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_^^^^^^_ '__ _"_ '--m----**^^ 11 ".w""" 1 mmmrnrmMrwmn ~VOLUME IV.NO. 548. CHARLESTON, S. C., THURSDAY MORNING-. MAY 23, 1367. PRICE FIVE CENTS _ TELEGRAPHIC Our Cubic IJ^jiati hes. LONDON. May 22.-FLOOD ami TVmi-:, Fenian, recently co i ?vu-tod. have be? ti sentenced to tm pri8onmciit lot- lifo, with hard labor. r.vitis, May 22.-Thc difference* between Hu Emperor ami thc C< t , - L?gislatif itt reparti tn tin organization of ihe tinny, La* lu ott adjusted. FRANKFORT, May 21.- At a Lite hour hoi ids Bolt at 77?. LONDON. May 22-Noon.-Consols 93. Dond?72i. LONDON, May 22-2 P. M.-Bond* 72!. LONDON-Evening-Cotisais 93: btuuls 721. LIVERPOOL. May 22.-Cotton tomi* down. Sales 8000 bales. Uplands ll. Orleans ll?. Other ar? ticles unchanged. LIVERPOOL. May 22-2T. 31_Cotton quiet but steady at the opctfng price. Corn declined throe pence. LITEUBOOL-Evening.- Cotton closed quiet. Mid. Uplands Hil; Orleans ll;d. Sales ltt.O?O bales; Br?adstuns quiet. Corn closed with :t declining tendency. Provisions closed qnicL Conton Rosin firmer at 7s. Cd.; tine 13s. Gd.; Turpentine 35*. 3d.; Tallow 13a. Ucl. Washingto -. .Yew*. WASHINGTON. Muy 22.-All necessary rules ami forms in bankruptcy haro been adopted by a manual of some 400 pisca, prepared by CUSTON RICE, Secretary of thc Commission ol' Justice, and by their order it will he issued ou Tuesday. No delay or difficulty is apprehended in putting thc law ia effect on Juno 1st. All registers have bei n nominaioJ, and in case th? Di.-trict Judges do not confirm the nominations, they arc empowered to fill the vacancies with suitable persons. Thc ruh? and forms cover a pamphlet of seventy-five pages. Tho appointment of Assistant Treasurer for New Orleans has not yet been nuuk'. BANCROFT in th" city preparatory for bis de? parture ou th.; Prussia:: mission, lb-has hadan interviow with the Secretaries if thc Stale and Navy. Tho Treasury agent reports that thc City Na? tional Bank of Sew Orleans during a, recent nm paid out $610,000 in two days; its deposits were $670,000. It is stated in high financial circles that the next monthly statement wi.1 show a slight increase of tho debt, owing t > tho payment of $2.">,W0,00 I in? terest. The revcuuo receipts aro only about SLT 000.000 for the month. Tho receipts for June will be heavier, as thc income tax is then due. The statements of tho probable m -cting ol' Con? gress in July, to mojt tho fro urary, is a mere speculation. No Treasury officer bas sug? gested or expects the meeting for such a as the Treasury requires no relief. - Presbyterian General Assembly. CINCINNATI. M >y 22.'-III thc Presbyterian Gen? eral Assembly the Committee on Declaration ami Testimony reported, proposing lo receive back uit ruly members and churches on their application and declaration of willingness lo submit to estab? lished authority of tho church. Tlie proposition was under d scussiou to-day. Prom Muli ?le. MOBILE, May 21.-A Court of Enquiry has liecii ordered to convene m order lo investigate thc di* turbauce of tho 11th. SHEPPr RD issued an order to-day returning ali the present pohee. The city government is i?ot disturbed, a:id the military take cognizance in particular cases. MOBILE, May 22.-An order was issued this morning, by direction of Major-General POPE, de? posing tho present Mayor ami Chief of Pol iee, ap? pointing GUSTAVUS HORTON Mayor, and Colonel DraoN Chief of Police. From Augusta. AUGUSTA. May 22.-Judge KELLY passed through here last night. From thc Far AYeit. SAN FRANCISCO, May 19.-Thc furniture estab? lishment of PIERCE & Co., was partially humed. Loss 50,000. A telegram from Unioii\ ilie, Nc.-uda, says that thero is great excitement about thc rich gold dis? coveries. The Indians in Idaho ore driving off the stock and shooting settlers in all directions. Thc savages are generally well armed. Alarine Disaster*. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 22_Tho steamship Santiago lie (Juba from Graytown, Nicaraugua, for New York, with three hundred passengers, is ashore herc. Six were drowned while attempting to land. Tho passengers are now landing hi safety. LATER.-There is lour feet of water in the hold of tho Santiago Z>- Cuba. All were safely landed except five passengers and two of Ute crew, who were drowned by the upsetting ol' the boat. All th baggage is landed. WATERTON, N. J., May 22.-Last night at 1 A. M., the steamer Wisco7tsm was burnell three miles from Cape Vincent. Twenty-five to thirty lives were lost. The boat was run ashore; ali the |Kis aengers, who obeying the Captain's orders. r< - mained aboard, were saved. The st -amer will be a total loss. Tho Wisconsin belum-cd to the Northern Transportation Lino, ami was upward bonna. Dornest le Market*. NOON DISPATCH. NEW YORK, May 22.-Stocks heavy. Gold, 38$. Sterling and Money unchanged. '62 Coupons, 109$. Flour 10c lower. Wheat dull and declin? ing. Corn without decided i bange. Pork quiet, at $23. Lard, 12ial3A. Whiskey quiet. Cotton quiet, at 27|a2& Freights dull. EVENINO DISPATOU. Flour dull and lower. State. $10S0al370; Southern mixed to good, *13 30al480; Fancy to Extra, $14 90al8UO. Wheat d ill and drooping. Corn steady. Western mixed, old, $12lial28: new, $1 lOal 16. Pork heavy and lower. Mess. $22 70a22 75. Groceries quiet and firm. Naval Stores quiet and steady. Turpentine U2AalxU.a. Rosin $3 99. Wool steady and quiet. Texas 25a32c. Freights heavy. Cotton dull and lower. ?Sales 1000 bales at -7c. Stocks heavy. Gold, 138j ; KJ2 coupons, 109$a9? ; '64, 5J ; '65, 6$ ; now issue, 108a 8$; 10-40's, registered, U9|a99|; coupons. 99$; 7-30's, first series, 1064 : others. 105$. BALTIMORE, May 22.-Cotton steady and quiet; Middling Uplands ?7c. Kio Cotice scarce ami firm at 18jc. gold; medium grades in good supply. Flour dull, and the market favor.-, buyers, though not quotably lower. The Government took ??00 bbls. yesterday at $12 7">aV? 2-3. Corn dull and de? clining; good lo prime wit te $1 l l; mixed $110; prime yellow $1 19; mixed Western il Ultal lu. Provisions firm and unchanged. Whiskey linn. Sugar firmer at lit^all forgets] lo fair relining. CINCINNATI. May 22.- Flour dull and unchanged. Corn dull and unsettled; No. 1. in sucks, offered al 92. Middling Cotton 21 et-. Whiskey unsettled. Provisions dull mid unchanged; helliers ll rm; Pork $22 50. Lard 13?. ST. LOUIS, May 22.-Flour flat and unchanged. Corn declining ; sales fl (Mal 10. Provisions and Lard unchanged. LOUISVILLE. May 22.-Superfine Flour $9 75? 10 75. Corn dull. Mess Pork $22 30. Bacon Shoul ?era 9c; loose Clear Sides 12A. Packeil Lani 12*. Baw Whiskey $2 2d. NEW OBLEANS, Mae 22.-Sales2WU bale* ; un? settled, but i aster Low Middling 21ia25i. I.' ceipta, 291 ; exports. Mil. Situar dull ; Low Fair Louisiana nominally 12; Choice }31al3j; Cuba No. 12, UL Molasses m> sales; uomiiudly 72. Primo Flour dull mid depressed ; Su{ierlitiu $l2a 12j. Corn Steady and firm; Mixed Yellow $1 l.">:t 1 20 ; White $1 25al 25L Oats no teing, d. Lard dull and unchangeil. Pork dull ut $2? 5Ua217">. Bacon fair ; jobbing Shoulders Dh; Hibbs 121; Clear 131. and scare?. Gold 371. Sterling 17.i52. York Sigiit Exchange 4ai discount. MOBILE, Mav 22. S des :ajti L d.-. dull. Mid? dling 23e? ilfteipts 112 bales. AuousrA. May 22. -The mark.! .lull and tle clining; ?ales lui? baie.-: receipt* Jo;;; Strict Mid? dling 24c. SAVANNAH. May 'JJ. -Colto.t dull ?nd nominal; 3Iiddlings 2.V-.; *>al..