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j WEDNESDAYMOUSING, ii A? ?3, 1W7. 1 (frein IA? Old Guard, for Junt.\ ';."c 10.0111?. .. , !' ''.?X PAOI, p.'UA??fE. ' Wu.t'Urne tho rosy, HUBIIIDR Weat . .Weep, aofl on copso ?nd rf ingle. Wherein tho nunnet shadows real, Or richly float end mingle. .Iii!-'. ? " n; ? When dorrn tho volo tho wood-<10Te'e noto . Thrills In t> cadence louder, ' And every rare, ethereal moto ? ,. .Turns to a. winged anlondor. ' UL Just sn tho my M tie cloud-lauds ope. Far up lliolr aapu li o : ' Fair aa L'io fairest dr. am cf Hope, Half goddess sud half mortal. e???Ta:->?f' i - ir. ? . ; I seo that lovely Genius rino. That child of Orient trances. On whom swoot (ace tho glory Ito? Of Weird liol le nie fancies. ' T.? " * Jr '. Chlorist bonesUi whoso procr?ant tread All earth yields up her sweetness- . . Tho vlcicl'n scent, tho rose's red. Tho dahUah's orb'd completeness. . , And v er?u cea on tho myrl s I hills. The breath of her puro duty Hath aureed to Ufo by auarkllog rill*, .. ?'? And foUsgod nooks of beaury. ,1 _ tiH ? ?jl TH. Tul bloom, sud odor, blush and song. Bo HU oorth'a radiant apace* Thc fading touch of sin, or wrong, liOSYCB glad tho Vf airiest focos, fi >:w v if *.. ? . I V .! -.-? - . .I] VIII. ?'v f>' And 60, Uaro'' happy auring-lide dolla, O'er mount, and Held, and river, : "Har Zephyr's fairy clarion B wella, .' .1 ? ^ * * JUST fdotatopa glance forever I . EUl^PEAT? IMMIGRATION. SPEECH OP GEN. MU. WAGEKER. In oompb'auco with a resolution adopted at a pre? liminary mcoting of tho ci tizona of Darlington Pin? ino t, bold at Floron?o on tbo 11th inst., au ad? journed mooMng.wbicb. waa largely attended by tho plantera In1 that vicinity, took placo Saturday last, for tho pur pou o of initiating moas urea tor tho promotion of Europoan immigration, ond to hoar the Views of Gonoral Jo UK A. WAOENLII, tho Com? missioner of Immigration of this Slate, who had boon invited to attend. Ga mot ?on of General W. W. I ? MILLEE, Mr. S. F. WILLIAMSON was called to preside. General WAOBHEU waa then introduced, and H pu ko os. follows : Afr. President* and Petiole-Cit liens : I am grato ful to you for, tho,privilege of hoing prosout ou this ouoasion,' and I mosi siucorcly appreciate your - patriotism, whioh hos prompted your as nombUug. It ia now about twenty years ago, that I Aral addressed tho public or South Carolina in fa? vor of onoyuruging Eur op eau immigration. It wau then to pre voat tho out flux of that iminonso capital, which ?an annually spoilt by thu largo planter? iu Ure purchase of . meats, provisions, horses, swine and manufactured goods fro.ti other parts of tho country, and with whioh our Stato was entirely competent to supply horsolf.tthrough an additional industrious and diversified population. But it was thon held dangerous to our thou peculiar institu? tion,' and for thrco HUCCUSS?VO sessions of tho General Aeaoinbly I applied in vaiu for a charter for tho., society that had established tho German soltlomout and town of Walhalla. BubBqnout events 'hive demonstrated, that I was right and tho opponent!-, of tho uioasuro wore ?icing ; for ot tho Europeans that had found a homo in our mountains, not ono hos bcou found obnoxious to tho Utato and hor institutions and measures; t heir industrious and prosperous habits havo boon ac? knowledged, and tho bones of th e ir eona lio ble ach? ?n g on almost ovary field, whoro Carolina valor bab exhibited, itsolf. JNow, ho wo vor, ovary objec? tion must havo ceased and our actual nocoBsitics of - tho moment admonish us, that what was loft undono in BCSBOTJS of \ prosperity and power, must not bo Melsyed any longer in our day of adversity and weakness. An overwhelming proportion of our population hat' bh&riged Hs Btatua. '. Thoro in a threatening oloud'in-tuo horizon of South Carolina, from'which oven all tho other Southern States, excepting ono Lcaideu herself, aro exempt. It is tho preponder? ance of tho colored population. It is true, the vr bite people aro tho representa Uvea of all prop? erty aa bcroloforo, and the colored people-lo their honor bo it said-aro Law-abiding ana well disposed to their native homo and their former masters. But will they bo lot alono ? Do wo not know that fanatical and selfish persona aro oren now inciting thom to opinions ond acts at variance with tho rights and dignity of tho community ? Are thoy not taught that thoy will havo tho power, and should oxoreiso it, to represent tho Stato and mako her laws to snit themselves ? How shall wo protect oura elven again ev such contingencies? I am' not opposed to tho black man. Un tho contra? ry, I ?ant lo encourage and improve him. I want to giro him Bohools and every facility for his ad? vancement, progress, and milo nal happiness. I want him to feel that, although of African descent, ho io a nativo of Carolina, that ho should love, re? vere and defend her os hm mather and the home of his children, and that ho should not allow tho stranger to como between him and his white bro? ther to stir up hatred and contention. I wanthim to have the full enjoyment of every right, incident to his freedom and the amplest protection of tho Law. But I want to retain a onmoicnt influence and power in tho old ra co af Carolina, to conservo the rights of property, of publia and private security, and as u safeguard against |agrariarnjjm and fanatical de ooo il or H. Besides, under the al? tered oondition of things tho operativo power of tho present laboring class of South Carolina ia in? sufficient to develop hor resources, oren to tho ex? tent of her fonnor productions. I bolioro I havo uh own thia conclusively ona formor occasion; more? over, it is an acknowledged fact, which I will not now, therefore, further enlarge upon. Tho State wants a greater laboring force and an mr rc ase of ber producers. Immigration alone can snpply this want The question thon occurs, how shall we got immigration, and what must tho people do to fort hor tho measures which the 8 tato has re? cently enacted ? . I am ready and willing, and my official duties require of mo, to apply all my ener? gy and exertions to the accomplishment oftbat object. In doing this, however, tho co-operatiou of all good cltixonB is necessary', and besides, I moat not look lo tho particular interest of thia ono or that ono. but to tho necessities and prosperity of the people hs a whole, and thoa tho qnostion should lie viewed by tho people thom sel VLB. Lot us examino then together, calmly and reasonably aa if wo weiro entirely disinterested os individuals, this important matter; and not aa wo might desire it to bo,.bul aa it really and practically ia, divested of overy private consideration, and then wo may alsoagroo upon a plan by win oh " both ?tho general good, and your own particular interest may bo served. If wo take into consideration that tho wholo Im? migration ia but about 300,000 souls per year; that about 90 pur cunt, of that goes to Mew York; that of those 00 per cent, about 60 per cent, remain iu New York and tho Eastern States; that tho whole South has, heretofore, received only about 7 per cent, tho rest having gone to tho Weet; that Eurono is full'of agouti! of Mort horn associations and yVcstem Status, with pamphlets and adver tisementa, eotiiriir forth their groat inducements, and systematically abusing, decrying and tradu? cing tho South; and that the stream of immigra? tion usually follows a beton conreo, wo may form an approximate idea of tho difficulties which wo shall havo lo encounter, and of tho meagre ro? nni ta that, even under tho moat favorable circum? stances, wo may expect, unless we can offer unu usual and extraordinary inducements. As In all great undertakings, so in this, tho initiatory steps aro tho most laborious-tho beginning is tho most difficult After wo aro once fairly started-af tor n limited number of immigrants bavo found among us a pleasant homo and prosperity, thoy them'BolvCB will becomo so many agonis for us; thoir relatives, their friends and former nulghbora will hear from thora and will bo induced to follow them. Our plantera must not fail to consider tliis; we must lay our plann accordingly, and thou wu may build upon a Bolid foundation. Lot thom set apart ? portion of their surplus lands, to bo sold iu small tho immigrant, cheap and on liberal torins: lot thom offcrliberal wages to tho very -i havo an oye to tho gonoral welfare only, cuni ignoro thoir individual immediate gai?. This is a matter of uncertain calculation in every respect. Many WiU bo disappointed, but it ia a'matter of public nccoBsity; and thorefuro it would bu well- indeed lt IB almost Indispensable, that in every district, a society should bo permanently established, to work and assist this great movement for years, if necessary to its conclusion. In tuifl manner tito pooplo will becomo generally interested. Very fow have any idea how difficult it ia to rouao the mass of tho pooplo to a proper appr?ciation of thoir situation, ll is I ruo I have applications for labor? ers, bnt they aro indefinite irresponsible, vague and unreliable. I havo registries of buiidroda of thu Hamids of aerea of lands, Homo in almost overy district of tho Stato, but in many instances-yes, in tho majority of oasoB, tho pri?es ore too high. PcoploaskM5 per aero -for: their lands, whoro I havo riotfetd -publid Boleh In their 'imm?diate neighborhood at il and $2 per aero. I do not deny any man tho right to mako tho moat of bia poHBOsaionB, but it lo very fo^.iaB, where there is no market, not to mako ono by reasonable do manda, particularly whare tho property can luve no value for yoars to como, nh lo ss tho market Is mado. And aili thia in tho fae o of tho platform of the Republican party, "that as largo laud monopo? lies tend only to mako tho rich richer, and tho poor poorer, and. are ruinous to tho agricultural, commercial and social interests of tho State, tho Legisla tuto should oiler . every prac? ticable inducement ' for tho division and salo of nucooupiod . lands, Ac.," and in tho face, moreover, of tho rosolutUon of that great agitator and UUok Bopnblhan loader, Phil? lipa, ''that a largo measure of con?scat ion, ant] tho division of tho .confiscated lands'among tho no gr oca, is iiiperatlvely domandod, to secure tho right? of the negroes and the aototy of tho nation, FM*!! f? *PPi ?OBtice trpon tho rebol owners of tho land." 4Butthoeo thvoat? tna> be idlo as the wind; IRTME^HW?. ?"mi to tho fact that tho Er???r?? SLVf? H ? ?T0"1 ey ? tern, can prevail no tonger. ? ^ 8ald <f,y plft?tora 0f intoUigenco, that tiie oui uro of ooUm? cannot soc uroly le un? dertaken by large eenltiu. bcoauso tho uncertainty have boBn in^ttned, ho*. 