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BATUltDA.Y MOHNIKG, MAY li, 1M& Decking Southern Soldiers' Graves, ANNIVERSARY, MAV 1 . Beautiful fuel I with maidenly tread. Offsprings bring to Ute gallant rmi; Footsteps Light prcas thc racrod sud. Of souls ascended to God. llritig Spring flowers, lu ftagrnut pcrfuntp. And offer awoct prayers for a niorclfuldooni. Beautiful hind-: yo dec! the prow*. Abovo Hie du Of tho Southern bravos Herc UH t'SlliiKUlahcd their lustily tire, llathor than linell fruin tim Nurtlimiin's ire. tiring Sprint; Unworn t tito laurel ami rose, Anti deck jour dcicmlcrs' place of repose. llcautlful eyes I the leora wo shed. Aro brighter iliaiueuds lo thous who bled. Spumed ls tbc cuutc tb, \ fell lo save. Hut lillie "they'll reck," lt vi: love their crave, tiring Spring lluworri with tears amt praise. And cbaunt oVrtlielrtombii your erat, fut lays. llcautlful Hps I ye tremble now, Memory wakelin Ibo Fireplug ocu's vow; Mu to aro thu lips, and laded the fenns. That uover knell down, aavo to O oil sud your charm*. Dring Bpriuu floworst all dowy with mum, And think bow tboy loved ye, whose graves ye adorn. licauUful ti csa rta of matron and maid, faithful were yo when apatita betrayed I lloro aro your loved and cherished oucs laid: Poses to their ashes I tbo Ho or yo strew Aro monuments worthy tho faithful ami true. I .ring Spring Howers I perfuuio ihi lr nod. With annuaf lncoueoto ti lory and Hod. Beautiful tribute at valor's shrinol Tho wreath Ibst fuud ones lovingly tn lue: I-ot tbo wholo world their oulioa despise, 'I hose whom Ut cy cbcrlshcd, wltb heart, bauds and oyej, will bring Spring Howers I ami bow tbo hoad. And pr.y for Ibo noble Coule.terato dead. CALIlcUItMA, An esteemed ft end, an old morchan of tthis city, hos kindly handed us sever al copioa of tho iSsn Jratictr^o iVctci Letter and California Adocr tiser, from thc p rimai of which wo have obtained a bolter insight into Amor o vu Life on tho Paoilic than from reading half a dozon books. Tho paper | is as handsomely printed au any of tho lirst-oluss New York weeklies; and in point of literary ability, at least, equal to tho average of United Hiatos Journalism. Wo know BO little of California, so soldom nowadays meet either California men or I peoplo in our out-of-the-way seaport, that wo aro necessarily struck iib many of tho features of their social economy. For tho entertainment and ins tr notion there f oro of our mailors, WO propuso to give thom tho bonoflt of suob points in those papen ae scorned novel to us. Tho very ti pp e. a eau en of tho A cia Lctier is a surprise. With tho story of California sud tho ad ventures connected with it iu 1819, '19, omi ol1, j still fresh iu our montones, wo aro surprised to And hero all the evidences of an old ami highly dovolopod state of civilization. Homo of the "quo tations," however, are unusual iii Lheso "dig gings;" snob ns "Gold bars-8.50a8.G0. Tho re ceipts cf Uold dust during tho last few days bas been light." "Silvor bars-para} premium, for average grades." "Telegrams 2J por cont, pre mium." We aro at a loss lo understand tho last item, "lirico of money hero [at San Francisco] loU per cunt, por month. Demand fair." This wo have no difficulty iu comprehending, ns it | "comes homo" to us. Under, tho hoad of "Latest Prices of Import and . Export Staplos," wo lind Australian coal quoted al $12 a ton, Cumberland $35, mid Mount Diablo nt If StS. China lt iee G ; Pat lia G. Hugai , : China No. 1, U*; Sandwich Island 7in,10J; Peruvian 8a9. Ame rican Alcohol $3.23a9.60. Scoing that tho Internal Jlovonuo tax is $4 a gallon, this must bo consider ed cheap. Wheat per 100 lbs. (1.35. Vi .mr pur 19G lbs. 1.75.1(1.2.1. 'I hebe quotations wo taku from the JVctr* Letter for February 23,18G7. Under tho hoad of Underwriting in San Francis- 1 co, wo And nu article showing that tho Insurance business, in tho West, also, is dcoidodly ovurdonc. Tho writer closes by saying ; " there is not much abovo (100,000,000 of insurable properly in Califor nia, Oregon and Novada, mid tho amount already taken in Uro risks is upwards of $95,000,000. Among tho advortisomunls wo lind " PRATT'S Abolition Oil," which on furthor examination wc lind tho translation into PAC il a of our ol 1 friend tho " Fain Killer," Tlioy bavo grocers oui yonder, nblo to s nord to koop their pools. Thora is ono PELDEN, for iiistnncc, who mlverti .en in verso. As vf o gnvo sorno npecimens of California poetry In our j columns .not long since, will now give a few linen merely, to show what style of muse is patronized by PacLQo grocers. "Tho giblets pluck, of BOOM and duck, Of woodcock, snlpa sud plovers. Of partridge, too, and cockatoo Tho last uiprcss for Iovoro I It seems acsurd Ibero's soarco a bird My rhyme this same what rutiles But lieldcu's got, ia fin or pol, Tbo Lrvm of with Trafflca." i That lost lino may be considered a che/ tramore \ of tho culinary muse. Ono advertisement an nounces " tho Patent Mechanical Chair for brush ing hair'by machinery." In anotbor column we I see that agents aro wanted for tho " Lost Causo." From tho general character of tho ad verti teman ts I . 'WO should judgo that tho malo population still largely preponderates over tho oilier sex, their hoing but a small number of notices specially ad dressed to the wa nt of tho fair sex. There is a move among tho doinagoguos and some, also, of tho Laboring claeBcs, against the Chinese.' Tho JVctes latter, in speaking of a lato meeting hold for this purpoeo, sums up tbo argu ment (of a Mr. MONTOOMEBY, thc principal speak er) In this wiso : "If in Boston, so far away from China, it waa sweet and decorous to spill tea for your country, how inuch morn weet in Ban Fran cisco, so much nearer to China, to knock on thc hoad tho Cbinamon who furnish tea I" Thoy have a spiritualist Behool, also, at the El Dorado, as witness tho following advertisement : MBS. ABBY M. I.AFI..K FERRE, K5YGHOMETRI CAL AND TEST MEDIUM. Also, givos directions to those who wish to beoomo developed as Clairvoyants and alodiums. tuena directions, ti: raycho raetrlo Reading, tl ; Directions for Development, 2. Bot'tho groat novelty in California, just now, - appear to bo tho great "Avitor," a now flying ma chine. The Alta Californian, a paper belonging to,tho . opposite party, soonia to bavo fostered tho :" vito "i Invention, and tho NexeslAlter takes cor . : responding pains to ridiculo it. Toko tho follow ing for oxampto s FENIAN fl ArO) TTTE A VI TO U. The proposition, purporting to emanate from tho Fenian Headquarters in New York, requesting tho Aerial Navigation Company to "narnu theil own terms" for tbo usc of tho Avitor "Hormos," in re jected with indignation. Their Bchomo of poising themselves above the populous city of London, armed with a supply of Nitro-Olyoorino, is well known to tho company, and tboy boreby ensure tho British Qovornmont and nation that they will bo a party to no such flondish purposo, involving, as it does', death and destruction to thousands of inno cent and helpless persons, and the overthrow of . that govommcnt, which ls at once tho pride and toast of humanity, and the hopo of Continental Europe. Ahora 1 A letter from tho Secretary of tho Aerial Steam Navigation Company to our fri or d, who furnished tts thoso papers, describes tho Avitor /Termes BB being 80 foot long, 20 feet wide, supplied with , wings, and worked by a H nail steam engine at the tall end. Tho following j cur (Vi sprit will give a further insight into tho working of tho machine: . Av rion . ' IjrzruTtmE-PHOPAJIU! NEWSPAPER ' - Tonos nt 1897.