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a FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1867. LXNES. Itespectfvlly inscribed to lite Ladies' Memorial As? sociation of Fredwicksburg, Ya. BY THE ?JTXHOB OF TBS CONQUEBED BAN NCR. Gather the sacred dust. Of tho warriors tried aud true, Who bore the flag of our nation's trust. And fell in a cause cs great as just. And di ;d for mo and you. Wherever the bravo have died. They should not rest apart; Living they struggled sida by side Why should tho hand of death divido A singlo heart from heart ? Gather them, each and all, From the Private to the Chief; Come they from cabin or lordly hall. Over their dust let the fresh tears fall Of a nation's holy grief. No matter whence thoy come Dear is their lifeless clay Whether unknown or known to fame, Their cause and country were tho same They died-and WJTO tho Grey. Gather the corpses strown O'er many a battle plain From many a grave that lies so lone, Without a name and without a stone Gather the Southern ?lain. And the dead shall meet the d vid While tho living o'er them wrep; For mon who Loe and Stonewall led. And the hearts that once togothcr bled, ? Should now together sleep. December 3d, 18CC. _ OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Posto (Bee at Charleston, for the week ending JANUARY 24, 1867, and ordered to bo printed ia THE DAILY NEWS, agreeably to tho following section r>* the new Post?nico Law, as tho newspaper having thc largest circulation in tho City of Charleston: SECTION G. And bc it further enacted, That lists of let? ters remaining uncalled for in any Pcatofflce in any city, town or vill?go, where a newspaper shall be printed, shall hereafter bo published once only in the newspaper which, bel?g published weekly or oftener, shall have the largest circulation within range of delivery of the said office. JS&- Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." 49T Office hours from 8 A M. to 6 P. M. On Sundays, from 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT, Acting Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. A Alston, Fanny Al tm an, Maria Anderson, Hettie Ancrum, Mary ? Bates. Sarah E Barnes, Elizia J Baaette, Jenni Barton, Mrs T Baker, Mrs L ... Behling, MiasHH Bennett, Mrs J M Blake, Mrs MB Dullard, Miss H C Burns, RacheU Burns, Margret Brown, Juna Brown, Norcr Byrnes, Mary C Gannon, T W Carson, Matilda Carr, Un L Camel, Sarah Chaplin, Mrs G A Chug, Mrs W D Clarke, Miss L Clausen, Mrs J C Garwin, Fannie M Cox, Martha Conran, Mrs C Corn wald t, Mrs D Crane, Kate M Crocker, Mrs E P Cross, Mrs A Crumley, Mrs Craig, Mrs SB Cartis, Miss F A Chisolm. Mrs EN D DanneUy, Lizzie O D?Engham, Mrs C P Douglass, Mary Downing, Miss M Doyle, Mrs C A Drayton, Susan Dougherty, Cath? erine Duncan, Margret K Edwards, Mrs Elles, Julia Elliott. Miss P Emanuel, Miss C V Evans, Mre JU Eysenback, Mrs H a F FauelL Miss M Fitzpatrick, Mrs H Flieshmanu, Ma? dame Flint, Mrs H E Friers tone, Char, lott Pram, Bridget Frazer, Mary Frost, lars S E O Gamble, Mrs L Gaines, Mrs H GaiUiard, Mrs C D Glover, Mrs C Glover, Rose Gourdin, Juba ?r Gran, Mary Gruber, Susan L A Graver, Mrs W Grayson, Julia E Guat?n, Miss GiolTaas, Catherine M Harvey, Lucy Hayne, Elizia P Harney, Cather? ine Harles ton, Agnes H Hamilton, Emma Haselden, Mrs E A Hayne, Susan Hervhonrother, Mrs L Horan, Hermie A Hennessey, Mrs T Henry, Ellar Hogan, Anna Howard, Luvenis Holman, Mary Howard, Mrs J B Houghs. M!BS A Howe, Mary HoUey, Mrs M Houston, Miss S A Hunt; Mattie 1} Holmes, Ann Holenss, Miss T Holmes, Miss M JF Jenkins, Miss C A Jenkins, Julia E Johnson, Elizia Johnston, Miss F Johnson, Joanna Jackson, Mary K Zane, Hate Keilor, Maxy Kelly, Maria Kent, Miss M L Keith, Miss M Ii Lavall, Mrs S Lewitii, Mrs M Lerisey, Miss F Louis, Miss C Lockwood, Rosa Leaeune, Mary L M Mailow, Jessee Madden, Cather? ine Meaney, Jone Mehrte na, Lor?ese Mit?n, MTS A Moraban, Charlott Miller, Mary Moore, Mrs 0 Moser, Mrs H Morgan, Susan Murray, Ell zibo th Murphy, Mrs R Mathews, Emily Mathews, Rebecca Mathews, Miss L Martin, Miss O C Martin, Miss C O Miller, Mrs J F Me McGalvin, Elizia McLauron, Sarah M ldc McKeegan, Mrs John McLeUand, Maris N Neuffcr, Elizia '?cumeyer, Mary O Owncs, Mrs E Oliphant, EmUy O'Danell, Mrs O O'Bryan, Nancy P Pope, Mrs RR Plock, Mrs C E Peteygrue, Anna Parray, Susan A Parker, Catharine A R. Rain, Barbara Reid, Mra M Riddick. Mrs L 1 Rivers. Sallie P Riddell, Mrs J S Ricke, Mrs L Iii vers. Miss J D Rich, Lizzie. S Rivers, Miss M Robinson, Anno Roessler, Mrs L Roumillat, Miss II Robson. Charlott Roods, Mrs Tyra Byan, Mrs W B Ryan, Hannah S Sanders, Mrs S Sanders, Mrs C Scanlon, Margret Scanlan, Mary Saniat, Mrs R Slaven, Mrs Soller, Mary A Stanley, Catherine Staren, Mrs M Stone, Margret Stell, Mrs H M Sullivan, Anna T Sulleven, Mrs AF Schmith, Miss J Smith, Lizzie Smith, Mrs E P Simons, Mary L T Tyer, Emma Trescot, Mrs H V Yandehos. Miss M W Warren, Hattio Wagner, Mrs M T Watts, Fonnio Wolla co, Mrs John Wilson, Miss D Watson, Mrs J Westen, Miss P Westen, Caroline Wearing, Peggy Whitlock, Mrs H H N\ hi tes?n, Miss E E Willis, Mrs J T Wride, Emma P Wilson, Sarah Y Young, Mrs R A MEN'S LIST. .a. G p Abrahams, Thom- Garrett, Capt W J Parker, Geo W as (col'd) GilL-ilL Robert Parker, Joseph Adair, J T Gc?aman, L S Parker. T F Abreos, E H Grant, Charles P Peck. Wm Ware Agent for the line Greer, Mr Peronneau, Wm of steamer for H (col'd) New Orleans Hayden, John Percy, Dr Leon Agnew, James L Hawks, W J Peterman, J H Al Blandir, David Hagerty, Thomas Picka, John O L Pierce, Phineas Albere, J H Hanley, John Phillips, Julius Alston,BFA Hall, Thomas Pitcher, Samuel Z AndelL Chas J Harris, Isaiah Pioch, C E Anderson, James Hamann, William, Patter, ? L Arneaux. W D P Jr Price, James B Harria, James E Price, Dean Bates, John H Harris, Isaac Price. Thomas Baaltrmanjjtich- Hammond, D Jr Pringle, Pompy ard H ? Hafer, Wm Purcell, Charles Banks, Sam! C Hamlin, Edward ft Barry, Major Jas Halson, W A Rasky, G H Harris, Martin Richmond, Henry Baker, Wm (freedman) A Beldon, Wilie H Hannahab, Abra- Roberts, Hiram Becker, Aug ham Robinson, H D Berney, William Hem, James Roddy, Patrick Bery, Joseph Horst, K H Roddy, Thomas Beach, Pratt & Hoidenrich, 0 Robinson, Robert King Hencken, Jenn L Robertson, Henry Bell, HD- Healey, Patrick C Behrens, Hehir Healy, John Russell, D Boase, H Hicks, Wm B Rudi, George F Bell, Aron W Hynes, Martin S Bishop. John Houston, R Sack, A Blancho, John Hosch, Wm Sary, James Beeiden, C Hubbard, Charles Salrua, Thaddeus Bode. D ST Sacols?, L Bcleman, E Hussy, James Sahlobuhm, H L B?rdelo, Charley Hutaou, Josiah B Schultz, Henry Borger. K Hubbard, Robert Schweitzer, Otto Br&ckett, Samuel J Sempill, John R Brook,John Wnlay Jager, Jo'm A Seabrook, J M Brodie, & Howard Jackson, Paris Shlimmermeyor, Broadfooc, John Jackson, W Henry Bradshaw, S M Jeuks, J N Singleton, George Bredeman, WU- .runner, Mr Shnmout, Francis Ram, John (col'd) Smead, W John, Bridges & Co, J E Johnson, Capt An- col'd man, caro BroweU, Brayden drew Smiley John Brainovich, Loren- Jones, W P Smith, Jam CB zo Jordan, Manuel C Smith, Thomas A Burnham, N Jon-is, Dock Smith, R S Bullwiiike!, John H Joiner, William Smith, Djaac Buchtag, H Johnson, J S Sr. itu, Th odore A Byrne, Michael Jonis, S Smith,Dr B Burgh Byrd, MichseR Johnson, Henry B Smith, AD Byras, B Jones, John Smith, Isaac C Ii Solomons, Joseph O E Kenokey, S L M 3ante, Henry Campbell, John C Kennedy, John SoUoway, B U Caire, John O Key, Tobe Sidlings, Frank P Cherrai, S A Kelly, Frank F Stall, Joo Chatter, Owen KeReyf FF S tecle, Henry Claggott, Wm C King, Dr George Strong, W J Cbuly, H Koester, Th Swain, W E Clausson, Adol- Krieger, A T paus Ii Taylor, Abraham Cobb, Gideon Ladson. Charles Taylor, J G Coffin, Amory Lewis, John W A Toupkin, D Conner, Daniel G Levine, B L Thomson, Patrick ColUn, J H - Liney, J?ha Thomas,Capt Ph? Cavley, S O & Son Little, WT ip Cooper, Daniel Linton, Melton Thompson, Dr Cook, Robert Little, Dr Steve Crandall, W B Lockwood, Thom- Thompson, Dr