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m\\WM DAM NEWS, O. H. CATUOABT. Editob Kq :',".. OATHOART, ?tmiLLAri ft alUKTUIV ? PBOPBIETOIlS. No. 18 HAYNE STREET. OITY PRINTERS. - ; 8ubsortption DAILY?TWBLVEMOM'fBS.?10.00 JiV#t$^*BL. MONTRH...'...'...'.., I 5.00 ; n /. ' PA tLY?T B RE EHOMTHS. .Vi.....V.. ?.50 ' rilNaLBCOFlES'........'?..B?ent? !~~ ' U'o N?TWH DE?LEB8......3cent* ';hews! summary. it ,' :m<'V . .? .? i'- -.; ??- ' ? V . Cotton closed In Now York at 27a. fur Middling Uplands. Uold was i[iiotod at 180'@137. . ..Coltou cloned yesterday at Liverpool at lid. for ., ,.v,M.v*J?riicg Uplands. ... v,'. a*Jip Princos?;Of.\Vnloo' llttlo girl ban lwonolvris t^n^ yiQx^^iA Louisa Alkxaspba Daomab. j ,H y/- A bruUnae imprisoned in Joraoy for boating his mother, aged eigbty-soven. A fanner la Smyrna, Delaware, sold bis straw 1,. -i Vny-OtpP. S>J. '?.ur .acres for $4000, tho purchaser .;. .. to dp the picking. Detective JIakeii baa filed a Dill in Court to'com ...poL.tho city of Washington .to pay tho reward of $20,000 offered by them for th > oaptoro of Booth. Wbnuelt. Vaastin says that ho wants; words to r~~-=~*xpr?Bs hla opinion of Houaob ?uete let's pari in tho r?cent molsrnoiroly farce at Biohmond. Maximilian, II will bo aeon by our telegraphic -1 dinp?lches ' this morning*, is A' prisoner in tbo r Lands of Jdatxrz. So tho curtain fallu on tho Mox ?' icau Imperial drama. ? ^ I.Tifrs -jjow Orleans la' to havo on ' ohtortalrimoiit at which a fountain of iced claret wino will jet from f tho"oontnTof tho parquot .during tho performance, . . . to bo nerved out to tbo nudienoo in (silver goblets. '' " A Frenchman bar. tnvontod a new pnpor, , L ly etopping tho homurrhago cauaod by wounds. Marshal Neil ba i passed a contract with him for tho immodiato supply of throe hundred thousand >/ largo quires of thu said papor.._ j . I - .Tho Ciilcago police last wook found a driinkeii (;T. man in tbo gutter,-in whoso pookots, whon ho was aoarohod at-tbo station house, wore lottert from , : Wendell Pmi.TPa and others, reeonimeudiug him ,r., T M etampcr?n.?o looturor. ,,, ^ j . v A boy. preacher has appear ex I in ^Yales, who, ac . 'f. cording to hm ado i irerd, extinguish Mr, Sruit _ o?O?. . Thlii promLeiog yoi>i_b is Master Kxocn ; . .l'nuiuiiir, who hau just completed hin CiOTonth Trr-yeavr. i,Mt .-:-* - r HK - ' |. .'. . ' _Uoxaiiiutn loaves, it is stated, aro excellent for .'. ' nrapil wb,ero' the ?lan In rubbed o?t and ' ,, ' other wounds of the kind, ' 0no or two loaves must lUbo bruised and applied to tho .part, and tho wound tou ;.i^vilJ b? c^cafrisvd in a-flhort Umo. ,,Jrtr i Tho Emperor of Austria ie greatly alarmed about .tbo futo'ol-his-brother Maximilian, and baa in i' 0 traded the Am tri an. Minister in Washington to * 'enter into negotiations with Joabbz with a|view . r\*t? fAyfng Mairjrnjait'fl lifo..... , ... -^tppj ?wxxOAB?'snew dumesljo novel, " The ills hop's Y.'O.rt Hott/'j is already in ibi third edition, three Uion m rid, . - - althougli pnhlinhed but a week ago. O. W. cIbxb tos ft; Co. wiU'havo ready, at tbo samu time. Akte -n r^?"iit7WrVV'ABn'B now' work, " Wiati rs r^NLrfir, and - T^i^-piHrM.'' ' ' ' '- "' I" . paurrfoX Xrroro are'bititlbrbc* "in Paris that if ihplEm *'^^jfoVaM^b'^'lhi iMpjil?^l..^rii? Polos havo many etl ^pr^cnteUyoayn.Pajrifl/hu^^ . ho likely to see that his gttosi' is troatod with pro .?.V .fP? respect. ,tJlti : A Jady in Paiia recently gnvo a concert at hor ES ,i Lo'dso. "Do you like Bossiia ?" said she' toi one of - 7 ,, lier guests. ."liossiNi? indeed I do; hois liy fa --. t ici^S?*-*6 ^?P0?,?'*^ ' n'*Aw yow. familiar with hisj IJat i:on^'.^j*w)-':'0^? d<?5?i.?r?>" was Uio r?tply ; t& io-?^?i^?.t?hf?T?, ffr?o'lt" .'/."!*". I - o:, .ii X:bo Now Verb, JleroM pub hah ob the toUdwiup t? -.-apocial dispatch :. Vino y,' N. Y., May 23.?A Bister '. . of Oliarity, named. Helen Tahey.wbs hurled hero teil) s-JS^-1?^"^^ ^ i"'^E!\^a ^^P'i0 honors. ( Sister TSeLen'VfS a iiicco pf tiio lato Chief Justice, of tho Uiuteil ?lales,' ?npremo Court, ''Boom BnpoKX j^mm'niiti -. tv : I is ' * '?tayiTklll?f?a?Wtna? ruaif> ?f *rnfi^r?Wri, i tc nrn isnttir.g out their phtnts, and that a great! doal has 'been pi tnlea this week: Oh? genUctnan alone . . hat planted 160,000 hills; and'othors nearly an [ i: equal number. We aro told of tbrco largo plan . terra who will cultivate this season 2,600,000 plants. y. ;The -Providenoo Jovitidl says a onrions fish of | irti tho Hkato family has boon exhibited in \ that,city. - i 1 I it haa a head like' a monkey, with prominent foa siTP lnres, two legs projocting from tho denial tin and -- termlnfitinp in^oat-Uko obaws.ia loDg pointed tail' *>rti covered with bristling armor like an nlligrdor'd, i-^oajj-jaiajy^ ^flitiVfji^. i^fo?Y ineh?a'wide, g?lson i hl bresii, and food pipo down tho back of its neck. ta^-u^ft-^.^^-'K-* ?eine **.?'?' ood?i Point. ' Tfti cj'jie'i t^o^hohoater ?im?t.bas been shownaapooi men of cashmoro goat's wool.. The animals ifrom' which it was out, aro.ownod by Mr. Daniel Mi v|j rnTCTT.T., of Hardy ooi^nty, and are tho only ones hi ~ --yirigtoia. , .They were imported directly from ?ash "?^JWlil-fPTJTOi'Vf^jli hy'.Mr. ' Mi on kill at throe .?'i?1 iJ^^^^.,^^''j^\'iPVfr?V T?< 2>m**"'aaya tha ib bmtSS^BW.p!?^*".18 ?kooodli^tjr'. flno in toxturoj and -mo -?a -..h.?????.Dr. Dailnsy, author al tho Life of Oofaeral <Stonewall) Jacsson, is pxoparing a now work in j ,v:defencoi?f his-nativo State, Virginia, and of the t'i .Sdmth.aliMe has devotefl mttah time and rearjaroli to this treatise, and has collected much novel and y t iiuifxucliye information for tho vindication or tho [ . r .ftouUitra people. ki1ju Radical qu cation a in debate faeuA Arq anbjeqtcd to i thorough andsoarchlng oqo^itry. i It is blgbly praised by eminent j st?teamon who i la ubi'haTOBOon tha proof-ahoet". It. will be published ei.