University of South Carolina Libraries
VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* CJMUB to th* State, iMaei^cr n ot -Mci iiisv Wore by their charter oxomptod froni hil toxotl u, Whether of tho Hiato or of tho olty. i On tho 27th January, 1852, Mr. John 0. Burck tuoyer applied by petition to Council to bo refond ed the amount which ho had paid; vnitrproL'sl. tor taxca on dividends during four years. , Tho po litl n was referred to tho Committee of WATS and lie aus, with authority to confer with tho City At torney. , ;. ? j On tho 10th February, 1853, tho Commlttoo mado (hoir report, and as lt ia basod almost ontircly upon legal considerations. 1 haro no doubt it was piado upon conferenoo with mo, and under my ad vice. - I onoloso a copy ol this report. I Tho -report atetes that tho laxos paid on divi dends, during tho four years last paet, amounted to tv very largo ln of nionoy. That in a few cases they hod been paid under what was oallod a pro test. That no protest had been wade to tho City Counoil, nor had there been any coercion of legal procosa, and that thoro was much vari unco in the ronna of the proton!*. Tho inpart conoludo with recommending that tho prayer ot tho petitioners bo not granted, and that tho partios bo loft to their legal remedies, should thoy BOO flt to pursuo them. ; Tho report was adopted by Council, and thoro has boon no other oction of Council thereon, ex cept the rc rere n cc to mo upon Mr. Borokmoyor's rooent petition. ' I In. tho caso of Robinson rt. tho City.Council (3 Bich., p. 318) it was hold that If ono voluntarily. with a knowledge of all tho facta paid a tax which Was afterword doolarod to bo Illegal, it could not bo recovered baok. It was o voluntary-payment, hot under coercion of legal process, and was a woivor of all legal exception. In delivering' tho opinion of tho Court, Judgo Butler says: "If would po moat miscbiovuua to open such transactions as Cboao, after money ' hos boen expended upon tho assumption that it was lawfully acquired, and par ticularly ofter -the payment of it may have been ncquioBCod In, during nearly tho whole period o f tho statute Of limitations." It ls my opinion, howoyer, that If a tex bo paid by one undor a dlstinot protest, on tho ground of Illegality,' while the question is being Judie lal ly looted by others, it may bo recovered book,' if tho tax - bo dodored illegal. Io tho coso of thia tax j ioma thirty thousand dollars had been paid Into tho Treasury and dlobursod in pnblio expenditure*;. As appears by tho report, some lind protested and soruo had not: jsomo bad pro tested in, writing and somo verbally; somo on ono 'ground and oomo 'on another. Under those olr c ams lan i" es, lt was doomed advisablo to leave the partios to their legal remedios, if they thought proper to resort to thom, and so make no dis cri niluation betweon tho many citizens, all of whom had boon paying this tax during tho period of (our years. Thus Counoil would rofund in all casos whoro tho courts thought tho parties res pectively entitled to recover. . Tito returns of that day oro lost, and it cannot now be ascertained lu what form Mr, Burokmyor protested.. But thoro can bo no doubt that he did protest, and, in all probability, in os decided a form aa anr. Tho ubjoot of tho report was to lot tho Court dotormino what Kan in cnch caso a auffielent protest, and so lay down tho rule cir rulos by which Council should ba governed in this as woll ss in simitar COBOS. A demand Uko this ls barred in four years If there bo no Buit, and no proof of promise or acknowledgment. The most favorable vio w of th o protestants is that tho statute began to,ron from tho (imo- that Ibo taxis doclarod Ule g ul. - Perhaps tho muro correct lo <nl view is that lt.boyan to run from tho time of payment. It does not appear that Mr. Burokmovor cotnmonood ault before April, 1800. Ti e tax'cH wore paid in ma, 1840,1850 and 1851,' and tao tax was doctored illegal in 1863. When, therefore, ' this matter come boforo mo again, after this long' Hpse of timo, in tho.ahupo of o writ, I felt it my duty to plead the statute- ol limitations on behalf of Council. It ia my duty to adviso them, and, in caso of suit, to toke in their behalf all legal defences. If thoy think proper to I walyo thom, or any of thom, under pani eu ur cir cumstances, thoy may su direct. I have no 'doubt Mr. Burekmoycr did apply to tho Mayor and hold conversations with him; but I do not lind that there was any writ sued dut prior lo 1800, nor say '. appllcation;\o ?Council nineo their . report in 18 2^Tlor . OnV .prpmiaiUcir acknowledg ment of tho cl aim' 'rm theil'' pori. Th other wonlB, j I do not soo anything to toko tho coso out of tho, Statute^ tf it bo insisted'on. fl'J V I '/' il Iii'I/' I ' I halo endeavored to bto'tc, aa oorrteUy au I can ascortain thom, tho facta of thia caso, and myl riowB of tho law touching it. It is in tho option j of Counoil to any whether tho ploa of the sta tute, shall bo urged or waived. 'il I With respect, ~ W. V. TOUTER, City Attorney. I u KIM UT OF IHK C02IVI i'l KX OP WATS AND IXXAMB,| - MADE AT A BBQOXAn XIKKTTNO. OF, OO CM CUL, HELD! os 2ira rznnoABT, 1852.. , . Tho Committee of < W ny H and Moans,. to whom' was referred tho pott tiona of John C. i Burekmyer and Lowie Jorvoy, agont for Miss ' Bullodgo, pray-: lng for a release ot tax paid . lipon dividends on' i Bank Rtoek, odd to confer with ;xho' City Attorney ' thereon, beg leave to report, that thoy novo consi dered tho matter referred, and Uud that tales upon Bank di vi de ii du ha\o been paid to tho' amount of 133.000,- during a period of four years, and that, in a row casos, thoy bavo boen paid un dor what hos been called a protest upon tho re-1 turn, but in tbe vast majority of cases without noy suoh objection. In no caso" was auy protest ms/h) to tho City. Council, nor did Council pasaj any resolution that the taxi* should bo returned] ii found to bo illegal..' - ---.'?.- -? . .. Thosoprotesta Tory in form, .lu ono coso the objeetion ls-put-on tho ground (that th" tax isl "unequal and opprciflivo," in comparison with) othor subject;, of taxation, (nit Ibptit )B illojril),' and in o thc rn it takes a more goberai abapo, withr out any specification bf reason or ground w);ot-' ov r "'.'