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TEL IE HESTON DAILY NEWS, G: TU CATHC?^BT, EDITOB OA?HC?KT, MCMILLAN & MORTON, PROPRIETOl S, Nt 18 HAYNE STREET. U?TY PRINTERS. TERMS CASH. SOBSCBCPTION DAILY- TWELVE MONTHS. DAILY-! OX MONTHS. DAILY_1 BREE MONTHS. BINGLE O ?PIES. TO NEWS DEALERS. NEWS SUMMAEY. Gold was quoted in Now York yesterday at 1SGL and cotton at 33@33j. Gonural SLOCUM is to bo Naval Officer at Now Torie Prince ALFRED, Duke of Edinburg, is in bis 23d year, and has a pension cf $75,000. A man bas offered Opera House Leo $500 for thc "long-tailed night shirt" be wore when he got the news. We doubt the truth of this night-shirt tale. ARTEMUS WABD ia under the professional caro of Mrs. Dr. HABT WALKES, in London. A very nico brace of humbugs. We wonder what Betsey Jane will say? A compositor in Kokomo, Indiana, is said to bave had a soro finger from which, after suffering great pain, he Bqueezod two brevier typos. A co temporary advises bim to squeeze again and get the rest of tho font, and a double-cylinder press. Tho San Francisco Mining and ScierUific Press bas just come out in new typo from the first font ever cast on the Pacific coast. The Press ia ably conducted and of groat value to all interested in mining operations in that section. The United States Government appropriated, in 1856, a tract of land in Washington Territory, for war purposes, which ono GEOBQE W. JOHNSON claims as bis, and wanta Uncle Sam to pay $2,000, 000 for. BEN. BTJTLEB is helping GEOBQE in bis efforts to get it. The celebrated article in tho London Saturday Review, on the impeachment of President JOHN? SON, which appeared in tbat paper on January 19fch, was written by Hon. J. P. BENJAMIN, lato Confederate Secretary of State. A picture in a lato number of Punch represents a fashionable and affectionate couple, the busband searching vigorously in bis waistcoat pockets. The young wife inquires, "Have you lost your watch, love ?" and be roplies, "No, darling, 'twas a new bonnet I had for you somewhere." Gen. Bo BEBT E. LEE, the Baltimore Gazette says, is not engaged in writing a history of the Army of Northern Virginia, or of any work connected with the late war. A rather cruel battue hos taken place near Victo? ria, Australia, by which the enormous numbor of 3000 kangaroos were slaughtered in ono day. This .looks like a disposition towards tho extermination ot this singular animal. Another proof of tho pro? gress of what ia called civilization. Bev. W. J. BUTLER, formerly of Trinity College, Cambridge, has been elected Bishop of Natal, in place of COLENSO, wbo is on tbe ground, and pre? pared to make it extremely lively for bim incase be goes out. He bas agreed to take the advice of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Oxford about accepting. The Louisville Journal says : "Mr. JEROME, tho New York Journals announce, bas founded at Princeton College a prize for the first gentleman. The foundation is five thousand dollars. Every public-spirited citizen, who has road the proceed? ings in Congress on Thursday last, and bas five thousand dollars to spare, must feel strongly tempted by Mr. JEROME'S exam plo.' Beliable statistical authority says that the Epis - copal Church in tho United States have 2306 par? ishes, over which and in which 2530 clergymen of varions rank preside imd work. The total mem? bership of the church, young and old, is 161,225, from which tbe liberal sum of $3,911,667 was drawn by clivers charitable enterprises during the past year. The case of the State of Louisiana vs. tbe Lou? isiana State Bank, was commenced in New Orleans on the 6th. The suit is for tbe recovery of nearly $1,000,000 claimed as remaining to the credit of the State on bond of the bank, which was a fiscal agent during the Confederacy. Tho State alleges that, by permission of Generals BTJTLEB and SHEPLEI, 11,000 bales of cotton were purchased and brought to the city, and sold for tho benefit of the bank and State. GEOBQE PEABODY has been in Washington for some days past. His object is said to be to organ? ize and perfect a plan for disbursing a larger en? dowment than any be bas yet bestowed, and he in in consultation with the leading men of the coun? try as to the moauB to be employed in furtherance of his plans. His purpose is to effect, as far as in bis power, education in the Southern States by es? tablishing schools, endowing colleges, ?tc. No definite course of action has yet been decided upon. Efforts are being made by tbe authorities to pnt a stop ts the semi-slave trade which has for some time been carried on in Hesse-Darmstadt and Nas? sau. Children of both sexes- are purchased or hired from their parents and guardian*. The boys are exported to the principal European cities, where they are employed in begging, playing tho hurdy-gurdy, and selling common objects. Tho grown-up girls are brought to this country, and dance at the low saloons. The Albany Argus of the 1st bas the following : "Tbe Managers of the National Telegraph Com? pany, incorporated under tbe act of Congress, bave opened a subscription in this city. Syracuse has contributed about $200,000. The Managers allot to the Pacific States one million, to Ohio the same amount, to Missouri, Indiana, Ax., $700,000 each. They expect to establish their lines for $3,500,000, though their capital is $10,000,000. The enterprise is in the hands of vigorons men. A London paper says: "Newest among what Mr. TENNYSON calls. the 'fairy gifts of science,' we no? tice an invention of Mr. HTETT to make trees im? bibe color while growing. The results exhibited lately at a converzasione of the Cirencester Boyal Agricultural College, in the form of beautiful sec? tions and panchettes of wood, stained with various hues. Metallic Balts are introduced into the sub? stance of the growing substance of the tree, appar? ently carried up by the sap, and forced into the fibre and cells of-the stem." It is stated that Dr. BURLEIGH, delegate from Dakota, has organized a party to take a trip ont through Dakota, to star* on June ist. The party is to consist of Senators WADE, PATTERSON, of New Hampshire, CHANDLER, HOWARD, TATES, MOB BILL, of Maine, and POLAND; Representatives WIL? LIAMS, COVODE and BINGHAM; Hon. E. MCPHERSON and Chief Justice CARTTEB. They will set out from y anion and go down Bed river to the British pos? se asians, then along the line ofthe projected Paci? fic railroad to yellowstone river, and then return down the river. They are to have a military escort, and Indians to supply them with subsistence, and will be gone about three months. The London Times ot January 22 says that twenty thousand dock laborers in England have not earned a smiling for two months, and adds :. ' 'A g?htlem?n??s??lng'hT th? West India road states that he bad visited many of the working people at their houses in that neighborhood, and that the distress among, the mechanics and laborers is appalling. Many of them, he soys, are quite dis? heartened, sitting within bare Walls,.with neither bed nor clothing, and with their children almost naked and famishing. Strong young mon had burst into tears on seeing him enter, and pointed to their starving wives and children in silent despair." In Detroit, a new motive power for starting street oars has been invented. It ia thus described: A wheel is firmly attached to' tba centre of an axle. On this a "dog" impinges the moment an attach? ment intended to draw tho car! is acted upon. This so rapidly assists in moving the wheels, that the moment they aro started the" leverage ia re? moved, bat immediately on stopping it returns to its original position, and is ready for tho next start, This attachment and fulcrum are insepar? ably connected, and must act conjointly. Ita sim? plicity is a principal feature, and cannot-fail in one respect to commend itself. At the anti-slavery subscription anniversary in Boston the other night, WENDELL PHTLLTM came upon the platform with a curious looking weapon in his hand, which, he said, in commencing, was a veritable relio of tho battle of Fort Wagner. It was a pike of the JORK BROWN pattern, with which ' tbs Confederates in that redoubt were partially . firmed, or had on hand for a close emergency, when it was stormed by the Fifty-fifth Massachu? setts Begiment; Ho came upon tho platform, he said, 'in the character of an auctioneer. He had twenty-five of these weapons to Bell to the highest bidder. [ Tho result was that several were sold at $10. {Do ?ny of our readers know anything about these JOHN BROWN pikes that are alleged to have been used by the Confederates at Battery Wagner? Or ie this a mere pious fraud?] _ .SioJoo 5.00 . 