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MARLESTON DAILY NEWS, G. R. CATHCART, EBITOB CATHCART, MCMILLAN & MORTON, PBOPR1ET01S. Nt 18 HAYNE STREET. CITY PRINTERS. TERMS CASH. SUBSCRIPTION. PALLY- V'WKLVE MONTHS. ?ALLY-ITO MONTHS.. DALLY-1 BREE MONTHS. BINOLE OVJPIES.... TO NEWS DEALERS._-. .910.00 . 5.00 . ?.50 .Sesist* .......3 cents NEWS SUMMARY. Cotton closed in New York dull and declining at SOic. for Middling Uplands. Gold closed at 35j. The latest novelty is a "hot skate, provided with a chamber for holding hot water f nd keeping the foot warm.. . In the Kentucky legislature r?solutions were reported from the Committee on Federal Relations reiterating the doctrine of State Rights. - Texas has built four hundred and twenty-five mile? of railroad, forming four grand trunks, di-, vorging north, south, east and west from the city of Houston. ' _ A negro made his appearance in East Machias village,' Me., the other day, and was quito a curi? osity to tho young people/ many of whom never saw a c olorca:man and brother before; A cay??pf considerable extent has been discov? ered at-West' St. Paru, Minnesota, by some .work? men, who are engaged in excavating for a beer cel? lar. It is three hundred and forty-five feet in length. The Country Gentleman is informed, cn Thai it .considers good authority, that nothing is better for withdrawing the frost without injury to frozen ears, cheeks and fingers, than the immediate ap? plication of kerosene-rubbing it on gently for a few times, , The .Custom House Investigation Report is nearly ready. The bonded'warehouse business is the most corrupt, or all the irregularities found. Efforte ; were rnado to.'h&vo some leniency shown Collector SMIKE; of Now Tort, but the comrnittee ' wore inexorable. . At ? meeting of the New York Yacht Club on the 28th nJtimp,-Mr> HEKM G: STEBBINS was elected; Ctonnnodbie ^'jiitt^^G^BDbN 'BJ^?NB?T, Jr.i wis ?hosen,Tice Commodore, and Mr.' D. SLABS, Jr., of Boston, was chosen Bear Commodore. The annual regatta will take .place June 13th.- ...'.'-. .'.<?".'. 1 Mr. ir. E. EMERSON, the inventor of the greatest improvement in saws yet discovered, by inserting tho teeth, has. Just completed ono pf mammoth Mze at Trenton for the. "World's Fair. Bis 88 inches in diameter, making bevon feet four inches, and is-tho-largest saw in' tho world. . There is a post at Sharon, N. J., placed to mark' a corner,-that has been there 118years.. It is of. red cedarland s tan ds in black a oil. A scratch will .-ehowit to be sound wood, as firm as when placed -there, and looks as if it might last 100 years long? er. There is an old deed which shows it. was placed lhere in 1743. /-'-. . It is reported that a panther made its appear? ance near Bricksburg, Monmouth "loounty, a few aiye' ago, and attempted' ' to carry off. a child, but - being, closely pursued, dropped it andmado its es? cape." It is' Bupppspdthat 'tlio recent hea-v 7 snows havo cut off its ordinary supplies, which accounts : - for its appearance so near a human dwelling. ?N The Austin Intelligencer 'says that no great time w- Trill .elapse before the Burnet iron works Trill; be in All blast, and we doubt not that, ere many years are gone, Texas, as rich as she is m heragricu?tu ral resources, will point to her inexhaustible de? posits of iron, lead, silver and gold, and to her marble quarries and petroleum springs, as the -principal sources of her wealth and prosperity. "The only foreign clearance on Saturday was the steamship Worcex/'jr, for liverpool, wi th564 bales cotton, 200 bb ls. rosin, 25 coses canned goods, jPg pounds manirfoctarod. tobacco, : 1 case fhrni ou." ?The above is from the Baltimore Sun of the1 4th, and we are curious enough to ask.a question as to the size pf. the. steamship, and if .they have cotton presses and stevedores in our sister city? A;Confederate, who came pitt of the war minns: ? leg and without money, -settled on the Tofonzy River, twenty-five miles from'Memphis, with s .wife and several children. . He bought his land on ?credit, bought pigs on credit, and bought stock on ?redit. The hogs multiplied and fattened on the .mast in the woods, the cattle grew and thrived on .the,wild cane, and now this one-legged,man has jaid all has de_bte>has built a school-house, and aided to build a church, has a comfortable home, -three hundred acres of lana, twenty-seven head cf ?cattle, and a number of hogs, and has still a little jmoney in his pocket. The Washington correspondence of the Lafayette ' Courier saya :, "Mrs; President JOHNSON appeared at the reception for the .first time. I felt "a deep anxiety; to see th? woman who had tough* hcr-hus^ ?>and to read, and inspired him with that lofty ambition which led to place and power. ' She stood neat ?be President to his right 5 ' pale, thin, ?tamped with care axn^. sickness, a countenance of thoughtful' sadness. Looking for a moment at each person" introduced, her eye would drop im? mediately in meditative thoughtfulness, as if her mind and heart were filled with thoughts and ?motions far different from the giddy ihrohg pass? ing by. . All who know her speak well of her." Judge LOKOSTSKET, the distinguished author of -the "Georgia Scenes," is now living in Oxford, but - 3s no longer connected with the University, over .which he formerly; presided- Timo has dealt gently with him, s?Venng his hair and somewhat enfeebling his framo, it ia true, but nevertheless leaving him, in hit}' seventy-seventh year, in the j enjoyment of all natural faculties. He has prepared a revised edition of ' the. "Georgia Scenes" fur the i sprees, containing ranch . new. and interesting : matter. This he at ' one tim o' thought of publish- - jug himself, but now-'wishes-to dispose of the copyright for its publication elsewhere.', v On- theinght pf January 23d, a handsome young Prussian officer wes sitting in a stall: at the Pagli sno Theatre, Florence. A Prussian soldier stood riear 'him in attendance. A native of Frankforfc cn -th e-Maine, : wh o s tc od hear . them; ; suddenly turned on the'officer and addressed him with some ; grossly insulting remarks. Both Prussians ' re- , mained motionless, although the eyes of the au? dience were attracted to, theta. At the dose of the . performance, the soldier hastened to his master - and carried' him out in his arms. It was then ob-. ; served that the officer had lost both logs, said to have been shpt off at the battle pf Sadowa. The ? audience broke put into deafening cheers- cf Vize j Ta Prussic, and the Frankforter was- removed by the police. vjh-?" . The President of the Senate laid before that "body, on. Saturday night,, a. communication from the Secretary bf the Trettaoryj from which it ap? pears that the total jonouni received from th? va? rious sources of prope^/enumerated under the general head of captured and abandoned property was $?4,000,000, of which amount heatly $25,000,000 Temoin as net proceeds. Upon due proof pf any unlawful 'taking' of private property by agentB of "tte Treasury'Bepertment, the fact being shewn hy aatisfactory affidavits, the reports of agents, or by JOther adequate Written evidence-, the agenta hold? ing such