-' diwitbta*. few weeks by Meaaxs. E. J. Halb ftlsdit, j No. Iff Murray street, Now York. i i j .3a .ft ThnMadh"?v/n..) iVetrsof the 25th aaya: ,"Mr.' lh*?$i-rnienr, who has Jnnt returned from Pufnani ,_County, informa un that tho wheat1 In ' that aoption yu-. : in iiparly ready, to, cat, and the y.iold in estinUt?d' -f.'l , nhflftocu to twenty bushels per aero.., Ho sa* one .- plocde winch- bo : thinks will yield,not less'than I? '< '- I twenty bushtle per acre, and will bo barroatM in ' ' 1 a'f?wda'ya. In ihlu part of'tho country wheat is v' ' -^Tmw/'^fhout 'o"??^?'!)?^??* tho reaeh of' i^Jory/ 41 '"V&BftSBb0 Thb'"c^ wbkthpr. whlle It may hay? slightly d^n^gcJ the corn and cotton, baa beihah ... advkalago to Uio wlicat in keeping off tho rnaL' t; V " "'I'h'd Glasgow' Herald Estates that the latd Mr. ' Jciit)t HzNuxa-ws, of Park, has left the aum of \t\ ; i<54,750 for various religious and chariUlilo pur X< .f'Sjmim. '.I'^isi Urutoa' PrcslSyWlen Church lakes i jE3<5,250; Uio QUtsgbw City Mission ?2000; tho No -, . ftlrmal Btblo Soeiety of Sootland ?10,000; the Eran ^jtmsa Stjoicty'of Parla' ?2000; fh? EvingeUoal ffn. adibtW^M?rfWS^M r?^e?M&al';0?oi'ft7?f juiSton&i?Sk Hfi KyMg?TJoal 'Society ?f Brtiasols J.13 /90QP, tho Union Churches of Franco In connec tioa with Pastor Monod ?2000, aud tbo Wsidcnsian j .Oharcb. ?*X)0. :-. r) j I , A woman named Manx Spooneo has i recovered '. . dnmsgea froxn; tho Boston and Prorldoneo Ilsil rj V \ro?? Oohip?^ Loathe amount of $10,000 for Uio death oilier husband. Tho accident occurred at :.: r?i? Pnwtuckot,' where tho platform for tho prjxpoao of . .. i tocemmoua'ting tbo paeaengers, as tho plaintiff al i:ilogod, ia aacarelo mlv and nogligonUy plaoocl Uiat b ' th? cars, ok tho y piaa, orerlap tho.aame tjvoqr' A ihroa; inches. The doooaaod, not being awi tWa chcninsUbro, wan standing near tho odgo of ' tho platform, and tbo can, as thoy camo by, ?wopt ,,;,,',' *nlm btrabith, and tho whooU passed over him and luanglcd him ao severely that ho died in two hours, Iii? H Jjt f? already known that the nlllod govornmonts ? A engaged in tho war with Paraguay have declined ki tho offer of mediation m uio by tho United States, **"''' Wo puh Ut h in another column tho official lot tor of In thosO governments assigning their reasons for so '"" ' iloing. Thoy con slut simply in tho allegation that j ... '^b prcvlnoc o/ Paraguay, after Its indopondonco hud boon ceuccdcd, prooeoded to make itself a Tory fpm'lliable military power, and commenced a -, ni war np?n.tho neighboring countrioe in utter die ifl regard of tbs prollmlnaVy notico required by troa I ty. Tho aliioo cannot oloso the war, thorofore, un til they have securfd oortain redress and ffuirnn 1 - tcca for tbo futuro ; and they tbereforo declined the proflbted hiedittion. ' ' lhd ciU?cna of Bprlngflbltl, Mass achnso tin, 'havo '" Loen very much excited over ochool matters du ring the pABt week. A lady teacher undertook to ' whip ?. boy for telling a falnrbocxl, whon th? boy roaisted and b Ah woro .somewhat injurod, the principal of the aehool having been called to Uio : " atalstancoortho tcachor. An indignation mooting of cltlzona wtta called for tho parixioo of denoumv ing'tho Bchoormsnigomcnt, and after consldertv ." k\o cxcltomtnt fupl dUtnrbahco a rbsoIuKou was <s"!t adopted, call in g for the removal of tho pi in ci pal nui tho as uiat ant io?ehor, The; meeting was about ni . cquajly divided between oupportlr.g the school 'M ^j^f^Mis^^Sjl^f *h*ih' Tht) oft?? Invo3 otanoo, that while the teacher erred in.-Judgmeut tho boj deiidTcd all iio'got,'aiidrcraned to dlsmlns '>> ib?i??<ihei<V ,-. ,?-.. v.-..; I ;.fgsaaga 1 " O" AU communications tr.letpJed for publication In this journal must be addressed lo the JCditor of the ' DadijNcics, No. lfilfaync-strcet, Charleston^!!. V. i Business Communications to Publisher of VaUj/ -iVeics, We cannot undertake lo return refected communica* (tons. ' ' ' ! /tdrcrf fsemen/s ou/sin> or*tt<> city must be accompa nied icith the cash. ' CHARLESTON. TUESDAY MOnNiNG, MAY 28, 1867. Jon WuhK.?Wo have now completed our office so na to execute, in tho shortcut possible time, ALL KINDS .OF JOB WORK,'and wo moat rospcclJully ask th? patronage of our friends. ' , ' , flOUTHERN MIHHlSI'HKSIC.VrATlON. i It would bo very idle to attempt a correction of tho thousand,and.ono rumor s that genoral and special correspondents furnish tho Radical press. It is the trade of thoso then to write letter* that will bo Wad, and like- 'oilier equiv ocal professions which aro, tolerated in gr?ait cities, If they must bq permitted ".to ply, lhoir vocation," it ;ib very- foolish to bo virtuously iudignant at. tho vicious perfection whioh tho professors attain. Mr. G nm. ley is, indeed, o philosopher, but he is also the editor of ? New York newspaper, and we suppose ho thinks ho strikes a'fair, balance by mlnlaining his indi vidual character, by his porsonol; and nets, while he secures the.profit of his nows columns by a judicious investmentiin sensa tional correspondence. Wo would not, there fore-, gitc 'particular' consideration to a letter dated Charleston, whioh appeared'in thoj Tri bune of tho add, were it not (hat this lottor seems to bo part', of a general system adapted not only by the Radical, but by the Democratic press-r-a system'which.'consista in n. studied misrepresentation of tho conduct of tho mill* tary administration of this District. Nowl we", have no love for military government. If .asked \vliy, wo can only say wo wero, born freo and, O bd. willing,'- we .would rather die so. Btit, when a military,government is created ovejr us, we not only intond to render under Cuhah the things which areCiBbab's, but wo think it right to recognize the wisdom and justice with whioh that government is