-Anxious to givo both eidos of the great Avitor question, wo toko the following from "advanco'copies'* of tho daily pupers of tho 23d Fehruary, 189J: ... - j y .uiiiintANUA--[riioii Tn?, "ALTA."J "Tho Speedwell Avitor which arrived at G p. M. on tho 23d, only ilfteon hours from Now York, ro ports tli at nt 8 A. M. yesterday, al an al ti ludo'of 1000 feet, abo picked up two of tho crow of tho Avitor Highflyer, abandoned ami air-logged. They wore very much exhausted by clinging to a para chute, having boon in tho air ovor1 flvo horirs, On being takon aboard thoy ata heartily, and cxproas od thomsolvca enlUfled. This is tho Highflyer, which sailed last week from Hongkong, and having not yet boon hoard from had boen givon up for j lost. The wrecked unfortunate* stale that ina beavv gale tho Highflyer's rudder hecamo unman ageable, and that entering; a rotary storm, tboy woro repeatedly driven round tho world within the tropic of Capricorn-several nt tomtits to cast tboir grapnels at Han Francisco, Now lurk, Jorunaloin and Bagdad, being unsuccessful. Captain Blow hard finally ordcrod ell bands to lake to tho para chutes. Thoy think that tho ural mate and rove ral (dhora of tbo crow landod in safety iii Asia Mioof." '? Ulli ' * " '.Avitor Scudder, 8lie.rtl.olly mauler. Bluies that on tho 6tb instant, being od* Capo Finistorro, and 10,000 fpet altitude, picked up a soda water bottlo tied to a balloon, with cnclosod paper as follows: ' . : ''OK Uoiitn Avrron T,ivm,t SAI,.' I 0:40 A. M., 6th Soptoraber. , f ^ /"Collapsed ribs and gaB escaping. Paddles nn managctble, .Paromt-ter1 and Avitor both falling with (rightful rapidity. Heaven holp us, for tho oarth won't. : Our goose is cooked this timo, i : ' ii! HW. . KJtUSTBUST^ "Thin a opting communication doubtless tells tho , .fat of tho' woU'kViown Avitor lively Bal. Tho YIWA ' , .' tUwo staten thAt Hirco haut fell aboard yesterday, ,U . and the CaptAln ordered tho crow undor batches, .keening a slurb lookout for falling machinery, but r. Jnally boro away nor,th." ?\ J, _"'_/? Erm INO BACH wi vii AN AEIOUTE. ."Avitor Jr^zirig'C^ .'. ?".uexoltlrigraoo wilban enormous 'aerolito on .he . eolith instant. Tho captain says: At 10 P.M., tho ' ".' . barometer showing an Hitado of over iD.OOOfcot . v al ree, i ncr cased tho ro volution of : cur paddles, . ana Lvtotl ir. chace, Gained .faySil/. m tia ,'tj TTi.: -IM. f U " . "'Ayf. ' J// ?'? - .'el. . '.V>/i ,: r ..'...'..'...|V.\ J. '. >,}?.'->?? e' t Tri aMBagBBsassasaaasaaaaaaaasasasa^Baaasasa-^saasaw . jg aorOl to; at 10 min. 2 ecu. could hove passed lier easily; going at a rate of 900 knuts, but thought it prudent to Dear up, OH account of tho Increasing temperature of tho atmosphere which afterwards Ignited in tho vicinity ur thu ticrolilo. (This no eo lito foll at 10 minutes pant ll at Hayon' Park, and waa al tiret mistaken for tho Avitor Ulazlng Co met. - Hts. Alta.") _ liOOAt, ITEMS. " Foiuvl ''''ItfHft wui.i.. m. iaai twenty-four boura, four bodijSITbf Onknovrn porsona haVo boon found dropped on different roofs in thia city. Tho coronor yesterday waa not ill eil that a body waa found ou tho roof of Calvary Church ; another in tho brickyard of tho southwest corner of Powell and Stockton streets. Mr. Hubluson, residing nt North Iii adi, yesterday morniiiK found bis chim ney smoking, and on proceeding to tho roof tu ns eorUtn tho cause, discovered thu legs of au un known tuan flicking above thc chimney, int,, which a greater part uf 1I;H body nus plunged. With ibo nsuii-tanco of a policeman lin succeeding in remov ing tho unfortunate reina i ni. which woco taken to thu Htntion boiiHC. Wit Inn (lin lust wc uk, death by dropping from A\ tors, cither through accident ur design, is on Ibu increase." "Owing to thc complaint; mid petition or it lin en ti:.1 citizens" thu Supt ni OM have passed au ot dinauco prohibiting thc throwing of nute and ap piel, ciupl v nodo bottles, nud spitting of tobacco juice from fho windows of Avilo in transit over tho city. Wo bavo beard of Bowral iuBtarces whore sew bennet!) lmvo boen ooinplololy ruined, to soy nothing of tho imminent danger from bot tles falling from ii great height." Tho following market ratea will bc iiiterostlug to our purveyors : Provisions hnvo undergone no chango nineo our last i upurl. Putter rumttius Urin at provioua quo tutioiiu, though tho arrivalu continuo to bo large. Now Potatoos aro selling nt lio por pound ; Aspara gus, 75o per ])ound ; dried Okra, 7 c pur pound. Applos am acareo mid rjuotublu nt fl B0a3 pur box. Several invoices aro expected outiy noxt vroek from Oregon, which will meet with ready salo. Pears retad by tho box at $2&3 50. Poultry of all descriptiona ie very abundant, and prices are un tlio decline. Tho outsldo prlco asked for Turkeys ie ' oe per round ; Wild Ducks, 6Uca$l per pair ; Spring ChiokoiH, voe. each ; Hems, it ae ; Plover, Curlotv and Doves, fl 25al 50 poi dozen ; Haren, SOO each ; Tamo Uah bi te, fl C0a2 por pair. An livening with the Jugglers. Tho Non-York l.'venuuj Post gives tho followii g interesting account of tho performance of tho Ja pauoao Juggler in that city : Tho Japanese Jugglers aro wondcrfal. Tho un niouee audiencu which ovcrliowod every cornor of tho Acadomy of MUBIO last night, watched with in tonso iuuurest, for two hours and a half, a succes sion of acrobatic and gymnastic foote, which dolled tho lawe of gravitation and m ide ovoiy epoetator catch hie breath. At tho riao of tho curtain, tho whole company wuro presented. A score of mon, women nutt children, inn roc. ii dud by curious paraphernalia, simultaneously kuoeked their lorene.ut against thu door of tho u togo, by way of expressing their abascmout boforo tue throng of American aovor oigue. Then carno a short oration, in soft and Uowiug JapancBO, delivered by tho earnest master of ceremonies-uo doubt a mastorly oifort, but not generally uudci-Btoori. lt woe iutondod to intro uuco tho purforuuun,vj of two " prodigies." These Utile persono, uudovfcd with tho naines of Tnoyo hictii und Ti.oinatzu, wore evon moro extraordina ry than tho excellent