prpperty.haye, been ordered tb . restore -the same to the owners, or the proceeds, if not actually turned into the Treasury, have been paid io them; "by order .of the department.. The. total j sanount allowed in all claims is $2,200,000. '"?. ' - '';Tbs Mentphia Post says that notrrithstanding ! iho in success of cotton planters last year, the ixjrrntry around that city is alive with preparations ' ipr the coming season. In some districts there may be less land under cultivation-this year than last, but, on the whole, in" West Tennessee, Arkansas, 'North Mississippi, and North Alabama,there will be ^considerably more-planted. The same scarcity of hands and the dhncnlty in obtahuhg them is com- > -plained of. Numbers ore visiting or sending agents ' 40 Georgia and North and South Carolina to pro- j cure them. Not inoro than half of the planters ' -will have as many BS (hey wish. The colored peo-j pie have been so much better treated in Tennessee i ,-than any of tho .surrounding States, (hat (hey will j -hire to Tennesseoans ot less wages than to others. ! -Their enfranchisement will now add largely ; to the j laboring population of Tennessee' at the - expense _^f,t3ie_'?^wrnhg;Sta(es..',";; ;V, ;,:'.'> \ ." It appears from a recent response by the State Auditor of LouUi?n? , to a resolution of the L?gis? lature,'asking "for information in relation to the .ignitttwr, (hut Gov. JAUES MADISON WELLS, of Lotds-i ianarra a defaulter to the State aa Tax Collector of' th? Parish of Rapides H the yoar 1810. The An-! cUtor says 'lbeg tb' say th?^'?s?prding to the! books oj trna office, boappoars ta ba ntdebisd ,to: .the State, as Tax Collector for tho'Parish of Rap-: $83, for taxes oX1840, in tho mun of twelve thon.: Band six hundred and seventy-eight donara. Tho penalty under tho law, for toiling to Bettie within tho t'imo proscribed, beings two per cent, per month upon the sum withhold*, will amount to twenty-six thousand and seventy-two 3-100 dollars, which, added to thc principal, makes his total in? debtedness eighty-eight thousand .oren hundred ana fifty CO-100 dollars." Tho Virginia Legislature finally passed, Def ore tho closo of its lato sossion, at least one of its rail? road consolidation bills-that is, the bill to com? plote tho "Covington and Ohio Railroad," by con? solidating tho Central Virginia, the Norfolk and Petersburg, and the Southside Bailroads, under tho name of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company. Should the scheme suDceod, it will bo tho means of absoibing some $7,000,000 o? Stato debt and of dlnfinisfcing the taxation of tho Stat? to the amount of $320,000 per annum. There ia a contract with Pru, & Co., however, for the com? pletion of tho Covington and Ohio road, and, if they carry it out, the consolidation falls, but it fa not believed they will eucoeed in their negotia? tions. . TJARGEST CIRCULATION.-The DAILY NEWS publishes the O?cial List of Let? ters remaining tn the Posto?ce at thc end of each wceTc, agreeably to the following section of the New Posto?ce Law, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the Cit}/ of Charleston: SECTIO??. And bo itfurmoenaetea, That Hate of loi? ters remaining uncalled for in any Post?nico in any city, town or village, .where a newspaper shall be printed, shall hereafter bo published once only in the newspaper which, being published weekly or oftener, shall have the largest circulation within range of delivery of tho said office. : ;. ? ? .> ? tis- AX crmrniunicaturns intendedfor publication &? this n?lH be addressed to the Editor of the Dal >j Hews, JSTo. 18 Sayne-street, Charleston, S. C. Bus-ness Communications to Pu&iisfter of DaUy We cannot undertake to return refected communica? tions. . . .. . Advertisements outside of the edy must oe accompa? nied with the catii. . ; V> J.J. JsL ii i-i *?f KJ> A w ^.-5 . THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 7,1867. I THE BANKRUPT LAW ? At the olese of a long congressional campaign, the Bankrupt-Law passed the House on Friday last, tho first inst., by tho closest vote we'reefer-' leot of during the 'present session, 73 yeas to 71. nays. We gave tho leading features of the Bul in our issue.yesterday.. It is the .only measure, yr?. believe, in the consideration of which party lines scorned to be entirely disregarded, owing probably tb private and personal considerations, greater than party obligations. " The greatest interest and excitement was manifested on. taking the final vote," we learn from the reports of th? d?bate, " members crowd? ing into the aroa, watching the result, and endea? voring to change votes :OBO side or fcthe other. At ons moment there waa : a majority of ono in favor { of the report (ofHHe Conference Coinmrttee, ii tile main concurring in tho Senate amendments,)1 then a majority of ono against it. Then a chang? I af a vote from yea to nay, and another change from nay to yea. .Finally,, to the great 'joy and relief of Mr. JEKCKES, the author of the Bul, the resultwaa announced by tho ; Speaker as yeas 73 aayti 71.'" This armouncoment was greeted by g^oafrttppnYuso j on the patt'of the 73;| who hid'voted ayei",^ "K The BUI, with Che House smendihont, then TPOns to the Senate, and was by thom accepted and passed^ by a vote of twenty-four to twenty, signed by the President, and sont in before the adjourn nisnt of Congress. It. is, therefore, .now port of j the law of the country. ? Wo bara not yet seen the text of the Bill as H passed, and' are therefore un? prepared to examine ita several provisions; but. haye j long felt. satisfied that. euch a law. waa. de minded, especially at this time, in tho interests tit humanity. "We'h?v?7n?ver~''Baen.a against it that we considered Worth serions refuta-1, tiba. .We are not," However;-prepari^ whole" arubial ?? on thismatter with tme-rWw'YoTk Tribune, which, in its remarks on the passage bf this law, says : "Under-the moro enlightened reign of modern ideas, it is '. to be hoped wo shall soon come to the unequivocal adoption of? the ?.only: sound rulo on this subject-that is, to regard "debt Tng^thar ^uRTESv? ^Hflu??^ W^arWo^Stt^ ?-\ upon our deleterious credit system than to place ? all debts on the basis of personal Honor." -,."." ; This may, perhaps, answer for tho high latitude in which the immaculate philosophers- of the Tri 6une move. The personal honor of ? New.York j merohant, a . Wall. stieefc^brpker, a Westchester farmer, or an Albany legislator,doubtless) \ is, , above all reproach.-. No breath of foul asper- J sion could ever reach it. But thia, Tuaforfcunateiy, is not the' case everywhere. The law has std! a ] strong hold upon mon in other parts of this mun- | danoephare. "--.? ' jpiNANCi?iii" ''" Who Finances of tho country occupy a consider? able degree of attention at present in the1 journals \ of ;the North," ahd: certainly not without- causo, j We also cbnld say a good ' deal oh this ;isnbject?' if l tHera 'seemed to be a shadow of ;a pr?feabiHty 'tiHat anythingwe couldutter could in the Tea^:dej^ree infiu'?hc? ?He Headlong course to.'rui? and bank rcptoy, pursued by the lae t Congress, andwHich, no doubt, continued by the present. The old adage about the spigot and thebengholenever, received such gigantic illustration, as is the ease now in tho financial matters of the United States Government ? Every now-and'- then the- Seoretary of the'Treasury, er, - it may -bey a -member of on? of tiie Committees of finance;' br ' some J^urative^ ly inclined emtor, puts forth 'a scheme, byWhich the National Debt (of three thousand1 muHooi,. we b?Heve3> ia to be paid within a short; gaven period of time, or else suhnxUa.aplan, )^?