^pitiX?,tsSf?y. h?.'es each, the off. tako from ?*dVJ>0of ? fir Ulta year. 884.000 Exceai of imports over off-lake. ?i?fit? Of course, it wilt bo said, and with Justice, tint peace on tbo continent, and good demand in Man chester, both of which appear to bo nrotty certain will incroiso tbo consumption ; but Imaintain that tho H'iuios, which are not oingRorntOd, but rathor tbe conliary, bavo ampio room for an enormous expansion, without danger of trenching on tho stock in Liverpool...I nmet apologise for occuoy. lng so uitth o/yon^valriabio space; and will chS oludo by adding ihat tho stock in Liverpool Inat Friday,compared.frith other yearn at'Simo daUJ was tbolorgiiatoVcTkliow?, ?ovo'ih 1?C0 and 18 *' wbon American cotto? wao 4d. to 5d. por lb, tower than It le-now,?lid faSr-Dhollorab' at one-half Ilio' price ; with many niakea of cloth?at ono period ? nearly Wib?jU aAtboy ajtejippw., 1 wrmWi.'.tbirc foro, again urgo upon conebmcra tho absolut? trans : art-nt,, j unhoaU i tl pjj deelrablonosa. of not buybig one alr?g?o halb mofo fb?n' the* require for Immodiato uso, and thon cotton will, of ]U onn sheer weight, go down to a pri?? wliMil 'wlU'pat: money into the purses of an bnpovcrished and wofulIy-striokoBiudustry. r. .>,,? ,; ai?ihni Bombay givo tbo exporte for a fortnight at 113,713 bales, and about OQMkbalofl M likely ta bo din patched In .tho eneuilfg fortnight: ' ' r "? **? ? ia /talea 3 ?+? a ! oa? ili?omox? well, aad^ rfarmRrs-bav^ ovcry, reason to ?xpoot a largo crop ikiuyt&r.,: Tho,Ulo,i?eh?ehtog rajns have RivtyUyyomg-eotton * troah atart, and tt citizen ? t? oxblicrtle^llt?W^yt?s- KSgnTfib mahv ' UabiUUea w.d cmban-o?jmcnle,nUb?h li?y? ngyK ed their cflbrta Un laccwful'p ros pori ly. fi Veeaaf [Kat?arH Journal,,.. ?BW ? a?!? .'-'A npyunwi? ,'lcn.j litio glvea nuilltlou?! jiarjloultru of tho r.eiv exilio plant tliatieio aUporeodo tha.cotton plant.> in dallod ttio ItatniiS . Hoble set b?t on tho ?3d ]f Mrjroh liavb?ohttlp Vlgoroue ehoot?, which urd low tlvo indice bltflu- ?lt ell n?.'etft)n?f tendency o moid, and ?miwUn_ In tliia.-respoot tuo low rrowipK "'Id roao called MBdW ltaep," having u 3?f iiulto llkb It whou. email," nnfl." dl tike Scolar?a irigttMiRbt groom Tboeo : roots..rroro ne ari at iit'4 (in eprou^ipg, .tTliO fmradhvfr?a teimcioiin tAV, so thai hi iminly noi) in by u> -uiuftnb ??nOnJLial' o ite rrowth. ?toots plw?tou i? other plac?q eoroe f|iat liter are also coming up. Tlioro will, evi-> liniI , bo no difficulty In ramimeli. X'uu specimens of fabricVthadO from llif) .Bamio a buen recoiled in Cuba?"both1 tUoso o( ltainJo dono bud thoao oMtatnio arid wool united-, and tbc Diario, Ilavaua, s?v? "tliov lo^ro nothing moro o bo |loH?rod." Tlioy havo. alati rOQeived in a a icodupf tbo plant, 'wliich liavt? boon furnia! ioti by .bn Speiotv ot Ao?limntloi, of ,' ?, .>-Whether' llicu'o ! Hoodu will germinato ile rcritlfly a t tii> jrowe from moto romain? IO ho n?on. ?. /' ,? A hirthor ritipply l& pec to d from Ver? .Cruz art non riu Ilio lifgo of that city in Hiifllbiciilly af?n mullo, enable thoin to bo obtained, l'ho price of thjp roule is ono dollar oacu, or ono hundred for ni?ietv ilollard. . .. .' iJ. : ? Ki'.nii oxporiinoiitB in tol uiado in England", it ap ocara that tho danger; of feeding "water into red hot beiloro hoc boon greatly exaggerated. Tlic oxporuiiotits veto of tho inout varied character with a viow to produco bxploBiou. EvpTy endeavor wan mado t? o?Pvt thin, und orcryUilbK' that glow ing red-hot plato? and .cold Svatcr c?iild ,do undor tho circumstances wan dono. It woe -conatdcreil that tho toeta ndoplod wore muoh mor? eqvero llian' nn which could occur in practical. work, cither to'a hoUBchold hoilor on tho occurrence .of front, or to one employed for engine power, ou tho fu?inque boiug ovorho'atcd, and tbo food suddenly readmitted to tho red-hot plates. Thp oxp'criinontj kovco*.far toprov? that tho idea."of explosions orinivi; tho in h tant anoou? gOiioratlon Of a. largo amount ot Htoani, through tho -injection of Water; on to hot platee, ?b a fullrvoy.- -Scientific AtwMiaper. .? ;:- : r ?:.::. ? r -r ' c ' 'i'lul Mobile JUytsler hae hoau ah.own an old and raro cpin. It ia of. -copper, about half ? tho -eliso of tho copper echt of tho Unitod .State?, ' mul 'bodra tho-date of 1721/ Above thin 'dalo tiro Ilio w'rJrdfl " Colonioa Francoiade," alul'bonoatlrlt th?: lettor II. On tho rovcreo aide ia a erosa, auxicountod by" a crown, and surrounded by tho iueoription " Sit Women Domini Benedtctum." ' Thin coin was font d in Mobile a fon days ago, and though it haa.etood tho wear and toar of nearly a hundrod and fifty years, it is not very much worn. It Is a ialh?r rough onoeimoD of tho boIbmt* djULfiiri waa porlmDg<jvin<3v''-?a- ' ? "?" ** -1_31j). COMMEiaOtAL. Kzporta. KW yoUK?Per atpunablp I'iUyeoo?02 balo* Cotton, 1 ;>'!(( bbla ltoitn, ?1? bbli Sp^dt^TuiponUDii, lo balea Yaro,'Loalbcr, and uuudrtes. nil _ ; The Clmrlciion Cotton Market. !* OFFICE OF TUE CIIAnLES?ON DAILY NEW H, 1 - ! cuauliuiton, TaMday Kvenlafe May 28, ?? .'-. j : Tbo demand, which vraa light, wis mainly on good 'Cotton; uloa tB balea, at tbo prtcce of the day boforo, say 39 ot '.!l, and 0 at 29 coots.' We quoto Middling Upland 2t@2fc. ' i . u?iuta Market. AUCHJSTA. Muy 27.?Onrros.^Tbet? waevcrylltUa dcc&and tbla moruiiig. y ?t 102 balos ?ero eold at about '21 ceuta tor btrict Ml-Idling. In tbeattornoon a betti-r teellog proraitod, lhough nothing was done. Tbo follow ing ano tbo prices obtained to-day: 2 balea at 20 cent' S at 2'iX*. 1 at 23; 8S at 34; 1 at 2*>i ; and 2 balrc of Zlp pjra cotton, 1 at 27 and' 1 at 28. The rocolpta were t>1 bate.1 (JOLS?Tbo Brokers aro buying at 130 and selling at 187. biLTxn?Brokers aro baying at 128 and Hopiug at 132. BECunrriEs?M-cuntton vroru dull le-day. .Mobile Maritati ' - UODILE, May St.?Cottoh?T/bo demand was fair ear. ly In tbo day at : lower. prtcce. Later, however, factors claimed full prices en tholr construction of the Liverpool accounts. 'Abo market, clo?od .arm at our figuro?, with calot ?f 350 balos.,. .? j.. -Good Ordinary,..!.,.,21a?q ..Ii Low ?UO-llliig.;.22s22S'o HO Middling.......?...-.23?33Ko atnotMiddlJngo..K..i.... 3ta2tHo,. Saloa oft the weete,2a6U balo?. ? block.unaoldtabout?OO .Uste.1 .Mi etimi liub?iiturelit?? it/i.-ii .t:. .?t ....? ? M h t? er in isii : Fmea ci at.?titila limi Uceo.very, aule f tliroughout tbe week.' but witli.conaidareblu Irregularity tu pritoa, cloUng to-day at lHoaia?K- ?: ?....: Mlerllng has beeu dull nutlnlmrint nominal all the Woek niy at lttaltOfbr CO.days and sighthilhL Id it v.i ' Tho market lor Domestic baa bcaa->Uttoasy olid with downward tuo,do-any. ekch -'day^oponlnglat itf- dlsoqunt ohecklug and >?a)( discount bnylne, and drouping grad ually to ^discount checking and-'Kal 9 conti discount buying. . ? uT;;it!nawi :c ?.;%! ,tj:ii ;::u>i Ini 1 ?ow Orleans tends have'bebn'icarco throughout the Week, and blghtba?ralod steadily at s biamh?n. The indlcauo&a arc that Ae ? downward moviunout fa Deuioatlo wUl bo chocked by tbo beginning Ofnozt week, as largo amounts of Cirnrncy bkVO bot? onl?red Irom tbo North? whlohjabU eald?.wlU ralleVo tho market on Uraly ( t ; '.:,"''.?'