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T?1E CDiBLESTON MMJfj%. G. B. CATHCART, Enno*, is? p CATHCART, MoMILLAN & MORTON, PROPRIETORS, y - No. 18 HAYNS STREET. - -"- -(J TFY~P~R INT-ERS. TERMICAS H. SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY- TWELVEMONTHS. .L .910.00 DA IX Y-SIX MONTHS:............?...j.. 5.00 DAILY-THREE MONTHS.:.L. ?8.50 SINGLE COPIES.j. 5 cont? TO NEWS DEALERS ...._....... . .3 cent? NEWS SUMMARY. Cotton ulosod in "New York with a further de? cline; 28 for Middling Uplands. Gold quoted at 133j. Cotton in liverpool closed at 12|<L for Middling Uplands. LOT. Cr. SEARS has resigned the presidency of .drown University, R. L, to accept the general agentfy of the PEABODY Southern educational move .ment. It is stated that the Governor of Delaware will probably appoint Mr. THOMAS A. BAYARD, son of the former Senator of that name, as the successor of the deceased RIDDLE. A German count is under arrest in Louisville, Kentucky, for marrying three women there, two in Baltimore, and an entire brigade of ladies in New York. The papers say he has " wife on tho brain." The New Borne (N. C.) Commercial, recom meuds;General R. F. HOKE as the successor of Dr. PflTT.Tre, as Professor of Mathematics in the Uni- ' versify of tho State. General HOKE is an accom? plished gentleman and gallant soldier. His ap? pointment would give great satisfaction. It is reported that King GEORGE, of Greece, is to marry a niece of Queen VICTORIA. We havo no kind of objection to such on arrangement,! but can? not see exactly where the "niece" is to come from, seeing that her Majesty never had either' brother or sister. . JOHN CALLEN, with his team, left Cedar Falls, Id wa, for his home, six miles ont on the prairie, during a severe storm last week. He lost his way, although the track showed he had been eighty rods from .his own house, and was found frozen to . death on the open prairie, three days after. The horses were badly frozen. SUMNER, the sartorial, says the Richmond Ex ' aminer, having settled the cat of diplomatic . "breeches, is thought by his" friends to have worthily wound np' his, life, and" they hint that his place may be otherwise filled next winter, "We do not believe it. Ho will, appear in a new role in De comber, astonishing the world as Sarlor Sesanxts. HORACE GREELEY gets of a good thing now and then. In a lecture recently delivered on "Adver? tising," he said : "Some men who know enough to advertise, are yet so narrow-minded as to confine their advertisements to journals of their own creed and party. If they do not choose to trade with any bat men of like faith, this is wise; bat if . they desire the whole public for customers, it is otherwise." - The Jewish Messenger, of March 29th, publishes the following hst of companies in which Jews "do not insure." The Manhattan, Germania, Republic, : Niagara, Hanover, International, North American, of New York. The ?Etna. Phoenix, Merchants, and City, of Hartford. The Phoenix, of Brooklyn. We are' glad that the cood physic is working. An insurance agent in Philadelphia advertises that he will take no more ribitb for any company which re . foses risks on the property of Israelites. Russia is greatly admired by some people in the United States, bnt this admiration can' scarcely be caused by the treatment of the Poles by their Rus? sian conquerors. A recent official return states that since 1863, 18,683 inhabitants of the Polish . provinces of Russia, including 164 women, have been banished to Siberia, 33,780 to the steppes of the Urah and 12,763, including 218 women, to the interior of Russia. Besides these, 2,416 Poles have been sent to the penal regiments, and 1,468 hanged and shot for political offences. The news from Mexico comes by way of Havana, and is dated at Mexico city on the 13th ultimo. The liberals were almost under the walls of the capital and prevented supplies from entering. MAXIMILIAN'S army at Quero turo was completely ' environed by the Liberals. General DIAZ had com? menced be se ?gin g Puebla. The people in Vera Cruz were disposed to insist on a surrender of the .place to the Liberal forces outside. Over'three hundred persons were in prison in Mexico city, for expressing sympathy with the Liberals and'failing to pay their quota of the forced loa*s. MAXHETL . '! TAS'S Governor of tne city had resigned and intend? ed to leave for Europe. Senator GEORGE READ BIDDLE, of Delawaro, died ' in Washington on Thursday evening. He was born in Newcastle, Delaware, in 1817, studied engineer? ing, and worked for some years on canals and rail? roads in Pennsylvania and DoL .'are. The great -work at Harper's Ferry was executed under his superintendence. He afterward studied law and 1 -waa admitted to the Delaware Bar in 1848. In 1850 ? ie was elected to Congress from Delaware, and re- 1 elected in 1852. He was a delegate to the Demo- , eratic Conventions of 1844,1848 and 1856. He was afterward elected to the Senate for the term ending in 1869. During his Senatorial career he has steadi- ' ly acted with the Democratic minority.... 1 KOSSUTH still residos in Turin. He has grown 1 prematurely old, and bears in his person the marks i of the cruel disappointments and vicissitudes ] ?which have marked his fife. His hair a ad beard, , which many will remember as a glossy, black, have j been for several years as white as silver ; his form, .once so erect, is bowed with grief and suffering, ' and a profound melancholy, sic-se the death of his ' wife, with whom he barned .all his hopes, marks'. Ids whole demeanor. But his Voice iu still soft and i . sweet, and his eye stall beams with that sad and tender fight which gave so much of its wonderful beauty tb his face. .He is poor, powerless and , alone. - '. Among the numerous public notices pasted upon ' the huge blackboard at the door of the court noose, says the Petersburg (Va.) Index, is one to 'the effect that on the Sd day of April next, the ' Sergeant will sell -to the highest bidder from the . steps of that temple of justice, a black terrier dog; ' called Bill, to satisfy an execution in his hands. -'Bill" was levied upon, we presume, because his ' owner had no other property that could be touch? ed.'But the