^^?^^eht' is to be "consoUdaied,^;and tho amount of annual interest considerably lessened ; when, perhaps, the ; same paper that reports these propositions bringa. the news also of the' passage of ian '-'Equalization of Bounty"^Act, which adds some four hundred milHons to'tHedebt;; arid .these ?OO.OOOi??O- -are voted for with aalittie mispvings, as though the mili that grinds out the Greenbe?kB-Legal Ten? ders, or by what other name the delusive commod? ity may be called-waa endowed with Borne myste? rious power, by virtue of which. ft]cptild indeed manufacture money, an actual increase to the na? tional wealth, and not merely multiply Uncle Sam's L O. ITs. - :" ' . _ ;? - WHatis most surpnsing is that the United States bonds should, under thia (re?kl?atf system of legislation, still mamtaintheir figures m Frank? fort and in London. In the cas?'bta private ?nd*? ndua^pr a'clo8e ?icrporati?n'eVisrL!;a irould'bff conatnieo^to 'frnd'early fJAnkrnpt?y, and the momentsnoh ftot wouldibe bronghthoma to tha-xsautioas Heads of the money tinga an instant and:(x??neniio^ cities would be the in?ritable".consequence. . - : Unfortunately for the country, the legi8?a?0n"in ?ongreaaotoiinj thapaat six yaarah?s been gov ?rned exnlusively by conaidorationa of a. seotiona] ind party bharaoter. " The war waa ?OB3 ?a-en cirely regardlesa of expense; "just as when a man jeea; to law, detanB?D?tlM snit, in the heat of passion and resentment never .topping:toexmaider ? wHether'?h? end in ^ew ia ivorth the moans e^rpend?d'ujii ??? - effort to ?tiain fc .The war is closed; but passion and mi?role Jtill reign supreme. Tho gigantic scale bf expen iiture, ^fcrqdu?ea ?ito^eyery ?Sep?rt?sant of th? Sovernm?nt by the wai; 'is-st?rin course ' of pro ?ieaa. '^The Heroes bf ^e.waraiBat -be reintrd ?d.". Nowhere in modern . times has. the world leen such 'Rewards." "Stieb a system ' ?nay have ?en consonant with tho time? of ttant or of Wn?. 2AK of Normandy, Jost as the r?ckleasness - with vhict the < national- mon :tmnnnlated resembles tho financial poltoyif tho irenoh Eevolutiousn- Government of the last cen nryj in" the: wildeet. days of their rmsrcle; bat wither the "rewards" ncr the extravagance Beem o us consiatont with^ the degree oT?rih^tornnent, Jrofessed by onr.iegiaHiitor?; to say nothing of the nany examples pfGeredby'History, showing the in jvitablo conseqnonce? of snch a oouree. , ~ " The.^qiiestiott of, reer/nsti^otion, which more' Moperly ahialdhe entiflaflitho detrtractiria of the, ?outh, Has Jaundioed.the.eye8 of Oongreea and of; hw constituent?, ?vexy cyiirtlbn of.tmaneo, of j ?x, rerence, protection-,., apwoja?ationa "oft ?? duds, etc., was ^variably ?oiopt?ated4 with ;th? ! ?eoonstrnution incobna; a?o^ aa paarig wffl alwaya; ?arry the day over Judgment, when the two come nto oolUaion, the noaterialmtereatajof the country ' lave almost in every instance been disregarded,; ad tho views of a fewpf the leaders of rthe domi.{ ?ant faction been rammed down thefhro^tiof tbei ntireparty. : ; , , ..- .. ~,? Now, However, that the Naticnal Bankrupt Law! aa passed; we snppose Uncle Saia, if^Hardpwt?ed, ; rill take the benefit of the Act, make an assign-; lent, or. gp tat?^Mm^mu. .... ' r ? But, cutbonof Wc HaTo allowed ourselves in-L snaibly, to be drawn mtoniaking these reflections, j To beg pardon of our readers. We know very efi that wo we talking to the wind. _WANTS._ np"ANTED, A SITUATION AS CHILD'S TV NURSE OE HOUSE SERVANT, by a respectable rhlte woman. Apply at Ko. 86 TKADD STREET. March 6 tTTAKTED, A BLACKSMITH. A GOOD T T Plantation Smith can Und employment ?y apply Off to , E. H. RODGERS & CO. March 6 3* nrASTED, FIFTYFARBI HANDS, WHITE TT or COLORED. - Apply to H. W. KU'SM AN, Marchg 2_Ko. 275King street, Upstairs. FJ RENT, A COIHFOKTAJBLE ?WEUJNG, with on necessary appartenances, at Ko. 64 Bcamam itreet Inquire at Ko. 276 King street January 6_. _ '?" "? ? _ stufh WANTED.-A PARTNER WITH ?3500, OH the amount alone, payable in monthly ina tal? oon ts, if desired,, to cnltivato a well settled and fertile Cotton Plantation a few miles from the city. Liberal ar? cing cincnts win be made with' tho party early answering lite advertisement. Address "PLANTER," Charleston ?ostofflce. ? '_3 _ March S ' AGENTS WANTED FOR TUE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE. Br JAB. D. MCCABE, Jr., of Va. Send for Circulara and see our terms, and a full do raripUon of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH 2*0 CO., comer 7th and Main streets, Richmond, Va. February M ??"_imo? W1D?W LADY WISHES A SITUATION in seme respectable family. Ia capable of doing any and of'Sewing-, Anyone desiring sucha one w?l please make application at ?i<g o Alee. February 26 VITAN TED.-A SITUATION AS CLERK TT .- m a mercantile house is wanted by a young mon jf good bibifs, .who would be attenUveto the interest of lis employer, and who writes a fair and can ?ve satisfactoryrecommendations. All ho asks is a small com? pensation for his service, his object being to secure jmployment, Address INTEGRITY, at Daily Nows. . February 18 ,'_,' ','.'.. " AGENTS WANTED FOR ?THE ma. , iTOp?jS? THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES 1 RACING ITS ORIGIN, CAUSES AND RESULTS," by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens; and for "THE LIFE. LET TERS AND SPEECHES" bf Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, by Henry Cleveland. Send fox Circulars, and see car terms. . Address.. ... NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Corner 7th and Main streets, Richmond, VU. ' February 7_^ Uno TO BEUT, TO REST, A VACANT LOT ON WEST side of Meeting street, fronting also on Horibecfa Uley. Apply at Ko. 83 Tradd street, at 7 o'cteikA. M. or 8 P. UL, to JOSEPHWTKTHROP. Marone-. . :, : .,-- , mm2 .. rpo REJra.THE STORK MO. - 1SX MEETS r*- gTKi'.r.x. .mo brail bumness location in town. Apply on the promises. f' March 7 rpO RENT, FOB. ONE OR A TERM OB X years, a DWELLING HOUSE with a corner atora. A good stand for a Grocery and a Bar Room. Apply at No. 3 Cblcmbna street ? ;? . 3? '. :.' March? rpo RENT,'FOUR ROOMS, WITH KETCH X BK, over our office, Ko. 27 Broad street. i .:-:::.';.: : SMXTH &. MoGILLIYRA?, . Real Estate Agents, No. 27 Broad street ... BI JCh 7 _ " ? ? TO RENT-PAKT OF A HOUSE, WITH KITCHIN ROOM, desirably located. A pply U No, 95 BROAD STREET.. Also, an OFFICE, sui tabla for' adoctoror,,towyer. , .' .... -. 