! I ^',\'^trO?le?^m->Mm*tA?i'' ' ? >' ? ?: ?ETA'.dllLMirlS, May/a?^rrto^^ ?d ibbi rherhluit 4 ? limited iuq?lry. atjd.'V* ri?uiing" traimplftifl to aUmuL>tu? oi?,"Uiu movejnept. lias contlnu?il llght'ihro^gbout. , '- ojTnrings ,woro .imjilo lo mu t oriliijiirj ?riiuUi-iioiiitp, an^'?iotora niuttjit-.d rv uewod a?'?oly to sou, on! "wcn>>fMdijiitly. dU?oit-'d . to accept eJuuor'prlc<)3, bui tbo majority or buy cri we'rh fo lio oint togo ou, u?i-IorrUiK (? poslp?'no .?^cation of their ?oraere," ,? a ' awsJi iho'.?fjfecl pt fiuu^Il3o'x?l???.'J' menta. ', Ifnpcb the day's rratyuwU?n?-Vere" roilrTw-^,, bel?g copuned Ut, loM bai-ja t l^lit, br^Vt-"^ ' wM?lj^Uurf In Uiobuiinoii.,.. .. >'"-j>*?? .: - '".?' L ij.cLV, . ,Wo bjvo ho.qu?Ublo vaii?pOu lo report In-tirici^ oV, though. the f-nnrtniicy tlirou^i qui irsi ' uisroxU furtb u v?a.kii(>ial?' Tue .market, ho'w,?f?r,'closed, so c4mpl4toly ' uuaottled thsl'Y'?'wo ? 1 CAjjTi'nullo'J.lo'omlthootihpji?. The ? <i:i?uu1d 'i?L?Uci?Uom iu U ,way ,'pf ni^?UaUi? ?i chingo exercised ari inifevotabU, (n qiinco, sverni ,buj ors being thereby provoked from purcnsslng. ' " ? ? ' ' ir ay*tk>tiS!?t or gottoh. *"-'." Stock on bind September 1, e??.balea IM, OP i Ilocolvod to-day.?'. iii?iH 302 ltecolved pravioualy.,. 727,060-728,352 Iti *?.?,'., , ... 830,*J4 Exported to-day".'......;....'..7,783 ' ' Ex portod previously.,... .'>2{,8i7-732/G30 Stock on Itand...............'...'....'.', ?7,7 Tho export? aro'oxclualycly for Liverpool. '. ?.'. .' - ConN-^ThpiiiarVot'continues steady aqdOrni, flUi a falrdOui?nd' aud'g?od' supply. "Tho siles to-dsy~??nl-' bruci d KJ,a?u sack?, .of which 3?00 ycll?w W*?A' 2000 mixed at ti ', , whlti and yellow JWssnVwl $1 17),,' ?fil mixed, ' mixed an'd OX) 'Wlilbj' k mixea at ?1 20, lpo yoUoiv and 1100 choice white at !|1 25 I pcrbuslioL *? \ ' * ,.t, ,, Fuiuuirr.?Tho markot is qulot but ?xm, Tho rates ] are ??c por lb for Cotton by steam for New York, lo for llOlton. H team Now York and Boston S5o per sack for turn, GOaOoo per bbl for flour, and SI for Pork. Kail for Liverpool 17-3ta9-lCd for Cotton; Havro l.S'e. Steam for Lirorpool ;<d. New York Market.' 1iohzx kasxkt. Iho Now York Commercial Advcrtiier, ot Btturday, May 25, says : ' .. Moooy shows rather moro activity. Tbe balances in tho bank h hsvo boon drawn down somewbst by.the Urge jtaymnnts Into tho Treasury, tho baltnce In tho Bub Treasury lsst evening bel?g at the very largo figuro of tl32,ooo,ooo. Rome ef Ibo. banks aro aaklng ? per cent on stocks and ? por cent on Oovornmont. but a largo anioupt of transactions is dons at 1 per cent below these rates,! . ...?. Arnpng tho banks thuro Is rather loss disposition to dis count papur at current ratei, but prime notes aro readily negotiated at 0){a7)i percent for three to six months' dateaJ I PBOSD0& KAUKCT. NEI. ' , May 24?2 M.?FLOtm, 4c.?The Flour niarkdt is less scllve, aud and prices are without chango. Tbq sales are 3C00 bbls at 810 35all 40 for 8nperflne fluite; 411 86x12 83 lor Extra Stato; ?12 00al3 80 for Choleo blato; tlO 85all 40 for Bupcrftno Western; Sit 70a SSM) 'for Common to Medium Extra Western; $18 60a il I TO for Choice Western; MM! for Commonte Qood Shipping Brands Extra Round Hoop Oblo, and 114 06a 16 30 for Trado Brands, tho market closing dull. Southern Flour Is dull. Saloa 180 bbla a!113 25al4 76 far CdmmoD, and ?14 ROale for Faucy and Extra, nrtlnVfAinia Flour Is wltbont decided change. Saina 800 ltyo Flour la qulcf.-'Wft?. ? Corn Meal is in fair request H??o?" VW , ?'?,._ v. in?. iC ?S, and 100 bbla dry at ?5 DO. OnAiM?The Wheat market la vary dull and drooping. Siles 15,000 bushels No 2 Milwaukee on privato terror ltyo 1? heavy. Salea 8300 bu.?clx Western at M 72a 174. ' Barley Is quiet. Barley Malt Is dull. The Corn Markot la without decided change, closing dan. 'Saloa 88,000 bushels atti 20al 27 for now Mixed Wsstorn; f 1 2? for very choice Western. Oats aro steady. Salee 30,000 bushols at 87o for West ern, abd 82o for State. Ku:k?la quicifit l'jcall) for Carolina. r,Cort-?B?'ihn markot is eteady, with rethor moro do hig-,' Hales ? luco onr. laut 1300 bag* Bio at logeai 3c, fti?d. In bond. J. i-T i | ?1 'TT ./ T\ BooAB?Tho markot UA.ftrm,t wim-a.1 gbotldfiiand. Seles sinoo our last 1600 hhd* at locaU ijc for Cuba; l'icori for Porto Bloo,-.and 130 boxes liavana at I'J'?<?.? ? : . l . - r| " ,] MoLAjasksi-Ttio market llajjaUf fsTore the buyer. Salci etneo bur lait 608 hod ? Mu'covsdo at 61ca68c lloi-s-Aro steady at 'A tkAiow orbp?.! 'J, HaV?Is in iDCHlcratoYc?j?Dit otSl &0al ?6T?r sbipplna and 91 76a2 for rotali lots.. . - " * Wool ?la dull and unchanged. Salea Of 150,000 lbs, at 47>ia?Sc for Domestic Flcsco; 37>4a55o-for extra"pulled' 27s32d for Texas, and 88itlo for Capo. . . . ?;- : [ Pnoviaigks^Tuarot?Juaxket opened a?i^liniolilsed lioavyt ?alca 8200 bbls at ?20 20a2? 37 for now Mesi, clos ing at ?23 2fl, rogujarj ?22 for .cid ?oasj *10aie25Xor prune, and ?22a?2 12 for prlmo_Mcsa- Also, 1250 bbls new Mi-a at ? ' 't?. ?aller 30 and ,60 days and 4 months snd 6<Mbbls,'Vaj?rJu'ue, at tVBO: ' ? ??.?.' 3? * ? , BeefUflrtu., t'eloaTWbbl^t ?U^lfbr'newplaln' 1 Mess, Bild ?l?b<Wto7t!?0r t??wsxtr? ?^'.'8alo?^o*7tcJ?' India MosbVMO-' ' > ^1' - ' 71. "? '? -? Beel Un im aro quiet at s ila 42. .o j/. < Cut Meats sro stcsdy. Hale? 170 pkga at ULcslOlio for Sh?uldors, uad 12Scil4Kcf0r llamtc;- .:r,?y . " Bacon is qulbt ?alo?'270"Mxfcs. at/ 10Ko?ld??e fbr Cumberland Cut; 11 .^cjll ?;c Tor fthort Klbbod, and mho for Short Clear, ... ?, y.rr.'.y.'cr.-' :inv > ; Lard is quiet and stcsdy. Sales BS? bbls at 12 Va 18? for now; and, last evening, 16000 tea at full price*. Batter Is dall qt 1 Oca! te for Ohio, and 16ca29a for SUte, I ,.. ?...y.l-d b/.u ? ? .?? ; ChbofBlt beavyat jcaltJio, . ... .,'.?, iA WineaiY?In qulot, Jt , ? ;>?/" ^" "."1*-To 'JverpooL p-r ?totmer. 2001 ? , on prtvaieterms. To Bromen, 40 bbda ToUscco at ?, To iu'^f.T' V, " <:*, 0,'? 19 l"'B a* SO?-. Italitn brig - i?S;^?iI?tr>ic.ura' Okodon direct, at fa. and a, ship ^ i??,*^p,i,i* *? '"? ?? wlU> 7000 bbls Petroleum at sa od saUNvMi - i . ^SS?'rV?10 'oarkat, Is less active, but very .hrm! Sslos 000 bales at 27o for Uldd.lng UplanoaT ^ ]* Mo ers Cornwall tt Z*rega, In tholr Weekly Clrciil?r. , tlriis quota the markvtl.'j-. i vM?n . ;.. ., ? 1 Our tnarkatfor the week baibwo'dull and heavy' an'ii prl?ea bavo daoHnftl }7<0.? ft from ^SSSSSmSS amount o? cAt^^rYerlnion ?5 tftsr^U am^S'^??' mine is ontircly from srnniipre and ?xpOTtor* The ex." ' rporU for the week, aroJfjK b?U>H only 3053 baici. The engxeemonta for next wesk. 21110. bales. Frelohts. bv ?Ujet Jid. duU; by ?ML.dull. S?S .?u " I Watiavo tlda week again taken an account at iho slock W cotton st tbJiptSH.Stafang eviu-y^?rthdass' tn ??aw V?rie and liro?tln? In which coMOn le'storodcslso jtoryi pklion wbleh eottenia received, and find the stock to b?1 isfbflbws: >?:u?J 'IQM?iUr.JCL. '?.: :. /;.'