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\7ho sholl toll my lovo I love her ? Lo I she stands Heaven's own rainbow arch above her. Palm boughs budding in her hands. Flowers beneath her rested feet, Thornless Eden flowers and sweet. Who susi "Coll my love I love her? Such sweet song Angel lips sro chanting over This new saint amid their throng; Scarcely will thoy change their strain Counting human love so vain. Who shall toll rav lovo I love her? . : Shall tho lark. Starting from his grassy cover While tho sky ls gray and dark ? Nay, mino own song soars as high ts the brown lark's minstrelsy. Who shah tell my love I lovo her ? Sholl the breeze ? That most sweet but thriftless rover, Does it stir the living trees ? Can my message thus thus bo given? Nay, tho bicez ? blows under heaven. Who shall tell my lovo I love her? Shall not I? When life's fever-sleep is over, And my soul's glad open eye. Dar ?a through blue and amber space Searching looks for her dear face? I shall toll my love I love her Very soon Human words no more may movo her. But my spirit lips shall tune Songs of love os high and sweet, ' Songs of love os pure and meet, As angels' own, her ear to greet I sholl tell my lovo I love. her. Judge Underwood's Charge. . COJI2TENT3 OF THE ?ICH1I0.VD PI1ESS. [Front the Whig.] Underwood's charge to the Grand Jury jester- I day will bo found in our columns this morning. We have no hesitation* itt' saying' that' certain of its allusions tb this city aro the most wantonly, mendacious and brutally .libellous utterances -that ever came from tho bench of any civilized country. They wink their author beneath the fellowBhip"irf I the lowest jail-birds. -It is impossiblo to give ex Eression to tho scorn and contempt which every onorable mut must fool for the depravity of a . heart that can engender calumnies so vile. [From Ott Dispatch.] aioh'srsous CHABOE OF A JUDGE.-If it we: e th? ' object of Judge Underwood to disgrace his Gov? ernment'and the court over which he. presides, he labored in earnest yesterday to carry it ont in his charge to the jury on operiiug'his court. Wo pub? lish it in our paper to-day as it comes from tho United States Court. I This charge, for the infamv or its aspersions of a whole comm ??"?s no parallel. in the- judicial ol any country on Saltia tsi_ mur?a vriu wonder how such a man ever gol to be a judgo ; but ho will bo awarded the credit of making good use of his omeo tb secure himself notoriety in 'at least one way :' that of the foul and filthy calumniation of society. " - -i - ? ?From. Oe Tima.] UNDERWOOD'S CHABOE ' TO HIS GRAND JUST.- ' Elsewhere in our columns will bo lound . the -'charge, *yesterday delivered to bas white and negro- jury by John C Underwood, - Judge of the United States District Court of Virginia.- As a legal ohargo to a Grand Jury it is wholly beneath cnti- I oism, and "challenges comment a display rI from;Qie bench'of a grovelling malice towards tho respectable peoplo ol'-Virginia, and a nauseating flattery of Stevens and the Rauical party. As an j emanation from, the supreme judicial functionary in this Stale, it "is disgraceful; while, as a literary composition, it would not be creditable to the brain Of a thick-skulled freedman. [From the Examiner ] UNTIES WOOD'S CHARG?.-A paragraph in a recent issue of .the Washington Chronicle,, from John C. Underwood, was headed "from, a Virginia Judge." Thank God it was a-falsehood. ' Virginia has many ! thii-gs-to regret; rand - some to blush - for, but not Underwood. This slimy issue of deepest filth'is. no more"W-Virguiiau than was Torres a Ciciliau. Herh'ailB'frOln'th?:land -which. produced Benedict ArBordj:-Tjri:the lait ontury, and Benjamin E. Butler, in the presunt, and yet ;disgraces both of I these compatriot?; for wo miss tho, courage of the. tra^rranoL?iocapacif?ieof the thief, rr:.?. .?.?-;'." , ? And yet - ?orbonndless and bounteous ie the metcyof Omnipotence, that even this grovelling thing hits his uses 1 -The. erfort'is making to wean, some of "the gallant people ot Virginia:.away from' their magnificent history and glorious faith, and bind them to. the chariot wheels of a -now idol-a god whom their.fathers knew not. And cunning men whisper to these fainthearted ones, weary with the endless persecutions of fate, " Would to God that we had died by tho hand of the lord, in ! tue land bf Egypt, when wo sat by the flesh-pots ;" and they set up a golden -calf for worship, Baying " these bethy gods, oh !' Israel." - Small marvel if, while the great and good lead era are shut out from them by a thick cloud, thc faint-hearted and: the- longera for flesh-pots bow the knee to . this new divinity, which men name Radicalism'. " But, fortunately, tho antidote follows fast on tho heels of:tue poison. ? ; Let any white man in virginia read this low; ob? scene brute's viperous falsehoods, and remember that he, this Underwood, is tho cub of republican? ism, no better and no worse than his dam, and ask himself whether ho is ready for the infinito' J abasement of fellowship Tvitk such a creature.'.' If j not, Tie cannot bo a Republican. Republicanism means herding with snell cattle, and wallowing in the' same mire. And all the winning- notos of j editors, icharm they never so wisely, if they essay j this flung, will be lost on the men who cheered ? for Harry / f}/.:;::. , . We have to''thank Bepublicanism for the samples it sends ns. They speak trumpet tongued for the union of all good men in a hostility more lasting than n Carthagenian'a against, these slanderers' and blasphemers of all 'that is good, and pure, and: high, ana holy among us. If spy Virginian can read this creature's charg?,. and doubt the position an honest man should take -with UnderwoocLand hie party or against them -wo beseech Kim to road it to his wife or sister, and follow herjcb?neeL'- jj ?j * ? ? ? State Items. How is THIS?-The District Court for' Marlboro District, South Carolina, commenced its second ?uarterly session last week, Judge Alien presiding, here were but fow cases on tho .criminal docket,- j and only one of them was tried, the State cs: James -Dodd^-for receiving- stolen-- goods. The jury, ;rtfter hearing the testimony and argument on both sides, returned'. a Tcrdict of not guilty. Mr. Dodd was. immediately discharged,..but, be foreleayihg tho vijlago'. was re-arrested under n . Military brdtr for tho" eame offence... Of coarse, we don't know tho motives for. this-interference with the business, of our Civil Courts by -the mili? tary r-but,-this action of the military seems to conflict greatly;with tho ?&8euran'ce8-given'?n all the late Orders:iot ^Geheral Sickles, m regard to the Civil Courts .of the State.-??p?tr/an. '. JJ FTRE.-The -fi.oe new dwelling-house near our town, owned by ?japtain A. J. Daniel, waa entirely consumed,- about 4 o'clock, on Sunday morning last.. This was a very fine house; Containing eight rooms. It was riot ocetrpiod, coiiBecra?htly no clue to the origin of the fire has ".a?eh discovered-but it is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. We are informed, that the house was insured for $2000_Spartan. GAEBISOV--The command assigned for this mil? itary poBfc.embracing the districts of Newberry, Lau? rens and Abbeville, reached this point on Monday afternoon, and took temporary camp on the old Academy ' grove.' The garrison numbers , eighty men," with the following officers :. Major J. Mc ClearyvjCapt. Brittin and Surgeon Eldridge.-Nev> oerry.jaeraicL..- r_.o CHARLOTTE. .AND.SOUTH CAROLINA BATLBOAS. The "annual' meeting of the stockholders, of this company was heldyesterday at Nickerson's Hotel, James Hem phill. Esq, of Chester, was appointed Chairman, and Messrs. Manson and Neely, Secre? taries. Over 9000 shares of the stock of the com? pany were represented. Tue committee to whom was referred the re? ports of the President, Superintendent and Troa swrc-reDorted that they had examined the same, tions, which were following reso Hesotced, That the Boord of Directora ox um company are hereby constituted a committee, with full power to negotiate with the Atlantic, Tonnes . see and Ohio Railroad Company in regard to tho consolidation of that corporation with the Char? lotte and South Carolina Railroad Company, and that the result of their negotiations be reported to a special meeting cf the stockholders of the Char? lotte and South Carolina Railroad Company, to be called by the President and Directors of said com? pany. Jtesolved, That the stockholders of the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad do hereby authorize the direction of the said company, if in their judg? ment it be advisable, by resolution to direct tho President of the company lo endorse tho guaran? tee of the company on the first mortgage bonds of the Columbia ana Augusta Railroad Company, to an amount not exceeding $600,000. The following is a list of the Directors elected: Wm. Johnston, A. B. Davidson, John A. Young, W. H. Neal, A. B. Springs, C. D. Melton, John J. McLure, (vice-John Caldwell, declined renomina? tion,) W. R. "Bobertson, E. G. Palmer, L. D. Childs, (vice James Y. Mills, declined renomina? tion,) John Fisher,-A. R. Taylor. Ata subsequent meeting of the Board of Di? rectors, Wm. Johnson was unanimously re-elected President.