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TUESDAY" MORNING, JANUARY 22^1867. ? LOCAL MATTERS. WE ABE indebted to M. M. QUINN for DenioresCs Monthly Magazine for February. Copios can be obtained at his Up-Town Newe Depot. PARADISE LOST.-The Panorama last night iras a splendid success. The Hall was crowded, vt "th old and young ; and all scorned to onjoy tho beau^ful pictures. Thoso who, from a knowledge of MTL TON and ST. JOHN, wero able to appreciate the power of tho artist in illustrating theso authors, could not withhold their admiration, while tho juvenilo portion of the audience wero perfectly en? chanted with tho views of Paradiso, and all the protty birds and beases aboding therein. WELL DONE.-Wo would call tho attention of our readors to a new invention, that is well calculated to produce a commotion among the woll-diggers. Within tho Ar'esian Well enclosure, corner of Mooting and Wentworth streets, may bo seen a now style of pump, having a piece of common gas piping attached. This requires no digging, as was wont to bo the case with wells, but is driven down by a sledge hammer to the depth of ten or fifteen feet. You pour a little water into the pump, and you are well rewar Jod by an ample never-failing supply of water. Woll-a-day, what next ? WE copy the following from tho Halifax (N. S.) Evening Express, of the 9th instant, bocause wo know that the many admirers of the Roseneath, and the old firm friends of Captain AULD, will bo happy to bear of the continued prosperity of both : The fino iron ship Eoseneath, Auld mastor, a frequent viditor to our pert, recently made tho passage from Montreal to the Clyde in fifteen days and four hours, which is the quickest mado during tho past season, and ono of tho fastest runs ever made by any sailing ship. Sho beat her sister ship, the Shandon, which sailed from Montreal at the same time, by some days. THE CO ?BT OP GENERAL SESSIONS AND COMMON PLEAS.-Tho Court mot at 10 A. M. yesterday, Judge T. N. DAWKINS providing. Tho Juries were called, but only a fow answered to their names, and thc Clerk was ordered to make out a new tales and venire; pending which the Court adjourned. Art important case bas been assigned for trial to-day, and Jurors are requested to bo punctual in their attendance. DISTRICT COUBT, Judge LOGAN presiding.-The Court met at tho usual hour, and the cases assign? ed for the day taken up. The State es. Thos. Kelly and Thos. Ellis-As? sault and battery. R. W. SEYSIOUB, Esq.. appear? ed for the defence Verdict not puilty. The State vs. Charles Ellington and Jacob Small -Larceny. H. W. SCHBOEE.EE, Esq., for tho de? fence. Verdict not guilty for Ellington ; guilty for Small. The State vs. Michael Darcy and John Darcy BsauH and Battery. K. W. SEYMOUR, Esq., for defence, riot guilty. The State cs. Thos. Moran and Horace La timer -Assault and Battery. These boing cross indict? ments, were taken up together, H. W. SCHBOE EB, Esq., for Moran ; T. P. BYAN, E=-q., for Lati mer. Verdict guilty for Moran ; not guilty for Larimer. The State vs.-Jackson artas Borne Smith Larceny. Guilty. The State vs. Jno. Hanlan-Assault and Battery, j ' Continued. | ( It would bo proper in this connection to state t bat the light character of the punishments inp? osed in some cases on Saturday, was not owing t o any partiality or to extenuating circumstances, b ut is those cases the prisoners had already been c onfined in the Jail for several months, and an ad? ditional punishment would have been cruel and uncalled for. The sentences were based upon the cbarsoter of the offence and the length of timo the arties have been previously confined, and this tatement is made to explain t he seeming dis? crepancy in the punishments imposed by Judge LOGAN. MAYOB'S COURT, January 21.