2 . . -",- , Marcha. ? T7HJR. RENT, A TWO ST?RT BTHXDIN6. X' containing fonr upright rooms, with dressing room md pantry, situated on Ashton Btreet north of spring. Large lot'with kitchen, stable, carriage house, cistern welV*S7. .Possession pl von immediately. For narticu lars apply at Ho. 623 KING SffiEEVoppoaiil^WoUC street . ? ?... ... ... .sy , ., . .... March c TO REM, TWO OH THREE ROOMS, X witt part of a kitchen, in a Desirable part of Ste city, Sp nth Bay. No- 21LEGARE STREET. February27- ?' -" ..? .?* "? . .." w - rpWO FURNISHED BED ROOMS FOR X. RENT to Bingle .gentlemen,at Ho.: it Calhoun street- Reference required.''- Apply :at No;: 363 RING STREET...: ,;: ? ?8f*. ' .r :..-.': Maren 5 ; TORRENT.-A THREE . STORY BRICK a*JCTUS?> T <?2?S?.S?SitVtw0 doors east of. Coining steeet. Apply to FRANCIS LANCE, Coming street hear Wentworth....., . ... ,: . ;, u March 1 ; : -ly?TUNJUI^FARM, WEST END OF NUNAN XS ; STREET, TO RENT.; Apply on the premiseB. j Marca I.^. *. ?pO SENT OR FOR SALE CHEAP, THE X^deU^tM, RESIDENCE >fo. 8 Ashley street, . JOT ^culara, addreBsB.F^DaflyNewsOmoe. ' * j February aO''- - . 1-: .tu a BOARDING. BOARDING. - SEVERAL GENTLEMEN .can bo .accommodated with .genteel Board.-and Lodging at No. T>5 BROAD STREET." Terms, tt PK jreeBTSayfaoPdtw.^ ' ".' March7 BOAHD?SG.-^'FLEAS.ANT ROOMS*-WTOH BOARD, ean-'be'iSund 'by applying at 2io. 61 BASEL STREET, next Trinity Church. Tenor mode; tate.. . 6 Marchi B?ARDr?G^TWOSlNOXEGENTT.K MEN can ? tie accommodated with??ood "Board and a pleasant room, on applicatlon^a?TWo; ?9' CHURCH STREET, west sido, near Tradd. ? . -n ?: ! A few BAXBOARDl^canalso.beaccommodatsd. : February 27 ..., , x v^jyfj. ? ' ;- - , ?^EIVATE BOARDiffGi-a. PEW BOARD. i_ERS can bo accommodated, at No. 92 SING STREET, sast Bide, near Broad. A*feW Day Boarders can be ao rormnndatwa. :, ?'- '?'- ?'' ? - '' '. January al tiOARDINGH-MRS. H. HAMLAH IS PRE rill please bear this in mind. . December 15 :.. STOLEN, STOLEN, ON. TUESDAY NIGHT MARCH 5th. 18qT;-from'Ntt-3y Henrietta street about 8 dozan ?OYLIESBDA 1 dozen TOWELS, all red bordered, mark id R. R. DRUCKER. Should they bo oflerod to any one or sale suoh'a one is requested- to have the parties ar ?catCd noir ctVfl tfir^T""*1"" OP the ppamlstiH.' .. MarCh/1 ,. , : -.i: ? -. ;?? : -. :: ' 10 lOSTi . LOST, A LARGE BLACK DOG. HAS HIS .earscut closeto his head;' alt? hasmst??ent: has t white breast andjvhite feet and a white stripe ori his lose..: Areward:.wittrbe given .if left at No. 3SS KING ITREET._1? _ March 7 |^P??^??ST>^* SMALL BLACK AND l/?WHn'E WOOLLY, DOG. with silver-plated collar ndbraMlock onitsneclr, with the Owners nam? on tho ' OH?* Btrayed off from ?wner-Mee?ng and Harket street ro"^Gl^F^ " at. SarctT ,> ,- R g WA RPS. CW?E^DOLLARS REWARDS-LOST, -' A C WH1X? BULL DOG, with ila tall shaved, a small I S??L?101-!^?1118 <wanswers't?-fhe^name of i ^ EDUCATIONAL. - MRS. P. JT. BARBOT. pEACHEE OF THE'PIAKO AND' VOCAL MUSIC A For terms, apply at RESIDENCE, corner of Smith11 na Montague streets. r -flmuS*-:' ~ 'SStacat ?94r^r^<*-??D DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ll*... tl-..- LAT>TJ8S,.r?i.:.:--!:..-. . . j... , . VT^ JSH^ ^?SF1*- ASSISTED iBY- THE REV. 13?L. W-. B. W. HOWE, at No. 13 Con^ streetT T^erm?onmiencmyO<tober'Ut,andendW ? For^Barttiralamapp^ as above. T^c? cT*:7T,... DENTISTRY. DENTIST/ 1FFICE, - - - No. ?75 KING STREET, " . KEABIJS O?TOSITB BASEL. nHE MOST BEAUTIFUL ARTIFICIAL TEETH IN- \ L ' ' SERTED at moderate prices. . ?a-TEETH EXTRACTED without pain by means of j '""CHLOROFORM.: Ox hy DB. RICHAEDSON'-S apparatus for-prodcclng LOCAL ANESTHESIA. ? (Wfice No. 147 Meeting street. . - i l ?.ii X : mm Ait.'' --'** '.?> r. ' \ %Z ?t^^fiy-''i M iTHaT'. I * ''.'-'.-I ' '.'. i 'i' UN?TEDOTATES. ' Every attention ^v?n to ^ ^msmission of Freight, H?itey, n? ValnaWes. rrCa? ''ttuki ?P?R AND BELTST?B PKEI?HI TO 'A^ ' MINT tS 1HE - ?lTT 7 .-; EREE OF CHARGE;, ?\ J.:' St. Bf. PliANT, President, April 10. -,. - ---. ^,At^ra?ia.Q*. ST?LLrATTgKD TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND THOMM P.'KIAN, HO. 1 COURT HOUSE SifcUARE, <M~n*~? - . *0Rmsro? - ; .'. _MEETINGS. SOUTH CAROLIN A MECHANICS' ASSOCIA? TION. AREGULAR MEETIM1 OF TUE ASSOCIATION will be held This ai 7 o'clock, at tho rv?l douco of the Treasurer-House liv Mary street, opposite to Elizabeth. Tho members will please to attend. By order: B. BROSS, March 7 1? Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA RANGERS CHARITA? BLE ASSOCIATION. TIE REG ULAH MONTHLY MEETING WILL BE hold at Masonic Ball, This (Thursday) Evening, at 7>? o'clock. W. W. PEMBERTON, Secretary. March 7_ ; _ 1 YOUNG AMERICA STEAM FIRE COM? PANY. PUNCTUALLY ATTEND YOUR REGULAR MONTH? LY Meeting This Evening, the 7th instant, at half past T o'clock, at tho Market Hall. By order: . WILLIAM W. HATVT, March 7_1_Secretary Y. A. S. F. Co. i PYTHAGOR1AN LODGE, NO. XL, A. F. M. mHE REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF THIS LODGE I JL will bo held This Evening, at 7? o'clock, at Masonic | i HaO. Members and candidates for degrees will attend punctually. By order of tho W. M. W. N. HUGHES, March 7 .1 _Secretary. FELLOWSHIP SOCIETY.. 105TH ANNIVERSARY. mHE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH ANNIVERSARY X of this Society will be celebrated on Wednesday, 13th March ensuing, at Masonic Hall. A meeting for the transaction of business and tho election of officers will bo hold between the hours of 12 M. and 3 P. M. The Socioty will dine together at * P. M. CAMPBELL DOUGLAS, February 28 th2 tuwS Socretary AMUSEMENTS. LITERARY LECTURES. ALECTURE WILL BE DELIVERED AT ST. STE? PHEN' 8 CHURCH, Anson street, This Evening, the 7th instant, by tho ROT. Tm. LORD, for Ole benefit of tho Church. ' Tickets can be had at tho Book Stores; HAY? DEN'S. ATMAli'B. Dna. RAOUL & LYNAH'S Drug Store, the Committee of the Church, and at the door. Price of tickets SO cents. Dcors opened at 7 o'clock P. M. ' SUBJECT. JOHN BUNYAN AND LEIGH HUNT ; tho Tinker-poet and the Poet-tinker.: or how "Pilgrim'' is esteemed in Vanity Fair. "What great poet ever -wrote his poem in prose? or where ls there a good prose poem to be found ? The Pilgrim's Progress Indeed has been called one, and undoubtedly Bunyan had a genius that tended to moko him a poet, and one of no mean order, and y et lt was of as ungenerous and low a sort as was compatible with BO lofty aa ai??u?, and this was the reason why it stood whore it did. He had ? .era-ring after beaury, but not enough of it in himself to echo to its music" ' [Leigh Hunt's "Imagination anti Fancy." " The author of Telemachus had a sense Of tho beauti? ful, but was prevented by the 'cold and feeble spirit of devotion' from giving it expression. Ho ! (Fenelon) was not one who. If he had had a wife'and children, would have run away from them as Banyan's hero, did to get a place by himself in Heaven."-Ibid.. ... ABSTRACT OF LECTURE. : (1.) Defence of the hero of tho Pilgrim's Progress. { !.) Tho Pilgrim's Progress os a prose poem. (3.) Bunyan's concoptun of the heroic character com? pared with that of Homer. . (L) The. pilgrim')) Progress as on allegory. Bunyan compared with Spenser ; contrasted with Milton ; his. affinities with Shaispeare. "' ... ' " . (5.) Bunyan asa writer of the English language. His book the only Instance of written speech. Hie doggrel Terses not Inconsistent with his poetic endowments. His Want of learning no misfortune to the literary world. (G.) Bungan aa man and Christian, tho hero of his own allegory ; of whom, like Cowper and Coleridge, " we ask ,tp be forglVen for praise." ... .:? March 7 FREIOTSCHAETSBIJN1). A MUSICAL ABD i THEATRIC! AL_. A.' ENTERTAINMENT WU1 be given THIS- (THURSDAY) EVENING, 7th, at 8 o'clock P. M. To-conclude with ?