-P/tontx, MAPLE SCOAB-We saw lost week about 200 pounds maple sugar," which was made in Asho county and sent here for sale. It is ' rather a new article of commerce is this section, l?hartott? Democrat. Cotton on tho Way to England. From returns publish od in Liverpool in tho last .week pt April, it appears that the quantity of cotton afloat from the East Indi': and American ports on the wey to Liverpool and London is still very largo. Prom Bombay there were at sea, forty-eight ships, laden with 217,400 bales' Of cotton j from Rangoon one ship, with 350 bales; from Tnticorinon? ship, with 3262 bales; from Calcutta fourteen ships, with 42,856 bales; livia New Orleans--eighteen 'ships, with 60,184 bales; there are also -twa- other ships afloat, but the quantity of cotton on board is not given. 'Throat- New1 York j there ara. five ships, but only faur sWpfbes ?eg-?t^??^^ely? 5,713 bales ; lrom Galveston thirteen ships afloat, bnt only fi* cargoes reported,"viz : 6,038 bales ;' from Mobile, eight ships afloat with 25,423 bales ; from Charleston three* ships, bat only one' cargo, 3,091 bales reported ; and from Savannah three ships, -bat their cargoes not reported. - These ships and their cargoes ara all bound for th? Mersey; .. The following areon tho wayto theTharrres : Prom T Madrae there aro 21,828boles afloat ; from CalcuttA 19,985 baloffi from Coehta-CTuna". and Tti?ieor?i?.' *o?l&rWyji^.'8&?%'.Bombay and Kurrachee 'MO Wgf >Jl>yg?.itoM bf about 500,000: bales of cotton at sea for lavorpool andTiohdon. A delegation-of-^North*Carolinians waited on t?? President?APHdiy, to ask that, in blTia-Ip to Nortfa-OiTottriS, herprocced hy way of Albemarle Sound, so tta-'hoi v?art.^ the ! fisheries iktsro. The lSSS?S^^!3^ -^iSWfe**? thAtho.-bafi not ? if&S ?it? ??r.'-Mr, hr.: ,?,??2 '"? s-teK? oW*? .'. - OFFICIAL." -i LIST OF~L~ETTERS Remaining In the PostofBco st Charleston. for tho we-v ending MAY 9. 1867. ?nd -ordered "to be printe? In Tua DAILY NKWB. agreeably to the following section o tho now Postoffice Lsw, as tho newspaper having th. largest circulation in the City of Charleston: '... \ SECTIOW S- And be it further enacted. That lists of let? ters remaining uncalled for in any Pootoffloe in. any cit,v town or village, where a newspaper shall ibo-printed. .-.hali hereafter bo published, once only in tho newspap^i which, being published weekly or oftener, shall have th? largest circulation within rango of delivery of tho said office. AS* Persons colling for Letters Advertised, should state that they oro "Advertised." ... ?S~ Odlco hours from 3 A. M. to G P. M. On Sundays, from 12.30 A. M. to 1.30 P. M. ' STANLEY G. TROTT, Acting PA/Sster. WOMEN'S LIS'y A G 1 E?P Allston, Hattie G ill won, Nancy OestowMary Alexander, Celia Gladsdcn, Mrs J Oletofto, Ann AUston, Ellen M P Anderson, Fannie Gready, Sarah L Pyp, Rochell Artson, Mrs lt Groady, Ellen Price. Mrs E N Armstrong, Miss Gcfroii, Mary Pringle, Elezibeth lt Guerard. Mrs J J Pres cot, Mrs J B Groan, Miss C Porcher, Laura E Barnett, Mary H Page. Mrs lt L Badgor, Biner Hale, Sall?is Philips, Miss C Barker, Sarah Ann Hargrave. Lizzie Phelps, Mary L Barnes, Mrs E Havey, Mary Phelps, Mattie Beodcn, Mrs L Holveson, Lula Phelps, Miss E Bee, Mrs B Holsoii. Agnes Phillips, Miss E M Bertsom, Solly Heoddorly, Ellen It Bcnyord, hlcoy Hill, Annie RandoU, Lydia' Blackhurst, sarah HoUoway, Mrs F Bag, EBon Broilsford. Julia SP Renfrew, And ' Bryan. Mr? M F Hoyt, Mr A E RicUardsoh, Mrs E Brahmer, Sarah Hughes, Mrs W L B Burnit, Miss B D Hughes, Jessie Bickies, Kliribeth Brown, Mrs WS I Rosa, Jone Brown, Lizzie Ichole?, Mrs O Roberts, Mrs B L Brown. Miss L J Bobing, Sirs V Brown, Flora Jones, Mrs L . S. Brown, Miss E Jones, Sarah Salter, Mary . . Brown, Mrs M Jenkins, Mary Scanlon, Miss E C Johnson, patsy Seymour, Mrs W . Church, Mrs F ' Johnson, Charity W Chanetto, Mrs P Johnson, Mary Seal, Molly Conroy, Miss M Jreocy, Mrs J . Schroder, Mrs M Cain, Mm EA JessJh; Mrs C '? A - . . '? . Caddin, Mrs E A Jervey, Mrs J C Seyle, Miss A C ., (lammer, Mrs ? H Jervey, Florence Skipper, Sallie J" Chose, Lucy M . Slattery, Mrs . Corcoran, Ann James, Mrs Robt Spenser, Gath orino Cormier, Mrs W J K Spark, Miss L Corcoran, Anno Kennedy, Mrs J T Sanxtdn, Miss Croom, S?sses Klein, Mrs J? Stent, Susan M X) Kairson, Miss S Starr, Emma Davis, Miss J Kel lord. Miss or Smith, Emma .Davis, Caroline Mrs Rachel Smith, Julia E David, Misa F L Smith, Mrs F A Days, Mrs H Lee, Sallie S Smith, Sallie Denice, Miss H Leo, Sarah.... " - Smith, Sarah Doolan, MrsE . Louy, MrsD . . Smalls, Clara Dubose, Mrs C Ling, MrsJJ^ ^ -- * -d,^-?-^. rj^Ir', Hairy W . T coward. Miss L Lavergne, Madam Tracy, Mrs A Elmore, HiBJ M. Legso, Mrs AB roomer, Mrs NL Elsworth, Mrs IS M Thornly, Mrs C E . K Moncgo, Mary Thomas, Mary Elliott, Anna G Mansfield, Mrs A Thompson, Maria Elvioh, Mrs M F TJ Elliott, Miss P Middleton. Flora Underbill, Miss B EmiUnette, Miss A Mitchell, Amelia ? . ?. E C Middleton, Susan -. ? "OT Erwin, Elezia Middleton, Sallie Wagoner, Mrs L O F Mood, Mrs C B Wagner, Miss O Farr, Maggie Morris, Alice Walsh, Miss B Pink, Miss S Murray, Maria Walters, Miss M A "Foster, Lillie A Muller. Ann Wesson, Mrs L Freemon, Miss F Mires, Mrs L Weston, Caroline .<x Myres, Elezia White, Mrs Bobt GaiUiard, Mrs F Myres, Lucy . | Wightman, Mrs C ip Martin, Miss B .' C. ??? ?? Gadsden. Mrs E H Ble Wood, Elsey Gates, Mrs L K McKenzie, Mrs A Worin, Maggie Gilliand. :drs , - ;;-?; - r Wilson, Mrs.' >./". Goeta,Mrs8 Nordmeyer, Mrs : Wilson. Mrs S A' GUL Mrs EA T> WUBon, Miss LE " Gill, Mrs John P Noelln, Mary Willans, Miss S C MEN'S LIST. Aldrich, T B Francis, Jaeob Overbaugh, James Allert, Luman Freeman, Cap A E IRccd H V. Allen, Henry G Paine, Geo S Anderson, W H GaUochcr, Wm Parkinson. J W Anorte, RichardB Gannon, B. Parsley,.O G A Co B Gage, Cap Henry Peterson, T T Borton, A Gaunt, Edward Pugh, F S.. Bayer. Martin Gilbort, Geo ? Peter; Csp James Baxter. Peter Glover, G- H - Phillips, Evan Barns, J L Gordon, Isaac Pitray, Henry A Batjcr, Wm . Griffin, James W Ponnsy, J L1) Babcock, Mons Grant, Wm Prince, Richard !. ?L?brate Gray, EL ". Proctor,-Thomas Barnwell, Not Green, James Potas, Peter :'(col'd) Gurelt, J W tV " ' Barre, EL H Quinn, Daniel Bcrkman,H Hambolm, A B, ! React, James A Hanson, George Rantin. J M Bennett, SB Harper, T E Beed, Andrew Beyer, Martin Ham & Shorham- Bevel, Mathew Beckett, Willie H mer Reid, James ' Beck, A Harkens, Henry Bettose, Mr : Bishop, Ensign Hal pen. Mathew Boils, Johann John Hall, Wallam Poler . Bur, Calvin Harrison, J M Bin, Mr i Binder, Herr Lui Hargrave, JJ - Bite, Luis - Blin, Monsieur H Hamilton, William Richardson. Jos Blonckea, W P Robinson, Isaac Balksen, Julius Has ell, L C Boland, F Bobo, J S Hccgerman, H ? Rochell, J B Bein, Mr Hoaly, John Rolandey, Wm JEonnaux, J B Mo- Hines, J M A Co Bonan, James rel Herschfield, S Bosomond, Jas Boag, John G HiBeoxy, Jahn. J Bussell, W D Boag. Theo G . Hopley. John Butloge, Henry Bonds, Washing- ; Houston, -S Rion, James M - ton- r ' Hutchinson, TL' (cel'd) Boorie, Wm A Co Hintbut, Henry A, S. Broilsford, J S Jr Sams, C A Brand, John J- Sands, Dr Austin Breaker, Bev C M Jenkins, Brietor L Burns, John (col'cl) Scott, John Burkman, H Jones, A & Co Schlosser, George Burn, Edward Johnson. Cap Wm SchlondorfT, Hen Buchanan A Con- Joan ea. Henry - ry A don . I Schroder, FW Bundie! T C Kay, John Hr. Scott, B . ' C ., Kavanagh, James- Scanlon, Thomas . Carpenter, BB Keefe;'Win .. ' Schroder, Peter F CorsomBF King, TS- . ? Seeberger, A Carpenter, Jomes Klaren, F W Sheri ri on, .John ;W Kronlcy, John M Simons. Cat?n, Jr Carpenter, Marens Klirre, Aug Shead, J T Carr, Lewis ' ' 1? Stone, B Campbell, George Linnean, George Smith, W S M Levin, Meuritz Smith, Cap Henry Campbell, Charles Leahy, John Smith, Lafayette Chandler, H Lloyd.. Banill Smith, -Messrs (rol'd) Lowry, W J A Cd Smith,. Sidney Christopher, WU- Long, W H Somling. W P ? : j liam Long, J H Sprlnz, B Clement, J P Long. Maj J H - Stewart, Loel ". Clark, Reuben Lucas, Mr A Mrs S trudi, H L. Clark, Joseph:.: - J ... .r Stevens, J L Conway, Thos W Lues, HinTlrti StCltiny, W Cox,George Wash- Lues, Elbe . . Stephens, Edward tan Lynn, Clay ? Sturcke Christian Cox, SaimielR Lyons;'David Suarez, Sr Dn Corral, Elizozer Lynch, Mr- .... . Jnanio -n?s\*..