-a for the tv<> duys J..O: r. eeipts nu. The New York TriHum- suv* . General Longstreet s pre*? nee among the Vj. Pr?sidents of a meeting in Ne? Orleans a.hip - ed bv the Hon. Henry Wii-on was higbh reniarkabl.-. Of course he is not a l?idieal; ..ul he knows the wisdom of liberality, ami eau bu liospit ,bl? lu Iii-. :ind sincere speech. There is iii tho manly act ol General Longstreet an cucum aging overture to ward the recognition of Northern men and North? ern ideas. Ho may not believe as we do; but the act itself is practical reeouri jiitioii.and weapphiud KIT*: lt A HY. THE LAXII WK LOVE, edited by General i?. II. Hill, June, 18C7, Charlotte, N. ?*. This excellent magazine is uow up willi ?is Northern compeers in point nf interesting matter, in tho regularity aud punctuality of ita Unie nf issue, and ?ti ils general outside and inside appcar aiicv; nil clear ?uni unmistakeable ?signs that (Jen. HILLS ..Land" enjoys a generous patronage. Thc present number opens with .1 sketch of Gun. ti. JJ. ANDERSON, by Major SEATON GALLS, of lLileiirlt. This is followed by tho following toucli'tig lyne, by Kov. A. J. UTAN, ff Knoxville, 'Jenn., llic Laureate of tho Sooth. Wc copy it iii full : " TU S LAND WK LOVE." I.aml ol' the lieiillc ami Dm ve! Our love is us wide as thy woo. It deepens beside every grave, Where tlio heart ot a hero hes low. Lan.: ot the brlgh est of skies 1 Our love glow? thu more 'mid thy gloom. Our hearts, by the Baddest of ties, ding closest t? tin e in thy donni. Land where tin- desolate weep 1 lu a Borrow too deon to console. Our tears are hut streams makin- deep Tin- oe- ail of luv? in our sutil. Land where th'- viet r flu;; waves. Where nitjv the ili ad are the free, Eaeli link of ihe chain thal enslaves, Shall hind us tho closer to thee. Land \vh 're tho sign of tin- croea. Hs shadow of sorrow hat h shed, We measure our Love l>v thy Ix)ss, Thv Loss-by tho gravi? of our Deadi MOINA. Next comos a second paper on JOHN MILTON, by ?Tof. DARKEY, of Virginia, and then "Afternoon^" by Mrs. MARGARET J. PRESTON, of Lexington. Va., authoress of ''DH- honbrooke." an interesting nar? rative in verso of the war, ami published during Hie last months of tho Confederacy. We see Hint thc poem (Bccchcnhrooke) has booti recently ic publislied itt Balthiioro. Mrs. FANNY DOWSINO. of Charlotte. X. C., next claims our attention on an article-"Perfect through gunering." "Hosoiu." by J. ACOOSTINE SlONAIGO, Memphis, Tennessee, is an Eastern allegory in verse, speaking of the Lost Cause. Mr. JOHN lt. T : ; - continues his racy sketches . . ?::. j HOD. V. C. BAKaiNOBR, ll?8ruiillin.e?>iieiS < .! The Hon. H. W. 1 (AVENEL. . : tributes a paper on . I'mni ri ? rain t.. . (?lillie." aud TALL H. ll ATM" "Haversack" is lure filled wita ?reo? i aliona. i?c suspect (?en. HILL basa better commissary now (lian ho had in Virginia, Tennessee or Georgia, a few years ago. There arc many oilier anieles m t'iis number, hui we have enumerated enough t>. show thar the contents are varied and interesting. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY for .lune has several very go il articles. "The Guardian Angel.'" bj Dr. HOLMES, is continued. ' The City of St Louis" lonna the subject of a very interesting his? torical sketch by that most prolific of Yankee futttraleurst. JAMES PARTON. From it we learn thal the great city of the West, situated near (hu oon llux of the Mississippi ami the Missouri, was founded in 17'?!. in 1820 the population was IM28; in 1840, U>.4tiU; in IS l l it had mot e than doubled; and in 1H?H it had more than doubled again, now having 74,4311. In 1830. 12?.200; in 18t?7. 2iiHJMin. In ?8IIS it started its (irst newspaper. The rapid growth of tho city dales from 1833, when thu prairie world begun to attract the atteulionof emi? grants. Tho properly of Hie Koma i Catholic Ginmill in St. Louis is estiti ateil st fifteen millions of dol? lars. Tliis Church having twcnty-iiiue churches and chapels, while no oilier sect luis moro than nine; bul thc principal part of this property not represented by splendid of church edifices, but by education il institutions. At tho head of i lu s -, is the st. Louis University, having twenty-five Professors. Then they have about a dozen Con? ven?s, several HospitaU. Orphan AsyInnis, and Other charitable institutions. Mr. PARTON closes his account with Ul? follow? ing outburst : "How interesting tho spectacle of these rising ciiies of Hie West ! How cheer ?ni? tn discover that thc ruling minds in them aliare alive to tho fact that posterity to tho remotest ages, will be affected by what tho men do ulm con? trol tho cities that they are now forming! Why this rage to visit the Old World? Since wo are assured thatgood Americans when they die g? lo Paris, why not defer Paris till then, and see in thiB life tho seats of future empire in Hie Wost. Nothing could HO cheer and expand an Am?nent: citizen." "The Ked School House," which stands next on the hst. is a pretty poem, which will lie found on our fourth page. "A Venetian Exp?rience" comes next, mid then ' Negro Spirituals,*' a collccti ni of the senseless negro ditties all of ns have bearii front our infancy. Dur "Collector'' emulates Sir WALTER SCOTT'S industry, when the latter collected the Border Minstrelsy of Se Hand, and he has [Minted SO "Spirituals." It would have been quito as et sy to have printed 230, or any oilier number, as wnl be readily conceded by any tuan of souse not altogether 'odor blind." who reads our author"s aecouutof thc manner in which these "melodics" are first made, lie says: Allan Ihimsay says of the Scotch songs, that, mi matter who made them, they were soon attributed Ui the minister of tho parish whence the . sprang. Viul 1 always wondered, about those, whether they had always a conscious dedin le origin in H>HIIU leading in ind, or uliuliier they grew hi gradual accretion, in au almost unconscious way. Un th s point 1 could.get Mo information, though 1 asked ninny tjucslions, until ni last, one day when I was being rowed across from lluaufori io Ladies' [slaul, J fourni mvself. with delight, on the actual trail oi'? song. One of Hie oarsmen, a brisk young fellow, not a soldier, on being asked for lus (hoon ?d' the matter, dropped u..t a coy confession. ?.Some gooil spirituals."' be said, ."are start jess out o' curiosity. I teen u-rnisu a ning, niyecif, jtiee." My dream was fulfilled, and 1 bad traced out. not the poem alone, but the poet. 1 implored him to proceed. ?One" we boys," Im said,'.went for jute some rice, and ?le uiggcr-driver. he keep a-eallin'oii us; ami 1 say. 1), de ohl nigger-driver!' l'eu nintddel' said, 'Fust ting my mammy tole me was. noun' si. omi ns nigger-driver." Den I mude a- sing, jusl put tin' a word, and den anudder word." Then he began singing, und Hie men, after listening a moment, joined in the churns as if it worein: old BCipiaintaiice. though Uley evidently bad never heard it I ie fore. I saw tu.w easily a new "ting" took root among them. "O. dc ?lo nigger-driver I U, gwiue away ! Eilst nug my mammy iel: me. Oh. liWIUe away ! Tell mc 'bout de nigger-driver, II, gwiui! away! Ni ?..