3.50 ,0 cents .3 cents LARGEST OIROULATI?I?..-The DAILY NEWS publishes thc Official List of Let? ters remaining in thc Postoffice, at the. end of each week, agreeably to the following section of the Neto Postoffice Law, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in thc City of Charleston : SxcmortR. And be it further enacted. That Ustd of let? ters remaining unca?lod for in ouy Postofflco iu any city, town or village, where a nownpaper shall bc printed, shall hereafter bo x>ublishcd onco only in tho newspaper which, hoing published weekly or oftener, shall havo the largest circulation within range of delivery of the said ofllce. USS- Ad communications intended J or publication in ll> is journal must bc addressed to the Editor of the Daily News, No. 18 Haync-slreet, Cliaiieslon, S. C. Jiusiness Communications lo Publisher ol' Daiiy Neics. We cannot undertake lo return rejected communica? tions. Advertisements outside oflhe eily must be accompa? nied willi tl ic cash. TUESDAY MORNING*. FEBRUARY 12, 1807. TUE SITUATION. Tho Joint Congressional Committee on Recon? struction, at thc close of last session, brought in a report, recommending the passage of au amend? ment to tho Constitution of tho United States. This amendment hns since boon submitted to the soveral Legislatures or tho Southern Statos, and was almost unanimosly rejected by every ono of them. To punish theso Statos for their obduracy, tho samo Committee in Congress, within tho last few days, have reported favorably upon a Bill in? troduced by Senator WILLIAMS, of Oregon, tho main outlines of which wo published about two weeks ago in our telegraphic columns, and the full text of which we gavo in our issue of yester? day. If this Bill boeomos a law, and is not votocd by the Executive, or sot asido by the Judiciary, wo shall bo brought to tasto the bitterness of a despotism equal to tho worst f "rms of Asiatic rule rocorded in history. Stato lines aro to bo abro, gated, our municipal and State Governments over? thrown, our Stato Constitution and laws will be poworloss to afford us any protocticn, even the Constitution of tho United States will bo no bar? rier to the exorciso of this tyranny. It is distinct? ly and professedly set aside. Tho ptivilego of Jiabcas corpus is to bo suspended; civil rights, which aro claimed for the meanest, tho most ab? ject dwellers of the land, are to bo deliberately and studiously deniod to miUions of intelligent, peace? able men, who, themselves and thoir ancestors, have for ages boon in tho full and f. eo exercise of all the privileges of*enlip;htenod citizenship. All this is done to subserve tho wicked selfishness of party purposes. Tho old adage, "Tho voice of tho people is tho supremo law," will have to bo changed. Vox salrapea suprema lex will bc tho futuro reading. Events are rapidly culminating to a crisis. Con gross,-certainly tho moro Radical part of it, seomB bent on ono or another ol these destructivo plans of Reconstruction; yet theso projects, they know, can never bo executed as long as ANDHEW JOHNSON remains President. Indeed, Mr. JOHN? SON, at the White Houso acts as a check on all kindred measures; for although Congress over? rides his vetoes, and has restricted his power, and hampered the exercise of Iiis prerogative in every conceivable form and shape; still it is found that his mere presence "at the other end of tho Ave? nue," locks tho wheels of Radical legislation. Overruling tho Presidential veto is not a finality, it still leaves-room for objections on constitutional grounds from the Supremo Court. This tribunal cannot be abolished. It is found nocossaiy to re? organizo it, and thus change its political com? plexion. This, howover, cannot be done as long as JOHNSON is President. Tho one groat task thon before tho extreme fac tioniats is tho impeachment and removal of the President. This, it is folt, must bo compassed at any cost. No stone is left unturned to dragoon the party up to a state of political frenzy, reckless of all cousequencos. A whole army of scribblers and stump agitators are retained to familiarize the masses with these revolutionary tactics. An or? ganization is said to exist under the name of tho Grand Army of tho Union, 500,000 slrong, tho special purpose of which it is to bo at hand in case they shall bo ncoded to carry the impeachment. FOBNES'S papers ave recognized as the official organs that set the tune, and from them tho smaller fry take up tho cry. The respectable Re? publican journals, those which have heretofore been considered as the Organa of thc porty, with singular unanimity condemn tho whole plan and proceeding. But on the other hand, to compen? sate for this defection on tho part of tho faithful, a competent corps of mercenaries has been enlisted, at the hoad of which stands the Now York Herald. For nearly two months past this shoot almost daily has had ono or two editorial articles, demanding, with earnest solicitude^he impeachment and re? moval of the Proside? Coupled with this de? mand, says the Boston Post, Lt a very thoughtful leader on this subject, and as if to cover the tracks of the conspirators, it swoepingly proceeds to show how Congress can declare three-fourths of tho Statos represented to ho competent to adopt an amendment to tho Constitution; how it may pass a law deposing the Exocutivo whilo his trial is pro? ceeding; how Gon. GRANT, or some moro ductile General, may bo sot in his chair until a new elec? tion sholl be ordered, or Congross shall choose to make a President of its own; how tho Supremo Court may be abolished by legislation and some? thing created in its place to register the edicts of Congress instead of reviewing and deciding upon its laws; and how overything will proceed without a ruffle or a jar; the deposition of the President and the arbittary appointment of another be effect? ed without shaking popular confidence or under? mining the foundations of public credit; tho Su? preme Court be abolished by a co-ordinate branch of tho Government with no danger whatever to the steady working of our system; and the majority in Congress usurp all the functions of Government in the name of the people, though undeniably to the popular wrong and the downfall of the wise and equitable government sot up by the Fathers. There is more "method'' in this madness of the Herald than instantly suggests itself. It is in the strict Uno of its duty, which has always been that of its interest. The single principle which has in? spired the conduct of that paper from the begin? ning of ita existence has been, apparently, some? thing very like black-mail. It alternately sided with the Democrats and the Whigs, employing abuse when flattery failed, and always holding out its right hand and its left