-. Corker, Samuel Loughran, Mi- Sullivan, Michael Conner, Supo ; ehiiel A Coombs, Cap J L ST Stowell, John i ' ' S Mathews, John H T . Conners, G W Mocoy, Herwig A- Taylor A'Lsmb Comdin, Cap A S Tidal ;' ? . : ;? TsveE Louis D : Cox, .Spencer " Martin, A J " " ' Taft, AW Copes, Wm Marjcnhoff, John Thurston, M K Cruise, John Menken, Gottfried Tole, James C Crosby, Henry A Mica! A Boree Toometr, Robert Cuthbert, William Millan, O M Trescot, O O S Miller. Peter ~- *J-:. Cuds,' B O Hills, Thoa S Underwood A TO arltiiri?, B Smlthr ". Deasys,T . Mitchell, Wm " V., .- '? ?-.''' Desverney, Boo- (col'd) . " -r Vennfng.-W'C well Milligan, Henory Vient; Sr Dh AU Deloana, Boston Michael, Chas & Co tonio.: '.=, Dourty, John .-' Michel, Simon .- Von Lintig, Hnv '. Doacher, Christo- Morrisson,--' James - rich ? fer Mortimore, J R .:" fW Dolg, John - ' Morgan, James M Walton, John M Douglas & Peters Mondo, Raphael . Walter, ER Drey er, Henry Montgomery, Al- Wadkms, Mr Draton, Ben bert Gibbes (col'd) ' (freedman) . .Muir, Walter- Watson, Thee . Drake, 'Ahnend G MnlHrtR ft HanloA Weeks, J O ' nrsyAT.- Rjdhard - Mm^JaariaB .Westerland, G F Dubois, Lewis Meyer, Herman Werner, A P E ehr .: Welsh. John s Eason, Wm M u 1 Mc !.. - Weldan..3'ohn Edwards A Co M>*Cowan, George Wedorhoane, Isaac Edes, G W McCarreL W Whittlesy, Brig Eggers, John McEvoy,MM GenE . M? - MtDomdd,T>un-' Whtfei-Edbt Fox, Maynard can C Wionholtz, Fredi Ford, Peter ' McFaae, Bobbard Whit, James Fox; Wm . McQueen, James Williams, Peter Farley, John' N Williams, JOB Far beaux, EV New York Hotel Williams, Coser FeasendemA : Nicholson. WM (cord) ' Feldner, Philip Nisson, J P Wright, George Henry Nolan, Michael Wynne, NicolaB &uua*-iXB Notts, Bobert . X .. - Finnlgen.JP . v..- :.0: IXE? il'. Freibotheiser; O'Sulllvon, jbnii-v-._Z Martin . : P" . ": ::..' .'.. ts- Persons depositing letters -in the Postoffloe will please place the stamp near tbs upper : right hand cor? ner of tho envelope, and they will also picoso to remem? ber that without the stamp a lotter canno t bo mailed, -bat will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, ,"'..,-. May lb COMMEBCIAL. Exports for the Week endlne.': TUt?e&my? may 9. v.r ; .-.r.i-. rri;. DOMKSnC . . .1 .'. . , . NEW YORK-Per steamship Manhattan-125 bales S I Cotton, 162 bales Upland . Cotton, 397. barrels Rosin. 298 bhls Vegetables, US . .empty Barrels, 32 bales Domestics, 18 .bblsTurpentine, ? bales Hides, 61 sheeCs Iron, a block Steel, 23 nh da Bones, ll crates Bones,. 70 cases-Mdse, -t bbls Mdee..... .Per steam? ship' Saragossa-4S' bales S I and'481 'bales Upland Cotton, ?9 bales Domestics, SO casks Clay, 75 bags Ginger, 32 bbls Vegetables, 28 Packages..Per steamship Moneta-57 bales Cotton, 30 bbls Rosin. 120 bales Sara and Domestics, 38 bbls Vegetables, 40 Packages.Per sehr Transit-110,000 feet Sawed Lumber. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship .Mtiance-154 bales Cotton, 21 bales Bags, 61 bales Yarn, 75 bb!n Whis? key, 10 bbls Spirits Torpem-lrA 80 boxes and bales Mdze, 29 hhds, 22 bbls and 35 tons Iren, 50 barrels Vegetables. 40 bbls Ale, 130 empty B?rrela, 40, casks Clay, and 7000 feet Lumber.......Per schrMauan ticc-112,000 feet Flooring Loard?;- ;=:i BALTIMORE VIA WILMINGTON, N C-Per scar Foam? ing Seo-Sp hhdf Molasses, 10 tiarosa Biee. ! THE CHARLESTOS MARKET.""'-' . ron THE mun zrona THUBSDAT, ZCAT 9, 1867. COTTON.-The staple had generally a dacUntng ten? dency, and under continued depression at LiverpooL Mldffling Uplands, which on Friday, the 3d inst, were quoted ot 20c ^ Bs., dosed yesterday ot 24>?@25c Q ft, showing a foll in price of at least lc 9 B> tor the' week. The receipts for the week nave been 28 Sea Island end 2?E0 bales Upland Cotton, against 68 Sea Island and 1335 boles ;Uplacd Cotton the week before. The following is a report of the doily transactions in this market for the past week. On Friday the market opened with an upward tenden? cy,; and prices hardened about lc per 9?. Sales190 bales, Middling Uplands being (meted at 98s. per lb. . On Soturday there waa but little Cotton offering, bat sellers in some cases accepted pri?es which were slightly ?s?en. Sales only 86 balas. Middling Cotton setting at 2Sa2Cc. per B>. On Monday tho sates indicated rather firmar prices, but the market became dull and transactions ceased an? der declining news tram Liverpool. Sales 100balsa at the rates of tho day before. On Tuesday tba market became easier and-th^trtiuac. Sons, which arno anted to 100 bales.were generally at fig urea, showing a to lo per lb. decline. Middling Cotton Letag quoted at 35c. . ~ On Wednesday ino martet waa uu31 and price? (?crae- ' what lower." Sales IS, boles, Low Middling selling at 2*a @24c. and Middling a: . l,i?@25c ? lb. Yesterday tho market was dull and prices Irregular, with but little Cotton offering. Sales 44 balo?, say 4 at 21, S at 22,13 at 24, and 23 at 2Sc. Wo onoto somewhat nominal y ?ow Middling.23 @24 Middling.24}i@25 SEA ISLAND COTTON.-In consequence of tho do" pressed condition of tho foreign market, business in this quality of Cotton bas almost been at a stand, and tho transactions, which were at irregular and declining price's, wore of too limited and unsettled, a "haracter to establish quotations, which oro consequently emitted. COTTON STATEMENT. S. lei'd UpVd. Ric'. Stock on band Sept 1,1866.. 235 6,300 _ Received from Moy 2 to Moy 8, '07.. 28 2.150 111 Ueceived previously.14,570123.710 11,190 Total receipts.14.833 131,160 11,300 EXPORTS. S.l'd. Up'd. Rice. From May 3 to May 9, '07. 177 710 10 Previously.14,238 122,700 9,407 14,415 123,410 9,417 Totalevports...14,410 123,410 9,417 Stock on band and on shipboard.... 418 7,700 1,889 SAUT TDT? LAST YEAH. S.VUI. Upl'd. Rice. Stock on hand Sept .1,1865. 303 LC10 100 \ Reouivod from Sept. 1 '65 to May 2, '60 . 4,068 8L622 3,010 Beceivod from May 3 to Moy 9. '00_ 10 2,303 Total receipts. 6,010 80,080 3,025 j EXPORTS. S. rd. Up'd. Rice From Moy 4 to Moy 10,'CO. 280 1,615 - From Sept 1, '65, to Moy 3,'66.4,678 78,308 3,740 4,864 79,923 2,740 Total exports.4,804 79,923 2,740 1 Stock, on hand and on shipboard_ 176 6,002 880 BICE_Tho receipts ot this grain hove nearly ceased, and the small lots placed on tho market were in most cases the . product of previous arrivals. Buyers have been prevented from operating in consequence of tho absence of stock, and the extremo prices demanded by sellers. Tho market hos consequently been very quiet and the only transaction is a sale of 15 .tierces of clean ' Carolina, otlOJ??.;^ Ib.; : ; . . ".,. . NAVAL STORES.-There has been received during the week about 7Ui> bois. Eos ia, 100 bbls. Spirits Turpen? tine, and-300 bbls. Crude Turpentine; The Rosin was oil sold at ?3 %t bbl. forcommon: S3 os wa. mr No. 2; $4@4 26 V bbL -for ????>. *? SS@6 V bbl. for pale, and a I lot ai *7?7 50 ^ bbu About 100 bbls. Spirits Tur? pentine changed hands, at 68c ^ gallon. The Crude ti no was disposed of; the closing price being $3 20 I 9 bbb fdr. hard; S3 50 ^ bbL for yellow dip, and $4 50 ^ bbL for virgin. . HAT.-Tho arrivals consist of about GOO. boles of North Elver and 170 boles Eas torn. The market hos been quite duu, and large lots are difficult to move except at low figures. We learn of the salo of 300 bales North Uiver at tt Si per hundred. There was no transactions in East? ern. COEN.-The arrivals amount to about ,35,000 bushels. Some 10,000 of which hos boon sent for charitable dis- 1 triburtcn. The tran saet?? ns in this grain have been quite limited during tho wceJfc, and notwithstanding the dullness of the market, sellers here aro firm under the full prices prevailing in Northern markets. We learn of the following sales: 2300 bushels of white in bulk at SI 39 per bushel, weight ; 1900 bushels prime white in bulk-at Sl;*?^?rbushel, weight; 4009 bushels of.primo white m bags at a figure under SI 40 par bushel, weight, bags included, for cash; 10,000 bushels iu bags at SI 46 I per bushel, weight, bags included; and 2000 bushels I white in bags at SI 47- per bushel.- weight, bogs included. OATS_Mo supplies of thi3 grain iiavo been received during tho week, and tho market has been without | wholesale transactions. We quote tho inarkotnoniimu, at 90c per bushel, bogs included. ELOUR--The stock of this article hos somewhat les? sened, but prices remain without important change. Transactions at rates lower than our quotations have taken place iu some cases tor large lots, to close out. Wo renew previous rates, viz: 1175 at S12 per bbb for North? ern and Western Super, 1275 at $13 20 per bbl. forExtra, 1200 ot $13 per bbL for Bal tim oro Super, and 1400 at SIS per bbL for Extra; choice family brands Bell ot S17ol8 per bpL BACON,-This -artiole Sos been quite dull, and tho stock continu?s ample for tho enquiry. Prices are some? what irregular, and sales toko place occasionally ot rates under quotations; Wo quote! primo. Shoulders at II? mic ib,f Trrime Bibbed Sides at 13c. %( lb; prime Clear Bibbed do. at 13,4c ? Ib., and Clear Sides at 14c V, ft. , SALT.