.?;?? Balea,. In'vareJi uses.,.96,600 I Ou ipiersivi V, IV. li.ZLXut fti'M.:/..'...? , a Ott anlfJtjiard nbt 0l*?r?4.,.v.V.U.'.iii'.. .....41. S,?00 I > ?/ ?otohml?.-jTJAvV.lViW..W.OOOf ODO baka Cotton, 200 balee Mute 10 bbts Spirita inj 1 nie Crudo Turpentine, 27 bbla KobIu, ? bags Floor, 1 ir.Old Iron, and Sundries. .To .Willie k Cblaolni, Wal co Ii Bro, Martlo, O'Neill, ARsnt, E J Dawson CS, fi W William- A Co. C t? Avcrill & Sen, ? A W II nnitiong, Q W Clark A Co, Adame, Frost A Co, JAJ Klrkjiatrick, a U Walter A Co, Cobla A Co. Btr<>et *? AiCovvVBJobnatoarAieoUemlUi > Son, JV.y?/i. E rritfh?UAWiAy tiBihyerj,.? II lloJgers A Co? Bon )? A ,A. Jpbn8ti)?,*IOolJerolUi A Son, JV.vbi, E rrltfh?UAWiAy tfroihjeu, II lloJgers A Co? Bon rJl.A Drummond, Jobnaton. Crowe A Oo, F Iloreoy, anspi ,uz, Lannrau 'Uo, tyreoscr, Loe, liudih .'.-Co, M Pnaseniicrs. 1 - ' - Per Btcamablp Manhattan, from Nr w Yuri ? Dr and [re Whlto. J Bmdeou. wtio and i dsuf .1 lore. Dr W lackwood. FOo?ialos, Dr J W Woodward, Howe, J lirismi, AiiJorsoij, eira J II Taylor, Aira 41 W Wood leii, JCBoOuifirATA'Babfi, '? a 8ebmrtr.Gr,?T. Kp?ld; Dcorty, Jl Perdrai, J CatppbolL.W McFcrron. D llook.-" iy, J (luckloy, Mr and Aira E Boti. A Thompson. AI goni, J Ulbba, Judgo LeAcsosi A Autlcrbon,1 j Jjlunp J, rogati, Mrs M tirant. Mr* D lilako. Miau Kalo Knrulck. , . ?stoamer Dictator, ?rom JacAeontUlb, i'iialaa. 'jrna?Ulliia ria Savauuob?W U Watson, J BuTrcYilio, idy aud 'J < Milieu, U?ina, Ciar* and lady.Mlsri, lark, W Docket, H Oa?kln*. W II Hton ton,'J Dliig. em, mi.?.h. . Walton. Mies; l'amena, <; M WelnscB, Ml?u , Welii,t?, O It Ubomborbjui, J Craig, J fort,' M m ;lug, W Helchrr apd lady.'A LorycntbaJ,-J Purcell,JJr Q H,U, U Davidson, Col Blcksou. Cspl Paino, ?ire toacb, Warock, ti LcaryJ Mies Pevoy, J A Pi din, and 7 eck. Per steamer Emilio, from Qcongotown, S C?J Dihor ndlady, Wilson, Mr Baziardaiid lady. Misa J laxicti, Mrs North. Mr l'if liburne, H Stockman, i?x lloombcrry, E M Fcetlll, and 15 do?k. ?l^OliT CALENDAR, comtECTXn wkf.hxt. rit a ? or Tua at?os, ?ow 51. 2d, Oh. 12m. moro i Full M. lOtli.lIh. 34in. even r'iratQ. Dth, lb. in. mora | Last <?. 25tb,0b. 9m. mora sua a jume !7 Muadny_ 'Tuesday.... Wednesday. Tlnlrsday... rrliay. Saturday... |d?y...,. 4..00 4...6B 4. .60 4. .64 |jUljd 0..6U cm) l'I. .63 1..28 2.. 7 2..40 ' 3..30 4..10 Bota. MAI?IN NEWS. aout op J ai Ali l 1? s to fi Arri veil Vcutfr?a y. ateameblp Maiiliatlan, Woodliull.ii'Aw York ?luft Satura la y ' M. Aldis. To Street Bros A Co, J W 1 a-boi, a IIOMlon, C Mobso, W McCouib A Co, Clou O Ti ler. Oen Slcklce, J M Martin, SOB fr^v?J,rtL??roy'? M BrtstoUj Al^tJ^'?rah?.' Upyloittm tt Oo. J Walker, Agent, Mrs J Cotobett, CommanUlo? A'g. BUgnes, Bart Ai VYIrth, S LaTorro, Scott et Co, alcLoy A Rio , M Ken nedy, U E A: a H Jobneou, J 11 liiiloo, Uoudkop & Boutb ritfr,' U F Panknln, AI ' uger, J A Cook A Co, U Klatto A Co, J II Uravcr, Southern Expresa Co, Dewsoa A Mack tn.rt; j a M?ller, 0 D Abrona A Oo, Urubcr A AlarUn, J Vollere, Kllnck, Wickenberg A Co. L Bebnoll A Co, J C OJoman, J Burkamn At Co, M?ller, Imiti A Co, Bart A Co, E Pennal. Q W Stoflcnj A Co, O'.ncBI. M Cater, E Williams. Deroy, Charleston Botel. Mantouo A Co, W Drown, Meitzlor, Leagnlck A Beli, Furobgott A Bro. Poveri o ai b'Utlman, 8 i aoj, J Bolts, Manuali, Uurgo A Bowcn. Johnstou, Crows A Co, U Biscboff A CO, il Bodgers Oo, W Corwin A Co, D O'Neill A Sona, Boe tte, Callioun At Co, D Paul A Co, W J Trim, D Foley, Bug*r> O Oourtcnay, Little A Harebell, Cartmlll A Barbeeon, Oordts A Co, Dowio A Moine, O Jobneon, Mjbs A MurUand, W W Bhackolford, G W Williams L? Co, Sbutz, Wa^rcnor, Death A Monacos, Captain Paino,' Williame ai Co, D A Allon, William?, J Campeen A Co, Werner A D?ckor, McKay A Campboll, Stell. Wobb A Co, MacuBar, WlUlams A Parker, S ft Marshall. Bunt Uros. Feldman, J ?ff orda ?? Oo, Brande?, Campboll & BiRKlna, rjllvoy & Bougman, Mnltrtona A Wobltman, D F fl.-mln? Co, JOB Cbiussen, D Slolllmj, W Ournoy, J F O'BuUl A Bone, Bellamy te Kohl ion, J Dural A Bon. J A F Dawson, I L Falk A C'p, J Marion, M Batch eklur?W MSlrd At Co, Bul winkle, W H Cbafoe, Avenu t? Son, Bbopherd A Cohen, Camcrou, Barkley k Co, J Small A Co, d'A Boamiah & Do, Oeteadorff ft Co. Btenhouso A Co, Btranss, Yauccs A ' Uo, V S Qoart?rniea ten Froodme?'il Burnait, Order, and othoru. The Man. bat?an experienced/strong Bead .winds ni oat of tbb paa ssgo, ' \ , ' iv' -,' r .'* - - - Bcbr Ann 8 Dons, from West Point Mill ?7 bbls Bico. To J Pringle. '. v>? J ' ,'.' 1 ?.. . Steamer 1> if ta tor; Coxy t ver, Pol atra, via JaoksonviBe, Fernandlne.add- BavajfHeb,:; -7Vbalea Oitton, Turtle, and Mdso. To -J D ? -Af kVn A Co, Bruna it Boo, Cohen, Bsnckcl A (V plnekuoy Tiros. Middlutoo, Carman ft Co, W O Dukoe A Ci ?rat.0lt'y, J Coigrave, ., ?,? . A ' Stoamor Emllre^?vlfVQeorgetpwn,' s C^MV-llSfooe Bica, 33 bbds and o'BtoJe? Moblaste; Ac-.-To W^BbArJr cBord. Street Uroe A Co, Illeloy & '>"'a"'" , A >TT*vt igault, J F u'NoBl A Son, J Pringle, ani others. Stoan??hip Palapeco; lioiT, NcAlArk-?tviills A CbUolm. Br bark Uuardian Ai gel. WlUla, Quccnatown, Ireland, via Boaarort, S C?Bleloy A Cmgbton. : . . , , Up fbr this I'ort.. - -? ? ? B,*r Belilo Tsrbox, Pondlcton, at Malaaias, May 16. '.'r '' I Cleared for title Port. Steamshlp'S Bouder,.Lobby, et New York, May 26. Rohr-8 Bmllb. WUllam*, at- Now York, May '15. Sehr CiulilnR, Wood, at Now York, May 26. Hcli? John A Uritbu, Foster, at Philadelphia. May 24. 31 ' 1 ; I ' ( ' * "'.i 1.1st v?sse1.s 01?, OLBABED AND SAILED FOB TBIS POBT. j fobb"iqn. I uvanrooL. Ship R C Winthrop, Stowart, up.May 4 Ship Amolla, Connor, Hallod.Maxub 26 Tbo Trypbcnla. BLardlrig. called.May 8 Ilr berk Fille de l'Air, Evans, up.May 4 ! : . ! ' hkwpobt, emo. Thb'J'Coming, Hookaway. Bailed.April 10 t>-j * I UATAHZaS. Sehr d II e Tarbox, reti d irton. up.-. :.May 16 ? :"J1 .jD,qM^awp.t ... ??< I ' DOSTON. arlg-Jaines Miller, PcnOletoo. cleared.......May 23 .Ortg Abuir Taylor, Lowell, cleared.May S TtteiWbltacy Long.uHiry?e, c lmro.1..............Aprii 80 Son? Borneo, PareonS, cl tarod...'.".,' ..... ......May 23 ai-tir uomo Law, Jobnron, up.May 23 : ":^! i BAMoon, ut. Nomo Treat, Trim, clearedi....May SO riunii leorWioJbi.tx'l?V? " . Steimabip E D Souder, Bobby, cleared...,.Hay 2S ocbT D bruiUi, WlBii^^caredE?-,... ;.!l !. i... May V. S?hr Cuihing,^Wc?^**idA'... .i?....'. .May 2J Bcbr O Evans, Hammond, np......May 10 Bcbr D.ivtd Faust, Lord, tileWWr I ' 1 Taftj 21 : rmi.iDEi.ruu. Sehr J Baker, Adsms, cleared,..May 1 Bcbr H It Thomas. Arnold, cleared...,.May 22 Bohr John AUr?lip. Fpstty, cleared,,'...,.. .May -4 iJhJSirU. ......May ad ...........May 18 ? KEEPERS. , COUNCIL, ,vl . . W fiitf-M?rmy <;r r?cember,' l?TliL OB O AUDIN Cl-II O U3K KEEPERS. 