-A man who was detected concealed in a steamship on Saturday last, and upon whom some letters were found, hrowing considerable suspicion upon him as hav? ing been engaged in some nefarious transaction?, was brought before bis Honor for examination, and ordered to be detained. Ebas Perry, the gentle youth of color who has eon several times before this Court, under charges or attempting to steal, and carrying false keys in bis pocket, was again put to the bar suffering from t be same complaint. The keys being confiscable, wero put to the credit of the oity, and the illustri? ous Perry will have charge of tho interior of a cell for ten days. Several "poep's day" boys who were engaged in the streets in "midnight shout and revelry," and firing pistols occasionally at each other by way of e nlivening the scene, wore sent to a magistrate to answer for a riot. A young negro woman who has gone crasy on the subject of freedom, was sent to the asylum c onnected with the City Hospital. A man who was found lying down drunk in the s treet, but who was indignant that such an intima? tion should te made by the policeman, and said ho had been two wooka sick, and that his doctor had givon him a large dose of opium, which overcame him while he was walking, was fined $5 for taking physic that smelt so much like whiskey. A Teutonic youth of frolicsome proclivities, who was delighting himself with the intellectual amuse? ment of ringing door bells, was made to pay $5 for the laughable entertainment. Two very small specimens of the colored race -were fined $2 each foi fighting " dorgs " in the street. UNTTBD STATSS DISTBICT COUBT-Hon. Gio. S, BEY AN presiding Judge.-The Libel caso of the United States us. the schooner Grapeshot was resumed. Mr. CHARLES H. GEO vis, Deputy Col? le ctor, and Mr. NULL, Dr. EDWARD SEC KELE Y. and Mr. JOSEPHUS WOODRUFF, Custom House Inspec? tors, deposed that they were engaged in the seizure, storage and tale of certain sugars and rum found on board of tho schooner Grapeshot in July last. The articles wete taken from the forecastle, and it was stated at the time that they belonged to the seamen, and the Captain appealed to tho Collector to release the goods, as the sailors did not know th tt they had violated the Be venue. Laws. This was not done, and the goods were s.)Id for $250, The District Attorney proposed at this stage to introduce GEORGE SKITH, Captain of the Rebecca Burst, to substantiate the testimony of CAMPS. This was objected to by the respondents, and the objection sustained by the Judge. The case was thon closed, but the counsel for tho defence petitioned Court to be allowed to re? produce Mr. BANCEOFT and Mr. BLACK, who, as experts, could testify to the quality of the segara After some discussion from the opposite side this was granted, and it was stated that the price in this market would be $35 per 1000 for tho cheaper sud $45 per 1000 for the bettor brand. The tobac co was very light and flimsy, and it would cost more to import them than they could possibly bo sold for. Baracoa tobacco was of the most in? ferior character, and was never or seldom im ported, as there was no sale for it, and cargoes had boen shipped to Europe in order to dispose of them. Capt. D. B. VINCENT testified that ho has been to Baracoa s everal times, and has bought many thousand segars at Havana, and did not think that thoso shown in Court were at all saleable, and would not bring more than $25 to $10 per thou? sand. The evidence on tho part of both the defence Bud prosecution being closed, W. E. MTCTT.T., Esq., opened the argument for the defence. He first commenced by reviewing the testimony advanced on tho part of the prosecution, and showed that the character of their principal witnesses was en? tirely unreliable, and their statements were thrown ont by the Grand Jory, who returned No Bill in the cases- ? hich they had for their consideration. He criticised the conduct of the Custom House officials severely, and commented upon the ques? tionable evidence offered by their