{ ;*>} <r^ j '- rr O V/ VJ 1 "V ! Tbo'Corrimitt3.JJiro odvispd tHit > i tis; extremely | duublful whothorih BIWIH paid can bo rcoovorod back In any of thoso oases, inasmuch aa thoy wcroj not paid under coercion of any legoL process,-and, that tilla view ia stal od by (he. pri ipl oj* wa dee inion in Ilobi nunn ea. tho City Counoil, where it was held t 'at non-residents of tho oily who had Sold a lu oh er p rico fer I er an ordinance which ' could not rooover book ti Ux was laid m good faith by tho City OonnoUj and tho monoy thus [ile llopt,ed-h au boen t XpebflMIOE Wblii purposes,irp^4Uio'assumption -(hat it "wia lawfully acquired. Those who did not redst the tax hayo .-con tribu ted to Ure error; and'lo rofund this iorgo amount now would work frreat injustice to those who ord not in default, inasmuch aa it would throw thu b rden uixin different persons and| in dl V.ront 'ions from what it would hove fallen at the For these eeosoos the Committee recommend that tho prayer or Uio petitioner bo not grouted, j and tdiattho partlea be left ty tisjr logol remo lies; should thar apo flt-to pr sMulo them. ? . [Signedj - ' K .; GORDON, K.t^l ..., JNO. H. pONOIJR, 1 OHM). BICARB, i ri,- i (BZPOBTs .OM wsnawns, . rr Bf Alderman teJnmeyori. (J -A ,{tfi Tho Committee on Lioonsos, to which was rcj fer rod tho following opplipauans fox, licensee, bea leave to report favo rab lo on the some,' and roccm* mend that thoy bo granted : ir .,..'.?? 1 Junk Shop Lt OCH Q-Cathnj-tno Morrison, Can non and SK Vhw P treuta, ) j JJ > J J Tav, rn Lfuxiniopionfi Wohll<e |qo)l4rWe Jon (j MBlllkld^Tabli TJcenae-B, LLnVr > A Oo.j Mooting Btroct (2 tablea). . .ri'- , n/rt I I ." Auctioneer's. Liconse^tormouso, A Co. Bi|ref < 'lies-J A QuackoiibuHh ond John Ferguson. u AJjjo, that Dennia Mooro bo. all? VT ed .to troruiff r Jiia-tavoru Jlpcn o ta W. li, Taft, i ., .. ?"..:.fl t, )i I Respectfully submltied,v.-1. mi; ? :A > JOIJN^ STEIN JfEYKil. Jjy AW ern) an Btoinmoyer :'1 ', , ? ;' ^'iVv-ift Tho Commlttoo on Brick and Wooden Buildings to>.whom -was referred tha petition of Mr. John Kenn ny.- to oreefe 4 woodoo building on the -north sido e Tro-dd street pppoalte to LiraohotlBo si4root,| Tliat when a elmibvr application fi om Mr.'.fohn ? O. Ilgen, thoy did rocomm d that tho petition bd gran ted, and he allowed to er cot n, wooden bu Udi rd on hw lot, on tho north Ide of. Tr dd. a tree P.' That they did. BO tram ' the lmprt slan, derived from the reading of tho act of 11856, lu ralotion to! woodenbuildingSi ? '' '.-' ' ?.>;..> M^'il I That upon further eoualdor on, and ailer r6fer-< once with tho Olty attorney, (hoy nave come to tho, conclusion that fhelKfirst construction was crroJ neons, and that the intention of the legislature tot confino, th erection, of wooOon buildings to thc* west of a Une running ffom'SOuth Bay, wost of C garo stroot, aa for as Troddelroot, whoroLogoro Blreet1, terminates, thonce np. Trodd street to Savag /and wopt pf that atreeiaaj r as Broad/ whore- 'thot stroot't^rmirialea, Uhenc? up rBit>*& stroot to Franklin, and then wost of that street as' for as Mogozino Syroet, whqro Frauidin .etroet tar-! mlnaves, and tlien , olopg " Mogat no' Btr ef .'lo, Wilson stroot, and .vrost of that B tr oct to Boaufsin' street, 4o. '/-..' . -. 1 Thtre.ta Bomb' Yiguonasa in tho pliroaoology of tho act, but your committee aro now satistled, mat tho linc huit indicated in tho one intond'od byj ' In other words tho moonincr Ss that', if tho lot bo' on thoequore, bounded by Legara sUeut, it .moat' boon tho weat or Legara btroot, if it be o r tho snuore: bounded by Savage Btreety it maali be woat. -of that street, and If it be on tho sonoro or squares, b i ded by Franklin ' treoi; it must be' wost bfj that stroot; fte;. ' '.;;. - *..<.> i Tho lot in this ooso ls on tho Bquaro bounded by1 Savago Btroct, and is not west of that stfoot? ., i They Uibrefore rcconimond thal tho petition he not granted. i. ., ,. I JOHN H. BTEINMETBR. ' . ' JAMES P,'EARLE. Adopted. ,-, ir, * ByAldermon Honpur: ; .'.v; . i Tho.Committoo on Rotronohmont and Rellof, to; which wow referred the petition of. Jomes lOwena1 to Jio refunded tho amount paid by. bim for a Junk-; shop boonoo, recommended - that tho petition be not granted. . J. II. HONOUR, I ... :. A\ T. a. oounTENAs, . Adopted. U?4 ,y> ' j , By Aldormon Ookoai'' " .^tfftty.i] 'i firt Special Cciminittoo app-jinl d l Verify and hum 'RBch of the old issnoa of city" billa aa .liovo boon loco i ved in paynton t of taxes and dues' to the city, report thal th6y. haVo dlA&Arged the. daly; assigned them.1 - ' . J tl 5W Va>>7T' The amount Durn dis ai fulldwa, vis : kifhf-l i * V: ToUl'o nduntburnidr;;.-T:V.r^ _ Rnmoctfnlljr reported, S' ..->:nno/' r ; mfflHil i. ni ir. a -, '.:.&.>&. OLNEY.- j; ...".,, : ". .'t , -.;. -.fif.-.v iic.B. O..OOUBTENAY... i Tho. Oom mit to > on ropcrt IhH thoy hove exommed . tho foy owing acoormU, - find them correct, ond rccormnehd its Uh ey bo poid vis.; ,'. iir . . - A UW BftPJ?I?U-'UlJiLiLJLL'L^-iLlt'i'Jll !OgjjVrglUl!R! rfiOiWirftfl hC *:,~>.*-ZT Dy AiilurulMi Wlilltj?? I I On the petition of the Hop? Fifo EugtrtO U??i: t^'T?? Special CommiUeo on U? Krd.Er-. r'f'VSlrPt^tf^VMv?* tRp occouht Ix^adjuit ?d au trnH.^jx.^tiiit oLh?r.olaiias BRaihab.tb.0 | tity corporation have been settled upon, under direction of the Commit loo on Accounts. 1 WILLIAM o. wbjxden, E. W. MARSHALL^ Z. B. OAKE8, . . v . .JAM Et) P. J'AIti,K, , , . v>i .. ? s. a. coubtenav. . Adopted. ; . -I nti, i Alderman Btclnmoyor gave nolioo of a Bill to (ti ler end amend an ordinance, to fix tho tormo and irices of llconaos for retailing spirituous liquors, at if led lGth January. 1800, and asked that tho otico be considered I ho Aral reading of tho Dili, fliich vraa gran tod. ' Aidinnan Pringle reported an having been en grossed by tho Clerk, an ordlaanco to regulato tho storago of petroleum, lia products, and other in Qaininablo oile. Tho ordlnanco waa ratified in duo form. , . ? i Aldormnn Uordte brouwht to tho attention or the Mayor th? bad condition of tho sido walks on East Bay stroot, and stated that ho had boon call ed upon by eoreral tax payore end merchants do ing business on said street to BOO whether Council would havo tho ovil remedied, I Alderman O'Neill arose, and mado tho samo a ta to pi ont, and moved that tho Mayor be instructed to carry out tho resolution adopted on tho 12th of March last, and, if necessary to disohargo all extra barts until tbo work is Hnienod. I The resolution referred to roads as follows : ('That tho oldowalka on west and oast aide of Eaat Bay, from Broad street to ns far ea tho stroot bas boon paved toward Market stroot, bo repaired as soon as tho oondition of tbo Treasury will admit of i The Mayor stated that at prosont tho Treasury Was not in a condition' to admit of It. and that there was still a balance duo tho contractor for paving East Bay:.. .