8 ""* i???t? beweis ?lilwSu ? wiS?t?ktl? .Council, iivrnit '? am aot - ?? E A op aSAMBM ahd . rauaonaSTa Tira fokt and naaaoa or cuantas yTotA i. lie it enacted, bp the Senate and Boute of Representa tieet, poto met and titling in Ocnerat Ai:~.hhj, and by (As authority tj the tame, hat it shall not bo lawful for any tporeon, except a pilot or publlo officer, to board or et Jempt) to board a veasol arriving In the port or harbor of :Charlteton, beforo such veasol aball buve been mado fast to thoiwhari. without tint obtaintnglea76 from tho mas or otbiori boUig[lnl any sa be Eloyci 01 any sailor'* or lnunigriutTe tfotAl ' ?f iWi.-duii ouso JO'tiukHl/br ?ttotriprto boari1 any vesto! arrlrtng ln. or lymg,or ?, tho iiarborOrpOTt'?r Chsrlostoo, befon auch' vorrof atrali bAvn been'mado fast to tbo wharf, or er rJirffotL- witli 'intentro,,Invito, aak or solicit tho Iwonllug criury pf tiAVKtw employed on euch vessel. ILL il ?llilipot he/Uwful for any Bailor's or Immi grant)! liow| ?r boawlnji liouso kooper, Or the employee of im, tallcr'u or huri turali t'a (joKI or boar?luu houao ; having boar sd tny voAsol mado fast to any wharf port Obarlbetbrj, to tte?rect or refuse to loavo laseh'ABtjrhav-mgbeeti orderei koopor in the! said vfcaoi'l,'|ifterbJivffig been- ordered so to do by the inaator oc p?raoil having chorgo of such voaaoL - IV. I It eholl not hu.lawful fpr A?y.pcrson to kopp, con duct o?r carry on, oiptbr as: bvyneij ^proprietor, {gebt or HVlfil.Wi, ?ny Bailor's cr [mmfMrAni'B ?oiraii?? fot)?*. wltho?t having aOie?aTOriVaUPP?. SwfW V. Ilaball not bo lawful for any person, not^avinetho liconaA in this Aot paovldod, or jiot being the rouular agent, runner or employee of a person having euch II ^elicit .mthe dry or harbor el Charleatw,the -.b^jardTng or, lodging of ajay of the crow r.PaaPra?arfe ,n VL^tW.Ci^.qor^?UabaB t?ko.the eppu'oal?'oh '"of any" persoa applying for s license to loop a eaUore' or lmmi grant'4 uvardina bouao, or aallor'N or luinilgranfe hotel in tho bity.ot Choylestoo, and.?pon satutactpry evidence la therh ftf the rn?pc-ot?b!)lty and competotioy of auoh ap plicant, and of the Bultablouoes of hie accommoda lions' shall llaue to him ? Ufamsq,. which shad be good, for ana year, Jinjless, .spppor revoked by sah) Oily OounclL to koop alaallora or immigrant's boaruing house ta tho oity of obailesten. ajud to. invito ene} aollcit boarder* f?r tho same, .'?.;,,!,,:,, ,?.,'." ?/ '? . iVlt. iTbe Oity Qounpu may, upon aauafaatory pvldonco of tho fdeorvlerlv poaratlor of any Bailors' or tmrnlgranta' hotel Or.buortUpg boiiep. Bemused,ss herembeforopro vided, br of tho keirper or prpprietor of any such house, or of shyfcroej,frsud,dix^tormi4r?ra-eeeota?on, Ln la rlting 6r,(ioH?lliu? boarders or lodgers for,euch bouse? on the part of.eucli keopor oy.proprieMr, or any of his agents] rwnwre. oroiaploypoa. or of any attempt to per au?de ?r entine any. o? the prew to drscrtlrom eny veasol In the berppr of DberleafoD, hi snob keeper or proprie lor, orlouy of.his agopia, runners or employoce, revoke the liciuBO for keeping euch bouse. Villi Evory person receiving the license hereinbefore provided lor ehell pay to the tlty Council aforesstd tho svtm ofltaenty do Liars. ' ? -?.??? I badges ? hall be printed or ongtevod tuo name of such Lrotol ot boaruing house koe^er, and the number and street df bis bo-el or bbaruLug'house; and which said 1?Or ablelds ehall bo surrendarod (a eeld 01 ly Coun cB upon lbs rovocatlpti W ftigranfa ho til or bcerdirig lIcenao'gTanted by Ulcr?, X. Every sallare or I nun tyrant_ bouse keeper, and Aver^ ag*ac,"runbif" ?; impIOySTSf I such hotel or boardiun-bouse kooper, wbenbeardlna an? veeeel In the harbor of Charleston," wk.-i Invitine or loUoitlegthp boordlni; or lodging of any jai ?lCn^Utui uMl?frco$f?c?f??^^ ?h^cff'bsdre refcrrbd to in tho foregoing soctloa - J . ? 6A) ^^ ?>^1( . ^ >? ,; Uioee ism eel tinthe-Broceding seoUpp, to i.avs, wter, exhibitor JiSbUy any lueU ?hlal4 pr badi o to any or. the crew eta. Jojed ?n any,.veaacl, or to soy itonngraat so arriv?i?ln he oil/, of,Cbnrl<?ton, wliii the Jntont to .Invite, ash or lollclt the boardlog or lodgfne of luck ImoDcrant or oi jiy ot ttiecrawtmiptoiedioa euy teasel:rxdeg in the uwhor M CharleatCav. jusn lit/, < .': :.?? :i ?'..,; xii. Who*ver shall oOsad against any or either of the iKnrlalon* contained lu secUou 1, 2,3, t, 6,10 snd 11, ln lue ActL shall be r.cemod sullty ol a muttexaoanor, and iiall, uhon conviction thoreoCbepujuahtvl by Imprlson aont fot a tarta. 20t .'i2^i?4lr5 r>n? yi*r, sod not le?a han thirty days, or by a One not exceodlng two hundred nd fifty dottor?, and rrot leasthan one hundred dollars, rby both roch finn nd Imprisonment, A X1IL ?The word ''vceeel/'ka used lu this Act, ehall in rado ytttt?* pr?phllsd by steam. ' < - tho Ho nais. u cm?, the twcnUoth day of Decembtr, la the y oar of our Vara one thousand elabt hundred sod atxty-llsVi vu. : ?;, ?. titra w s w. d. posteti, i o MtscoiJ ?dl -j. : ?. irssldeni of ths Decata. in ohas. h. SLMONTOH, ? ! I.?lpnakei BonsenrileLiisesillellin. 'Aptwdved December 20, deca r IH ? A .Varca 14 H .vurde^uaro c-?-, JUJ MI$? U?WtieM, SI, J)E. . A. PRATT, SUCCESSOR^ TO PRATT & W?XSON UWlIIERS.) iVDOL?SALE DRUGGIST, i ANALYTICAL AMD OONBULTTNCr GH I'M LS I', NO. 23 IIAVNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C, ~~ DEALER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, GLASS, !.ANB. > DRUGOISTS' SUNDRIES. Analysis of Oree. Roll?. ' Fertilize . Ac, ravlo with xroatoat caro sud ercuracy, Chemical ad girou Inali branches of tbo science, on modorato terms. Dr. F. O LI DANNKXLY la connected with tbo abore houJo, and will bo plcasod to eoe n?a numerous friends and acquaintances. atulbSmo Hareb 10 OLD ESTADLISIIlf DR?GSWlt? . II. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PIltN <fe JDOUN) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Thiixl cLoor above Market, HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LAROE ADDITIONS TO tbolr usual slock of puro and frosb DRUOS i.\ MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY OOOD8 FINE SOAPS ...''. TOILET POWDEm - ( . ' POMADES :'" COSMETICA ". COURS DttUBILDO evTuirrro Aa Comprising i nyolcc? from the most 'teputaMn rnanu Itetarore.. On hand, all the principal '' PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparation* of AYEB, J E. IIa LI.. (MIL v. I, DAVIS, WRIQBT, HOLLO WAY, Ac. liso, a largo assorta ont of SUROICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES SADDLE BAOS MEDICINE CHESTS ULAB3 METAL AND OUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Groat attention ta paid to tho Importation anil selec tion of ? . . PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and nono other aro allowed to go out of tho Establish ment PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded with accuracy, and the public .can dopend on the utmost 'reliability in tho execution of formers. EsjlsKELLERSi te ? Mim >?darotV:;:^; i;-r^rv-,-- . For the Handkerchief. 