question arises is ? dog property. The Supreme Court of Appeals hold: that in a criminal aspect he is not. lower'courts have de? cided that in a civil aspect he is. At any rate, the a dog under the above circumstances is - novel and interesting. r \ .The desideratum is at length supplied, as we are .? informed in the following paragraph from th? Cin ctn?ati Gazttte : "A loyal paper has been needed in New Orleans. With the exception of the Tri , tame, a small sheet, printed half in French and half in English, and representing the interests of the colored citizens, every journal of the ci tv has xspnfiiated unconditional Union principe ,. The want is to be supplied by the New Orleans ' publi? can, which is to be published daily and weekly, ? by S. h. BROWN & Co. The first number was to be issued March 25th, but has not yet reached us. The enterprise has the approval of Generals BUT LEE, HOWARD and BANKS, and Messrs. WADE, ' STEVENS, COLFAX, SHELL ABA ROER and Loo AN, who jcertiry that the parties are true and loyal men." Aman was arrested at March 21st dressed in woman's clothing. He has been , looked for some time by tho police for heading a .. Dody ot insurgents near Emly, county Tipperary, and killing one of that bony.; His name is Dunne, and he had only some time previously retained from America, and .is therefore designated "An -American emissary." It is said he travelled fr.-m . the town of .Tipperary in tho attire which he wore ?when .arrested here. , His mother accompanied bini, and both were booked for the steamship Vir? ginia in the names of HANNAH RYAN and KATZ BYAN, and would bavo escaped, but both giving ?their names as HANNAH BYAN when "passing" the Emigration officer. DUNNE'S brother had also iskin pasaege by the Virginia, but was captured when going on board in the outer harbor. Both .captores are considered of some importance. ju the Church of the Puritans, New, York, on gnaday last, Rev. Dr: CHEEVER delivered a dis - conree on "The Bight of the Colored Ba oe in Con? vention, ic." After the usual Sabbath evening service Dr. CHESTER proceeded with his discourse, taking for his text the t won ty-first verse of the second chapter of the Epistle of Paul to the Rc 'jPffm-i-'Thon thereforo, which teachest another, ieachest thou not thyself? . Thou that preschest* man should npt steal, dost thou steal?" The ques? tion here submitted by tho apostle was applicable io the Iiegiolafcare of tho State at Albiuiy. The ^Northern people bad shown themselves prom t and ready to lay down the law to the Souther, i -^,'fttatea, andw??.ready to gWe fight to there that t ware in dur kn sas, while they themselves continued jtodarkneaa and committed iniquity before the :'.fwjk\ ' " ~'" LARGEST Cx&cv^HW^-The DAILY NEwjp publishes miOJpajlal List of Let tirs, rcrm?un'j in ?ic Police at the end bf ii?c? weevfe, agrieohty'to the following section of the New .Postoffige . Law, as th? newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston: SECTION C. And bo it further enacted, That lists of let? ters remaining uncalled for In any Post?nico in any dry, town or village, where a newspaper shan be printed, shall hereafter be published once only hi the newspaper which, bolng published weekly or oftener,- shall have the largest circulation .within range of delivery of tho said office. . ' * ; ., ! : ta- Ai communications intended for pitot?cQ^ion-fn this journal must be addressed to the Edalor of the Daily News, No. 18 ffayne-street, Charleston, S. C. Business Cotnm?ntcat?ons to Publislier af Davy - News. . We cannot undertake lo return refected communica? tions. - Advertisements outside of the eily must be accompa? nied with the bash. ?"''.'?_ CHARLESTON. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1867. PROGRESS OF LIBERTY IN PRANCE. Latest advices from Paris bring the text of the^ew law's on the preps and public meetings. It seems strange, and all but incomprehensi? ble, that these two privileges,-the right to say in public, or print for the public, whatever any one may be inclined to,-which, from long practice we have become "accustomed to consi? der thc very foundation, stones of civil liberty, should'be all but unknown, ina country claim? ing to be a great democracy, where tho sov? ereign was elected to his present lofty position by the universal suffrage of the. people. Yet the minister, his Majesty's mouthpiece, says the nation has steadily advanced to "greater destinies" ever since the accession of the Em? peror NAPOLEO? III- ' We must con<eRs: atHhis point, however, that we have had our misgiv? ings within the last few years, in regard to the great blessings of public meetings and a free press. There is, we verily believe, room for serious doubl, whether we have not perhaps had a little loo much of this blessing, In other words, whether much harm has not resulted to the country, and to our free institutions by the license bf the press.' It certainly has aeon-: staut tendency to keep the public in a state of agitation and excitement. The unrestrained right of holding public : meetings and discus? sing everything ad libitum, "interpellating" even the most established principles.of the Consti? tution, has also, we believe, been'productive of no little evil to the peace and well-being of so? ciety in this country. Still, by nature and by instinct, we are Dem? ocrats, and, notwithstanding the recognized danger of too much license to tongue and pen; we must still believe that liberal. institutions are not compatible with a fettered- press or a muzzled tribune; and, accordingly, we find the people of France restive and impatient of this abridgment of their liberties. The reason of thc present agitation of these subjects: in that country, is, as our readers doubtless renrenp. ber the recent decree of the Emperor, pro? claiming a large increase of privileges on these and other points. Laws - have at length .been framed in accordance withthis- decree, "and it is because they still fall so very far' short of what ?he people'desire,, and what they' see other nations around them enjoying, that the opposition speakers and papers keep up the cry. Under the new law any Frenchman may start a political newspaper, and set up a print? ing