that so it might at least catch-something. Its editor made a good part of his living off actors and actresses, singers and mu? sicians, by making them fear the effects of his journalistic frown. Those who p .id their dollars into its gaping treasury, did so rather to silence its denunciations than beoause they believed its high? est terms of praise and nattery were of any real service to them. Tho .Herald has the most of its days been considered a black mail sheet, and at tho unmistakable close of its ca? reer is proving itself true to the rule which has been its reputed guide from the begin? ning. Just before the war, no paper in tbo coun? try so roundly abused Abolitionists and Repub? licans; now the war is ended, it out-radicals Radicalism itself in its bold assault on two of tho departments of the Government, and in its base? less declarations that the majority of a fraction of Congress compose ibo permanent and responsible authority of the nation. When the proposition for impeachment waa first presented in Congress, no paper was moro violent in its denunciations of the proceeding, or drew more vivid pictures of the dis? astrous consequences of such a measure to the business of the country lind its political welfare; now, none so vehement in advocating tho Ashley Bon tivoli -Eu tier crusade. It would bo travelling wide of the rule to sup? pose that the motives of this sheet were not, aa usual, mercenary in the present case. The reck? less perseverance manifested, where common pru? dence requires of the public journalist an exem? plary degree of discretion in discussing a matter of such moment, leaves little to be suspected in the case of a paper of such notorious antecedents. Where everything like principle is become abhor rontlv venal, fanaticism ia sure of finding ah ally by simply complying with its terms. Those are its favorito instruments, too, because, when tho obligations are mutually cancelled, each side is freo to treat the other aa if thoro had existed no temporary relationship. Such a prostitution of the responsibio office of a public journal is, at a critical juncture like thia, au unpardonable affront to the patriotism of all in? telligent men, and & disgrace to tho party geflty of it. There can bo but few who approve a conree so fraught with public peril. Tho deliboirate impeach? ment of the President of the United States seems to call for different treatment by the whole press of the country from that which porty passion and % paid advocacy suggest It ia a most serious ex? periment to try, whatever such a journal as tho New York Herald professes to thiuk about it. Par sued for selfish ends alone, aa is now proposed, it threatens to culminate in disaster not. leas wide ban a convulsion of all the elements of our ropub icsn system; involving the final overthrow of con ititutional freedom': A writer in the New York Times, a Black Repnb ican, signing himself''A Veteran Observer, " gives ?OHIO very cogent reasons, why tho President should not bo -impeached. Thcao, though con? ceived from different point? of viow, aro, many of them, almost identical with tho objections pointed out to such a course in a recant number of tho London Sa.urtlay Review. Tho writer iu tho Times holds, 1. That an impeachment of tho Prcsidont is ptr se a disgrnco upon tho country. 2. Tho im? peachment must morally fail, not upon tho tech? nical or Constitutional grounds, but because tho in? tent is tho offenco of evory crime; and tho utmost that can with truth bo charged upon Prcsidont JOHNSON is that ho actod upon a mistaken policy. 3. An impeachment will bo disastrous to American influonco over tho European mind. 4. Tho "Vete? ran Obsorvor" thinks that an impeachment will ro ault in putting the Democratic party into rowor, I whilo ho bolioves that tho succoss of the Govern? ment iu tho futuro depends on tho present success I of tho Union party. "Wo can afford," ho says, "to let Mr. JOHNSON-now practically powerless linger out tho short period of bia official power; but wo cannot afford to do doubtful acts which con? cern tho national character at home and abroad. Wo canuot afford to lot even robols indict ns beforo tho world for factious acts and malignant mo? tives." WANTS. WANTED, A SITUATION" AS WET NURSE, by a respectable white woman. Apply ot No. 2 i QUEEN STREET._1*_February 12 WANTED.-ONE HUNDRED HANDS AC? CUSTOMED to the culturo of Bice and Cotton. Liberal wages and nil necessary accommodations given. Apply to "A O. F." Christopher A Alexander's Stables, King, near Morris streot a* Februory ll WANTED, SOM IO WHITE MEN TO DITCH. Apply ot THIS OFFICE February ll 2* W- ANTED, A WHITE WOMAN, IRISH?R German, os o House Servant, Washer and Ironer, for a family in Mount Pleasant. Apply at tho " Pavilion I House," Mount Picana i t. February ll 3* YOUNG LADY WHO HAS HAD EXPE 1UF.NCE in Teaching, is competent to teach Music, j French and English, wishes a Situation as a Teacher in a school or family. Sho is willing to go in tho country. Apply at No. 113 MARKET ST1UJST. February ll *3 AGENTS WANTED FOK " .HE HIS? TORY OF THE WAU BETWEEN THE STATES I TRACING ITS ORIGIN. CAUSES AND RESULTS," by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens ; and for "THE LIFE, LET ??TERK AND SPEKWn;s"of Hon, Mexsndsr H. Stephens, I hy Henry Cleveland. Send for Circulars, and ace our I terms. Addroas NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Corner 7tk and Main streets, Richmond, Va. February 7 Imo WANTED, BY A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, ono largo FURNISHED ROOM, with BOARD, in I o private family, whero there aro no othor boarders. Apply at this office. Februory 6 WANTED, A MIDDLE AGED COLORED WOMAN, to toko charge of a baby five months old. Noao but a competent Nurse, who can como well recommended, need apply. Apply at this office. February 2_ TAKEN UP. STOPPED, A NEGRO, ON SATURDAY Night, 9th mst..with a set of DOUBLE HARNESS. The owner con obtain it by coming forward and prov'ng pro? perty and paying expenses, to A MYERS, King street, near Mary. mJmm_3*_February 12 TO RENT. TO RENT, A NEAT AND COMFORTABLE TWO STORY DWEU?NG, No. 20 Cannon street, J containi g four square rooms, with nccossary outbuild? ings. To an approved tenant tho will bo $25 per month, possession given immediately. For further par? ticulars, apply ot No. 123 COMING and WARREN j STREETS._ February 12 TO RENT, A NEW AND WELL FINISHED TWO AND A HALF STORY ERICK HOUSE, with 4 upright rooms, 2 dressing rooms and 2 large finished I attics, with piazza, cistern, and all tho necessary out? buildings, situated in Trum bo's Place, near corner Brood ond Rutledge streets. Apply on tho premises. February ll mwf TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE DWELLING, with all necessary appurtenances, at No. 54 Bcaufain j street. Inquire at No. 27B Klug atreot _^nuary 6_ stuth TO RENT, A FARM SITUATED ON COOP? ER River, eight milos from tho city, containing 404 acres, between ?0 ond 70 of which have boen planted tho past summer. On it ts a comfortable Dwelling, Kitchen, Barn, Stable, and negro Houses. Apply at this Office. Decembers stuthm TO RENT-THE ELLIOTT MANSION, NO. 10 George street. Apply to LOWNDES A GRIM BALL, Law Rouge, Broad street. December 17 m TO HIRE. FOR ONE OR MORE Y EARS, A PLANTATION, situated about 12 milos from Mount Pleasant village. In Christ Church Parish, on which the finest Seo Island Cotton hos been produced. OB, A MANAGER wonted, willing to devote his time, for a just annual compensation either in cash or on joint ac? count of the products of tho place. Good reference 23 to chsroctor and ou aim cations re? quired. Address, within a few days, February 9 3 POSTOFFICE BOX No. 103. FOR SALE. MULES FOR SALE.