'im A; MOST EXQUISITE, DELICATE, AND FBA Gli AN IT. It II MU,-Diu tilled from tho Raro and Beautiful Flowor from whioh it takes its name. MANTJFACITJRED ONLY BY PHALON 4 SON, KKW YORK, RE WARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ark ron aurn's?take no otrxb. Bold by Droggjst^ generally^ and ?iooDRicii, \mmm & co., gjajtnarrii "'' 1 '? _ ' . tnthlyr'-1 tJHEROKEE C ....?.. ? ._. ?.?. : .e .? Tita aazAT INDIAN MEDICINE, Cures ell diseases caused by tmitttbdi,' lots of 1 , . Unioertat Latti intinlfc~Bacl\Dtm. tal?ipg, Palt Ccni?U tata ni t?/, O?ntateip- A d ali dleeaxaa that ful* losr at a asquenee of yuuLbfiUTr^UAcretloDs. S The Cherokee (."oro'will restore tesith k?rt Tiger, <* ' stop the emissions end effeat-a-permanent eure . after all other medicines hare tkllod. . Thirty-two '? pamphlet ism in il seil ed envol pei, fVAA to any add reas. If. ?\ .? ?? Pri?e |1 per bottle, or three *oltles for - Bold ! ' by all druggists; or will be sent by express to any ' : . portion oHlie'World, on receipt of pries,' by the ' sole proprietor, ^ r/i Ii irrt l?ti! iBCgL cD Ja? Cherokee Begaedy. Cures all Urinary Ootn plslhte,rix: OrovtL Inflam mnlLwro/tAt.aaJ4tr,an& .. timniyr, ' ' 'AKsifea? >?/ 0 Urini, Strictures of ths Urtt?r<+. D replicai Bwtlt- . inyt, BrteJc Dutt VtpotiU, and all diseases tbet require e!i.,^.ii..,-..o -ijou Base t. '. exjunction with ths ;j?t!I0 GHEBOESB INJEOTION, .. does et ft 11 lettre <7 ?- ? , ?lest and alt Ifta. co?t Dltchargti In Mele er Femsie, ourlog reeetil I 'oases in from ont P> <Ar?s cfups. and it especially ' recommended lo theW'c?sea otfluo* Aunts er. WMttt in Temali*. The two medici ces used In' conjonction Will not fall,t?rt?n re this dlasgreesbl* ccoifJiint, and In those, cases nbsro other medicinas hiv tctu used without success. Prioe, Its tn e ?y, Qn? Boi tie, j9, Three Bottles, |S. The Cherokee " purs," VJtemtdu," and 7rifee ,tion]' ars t?. be found in ell'wolf regulated ariis tores, end' ere reoommejldediby physicians and . droggijts all Orerlhe world,forthelr Intrinsic worth and marit. Soma unprincipled "dealers, howeref. m trt to fleeelTe their costomtra, by aellieg cheap and worthlesseornpoonns^-lo order to inaio money? . In place of these. Bt not d tcs(e?t/. If th? druj; ' gists will not bor them for y , wrlCMo Us, sod we ' "' . will tend them to you by ext reue, soon rei? peeked and free from obter-ratloa. W? treat all diseases to which the hamsa system Is subject, and will be ~ Sleased to reoelre fall and explicit itAtements from ipse who lare failed ' to recel ye relief heretofore. . Ladles or rentlernenr ean address us in ptrftet con fidence. We desire to send our' tbirty-two page tutmphlet free to every lady and perjtjfju.-.o in tba " land. Address all letters for pamphlets, medicines, or advice, to tbe sols proprietor,-- ? ? - ? -as . t*, Dr. V, B.iV^Wlft ?7 ,Walk>r et.,H. j?.: '( , May tt_: thsto'lyr ? Trouclierons and Deadly - F?et ! l?atUisw-sBsw's.^ssl'Us> ilJ0 ? *''> ai u and nomea ZK tub ill: ad. Dr. Norton's;'NewBoniedy FOR ??T?RRH, AND MODE OP A 18 ' fHE' ACME OF PEBFKOTI?N.c' ' ' ' TT^ BREAKS^ UP THIS TERRTTIT.E DISBASX AT lib ritpfotni lemplos, OfTibXlrs DiaohArges, Obstrualr? of thoBr?ath ItUl m u'vom.. SMyuain Eresi a, Euappiruy aounds In tbe Ears, Ab?OTt-lZind?einces, Manta) BfS?rjMiKMxnnraeol ?and?lsa^^ Nortotv'a' New lHUabiu?t on Orv?arra U'ofii,' Inf?rme. Lion narer before published. OaU kt 0\u ntiuut Aifene? pc ?tad a ? lamp for It " . J ~- 1 ?! " ? itti* <w*wfW9&m, - , Noremba-l UtrtnSmo Agent for cWtestoo, , _DBUQ8, OHEiai; AlSjJiTC. Saratoga "kx?ls?or spring water. e' water di this sprino i? relieved to . bo uncinai] ud by Oint of any olher in tho far-famed valloy of baratoga lis virtue" uro such aa davo secured II tho high ouooinlunia of all'who have used il, iwesoss Ing, aa It dooa, In an'ominerit degree, calhurtlo, diuretic, alterativo and tonic qualities. Frota SAMUEL, IlENRY DICKSON, . D., Pro?oeeoi Prestido of. Phralr. Jullereoii Modlcul Collcg?, Phila delphia, formerly of Charleston ,S. . PmnaDRLFiiiA, Novcinbor 18, 18C?. I havo been for a year or inoro pant In Ilio babil Ol taking tbb Water of tuo'"Excelsior" Spring of Karaloga. Accustomed during tbo great portion of my luralld lite Mi use tho dltTvrcut tratota of the noverai fountains whim boil up along Uiat rnniarkable valley, dependent, indeed, upon theni lor much of Uio comfort i enjoy, i am satis 0od that tho Exoclalor Water laanircll adupturi a8 any other among ? tho tu, if not more ao, la tho purposes for which Uioy era goncrally employed. Il u very aurcoaWo. atrouuty linprcgnatod with Ilio caibomc acid, lively and ?parkling.' ??'* ?? t can heartily and conscientiously rocQinniond It to ail who need a conilo cathartic and diuretic. samuel henry DICKSON, M. D. The Water It put up lu Plut and Quart bottles, and parkod In 'good order fbr shipping, l'Iuta In boxo, ol four dozon each, and Quarta in boxes of two dozen each , (OLD AT WliOLl'aALK Il Y goodrich, whan & co., Un li or tors ml Wholesale Druggists, No, 153 MICKT1NU NTHKICT, . OPPOSITE COASLE3T0N HOTEL, DOWIE & MO?SE, No. ICI MEETINO STREET, Opposite Charleston Hotel. And for aale by Ont clase Druggists and Hotels. January 13 Cmo mm&t, OLD BIP VAN WINKLE (SIN. GOLD alEDAL'8HE1?IIT, POBT AITO'MAJ>EIIU, HARVEST 1?QUU110N, WTLEAT NUTRIENT, OLD H0ME8TEAD RYE. IN ADDITION TO OUR BUSINESS OF SELLINO WINES, etc., tn original packages, and in Order to inauro to consumora Porp Lionera lu a compact and oon renient form, wo commenoed too enterprise of bottling and parking in casrs out" well known Wines, Brandies, Wblakjcs, Ac, sud hare eent them out .in- a atylo that wouldprocludo tho possibility of their being tampered with before reaching tbo purchaser. Tho general appre ciation and gratifying success that lian rowjrded our efforts' hae encouraged ua to maintain the standard aa re garda qualify, also to make Incrtaaod efforta to retain the cono den co and patronage which ba<i been so liberally bo stowed upon ui. ' BIH INGER A CO., ' [EotabUsliod 1778.) Importers Winne, Ao., No. 10 l?CATor street. New York. The abovo popular goods aro !>rt ?rt tu cases contain Ing ono dozen bollica ornili, and are sold by all prominent Druggists, O rocera, Ac, -O Opinions of ttae Presa. Tho nemo of Blninger & Co,, No. IS Bearer strcot. It a guarantee of the oraci and litoral truth of whatever tbey represent.?If. T. Com. Advertiter. . Tho Importing bo uso ol Din Inger A Co., No. 19 Bea vor street. Is conducted upon principles of Integrity, fairness and tho highest honor,?If. i~. Ennitt? Kxprtu. GOODitHH, WINEMAN & CO., NIM MEETINO 6TREBT, . Opposlto Charleston Hot and BOWIE & JLOISIC, Kit ! l'ES H (Ml* TO It 1 Mi .t ( A s s : Y, Ko. IBI UEETINO STREET, Wholesale. ?goatH, Charleston, H. O. January 30_ . ?i ? w finemos TEMPUS (MANDI- DIFFER SON IN ANNUM RODRIGUES PillJONIC EL?XIR SI'liCIFIC. TJtOB THE OUTtE OF O?NB?MTTION. PATHS THE _i? OHEdT AND SIDES, DIPFJOUDT? LH BREATH INO, RRONOHTTUL , CATA It Uli, A-?