office pr bookseller's shop without a special license; but in case he commit 3 any of the nu? merous offences, to which these dangerous pro? fessions are exposed, he shall be punished af? ter trial,-without Jury, however,-by a judi? cial officer, and not, as heretofore, by ah ad? ministrative officer. But when it is ascertain? ed that these judicial officers are not unfre quently ignorant magistrates, taking their cue entirely from the wishes of the Government, (as we have recently seen in the case of M. DE G IRAK DIN), this will not bc deemed .such a great advantage over the ancien r?gime. The penalties are from 500 to 25,000 francs; sus? pension of publication of a journal for from t wo to, six months; suppression; and disfran? chisement for a period not to exceed five years. This is the new and more liberal legislation cn the subject.. . Public meetings may now be held, provided that neither politics nor religion are discussed. The Greek digamma, the rings of Saturn, and perhaps also tfie interesting question whether or not gregarinesare found in chignons,-these - ire legitimate topics. Not without conditions; however. ) For it seems by the new arid'wiojv: liberal law, it is still necessary that seven citi- - ?ens, one -day beforehand, submit a statement rf the place, day,'opening hour, and object of meeting to the Prefect, vaho will then grant! the required permission. r A Government agent must be present, who may dissolve the assem? bly the moment when questions foreign 'to'its ieclared object are introduced, or. when! it'be-. comes tumultuous. He must see that it ad? journs before the police hour, i. e. when all the rafa, etc.,.must be closed., Nor must it be held in the open ;air^' 3IoieoTjer-the Prefect rhay adjourn, and the Minister of the Interior pro? hibit any meeting which -seems to him likely to be troublesome. His , Majesty, we thus'per? ceive, kindly furnishes:-? chairman, to every meeting to be held, who : has the requisite au? thority to "preserve -order." In order, tea proper discharge ; of his duties, -this "Govern? ment agent," who-is . to 'be always present, should be a consummate metaphysician. .How nice some of the points he will have to decide ! For instance take a sitting of some;, learned society. How subtle the distinction between physics and metaphysics, between morals and religion, between a discussion on the history and polity of ancient peoples and governments, and the inference in-the mind of the ?'agent;-", that when Rome is s^id France is z=e^?""?r;i; LITIS CJESAH stands for Louis NAPOLEON, and the Rubicon, translated into good Parisian, reads coup d'etat. .How the poor agent's ob? tuse facilities must for ever be on the rack, sus? pecting that the learned dons are making game of him. It, is for his relief that Government has.given him the benefit of his own doubts. Whenever he ls unable to loosen the' Gordian' knot, the great Macedonian's expedient is ever at his command. When he is unable to meet logic with logic, he can always "disperse tnem." The Emperor,, moreover,- shows a commenda? ble thoughtfulness in requiring all meetings to beheld within doors, being desirous to preserve every one of his liege subjects (we beg pardon, - fellow-citizens, we mean) from catching the in? fluenza. .. But political meetings may be held between the issuing of the imperial decree for election of deputies-to the Legislature, and the five days, last preceding the election. Bat these again are placed under restrictiOM, other and in addition to those already, enumerated. Vio? lation- of these several mles and restrictions are punishable with fine, prison and disfran? chisement ' ' " -, - j While these two new laws show a condition of things, far behind England ?nd the United States, it is generally conceded they are in ad? vance of the old laws. But the age is essen? tially progressive, and it is fair to predict that *hese laws must soon give piece to more liberal enactments. , ...,<. ...... It may not he amiss here to reflect also' that while bur present condition is very far from en? viable, and what little libertywe have i$ all upon snfrrance,-we are. still belter off than some of pur tronsatlan tic cousins. " And although euch : a comparison cannot persuade us into :a .belief that we ; are ? enjoying^ the ? blessings of civil liberty, unrestricted, Jt,, yet is not without its comfort, ...The development, of. popular institor tiona.- in . France,, moreover, is a very interest? ing Bindyi for the cisatlantic observer. There f?e '*e?;?e;e'xp"eriin?ht, p?rhaps " never 1>efore tried on "the same gigantio ??Sale; 0$ grafting democratic institutions with universal suffrage upon a strong central despotism. The old and the new hore are unequally yoked together, each constantly .endeavoring to trench upon the other. The Emperor has a great many enemies, composed however of a great variety of opin? ion; from the Legitimist to the Red Republican, Their views are too divergent to make possible any -cordial tand'WrBoient-uttion' Of '"tKc-'-opposi tion; and as Iqng as this is.the-'.case, thc Em? peror's government mus!"retain"it?, present ascendancy. t WANTS. WASTED, A WHITE FEKALG HOUSE SEBYANT. Also, a white FEMALE COOK. Nono need apply without good recommendations. Apply at No." 4 CHUBOH STREET 1_Aprfl 5 WASTED TO PURCHASE, TWO (2) medinm-e?ted MULES OB HOUSES, young and well broten; also a light two-horse WAGON, suitable for a farm. Apply at B. MCINNES' BLACKSMITH SHOP, Chalmers street ' _2*_ April 6 WASTED-1 CHILD'S NURSE, (WHITE,) to go to a healthy locality in thc country. Apply at ?0.120 ST. PHILLIP STREET. Aprils ? .'.'. _fm2 WANTED, A WHITE FEMALE TO COOK, kc, (German preferred.) Apply at No. 15 DEAKE ST. - Aprll.S ? 1? IM MI GIC AT 10N--PHXTERS WHOSE Plantations are located in healthy situations can ob? tain any requisite number of German or Irish Laborers, at short notice. For terms, ftc., apply to JOSEPH H. OPPENHEIM. .No. 432 King street, corner Hu ison street, March 0 wfmgmo - Opposite Citadel Square. AWIDOW LADY WISHES A SITUATION in some respectable family. Is capable of doing any sind of Sewing. - Any one' desiring such a ono will olease make application at this olllcc. February 25_ SITUATION WANTED.