6vor, that on ono of the bUnda near Cfharlestiin a planter works I /argo number of Immigrant laborers on ahareaV'with' nary ?M?i|N&ft^ character and gratifying reerwnalbUiUo?. I am ?o . ' '.tU17.TK i.?lt?l i.!(.<: ur, ? . .y.Tflvw .. ..*... ?Oc* -onfident of tho roe u por & HT o ixl wo r of South Caro? lina, not In consequence of tho well known resulta ' if largo plant?t loon, hut in vlow of tko faot that I ,llO furnier eau hero ralso every thing for hld homo ?onauuiption, and a bato or two of cotton besides, jomo ot YOU will perhaps bo astonished to lnnrn shat woi? tho exports of Booth Carolina A hundred roars ago. In 1747 our Kia to producod anti ox rico, cum, barloy, orangos, poas, potatoes, m io OH, llvo utock. beef, pork, bacon, butter,-pitch, lar, turpentine, rosin, mosts, boltsprits, booms, mn<, indigo, potash, oil of turpcutino, sassafras, ill kinds of lumber and limber, cooponigo, BkuiB, lallow, laid, silk, wax, loather,1 soap, candles, iirickH, and only Bevon bales ot cottou I Now wo import neatly all of thoso article*, and oxport lbout WH),tKX) bales ot colton to pay for thom. Thon ?C had a farming Kioto, now it ie o plantation Mute. . ... ?. . Tuero is anothor f.ict which mav bo curious to rou aud which I may hero moulien in? favor of rurmbig. Of all Ibo bacon thal comos to tho L'harloston niorkot. tho W's^pbalia, imported from Qerniony, olaims tho first rank and is worth ton cents a pound moro than the host Western. The Walhalla bacon, a real Carolina homo-curod, bow ovor, connu ands tho saino pneo and ia fully as grout a favorito as tho denn .n. Tho Bologna aausago, imported from Italy, is not superior, if equal, lo tho eausago of Walnnlla. What is dono in ouo scot ion of our State can bo dono in most uthers with equal caro and method, but lt is only tho farmer that eau and will apply it. I cannot dotain you too long, and, indeed, it will not bo necessary to onlnrgo further upou this Bub ?oct, for you will reflect aud solvo it satiBfaotorily for Yourselves. To bo piratical, howovor, I would i o? poe t fully suggest that you al onco form au as? sociation, or, if moro convenient, several associa? tions, to iuquiro and register among yourselves what lauds eau bo spared, and thon Bot upou thom Ibo most reasonable prices and moko tho moat liberal conditions. Farms may bo laid off in illly acres and upwards, giving sumo cleared and Homo wooded lands, with a proportion of good and inferior, as tho caso may bo. At tho samo timo lot tbeso associations oncer tain what ?abomrs you will want, and what is tho best you can do for thom ? Suoh associations could also very v. ell toll what prospoots tboro aro in any port of their districts for mechanics of ovory branch. How much hotter is it to bavo nil wanto supplied at hoinu, where tho cost will either bo spent again for some useful purpose, or go to tho increase ot tho general rosourcos. In all Ibis it should .nover bo forgotten that tho pooplo that shall como will tv y JIU- fellow-citizens and co? workers for tho .--cuperaUon of tho whole; that their descendants will mix with your descendant'!, and that their grand children may bo your grand,chilclrcn; .that however, s tran go their m annora may scorn to boj thoy will assimilate to your manners after a while; and that if you aro dis? appointed in Homo things, they also may bo dis? appointed in many things, Europ?en immigration is doemod of such vita! importance in the Wost that their measures for its acquisition aro .almost se lou tillo; yes, aud their schemes for overreaching thc immigrant, of getting hold of bia gold, and of forever fas toning bim to >' certain locality, uro a science beyond a doubt. Ami no wonder, when we remember that tho cold of tho yearly immigration ia equal to tho gold productions of all California. Tho dorman population of Charleston is about 3500 souls: and to ni y own personal knowledge over 50, 000 dollars in gojd bavo como io thom from their fatherland during tho last (WO y ears. Thus tho Weiite m people give liberal way ea to moohanies and laborers, and havo lauds in tho market at alf pricoa; besides, tn cir system of board and lodgings of thu immigrant workor oro perfect, and assimi? la ted to his European habits and predilections. To givo you au idea of tho hint, I bavo extracted from an emigrant papel tho following advertised rates of wages : "blacksmiths, $2 per day ; brloklayors, $1.75 ; oabjnht makers, $1.76 ; caipouters, $1.75 ; coopers, $1.75 ; eadulora, (1.76 to $3.00 : laborers, tl.uO lo fsi ; farm laborors. per month, fis to $21 and board ; manomi, 82 to |1 por day ; paiutcrs, $1.75 to (3 ; shoemakers, 11.75 to $3 ; tailors, $1.00 to $4.50. Ac, &c > Thou* lands thoy usually sall in forty and oighty acre tracts. lu Minnesota tho average proa of farms ?B thirty aoroe. In Germany a labor'-- got? from fifty to ono hun? dred tbalors a year a-;., board, which is about ?quai Ui that amount Of dollars in currency. In Sweden ho gets much loss. I should think about $12 por month and h.ard is au inducement for em i Kraut laborors to como bora, and, if their passago could bo advanced thom, our agenta might supply us at that rat?. As soon ns your farms will Furnish eu on .di vegetables, milk, and wheat or ry o for broad, tho cost uf board would not amount to much, if any more, than tho cost ef your usual al? lowance to your fonnor Hold hands, lu regard to tho keeping of tho European labor? er I will quotu you tho nd vico of tho Gorman Hom? ely of Now ?ork. I buvo slroady, on a former oc? casion, referred to this benevolent institution, which is withal very friendly to thu Boutb. Thoy aro goutlomcu ut largo means, who by their vol? untary contributions keep a bureau fm tho advice and nssiBteuco of Gorman immigrants tree of ans? ell argo whatever.. In their published olroular thoy say : Aa thc practical province of tho Bocioty I rop tho caro uf Gurman immigrants, I will dwell inoro particularly upon those points nhie, i i< late peculiarly to bis welfare. On his arrival at his adopted homo ho linds himself in tho midst of scones and customs eut ?rely now and strango to him. Ho docs not understand tho languago he hears spoken ; ho misses his acquaintances and all familiar objects, and moro important to his com? fort than all, ho Antis himself deprived of tho food which lifo-long habit hos made a nocossity to him. Perhaps it will not bo out of place hore brierly to describo tho situation of ordinary farm laborors in tho Gorman ULatcs. Thoy always re? ceive lodgings and board from thoir employers. As regards tho first, tboy aro supplied with warm, comfortable beds, generally placed in tho vicinity of tho stablos, or in tho upper portions of the dwelling houso. Their principal diet consists of leavoncd bread raado of bolted rye flour, and ot Irish potatoos, peas, beans, turnips, eabhagon, &c. They rise carly in tho. morning and before commencing any outdoor work receivo a bowl of soup or coffco, made of roasted cbiokory, peas, wheat, rye, or all mixed togothor, and milk. At 8 o'clock thoy havo breakfast, consisting of bread And- generally choose, lard,j.smoked bacon: or sausage, and a ration of whiskey. Half an hour is allowed for this meal. Dinner is taken at noon and consists of a thick soup, mado in Bummer of potatoes and green vegetables; In winter, of tur? nips, beets, peas, beana, shelled barloy or oats, bolled with potatoes and scaBonod with onions, fried in lard or bacon. Onos or twice a week thoy havo a plainer soup, and in addition a piece of corned beef, or pork,or sausage. On Sundaya fresh meat, auch no boiled beor or mutton. An hour is allowed for dinner. At 4 o'clock P. if., they havo a meal similar in all respects to tho breakfast, and half an hour's limo. Too doy's work closes at 8 o'clock, though during tho planting and harvest limo it in often ox tended. Tuon the cattle oro to bo carod for, after which supper is famished, con? sisting of boiled potatoes, sour .mlllr, ?0., and then tboy retiro. Mon working on their own account, and those omployod on public works, like railroads, turn? pikes, canals, and vt ho furnish their own subsis? tence, do