> 1 ,. COUpHB, HLM OH RHA Q E. and ?ll affections Of tho'Luup?, lille grWt'TVWvtfyer ? fa offered ' to'the public, the*1 aB who will arali tpmn, I elves of Ita remedial ; power may, ho, bonefltted. - ..; .,?,.. j. . ?r ... ::?? . ?. r,?.. It ouly requires a fair trial to e?onrru Its itivaiuablo agency m dllWilhg through each ehannel of the human organisation a roe to red vitality. It invigoratce and .em buna ttte Lungs with htallhf ul elasticity ; reatares warmth, which is'their esaentul'cle?isnt; r?usc?'tli? ahiggtsh vee aela Into aetWity; lirai?' the affected Wi?i pori?t a and enriches the bloodi reg?lalos :the circiilaUoui Induce* free and easy respiration, and expels, through lia admin istration, cAch'and ovbry concbnliniut disorder prttoht In the malady ?recognised ? ae Consumption,'and hitherto deemed hopeleee and ltvcnrablo.;?,;- r,.;:;..: ?:, %, '. Tbia compound is perfectly paio, possessing'neither narcotic nor emetic properties, which uufurtur.sldy Aro always employed as casent?ais In every preparation far Coutil or Lung a?octlgn ??a. mistake which, too oflea In Its Irritating .and debilita ting edusoqueueen, only con duces to'mutlr generar' derihgcUiont of tho system, de stroying a ?? 'and. creating an: injurious nervous ox ciUnioiit, augni^nUng snCerliig with iroquent fatal re sulta. ? r Under the lnflnenca of this''ajjproTcd a?d "lnviluablb Speclflo the most "distressing' Cough yields, difficulty to . breathing and pains and aoijmose,subside, hemorrhage, ii arrested, endhealih and sirc'cgOa rc-cstahUshed. < PRICE FOR SCNtTLK BOTTLE ?1.15. Sold' by.'theuPrABTlsaariinnrtliyyeAt iunior SOCIETY AND MEETINO STREETS, and Ufe principal Dniggtsta. Aprila ..._ .'..?__iy CHILIS ? FEVER Vl/a HAVE-USED-QALLIOHAN'S ITLLfiL AND VV and thoy WWMoJU a^ ^ a (?t??Th* cheerfully rocommk?irl phr^fa-ruiKUr, iewir. l'ut IT li T. H. WATTofE?IoVert?or oTjttao?B?aa. J. W. a. BANFORD, Atfy Oou'lotAlabama. ROBT/ DOUOHEBTF; Judge Bu orno Court, Ala. : ; fi&aj?aui'?I?vsm. JadgeSupr?rneOrjurt ' I haVemied Q4LLIOHAN'? pilLh 0q my TAlintauorl lor Fever andr Aguje,'? and Ond them. all that la claimed,o'/l..?!?>? o:i"i Moa. J.Ji'Dait U(mUtvuin*7. at* . Bopi?aiA. ao, moa.. . fi _ ?*, to , la-.! r .oli**?.??? .: I? ?. ? .???'< ? ., ?. u ?'?-'!._ LowMDrs CouuTT, Alabama. _GALLIO HAN'fl FEVER AND AOUE' PILLS' srUIdo Thor aro decidedly the beat medicine for ChUls end 1 c-' rar 1 '?? gare, i would , no^ Bo without than *? ,*JP*fe.*si>aWaetvitei: raevofl " - J.a. ORAJJabl ". lue- 1 ? ?-- .?..'. A E ?, April 17. 18?7. ,<??.,,r^l0?0^LitQHAI<'* FILLS cured mo pcrfscUy of Chlijaand Favor. Thoy aro.tho best medicino lor i OhUla and Fover I ever saw. A. O. ronald80n i'y. t?i i -'. 1*** Superior Court, tun tor Oounjy, Qe I MoNToou?mv, ai a., July D. ? ?. Messrs. BLUNT A H ALE?O n? ra: I havo used your ft A , ION A N*B PILLS on two occasiona for ChiUr inu' Fever, and find that they effect all that they are Intend ' od to do. Thoy are the beat remedy for tho disease toi, I hare ever tried. I consider them perfectly relt?bie. !>S ' ?BesT^lfuRy, . DAN'L 8AYBB.' ! Grand See, Grand T^odge of F. and A. M. of Alabama. ? YS til At.w.ww O?., AI arch 11 ?M1 ^Ihaveuaed OALLIOHAN'S FILLS In forty caseso. ChlUs and Fover, with period sucoeaa. They are Loi beet Fever and Aguo Pill put up. A. FANT. IWHOLXSALB IN CHARLESTON, BY OOODjRICIi, Ai CO., And by .U Druggists. ? ? UecUn* ? 1 DLOUNV A, hale, 'as?.a a - PROPRIETORS, "*T ??_omo j Montgomery, Ala. BAIINWELL SENTINEL r teselas " 0 <&*?, ^rTn^yoiir'' car'J- ??f Inerease 7?nr trad* this tall. Thorn's nothing to oqusl Pnntet'a ink?It has mido many a fortuna. , ', 7^*^.fcrtterwr^r-^peranmim, in ad ranco. AdveHlternent? insertad at the rote of tl per square ol twelve )ines or teas fox eaoh insertion. ... . ^Cejds of linos or less, at tho rate Of 110 fot Unse I _ ConbdacU by the ye?r or for six months, alkiwlng priv. Hags of changing, on more fkvorablo terms. Address u A-? ' , . ? ? EDWARD A. DRONSON. , Moveaib. t'U' y. < ? ^ -Pm-.n.'n.n ,n,i i rcLtii lcr f*i i :^TO;|lAMOirSTAll, I ? j TTiitf ABLiEirai) nearly tvyenty years aoo, is XU published at Marlon, S. O.; In the contrai portion of the frcuntrr, and odors . farorahln medium to Mar. wants, Drucsjata, MachirJatu, and all classes wLo desire to extend their kmameaettvUia Pos Doo country. For the benefit of out adrertislnn petrous, wo shall. In addit?xoj to OUBaBbsaa^ptlcaal 1UU which Is constantly in creasing, publish - atvd distribute gratuitously 8000 extra do*gl>B M the STAB, Curing Tho business season tint '7' Rates of Advertising liberal. J i W. J. MoEERALL, Hotf mber 30_Editor and Proprietor. ?..Vi.';.',' ? '?ataVtvsss^'^a^^ ?? [ DRUaS, CHEMiOALB, ETC. "A smile wu on ber Up?health wm In ber look Strength wa* In ber (top, and In ber hands? Planta noe *." S. T.-1880-X. A few bottles of Plantation Bittkbs Will core Nervo? Headache. ?? Ool? Extrem Itici end Feverish IJpe. " Bour Utoniach end Fetid Breath. ?' Flatulency and Indigestion. " Marr?os Affection*. 11 Excess Ivo Fatlgoo and Short Breath, pain over tbe Kye*. ?' . Mental Despoudonoy. " Prostration ; Uroot Weakness. ?? Sallow Completion, Weak bowels, Ac. Wbloli are tho evidence* of LIVER COMPLAINT ABB DYSPEPSIA, Il le estimated that ?even-toutb? 01 all adult alimenta proceed from a doeeaned and torpid liver. Tbe biliar; secretion* of tbo 11 ver overflowing Into the stomach pol eon the entiro aratem and exhibit the above symptom*. After, long research, we era able to present tbe musi remarkable coro for tbnao horrid nightmare diseases, tho world ha* ovor produood. Within one year over ell bnndred and forty thou rand persona have taken the PhawraxxoB Smin, *n(l not an Instance of complaint has oome to our knowledge I It I* a meat effectuai Ionio and agreeable rtimnlan suited to all conditions of life. Tho report* that it rollos opon mineral rebalances fo Ita active properties, are wholly falso. For tbe satis tactlou'of tho ponilo, and that p*tlenls may consul thoir physician*, wi append a list of Its components. Calisaya liana.?Celebrated lor over two hundred year* in tbo treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, oto. . It wa* introduced Into Europe by the Oountos*. wife of the Viceroy ol Fero, In IMO, and afterward* aold by tilo Jesuit* fer tAe cnermotu price of itt own weight in nicer, under,thenomo of Jetuil't I*ov> tiers, and wa* finally msde publie by Louis XVI, King of France, Humboldt makca esportai referonoa to it* febrifuge qualities during bis Sooth American travel*. CAJtOABtLLA Rampi- l'or diarrhoea, collo and disease* ol tho stomach-ahd bowel*.- ? ? si.** ' OBAxtdMtTX FHOwanl?For enfeebled digestion. La vaun in Fxowsos?Aromatic, etico uisjU sod Ionio? highly invigorating In nervooe debility. WiKrrsoaar?f?For scrofula, rhonmatlsm, ate. Anst?An eromatlo carm Insti ve; cresting flesb, muscle and milk ; much used by mothers nursing. Also,'dove'-bttds, orange,'carraway,' coriander,'?nake cot, eto, .?.. -, . . , . i . 