-A YOUNG MAN who is an experienced Accountant, and well versed In the Exchango, Banking and Lumber Business, wishes to obtain a situation at' a moderate salary. Address W. ' H. G., at this office._? ? _March t8 "TTTANTED, A SITUATION AS WET NURSE YT by a healthy white woman, with an infant a month old. Apply at thia Office._3_April 4 WANTED, A GOOD COOK, WASHER AND IBO NEB, for a small family. White preferred. Apply at No. 35.Broad street. 3 April 4 BOARDING. FUV ATE BOAKDISGr-A FEW BOARD. BBS can "be accommodated at No. 92 KING STREET, east Bide; near Broad. A few Bay Boarders can bo ac-. comm oda ted. January 31 TO RENT. TO RENT, A NEW AND WELL FIN? ISHES .two and a half Btory BRICK HOUSE, sit? uated in Trombo Place, near. the. corner, of Broad and Rutledge streets, containing 4 square rooms, two large well nnished attica, two dressing rooms, pan tty, cistern, and all the necessary outbuildings. Inquire next door, to C. C. TBTJMBQ. - , mwf_March 25 "PLAT ROCK RESIDENCE TO RENT. r The premises adjacent to the Church, known as THE PARSONAGE, and within walking distance of the ' Postofncc.- Apply to A. H. LEABROOK, Esq., Secretary, < at Flat Rock, or at Charleston to C. G. MEMMLNGEB, " March 15 .' '. ftnlmo Chairman of Vestry. mo RENT OR FOR SALE CHEAP, THE X delightful RESIDENCE No. 8 Ashley street For particulars; address B. F., Daily News Office. February. 20. . , . . ? _ "??TUN AN ti FARM, WEST END OP NUNAN JL3? . STREET, TO BENT. Apply on- the premises. March 1 , rnU RENT, THE THREE AND A HALF i X STORY. BBICK HOUSE No.. 26 Coming street, opposite Montague. Apply to L L. FALK & CO., No. 303 King street.'April 2 FINANCIAL. STOCKS, BONDS, CITY BELLS, . ~N- ?SEC., WANTED. GITT OF CHARLESTON SIX PER CENT STOCK South Carolina Railroad Stock . . City- of' Charleston Indebtedness of Interest (Bills and Script)-. State South Carolina Bills Receivable. "Apply to SAM'L. 0. BLACK, Aprli O.-2Broker, No. 2G Broad street. ETC. NO. 274 KING STREET. MRS. S? WITTS ? Will open t-his day a choice stock .. - i. 0F ^. <. .'. , _,:,, ? MILLINERY, LACE AND DRESS GOODS. ? WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. April 3_, 3 O. CHITTENDEN, General Commission Merchant, . 1- , . .. . AND : Maaiifactarer of* Par>eiv ? y ; OF VARIOUS KINDS, SO, 127 READE STREET, Corner Hudson Street, New York. . TVEALKR IN PAPER AND TN MATERIALS -OF .J_7 every description tor its mann?icrnre. : - ' Dac*'mt*'? 13 .,-.'.. , ? 6uiO -., ^;iisVf;-wi?""-'r NO. 108 MARKET ST., I Booka,. Periodicals and Stationery. "TUST ids??rVED-^ . tj A ?ar ? supply of STATIONERY Ol BOTOGBAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS " t ?CCKET BOOKS, DIARIES for 1807, Bte. . : : . ALBO, _. . fine and large selection of NOVELS, by: tho most I esl trated authors. SONG"BOOKS, BOOKS for Home Am sements; sc. - - t--- . ' Al.'the MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS. DAILIES constantly on hand,' and subscriptions re I cetved for tho samo. . . Orders from the, country aro respectfully solicited. TRHMg T TBFjftA'*'? " _November 8 . ? : M. M. QUINN,;.' I Wholesale & Retail Dealers :?V??:. v;' ' ' D' . f;Mf .;.''.;:.;??;':-??.; BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, ETC., '.. H?ii-','??7' KING STREET - ' -(Opposite Annstreet), G liar le s ton, C. S. The LATEST ISSUES of the Press alwayaton.hand. SubscriptionB received and . Goods delivered or for? warded by.nCsil ar Express. ' AU CASSt ORDERS will bo promptly attended to. Febrtaty'28. ... "-_ ly? E. M WHITING-, . COBONE K AND MAGISTRATE, HAS REMO YEP HIS OFFICE ?BOM CHALMERS . street to No. 83 CHURCH STREET, one door oorlD ot Hreao .trfpi. tnsansi WILLIS -& CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERGHANTS,] . ' AND S HI EP.ING AGENT S. i ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AHB SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestie Ports) ot I COTTON; RICE; LUMBER AND NA VAL STOKES. ATIAiroC WHARF, Charleston. S. C. ?E. WILLIS...................A. R. CHrSOr.M October 2.1 ... . . . . "_ - V,AFFLICTED! v SUFFER Sp MORE! When by the uso of DB. JOIN VILLERS ET.TYTR yon ern be cumd permanently, and at a trifling cost. . I The astonishing success which has attended this in? valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General PeMhVty sad Prostration, Loss of Muscular En* orgy. Impotency, or any of the consequences of youthful : indleore.ioxi, renders lt the most valuable pr?paration over discovered. . It will remove all nervous affectiong, depression, ex cltemcnt, incapacity to study or business, Las of memo? ry, confosicD. thoughts of self destruction, fears of in? sanity,'**- It wffl restore the appetite, renew the health of those wno have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil " practices. .* Young Ken, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doc? tors" andignor-iip:petitioners, but send without delay for the Elixir, end be ot once restored lo health and hap- , piase*. A perfect Cora It Guaranteed in every instance.' Price ?1, or four bottles to one address 13. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure In all ordinary asea. - ? : . ? ?A-'-. ;_i ALSO, DB. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and percutaient cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet; Ure- : thrallrtschsrgea. Gravel, Stricture, and all affections cf tho Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to ft*? days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts lhat are karralea* on tho svBtem, and nevar:nauseate the : ctomach or. impr?gnalo tba breath. No change ot dist IS necessary while using them, nor does their action In aBiisth>?jMBliOtt?gjj^ -ImriMa porsulta. Bri: e tl pqrbox. -F.''<-.j-> ? - ' -i i , Eithor of the abo7??ncntiaued articles wul be sent to any add?tos,' closely^ aooled. and post-paid, by man or tagassa on peeetpt ot price. Address att orders to '?'--'.'? X;?s BERGER, 8HUTT8 A CO., Chemists. . : Jlarchao '. ly. ? Ho. 285 BJ vcr street, Troy, N. Y. BBEWSTEB: & SPRATT, f Attenieys at Law & SoUeitorain Equity ' ' ft .":^?M?iF?0st''Slo. m BROADimiBKT.:.' MEETINGS. PYTHAGOREAN LODGE, NO- 31, A- P. Bf. ASJE?TB? COMMUNICATION OF THIS LODGE will hc hr? ?