__- - .GRAND TABLEAU VIVANT. _ March 7 ; .1... .' " ' . THE COMMITTEE. fm SALE. EOE. SALE.-A WSE COW ANO CALF1, AT No. 867 EAST BAY. , . : March 7 ?ETOR SALE, THAT TWO AND A HALF X . STOEY. WOODEN HOUSE known as No. 1 South ' p^00^ _?Tr?AmSE??1' ?nitnirilxuj ; ?oxcr wraaro rooms. . basements, fcc. The Lot ia high and dry, and the b?tfd ing new-.-and In completa order. On the premises is a ' good cistern and well of water.-'-'. ' . ?T"*"OD M a ; For terms, ?ta, apply to. . B. A ic J. F. EARLY; : j January s'. tnth ... .. No. 15 Boyce's Wharf. .A ?32^y??S? .RESIHESCB ATO FARM, JX.^ situated witthvihe corpcrate Emito of the towner ^525* ?' ?;"~The residence is largo and commodious, eOTta?^^enrooms,aU wlth ureplaces; piazzas aro attached .o tho first and second stories, witt all the con; vemences. necessary to ? completo residence The grounds are handsomely laid oat with Evergreens, Rosos *?-, and the vegetable garden very ample. .The outbuild-, tags, servants' nouses, stables, Ac, are all in completo order. ..The Tann consiste of about fifty acres ofnne planting land. ; - ?? * ! Tfifeproperty, now the ireaidinoK?r-Mrs; M: M. Schwartz,Lsloitered for sale ata reasonable price, andra acwmmiodating terms, for tte purpose of division ?mons tbeheirs of the late Geo. Parrott. The enure furmturo ol the house and premises nay ba purchased with the property. :? - . ..... Address; "'. yr. S. WALKER, . . .'-'." '. . W.G.MOOD, . February 22 _Executors Estate Geo. Parrott. "CTOR SALE, TWENTY LARGE, FAT, _L? iandSyear old fcoke MULES: and THIRTY and 4 year old. For aafrat Milla c*iBn?ajy 1* T?^S^??3? A SCHOLARSHH? IN A FKELA A?- ??liT?L VnlvvnUy of Medicine and Surgery. This Scholarship en tl ties students to fun instruction un? ta graduation in the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, embrac? ing Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology. Materia Medica. Chemistry, Obst?trica, andDiaease???f Women andChU aren-Principlesand Practice of Medicine andpathoto gy. As this is one of the , first . Medical Universities cf a : nivorable opportunity ia offered those studying medicine for a scholarship., Apnly at this yP"50--- ; . ? ? ....... . : ' .,'. '? December 15 - COPARTNERSHIPS. ' NOTICE. fTIHE COPARTNERSHIP OF CAMERON. BARKLEY ciptainF^p?^^^ (Signed) - .ARCHIBALD CAMERON. R.C BARKLEY, 'ir' FENN PECK. Charleston, 6th March, 1867, .- '-' " .. - :" : " ?_? "." -: THE LJIHERSlGaTEP . TM7r^-0pTlNUE THE RAILROAD AND STEAM OlMSSS^SS^? BUSINESS, under the name?f CAMERON, BARKLEY & co., atthe old stand, eorner:of Mooting and Wentworth streets. ^ (Signed). ... ARCHIBALD CAMERON." ". -.' ? .?.. R CL-BAttKLEY.-. ?'-?? .'.'-?. ?Charleston.etfcHaren, 1857. Vj *j , * '"'"'"' IB EETIKISG J'"': ;.---'..'..-""? jj^ttOMTHE ETRM OF CAMERON. BARKLEY & CO r?- _i^e the.opportunity of aoHriting in their behan' the patronage of my friends and the public. VJSlanad). ::>:. i .-. ' PENNPECK. Charleston,6thBfarrb, 1B6T. ... , March7 r REMOVALS. "? ' '"' '. ' EESOYED. - X^MEETJNG STRBET to Na; 73 EAST BAY, hear :^S5S?S?rtmHi,Mr^'r c. K. HUGER. .Marchi- ?, :-:-. ? ?. : tuths3 ' ."'.. REBIOVAI*. ' ' - ~ : ; J'^HAPPpmT_HA8 REMOVED HTS GUN ES^ . tabh^htaentteSo; 119 MEETING STREET (hear atMcety whare he wfil continue to manufacturo and Im? port to order. Doubl? Guns, Rt?ea and Pistols. Repalr ?5???d rMtoaBng clouted in his usual style. A supply of Guns, ?tc, always:on hand. ,: >??... ?.March*:.' j . r.-;..,:,.- .. . t-...?imo*. 01 IS I P A 8 M T Sa E TGs , , ;i j MA>,X?iOTOEEEIJ ?V THE THE CHEAPEST AMD BEST TN .USE. ?' ;;" HO sM0s?a?,'N?'siaiiid^'HQN-Bjt??b?iv'Bi, JOSS a. aakstai O?H?BAI, AGJEHT. npiHIS SUPERIOR OH, GIVES A??EAtrnPUL LIGHT, X^analto Gas In SttflUancT;-!? much cheaper;; is per fecUy Baie, as lt la ?nm^osive; and islue ?uperiorto any 'other oil or Bu ri? In? Fluid ever oITorod to thepubHc. ^Ths Cfcmvpany wSIatoo furnish the trade; at manafac tro^' priceaTan-ltaaa of Patent - Safety-Lamps, Lan? terns, Chandeliers, ; cte, admirably adapted for Hotels, Churches, Private'' BsaWatfOsai -Stores, Warehouses, OfBcee. Steamboats, Boilrosds, ana- tor Plantation use. In fact, thev-are better. for any purpose whsXarer, for which o light le used, than any other lamp l&ventedPSnd pro add at a price that comes within tho reach of every Con?acts taken fir Ughtfng Townaand T^nagea. . -Far farther particulars, terms, etc., address the COM? PANY, or ...... JOHN S. BANKS, - c ??? General Aitont, So. 68 Bsoadway, New York. . Opt T? lon ?? tho Bcrv. Mr. Rapiton in regard o the ouallty of the Saline Oil: .;'?:. WruUHOTON, N. 0., 31st December, 186C. j *8m: I har.: bean using 'jour. "Solina Oil" for some Umo in a night ltnrp, and find -it the safest and most ooOTomica? liufiiliw im*' * - ~? " umraiM irom you is in but is perfectly safain the hands *m?W??2? .S-.-.-.v' r.: :,.Sa?peetftiay?? r;v^"?. JaiTOWM1^-?*^ '- ? ^ '., . -'-' ' v----*u. TT^? .. j...-; _? Brnos ; 1 ,1 DEALEE8 ?N POTO'DO0B??AW?.llfeb^ 10^ GOODS PURCHASED OF US . DELIVERED TO Fehraary 1? -. f - ?? tuthaSraos i (J. & T, &,HE3FKBO?; amaicn^^ iaMgoTaoTtraaa ot'-.^ft-..- . , :: SAI>I>I^^:;H^^:E0S,:;: : :.' AMD?HttptUHJl Pf/j- - -?;.f. . . . " I - AT KcKENSTE'S OLD ffl&SD,: : ' .' " 4.n?>',?.qm^ ?reeta, ..'"." ; GLOTHIN G. FASHIONABLE SUMMER CLOTI'ING -VTOVr HEADY, AT FROM $18 TO $25 PER SUIT. ALE J> complete and MADE AT HOME exclusively by SOUTHERN HANDS IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Tho undersigned bogs leave to inform hia friends that ho ?K receiving about 300 suits, mado from English material, and imported direct by HENRY TRENCHARD, Eso. An carly call ls requested by WM. MATHIESSEN, Anent, No. 219 King street, between Market and Princess. March 7 A. S. HULL, Ag't., MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO NO. 70 BROAD STREET. NORTH SIDE. BETWEEN MEETING AND CHURCH, where ho will bo glad to soo bis old friends and custodi? ?is, and has in store a full assortment of CLOTHS, COATING, CASSIMERES ?ind VESTING! S of evory va? riety, which ho will make up to order at a? low prices as any sinillnr establishment. ALSO. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FURNISHING GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. M. JNO. T. FLYNN (formerly of C. D. Carr & Co.), will superintend tho Tailoring Department as usual, and will give his especial attention to Cutting Garments, and Making and Trimming. January 17 103. OIL CLOTHING SAILORS- OUTFITTING DEPOT. PARKER & CHILD, No. 103 East Bay. December 21 - 3mo JAMES MCCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER ES PT ATTIC fiiactniiMim ?\? VSOTiYPQ . GESTS' FlltMSRlXG GOODS, No. 35 BROAD STREET, fanuary 23 Gmos CHARLESTON, S. C. CARE1RT, WHITFORD & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS UNE, ?DIUM, , ..i ,-. , AND ? COARSE CLOTHING, : ?A MERIGAN EXPRESS. BUILDING, NOS. CB, 57, 59 jfJL and 61, Hudson street, near Dunne, New York. T. F. CARHART. W. H. WHITFORD. J. B. VAN WAGENEN. December 10 Gmo _, A T. HAMILTON. PARKER & CHILD, .DEALERS TN' '." Clothing and Fnrnisliing Goods, .. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, So. 103 EAST BAT STREET, December 21 Sino ' Under the American Hotel. FINANCIAL. BANK BILLS ! BANK BILLS ! BANK BILLS OF ALL KINDS . GOLD AND SILVER . COUPONS. STOCKS, &c Bought at highest price, by ANDREW M. MORELAND, Broker, February-13 wlthstu2mos No. 8 Broad street CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. j ELECTION OF A CITY CIVIL ENGINEER. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, ? . FEBBUABY 28.1867. J rTTHE CITY COUNCIL WILL PROCEED AT ITS NEXT JL Regular bo held on the lith er March next, to aa election.for a CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, un? der the following Ordinance, which1 is published for in? formation. Applicants win please name their sureties. Bond required ls for $6000.:.. Letters received np to lu o'clock M., on the above men? tioned day. W.H. SMITH. Clerk of Council. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE THE OFFICE OF CITY CIVIL ENGINEER. . SEC. L "Beti ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Charleston, in City Council assembled, and it is hereby or i'n hlflilill lli'iiir iflfini Viiiif 6-r- TbatonaOUu? shall and the election of an Officer who shall be 8k?led*inS?iWr4'i Engineering, Surveying. Architecture and Building, to fill the same, shall bu held for the first time at tho first meeting of Council ofter tho ratification of this Ordi? nance, and the expiration of the usual notice, thereafter, at the regular time of ele-rMng City officers by Council. Said O Ulcer so elected shu! hold bis office for four years, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall have such power, and perform such duties os ore herein pree cri bod, or os may be hereafter prescribed, not incom? patible with the natara of his office. SEO. 2.- The said City Engineer may, upon naimmtnp the duties of bis omeo, or at any tim? during his term of office, with thc consent of the Mayor, appoint an Assistant Civil Engineer, to be approved by tho City Council, who shall act under his directions and be re? movable at his pleasure. SEO. 3, Said Civil Engineer, before acting as such, shall give bond and surety, to be approved by Council, in the- penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office; and that he ls not and .will not, whilst in office, be direct? ly or indirectly concerned or interested in any city con SEO. 4. Said Civil Engineer'shaH provide a Skeleton Map of the City, on such a scale as will admit full details, and upon which be shall locate all information which may from time to time be obtained by him, or received into his office, and sha" -a early os practicable provide a com? plete Topograph! ?lap of the City, showing such en? virons as tho probable. growth of the City may hereafter include. Thia Mop to be ou such a scale os to show the width.of streets and sidewalks, the levels of all cornera of blocks with reference to mean low tide, the directions of proper drainage, and the true mode and means of such dminago-both superficial and subterranean. AU lines of the city Boundary and of streets, and levels of streets and drKInq, whenever ascertained, ahaU be marked upon the ground by permanent memorials, and also be located on ibo Map- sod duly recorded. He shall prepare and lay. before. City Council plana and specifications of all .improvements which may be in contemplation, together .with an est?mate of tho expenses o? tho same. And oil applications for improvements made to the City Council shall bo referred to said Engineer, who shall re? port thereon. Ho shall receive proposals to do all the public work V'end with the aid and concurrence of tho Committee on Contracts, shall decide upon the same and make contracts' therefor, subject to the approval of the City Council. He or .his assistant shall superintend all tho public works ordered by tho City Council, and super? intend the. opening and dosing up. of the public drains to admit private drains, or for other purposes. &e' shall inspect all materials used, or to be used in the construction or repairing of an public works of the dry. and shall reject au such sa in his opinion may be unsafe or defective; and all tho public works to be done by the city shall be done 'nader completely advised and matur? ed plana and specifications, prepared by the Engineer, with the concurrence of on Contracts, and to bo approved, by the City Council, and shall be carried out under the superintendence ot the Engineer and his as Blatant; and all contracts shall be so made that the City Engineer sholl direct, the work; and whenever, in bia opinion, the said work ia not progressing in a manner agreeable to tho tarma of the contract, he shall call lt to the notice of the Committee on Contracts, and, with their conscnt, shall have power to suspend the some, and have any unfaithful work removed and rebuilt at tho expense of the1 contractor, iii accordance with the terms of the contract ' Sureties in oU .cases to be furnished; and in cases of failure of the: party or parties ofilia second port to carry 'out the- work and complete the contract, the said. Civil Engineer sholl, with the approval'of Council, mab new contracte to complete such work at tho expense of tho sureties for any amount tho said work may cost over and; above the amount of. original contract. And no payment of money shall bo made On any public work until tho mid Engineer shall certify in writing that such work ?as- been done according to the requirements of theoorrSraet '. ?? Ssa- 3i'. No- contractor for city work or materials shall receive any .relief over and above bis contract, unless there should bo some unforeseen cause for granting such relief, and then the .application, must be. recommended by the City Civil Engineer, and pass Council by a vote of two-thirds of the whole Board. V *. SEO. 6. Said Civil Engineer ahaU perform all Survey? ing, Engineering, Architecture, or work relating there? to, as h?may deem necessary, or os he may from time to timo be directed in writing by tho Mayor or Council. Sac?. Said Civil Engineer shall lay down, and have in charge; a standard measure of fifty feet, which shaH be authority, and govern in all cases of contested measure? ment. ? : . . ., ' ->v, ' .:. SEO. & The Engineer, or his assistant, aban'superin? tend tlie evening and closing up of ali tho public drain?. AU persons, companies, or corporations, wtanding to open any pubHc drains, must give- timely notice, no that the Engineer can make his arrangement an? all part?as so applying ahall be- required to pay? fae of one dollar far each; case. Any part? opening o public drain.without giving said notice of Ma intention BO todo, shall be liable to a fineo?twenty dollars... SEC. 9. AH pipes for gas ar water, or tracks for City Railways, hereafter to belaid, sbaU be laid in accordance with the orders'of-said Enginwr. aoaa to occupy that jwrtion of the Btroet which ho may d?rect Bi?. ?0." Said