J D Cuyler, E P as P Toohy, Dennis Cumming, P Lockhart, A W Touh?l, Daniel Oulp, H R Lowry, Alex Tarone, Mordy D Lovell, John S Tolbert, William Davis, CS Loco rich, Charles Trombridge, Davis, WOliam AX Charles Davis, Rhuben Manion, Patrick Travers, James A j Davis, H S Markley, Joseph Travis J C Dennis, Edwin Marionhoff, Turner, Robert I Dean, N W George V Dixon, laaac Maker, J E & Co Yan Newton & Dillmann, Ph?ip Marshall i: McMit- Ward Dillon, Patrick lan VanSlyke, John Dixon, Robert H Mickle, Charlee Yenning, W C DRUngham, Thom-Miller, John Vere, John as [Middleton, C H Yeaning, W L' Doby, A I (freedman) Von Glahu, D ' Drake, B D jMorrisy, Pat W Drew, Edgard Moran, Samuel Ward, Minge Dunker, C G Montague, Isah . Waring, Theodoro Dunkleo, E H Montgomery, AG D Duffin, Samuel A Murphy, James Walker, Frank E Murrey, James (col'd) Eason, John B Mc Wagner, M L & Edwards, Dr J McAndrew, John Bro Gadsden P Watkins, Georgo Edey, William McBride, M Walsh, James Eding, G McCants, Capt L A Wall, John Ehrickx, Henry McCuIlin, James Walsh. James ERott, Rev John McKay, John S Werber, F H McMann, Daniel Weatherhorn, P Elliott, J G B N West, Charles Emme, W?liam Nash, Jessie (freedman) Ewan, W M Nevin, Georgo WuRaniiou, Char F Neylau, Martin lie Farrer, Wm H Norman, Thomas Whiibridge.Gusta Forrest, Richard E vius R Fogarty, Philip O /Wilkes, W J Folev, Patrick O'Kcefo, John F Weinhold, John Foeket, D A O'Neal, John C Wheaton, G H & Frost, Henry Owics, Stephen Co Francis, Edward Ormond, H St A W?son, Jas Frasier, John Ottagniio, Posta Willson, James Friedner, Tiiilip Vinango Woolscy, J c Henry Orven, J L 'Woutis, John F?rst, Ot afc E I.I WaRins, James M &*?Pt. son) depositing letters in the Posiolhce will please to place the Btamp near the upper right hand cor? ner of the envelope, and they will also please to remem? ber that without the stamp a letter cannot he moiled, but must be Bent to tho Dead Letter Office. January 25 BREWSTER & SPRATT, Attorneys at Law & Solicitors in Equity OFFICE No. 08 BROAD STREET. November ? COMMERCIAL. Exporta for tke Week ending Thursday January 2-1. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL-Per Br bark Tho Qucon-309 bales S land 1472 bales Upland Cotton, 131 bbls Rosin, 104 logs limber_Per Swedish bark Ostondia-142 bales SI Cotton, U2G bales Upland Cotton, 14 tons Fustic. Per ship Nereus-05 bales SI and 2985 bales Upland Cotton.Tor bark Toacano-301 bales S I and 1909 bales Upland Cotton. 3 tierces Rice. H ALIE \X, NS-Forbrig Chcbuctoo-70bbls Rosin, 10 bbls Spirits Turpentine; 20,508 feet Steam Sawed Lumber, 52.5G0 feet Flooring Boards. HAVANA-Per brig Carmen-luO.GOO feet Lumber. DOMESTIC. BOSTON-Per sehr R C Thomas-1C7.000 feet Pitch Pine Timber. . _. NEW YORK-Per steamship Granada-101 tierces Rice, 69 bales SI Cotton, 304 bides Upland Cotton, 4 bales Yarn, 150 sheets Copper, 44 Packages.Per steamship Flambeau-98 tierces Rice, 52 bags Sea Island Cotton, 480 bales Upland Cotton, 84 bales Yara and Domestics, 17 Packages..Per sehr R Caldwoll-650 bales Upland and 94 bales S J. Cotton, 53 casks Rico, 120 bbl.? Rosin, 105 boxes Sugar, 45 casks Clay, 5 crates Crockery, 1G packages Bottles, 8 hhds Bones, 22 cases Furniture, 7 Small Guns, ic. A NORTHERN PORT-Por sehr Louie F Smith-130,000 feet Lumber. PHILADELPHIA-Per sehr Dauiol Brittain-70 bales Cotton, 1 pipe Gin. 200 tons Iron, 100 Car "Wheels, 14 Cannou, 10,000 feet Lumber..Per sehr Pathway 132,000 feet Lumber and Timber. B VLTLMORE-Per sehr E Waterman-95,000 feet Lum? ber.Per sehr Nevada-90.000 feet Pino Timber. NEW ORLEANS-Per sehr NeUio Tarbor-432 tiorcos Rico, 151 bags Peas, 5 Cases. THE CHARLESTON MARKET. (FOE THE WEEK ENDING THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1867.] COTTON.-The market opened on tho first of the week with Middling Upland at 3.3&C $ lb., but tho limited sales and declining prices at Liverpool have, notwith? standing the emaU stock of Cotton offering, and the firm? ness of holdors, caused prices to recede during tho week about ono cent tl lb. It is now feared that tho domands of the British market for Breadstuffs will be an impedi? ment for a time to au improvement in the price of the staple at Liverpool. Holders, who may bc looking for a rise, w?l have to closely observo this clement, of disturb? ance. Tho receipts at this point ior tho weok have boen 099 bales of Sea Island and 5487 bales of Uplaud Cotton, against C16 bales of Sea Island and fiCUl bales of Uplaud Cotton the week before. The following Is a statement ol the transactions in the staple for the past week : On Friday, tho 18th instant, there was a good attend? ance of buyers, but sellers wore offering but a limitod amount of Cobou. Tho business of tho day was in favoi of sellers. t-d prices hardened to tho oxtent of a hall cent %? lb.-sales 400 bales, Middling Cotton being quoted, at the close, at 33}ic. ^ lb. On Saturday the market was quiet, and the feeling not so strong as the day before; quotations, however, were without change-sole3 250 balee. On Monday, tho declining condition of the Liverpool market caused buyers to reduce their offering ratCB, and prices fell off during the dav about a half cont $ lb.-sales 250 bales-Middling Cotton closing at aboul 33c. $ lb. On Tuesday the market continued depressed, and i further decUno of a haH cent # lb. took place-Middllnf Cotton aching at 32>?@0Sc ^ lb.-sales of the day 35( bales. On Wednesday there was a fair demand, prices remain ing without chango, and buyers taking about 385 bales. Yesterday tho market was easier and prices generali} foU off. Sales 250 bales, say 1 at 28; 2 at 28J? ; 32 at 30 46 at 31H; 47 at 32; 98 at 32J?; 80 at 33. We quote: Low Middling.31 >?@ Middling.32>i@ Strict Middling....33 ? SEA ISLAND COTTON.-There has been a good in quiry for tho finer Cottons, but tho inferior have beei dull. The sales of the week amount to 400 bales. Price remaining without important chango, we continuo oui previous quotations, Bay 02 a 70 for Common; 75 a 91 for Medium, and 1 00 a SI 40 for Flue. Floridos arc seUing at C0@85c. $ lb, as in quality. COTTON STATEMENT. ?. M'd. Upl'd. Rice Stock on hand Sept 1,18GC. 235 6,300 ... Received Irom Jan. 17, '67, to Jan. 23, r.... 699 5,487 791 Received previously. 5,669 77,217 5,09: Total Receipts. 6,603 88,004 5,8ff EXPORTS. 5. I'd. Up'd. Sice. From Jan. 18 to 24, "67. 1,105 8.802 687 Previously. 4,370 63,553 4,538 5.975 72,355 5,225 Total exports.5,975 72,355 5,22; Stock on hand and on shipboard_ 628 15,649 661 SAME TIME LAST YEAR. S.rtd. Upl'd. Rte. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1865. 362 1,610 101 Receipts from Jan 18 to 24, '66. 155 1,725 ... Received previously. 2,499 45,686 1,391 Total Rooeipts.3,016 48,921 1,491 EXPORTS. ?. rd. Up'd. Rice. From Jan 19 to 25, '66. 426 ll Previously.. 2,772 44,464 1,420 2.772 44,890 1,431 Total Exports. 2,772 44,890 1,43: Stock on hand and on shipboard_ 244 4.031 6' RICE-There has been a fair demand for this grail during the week, and, on Friday last, a lot of prime Rici sold at 10c. per lb; afterwards the market was lesa activ< and, for a time, weaker, but with a light stock of rleai holders aro quite firm. We note soles of 200 tierces clear Carolina at 9>?c per lb; 25 tierces do. at 9j?c; 60 do. &? ?jtfc., and 41 at 10c per lb. Wo quote fair to gooc clean Carolina at 9}??9*?c, and primo at 9^@10c. poi lb. The arrivals of Rough Rice during the week amoun to about 12,000 bushels. NAVAL STORES.-The receipts continue so light tba transactions aro merely nominal. HAY-There have bcon no arrivals since our last report Tho transaction? have been confined to store lots o North River, which have been scUing at 51 70@175 pei hundred, the market closing at tho lutter price. Then is no East rn on the market CORN.-Tho receipts amount to about 16,000 bushels, nU from Baltimore. We learn of Bales of a cargo of 600C bushels-6000 white, in bidk, and 1000 yellow, in bags, al 11 28 per bushel round; 3000 bushels to arrive, at $1 4C per bushel, in bag*; 3000 bushels of mixed abd yellow on the spot at SI 40 per bushel. The stock on hand is quite light and holders firm. - OATS.