-' I Alderman Olnoy moved to lay tho wholo matter Over to tho next regular meeting. I Alderman Baronel moVr" tbo matter be indefi nitely poetponod. Concurred in. Adjourned. . ' i ? r> ' W. H. SMITH, I Olork of Council. I Ujtros'.CooirrT.?Wo rjs?c}..'^ learn,!that it in probable that nomo of tho. farmers, of Union ; DoruitV, will havo to stop working, their crops | for the^.lwsnt of cor? for- their familier, and hoTOOSi -The.oora iv otoforb sont to tliat county Jias boon diBtrdnitod for bread to' tho deBtituto, whilo those w uo aro carrying on farms havo leaked out for their* own supplies, but tbo diflicrilty now is,- thoy uavu no money to buy with, and but few can obtain credit. Mon who, in for mer yews, sold,from three to ton hundred buehels com, have not now * month's supply of food of ?ny sort, odd no money to parchaso what thoy nood. Belief, to accomplish good, most bo given speedily.' Wc hope Our exchaugos In tho eastern and west ern part of this Stato will copy tbo above We eug gost that any contributions be sont t?'J.'SIcLauch fin, at Charlotte, who will eoo that it is convoyed to Union County.?Ohariotie Vcn\ocrat. , Tax Flobkkok FAin^-It gives us pleasure to onnonnoo that thop.adica' Pair held hero last week, was a oomploto succosb. We loarn that tho proceeds amounted to upwards of $700, with a etook of $800, o t ill on hand. The Fair oponod on Wodnos- i day morning and closed on Priday ovoning. All who attended it appeared to enjoy thomnelvon. Of I tbo Tableaux we can say nothing ; being like somo ' others, about threo foot two low lu statuo, wo worn unable (o.'kol only an oooasional glimpse of tho Bcones. Wo trust tho Indies, having met with such success, in this, their ?rat effort, will not lot it be long before mi shall bear from them again, ' " '' ' ' - [Gaiotle. Dahino Bdbolaut.?Wo loarn that tbo dining room of ono of our oitleona vraa entered yesterday morning, and a quantity of eilvor taken from tho table. The thiof mado his escape and has not bean caught. Prom Lia track, it is behoved to ha?o boon a lad, not moro that flftoen yearn old. Ourcilizom should keep tbelr front doors and windows well secured, and have one or two good bull dogs In tho book yard.?Augusta Press. . Onnuint,?Mr.'Jobn Lowia, onb of our oldost and host oitlzons, died yesterday morning, at tbo age of oighty-flvo years, t Too old gentleman bas boon con lined to ilia room for nearly two years past, but t?as sUll cboorfol, " only waiting" till tho ti aster whom ho bod so loug and fuit h full y served, should send tho numinous for him to " oame up higher."? S?. Advertiser. Mobk Removals.?We learn from tho New:Bern B publican that "General Sickles has removed tho rebel commissi on era of tho - town of Newport." Newport is a smr.ll village in Carterot dounty.' Tho oitlcore removed . nro O. 8. Poikhis, J. T. Dennis and O. O. Mann, and W. W. Ward and E.'H. Oamer have boon appointed in their stead. On account hf tho recent escape of soveralpris onqraffriun Iba Barlow County Jail, General' Pope has rem6Vdd tho Sheriff and his Dopuly, orfd ap pointed W. L. Uuodwin, of Cartorsvillo, Sheriff, and Aaron Collins, Deputy Shoriff. -J*l??" a e DieTniauTsHa^'atTKsr9:-^The following distin guished gentlomon woro guosts of the Florence Ho tel a few days ago : . Oens. Longstreet, I Titz Hugh Loo, Sterling Price, Dick Taylor and Major timith alias Bill Aru. [Gateue. Tho Ijondoii Punch baa booomo a very weak mjxture, Wanta spirit, Tbo Courrier de? State Ums, ander the bead "Touch not the nigger I " administers a "lamb as t ing'* to.tbo Now York tribune for Its recent attack upon! Do CSAili.Tr. We quoted a few sentences frorn the article In the Tyibune In the JVetot of .Wednesday, T ho Courrier waxes unit, and tells ids compeer some very Jiojuoly truths, giving him to understand tbo old trick la "played put" or kill ing off a writer or npcakor'liy calling him ''tho etdovutjLilc," junt bocaui?o lia is guilty of Baying r?4# oeg^ooa are rdapk. >j _uni j On tks Id lrurtaat at ins real dor, ?? of the bride's father. On tho 9 Ui Instant, by the Bay. D. V, n ad ion, Mr. John D. Woodruff, of Spartanbuxg, to Utas Harriet Bry eon, of La areas. ? On the Uthi Instant, at the rcaldtnce of tha bride's tathar, on Tugalo, by Bar. J. B. Hluhonss, Uautenant Wm. Steals, of Etoara, Os.. andMlas N. b. Shelor. On the lllh instant, by Herr. j.. J. Workman, Lient, P. A. nmK ahd Mhts Fannie M., daughter of Or. J. M. KuLUvan, ail of Ur?cnvllle DUtrfct. On th? oui inaL, by the B?v. David BumtOireya, Mr. JiStui^cCllnton and Miss M RieJiey, At the houaa of her broiber-In^aw, Mr. Jaines Harlmcsa. -_ " " " ' On the Kth fast,, by the same, at tha residence of the bride's father, Mr, James ?. Beatty and wja? Mary, \yiui. ford, sll of AndorscTTDitirlcV^ . On the Uth mat., by Rev. T. Mlhiha], at the reef dence of the bride's father, Mr. Jesao AUdnson to Miu Eobecca pas^ue, all of Maricin District. ' ( . Al tHJ*&Zt.F>?t'2>co' *^Tcn 14th?bT ?V a yore. Mr. Newltt Jackson, of Itobeaon County, N. 0.. to}uH b. m. r^Tis, of>trtra?r^triet.aa C?Tllt?d.?y, the iim"'"lr^'lanL by IhoBsv. Jonh D. MoOoh^xoshAt the rfaajdegee ofMbtl^ Mrs. F. 6. Fsrrar, In Union pbittet,'South fl?rbllaa,TIr. T. B. M. l'erklna, of Nelson county, Virginia, W Mies J. dough Robertson, only child of tha late tiayhdn Wm. J. Robertson, of tho same, Virginia. On the 7th of May, by the Rev. Ji O. A. Connor. Mr. 8, V, Maaey, of AHigioale. 8.0,, to Miss Bmma J? deuinter of D. L, arji} Huaan Oonnocf, of Orsrigelmrg Dtatrlct bride's Bast to allof 8l~l.r?lthov/s"i^aTlsh, Orange'b'urg bbit^cV " On ihe'uih lust,'by the Bet. J, W. MoBoy, at the residence of the .bride's father, Mr. Phillip W. Fairy, of < rangeburg District, to Mrs. Elisabeth & Oriffls, of CoUeton Dbtrtct. - .. LV< '.: . ?j . On the 11th tjjt, by .Bey. Hcsh Moody, Mr. John B. 'Initiai, to Ml" HUsabcUj JoLnaon, all ??f Marten Die riot. - i- . r-'t* - . :. * 1*.