paid spies and informers. Ho also touched upon the appraise? ment of the segara by these officials, and reviewed their past career, showing that their knowledge of tobacco was very limited. Ho paid a glowing tribute to the testimony of Abram Vincent, a color? ed witness, whose truthful statements were worthy cf groat praise. The argument was ono of great ability, and Mr. tbaax handled his subjects without gloves, show? ing, in the most forcible language, the discrepan? cies in the statements of the d?n?rent witnesses, ?ind reviewing their past career and antecedents in order to provo tho inadmissibility of their evi? dence. His speech was two hours in longiii, and WM listened to with marked attention by the Court and a large audience. The case will be resinned to-day at 10 A. M., when the District Attorney will make his argu? ment. ME. JOHN FRANCIS MAGUIRE, M. P. for Cork, etc., etc., last night addressed a very largo audi? ence of his countrymen at Hibernian HalL He spoke at some length, and waa listened to at? tention, barring a lew humorous interruptions, that helped to enliven tho occasion. Hr. MAGUIRE spoke of thc condition of Ireland, but really gave nothing that we can consider information on tho subject. His opinions and convictions were clear? ly at variance with those of his audienco; and he was now and thon reminded that what he said only represented tho Tories, and not the people of Ire? land. Ho mentioned that ho hod written a book in defence of tho Popo, for which His Holiness had honor'J him with a titlo; that ho had written <"---?ner book, " Tho Lifo of Father MATHEW ;" and was now engaged in writing a third book, about "Tho Irish in Amorica." Tho speaker was fre? quently applauded. Among those present we no? ticed Bight Kev. Bishop LYNCH and other Catholic clergy. AT THE annual meeting of the Corporation of the Charleston Savings Institution and the Charles? ton Savings Bank, hold on tho 21st inst., the fol? lowing officers wo" duly elected to serve for the ensuing year : CHAS. H. WEST, Prcsidont JOS. PEEVOST. Vico Presldent JACOB F. SHIP.MEH. Secretary. Trustees of Charleston Savings Institution-A. R. Taft, Jas. M. Wilson, F. Lanncau, S. A. Nelson, H. R. Banks, J. H. Honour, Jos. M. Caldwell, Henry Cobia. A. P. Caldwell, Eugene Wost, S. 8. Howell, S. G. Courtensy, Wm. RaveneL Richard Caldwell, Samer 8. Howell, Wm. McBurney, Jas. B. Betts, J. S. Schirm er, J. T. W elaman, W. G. Whilden. Trustees of Charleston Savings Bank-A. R. Taft, Jas. M. Wilson. F. Lanncau, W. G. Whilden, W. C. Court? ney, J. H. Honour, Jas. M. Caldwell, Henry Cobia, F. Melchers, H. Gerdts, S. S. Howell, S. G. Courtenay. Wm. Raven cl, W. Ufferhardt, Jacob Small, Wm. McBurney, Jas. B. Betts, J. 8. Sch Inner, D. A. Amme, W. J. Mid? dleton. Board of Investments-A. R. Taft, J. H. Honour, S. S. Howell, W. McBurney, J. M. Wilson. Committee to examine Treasurer's Account-Wm. Mc* Burnoy, J. S. Schirm cr, W. G. Whilden, J. H. Honour, 8. G. Courtenay. THE STONEWALL FIRE COMPANY.-This Com? pany, thc youngest scion of a flourishing depart? ment, celebrated their first anniversary with groat eclat at the Masonic Hall lost night. They pa? raded through our principal streets in tho after? noon, and attracted considerable attention by their fine feating and soldiery aopearance. Their anni? versary infused a new epirit into their ranks, and they numbered fully fifty men on the parade. The engine was polished and burnished to a resplen? dent degree, and, under tho energetic management of the members, was modo to send a stream of solid water 160 feet. Tho Company have selected thc 21st as their an? niversary, it being the birthday of the lamented Stonewall JACKSON, and the association of the name has tended to keep alive tho esprit de corps of the Company, and will ultimately placo it far beyond its present position. After tho parade, the Com? pany repaired to tho Masonic Hall and