Ctty Engineer aban be farnished with .?si suitable office and instruments,' either it i me City HaU or some other con voulant location, which shall be kept open during tho usual business hourn. . He shall therein be provided with th? necessary conveniences. for recsrd ing and keeping, and shall there keep carefully, as city prorx-rty, aU mapa, plats, profilas, drawings, estimates, bootraV instrumenta, and . other things appertaining to U? .office,. and " shall keep therein, is. convenient forms, copi?e OT all papers and communicationo mada by him to any department or office of the city, true copies of aH contracts mttde through hira, and also booka of accounts, showing aUtracBictloH? relatmg to his office. BEC ll. Tho raid Civil Engineer and his assistant shall perform an the duties now required of the Surveyor of ?ho Upper end Lower i Warda;, and the office of City Sur? veyor, now existing, ?hall be abolished ss soon as said Engineer shaH enter upon the duties ot bin i*8ico. Ti?0.12. The said civil' Engineer ahaE bs entitled to chorgo private parties tho fees which the City Burroon are entitled to for tho samo service nader- existing Ord!, nonces, andaH private parties applying to'-tho CiVn Ba gfflearfOT official Irrtirrnation, or for ?acareaos to official plain, drawings, documents or- ?tendard meamiro in his office, ?han pay .to ?aid Kftgiruvg ieee which shall bo estsbKaned by City CotmcU. - ? ? ? ? ..-'>.< - . Ssc 13. The said Engineer shall roceive, in']addition to his fees;' * salary of two thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly.' .. Tho' Assistent to tte Engineer ahati receive, la foll compensation for his services, for ?och Urne as ho may be employed, a salary at the rat* of one thousand dollars par aamnn, payable monthly. : - . SEC IA That all Ordinances, and part of Ordinances, Mptgrngpi to 8? provisions herein contained, ?ce hereby Ratified is. ?lay Council, this twenty-sixth day of Febru? ary, in the jw of bur Lord one thousand eight hnn dred and stin-sovoa. >.?: '.Wv. ' ' pi aj ' " P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. 1 : W. IL Bkrrt^Clerkof OotmcQ. " lo Marchi BREWSTER ?fc SPBATT^: A^nieTB at?i?w ft Solicitors ia jollily REOPENING OF AN OLD DRUG STORE. I IUDS SULSCBTBER WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN- ?' . I'OltM his friends ami th?' public auncrally that ho I as opened a FIRST-CLASS DRUO S TORE at his Father's il<l stund, known fur over twenty-live years as Buru am's Dru? Store, where ho has a woll-sclocted and com? i?te Stwk of DRUGS, PERFUMERY, DYE STITTS nd FANCY ARTICLES, which will be sold low for cash. Country orders, accompanied with cash or city uc optam-ii. will be promptly Ulled. PRESCRIPTIONS CABEFULL1 COMPOUNDED at all lours, day and night. E. 8. BURNHAM. Mandi 7 tuthsa SALOONS. REOPENING OF TBE Phelan Billian! Saloon. FE PHELAN BILLIARD SALOON, KET AND MEETING STREETS, ' REOPENED THIS DAY. The FINEST TABLES AND FIXTURES, and the BEST ?VINES AND LIQUORS ON BANU. March 7 2 DRY GOODS, ETC. LINENS, MUSLINS, &c. DIRECT IMPORTATION. -CASES RICHARDSON'S HOUSEWIFE LINEN -cases Danbar, Dickson & Co.'s Medium and Fine Linen -cases Tabling Damask and Diaper -cases Huckaback and Huck Towels -cases Cotton Cambrics and Jaconets -cases Nainsooks, Mull and Swiss Muslins -cases Printed Royal Ri bb s -cases Tape Checks and stripT -cases Swiss Chocks and Strips -cases Hair Cords and Brilliants. ALSO, _ -cases WOMEN'S AND MISSKS' WHITE COTTON HOSE Mon's and Boys' Brown Cotton Half Hose. Received per Tecumseh and for salo by JOHN HANCKEL, BRITISH WOOLLEN CLOTHS, DIRECT FROM THE LOOM. riTHE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RECEIVED IN X bond about 8000 yards TWILLED MELTONS, Uno goods ; also, various qualities of CONFEDERATE GREY CLOTH, all of which will bo sold or bartered for wool. HENRY TRENCHARD, Exchange street, January 8 tetlis2mo Charleston. S. C. SPRING GOODS, COMPRISING. -J^RESS GOODS CALICOES CASStMEEES AND TWEEDS IN LABOE VA.BIETT, JUST RECEIVED AT JAMES R. BETTS', NO. 252 KING STREET. ise7. SPRINaTRADE. NO. 143 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. MARSHALL, BURGE & BOWEN, Wholesale Dealers iii Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, I M VITE THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS TO JL their Stock, which is entirely now, carefully selected, and will be sold at a small advanoo on first cost, for cash or short time approved paper. ".'. - E. W. MARSHALL. W. T. BURGE. 0. A- BOWEN. ^THE^rcTOERaClNEr^BEGS^TO CALL^THE^PX^KN entirely new; purchased during tho recent depression in Northern Markets. Orders promptly executed". March 1 _2mos _W. T. BURGE W ILL OPE N IN A FEW MS, With an entire New Stock OP GOODS, OF THE LATEST IMPORTATION. J. R. READ & CO. No. 263 King street, March 4 OPPOSITE HASEL. DRY GOODS. LATHROP, LETHINGTON & CO., Koa. 3?6, 338 and 330 BROADWAY, N. Y., I Jtvii-E THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION ?F CASH JL- BUYERS (Jobbers and Retailers), to their stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. All dopart nents are complete in every respect, particula-ly that of DRESS GOODS, in which we are tram day to day adding ho newest and choicest styles. Our stock consists of DRESS GOODS ? PRINTS . . Bleached Sheetings ".. Brown Sheetings Woollen Goods : Yaniee Notions ?White Goods - .. Embroideries lent's Furnishing Goods 1 Hosiery : ? Millinery Goods . Carpets, Ac. 111 which we offer, at the lowest market prices, by the jackage or piece. : . tnthsJL2 . February LO iACHINESHOPS. BRID GE S & Ii-.A N E, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN' ?ALLR0AD AND CAR FINDINGS, SInohiccry of SSvrery Description . . . '? ? .. A1*0? rt I : ;AFTS PATENT BOLXINO LEVER SHEABS AND PUNCHES, i '{pit 50 Coartl?nd-ei^ conte* orf GreeJfwrten, NEW YOJBK. " r>AJLROAD AXLES, WHEELS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, LV Belts, Nubs Washers, Car, Ship and Bridge Bolts, con Forginga of varions kinds, Ac., kc . ... v. STEEL AND RUBBER SPRINGS, LOCOMOTIVE AND LAND LANTERNS, Portabi? FqrgM and Jack Screws, otton Duck for Car Corers. Bras? and saver Trtamings, diing of an kinds. Baggage Cheeki, fcc, 4c Also, Agento for tho manufacturers of CAR BEAD onRGft-v?*-v-J ;. LBKRT BRTDGE8...........-..^.....?OELC. LANK No?Smnartr,'.' V :.:> tothsemo to 5 MANUFACTURERS OF "? : NGINE LATHES, PLANERS, BOLT CUTTERS, ' V UPRIGHT DETLLS, '.- ; - :Amv. ? Works? at Wjoree^r^ Mafi*" iFFICE AND WABEBOOM, No. 333 PEABL ST., December IQ '~ '. ''; V".'. ?ROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. ~S??>KS, S ll O VIM v. KS. !M)KK, A.iis, DREAKIwr l;.\t <;\. '&??.., ?*<?. .A HIFCS. STRICTLY PRIME si ur* l\J lu linds. Prime Should.T 100 barrel? Prim.' M. KB Port; 50 barrel? rrinie P?rk 10.000 pounds Lote: OU-ur sn!. 10.000 pounds Kulk Sides 25 yarn ia Breakfast Bacon 40 bag? Bio Coffee 250 barrets Extra. Super und Fin. Flour. TO AVBtvTS mr ?oin?, THOMA'; T. TASKER. 58 hhds. Prime CLEAR RIBBED SIDES 20 linds. Prime Should?r?. TO AR1UVK BY STEAM Kit 1-AFUMAS. B hin!?. Prime SBoF. UDERS -'. hlids. Prime 0. B. Side? 1"' boxes Choice Sugar-Cured Hutu ; 2? boxes Prime lUI:l>ed Hides 15 hoxcs Prime Shoulders SO turn-la (Choice Breakfast Bacon 25 liarrclH choice S. C. Hams BOOli'ixos Scaled Herrings. For ?tl.