administered 'whomever, it is administered ; and we protest against this; ou t eido interfcrcnoo whioh, on the part .of both Democrats and Radicals, has not tho alig liest referenoe to our good, but is meant to i ervc party purposes. '-- ' The Democratic press abuses General ?)ick lbs, without tho slightest reference to the practical character of bis orders, but because it wants " a cry," to rally tho Democracy; and a rosislanco. to militaryauthority, " a mild " riot, a few insignificant lives lout, a moderate shedding of blood, would furnish material fur a clever'paragraph, a' flduHsit Jabbul tho Con slitntion, and,' peinons, 'securi? <M<,el'e'oi?ou^bf ? doubtful member of Congress, or a war-Do'nH opratto Governor iu ?omo Nor tho ru Ktnto. ",,"i'e ii Tho Radical press, does (iia .same thind be cuuaii military rule is' quite 'too practical anil quite too impuvtial for the'proselytingsp&ii of 'th? Republic?is.' ; thp/V.abt 'aglUtfbi/o?( agitation 7s sake ; ihey want pxcjtemcnl it tho The letter to which .wo have, referred; is a very good specimen of this, latter vo'rt- of ;rOis reprcaontatlon. . > ' ' '' ' -' ' I'^tu. The writer bas travelled through the State"; and hie has hot found tiio agitation, the' an tagonism ho desired. Black and white aliko eeom to be minding their own business. lMau, ters"and laborers alike seem to be thinking more of their crops than of universal suffrage,' and what is worse still, - tie Military Go> era-, meut seems lo have been trying in cornei t'C-tcV comprehend the' real, condition of tho/8t???,v| and to adopt its action to better it. , Of c if this is allowed to go on, reconstruction! be comes rathen an easy matter. ' Therefore,! we haVo the following paragraph; ""'I wish it word in mv power to glvo sa 'fayorahlo I an account of the other portion ' of the1 military administration. Gen, SicHos .desires, undoubted ly, to do rights One Uiflioulty with htm eooi bo that be is anxious to Btand Well with' tho ornor and the whltoa ganoreuy;- Ho likes ei social I poaition, which iaonly tbua attainocL iLChei dthj&x| 'rank and file," many acts of cruelty and. opt eion, are constantly, porpotrated. Wherovor ,tli' can or dare they maltroat and abuse Uio free; Several Instances' of tultffc^urighave domo my own observation alricb I have been hero,' i And this followed by a collcoti?rjf '?f ma lous rumors and'the statement, that''accbi to Gen.'fin Ott, there are.'^?GVrhur'dere. freed ni en at lurge in iho 8^ate;' "un whip justice.") ,,pf eoiirse . nobodyhero bolioves that Gen. 8cott is responsiblb for any mch ridiculous exaggeration, tho conclusivo ieply being, that for a long period) - during the cb. aerice of Gert. Hickles, Gen. Hcnrr was ?lot only Cbmmlssiori?r 'of .the Bureau," but'( l^jii mander of the District, and Unit ho i? not the man to jpeunit any such ' violation of justice Within Ute sphere of hin authority.,. itv n. 'Jn':y .. The whole object of the letter is to' produce the impression at the North, that (ho Mil tary Uovernmcnt in entirely in too porfect a Pyrc polhy with th?' white population,'.and, that! the freedm?h Iobk,'f^r'.pr'o,tMtloh) tp.ihe Bureau alono, and rapeoinlly to "Chaplain Fa=^c^, th? ?hr?.wdeBt and most sogaolous planner that tho frcedmen have overbad, on their sldo." In deed the writer sayi, "the best' instrumentali ty in aid of reconstruction is found Inj the Freedm?n's'Bureau," , I 'V Now of ..General Scott we have nothing to say whioh is cot kind. In all that wo have Been1 Of 'him, we think wo have evidence of a desire to do right, and indeed it is difficult not to exaggerate his merits, When we comparri him with his predecessor General 3axt6n, Whoso career was One of unmitigated mischief.' In foot to him anil to Judgo Dihshah*. thai head of tho Tax. Commission,' may fairly bo or edited, whaterer dembralliatton and confusion hns oo B?TTc'd in the labof of the State, ahd ll \\ an infinite credit 'to Odr colored population,! that with su oli per verso oncoui.gcment to do wrong, Lhey have behaved to well. lint tho Ffeed men's Bureau, ob. a piece, of- adminlstr?tive maohinory is an utter failure. Tho only wriy in whleh It could have worked judiciously, was is a part of ' th? military administration I and the only reason that' it has" not worked more' misohief here than it has done ij,because prao iicnlly it has been subordinated to tho nillllo ry command of.the District.',. of tho Rev. Chaplain Fbirou we wish lo say no harm. We have no doubt that ho cams )ijo Balary by dllig?nt prayer, and tvo know thai tb6 earn?Bt prayer ?f ? righteous,'pan njSOo\ eth much. Indeed wo have. no doubt t hat ' r. ? prays as " shrewdly " as he plans, for the oi hortationc of the Rev. Genii onm have ehatg?d latterly very mnen-fo? '{tit hotter!* In! $0 days when ho lifted up 'hls haildi under the Bhaddw, 9^ G?n?roi Saxto?^ aulhority, ihoro waa". ?i;'gr??t' cry of wrath to ..come [ j(n -hia prophesying, but-of Into, whether his inspira tion has come from the same sort 6f conTpan I an ship, wodo?utknow, ho ccrlainly, like BaIaam, lait t?ken lo Messing' (nst(!?