-r-driver coonil devil, ii. gwine away ! ltcst lilli; lol- du Ur driver. Uh. gwuie away ! Knock lie down und sp-M I he labor. On. gwiue away ! lt will be observed Ibid-, although this song is quite secular in its diameter, its author yet called it ti . spiritind.'' Mi lniuolatiy is thc fashiouublu worship just now; and we shoulil n t he surprised shortly lo see a hook of "Negro Spirituals" set to music, arranged Ter Hu- uso ol" Plymouth Church, timi other .true Muck eeeicsiastieul cstuhlishm nts. What a splen? did new sousa! iou for New York un Sunday to g?> across the river ami hear Massa IlKECbEll "histu" de tune to Nu. _,v'. "Thu Ship of Zion:' .H "?nue along, conti! And h i us go linnie, U, gt" }, hal Iel lija li ! His de old -hip ..' /.. UuJIekHi! llalleioul I>i? d? tdd ship o' Zion. I" Or to No. ll - "O'er the Crossing." "Yonder"? my ole mudder. Ueeti u'wuggiu" ai de h.ll so long. lt's ahiiut lime she'd cruiMioivr; (?i>t linnie iiitm-Ly. Kee). |ira rn', I du Hellet? W?>B u loni: liine waguin' o'er de crosslu'. Kee)> pray in", I du lielicvc. We'll gel holm- :?. heaven biuiehy " The remaining artie!, s in Hie present number of the Alkmlw arc: "Four llieliard," "O. I.. S." a poi-in. (?ulil. ii Chains: Miakspe ire. the 5?UU ami the Dramatist: Tin- Koiiu.lers of Montreal: hus .-ian America; Among Hie Conn dian.-; l?eiieivs ?uni Literary Notices. METHODIST WEI.I.S. A Soul beni ixehaiige says: I " Hiiring the Int? iiiii.-tiiig or the McthndiM Kpis j copal College of liislioj.s. ile' family ol" Ihsuop Soul.- pi.-si nti il th,- sei. bishop \> ii ii t follow? ing ?mieles: i lu-1 .dil Heal of Bishop Anbury : a cornelian, sci in .-i small gili fraiuu. with a jt:-*-tl:?I lion head or Wesley. The ollieinl si ?il of Hish-.p Mc Kemi rec ; this is Inrgi r I lian com mon miltalie, uii!i tin.-initials ' W. M?K..' motto. . Preach t lo? tto,,;.' The first oiti. iai seal ol' l'ishop rWilc ; this is a small oval- hinted metal ?I vice: a i!?v? with olive brunch in its mouth, ami Handing on a gl..!?- : motto, 'peu..m a ri h." These i::t nil? ing relic-* Uer... [ty (I,,, will ol' J'.isl . Soul.-, li ll t" I hts senior successor, tu belo hit.: iraiismitteil i.-i : like tua tun r. They ur.-. Ihi-iefon'. ?II l!" lennis ol j I'ishop Andrew, lui- cent mies pn.-i il lui- IM-CU I eu-(oinary for prelates of the Koiiinu l.'alholic I Church m wear hierarchical rings in al testal ion ot their rank, bul the fad that Methodist. Hidmps j wear them is not gem-rally known tu the members I of thai denomination." Ul" IIIAIMA'. KXIT.ninXCK AMONO THE (?01IU.T.AS. M. Du C'UAii.i.r devoted a lecture, delivered H Nev Vork some days agu, t>> Hie gorilla ami othei apes. We quote a luw passage-. After .speakim. <>}' thc fear ni tlie gorilla among lin-natives, li" describes lu- cinuiinus when in.- came first iijtoii .race.-, ni' tildie ilreailfiil IMUS tn: I remember well the tux nine I gol a gliinp:. "I tin; gnrilir. Ur III i i.-acned a place who,. ? ii-e a vjilag-lind liee'i hu.ll. ami wheiu a liegen ..rale kimi of sugar earn- was gma-iim, in lin- wry SIM?I where the houses had furou riv stund, wheii ni) mon perceived vviiai at once threw us imo ibo greatest siali ni excitement. Hen and there th: cane was beulen down, torn un by the roots, a tel hing about in fragments, vvhieh evident?)' bren My men looked at each oilier m ??lenee, ami muttered the won! "Ngiiyl.','- which is Mic mime tiley ?rive to tin- gorilla. ' We rollownl tim traces, a ii-1 presently ?.nie to the fnotp-im.-. of tim MO loiiy desiri <1 animal. lt was lj:e liest tillie I bini ever seen these footprints, ami sensations were indescribable. Here was 1 now, il seemed, on tin: point nf mceUiig face ?o face that monster of whose tero itv. strength and cunning natives hail tobi un- so much a iiuimul winch, since tin- day? ol' Hanno, hail liol Ween noon in its wibi stale bva while man. Mv heart beal ?lilli! I li a id I its Inml piilsatk) s wi nid prove fata!. Hy Hie tracks it was easy lo seo that there must lia ve beei, s l'oral gorillas in company. Wc pn oared al mice tu follow them. Tin- women of mir party, who curried Hie food ol' their: husbands, were terrified, ?ml we left thew an escort of seve? ral nn-n. Then Hi? rest of us looked once mom i- refiilly at nnrgutis, for tb--male gorilla gives you no lime to reload, ami ymir gun must not miss lire, loi- tben woe to tiiiii wliolii be attacks! We were armed to the teeth, and we departed from camp und left the ?leo;.le tliorc with fear written on theil' laces. Slowly we pressed on through the dense bush, lest wi: should alarm thc bea ts. Makiuda was i o tro to tho right of thc rook, while I took ibu left. Unfortunate! v ho gol in advance nf ni-. Th" watchful animals saw hiin. Suddenly 1 was sta il? lili by a strange, discordant; half-liiiiuaii. devilish cry. and beheld four gorillas running past in Hie thick of the forest. We (ired, bul Im nothing. Then we rushed in pursuit; but they knew thc winnis Inlter I ha ll we did. ami cmilil* mu faster than we did. Nevertheless. I caught a glimpse -r mm nf thc animals again: but an intervening t ree spoiled my aim, and I did not tire. \Vli.*n ive could pursue u inore we retnrne I slowly t-- cur amp. where thc women mid men wura an\. v. ".? i--cling us. As they ran on iori; hind leg-: ie j-'.ir'?'.iS ?fm'hu? fearfully like liairv men. .ii iiead down, their body inclined forward, ? ,r whole appea rn nee was like men running for . ir lives; ami I ceased to wonder that the uatnes . e the wildest SllpCrSlitijIlS about these "Wild .CU ol tlie woods." CURlOliS STOIIIKS. One of the stories was that two Mbondemns women wi re walking together through thc woods, winni suddenly un immense curilla slopped into I in-pat b. and clutching one of the women. Isim lier otf in spit.! ot the scream- ?md struggles ol lilith. 'Hieother woman returned In tin- village and related lin- story. I?f course lier enmpatiiuti was given np tor Inst, l?mal was Hm surprise, therefore; when a few day.-, after sb" returned to tlie village. She relined that she had eventually eseaped fruin the gorilas. "Yes." .-aid one nf tin "I bat was a man that bad I urned iulii a i corilla." whic.i explanation was received willi a general gi nni of approval, bu- these copie lil? lirie that soiiu- men have I urned into gm illa-. Such gorillas Un- natives believe can never ls) killed, and the possessed beasts aro. accord? ing to them, endowed willi the intelligence of man united io strength ami Hie ferocity nf tin- beast. Another mau told how, smile rears agu a pu ri y of gorillas Were found in afield ni sugarcaiie'tying upon tin-canes m regular bundle!-, preparatory to carrying il away. Tin- natives at? tacked them, but were nmtcd, several being killed, wiine others, wen- ea tried au av by the gorillas, bul in a lew days they r- iur.I linnie uninjured, with this horrid cSin;|Mioii- Hie nails of their lingers anil Ines bail been turn oil le. their captor--. Final? ly, lin- story, which i- current among all lin- tribes u bo an-at all faunliar willi I lie gorilla, wa- I elated, that Hus annual lies in wail in tin- lower branches of He- tree.-, watching fur peuple who go to and fro. iiiiI wb"ij une |ias>es sufficiently m ar. grasps Hie luckless fellow with hi.- "..nwerfnl reel, and draws oin- u i int i lin- tri e iiln ir In- generally chokes them. A nilli.I.\ KII.I.KH. Suddenly as we yet creeping tilting in a silence which made a heavy brea, lung seem loud and distinct, thu WINMIS were at mice tilled with Hie tremendous barking mar nf thu beait. Iben thc underbrush Mia .ed rapidly just ale-ad, and present >y b. f -rr us stood au imun-us-- mab- gorilla. Ile bad guli" through lin- illunie nu all lulirs. but when he saw our party, bo erected himself and I' I oked us bi ib liv in lin- fae.