/ssTssoa/it i o'clock, for ibopur pooo of confomng Degrees, ai Members sod candidates will attend punctually. By order of W. M. w. N. B UGHES. . AP"'s . - 1_Secretary No, ai. GERMAN SCH?TZEN CLUB. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING, AT LTNDSTEDT'S Hall Thu Evening, at 8 o'clock. A largo attendance K,1U,02t0d- - -Wi- ' C. G. DUOKEB, APrUB_;_Socretary. PALMETTO LOAIf ANT? BUILDING. ASSO? CIATION. AMEETING OF THIS ASSOCIATION WILL BE hoid Tc-morrotv Evening, at the Masonic Hall at a 0 clock. A full attendance is requested. E. JOHN WHITE, April "_ 2_ Secretary and Treasurer. EAGLE FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. ATTEND THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF your Company, at your Hall, THU (Friday) Earning, ottto elockprecisoly. JOHN O- NQLTE, AnTg 1_Socretary. MARION FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. ATTEND THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING , Ol your Corps, This [Friday) Evening, April 6, at halt-past , o'clock precisely. Functual attendance is re I quested. By order. A. S. BEAUSSANG. Apr"6_Secretory M.F. E. Co. STONEWALL FIRE ENGINE COJCPANY ATTEND AN EXTRA MEETING OF THE COMPANY TAir Evening, at Harket Hall, ot 8 o'clock precisely. Be punctual in attendance, as 'business of importance will be submitted. By order. W. G. MTT.T.F.R, April 6_1 Secretary. STRICT OBSERVANCE L?DGE. No. 73, A F. M. ryiHE REGULAR COMMUNICATION WILL BE HELD JL at Masonic Hall This Evening, at 7>? o'clock. Can? didates for degree* wm be punctual. I ? ? '?> By order of W. M. A S. DOUGLAS, , Aprils_1_Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING* rjTHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE GRANTTEvTLLE JL Manufacturing Company are hereby notified that a Meeting is called, to take place at Granite ville, on Thurs 1 day, the 18th instant, at 10 o'clock A. M. Stockhold? ers are earnestly requested to attend in person, if possi? ble, as matters of vital importance to the Company will be presented for their consideration. The first Thursday after the third Monday in April, which was the day of the annual meetings for several years past, was changed to the 17th July at' the last an? nual meeting. Au the Annual Report will bo presented lo the Stockholders on the 18ih April, that day may be I substituted for the regular annual meeting in July. WILLIAM GREGG, February 22 itu President. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, A FINE MILCH COW. AP? PLY at No. 29 HASEL STREET. . Aprils_ . 1* pOR SALE, A PIKE MULE AND CART, IN JD good order. From five to six years old. He is a good working mule, and very gent?o. -, Apply at No. 76 Line street, near Rutledge street, April* 2* EOR -SALE. A SCHOLARS ?IP IN A PHILA? DELPHIA " University of Medicine and Surgery. This Scholarship entitles students to full instruction un? til graduation in the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, embrac? ing ? Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Materia Medica, CbcmiBtry, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Chil? dren. Principles and Practice of Medicine and Patholo? gy. As this is one of the first Medical Universities of tho country, a favorable opportunity is offered those studying medicine for a scholarship. Apply at this OlBoe. ' _ December 15 REMOVALS. REMOVAL. JH. HAPPOLDT HAS REMOVED HIS GUN ES " tablishmoutto Np. 119 MEETING STREET (near -Market), where he will continue to manufacture and im? port to order. Double Guns, Rifles and Pistols. Repair? ing and ro-atocking executed in his usual style. A supply of Guns, Ac, always on hand ' * March 5 . Imo? STOLEN. WHOLESALE ROBBERY, OF SEVEN BULL PUPS, from No. 3S Market street, on the j night of the 2d inst., between 10 and ll o'clock. They I were of a yellow color, with white rings round the necks. Most of them have about one inca from the rump a stiff joint in their tails. A reward of Thirty ($30) Dollars will be paid for their recovery bv JOHN M. MARTIN, AprilG ..-.'? 3 No. 33 Market street. HATS AND CAPS. Jt StrawJBats. ML STEELE, LEAPER OF HAT FASHIONS, HAS NOW I Introduced tho styles which will govern the trade. V MEN'S DEPARTMENT. LEGHORN, Panama, Dunstable, Luton, Chip, China, Curaoco, Mamila, Swiss, Canton, Palm, and other STRAW HATS, of Low and High Crowns, Wide and .Narrow Rims, suitable for dress, plantation and watering places. . CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. BOY'S DRESS, SCHOOL AND YARD STRAW HATS, I at 25c., SOc, 75c. SI, $1.50, $2. little Boys' and Infant's Straw Hats. .J LADIES' and Girl's Straw Shakers, 25c. each. ALSO, COMMON STRAW HATS, *L60 to $3 per dozen. Select early-don't wait for mid-summer. ? STEELE'S STRAW ROOMS, No. 313 King-street, April 1 m?* Sign of the "Big Hat" UPHOLSTERY, ETC. THOMS E. D1LW1CK, NO. 571 KING STREET. CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, AND ? UPHOLSTERER, WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO HTS friends and the public generally, that he keeps on hand FURNITURE AND BEDDING of all descriptions. Furnishes Funerals with Mahogany,' Walnut, Cedar and Metallic Coffins Also, with fine Hearses and First-class Carriages. Will attend to disinterring bodies and trans? porting the some. Personal attendance will be given at all hours.- . . .>?. . j CARRIAGES for Railroad and Steamboat accommoda I non, and FURNITURE CARTS, wiU be furnished at any ? time, "by applying at my LIVERY STABLE, No. 5 Can? non street, near King. " "." - '?? - Tiiiinkfol for past favors, and hope,'by strict att enticn j ts business, to merit a continuance of the same. March 25 ? ? . ? _' " ' mwf2mo. SHADES. HARRISON BARNET, MANUFACTTJRER??D IM? PORTER of WINDOW SHADES, CORNICES. I Bands, Pins; Tassels, Gimps. Loops, Cords, Ac; White land Buff Hollands; No. 128 WTTiT.TAM STREET, DB tween I Fulton and John streets, New York. ,. ! Store and Office Shades made to order. December 2* mw?6mo . : CEDAR CAM PHOR FOB MOTHS. REXXABLEI CHEAP 1 FUAOBAKTI Sold by druggists everywhere. HARRIS & CHAPMAN, Facta-, rere, Boston. ? ' ' 2 Aprils ACCOUNT BOOS M?NUPACTOEY. BOOK BI?rP?MW ; ACCOUNT BOOKS I OF -ANY SIZE, STYLE OR KIND RULED 10 ORDER, I * - - AND HADE TO ANY PATTERN. [fflffit I????ABD CAP PATERS. BAKERS' BREAD BOOKS. !Bx,^isrK: BOOKS OF ALL QUALITIES AND STYLES. ' CONSTANTLY ON SAND, AND AT PRIORS TO I SUIT THE TIMES, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ? ST?tl?KER'S jfl?ftCHA?jWSE. LEGAL, CAP AND Ww BILL HEADS, ? AND EVERY DEBOHISTION OF *?? . . : JOB PS?NTINa ..: , EXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE. ? ' '9 ,N-oX-8& LBroai Street, CHARLESTON, a. .c. - October 22 ? ? ?nwffimo :r,y-r .:? f^v&i'C DRY GOODS, ETC cm ir AI fi?