(l of cur sing: '.Bui^h?'vTiH. (ftlf tp effect'muoa of ;thb good Iho'. wc are willing to bo!i- vo ho .would Like. Id ?coompU?b, ith*, like ?ieeorreapondeM of the Tnbunt, endeavors to wake Of. the Beau -eau,a political missionary establishment. In Iced Tfo Toar that alrcndy in forming tho ihrowd and sagaoious plans, which the corres pondent commends, be has been neglectful of a-alohtlor malt-rs. We scc.tiat General How 1x?d has published a very and report, staling .hat intemperance is increasing1 nt n very lUrnjVi/g rate among tho Froedmcn of' South Jarolina and wo would urgo upon tho Chap am renewed zeal, for it is u strongo fact but. .rue, that a lore for whiskey and universal luflrago haro n very appreciable effect on eaoh slher. Tho truth {b that reoonjtruction can bb. ef fected thoroughly and- peacefully only by tho ;6rdlal co-operation ot the while population inj.tho militaryauthorities tho one adminis tering the laws firmly but judiciously, the ather adapting its habits . and thoughts ic the required 'cbnhges promptly Slid'kindly. If the frccdmon will simply abstain from- agitrition, If they will believe that on tho' one siile thore is both the power and tho will to protect them from injustice, aud that on the other thoro is riot (he slightest desiro or intention to do ihom any injustice, a few months will see our (thief difficulties overcome. The registration will be completed, tho elections ordered, and tho < sys tem of universal ButTrago will go into operation without a disturbance That- co-operation so far lieB fortunately existed between Ilio Mili tary Government and the whito population of this State, and what baa boon tho result ? Wo have none of tho strife, and anger, and blood shed that have tormented other communities. Questions of conflicting right (hat bnvo .pro duced serious disturbance elsewhere hnve been eiuiotty aottled hero, and thore ia lens conti Let of authority and less antagonism of fooling ta day in this Stale than any where in tho South. Any effort to disturb thia oondition of things oan only spring from a malicious desire lu do mischief, and is not attempted in tho intbreal of either white or black, but to serve party purposes or to gratify some personal vanity or rim all er. personal spite. . WANTS. TTTANTBD, a BITUATION BY a RESPECT* Y Y ABLE, whlta woman, who la a competent Child's Nurse, Seamstress and Chambcimaid, and la willing to luaxo hareolf usoluL Clry r?f?ren?a. Apply Net. 163 QALHOUN STREET, between College and St, P?illp streets. .I, Mayas m antes, A. cook AND WA MItEIt, WITH OUT lncumbrances, (colored prcftrrocL) Ono cooling well rocominrmdod will Und a good home, at Nu. 89 NVENTWOBTH BTREET. . Mat 38 \UANTK1), A GOOD 1-OLOnHU CltoK. YV oho who can como woll recommended. Arply at No. SO SOOTH BAY. ! May f~ (iOOfT- TuE GBnTUINU BARTLBTT 8BW> WJJ?O* 'NO MACHINE, ?13. ?Wanted?AgcntaJ ?150 per month and all expenses paid, to sell the Oohulno Bartlctt Sewing Machine. This Haohlne wul do all the work that can bs don* on any hlgh-pnood machins, and la fully pa ten tad, licensed and warranted for five wean. Wo pay the aba re wage*, or a commission, from Which twico Chat amount can ba mado. For circul?t? and Unna odurcaa EL HALL- A CO.. No. 724 Choataut 4treet, ptYiaAVstpfcU, n. . ; . 88 .:'. April 10 WASTED, AN IiLDKltbV WOMAN AS Cook for quite * small family. Ono who 1*1 will ing to make lioraoll generally uaolul, la civil and pgree ablo In manners, can apply at No. 60 Calhoun street. -, April0? i ' . *, _ I 1 WANTED, X Sr.TUATICfN AB HEOElVr?JO and Delivering Clerk, by one who la competent, and can lurnlah the beat of reference* Address ; \7"FDNOTUALlTYi" May IT ' ,. . AtThlsOmco. -lirANTLII A HITt ATION AN CLERK IN ;Vr SOME GOOD BUSINESS. HOUSE Can set or books, collect, and raaxo himself generally Tbo drat rdty recommendations will bo given. Address PEB8KVEBANCB, Dairy News Office. ! May 17 TO RENT. TO BEST, IN TUB BATHING HobSB, two Tory desirable UNFUBNTBHKD 8LEHPINO BOOMS, for the summer months. I Apply op the promises.' '.?' tuth*3 - ' , May 88 T o bent, in the jbatiuno house, two cool and desirabla sleeping Booms for thai sum mer xaou Uta, _ ... ; . _May ss fTT?'rext, TI1ITKK UE four fine;?n?i? X BOOMS, In tbo weatem part or tho city, very dc elrabla for summer. Hallway cju-s pass tbo doorJ Ap ply at NT. O. "WHTLDEN'fl, corner of King and Boiu eu n streets.- . .; ,-. V tutb*3* ' May va rno KENT, A TWtMTflBV HOUSE. *ON X I TA1N1NO four rooms, two-story kitchen, I largo yard. &o., Ac ' To a good tenant tho rent win be HO per month. Apply at MAOKEY A BASSE'S FURNltOBB WABEgOOMB. Adgar Building. 1 May 38 !TL<&*T. I a ^i^?rj Briex^Hcx?so,*"c?n ??n?ng"* 6* square **?^^??b*.alarge ba?lnent^oS5rSnd SNary Wide pl**X*a, with gas In every room. Also, attached to tes atme cod. Udder a continuons roof,' a 3 story Brick HcaiaTS'containing 7 aqoaro rooms, one which la 13 by 77. ^A5?Sn?W^P by 63 feet, the wholo nowty fihishtd IA a neat and substantial manner. Also, a Eiteh?d~bri1V1ln? of 8 roams 1 and other requisite out* bUlldm{r,'wUh chrttrn and wen of fine water. The Whole premises front Booth arid la - a delightfully cool aha pleasant r?sidence m summer, and' equally warm and pleasant In wtnler. The lot la 10 by 160 foot, and 1? very dfry and Its central location and capacity for aooommoda Bon rqakeit verjr desirable as a bearding bcm?e oTieml nxry, for which It has been expressly arranged. To an approved tenant the rent will be moderate arrf the terms ao mmodatlngf. For farther particulars apply at this ciilce.''''' /'-flu "" " ' l- May 17 rpO HRNT, TWO PIH1B flTOUCH IN THE A. -Adgor Building, russeealou of one given immodl atoly; the cthor from the first Juno noxi Apply to -Aprfl 00 -.. oL.tuth . HAOUI. ? LYN AH. PWBNIBHBP HOUSE! tor RENT until a5^?SSJ,K0E*lBKB:SBn'' targs modern built h?l?tt HOUSE, fifteen rooms and extensive outimlld Ings, In one o( the best, cold and ahower baths convenient throughouti four extensive cuaerc*. All the Standing, and sotna other Furniture, will HasaaSi rd with Uie House.. Street ears paaa the door. .. Far partlcaisjrs apply to JAMES MoOAB May ... atulhS No. 8 Broad jp'jftitNT," TRAT ' TWO STORY KOCSBJ, No. 11? CALHOUN 81 BEET, containing six roo ariS;H^^ ffi ClgCTlWg?fr Apply to'vYm. Wljhors, a^stS?ale House, In msrk?t hours. ... , , T May SS i, . ...... -, :;'? .._tJlha , -VIS '.STABLfil TO 'RKNT.?Jl COaas ? P10?B "BHICK STABLE, with aooommc^Uon* rorjiprse? ana VoMclca, can beinrod. If applied forjeoon. EsSJBSRBKKlWn w premises. Ne; K OHHEOa trTBEET. ,V&tt?lde; near Traild. ' ^ Aprtl 11 STtlltF! TO RENT.?A THERE ST?RY " STO?E on Market street, in rear ot No. 23 nayne street. Apply soon, at No. 23 H A Y NE 8 ni RET. 1 May 33'' ?ut.. .1.. ?iiw ,wlv..ji ? .j. j mO BKST.iui.UOIf TUB house NO. OU i i EIN o STBKET, with us? of a flno clatom. Fcc Crortbex particulars, apply on tho prtrml*e*. '.'AtefilT'l .:it.'