-. Nea riv s.x feel high. : wiib an immense budy, huge chest, ami gn.-ai mus- | uular anns, intensely lilaek face with lieni-iv glar- i mg large, deep, gr?vele.--, a nd a hellish expression ! ot face. Which scellle.l to lue, like .-Otile ll?gllt- ; mali- vision, Ilms stood hel-uv ni-\ lin- kui" I of Hu- African forest. He was liol afraid . of us. but stood there and beal bis breast nilli bi., lingi- li.-t lill il rr oundell Uk- j au immense bass .druin, whieh I round lo Ix- tn- . linnie nf offering; dolla luv. meantime giving vent i-i mar aller ro..r. This roar nf Hie gorilla is the | most singular a:id awful noise bunni m these Afri- I ceo v.oiii ls. Ii begins bio- a -barp bark ufan angry j 1 dog, lin-.i giidi - mlo a deep ba.-... which bl Tai ly and clowery rewiublo! Hie roll of distanl Hiuuder along the sky. Sn lb ep is il that, it seems in pm ceed less fmiii a mouth and throat than from thc deep chest and va.-i pan. ch. His eyes lu gan m i II isll fiercer tire ?is ?o sim d nil tin- def. n.-lie. and < iiie crest, nf slimi hair which stands mi bis fore- i head began lo twitch rapidly up and di .wu. while l ??is powerful teeth w re sb..wu as he .-eui forth a thunderous roar, ami now truly ne remind- j I ed nie of nothing lott some hcllisii dream creii- I I lure--a King of thal hideous order, bali mau. b.d. beast. I le advanced ll ic? slops, theil slnppeil !n ? i utter thill hideous roiir again, ami bett bis cbe-i. j . and lina Hy .-tupped when at a dis ance nf abmii -ix yunis I rmi i us; and brr--, ju-t as be ! egan one ? I nf Ins roars, bealing bis breast in rage. 1 killeil , i him. W nb a groan which bad s.-un tiling tel ? ii ly j I human ni it, and yiri was full of brutishness, be \ 1 fell forward mi his lace, l b- body si.k convul? sively lor a l'eu minutes, the limb.-iii-ivi'il ahmt: in 1 a st niggling way. and then all was quiet- deal li bad linne Ins work, and 1 bad luisuru lo UXalililie Ibi! larg" bmly. M. du ('badin observed that he brought I wen tv - 011" skins of mirillas b> HUM eimntry a few yinrs 11 ago. ami nile red lo sell (hem ?ur ?.'iijni). Nu miel accepte-il (he offer, and he liiiaily sold i hem fur a in nell larger sum in Jingla d. Ol Hie nabits of Hie gm illa, and the dilliculty nf taming it. M. du i.'liailiu saul : Thu animal ines in Hie loneliest ami darkest put-lion of Hu- African jungle, preferring iii- p u'ooded valleys and awampv soil, lt is a resHess or nomadic beast, wandering from place tn place. ?md scarcely found two days in tin- saine iieigli IsirhiMul. Chis restlessness is caused by Hie strug? gle ii bas tu lind u- favorite i.I. hort bungil Hm gorilla |H>ssesses .-neb nam. i.s.- cniuiie teclli, and though bis vast sln-ugtb dotiblb'ss lils bim In capt ure and kill almost every animal which frc- j ?pients lin- forest, lu- is a .-tnri vegetarian, li j ?ines nut live un tm-s : iiideiil. H.- eiiorui'itis ; Weight Would pn-vi-nl it fruin tining so, Smm ..! Hie males IIIII-I vu-gu from :?iw ti? .HW iHiumls. Hy j Hie examination ni itu- stouundis nf tin- mi ry ? sp'-cimens ! bave bad. 1 was enabled tn ascertain j willi tolerable cerlaiuty Hie na ure nf its foo I. and ' I discovered thal II bad un need tn ascend Ip-i-. II is fund nf Hu- beal ? le trees, also ul it km-. nf i.iii with a very hard -.. il. Aller my first ex | dora! it ?ns I said that Hie gnni- 1 la viii - nut gregarious. My last joiiriiev lia- de-, iiiuiihtnited th.ii I wis wrong, for | ba-,.- si ru !,-., j oflbelii luget ber. bill I found linn, when adults almost aluayr. une mule with one leiuale. Wh?*n tin- male minnies very old be munn rs niiu|?aui??u less. In sueb a ease, as willi Hie "mgIle" ele? phant, he ls particularly iiiums?-, and malignant, and dangerous In approach, ?md une io Hm mau who conics suddenly lipnn one of these old mies ?iud thu hunter wini tracks them mu-' bi .-i. bis j guard. I Imil.d s melinus bu..I..- ol foul'ol live j t,oiiilitK. '.Yb. u ni i..oeis these are i.-n shy and then d.lliciiil lo approach, as Un.-.r hearing is acute. Suineliiues. like Hie bon. I lu- gorilla to.iunisc him? self roars and roars, and in a fat distance I mts tunk (his lor ?i mutictiiig of thumb r. <.lay I j !'? o i ml ibai il was a gorilla r-iiii'iiig o? its fe- I Ulai?'. Who. after a IV bi le. eui lld be In nub a I winker cry I he eeles - swelled and ?lied away ! fmm bill i" bili, nulli the whoa fm esl was full iii Hie dm. As I appmachul I ..iii,I hear thu deep llnilli-llke omni caused bi b-alnig bis I ?rea si with his bilge list. Pn-seiitly I heard trees cracking, and saw tbroiigh tin; WIHHIS how. every lew mm ut"s. a sapling was swung alunit and then broken. Tin- gorilla no oilier roar than that I ba.e ilcscrihcd. Then: is. In-side, the scream of Ibo female, whim ala mied amia In? kind of chick with ubi,-b the watchful motlier.- seeiu lo call her child In her. I he young on. s have only a erv when tu ?listless, bul ?luir Viii:- ts hai-di ami s:>liieli:i;. s i.? ; more a iu??aii '?I pain tn.? . liittl erv. Th female gorilla In- never lunn.' Iban one voling at a lime, j I'm- gorilla wall..- in a ereci |N<s:ii?m willi great- | er ea- ? (?ian lin- chilli.>.in/.cc. When -...inbug up bis knees are I?-..! al lin joint ullt v. it i'd an,I I,.- I IMKI.V! n". '.-. v . , ,.i ., ... j filia is liol mi lu- bimi legs, lull miali j tliis pusilimi the arms am so long that thc head ami orr st ar?! raised eoiisiderafdy. and as bi- ru - - Ins bind legs are hmnghl far beueatli the ISH?V. i Ile call i .;ii a! -n I Sj: . .i ; ;liu adult gorilla i.-. I i hint,, p. rfeu'ly .iiitmii.i j hie. Tin- Voling sn /ai .,.? nu i \p.-i i. :i . j ?n?s. I nave in u r I.i abie r-. ; .m.-.' lu nu , i-oil l< I ;;.>. I.'--.un.- iii '.-! ?ullin Kimi or harsh, sub duo (heselittle monsters, ( illy lin- i?nemy of mau. res'-niuig theil eaplivitv. yeing as my -pee,innis wen-. nTiisiiig every|bin ? in thc shape nf cirihf.r?! fiiml. ami attacking nu- witb liNith au.! nail, even though I was in um-l eoiistaiii aitend itu-" tip-in tin-in tinnily dying witii?*m previous sickness, "r sliirvin? . b-m-.-:-. : -d.-iuii, i.i i|yjng j uni,mil oilier -ifccrl-aiiiuhlt: cans. :ban lie- l'estlei-s I rbaling ol' :t sniril wbieii HOI li I ie.I sutler eaptivil v | imf the pr?-sein-? i-f loan. t.V?SFiit>tiyiii\. Th?1 Sa --itii-it nf . nilirmniiuti j was .. Inn usn .- d by |:ig|it Hi v. lJisi?o|i |.- -"-?i. t., ! . thirty p.-r-uns. a iti.ipirily nf-wli;.!|ii were" yming lad.. . ai ile I'atholie.Church m ibis place, | ? m >:di! ia tb !a.-i. v. hug ineiiln r ;-t |M .-?n fmm | lillie"' iji.iiomiiiaiioiis iv? re in . 'ti-udaie-i, und Hp. cefeinoiiy was II mosl impn-ssiv mt". Siiee?-e iing I hese exercises lin-learned Hi-io;? ikbv?:.i| ,,n abb- iliscoitrsi!. lb- li ll -.ur horn un Mondai ni'? last. ami. w?: learn, will soon depart for lille - Stun(vi' W'tlvfiJitttit. TUR CO.-.'IMTIO.V \XI> PIU)Sl?liCTM OP MK F. IC IA. The aili hur ?if Iii? i*?. I owii?^ ii>mmii*jic'iii?'ii Mr. li. \\. Johnson, vvsiji for many ;.i ar> a .?.<.!,,n-.II resalen! i<f Oin?;*;iia, Nu?; >,.,;;, vi.IT. Im rxwc. his ??wn s. (rum tUf li.iitil.-lf \?it i lio-i ni n li <"!'? ;. i" iii? honored rank ?ii I?**??I l?raciili?i'?:r?>f ib'1 I Sur ??I th?* Siiprcm?* tnu! ? itu- Stale ??f New Vi.rti. ll?. ??vu: tu L,.H na IM cans?: Int ilioiiKl? hf ...