^ . , (On the Uth May. J867. by Bey, J. J. WorVrruvn. Lient. P. A. McDavld and Miss Fannie u., daughter of Dr. J. M.flumT^aaof areenrir^ j. On *titrUf/tasllgthip^ PrMdoj, Mr, Lonrtrum Padgett, of North Carolina, to M lia Ma ulna Jonas, of Laurens, 8.0. on the eyenlng of Thursday, 16th of May, 1867, by the Hot, L. B. K. Lefiare, at the reatdanoeor the Tazlde'a father, a; Ornngoburg Cour? Uoato, John a.'TTaMlltnti, of Charleston, to IdUe Mary n. Legare, daughter of Bar. T. H. Legare, ' . . : ..i In Rowan County, on the 6th lnst; by the. Rev. W. R. Watts, Oapt a B. Bums, of Osmden, S. 0., to Miss Rtte UM?T*ria*iMn.i-^ *-_,, i - i/o On the Sth inst, itr. John Caldwell to Ulss Fannie Jenkins, all of ?ork District. 'On the Kth instant, ' by Bot. fi. L Watson, Mr. J.Lesc loy (Wright and Miss Emily E Lanoy, all of Yurk Dla w On Thursoay, 18it Instant,'by Rev. J. Eendrick, Mr. John A kL Estes, of I alon Dhdrlct, and Miss Laura T. Bmttb, of yer?t PlstrP V, Os the Uth of Maroii, by Rev. Wm. Banks, Mr. Thom as Pedon and Misa Saille-J., eMail daughter of the lata Dr, Judaou and Mrs. Martha McCrcary. On th? Sth Insttct, by llov. Wm. PjuiVh, Mr. Nelson T. Ford and Misa Prtsciria MoWaltera, sll of Rocky Crock, Ch ta ter District, Booth Carolina. . t On the 7th Ol May, by Ihn Rev. Mr. Whilo, Mr. B. B, .Terris, of North Carolina, and Miss flattie Young, of :ChMterDUtrlct ' u, t' . " . ~~ n a*?h ^ V?C01VIMEiilOIAI, :< .' '{' J '/'.Bixtporte. ..:i:;a .vv??f RALTTMORE?Per sehr L 8 Davis?170,000 feet Boards and EfanlHng. The C bar 11 a ton Oo t ton Mnr ke t. f The trmetsc+lona oeulinue re??^letod tad prlcei uriAoi tlcd. feu er? being un wlllln g to accept the prt ces ' offered ley buyers. The sales were ?6 baiea. Wow tork Vid dllng'sK.Utiig'atiBcperlb., and LlTWp6ol MJ-ldbng at !P|j*flW ;Tch<'*?*^?f^?>'' wew'a'Ala?.sat'ajw, ? at??Vt3ateB.> ; vi. ^xai^tsk.aurkst. .. ~ " " MabUi NaiK?i, - ' dgi'i;u4 Wdtr, wiiabuiuifli cotton on ftlr. 'hsetni*. WWW|< quiet at ?lifo for Middlings. KU? of 800 ?3rr^r-^fe^^ _'B-Oud' K?X discount buying. New Orleans dl?ht X premium. Sfoling-alxty days, 141: sljbt, 146, j \ Haltlmoro Market. BALTIMORE, May 21.?Banx?Quercitron continues In very limited supply, end prices eamoe* last quoted? Saw, for No. 2, and Misa for No. 1 t o. b. ' Oorrxa.?Wo report talcs to-day of 158G bsgs Rio. bel an 00 of brig Lcoi-otdlno, taken for dty trade, on private terms: tbo quality was prune, and understood to bare brought full price. Wo quote prime iu6 10c, gold.' ''- ' Oottok?Was dull and depress od, under uufaT?reble Liverpool advices per cable. We hear Of no sales; hold ers generally firm at 27o for Middling Upland. Fixum?Continues dull ; buyers generally aro holding off. In anticipation of lower values. Yesterday there was a sals or BOO bbU City Mills spring wheat Extra to a shipper on private terms. To-day no transactions worthy of special remark. We repeat, though nominal in most rospoets, our previous rango, as follows: - IIo-ard -tr-^tHntv-r end Cut Kitra.. .?11 c? <?sl2 On Howard-street Extra Shipping. 19 00 (<* 13 60 Uoward-stroet nigh Grades. 14 00 ~ Uoward-etrcot Family. 18 00 Ohio Super and Cut Extra. 1100 Ohio Extra Bhjiplng. 00 00 Ohio re lad ling. 00 00 Ohio Family.tgl....t... 1800 Northwestern Super.00 00 Northwestern Extra..'. . 13 00 City Mills Bupor. 11 00 City Mil!*, Standard Extra. 12 80 City Mills Shipping brands Extra.18 00 Baltimore, Welch a,. OrconSeld and Family.. 18 00 ? 00 oo Baltimore high grade Extra.. 17 00 60 17 AO Kyo Flour, nov. 8 78 & 8 '.3 Com Meal. City Mills., 8.78 $ 8 00 Q oar*?The receipts of Wheat to-diy comprised about 1000 bush; market still dull snd prices heavy, except lor choice samples of Maryland, which are very scarce aud wanted for both homo and Eastern shipment. Wo bavo only to nolioo sales oflOO bushole choice Maryland wulto at ?3 80, and 410 bush prime red st AS 88 ; no dumsnd for PennsylTania grade?. Corn was in moderato supply; 18,800 buab white, and 8400 bush yellow; market was dull and 2 to So lower for white, while tor yellow tho demand was better and prices 6toadyt Included In the aale? were 8000 bushels good to prime white at 11 liai 18, sxtd slightly damp> twain 10(8000 buab good to primo yellow ?1 22al 23; ?50 buab (air do $1 90; no aale? of Weitem mixed reported. Oats?S100 bushel* received; markst firmer; sales of 1600 bush s t 381*82o. No sales of By*. - . i Moi.tssrs Nothing doing. Fuo visions?Aro steady, sales,limited to small lots from Jobber*. No largo lops reported to-day qun'o prices ss before, vis : For Bulk bhuuidurs 3ftaac.; Hldia.packcd,, lOJfello; Mess Pork 323 75; RAoon Bhouldora lt)aI0>;c; rib Hides 13?1Jno; clear rib UtfaUXol Bams ISalBKo for plalc, lSS'sl !o tot fSeov sugsr-cuxooV-oulsldo for re tail lots. IiBTd iai<ai3;<a iur sujo aud email lots West emj 13sl9Xo forcity t Slock light, notice ? quiet but firm market, vis : For lobt from dosiers, Liverpool Fine, 83 10*3 20; do Ground Alum, 82? ft sack; Turk's Island Oia&tjpfor lots from store. ' Scoaa?Is held firm er and at an Advance of XsKc refining grades.-.. Wo noUo-jsslo of 02 hhds Porto Rico for refining tt Uo; 190 boxes molasses at lOJfo. Quote at the close fair to good refining lOKellc.. BxvrxzD Sua ans?Aro steady and firm st yestordsy's quota, lions. . ivnisut-Humains nominal aa be lore quoted?36c in bond. j t't ; - rTWVST -y o r IS MO r U c t. ' 1 - MOHrr atasjrsrtv. The New York Snmng Put of Tuesday, May 21 says The loan market is easier. There Is little Inquiry for accommodation, and in this res poet a marked ohango hau boon developed since yostsrdsy monrng. Wo obsorvo also among toe banks and other lending Institutions I disposition to discriminate against the aoundor railroad securities as collaterals. Tbo large earnings of the roads, and the prospects of good crops soem to be among tho chief causes of this new snd encouraging symptom of resuscitating confidence. The rate for call loans la tho same aa boforo?Bad per met.?but surplus balances are with dlfilculty omplOjod without some couooaslou. Com* merclal paper la dull at 0a7, with very scanty offerings of tho highest grades. pboducu IIABEsTT. I NE.v. YORK, May 21.?Floua, Ac?The market for Western atjd Blalo flour la a little more active, but tbo j luw and medium grades are lOaUa per bbl lower. The sales aro 4600 bbls at HO 25*11 40 lor Superfine I State ; 811 flOell 10 