Mr. Criiuiinlca's Infant Phe nomenon. l'hoir posturing and grouping proved ono thing couoluBivoly-that they hadn't a uouo in their bodies; at least no boue that was inconvenient to thurn. Tlioy plncod their foot on thou- nocka and walked about tho dago un their honda; they bunt mer backwards ana trotted armin t with tl ion Heads bot'.vcon their nnklce; thoy tied themselves together in thu must incomprehensible way, and roiled Uko a wheel with wonderful velocity; tbuy did with tho bauds what thu tout should ao, and with tic feot woat tho hands wero mudo for. In abort, these little Jupa wero tho finan t of little chaps-with tho oxcoption of ono, still amallar, who canto in later. Next carno a tories of gymnastic evolutions lu tho chief of tho company-Mr. llamaikari Mada kichi-nud hid eon, a queer little lad of eight ol, known at Ham.itknri Mikiehi, other wiso AU Hight." Tho uiek-namo lu bcatowod bo causo thin uprightly little creature baa a habit o shouting out in his duill treblo "AU right," when ever bu happens to get into a peculiarly porUoui position-und bo got into about twenty uuen placet beforo thu evening ended. Tho father, lying upoi u cushioned tublo, willi his head to tho audiouce elevated hie feet and bm Bon uiniultaueouely, am after tossing thu littlo follow about in tho' moa reckless manner, proceeded tu elevate bim by slov degrees by Ibo process of putting ono small tul aller unothcr uiidor him, until twoivo of these tubi lind been pded up, with tho boy perched Uko i monkey upon the uppermost. Titea the pyra uah begun to rovolvu and thu joy to cut capers. 1 wes an extraordinary feat of balan-.iug. Tho bo; shouted "AU right," aud grinned with delight a bis success iu keeping bis tooting on a prccanoui foundation. Alter a whilo tho tubs wero kickci away by the older Hutu ni kari, aud tho falling bo; waa deftly caught upon tho father's- upturned feet Top-spinning waa tho ,noxt tuing in order livery American boy who saw thc doublo perform anees in this lino o business wiU poster tho house nuki till bo gots an assortment ot tops and gue through n .'erics uf experiment s, for tho "poaBibdi tics" of thu ort of top-apinniiig woro never eo ie vealed to tho gozo of in astonished public. Ti H jin tops is ordinarily on amusemout for children but Mr. .ilatzui Kikoojiru and bia sunny-faced lit Ho daughter OUniiee bring it up to tho rani: o nigh ari. Topa tutXvTU into thu air with u Jori come down upon tho point cf a stick and spii away ; lops travel up an inclined plano, into < lacquered pagoda, spin around inside, cuma ou thrungli au opposite door, mill spinning, sud rut down another incline, spinning away, and koo; on spinning ; tops put on a man's shoulder 'apb about Iiis back, around his nook, down bis arma and still spin ; tops thrown spinning up to th height of twenty feet, fi. tl upon the sharp edgo of sword-bhido, and spin back and forth upon tba slender brldgo, with as littlo danger of falling o stopping ne tho Mohammedan saint passing int Paradiao over n similar footway. Onco or tu ic tho top failed to obey tho hand of tho tnaatoi wheroupon thc latter abased himself beforo th people and roso from his knees to do still mor wonderful things. Tho "Butterfly trick" was n ploco of skillfu legerdemain, with a touch of poetry in it. A mn gician who answors to the cheerful name of Zu midangawa Matzungoro, standing helmut a tobit performs thia trick by cutting from paper th imago of a butterfly, and causing it to flutter abeu his head in tho breeze created by a fan. A bompae of flowers, held in ono of tho performer's banda attracts tho butterfly; presently other butterflic appear, aud soon a swarm hovors about tho nose gay. This trick B himplo, but very graceful an eautiful. Two women then appeared. Ono was a juggler tho other a musician. Tho latter seated h orso If o tho floor, with a Japaneso guitar-a quoer instit mont, compounded of a Hither and a banjo-and 1 company with a. dreadful - drummer, wno beat wooden 'beetle and struck s om o clashing brian, an another guitarist, who wu very doleful, kepi np running accompaniment to tho jugglo going on i tho neighboring table. Tho principal foot waa th production from a japanned box of an inoilculabl quantity of Bilk ribbon, which, when ignited, el ploded Uko a piece of lire w orks and changed into hugo Japaneso umbrella, gorgeously colored. Leter in tho evening came throe- of tho mot Burprieing teats of tho programme-first, ovolt tiona on an upright bamboo polo by "AU Hight secondly, performances on a suspended barn bot by Mnlzungoro; thirdly, tho "Enchanted Lat dor." The bamboo polo upon which the littlo Jap dit played, his powers was twenty fool long, and BU] nor tod only by the shoulder of bis fainer. Th boy clambered to tho top of tho polo, seated bin self on a space of two inches, swung off by on foot, clung by a bond, Hod himself into knots, au carno unUed instantly, cried bia war-cry, and the varied it with a bit of slang nicked np in Califoi nia-thus: "AU right, yon boll"-whereat aU th Japs bolow yelled "Owl" as they did at interval through tho evening, at critical momonte in th play. Tho suspended bamboo feat was a Matzungorj perform suco which waa .expelled only by tho ladde trick. This was 'a olear 'de-flanco of aU naturi laws, and it Was wAtchod with breathless in tor en The chief, lying upon bia book, supported with b feot a hugo ladder, to which. a pmallor laddor wi attached at a right anglo Pp these laihlure Boran bled tho littlo "AU Right,'' pausing occasionally I utter his ery or sexoam "Owl" Clotting to tho to] ho stood erect and said "Owl" and all tho Japs bi low said "Owl" Coming, down, tho Uttlo rollo laid himself out on tho cross-laddar and said "Ow -then ho travelled omti aply to tho tip, hung I ono foot, fanned himself, and exclaimed "A right!" Thia seemed to bo au impossible trio! but it waa performed without .a blunder. Atti oud of tho ladder-climbing and poa turing, tho agi littlo lad sprang up a cord to tho roof Of tho Acai erny, pnt a pulley upon a tight rope winch spannt tho building, and ran down to tho first row boxes with immonso velocity. ITo was caught.1 two mon, upon tho shoulder of ono of whom 1 perched, aud wont ont of sight In a blaze of alor r'AU right-Owl" * Tho perfect grace of thoao performers ia noe worthy, AU thoy do le to destroy our faith in tl laws of nature by tho calm performance of foa apparently impoaalblo. Tho performer wbo o gages tho a tte;: tien of tho spectator at tho va mont is always gravc.excopl tho irrepressible youi gontlonian boforo noted, who cannot help shown that lin is jolly. Tho remain 1er of tho co nipa: find relief in tho ejaculatory "Owl'.'