not faro so woll. They havo, in most coses, only ono regular hot meal, and depend for tho rest on bread, cheese, lard, bacon, eausago and whiskey or beer. Their working hours aro about the simo as those of tho other class. It ls apparent that mon accustomed to this diet, and wannon used to preparing the same, would con? sider tho most liberal allowance of com m eal, or com in any shape, and American salt pork, aa almost absolute starvation. It is expedient, therefore, that planters who wish tc hire German laborera, and to make thom willing and officient workers, should either supply thom vith provi? sions which they understand how to proparo and can appreciate, or, if thia should prove lmprootl cablo, then to furnish them with well-cooked rations, until thoy bavo loamed tbat rom and bacon will afford as nutritious and palatable food as that to which they wero accustomed in tho old country. In regard to tho difficulties arising from the ig? norare o of tho language, and tho novelty of the situation, I consider il essential to the successful employment of German agriculturists, th \t they should be intermixed, os tar as practicable, wita mon who havo boon for somo years in tho country, who understand both tho Gorman and English languages, and aro familiar with the American style or agriculture and tho use of implements and ma-hlnes. If tho changea and improvements stated here can bo brought about, I entertain no doubt that German emigrants can be succossfoliy introduced into the South. (Secretary's Report.) Tho Gorman Society has, howovor. omitted to mention that tho above reguno is for the Bummer season, when tho day commences at half-past two o'cloo't in tho morning and ends at about nine o'clock in tho ovoning. Our usual thrco meals, with moat onco a day, I deem quito satisfactory. In Ger m any, liko in our own Statu, planters differ materially m their modo of management. I. havo hod occasion in roy carly youth to observe the sys? tem of a wealthy and most, successful German Agriculturist, which bas taocmod to mb tho most economic il as well as tho most acceptable, to all parties. Ho omployod about fifty hands. Ho hod a cook and assistant for the whole in ono mess. Tboy would eat togothor, tho overseer presiding at a long table. In Ibo morning early th ev- would start to work with a piece of bread and a 'drink of malt beor of homo brewery ; at eight o'clock thoy would return for breakfast of broad, butter, fried potatoes and dumplings, coffee' and muk ; tor din? ner thoy would havo bacon or sall beef, dumplings, pol atoes and vegetables, with small beor or Dotier milk ; for supper, bread, butter, frlod potatoos and dumplings, cofl'en and milk. Sundays they- had fresh meat or. poultry, with vegetable soup and pudding for dinner, and breakfast and Hopper as usual. ?'...' Tho small Gorman farmors that employ but'a fow hands consider them a part of tho family and allow them to oat at tho same table with f li em? polves, and tho Gorman families in America gene? rally observo tho samo practica. You may find those mattera difficult to overcome; .yon may find tho wages too high and tho arrangements for the pera mal kooplng of tho laborers entirely incon? sistent with your former habits and pr?cticos. Hut vour whole present position is ?nconvonlont, and whero a chango has bocomo necessary, yes, whore it is inevitable, tho sooner yon mako it tba bolter it will bo; lt will bocomo convenient after a while besides, I only inform yon of tho matter as it ii, you may, perhaps, deviso a substi? tute equally efficacious and Just as agrocablo to all partios. In regard to tho wages thou, in Ulla in your favor, that io tho North and West, I tl link, tho engagements oro only modo for a season, tho long and aovoro winters intervening,,and that your engagements will bo for t'.io entire year; and ibero ia thia bosidos ia your favor, that you oan. ralso vego tablea at almost ovory season of tho year, and by paying moro attention to that branch of agriculture, which is a favorite with oil Gormans, your expenses will bo greatly reduced.; I know you can sucocod, and I do sincerely1 hopo that you will succeed. An I, hero permit moto roppat, that 1 do not expect you to conlon p to all theso items strictly, but tbat I morely furnish them as infor? mation. .Vet, lot mo ask, aro yo<i not willing to pay tho immigrant laborer as much fte your fons or slaves cost you, or as you aro now paying tho froodmen 7 It would perhaps, be wiso to giro hi? moro, for he ia frugal and saving, and ambitious of bettering his condition, and especially, he will br. With very fow exceptions, entirely trustworthy, which ls a most important consideration, a? you woll know. I do no? rirtiund that hp will bo gene? rally as efficient st first, in ibo eui ti vat lea of your .tapio crops, ait tho froodmo.i; hm ho wiUvary ?cou leam. However, let' ns ask tho question, ?That profita w?U bo bo ablo to -mafcb for you 7 Can ho tend ten ?ores in cotton ant) five acre?>i prQvI ?lons? If io-, ?nd your usnal avorago of cotton being 200 pounds dew, and o? born, say 13 I.rnjh '? ,''.-'.2. -?'.J ??m .??'i-'vt Ji-i-li'->*..'. >?'.U I V'?.VJU>> _ J'.-v?iyj.eI.-I-/?' ela per sere, bo maid m nfc o fot ron 9000 poonda of cotton and 70 bush cia - com, Let us hs sumo that, and enl?dalo accordingly, i 2000 poundscotton et 20 cents.........MOO 7S bushels corn atti. 76 - M75 ] Immigrant's wages, at $12 per month.9144 lloara amt lodlog. 75 Hont ol IB seros land. 18 Beoda. 10 and Iced.....,. 80 Uso of lxnplomonts and mauuru. 80 would ltavo you proOt.'... ......8131 8470 sod soy extra services ho may bo ablo to perform. Evory aoctidn of tho Btato, howovor, difiera from tho othoT in nouio respects, and plantara eau bet? tor calculate their expenses and profita titan I am doing now. It will bo iniposslblo for ino to go into nany inure dotalls ou tbtBO subjects to-day, hav? ing timo only to glvo you a gonoral outline, but I would rocominond you to r-. ^d and eire .tale my ro port to tbo Lcgislfluro in ?i wh i ch lean loavo you a fow oopica, for many usoful statistics. You mil agroo upon a rato of wagoo and a oye toni Of op?ration? muong yoursolvos, Bold whatever conclue ?on you BbaU como to, you may bo assured that I sholl do my boat to carry out your instruc? tions. 'Ibero . ia ono other subject, which I doom of vset importance, sud to which I dosiro to call your attention, aa it will ltavo a powerful iufluonco upon immigration, inasmuch as it will opon . wider Hold tor tho mooUauics of every brauch, and for tho profitable employment of oili? er than agricultural pooplo. Besides, it will bo cal? culated to develop the resources of our Hiato to such an oxton t, aa to m a ko h or truly inde {xmdqnt- I moan tho establishment of small ac tories for tho production of such articles, aa aro In common demand, und for willoh special fae i lit lea occur. And how can that bo dono ? It is truo, wo aro now laboring under tho distressing disadvan- ! togo of tho total want of ready monoy. But suppos? ing iou wero to form a Company, tho stock of whioh uhnulil bobo much Iambi, valued at eo much? If you cannot borrow on tho value of tho landa now,", you might agroo hy a rulo of your constitution, to apply evory. dollar of tho lauda sold to tho estab? lishment of - n. certain factory. As Boon os ono should bo catabllahod, your sb aroa would have a marketable value, I can merely now iudi? cata what may load ta your futuro consideration. Hut, thon, how can yon oxpect success whero you do not understand tbb businCBB? Intelligent mon eau and will learn, ovou If thoy h ive to pay a prico for it. Howovor, in thia my own experience may be of somo uso to you. Tho brat powdor factory in tho South was established by myself. I did not then understand tho subject, nor Was there a mau tn tho District that know anything about it. I aont for a competent man, who first superintend? ed' tho construction, 'and afterwards managod tho factory. I m ado aa good powder as any Northern mill, and as muoh sa was required, and bosidos, tho other workmen epcodily acquired BO full a knowlodgo of tho procese, to subjoct mo lo no further iuoonvonionco. Thus all uililcultioa can bo' overcome, and after a whilo will bo diflioiiHioa no moro. There is no limit to tho power of asso? ciation, illaro ia onooursgomont, appreciation, ambition and applause that urgo on tho moro en? ergetic, which lucy very soldoin find in tho pur? suit of their individual uflairs. FoUow-oitieniis, I doom thia Bohema of emigra? tion of tho utmost importance to tho Btato. If oven wo do not at once succeed lu gotting such labor as you require, tho influx of small farmers, which you certainly eau induce to como, will draw after thom moro laboring power than thoy require, Rue] hy (Jegreoa you will bo helped. Bach bias been tho case lu lota?, wharo (boto aro now ovor 60,000 Gormans, - Thu ltboror followed the fanner, preferring to work for his countryman for tho masons stated tu tho Circular for tho dor? man Bocioty, but readily accepting employment of others whon hiB countryman wcro supplied. Two of our agouta hava already departed for Europe. They havo boon instruolod to diatnbuto my re? port of tho advantages and resources of our citato, to which hoe boon appended a description nf such landa aa have boon ottered. Thoy aro to oncaurago emigrants to ?.oleot 8outh Carolina for their home, and to assist thom in their ship