..ij.1ilfi?,i ri -,. ! rnq RENT, THB Ci Bra n?dgbi and two s ttio : ?e41,?a, No. 86 ScelMy .si RENT, THE CONYKSIfil?T TWO A Nil BBWR?WELLINQ, bonlainlng '-> roo ma, .outbuUdlngs, ci? te ru, rtreot, . Apply nexTdoor.l east. Ppwcaslpp, given on Jons 3d. ,, . . . 4 . Hay 31 r|rf>l?ENTi A PINE RESIDENCE, (10. 1* JL Hssel strtvft; fomeily owned by Dr. CMaolm] Ap ply at No. 127 OALHOTJN BragET. i May 31 ? ' -..-' - ' - iff > FOR 8ALE. j ;tOR 8 A LB, A VERY FINE YOUNU MU I.E -it Applyaoonto ... HOLMES A CALDEB, *W3S . 3 .. .. No. 136 MeeUngstreot, TjVOr sale:?fresr beep at stalls JC. No*. 37, SS, SS and to. (Cheap) price* UK; to IS ^ttper^jxiund. ' ' 8? , il*y as m It BALE.?MOLASSES BARRELS, A P. ... FLY at No. 78 AN h ON BTHEST, near Laurena 1rest ' ' tuS* May II TjMIR BAJLdEt. A. CART AVITTI 'iLIOENSE." A1 Enqjro ii No. 12Q BT. PHILIP ST BEET. i Mayas. ...... . . I ,,. ; j TjNpR SALE, A CARRYALL, WXTU. TWO ^alrr?d^for caah cr a time note at thirty days, v,^: B0ARD1NQ. ! Boxrdibio^-a PJUBASAJIT room on Ota sauend floor, with Dressing Boom attached, am be obtained by applying at No, 24 OOMIKOHTHKST: xlao a Cotlag* In in* yard. a tow Day rJoarders can Mao 3S UCOKxmodAtad. Liood ivfcrcnooo roqulrod. .-' |,TJKOJBLLBNT BOARD, AT VKUY LOW 1U. rotes. In (bo most central buslneaa part of tbo city, jlUiout lodghig.Ut a private house, can now bo! had. for parUculars adilrexa "X.L," Poatomoe.. , . May 1? . ntuuiHNo^iuns, rouinson iieruby JL) Ixdcnno her friend* ttial she if now ready to recclvo ihmited number of boabdkHit, which she ?1,1 cmdea r*r 10 Sri cr? tbo most lib?ral and aocomm6daUna terras. f??%%?^^l!?L5^j55? de*lrptofivo#hAr; mut.rl Hfcafl yiosryvo&Tii, btbeet:! ; MsTai' avoashar. .-Mar 31' I REMOVALS. ?BMoVAL.-VrltB '" OPPIOE OP TUB 60?THEBN LIFE INSUNANOE COMPANY .ha* >e*U rsmored from over thf, old Bank of Chxrlesum to Ho. 69 BROAD BTBEET, ^"'^ Mayas 1 EAUTY.? Auburn, uoiden. Flaxen,' and I ?0BL8 produced by the use of Proroeaor Xri BBEUI'S FBIBEB LV CHEVEUX. One *ppUo*> Hon warranted to curl the 1*1 -,?* sither ?sx into vravy ringlets, or heavy atsualv* tU . ; Ha* been ubc-l by the fxxhicmablea ci Tari* and tendon, with tin most pnurylng result*. Does no In nry to tho Lair. Pricoby mail, scaled and poatpcj.t. ?i. Peacrlptlvg circular* mailed tree. Address) BRJtOstB, IHIPITS as CO., Chemlata. No. Qfi? River street, Troy.' U. f., aeJe/^ratsfca-its United States. , ?' THE LADIES' MUTUAL AID ASSOOTATIO?j; HATTNQ ON HAND A LABOE BTJFFLY OF BEADY ! ?^D? o'-ora ^O. suitable for OeuUeraac: u, ^?AC^ldretx, ana bait** desirous of dum elxhlng CUT Jtotk bofora the tcxecm td-aocAa too far. wo woedd cafta DEJ'OSrrOBY, ' ' tfo.' 11 Cuiliacri street'' MEETINGS." ALMKTTO UUAHD Cl I AH IT All LB A880 _??_ CUTION. rUIK REuTJLAB MONTHLY MEKTWQ Oy THIS S^f^*^u!onjrtnl ?* t>el<l et iho Maaonlo BaR, Thd i^SSi?iftJ^aS!??*' .t^uiA U called to Ar iel <- 3V. of tho Oonsiltntlon. ^.BjSrieX P. W AHB EN MoOEE, 29_Secretary P. O. 0. A. BTf?A 8TKA?I~F1IIK HNGINR COMPANY. A N FXTTtA MEETING OF YOUB COMPANY WILL ftK-^lv0M^i Merket HaU TXii ?rrntnj, .a8thlcaL,At Wo clock. The attendance of each and every member Jcdjod. M.C. will report. By. jirder of President M?T?_1_ 1 J Becrotary. JETS A PIHK BNGINB COMIM.Nl). XOU ABE HKIlEBlf SUMMONED TO AFFEAJl AT the Engine noose, Tsu Coy, 2Sth Instant, at 2V >ok P.M., In Unlfcrm (Black Panta), to pay toe lao ?r^^^^S0^ to oar **to brottor ex DLrector[EOIl By order. JOHN MoLUHH. , M>yM_1 ' -. Bearatkry. WALHALLA LODGB NO. OO, A, F. M, , A n*P,?I'AE COMMUNICATION OF ni it) r.ODfll! I frV 5tURJW!! T*'' ^rentng, tbu 88th l?at, at the sImodJo irall, et 7 o'clock precisely. Members are re inestod to bo punctual. Ils Dycrdoroflhe W.M. ' i. M. PKTEBSEN. May28 ' : 1? - ' ' Sectary. LADIBS* MEMOniAL ASSOCIATION. TUTE ANNUAL MEETTNQ OF the- LADIES' ME J-,, MOW AL ASSOCIATION will behald at the lllaonlo IbUl.Tb-Vorrow Afternoon. 2?th tnat. at 5o'doo>rP. M. Ucnibcrs aro rcquoatod to cocao rrraparod to cat thoir. innual lubscrlplions, and to elect officers fer tho on?u_. m year. ,? . , i. I By order of the President a..-. Mar 28 fOTICE,-PLANTtOHS AND JHKt IIA*U H AN IC. B. O. 4MEETING OF 1 Uli STOCK UOLDEHS OF THIS Bank la roquo?tod at tbo office of tho etld Bask, Bay, on Wednetday, tbo 2?th Instant, at 10 o'clock. By order of the Board or 111 rectors. W. K. HABEELL, May 37 8 . Casalor. AMUSEMENTS. Wc9tic. ! Cm ^ic-Shr ?er 7irulfd>rn ?$UOoio,t|ttI(<4altj to lib Datt|lrttm (im SWtlieca) ben Wtth b. "SI. am @c)uv<it>IaT. X>oS Drut|B)e "Purlitum Ifl tingfUktn. Dit' 6out& Goto. Una IR. 91. gtftt bom flnn?6lt. Xrsei SJlcrgtns 4 vor f>, an? 9lad)miltag? 1 It'?r. . May 37_8*^_ Pal ejoniml|lcc. ?T ^,r.NIAK; HALL[ "'-.B NIGHTS ONLY. OOMMENGtNO. MONDAY .EYENTNO, MAY 27 ] 1867. S AR OENTi, WIZARD OF THE 80UTH,I W A VABIBTY OF' NEW AND STARTLING FEATS IN MAO 10. . Tickots??1.00. Children?SO ce n ta. Doora open at 7 o'clock; Portbrmanoo oommenoesat 8. Boats reserved without extra charge by the 8EWINQ MACHINE8. $20. AGENTS WANTED, $80. $15 to $200 per month?males and females, to adll the ! I'XL Y GENUINE CO 11 MON SENSE j FAMILY SB WING MACHINE iiannfactared. It will ham,' fan, atttoh,. lack, : bind, braid, quill andembroider bcaaUruBy. Price, only ?20, including Bsrnum'a self-sewer and self-tmHungThem-' mar. 