&R Vital VbHHBIV MilMWLS. TUST OPESTED A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT I .?J. .of SELK.aud LACE COVERINGS of 1 itent styles and ! of recent importation, very reasonable at LOUIS COHEN, No. 248 KING STREET. DRESS GOODS. In this Une win bo ff und tho latest Novelties in Cold, and Black SILES, GRENADINES, POPLINS, LEN08 ; CHALHES. POUT DECBEVRES, Plain and Figured BAREGES and MAT,ANGES for traveling. ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVES. A foll assortment ia Shades and Numbers of the I GENUINE ALEXANDER'S ETD GLOVES, together with many other popular makes, vory reasonable, ALEXAN? DER'S BEST KID FINISHED SILK GLOVES and Lisio | Thread for Ladies, Gents and Children, also an exten? sive assortment of LACE MITTS, WHITE GOODS. JACONETS, COTTON CAMBRICS, MULL, NATN I SOOKS, French and Swiss MUSLINS, in plain, striped I and plaided, together with a splendid assortment of finest Cambric and Swiss Edging and Inso rangs. Thread Valencien, Guipure Linen and Cluny Laces in Edging j and Inserting. LINEN GOODS, 1,000 dozen L. C. HANDKEKCHIFS. good quality at , 12a cents and upwards, fun Unes of the most popular j makes of IRIS H IXN ENS, In fronting. Pillow Casing 8-4, 9-4,10-4 and 11-4 Sheetings, and an excellent assortment of White and Cold TABLE DAMASK. &c, ic, MEN'S WEAR. In this Uno will be found a full supply of best French and English CLOTHS, CASSIM ERES. DOESKINS, MELTON CLOTHS, TWEEDS,-JEANS, VESTINGS, and I UNDERSHIRTS. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. In the Dom est?o Department wfll be found a complete i stock of Prints, LongclothB, Shirtmgs, Sheetings and j Pulow Casing, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Brown Shirting, Corset Jeans std Drills, aU of which will be sold at prices that will defy competition. MW An early call is respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN, No 248 ItUVG STREET, Between Hasel and Market streets. April 1 mwf 2m o ~ INSURANCE. Seben?^SBerfit?emngen, SItetS'SScriorjitnacn, c:., in einer bet bcflcn Hnftaltcn bcB SanbcJ (ber ftnidcrbod'er,) ?eldje auf gegenteiligen SRu?cn begrunbet i ft, beforgt ju ben m?gigften ^r?mien. Orumuurenber Srjt, Sm. Uffcrhatbt, Sc <5. Mers. ede Sing unb TOutfctftrafje. January 15 tuffiqao QUEEN I FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITAL.$10,000,000 Itv GOLD. APPLY TO GIBBES & CO., Agents, NO. 10 AD GER'S SOUTH WHARF. december 7_mwflyr FIRE INSIIRAIVCE. I THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1 CAPITAL, (?1,000,000) ONE MILLION STER - IiLVG. CONTINUE TO ISSUE POLICIES FOB FIRE RISKS I in this City. . A. S. JOHNSTON, Agent. ey Office at .TOHTSSTOK, CREWS & Co., No. 41 BLAYNE STREET. -mwf 12 March ll MACHINE SHOPS, NEW YORK STEAM ENGINE CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINE LATHES, PLANEES, IMPROVED CAB .WHEEL BOXES. BOLT CTJTTEES, UPRIGHT DRILLS, AND " MACRIMSTS' TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS -W?orksat Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND WARER00M, No. 222 PEARL ST., KEW YORK. December lp . - (Imo SHIP CHANDLERY, ETC. JOHN TUOHEY, NO. 48 EAST BAY, BETWEEN BOYCE'S NORTH AND SOUTH WHARVES. - SHIP CHANDLER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT, Dealer and Im? porter in RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Hemp and Cotton Sail, Duck and Twines, Parcelling, Copper, Sheathing, Metal and Zinc, Paints, Oils, Tar, Tallow, ! Spirits Terpentine,! Anchors, Chains, Blocks, Boats, &c, &c. Personal and particular attention i given to purchase and . sale of MER? CHANDISE AND PRODUCE con I signed or trusted to my care, and j prompt returns made. Brown & Level's Patent life Sav I lng Tackle and Boat Detaching Ap? aratos, for steamers, always on land, and for sale at New York prices. February 27 SEWINg MACHINES. ALWAYS BUT THE BEST. TH B BEST SINGLE THREAD. FAMILY SEWING MICHIE SCAN NOW BE HAD FOB EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. J. G. FOLSOM'S HIGH PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES, WILL STITCH, HEH, BIND, AND GATHER. J.E. ADGER&CO., 62 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. April 8 - wftnlmo Boje Agents for the State. SEWING MACHINE FOR $20, fl UUtt MACHINE WELL STITCH, HEM, FELL, TUCK 8 BRAID, tus., so simple that a child wffl easily man ! age it, is offered for sale, and can be seen at No. ll Ms- I zyck street, No. 483" King street, and at W. L WRBB*8 Crockery Store,. February 15_mwf amos No. 5 Hayne street ? THE LATEST LMPROYEMENT IN i SEWING MACHINES Is Fuller & Barnum's T?CK-CREASER AND SELF-SEWER '? ' COMBINED. . fTTHTS ATTACHMENT IS AUTOMATIC, AND MEAS- I i JL URES, creases, and suches tucks at one operation, without guiding with the hands.' Also br sale, SEWING MACHINES OF APPROVED PATTERNS, at low prices; SCISSORS SHARPENERS, NEEDLE THREADERS, NEEDLES (aU kinda); OtU TOOLS AND FITTINGS. REPAIRING AND IMPROVING ATTENDED TO AS USUAL. ORDERS BY KAU. PROMPTLYBTLLED. . D. B. HASELTON, No. 331 King street, corner Liberty. ? April 1 ' mwQmos ( EDWAED M. L'ENGLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JACKSONVILLE, FLA, * * 1ft J ILL PRACTICE TS THE COURTS IN EAST ! W FLORIDA ... ? Heft? woe,-MoOn ?WTA Bow. ADAM? & FBOOT, WM. MO Bu?ji?t, Esq. ftmo* ?.'?? Pecsmberai DARGAN & DARCI AX, ' - WILL PBAOTICE TN THE COURTS OF THE aSf- Prompt attention given to collection of claims. ' , : REMtaaxcEs.-Mesara. Preasly, Lord it Ingleeby, Jame? I j Tapp?,: Xa^ClBttiestta, B.d. 77 ', '.: .- , 1 ~Z. ?VttABOAlr.V-- > - T. G.