-Tho arrivals have boen light. Thereisafah local demand, and Bales, in bug3, have taken place at 87c, $ bushel. We quote in bulk at 75@80c. $ bushel, and in bags at 87c. t? bushel. FLOUR.-This articlo is in fair local demand, prices remaining aa quoted tho woek before-say for Northen and Western Super ?12@S12.50 per bbl. ; Extra do., S13.2? ?13.50 $ bbl.; Baltimore Super $13.50@$14 ? bbl.; Extra do. ?14.50@SIl> $ bbl. Family Flour is selling al $17@?18 9 bbl. BACON.-The stock of meat on the market has be como oxtremoly light, and prices have advanced. Tin demand, for Sides has been active and wo quote prime ribbed at 14 ??c. 3 lb. ; prime clear ribbed at 15c. f. lb, and clear Sides at 16c. ? lb. Prime Shoulders arc soil? ing at 13J?c $ lb, SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-Tho cargo of Louisiana Su? gar, received lately, has been mostly sold, part of it at 12c for prime, and Viy^c. lb. for white. Now Orleans Mo. lasses is selling at 80c. tl gallon, and Syrup at 82c A cargo of Cuba clayed Molasses, in hogsheads bas boon disposed of by Messrs. ENSLOW t Co., at 45@46c $ gal? lon. SALT.-There has boen an arrival of abont 4000 sacks direct from Liverpool which is seUing from shipboard at S2 25 to 2 30 Q sack. There is a limited local and country demand, which holders aro supplying at $2 50 ^ sack for Common Liverpool. BAGGING AND ROPE-Gunny Cloth is oxtrcmely duh and nominal, and wo quote from 25@26c. ^ yard. ROPE-There is but little inquiry for this articlo; ['Primo Hemp may be quoted at 20c. lb., and Jute 12>?c. I 9 lb. TIMBER AND LUMBER.-There is some increase in the supply of Timber, but the stock is still limited, with only a light demand. Wo renew our rates, say for Com? mon Timber $4@S5 fl M; for Milt Timber S7@$10, and Shipping Timber S12@S15 f> M. Rall Lumber is selling at S12@S15 $ M; City Steam Sawed is held at $20@330 9 M. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool Js'd. for Upland and ld. for Sea island Cotton. To Havre nominal. To tho West Indies nothing doing. Coastwise-To New York, by steam. Icente lb. on Upland, lucent ^ lb. on Sea Island Cotton; S2 f tierce on Rico; 60 cents bbl on Rosin; by sail % cent $ lb. on Upland Cotton. To Boston, by steam, 1 cent $ lb on Upland Cotton; yt cent f, lb. by sail. To Philadelphia ii cont $ lb. on Upland Cotton, by steam, and ? cent ^ lb. by sail. To Baltimore-The steamers tale Cotton for Liverpool, to bo re-shipped by steam through at New York steamer's rates; on Lumber, by sail, S7 50@$8 $ M. EXCHANGE-Sterling Bills-Tho rate yesterday was unsettled, but may be quoted at C33@644 to tho pound Bterling for GU dayB' bills. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks arc purchasing.Siglit Checks on New York at % per cent discount; five to ten days, & per cent, discount off; fifteen days, & per cent discount off; twenty days, 1 per cent discount oil"; twenty-five days, 1>? per cent, off; thirty days, per ct off. Tliey soU Sight Drafts on Now l'ork at % premium, j GOLD.-Tiio brokers wore yesterday buying at 35 and selling at 37. Augusta Market. AUGUSTA, January J3.-Tho Money market remains unchanged. Gold-brokers buy at 135 and sell at 138. Silver at 130 and seU at 135. Corros-There is a little more activity in tho market to-day than yesterday, but holders stiU refuse to accede to the views of buyers. Wo quote middling 30 vc, and strict middling 31,vr, and good middling 32c. Sales of the day foot np 270 bales, as follows, viz: C nt 27, 3 at 28, fi at 29, 54 at 30, 7 at 30 Jg; 33 at 31, 53 at 31 >,'. 26 at 31 jr, 64 at 32,12 at 32'i, and 6 at 32,'?. The receipts aro 489 bales. Mobile Market. MOBILE, January 21.-Corros-The demand has boon very light throughout the dav. In tho fore part of tho morning buyers were paying as high as 32c fe* Middling, but on recr-i^t of Liverpool advices reporting a declino of f.'d, they offered only 31 }<c. Some small transactions were effected at this rate, but most of the sales made early in the morning were on a basis of 32c. Sales ?u? bales, the market closing quiet and dull. MONETARY AND FINANCIAL- DOMOHUC Exchaugo has been very active to-day, and large transactions arc re. ported at & checking and % discouut buying commer? cial bills. Tho demand for Gold continues good, and was firm at the close at 135>ial37. 142al44 bU3iuess hasbecn done iu Sterling, closing at New Orleans Sight par. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, January 23-TURPENTINE-Is without change. Sales to-day of 5C6 bbls, at *4 05 for vellow din and ?2 0;> for hard. \ TAR-Has declined 5c, and 37 bbb) sold at $165 per bbl 1 No other transactions reported, and the market rules Inactive for spirits turpentine, rosin and cotton. Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, January 21.-COFFEE-The market Ia vcrv firm for Rio, and good grades aro hold ?a? cont higher. Wo report ealos to-day of 600 hags at 17al8^c; choice quoted at 18?c, gold. COTTON-ls in good demand, with sales of 150a200 bales rattling Uplands at 34o34?c With Bght offerings tho m~ ' :loaed Him. IX . t-We continuo to note" an actlco market for all descriptions, though prices remain nominally unchanged. There is no stock of Whiter wheat shipping Extra on ac? count of tho scarcity of wheat, and its high cost; last sales were at $14 75. Thero were sales to-day of 70 bbls Rye Flour at $7 12?, and GO do at $6 60. The rango of tho market is given as follows, viz : Howard-street Super and Cut Extra.. .$11 00 @S11 50 Howard-strcot Shipping Extra. 12 60 (q) 13 00 floward-slroet High Grades. 13 00 fi> 14 50 Howard-street Family. 15 60 @ 16 00 Ohio Super and Cut Extra. 10 76 @ ll 25 Ohio Extra Shipping. 00 00 @ 00 00 Ohio retelling. 00 00 @ 00 00 Ohio Family. 15 00 @ 15 60 Northwestern Super. 10 25 @ ll 00 Northwestern Extra.ll 60 @ 12 75 City Mills Supor. 10 60 @ 12 00 City Mills, Standard Extra.ll 50 @ 12 75 City Mids Shipping brands Extra. 14 75 @ 10 00 Daltim'e, Welsh's i Greenfield Family. 17 50 @ 00 00 Baltimore High Orate Extra. IC 75 @ 00 00 Rye Flour, new. 6 25 @ 0 75 Corn Meal. City Mills. 6 00 (at 00 00 GBAIN-There were only 400 bus of red Wheat offered to-dav, and no sales reported; transactions have been so meagre for several days past Unit it ia difficult to give quotations. Corn-5300 bus wliito sudJOOO bus yellow comprised tho offerings reported to-day on 'Chango; tho market was quiet, and prices steady at Saturday's quota? tions; included in the sales wero 400 bus mixed white at 08 couts; 3000 bus fair to prime while at Slal 05; 6000 bus yellow at 98 els to SI 02, only 1000 bus at the latter, lin yesterday's paper sales of yellow Corn were, by an error of typo, roportod a' high as SI 08, instead of $1 OL] Oats-3000 bus received, and sold at 59a60 cte $ bus. Nothing doing in Rye. MOLASSES-No.sales reported, and but little inquiry; quotations nominal 03 last given. PBOVISIONS-WC report Bales of 25 bbls Western Mess Pork at S22; 50 bbls now orime Meas at $20 per bbl; on Saturday lost 100 casks Cincinnati fully cured and pack? ed Shoulders at 9c; to-day 50 casks at the same figure. Bacon is steady at Ile for Shoulders, 12?c tor rib Sides, and 13c for clear rib do; IGalTo for city sugar-cured Hams. Lard is quiet at BJ?C for both city and western bbls. Tho market generally closed serong under advices of advanc? ing prices Westward. KICK-Is finn atlast quotations, viz: for Carolina 10? alO-t?c per lb. Rangoon is also held higher; wo learn seine salea have recently been made in bond, quote 3%a 4c gold. ':--> SUGARS-Are inactive but held firm; wo have only to notice to-day'sales of 100 boxea Havana, low grade, for refining, at 10c; 20 bids grocery Porto Rico at 12c, and 10 lines Demorara vscuum pad at 13?c. SALT-Is steady at last quotations, viz: for Liverpool Ground Alum S2 10ft2 15, and do Fino $3 10a3 25 per sack. Turks Island 5fia58c per bushel. WHISKEY-Continues dull and irregular on account of thc uncertainty awaiting tho action of Congress on the proposed reduction of tho tarifi". New York Market. MONEY MARKET. Tho New York Evening Post, of Monday, January 21st, says : Thc loan market is unchanged. Thc rate is 7 for call loans, with exceptionable transactions on Governments at 6. Discounts are dull at 7a8, with very few choice bills offering. For gold 'his forenoon tho following were tho leading quotations: 10, 136?; 10:30, 136%; ll, 130?; 12, 136?; 1, m??; 1:30,136?; 2,130?. Foreign exchaugo is firm. Bills at sixty days on Lon? don arc quoted at 108?ul09 for commercial; 100?al09? for bankers'; do at short sight, HOallO?; ?t?ris, at 60 days, 5 16?a5 16?; do at short sight, 615a6 J 3?; Ant werp. 518?ia5 ICM ; Swiss, 517?a5 l&X; Hamburg, 30?a 36?; Amsterdnm, 41?a41?; Frankfort, 41^041?; Bro men,78?a79; Prussian tkalem, 72?a72?. PRODUCE MAP.1OT. . NEW YORK, January 21.