proceeded to the general business of tho evening. The fol? lowing officers were elected to servo for the ensu? ing year : G. L. BUIST. President. J. G. RENTIERS. Vico President. J. H. MILLER. First Director. ALBERT PRINCE Second Director. J. E. BOIN EST. Third Director. T. A. SMITH. Fourth Director. W. G. MILLER, Secretary. C. A ATMAR, Treasurer. Rev. JOHN BACHMAN, D.D., Chaplain. Gen. JAMES CONNER, Solicitor. J. SOMERS BUIST, M. D., Surgeon. At 10 o'clock the Company, with a number of in? ri ted guests, proceeded to discuss a generous en ;?rtainment famished by thtt prince of caterers, Colly. After the substantials were removad the ipirituols were brought on, and songs, sentiments, rpeeches, ?tc., wore the order of thc night, and it vas not until the "wee sma' hours ayant the twal" hat the guests separated, satisfied with themselves generally and the Stonewalls particularly. COTTON STEALING.-For some months the South karolina Railroad Company have been missing iotton from along their line, and have been unable ? find any clue to tho thieves. On the 20th ol December three boles were missed from a cotton rain near the Seven Milo Pump. Lieut. Hsx ?RICKS was immediately notified of the loss, and ie put the case in the hands of Officers DAVIS and UETER for investigation. These officers proceeded o the spot, and, after some time spent in exomin ng the different features of thc theft, succeeded, >n the 17th instant, in capturing a colored .man lamed John Hnckney, on tho Dorchester Hoad. So was staying at Mr. THOS. JOHNSON'S farm, ant .he bagging, with the private marks, and some ot ho rope, was found at his homo. On tho same lay, near the Six Mile House, they overhauled one Cornelius Po-cher, who was proved to be a partnei n the robbery. Subsequently, from iuformatioi: received, they arrested Rento Dunn, at Gadsden') Sreen, in HARRISON'S wood yard. Stephnoy "Wil? liams, ono of their confreres, was still at large ind the indefatigable officers learning that he wai in the neighborhood of Walterboro', proceeder there, and found him about nine miles from Jack 3onboro', on Dr. GHOBGE RIVERS' place. He wa immediately placed in the Walterboro' Jail fo safe keeping, and afterwards transferred ti Charleston. The quartette are now safely caged, and hay. since made a confession, in which they stated tha ano bale was thrown from the cars at Johnson' Farm, on the Dorchester Road, and another at thi forks of the some road, near the Six Mile House rh ey wore then removed to Pinckney's house an< :ut into s Dial! parcels, which were carried to th :ity and sold. Tho parties who bought this ar DQOwn, have boon arrested, and as cotton stealini s a penal offence, we trust that they may all soo: ?eceive the punishment due their crimes. Tho parties ongagod in th's transaction were a ;olored, but were evidently old hands, for thei enterprise was managed with consummate skill an tbility, and it needed the untiring perseverance < ;bo detectives to trace their guilt home to then Officers DAVIS and MEYER were indefatigable i their researches, and they deserve not only th thanks of the Company, but those of the who] business community, for bringing these rascals t i just retribution. SURVIVORS' ASSOCIATION.-The attention of men oers of this Association is called to a notice in ai >ther column of a special meeting for the disert lion of important business, to be held this eve) ng, at Market Hall, at 7 o'clock. LUMBER MEASURER.-We invite attention to tl ;ard of Mr. C. S. JENKINS in our issue to-day, wi s ready to answer any coll for the measuring ar nspecting of timber and lumber. He can siwa; >e found at the office of E. N. BROSTS, west end Broad street. BB TRUE TO YOUR TEETH and they will be true ron. Never will you need false ones if yon tu .ho SOZODONT morning and evening. It impar indestructibility to the enamel, keeps it white ai spotless, and wonderfully improves the breath. tus2 VALUABLE AND CONVENIENT.