-There has been no receipts of this article, and the only transactions are in jobbing lots from second ! hands at about $2 $ sock for common Liverpool. SUGAB AND MOLASSES.-Messrs. BOKAFANT SALAS offered yesterday at auction a primo Neargo of Cuba ( Sugar and Molasses, and sold tho following: 32 hhds. primo Muscovado at 12??c. ? Hs, balance ot 12>Jc ? tb.; 5 hhds. do. do. at 13J?C $ lb., 5 do. do. ot isjic H B> 18 barrels Muscovado Molasses ot 6S@59Kc 9 gallon, 25 bads. do. do. at 66c ? gallon. BAGGING AND BOPE-Gunny Cloth is extremely dull and nominal, and wo. quote from 25@26c ?1 yard. Boru.-There is but little inquiry for this article; Prime Hemp may be quoted at 20c V> Hs., and Jute 12Xe 9 lb. TIMBER AND LUMBER.-Tho supply of Timber and Lumber on the market has diminished, and prices aro somewhat firmer wimont quotable chango. Wo renew our j rates, soy for Common Timber $4@S6 9 M; for Mill Timber $6@$8,-. and-Shipping'-.Timber': S12 ? ? M. Baft Lumber is selling at ST2@$14 ^ M; City Steam Sawed is held at $18@$25 9 M. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool-By sal! _K<L ? lb. on Upland Cotton. We quote the rate ern Upland at Jid. 9 lb, and on Sea Island Cotton 3?dt '? fis". To Havre, nominal. To tho West Ladies nothing doing. Coast- j wise somewhat nominal, To New York, by steam, 75c 9 bale on Sea . Island and Upland Cotton; 75c ? tierce on Bice; 40c. bbL on Rosin; by sou, ore quite nominal. To Boston, K to 9-16 I cent - -rV .Jay-, by: salt : To Philadelphia 'A cent f, m. on Upland Cotton by steam, and -cent fi fl), by ) saiL To Baltimore-The steamers take Cotton for Liver pool, re-shipped by steam through at New York steamer's rotes; on Lumber, by son, to New York. Philo- | dolphin and Baltimore SO? 7 $ H. on Lumber and $9@ 10 9 M. on Timber. EXCHANGE-Sterling Eilis-The rate yesterday, was | $6.66@6 60 to the pound sterling for ail ty days bills.' DOMESTIC EXCHANGE_The banks ore purchasing Sight Checks on. New . York at ? per cent, off; five , to ten j ?.lays, '?i .iH-..- cent, discount : off; ten to fifteen days, per cent discount off; twenty to twenty-five days, IK | per cent off; twenty-five to thirty days, IK per cent. off. They sell Sight Drafts on New York at K@K 9 cont premiums' -----J ? -.. . - ? ?OLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 87 | ?nd selling at 38. , 3 '"*?--Aq'gltsVk'TtlOTfcet. AUGUSTA, May 8.-EmAxrrrtT,-GOLD-Advanced; Brokers are buying at 136 and selling at 138. . SELVES-Brokers are buying-at 129 and Bolling ot 133. SKOUSITIES-Georgia Railroad Stock 64. COTTON-There has been no material change in the j market since yesterday. Sales are so lew that we are un? able to give quotations; we might quote stained cottons at about 1802L Total sales to-day 112 bales os follows: 4 at 18, 2 at 19,1 ot 20,1 at 20X. 13 at 21, 18 ot 22, 26 i 23,12 at 23 % and 35 at 24. Receipts iSbales. ... i Blew Orleans Starlret. NEW ORLEANS, May 4.-Corros -The movement today hos been of a liberal character throughout Open? ing with o fair inquiry, the market, at. a subsequent pe? riod, became unusually : active,'and a? ? factors generally evinced a willingness to meet the demand at yesterday's rates,-r-buyers come, forward - quite freely, and-sales amounting, in the agrrefrate, to 5500 bales were made, fourteen brokers participating .in the business. Prices Indicated no quotable alteration, the chief portion ot the Bales effected being at figures within the range of previ? ous quotations, which we repeat os. follows: - Ordinary 20a21c; Good Ordinary 22a23c; LowMlddHng24o25c,and 6tt?alinaJ26?27c Later in the evening a bettor tone less predicafea: frcnexajlons, a feeling which .was. doubt* and Liverpool advices. -- ^-^?nor of the New .York . The continued difdcnltles presented to Ehe~ rte({w_i_ ' ot bills of sterling exchange, exercised on adverse influ? ence, several. parties being thereby prevented from ope? rating: . - ?. . / STATEMENT off COTTON. Stock on hand Sept 1st, 1866.boles. 102,082 Received to-day. ......................... 633: Becdvedpreviously,.........v. ...710,207-710,839 - 813,901 Cleared to-day....1,988 pleated previously..676,894-678,882. Stock on hahd^v.C'ryf-:..................134,099 The expor^:chmprise 4C3 balea for Boston, -and 1,525 for New York. . . FKKIOHTB-The market is quiet but firm. The rates pre &0 per lb for cotton by steam for New York; lc for Boston-steam New ' York and Boston 86cper 'sack for cora; 60c per bbl for flour, end 63aS5c for pork. ' Sail for Liverpool, 17-32a9-16d; steam for Liverpool, ld; Havre, l)io ?for cotton. . ..... SCOA?' A?TD.MOLASSES-There has not' been' any re? ceipts Bihe?-yeaterd^y. The market is dnlL and tho ?ales were, confined to 10 hhds white clarified Sugar at l-l Kc 60 bbls thin] fermenting Molasses at OOo per gallon. ? The supplies of the production of Xxsrdat&na are very light liiere is plonty;Cub? 3ugar and Molasses 'on .'hand, tut there is no demand, and prit SB are nominsL We quote Cuba Sugar at 10 Mc UXo and 12Jn?c per lb aa in quality. Molasses 44a46c per gallon by tbi.' cargo. \ Wtlmtnartoit Jlswltet. : WILMINGTON. Iday'8.-T?:lu^TonB-HOB further dscllned 25o60c Only 67 bois rocerved and Bold at Si for Virgin and Yellow dip, and S2 for Hard per 280 lbs. " " ;, SptBZS TuKWtN'runt- Etas also declined, and market quiet SaleBot61bbls attS5c, ind 10 do (port-N Y cAaks) at 6io per golton. - " ''? * ":"1- - Boars-Sales of 200. bbls st $2 80 for Common, $2 90 for Strained Common, andLS3 05-.for. No. 2. Ths-market4s quiet for Stfl asa Pale, jmfl ni) salee reportedv i-i ? Mr.- , TAti-.Has ? advanced cts; jmd 2& obis sold st SI 90r*r j bbl. : ' No other transacapna reported. -. . . . .. Baltimore MsurScet. BALTXMOBJC, May 6, 1867.-Corm.-There was tome ! j tr ie Inquiry to-day, with alee of ISO haga Rio. ex Broth era, at 18Kc-A; 100 bags dc. at ,185ial9 ct?., gold, and. I00do?'2i^t^rcuriencyi- ~- - "? ?'' '--' ' * COTTON.-The market was again dull and closed de-; pressed on . account of unfavorable cable advices. No trasamctimU-JieporJbd.--We quote-nominal; tn??it^ UphmdiM?^-^ ?'IT.-.J.; .'. .;.. :"."..-.'"..-'.'.v s%<, GBAIM-Whoat-The ogerlnga to-day were 4S0 bushels white and'l625 bushela Kd"; deniond was more Uvely and prioeourmeri "wo hont?^a??s of 160 bushels choice whlto at ?3 50; 600 .btlshelaSirlme do. S3 35<t3 4Dj 100 bushole Choie? MaryhUtdrod$3 ?0; BttjpsSW rhedirun do ?3 H5; 100 tm?bris cacimoh $3. aUolSOO baoheU choice Penniyrv?nte.TaUey/ted if $3 36". Corn receipts quito heavy; 45,000 ouafccWwhitb and 36,000 bushels yellow of? fered ; demand good and prices firmer; eales 25,000 bush ols white ?t SI i5ai 27, an? .ntotl?ta il 2U1 23; 20,000 baabda yeUow.*l 28?! 30,. und mixed ot M 33- OaU 9100 bnabAl? c?erMr 'S^ -t?Old at .73o7rT cts. Bye-400 bnthelsreUtWt^tiaBBMkV,.. -. . 7rvam?c?5ry^ ^ qU?*? Pc^*" iroxasezo-No sfocktn CrKhand*. and In the ahasace FLO im.-Holders arc Tory Arm and more confidence generally manifested in prices being- maintained. Our morset however is very quiet, tho demand confined al? most exclusively to borne and other local wants, notwith? standing prices hore continuo to rulo relatively lower than all other markets East and West. Tho only soles to-day wore 100 barrels City Mills, spring whoat extra, at $13,50. and cevAw?! -- lola -, itiiin our range annex? ed. Bye nour is dull ; quote $9a9 25 ; sales of CO barrels ot latter : choice held ot $9 (50. Corn Mool held steady at $0 20. Ve repeat quotations, viz : Howard-f troct Super and Cut Extra.. .Ml 25 ?$12 25 .Howard-, txect Shipping Extra.12 50 (a) 13 50 Howard-street High Grades. 13 60 ? 14 76 Howard-street Family. 16 60 ? 1G 80 Ohio Super and Cut Extra....ll 00 @ ll 75 Ohio Extra Shipping. 00 00 @ 00 00 Ohio retailing. 00 00 @ 00 00 Ohio Family.. 14 60 @ 15 60 Northwestern Super. 00 00 @ 00 00 Northwestern Extra. 12 60 @ 14 00 City Mills Super.ll 25 @ ll 60 Olty Mills, Standard Extra. 12 60 @ 13 50 City Mills Shipping brands Extra. 16 60 @ 17 00 Baltimore, Welch's i Greenfield Fom'y 18 00 @ 00 00 Baltimore high grade Extra.. 17 50 & 00 00 Bye Flour, now. 8 00 @ 9 50 Corn Meal, City Mills. 6 20 ia 00 00 PROVISIONS-Tho market was quiet to-day but holders firm. Stock In the market is s mall ; no Iorgo sales to re? port. Quote Mess Pork $23 75; Bulk Should rs 9 cents; t-ido? 10>? cents for l oseoad 10J? cents for packed. Lord 13al3& cento for City; 13?ol3K cents for Western tierces-outsido figures for rvCail lots: Baltimore refined 16 cents, bl kegs. Bacon-Shoulders lOalOK cents; rib Sides 12ol2M cents; clear rib 12}{al23? conto; clear 13a 13,'i cents. Hams 15al6 cento for plain; 17o57,Hi cents for sugar-cured canvassed. - Bias-Is hold firm at weaily- cents for Carolina, and 9 Y, O93? cents for Rangoon. H Air-Remains steady and firm for lote from dealers, viz: for liverpool fine $310o3 20; do Ground Alum $2 20 per sock; Turk's Islanl 62a65c for large and small lots from store, SUGAB-Market quiet and steady; only sales reported were 47 bhds good grocery Cuba at ll Xe ; 60 hhds Porto Bico at 10*?al2 j?c Quotations generally unchanged. WHISKEY-Is exceedingly dull. We bear of no trans? actions, and have on. j to repeat held nominal in bond at 25o28o per gallon. ?New Toxic :,rark?t. ?TDWYORK, Moy G.