8. T.-?186Q.~X. Another wonderful Ingredient, of great use eaioiig the Spanish ledits? of rtouth Amor?os,' )mparUog beauty to tbo eoreplMilcru and tirlUi&noy to the mini), is yet un known,to tbo oomjtioroetxf the world, and w* withhold Its name for Uto present! ...... Boo u err eu, II. V ,Decc-moor ao, .ou.. Messrs. P. . Dbakz & Oo.?I have been a great auf. fere r from Dyipepn? for three br four year*,' and had to abandon my profession, -About three months ago I tried tho Plantation Bitters, arid to my great Joy I am now nearly a well rotta. I have reoomme?flod thera lb scvorsl oesea, and, as "ara*) I know, always with signal benefit, .1 am, respectfully yours, . . :?,?: ? BOY. J. B. OATHOBN, , rmLA.Dii.rin?, 10th Month,.17th Day. ?? . BurxoTEO PnlKHD:?My daughter baa boea much benefllted by tho uto of thy Plantation E liter*. Thou wilt sond mo two bottles more. Thy frtoud,. , . ' '. ?', ,? ABA OTB1UN. Hrir.ius ah BoUSB, A , Di., I , February 11, lee*. \ Massas. P. B. Ddixs & Oo.t?l'lxaao send 1*1 axiolnei twelvo caaos of y cur i'leutatlon Ritiere. As s morning appstlxor, they appear to uavo suporoeded everything else, and aro greatly eeteeruM. Tour*,'&o.," l'i Iti ' i? AU E A WATTE. Arrangement*, are bow completed to sappi* any de mand for this ert(olrs which has nst heretofore been ponli?o :: t . ; - Tho pabilo may rest assured that in no o*ae will the perfectly pure e tan dard ol the Plantation Urrraa* be departed from. Uvero!t ' bean (Ae ftctimiU of our ttonaturt on a tietl plate engraving, or ti canne; Vma. Utne, Any perion pretending to tell PtArrri'noH Birmas in bulk or by the gallo*, it a twintUtr and iapotter. Bemart of refitted bautet. Bet A bur Private Stamp it Oiraro TiLATXD over every bori. Bold by sii Druggists, Girooer? and Dealer* throughout Ihn country, . P. H. DRAKE ti CO.. New York. Arri? "wi mwf'-r SlltULU 8ID1IL1BIIS HAN . BBMPHBBTS' IIUBI UPATIIIO SPECIFICS HATE PROVED, FROM TBK MOST AMPLE EXPB BIEKCE, an entire *nooos* ; Blennio?Prompt?Effi cient tod Reliable. They. are the only medicino* per: foally adapted to popular tine- -an nlmf le ?iat mlita?ra cannot ho inadr. to using [iberni so harmless se to b, tree from danger, and so efficient ea to be always relia ble. Thay have raised the highest commentation from eB, .and wul aiway* tender aattefattUfanA I . i . ??..,,.. i.r-vli - Cent*. No. 1, eure* Pevere, OemnVAtiou, Ln flam marl ou?.', 34 : " 3, il I Worms- .Woriridfever,' Worm-Ooio.. al ,.??'.?,| "|( tlrylng , 'ol|c, or TeoUilng of In ?? '?,' fi IMt'rr taren of Ch?ldrc-n'oi 'adtdtk"! U < I, < Dysentery, Clrlplng,. BRlous Collo,.. M V ?, '? Choisie Mofbtis, Nausea, Vomlt I Ing. M '?' ,. 11 Coast)*, Oolil?, D ron ahi til. ?? ?,, " Ncarslgln, Toothache*. Feoeacbo.. 21 " 0, ?? llro?iarlira.SIckBeAdlrchejVertlgo.. 31 " 10, " DyapepslK. DIUoua Stomach.. " 11, " Bapprnssed', or Painful Perioda..... ' " l?, ?< White?, too profnso periods.,.,.,,. U ? Ig, ? Oreeti, Oougb', Difficult Breathing.. 21 '.-Ii,: " Seit flhenm,ErjaiiM?las, Eruptlun?. 3* " IS. *' It. tie ana. flaws, Bheumatlo Pain*... It is it, ? -fewer nrad -Ago*, Chill Vevar, iih . Agues...,. W '? 17, ?? ? Pile*. Blind or Bleeding. CO <? IB, m Upihaliny, and Bore or Weak Bye*. SO " IV, " cjatia'-li, Aeote or Obrenlo, inOu ensa. ,,.. Mi ,? 20, ?' WhoniilngCOngh, Violent Ooughj M " , 11 A stlim , Opprranod Breaihlng.. ? Ms si Bar Dlscbarfiea, Impaired Bear* :, ? ? ; ing.'........'....... M iff. as, " Bcrorala, Enlarged Olanda, SweB lage. M -?> HI. ?.? ' ?entrili DabUlty, Physical Weakness ED . M AS, ? Dropay and Scanty BecreUona.........B ?J? 23. " Ban Slokneas. BicJuiess from Bid ing. "97,." Kidney Jmjast, 0revel. t" ta, " Tie ryn ? a T)e h j\\ty, Simidal Emls I fa rieiri, involnetayy niscirarVrM-..'. . .1.00 ' " 39, V-.: Sor?);?J.oj? ?le? I " iVeeT^-'' -I^W^W^b^?r??' -? "' " t?Qlii?M(.' * ,'r Vie'.' '?v?n:'wftii' ' BxiiTt?r',,,'ge'atTofian'ge oVUo..'... .,1.00 Bpllenay, Spaam?, dt Vitus' Danee.LO0 ?lpttiVrin. hlcVrated Bote TrosV.,.- ? liAflIL? < AWES. ?I .i'..:, t.-'... , moroeoo esse and book.aio.oc l'US LOO u??.(.M i VETERIflAItY SPE?IPRH. ' lUhoe?ny casos, 10 v?ala.7717..'.'.'.'.'.110.00 Jingle V?ala, with direction*.'.. 1.00 *y*T*Ttiese reanedick*, by tho osse or single box, art sent to any part of lio oou?try. by Mail pr Express, free xf oharse, on*recVUjt-bf -ttle pA^-'1 Adflre**' i't'iiauPitutWe' fl%rnirio'''1 "'????' ' . BOMfEOPATBIO MEDI0IME OOMPABT, ' Offifae and Depot No. 502 Broadway. Now York. Dr. QovrnnsTS 1? consulted dally at hie,, pei tonally Dr by -le iter, aa aoeVVror'?li tonr. ? of dltcaae. DOWIE A M?>I?BI.-Wholosa3o Agente. ' I :.: ??.?.?:?,?, .-'/.;? a Ul Moeting street,- I W. A. r?'RTlTO.-'- ^^^TC-TT A. KOKE1/? CO.. Hetrall Afr.nt., No. Ml EINO-Ill ItEET, 4Lh itiwiraX-oTo htirliet-st. " . April IB . rqw^fimo Tm.9 ., / Qh?rle?ten. 8. a 30 Large vlaU, in Auorpeec,, sad t/oul.. . ........ . W large vial?, plein, ceso, and honk... u boxe* (Noe. 1 to li), and ?.,':.'.'.'. ER?^?E PILL8, Or Pantile < ' ?rtef/nluior, ' 8^^}ferrb\j7?d%Hnat^Af /?ctl?njt, a in Vie ?uct\ Stdb- , CaiCs that spring ftorr Irrertilsrify, u|^ r.miivli?K:U/e rAu?o'?hri ?Ji tE? C ,tei7cttl .tksC arile' ftbro lt. Tbey '.' %*?fJ>*,lV'',,f ? '? ln ?)' eases, toy. :?.ee?:t ic?en forbidden by dtrtt <fon*,.*nd-?ro admlnlsUr, as tbvjltlAfe^ely ?affAr- rovrforl! ' ?V'wjil .i> ?? - "?-*. -t JSmShmmt-Jifii *Toth** iuj>*3e?-?ari'*ddf*as a? lb perfect ? ?VM?; their eom. ?fiilprcT^rt-^edl?rneV^lllsMoSr?l?? ' welch theyete?iitt)seLi-ThIity-frwor>sM-fi*robhl*l.: TA? fialni onvulofift frea. ... , ., .?..?. ? .TTT7, Thd t:),?rotr?->'l,l[.{ ar? ^ oy all'drorgUU st |l ' * per bej, or ?Ix box?e for t?j ti fb?y\WBBt by' -all, free of Kebgtr. la .?n ordinary letter, free' from ebiervatlon, Jby addressing tb* * '? prp^rleter "N. B.-Cb( *p telai' >&. WRIonT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OsV &**sence of S.i/>, ?3or*a ^eeiehst Dib?t I?l &*a*.":' I ?A**,? ^ ? tn-rttwm.- Il a Jtttrcont Mittatet. It r*. 1 stores new life end vigor to the' ' ?< im . ,"Z~ -rs'ii'csnsirig-tbe tot blood of new '^-w He?VnRrWl*VjtW lAf? ?itir rajuvm- P.tbUUy. rittlorhii alt the tyitem and ana fuit vffjpr,.lhos.provi-g a orsrc^rAa?xssaiA'i ..? t^rTM^Z???ir> fW re: moving ea^xAifpandiraaeBaeu lb both **?*! 'T? the young, mlJOJo-sKeih ?lit-?"11? < ,? ? '"! pestar boo? iW* HKjr fAfuKIu ? i?tT? ? sa lease of lire,.t?(isleg the w-?*"ttd Cilllllatsd to' btre tenere ed strsartK' ?n? vfjrof, l? d Ih? ?tillr? ' system to thrill wltbloy aod{ileaf*r?v <-,?'. Prien, ono botUe Mi three.bettle? IS: sent by xprea to aAy addreai/-' - '"d ? ? ?' wt&n ? Our medici cea are (eld-.isd.f*ae-.nmsBded brail respecUtle drorglsls ln ev*ry narlcf the elvl sed loh?; ?nme-unprincipled tJesTor?, however, Irjr to deceive their e uste mew by itllfbs; cheap and worth-' decelwd?ask for these mtdleioes sod lake ne otheta, ? ff tfa* dtngtrtst dort t?t k*ep tfttto, writ* to os, sod w* srlll send their,' W txpWix Carefully ' p?fk**\ free!