-' "BROWN'S Bro; :hial Troches" are widely known as an admir?t remedy for Bronchitis, Hoa-seness, Coughs, ai jthor troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Thi trc of great value for the purposes for which thi ire designed, while they are usually and pleasant jfficacious; they contain no hurtful ingredient jut may at all times be used with perfect safety. ONE XRUOK BOTTLES PECTORAL BALM were so luring the past year. DO WIE & MOISE, Agents. GOODRICH, WLVEMAN & CO., Atenta. C. S. JENKINS, MEASURER AND INSPECTOR OF TIMBER AND LUMBEB OFFICE AT E. N. BRODIE'S, West end of Broad Street, January 52_tn th? amos Charleston, 8. O Bead the Certificate of Bey. B.r. Flualin. To DB, HOSTETTER : DEAR Sra : This is to certify that I was taken with i lyspepsia a year ago last March, and, for a period sight months, was one of the most miserable creatu rou ever beheld, not being able either to eat, drink deep, and wac compelled to walk the floor incessant [ was nearly deprived of my reason, and hope had ?ntl ty left me, all th? efforts mada for my recovery bar proved fruitless. By the first of November, WCS, I had become so w and feeble that I could scarcely stand alene, and, to appearance, would soon die. At this time (having n your advertisement), my wife prevailed upon me to your Bitters. A bottle was procured, and, strange to i I soon commenced recovering. I have taken four bott and am enjoying aa good hearth now aa could be expec for one of my age (about sixty years). I have no do that it was your Bitters alone, under Divine Pravidel that effected this wonderful cure. B. T? yr.TTATTH? HUDSON, MICHIGAN, August SO, ISM. January 21_ RISLEY & CREIGHTO] SKIPPING IND COMMISSION MERCHE' AND Importers of I. India Produce. COB. EAST BAY ANS ACCOMMODATION WHAR October 1 BUSINESS NOTICES. Auction Salea Tills Dar. W. Y. LEITCH A K. S. Barnes will sell till? usy. te fren! of tho oki Coe tom House, st II o'clock, two small and desirable residence* in Hill street. JACOB Co HU? A Co. will sell this dar, at tho north ol the Exchange, at ll o'clock, a valuable plantation near Bluffton and a bona? and lot in ttluffton. JOH? a. Miuos A Co. will soil this day, at their auc? tion salesroom. Ho. 133 Meeting strc?t, at 10 o'clock, an invoice of hats, shoes, tc MCKAY k CAMPBELL will sell this day, at their ooah nuction hons?. Ko. SS Haael street, near tho postoffiee, at 10 o'clock, a new buggy and horne*?, medicine cheat, ic. ; also dry good?, clothing, felt hats, boots and shoos, notions, Ac LAUBET & ALEXANDER will sell this day, in their ?toro. No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, hams, ?trip?, butter, Ac. E. M. MARSHALL A BBO. will sall this day, at the Mills House Stables, in Chalmers street, ot ll o'clock, 39 head of prime mule? and 9 horses. Under tho direction of JAMBS W. GHAT, Rsq., Master in Equity, will bo sold this day, in front of the old Cus? tom House, at ll o'clock, a large quantity of desirable city and country real estate. MILLIGAN, MEXCRBBS A Co. will sell this doy, at their salesroom, No. 22 Vendue Bango, at 10 o'clock, a general assortment of dry goods, notions, ic. JEXTOBDS k Co. will ?ell thia day, before their store. No. 27 Vendue Bange, at 10 o'clock, shoulders, hams, aides, Atc. T. M. CATER will ?ell this day, on Brown'? Wharf, at 10 o'clock, ISO packages butter, lard, Ac. J. le W. Knox will sell tai? day, at their salesroom. No. 138 Meeting street, opposite Pavilion Hotel, at half past 10 o'clock, an assortment of household furniture and sundries. HERBY COBLA A Co. will sell this day, in front of their store, VoDduo Bange, at 10 o'clock, choice bacon, sugar, starch, sugar-cured hams, ic. WILBUR k EON win sall thia day, at Ne. 13 Trodd street, at ll o'clock, the entire fixtures and contents of a bar-room nicely fitted up, E. k A. P. CALDWELL will sell this day, before their store, No. 90 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, apples, brandy, Ac For rastorlBB ?trugak and appetite, aaa the great j Southon Tonic, PANXNTN's HBPATXO Brrraa ?md you will sot to? disappointed. Por ?ola by ol', irngeiats. TBS DAY is fait coming upon ns whan th? use of Paint { and Powder will be abandoned, as th? ladies ora fast learning the usa of Er-rrNs's FLUID EXTRACT or SARSA? PARILLA AND QUEEN'S DEXJOKT, aa it renders th? ?kin soft and rosy. ?tu th5 January 12 To PLANTERS.