-A mono H y ll hie ron aili which resounded through tho stree around tlio Academy but night, na tho laug!ni audlonco dispersed, repealing lt ! Itt chorus. T Japanese clearly gi o us a now "sensation." How they Manage'2ta\llwstys In Knglan In asking rocontlv. In his placo In thofiHoiuo Commons, for a commit leo to' invest galo t affairs of tho ' London, Chatham ami Dover Ha road, fer his connection with which ho haa be ntrooiously abused by tho'tory journals in En lauri, fiir Myrdon PBTO gave a oui looa. Insight Ic E ti gi ali railroad rn an agnm6n.t. Ho Bald: j In rlsinrj' to ru ovo for a'select comm il leo to I 2alto ' into' tho th ans adopted by tho Lomir, hatbaru and Dover Hallway Comptxiy for ralsii tlio charo capital, and exercising their bdrrowii powers under tho various' Acta of Parliament a thorizing tho construction of tho main lino, ai Ita extension and branches, bo should bo wanUi in candor to tho riouso if ho did not at onco bte that thia motion bod r f ren a to various prccee lng willoh hiicl taken piero, and of whiob, bo tu grievous ' reason to complain, on account tho unfair and improper way in which his nar Iud boon brought .beforo Um publie. Put it w not upon that ground ho aakod for this oom mi t tc It wan upon public- grounds, 'Mid th oe o only th ho did so.' . He con cd vea that a'careful re vio w ali thal Iud bson done by that company won teach nomo valuablo lessons. In looking into tl Tiri ema rnattors connected with thia railway, 1 found that lt was onohnndrod and thirty-six Dill in length, and that Ut ero had boen pissed hy.tb Honso, fn-'Ooiinoction with it, twonty-eix act ParUairiont, or something Uko an tot for ovory fl miloo of rail ay." When it waa known that mai Of those ' aete rad only boen obtained after tl overeat competition, ami at great cost, ho thong lt would bo a fair subj ret of inquiry who iii Ibero was rioy nocosslly for thia excessive logia! y cv i Uso w&olp uoe *TM ont np into flvo diatii '; ' j " ". i' undcrtukliigH as regarded tho capital, tliorc fcr.. occasioning great diniciiltv UH to UH) va rious interests connected willi .tho lino, and great ritfQcti ioa'li d niuo been croa tod iii relcrcrtco to tho working of tho branch lines in connection uith tho main linc. In reference to thin railway, thorn wcro nu loss than thirteen nuit in chnncory tty persons ititorcHtotl in vnriouB HUCIIOUH of tho lino for Uio Ootcnninatioti of thoir punition in regard to eaoh other. Ho found nlno that, in tho acts thero woro Iwontv-four Hcparato dohonturo pow ora and thirteen dobontnro iuteioats. and in addi tion thurn nero twenty-niuo sep ralo sharo pua ora and tinco uoparato sbnro powers yet to bo oroatod. Ho felt miro, that, looking nt tb-jso facts, thero wcro grounds for Inquiry hy a committee. Ho thought that in futuro nil tutored* bhould bo cquallv represented on tho boards of railways, so Hint MOM interests might bo protected. Al tho cud of 18iiJ ho llrnt bounino aware of Iho ro il Hinte of tins railway. At that tillie I hero wcro en Iv 7011,000 of ordinary ctpilul poBsotsiiig voling power in thu company, mut practically carrying tho whola control over Koicial million's of other captai " lt wtiB In reply to thin request for an inquire, that Mr. Dimvli, though politically Oppooed io Mir Morton l'e'Ui, puid him :i compliment which Hitenccd tho people who hail been HO lung persecu ting him. Ho sn td : "Ko doubt they nil kne w the groat dirn>torH in refereueo to thia cntoipiiiie, and he was timi all thone who know tho honorable baronet deeply regretted tbut lio was coiinbctcd willi thone U K n ton (bear, hear]. Hu (tho Chiuiccllor of Um Kxchoquor] for ono recognised and iidmircd the onorgy mid unteqiriso of Ins character, and re grottud Hint ho had fallen into thuiio troubled album [hear, hoar]. Tho Houso innot sympntliizo with ono who had for BO many yearn nut milong thom, and had ho un BO many qualities onlitl'.ng him to robpect." Mr. Uladutouo said ho must ocho what tho right honorablo gcntluman hud nani in favor ot tho hon orable, member for lirint ol (Sir Mm-ton Toto), who had obtained a high position by tho display of en ergy mid talent, and bud won tor himself respect by tho exhibition of so many virtuos. Sir Morton Toto said ho would withdraw tho mo tion. Ho felt ho wai; bound to thank thc Chancel lor of tho Exchequer and thu right honorablo nicin bor tor South Lancashire for tho kind and courte ous way in which thoy had alluded to him. Having had tho honor of u scat in that Houso, with a slight interval, for noarly twenty years, it was ex tremely gratifying t > him to hear such kind words from tho leader of tho opposite party. NcwsrATEtt BOASTISU.-This i-j tho way that | 1'ncNTicE "takes off" thc habit eomo nowspapera I havo of boasting of thoir immenso concerns : The daily emulation of our papor-to actual bona Jlda paying subscriber!]-is just ilvo millions six hundred and twelve thousaud and forty-two ahcots. Wo bavo oioploycd upon tho papor Uvo hundred compositors and ono nun dre J and cloven editors, nine hundred carnora, throe hundred mailing dorks, and oilier nidors too uumorous to mention. Wo have taken especial charge ot-tho tulls c f tho Ohio, and tuto thom oxclusivoly for I "wotting dow.i" our paper. . Wo have cloven paper j mills in constant oporuliou, tho HUI alio ,t of wbioh ! turns out twu two Hundred thousand bales of paper daily, it requires sovonteon uiuotecu-story Hoe's presses to work oil our vast edition, and wo aro compelled to ougngo ad tho coal that ia mined in tho Lehigh \alloy, as woll as contraot for all that comos dowu tho Ohio ltlvor, to supply our ung ines with fuel. Uar correspondente uro all graduates of thu Ural universities mid collcgos in tnu world, and aro stationed in every city, town sud hamlet on tho habitable glebe. MAKUIAUKS. On tho Int day of May, by Ul o Hov. Jame* Lendonnau, Mr. Young ll. i/lvvcr and allia Luina Wen, all ol Orocu vulo District. Dy llev. J. I. Donner, on Thur. ny evening, O th April, Mr. Jame Hott aud Mina Margaret Holl, daughter I of Mr. frederick Hell, all of Abbovido District, . C. At tba rosldcnco of tito bride's father, on Tuesday evening. April - Sd, 1BUT. by thu ltcv. A. Moo, llev. Wm. E. Walter , e .Hor ol' thu South Carolina llaptiit, aud Mina Anna al. Mldford, eldest el.iu"mtej ol Dr. W. J. Mill, fora, ho Ul of Anderson District. Ou Ibo -."Jti, by tho ltcv. I.. 1*. O'Connell, M. J. Calnan, L ip, to Min. Cornella A. Lynch, vf Columbia. Ou tho -'sih umlaut, by tho ltcv. J. E. Uodacra, Ml. J. '. Moa a beau, ot dinden, to Mua Caroline Moseley, of I Haunter District. On tho 7Ui instant, by the tumo, Mr. J. J. Itoyuolda to M r.s. c h i riot iee M. Arrant*. Ail ul' Kershaw District. Dy ltcv. H. !.. Walton, un thc second Instant, Mr. 8. W. Durum of M cklouburg Co., N. C., and Mles Jane . Jnckauii, of York il-tn cl. COMMBliCIAL. r.iparii. LIVERPOOL-Per Dr brig Albert-9 bal H I and 703 balen Upland Cotton, 16. Iiblfl Il.vdn, tl Package*. riJJLAD ELl'lHA-l'or sehr Mapoleen-140,063 feet Lum ber. ' Tho Cfiarlcstaii Cotton Market. OFFICE OF THE CHAHLESTON DAILY NEW3.1 CUAULILSTOH, Friday Eveulng, May 10,1867. I Thc operations wera limited tn connnqticuco nf thc want of stock and tho declining prices, pu rc bur ra gener ally buying at railer rates. Sales GO bairn, via : 6 at 23, 3 | ut 33.17 al i3)i, 10 at 31. 