-SO WELL-BROKE MULES, just arrived. 20 fine four years old KENTUCKY MULES, Also, 40 well-broke MULES, in good condition, to arrive on the 10th instant, " * At HOCKADAY'S STABLES, Corner af King and Spring streets. February 7 5? FOR SALE, THAT TWO AND A HALF STORY WOODEN HOUSE known os No. 1 South street, near America, containing four square rooms, basements, kc. The Lot is high ond dry, and the build ing now, and in completo order. On the premises is a good cistern and well of water. For terms, Ac, op .ly to B. A. A J. F. EARLY. January 22 tntb No. 15 Royce's Wharf. FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE PLANTATION on Port Royal Island, ot 330 acres; 200 acres ready for cultivation, tho balance wood laud. Thia place ls beautifully al Hinted on Brood River, one hour's drive from the Town of Beaufort It has ample accommoda? tions for laborers, and is well supplied with horses, carts, wagons, and implements. The place will be sold at a bar? gain, and a part ot the purchase monoy con remain on mortgage if desired. For further particulars inquire of . CW. DENNIS, January IS Imo* Planters' Hotel. FOR SAUS, TWENTY LARGE, 1 FAT, 4 ond 5-y?nr old broke MULES; ond THIRTY 3 and 4 year old. For salo at Milla House Stable. Apply to E. W. CARTON._ January 14 FOR -ALE, A'SCHOLARSHIP IN A PHILA? DELPHIA University of Medicino ond Surgery. Tola Scholarship entitles students to fall instruction un? til graduation in Ute MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, embrac? ing Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Materia Medica, Chemistry, Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Chil? dren, Principles and Practice of Medicine and Patholo? gy. As this is one of the first Medical Universities of the country, a favorable opportunity is offered those studying medicino for. a scholarship. Apply at thia Office. _December 15 AT .PRIVATE SALE-A PINE PARAS, IN GOO SF. CREEK PARISH, containing 62 acres of lund, 34of which are cleared and nuder fence; the bal? ance well wooded. This place is situated 16 miles from Charleston, on the State Road,-and within a quarter of a mile of tho Northeastern Railroad. lhere .is a fine or? chard on the place. Far information apply to Dr. H. BAER, December ll ... Ho. 131 Meeting street "~ COPARTNERSHIPS. ?. " _ DISSOLUTION. rrULE FIRM OF R. LOBSIGEB & CO. HAS THIS DAY A dissolved by mutual consent. H. LOBSIGEB. - G. H. LLNSTEDT. Charleston, February Ilth, 1667. 8? February 12 EDUCATIONAL. , MRS. CARROL, * HAVING RETURNED TO THE CITY, OFFERS HER services os Teacher of the Piano and Vocal Music. Apply at No. 81 WENTWORTH STREET. December 20_ HOME SCHOOL PPR BOYS. rrVHE EXERCISES OF THIS INSTITUTION WTLL BE I _L resumed on the SECOND MONDAY IN SEPTEM? BER, and continue ten months The number of pupils le limited to twelve. The Principal is a graduate in honors > - Cambridge, England, and has had moro than twenty year ' experience as a teacher in the south. Careful and thorough instruction will be given in the LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS, French and Spanish, with a complete course of English studies, including 1 Mathematics, Commercial, Arithmetic, and BoDk-Keep Ing. - Pupils will be treated in an respects aa members ?> i his family, and will receive the undivided care and attention 1 af the Principal in the preparation of their various stu? dies. References.-To the Faculty of the South Caroline Uni? versity, and to present and former patrons. For terms and further particulars, address the under* I signed. RICHARD FORD, A M. Columbia, August, 1866. . stuth August ll BOARD. NG. PRIVATE BOARDING.-A FEW BOARD. : RES can be accommodated at No. 92 KING STREET, east side, near Brood._ - January 81 f-i OOD BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED, IN A VT pleasant part of the city, with pleasant rooms. Terms $8 per week. Apply at No. 28 MEETING STREET. I January 19^'_Imo* : IBO ? PRIVATE BOARD. WITH OR WITHOUT BOOMS, AT I ?. No. 369 KING STREET, near George. January 14 J_' BOARDING.-MRS. HT ~K AMT.AH IS PRE 1 PARED to receive Boarders, at No. Its Meeting street, up stairs. Her many friends and acquaintance, will please boar thia in mind. ' ' DecomberlB SADDLES. HARNESS, ET?. F. F. CHAPEAD, [J. & T. S. HEFFRON, BUPf^J^'EKDENTS,) MANTTFACT V KEtt OW SADDLES, HARNESS, FIRE CAPS, BELTS, ETC., . AND EMPOETEli or ENGLISH SADDLERY, AT McKENSIE'S OLD STAND, . j Corner Church and Chalmwv streets.; . . Jannary 36 , ' . : . stnthSmos BREWSTER & SPR?TT, attorneys at Law & Solicitors in Equity OFFICE No. OR BROAD STREET.' t November 9 -. .;...>-." , MEETINGS, T^? '^ULAR 1MEETTNG' Will? BF. HELD THIS A DAY, lu Connell Chamber, ot {ioVlockP. M February 12 , ?F- ?" SMITH, -""ry/f_1 _ _ Clerk or Council. CHARLESTON CH AMBE R OP COMMERCE. m??F XLrV. ANNIVERSARY. T Sunivorsarv^- IF* CELEBRATE TTS XLIV. tolftS7 *Mhnw?. l?th February, 1807, at Dinner will bo served at 5? o'clock P. M. ,___STEW AHES. J H VVT??r?? HANCKEL, Chairman. H ^ ^Sv?K?i I K- B. CHAPMAN. FebruVif^;_U-D. MOWRY. ? a ATTENTIONS CHARLESTON EIRE~E~= A.. GTNE COMPANY. 1 , r\A MEETING OF XOUR COMPANY WILL O'clock. r0UrHaU' T' jEvmin!r-'X naif-past 7 quest?LttendanCO ?f 0Very mcmbar ls particularly rc Tnhi.f^?i . GEO- MCLEAN. February 12 1_Secretary^!. F.JS. Co. S?T3^T??^?ROI'INA FRIENDLY SOCIETY. ? S^?^^n?^ MEETING OF THIS SOCIETY WILL ~H ^iipj?/*" Bunin?, tho 12th in?t.. *l No. ain Mooting street, at 7 o'clock precisely. Tue officers and Th^A^f?.?^^ to b0 PUnotual in attel?danceT zil.^^F ^ will bo road and tho rule bo strictly en? forced. By order of the President. TT,T".~I? " H. W. TIEN CK EN, February 12 1* Permanent Sec. sad Treasurer. ST. PATRICK'S BENEVOLENT HOCIFTV rpHEREGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OT THE in v ^??5' wiU bo bold rA" -Bomtiff. at 7 o'clock. S^^T10 ^ 1:0011 anduve ry member ls expected T , JOHN MCMAHON. February 12 1_Secretary. TTT S?RVTVORS' ASSOCIATION. HE..5EGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE . . i SURVIVORS' ASSOCIATION, of Charleston Dis? trict, will be held at Market Hall, This Eumina, at half past 7 o clock. C. E. CHICHESTER, February 12_1_Secretory. DEUTSCHER BRUEDERLICHER BUND. fXlHE REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING OF THIS JL Society wiU be hold This Day, the 12th instant, at 8 "jggffh_E. WALTJEN, Secretory. FI?EUNDSCHAFTSBUND. AN pTERTAUNMENT WILL TAKE PLACE THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, February 12, to commence at 8P--M- B.ISSERTEL, February 12_1_lnrector. M..; E.-, GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER TOF SOUTH CAROLINA. HE ANNUAL GRAND CONVOCATION OF THIS Most Excellent Grand Chapter will bo holden at Ma? sonic Hall, Charleston, on This Day, February 12, 1867, at 12 M. Tbe annual election of Grand Officers will then bo held, in addition to the consideration of highly im? portant business, requiring thc punctual and general attendance of th? Grand. Officers aaa Delegates from Subordinate Chapters. Dy order of the M. E. Grand High Priest. EBENEZER THAYER, January 12 2G.Feh.12? Grand Secretary AMUSEMENTS. ^"Ecr Scutfdjctt ?cucc Comr-ans reitb flnttfinfccti itu ?*>ri(}cn*$auie, jum SScjlcn ter Scntfd)cn Goaugeliiclj Anfang 8 lUjr ??(bcnfcS" OintrittoprciiS S2. Committee: Cbafs. ?Jcrrjc, lipairman, E. SD?il?cr, G. Siebte, @. D?ictfc, unb (Sujet. February 9 _ 4 Vf??YED^ /O SMALL YEARLINGS, ONE BLACK I and ono red-tho black one is a bull-got into ' enclosure of the farm of Mr. L. Donnoman, comer or King and Shepherd streets. The owner will call for tho same, and pay all expenses. 