-F LO un, ftc.-The market for Western and S toto Flour is fairly active, the demand is chiefly speculative and confined to the low. and medium grades, which are 10o25o better, the bettor brands are firm bnt quiet. The sales are IL OOO bbls at $11 10al3 for superfino State: Si210al4 60 for ordinary and: ' common extra State; $12 46al3 50 for tho low glades of spring wheat Western extra: $13 75al4 60 for shipping Ohio; ?14 COalS 60 for trade and family brands of Ohio, aCehigan and In? diana, and $16 10al9 50 for St Louis extras. California Flour is better but less active.' Sales of 500 bbls and sacks at $16 75ol7 60. Canadian Flour is firmer but quiet Sales of 100 bbls at ?1410al4 80 for the low grades of extra, ond$l5alG for trade and family brands. Southam flour is moderately active and firmer. Sales of 250 bois at $13'l?al4 76 for common to fair Baltimore and countrv ?-ri*?*, sud $1* ? for trade and family oranna... ... . Bye flour is more active and firmer. R?.Wof vjnQbbli at i8 40a9. Corn meal is firmer. Sales 140 bbls $6 76*6 85 for Brandywine. GBAXN-The wheat market is firmer but not very ac? tive. The inquiry is fair, particularly for white wheat, which is decidedly better. The soles are 45,500 bushs at $2 76 for mixed spring; ;2 80o2 86 for Ho. 2 Milwaukee club; $3 40 for amber State; $3 50a3 60 for white Californian, tie Inside price for unsound; $3 65a3 75 for white Michigan. Barley is firm but quiet Oats ore firmer and fairly active. The sales are 125,000 bushs Western at 82a84c: State at 83c in store. Bye is in moderate demand and firmer. Small sales of Western at SI Coal 70. Com is less active and easier, with, however, few sel? lers of old at tho cession. Now is plenty, lower and de? cidedly better. The sales ore 40.000 bosh new unsound at $118; olu mixed at $138al 39 in store, and $1 40 afloat; new West em mixed $1 30al 36; Western yellow at $1 39 in store, closing at $1 32 delivered. PnoVISIONS-The Pork market has been fairly active at higher prices, closing steady. The soles, cash and regular, arc 2750 bbls at S22 for old mess; $2313??o23 20 for new Mess; $22 60 for thin Mess, and S24 5;) for cl"or. Beef is steady and in fair demand. Sales of 175 bbls at $13al6 for common to lair plain mess; $17a21 for good to choice do, ond $21a25 lor extra do. - Tierce beef is moderately active and steady. Sales of 76 tos, part at $31 for primo mess, and $37 for India mess. Beef hams aro quiet Cut meats arc in request and firm. Sales of 350 pekgs. at 10c for choice pickled shoulders; 13 il4c for pickled hams, and 20,000 lbsloose dry salted western ehonldurs at8Jic. Bacon is quiet but steady. " r ''.'" "." H ' ; ' ' Lord is very-firmly bold but without activity. Soles of 250 bbls and toa in lots, at 12*401234c for No. 1,12,'?B13C for city, I3al3.'ic for fair to prime steam, and 13J{c for kettle rendered. BUTTES-The market continuos dull and prices have a downward tendency. We quote Goshen and Orango county pails, per lb, 28a32c; state firkins, good to prime, 13o29c; state half Arkins, medium to primo, 20a22c; state firkins, common and fair, 14al6o; state Welsh tuba, fon? ts primo, 16a20c; Western Reserve, good to choice, 12a 14c; Western Beservo, common to g ..od. Hal 2c; North em Pennsylvania, lSo'iOc CHEESE-There is so change to note iu prices. The demand has boen moderate. Wo quote: State factory, good to choice, per lb, lSalSc; state factory, fair to good, 15al7c; state factory, common to prime, liaise; English diary, Connecticut 15ol7c; English diary, Ohio, 15al7c: Vermont dairy, fair to good, liaise; Ohio prime, 12al6o; Ohio common. 0al2c; Pineapple, 20a23c. - COFFEE-The Inquiryfor all kinda has been moderate Paces aro without change. COTTON-The market to-day is very quiet Prices oro Kc t< lb lower. Wc quote Middling Uplands at 27c and do New Orleans and Texas at 28c. EAT-Is in fair demand and steady at $1 SOal 90 for shipping, and $2o2 15 for retail lots. MOLASSES-Wo" have no eales to report, but prices, how? ever, oro unchanged. ;". . cZ-S: l?'.rt. ." . ? BICE-Is dtfll ond prices aro nominal. Sc o AH- We nave hod a fair demand for raw Sugars, and prices ore very firm ot lUJfalOKc-for fair to good refining Refined are steady at l-fJ-JalSc tor hards. TALLOW-The market is steady and fairly active. Sales of 75,000 lbs at ll,"-?c. Strictly prime ls held at lljic WHISKEY-Tho market is quiet but firm at 29j? a?0c for Western in bond. FREIGHTS-The engngeraenta to liverpool are 100 tons lignum vi rio ot los., and per steamer 25,000 bushels com at 4>6<L To Bondon, per steamer, 150 cases tobacco at 5s; 153 boxes do at 3s, and 160 bales fora at 40s. (Front the Shipping Lilt.] BOSTON BEX GOODS MAUSET, May 4-For the week et ding Friday, May A-A good business has been done the past week in brown and bleached cottons, and tho present month promises to be a go. d one for jobbers, as soles ore likely to be large; goods are now so low that prices are more likely to advance than recede. We quote Lawrence Cot 19c; E at 17c; LL at 16c; A at 15c; C at 14c Booti B bleached at 19>?c; C at 15a; Xat 27c; Bedford R Brown at 12c Fino sheetings nave been In good demand, and wide shirtings are dnlL There ls som? inquiry for cotton flannels Stripes and ticks are bettor. Cottonades have been in demand, and prices are well sustained. Pr.nta have been in demand, and some styles are sold to arrive without any change in prices. In fact oil nice and light styles are sold up as last as re? ceived. We quote Pacific, Coche?os and Sprognes at 18c ; Man? chester 18Jiol7%c; American, Donnell, Allens, Richards and Hamilton at 16 j?c Delaines continue In demand' and regular styles ore sold some days ahead. We quote regular styles at 2lc up to 28a30o for extra styles. The Mancnester Angola flannels have been ?^THr,p. ot 24c; Persian operas at 36c The Pacific laws are selling at 22}4c, and the other goods ot tins ' company remain the some, There has been a'fair business in spring woollens this week. New and desirable styles aeU readily at prices which givo some encouragement to the manufacturer, but so many oJSMpods have been closed at very low pnces that tno?verageia not all satisfactory. Consignees per senu Carolina Railroad, May 9. . IOU bales Cotton, 32 bales Yams, 6 bbls Spirits and SO bbls Crude Turpentine, 38 bbls Rosin, Furniture, kc To J A Cook & Co, G E Pritchett, M Jackson, E E Rod? gers A Co, A Robinson A Co, Holmes A Stoney, Boper A Stoney, Col Low, L D PeSanssnra, W Meade, J ? JD Kirkpatrick, W H Chafee, H L Jeffers A Co, J D Busch, Cohen, Hanckel A Co, Eanapaux, Laaneau ts Co, Gibbes A Co, B B Agent, C Brill, C LGuilleaume, Helen Spencer, J A riger & Co. Consignees p?r Sortneastern Railroad, may 9. 'fi 40 bales Colton,' 167 bales Naval Stores. 8 cars Quarter? master Stores, 2 ears Lumber, Mdse, tte. To Adams, Frost A Co, Baggett A Co. Williams & Co, J A J B Kirk? patrick, Capt A Barrett, Bavenel A Co, G H Walter, G E Pritchett, B A ft J F Earley, W E Byan, W Bosch, How ud A Bro, W P Bussell, Milligan ft Son, and Order. Exports ox* Rice, Naval Stores and Lamber, I from tan Port of Charleston, from Septe*r 1st to May 9, 1867. Sa STORKS?' "jirXTMBITHi -Peet - Boston............... Kew York............ Newport, BV I........ Providence, R. 1. Philadelphia....... .. Baltimore. Northern Port. New Orleans;.... Wilmington. Jersey City;.'-.'.. .... Bajrb&3oea".. .vrTT HavanaiT..".'......... Cuba and o Market.. liverpool:.......... Bio de Janeiro.'..... Halifax,'NS..:..; Cardenas.......... . Bordeaux........... West Indies'..-...-...1. Baracoa. Bristol, Eng......... Bahamas; .?. ii-; ?: Barcelona. Rustan, Hon. Palma, Majorca. Cai barton, Cuba. Valencia, Spain. Porto Bico...,. Havre. 495 6,364 1.749 15,194 . '"'s 96 1,091 6,346 52 206 '?26 17 1,720 '?50 667,578 .716,383 490,384 714,74* 2,415,789 3,005,253 1,337,800 537,930 131,357 593,690 361,970 606.152 188,250 234,664 196,345 ?79,943 2r*,?oo 49,600 S 80,00) 69.571 12,000 72,001 .41,008 147,000 77,480 I0,45C Charleston Wholesale Pri?es* Anxious. BAGGING, ?? yard ; . Bundee.......... ..;.?..?.?... ; Ganny Cloth. BALE BOPS, 9 Tb-Manilla.... Western......, i Now York..;..... ; Jute............... BREAD, ^ Hs Navy..,. Pilot. ' Crackers............ '...v.'.?' BRICKS, &M.,< wit .v.,... .. ;-. BRAN, SHOO ?a. COTTON. & tV-^ ' "T j Ordinary tb Good Ordinary.... S. Low Middling................. j M^ddltog^toSttict Middling... . Bea Island,-...rr.r..?,..wl.