contracts anil other mattara for their welfare. Thoy aro ta en? gage and send ou nuoli lauorora, for which spocifio contracts baVO been nmdo. anil (o encourage olh. ors also ta como, They aro to gather al) such in? formation aa may ho of uso ta as, and to servo tho pooplo of tho Btato in all euch mattara aa apper? tain to tho objects of their mission. A serious di aw bael, of their succoiB will bo tho high prioo of uur lauds, tho uucortainty of omp.oymout, and tho .grout expense nf ibo transmission, of tho im? migrant, which oxcooda that ta tho West. In ro? gan! to thin latter item; I havo applied ta all of our railroad companies for a discriminating ncbodtUo in favor of tho faro ?nd baggage of tho immigraula, which would havo bouu or vory groat importance ; but 1 rom only two, honorably to bo mentioned, tho Hpartanhurg anti Union, and tho Charlotta and South Carolina Itaili-ooda, liavo I ro cuivod satisfactory aiiBWors. Tho State has aidod them all, hut such is their return, i'ho Northern and Western roads pursue a difl'orent |>olioy. It iu a grand and a noblo feature In tho pooplo nf South Carolina, that they, after having fought through a bloody and protracted war, such as tho world lias soldoui soou; after having made sacri? fices, auch aa fow communitioa havo ever made; after having Buflcrod losses, suoh aa havo boen sus? tained hy hardly a nation on earth, enough to causo tho dospair of tho generality of mankind; that thoy should not onco loao their morago and ener? gy, but ehould look forward with bright and intel? ligent oyes, and with a proud will and determina? tion, ta rebuild their mined bornea ?lid to lay the foundation of ronowod prosperity. And prosper they must, for God ho ia just. Yea, I om certain, s uro that tho timo is coming, and not far distant cither, lot politics result as they may, when our present dio trees will disappear like a dream, and whon oar good old Hint o aboli again smile upon her children, clod iu tho garments of Joy and happi? ness, full of powor ana resources to pro toot thom against overy ovil. And as fl rm Iv as I boh, v o in this, I behove also, that yon. fcUow-cItlsons.. by yonrprcsont movement and ila pouBoquoncca, ar? laying one of tho principal coraor-stanea, and you will havo a right to bo proud of having been tho fl rat to adopt practical moas ur os for tho resuscita? tion of your native Carolina. Cod bless her ever? more. Tho views expressed by General WAG EN un, I mot with goners! acceptance and applause. After tho mooting had boon addressed by several gentlemen, whose remarks wo havo unfortunately foiled to ob? tain, on motion tho following rosoloUons wore unanimously adoptad : Besotted lat. That tho thanks of this meeting bo tendered to Gen. Wagener for bis address, and that a copy of tho samo bo roqdoatod for publica? tion. .! ..... 2d. That thia rn co lin g resolve itself into un asso? ciation for encouraging immigration, and that a committee of five be appointed to drafts Constitu? tion, and report at tho next meeting, to bo held at thia place tho first Saturday In Juco next. Under tho loot resolution the Chairman appointed tho following Committee: Gen. W. W. Want??, lt. W. Ho VT?, Esq:, Col. A. H. WAIIINO, W. E. JAMBS, Esq., Dr. Ito BEUT HARIXEE. . Tho in ce ling then adjourned. COMMERCIAL. Ul porte. I NEW YORK VIA GEORGETOWN, 8 O-Per sehr D B ' Werner-1600 bbis Naval Blores. - PORT BICHMOND, STATEN ISLAND-Per brig Del? mont Locko- 72,QOO feet Timber, al.OOQ fact Lumbar. The Charleston Cotton Mnrbrt. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, 1 CnmirsTQK. Tuesday Evening, May al, 1867. j Tho market wssat o stand, buyers being indisposed to I purchase, concessions, which feeling was In? creased by Intelligence of railing prices at Liverpool. Hales j only eight bales'st 23Kc. .V Bi. I Quotations sro omitted. . *'*' |?i:';",Angiislsvfilairket.'. ' AUGUSTA, May 20.-PTKAKCHAI.-Oold-Brokers ire [buying at 136andRolUngst 187.'. " .... H IL vin-Brokera are buying st 118 and soiling at 181. Scctmrrra-OeQIglafiaUrpadfitackVlarlchaJigod at efl and 67. Corrow-The market appears to bo In sn unsatisfac? tory state, there being some demand, yet quietness pro valla. Wn rjuoto from ?alee to-dav, width amounted to 205 baies, Middling 34?2t)i. and Strict Middling 28 cts. Balee as follows: 1 st 20; 2 at 22|0*t 83; 1 at S9K1 71 st 24:8 st 24X ; 91 st 25; 18 ?126KS and A bales st 20 cents. Receipts, ?1 balee. j. VVKKKLY BTATEXTENT. Pru ABOUT, alts OomrsTtrrfar.-The number of vial ! tors In our dry ibo post week, st the Railroad Conven ; Bon, caused quito an active trade among our retail deal* era, and as tho stocks of our dealers were well assorted, they w- re supplied on very - accommodating ? terms. Thero waa also quite a good irado among our Jobbers to tho merchants in tho Interior. . . GOLD AXD SIL van.-Tho demand was oulla moderate dorins; the psst. week, i Brokers buying Gold at (15*180 sod a ailing st 137/ fill for buying st 128 and selling St 180 al M. Excuuro*-Cheeks oh tho North par st our Bank, out? door i ?te?, Ks? discount Brocas awn nouns-Georgia R, rt. Stock, 66487; Cen. tral R. IL Stock, 00; Southern Porcelain Co., 80*85 ; Au? gusta Manufacturing Co., 120sl23; Georgia B. B_ Bonds, O.'aSfl; Central H. R, Rends, 90; Old Kisto Sixes, Bonds, 68A70; Old 6evens. Bonds, 75; Nsw Sevens, Bonds, 82a 83; Augusta -?nd Waynesboro Bonds, 80*81: South Caro? lina R. h. Bonds, 7's, 6Ga?7? Augusta Oas Co., 25*37. COTTOH.-Tho market during th J past wools was mark? ed by somo trregul tidly, though Ibero wa* a Rood domand generally for blgb grades, while grad:* lower than Mid? dling appeared tn bo altogether neglected, except tn the case of special onion for those grader. The European situation of affairs still affects th Ut market, but yet prices have advanced fully IslXo ou last week. ' Quotadons averaged 31X for Middling. 25025? for Strlcl Middling, and 28 for Good Middling. Bale* of tho wock amounted to 1408 bales, and receipts 893 bales. By reference to tho cottoh statement below, lt will bo sion that the stock in Augusta ann Hamburg M 12,532 halos, by aclu tl count, on ibo 10th Inst. . Market closed dull and docluiing on Saturday, tl ooTTorr BTATnrnvT ron AUOCSTA AXD n ?UH?RO. Block on band Sept lat, 18C0.., 0,888 Remelted' stnoo Ult statomont (March 81). 8,117 Received previously.......... 53,0711-57,000 * I - ? ? ?' " ' 66,878 Eirorlcd sln.-o hat BUtoruont.. 7,161 Exported previously............' 48,985-64,148 Block on hsndMsy 16,1867 i .. , .. Auguras.11,981 Hambuni....... i....V.... 660-126M Tho ?boio amount of stock on hand was obtained by actual cowl to-day. ' rt| i Mitton Cotton Stat I ewe ni, . ' : WXZXXT tn a Tiru s K T MACON) Msy 90. re? stock cn hand. Serr^ber 1.;..'...,.. 9,881 Itw^vcdr^ws?*............. 198 Received rrfeviously.........'.".:.'..,.......43,181-43^76 , Total..'.,."...'.v.,....;...;.. ' ' 46,237 ^rped^utweek.............\m . ' . Bhipped previously....88,833 27,288 [iii ... 8,969 Burned la tbs Planters' Warehouse, Jan. IA,?;,.... 2,537 Stock on hand. May 18...i........................ .0,182 Received to same, timo hi 1868.....i,.,.-.74,738 bale* i860...K.....V..;...;;..:;....',...11*850 bales i960............117,611 bales 18dl...'.....;;..../......:.81.710 bales lt98it.. 37,237 belas j /,;v Jloblle itsirket, ,, . OoTTCis-Tho demand to-day was confie od to two buy* era, and arithno aaooonts froru Uverpool tho rn a* et clcssrdTnU ?725?e, ft? Mlddllns. 8*lei400 balsa. .MOSSTIST urn FiXASCIAU-Ws quote I doldlMW?. 1S7M. mu. trat milo toing,- Fran* if. Bterbng SltiytUy* i4UU3,aca sight 144. Kaw York ca^htpar ? "i. i '''J; .- . : :': v . ' . : I 1 ..'".' checking, and M dil. Imying. New Orleans BJght H pre ml um, and Terr KMC*. 'ITerr Orleans Market, NEW OtU.EA.hB, M*y 1?.-Corioit.-Tho market opened UIIB morning with a limitad Inquiry, ?ml ha? ox habited only modonilo aiilmaltou throughout 'lbs ?up ply was Biopto to meet orelieary roqnlremrnts, and mont ractora evinced Increased anxiety to roollro, hut tho In ?uiierablo obstacle* In tho way of placing oxebaugo, lu connection with tho stringent pretensions ol holders, ox cr ted au Influonco decidedly adverso to beary opcraUous. Under Ibcao circumstance* tho day's transactions nero ratner light comprising al o cloeo barely 2900 balea, cloven brokera participating lu tho husmeas, Price* ? oro UTCgular throughout, bul, on tho wholo, lu favor of sailors. Loir Middling nailing In most Instance* ou tho basia of 25*2Sc, whilo Middling commanded 27a28c. 1 ho market, howover, closed so completely uiisotllod lhat wo aro urabi obliged to refrain from giving cte nullo quout lious. Tho doinand was confined principally to tho Uood Ordinary and Low Middling description*, end tho pur? chases c?"octod woro mado uioatly on Northern account. ST ATT. 5 IX MT OJ COTTON. Stock on lund Sept lat, 18G0.bales. .103,081 llcooivcd to-day. Ml ?. Received previously.TO2,Q80-723/J51 821,733 Cleared today.",".?, Cleared previously..708.112- .10.553 Stock on hand.114,210 Tho exports couipriso 983 halos for Narra, and 1428 for Liverpool. SUOAJB AKD MOLASSES-There bavo not been soy re? ceipts from tho coast since yesterday. I Lo supply of tho production of Loulalaua ls rory light, but tho demand la ' Hallo.j mu? only of ? retail diameter. Wo havo not soy ?.dos worthy of noto lo report, hut quoto Louisiana Sugar nominally at 12c per lb for low fair; 13 lianne for choice; 13>faUc for yellow clarified, and 14K?15o lor white; Mo lasacs 40a50o per gallon for fermenting, and 72o for primo, 'l here ls s largo stock of Cuba Sugar sod Molasses on hand, but no denian J for Molasses and rory little for Sugar. Tho sales of Sugar sro COD lined to 105 bxs No 12 at ll>Xall>io per loo hhda; grocery at 11J?O per lb. In tho total absence of Bales of Molasses, we are compelled to omit quotations. Coax-The market ls very dull. Tho stock on hand ts large, sad prices hove still farther doc Hu od about 5o fl boa ti ol. Too saloa to-day are confined lo 0712 nacki, of which 285,500, 100 and GOO mixed at fl 80; 800 Bud Bli do at ?132>.'; 200 whlto and 83,200 primo while, COO while, jello? and mlxod, 1100 whlto and 500 yellow and mixed at 81 85; 2000 mixed and whlto st tl 35al b7K ; IBO and 250 whlto, yellow and mixed, at $135; 300 win to at ?1 30; 10Ochoice wiillo at $1 :il,'i, and 450 at $1 40 ft bimini. , i ltioE-Tho stock of Loulalaua ts small and prices sro finn. India sud Carolina aro In light supply, but dull. Wo i,e<to Louisiana at Sallee; Indra 10alU.'4c; Carolina 11?