3* February 12 MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE LADIES. LADIES' DRESSES AND CLOAKS MADE TN THE most fashionable Styles, and on reasonable terms, by Mus. S. M. PALMER, February 12 0 No. 25 Anson street RAFFLE NOTICE. THE RAFFLE FOR THE PONIES, AND HARNESS AND BUGGY, will positively toko place on Tuesday Even? ing, February 12, at SK o'clock, at tho BILLIARD PAR? LOR, opposite the Mills House. Persons holding Tickets are requested to be present, and all chances must be paid -or before throwing. Tickets unsold will be j raffled for. 2 February ll OPPICE OP CHIEF OF DETECTIVES FEBRUARY 7,1807.-Recovered and now ot this office, - yards COTTON GOODS. The owner is re? quested to como forward and prove property. J. C. CAMPBELL, February 8_'_Lieut, in Charge. DIRECT IMPORTATION OP ENGLISH SADDLERY. JUST RECEIVED FINE STEEL CHEFNEY BITS Fino Stool Stirrups and Spurs Fine Stained Bridle Mountings Fine Kersey Horse Sheeting, Ac, Ac, Ac J. C. NOLAND. Survivor of A McKonsie A Co., No. 119 Meeting street, near Market. Please remember I am NOT at tho old stand. January 19_._Imo "THE LADIES' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION, HAVING ON HAND A LARGE SUPPLY OF READY MADE CLOTHING, suitable for Gentlemen, La? dies and Children, and being desirous of diminishing our Stock before the season advances too tar, we would espe? cially draw the attention of the public towards the reduc? tion which wiU be made in our prices for tho next two or throe weeks from date. Apply at tho DEPOSITORY, January 29 No. 17 Chalmers street LAW NOTICE. W . W. H A II L L E E , MARS BLUFF, S. C., X>RACnCES IN THE COURTS OF LAW AND EQ?T JL TY for Darlington, Marion, Horry and Williams? burg. WAWT.TTTi A BOYD, Darlington. Office at Darlington C. H. HARLLEE A H ARDLEE, Marion and Horry. Office at Marion. - TfftRTiTiEK A WILLSON, Williamsburg. Office at Kings tree._Imo ,_January 18 THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPiM Office No. 147 Meeting street. CONNECTIONS WITH ALT. Railroads Throughout _ TUB . UNITED STATES. Every attention given to the sale Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. WILL CALL FOB AND DELIVER FREIGHT" TO ANT POINT IN THE CITY FREE OF CTHARGE. H. B. PI.ANT, President, April 10 Augusto, Ga. MACHINE SHOPS. December 15 Btothlyr HW YORK MM EPiGiE CO., . MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINE LATHES, PLANERS, , IMPROVED OAS "WHEEL BOXES, BOLT COTTERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS, AND : ; Works at Worcester, Mass. OFFICE AND WARBROOK, No. 222 PEARL ST., r - NEW YORK, i.' December 18 ? -? .-????. ?' /? - ? " .Gmo CHER AW ^IDlTElR?ElBSB^ DEVOTED TO LlTEB^TUTtE, SCIENCE. AHT fe CO PaMttheft weekly, by w. L. T. PRINCE -or STrpsenrrTKrN : Onecopy ono year...........UM Ono copy atsmoniaa..................... " """a 00 One copy three months..................... foo Five copies one year....J.'*?1B oo BAEEa or Ajonamsnto : "j. ? 3no Square, ten lines or less, flat insertion......." 91 59 ?ore^anns(^nnttnaertlco...;,.,........?:.. . 1 nn An Advertisements to be distinctly marked, or thev ?rill be published ?uta ordered out, and chargod accord Merchants and others advertising by the year oilba, ai deduction on the above rateTvrul bo made. . November IS CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OP CHIEF OF DETECTIVES, FEBRUARY 5.-ItccovercO sud now nt this Office. TiVO COPPER PUMPS, whick tin- owner? ?. requested to como forward and identify. J. C. CAMPBELL, February 0_Lieut, iu charge. NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE, 1 CHARLESTON. S. <'.. February 5, 1807. 1 TS ORDER TO GIVE ALL INTERESTED AN OPPOl? I TUNrxY tooroot platforms to protect tho sidewalks in front of their lota, aa roquircd by Ordinance now pub? lished, said Ordinance will not be enforced until the 20th February lust. C. 13. SIOWALD, FouruaryC_ 12 Captain of Police. NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE. ? CHAKLESTON, S. C., .January 20, 1807. J ? mHE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE ES HEREP-? PUB l LISHED for the benellt or all whom lt may con? cern. C. D. SIOWALD, Captain of Police. Be it Ordained, That from and after Ute first day ol* January next, every person keeping a shop or store, or ongoged in mercantile business in tho City of Charleston, BbaU?post up, a-.d keep posted up, iu some conspicuous place, at his or her business Bland and stauds, a.cousplcu [ ous Sign Board or Plate, containing his or her givcu nome and ?un?ame, and, lu casu of ? partnership, tho given'name and Min?ame of each member ol' the lirm : and every person so offending, or makin:; default herein, shall forfeit and pay to the City a penalty ol" ?ay dollars for ea?b and every offence or default, and in addition thereto a further sum ol fifty dollars for each and ovei y month during which the provisions of thia Ordinance shall romain not complied with : Provided, however. That nothing herein contained sholl apply to the apecial part? ners of a limited x'ortucrshlp. ltotifiod December 2, 1831. Extract from Ordinance Ratified November 20th, 18UG. 8EC. C. NO cloth awnlug shall bo put up in such a mau I nor os to obstruct loot passengers; and no Eign-board shall be erected otherwise th in Uiirlcen feet from the sur faco of the ground or foot pavement * * * under a penalty ol" Twenty Dollars for each and every doy, while any such a . liing or sign-board, fixed or terra otherwiBO than as herein directed, shall so remain. SEC. C. No person or persons whosoever shall, for tho purposo of exposing any goods, commodities, or other articles for salo, place, or causo to bc placed, nuy such goods, commodities, or other articles whatsoever, or any table, bench, stall-board, box, or other appendage, inauy stroet, lane, alley, or public thoroughfare, or any foot j pavement within thc City, under a penalty of Twenty ' Dollars for each and every such offence, and for each and j every night or day, as the case may be, on which any such offence is committed: Provided, however. That Von duo Mrstors ahall bu permitted to exposo bolero Ihoir stores Buch goods ann commodities as they sell at public j auction, but not lo take up moro room than the trout of their respective venduu stores, and to the distance Of six foot beyond tho sumo. SEC. 7. No person or persons whosoever, shall suffer any firewood, coals, goods, wares, merchandise, carriages of any description, or any other matter or thing, to him, her, or them belonging or consigned, to lay or stand for a longer space than four hours, in any street, lane, alley, or public thoroughfare within the City, under a penalty of Two Dollars, with costs, for every hour that any such article or thing shall so lay or stand bcyoud tue above mentioned time: excepting, materials for building. In re? gard to which tho following regulations shall be observ? ed, namely : When any person or persons shall erect or repair any house or other building, upon pny street, laue, j alley, or open court, within the city, ho, she, or they snail make application for the usc ol' so much cf tho street or public way as shall not exceed the front of tho lot on which such building is to bo erected, nor extend more than six feet into tho street; which space such per? son or persons shall forthwith enclose with a sufficient fence, at least six feet high, in order to deposit within the same the requisite materials for building and repairing ; and such fence, together willi the remaining material, ho, she, or they sboU remove as soon os the work bo finish? ed, or whenover thu Mayor shall require it, on pain of forfeiting Two Dollars for ovcry hour that such feuco or such materials shall afterward remain unrcmoved; and I on pain, also, of having tho some removed at his, her, or their expense, by tho City authorities. ? * * January 28 lino AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH TUE OFFICE OF CHIMNEY CONTRACTOR. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, I January 31, 18G7. j mHE CITY COUNCIL HAVING ELECTED MR. J. E. I RcUMILLAT Chlmnay Contractor for the Upper Wards, and Mr. M. NIXON for the Lower Wards, they j w?l enter upon tho dulles of their ofllco on thc 1st of j February inst., and for the general information of the public the following is published: W. H. SMITH, Clerk of CounciL j AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OV CHIMNEY CONTRACTORS. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen in City Coun? cil assembled. That from and after tho passage of this Or? dinance there shall bc annually elected two Contractors for sweeping chimneys; thc first for all that part of the city, taking in Wards Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4; and the second for all that part of the city, taking in Nos. 5 and 7, 6 and 8. Each of said contractors shall give bond to thc City Council in tile penal sum of two thousand dollars, with two good sureties, conditioned for tho faithful perform I once of their duty. SEC. 2. All and every person occupying o bu?ding with a chimney or chimneys thereto, in which a fire is usually j mode, shall allow and permit the said Contractor or Con? tractors to visit, inspect, and cause to bc swept, thc said chimney or chimnoys once in every month, and lie, she, or they pay for such sweeping, as hereinafter prescribed, the fees; and in case any person shall oppose or prevent the sweeping of any chimney ns bol'oro directed, he, she, or they, making such opposition, on conviction thereof before the Mayor, sholl be fined in a sum not exceeding iii ty dollars. SEC. 3. If tho Contractor for sweeping shall neglect this duty in not causing tho said chimney to bc swept : perfectly neat and clean, or leaving any chimney which ought to bc swept unswept for one month, as hercinbe I fore directed, said Contractor, on information before the Mayor of such neglect, shall, on conviction thereof, bc fined a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, provided said Contractor was not opposed or prevented from sweeping said chimney; then the fine may be iuOicted on thc.oc? cupant or owner of the house. ** SEC. 4. Said Contractor sholl give notice in public print of tho time and hour the chimney or chimneys is or oro to be swept, which notice shall be given at least two days before, and such awe* p:eT shall take placo ot o proper -r.d convenient hour. fuia such Contractors shah keep each an office entitled a "Sweep Office," centrally locat? ed, whero any person sending for a sweep sholl bc imme? diately accommodated with one, nr sut <?ooT thereafter as possible. SEC. G. In an cases of negleot of th e said Contractors not herein provided for, ou conviction thereof before tho Mayor, such Contractor shall bo fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars; and that, any Bwcep boy sweeping or offering to sweep chimneys i"tfr,"q city, unless licensed by tho Contractor, sholl be fined in a sum not exceeding five dolla i s. to be recovered in tho Mayor's Court. SEC. G. Tho following fees shall be allowed for sweep? ing chimneys, viz. : ten cents for each story. SEC 7. Houses which hove chimneys wherein anthra? cite coal is burnt exclusively, w?l not bo required to be swept only at the option of the owner or occupant. SEO. 8. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances repugnant hereto be and tho some are herebv ro'waled. Ratified in City Council, this ieth day of January" in tho rr o i year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and t1" "-J sixty-six. P. C. G ULLARD, Mayor. By the Mayor: Febrnory 1 Imo W.H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TREASURY, ) January 3, 1SG7. I PUBLIC NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER the following Ordinance licenses have been prepared for delivery from this Office S. THOMAS, City Treasurer. SEC. 1. Re it Ordained by Vue Mayor and ^lWermen in City Council assembled. That from "and after tho first day of January, licenses sholl be token out for all carts, drays I and wagons, used for private and domestic purposes. In ' the some marmor, and according to the some provisions now of force in relation to carts, drays and wagons, let or driven for hire, except giving bonds, And each such cart, dray or wagon, sholl bo provided with a badge con I faining the number thereof, and marked Private, to be placed on the outside of tho shaft. SEO. 2. No person sholl bo token by tho Treasurer ss surety to any bond under the Ordinance concerning li? censee for carts, drays, wagons and other carriages, un* less ho or she be a freeholder. SEO. 3. The following shall hereafter be the rates for licenses for public end private carts, drays, wagons, Ac, including the horses or mules used thereof, which shall be free from other taxation: PUBLIC] CARTS, DRATS, ETC., OB THOSE EOTr/>VEI) IN ANY BUSINESS WHATEVER, FOB HIRE DIRECT OB INDIRECT. For every cort, dray or wagon, drawn by one horse or male, 120. For every .cart, dray OT wagon, drawn by two horses or mules, $30. For every hack and carriage with two wheels, 420. For every hock and carriage with four wheels, $40. For every stage or omnibus (except lino omnibus), with two horses, ?60. For every stage or omnibus (except Une omnibus), drawn by four horses, $60. For every truck drawn oy two or moro horses or mules, ?60.. . For every express wagon drawn by two or more horses or mules, $60. BREAD CASTS AND PRIVATE CARTS, DRAYS, ETC. For every bread cart or wagon, $S. For every cart, dray or wagon, used for private or do? mestic purposes, and not to be employed tn the trans? porting of goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, or any other commodity, for compensation, either directly or indirectly for the some, shall poy for a license the sum of 96, exclusive of the horse or mule. Ratified in City Council, this 16th day of January, [n. 8.] in the year of bur Lord one thousand eight hun? dred and sixty-six. P. O. GAILLARD, Mayor. By the Mayor. January S W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. CITY TAXES.-MONTHLY RETURNS. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, I Cm Hali, February 1st, 1867. J -\T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONCERNED _L> that the MONTHLY RETURNS for tho month of January post, In compliance with the Tax Ordinance, ratified on the 28th doy of December, 1866, must be mode on or before the 16th inst. D. C. GIBSON, February 1_12 City Assessor. NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE, ) CHARLESTON, S. C.. January 25,1867. I rjIHE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS HEREBY P?B I ' LISHED for general information. The Police hove orders to report sil caaes of violation on and after the lat of February next. O. B. SIG WALD, Captain of Police. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT THE PAVEMENTS AND SIDE? WALKS OP THIS CITY. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Charles? ton, in City Council assembled, ondit is hereby ordained by the authority of the came. That from and after the first day of September next there shall be laid down by the owner or occupant of each lot in the city having an entrance for carriages, wagons, carts and drays, a platform of wcod or stone, extending not moro than four feet from the curb atone towards the centre of tho street; and the owner or occupant of at y such lot not having a platform as heroin required, toTprotect the pavement aga list the entrance of carriages or other vehicles, sholl forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars; and in tho event that the said pavement becomes broken, he sholl piy, in addition to the afore? said penalty, the costs and charges of mending the some, and also the. sum of five dollars for each day the same shall remain so broken. Ratified in City Council August 13,1861. January 38 Imo NOTICE. - ! OFFICE OF THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE, 1 - ' CHARLESTON, S. C., January 25,1867. } /"YN AND AFTER THE FD?T DAY OF FEBRUARY \J next the Police will report aR HACKS, CARTS, DRAYS, Ac, tee., found plying for hire without license, ail persona interested ore hereby specially notified to Rovern -themselves accordingly. . C. B. SIG WALD, January 28 Imo Captain of Police. CITY TAX BILL. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL, 1 ?-.> _ " January 15,1887. j? 80PIE8 OF THE CITY TAX BILL FOR THE YEAR j 1867 con bo obtained at this office or st the store of .dderman COURTENAY, Broad street. W. H. SMITH, January 16 Imo . . Clerk of Council. FIRE LOAS. MAYORALTY OF CHARLESTON, I CITY HALL, November'9,18C?. J A LL PERSONS DESIROUS OF REBUILDING IN THE ?JL Burnt Districts and Waste Places of tho City, un? to "An Act of the General Assembly, giving authority o tho City CouncU of Charleston to proceed in the mat? er o? a Fire Loan, with o view to aid in building up tho Sty snow," ?re hereby hOUflod that tito form of ar '" ailes for loans can be obtained at tho office ef thou if Council, between tho boors of 9 A H. and 2 P. M. All appKcatlont must be filed tn the above mentioned ifflce, as the Committee wm meet every Monday to ccn lder tho same. . By order of tho Mayor W. H. SMITH, No-retcberlO . ; 1 Clerk of CounoiL _FINANCIAL. MONEY! MONEY! TirAS?ED-N'OriTIJ EASTERN RA.1LUOA 1) FIRST >T MORTGAGE COUPONS. Northeastern Railroad xv?:?md Mortg?:;o Coupon?. Smith ( anilina Railroad ami Vauk Stock. liauU l?ills or all klinls. Gold iud Kilver. Money to loan for six month? or loss. ANDREW M. MORELAND, February S tutha-l Broker. No. 8 Broad direct. MONEY WANT KD. FROM FIVE Tv) TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. FOR ono year, ni>on unincumbercd Real Estate within tho city, iu several eligible localities, with rent? for as. ?urauces of semi-annual payment of interest. Applv. l)etwecn tl an.I li! A. M., or i lo ? P. M. ot No. lilt CAL? HOUN STREET, or through Dor. No. IS? at Post office, with rate, to N. M. PORTER. February 8 J_ CLOTHING. JAMES MCCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, WIIOnirSAt-E AND RETAH. DEAT.Ol rN CLOTHS, CASSLMERES AND VKSTIXtiS. GEMTS' FUitNISIUNG GOODS, No. 35 BROAD STREET; auuary 23 Cmos CHARLESTON, s. C. A. S. HULL, Ag't., HAS REMOVED TO Nil. 7(1 BROAD STREET, NORTH . SIDE, BETWEEN MEETING AND CHURCH, where lin will bo glad to sec his old friends ami custo Ti? ers, ami has in store a full assortment of CLOTHS, COATING, OASSIMKRES and VESTINGS of every va? riety, which bo will make np to oivler at as low prices as any similar establishment. AT.SO. A FULL ASSORTMENT OE FURNISHING GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. M. JNO. T. FLYNN (formerly of C. D. Carr & Co.). will superintend thu Tailoring Detriment as usual, oud will give bia especial attention to Cutting Garmeuts, and Making and Trimming. January 17 3mos PARKER & CHILD, DEALERS TN Clothing and Furnishing Goods, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 103 EAST BAY STREET, December 21 3ino Uudor the Americ.m Hotel. OIL CLOTHING Aim . SAILORS' OUTFITTING DEPOT. PARKER & CHILD, No. 103 East Dav. December 24 3mo* mil?m, W1UTF0BD & GO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS FINE, MGEDIUM, .j AMERICAN EXPRESS BUILDING, NOS. 53. G7. 59 and 01, Hudson street, near Duaue, New York. T. F. CARHART. W. H. WHITFORD. J. B. VAN WAGENEN. December 10 Cmo A. T. HAMILTON. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. A. S. FBEITAS, DE AU a ra PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ETC.. READY-MINED PAINTS, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. No. 174 East Bay. PAINTING. HOUSE, SIGN. SHEP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT? ING, Gilding, Graining, Imitations of Wood, Mar? ble, and all other work appertaining to thc trade, exe j cutcd in a neat and workmanlike manner, by A. S. FRETTAS, No. 171 East Bsy. October 25 thsrutimo THE"S1T1TT?SIP?W. MANUFACTURERS OF THE SOLINE BURNING OIL, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN USE. ; NO SMOKE, NO SMELL, NON-EXPLOSIVE. OFFICE KO. GS BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JOHN S. BANKS, GENERAL AGENT. npms SUPERIOR OIL GIVES A BEAUTIFUL LIGHT, _L equal to Gan in brilliancy; is much cheaper; is per? fectly safe, as lt is nonexplosive; and is lax superior to any other oil or Burning Fluid over offered to the public. The Company will also furnish the trade, at manufac? turers* prices, all kinds of Patent Safety Lamps, Lan? terns, Chandeliers, etc., admirably adopted tor Hotels, Churches, Private Residences, Stores, Warehouses, Ohio's, steamboats, Bs?ioads, and for Plantation use. -In fact, they are better for any purpose whatever, for which a light in used, than any other lamp Invented, and are sold at a price that comes within the reach of every one. Contracts taken for lighting TOWUR and Villages. For further particulars, terms, etc, address the COM? PANY, or JOHN S. BANKS, . General Agent, No. GS Broadway, New York. Opinion of the Rei?. Mr. Repiton in regard to the quality of the Solino Oil: WELJUKOTON, N. C., 31st December, 186G. Slr. Banks: Sm: I have been using your "Solino Oil" for some time in o night lamp, and find it tho safest and most economical buming fluid I hove ever used. It gives a steady and beautiful soft light, and I can say from expe? rience that th G article obtained from you is not explosive, hut is perfectly safe in the hands of any one. Respectfully. I REV. A. PAUL REPTTON. Orders for the above CU and Lamps will bo received at McE?Y & CAMPBELL'S, H?sel street, opposite tho new Post Office. January 10_Smog INSURANCE. feStnSeScrftdicrunactt, OTtrrfUSScrforgungen, e:., in cjner ber fceften Slnjraltcn be? SanbeS (ber ftiiid'erbod'er,) ?>cld)c auf g e g e n f c i t i ? c n 91u(*cn bcgr?nbct tft, beitrat ju ben inagigften ?t?raifn. {rramiiurcitber Slrjt, 23m. Uffertjarbt, 3)r. e. $. itcUer?. C?e icing irrtb 3HarIetirra?e. January 15 tniBmo ' QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE ?0MPAN?, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. CAPITAL......$10,000,000 IN GOLD. APPLY TO GIBBES & CO., Agents, NO. 10 ADGER'S SOUTH WHARF. December 7 mwflyr JTNA LIFE JliRANCE GO. Capital, - - $4,500,000 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENT of this old, popular and most prosperous LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, for the City of Charleston, ls prepared, to receive proposals for Insurance, and to re? new Policies already in force. JOHN B. HERIOT, Jr., ?gt., AT THE OFFICE OF WM. B. HERIOT A CO., January 30_Imo No. 0 BROAD BTREET, MISCELLANEOUS. BOYLAN & TUERS, MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEAL? ERS in, WHITE LEAD, ZINC PAINTS, COLORS, VARNISHES, Ac No. OS MAIDEN LANE, New York. Orders by mail promptly attended to. > March-2) wfmlyr GREAT REVOLUTION TN THE Wine Trade of the United States Pure California Champagne, MADE AND PREPARED AS rp DONE TN FRANCE, from pure California Wine, and taking the place uf Imported Champagne The undersigned would call Ute attention of Wine Deal era and Hotel Keepera to tho following letter, which may ;lve a correct idea of tito quality af their Wine : "CosTramtTAx. HOTEL, ) .'PrrtLAtiEiraiA, October 25,186?. J "MESSRS. BOUGH EB A Co. - "GISTLEMXS. Having given your California Champagne i thorough test, we