- low by JEFFORDS Cd March 7 ' :j No. 27 Vendue Uaugo. FLO I K . Ie*AH "RES. FLOUR, -IFST RECEIVED PEI: * >ly VJ brig Logan. schooners Smith and Ambrions. C'ONgTKTiyO OF : .IOOBRLS EXTRA FLOOR, choice brand* CSiibbls Super. Fiue, Midd liny a and live, various wallas 150 IJIIIH. suitable for plantation use. For salo liv March i_2_lt. it A. P. CALDWELL. RIO COTTEE; BACK PRIME NEW CROP RIO COFFEE. For salo by MORDECAI A- CO. _UJ.areu l'_ 4 LAGUAYRA COFFEE; 1 f\f\ BAGS PRIME LAGUAYRA COFFEE. FOR 1UU sale by MORDECAI A CO. March 7 4 150 APPLES ! APPLES ! OfV BARRELS CHOICE APPLES, JUST RECEIVED OU per steamer Manhattan. On consignment and for sale by KINSMAN J: HOWELL, March? 1 Xe. ix: K?st Bar. _ PIG IRON. 4 CONSIGNMENT OF NO. 1 G LENARN OC K TIG J\_ IRON, In quantities to nnilpiirchasein, for ?de bv Marchi mth2 COURTENAY is TRENUOLM. ~J.~& F. DAWSOJN, H.T.. rv<r? -ri J iiu ?70 jcicisi l?ay, AND ACCOMMODATION WHARF. BACON-SEDES, SHOULDERS, HAMS, .STRH'S FLOUR-Family, Extra. Supertitle, ao l Middling SALT-Rock Salt and Liverpool S-iclc Salt COI1 FEE-Primo Rio and Java Golfee CANDLES-Adamantine, Sperm and Tallow POTATOES-100 bbl?. Peach Blow BUTTER-Cheese. Lard. Teas, Sugars, Molasses BEEF-Pork, Tongues, Fi: h, &c. AT.SO. BALLANTINE CREAM ALK, AND FATRBANK'S SCALES-all sizes. Landing and In store. For sale by aiarch C_2_3. Jc F. DAWSON. BLUE FISH ! BLUE FISH ! 1 AA HALF-BARRELS BLUE FISH. iV/V/ Tho cheapest and best article that can bc used for Plantation purposes. For sale ty J. A. ENSLOW & CO.. March 6 3 No. 125 East Hay. 7 C0E?T C?l?lu ~ TOO BS^SiELS PEntE YELL0W CORN, IN 800 bushels prime White Com, in sack?, per sehr. Addie M. Bird, from Baltimore. 1000 bushels White and Yellow Corn, per steamer .1. W. ETorman, from Philadelphia. For salo by H. F. BAKER k CO.. March 6 2 No. 20 Cumberland'strcet. GROCERIES AND PROV ESIONST JUST RECEIVED, FER STEAMERS SARAGOSSA and Emily B. Souder 20 hi dB. C. R. BACON SIDES 15 boxes C. R. Bacon Sides 10 hhJB. Bacon shoulders 10 boxes Plantation Bacon 15 bbls. now Mess Pork 300 bbl?. Flour, oil grades 20 half bbls. Family Beef Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Starch. Candles Molasses, Lard, Brooms and Buckets And for salo by WM. GURNEY, March 6 ? _3 No. 102 East Bay. 2500 SCUPPERNONG ROOTS, IN LOTS FOR VINEYARDS AT S10 PER 100. SMALL orders at S3 per dozen, S5 for 25. Can be shipped in good condition until first of April. C. G. WYCHE, March C 3* Whitcsville, N. C., Feb. 18,1HG7. WHARFAGE. PATTON'S WHARF, EAST END OF BASEL STREET, ia now OPEN FOR BUSIN h SS. wbvro DOCKAGE. WHARFAGE .AND STORAGE can bo had on moderate terms. Apply to A. W. LXNSEAU, On the Wharf, ? ? ; Or THOMAS J. KERR, Marchi . 0 Kerr's Wharf SEED RICE. 1000 sai??1^' 15 ST0RE HERE' FOR -C>>y _.SBACKELFORD k ?RASER, ALE ANJL PORTER. j TWENTY CASKS ALLSOI'P'S PALE ALE^OUARTST AND PINTS. f Fifteen casks Bass' Pale Ale-quarts and pints. Fifteen casks Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale-pints. Fifteen casks Byass' London Porter-quarts and nints. Ten casks Barclay, Perkins & Co.'s London Por:er pints. The above received by late arrivals, and for sile bv March 6_2 D. PAUL & CO. BACON. nHHDS. CLEAR SIDES 5 bids. C. R. Sides 8 hods. Ribbed Sides 5 h*ids. Prime Shoulders 2 linds, and 5 boxes S. C. Strips. Landing from steamer, and for sale bv MarchG 2_E. k x. i: CALDWELL. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. ' OA HHDS. GOOD GROCERY SUGARS ZJXJ 17 hhds Superior Groeerj' Sugars 20 tierces Fair Grocery Sugars 50 hods. Choice New CJrop Clayed Molassoii 40 hhds. Choice New Crop Muscovado Molasses 77 tierces Choice New Crop Muscovado Molasses 50 bbls. Choice New Crop Muscovado Molasses Now landing er schooner "Marj-White" froni Carde? nas, and for salo low in lots to suit, by ' RISLEY & CREIGHTON, Comer East Bay and Accommodation Wharf. March 5 FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOITRT 1 AA BBLS- EXTRA BALTIMORE FLOUR Ivv 60 bbls. Superfine Flour. Just received and for stile by ^ ? C. N. AVERILL k SON, Marchs . 3_ No. 68 East Bay. FIRST-CLASS GR?MIST ? Sa '3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS LN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, ; . : . . AND IMPORTEES! OF . .-. FlKB '-/WD?ESir -BRi?iDIBS. IVAS. " ETC, OPPOSITE HASEL. : CARD. Vf E. EVERT E. BEDFORD, THE MANAGER OF LH. THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT, returns many hanks to the customers and patrons for their liberal istronage and appreciation of the quality of goods pur ihasod by* thom during tho past year. U nas boen, and Jways will be our aim, to PLEASiS OUR CUSTOMERS, ind aa we offer for sale tho tiret quality of all kinds of 1BOCKRTES, WINES,'TEAS, etc, wo flatter ouxoelvos hat; with our facilities, can give general satisfaction can: ?? WM. SIMONS, Esq., having been engaged to assist in he management, would bo pleased to wi his friends at io. 259, assuring them that all goods pun based aro WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. :, rHAT WE SELL ARE DtfPOfiTED DrilECT BY W. S. 30BWXB t CO., and pass throu).'h no other hands, en ibhng us not only to WARRANT THEM AS PURE AND JNADULTERATED, but to soli ' at the follovring prices : nNEST YOUNGHXSQN...-. ..*2 00 ?LNE YOUNG HYSON....1 80 to 1 73 nNEST GUNPOWDER. 2 25 5TNE8TIMPERIAL.... - -.. CHOICEST ENGLISH BREAKFAST..-.2 25 SNGLISH BREAKFAST.. 1 50 CHOICEST OOLONG.'..:... :. : 3HOICE OOLONG.LJS? We keep; also,- a supply of cheaper grados-a cooa roaiity- of GREEN AND BLACK TEA, MIXED, at ?1 SO. ierpound. ..-.>'-- - ".*? v: . jost received, a new supply of OLD JAVA COFFEE. Sc; PARCHED, 50c: GROUND, C2c; OLD. RIO, 35c. 'ho PARCHED COFFEE we- represent, to bo of tho TOST QUALITY, parched by ns with great core. A trial f these Coffees, .Green, Parched and Ground, will coc? inee tho consumer on. that point, GENUINE MOCHA. AND LAGUAYRA. The FILLING OF ORDERS personally attended to hy? ne of the Managers. ! Gooda delivered to all parts of tho tty FEES OF CHARGE ... _:. . A supply of GOSHEN DAITtY BUTTER will arrive on toeday. '.-.'y ? - t-amo: ? v ? FebmaryA LEA & PERRINS' lOpSTERSHM SAUCE. PBXfatticlEn - . : mp. EETUACT ,. ' la of a tetter from a "' ?- AM MEDICAL GENTLEMAN 30KNOISSEDBS Bl ' at Madras, to his -, _" ""_ JHAV Brother at TO CB TUE OtfT.V ^^WORCEaXEEi May> Good Sance ^^18il " Tri k ovrr < ? .?WS "Tell LEA k PEB A3TO APrTJCABtB ^Si5?5r BINS that their SAUCE LC??a!" is highly esteemed in In '. . . '? . no ?E;. dla, and ia, in my opinion, a . . SasSip" tho most palatable, as rVEBY VARIETY It?lS?lWwcll as tho most whole _- IBjSftiiirii SAUCE that ls , - OP DISH. . . ^?laa^tnado.?. ... . ?- . Tho success of this most delicious and mirivalUid con bnont having canaod many unprincipled dealers to jpry the name to Spurious Compounds, tho PtmLio ta 'jptafuOy and earnestly romieatcd to see: that the ramo r LEA-t PEBSTNS aro upon the WRAPPER, LABEL, TOPPER and BOTTLE, ..." Iffairfithe^irf?l T^y J tIbtA.PERU?XS, Wor?. ?t?r. JOHN ?IIKGAN'S SONS, EW YOBS, - . - .. . jt\&7S&FXet\ Oetotw?.19. ., ;:? : - I tenrt|?