<ai2>?o per lb. . At wholesale, india li hold st lOo currency, duty paid, sud 4>?o gold, in bond. Fneiouis-Tho market la quiet but firm. Tho rates aro "ie por lb for Cotton hy steam for Now York, lc for lkmou. Steam Now York and Huston 860 por Baak for corn, 00065c por bbl fer Flour, and $1 lor Park. Sall for Llvorpool l7-31aj-icd for Cotton; Harro 1 Ko. Steam for Liverpool Tad. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, May 20_Roam-Market quiet. 632 bbl? aold at $3 for strained. Kl lUsJ 25 fOr No 2, $4 25a 4 37 S' for No 1, and $5 02 jj for pale. UpinrrsTonrxHTiNE-Is Uim; thought stock offering limiting transactions. 143 casks at Ita, CHUCE TcnrENTTNE-A shade advance waa obtained on virgin and yollow dtp, 110 hbla aoUlug at 13 05 lor virgin, ttl Jr. for yellow nip and 82 for hard. Corros -Market at 2io for Middling, a small lot choosing banda at Ural figure. IIAT-376 balea Eastern BO Ul from vessel on private terms. New York Market. MONET UAUXET. Ihs Now York Keemng Puif of Saturday, May 18, ?sys ; Money is easy. Tho stook markot !l doll. Aa usual on saturdays, no aocoud board ia hold thia afternoon. PBOUUOE MAT1K KT, NE.? YORK, May 18. -Fix J un, Ar..-Thc market for Wcslurn and Hiato flour ls again lower. Tho trade, buy caudoualy-tho dooUne being 16*40 on tho low and me? dium, and 15a25ou tho high grades. The sales are 4500 bbla at flo Mal l CO for 8uporflno Flato ; $12 00alt 10 tor Extra ?Ute ; $12 1 r aia ls lor tho low orados of spring wheat Western i Um ; tl3 25 ?UN lor n hipping Ohio; $14 60*16 75 fur trade o nd family brands of Ohio, Mlcldgan, and Indians, and flO OJalB 75 for HU Louis ox,rea. California flour ls lower and dull at $10al7. Solea of 370 bbla and sacks. Canadian nour ls InaoUvo and lowor at $14 70x15 15 for tho low gradea of extra, and $10 25*17 15 for tredo and family brands. Soulhorn flour la also lower and duu. Bales of 50 bbla at fis 25al4 06 for common to dlr Dal timora and coun? try extras, and tl5 lOalB for trade and family brands. llyo flour IA coaler and dull. Balea of 270 bbla at f8a 9 40 for common to choice. Cora meal ls lower. Bales 460 bbla fair city at $0. O KAIN- Tho wheat market ia lower and prices are nom? inal. Millara hold off; owing to tho marked declino lu flaur. Tho sales are 12,500 bush at $2 CSaJ 20 for lair No 2 Chicago spring, _Harley and barloy malt aro inactivo and prices nom? inal. Oats ara ono to two couts better and Inactivo. Tho saloa are 150,000 bushels Ohio atnie, and state at Dov Me. ltyo la quiet and retailing at fl 7?al 73 for western, ami tl 7Sal 80 for Canadian. Com opened stronger, but with a limited demand tho Improvement was lost, and tho market closes quiet at our lust do prices. Tho sales aro 48,000 bushels now Western mlxod at fl 22al 20- tho lnsldo prices at railroad dopot at Janey City ?130x1 81; old do tl 30U tl In store, closing at tho tnaldo price : do Southon! ; yollow at fl 27al 28. P&oruuuxs-Tbe pork m?r> ot has Leen moro activo and prices are better, closing finn, For future delivery 250 bbla m ru ? seller sixty days, at S23 25. Tho sales, cash and regular, aro 2260 bbU at $22 for old mesa; ?23 25*23 31? for new mesa. Beef Ls Ono, bolquiot Saleaor75 bbls at tl3alfl for common to fair plain moss; f 17*21 for good to choleo do, and $31*25 far extra do. -\ Tierce beef ls quiet ' beef timi are unchanged. Cut meats aro moderately activo and rather heavy. Sales of 160 packages at Ho; picked bama and dry salted shoulden on pr?valo terms, ami 60,000 lbs heavy pickled hame la bulk at 12J<. Bacon is steady and fairly activo. Balas of 865 boxes at lOJtfo for Cumberland cut, and llTfo for long clear- i Lard ll nominally unchanged. Bales of 225 bbl* and tos st 12S*l8o for No. 1.13o for city, 13*18>i for fair to primo ataam and kettle dried. BUTTES-Ia dull and heavy. Wo quote Goshen and Orange t'ouuty paila, per lb, uow, 30ad2o; Stale arkins, good lo prime, nsw, 28*30c; Stats hair-ia-kins, rr odium 10 prime, 28*30o? ?tato arkins, common ana rale. Kaloe; BUto Welsh tubs, fair to primo, 10a20o; Western reserve, good to choice, 12*14o; Wt-stern reserve, com? mon to good, ll*12c; Northern Pennsylvania 15*20o. CuuxsE-Is lu fair demand and steady. We quote: Slate f?cte ry, good to choice, per lb. Issie ,1 ; stale facto? ry, Curto good, 16*17o; ?tate ficlory, common to primo, 11*160: Vermont dalry, fair to good, 11*160 ; Ohio, prime, 12*160 ; Ohio, common. Gallo ; Pineapple MSB. OorrEE-Rio ls moderately active, and all grades are Ann. Other kinda aro quiet lint firm. . . COTTON-Tho market romaine very quiet Price? aro somewhat neunmal in tho absence cf transactions. We quote middling uplands at 28>,o. and do Now Orloana and Texas at 29 Ko. HAT-Ia in fair demand and Orm at tl Beal 90 for ship? ping, and $1 95*2 10 for retail lots. MOLASSES-Has been more activo, but pri?es aro with out chango. .... i . f> AVAL STORKS_Spirits of turp?n Uno ts Armor. Bales at ?2*6.1X0. Cmdo ts nominal ai ?fi 25*5 60. Rosina are active and prices tend upward. Tar 1* quiet and un? changed. . - . ,, \L '? )J .i ilma.-Carolina ia acare? and Arin at 11 Kal2Ke- Ban goon ls more activo and quite Uno. BUOAK-Raw Bugara aro moderately active and firm at lOKalOKo for fair to good refining. Refined ara in de? mand and firm. ?. fel'.i Wnuurn-The market is Armer and moro active; sales of 1500 bbla at 34aS5 eta fur Weslarn In bond, the in ?Ide price for lois to arrive. '. . KnxionTB-Wo haar of no engagements, sates are I nominal. - An Italian brig was chartered to Gibraltar at 1 $1009gold. t'ouaiguees per ?out ti Cu roi luis Ita Uro ?vd, fiiar ai. 255 bales Cotton. IOS balas Mdro. A2 bigs Bough Rica, 44 bbl* Bo/in, 8 bbls Crudo TnrpenUne, 10 casks Clay, Furniture, io. To B B Agent Wallace fe Bro, O W Wil? liams A Co, Ool Low, A fllmrmrt*. O -H Walter & Co, Lee ti Spencer, H L J offers A Oe H fe O II ll Co, Street Bros 11 Co, liant Bros, Courtenay at Trenhobn, M Goldsmith St Bon, B J Dawson, Johnston, Crews ti Co. Willis A Chlaclm, E H Rodgers A (Jo, J M Oaldwell s Bons, J or? ford* St CO, W Roach. Consignees per Hortlleautern inLroaud, '. May 111. 98 bales Cotton, 471 bbl* Naval Blores, 8 cars Lamber, 3 can Block, Mdse, ero. To Co> J F Low. Col J D Stubbs. Lieut H Neids, Lieut K Price, Il Bischoff si Co, B f Ba? ker ? Co, Q li Prltchitt J Marshall. Jr. Adams, Frost it Co, O H Ingraharn, Ebaugb A Midiera0O, J Al CaldweH ft Bon, W K By*n. Oraeaer, Lee, Broith & Co, W Roach, Z Davis, Kendall sr Dockerv, Hohnes te Stoney, Robinson A Co, B H Tyson,' Gaillard lc Minott I'nssf liners.. Per sleunahlp Champion, from Hew York-S S Brew*, ter. Mn J J Burrill, J ? Martin, Jr, J E Martin, W B EV km, W T> Bell. O Horwood, F Norwood, Mn E B Bliss, Mrs Hiter, J Lenthall, Mn /.entlud]. Miss Tj?nHi?ll1 Urs Boardman, J Walton, Gt W QutnUrd, J O Sandon, Un Leary, Mia* Betthven, Mia* Dingle*, Un Barclay, Mr Barclay, Ur Hunt Mr Gibbes, M Wheaton,* Webb, M Gorham, Ula* U Sheridan, J Dwldy, and 6 In steerage. Per steamship Bango***, from Now York-H Byron, E Clner, E Butterfield, J Simons, G W Rac toni, H Clane, A Maynard, Mr stephenson, E Hopkins, O Brun*, Mr? J Alien *nd child, G L, Wright, O W Jone?, W H Goo-is and lady, M L 8mlth, B Ewell. Por steamer Dictator, from Jacksonvillo, i Malka, Fernandina, via Havannah - M r Gowan, wifo and 3 chil? dren, P 8 Baker, Un Griffin, Hiss L Hoops, Mn Edwards and 2 children, Un B P Fl thean, J A Delvin. Un Pltx gerald, J H Wilson, Mn Roberto, J W Porter, H King, L R Rhodes, Un John A Alston, R N Gourdin, E L*fflte*o, Un W U Coleman, 2 children and ?arrant. Un Williams, and 8 on deck. PORT OALENDAE. co aa COTED wsutaxr. roASza or rum MOON. Now M. 4th, 2h. 20m. morn I Full U. 18th, Bu. Piral Q. 10th, Sh. 44m. eyen | Lost G.. 2Gth, Oh. 2m. even fl IIAT, 2JI Mon day.... Tuesday.... IWcdnouday. Thursday... Friday. Saturday... linday. 4..69 4..BS 4., 68 *.. BT t..67 t..67 A..60 G. .64 ?..65 fl. .6? e.. 67 0..67 e..58 ?..82 .10.. 16 ll.. 8 ll..88 Morn. 13..13 .8. .43 ?..21 io., o ll..28 ID..15 1..10 MARINE NEWS. POUT Og OHARLESTtHI. ArrUcd Yntf rdoy. ii eteainahhi Champion, Lockwcxx?, Hew York-left Sat? urday. Udxe. To Street Bro* A Co, T M Oater, bflvsrit i Bellgraan, B O'Neill, T U BriatoU, B Hem be rt, J B Read O A Locke k Co, W M Hird k Go, J Rrighoimer, J k T Daw. on, Bcoafant St Balas, j Drown. J H Graver, Uniter * Minuta, Bhepherd At Cohen, W L Wobu, W Gurney, jr Watter, r>u vat A Son. Dowls ft H oise, p U elttler, Jef f?r<lj ? 