-If you wish Fertilizers, apply to J. N BOBSOK, No. G2 Boat Bay, who has always a large stock, and on the mott favorable terms. November 29 su thstu2mos "Poor Tom's a'cold." How warm aoe'er th? genial aun May look in kindness on the earth. Tn Tr ra Jones' vaina no cheering warmth Dispels the gloomy sorrow of his soul. Dyspepsia, like a goblin, hunt? him down. Ague, grim chamberlain, lights him to bed, While Dullness, Vertigo, and Hoadoch? dire. With fiercer aches combine to raak? him groan. Ba wis?, poor Tom I And hearken. Thomas, to las traction : For all thy ills a Bemedy ls found, A Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure. PLANTATION BITTERS-S. T.-IMO-X, A wondrous Tome, mada by Sr. Drake. Will kill the demons that thy stomach vax Will oloy tuena, Thoma?, for thy stomach's sake. New Ufa, new strength to the? ?hall come By using this Elixir wonderful. PLANTATION BITTERS will restore thy health. Thy troubla? oura, and leav* thy mind at peace. tu th* THE TIME TO ADVERTISE IN THE COUNTRY. The Daily South Carolinian at Columb'a, is now sent to every Postoffice in the State. Being the officiel paper of the State, it will be found at the present time espe? cially valuable to merchants and others desiring to avail themselves of a very large circulation. BREA Rr ART CASES, GRIDDLE CAKES, Murrana, BOLLS, Ac, o'l mod? light and wholesome by using tbe PIOVBXB YEAST POWDER. If yon would uso Buckwheat without having headache and eruptions, use the Pioneer Yeast Powder. Bakers will find this Powder reliable for Hot BODB, Tea Biscuit, Ac. Sold by GRUBER k MARTIN, January 12 22 No. 236 King street. AMUSEMENTS. ?gin ?cutfc$er 18aU SMrb am aJlontcj, tm 2t?tcn Clarmar naibftyin bet S i I b t 1 rn S ? r B b c r, Sile eon Sinj nub (tnt Strafte, flattfinbcit. Slue greunbe unb Sefanttte finb crjeftuft etttaelaben. Wnfanj 7 Ubr bea 9lbenb3. Cirt trttWpreia $1. January 22 _3tuarn* "HIBERNIAN HALL. FROM ENGLAND. 110 NIGHTS AT ST. JAMES' HALL, LONDON. Opens This Evening, Jana ?ry 21st, AND EVERY EVENING DUBING THE WEEK. GRAND MATINEE, SATURDAY, 3 O'CLOCK. THE TWO MOST EXTRAORDINARY EXHIBITIONS ' OF THE AGE COMB TN KD. The Latest European Sensation, by Gustave Doro and John Martin, TABLEAUX OP THE APOCALYPSE, OB THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS ILLUSTRATED Together with tho original MLLTONIAN TABLEAUX OF PARADISE LOST. Price? of Admission. 76 cants. 8ecured S?ata.?1.00 Children. SO cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8 o'clock. Diagram of Hall at J. M. GREER'S BOOK STORE, King street, where Secured Seats can bo obtained during the day. G* January 21 DRY GOODS, ETC. JOHNSTON, CREWS & ?0., Importers and Wholesale Dealers, STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 4:1 Hayne Street. HAVING RESUMED OUR BUSINESS CONNECTION, under the some nuns and style os formerly, re? spectfully solicit a continuance ot the patronage so lib? erally extended to na heretofore. A. 8. JOHNSTON. A- J. CREWS. JAB. M. BBAWLEY. January 1,1897. A. 8. J. PERRY. January 15_tute?la FOR THE SPRING TRADE OB" SOUTH j CAROLINA. BRITISH WOOLLEN CLOTHS, DIRECT FROM THE LOOM. FTTHE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST XBCE1VED TN I bond about 8000 yards TWILLED MELTONS, fina ; goods; ?Iso, various qualities of CONFEDERATE GREY CLOTH, all of which will be sold or bartered for wool. HENRY TRENCHARD. Exchange street, January 8_tuthsamo Charleston. S. C. CLOAKS! CLOAKS J. I. READ ft HAVE TEMPORARILY REMOVED THE CLOAK I DEPARTMENT of their ESTALISHMENT to the REAR ROOM of C. H. JOHNSON'S HAT STORE, No. 209 KING, opposite HASEL STREET (READ'S OLD "LACE STORE"), where, during the few weeks neeeofwry to complete their NEW CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM, they win be happy to serve their fr?e ids and the public generally. 