-j CANDLES^^ttr-Wsan-.- . Tattr^^.^?-l.t.:?.\\'.'.'.'.^!!-l COFFEE, ^ Bs-Bio.........ii r- Loguayra..... . - jrava;;.;...'..'..;..rv.......... CORDAGE. ?TBs-Manilla..... - . : Tarred Amartoa&.>. CORN HEAL, bbl..... COAX V ton-Anthracito j*': PeriiTian?hfSBb;rt|t-^ . PaeifleOnansv-V' 3009 tts.;. ??&35 Bangh'e Phosphate, 9 2000 fte.;,. Mepe??upeT?hospl?te,V 2000ft ~ Zen's Eaw'Boae Phosphats..;. .. Zell's Super Phosphite of Lime.. wran rt/,* Ol inn ikar ' .T.?_?'_':'--'i: 40 6 25 1 24 I ,20 J 45 26 -25V 23 10 13; 9.00 ? IS 430.00 35"; . 19 mts 6.00 10.00" 100.00 C'-ae" i - ?A- lao-T! il m.oo s?:-*). No. 3.I _ <M _ Sardine?, ft loo-quarter bozos.. 23 Ca) 23 nan" boxes_I 48 <??; SC VLOUR, ft bbl-Super.111.75 ?12.00 Northern ont'. Western Extra.12.75 ($13.00 Baltimore, Extra.14.00 fe)16.00 Southern Extrs.15.00 feil?.00 FKOlTS-Prunes, t? lb. 22 ? - Figs. 40 m - Dried Apples. 10 os, 28 Almonds, soft shell. 35 fe) 40 Balsins, M. E., f> box. 4.00 (<<j 5.00 Raisins, Layer.14.50 (it! 5.50 Oranges.... - ?c - Demons:. 4.00 @ 8.00 O LASS, fi box of 60 foot American, RxlO. 5.50 ? 0.00 American, 10x12. 6.00 ? C.CO French, 12x14. 7.00 ? 8.00 GRAIN-Maryland Oats, ft bushel_ 90 ? _ Western Osts, fi bushel. - ? - Corn, ft bushel. 1.39 ? 1.48 Beans, f, bushcL. 2.00 f<? 3.00 BAT, fi ?wt.-North Elver. 2.30 ? - Eastern_?. 2.30 @ 2.50 SIDES-Dry, f, ft. 10 (el 12 INDIGO-ft. 1.00 <? 1.75 IRON-BeQncd. V to. 07 @ 07 ,v: Swede. 09 (ai 10*fl LATHS, f, M... 4.00 (8) 4.50 LIME- Sholl, ? bbl. - ? - South Carolina. 1.60 ? _ Rockport. 2.00 @ Cement. 2.76 @ 3.50 Plaster Paris. 4.00 (al 4.50 LUMBER, f, M. feet Clear White Pine, 1st quality. 50.00 @55.00 White Pine, good run. 38.00 ?40.00 Yellow Pino. 20.00 (2)26.00 Boards, fi M. feet-Bough.12.00 ?15.00 Grooved and Tongued_ 28.00 (0132.00 LEATHER, country tanned, 9 ft.| - - MOLASSES, f, Kallon-Cuba. 47>?@ 03 Muscovado. 55 @ 65 Sugar House. 60 ? 1.00 . New Orleans.... 75 ii? 83 NAVAL STORES, fl bbl-Tor. - fe) - Pitch.:. - g _ Bosta, Pale.. 5.00 ? 7.00 Rosin, No. 1. 4.00 fel 4.25 Rosin, No. 2. 3.25 ? _ Rosin. No. 3.... 3.00 fe) _ Suints Taruentme, > gallon. sn $ _ Osjcum. SA tb. ?ti fa) _ NAILS- American, 4@20d, fi teg,. 7.00 @ 7.75 AineritaurWrought..-........ _ @ _ ' Bathing.'.:..v........ 7.60 (MO.00 Copper, ^ ft. 1.00 fe) - Galvanized.. 30 fe! _ 8pikea...i.. 13 ? is OILS-Lard, ft gallon........v...1.40 fei 1.46 Linseed, qa gallon. 1.64 @ 1.60 Sperm, Winter, qa. gallon. 2.95 ? - Cotton Seed,' galion... - @ _ Castor.(E. L), f> gallen.-.. 3.00 @ - . Olive, qfl dozen....... 3.00 ?10.00 . . Kerosene, qji gall?n. 62 ? 54 - Benzine; 9 gallon....| 60 @ - PROVISIONS-Beet, mess, qi bbl.16.00 ?30.00 Beef, prime.14.00 ?15.00 'Por Jr, meas.. .... . - @_ ? Bump?. .v.......... :....?........ - fe) - '. Bacon, Emu., qa B}.-?,. 16 fe) yu Uaooxj, aides...;..'..'....'.. 13 ? 14 -Bacon, Shoulders.'...-, . ll- ra n i^ Bacur.. strips.'.............. ?? S IT Lard, in keg_. 12>?'@ io Butter............. 30 @ 40 ? Cheese.'..'.......... 15 ? 64 : -; Potatoes, ?j? bbl......... 8.25 @ -. I Onions.. 3.00 @ 3.25 Apples......... 4.00 fe) 6.00 PAINTS-White Lead, f, ft:....,| 10 @ 16 Black Lead...;...:.............. 10 ? 12 Zinc, White. 12 @ 16 . PLOW STEEL, ? ft 12 ? - RTCi?---Carolino, f. ft. - @ - :. East India....... - ? - SLATES-American, f, square..12.50 (ci - SHINGLES, q? M. 7.00 fe) 8.00 ' - White-Pine, first quality.13.00 ? - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, t% sack.._ 2.00 fe) - Liverpool, fine......... - fe) . SOAP-Bar, ft lb....... ll ? 15 SEARCH, f, ft......:. 10 ? 12 SPICES, fi ft-Cassia. 1.00 @ - Mace....... 1.75 (a) - j Cloves_. 76 @ - "Nutmegs.v. 2.00 fel 3.60 Fermer...;. 40 ? - Pimento... 40 @ 00 Boco Ginger_. 30 fe) - SPIRITS, fl gallon-Alcohol. 5.00 ? 6.Oil Brandy, Cognac. 4.00 ?12.00 Brandy, Domestic. 3.00 fe) 3.75 Gin, Holland. 4.75 fei 6.00 - Gin, American.| 3.50 ? 8.75 Hum, Jamaica.. 5.00 ? 6.00 Bum, N. E.. 2.50 ? 3.00 Whiskey, Bourbon. 3.00 ?5.00 Whiskey, Rectified. 2.30 ? 2.40 SUGAR, f, to-Baw. 9 @ 13 Crushed. 18 @ - cnarifiedA.......'.'.| 17 ? - Clarified B.......... - @ - Clarified C.v.. .-........ KU? 17 Loaf...--. 18 ? 19 Porto Bico......-._ 13J?@ 14 Muscova<>-.: 12 ? 14 SEGARS-Domestic manufacture, fi M. 18.00 ?45.00 TEAS, ft lb-imperial. 2.00 ? 2.60 Gunpowder. 2.00 @ 3.50 Hyson. 1.50 @ l.G0% Young Hyson...... 1.00 ?1.60 Block. 1.00 @ 1.75 TOBACCO, fi lb, os per quality. 40 ? ?.60 TIMBER-Hewn Timber-Yellow Pine. 4.00 ? 12.00 Ash. - ? - " Poplar. - @ - Hickory. - @ - TIN-IC Roofing Plate.:.15.00 @ - IX Booflng Plate.17.00 ? - IC Tin Plate', 10x14.15.60 @ - IXTin Plato 10x14...17.00 ? - IC Tin plate, 14x20.:.. 16.50 ? - Block Tin, y-, Di_. 40 @ - TWINE-Cotton, ft tb. 73 ? - Baling......;:. 45 ? - ? Hemp.....:.. 46 @ - . Jute. 60 ? - VARNISH-Bright, f, gallon.:. 35 ? - Paraflne. - @ _ VINEGAR-White Wine, ? gallon_ GO ? '. - Cider. 30 ? '_ French. 1.00 @ 1.25 WINE, ft gallon-Port. 2.50 @ 6.00 Madeira...'. 2.25 ? 5.00 Sherry.,. 2.25 ?5.00 Claret, q?i case. 5.00 ?13.50 Champagne, "3 basket.. 25.00 ?30.00 MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTOS Cleared Yesterday. . I Steamship AIHMM^ Belly. Philadelphia-H F Baker & Co. Sehr Transit, Stetson, Now York-Risley A Creighton. Sehr Eleonor T-, Fooks, Bol tim ore-Chlsolm Eros. Sehr Armenio, Cale, WUmington, N C-H F Baker & Co. Sehr N W Smith; Tooker," Manzanillo, Cuba-W Bosch. W?xtt td Sea Yesterday. Steamship alMsaics^Kell^'Philadelphia Brig Reporter, Coombs, Georgetown, 8 C. ? Sehr Eleanor T--/Fooks, Ballimore. . " ?" " ieronx txiilaPortl Steamship Manhattan, Collins, Now York, Moy 7. Steamship, Bo? Gun; Dutton, Baltimore, May o. j Sehr S ,R Birk, Burnett, Baltimore. May 5. j SehrE J Palmer, Palmer, Baltimore, Moy 4. ?-pp jhr tkU J?ort. I Sehr-Bergen, --^ ot Boston. May 6. Sehr Myrover, Hughes, at New York, Moy 6. Cleared fae tnt? Pori. ' j Sehr Jacob Thompson, -Yangant, ot Ph?adolpmo, May 4. Sailed Jar this Port. Steamship Falcon, Reed, from Baltimore, May 7,81 E I . . ? LIST OP VESSELS TJP, CLEARED AND aATT.-pn J-OR THIS POET. \" ;.'."'. . FQBEIQN,. .. . .xuvanpoor* Ship Amelia, Conner, sailed,_;...*.... . .March 30 Br bark Fille de VAir, Evans, cleared._March 30 . KE7WPOBT, EKO. ., [ The J Corning. Hooka way, sailed.April 16 i BOOTH <MPTOy. ? - I The AEen, Marten, sailed.. ;... ......-. .Feb 6 .-???-O"' DOMESTIC . ._:.! ,:: ia - TBsraisr;nz. " ; Brig Procter,Coombs, Belled........April 9 I --.rd .'Uvif-v. .-:.:: ?or?os.'"- ' I The Whitney Long. Hayes, cleared,.............April 30 Soar RSchard Youx, Powell, cleared..May 3 i Sehr Bergen;-?--;tq^".;;:MJ..;.V........Hay. 0 : c.'j ?JCW Toxta*:" '. Brig ABradshsw, Weers, cleartd...-May 4 Brig catessppake, Newholl, cleared. . .............May 3 Behr Shiloh, Hubbard, up..May 3 Sehr Helene-, Alden,np.:v.-...;..?:........April 25 Behr WBBranaholVHussey,-cleared.........May 8 Sehr Myrover, Hughes, up.... .........Moy 8 -,-.v.-.-. PnTT.AnETJHIA. Sehr Jacob Thompson, Tangant, feared,.May 4 i - ' nixafii-owtr-"" StetmaUpFalcon,- Reed, soiled........May 7 Steamship Patapsco, Nert, to sail.,.. .May 1 Sehr Foaming Sea, North, cloared..........April 23 .8ohr Shiloh, dp..'.April 34 .:--: . LIST OP SJSXPPVSCt in tb* Port of ClxaxZeii?n, Blay 9,1867. ySSSBLB USDZB 100 TONS, AHD BTEiMEES COASTTSO .. ., . VtmWSt THE BXJLTE BXOZPXSD. y, at Adger'o wharf, for New I (i~"rdr^'toading...-...Bavenel A CO Champion, -. tons. Murray, at Brown & Co's wharf, for Ncrw'Ybrk;loading'.:.:Street Bros li Co Haze, 337 tons. Starkey, at Halon whait. Crom New York, to bo repaired........ ................. .Master i o,?5-?c???.;f A SHIPS. "' ' ?. Hary Ogdeav - folia, Coldrey, at Union wharf, for Liver? pool, loading.. ,.-< t..,.W B Smith 4 Ca. MlssourV624 tons, Edwards, at Boyce & Co's wharf, from Liverpool, dlBcrisrgine<.-.::1...'..-.T.-.. ; .'.JTrasor & Co Galena, 70S tons, " Bunton,' et Boyce" A: Co'u wharf, from ^.&t%-x!m*ivxT~'?>-*.-i>*>.' . .>W B Smith &Oo BABES. ? -:-!--':' vi Ange GuaiQlene (Fr% 486 tons, WOOS, at Marsh's wharf, from Basia?, ^fait?ng.. .J A Baslow A Co Jamos WUson (Br),. 3M tons, at Bennott'g wharf, froc Swsm Island, ropsirmg.r..;'.'.*. .:.'...?...P3Ba?ara -Seaman (Br), 620 tons, Doyle, at Union wharf, for Ltv ? erpooL li3?uaing.,..J Fraser 4t Co Depesche (Pm?T, - ions, Lubke, in Ashley Elver, for " Liverpool, loading.. Risley & Creighton :.-;;r:;;: .--BBIGS. 1 Albert (Br), 308- tims, Erftrj^'St' Union 'wharf, for Ltv \iaua?J?g??........Courtenay ii -Trenhohn StoanV-!W6 tons. Gelpl, at Potion's wharL:for _ _ona,Ioadmg.........-Bonafont & Salas I Potomoo, MS tona. Snow, itt- Ashley Bi Ver, ?foi o North-' cm Port, loading.W Roach Delmont Locke, 139 tons. Cochran, at Accommodation" wharf, from emberton, Cuba, diricharghig. '.i.Bono?ont ? Solos ";. ' SCHOONERS. '. . I Transit, 995 ton?, Stetson, ia Ashley Elver, for a North ry E Banka: 112 -tons, Smith, tn Ashley River, for Phillalfh?b?