17 ot S jf, and 4 bales of Kalk j Csttou nt 23c V lb. Wo quote Low Middling.03 23>J Middling.3a 6 34> Augiist-.i Market. AUOUSTA, May 1).-FlNAm-lAX,-Oou>-Droksr ara baying at 130 and Miling at 138. Unwin-broken ara hiiylng at 137 and selling at 131. s mu m M i.-i-Ucorgln Itallroad. Stock, Ol. COTTON-Iho market waa dull and quiet this morning, snri wo think, a fraction lower tl. tn yesterday. Kales of I middling io strict middling at about 33c In tho alter- [ noon, a belter tone prevailed, though nu aalri rom made. Sales of the day amounted to SO balen, a* MOWS : 4 at 31, 4 at 33,3 at 2JJ , To at -J. llccolpta, 30 bolea. fiiuniuiuli Market. 8 .WANNAH, May IL-Tim nt ito of the markot contin ues lobs ntl., n il hy tho general diilluess of trado which la pervadion oil Southern eitlen. Dry goods merchants roportn oliglitly Improved demand, but Mill busbies* is behind Uio usual spring trado. Tho demand for corn and provisions continues steady, and tho supplies of thu former nra taken up r.lmor t sa Out os they arrive. With tho exception of a slight chango in Ibo price of corn lu favor ol tho buyer, there ls no chango lo bo uo ticed t between our present quotations and lb ooo of last wock KieuAMnt - Thom hos been very lillie offering tilla week. Brokers are buying at liar to a premium, and Belling at , : pi emla m. UOLD-Has been moro steady during tho we-k, and ratos havo advanced. To-day we give tho buying rato at los, and tellln - nt 1 Walto. Fmaonia.-Wo aro not advised of any chango alneo our last report : To Now York, on cotton, per steamer, upi ar.-!.. To New York, on cotton per sicamor, sea Island M To Boston. l)f Tu BalUmora. K To Philadelphia. X To Liverpool, on cotton upland. ; d. To Liverpool, on cotton aes Uland. lid. To Providence, on cotton, per Bail. To Portland.;. ft To Boston. X To Nsw York. ff To New York, on lumber.ti 00@ To Boston. 10 00 To Nsw York and Bonton, on limber... .10 no. ; 11 00 To Cuba, on lumber, (In gold). norn. COTTON.-The cotton market opened, at the commence ment ol the official week, with quotations a shodo above tho * st the beginning of tho preceding week. The sub dued, or rather depressed tnno, ran from one week into tho other so evenly, that th ire waa nothing to nuuk the translUon, except tho usu*, itali; printed reports, which, of course, wera divested of all interest, os they could stato no new feature to present date to enliven their mo notony. Tb* supply of cotton offering has oouunuod lib rai, but tho character oi tho market bas remained un changed, as bas tho dealro to soil and tho disposition to j buy. Oar report closes upon a weak market, at 24o for Middlings. Stu ISLASDS-Tho solos havo been very light, bat we 1 hear of a few transacUons that have boon effected at price* varying from 83 to iuo for Florida McCarthy ginned COTTON STATEMENT. Block ou hand SopL 1. Deceived ol nee Hay 3.. Received previously... Total receipts.. Exported since May 3. Exported previously... Total exports.....;;.. Stock on hand Moy o. 1SG0-07. 1805-00. Boa toland. .tl tt,071 3,077 20 OI7 108 12,1*3 13,310 3,301 Dpl'd. 17.088 7,833 8,151 eu 7.07S 7,693 J53 Dpl'd. 3.734 3,013 103730 4,038 173777 1TJ715. 2 1,043 It ICE.-T2i supply continues to lessen, ll being pretty much all In. The demand ta fair, though pri es havo not changed. Wo qnote clean at 0>ialOc. Bonah Ides I* not offering just now, and ls hold at IX A good arllclo of seed rico commands fi. Mobile Morket. MOBILE, May C.-COTTON-Tho demand lia* boen Hm . lied to-dry, and sale* confined chiefly to one broker. 700 boles changed hands, the market closing quiet but firm 'ai fltJio for Middling. .' .'-'. - Month.1 nt A2fi> FINANCIAL.-Tho following ware the ruling quotations to-day : QoUl 130*137,' BUrling-143ol44ji for sixty day , and 145 for loht New Tork Bight par chocking, and ;(a,ir di* buying. Now Orleans Bight par/ Wilmington Market, WILMINGTON, May 0.-BOOTH-Tho markot ia de pressed and prices tend downward. 1413 bbls sold ot S3 70 for common; t2 86a2 90 for strained; 12 UicCj for Ko 3; $4 03 for No 1, and Sa6 18 for pole. flpinrrs Trent irr DVE-In still further depressed. 03o wo* tho hlgbestoffer obtained, which factors would not entertain, and na transactions occurred; CBUDE TtrorEmiwr-03 bbls sold st ll for virgin; t3 for yellow dip, and 83 for hard. Tut-Market firm at ll BO, willi no receipts or solea. Doltlmore Market. . DA LTTMOnE, May 7,-Han II-Quercitron ls still scarce and In demand; quotations nominally unchanged in tb* absenta of stock. ! OoirsJt-Msrket conUntie* quio!, tho only sal tc-day being 360 bogs Bio, ox Brother*, st 18}( cents gold. COTTON-Wa* dull to-day, and to effect solos helder* had to moko further con oe ooloo*; wa noUee s moll lota of good ordinary and low middling at 33;<*33 'els, and closed heavy and nominal under coblo advioos reporting .till lower quotAtious at Liverpool. i'Lotrn-flaltimora brandn of Family, Extra and Snpcr were quite generally Advanced to-day 60 cent* per bbl, but some of tho bold er a of Weatcrn were offering st pre vious roten. We report sales of 133. bbl* Bowsrd Rtreot Super ot til 60; 100 bbls WcsUu-n Spring wheat Extra at 111; and SOO do do at 813 V*. The demand I* confined almost entirely to homo and otb er local wants, with ooma ehlptneaU to neighboring marketa ? We revise oar quo tations' aa follow*: Howard-titre, t Kuper And Cut l.'itra.. .til 33 @S13 25 Howanl-itreet Bhlpplng Extra. 13 00 (4 14 00 ' ll-.Word-elreet nish andes.'...... ll 00 15 00 Hom rd eju-est Family.i 10 00 (8 17 00 Ohio Soper and Cat Kit ra.11 00 it ll 7.. Ohio Ettro8hlpplng...ii.;. 00 00 & 00 00 Ohio retailing..V .... 00 00 & 00 00 Ohle Family.. 15 00 & 10 W Northwestern Super. .00 00 j 00 00 Northwestern Extra.,.-..13 00 "if 14 00 City Mills Boper.".ll 60. (ft 13 0} OltjrM1U ,Standard FaUra............ 18 0) 14 00 Oliy Milla flnlpplng brands Extra. 13 00 ii 15 60 nxitlmnro, Welcli's Ax Orecnfleld Fom'y 18 CO fi, 00 00 11 ol 11 moro high grada Extra.. 17 00'2#176O Bye Flour, new. 9 50 & 10 00 Oom Meal City Milln.Kit.> 10. t) 8 30 OAIH-Wboot wo* more aetlv> to-day, with solea of I3J0 hush els ordtnoi-y Pcnhoylvonio at llSaSOO, and 00 bushels fall' to prime Tolley do at 3 07*3 -no prim or cheleo Maryland received, would bri Uk full former qaoUtiens. Dora wa fn moderate anpftj| IO,wo bush VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* III ici ii it i M; KONS, ESTABLISHED 1823, MANUJ'ACTURERS OF Grand Sauare, And Uorie,ht PIANO FORTES. WA,1E-R0 ; S, NO. 652 BROADWAY NttW YORK. OHICKBRING & SON Grand Square and Upright PIANO-PORT RE NOW. AH TnE? KV Ml HAVE HESN. . BIDZBED th but lo America, neting SIXTY-KIVH IMII7.K nr.lill.S. Of which fourteen wera roccivoJ lu tho ino nih ot I tomber and Ootobor, 1809. and first prurnlnnin oral oompelllort ot tho dlfforotit prloolpal Fairs lal country, and Ute PRIZB the WORLD'S FAIR, LONDO] rn AI.ii o uti s urinai. I consider Chlckarlug k BODS* Pi nos, beyond oom* portion, the best I boro ooo In Amarle*. 