-I>?BQA3r,. Florence, 8. C. Darlington, S, C. March 18 . imo JROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. .ros N. LEVIN, JR., Nos. 104 and 106 Market street, BEOS LEAVE TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND customers that ho lias just received per steamship Manhattan, from New York. Ono tierco DUTCH CUCUMBERS One tierce Spanish OI?VCH Ho is also prepared to taite order? for Passover Oroccrios. consisting in part as follows : TEAS. COFFEE and SU WARS, or all qualities; choice Butter, Kosher Fat, Choose, Wino and Rum, Matzot, Matzot Flour, and Cates of all varieties. April 5_ "fm2 PALMETTO HAMS. ~ QA TIERCES VERY CHOICE SUGAR CURED HAMS, 0\/ "Palmetto" brand. Landing this dav and for salo bv ApriI3 _ 3 HENRY CORIA & CO. FOR SALE. OA A A NEW THREE-BUSHEL GB.UN BAGS, BY JUUv PORCHER ic HENRY, April 4 a a ou tl j Atlantic Whorl. CLOTHING. Established in 1830 ! No. 219 KING STREET, One door south of Market-st,, I HAVE OPENED A LARGE AND WELL .ASSORTED STOCK OF FINE, MEDIUM & LOW PRICED SPRING CLOTHING, Manufactured expressiv- for Ulta Market, i TO WHICH THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IS invited. Thc style, workmanship and Ut of the Garments j are second to none in the city. A large supply of English Melton Cloth ! OF DIRECT IMPORTATION, AND MADE UP IN THIS CITY, prico S30 per suit The best supply of BOTS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING TO BE FOUND. A FULL ASSORTMENT ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT WELL SUPPLIED WITH AN ELEGANT LOT OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND COATINGS, WHICH: WILL BE MADE UP IN THE BEST MANNER, under the care of a first-class French Cutter, who can j please the most fastidious. , I I COTTON AND MERINO GATJ8E UNDERSHIRTS I JEAN DRAWERS The noted STAB BRAND UNEN BOSOM SHIRTS COLLARS, of all styles SCARFS, NECKTIES I FRENCH KID GLOVES, &c, ot the newest pat? terns. All that is asked is an inspection of tho Stock, which will be shown I with pleasure. Prices fixed and marked on each I article. WM. MATTHIESSEN, Agent. B. W. McTureous, Sup*t. March 30 Duo ! THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPM, Office No. 147 Meeting street. CONNECTIONS WITH ALI,' Railroads Throughout THE UNITED STATES. Every attention given to the safe ! Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. WILL CALL FOB AND DELIVER ^FBEIGHT TO ANT POINT IN THE CUT. FBEE OF CHARGE. H. B. Pt,ANT, Pr?sident, April lfr . ,-. ._ Angnsta. Qa. i TEMPUS CUBANO] DIFFER MEIN AIM. RODRIGUES PUNIC ELlllft SPECIFIC. F>P. THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION, P'JNS TN THE CHEST AND SIDES, DIFFICULTY IN BREATH. INO, BRONCHITIC, CATARRH. ASTHMA, COUGHS, HEMORRHAGE, and all affections of the Lunga. Thia great rvvlvifyer is offered to the public, that all who will avail themselves of its remedial power may be beneflttod. ,. It only requires a fair trisi to confirm its invaluable agency m diffusing through eacix channel of the human organization a restored vitality. It invigorates and- em b nea the Lunga wi th healthful elasticity -.restores warmth, which is their essential element; rouses the sluggish vos? ?ela Into activity; heals the affected lobes ; purifies ?nd enriches the blood;'r?gal?tes the circulation; induces free and easy respiration, and expels, through ita admin? istration, each and every concomitant dlaord ar present in the milady, recognized as Consumption, and hitherto ? AiAft jiflFii o^ishsBt ai si 11 ii11 ul fl< >s?ji ,V . This ccompouad is perfectly safe, poeeeasing neither narcotic nor emetic properties, which uniortematcly are always employed aa essentials ia every preparation for CfcughorXtrng affection-a mistake which too of cn in gs -<H^**trtr',aTl^'fll^Wr'^*h'r; consoqtcneea, only con? duces to much general derangement of tie system, de? stroying appetite and- creating an injurious nervoue BX cTtem^t;- augmenting su?ering with frequent fatal xs? "u^d?r ffie'in?raeaco'of' ihis"'spprovcd:end tevahu?le' Sp?cifie the mon distressing Co^gh yields, difficulty in breathing ondjpato and ^eoTcncss^ irabdd^Jomorrb^o ""sow .'by the Proja-lntor, northwest:corner SOCIETY j ASD.atERTiRG'STRKETS, anti . the principal Druggists, april 3 ly GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. WHISKEY AND BUTTER. ?30 B?rDmON WHISKEY, SUITABLE FOB 10 Veg? Family Butter. For Kale low bv ISAAC E. HERTZ & CO., April 5 Bay' corncr Cumberland street. CORN AFLOAT. A KAft BUSHELS PRIME WHITE MARYLAND ?kOVJyJ CORN lu bulk, per schooner Golden Gate. For sale low while landing, by WEST * JONES, April 5 No. 76 East Bay. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. ?ff) A HHDS. CHOICE GROCERY SUGARS ?i\J 25 hhds. Choice Muscovado Mol .sse? * 60 bbls. Choice Muscovado Molasscx 10 bhds. superior quality Cardenas Molasses. For sale low to close consignment. RISLEY A CREIGHTON. Corner East Bay and Accommodation Wharf. April 3 _S HAY ! HAY ! QAA BALES PRIME N. R. HAY, EX-STEAMER ?JVI\l Manhattan, and for sale by JOHN CAMPS EN k CO., No. 14 Market street, opposite State street. April 4_2_ HAMS. -I f\ TIEROES CASS ARDS CHOICE SUGAR CURED Av/ HAMS, lauding from steamer and far sale by April 4_2_R. & A. P. CALDWELL. FLOUR, LARD AND BACON. -I {TA BARRELS CHOICE EXTRA FLOUR IOU 150 bbls Choice Super Flour 200 bbls Fine Flour 50 bbls Plantation Flour 40 tubs Prime Lard 20 hhds Primo Bacon Sides. For sale by B. A A. P. CALDWELL. April 4_2_ PRIME WESTERN BACON SH0UL DE R.S. Pt ?* HHDS. PRIME WESTERN BACON SHOULDERS, i O landing and f- Je by MORDECAI ii CO, April 1_2_ SUGAR AND MOLASSES. S*rj HHDS. CHOICE GROCERY SUGAR \) I 30 tierces Choice Grocery Sugar ?SIG hhdB. very Superior Caibarien Molasses-equal to Porto Rico. Just received per schooner Alert, from Caibarien, and for sale by J. A. ENSLOW & CO., April 4_2_No. 141 EaBt Bay. FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES. WHOLESALE AND RETATE DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, AND IMPORTERS OF FINE WINES, BRANDIES, TEAS, ETC., No. 259 KING ST., OPPOSITE HASEL. CARD. MR- EVERT E. BEDFORD, THE MANAGER OF ".THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT, returns many thanks to the customers and patrons tor their liberal patronage and appreciation of the quality of gooda pur? chased by ta, m during the past year. It has boen, and alwayB will I.? cur aim, to PLEAS rJ OUR CUSTOMERS. ^$JZZfL?JteSj!>1 016 Brat quality of aU kinds of ???0?