-FLOOR, ftc-Tho market for western and stat i flour ?B moderately active, owing to the icc aud snow in thc harbor. Spring wheat extras arc 5al0c better, but all winter wheat flours are dull, and io effect sales a decline would havo to be submitted to. The Biles are 4800bbls at $9 45al(>45 for superfine state; S10 C0al2 30 for extra state; $10 20al215 for the low grades of spring wheat western extra; $11 80al2 61 for shipping Ohio; SI 2 53 al i 40 for trade brands, and SI J 25alG 7u for St Louis extras. Buckwheot flour is firm at $3a3 30 per 100 lbs. Canadian flour is steady but quiet. Sales of 100 bbb club extras at S13. Southern llour is dull but steady. Sales of 100 bbls al ' I $11 65ai3 75 for common to fair Baltimore and countrj extras, and $14 20al7 for trado and family brands. Rye flour is better and fairly active. Sales of 400 bbb at $6 50a810. Com meal inactive and prices arc nominal. GRAIN-The wheat market is inactive, and in the ab Bence of business prices arc nominally unchanged. Oats are firmer, particularly those easy of access; those in store selling with less freedom. Thc sales oro 20,00( bushels fair to good Chicago at 64aC7c; Ohio and Mich! gan G7c; State 70c, in bags; Jersey 70c, in bags. Rye is held higher. Thc sales arc 25.0UO bushels Cana dian at $115, in bond. Corn is better and in fair demand. The inquiry lt greatly restricted, owing to the obstruction of ice in the harbor, and is inpart for export. The sales aro 48,00? bushelB Western mixed at$118??in store, and 119?c 1 20 afloat; Jersey yellow at $114al 15. PROVISIONS-Tho por'.c market bas been fairly active, without chango to note in pricos. For future dellverj we hear of 250 b ls now mess, seller balance of the month, at S21; 600 do new Western meas, check on 15th February, at $21 50; 1000 bbls do do, seller February, ai $21 50a21 62?, and 250 bbls, buyer February, at $21 75 Tho sales, cash and regular, are 2250 bbls at $19 ?5 foi old mess, and $2150 for new Western do. Beef is quiet at previous rates. Sales of 100 bbls at SC al2 for old plain more; SllalS for new do; $12al6 for old extra do, and S17a21 50 for now do. Beef hams aro moderately active. Sales of 60 bbls, al $31u33 for Western. Cut meats are in fair demand and firmer. Sales of 15( packages, at 9a9?c for shoulders, aud ll?al2c for hams. Bacon is quiet Dressed hogs opened finner, but close rather heavy, Wo quote at B,'.ia8?u for Western, and 9?a9?c for city, Lard is very dull, and pricos nominal. Holders asl 13?c for prime steam and kettle, but there are no l ids over 13?c. Small sales of tierces kettle rendered, seller, last hali February, at 13?c COFFEE-Is without change in prices, but tho businesE has beou only to a moderate exiont. COTTON-Tho market to-day in very quiet Wo quote only nominally at 35c for Middling Uplands, and 36c foi New Orleans and Texas. HEMr-Manilla is firm and in good demand at ll?*'a 12e gold. Other kinds aro inactive. Hors-Are firm, and in good demand for homo cou, sumption. We quote at from 20a40 and 60c, as lo growth and quality. LtME-Rockland is moderately active and steady al SI 70 for common, and $2 10 for lump. MOLASSES-Is dull but steady. RICE-'s dull but firm. SUGAR-Raw Sugars are in fair demand, but prices are steady, with sales at 10?al0?c for Cuba; 12c lor Porte Rico, and 600 boxes Havana at 9?a9?e. Relined arc dull but steady. TALLOW-Thc demand is good, but the small suppl; restricts business. We quote at about ll?c for prime. WHISKEY-Tho market is unsettled and prices are no? minal. Sales of 400 bbls at S2 29a2 35 for western. t'rn Ijjnu's per Sou tl? Cu roi ?nu Railroad January Jil. :<03 bales Cotton, 13 bales Mdzc, 3 cars Stock. Furni? ture, Ac. To E H Rodgers A: Co, O Reeder, J Mintz, I 1) Utsoy, L M Ayer k Co, W 0 Dukes & Co, C B Smith, J C Wilsou, C F Benson, Gen Tyler, Major Parker, Gravur, L S te Co, Mrs Barker, H L Jenora k Co, Willis k Chis olm, W Brookbauks, G W Wilhams k Co, W W Smith. ? J WiBB k Co. Hunt Bros, C N Averill k Son, Thurston k Holmes, F C Moy, Adams, Frost A: Co, J D Aiken k Co, G W Witte, Courtney k Co, T Tupper k Sons, R R Agent, Loo k Co, Kmg & Cas?idoy, J Camp&n k Co, J T Ilene ry, F S Rodgers. Passengers. Per stoamor Pilot Boy, from Savannah, Beaufort, kc M Mitchell, C C Dupont, Major M J Kirk, Dr B W Sea brook. Capt M J Groli?h, W Eerrebce and 2 servants; J G Foster, .J Wingate, W W Fripp, A L Burns, J Fripp, C Pa ctting, Dr M Sams, W H Harrison, K Miller, Mrs Moultrie, aud 20 deck. Per steamer Fannie, from Georgetown-A Bloomberg, Cllt- ohnstouo, C Hill, wll'o and non, E D Horry, F fi Parker, Miss Izard. A linnie, W H Correll, Miss Chap? man, S Fraser, and 45 neck. MARINE NEWS. P O RT OP CHARLESTON . Arrived Yesterday. Sehr WiUiam k John, Peterson, Georgotown, S C. ShiugloB and Staves. To J A Enslow k Co. Steamer P?ot Boy, McNoRy, Savannah, via Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Hoad, and Boyd's Landing. 152 bales S I Cotton, 27 bales Squan Cotton, 1 bab? Wool, and Mdze. To Ferguson k Holmos.'Pinckney Bros, Railroad Agent, Col J P Low, Adams. Frost k Co, Hopkins, Me Pherson & Co, Ravenel k Co, Porcher k Henry, Frazer it Dill, W C Dukes & Co, C Coctiing, 3 L Howard, J Jen? kins, J A Enslow k Co, T L Webb, W Gurney, Order. Steamer Fannie, Davis, Georgetown, S C. 95 tierces Rico, 35 bales Cotton, and Mdze. To Ferguson k Hohnes, Sbackelford i Fraser, J R Pringle, Thurston k Holmes, and others. Sehr A S Deas, from West Point Mill. 22 bbls Rico. To S L Howard. Sloop Ellon, Gradick, Cooper River. 10L- bushels R Rico. To Roper k Stoney. Cleared Wednesday. Ship Nereus, Nichols, Liverpool-Willis k Chisolm. Cleared Yesterday. Bark Toscauo, Delano. Liverpool-Street Bros k Co. Sehr Nellie Tarbox, Pendleton, Now Orleans-T Tupper ic Sous. Went to Sea Wednesday. Ship Nereus, Nichols. Liverpool. Went v.? Sea Yesterday. Br brig Carmen, Faulkner, Havana. Sehr R C Thomas, Crockett, Boston. Sehr Dauiol Brittain, Springer. Philadelphia. Sehr Vapor, Rogert, Hilton Hoad. The steamship Saragossa, Capt CroweU, from New York, arrived at a late hour on Wednesday night. She reports having experienced heavy gales from tho SE. The following are her consignees and passengers : Consignees-Ravenel & Co, R lt Agents, Southern Ex presB Co, J E Adger & Co, G W Aimar, C D Ahrens, J B Aiken & Co, Alexander & Levy, T W BlisB, H Bischoff k Co, Bollmann Bros, E Bates & Co, W M Bird St Co, T A Bcamith k Co, Bissell k Co, J R Boyleston, A Uischofl'. T M BristoU, J C Blohme, B Decry k Co, Bogert, Denny & Co, T M Cater, G W Clark k Co, W H Chafee, Camcrou, Barkley k Co, W S Corwin k Co, Chisolm Bros, J W Car malt J C H Clausscu, J Campeen k Co, Cartmill, Harbe son k Co, Bowie A: Moise. J i: F Dawson, G Lowie, Dew? ing, Burkett k Co, B T Doory, H Dalev, A W Eckel k Co Ferguson it Holmes. B Feldman. D F Fleming k Co, EL Tronholni, J H Graver, R W Galo k Co, C Graveley, A G Goodwin, H Gerdts k Co, W Gurney, druber k Martin G A Glover, N A Hunt, F S Holmes, J Hammond, J H Hillen, J Hcesemanu k Co, Hastie, Calhoun k Co, M W Hoath, J Heins, J W Harrisson A; Son, G H Hoppock, H L Jeffers A: Co, FM Jones, E II Jackson, Kendall it Dock cry, H W Kinsman, Klinck, Wickcnbcrg & Co, T