'Fully warrantedfor five year*. . '. , > CAUTION.?Beware of those. aellmg worthier! oaat tron miOrUnoa, under tho eanio name as ours. For olr cUleri atfd tairai, address a BOWERS A OO., No.l26S a tinh^fce^Flinjldebjhb DENTISTRY. T7" THEO. F. CHUPEI^, DENTIST, L OFFICE, - - - No. 875 KING erTRBBT, HXAXLLY OTFOBriX HAJtXI? rpiiK MOST BEAUTIFUL AKTLVICTAL TKETS IN I sEBTED at moderate prices. er TEETH EX tua or El) without pain by moans of tllLOltOl'OHSI . ' NITROUS OXYD,; jj Or by DB. BIOQABDSON'S apparatmi lor rnwdrtring LOCAL ANiBBTUBBIA. I Marchs . tnthaBmo ~ OlOT.HIHQ. I CAR01RT, WHiTFORD & ? rflA.-UrAVHJi.ui-, .y z.1 I Ifta ABU i" I COARSE CLOTHSNG, A MEBICAN EXPRESS BOTLDTNO, NOS, St, ST. t /V and 81, Hndeon atreet; near Duane, NoW York. T. r.OABHABT, ' W. H. 'WHITFORD. i*_v *. BV VAN WAOENSai. December 10 onto . T. BAMTLTON. , X:S .HULL, Ag't., HAB 38MOVED TO Ho, TO BROAD STREBT, NORTH ?VDB. BETWEEN MBBTINO.. AND OHUb.CU where lit will be alad to see his old friends and edstonv his |B B tor,, k foil aaaortznant. of. CLOTHS. QOATDIO, 0ABH1AIBBE8 and .VBSTTNGB of crrcfr rt rtety, which ho. will make up io or 1er at as kes as my similar oitabliahment. : . , . |? i .. ,;. . ' ' '. ' 'Also,' ?SA'jO I [ii-Wfitit ASSORTMENT ,OF FUrtNTBHIHrt '(lH>ODS TOR GENTLEMEN'S WBAH. ^ .wwa M. JNO.T. FLYNN Iformarlyof C. D. Can- ej Oo..l ?ji} auperlotcad the Tailoring Department as Banal and JAMES HcCOHHIGH, MEIM^B^STT TATTiO^t, ' wnoc?uiJ! add nrrln. cuu? n? ' I VKSriNfiS. NTol 86 BELO?I) STRE?T ia?n?rya?': ?mos .... <ja?aiJasTO?..i ovl WILLIAM I CILIMD 4' S?N, Real Estate Agents, Auctioneer . AMD COMMISSION "MERCHANTS^ ! , 05FICE NO. A3 nAYNE HTHRET. ' fleptember 8 . < " ' ''? 1 : NOTica. f UFPEB WARDS QUABD BOUS LI I? _' Coaausros, Mayathiset. ,|i?g TOPPED FROM TWO' 00IX) It KD MEN A1 C?T7, 'Who staled hi Tina formd her ten mC?i cd Main tOad. t j I ,i. . C..*J. .1 , . , Tho ctrcer i? rooncstod to cau, nay erpeneaa and take il sn?oir ler away. . ;- .'y'"H? ?. SrHOM?S~ ?Uyi? ; . . . j ; let Li e?t. Vi wTg^ M. BXCEE8I0BI ,$XCEi?I01i 1 ?H?STEllt^'S I ' HAIR EKTEBISIMATdR, J Cor neniovlrts Saj.rltuooi Unir. , TtO THE LADIES B8BEC3ALLT. TXH8 INV ALUABLB rK^jatf*^.?^"!^1,'?"** bstnf an aim cet m llspessfhle article, to fexnalS beanty, la easllv eOoUeA. loco not bum or Injure tho akin, bnt scU dlrtcUy on the wta. it la wartoittcd to reinovo rtrperSnoua half from ow forchaada, or from any part of. tho body, completely, otilly and radically sxtlrcatic? tha came. lesrHj ths kin soft, eaoooth aad nataraL Thlt Is. Us onlr artiala l*edbyihaFr?nclLaQdUtb?cfclyreal effl?taAlder41* >*tl to any iddrees, oa reoslpt of sn orBtoAn ? _i- .?-1ER, HHUTT8 A CO., CheciUtr, . 11 March80 ? .jjr ... Ho. MiRlyarat, Troy. n7v. i Thtrs'connlh glad tidings of Joy to all, S/gJ*tvwSS? *? 81 <>*1 ^ ^ l>(Dan, Is ftwjioiall, and all iflty be fair. 0tU* 3? the vue of OHASTELLAK'S '] ,'? .< t'?:i ut ; t>(.\ laledi? ti lo ; 0>i.C. t il c ?J.-Cl r.i.f, i^.' :?b| IhSkloa aderAd" lest' 1 ?Uy Tle??s;. :Ben? by?n^^pot March W. ' ' ' fwMHW.I A??.'.Ch^t,. - EDUCATIONAL. (ORTH C-AHO LI M A MILITARY ANDPOsVY TECHNIO AOADEMT. A OREAT 80UOOL Or MATHEMATICAL AND BL PHT8ICAL SCIENCES, together with Languages, JWrsluxe. Political EooDomy, History, Ao. The 8-scoud Houlcn, Ninth Academic Year, opena July ai, ISfiTJ Diplomas oonferrod upon Graduates in tho Tlar course, apodal courao of EEG IN F.Eli INO, ARCinTECl UltE in a DRAWING, la offered to thoao who wish to qualify hcmaclvea lor Cirll Engineers, Lawyora, Ac., and do not loalro to purauo other nuJlea. A Cento crcjel Conrao giron to thoao who wlah to prs aaro tor business Ufa. No military duty except enough drill for healtly oxer ilao. Expanses moderate. Vor circular*, containing full particular*, address OEM. R. K. OOl STON. Suporlntondout, lilliaboro, It. O. May OA _tuthsTS _ INSTRUCTION IN fkbnc1i. MVLB. NICHOL9. A NATIVE OF CHARLES ION, out during tho paat flfloon \ eara a roaldent tn Krampe, la dealroua of giving lnatruotton In tho French Language, eltoar at her own residence or at the bouse* of her pupils. Iuojturo at Mrs. FIN NEY'd. No. 190 King street May 23 FINANCIAL. $5000 WANTiD TO BOnrtOW ON FIBST-OLABS BEOUBI .. TT. Apply to CLIFFORD a MATTHE WEB, May S8 1 No. 60 Broad street. CITY OF CHARLESTON SIX PER C12N'T STOCK, rbUMS TO BUTT PURCHASERS. FOR BALE DY BAM'L. O. BLAOK; Steck and Kc&I Estate llrokor. BAM'L. O. BLAOK,' id Real Eatats broke May 08 ' ' s No. SB Broad street MILLINERY, ETC. MADAME F. LUDECUS, . I fcitri.1l tjxax.xb TM MO/UNERY AND FANCY GOODS MO. 262 KIN Gl-ST, Up-Stalrs. ri"lAKE8THlflOPPORTUNITY OF INlOHMlNd THE J.' LADIES of Charleston, and rldnltry, that she hsa recently openod a largo aasortaiODt or Faabiooablo MIL LIN UU Y and FANCY GOODS, and would bo glad If La dlos would oaU and ox*mine them. .. Mrs- Lud do us promises to soil at tho cheapest poaalbt rates, being satisfied with email profita. aaikirritv/n 'tun ?.%,/,v ninin. MMkMAUIW ...... . OlIU. ,IX>A,Sk Done at the shortest notice. - She baa the agency also of Madame Demorest Ipr the eala of her Dit ESS PATTERNS, by the aid of which orory Lady can bo bar own Faehlonablo Dressmaker. AprflO ...... atoth MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, WILL BE OPENED MOKDAT, May 27th. A NEW AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FASH j\ lONABLE GOODS, comprising many norolUoa, which hxv. been purchased sines tea late doc 11 jo In price*, and 'arm be sold Tory low. Custom or* will plsaso call and examine. Ko. 423 King Street. MayM ; ' -, ' stuthlmo INSURANCE. STATEMENT OB' TUE TOTAL RISKS AND ASSETS of tub ' MW YORK LIFE INSURANCE ?0MPA1SIES, FROM THE ANNUAL BSROBT OF THE BOPEBXN TKNDKNT OF THE INBURANOE DEP ART MENT, (WM. DAP NEB,) FOR THE YEAR ENDIN Q . DECEMBER 81, 1865. 49- NO extra PREMIUM FOB CLIMATR-S? Established, . Total Bisks. Total Assets. 1312. Mutual......'........?34.067. JOO ?14,533,000 IBA?. ST. YORK LIP.'a.45.404.000 iwy Mmhst/sji..: ..?rr.as3,ooo .> 3,410.000 1840. Uniled States......12,306.000 , 1.609,000 1663. Knickerbocker...,n.... U,133,000. ' &i3,0OO 1848. EqoltablB... ;. 