>ii!?l IM- mott M? . ! il um] happy tlicri than in A timi ?.M. The |. |:er is ad? dressed '.<i thc Colonization Sncii ly. ami smii?> ??imt lengthy. Wo make a low extra?is To show !h?! nature of I.:l'?-rin. ii:< climate, au'ii.ultiirai re? sources. Ac. Th?: leliei \.as uri I lou al Monrovia i,i I .>.'?.'., aftoi Hi" writer hail lit-cii in Hie conni rv nile mouths, ?lu? we ur?) indebted tu Mr. WILLIAM Luprixomi. Corrcsi-omlm?' Secretary. r..ri!:e ?ai ir-. Jobnm-ti Buring: the *ii??* I have U;e:i lu r- 1 have used wry means . . nyp-v- r f<? ?M^Ttaiii j lie true ?lat? ami:?>iniiii??n ?'f things in llii- eotimry. I I..m-tn'1 relied uli iy ilium my nun i >:?-. irtu-i mil ?diSfrv?ii?<n. I'iil have mover* I fr.i'ly willi i.|;i;|V .if I'll III'- t {>.'. ll M i !?(.! I Itl.'il, iiii ittil.'M'.- hts Kx?*?'ll?*ney. I!..* I'iv?n?ei?.. ?III- members of Inn .'ubiurl: i;X-Pr?*imh*ni'. K?MMtrls. Chief Justice Knyi*. |{ev. Aii-x.iii'l'r Ooniwcl!. JV. Mot nil. the |iriii?'t ?al f'irinciH np 'lie St. I'mil's Hiver, ami "ll tin- j i,embers ??f l?"ili branches nf the i^'gwliitiirc ; nilli merriwi s. mwhanitu ami I'tlmrhii' mon. il x - !i>r.?. lawyer.* -inlin?', with bnlh males ami femali**-. ri ?rilur Vo obtain iiihiriualioti from the I? ?I ami munt rc! ml Je purees. I presume you ar?; anxious tn know wlial arc tho .n sent condition and ruin:-.- ? of Liberia n un a^ric'iilimal mu? e .mui'Tcial pOinl nf view. I answer, without nuy hesitation, wry llattorinit. Vtiiericans have tm i?l?n <?t" itu- aiii'itml nf prodiicc Hised m tins HepiibH.i-iit?r ",- tin- amollit of Irsule aiul eotiiiivree on th?' ?'??asi "I I-? 1 ??* in. Wither have they any idea ..i' the number nf ?es n'N tint arrive a ami ?h-parl fruin th;' different imrts of thin Itepiihlie ?liiriii*' Hie year. l'usMes. nailv vessels atv ?-.niploy? . in tim iloiucstic Innle np MIHI ?lown th?? i.ul ami mi tin- river??. Many ?I Hies?! Inuits ur . Inuit in Monrovia, nml other I ia rt s of this contilr.v. Thc iradi; uni commerce of Lilieria are incro*??? \w? rapidly. Xhi*? stimulates t! uni encourage* agriculture, seile ?i tiemann f??r thu pn I ii - 'k'U^wV?imr?aiSTs int? ?l?s ? \'-.r ..r'i -rs of tin- sml tu si rins ic it;..! ..iU- -a'.Isi,. ?he needs nf ti . . ?Hence, fu L'heri iiw aro rapid. Utiti??n t?? r?m v.itiiui nf Du means nf :?.:<{- ?nj; itiilividual wraith ?iud securing national prosjH tty. it seems t?.? i".' thal ii is iiniMi?silile fur any ixmiiTv in the woihl bt i ?.|il mit ^realer iinlu?'?' im-iits fm' all men- hm. inp?-eially fur tn?? c??|nr??i1 |MS?|?ie nf tin1 L'iiiii'?l States :li ni Alrini ! V. ha: :> iioolu lii.-lil r??r th?! imhistry. entirrprise. goiiiu* ami tah nt.- nf thc black men nf Aincri?*:! ! Whal a ?liane' ii is. thal they ?nil nm avail themselves nf Hie glorious privil?'i;i' of lM-iie|Itiim Ihcmwivcs [ilesMii? ih<* tun Injndri.i1 nulli..n> ul IM ui^hieil |j?;alhcn in this ?.oiuitn ami ufaiilui;: in lm?|i| iii^' up a imt.niiality ni if^lnr?'?! m?'ii "ii tin- ?nil nf Al'iica the lan: "f their fur- lat In r- '. Win slimilil they wast?: llii-ireiicrsch'sami ? x'iausi their (.ireimth fur a????? io ?i?ni?-. in ? I'riutie.-.s elfnrt In aceoiiiplisli ni .Vuierica whal can I"' efle?:t?>l in Ldu.-riii in a ningle ?lay 'i lin' iiiastmieh as ?ve aro lulil. that there will lu- ?tn em] ul'.ill things mi earth. Iel II? hope that lin: liiailne.-s ami In ly nf this hour will si mn 'pa.-sii?-:iy that prejudice Will linaily yield l??theilictalesofr?'asnn that Iii must enlightened inlnriil men nf America wnl linaily conic tn the ratiuiuil itincliisinii I Lat. ii lucy wi h lo secure peace anti genuine liln'rtt fur themselves, niaii ami iinlu|ici ihiiice f?ir tin .r chihlren. tuny must s?."ek a home ?MI the soil ??f Africa. an?l link I li?Mr ?les!mies with th?: vi ling, bill rising Itepilblic .f l.ilM-ria. Ti'ii y?!ars at:n ilicrc w?*re ?lily two supar fanns mi ilie liauks ni tin-St. Paul's liver, n??? liier?.' ar? im ?re than ?inc Ininilreil. Kvcrv oih" ??f lliese I i ila n tors ure alsn raising c??l?ee. ri-?\ Ac. Ls Lilicriii i'??mr hiM'kwiitd. or iimvni? slowly, hui iiireli niiw-ird'i Mr. Sha qm. mit: nf thc larg?'.sl Iilaiili-rs. says li?' has rais?'il cane eunuch, liuriu^ ih?r last >?*:?i'. M make fm ir iiuuilreil i'.? ?xiinnlsi !' siiifiir. liv?! Ilmiisaitil ui'lh'tis molas.* -. iml two ilimisaiiil i;:;ilmis nf syrup. Mr. .Sliur|?e aili carry lifl* llmusaml |??ii?iils?if nissii^ar witiiin Ihn TliiMiias Pope. I remain vom lilimbl? servant. II. W. JOHNSON, -In. \Frvm ll'-' .Wu Originf fVon/nii.'.] Mir Wantaueres in .?l?.\i?-?i.-'! IK- Aiming)* nf Preiiideiil .11:1111*7.. Presiileiil .liiar-/ .s justly sensit iv- at lim ?h*iri???s l?rVVii*il?i ns: Inni l?? the ! M.I Si ali's 1 nu) thc- wiirle ri\ili/. 'l w..ri?l, 1.1' uiiirili-riu^ his I irismicrs. *ii-1:.plain: m his reply I lint Ins eue? ll ?es have ?M.i;ii !m>\ I I .-..ii i ?.nui: abroad false -laleiiiciils. e.?|N*i'iall\ in reparti tn ile: e.i|i:ivi-s nf .ian .la iniu. Ile savs ilia) ni" 'rn?:>!... piutof luise pri-nners v?'ere net al hU ri \. ni killilly TiMleil 1-1 prisoners nf war. nml thai Liman who >vi r>" sliol I ?...ri' li*{htiii*; wiliiiMii . 'Hiitr. ni- iLi?, and v. r.. I iililty of Hie most linn Jill- ex.?ses alni cr:m< s ?il ! iaen?e *as. | Li l 12s s?.*c ho? I: is ? Ili-i I'WII iiftii ir! r> - j NI! ts show thal "ii tm,nhill ami I we|i!y-l hr?''' I Kri-iielniieu. i-ipiuiii! at San .laeintn. I .niln spni. lucy -..en- part of tlc* arin \ nfl.en. j Miruiimu. a nattie \ie\iean eliiefiaii, in iher-cr- 1 lice nf M?ixiiiiil:an au?l Un- K "pire, hitherto ie -.i!;li,;'.ei| lM!llij{eri i ts. Tliolltrll ll"l iliie.-l'v limier I Mnrshal |ta/i:.e. lucy wei*?) m lue same service .1 . their <. 'inpali'inls ul' the rVciicii esinwlMimian corp?. How then, can I'rvsiileni; Juarez sa\ thai lin", ?rete op?raiiug wiilmiii r.iiiiitr;. ami without Ila,- .' Th?!i ?vere, liioi'i.-iner. eoimuoii HiMiers. !e) lc lin-lorin ni aar from their-pro |h'i eurps. luit :.t:ll lieM lu the service by the lui ??crialists. I'm" ??noni Ltieii eoiup?mois x>ei" li^ln m*r. Howlln:*! eui lliey IK' liehl IO |?-r.??mil ??. it'iiiutability. ln?!y emu...on s? ?I. i tern iietinjr limier unler.-i ni' tn.'ir -niper ors '; Presiileiit .lu ">?/. says lin -;:' liiimlre?! ami 1 ?villi - t * i r? - : ; l*'rcnchiii?'ii wen- ?n Itv nf ex?*esses ami .?lim.- in lin- city ul Zacatecas. II?-?? .[???> Uv know r Iii?! lie i?ive . '. li ami :'li nf Hiern ?i fuir trial run a trial le emin 1:. Mal" Nu ! I'liex tt iv iiinnlcnil in 1 mil hin ?.!, ? ?> in.?.--'..? with? in; a lr ?il "I" in .. kimi. :i?'il Uithoiil IIIN?HICI?OII of pi-rsotl. I'll? V v.i le ?'le n !n:n li ???i v...s tl.IM I crime, their >'ou?l?.'iiiuaiioii. N 'i v.. 1 iii, ? 1. v. i?. ii'tiiilier. ?1- ?Vi sell-ill .luari'/ v..mal us h. - I lieve. I'lielu were mn; Iniii.iri.-.! ??lui tv.'eiily-liiiei ! nt I te II. alni th" MeXii?lll l'l'i ?illei t IIIIIM Innl Ins SCU.-C "I ju.-ii-'" biitll? Ilium, ii ii In- cum -.' See lin- hnrrihl?! ?Tillie ul" coml miiiii*; a ivlir.le i-ui'i|i:iu'. 1.1 sohliera to deatli lor ?!\ci couiinil led iMirliaps In a lew. L're..i?lelil .liianv. makes Ins ca.-?' ?Vors?' h- re', i - riii-; lu i*s?:ess?is nf the Kreuch 'luring 1 heir r?*?*o*i nizeil i N'eu pat.mi nf Mexico, ile says lliey huri??-?j ??hole U'Wiis ami villaiics. (popiiSaciiiiic.--| ami?lcef iiiateil otiii-r?. Wo rememlier ??"?I lin* i:i>laiices refi rn-il lo. and. if we do iml forget. .?? I?i IHM evi rrihi't^ ?