tor Extra State ; 812 OOalS 16 for the. low grades of spring wheat Western Lxtra ; 813 20 sl4 40 for shipping Ohio; 314 06*16 60 for trttdo end family brands of Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, and! 316 75*1 B 78 for St Louis extras. California flour la heavy st 31Gal7. Bales 130 uacks. Oauadtan flour is lnaotlvo and hstvy st 814 75al6 25 for' tho low grades of extra, and 318 30el7 25 lor trade and family brande. I Southern flour Is dull and hoary. Sales of 210 bbls st 113 20al4 80 for common to fair Bsltimoro sud country citrus, ai d 115*18 for trade and family brands. Byo flour La steady. Sales of 880 bbls st 88a9 80 for. common to choice. Corn moal la lower. Sales 800 bbls st 88 80 for dry on; privais terms.' Onxm?The wheat market la Inactive and lower.: Choice spring Is the best sustained of any description. Tho sales aro 13,500 bush st 32 00*2 62X for common No; I Chicago spring, and 33 78 lor prime No 3 Milwaukee' dub. ltarley ia wit -out material change and in fair demand. Bales of 13,000 bushels, free, Canada West st 31 27>, si 28. Oats are ?taler and, unsettled. The sales ars 18,0001 bushels Western at SeaSIKc; state, nominal, at B3a94c; SouthamktBSo.- " '"" * -4*1. *,yiu.. llyo la very quiet but steady, at 31 72al 73 for amsll lots of western. Corn opened heavy and d/ dined rapidly, and It suil very much unsettled; The demand was moderato stthe! concretion. ." The sales aro 38.000 bushels unsound st I93call 03; new western mixed at 3112al IB, closing at II 16 for good; old do |1 25 In store; primo southern yellow at II 28 afloat. Pnonsiosi?Tho pork markst is somewhat lower but at the dec Uno the business has been active snd there Is rather more firmness at the close. For faturo delivery' we bear of 280 bbls mess, seller sixty days, at 123 13X, and 8000 bbls, part last night, st 823.30, buyer Jons. Tbo sales, cash and regular, ars 8000 bbls at 822 for old mesa; 822 87)4*2316 for now do; 323 20 for small iota dty. moss; 119*19 23 for extra prime; sad 821 87X*22for prime mass. Deet is steady but quiet. Sales of 100 bbls at 818x118 for common to fair plain mess; 317o21 for good to choice do,1 and 3 21 *2i for extra do. Tierce beef and beef ban a aro dull and nominal, Cuts meats aro steady and fairly active. Bales of 380 packages at Slf for dry salted shoulder*, and 13,<i?14o for piokled hams. Bacon la scarce and firm. Bales of 175 boxes st HKc for short rib, snd 12J*al3c for short clear. Lard la steady and in fair demand, Bales of 650 bbls and UftVcea at iaxal3>*o tor No 1, 13Jt*l*Ko for city, and 13XS13HO for fair to prime steam. Oonrxa-lUo U dull at UXalBc, gold.. Other kinds are quiet. ! .'. " .. TT ' , : jii J j; ! F.' .HIP Cottok?The market romains in a very quiet staleJ Prices are Xo per lb lower. The demand la not very) active We quota middling at 28o for uplands and 29d fordo New Orleans. < Ha.T?Is lower, and is selling at 11 64al 60. Retail lots stSl ?5*2. Straw Is firm; aalca of rye at ?1 US. I MotAsska?Is dull end undiangedL Natxi. 8-roHis?a re generally duu. Bplrits of turpen. tine at OkaSio, free, and 65c m bond. Rosin, 83 87Ks4 for common) 14 UMal88 for strained, and 84 SOaS for No 3 and high grades. Tar at 12 78a3 90. ' | Btjoxb? Haw and refined SU*ars are firmer. Fair to pood refining, UKalOXo; grocery grades Halite. Sales Of IQOO hhds our last st lOXallo for Cribs; 12c for clarified do; UVslSo for Porto Rico; also. 1000 boxes HArana at lO-faUXo-the latter rota for Ho. 12. WinaxxT?Iho market Is firm. Balsa Of 800 bbls a 3Jo for state snd 56c for western I* band.'' ' ' , . FmJngnTs?Are dull, and ratas are lower. To ZJrer-I pool, bytteamkr, the engagements are 7500 bushels cord ?statuta 800iierCos iArlonrrrivstetemla, - Cdnslgnpts per Bp uttt t;^rollno> HA tiro ad, 149 bales Cotton, II bales M din, IT bbls Bplrits and 41 bbls Crude Turpentin^ 81 bbls Rosin, 2 chartered Cars] 19 bundles Lsathiry l car Iron, and Snndrles. To A Bei inaon & Co, J Marshall, n EUchofl & Co. E H.Bcdgei At Co, Johnston, Crows ? Ob, B H Fates, BcllmanA liroo, R R agent, W W.hmlLh, SsnsBaux. Ijuineaa at Co, J 11 Wilson, Btrset Breast Co, HFBakar a&^MOdcUmllh * Bon, TO Bacon, Tart A Rowland. 1 Adger. J It Prln, u^^*aBmS$it Cj, a H Walter*; Co/1 F Taylor, 3? 1'rtnnu-n. Fer steamer EUxa Hanoox, from Saratmah, Tie Beau fort and Hilton Head?O Brunner, M Eeyler, n O Lan ffant, O Darral H Ward, W Wdaon, H Bolomons, A Wick. S?f?/j?^"^*? S s?efJaaeev'H.'B-l'reat,- Mrs Oojes] gbW?I KfiHewa. llthwiLlnsman, O T BhaffatvP WaUs, F PriifiArd, J V linrUek, aVHttttCj, M O Noyes, j T Burch, den duraey, H J Mufdock, II Bnbe, Rev B ERlott, BO Halt I A A Butler agd IMP MU? ? Caiiors^ W^Bain, H 13nsan. Miss ME Lyons, J 6 Randall, j i TB?MM? OF TUM Ifooh, Hew VI. 4th, Ob, 20m, morn f Full M. l?th. Su.' SJm.rnorrl FirstQ.lOtb, ph. Urn. STBn| Last fj. 28th,ph., 2m. svs4 Holiday..;. Tue*d?y?;. Wednesday. Thursday,.. Saf?ruay! '. '. Buxtday. LljJHIi ;?!.tst 0..65 0..SS ' .6..67 10.. 16 ,11.. 8 11. .88 Morn. \9t,\9 8..421 9. .2l| 10.. 0| JO/.? 11..28 12..181 1..10, MARINE, j^EWS. PO BT. OF O 11 a it L IC S T ? s. . Airircd Yejlcrday, .j Sehr Gharlotto, Pstsroon, Hilton Head. Railroad Iron. To the Bavanoab Railroad Company, < . sehr Anns Bias, from West Point Mill 88 bbls Rlcoi To neper st Btooey. > : i i ,- , . '- . C . '>, t h teamar Oita flanta i, Iii chard son, .st&nnaU 7U 1111 IpnHssd sndEearjfcit, .1? rasi* Rlee, snd Mdxe. ' To sgm?^^ 9 '^?OT-Znl^ SH?^i^to B<i^ Bailroad Iron. To the BaTsunib Ilajl/ood Company. ',.'.; .V : ' tTi*7??Bti rnBswtor*': X ' ?ehr I? B Darts, Bishoji, BtlUraore?W Roteh, <:. i Spanish berk Cttear, Balagner. Baicetona. , ? , j .',',' | Steamer'Dictatcr, Coxetter,' palstka, ri* JtcktonyiUo, ynmtcdtiisand SAvauxtia., :.t Ss .\t.^7T^'Ti iSchr.Hapoieoti, Klchols. J^xf^^M^^ Mr^j| ] > -; ttasy opi'w%UBsa^ji> "i T'Siilui I OP, OLFAUKD AHB BAILE?'FOB THI;) P?HT, tXTLMTOOU Bbjp B O VTmthitVp, BfSwart, ttp.V.. ?,-}.u?y Saip ArniJla, Concor, mitd.i..March _ Br IssAFiB*?c l'Air, Srruis, Up.. Y'?1^-:, ; ,! ?r?T4rfW,'8a?- 'J.Vv!l-/.?tl/ J ?.PWtBBTtO.?' #q ' i',' ' ,;;'.'-'--:,:'Ki;<"'>-"i -red "" < >,.,..,, Aprjl ?0 <??|t < ,May_ 8 The Wbltasy Lonz. Ray Boat Dsx-gan, ?-t>?Pi Bclu- ? O Enns, H pa ac?J-fiTaaUfyiyit?