S King, H Klatte k Co, J P Keip, W Knoblock, W Kinsman, J * J D Kirkpatrick, Laurey & Alexander, Lyons A: ("o, Q H Linstedt & Co, Lufirs k Stelling, H Lindstrom, Little k Marshall, W MeComb A: Co, Mantoue k Co, S R Marshall C H Moiso k Co, W Marschor, R H McDowell k Co, J H & D Muller, C Monler. Midler A: Nimitz, McKay A; Camp? bell, McLoy A. Rice, R Martin, Mchrteus A: Wbhltmaun, B O'Neill. D O'Neill k Sou, C P Poppenholm, R E Pen? nal, C F Paukuin, G W JPoud, J A Qiwkcubusb, Quhnby A: Co. M M Quinn, J Russell; J N Robson, J R Read k Co, C Ring, W P R?get k Co, Ravenel & Barnwell; E H Rodgers k Co, W Roach, Street Bros k Co. F E Sobro der, L SchncR & Co, J Small E Scott, G W Steffens li Co W W Smith, J Shaw, H. Slender, Thompson & Bro, AV G Trott C Voigt, R M Welch. J Walker. Werner k Ducker Wagoner, Heath A: Monsocs. G W Williams A: Co. Passengers-U Xohn, N Wheaton, N K Chile E Bra merd, T Kearney. J Hayden, Jr, M Welch, Mr? Julia Hil Rugs, Miss Root Mr? Anne Mannox. LIST OP SHIPPING I In the Port of Charleston,,January 2-1,18G7. VESSELS UNDER 100 TONK. AND STEAMERS COASTING WITHIN TUE f-TATE EXCEPTED. STEAMSHIPS. Saragossa, 778 tons, Crowcll, at Adgor's wharr for New York, loading.Ravenel ? Co Adele, 645 tous. Hall, at Brown's wharf, for Galveston Texas,loading-.street Bros k Co Confidence, 794 tons, Johnson, at Brown's wharf for Liverpool, loading.W B Smith ? Co Screamer, 120 tons, Young; at Atlantic wharvcR for Liverpool, loading.W B Smith 'k Co BARKS. Toflcano. 728 tons, Delano, in the Stream, for Liverpool reud>'.Street Bros k Co Regina (Br). CTOtons, Tobin, at Boyce & Co's-wharf, for Liverpool, loading.B Mure k Co Ange Guardlcno (Tr), 486 tone, W?I?B, at Marsh's wharf, from Havana, waiting.JA Ens] ow k Co B F Shaw (Br), 371 tons, Cann, in Ashley River, for Havana, loading.JA Enslow k Co Mazatlan (Br), 3G3 tons, Fauvre, at Union wharf, for Havre, loading.JA Enslow k Co Tho Queen (Br), 698 tons, Stuart, in tho Stream, for Liverpool, ready..-. B Mure k Co James Wilson (Br), 304 tons. Byer, at Kerr's wharf, from Swan Island, to be repaired.R Muro k Co Regina, 699 tons, Cumminger, at Accommodation wharf, for Liverpool, loading.CN Hubert Yumuri (Br), 471 tons. Thompson, at Vanderhorst wharf, from Liverpool, discharging.Ravcnel k Co Centro do EBportaclon (Span), 410 tons, Ferres, in the Stream, from Havana, waiting.WPHaU BRIGS. Haze, 264 tons, HaU, at Atlantic wharf, for Boston, load? ing.JA Enslow k Co Joven Jose, iso tons, Fradua, at Bennett's wharf, from Havana, repairing.P J Eenard Union (Br), 133 tons, Stickney;-sat Union wharf, for the West Indies, ready.Master Castillan, 201 tons, Hardenbrook, at Union wharf, for West Indies, ready.JA Enslow k Co Josie A Devereaux, 390 tons, Clark, at Brown k Co's wharf, for Boston, loading.BF Baker k Co John Peirce, 170 tons, Strout, at Union wharf, from Ma tauzas, discharging...JA Enslow k Co Anna D Torrey, 219 tons, Haskell, at Kerr's wharf, from Boston, discharging...F P Locke SCHOONERS. Aid (Br), - tons, McCormick, at Union wharf, from Matanzas, waiting.Master Magnolia, 139 tons, Chase, in the Stream, for Norfolk, Va, ready.JA Enslow k Co EUa Fish, - tons. Wffiey, at Marshall's wharf, for Balti? more, loading.Street Bros k Co R CaldwoU, 460 tons. Mccormack, at Adger's wharf, for Now York, ready.V Roach Nellie Tarbox, 128 tomi, Pendleton, at Brown k Co's wharf, for New Orleans, ready.T Tupper k Sons D B Worner, 280 tonB, Hildretn, at Adger's wharf, for New York, loading.W Roach John Crockford, 118 tons, Jones, at Brown k Co's wharf, for New York, loading.Street Bros k Co Jonas Sparks, 187 tons, Crowther, in Ashley River, for Baltimore, loading.StreotBros k Co Lilly, 120 tons, Woolford, in Ashley Eiver, for Balttmoro, loading.Scroven k Nisbet David V Strieker, 190 tons, Van Gilder, at Union wharf, from Baltimore, dischandng.Master J Dailey, 184 tons, Wall, at Union wharf, from Baltimore, discharging.Mordecai k Co Azelda k Laura, 109 tons, Mclndoe, at Cen'ral wharf, for West DadieB, ready.W?lis k ChiBOlm Eliza Frances, - tone, Sawyer, at Kerr's wharf, from Bal? timore, discharging.T J Kerr k Co Ocean Traveller, 210 tons, Adams, at Control wharf, from St Pierre, Mar. Just arrived.HF Baker is Co Moses Fatten, 107 tons, Harding, at Southern wharf, from Now York, discharging.Risley k Creighton Volant, - tons, Dodge, at Southern wharf, from New York, discharging.Risley k Creighton Paragon, - tons, Shute, at Brown k Co's wharf, from New Tork, discharging.T Tupper k Sons Charleston Wholesale Prices^ Corrected and Revised Daily. AB TIC LES. BAGGING, ty yard Dundee. 40 @ 45 Gunny Cloth. 25 @ 20 BALE ROPE, ty lb-Manilla. 24 ? 26 Western. 20 @ 23 New York. - ? - Jute. 12K@ - BREAD, ty Us Navy. - @ - Pilot. 10 ? - Crackers. 12 ? 15 BRICKS, ty M. 0.00 ?20.00 ' BRAN, ?! 100 ms. 33 ? - ' COTTON, ty lb Ordinary to Good Ordinary.. 30 ? Low Middling. SIX? - Middling to Strict Middling. 32>?@ 33 Good Middling. - ? - I Sea Island. 62 @ 1.40 L RANDLES, ty lb-Sparm. 30 @ 32. Adamantine. 25 ? 26 1 Tallow. 19 ? 20 ? COFFEE, ty lt-Rio. 26 @ 30 . Laguayra. 28 ? 36 '. Java.I ? 45 CORDAGE, ty lb-Manilla. - ? - Tarred American. 20 @ 23 1 CORN MEAL, ty bbl. 6.00 ? - COAL, ty ton-Anthracite.11.00 012.00 . Cumberland,. nominal. ' COPPER, ty lb-Sheet. 58 @ 00 FERTILIZERS 1 Peruvian Guano, ty ton:. 100.00 ? - Pacific Guana, ty 2000 lbs. 75.00 ? - Bough's Phosphate, ty 2000 lbs... 60.00 ? - RhodCB' Phosphate, ty 2000 lbs... 65.00 ? - Mapes'Supcr Phosphate, $ 2000 lb 65.00 ? - ! Zell'a Raw Bone Phosphate. 66.00 ? - 1 Zoll's Super Phosphate of Lime.. 60.00 ? - . FISH-Cod, ty 100 lbs. 7.00 ? 9.00 Herring, ty box. 70 ? 80 Mackerel, No. 1, ty half bbl. 9.00 ?10.00 Mackerel, No. 2, ty half bbl. 8.00 ? - 1 Mackerel No. 3, ty bbl. - ? - > Mackerel, No. 1, by kits. 2.12 ?3.00 > No. 2. 3.00 ? - 1 No. 3. - ? - Sardines, ty 100-quarter boxes.. 23 @ 25 > Half boxes.... 48 @ 60 ' FLOUR, ty bbl-Super.12.00 ?12.50 > Northern and Western Extra.13.00 ?13.50 i Baltimore Extra.14.00 ?10.00 ! Southern Extra.?5.00 ^?18.00 ? FRUITS-Primea, ty lb. 22 ? - ? Figs. 40 ? - Dried Apples. 10 ? 28 1 Almonds, soft shell. 35 ? 40 ' Raisins, M. R., ty box. 4.00 ? 6.00 Raisins, Layer. 4.50 ? 5.50 ' Oranges. - @ - Lemons. 4.00 ? 8.00 ' GLASS, ty box of 60 feet American, 8x10. 5.50 ? 0.00 American, 10x12. 6.00 @ 6.50 French, 12x14.1 7.00 ?8.00 ? GRAIN-Maryland Oats, ty bushel. 75 ? 87 : Western Oats, ty bushel. - ? - 1 Corn, ty bushol..'. 1.25 ?1.30 Beans, ty bushel.. 2.00 ?3.00 HAY, ty cwt-North River. 1.70 @ 1.75 1 Eastern. - ? - HIDES-Dry, ty lb. 10 ? 12 ? INDIGO-ty lh. 1.00 ? 1.75 " IRON- Relined, ty tb. 07 ? 07 J Swede. 09 ? 10 > LATHS, ty M. 4.00 ? 4.50 LIME-Sh??, ty bid.s. - ? - South Carolina.*.. 1.50 @ - 1 Rockport. 2.00 @ 2.25 Cement. .2.75 ? 3.50 ' Plaster Paris. 4.00 ? 4.60 LUMBER, ty M. feet Clear White Pine, 1st quality. 50.00 ?65.00 White Pine, good run_. 38.00 ?40.00 Yellow Pine. 20.00 ?25.00 1 Boards, ty M. feet-Rough.12.00 ?15.00 > . Grooved and Tongued_ 28.00 ?32.00 LEATHER, country tanned, ty lb. - ? - - MOLASSES, ty gallon-Cuba. 40 @ 52 Muscovado. 55 @ 66 Su gai-House. 50 ?1.00 New Orleans. 75 ? 82 1 NAVAL STORES, ty bbl-Tar. - ? - Pitch. - ? - RosimTPalo. - ? - Rosin, No. 1. - @ - Rosin, No. 2. - ? - J Rosin. No. 3. - ? - Spiiits Turpentine, ty gallon. - ? - Oa?uuT. ? uV. 10 (ri) - ; NAILS-American, 4@20d, ty keg. 7.00 @ 7.76 American Wrought. - ? - Lathing. 7.50 ?10.00 Copper, ty lb. 1.00 ? - Galvanized. 30 Gt - Spikes. 12 ? 16 OILS-Lard, ty gallon. 1.80 ? 1.90 ! Linseed, ty gallon. 1.60 @ 1.05 Sperm, Winter, ty gallon. 3.10 ? 3.15 Cotton Seed, ty gallon. - ? - Castor (E. I.), ty gallen. 3.00 ? - Olive, ty dozen. 8.00 ?10.00 Kerosene ty gallon. 70 ? - Benzine, ty gallon. 60 ? - 1 PROVISIONS-Beef, mesa, ty bbl.16.00 ?1?0.00 B;cf, primo. 14.00 ?16.00 Pork, mess. - ? - Rump.,. - ? - Bacon, Hams, ty ?J. 16 @ 20 - Bacon, Sides. U%@ 16 Bacon, Shoulders. 13.^? - Bacon, Stripe. 16 ? 17 Lard, in keg.*. 15 ? 17 Butter. 30 ? 40 Cheese. 15 ? 64 Potatoes, ty bbl. 2.75 ? 3.00 Onions. 3.00 ? 3.25 Apples. 4.00 ? 