50? 5 M000T0 * ??- Aielxry at TUoe, G W Wll ??2fA0&.9*d,u * w,w* StraoiiaL Yance* ft Co, Birt ft Wlrth, W Kinsman, J B Tognl, C^rtmlB, Harbeeon ft Go, Oameron, Barkley ft Co. Southern Exvres* Co, Ooud Tt?? Bfn^n<*{ Wit? * Oey'W e torie, Hart ft Co, P L anu?anle, ll Bischoff ft Co, JU WOtbarger, td*r> abalL BOTEO k Bowen, Uacuilar, Wllihun* k Pirxer, J B A ila e r ft Co, Lengnici ft bel L Mrs Jd Gaueway, J H HIP len. I A u roy t- Alexander, M Endel, H Gerd Ufe Co, Mur? phy, Lillie fe OOjW B Corwin ft Oe, J F O'Neill ft Bon, Gen B Saxton, Quamby ft Oo, Foe?rU> fe Stillman J D Dettjt B I AJ? i te, T K r ii T, J^^oWa fe OoTfaffer hardt Cati pas n fe Co, lit He fe MarabjUi, OP Hant, H R Agent BlaaeB fe Co, and Order. ~ ... ? "l*fK^P..?1'M04??JLt<Jw?, New York-loft Satur, day, TU. Udxo. To Ha v end ft Go, 8 CBB Agent, N /IRR Agent, Bau mern Exprea* Oo, J D Aiken fe Go. ? D Abro ns fe Go, X Bales ft Oo, U Bischoff Vi Co, Mslor H Bryant Bollmann'xTros, D Brifgf, W Urjwcr, block fe Loyns, 8 G Oonrtenay, W Oarrrngton ft Co, P IHrf?v/ H Daly, Cbiaolm Bros, Oataeron, Barxiey ft Co, Do irte ft Iou-, B J Dawnon A: Go, Donatas A nillir, J A Eui!orr I Oo, D F riemlag er Oo, Ol) Franco, B Folsy, Qaudkop i Beutbner, OOrsvoloy, Oruberft Martin, W Oumoy, H Icrdte ? Co, C K Honor, Uart A Co, J Hurkaiup ft Co, ii I Hoppock. J W Harrisson ft Bon. tlrlmee k Calder, M BO mau, A IUliur. II W Klnamau, W Knobloek, II Rialto c Co, Killick, Wlckcnberg ft Co, Krloto ft Chapman, I, iOrontz, Lauroy te Alexander, Luugnlck Ai Boll, K l-aflito t Co. O Ii Moise, W Mattblcescn, Mentone & Co, J II ilar'lia.11, MoGorty 4 Doiguau. D O'Neill k Bon, It E l'eu io), J O OJ rain, J n Hoad k Oo, Boper ft Stoney. Have lol ft Barnwell, Strauss, Vanees ft Co, shack-ifor l ft fraser, J B E Sloan, L Bebuoll ft Co, P Sullivan, bain? ft 2o. O W s letti ii ? ft Co, A O Btono, M Tower, 3 Tiiomey, I \V Troll, OBcrliardl ft Campeen, J II V?llers, Wagoner, (oath ft Monsoon. O Voigt, J Wulburu ft Co, F Wc; h nan, J Walker, W L Webb, A S WiUtngton ft Co. Steamer Dictator, Coxottor, Palalka, via Jackaonvl'le, "crusndlna and Savanah. 3'J balea O-Ibm, C bbla Vblakoy. a bbb) Syrup, 3 Boxes, 1 Trunk, '10 Hld s, 1 lundie Skins. To J D Aiken, G II Ingrabsm, J ft J O (lrkpatrlck. Thurston ft Holmes, J U william.?, Pluck loy Bros, J II Chricstborg, J J Griffen, " PlnkorsoUn, J J E Sloan. Olcnrcd Yesterday. Jrig Delmont Locke, Cochran, Pori Ulcbmond, Staten Island-J A Enalow ft Co. Ichr D B Warner, Horton, Now York via Georgetown, S C--W Hosrh. ?cur Samoa! Eddie, Letts, Wilmington-W noach. Wont to Sea Yesterday, lr sehr Alert, Mann. Matanzas. Ichr Ada Ames, Marston, a Northern Port, lear J O Thompson, Vauzant, Bucksvtllc, S C. I rom tills 1'ort. itoamsblp E B Sonder, Lobby, New York. May 31. Up for thia l'ort. (hip R O Winthrop, Stewart, st Liverpool, May 4. ir bark FlUo do l'Air, Evans, tl Liverpool, slay t. Mc ruora ti d a . Tho quickest passages ovor m ado lo Liverpool by aili? ng vessels from New York were mudo by Ibo following ihlps : Tho Adelaide, coiuinauiled by Captain Cutting, nado tho postigo out In IJ days and 12 boura; tho ship Droxdnaught's (Captain Bamtiols) quickest t rna waa 13 lays aud lt) boura; and now tin- ship Thornton, of tho Uuvrk Btar Uno of Liverpool packets, commanded by Captain W?lls, lias made a trip to Liverpool tu ibo short maco of 13 days and 10 hours. Tills last feat caps Ibo :llmax, as being tho shortest passage to Liverpool cu record.-Journal of Commerce. I.IST' UP VESSKLS OP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS POBT. FOREIGN. UVatoMOL, ?htp R C Winthrop, Stewart, up.May iblp Amella, Conner, saUod.March 2S Br bark Flllo do l'Air, Evana, up.May 1 Nswroirr, EMO. nie J Coming, Hookaway, sailed.April IC DOMHSTIO. BUS IOU, nrta Abner Taylor, Lowell, cleared.May 0 Tho Whitney Long, Hayes, cleared.April 30 Sehr Borgen,-, up.May " KEW Tons. Behr David Faust, Lord, up.May ll Behr Myrovor, Hughes, cleared..Muy IS Behr S C Evans, Hammond, up.May 10 Behr L I. Taplsy, Perkins, cleared.May IS r UH.? DEL1T1 li Sch r J N Bakar, Adams, cleared.May Bar?nsoat? Sehr Shiloh, Hubbard, cleared.May 17 MISCELLANEOUS. OLD ESTABLUI) DltllG STORE E. H. KELLERS & CO., (EA I K PI1IN dc DORiV) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, l?o. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Market, HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LAROE ADDITIONS TO their usual stock of pore and frosh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS FINE 80 APB TOILET POWDER! POMADES COSMETICS COMBS BRUSHES EXTRACTS, kc Comprising In voleos from tho wost roputablo manu? facturers. - Ou hand, aU Ibo principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Pr? para tiona of AYER, JAYNE, HALL, CHEV? ALIER, DAVIE, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY, ftc Uso, a hugo assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES I . 8ADDLBBAOS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS METAL AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Groat attention la paid lo tho Importation and eelco PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and none other are allosred lo go out of tho Establish? ment. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy, and the public can depend on tho utmost reliability in tho execution bf orders. E. R. KELLERS, M.D.. II BAER.M.D. March 0_ , auricle. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL.-THE FOLLOWING clause of Section 1 of an ''Ordinance to Raise Sup? plies for tho ya ir 1867," ls published for Uio InformaUon of persona selling Gooda by sample or otherwise, who are not residents oi lida city. All such persons uro hareby notified lo report ai Ulla otile?1. "Three dollars oa every hundred dollars of ell gooda sold in thU city by i-sons not residents, by sample or otherwise." W. H. SMITH. March R Clerk of Couorll NOTICE. OFFICE OF TUE CHIEF OF POLICE, 1 . ! I ?? . ii ii CnxnLXBTOrt, 8. G.. May 4, 1307. { rrUlK REGULAR INSPECTION OF THE LOTS AND J. indosurea, vaults, ftc wUl commence on Monday nmt, 8t Inst, Owners and occupants aro hereby required to see thal their premises are In good condition and that all tilth and removed aa required by Ordi? nance. Other InspocUons wUl follow. ' By order of Mayor QiTT.i.inn. O. B. BIG WALD. j_Chief ef Police. T A V UH IY-K I?I j Pilli B'NOTIC IC . OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, I March 1,1B87. J ALL TAVERN-KEEPERS, AND PKRSONB RETAIL? ING sp tri tuons liquors, within the city li ml ls, who nave' not executed their bonds and taken out tho proper oards to show - that they lia v o license to sell, wUl be re pnrte-d ss not complying with the law, altar Monday, Stn Those who have cards' aria hereby uoUfled to have tho same placed in s conspicuous placo in the'window. All tallies lo observe, tula notloo will abu bs reported, after the above-mentioned time, ,., Vt. H. SMITH, - . March a ^ - ? . ' '/ derk of Connell. PIRKLOA*." 5 ' ,1 --. . . MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, I Om Hii.T. November 9, IBM. I A LL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN 1 SK A. Burnt Dlatrlcts and Wssto Places of tho City, un? der "An Act of the General Assembly, gi vin? authority IO the City Council of Charleston to proceed In thu mat? ter Of S Vire Loan, with a view to aid tn building up thc City anew," aro hereby notified that the form of appli? cation for loans can be obtained. al tho office ef the Clerk of Council, between the boars of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M, . Ali application? must ben' 'd In the above menuonrd office, ss lbs Committee wUl meet every Monday lo cou? ll der the aama, . . . By order pf the Mayor-,,. . W. H. SMITH, Novemberin - " ..1 .' . J- ' Clerk of Ocuuc.lL -i-1-;-T?--J .L..I" . .. .i ? ii1--' . i -.i u . TO TAX IWYICHHi - mHK FOLLOWING . ORDINANCE . IS PUBLISHED J_ for the tnicrrmatlon of all persons concerned: AX 0BJ>nfaH0S'"*O AMZWD all OODMiSCX TO ruur sufi. russ ros TBS YXAB 1807, axo ron crass prraroats. L i Bo. lt-ordained by tba Mayor and Aldermen In City Council assembled, That ail taxes payable i niter the Or? dinance to ralso supplies for tho year 18C7, and for other purposes, be paid on or belora the 29th day of J un 6 next : and that persons who,shall rnako default of Marnent of their toreo on that day, shall pay, In addi tum a the amount of their taxes, one ' and a half por cent per moDth unta th? 81st day of Joly, when,- ll not" paid, an amount of two per] cant, pur month upon lbs amount of laxes shall bs paid; and alter tho 81tt day of August throe per cent per month'ou the amount of taxes due sbaU be paid unUl payment of the whole amount ts mads, IL. That all persons who neglect or fall to pay their monthly taxes on or before the fifteenth day of etch mouth, shah respectively pay on Uio amounts thereof, two per cent-per month from such fifteenth day, until payment ls m ado. \ . Satined la city Coan ell this seventh div of Mry, In de year of our Lord on? thousand eight hun*vt and' . sixty-seven. .... ., , , i.