^^ .1tPStiAaiMs^s,,-^ fav-utua -v I * DRWtf CHEW10A18, CTtT^ D?L N. A. MA?i\ iGooes?o:: to pratt a Wilson brothers.) VROLESALE DRUGGIST, ANALYTICAL ASD CONSULTING CHEMIST. NO. 23 UAiM STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., . DEALEJl IN .1 .RUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, GLASS, ' *Uu ' j , AND '" ' I DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES; Analysis of Onu, Sollt. Fertilizer*, Ac, modo with [restait csrc astla-curacy. Chemical advlon givca lu oll brandie* uf tbo sclcuco, on moderato Icnna. Dr. F, OUH UAN.Nl.LLY la connected with the above I lOuso, and Trill bo pleased lu see his nuuiorou* frlcnde md acqaalulnncca. atuUiihno March la 1. Treacliurous mid Deadly Fool CATARRH ! PAIN AND NOISES IN THIS 11 PLY I). Di*. Norton's Now Bemedy FOR CATARRH, VND MODE OP TREATMENT 18 TUE ACME OF 1'EltrECTION. F! D?t EARS UP 'I'll IH TBBBIBLK DIABASE at TIS Fountain Head, and remove* at once all Uio wretched jymploms of thin loalbsomo malady, auch as Pain in the lcmplca, OfTbnslvo Discharges, Obstructionof ilie Ilrealh nu Tuboa, Repulsive Breath, Hnspplug Sou nils In the Ear*, Abaont-Mladcdnc**, Menial Depnisxlnu, Dlmnouol Viston, Boro Throat, Decking Cough; restores the sense ?f Tasto and Smell, and permanently cures the dlscaso in ill Its type*, fonnB and stage?, with absolute certainty. Thta remedy and moda of treatment, Uko the disease, in peculiar. In consists of tlio Inhalation of lianulcas ii luhl.i from tho palm of tho bsnd. Tbo limnedlalo rohoi it affords la alone worth ten times tho cost of the rvnio iBoa. Norton's New Pamphlet on Catarrh la out. Informa tion noTcr before published. Cell at our ncaroat Agency, or send a stamp for It Prepared by GERRIT NORTON, No. 11 Ann-etrool, Now York. Drs. RAOUL & LYNA1I, CITY APOTHECARIES. November 1 thatnCrao Agent for Charleston. saratoga "EXCELSIOR" SPRING WATER. rfiHE WATER OF THIS aPHINO 13 BELIEVED TO I bo unequalled by that of any other In tho far.fam.od valley of Saratoga IIa.virtuos ara such sa have secured It tho high encomiums of-all who have used it, poanens Ing, oa It docs. In au eminent degree, cathartic, diuretic, alterative and tonlo qualities. I From SAMUEL HENItY DICKSON, M. D., Proieesor Practice of Physic, Jclfcrsou Medical College, l'btla del phi a, formerly of CUarlcaUm jf. U... I; ly i< PutnAbsxf'iitt, November.15,1B0.1. I havoJbo&n. rarla yfcaji or xuoroLplat il? teS'liAbltol taking the water of Uio "Excelsior" Kprtug of Saratoga. Accuatoxncd during tho great i>orllon uf my invalid IHc to usA tho different water* of, tbo sovcral fountain* whlco boll up along that remarkable valley, depcudrnt. Indeed, lipoh thcrfn lor much of the 'comfort I enjoy, I am rati fied that i h ? Excelsior Water is as adapted a* all) othor among' thorn, if not moru so, to tbo purpose* lur which they are generally employed. It in very agreeable, sbroilgly tnabrvgnkecd ?-Ith tho cafbootc said, lively and sparkling. * ' 'T can Heartily' and cOuboiehliouiily recommend It to all who need a gontlo cathartic and diuretic BA1IUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. 1). Tho Water in put up In Pint aud Quart bottles, and parked In good order for shipping, Pluls In four dozen each, and Quarts In boxes of two ddzon each 'hold at wholesale nt" ' (liioiiiuiii. wi\i;iii;uv ci), Importers nud ^Yhplcsnlo Druggists, No. .103 meetino, . i orroanx ?UAriLESTON iiottx. DOWIE & MOISE, Ijjj No. 1B1 MEkTINQ STREET, ?-/5 -Oppeslto Cbericatou Hotel. And tor sala by first class Druggists and Hotel*. January 18 . _ Cmo JW-XHE SALE OP TUE PI-ANTATIUN HIT TEB8 la without precedent In tho history of the worlA There la no aeont In to* matter. They are at ones the Boost speedy, atrangtboolDg health-restorer aver dis covered. It requires bat a single trial to anderstem' this. Their parity can always bo relied upon. Tbe.i are composed of tho celebrated Call-ays Bark, Ca seer lit. Bark, Dandelion. Ohaiuonillo Flowers, Laveud?. Flower*. Wlnicrgroen, Aalae, OloTerbuda, CrauHO-pec!. Baako-rooi, Caraway, Gorlander, Burdock, 8.-T.-18QQ-X. tSo. I iiey are especially recommended to clergymen, put lit speakers, and persona ol literary habita and ?iVm tary life, who require free digestion, a rcUah fcr food and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persona are certain te find In these Bitter? what they have so long looked for. Thoypurify, strengthen and Invigorate. I Th's? cariste ? healthy appetHh. jj , jj. j i ] '. , They awe an antidote to ohaege of water and diet. : ? They overcome effects of dissipation and lato heurs They strengthen the system and enliven Ihn mind. They prevent mUamaUo aud Intermittent fevora. They purify the breath and aridity of tho atomacli. They cure Dyspepsia and CouflUp?tUa.,-., They eure Diarrhea, Choiera and Cholera Morons. "Shey eure Liver Com plaint and N?rrons Headache. They are the bait Bitter* in the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature'* great restorer. The following startling and emphatlo statement* car, be Men at oar omoe. . ' .Letter of Bev. E. F. On*f7\, Ohsplaln of the l?lth He? York Baglmant: - :. I - nkab aoqoia GaXJtaV March lib, 18&5. : Owlngjto the great exposure and terrible decomposi tion after the battle of Antletam, I waa utterly proatrati ed and very sick. My stomach - would not retain medl c?no. gtaiarticle eaUlsd-PUnb^anvlli^ier*, prfpared-b) Dr. Da? sc, qf Now ?'prS. pretui'rii.ea to-'give mi streugib ?4'd ko acpetiti j,To tny -crrat a,irpr!aft|-teey gave me WaUMrellej?l Tw6 ; bell! w- aluioat !(Uawe<i "m^leJ?mmyrT^ent'1?1- ^. vo einee i ' them used in many ease*, and am free to - ?y, for boavl pttsl or private purpose a I know of nothing like theznj Bev, E. F. CRANE Obaplaln. . At-:*.'.- I : ,ii '.. H .'t-U^--.,'l J.l UT.'l . Letter from the Bit. N. X. Gti-ps, BL Olatrsvlile, Pa. ' Gemtusmioi ;?Ton wcro kind euuunu, oa a former oc. oaalon, to send me a half doasen buttles of Plantation Bitters for ?3 60. My wife havlDg derived so mu.'ii benefit from the use of theaa Blttsra, I dealre -or ,W oootlnne them, and yen wUl please aasd us' ^ bottleaj more for the mossy eaeleaed, I no, yvf brai/, yo ri, H. E. GILDd pastor G er. Bel Ohnreh, t? BbtifiTsin?' hoks, Bprajum-tJUajfT'*Ornot,\ CmoixsiTi, Omo, Jan, ISth, 1B0S. } ?*?- *> I Have given your Plantation Bitter* to hundreds oj or npbla aoldioT?, who f 051 bare, more or lv ? J la able d from various c*n?