6.00 PAINTS-VTbito Lead, ty lb. 12 ? 20 Black Lead. 12 ? 14 Zinc, White. 12 ? 18 PLOW STEEL, ty Tb 12 @. - RICE-Carolina, ^ lb. 9??? 9% East India. - ? - SLATES- Amorlean. ty square.12.50 ? - SHINGLES, ty M. 7.00 ? 8.00 White Pine, first quality.12.00 ? - SALT- Liverpool, coarse, ty sack. 2.26 ? 2.50 Liverpool, line. - ? - SOAP- Bar, ty lb. ll ? 15 STARCH, ty lb. 10 ? 12 SPICES, ty lb-Cassia. 1.00 ? - Mace. 1.75 ? - OIOVCB. 75 ? - NutmegB. 2.00 ? 2.50 Pepper. 40 ? - Pimento. 40 ? 60 Race Ginger. 30 ? - SPIRITS, ty gallon-Alcohol. 5.00 ? 6.00 Brandy, Cognac. 4.00 ?12.00 Brandy, Domestic. 3.00 ?8.75 Gin, Holland. 4.75 @ 5.00 Gin, American. 3.50 ? 3.75 Rum, Jamaica. 5.00 ? 0.00 Rum, N. E. 2.50 @ 3.00 Whiskey, Bourbon. 3.00 ? 5.00 Whiskey, Roctined.I -.30 ? 2.40 SUGAR, ty lb-Raw. 9 ? 13 Crushed.I 18 ? - Clarified A. 17 ? Clarified B. - ? - Clarified C. 10>?@ 17 Loaf. 18 ? 19 Porto Rico. 13)?@ 14 Muscovy. 12 ? 14 SEGARS- Domestic manufacture, ty M. 18.00 .?46.00 TEAS, ty lb-Imperial. 2.00 ? 2.60 Gunpowder. 2.00 ? 2.60 Hyson. 1.50 ? 1.60>? Young Hyson. 1.50 ?1.60 Black. 1.00 ? 1.76 TOBACCO, ty lb. ns per quality. 40 ? 1.60 TIMBER-Hewn Timber-Yellow Pine. 4.00 ?15.00 Ash. - ? Poplar. - ? - Hickory. - ? - TIN-IC Roofing Plate.16.50 ? - IX Roofing Plate.18.00 ? - IC Tin Plate', 10x14.17.00 ? - I X Tin Plato 10x14.19.00 ? - I C Tin Plate, 14x20. 18.00 @ - Block Tin, ty lb. 40 ? - TWINE- Cotton, ty lb. 75 ? - Baling. 45 ? - Hemp. 45 ? - Jute. 60 ? - VARNISH- Bright, ty gallon. 25 ? - Parafino. - ? - VINEGAR-White Wine, ty gallon. CO ? - Cider. 30 ? - French. 1,00 ? 1.25 WINE, ty gallon-Port. 2.50 ? 0.00 Madeira:. 2.25 ? 6.00 . Sherry. 2.25 @ 5.00 Claret, ty caso. 5.00 ?13.50 Champagne, ty basket. 25.00 ?30.Ot) ZINC-Sheet, ty lb. 26 ? 27 Quotations for S. Carolina Baak Notes rOEPARKO BT CONISTEIR ?c WILSON, No. 5 I? voa ci Street, Charleston, S. Carolina. Buying Rates. Bank of Camden.40 Bank of Charloston.19 Bank of Chester.16 Bank of Georgetown.,.10 Bank of Hamburg.17 Bank of Newberry.42 Bank of South Ca'rolina.08 Bank of State of S. Carolina, prior to 1801.16 Bank of State of S. Carolina, after 1st Jan., '61. .08 Commercial Bank, Columbia.08 Exchange Bank, Columbia.15 Farmer's and Exchange Bank.04 Merchant's Bauk, Chorow.16 People's Bauk, Charleston.40 Planter's Bank of Fairfield.10 ? Planter's and Mechanic's Bank, Charleston... .19 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston.36 i State Bank, Charleston.08 Union Bank, Charleston.56 City of Charleston Chaugc Bills.92 Those quotations hable to fluctuations, MISCELLANEOUS, Exports of Cotton ?BOK TBS POET OF CHARLESTON, B. C., OOMMEKCTKO 1?T SEPT., 1866, IO JANUARY 21, 1867, mCLTTBITE. "WHENCE EXPORTED. THIS WEEK. PREVI? OUSLY. Liverpool. Hull. London... Glasgow.. Cork. Total to Great Britain. Havro. Marseilles. Bordeaux and Rochelle. Nantes. Total to France.. Russia-Northern Ports_ Russia-Ports of Black Sea. Sweden and Norway. Denmark. Spain-Ports on tho Atlantic Spain-Ports on Mediterran'n. Hamburg. Bremen. Cuba. Total o tier Foreign Ports. New York.... Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore_ Savannah.... Wilmington.. Jacksonville. Total to Coastwise Ports.. Grand Total. 7,041 7,041 1,626 "?? 53 1,739 8,780 24,4411 31,482 24,441 20 20 32,404 4,082 1,963 e.222 43,671 68,136 31,482 20 20 3-1,029 4,082 2,024 5,276 46,410 76,916 Exports of Rice, Naval Stores and Lumber, from thc Port of Charleston, from Scpt'cr Int to January ?4,1867. POETS. Boston. New York. Newport, R. I. Providence, R. I.... Philadelphia. Baltimore. Northern Port. Matanzas..... Barbadoes. Havana. Cuba and a Market. Liverpool. Rio de Janeiro. Halifax, NS. Cardanas. Bordeaux. West Indies. Baracoa. Bristol, Eng. ^Bahamas. Barcelona. New Orleans. Tierces. 362 4.074 121 2G4 432 N. STO?ES.! LUMBER Barrell. 1,154 11,052 82 4,487 52 86 126 17 1,720 '?30 Feet. 527.578 642,370 326.428 478,230 319,009 1,143,325 284,800 196,420 121,267 693,690 195,270 181,280 198,250 140,709 120,000 163,160 204,001 4,501 16,'??U "18 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infaRiblo romedieB known." -"Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, ETC., EXTERMINATORS, Is a paste-used for Rats,. Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Ants, kc.,' kc. "CostarV Bed-Bug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash-used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Bugt, kc. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, kc. jfcS* i t 1 BEWARE. 1 1 I of ah worthless imitations. j83~ See that "COSTAB'B" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. jQST Address. " HEMY R. COSTAR, No. 484 BBOADWAY, N. Y. 49? Sold in Charleston, S. C., by DB. P. MELVIN COHEN, No. 354 King-street. And aR Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BARNES, WARD k CO., Now OrloauB, La., Wholesale Agents for tho Southern State* "COSTAR'S" CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE, FOR CUTS, BURNS, BRUISES. WOUNDS. BOILS, CAN? CERS, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and Hi-conditioned Seres; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutane? ous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chil? blains, kc.; Chapped Hands, Lips, kc. ; Bites of Spid jr.?, Insects, Animals, .tc, kc. HST Boxes, 26 cts., 60 cts. and $1 sizes. ?S- Sold by all Druggists everywhere. /S* And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad? way, N. Y. - JOS' And by DB. P. MELVIN COHE1T, No. 354 Sing-street, Charleston, S. C. BARNES, WARD k CO., New Orleans, La.. Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. "COSTAR'S" UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT FOR CORNS, BUNIONS, WARTS, Ac. J8S5" Boxes 25 cts., 60 cts. and SI sizes. ?2* Sold by all Druggists everywhere. US' And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad wav, N. Y. SST And by DB. P. MELVIN COHEN, No. 854 King-street, Charleston, S. C. BARNES, WARD k CO., Now Orleans, La., Wholesale Agents for tho Southern Statos. "COSTAR'S" PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, romove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, &c. Ladies are now using lt lu preference to all others. JUS" Bottlos, SL iOST" Sold by all Druggist? everywhere. JSCs' And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad? way. N. Y. IBS' And by- DB. P. MELVIN COHEN, No. 354 Kiug-Btrcet, Charleston, S. C. BARNES, WARD k CO., New Orleuus,;La., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. "COSTAR'S" PEOTORAL COUGH REMEDY, FOR COUGHS. COLDS. HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza; Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Diseases ol tlie Throat and Luugs. i6Sr Bottles,~25 cts., 60 cts. and $1 si/.os. DBS' Sold by all Druggists everywhere. HS" And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad? way, N. Y. ?3* And by Dn. P. MELVIN COHEN, No. 354 King-street, Charluston, S. C. BARNES, WARD & CO., Now Orleans, La., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. "COSTAR'S" CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER ITLL, For Nervous and Sick Hcadacho, Costiveness, Indiges? tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, "Constipation, Diarrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general derangement of the Digestive Organs. JBS" Boxes, 25 cts., 60 cts. and SI B??HB. ?5*- Sold by aR Druggists every wht .-e. SST And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad? way, N. Y. OSS' And by DR. P. MELVIN COHEN, No. 354 King-street, Charleston, S. C. BARNES, WARD k CO., New Orleans. La., Wholesale Amenta tor the Southern St; tee. December 21 3moa HAYNE STREET, C GEO. W. WILLIAMS & GO.. COTTON FACTO RS ;j Church-street, Charleston, S. C. GEO. W. WTTITITAMS. E. 0. WILLIAMS; J. H. HAVING ESTABLISHED OHE HOUSES AS THE TRANSACTION OP YOUB BUSINESS TN CBJ November 14 "A emile woe on ber Up-health was In ber look strength was in her step, and In her hands-PLANTA HON BIXTKBS." S. T.