^,.??iA*T\g---JAEnolow A Co Navita (Hr?rxi9 tons, ?ta?th, at Bennett's whorf, for &tJohn?r,'N B,;lc*dmg. .V. ?w...:. .Bornant A^Sato-; Nopoleon.T9a tans. Nichols, in. Ashley Elver, for? North ern Port, loading.?--Risley & Creighton. J W Bmnsey, 810, tons,.Crtiumer.-h Ashley Bl ver, tar*. .' Ncatlvern Port; ldoonTgi. :...-........ H F Biker 4: Co iMiilolCiTtse. 811 uos^Ulizihell. ot Brown & Co'? wharf, ^ft^^^cttlT?liicJiaxvzuj.Street Bros A Co Ids vBBSBSBi 11**&U&*WK in Ashley River, for o H^thSnrVx?. teu?tng...... !.JA Ensiow * Co LSDavi?, WO toa* Bishop, st Adgto 's whorf, fcrr^New W FTCuxmn^?-39' tow-'. T?i??'i? bishley MTeV,'for n*. . ? I1III1??II? imi'iiii?'M ' " TT r Baker s Maeru^?H^.^y-^^ rmea?*et^l3?tons7?a^ rn Ashley Elver, tor a North ernPort, leading.:*-te? j LBly, 120tons, Woolford, in Aahley River, for??Uteiore, W~: XHr tor??* Sh?xroan, at N E BoBroad rYc<rlyIbao^........HFB?kar&C!o B^tU^ disenargirur.......... ....HT Bakef * i.. Marian Gags, 802-?on?, Bhappord, at Jlnion: whor?, from Boatos. rllvr'irfflnrir-------i.- n i "^ Beech Wi, ~ SPRING DRY id. 1867, ?\VIfi HAVE KOW 1% STORK THK FOU.OWWC NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, 12Jc, ir*-.. 20c. PRINTED MUSLIN, CAMBRIC BRILXIANIS. ORGANDIES, LAWN AND GRENADINES ALSO. THE FINEST SELECTION OF WHITE GOODS AND HOSIERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, YET OFFERED AND AT PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. C ITY TRADE. WE OFFER, FOR A FEW DAYS, A SPECIAL AND BEAUTIFUL LOT OF DRESS GOODS, AT 26c. PER YARU A fresh supply of Goods received by every Utoani.T. Parties who wish cheap Goods will please examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. E. SCOTT & CO., No. 339 King Street, Next to Adgers Building, opposite Gruber & Martin's Grocery. March 25 mwf2mo DRUGS, CH EM 1* ALS s, ETC. HLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE E. H. KELLERS & CO., (LATE PI1I.V ?te DOUX] WHOLESALE AM RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 131 MEETING STREET, Third door above Muz-ltet, HAVE LATELY RECEIVED LARGE ADDITIONS TO their usual stock of pure and fresh DRUGS MEDICINES DYE STUFFS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY GOODS FINE SOAPS TOILET POWDERS POMADES COSMETICS COMBS EXTRACTS, &c. Comprising Invoices (rom the most reputable manu? facturers. On hand, all Gae principal PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Including Preparations of AYER, JAYNE, HALL, CHEV? ALIER, DAVIS, WRIGHT, HOLLOWAY. Ac. \lso, a large assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS t TRUSSES SADDLE BAGS MEDICINE CHESTS GLASS MET..L AND GUTTA PERCHA GOODS GLASSWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Great attention is paid to thc importation and selec? tion of PURE AND FRESH DRUGS, and none other arc allowed to co out of thc Establish? ment. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with accuracy, and the publie can depend on the utmost reliability in the execution of orders. E. H. KELLERS, M.D.. U BAERJI.D. OLD RD? VAN WINKLE CTN. GOLD MEDAL StTERBY, PORT AND MADEIRA, HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRTENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. FADDITION TO. .OUR. BUSINESS OF SELLING WINES, etc, in original packages, end in order to Insure to consumen PureLiquors in a compact and con? venient form,, we commenced the enterprise of bottling and packing in cases our well known Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Sc., and have seat them out in a style that would preclude the posslblHty.'of'their being tampered with before reaching the porcnacex. The general appre? ciation and gratifying success that has rewarded our efforts has encouraged tu lb . maintain the standard gards quality, alao to maka lccreased efforts to retain tho confidence and patronage which hai been so liberally be? stowed upon us. RIRXNGER & CO., [Established 1778.] Importers ol Wines, Ac., . No. 16 Beaver street. Now York. The above popular gooda are put up in canes contain? ing one dozen bottles cadi, and ore r old by all prominent Druggists, Grocers, Ac. . : Opinion? of Ute Fresa. Thc name of Bininger. h Co., No. 15 Beaver street, is a guarantee of the exact and literal truth of whatever they represent.-N. -Y. Com. Aioertis?r: The importing house ol Bininger A Co., No. 15 Beaver street, ia conducted upon principles of integrity, Salmea? and the highest honor.-K. Y.Evening Express. GOODRICH, WISEMAN & CO.. No. 153 MEETING STREET, Opposite Charleston Hot ? and BOWIE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KIN Ci ci CASSIDEY No. 151 MEETING STBEET, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. January SO wfm6mos "A emile was on her Up-health . waa In ber look ttrength was in har stop, end in ' her hands-PLASTA ruai 3uRuf/*' S. T.-1860-X. A few bottles of PLA?TTATIO:? Birfxna " Will ?era Merma? gsaoa/fliS S" 1 ?.:, Cold Eztramltlea'and Feverish Liv?. " Bom- Stomach arid Fetid Breath. ' ?>. Flatalency and locUgcHtlon- '.. .? Nervous Affections. ? Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. - Pain over'th? l^sa.-- !~- ' - " Mental DespOBclehcT-^ : .. Prostration; Groat Weakness. " S&How Oompl<n?on, Weak Bowels, Sc. Which ?re .the endencea of:_ ;?'. ... LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA It Is estimated: that'?oven-tenth? of all adult ailments nrooeed from a deceased ?nil: torpid ?lver. The binary lecretions.of the liver overflowing Into the ?tomack pot? ion the entlro system and Exhibit the above symptoms After long r?ssarch. Wo art abio to" present" the'"most' ?emarkable purefor theee- iiarrid nightmare diseases, he world his overproduced.'" "Within oheyear ow ?>< lnndredand forry thoQsasil' .tto??w?..i'c?' m complaint ?i^irrATirw-?*-TaiuwiedgeF It ls a most effectual tonio and ' agreeable ' stimulant, ulted to all condiUons of Wt, . . .... .The reporta that Ix rohes upon mineral substances for ta active properties; are Wholly false. For the satis action of .tbs pubBc, aad;lhat patients may:.consult Heir physicians, we append* list of ita component?. . CALISATA ii Ana.-Oolobrated for 'over two hundrod reara In tho treatment ct Fever ona . Apio. Dyspepsia, Weakness, atc,. It was Introduced into Europe- by the toantes?, wini of the Vicetoy ot" Fern, in 1640. and tfterwards sold: by tb o Jesuits for Ote enormous price ol ts own iseight in silver, nndat tbs same.of Jesuit's fow? lers, and'was "Chally : made public by "Louis XVI, Zing if Franca; '.-Bttmbcidt makes especial reference to Its febrifuge qualities during hil South American travels.. ffljoaWUiil BABE-For diarrheas, collo and disease* if the stomach and bevels. DASDELIOB-For inflammation of-the loins and drop* cal affections. CBAVOMILK FLOWXBS-For enfeebled digesti?n. "'LavBVnsn FLOWEIU-Aromatic, stimulant and tonio ?ghly invigorating lu nsrvont debility. WnrnmoBEEH-For sorofule, rneumatism, etc. . AKMB_An aromatic carminative; creating flesh, nusole and milk; much used by toothers nursing. Alco, olOTo-bnds, orango, carraway, coriander, snake s. T.--?81T0.--X;, An ol her wonderful -ingrsalent.''?r great nae among ha Spanish ladies vf tfou'-a. America, imparting beaut; o the complexion and brBUjncy to the mind, is yet un. mown to tho oommerco of tte world, and we withhold ta name for the present. IMPORTANT aEKTTFIflATKS. . RoonmTXB, H. V, December 28,1881. . ' Mesara. P- H. DBAXE .^m^fiavebc?n ?great caf. teer from Dyspepsia for three or focr years, and had to .bandon my profession. About three months age I ried the Plantation Bitters, and - to-my great Joy I am low nearly a well man. I hire recommended them in everal caaes, and, as far ?a-I-tarwi^way? who signal ?eneflfc - ?" -. I am, retpoctfuBy: yours, - .> >"? Ber?-'"?.. OATHGB? ~ ' j PumAMnraiA, lOtkMontix, l?th Day, ISM. " BsarwsBB. FmxHE.i-My dtnght?f ? bas* lenesaed by tho"cse" of thy flotation Bitter?. Thon r?t ?and me two botUes meit. - ?- ??. ; Thy Wand,, ?ar. w*n ? ASA OUEBIN. ; - 8irwiii/iii Honr?, csioAao, nx, > 1 ?,'*TOmwrj'll;iS63." J"' UxsssAP. B;Sauza A Oo.i-K?*se sead \M an?ther ?relv? cajee o? jonr- .*7iant?tipB -? h morning ppetiaer, they appear to have superseded everything lae. and are greatly esteemed. "" ToUrst-wso.; -lit ?;?. r# 85Sa*.*!WXlTS.'- . Arxangauoaou ara tJ^eotop^^.iAjHWply ?ny de? idad tor. itu article, which aa*}..set. heretofore . bees The p?bllo nia? rest aas?Kd tbs* tn no CAAA will thc ?r?sDuy pure standard ol the r^LAStATic^i Brrrcs* b* eparted from., thee? boult buwt .the fac-timUe of our ^iiap?Vs-e?> ?r*^*?l'y??t? a?><o*a?,i?r' 6 'etttttttt te fett NM.: ,??s ?S?:s?S> ?-fl.i c^:.' ~ 0 ,r.r=r..^ Any merion prsftndtirt to ?til PuarraziOH BrXTSBtT Cn: ulk or by tu galion, is t. tvindltr tmd ixnposter. Bewart fre??td battles. 