27,810,000 1,688,000 18S9. Guardian.10,?68,0OO " 6ia,ooo into. ?rcrm*in* ... .. .'.. 1*(rTAOOfl 000.000 19C0. Homo. 18,087,000 890,000 l8en.,WaabJngton,. 15^20,000 ' . 630,000 18S3. Security................ 7,M,9,0O0 . . <28,66o 1R62. North America.......'... 10,887.000 706,000 UlCA. Globo.. 8618,000 .461,000 ISA*. Nat Life and Trav.. 6,060,000 .,1 " 183,000 186*. Widow* and Orphan*.... 6,333,000 306,000 1664. Brooklyn.......... ..... ,3,196,000. 318,000 USA. UnlTcrxal.... ,3,000,000 343,000 THOMAS FROST? . . AGENT FOR S. C, NO. ?6 BROAD RTBBET, May IT ! ' i tuthslmo ,' ' HEW TORE LIFE. ?rtm*?t3fti1i^mihiirri; -?nrrr??IJfTl6rffrrtarn.'' tt, in dorr tet hejitn Hnfbuten beS.&mtrt ,?c*r"jrnl<?trboJer,) ferl?t au} g c g t n f c I I igen,' Shl|*n btgxfliiket if*,? .eiferst n bt? saVfiiafien ^limita? .. ..?; ,.: i | .-, O^ejQteurobrr flt|t,'' "/.'n Ram. UfJrc?atbt, Sir. ?. ?dlrrJ. I ?de Sing sab ???TtctfliaSe, Januar? 16 '. .. sXfs|il*r yH-.:t^^i u t/i : tuffimo FACTORS,. "MMJISSION MERCQANTS, ; -; - \ \ 'X . j ;;; I'K.P IN'fi'.?G? n..^ s; WfW' ATTEND iO tub .POBOHABB, BALE AND VV BtUiMENT (to Tonern and Domestic Ports) ol OOTIOH,ai411T,LTJMBr^AI41>.MAVALSTORES; ' rVTLANTIC WHARF, Chnrlciton. B. O. e. wax I a...... ;....,...... a. it chisoui S. A. LAMBERT, EODTHEMT ;ANT) N?BTHERN OBDEB? FL^LED ON ; > ooim sTON. Office ?f jji^^liap^ ??yto; Biu?jSriirRixT; cqbiter nuvsos, (or KXtON'd PBItUIUM TRENTOl AU order, son t, win be promptly at^/lsd 6BSO*,., , ',, ; D^Mn)WsS. Trio TJOlTrmal Verdict of all ?He Most Ex .', pcrlo octet P&atxy Cootta nnd HouaeUacp l^lo Ittlldl .. j--, 'j . ; Euexourr^oora i > eetlarnenb ?r< raiydl'rdl !? fj? iMMl Ti.Oiq?! .' ni h.:,, .v-.ii.-. .|.:J 1:.: i TS 'ilTK MOUT RBLIAULK OF ALL BAKING iBOW< 1'. DBBS, beb>? i??vaUAilxy *hlts, end ft** frcaxx all hv W?H? lasBsasiaata, kaslds. raarotns* only t^Jihtrd* oi ine oTixnuiy to bave the earns-efleot sa ether' Teaat Pcwdjna. ? too want rUhghirul PI* Crust Blntnit and Qprn Bisad, gtre it a trial.' r '/ :ti uj :<:: : u ! : ?orralaby OHUDEB k MAltTDr, '' No. tttOKliiff rtruet HENRY DWOTOFF? Oo!T .1 i .::No, IITV East Bay. T*' - W.B, CORWIN A'OoT, Nasse Bina street, si - Dow? 4i mourn nSk; No, 161 1IZE1INO bTBAKT, v. OppOatU Ch*rlcatOQ Hotei yaaruaryas-' .-y-' . - > - '.; >: .Usatiasmo d>-; V) v IM WORLD AS??ED at tus woircmycT, axvxLAVioNa ,' ' made by th? grkat ABTROLOQIBT, Madame? H, A. PERRIQO, me nui! OUR SPRING STOCK IS NOW ready, and comprises n Ijoitor assort aient of CLOTHING IB I Adapted to this markot, than we have ever offered. Wo have given particular attention in getting up this Stock to lightness of fabric strength of material and durability of color. Much the larger portion of our Stock is made in our own workshop, and we warrant it in every respect equal to custom work. We have Goods not of our own man ufacture, such as are usually sold ready-made, the difference we shall be glad to show our customers. In fixing our prices, from which we make no deviation, we have taken into consideration the depressed state of the market, and the univer sal desire to buy goods cheap. We give below some of our lead big prices: CHECK OABaiMEBE SUITS.$8 00 ALL WOOL TWEED BUTTS.9 50 ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS.18 00 black AND white WES. CAHHIMEBE .. butts, our own makn.15 00 'I'H'tvp; stiles OF MIDDLESEX oassi MERE butts, dark, MEDIUM, and L'OH'IV MIXTURES.18 00 BLACK AMD WHITE VOX OASHIalERE buttb....33 00 HLLK MTX TBIOOT, DIFFERENT MIX TUBES. .. ..3* 00 iTNE BLACK GERMAN TRICOT SUITS... .27 00 DABK BROWN GRAIN Da Po U DEB . butts.29 oo black DRESS buttb, ranging In prioo .flip.........$19to62 00 LINEN BUTTS, from.$5 to 20 00 Ikfi I Iii ?i'.Jli'il : ;;.;;.?. :* I ?.S ?.: Jan.. addition to the above, we have many good Styles of LIGHT AND DARK FANCY CAS SI ME RES, IN FlILL SUITS" And in Pants and Tests. AI.3?, ALPACA BACKS DRAB DaETE BUTTS DLUE FLANNEL SUITS, of Tory fine quality . HEAVY WniTE DUCK BUTTS, Ac., ho. \fj. , . ; , , '". '? ' ??Ii i\ .: c: ... (j :.. -. .. 555 : m rtf-i'salj iidlU? Hi .Nil I. Ii llj .i.l ..'? Jld.'i - .l j PUffi?v?SHiNG GOOBS. ***** : *?j ! In addition to our usual assort* nient of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING GOODS, we wish to call partl cu?&r attention to our SHIRT D?PAETM?NT. Wo have made arrangements to have our SHIRTS made by our own Pattern, and we think they i will compare, favorably In style and fit ryiOi any SWrt on the market THEY COMPRISE FOUR QUAL ITIES, ?2 B?, $3 00, $3 60, and &4 00. ,' ?. 'mi... We invite the attention of COUN HtY MERCHANTS and PLANT BBS TO OUR STOCK, which we ire selling in quantities at very low prices.- -. ? .'-|^ MACULLAR, WILLIAMS & PARKER,. 2 \. , Vl-l'.- i 1 ***5' STo. 270 KING- STRE?T, CORNER OF HANtfL, CHARLESTONJ S. O. . M.M. QUINN, I.:.' ?VLolesale & B?tail Dealers -.1 . n :.. ; ... : tjt .,->'. j BOOKS, PERIODICALS, " r e Vf a p ape e e, st at i o n s b y, etc' . Ho. GST KiriO B?3EET ; Ju ,(, \c\X&tikMkWkmt.<>n,.: G. S. ?nbacrlpuotai roeaiTtrt twd Oooda oalrrareo or fat. ^oprwiiV?*?*4jo. PEAS! PEAS! I?T ANTED, 600 TO 1000 HL'KHK US fJOOD COW W PkAB. Apply to JOHN 0AMP8EN k CO., No. 14 Market, opposite Stato street. May 38_S_ CORN, CORN, HAY. 1 s"ls~afl BUSHELS 8MALI. OltAIN WHITE CORN, LUUv auiteblo for grindlug. 