-1860-X. & few bottles of PLANTATION Brrrsns Will cure Nervous Headache. " Gold Extremities and Fevoriab. Lip?. M Bonr Stomach and Fetid Breath. " Flatulency and Indigestion. " Nervous Affoctloua. " Excessive Fatigue and Short Breith. " Palu over the Eyoc. " Mental Despondency. " Prostration; Groat Weakness. " Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, ic. Which are the evidences of : . LIVER COMPLAINT ANO DYSPEPSIA. It ls estimated that seven-tenths of ail adult alimente proceed from a deceased and torpid liver. The biliary secretions of the liver overflowing into tho stomach poi? son the entire syBtem and exhibit the above symptoms. After long research, wo aro able to present tho most remarkable cure for these horrid nightmare diseases, the world has ever produced. Within one year over six hundred and iorty thousand persons have taken the PLANTATION BITTE es, and not an instance of complaint has come to our knowledge I It ls a most effectual tonto and agreeable stimulant, suited to all conditions of hie. The reports that lt rolle? upon mineral substraeos for Its active properties, are wholly fame. For the satis (action of tho public, and that patients may consult their physicians, we append a list of its components. CALIBATA ?JABK.-Celebrated tor over two hundred years in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, etc It was introduced into Europe by the Countess, wifes of the Viceroy 01 Peru, in 1040, and afterwards sold by the Jesuits for the enormous pnce of its own we?jfU in silver, ander tho name of Jesuit's Pow? ders, and waa ?natly made public by Louis XVI King of France. Humboldt makes especial reference to ita febrifuge qualities during biB South American travels. CASOABILLA BARR-For diarrhoea, colic and diseases of the stomach and bowels. DANDELION-For inflammation of the loins and drop, deal affections. CHAMOMILE FLO WEES-For enfeebled -^gestion. LAY END EH FLO WEBS-Aromatic, stimuJ&nt and tonio highly invigorating in nervous debility. WINTERGREEN-For scrofula, rheumatism, eta. ANISE-An aromatic carminative; creating flesh, muscle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove-buds, orange, carraway, coriander, snake* fO it, etc. S. T...-186Q.--X. Another wonderful ingredient, of great nse among tho Snards'a ladies of South America, imparting beauty to the complexion and brilliancy to the mind, is yet un? known to the commerce of tho world, and we withhold Ita name for tho present. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES. ROOHEBTEB, N. Y, December 28,1861. Messrs. P. H. DBAKJC & Co.-I have boen a great suf? ferer from DyepopBla for three or four years, and bsd to abandon my professirn. About three months ago I tried the Plantation Bittern, and to my great Joy I am now nearly a well man. I have recommended them in several cases, and, as far as I know, always with signal benefit 1 am, ropeotfuily yours, Rev. J. 8, CAT-HORN. PHILADELPHIA, Huh Month, 17th Day, 1802. RESPECTED FRIEND:-My daughter has been much bencfitted by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thoo wilt Bend me two bottles mora. Thy friend, ASA ODBRLN. SHEBKAN HOUSE, CHICAGO, 111.. \ Febntary ll, 1863. J MESSRS. P. H. DBAEE & Co.:-Pbase Bend nu nu other twelve cases or your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appear to have superseded everything eiso, and are greatly esteemed. Yonrs, Atc, GAGE & WAITE. Arrangements aro now completed to supply any de? mand for this article, which has not heretofore been possible. v< The publie may rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard ol the PLANTATION BITTERS be departed from. Every bottle bears the facsimile of our signature on a steel plate engraving, or it cannot be gen? uine. Any person pretending to seil PLANTATION BITTERS in bulk or by the gallon, is a swindler and inposter. Bru art of refilled bottles. See that our Private Stamp is Umru TILATED over every cork. Bold by aU Druggists, Grocers and Dealers throughout the country. P. E DRAKE & CO., New Yoi*. At-rP ?o mwf VT CHEROKEE PILLS, Or Female Regulator, Cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful ?rtnatntnUon: Green' Sickness, Jfertoui and Spinal Af. fectlonn, Pain? in Ute Back, Sick Headache, Giddiness ?nd ali dis? cases that spring from Irregularity, t>v removing tho cause and all the eilects that" arise from it. They - aro (?erfeetly ."ate in all cased, ex? cept when- forbidden by dlrec' tiona, and are easy tn administer, us they aro nicely tugar coated, They tshould le in the hands of every Malden, Wife, and Mother In the land. Linties can address us in perfect confidence, and state their com? plaints in full, ns wo treat all Female Complaints, and pre?ara Medicines suitable for all diseases to which 111 ?-v are subject.-Thirty-two page pamphlet, In a sealed envi|lo!?e, free. Tho Cherokee Pills ore sold by all druggists at Jl per box, or six boxes for $5; or they aro sent by mail, free of postage, in an ordinary letter, free from observation, by addrosslng the sole proprietor, Br. W. B. MERWIN, 37 Walker St., N. T. N. B.-Cherokee Pills No. 2 aro' prepared for special caxes, when milder medicines fall ; these are sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of {5, Vu price of each box. DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, Essence of Life, ^??SSSBhk^ Cures General Debility. Weah new, Hysterie? in Females, Palpitation of Ute Ilea rt and 2> till ?ffixo?s Diseases. It re stores tn-w Hf.- and vigor to the asr-il, cuttolng thc hot blood of As the Plien'x rites youth to colin* tho veins, rcs #T ?J?S??$5 HJH l,,rtnS Organs of Genera? te S?? &^ff!^mm%m this Elixir rejuvdit Debility, restoring Manliness ate the system and and fall rigor, thus proving a overcome iiueate. perfect "Eltotr. of Love? re? moving Sterility and barrenness in both sexes. To tho young, mldd'li-ngcd; and aced; there Is no greater boon than this " Elixir of Life." It gives a now lcaso of life, causing the weak nnd debilitated to bavo renewed strength and vigor; and the entire system to thrill with Joy and pleasure. Price, ono bottle $2 ; three bottles $5 ; sent by express td any address. Our medicines are si>ld and recommended by all respectable druggists In every part of tho civilized globe; some unprincipled dealers, however, try to deceive their customers by selling cheap and worth? less compounds In tudor to make money. Bo not deceived-ask for these medicines nnd take no others. If tho druggist does not keep them, wrlto to us, and wo will send them bv express, carefully packed, free from observation. Wo will bo pleased to receive letters with full sUtcmentt tn regard to any disease with which ladies or gentlemen uro afflicted Address all letters for medicines, j.>auiph ieta, or ail vice, to tho solo proprietor, _ A Dr W, E. MERWIN, 37 Walter St., N, T, May 25 mwf ly? KRAUSHAAR & CO. THE MOST IMPROVED GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOFORTES full Iron Frame and Overstrung Bass. MAN HF ACTO RY AND WAREHOUSE Bo. 1U Wert iloaxton-street. Ko. 1 NEAR BROADWAY. NEW YORK. npHE UNB EB SIG NED, MEMBERS OF THF FIRM Oi i KRAUSHAAR & 00., art. practical Plano mason a ad as such bavo had a largo experience in cou nu erle; * Uh pome ui the bust Establishments in this conn tr; a ad Europe. Their ? lanoB aro made not merely fo? lsom, but ty them, ai d tinder their immediate person? supervision, alni they allow nb instruments to leave the! factory and ?a66into the hands of tenir patrona, elden tiley havo a power, evenness, nrnioess and roundneas r tone, an elasticity of touch-without which no lnstrt: lient ougnt to be satisfactory to the public-as w?U t t3at durability In construction, which enables it to rt nain in tune and to withstand sudden changea ui ten ?eratnr? and exposure ro extremo heat and cold, whic! are aomi'tiincs unavoidable. They wiU at all times bo hsppy to Bee the ptcfesbloi a ad the public al their Warerooms, and invite comparl sjn between their own Pianos atnl those cl any otb* cjanniac?ory. .4NTON KRAUSHsA?,.TOBIAS HAKD OHARLES Jf. SCUONEMANN. April 20_ _ M. M. QUINN, Wholesale & Retail Dealer? IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, BTO. tt. 6J87 KISU-8TUEE?, {Opposite Ann-street, JHARLH8TCN, S- O. The latest Issues of the press alwavs on hand. Subscriptions iecelved and Goods delivered cr for Iarded by Mail or Express. AU CASH ORDERS will De promptly attended io. f ecroAry 117 U 2SALE D BANKERS, ?HABLESTON, S. Gl WILLIAMS, TAYLOR & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 147 Maiden Lane, New lort? TAYLOR. WM. BIRNIE, JB. EDWIN PLATT. ABOVE, WE OFFER YOU OUR SERVICES FOB iBLESTON AND NEW YORK. _._ wfmflmo "ci??lKBRlNG & M?, ESTABLISHED 1S2S, MANUFACTURERS OF Grand, Square, And Upright ,PIAN0 FORTES. WARE-ROOMS, NO. 652 BROADWAY, NEW YORK; CHICKERING k SONS* Grand, Square and Upright' PIANO-E-OBTES ABE NOW. AS THES EVER HAVE BEEN, CON? SIDERED tba beat in America, hiving been awarded Q ,~' SIXTY-FIVE PRIZE MEDALS, . Of which fonrteen were received in the moaths of Sep? tember and October, 1865, and first premiums over all competitors at the different principal Fain in thia country,, and the PRIZE MEDAL at the WQSLD'S FAIR, LONDON. TH ALBKRG'S OP1? ION. I consider Checkering & Sons' Pianos, .beyond oom. parison, the beet I have seen in America. - S. THALBERG,. Chairman of Jory on Musical Instruments, C?JRD. It ls with feelings of pride as American manufacturen that we publish the following testimonial?, which have been received Dy ns recently: EUROPEAN TESTIMONIALS, Received during the month cf August, 1866. LOUDON, Joly 35, 1867. MESSES. CFTCKZHINO & SONS-Gents: I have mach pleasure ID enclosing a document signed by tho first composer s, m nsf dana and professors in Europe. I held your Pianos in euch high estimation (vide my certifi? cate) that I foU it my duty to taite. one of them with nie to Europe, to ascertain the opinion of my professional : brethren, The enclosed certificate will prove how unanimous they have been on the subject. I beg to forward, at the same time, a letter I received from my friend, Mr. Collard, which I am sure must be gratify, tn* to yon. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, yours very truly, JAMES M. WEHUL LONDON, January 14, lode. Jama M. Wehli, Esq. : MT DB&B SIB: I have great pleasure in asking yunto convey to Messrs. Ohlokering the exp re sion:- of my highest approval of their instruir it. Ilia, I confider, sot merely the best Instrument of American manufac? ture that I have tried, but one of the flaest Grand Piano, fortes that has ever come under my observation; and tho Messrs. Chi deering may well be proud of having turned out from their manufactory an Instrument which, for touch, quality, power ind workmanship, it would bo very dlfilcult to surpass in any part of the wide world. Dear slr, very sincerely yours, CHAS. D. COLLARD, Firm of Collard & Collard, Piano-forte Manufacturers, London. - LONDON, Aap^- -. xi, 1886. Jama il. Wehli, Esq.: MY LEAH Sm: AB yon are going back to tba.United States, I muHt beg you to remember me kindly to the ? Messrs. Chlckorlng. Tall them I was delighted with their Grand Piano-forte-ai good m iattrvnent, I (Un*, as wat ever turned out, both in touch and Ur '. Wishing you, &c, I remato ever'ti jly, H F. BROADWOOD, Firm of I. Broadwood St Sons, Piano-forte Manufac? turers, London. LONDON, July 20,1808. Messrs. Chickering & Sons: GENTS: I have just been invited by Mesara. Collard to try a Grand Piano-forte manufactured by yon, and. I have no heslt-.tlon in endorsing the opinion ot my old friend. Mr. 1 D. Couard, vir: That it ls the finest in? strument I ever played on. . Believe me, gentlemen, moat faithfully yours, . J. L. HATTON. Testimonial* from the most distinguished Artists in Eurcpt - - to Messrs. Chickering <? Sons: LONDON, Joly 25,1888. Having played apon a Piano-forte made by Mesan. Chlckorlng & Sons, of Boston and New York, I' have much pleasure in testifying to its general excel l< nee. . For sweetness and brilliancy of tone, delicacy of touch and magnificent power for concert purposes,] consider lt a really G BAND PIANO-PORTE, AND DECIDED? LY THE BUST 1 HAVE SEEM OF AMERICA* MANDTAOTUBK. ARABELLA GODDARD. GIULO ?EGONDL G. A. OSBORNE. ALFRED J AULL, W. KUHE. LINDSAY SLOPER, JULES BENEDICT. J. MOSOHKLES, : : M. W. BALP-E. Prof. of Conservatoirede UH AS. HALLE. Lei i sig. URINLLY RIUHARDS. S. AUTHUR CE APPEL, ? RENE FA VAU 0 ER. Director of Monday Con SYDNEY SMITH. certs, London. Among the chief points of excellence of the Ohlbker lng Pianos, of which speak the renowned artists in their congratulatory testimonials to the Messrs. Chickering, are the greatest possible depth, richness and volume ot tone, combined with a rare briUiancy, clearness sod perfect evenness throughout the entire scale; sod, above all, a surprising duration of sound, the pure and BJ-m path euc quality of which never changes under the most delicate or powerful touch. ;5; ... During the past forty-three yean this firm has manu.' actured .?-~ 30,000 PLA-NOS, . : In the construction of which they have introduced, every known and valuable improvement. They have Invaria? bly been selected and used by all of the world's ac? knowledged great artists who have visited this country , professionally, both for private and public use. - TUA LU Ell (jt. I consider Chickering & Sons' Pianos, beyond com parison, the best I have over seen In America. GOTTSCHALK.. I consider Ohlokering & Sons' Pianos superior to any in the. world. They are unrivalled for their singing quail ties and for - the harmonious roundness of their tone, There is a perfect homogeneity throughout ail the registers. The upper notes are remarkable for a clearness and purity which I do not find ia aay other instrument, while the case ?a distinguished for power without harshness, and for a magnificent sonority. WEHLI. Your Pianos are superior to any I have ever seen In this country or in Europe. Ihavo never heard a tone so perfect; lt yields every expression that ls needed In muslo, and Its quality is capable of chango to meet every sentiment. This Is a rare power, and ls derived from tho perfect purity of ". its tone, together with its sympathetic, elastic sod well balanced touch. POZNANSKI. During the past eight years I have constantly played . upou th? justly celebrated Erard Pianos; yours are the only Instruments that I have found, either here or lu Europe, to equal them in aR their points of excellence. - It may bo satisfactory to our patrons and friends among tho public at large to state that testimonials have been received from all the leading axthus who have visited or are now residing in the United States, a few o?. whoso names, besides those above, we append j LEO. DE MEYER, GDSTAV SATTEB, ALFRKD J ARL. J. BENEDICT. H. f ANDERSON. M. STRAKDSOH. R. HOFFMAN. JULLIEN. ARTHDB NAPOLEON. And many others. 49? ILLUSTRATED ALBUMS AND PRICE LISTS SENT BY MAIL. WARE-ROOMS, No. 652 Broadway* NEW Y O K K. HENRY SEI6L?NG, Air't CHAKI JJ^?TON S. O ffc;inr>?r fi m wi mf? LOMBARDS CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IUFOBXEBS AND DEALERS IN GRINDSTONES, NO. 13 LEWIS, AND NO. 9 T WHARF, BOSTON. Advances made on Consignments of Rice and Cotton to our address. References, by permission: To Messrs. JAMES ADO KB & Co., Messrs. STBEKT BROTUEBS & Co., Charleston, rf. ?mos* _October 1 THE ESTEY OMAH, FOR CHURCHES, SUNDAY-SCHOOLS, AND PA B LO RS, with new and valuable Improvements, gi v. mg extraordinary compass, variety, and a sweetness ot tone. The crowning perfection ls the VOX HUMAN A ATTACHMENT, a wonderlul imitation of the eymp a theilc sweetness of the human voice. They are stron gly Indorsed by GEORG t? W. MORGAN, WILLIAM A KING, and others-the highest musical authority in th United states. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. PIANOS of all grades and styles furnished at low es cash prices. GEO. G. SAXE & CO., NO. 417.BBOOME STREET, NEW YOBS. Awn pt lo_fimo THOS. R- AOTSraW, nCPOBTEB AND DHUS IN Fla? . roeariss, Chole Tests, ste., ct?*, Bos, 3f>0 ? 363 OREENW103ST.. OOM, OT MUMBAI1 NSW KOBKi Xofsnber