take pieasuro ln saying that we think t the beat American Wine wo have ever used. We shall it once place it on our hui of faro. "Yours truly. ; J. E. KINGSLEY & CO.' CALL and THY our California Champagne. BOUCHERACO-, November 1* wfmSmo'No. 86 DEY STREET, N.T. THE SUMTER WATCHMAN [8 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT SUM? TER, 8. C., by GILBERT A FLOWERS, Proprietors, it FOUR DOLLARS per annum, invariably in advance. Advertisements Inserted at usual rates. Every style os Job Printing executed in the realest tyle and greatest dispatch. beptesoSet irv ,;".v'''J": .".'vS : '. ''.;'""' 'r. ; ? '.? ? GROCERY AND MISCELLANEOUS. BUTTES?, LA KO, FISH, &c. ;>rt I'TRKINS CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER ?f > 20 ftrkinn I xtra Family Butler 25 iivRilis Leaf I,anl 00 cans Extra 1-r un- Leal' Lani. 23 Hw. eaeli 3? barrels Labrador ll. mil;:?, lal ami line .tn bands Crushed alni Extra C Sugars 25 bngH Kio anti .lava Colleo 25 barrels Florida Syrup 30 balfaud quarter cliest Hvsnn and ItlaekTeas 20 hali'barrelH lixira F. II. Beef UK) boxes Sperm. A<i>iianliii<i, ami Tallow Candles Will boxen Sealed and No. 1 ii. nings. Brooms. Buckets, 'i'ulis. Mutches, willi lull supplies of traceries on hiiiid and lauding. For sale by J. A F. DAWSON. Fobniary 12 tutli No. 1-0East Buy. TJ?RDTB?C?Y AN!) liTTTEK. -f\ TLBS LAUD 1 .J\J 1 tierces Hams J All ol' primo qualtty. Bl kegs Butter ) Now landing. For sale by ISAAC E. HERTZ .v CO.. February-12 1 No. 201 East Bay. ?AC?N ST U J PS A ND S ! ?ES, ?cv. 5AAA" L,1S- CHOICE BACON STlin'S .JVJVJXJ 5 Ulids. Bacon Sides 20 tubs Pure Leaf Lard Landing, and tor sile bv February Vi I K. & A. P. CALDWELL. FLOCK. r A BBL?. BALTIMORE ENTRA FLOUR 0\f 511 bbls. New York Middling Flour Lauding, and lor Kile by Fobniary 12 1 lt. & A. P. CALDWELL. COHN ! COB?! CORN ! QAAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE COHN, LAND 0\'\J\J ING this day on North Atlantic Wharf. Fur ?ile by C. N. AVERILL fe SON, Fcbnutry M I No. 08 East Bay. APPLES ! APPLES ! .~)A BARRELS FINK APPLES. IN STORE, AND Jj\J for sale by JOHN V. O'NEILL ic SON, _Fcbruary 12 ;; No. 167 EAST BAY. WASHI?G?TW^ HAMS"" STT?PS~ &c, <&c. 10 TIERCES NEW WASHINGTON HAMS 5 hillls. Choice Bacon strips G tierces Hams 10 barrels new Mess Pork. Lauding per steamer Moneka, and for sale by LAlIltKV A ALEXANDER. February i ' 2 No. 1:17 Hist Bay. MESS PORK. C?f\ BBLS. MESS PORK, LANDING FROM STEAM ER t)\J "Carrol," and for sale by February ll 2_ _ HENRY COBIA A CO. ~T?6LASSES7~ 100 ByL"-I,0W rEICED MOLASSES FOR SALE February ll _2 HENRY COBIA A CO. CORN AND PEAS FOI? t '.T.E, TO ARRIVE PER STEA3IEII "PLANTER." 3fl ?"i A BUSHELS PRTME WHITE CORN. IN BAGS, \J\J\J per sc.hoonor "Moiito/.uma." 3300 bushels prime White and Mixed Corn, iu bulk and bags. 31 bags Peas. RISLEY & CREIGHTON, Comer East Bay anil Accommodation Wharf. February ll 2 CORN ! CORN ! AND BLACK SEED OATS, LANDING THIS DA Y PROM STEAMERS CARROLL ANDE. H. SOLDER. 2 ?5 00 ncORNLS 0F * Y' rLI?;T pll0VIS10N 500 bushels Feeding Com. 300 bushels Seed Oats. IN STORE. BARLEY, RYE. WHEAT and COW PEAS, all carefully selected for plantiug. ALSO. HAY. BRAN, SHORTS, GRIST. MEAL and RICE FLOUR. At JOHN BINNS' Grain and Food Store, No. 219 East Bay, opposite New Custom House. February 5 FOR SALE. 1 AAA BUSHELS SEED RICE. APPLY AT ONCE, JLUV/\J to JAS. R. PRINGLE, Factor and Commission Merchant, February 5 tuthuS No. 6 Adgcr's North Wharf. THOMPSON & BMTTERT Wholesale Grocers and Commission MERCHANTS. No. 112 EAST BAY, cor. Fraser's Wliarf. BACON. FLOUR, BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, COF? FEE. SUGAR, of all grades and prices; TOBACCO. SOAP, STARCH, MOLASSES, and a goueral Stock ol SKOCERIES, in store and for sale low. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Apply as above. Imo February ll WM. 8. C0RWIH.& CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, AND IMPORTERS OF FINE WINES, BRANDIES, TEAS, ETC., No. 259 KING ST., OPPOSITE KASEL. CARD. MR. EVERT E. BEDFORD, THE MANAGER OF THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT, returns many hankB to thc customers and patrons for their liberal 3atronago and appreciation of the quality ol' goods pur .Jiased by them during tho past year. It has been, and ilwaya will be our aim, to FLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS, md as we offer for sale thc first qualitv ol' all kinds of GROCERIES, WINES, TEAS, etc., we Hatter ourselves hat, wi! h our facilities, can give general satisfaction o all. WM. SIMONS, Esq., having boen engaged to assist in ho management, would bc pleased to seo his friends at io. 259, assuring them that all goods purchased arc VAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. TEAS THAT WE SELLARE IMPORTED DIRECT BY W. S. ?ORWIN A CO., and pass through no other hands, en .bllng us not only to WARRANT THEM AS PURE AND IN ADULTERATED, but to sell at the following prices : iTNEST YOUNG HYSON.S2 00 TINE YOUNG HYSON.1 50 to 1 75 riNEST GUNPOWDER.2 25 iTNEST IMPERIAL.. CHOICEST ENGLISH BREAKFAST. 2 25 LNGLISH BREAKFAST. 1 50 CHOICEST OOLONG. 2 (Ml 2HOICE OOLONG. 1 50 Wc keep, also, a Bupply of cheaper grades-a good luaUty of GREEN* AND BLACK TEA, MIXED, at $1 50 >er pound. Just received, a new supply of OLD JAVA COFFEE, Sc.; PARCHED, SOC.; GROUND. 52c; OLD RIO, 35c. ?he PARCHED COFFEE we represent to be of the TRST QUALITY, parched by us with gTeat care. A trial f these Coffees, Green, Parched and Ground, wiU con luce the consumer on that point. GENUINE MOCHA AND LAGUAYRA. The FILLING OE ORDERS personally attended to by no of tbe Managers. Gooda delivered to all parts of tho tty FREE OF CHARGE. A supply of GOSHEN DAIRY BUTTER will arrive on "uosday. 3mo February 4 PER STEAMER MONEKA. ).? FIRKINS BUTTER, EXTRA FAMILY, fi O WM. GURNEY, January 28 No. 102 East Bay. ~ALE! ALE! ALE! W.Clagett&Co.'s MERITED BALTIMORE ALE, TN STORE AND RECEIVING REGULARLY BY L every steamer. Their Brewery was established in 776. All their Ale la warranted to bo of the very beal quali r, and is pronounced by judges to have no superior and wv oquaifl. For sale, by the barrel or half barrel, by J. A W. H. ARMSTRONG, Nos. 40 and 12 Market st., near Meeting, north side. Agents for Messrs. W. CLAGETT A CO. January 7 6 tnths3Q BU Baltimore, Md. DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER. SUPERFINE, SPORTING, AND ALL OTHER KINDS. 2AGLE GUNPOWDER. TUNE GRAIN FOB SPORTING, IN CANISTERS, ' pound papers, ?nd G)i Rs. kegs. Coarser grain cs ?essly for Water Fewl shooting. In canisters, 6,'j, and ? Mi. kegs. Gunpowder of superior quality, F. FF, and UHF, azed and rough, in 25,12>j, and 6>i ft. kegs. AR kinds of Gunpowder of superior quality. Having accepted the agency of the above old and well lown manufacturers, lam prepared to nil all orders to e trade, and will always have a full stock on hand, inch will daily be delivered to any part of the city. J. N. ROBSON, January 31 thstutlmo No. 62 East Bay. OR THE SPRING TRADE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. BRITISH WOOLLEN CLOTHS, DIRECT FROM THE I .OOM. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RECEIVED IN bond about 3000 yards TWILLED MELTONS, fine ?d?; also, qualities of CONFEDERATE GREY ATTH all of which will be sold or bartered for moot. HENRY TRENCHABD, Exchange street, ranuary 8 tutlis2iuo_Charleston, S. C. T. D. MERNAUGH " .TTORNEY AT LAW No. 30 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. >ecember 18 ? ttrtSmo THE TBI-WEEKLY NEWS, PUBLISHED TN WINNSBORO' 8. C., AFFORDS A profitable medium for the advertising public of arleston. ' . io respectfully solicit their patronage for our mutual Mut. - PAILLARD, DESP0RT2S & WILLIAMS, lavembealo