200 bales Prlroo Hay, to srrlvo |>or steamship AU'snce, 'rom Philadelphia, and for salo by II. F. RAKER k CO.. May 28 3_No. 10 Cumberland street. BICE ! RICE ! RICE ! C)A OAfiKH MIDDLING RICE. LANDING, AND A V ) for salo this day, by J A. EN8LOW k CO. May W_ HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND ?N HAND, ANOTHER ASSORTMENT OF FISHING TACKLE. CONSISTING OP I HOOKS FOR 8ALT AND FRESH WATER COTTON. HAIR, GRABS. SILK AND LINEN LINKS BAIT 1I0XE8, FIHU HOOKS. KEELS, HARPOONS, SrtARS, NET YARNS, SKINK TWINES, liu i.i.i in, SWIVELS, 4c, kc. ALSO, CAST NET8 snd HEINES, for Molli t and Blirliap, Jolotod Rodn and Ilamboo t'anea. Toorrnan wrrii a fine va?ixtt or PLANTATION TOOLS. Housekeeping Articles, and Oeneral Hardware. For salo at reduced prices, at SAM'L R. MA HSU ALL'S, No. 310 KINO STREET. May jj_tuthil_Throe doors below Socioty. WATER COOLERS, ICE CREAM CHURNS, JAPANNED WARE. At low prices at BAM'L It. MARSHALL'S, No. 310 King street, 3 doors below Society. May 28 tut!,i TO 8HIPPERS OP COTTON, RICE AND NAVAL STOKES. LIBERAL 0A8H ADVANCES WILL BE MADE ON shipmestHof UPLAND AND SEA ISLAND COT TON, BICE, ROSIN, and TURPENTINE, consigned to our friends in LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, or any of the Northern Oitloa. J. A. EN SLOW k 00,. May 13 mtnf No. 141 East Bay. OATS AND HAY. BUSHI CON. 1000 B' 50 IN BTORE 600 balea prime NORTH HIV l at HAT. JOHN OAMPSEN k Out, Merkot street, opposite Htato ctxv*v. May 37_? RICE, FLOUR, &c. TIERCES PRIME CAROLINA RIOE 100 Ucrooa'primo East India Rico 100 barrels cheap East India Bleo 60 barrels superior and Finn Flour. For sale low by J. 8. BOHTRMEB, May 23 thstnO_No. 199 East Bay. I EXTRA QUALITY C. R. SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 1 f\ HHDS. EXTRA till A LI Ik O. R. SIDES. L U 10 hhds. Extra Quality Shouldara JO barrcla Strips 30 hhds. Second Quality Bhtrolders and Sides, landing per steamer Falcon and la store, and for sate I by LAO RET k AIiKX AjSDKR. May 37_2_ CORN. tlAAA BUBHKLS PRIME WHITE CORN, 7b\J\J\J For sale by SCHEVEN k NISBET. Accommcdation Wharf. CALIFORNIA WINE COMPANY. (tKOoaroBATxn ?ovannia 1, 1844.) WINES, FROM THE VINEYARDS OF Sonoma, Los Angelos and Napa Counties, California. W. H. CHAFEE, Agent. NO. 207 EAST BAT, CHARLESTON, 8. O. HOOK, SHERRY, SWEET ANGELICA, HUSO ATEL, I Port, Wine Bitters. Claret, Sonomo Brandy, California i OatAwba, Bonoma Champagne (in quarts), Sonoma Cham pagne |ln pints, 34 In a case)?In wood and g hua, April 30_tuthsCmos ICiilliEW. WILLIIMS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND BANKERS, iiayke street, CHARLESTON, S. C, I GEORGE W. WILLIAMS & CO., Cotton Factors, CHURCH STREET, CHARLESTON, S. O. WILLIAMS, TAYLOR & CO., Commission. Merchants, NO. 147 HAH) EN LANE, NEW YORK. May 7 tuthsSxno AITLIC?ED! SUFFER NO MORE! Whoa by the use of DR. JOINVII.LE'fl KL1XIR you can be cured permanently, and at a trifling cost The astonishing auno?M which has attended tits in. valuable medicine for Physical and Narrons Weaknsa* General Debility and Prostration. Lees ni Muscular Er> erar, any ox the oomeatumnea of youioftt. In disarm Ion, renders It Um rabat Taluabla pr?paration ever discovered. 1 1 ! ! , It will remove all narrera? affoerhons, depression, ex* ci tern sut, Incapacity to study or business; leas' of memo ry, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears of In sanity, Ac It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who hay* destroyed tt by sensual exoeaa or ara practices.'. '',* " . ' * j Tourig Men. bo humbugged no more by 'tXiack Doc tors" tad Ignorant pia^UUoacrs, hut aend without delay lb* the Elixir, and So at once restored lo health and hep plneaa A perfect Cure Is Guaranteed In orery Instance. Pri?e 61, ox four bottle* to cue addreas ?3, ' " Oaa bottle la sufficient to effect a cure tn all ordinary Ca^L80, DU JOINVTIiLE'fl ?TECIFI0 TILLS, for the cpAadv and permanent euro of Gonorrh?:*, Qleet, Uro torsi Diaciiargea, el ravel. Stricture, and" all affections o lbs Xletaeys and Bladder. , Cure* effected m from nno to 0? ClI^|U "^V63 aro^rypared frtnn vegetable extracts fharrnlsae oh the art tern, and nsrtr pa uses te the stomach or ImrreguaW the brexrth; No change of dlo la napes si ry while suing them, nor doe* their action in any manner interfere with buslnaes pursuits. Fries ?1 per box. . . , , , ' Either of the abovc-manUoned sj-ttclcswUl bs aentto any address, closely staled, snd port-psii3, by mall o ?iure*? oa receipt of price. AddrcM ail orders to makuEwam tyco.; etemut*, March 50 ly No. 3B8 River street, Troy, N. Y. TKIIPUS CURANDi DIFFER M IK ANNUM RODRIGUE'S ILMONIfJ EL.XIR MW\l FIR THE CURE OF OONflUMPTIOrt. PAINS IN TUE CHEST AMP BIDES, DIFFICULTY, IN BREATH raO, DROKCHTTIFt, CATARRH, A rrrnilA', - ODUQHB, HKkCOBJaHAQK, aiw all sffoc lierai of the Luttas. This great r> vivlryer is cChred j to tha public, that all Who will avail thenuslvos of tt* remedial power nur be bents ttad. It only reernlrca a fair trial to oonflrm It* invaluable agency m diffusing through each channel of the human ortairltatloa a rsatortd vitality. It Invigorates and tm hue* Coo Lungs with hr xlihful elasticity ; restore* warmth, which 1* their essential element; rouse* lbs atuggtah ves sels into activity; heals Ule affected lobes; pu rifle* and enriches tho Wood; regulate*'the circulation; tnduoos free and bisy respiration, and expels, through its admin istration, each cad every coucotottant disorder prcaent In the malady r?cognitif as Oorauniptfon, a?d hitherto fllSiTlllal IllllillTfS BpflfiLsBI?MsV ' ' Thu compound t? peneetly safe, yxwaeaatog nellher narrctio nor emoUo propeitle*, which unforianatcly aro ?ways employed as essontiaU in every preparation fov OOatbcr DfiaAoUoo? m*atak?which too often In lte Irritating and debilitating ronaequcnecs, orJy OOB fyaoot to mach general d?rangement of tbs syxtem, de stroying anpe.Uea tod croating an iniurious ntTVOUS *x dUmoat, augmenUng suffering with freqtMOt fatal r6 su?ia. ';*'* ,, Under tho influence cf thla soproted and trrralnable Rp*ciflo the aatsxt cUttieaSlr?g Oocgh yields, dlKculty tn bratl?n? and pains and sortntca subilda, htmorrhage la trrattsd, and health and strsturtn re^sHhllihnd - pricx fob anoulomi u.u. Bold by the Iroprlt-toT, northwest comer SOC1ET? iND MEETING BTREETrt, And tho I AND VfXKTXNG BTRMTd, and theprtrjcipal I>rugglau?. j'AJstl? 7 - +jm -