>e, iud' the^effeet ' 1'a'Aarvefi-rdt ' aiid gratifying. j Buch a preparation as this 1* I heartily wlah In even family, In every hospital, sod at Ifand aa ?Tory bsUU Odd. G. vv. D. ANDiIevVh." B'tl'ptrlntendenL I Dr. W. A. Omuls, Borgoon of Llbe Tenth Vermont It* ^intent, wrllea'? "IwUlj erery so^dler bad a botUo oi Plantation Bitters. Th?y are the moat effective, perl feet, and bannis** (onlo I ever aaed." ' i'/iiuhil:!1 Wn. WasnrkOTQS, D. 0., May 33d, 1809. mm Wru-um'a Horn? j OauTTlJDfmii?We requ)ro another supply of y ont; l?tte-?, l',o popularity o Whlfh dally in. oraaaos with the gueats of oar honsa. BeipactfnUy, . SYKES. CHADWICK, A CO, ' Be sure that every bottle bears the fae-alrolle of oui Signatare an a atsel plate label, with our private stamp over .the oerk, J J OOO Ui&Q$G P. H. DRAKE & CO, r y. t VOi 2-7 UROADWAY, N, Y, , < Uoidlry ailrta-ijeotitle tiniggiahJ, Phyalolans, Grocer Saloons, and ooaotry Hoteladealers. Aortl Ut_thatnlTT 1 KERB and MUS TACHES forced to 07 upon th6 smoothest face la from. Ilfteo to five weekaby.nauuDr. BEVTG. N B ' S RESTAURATEUR , cap il. lai 11 k, the moat WOntUrful discovery In mo- < darn s?fpjjoc, aetlcg upon the Board and Hair In an almost mlraeaUm* manner. It has been need by the all to of Paris and London with the] most nattering aqeeeaa. Names of aU purchasers will be registered. ?nd If entire satistaeUon la uotgivonlr] s?bTO^^ cellar* and tcsUmonlali taalled free. Address BERGER, enrirrs * 004 uh? tn ut*, VP. aas River street xror, n . Y., Bole Ag enta for the bei ted BUtes ^?g&a dm 9&U l. . . .vi. 1 IgUj 1 -. ::r j Pgg .. It fi Kr?/ y*B PTJBUSHKD WEEKLY AT NKWBERRY 0. H., AI JL |S per annum, and; having a large eircailaUoe itrotgb aU the upper and luvar^bUtrlcta of the' Stare, afford* great advantages to sdvartisors* , '^ttKTRt^ pr^ttoe medium fbr Iho adrerti^ Vnhhe U1W?^^V their p^^; for our in ^^^fijil^ t"mmBQ*.t^ ;;, ivl nwc-i.;,-.i -, tVte.4 ' ;.,iv---h:? - ' '* ' \t : : 'f . '. ' BjBBSBH IJ_.iUJJJeBBBBgltgr^ ?RU?S,OHE Ml fAt8? ETOi mothers ! mothers 1 your attention ih called to MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING rpiIIS VALUA1H.E PREPARATION IS TTIH PRE . X SCRIPT1UN of ono of Hiu t-eat fcraalo |.h> ?klang aud nursos In tho United States, and has bien used lor thirty years wllb nover-falHim anfuty and success by mil ltuus of muthcrs fur Iholr children. It not only relieve a tho child from pain, but Invigorates tlio nt/ima-h sitil bowels, correct* acidity, aud give* lono and energy to tbo whole system. It ? ill also instaully relieve OIUPINO IN T1IK 11JWKUJ AND WIND COLIC. We believe It la tho best nud surest rrnicdy in tbo ! world. 111 all casosof DYSENTERY AND DIAIIItllU'.A lu children, whethur It arises from Teething, or fruui any othur causo. lie sure ami a?tk for niltH. WIMILUWH HOOTI1INU HVRVP, Having tho fsc altnlto of CURTIS k PERKINS on tho wrapper. ALL OTHERS ARK HASE IMITATION?. For sale by tho Wkolcsalo Agent?, dowik & mo?se, Mo. 131 DIKICTINU HTHKRT, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. April 11 tlistulmos FOUTZ'S celebrated IIORSUND CATPLK POWDERS. EltS, YELLOW WATER, TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUNDER, LOSS OF APPETITE AND VI TAL ENEROY, Ac. ITS OHE IMPROVER THE WIND, IN OUEAHES THE AP PETITE?O I V E R A (SMOOTH and OLOS 8Y SKIN?aud trans forma tho mihhka 11LE SKELETONS INTO A FINK LOOK. INO AND SPIRITED HORSE. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thoroughly rclnvlgo rato brokon down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and ItitcBlincs. ltisa xiiro preventive of all diseases Incident to this animal, such u LUNO FEVEIt, OLAND IIKATES, COUOIIS, DI8 TO KEEPERS OF COWH THIS PREPARATION IB INVALUABLE It In. croascH tho quantity and Improves tho quali ty of the MU, K. It baa boon proven by ac tual experiment to In crcaao tbo qtianUty ol milk and ORE AU twenty per cant, and make tho HOTTER firm and sweet. In fat 4_ toning cattle. It gl v e m ? n_i i. ii i them an appetite, o ns their hide, and tnakca tbcm thrive much faster. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCH AS COUGHS TJLL' F.R8 IN THE LUNOS. LITER, Aa, this article au ut an a rpcclfli'. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper In a barrel of swill tho above dis eases will be eradica ted or entirely pre vented. If given In ? s? sa ' time, a certain preventive and euro for the Hog Cholera. PREPARED BY s. a. foutz & bro., No. 110 FRANKLIN ST ?BET BALTIMORE, Md. FOR SALE d Y dowie & moise south?m drug house, NO. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE t n \ Hi.Ksto\ inrri?i,. Matth 23__^ atuthomo Taia DELICIOUS TONIO, EUPEOIALLT DBSIGNED for tho uio of tho Medical Profession and tlio Family, ii now endorsed by all tho prominent Physicians, Chem ists snd Connoisseurs, Aa possessing all thoso intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an { 01.1) AND PURE GIN. Wo trust that our established reputation founded upon otghty-clRbt years of experience?abundantly Tin dlcates our claims to public coulldenco, and guaran tees the eiceUence of tins Standard Article; Put up In casea containing one dozen bottlou each and sold by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac A; M. DIN INGER k CO, (Established 1778. Bole Importers No. 16 Beaver atrcot. Now Yot . . . . : Opinions of tbe Press. Tho Plntngera, No. is Beaver atraet, have a very high reputation to sustain, aa the oldest and boat house- In New York.?Hont Journal. ' ' Too house of A. M. Plnlnger & Co., No. IS Beaver street, has sustained, (or a period of eighty y ara, a repu tation that may well be envied_.V. F. Settling Alt (?OODRICH, W ? N em AN & co., V'-- ; NO, IS3 MEETING BTREBT, Opposite Charleston Hotel. : ... Do w n: & mo?se, - SUCCESSORS TO KINO 6t CASSIDBY, January aj ?. . NO. 181 MEET1NO STREET, Wholesale Agents, Oharloaton, B. 0. ' - tilthsttajo TEMPI'S CURA?PI DIFFER NONIN ANKBH BODRIGWS elm speck "IjV)R TOBITCDBB 01* CONSUMPTION, PAINS IN THE 1 JC' OBJMT.ANDiSIDEfl. DIFFICULTY LI BREATH 1 iSPi iJRONfjirrrjs, catarrh, arthma, coitquo, HEMORRHAGE, and al 1 affect! oris of tho Lungs. I":ThDrgroat r^yiHrrefr-ui offered tothe public, that all ben^t^^^*^'^^ ? r5"?''4^ EAwar may be Tt?tiiYiesmis^ ^^'t^iijy r?pirm' its InyrJnalua agency in diffusing through oaoll rbannel bf the human organhtaUon a res toi cd vitality. It luylgoratee and em* bneatte Lungs with hrajthful eUatUtyt restore*.warmth, which Is their essential olemsulj rouse/the altunrlsh rosi scia Into aetlvltyj heals' the affected lobes ; p?rUles sad the tn.lid/ htcognbist/ aa CoMumptlon'^/'mwerto deemed hopelesa and incurable, -, -,. < < ..'2rlc<,mpound, " P?rlectly oafs, poaseetlag neither ?oS? ss % duces to much, general derangement of the stroylng sppotlte and oroaUna an Inluriqua n-rvous i citement, augmenting suffering with Irequent fatal Undartthelnfloecoa' of this approved and Invaluable ?pec?lo tho most dUatreaalng Cough yUHda, dtfflcnlty it? litBIOE FOn SINGLE fiOTTLB rLaS April] OAYEeilQUNGtHoKENZIjK. UW/AKftitlOiLBOflOX; OFFICE, Idjyalojttes Alafns. thronen?! the rjntta? ^.iswupiav- ,.'