*nise??ii?hi?de.l aeeoiiliti;; tn the la.-. . ol ?var. or ?lie ulm. rv.iuee ol'?vhieli ?In- l'n in'?i tiru reui.irkalile. I'ermin villages WIT. made lin: relllX?'.- ??f gllerrilliiS ami bamlits. ami iifli.i ?hie warn i II*.; not t?? harbor HIK*I? criminal.?. ?v?*re liuru ,*il io I he ".mund. Oihers ?vere ilecimnteil. tic'oi il um tn a:i"iher ciisueii o? ilial ami other armies. Uni -.ii iinver bearii il cliai^.ii that they Inn ni-1 tm.UM. or villages, i- lidiiitei. or ?linn? \\-.t\ niu I? sti-il iioii-U'llip'r-iils. ?*x?.*e i in sonic siie'i tviiv H . 'i I. ll Jilare'/ can MIIOW tin. itnulVary, ?ve ..i* o-- Ile- la.-l tu ju?iiry,il. .... r.i".of Hie i'le-nliiil. tu ll".- excesses " .! "i . i- french lietmyr tie- ? ir ? ni re ...?..1.. . .l in* ;??ke-1-.-.;? "lui pan:--to iliaovvn ii. Won.i ?.? may have ?lone, graiilel il waa the Wi .'. !.n . ..-> i. is eapabie m. .1 i> >.. 1? . ..milli neil. n.i. iiilateii. Tin* lilli nier of u lill - lin d ami tweiity-tnroi- l'n iurliiin n ii .il- eu ?usini? ca timi m 1.Illing ?hi.'ir nnupaliiots elsewiiiT may have ? 1--ti? I'resnl m .luaii uni ref-r to Cn' iniiiisaci' Ofii?I ive Mexican Imperial oftle? rse.i I 'll M.1.1 i: iimh lu- lilli-! li ?i- lillie.'.!: |? Wlieii I.?' "I"l" "ll tie ????lu?' \|..ii. The ???Uclal repuri of (km. U.a.: wu Leii?r? :ii:'l In* is i-nilli'ni i? silent in rcjiaril 1.. IIS hom tile ilotails liulii Hu- t'tiili'il Sink's, ?i> we irii?! thy will, ?hall have cst IM Inn- tu i?c?'oiiui f??r il. li ?>. nave nu means nt :,lay ni;,''--ucli ba - harli K'S lili'? Sliolllll ttl le*! ? ii. liehl up io die exe ciaiimi ..!' inaiikii?ii. .Itistte??, Iniinauiiy. ?nil./_i ?_i??ll. im'! :-? il i-sin-el. ii thc I ?0V1 !* nu tn lon-;!'! loiiiiiiiie in i * * i !'!*.?* i mi n I ??[ 11 'i . ?,-,?iii Iniu. aiike 1I1 mainl il. C't .l. ItlOllTS DiUritlXK. 'in l-lrvntwj /Vi."/ is ipili?! ra.-y "f late, lt -?f..-nU.- mil frankly alni malu s nu iiiiccaliiic-it of ii? view-, li says on Wi.liii-.ilay. speak ni',' of Mr. .II.HI;I:-UN II WIS; l.el Iii.? fin inls, nf wh. de :>|I|I HI.- lo have smite in inuli itiaces, ?v?irn hun lu !.. prudent. Hi has im business herc: he ha? nu ritrlii m ?vtuli mir si reels, lu Hanni himself in the U ifsoflh?.' ?viiloWi ami orphans Ins crime ami In's siiit-iieel:?*?! |?:rsisi eiiee in crime made. I ei him <-imk away, over byrom ls. in a .: .??se earris^e. lo nmno obscure inn I unknown s|s?i. ami liiere hide littu.-elf. VIIII ??II Thur?ilay,.siR'itkin'.' ol a N'orihcrii mali tone nf thc kimi thal President JOHNSON clauses -.lill I? ??"is. I III" /'"Si suv-; .In.I-. - !?'. I. .. im?) a ,1.4hl ,.. np. ?k m ."?.lui.;;... ),. innl a nu. il I?;n-i ile hiileivst laimiiajLiu I.t!-i cmnuiainl". ami tm m:e hail lim I t'll! io iiilemipl lum. Ahold ih' wisilom ?ifiiiteiiiiu ir! iati?ig lan L,'I?I"" wo will say not inn*; now; ihai 1? nut the .?Ui-i "!i. Mr K?.*ile? is nu A m 1 ieaii citizen; le luis i. ii Jil m .?.i? hi's say ?vlierev.T mir ll.-:,' Iii?-; alni whoever atleiujils tu ind rf?-r?' ?M'li Hii.- il: ii' eoiiiiiiilr :< ci mi", ami oii-rhi m li. piuii-lieil. amt we n; .o Si .? Ill's aclniuwl.-il^eil m Molt le. Whal a imtll'M of iiun-eiise tm - iv ?rd u"!ii'' 1.? makin:; m Ame:icuti allairs, .1. 'Vi:.hi:s I'ssrrii STILL AI.'.VE. \ ...lier rr??m A ii.: re?? M. Wu,,:, :,, , ...Iv.-im,. Texas, lo ti e. Ve?* ?li!.si;? l'ii.*iiyii!ie !.!? ? an ?iee 'uni II I I." l?.r?ie*.v with a Kciiin-maii ni li; len tia. ??!:.? bol won a in't of live lum o- i| dolliir-thal |:.ut!i ?. t !?!iv?>. mri h u! pr.?| leeil *|:.. ...m, ,,| m ?u-u. - leeti .1 l.y :l?. e...:, ,? i,, ? lin Ix.-l W;i- neille ?Iii? r,i.v?.*:?!.tn:il th?.; Ittel , en Thiswr.ler says ih:?l P'.-.l'n - v.l . t .. u .'ii-i ;s known u liv- person..- msi? . titni v ?!tat i:< :. IP toil?, h-is living m "li-.-ii.">. I."in ir.- ua II'... ???lill: illili ls pell. l?||? s Ile. :!?,.,? . ll.? VII?. -I socutiipl :?. I'nai Ins u".ii i.ruiii-i" would ? . ,?<._: io/i Lim. A Nev. turi, eleiv"." i'." t.tilly, m tin ., u- of a s'-rin in :.evvii:i!?ii|; c.,.- c"lii:ie?s of bis ll?n-km relitcioiiij mailers, ??"il i.-iin lin kin?! ol c??nv. r.?i??n iii"-i smif;|;| after, by chuivh un tul? is ol Ino- lind been the convention ??l ecvcu-ihirlici. ONE PRICE li J 1 Ii i WT ly-iiU ililli H slU OUR Sl'RfNG STOCK CS NOW it ?lily. niHl com primos a bel tor assort ment of .wu Adapted tn this market limn WP: have ever offered. We have cive? particular attention ni getting up lliis Stock to light ii ess of fabric, strength ol' material ami durability ol' cdlor. .Much the larger portion ol' our Slock is made in our own workshop, and we warrant il in every respect equal to custom work. We have Goods nu,t ol'our own man* il facture, such a* are usually sold ready-made, the difference we shall he triad to show our customers. In fixing our prices, from which we make no deviation, we have taken into consideration the depressed stafe of the ni; ir kef. and the univer? sal desire to hay goods cheap. We give below some ol' our lead? ing prices : CHECK CASSIALEKE SLTlK . . ?s uO Al.I. KOUT. f>Vrlr;i *ITTS ') TJi ALL Woo!. T\\ RED SUITS 13 M j 8 LA CK AND WHITE MIX CASSLMERE SUITS, uttr ..wu make lb DU TIIIM'.K BTM.ES <?l ??'OULI^KX I Assi? ze,;!: sn's PAUK, MEDIUM, ANO LIGHT MIXTURES W ?I BLACK VNI.? WHICK MIX CASS) M EKE sr i rs . ....... . . -2-j wi SILK MIX TKICOT, DIFFERES!" MLX TURES .?4 UO l-l SK BLACK GEKMAXTK1COT SUITS 27 M O.vUK URiiWX ti!: MN OK I (?UDER seri's . '?t \m BLACK !U;ESS SUIT?, ranging in pricu fr.un ill) l<> iii m' LIXKX - ITS. fruin . i."- hi 2M i"0 in addition to the above, we have many good Styles of LiUliT AM) DARK FANCY CASS 1 M E ll E S, LN FUJxL SI ITS' And in Pants and V ests. A I.SO, ALPACA SACKS DUAP DEETE SUITS MARSEILLES VESTS, White anil l aney] BLUE 1-LANS EL SUITS. ol' very linn quality HEAVY WHITE DUCK SUITS, &c, ?ce. FURNISHING (iOODS. In addition to our usual assort? ment of (iKNTI.KMK.VN FURN I.SH? IN! i l??)01>S, we wish to call parti? cular attention to our SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Wi- have made arrangements to have our Sill HTS made by our own Pattern., and we think they will compare favorably in style and lit with any Shirl on the market. TUFA' CO.uTKlSF. FOUR (JUAL ITIKS, fr* 50, $:{ (Mi, :>o. and .fl <M). We invite the attention of C'O't'N Tll\ HFJiCilANTS and l*LA!NT KHS TO OUi* STOCK, which, we are selling in ({liantHies at very low prices. MILLAH, mum 4 PARKER, Xo. 270 mmi STREET, CORNKR OF HASH;. ( i LAKLESTON ? S. < . aliy 1.1 lav) .'" A KU Ifcl). On Thursday, May l'.ih. !W>7. by Rev. I -i mu? . EDWARD FORDHAM lu LEONORA M. P'.-.NN? this eily. .' SPECIAL NOT?OLSc cr LS I rv i;i>l.l.K'i;oN i>USTI.Tr!. Kt /'< '.. ilKOllOLANA ).:. I. vlACITIUii |>etilimi :. lierai ?iaie testimony in rolatmu lo a lilli (.ion-li .tito f.'it ul Lil Hil in R du'- viM . in ti i- I i- ri t .1". :..... vvyed by THOMA", If. (iUUbWY; in il.' ii.i MM.CIUK, ?mi hy MICH \ KL M Vi ?li I Ki. Mi lil'l/KH VNA Ki T. MA?? EIRE, .ni or aho.ii Hie -- ila} < November, in tia year i*>i*.|. na hearing ?i? j.*: it mn i; tills ra.-, on liiot.on -i i?. I?. VY'LLIAMS. petiiioitei Solicitor : un! 'titi. Tiwi ?<:: p. r-ons .n ancwis-- um T-.-I Oil III'...aili Lot of l-ili i h ii tn . ar iii", >:ir. td rn, etfiii! m WalterlMi/iiiali. mi M>m?-vi, ?h.- I Tin il., i .lilli- iiexi, m libo?* cau-e. li aay they lz?y.