8. Til A 1.1 IE no, Coal noan of Jory on MnalccJ Iustrumon - GARD. Itt* with fooling of pride aa American manufacturera that we publish tho following testimonial*, which have been rooolrod Dy ua rectally: Kt I HOI'KAN, Received during the month of Awjurt, 1800. Lennon, July IS, 1861. Mliiaiot. Oincnrsnarjfa ii Boas-(lent*: I novo ranoh pleaanro In euoloalng a document algund by tho first composers, mostela ns and prufosaora lu Europe. I hold your Plano In a ooh high estimation {vid* my certifi es te) that I felt it my duty to tobo ODO of thom with me to Europe, to ascertain tho opinion of my professional brethren. Tho enclosed ce rt! fl ca to will provo bow uDonlmona they hove boen on the subject. I beg to forward, at tho auno time, a lotter I rocoivod from my frlond, Mr, Collard, which I am euro mutt bo gratify, lng to you. X hive the honor to be, gentlemsn, yours vary tmty, JAMI* M. Will ILL LONDON, January ll, 1808. Jamel H. liv AK, Eiq.: MT DEAR Hm: I have great ploaxnro tn ashing yon to convoy lo Motor*. Chi dering tho oxpro lau or my blgncat ?pproval ol their Inatrnmont. Il ts, I conalder, not merely tho bent Inatrnmont of American menufac trtro that I have tried, bat ouo of tho Oacat (trend Piono forlcs tho: haaover ooma under my cboorvotlon; and tho Messrs. Ubiekortog may woll bo proud ol having tamed ont from theilr manufactory an teat rumen I which, for touch, quality, po ivor end workmani.hip, lt would be very dlluerdt lo aurpaaa la any part of the Yid* world. Dear lr, very tin os roly yenrs, CU AH. D. CUI .LAUD, Pira of OclL i a, ClUrJ. riann.furUi ManrJacLurftrs, Lon do u. LOKD017, August 23, ISCA. J cr-ri M. Vel.H, Eta.: Mv UKAU Bra: A* yon aro going back to tho Dulled State*, I moat beg you lo rr-ru ctn Der me kindly to th M eos rt, Olilekonng. Toll them I wa dellgbtrd Ith their Qrand Pl ir.oforto-ai good an faeliwaf, / think al Mai iver fur aaa out, boi\ in touch andfer *, Wishing yon, ftc, I remain evorti il,-. U Y. BBO.iUWOOP, firm of L Broadwood li Sous, Piano-forte Manufac t rele, London. LONDON, July 20, 1800, Ur un. Chichering di Semi: Qstm: I have- lust boon Invitad by Muir . Collard to try a Grand Plano-forlo manufactured by you, ead I hate no hesitation In endorsing tho opinion ot my old friend, Ur. O. D. Collard, via: Thal It I* th* fluent ln stmment 1 ever pUyed ou. bail07 0 me, (tntlomen, most faithfully your*, J. L. HATTON. Ttitimeniali frm the moil diitingmihed ArtUU in Europt lo Heirn. Chicktnng <* .Sc ru : LOJIDOX, July 20, 18vS. Dating played upon a Piano-lotto modo by Meaara. Ohlekerlng Ai Bens, of boston ind Now York, 1 hov* much pleasure la testifying lo Ita gen oral excell.nce. Por sweetness and brUllanoy of tous, delicacy of touch and magnificent power for concert purposes, I consider lt a really O ka ITO PIANO FOUTE, asm DECIDED LT TUB BOAT I IIA TN HUI Of .AM HUI lu if U AN cr A or una. ARABELLA GUDDABD. QIULO HKUONDI. ti. A. OSBORNE ALER KD JAELL, W. K HE. LINDSAY BLOPEB. JTJLES BENEDI0T. J. MUM0UKLE3. kl. W. DALI; E. Prot, or Conoerratolre dr OHAS. HALLE. Leipzig. BBINLET RICHARDS. a AUTHUR OHAPPEL, BENE FAVAWjEU. Director of Monday Con 8YDNKY SMITH. ex ns, London. Among the chief poluto ol excellonceot th Ohloktr i lng Plano*, of which apeak tho renowned artist* In their congratulatory testimon ala to tho Meurs.Cblokerlng, re the greatest possible depth, rlchnee* and volume of tone, combined with a rare brilliancy, oloorne** anti perfect evenness th co og hoot tho entire acal*; and, ahovo all, a surprising duration of aound, th* puro and .ymnathetio quality of which never change* under th* moat delicate or powerful tench. Daring tho past forty-three year* this arm has mann sctured SO.OOO PIAKOB. In th* conitruetlon of tr hieb they have lo trod aced every known and valuable Improvement. They have Invaria bly been selected and usad by all of tho world'* oe kncrwUdgtd great artist* who have visited thia country professionally, both for prltats and public nae. TUALDBHa. I consider Ohlekerlng at Bona* Plano*, beyond oom J partsou, tbs beat I novo ever oeen tn America. Ut PIT H CH ALK.. I oem aider Ohlekerlng k Bona' Plano* superior to any In tho world. UM Tboy are unrlvallod for their sluging qualities and for the harxnonton* roon do eso of their tone. There 1* a perfect homogeneity thronghoat all th* reglitor*. Th* per note aro remarkable for . clAaraea* and parity doh I do not find tn any other Inatrnmont, while the base is dlitingulahoii for power without birihnoaa, and for a magnlnoonl aonnrlly. Your Plano* ar* uuperlor lo any. I hat* aver soon lo thia oountry or In Europa. . I bava Bevor hoard a tone oe peri oct-, lt yield ev ry axproailon that la neodod In' mmle, and lu quality fa capable of chang* to mool ovary Mintlment. Thia la . rare power, and ia derived from Ibo.perfect purity of lt* tone, together with Iii sympathetic), elastic and nil ba!traced touch. roz M AK ur ri. ' During the put tight jean I have constantly played npon tho juaUy oelebratod Srard Ptouoti yonri ore the only lnitrumanta that I bavo found, either hera or lo Eoropo, to equal them In all their pointa of excellence. lt may ba ntl aft cte ry to our patron* and m en da among tho pablloat large to Uta that testimonials have - bean received from all the loading artists wbo have visited or ora now redding In tho Hulled Slate*, a fow ol tuno nomo*, besides thoo boro, we append! LEO. D3 MEYER. HU HT AV BATTER. ALTBED JAEL. J. BENEDICT. .. O. f ANDERSON. M. 8TRAK080D. H. HOFFMAN. JULLIEN. ? ARTHUR NAPOLEON. And many others, j OS- ILLUSTRATED ALDOUS AND PRIOR LISTS BENT DY UA L. WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broad way 9 NEW Y ORK DRU G S, CHEM! AL S,ETC. DB. N. A. PRATT, ISUCCESSOR TO l'HAIT li WILSON BROTHERS.) WII0LI NUI5 DR I Hill ST, ANALYTICAL AND OONUULTINO CHEMIST, NO. 2.3 HA Y NE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., DEALER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, GLASS. ANO DRUGGISTS* SUNDRIES. Ai slysls pf Oro?. Bolla, Fertilizer*. Ac, maila ..1th l e.itcM ore t ml u-ciirtry. lio-nonil .i,H i, e Rivru in M branches of Ibo science*, on laoJcrateterm . Dr. P, OLIN DANS. ELLY ls usineoted willi Um nbjre bonce, un I will bi) plctiuccl lo KCM ble minier.m i Mund* anil acrpiatutiuccH. sluthllmo March IG A Treacherous and Deadly Foo! I ? PAIN AND MUSKS IN THE IIIBAU. Dr. Norton's New Remedy FOR CATARRH, IvNT 18 THE ACME HT Kid. Tb oro ls uo secret In Ihn m MI .r. They aro at euee the most apeedy, slrcngttionirg hnalth-rcsturcr uve coverwl. It roqulrea but a studio trial tu lindore lauri Ulla. Their purity can al wa; H be relied upon. They aro oompoaod of the celobraled Calli-aia Hark, < a carilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile Flowers, Lavcudor Flowers, Wintergreen, A Ri bc, Oluvorbuds. Oran, -pr ! Huake-ro n, Caraway, Coriander, Burdock, S.