.?v.:af>uv ,\ . < NJ4,vi?.... ?;?', -, ilU IC KB RI M G & SONS, ESTABLISHED 1828, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Sauare, And ?nrisrht PIANO FORTES. WARE-ROOMS, NO. 652 BPO-MW*.* NEW T--rT^.--.'. H1CKE?IN<J * SONS' Grand. Square aud Upright PIANO-FORTES A uk NOW, AB TBE? evi H have BEEK, OOH< l\_ HIDEltKD l?o but id Amcrlo?, harlug bco? award ?1 B1XTV-FIV1C 1'HIIE 111CDAL9, Of whloh fourteen were reoolvodin the monthi of Hop tom ber and Ootobor, 18110, aud first premiums over all compMllora at tbo diff?rent principal Fair* In Ulla oounlry, and tbo PRIZE MEDAL at tb* WORLD'S FAIR, LONDON. TUAL.BlLltO'B O .lOn. t eonildar Onlrkorlng h flona' ?danot, beyond com, parinin, l?e brat I havo eeen In America. 8. TRALBEBOj, Ubalrman of Jury ou Mualcal Inalruman < : CARD. It U wlln fooling* of prldo aa American manufacturer* hat wn pobllah tbo following testimonials, which hire wen received oy n* recently: Kl) It tu-KAI? TE8TIUUN IAI.N, Received during Oie tmnOi of, 1806, Loroo?, July 15, 1887. Mauna. OnicaaouKo A Bona? Oenta: I bave mnob plcaanre In enclosing a document signed by the Brat composera, musician* and profossorsln Europa. I held jour Piano* In auch high eatlmatlOn (vid? my oerlifi cate) that I felt It my duty to take ono of them with me to Europe, to ascertain the opinion of my professional brethren. The enclosed certificate win prove how unanimous they havo been on the subject. I beg to forward, at the same time, a letter I received from my friend, Mr. Collaxd, which 1 am sura most be gratify. inn to you. I haro the honor to be, gentlemen, yoara very truly, JAM ta IL WKHXL Lokdoj, January 1?, IBM. > Jams I M. WtKli, Kit). : Mr Drin Km : I baTe great pleasure In asking you ta convey to Messrs. Chic Soring the eipre Mon of my highest soproval of their Instrument. It la, I oon?der, oot merely the beat Instrument of American manufac ture that I bavn tried, but one of tbsflaeat Qrand Piano fortes thai baa orer comeuuder my cbservstlon; and the Messrs. Chiokerlng may well be proud of baring rained ont from their manufactory an Instrument which, for touch, quality, power and workmanship, U would be vary difficult to sarpaas In any part of Utk wide world. Dear sir, Tcry sincerely yours, OHAS. D. OOLLARD. . Firm of Oollard h CoUard, Piano-forte Manufacturer*, London. tMtaum, aas<ui sa, lass. Jama if. WtMi, Kiq.: Mv Data* Bra: As yon are going back to the United It?te?, I munt beg yon to remember mo kindly lo ths Messrs. Ohlokerlng. Toil them 1 wss delighted with their Urand Pi ?no-forte?at pood an iMtrwmnit, / ttinft u vat ever furaw out, ooiA fofoudt and It r ; Wishing yon, Ac, I remain overu jly, . H F. BHOaDWOOD, Firm of L Broad wood & Bona, Piano-forte lean?lM. inror*. London. Lohdoh, July 30, I860. if tun. CMcJuring <* Sont: Okkts: I havo lust been invited by Messrs. Oollard lo try a Qrand Planu-forte manutacttired by yon, and I j havo no hoslieilon in andoralng the opinion ol my oM friend, Mr. O. D. CoUard, via: That it la the finest in. etruuiontl ever played on. Believe me, gentlemen, most faithfully yoara, f. L. HATXOR. TutimoniaU front (A*mort ditUnguUktd ArtUU in Europi It Mettrt. Ckiektring at Sons; Lomdow, July IS. IBM. Having played upon a Piano-forte made by Messrs, Olilckering at Sont, of Boston and Mew York, X hat* much pleasure In testifying to it* general exoelhnce, . For s woe in,is s and brilliancy of tone, doll cm y 41 touch and magnificent power for conoert/-purposes, I consider it a really Qbahd PtiKo-voara. aao. B?an>n8. i.T TDK BCMT 1 il4vx SSJUl OF Amkhk'AH lliHUritrrCU*, ARABELLA OUUUAIU) I a. a. oaoonr.E. w. KOBE. JULEa BENEDICT. . U. w. BaLPE. uu ah. h a 1,1. V 11 It IN Li. Y lll?n ARD 8. RENE FAVARbRR. H?DNE? BM11H. OIULO 1IKOONDL ALPRED JAELL. LI.ND8AY BL4IPER, J. MuaOUELKd, Prof, of Oonaertatolre da 8. Altxk'?Mi on APPEL, Direotor of Monday Oon oartt, London, Among the chief points of exooUenoo of the Oblcko tog Pianos, of whloh speak the renowned artists in ihek) congratulatory testimonials to the Messrs.Ohlckerlng, are the greatest possible depth, richness and Volume 5 tone, combined with a rare brllllanoy. clearness and perfect evenness throughout the entire scale; and. a bora all, a surprising duration of sound, lbs pure and ymiiathstlo quality of which never changea no dar Usa most delicate or powerful touch. D?ring the paat forty-three yean this firm haamang. actured ... i. SO.OOO I'iANOH, In the construction of which they hare introduced eve known and valuable lmpruvament Thoy have lav blybeen aelectod and used by all of ths worjd's knowUigal great artist* who bave Visited this count proff?Inn ally, both for private and public na*J TIUL?KIIO. 1 consider Checkering As Bona' Weuot, beyond I paris on, the beat I bare ever as an In America. ?OTTSII1A1U. . I oonsldsr Ohlokerlng at Bout' Pianos superior to i In the world. They are unrivalled for their singing qualities and ttl the harmonious roundness of their tons, Thors,la A perfect homogeneity throughout all the register*. Tfcl upper notes are remarkable for a ol earns** and par" which I do not find In any other Instrument, ?nias I baae la diaUugalahod far power without hartnnsaw, % for a mignlficent sonority. WBU1U. , Four pianos or* trhpsrlor to"toy I hive evar seen this country or in Euroo?. I "Pr""103 U-sals needed in mualo,' and lkTemaUtysf 1 tars power, tad im derived from ths perfeci nnrltv A b??.W W,U,U' ?^o^ Mb) nam LEO, pi M_ ALFRXD JA^L, I J. Il MKYRR, I OitmsS&B?Mi ii BVr?BDamBOH. B. HOFFMAN. - ' ,lf'w? a a . m W TO ?rWP?0at., And many oUiars. i ??ncvi'SJ^irx0 ALBDMB A?0 ?"To LiarzB vvARE-ijpoiyis, ; -1 No. 652 Broadway, *? E W y O R- K'v''- " ; ..V.-..- il j;;'.,^. .f-::' .. ] . ,W c.'ix/a. VC,I')