%.wiij ti. prayer of the petition, r should m t bi- -?ruuted 1!. STOEE-J. ?. E. C. TL Commissinuer's Ollie". Walti-ritoroiyli, M.iy IT. IST,; Al ny -.'3 ll; i itv- ASSIGNEES XOt'lCE. .11 ..H'S fl.Ai'.V. bavin:; executed tn Hi.' nndersicned ;i HKHiiOFA.*; SWNMENT l'or th- bcne?t ofilia de ?tors. 11.' !i?..?. ni llir said .lui.iu-i I'LAi ii arr h.-r. ir. I- fl. .?!? ?! to In-. l at thc Ol?ee ol SIMON'S .v SIEGLING. Atiorucys .11 Law, on Moutlai/, I'M '?"th inst., at la o'clock, Merill ian, fl : Hu? iuir|n*>sc of proceeding to Hie tippoiotiucnl of sn ?gent or uj*ciits. DAVID WALLACE, ) . . . I.-'NAC WALLACE, I ?V-'""M;: May *j wthsti ?TTHK FOLLOWING l?r-SOr/JTIOX.AWFT KD by tho I'-oavJ of Fire Misters al us la?t meeting, is published for Hie inform ttinn ni the Fire Department! ff--.?...'?-.../. Tlial a Hui! of fifty if? lara ho mi any Comn-niv tint shall ilinlmv fences, pus's, ur any pr -afe ur pllbt'C |imp:>ny whatsoever. I ir nurp"--- ol fuel or otherwise, unless in 1 ?sen! a general mnHcrnth' '. ?uni with thc sinetioti nf the otHcer present in eommarni of Hie Department. Hy order. H. M. STROBEL. May 'tl R Clerk aud Snpenntemlent. .T**- BATCH?TOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID HAIR DVE is ?ie best in the world. Th<* only true and i*>rf'.cl Dgt-harmless, reliable, instan taui'OUR. No disappointment. No ridiculous tint*. Natural HUck ur Drown. Remedies the iii effects ol' IM Ufa, Itivi?;uralry the bair, leaving it ?oil and beautiful. Tho genuine Is signed William A. ttat'Mur. All others arr mere iwiiaiious, ami should ls? avoMei!. Sold hy all DruSi'St* :H!'I IVrfiiiuers. Factory, No. si Hardey ?Irrel, Nra* York. "~ -? titi' HEW\RE?VF ACOL^'T?ii?S?vi-. lietel.ri" ~ -1? tar AKTIF?CIAL i".vi:s...-AKTii-i TAL HU? MAN EYE*? iiiaile n< order and inserted by Drs. HA I'Clf and I'. GOIJGLEMANN liormi-riy employed by SoiHSos*, 01 Panai, No. RM Druadwity, New York. April U ivr ?-WK AKK AUTHOIHZED TO AXXOUN! 'h K. M. VVHITIN ;, Esip. a? a candidate mr Sherill o' Cbarltfsion 'Judicial I JJistrict. at tlic next election. Se|iteml>cr l'? air l'III*. ORAVEiT MALADIES OK YOUTH AND F.Ali .Y MANHOOD.-HOWARD ASSOi IATI?N ESSAYS, on the Physii lotty '?, Pwaioua. and Ibo Krrors, Uiuses and Diacwea |iei:uliar to the llrst ?RC of man. with ltet<o.-ts on new methods of ireatnienl cm pluyed in this institution. Sent in sealed letter en velopes, free of diarite. Addr. DH Dr. .1. SK1LLIN HOl-OUTON, lb-ward Asm-rial mu. Phdaiielpllia, Pa. May ?ill timo tte- NOTICE T M A li INK KS.-C A P T AI NS AND PILOTS wishi-i to anchor Uicir vewe? in Ashley Uiver, ari.- reipiesii il 1 .1 lu Jo so auywhiTi' within direct ramie nf th.- ii Hie SAVANNAH RAILROAD WHARVES, mi Hie (.'harli . inn .-Mid st. Audn-w " *ide the Ashley Uiver, hy which precaution, ..untar! wiN ihr Submiar?ue Teleijrapli Calilo ?di he avoided. s. C. Tl UNEIL J I. M. Harbnr Muster's Oilier, Charleston, February f?, IS615. February 7 ?1?-KUKUKS OF YOI i'll. A OKNTLEMAN who snflTereil tor y.-.n . irvin Xervou? Deluiity, Vf. mature D>*ear. and all :l.:t.-rt- nf yniiiliful uioi-sere lum. will, for th< sakeoi suffenuu hu11rn.11>. send rnw, ti ll wini lii.sil il. the rr. ci|.l mid din-etions for niakiui! in . unpiu riiui.u.. i... a mell li? wm> 1 in .1. Sn Jerri's wis'i: utn prolll b> the ailvrtisi-r'-i i-xperieuee. can do sn by . ilrensiiiir, m peiicct eouiiiieiiee. .liHIN I'. OfiDEN, April'.' aiu.m* Se t'? i.Vilur street. New York. *WA YOUNO I.AI?Y UEI CUNINC ro HER ??iiUHlry home, aliei :i sojouni ol a lew inoinlis m Hw eily, was har Hy :..?ii./cii ny ber Inemis, :? pl r. o! a liar-?. - n- : 1 *. il 11 - li. ? . :a..., tin. hail .t . -t: ruby . ?. :< plexi"'.: ni almost marl.:.. Niiiiiniliiirss, and m u*ad ..I tw tity-llirrr ?lu reallv ipjK.-ansl bm . e. !::. r:?. Lr|w.:? Li ijinry ns ui the isuise ol sn urea! .. idiaii-ie, .-lie jdaililv told tliriu thal slieiis.i| Mi- I'I Ki vs ..; PALO, niel eiiiisldured it au iuvaluatdi: ar<|iusiiimi t- in? lady'a toilet. Hy its useiuiy Lady 01 ilrnlli nn-.i ran iuiprnvr t.. III \m-r ?.ina! appearance an hun.Ired lolit I; i- nimplo m its rnnibination, as Nature InTsd; 1? simple yei iitisurpass . din ils elliiac'y in dia\.-i?: impuniies loen, aluo lK*al lli)!. 1 It-M.'isill^ and 'smitil} inj- ?lie ?!,;ti : ...I rein:.Irv...n. 15) its dhert iirrinii mi tl.miele ii draws in-iu tai! i's impiiriti'ii, niinl'v healui", lin-saun-, atid leaving Hie sur ? .'an-a? Natur-- li.lelldiil it sluillld lie-.-Irin', soft. Ntliooth m.I ti. au'mil. I'riee .. I. sent bj Mail ><r Express, ott rr ?ei|il "I an I 'd-r. by VV. I.. 1'I.AKK ts CO., "hniii-ltu, S... :i Wiatt l ay. ??.- vm !. s-yrarii*', N. Y. Tl.niv American Ajjeiiw tor the salu ol' lin- KUUC. Man h WI ll U?- li.-A I TI IT I. IIA?K. < lii:\Al.l!'.is UFE Fuit I K MAH: p -iti.'- 'y rnsmies arny h;..r 1. ns ortiiiu?s 11 . . and vi-nih!ul beauty; 11nj .ul- li.'e ju. streUKtli in : 1.. weiikrt-i bair: >i <-'."" n* l?ll'i.? uni ul ?mee; keep* th. head cluan: is uni vralleled a liai, ilressiiiit. Sold iv all Driijiifists and lasbionaWe hur dr-Hsers, mid a.* 1,,? "Ihr-. No. Mil ?.?i'.ia.l'.iay. New York. f ARAH A. 1 ii KY A.. LER. M. l> l> I IVIE .M MO?SE N... Lil MCeHtn.' .?treet, Op|HM?ti! i'lwrli'Kioii UnioL Juunaiv i Vmoii Kh" HA LE'S VEGETARLE SICILIAN HAJJI ItENKWElt has proviil itsrlf tn be tin- most pern-el [.Te {?oration tor the hair ever 1Hfer1.1l lo ihr publie. lt is a Vejietalilc coiii|K>iUld, and routailis uo iujlllioua projiertieH whatever. IT WI I.I. RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. lt will keep tin- han-1 mm tallitu.' -nu. It rlriuisirs the scalp and main s ihr han suit, lustrous and silken. lt is a splendid hair dressiiut. No prrsi.ii. ul.I ur youiiji, should fail 10 nr.. it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND i*si;!> HY TJIE Fllisn MEDICAL AITHOUI rv. tt? - Ask tor Hali's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rein wir. "lid iain.-.tiler. R. P. HALL .* CO.. Nashua, N, il.. Pruprlelora. For sal.-iii all DrV'g'islA Who! -al?-ny IhiWJM-? 31?1SE, SUCCESSORS TO Kl Nil \ |n.*.\S .||iKV, Mareil 1 iblv L'hariestoii. s. C. BARNWELL SENTINEL ?S AN EXCEI.LEN1 \ DVKRTI>IN<.; M EDI I 'M. 1.1 I Mereiiauts ann bUfUiess mciiiri 11 iura lew inoutiis. -No n.-k 110 itain." semi on ymir eanis ami increase your tribiu lins lall. I lien 's uotJiin^ lo ..-.pial l'rililei*'* Ink-it has made maiiyn inrtiiiie. Terms tor tin- paper- :'?> pei anmii 1. ni Silvain e. Advertisements lliscrteii ai lin.-ru.1 .-I |?.-r Mpjan* ot tweive inn s or Uns lor each itisertioii. i .nil? .-i i- .1 lines --i lesa, ai un- ran- .-i il ? lor three months. Contracts by Hieyvamr i..r ri\ mmitlis, alb.wiiiir pru ile;v .ii ebali^in-i, mi nmre mvor.ilne n-.-iu-. V-mre-. KMtt \I.|| V Lit' 'N-^i ?.<. rm: ii vin ON S? AH. I^STAHLIsHEl) N'KARLV I'WEXTV YElRs AOO. I? _j piibiisbeil at Mar..-.' .. in the . entrai portion .-. nu.-ronni ry. .mo oilers .1 lavnrabie e. 1.1111111 10 M.-r .-hauls, i IIII",:I-O. Mai luuists, ulm ...i .. who tlesir* lo extend lin ir lilisnns-.- in !.. -. I.:-.u-y. l oi- the bein ni..ur auvvrti.-ui^ }... . 1 . -?--. H.- shalt in addi!;... '?ur subscription .'-'. ?!::. !i :.-. .uisiuiitl.v m. - reaMin:. publish aim .llstriniin.-?:ra.iilioiii.ii ;:ni-i .-\:r.. copies "I in- STAK, <li:i*niij lin i-a-ei- - M-a-ou t?i Fall; Ual." "I Advertisiii? llb- ra! U. .1 Mi hi RALL. November'Jo I .wm a.. 1 1 . mr. Tin: AIKEN IM.KNS IT IS PKOPUSI D I" ITHI ?-il IN I.D rowN Ol Ai, ..ii. S. 1'.. a VV. lily J-.II-V 11.?..rr lin-al?iv< titi -, lo i..