^^^^ TEAS- flatter cursive, to all faculties, can givo general satisfaction WM. SIMONS, Esq., having been engaged to assist in tte management, would be p?eascd toseVni? friends at w?????* purchafled ar" TEAS THAT WE SELLARE IMPORTED DIRECT BY W S CORWIN A CO., and pass through no other hands, ?n ?S."??T ?2*only to WARRANT THEM AS PttREAND S^E^P2*^1T- ont to sell at tho foHowin?prioes : FINEST YOUNG HYSON. ^ " g. no FINE YOUNG HYSON. i "? ?.1 re FINEST GUNPOWDER. o AH FINEST IMPERIAL.. '"'* L~? CHOICEST ENGLISH BREAKFAST."""2 IS ENGLISH BREAKFAST. . **' ? BO CHOICEST OOLONG. " 'o no CHOICE OOLONG.:."? ?? ??A???? per pound. Just received, a new supply of OLD JAVA COFFEE. 4?jc; PARCHED. 60c; GROUND, 62c; OLD RIO. 35c The, PARCHED COFFEE we represent to be of the FIRST QUALITY, parched by us with great care. Atrial of these Coffees, Green, Parched and Ground, wUl con? vince the consumer on that point. GENUINE MOCHA AND LAGUAYBA. The FILLING OF ORDERS personally attended to by one of the Managers. Goods delivered to aR parts of the city FREE OF CHARGE. A supply of GOSHEN DAIRY BUTTER will arrive on Tuesday._3mo February 4 COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTSERSHH1. rTIHE COPARTNERSHIP HITHERTO EXISTING BE X TWEEN W. W. SHACKELFORD AND a S. FRASER under tho name of SHACKELFORD & FHA3ER, at Charleston, and FRASER tc SHACKELFORD, at George? town, S. C., is This Day dissolved by mutual consent. W. W. SHACKELFORD will close the business of the Charleston Arm, and a S. FRASER that of the George '(own firm. W. W. SHACKELFORD WILL CONTINUE THE FACTORAGE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS on hie own account at Charleston, and S S. FRASER will do the same at Georgetown, S. C. Charleston, 1st April, 1867. mwf ' April 1 RETIRED. MARCELLUS P. SMITH RETIRED FROM OUR firm, by mutual consent, on March 25th, 1867. April 2 _(5_GEO. W. CLARK tc CO. NOTICE. ri Ultu UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A JL COPARTNERSHIP under the name of JOHN F. TAYLOR t CO., for the purpose of conducting the MA? CHINE AND FOUNDRY BUSINESS in all its branches, at the old stand, PHOENIX IRON WORKS, northside of Pritchard street JOHN F. TAYLOR. JAMES BARKLEY. Charleston, I2th March, 1867. March 16_?__. .. Imo . COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WE HAYE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED- OURSELVES IN PARTNERSHIP, for the transaction of a GEN? ERAL SHIPPING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, un? der the name of JOHN & THEO. GETTY, at No. 483? EAST BAY, between Boyce's North and Sooth Wharves. Particular attention given to Purchase and Sale of Cot? ton, Rice, Provislons,"Naval Stores, kc, eec ?Consignments solicited. -.. JOHN GETTY, THEODORE GETTY. Charleston, March 28,1887. References-E. A. SotJDEB k Co., J. T. AXBDBOSB k Co.. Philadelphia; Bram, Sos & Cc, STUBGESB k Co., New York._ . , ,."??. March 30 .. . ? NOTICE. ! fTTHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING X between ns, under the name and firm of E.W. GALE k CO., ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. R. W. Gale withdrawing therefrom. The affairs of the bite firm will be closed by Messrs. Bellamy & Robin? son. B. W. GALE. WM. H. BELLAMY. ORO. O. ROBINSON. Charleston, S. C, April 1,1867. THE mrpBRSIGNE? WUL -CONTINUE THE ' CARRIAGE, HARNESS AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name and firm of BELLAMY tc ROBINSON, at the old stands. Nos. 46 and ?8 WENTWORTH STREET and No. 80 EAST BAY. .." WM. H. BELLAMY. GEO. O. ROBINSON. Charleston, S. 0., April 1st, 1867. - ' SW RETIRING FtOM THE FIRM OF R, W. GALE k 'CO., I RE? SPECTFULLY solicit for Messrs. BELLAMY k ROBINSON the same liberal patronage which has always been extended to me. For toe present I csu be found with the new firm, where I shall be happv to Bee any of my busin- ss friends and customers. .- . E. W. GALE. April2 _ '. ?.J . - NOTICE. npHE COPARTNERSHIP- OF CAMERON, BARKLEY I X * CO. is thia davy dissolved by the withdrawal of Captain FENN PECK. (Signed) ARCHIBALD CAMERON. E. C. BARKLEY. . FENN PECK. Charleston, 6th **?r*b. 1867. THE UIDERSIGSEb I*/ILL CONTINUE THE RAILROAD AND STEAM-I YT BOAT SUPPLY BUSINESS, under the name of 1 CAMERON, BARKLEY tc CO., st the old stand, corner off Meeting and Wentworth streets. ? . (Signed) ARCHIBALD CAMERON. B.C. BARKLEY. Charleston, 6th March, 1867. IK RETIRING T71ROM THE FIRM OF CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.,I JL I take the opportunity of soliciting in their 1 " the patronage of my friends and the public (Signed) FENN PECK, harleaton, 6th March. 1867. Imo March 7 WILLIAM BROOK BAN KS, STEAM GAS FITTER AND PLUMB! PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL GAS FHCTURE8, GAI FITTING AND PLUMBING PROMPTLY I ? ENDED TO. Nc 116 KING STREET, Aunmst 81 Between iirooa and uuara streets. TAVEBS-KEBPERS'HOTICB. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 > March 1,1867.1 A LL TAVERN-KEEPERS, AND PERSONS BETJ J\. USO spirituous Honors, within the city h'mits, . have not execute! their bonds and taken out the prc cards to show that they have license to sell, win bei ported as not complying with the law, aiter Monday. 6t] Those who have cards are hereby notified to have thl same placed in a conspicuous place ii? tho window. Al failing io. observe this notice win siso be reported, aft? the above-mentioned time. W. H. SMITH. March 2_Clark of Council. EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR! "I V,,U: .C^STEL-La-m'S NKoar Re^uiivlBv Snptorflsura* Hstlr. ' ' 'ftp. THE CADUCS ESPECIALLY,, TELS INVALUABLE X oVipilatory raxmmwnda itself aa being an almost in disptma&lo article- to female brsaty. U easily applied, dWr?jtburn or iajure the skin, but acts directly on the roota. : it is wazraulad to remove superfluous hair from' low foreheads, or from say part of the body, oomplotely, totally and radically oxttrpt?inn- tho same, leaving the akin soft, smooth and natural. This is the ontysrtteie QBcd by tie Frcocb, and ia the only real effectual depila? tory ic distance. Price 75 oems per package sent post? paid to any address, on receipt o? an order, by - BERGER, SHOTTS ? CO., Chemists March 80 lyr Nc 288 River at, Troy, N. Y,