- ?. ' Ir- s.) J?. 0. GATLLART, . . .r jr. '. W. H. Sarjrn, Clark of ConocU. ?mo *''V?jj . i ; ORDINANCE), V. pay, rruiU FOLLOWING ORDINANCE 19 PUBLISHED X for tho Information of all concerned : AS OBOtstAKOSTO nxntn.tTK THE cUUsuxo orramu AJTD VlULira IF TBS OOBPOIUIH UM1TS OT TBS cm. " I, Be ll Ordained by tho Mayor and Aldermen, That from and alter the ratification of thia Ordinance, lt shall oot be lawful for any person to desase Or remove the contents of Vsulta or Privies within Uio limits ot tba city, without having previously oh tain ed a license for tbs samo; sU such licenses to expiro On tho 31st December of every year, and be sabled to sn requirements Impos? ed by Ordinances regulating tho grao Ung of Licenses for Drays sad Oxrts, . i i v > IL That tho use of Bambi in open Carts and Wagons ls prohibited, and parties applying for License will be rc quired io fMHU cl;??? C?r?n iiblVu? for tho purpose. ' - ID.' All persons having such License sbaU report st cms of, tba Guard Houses, during tho day, his or their In? tention to do such work during the ensuing nigh I ; In tba Lower Wards such report to be mada lo the Hain Guard House., in tba Upper Wards to Upper Guard House. ..- . IV. Tho place or place? for the deposit of snob offal shah be deal gnat ed from Hmo to time by tba Mayon <" e.V. Every owner or driver of such Licensed Ctrl or any other person who shall violate any of lbs prov latona of Ibis Ordinance, or shill neglect or refuse to obaerrs tbs same, or soy of thom, shall forfeit and pay ft? eaeb offence A flue nat tc- exceed twrnty-?ve dollar?, to be en? forced by the May or in his Court, or recovered la soy Court of conipeUi I Jurisdiction. [Lil med tn City Council this se von lb day of. Ms/, in tbs year or our Lord ons thousand eight hundred snd six ty-ssten.,, , ?'^ n"ATTxtnT? , Wf^ BM?Tfl/, ' .v , Mi'yor. i ' Clark of Council_arno.;, . Moy 10 i PUBLTSTTED EVERY BATUSBArY HOnHirfuv 'KT JLv Orangeliurg, B. U.' ??' Terras ?2 per , ann um, le sd rsacsvi . ..A |. e '.>.'., ,' .' , ' Diirlng tho spring and rall seaaoha extra copies of the1 } BAH OEBrntf, NEWS will bo cl reola led for tho benefit ?T .nc^tr?ct^^vejiSr^ lnAortsd on (ho moat h'bcral sro;a. ! Addreas ; . ; i. , rUM?KTi DI3BLB.' . ? . ^g?! fte . r ttlteOtuzw^itowti?t K tjL;'.v . . i.'- ?'' Cranj^burg, H . nol j.i ?/V? biu. .0)(b.l 1867. SPRING DRY GOODS. 1867. Wm II AVK NOW IN 8TOIIK Ml I li KOLl.OlVl NU NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, rilLNTS, BLI3ACUED AND DROWN 0OOD8. 12}u., loo.. 2l)c. 1'IUNTED MUSLIN, ?AMUIIIC MULLIAN18. OliOANDIES, LAWN AND GRENADINES THE FINEST SELECTION OF WEITE GOODS AND HOSIERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, YET OFFEBKD AND AT PHI OKS THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE CITY TRADE. WE OFFER, FOR A FEW DAYS, A 8PE0IAL AND BEAUTIFUL LOT OF DRESS OOODb, AT 2?O. PER YARD A fresh HUM ly of Gouda rocolvod ur ovcry Steamer. Partie? who wirti cheap Goods will picoso examino our Stock horero purchasing olsuwhorc. E. SCOTT & CO., No. 229 King Street, Next to Adgor's liuildiug, opposite (?rubor & Martin's Grocery. M .r.-ii "-. mwf?nio DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. SARATOGA "EXCELSIOR" mim WATER. fTUIE WATER OF THIH SPRING 18 HEr.IF.VKI) TO X lx> unoquallod by Uiat of any olbar In tlio far-fomod valloy of Saratoga Its virtuos sro sucll ss Uavo i ec arro ll thn high encomium* dr sll who bot? used it, poaaaas log, an lt doo?. In an eminent dey ree, cathartic, uluralic, alterative and tonic miali eje?. From SAMUEL HIS KY DICK HON, M. I)., Prof.i -or Practico of Physic, JaDTcrson Medical. Culley e, Phils delphi*, formerly of charleston ,8. C. . PiinjtnkxviiiA, Movcmbcr IB, IBM. I hivo been for a y oar or moro past In tho habit ol taking the water of thu "Kxcolslor" Spring of Saratoga. ' Accuafomcd during (bo i>ortlon of my Invalid Hie to uso tim itiffurout water* of Uie sovcral fountains wbicb boil np alon;; thal remarkable valley, dependent, indeed, upon thom lor mni'ti of ibo comfort I enjoy, I am aous fiod that Ibu l.icolalor Water ? ts os wall adapted assn} otbor omoug them, if not moro to, lo tito iiurpoaoa for | wl?cli tlioy aro gourrally employed, lt in very agruoablo, strongly impregnated with too carbonic aclu, hvoly aod aparailng. * * * I can kcaruly and couaclcnUouaiy recommend lt to all who nood a con Ho catharbc and diuretic. KA M UKI. HENRY DICKSON, M. D. Tho Water ls put up In Plat and Quart bottle*, and packed In good order for shipping, Pint* in box?? ot four duren CM h, and Quarts In boxen of two dozen each SOLD AT WHOLESALE DX GOODRICH, WIHiiN & CO., Importers and WliolosaleDruggists, No. 1C3 ME ETIMO ST KIO KT, oprosms onABxxsTON HOTEL. BOWIE & MOISE, No. 161 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charlea ton Hotel. And for salo by Ant class Druggiat* and I Intel?. January 111 _Gmo SIMILI'. BUIiLIBlj8 CURANTCB. HUMPHREYS" nOMCttOPATIlIC Sl'K.'JlKICS HAVE PBOVKD, FROM THE MOST AMPLE EXPO RIEH OE, an cnUro sacoeot : Bimble-Prompt-Km clent and Reliable. They are the only ledlclnes per? fectly adapted to popular uti -to limpia that mlaiaaee cannot be made in nolag Ibem; so harmless a? to bi tree from dacier, and io eui cl cut at to be alway* relio, bia. They bavo itLaod the bigl.aat common dation from til. and will alwaya render satisfaction. Oenta Ho. 1, corot Fevers, OongoeUon, Inflommatlon*.. lt ti 3, .. Worms Worm-Fever, Worm-Ootc. il " I, " Crying Collo, or Teething of In? fants. lt .i t\, Dlsrrhaa of Ooildron or Adults.... si " 6, *? Dysentery, Orlplng, Billon* Coite... 2t ?i a, .. eli o len Morbus, Nantes, Vomit* log. St .i 7, " Cousin*. Cold*, BronchtUt. .' 6, " Neuralgia, Too tb oona, Vaoeachs.. 3? " 0, " IIe*tdttclie*,81ck UeadocbeJVortlga. 3* " ll), " Dyspepsia, Blliou* Stomach.,..... " U, " Buppreeaed, or Painful Period*..... ? i X3, " Wliltru. too prefute periods........ 31 " ll, " Croup, Oougb, Dime ult Urea th Lng.. Bi " lt, .' Savli Rheum, Bria poiaa, KropUon*. il " 18, ?. Kile a mariam, lUioamauo Pains... 21 " lt, " Fever atad Attuc, G hill fever, . Agnes.'.'.. tx .. IT, .' Piles, Blind or bleeding. Bb ? 18, " Upthalmy, and Sere or Wuak Eyes. K .. ia. .. Cm t??'-l>. Acute or Carool o. Infla ansa. Bl U KL .. Whooping Cough, Violent Cough* St " at. " Asthma., Oppressed BrrotMcg. K ti JJ, -i Eatr Discharge*, Impaired Hear? ing. c. " St, " Bororuls, Enlarged alanas, Swell. Us*. tb " 34, " Otncroi Debility, Phyolcol Wooknett CC "'SS, ?. Uro ?i a y and fkonty Secretion H.. 60 " 30, " Best Bickuiess. Bickneas from Rid? ing...... ?t u IT,- " lt l J ne y Disease, Grovel. 80 " IS, " Ncrvoai Debility, B. urinal Kmla ilon?, Involuntary 'loclrorgoa.LU} " SD, " Bora Mouth, Causer. BC "SO, 11 Urinary Incontinence, Wotting Bod. Bi ?.si, .! Painful Periods, even with Bpotu-1. Sb H ?SJ, .. BaxtcrViig* st Change or Lie.L0C ?. S3, " H y Hep. y, bps* iu a, UL Vitus' Don oe, LOO M 14, .< DlptLerla, Uloeroled Bore Troot... 00 ATA ?111. Y CASKS. IBvtali, m o rocco cass and book.,Jins* JO large vial*, in morocco, tod book.. .. s.o> 10 Iorgo viola, plain cate, and book. 8.0t II boxs* (Nos. 1 to IE), and book. 8.96 VKTKill.VAJtY ST KC I FI CH. tfobOfrony oases, 10 viols...'..Jio.m itnglevlalB, with direction?.......-....:..'........ l.tx SsTTl-.ran remedio?, by tho case or oinglo box, an tent to ?ay port of tho country, hy Moll or Express, tnt >f oharge, on receipt of tho price. Addreea HUMPHREYS' SPKOinO HOM<EOPATU10 ll KUUIl Nt Uti JIP ANY, Office and Depot No. 663 Broadway, New York. Dr. HrrtrriinJtYa 1* commited dolly at bis office, per tonally or by letter, as above, for ali form? or disease. ? DO WU-: Ai situ WK. Wholesale Agents. No. IS1 Meeting atroet, Oppotlto Charlee ton Hotel. W. A. SK1UNK. \. ,1. ?tKKli ? CU.. Agents, Nu. viii RINU-BTRE?.T, ?tb doer abort Morkst-n, April IB_rogf6mo Gmo . Ohorlivteo, H. O. CHEROKEE PILLS, Or jYemale ? Regulator, Cure Suppretted, Kr.-wtfea and 1'itlnfiil Menstruation, ' Ort** Sk-kuttt, Nertou* and Spinal Af? fections, Pain* in th? Baak, Siek Headache, t?lddintu, tod all dis catv* thal ?pring from Irregularity, . by removing ibo causo and all Ibo cuVela thal orlse from lt. They are perfectly tofo .'In all eases, ?*> ~ccpt .ichtn foi bidden by di rte 'fient, ai.J aie tn'hduiinlater, os they aro olccly tugar coated. They thoold bo io tba banda of every Maiden, Wife, sod Mother Iq tho load.. . Ladle* can address ut In perfect ?anade?os, and ttata Ibelr oom pbtrilt. |n full, as .wo treat all Female Complotais, BM preparo Medicines tultablo for all dltcose* to wbfvli' l ney are tnhjeet.-Thirty-two pogo pamphlet, lo a se.,I -il envi?se, free. .'. . - Tho Clivrokvo Pill* aro wild by til droftgltts at tl per box, or tlx boxes for IA; ur they are sent by ntaU, freo of postage, lo aa ordinary letter, fres from obterroUoo, by addressing tba tots proprietor, Dr, W. E. M?RWIK, 37 Walker Bl., H. 7. N. B.-Cherokee PHI* No. 9 are pre pareil for special cam, naen milder medicine? foll ; thus *rs soot by mall, free af pottage, on receipt of tB, IA? price of each bea. D?. WRIGHT'S : ; REJUVENATING ELIXIR, ?'.-?**, "iE'a??t?ct or FA ft, ' ' .?.ImjSjKMgUM&kf . Core*?<7?nerbf PebUtty. Weak- ' &??ESS?7!&*Z'/ """> Hyiteric* in t?males. ^ WmiivLtB^? Balplta((on of Vie ??tart and |^*Un4K)Kg^ all Xercons Distal**. It ro ; '^?B?SMC^? ttnrei new life ?nil vigor lo tho .. , . ? aicd, coaling tb* hoi blood of ly&QtfZ&J&TaV t? ??a"" the velnt, res ?vT r^^i ?KKMrttWIBl <7rovifl? of Genera Mt Elixir rcjuvtn Debility, restoring Manltntt* ? , tit th* tytttm anJ and full rigor, thut ntovltig s ?cran* dueex. perfect. * filiteir efXoueT rsv. moving Sterility inn Ilarrcnnesa lo bo(h aexei, To ? Ibo yoohr. mliliflr-ased, and aird, lhere la no greater boon than thia " Life." it gire* a DAW teats of life, canilpg tbo weak and debilitated to - ktvorenowed strength arid vl|ror, tod loo. entire tystem to thrill with ley tod, . 