~T.-1800-X. ftc * bey are especially recoiutueudod lo ctrrgyineu, pnl lliipoakora, and persons of lt tem y bkliitn and at>*en lory life, who requlro free digestion, a relish for too. and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persons aro certain to find In tbpao llltlora what they liavo so lung looked for. Thoy purify, strengthen sud Invigorate They cresta a healthy app tits. They aro an antidoto to chantre of water ami .Itel. Tbey ovorcume effects cf illsjlpcitun ami tito ii.mrs They strengthen the ny; tc m acd eullven the mimi. They prevent mlasmatlo sud lutoruil'.Uiit fevers. They purify tho breath and aridity of Ibo s'-oruioh Tln j euro Dyspepils and CoiMllroUcn, They euro Diarrhea, Cholera amt Cholera Mot bun. T hey cure Liver Complaint and Kervett! Headache. They are the bait Billers In tho world, 'flies; make Ibo weak man strong, and aro exhausted naturn's ,;rc restorer. The follow lng startling and rnipliallo Ett.lor.ionU can bs sean at our offioe. Letter of nov. E. F. OniVE, Chaplain ot l!:c 107lli New York R giment: Nsar. ACCCIA r i .;.i. March 1th. li- i. OwlngUo tho groat exposure omi tsrriblo decomposi tion after Uio battle of Autlotani, I r.aa utterly prostrat ed and very tick. My stomach would not retain medi cine. An article callM riantatlou Blllor:, prtpaud by Dr. Dai cz, of Now York, wai prescribed tu give roo ttreagth and. an appetite. To tny eraat surprint Uiey gave mo Immediate rol'.c/. Tiro bettles almost allowed mo to Join my regiment. . . . . I Luve aturo teen them ured lu many jar c.s. and asl free to cay, for boa piu.l er pilrato purposes I know of nothing likn them. Uov. . F. GEAKE, Cbep'i'.n. Leiter from th Rev. N. 1- Uu-cn, PL CialrLVlUu, l-l. Qaim.cucM:-You wore atud . noitith, en a fe nur.- oe* easton, to sand mo a b.lf dnzznu bot'hi of Fiaulr.liou Bitters for S3 CO. My wife bavin* lit rive 1 so mjc.i benefit from tbs use of these Bitter:, Ideates rr lu oootlnue them, and you will please cud * <-.v bu-.tlei mere for the money esclc-scd. I au, very truly, .-.> i \. N. E. OILt'J, Pettor Ocr. Ktf. Church, BOLSUU.' lioun, bui\-r.ivTKi;r.rsr's Orv tex, 1 . OmctMHArr, Omo, .lau. 1 : I MM. j *..**..* . I have given your PUntaliou Bitters to hundreds ot our noblo soldiers who slop hero, wore ur leia dlcabled from Tarions causes, and the eSeot la marvellous and gratifying. Bach a preparation as this la 1 heartily wish in every family, lu every hospital, and ut band en every battle field. G. V7. D. ANDBEW8, bnperlntcndout Dr. W. A. Cnruis, Burgeon of tho Tooth Verm on t Re giment, writes:-"I lah evory soldier baj a bottlo of Plantation Hitters. They nra tbs moat effective, per feet, end harmless tonio I ever naed." Wn.Mnn'e HoTSL, I W AV ii i MO TO M, D. 0., May lld, ICG J. j QsirrLEurm:-We require aoothor supply of your Plantation Bitters, tho popularity o which dally in creases with the gu ca ts of our house. Respectfully, SYKES. CHADWICK si CO. Ac Ac fae. Ac, lie Be surs that every bottle boars Jibe fao-slsille of our signature an a steel plate label, with our-private stomp orar the cork, P. H. DBASE & CO, Ito. 301 BROADWAY, N. V. Sold by ali reSoectable Druggists. Physicians, Qiocer Ba loon a, and co un irv QoUJadealera,, mii-r- ".'.,' tlutil maia DELICIOUS TONIO, EKPECIALLY DESIONED J_ for the use of tho Medical Profession end tho Family, is now ondorsed by all the prominent Physicians, Chem ists and Connotase ora, aa possessing all th oso intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonio and diuretic! which belong to ^ OLD AND PURE GIN. We trust that our established reputation ; rounded upon eighty-ei bt years of erpcrionce-abundantly vin dicates our claims to public confidence, and guaran, toes tho excellence of this Standard Article. ' . Put up in cases containing ono dozen bottles each and told by all prominent Druge-lita, Grocers, Ao. A. M. ti CO, (Established 1778. -tl boto Importera No. Iff Beaver ired, New Yoi Opinions of the Press,'. The Dietingen, No, 15 Beaver street, have a very high reputation to s rta lain, as tho oldest and beal bouts In Kew YOrk.- Tesis Journal. Tho houao of A. M. plnluger fe Co., Mo. Iff Beaver street, has sustained, for a period of el ahtv y 'tra, a repu tation that may woU bo envied.-JV. Y. Umina Foti. GOODRICH, W NEM AN & CO., NO. 1 it MEETINQ STREET, Opposite Charleston Hotel. ' . . and D0W TE. & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KINO & CAS8IOEY, NO. J61 MEETINO STREET, ? ' . Wholesalo Agents, Charleston, 8. O. . January SS . tnths6mo w fSe v . 1X?*nisEEIlS and MUS- > rw />3 .\ VV TA CI I KM force J to fPPBk m. m.crt ff* w upon the, smoothest W -IS i .WVy face in from throe to Ore Hvr HMO weeks by using Dr. BEYIO BflsVn BBett N E ' fl RESTAURATEUR KSSH -sfflHkCAPILLAIRE, the most fljfifflBWt, ^V al/wonderful discovery In mo- ^ylS tff!ar ..fl j < dem Adelice, - acting upon | ^ Jje the Beard and Hair In an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the ellto of Paris and London with tho most flittering success. Names of all purchosers will beregiatered.'and if entire aatisfaclion ls not givon in every liuianoc, tho money, will bo cheerfully refunded. Prlea fay mall, tealwl nd postpaid, il. Descriptivo eir frolars aad tesUmonltU malled free, Address DER'iKR, BHTJTTO ll CO., CbemUta. No. ito River street .Troy, N, Y.^Solo A|e-oU ferr the Catted BJaUa. , :.- . ft AVEG , T0 M & MoKfiNZlEi .LU; MD C0LLHC IOH OFFICE, Nos. 30 od IO Park Row* ITAAO D A VT.O A,. ) weona* B-^OITHO, I sw YOBJ-. aniiABii iv, tiottmoan.) ?* *, ._attend to tbs eottMoa ei jCTfM Sk ttutrdrto dato tnrotujkou tba Cnttesj. l ' uY<5T0K2E3 rOB ALL TM 1*4 % DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. F 0 U TZ 'S CKLKHMATKli IORSR AMI CATT l,H POWDERS. -^'fti. >fj**i>?^DT ^y*j T,||R i'r''j,,r*"0"' ' UK *U*M/nW } M " '" '.'""'?"s-'lily reluvlgo bw wt B t,! V ral.- broken tl" H omi pJ^rn^^^^r'^ '..'..HrtliBj hors *, bjj IA A\ , v AvV ,. lil nire- preventivo vViW^;4AV "F . III**""* In-ddeiil ' Io Ilii-< IIIIIIIIHI. Iii-Ii ai JV... ,.".. ?'*.