8t? OtaX <mr TrivaU Stamp it Uasro hy^DroggnrL,?ioc^Wana Beaisrsthroughout ttkvtritiitlj. .7?u~s v'-0rr thUiin? cs t<A.? r.?;t?v?v7.. eus j ' ?.' '? . DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. SIMILI.* SlflMLlBjlS MIRANI CB. HUMPHREYS' itOitroiOFATinc; S,-T?CIFK;S AAVE PBOVED, FROM THE MOST AMPLE EXPE. R1ENCE; au entire success: Simple- Prompt-Ern. :iect ar.J Reliable. Tbey are the only medicines per* eclly adapted tu popular us?-so eur pie that mistakes cannot be ct->'V. tn using them; so harmless as to be rree (rum danger, and so efficient as to be always rella? ne. Th^y tave. raised the liighest commendation from ?U. and will always render satisfaction. Gouts. .io. ), cures Kevin, Congestion, Inflammations.. 36 " a, " Worm* V/orm-Fever, Worm-Colo.. 35 .. 8, .. Crvir-; (..usc. or Teething of In. faits. 28 .. 4, .? Dla.rrh.ora of Children or Adults_ 30 " 6, " D"->"-iniery, Griping, Bilious Collo... 35 " C. " C:i'>le.a Korbe?, Nausea, Vomit? ing............'...... 35 " 7. '? "..uirlrnj. Colds. Bronchitis_ " 8, " M enrul?la. Toothache. Facoache.. 35 " 0 ?' - kr.^r.; :.<;,, Siek Headache,:Vertigo.. 35 " 10, " Dyuprimla, Bilious Stomach.. " ll, " Suppressed, or Painful P?riode..... " 12, " Whiten, too profeso periods. 35 '* 13, " Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.. 33 " 14, " Srtlt St i?ciiiM, EoB.p"'as. Emptions. 35 " 115, ?' Kl.tBiKr.'.:3?, Rhonmatic Pains... 35 .. nt .. trever laud Ague, Chill lover, ? 17. '. Pl?ei.'," Biind or ulecdir.RV.V.V.V.-.":''. " 18, " Opihaimy, and sere or Wwi Eyea 50 . " IS, " Ca-tia.""-??. Acute or Chronic, InSn enza-. CO " 30. .' WhoopingCoiijrh,ViolentCougal 50 " 31, " Aatlimtt, Oppressed Breathing. 50 " 33. .* Ear Discharges, Impaired Hear tn?..'. ?0 '" 33, .' Scrofule, Enlarged Glands, Swell. togs. 60 " 34. " General Debility. Physical Weakness 60 ?? SS, " Oro j)-y and Scanty Secretions....... 60 11 30, " Seo. Sickness. Sickness from Bid. . 60 .. 37. " Kidney Disease. Gravel. 50 ? ??, " ftcrvou* Uehillty. Seminal Emis? sion?, Involuntary ''tacnarges.1.00 " 39, " S?re Month. Canter.50 " 80, " Ci-imiry Incontinence, Wotting Bed. 60 '. SI. " rs'-Snfuf. I'crlodt, oven with B-i?f.w i. 50 " Bi, " Swit'ri-..t?s ii Chingo of Lfo.1.00 " S?, " Kpilenuy, Spasms, ot. Vitus" Dance. 1.00 <? 84, .. [iliithrila. ?lceratod Sore Troat.... 6U KAMILY CASES. ?6 vial?, morocco cane sud buok.,?10.00 li) larine vi? is, in morocco, ?lid book. 6.00 lu largs vide, plain case, and book. 6,00 15 boxes (.Noa. 1 to 151. and bcok. AW VKTKR.IiVAItY SPECIFICS. iishogany cases, 10 viols.$10.00 Htnglo vials, with directions. LOO *?rTa:tvs remedios, by Ihr casa or slngli, box, toe rant to any part of the country, by Mail or Es proas, ire? >f charco, on receipt ol ibo price. Address HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC EOMCEOi'ATlIlC V-liUltUiiEcoMPAST, Office end Depot Wo. Bti2 Broadway, Now iorS. Dr. is conia.icil .iaily at kia oillcc, per ?onally or bv letter, afl abo-o. fer ali forms of disease. DOWIE ?? 31DISE. Wholesale Agents. Ko. l'l fleeting street, Opposito Charleston Hotel. W. A. SKIU5E. A.. fOClCKt. ? CO.. fieta.ll A trente. No. 'JS1 EISC1-S~REKT, ?th door above Market-*!. April 1S mwfGmo Arno Charleston, 8. C. CHEROKEE PILLS, Or JFetuale Itegulator, Cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful M^nslrntition, Green Sickness, Nervous and Spinal Af? fections, 1'iiinn in the Stick, Siclc //eadttche. Giddiness, ?nd all dis? eases that spring fre?r irregularity, by removing the cause and all the effects that'?rise from it. They .ar? perfectly safe in all cases, ew cept ' ic.'ien Jiirttiatleii hy direc fOL tipns, and aie ea.-y to administer, f-C BS they are ntcelv sunar coated. ^ They should bc'in the hand? of ? every Mahlen. VS,ts. and Momer ?In the lanai. ' I ..niles can nddress us in perfect onddence, and- state their com? plaints in full, as we treat all Female Complaints, an>! preparo Medidnos suitable for all diseases to which thi?y ar,-subject.-Thirty-two pago pamphlet, in a sealed CIIVH1OIK\ free. The Cherokee Pills'arc auld by all druggists ?t $1 per hos, or six boxea for $5; or they are sent by mall, free of pi'Stago, in an ordinary letter, free from observation, by odclrcssing the sole proprietor, Dr. W. E. MEECHI, 37 'Walker St.,.?. T. N. B.-Cherokee Pills No. 2 are prepared for special canes, when milder medicines fail ; tiesa aro sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of 83, Ute price of each boa. DB. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, of MAfet ^^W////KiUff Cares General Deliltty, Weat. ,-^-JaatSVsa> batyik- * ness. Hysterics in Pernales, l>?^iT?Wfy^ Palpitation of the Heart and ""* \ all Nervous Diseases. ' It re? stores new life and vigor to tho : aped, causing tbe hot blood of . 'As the Phents rises youth. to course the veins,res-'" ?Wf1 fJ,'Z tortng the Organs of Genera %Zi Ufl^so t'-onj-emomna Impotency and this Elixir rejuvr.n- Debility, restoring Jitrnltntu ale the system and and full vigor, thus proving a - overcome disease. perfect w Elixir of Love? re? moving Steriliii/ and Barrenness in both sexes. To the younfr, middle-aged, and aped, there Isno'greater boon than this "Elixir of Life." It gives a new lease of Ufo, causins the weak and debilitated to have renewed strength and vigor, and the entire system to thrill with joy and pleasure. Price, one bottle $2; threo bottles $5; sent by express to any address. Onr medicines are sold and recommended by all respectable druggists in overy part of the civilized ?lobe; some unprincipled dealers, however, try to eccl ve their customers by selling; cheap and worth? less compounds In order to moko money. Be not deceived-ask for these medicines ?nd take no others. If the druggist docs not keep them, write to ns, and wa will send them by express, carefully packed, free from observation. We will bs pleased to receive letters with foll statements in regard to ": any disease with which ladles or gentlemen are afflicted Address all letters for medicines, .pamph? lets, or ad vice, to the sole proprietor, ?a Dr W. E. MEE WUT, 37 Walker St.,H, Y. ? ; May 3ft_J__wfm ly* SARATOGA 'BX8FM0R"JPR1G WATM. rHE WATER OF THIS SPRING IS BELrarnai be unequalled by that af, - TcirJ???Bave secured rallev nc'^uuuunnis of all who have osed it, posseas ng, as il does, in an eminent degree, cathartic, diuretic. Iterative and tonic qualities. ' From SAMUEL HENRY DICKSON, M. D., Professor rTOCtiee of Physic,. Jefferson Medical College, ? Phils. lelpbia, formerly of Charleston, S. C. : . ' PBILA1)BIJ>KIA, November 16,1865.'.; I have been fora year or more past in the habit ot airing the water Of the "Excelsior" Sprang of Saratoga.. accustomed during the great portion of my Invalid life \ ' o use the different waters of tho several fountains which: Ci ?il np along that remarkable valley, dependent, indeed, rpon them tor much of the comfort I enjoy, I am satls ied that the Excelsior Water isas wen adapted BS any .thor among them, nf not more so, to the pttrposss for rhich they are generally employed. .It is very agreeable^... trongly Impreffnntod with the carbonic acid, lively and parkhng. * . * ? I can heartily andconsclontlously ecommend it to all who need a gentle, cathartic and-., linretic. SAMUEL HENRY DXCKBOH. liiD: " The Water is put up ia Pint And Quart bottIes,?iicf - ?eked in good order for shipping. Pints in boxe? ol'j our dozen each,- and Jnartain rxixea oftwo 3oien oacb ; SOIJ> AT WH01?8A1VS BY . ... ..; G??BRfllli, WKMiS & CO., [uiporters and YHiolesale ?ruggists, " Rio. 153' MEETING STREET, """"?il\' OPPOSITE OTT AHI.TOTOS 30TKb. !. . : No. 151 MEETING STREET, '.? .'" Opposite Cnarlcston Hotel. . And for sole by flrat class Druggists and Hotels. .january 13* ..v J/CCBO1 '-'...'''*.' CRISPER COMA. i Oh ! she wag beautiful and fair, - ' '' ' With starry eyes, and radiant hair. Whoso curling tendrils, sort entwined, . Enchained the very heart and mind, .' ; CRISPER COMA, _ "'^ ?*or -CnrlinK the Hair of either Sex into Wtivy and. Gioasy . Ringlets or Heavy Massiver " . . Carls. . , .: ?. BY USING THIS ARTICLE LAD Ul j AND GENTLE? MEN" can beautify themselves a thousand-fold, t ia tho only article In the world that wffl-'iMtt!'8lnljrhf * lair, and at the same time give lt a beautiful, gioasy- ap learance. The Crisper Coma not only curia tho hair, but avig?ralos, beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and a? ghtrolly perfumed, and is the most completo orUde of bo kind over offered to the American public I The rrisper Coma will bo sont to any address, scaled and oatpaid for SI. : . >ri: ; .:?>?& i< Addroas aUorders to - ' -. W. L. CLABK fr CO., Chemist?, No. 3 WcstFayottostwet, 8yracuae. N. Y. March30 .:. , . .. .... :c ,-..Tjt ^Vy^.?l?ii???M!?m.-. vsJ ?a? axsmnrf.9%, ObtoUsa Taa?av ..??> ?S?V> ! Uss, Wat 3C3 (s?JU3S~t>*lCX'Ji?~ OOM. ?rjj^?:.^ WB? '.-?-".Ti?c . .? ?tev/riwif. t?fltsstisWr ... ?. fjiouc'- .V?OU ia?i'