/ronabMrjMoev. ,We wilTb* jotted lo rse*iyeJattrnwUb fup eulw.nU lo^regardTo spy d teas.-vr Ith which hBlrlFor ??nllttnsn are afflicted Address all litters rimedici l'A, piinph lit*, or adyloe, to the sol* proprietor, ? i, . :tr :V7.JR. VtEBWlH, 37..W?lae*8t, Vi Y*^ Wey 34 . ... ...: ,._,,.. ?..?,_, r_ oave6?,youm t McKenzie, S Urfiirto*^^ Nos. 8?> and -SO Park ?ot?. ^i^SaX^3lj?*? illfer?a? ?i?SW ? Focaii theDrt?b? tt^^^^^^*^^^ .... (IH I CK il RI ? & SONS ESTABLISHED 1S28, MANUFACTURERS OF Grrand, Sauare, And ?Oriffh. PIANO FORTES. WARE-ROOM NO. 6 2 BV?WWA% NEW ' -fc-r" DHICKERItfC h SUNS' tiranti, Square a tul Upright PIANO-FORTBS A IIB NOW, AS THEY f.Vtll BAYS l? KEN, CON a. B1DKBKD toa beit In Amorte*, beTlng been iwardod sixxv-rivs i-KizK aeoftLrS. ri f which fourteen were reoalvod in the month* of Bep oWfcltiT?rs'?t the different" pnhoiyiPiPffil ^" 11 country, and the FBlZs, afJKOAL at the WORLD'S FAIR. LONDON. TIlALBEKa'S OPINION. I oonslder OnlcJterlog A Hona* Planos, beyond cena partion, the beet I bayo aeon in America. _ . AI.IIEIIO, Ooalrman of lory on Mnalcal Initromen O?BD. It la with feeling? Of pride aa American manofactare/a that we pabllah tha following tcetimonlala, which hero been received Oy ne recently: KDHUt'EAN TESTIMONIALS, Keoerced during the month of Avgutt, 1868. Loirnow, Jury SS, 1807. M traimi Ouicxsunia A Basa?Qont?; I baye mnoh pleas uro in enclosing a d ocra ment signed by the first composers, ma si citai? and profosserrs m Itero pa.' X hald your Plano? m snob high eaUmaUon {vidi my oerUfl cata) that I felt il my duty to take one or them with me to Europe, to ascertain the opinion of my professional brethren. The-, enclosed certificate, will prore bow unanimous they havo been on the anbjeet, I beg to forward, at th? asme time, a letter I reoetTed from my friend, Mr. OoUard, which I am sure roust be gratify-. Inn to you. - I hare Ibe honor to bo, gentlemen, yonrs very truly, - J A Util M. W KULI. Lo rout, January 1?, ima Jcnut Af. rv-eAlt, Kig. : , Mi Data Stai I hare groat pleasure In asking yon to oonvey to Messrs. Calo koring the eipre elon- of c:y bighe?! approval of their instrument, H Is, i oonilder,. not merely the best mitrnmbnt of American m sou tao ture that! bare'triocVtnit one of the (ides t Grand Piano fortes thai \baaever .corns under my ^baerritlohi anal' '.'.: the Messrs. :Onick?rlng may well be proud of. having turned ont 'from ? thefr-mahofaetory ari lDirtramhnt which, for tcmob, quality, power and yorkmaiisb-tp, It wonld be very difficult to surpass in any part of the wide world; . Dear air,-very sincerely yours. Oll AB. D. OOLLABD, Firm of OeHord k OoUard, Piano-forte Manufacturera, London.' ' Loarooa, August aa, 1809. Jamtj U. Wrfdi.Eiq.: Uj Data um : as y ou are going book lo Ute Uni led latna, must b?g you to rememoer uie kindly to the , - Messrs. Ohlokerlng. Tell them I wss delighted with their O rand PI to offerto?a* pood an \?itr??*aU, I (A?na, et? tra* ever tur ?tu ovi, ?ofA in love* oad trr* t. WUhing you. Ao., I remain ever It oly, ?' ?" ' . T. HaOa_DWOOB, Firm of L Broadwood et Bons, llano-furto Maoofsc., London. Loirooa. July 00,1800. Mturt. CMcitrtna Sont: ?sans: I bare lost been Invited by Messrs. OoUard to try a Brand Piano-forte manufactured by yon, sud X hare no hesitation in endorsing tho opinion Ol my old . friend, Mr. a I). OoOard. slit That it Is the finest in- ilJMl Uniment I or er played on. . ., Belie a me, gentlemen, moat ftithfaiiy yours, ' J. L. HATTOBi - ttttiaemiaU JYtm Otwutt dit!ryruu)^d Artisti in Fure/i te Muir . CKicktring A Som: . ... LoKD?jf, Jnly se, 1064. Bsvlog lay od upon a Piano-f orto .mad? by 1-UsarB. Chick ?ring A Sons, of Boston and New York, I bara mucii plaesure in teJUfJlug to Us ?eneral eieollrhbe. 1 ' For sweetness .and briltisnoy :of itone, delicacy of touch and msgnjrtceat power for cou cert purposes. I , consider 1? a really ITruK-a PitNo-roti-ra. uro-DnrtCt -' l-f tun err j aa? a. ir? or a Msstnrscroan. AUAaJIiLLAOOIJDAI?). O. A. oeDOBhB," W. ku UK, . ? : : JULKd JUiNKJDIOT. M. W. ALFS.' ' CUAS. ALIAS. nitlNLKY UK'JIARD?. IlKflfj F A V A ( kb. ' BYQNBY BMITB. QIULO KiXlONDl. AI.FfiKD JAJetLTa. LiNf?a\y;HHvi-Ei& n't J. MoaOHBLBa.,-; ,. ,? Prof, of1 Oonaerrato! ro de Lei (.?ig. -.1 InTOiil ? a AHTHDlt 0BAPPBL.- ? Director of Mouday 0 ? certo, London. - ' Among the eel of polpi? of exeellenoe of tha Ohlckor- . ., lng Pianos, of which S peak the renowned arasti to'ffi&tr '. oongratulstory testi montai?' to the Ite ??ru. Clttekarirjf, . I. are the gre?teatt possible depth, richness and voluineiof ., , tone, combined with a raro brilliancy, cl carn?es and perfect evenness thro-aathont the entire' tcatloj and, sLo-ve sit, asnrprtslug duration of lonaid. tho pure said - - sympathetic quality or Vhfci' bever chathges under tha " ' most delicete or raowexfoJ tonenitli: I " :? ."? .. 1??'?/ Fl in During the put forty-three years this firm has mono.. ete~a : ?,?;? .;.'/ < 00,000 > . ? In the oonattn?tlon of whloh they bare in trodaoed srary known and Valuable Improvement. They bete InterU. bly bean aelsotsd and need by all of the world's oc- - knovUdgtd great artista who bata visitad this country rrroisasaOnally, both for private and publie use. II I. UK HO. I consider OhiaksKna A stona' Flanee, bsyou? < ?**??,!, ut? best I havo ever sten In America. . j ., : . ??jichi '. -.?.. OUTTliCHALH. I oncriflnr Cbjckering A Boni' Planos an por lor to any in the world.* They are tum -railed to? their einging cra?littee and far tho harm on tons roundness of their tons. These it k perfect hombgeoelty Utreughoat ail tbe register*. The upper notes are i-enaeikabie for a Oleamos? anotpttrtty which I do not Ond lo. any other Instrument, whist Iba bas?is distinguished far power without hsrshneet,and tor emagTilfloefal sonority. 1 - Your Plano* ara superior to any I cato ever tun to thl* country or la a . , X nava nevef heard a tons ?o pea-foot ; li j laid a story trprosslon thai Is needed In musle, and'Its qtitntr jjt separile of changs to mast svsry aeatiment, Tbl?la a -ore power, ano Is derived from the perfect purity of ts tono, together with Its sympathetic, alatile Add well 1 touch. I'tizn ANBf?I. -TIT'-' i During the post sight jeaw I hare oontbtntry played ipon Ute JtnU> celebrated Frard Fiauao?; yemra ore the rely Instruments that t bava sound, either here or in ?tropo, |o ?qual them in all their point* taf esortiiseoe, jt"=?y bt s^CtatasMotV to ou.- peLu?? and Menda mong ine public si Urge to ?tate that tesitimoslal* bara laem raoeived from all the leading orli its who hars isi ted or are now residing in the Ontted 8Utes, a few of rhoso nom?-e. besadas those above, ws append: - .P.O. DB kUFBB. I OOHTAV HATTF.B. .Li-It KD JA KL. J. DKNEDIOT. L ^AND-ir.SOB. . A . L nUFFalAM. . , I JDLLI8N. ABTBDE NAPOUO?, And many other*. - mtr . 8 RATED ALB0UB AND pbiqb LtOTB KNT BY MAIL, iVARE-ROOiVIS, . 652 Broadway, NEW YORK. HENRY Asr't