-. - I.I'NII FEVER, GLAND III . Yid LOW WATKK. HKiVVKH. COl'OHS, DDL ^''\ . ^' " ' ^ IKU AM' SPIRITED HORSE. TO K LEPERS Ol' COWS TUM PREPARATION IS lNVALUAItl.l'. ll In erea^s tho ciuaallty nml improves tho quail ly or Ilm M I I. K. It has hoon proven by ar lual experiment to In crease- the quai'tlty ol ami C lt KA M twenty per etui., ami make tho DU TT Ell linn ami sweet. In fsl . _ telling cattle, lt gi v e - them an appetite, o ms their Mile, auil III ikes thom thrive much raster. IN AI.I. DISEASES Ol' SWINK, SUCH AH COUGHS ULT/ KIIS IN THE LUNGS. I4VKB, fcc. Joe article acts OH a pi i ii . Hy putting froiu unc-half a papers lo a paper lu a IM reel " if swill thc nlxivoills ;anes will ho cradles- _ . lei! or entirely pr - VS ranted. If given In lime, a certain preventive mid euro for the Hog Chol ra. PEI .PA HE!) DY S. A. EOUTZ Si uno., No. Il HaAXKLI S H T lt E E T BALTIMORE, Md. FOR SALE DY DOWIE & MOISE SODTIIM MUH. HOUSE, NO. 151 MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE Cit Alt LENTON HOTEL. March 23 ntnthBmo MOTH Bits. MOTHERS t MOTHERS ! YOUH ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILD EiNJCEETHING ri HIS VALUARLE PREPARATION IS THE' PRE J. bCRIPTION of ono of tho liest female physicians ind mirtos in tho United stales, .iud hos tuen used lor thirty years with nover-lalllnj; bafeiy and necoss by mil lions of mothers fur their eliiidrcu. ' It not only rollover ibo child from pain, but Invigorates thc stomach and bowels, cornets acidity, and gives tono md energy lo tho whole system. Ic will also instantly rclluvc GRIPING IN TUE DOWELS AND WIND COLIC. Wo believe it is Hie best and surest remedy In tba world, in all casca nf DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA In children, whether It nri*cs from Teething, or from any oilier cause. Re sure and asl; for -1IKS. WINSLOW* SOOTIIINO SYRUP, Raving tho fao simile of CURTIS k PERKINS on tho wrapper. ALL OTHERS ARE HASE IMITATIONS.! For aalo by the Wholesale Agon a, f) >VI! Si MOISE, ' Ko. lit MEETING HTUEET, OPPOSITE C'.tUU.ESTOM HOTEL. _Aprll ll_ _IhstupoiOA SARATOGAi 14EXOEIiSI ll"J PR!X WATER. 1MIE WATER OF THLS SPRING IS RELIEVED TO . be unequalled by that ot any oilier in tho fai inod raOey of &aratoga lu virio, .i are such as have secure.! lt UM high encomiums of all who have used lt, poi. ,c-c< Ing, as lt ikea, in au eminent degroo, cathartic, dlurotlc, titerjtlvo sud tunic qualities. From SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D" Professor 1'ractleo of Physic, Joffenau MiHllcal College, Pluto Jolpbis, formerly or Charleston, S. C.: PiiiLAi>ur.t>uu, November 15, ISSi lbave been fora year or moro past in tho habit-il iaklug tho water of Hw .?Excelsior" Spring of Sarato-ra. r\ccustomcd during tho great p. inion of my invalid life to uso tho di u. r, m waters of tho several fountslua which Boll up along that rcmarkanlc rsUcy, dependent, Indeed, upon thurn lor much of thu comfort I enjoy, I am Batts fted thal Ilia Excelsior Water issn well adapted ,as any ithor mnong thom, if nut moro KO. IO the purposes far which they aro generally omployccL It lavery agreeable, itrougly luiprugnated with ibo carbonic sou, lively omi iparkllug. . . * I nan heartily eud conscientiously recommend lt to all who need a gentle cathartic anil Huretic, SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D. Tho Water Is put up lu Pint and Quart bottles, and jocked lu good ordnr for ablpping, Pints In boxe, ol 'our dozen each, and Quarts iu boxes of two doxou each HOLD AT WHOLESALE nv I GOODRICH, WHIAN & 00., Importers anti WliolesilloDmgffigtS, No. I VI SIE ETI NC STREET, OPPOSITE CHAllLESTON HOTEL. DOWIE S MOISE, No. 151 MEETING STREET. Oppcailo Charleston Rotel. And for salo by first class Druggists and Rotels, January 12 (Imo CHEROKEE: G ' fa TO OU T a^Va/^V INDIAN MEDICINE, ^^?> Wjjtl CUr" ^L^,>J^^asj|^ ^^t^^y^lR '.MtrA rM. Universal LaM*\\ " ' '"HH*J *^^itf \'-i\<ins<nMsrlirL^I''ift --^cSSSrVSi9*v~"'?" if risron, J'r(OW^'r*S -gil JsHKfk.\3 Old Age. WialcKtrttx, Di l-% - p y OV) ritiGr'"" Breathing, Pal* O .in/<-\ >A55?2!C3P^ lion, and all tl ese rises that ful- I low aa a lequenes nf youthful lndlscrotlnos. Tbs Cherokee Cure will rcstoiq health and Tiger, it.ip tbs emissions, and effoet a permanent eura aru-r all other medicines have failed. Thirty-two page pamphlot lest ID a scaled envelope, free to any address. Prlco tl per bottle, or three bottles for 15. Bold by all dru-Isis ; or will be sent by exprea to any portion ef tbs world, os receipt of pri e, by tb* tole proprietor, Vt. W. B. HEBWTJJ, 37 Walker Bt., H. Ti Cherokee Remedy, ^s *3 *^ Cures all Urinary OtVm S^, tH .JV plaints, vii: Orartl.IiuUm fi^t Ift lt X. mellie" cf the Blaadtr and d d^B *a\ Y*w"t,1'"Strtcturtt cf As Q %GO FJBt^MKa\\ htTrrtnrr. Droptlcal S *U ' '?'.' ...ifl^flmQi, Brick Doti DtpMttt, ^Wwsiwraavil^1 TrT and all diseases that rcqn Ire NjaHJSHJ**^' n dliirotle, end whan uj d tn OHEKOKEE INJECTION, doesnntfkll t ente OonorrXta, OM and all Jfu coot I>l*c>*arg(t lu Malo or.Female, eittlog raven! catt* In, from ont to Ihr a dap*, and U especially recommended In Ihos eates of jTlilnr Albu$ or Wnitti In Ftmalf*. J.The two- medicines used In conjonction will m>t fall to remove thlidtsagreeablo complaint, and ta thone cues whereOtberimdlclnei bare been uied wllheut lucccas, - Pri e, Remedy, One Roltlo, |3, Three Detllea, |3. Injeelloo, " " I'J, * " , .* Tho Cherokee-4 Curt* " Jltrntdi}," and " Tnieo HM*! are to be found In all well regulated drug (tores, and are recumrnrnded by phyalclaoa and druggists all over tho world, for their Intrlnslo worth and marti. Boino unprincipled dealers, howtver. try to deceive their customers, by selling cheap ana worthless eamtsmndir- in oidcr to roake moory la place of these. Bt not dtc4lr L If the drug rills will not buy them for y ;, wtU" ons,and na will send them ir. you by erpre , feureW P^ked and free from obiervatlon. \vo treat al Ofevw which tho human aystem Is srtMejt, and will ho pleased to recel*, full and cxpl'cd triKMritltM ? those who have felled to receive relief Mjgffi* ladles or wDllemsn can addreM in P'V A ,,, fro desbo lo send our thirty-two pa s pamphlet free to eve.y lady and vnllcnisn n the land! Address all letter fur pamphlclt, medltlnes, or advice, to tho icio proprl^etor, . _ ff fi Dr. V7. It. MEBWIP. 37 Weltsr Et H. Y. May -ii _^__ Ibttnlyr ^asyna Tl E A U T Y .- Auburn. gSy>. . BSrJk X> Golden, Flaxen, and Er' TX HfO IbW b'lken CURLS produced by K r>\B JR JW. tho nae of Professor Da> ..ill, a mm&ySk. RREUX'S F R I 8 ER LE S=7 ^S&9 CHEVEU3L Ono ' spp'Jca- J&i^ ? mrrm- lion wamnled to curl t^KBrBSttt ~T' " " most straight and atubhom ^rvyvr*^ air of aitbersex into wavy rtngletsr, or. heavy rnassJvo uria, Ha. been used by tho fasidcmablea ol Paris and ondon. with tho most gratifying results; Does no ln uy to the hair. Price by mall, sealed and postpaid, tl. inscriptive cirouUrs malled, free. Address DU1I0RR, nUTTB k CO., Chnmlsta. No. 28A River street. Troy, N. 'iarch 8? tm '"TVtiuA 8f4lca* f n/vor.nrs atm rviiLia E9 . tFiste arsxsvteo, Cholc- 1" /rs,: ct*^ ctuu, . ?ii. Mi'ts ssssxrxfzssi. csa c^ir^simi ^?v^ " BW' o/i' Ji'Ai ''. ??.-'vi t ?..:^,.ii,v. :i.'?. '/s s,i.>ii,S i'