'i ? - I'rlCA, ono bottle fl; tb rc? bottl ct |S; soot by . axema to hny trtdreta " - Oar medicine* aro told tad recommended by all retpectablo drugrrbt* In ov^rr neut of th* elrluied gtnbei soins unprincipled dealers, however, try to , I J deeclyslhrlreaitomeraby lelllbgeheapBBd worth - lett compound* tn order to make money. Ba oat .* deceived-ask for the?? medicine? ind Uko no otana*. If.the droggtu dot* a6t keep them, write to nt, and w* will tend Ihtin byexprett, carefully packed,' fres from obeervitlon. Wo will b? pleated io rece Wo letter? with fall ilolttJianU lb regard te - any olieoss with which ladle* ur notltm*n ar* ?Jillcted Addret* oil letter? 'or medicine*, jjtinph Itu, or advice, to tho telo proprietor, jao ,. Dr "W.B, tsuBSWIH,37WalktrBL, H.Tt M?rM . ..*'.i*.1 . .', 1 ?-?'??.. wfm lyv -?TX "TyEA O ?'*'.- ?nhnrn, t??feb. EBr~ A JJ tl elden, Flaxen, and - gar Tbm Bm Sb Bllken CURLS prodaeed by JL*-,B Btv J?L the me of Professor D? BsLr^ jS5 ?^3*Et ?iitKiix'R pnihKR i.K TSTS? fl?^^taB fJHEVEOX Ono appUcm- ^?9tJS. SEw_ _?|?VM?vn *?rr?nte.l to curl tho ?tMAaT^ '-. ?T " most ?tralght and stubborn f WM PS hair of either ?ox into wavy ringlets,, or bvrr moatdv* curla. Ho* been need by tbs fothiosoblca of Paris andi London,- with the most mUrylng'results. Does no In? jury to the bau-. Pried hy mall, assied tod poet nal <1. ll. Deeorictlre clronlars rnolled free. Adare** - BEBO KR, SnOTTS ? CO., Ch em Into. Ko. 18* River alreet, Troy, Wi Y., Bolo AHKTJU for tho United Ettloa. >' ? . March ?0 . . . .. j ; .v ly DAVEt?AiYOUNt?&McKEi?m L?W AMD COLLECT??li OFFICE, l- ? M??, SS aed 40 P^rU Row. . . . DIAAf? DAVE?*,.r pando? and tao tartan erahn* throng oe i UtbaUa? atasailOoii*.!*. ? WttMJMTQBMJU TOB ALZ* TUM STATIV, '.<?!f^.?f'?>'.Bo:j??i?| Oil ?0 %!?J/-.-iO'Mi1i/Ic/i i DRUGS, CHEM?' ALS, ETC. "A mello wu OD bar Up-health waa In har look strength waa In ber atop, and In bar Laud?- PLASTA noa UOTEOS." S. T.-1860--X. A few bottles of PULKTATIOB nrrrsas wm our? Norvoos Headache. " Cold ExtremlUoa and FoTerlah Lip?. Boor Stomach and Fattd Ure*. LU. '* CTavnlnncy and Indigestion. " Kerroue Affections. ?? Exccaatvo Fatigue and Short Breath. .. rain OTor tho Byee. " Mental Doapouduuey. " Froatratfou; Great Woaknes*. " Ballow Oomploiloii, Weak Bowels, ere. Which are the evidences of LIVER OOMFLA1NT AND DYSPEPSIA. It la ea tiru a tod that aeven-tenlhe of all adult ailments proceed from a deceased and torpid llTsr. The biliary secretions of tho liver overflowing into the ato mach pol* eon the ?ntire system and exblhlt the aboye symptoms. 'After tong research, we are able to present the moat remarkable caro for tbeao horrid nightmare diseases, the world has ever erodnoed. Within one year over ala bnndred and forty thousand persona baye takes tho PLAIVTATIOM Brrrsos, and notan Instance of complaint bas como to oor knowledge I It Ia a most effectual tonio and agreeable stimulait salted to all conditions of ufa. Tbs reports that lt relies upon mineral ru ttl tancas fo ita active properties, are wholly Baise. For the satis laettonot the pabilo, and that patients may oona ul their physicians, wa append s list of Its components. CALISATA bant.-Celebrated tor over two hundred reara tn the treatment of Feyer and Ague, Dyspepsia, weakness, etc lt was introduced Into Europe by the OonnUss. wife of the Viceroy ol Peru, lo IMO, and arte nv arda sold by the Jesuit ? /sr (As enernunu ?ries ey tts vum ssstgal in ?itrer, ander the name of Jetuirt Aa? sen, and waa rina1 ly made pnbUo by Louts xvi. King of France. Humboldt makes ?special r?f?rence toits febrifuge qualltlea daring bis Benth American travel?. (Ueo, atm Baas-For diarrheas, oolto and dlsaasea ot the atomacb and bowels. DAKDBUOS-For Inflammation of the loins and drop. leal affections. CHAMOMILE Fiowna-For enfeebled digest?an. LA VINO tn FLO sf lieu.-Aromatic, stimulant and tc alo highly Invigorating tn narr?os debility. Worran OR ann-Kor aero ra la, rbonmatlam, ate. Anni-An aro inn tlc carminative; creating flash, muscle and milk ; mach need by mothers nursing. Also, dove-bode, orange, carraway, coriander, snake. oot, etc S. T.-1860.-X. Another wonderful Ingredient, of arrvU ase among the Bpanlah ladlee of Mouth America imparting beauly tn the complexion sud brilliancy to the mind, ls yet un? known to the commerce of thc world, and we withhold lu name for the present, IMPORTANT OLHTIFtOATEB. Boc na ST ant, li. E., December 38,1B6L Messrs. P. H. DBAKK A Ob.-I have bean a great raf. fsrer from Dyspepsia for three or four years, and had to abandon my profession. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my groat Joy Tam now nearly a well maa. I have recommended them In several cases, and, as far aa I know, always with signal benefit I am, respectfully yours, Ber. j, a OATHORH. Puinar.xi.rnu. 10th Month, lTth Day, 18fJX BxArsoTBO FaixKD:-My daughter has been much benealtod by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt send me two bottles more. Thy friend, ASA uuititlN. Sane.? Dorisa. cinoaoo. LU., I February ll, 1S6J, | HESSBS. P. H. I'uasa A Go.:-Please scad us another twelve casos Of your i"lau tallon mtiers. Aa a morning appettxer, they appear to have superseded everything else, and are greatly esteemed. Yours, etc., OAGE A WAITE. Arrangements are now completed to supply any de? mand for this article, which ha? net h are tola re beso possible. The publlo may rest assured that moo casa will the pe.rfrr.tij pore standard nt tho Pi JJVTATI?X Birretas be departed (rem. - livery Bottle heart CAS fac-timiti of our lignaturt en a tUet plots engraving, sr u canns! ix (?sa? turas. Any per lem pretending ta tell PutlTTATIon LITT? I? tn bulk orey Ou gallon, it . txincUrr and impottcr. nevare of refined bo lt Ut. See thal eur Fri val* Stamp tl USTKV TiLATXD oxer every cor A Bold by set f>ru?dats, Grocer? and Dealers throughout the country. P. Ii DRAKE & GO* New York. ?? rd *' . rawf'vr OAJ) BIP VAN WINKLE OIN. HOLD MEDAL HHF.RItY, PORT AND MADEIRA, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT N?1TUENT, U > OLD HOMESTEAD RTE. IN ADDITION TO ODB BUSINESS OF SELLING WINES, etc., In original packages, and in order to Insure to consumara Pure Liquors In a compact and con? venient form, we coratmenoed th? en teni riv, of bottling ' " and packing In oases our well known Wines, Bradies, I Whtakles, fcc., and have sent them out lu a style that would preciado the possibility of their being tampered with before reaching the pnrchaser. The general appre? ciation and gratifying axueesa that bas rewarded our efforts has encouraged ns to tmajnlajn the standard as re? gards quality, alt?lo make increased efforts to retain Uta . confidence and patronage which bas been so liberally be? stowed trpon us, BIN IN GER A 00.. [EsUbUxhed UTA] Importers or Wines, Aa, _ . . . No. 16B?avorelroei,NawYo*k. .' One above popular goods are put np in cases contain? ing one dozen bottles each, and are sold by ?Il prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac. .. . Opinions of the Press. t .. The name or itinmger A co., No. is Beaver street, to at . guarantee of tba exact and literal truth of whatever their . represent.-JV. P. Oom, Advert uer. "Tr Tho importing house of Blain ger A Co., No. IE Beaver * street, ls conducted upon principle? of Integrity, fatrnriavr snd tho highest honor.-JV. y. Evening Bxprttt. GOO DR I CH, WINEHAN & ?0.. j N 163 MEETING STREET, : Opposite Charleston Ho* ' " and BOWIE & MOISE, ?I?CCES8UHS TO li I.Mi & t'AHHIDEY, No. 101 MEETING BTREET, Wholesale Agents, Charl aston, B. a ian, ?ry so - wmaomo. TEMPOS CMAND! DIFFER NON IN f RODRIGUE S Ul PULMflNIC EL?XIR SPE?llf (C. FIR THE OTJRE OF CONSOMPTION, PAINS TH THE CHEST AND SIDES, DIFFICULTY Itt BREATH. INO, BRONCHITIS, OATAJiRn, A STU MA, OOUOHB, HEMORRHAGE, and all affections of the Lumia. ! iM?t ThU cr??t i>vtvlfy?r ls offered to tbs pabilo, that eil , ;. . who will avail themselves of tts remedial power mar be benefitted. ? '?tillti i . It only requires ? fair trial to confirm Its Invaluable, .. agency in dlffnalnj through each channel of th? humaa .' .* orK?iiiiouon a reatored vitality. It Invigorates and em- J hues tho Lunga wlUi hroJUiful elAiUeity ; restorea wa/mthj ' which ls their essential element! MUN? lb* amgirUhT*- \, '. eels toto activity) heals tbs affected 1- beti trtufneg arid . enriches the blood; regulates the circulation; indoeaa . ic i free and easy respiration, and expel?, tiumuih ita admbv ? UlraUon, each and every COL .?om ftant disorder prveant itt the malady reoognlxod as Consumption; ?110! mtherto. . deemed bopelaas and fncnrahlc auwcsw* This compound is pertectly safe, pcaaeaalrig ??lher * ? nartoUo nor emeUo properties, which nnfortunitcly are always employed as essentials ia every preraaraUou tat Cough or Long affection-a mistake which too ^?1 Ia ' " ItsTrrlUUng asd dsblllUulug cona?^ti?ric?^rv^oxi A. doces lo much general dertngement ot the srSeiTi. de. ,. , etroylng app?tit? and creating an tourfous tSttiStf^ eltoBiavit, augmenting IMBaifii wt?h ^?mSSi t?; ': V?dttlb* toflueneecrflius' approved and tovalttable'-, '"? b?KMa^ ta arrealed. ?nd hsULh and .tren^i r^tAbliu^L^ r .'?{???OS RaNGLEliOTlXB that . ,