- lievoieil :...,. in!- ;:: .eu-.. - p. ;. a.. i un mal. SM ia i. I.ll-rai >. and .e.i.!--ii- -...i iii- ..,rl melli ni Aiinculliire, incui-liei; ile ! tl-!, tin '..reiian-. Un- V'ttiL-yaid; ale! nie ..;. h-ii, V \- .... -i.nn.u, .. j, . .l iam .1 diu? ?1 "i lin importan! -ie..!-.: ?.. v.,, ?J will ..,-. upy a p mu? ..! de ?.. i '!. ?lid i?ir:i- !ii;.r ..tieii lion will l?- yiv.-.i ti.-thi; 1.11? . . i 'pir-iioti el l^iVmr. a n- .?I adapted t.r nnv .on...ii"ti. aral t'lii- <?.??., .ieti .I th- re-oitr . ? .. tin* ?-. it ry m Mutiita. b.r?-, \ ;.; :uliitr -, I- rm:-ra; .:ii... 'in-1 Vim -yr.will;'. I ..rill- -.a ;.i .-. tl. ?V RAVKNI !.. I li-. VV D Knuti.\sf. Publisher. Jainairi ? :i !.: s r )! i K H :-. 1: \\ rs. ..Alii: .v L.S'1'EKN. Proprti 1 .; .. |5 VDL?sii ci.? EV-' :i: y .TR l" its DAV. AT SI ?<:>? ....i" :.. 1'ii. Tili-; surr;.;: w rh *;AN Is Pt-ISL?s!IKt? KVltUY vvr.i?Ni>Di . .. -i '.:. . 1ER. :;. C.. by Uil.RI'RT A- ll itt ir ?po icrs. i FUI K DOLLARS p. :- ... . . .. .1 .. I.D :I...-. Advertise nil -nu msertui :.i usu... :.u tvi-ry -tjie ..; .loo J :..!..'.. ..-.;:.. i n '?. :'t ly ie ano ?ivatesi .t:-p.-:aj. -? ,.ie:n.*.-. .. SKlWiVG. _ Ko lt LIVHPP?M'I..-TIIK \i...rie ? ri?:- ?in,, i;<-M?\V. F. C Jordon . ".*** ..,"." r ?til i.-i ."' tor ? .. above. . .# / I' I . J ?a~ ? . ??iri I . : . .,,. . IHM ? Will app y I" . .1.11 N iV.. IRKNHOLM; Mi< J : Piii Wharves. . . i-'or. l.rVKHPOi'L.-THIi ?t(NEW) v, ri i .>.,, I? IM RAY. J. lou Master, will >"...-'. luv? ? i .. .i" v.-|...r:. . ! or Ki. i!-!.: ..tfeaiwUH nt.? apply t.. COI UTEN A Y ft ! lt KN 'OLM. "'ay ls i iii,,!] Win. rv ea. : i;ti XKH" "i Oiilv. ItKGV'LAR CNTCED HTATES MAH. l.iS.. Kiu.-rr CAJUN PASSAUS TEN DOLLARS. UNI: IK THE FAVORITE ANO ELEGANT STEAM? SHIVS i.'.IW!i)S.-i. UK\N?D.\. WILL LEAVE AD O EU'S SOt'TH VVH.VRi EVERY SATURDAY, THE STEAMSHIP SAR A GOSSA CAPTAIN CBOWELL, '.Vi I.I, LEAVE A DOER'S SOUTH Wis AK? oil fSalnrday May 25th. ISSI, at ll ..'CiOCk. RA YEN EL ? CO. May wsi KO ii "??LST? AN I> *K? n?L?T TUE iT-AMEB W- "W- FF^AZIER, CAPT. JOS. F. TORRENT. flTTLL LEAVE VTLASTIC WHARF AS ABOVE, > > Friday, May -ii. al 8 .relock A. M. shippors will uko notice Hut uo goods will be receiv f.l uni.-: the Kreisln it prepaid. FOT Freight ur Passage, on board .ir to JNO. .v THEO. GETTY, May 23 No. 48>i East Bsy._ KO K a Hml?E Tro w x .s.e., TOICIII.XO AT SOUTH IS!,l\D. W.IVK.I I.V MILL?J, A VI) LWDIXGS OX TH Hi WA Cf A .MAW ANO BLACK RIVERS. THE FINE STEAM EB OB 1VI I L I E, CAPTAIN ISAAC l'A'. I?. ."irnLL LEAVE no?..! . r.iy-^--...r rrrrstY V\ j/.(?u'uy ..? MIN i k turning, wu! leave < M.'orii..T"Wii evvi ll -M.... ,. it-.rmii;/, it ?5 o'clock. Frvhjhi riveued .1.;' : . >r. d tr.-nar:'... For freight or paMci W. W. SHACK ELFORD, No. 1 boyce's Wharf. N. H.-All freight must be prepaid, .md "noue . -.> >d after dark Mav23 j PJ?H SO? TH EOlSTO, JEHOSSEE, FE.V I Wit K'S INLAND A.M) WAY l.AMM.XOS. rp HE STEAMER IDEA, CAPTAIN CHARLES WTL JL LEY. will rcceiv . freight This Day at >outb Atlauric Wharf, ami lea wen To-Mum* Muming, ?ita lust,, ai 8 o'clock. Eur Freight or passage, appiv on hoard, at South Atlantic Waar!. I* May 23 VS THE STEAMER PILOT BOY IS AT present und r oinv,' r pa rs. tnere will be no si amer ? t thc Ch irlesiou and >avanuah steam Packet Lille I hi* pert lor Savaiiuah ou FrUlxy, 'lila in-t. Mayat 3 SEW YORK AND UK EM EN STEAMSHIP CO.ll HA X 1. THE FIRST-CLASS H. >. MAIL STEAMSHIP BALTIC, A. G. JONES, Master, Will Icavo Pier N?. 46, S. H.. on Saturday, April 20, at Noon, FOR SorrilAMPD? .WD BREMEN, I raliiu : pasuuiigerx io Southampton, Loudou. Havre and I,.-emeu, al ?ne lol'OWl. it t au*, paya ole in ?ole. or ita Cf|iii*ya?. .ii ii uiirreuey: VAT. 'i't. ?11'?; second Cabin, iff; Steeratre, *-ff, I l!r- 'non. Soiit?iampton and Havn io New xoi?, Kiisi Calmi, tJe;s?eeuthl Cabin, 6*4; Steerage, ?43. KW. I:-?IO.X" TicKi is ncr AND HUME-First Cabin, KU??; fnicowi Cabin, $130; Steerage. . "0. Wi .-M.I;S ME*l'i;CPULI . Capt. WM. WEIS.May* i NEW tflKAMKIi.May 18 l. r :?... tilter i a uppiy t > MAA?' TAYLOR, President j Fe ruarv" 2" 1? 4'? UruaUwav, N. Y. I JEW VUUK AX I) CHA'ILESTON STEAM. Stilt* LI:>E. COM PUSE 0 OF TU E NE ?t \M? i- LEG ANT SIDE e HEEL) SJElMsUU'S : MANH.'.TTAN.M s. IVgopBLXL Commander. ' i HA.'.ii't?.?.R. W. LOCKWOOD, Commander. i FUR NfcvT VOUK. I ,. THE FAVORITE SIDEWHEEL 1 . ' . STJAMSH1P "CH '.Mi'ION" *ili leave j 5:..i. i. trim ..rii-Aii A. CO.*II south Whan on j . ":- . .." r-- .f>u?rd-iy :t xi. .Ma\ 'JSlll, at ll oV'odC \. M. i it j shi|>s ul thin l.nii! ar- provided wah tho j HUM! ..;.).?:., \ i A?.'CO.Vi.?Hio.\J'ION.*for shecomtortof ; . :u-'>. as J iiwa.v .? llt>|-i..u?>. ." un iii? . liu':i!-io:i i!, ii..- o ly bidCWbCCl Hteamer : liuit Itavi.n '.'?i?.!.m dux werk. i,j' Al' J'I'-IJ'I. .,;.iii.'.i.s intu? bc aiadu at tbs ? Oliii.i' o. Cn A'r.'ii'K. i'..r I ivi(.'b: i?r Can-a. -, ?Jiply lo ; h'J! BKOTHEJvn x C '., No .'4 Eatft Hav. j Age?ilH m s.-iv Voil.-HENUy ii. yoiW.VN i CO.. No, I M lir-Miiway. >'. Ma> 20 THE S! .-\Mf.R "DICTATOR," IOHO TO vs BCRTHK.M, U x PTA IN I.. M. CON ET TE It, ^Y1'!! LLEAT'EMIDDLK ATLANTIC WHARF EVERY ? )T Frtiltti Xiv'* , at'J "''-I'Jck, for Savannah. I i'or frei ut or pax- .*<.-' apply cm hoard or to orr).- of J. I?. AIKEN At cu. Agent*, Mu\ ni South Atlantic Wharf. TUR? TilM?T JU FLORIDA Chflrtastou aiifl Savannah Ste?im Packet Line. VIA OKA ? J'OKT AM) MILTOX HEAD teamer PH (?T ?OH..captain W. T. McNin.Tr. ? -N amer El.I/A I! \N> i>\ - Capta li K. Rtcitxim- y. I si. ann r FANNI I.C.ipi.un D. B. VrSCENT. J j- ?Vi .CCU.U.M??U\ri?>N WUARF. CHARL? I ON, ! J.- aii'l c...!. -iou V'tian, Savannah, every Monday I W.-itliec lay, Kri.lai and Nisunlai inoruiu^.". ai 7 o'clock Th- I'll..?! I'a'V l.'iiv..- Ciiarie^iou ov?sry Krida v. aud 1 savaniuii ever;, -ati.rd .?. ! h? I Ll/ \ UANI'UA ?oavoji Charleston every Wclue* fc?\ alni samnlaj. ar.n >avai:ii!iL every Mun lay au > i ri I ?ie FANNIE ieaws . 'hari.-s ..n every Moini.iv, anil Savannah ? ? ry tuc u..\. touelui g at t'.iuilton goimj al vt r-'ll: lillie. |>. i iii r-- el vivi la Ij alni stored irei; of .iuuye. I'Vcmhl t.. ad iKiiutf exvep: Mivannali init-i tnj ptepaid, No F.eijihs rc?xi?cd alter .uuik?t. For rieuiht >r l'x--a_.-. ap;uy to 1 i.i:..i'-?>> ,v UOI.MEs. \gent?. Ciiarl.'iton. >. C. CLAG HORN -v CL'NlNGIlA.M. Aue,..-. Savusmaii, oa. \. H.-Thnni th Tick- ?* *ofd at th. Olli?*? "i : io Agen? cy i. Charle-I li t" iHii.iiti on the ItluiUe au 1 Gui; Rail* road, a .d u> K.-rnandiiia aud |R>iut* on the St. Jouu'a i *J VT. April 1*. ?y.?.^.M.1- ? S U1VK IT \ Y MK TRIAL i*n\> SOAP u. Pilli - i ?NI. ? io RI: P>I:I? TO pr...e ,i> -u:.. -:., IV., ira, >vu ?vti!d i ..; it an-i y?>u ' .. ei?nvtu,od liai i; i -:i.,.i ? r i >..!.?' oti.t.* . leartet Fer .al.' lo i.r.".:.- -''ii.- '."..v. Ma ..::.i. . ... i vV?.i ll it VC't'N't. ls", front ivii. Nen : i - i KI.. ? ? GUERE!: \ y. '.':TIV. ti J'l- li"' I .'v l C. ? .>. \"~. !'a>t ? av. GPO. v.. WILLIAM . ft CO.. Comer ? hittvii risytu -..ri ets. in WI i .. . OISE. l?nt; N... ;;.i -iii-.-:. . ';! -:.. Ctiarit'?ton ii?-r.-l. 1.1t!" .' V ? wfiutir/to BOOK-KEEPING, !.,.;?-?!.! Wis ?Mi K-KK?J'!\?. rPi::: SI MMER .!'.:. . U- ANO OESFRAI. IT'LL .. M I r'tu-/ut'. .'..\':/;i';V'.'.".''. ! i IN t". ?.". . " ', i ?> nisi. vulTHMhi:?-. ?i-;-., i ! - 't . 'run ' ... :;. i.v ! Viii ?Es. Charleston L.' ra: . itiulduig, IJlvad ?nt!t. Mai ?ninv