3. B. BEAD & CO.? NO. 299 KINO, OPPOSITE! HASEL 8TREET. January ll CHEAP CLOAKS. TT TE ABE KOW SELLING CLOAKS OF ALL DE V T S C RTPTI ON S at prices w arron ted to give satisfac? tion to purchasers. We have sulla few remaining of those BLACK CLOTH SACQUES ot $8.60, $10 and $13 each, formerly acid at $12, $1* and $18-, which, together with our ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' COVERINGS, win be offered dur? ing the remainder of the season at -prices lees than their aest to Manufactura. J. B. BEAD & CO., NO. 269 JOSa, OPPOBTTJji HASEL STREBT. January 1* LOTTERIES. Havana Plan Kentucky State Lottery MURRAY, EDD Y & CO., MANAGERS. mo BB DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY-, 16TH NND X 30th each month. Scheme, 30,000 tickets-?27 Whola acheta. $13; halves. ?8; quarters, SA. 1 Prize Of......$90.000 2 Prizes of..St.600 1 Prise of...?20,000 29 Prises ol.?.ooo lPrixaof..?8,960 63 Prize?af..(600 1 Priioof....$8,000 las Prices of.....$80O 220 Prise* of $200. si Approi tm? Won Prises amounting to $13,060. ^O^mbmation Lottary drowu awry day. Tiokets Cram Cueo>ri Matine. Drawings malled as soon as the Lottery la drawn. Andrea? H.T. PETERS, Coated Stiles Licensed Agent, Ba*L li ?aol ?creot, On^ or Key BoaB??.O. November 10 Brno AUCTION SALES. Shoulders. Jfams. Sides. ??e. JEFFORDS Ai CO. Will ?eu THIS DAY, bcforo their ?toro, No. ST Vendue Bange, nt 10 o'clock, 400 BRIGHT SHOULDERS 10 tiercea sugar-cared Hams 3 hhds. uncovered Hams 4 hhds. Clear Sidos 30 boxes Candles 300 boxes Scaled Honings 10 ti ere u. Lard so keg. Lard 10 kegs Butter. Conditions cash. January 23 M?L.H4JAN, MELl'HEllS Si CO. W'll sell THIS DAY, 32d inst., at No. 22 Vendue Range, at 10 o'clock, A general assortment of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, io. WITH BEDSTEADS, Tables, Crib, Lounje, Largo Counter, Sewing Uachines, Cooking Stoves, Ac. ALBO, ? tine CASHMERE GOATS._January 32 UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. SECOND DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ! CBABLKSTOjr, January 21, 1867. J Notice is hereby given that tho lollowing ARTICLES, taken by distraint, to sa ti nf,- a claim of thc United States for taxes, will bo sold at the "Palmetto Works" in thlB oity, on tho FOURTH DAY OF FEBRUARY next, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Public Auction, unless said claim shall be satisfied by payment prior to said sale, viz : I SCREW CUTTING MACHINE; 1 Drill Press; 1 pair Six-Horse Engines (unfinished); 1 Cylinder Boiler; 1 pieces Throe-Inch Shafting; 1 lot Tools for Lathe; 82 Tubes, each 7 feet by 2J? inches; 1 lot of Dolts, Nuts and Washers; 3 nair Bellows; 1 lot Patterns; 12 Sheets Boiler Iron; 2 Boiler Heads; 4 Tons Scrap Iron; 2 Ton? Wrought Iron; 4 sets Blacksmith's Tools; 1 Punching Machine; 1 pair Shears; 1 set Roller and Boiler Tools; 2 Porta?le Forges; 1 lot Foundry Tools; 1 lot Flasks, for Foundry; 3 nair Scales; 1 Grindstone; 1 lot Stocks. Dies and Ma? chino Tools. WM. B. CLOUT-MAN, January 22 1 Deputy Collector. AGRICULTURAL, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES; IRON AND Steel Ploughs, Wheelbarrows, Tracks. Straw and Stalk Cutters, Corn Shelters. Fanning and Grain Mills, Cotton Gins, Corn and Cotton Planters' Seed Drills, Plough Casting, Gin Gear and other Castings, Horse Power Threshing Machines, Guano, Bone Dust, Phos? phate of Lime, Ac. JOHN MOORE, December 10 2mo No. 193 Front-street, Now Stork. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROH AGENTS, AT MARKET RATES. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, $75 CASH; 180 FIRST November, with interest, approved city acceptance. Swan Island "?uano, $20 cash ; $26 1st November, with inter, st, approved city acceptance. Baugh's Phosphate of Lime, $60 cash; $66 1st Novem? ber, with interest, approved city acceptance. Phoenix Guano, $65 cash. Flower of Bone, unadulterated and unburnt. Farmers' Plaster or Gypsum, warranted pure. I offering the above manures to planton, r do so with every confiderce, not only having testimonials from planters who have used them the past year, but the further guarantee that every cargo, as it arrives from tho factory, is analyzed by Pror. Shepard, of the South Carolina Medical College, sod the high reputation of these manures fully kept up. J. N. ROBSON, January 1 tuths3mos No. C2 East Bay. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. THE COMPOSITION OF THIS GUANO IS IDEN? TICAL WITH PERUVIAN. IT DIFFERS ONLY IN THE PROPORTIONS OF THE SAME ELEMENTS. \\r HILE rr CONTAINS LESS AMMONIA, IT HAS W nearly twleo tho quantity of Phosphate of Limo, 15 por cent, of which is immediately soluble. Its effects on Cotton the past season have, in many instance., ex? celled Peruvian Guano. It has in no case proved less ac? tive in the early growth of the crop. Wnon drought in? tervenes the crop does not suffer from Its use ap is thc case with Peruvian Guano. By reason of the presence in il of so large a per cent, of Phosphate of Limo its use im? proves the Boil to an extent that cannot be realized from Peruvian Guano. Every cargo of this Guano is subjected to rigid inspec? tion analysis, and is sold on a basis ef actual value. The undersigned, Agent, is prepared to furnish the tes? timony of well known South Carolina planton in evidence of the superior excellence of this Guano. J. N. ROBSON, Agent, December 4 tuthsrusmo NO. 02 EAST BAY. E. KRANK COE S SIPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME OR BONE DUST MANURE. WI BBQ TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF PLANT? ERS to the above as a superior manure for either Corn or Cotton, the experience of last year proving it equal if not superior to Peruvian Guano. The following ia the report of an analysis made from a lot now in store: Phosphate of Lime, soluble.8.30 Phosphate of Lime, insoluble.28.80 -37.00 Salphats of Lime and traces of Sulphate of Ammonia, Potash, Sods and Magnesia, with soma free Sulphuric Add, about. 8 HygromoUe Water expelled at 212 dogroea_ 23 Combined Water (a portion of this belong, to the Phosphate of Lime, which was esti? mated after its ignition ; the greater part of balance is doubtless associate 1 with tho Animal Matter) and Animal Matter. 80 Bilisa (Sand). 2 100.00 The animal Matter, as might be supposed in a fertilizer so largsly derived from fish, is less highly nitrogenized than that in thc Peruvian Guano. Still it wUl afford, du? ring the process of decomposition, about three per cent, of Ammonia. The Oil (which is romarLably abundant) though not generally reckoned among Manures, being here associated with other less stable animal principles, eannot fail of nAMng to tho ' value of the mixture, espe? cially on light soils. Thc insoluble Phosphate being thoroughly organized and. at the same time, minutely divided, ia also well adapted to a gradual appropriation by the plant. According to the present sample, OOE'S SUPER PHOSPHATE is a judiciously and faithfully manufac? tured Manure, and will not disappoint those who will give it a trial. Even if employed alone, I should expect highly remunerative results. (Signed) CHARLES UPHAM SHEPARD. Price $65 per ton of 2000 pounds. For sale by E H. RODGERS k CO., Sole Agents for South Carolina. January 12 stuth2mo North Atlantic Wharf. INGERSOLL'S PORTABLE HAND POWER COTTON PRESS. THE INGERSOLL PRESS STANDS UNRI? VALLED FOR CONVENIENCE, ECONO? MY, CHEAPNESS AND RA? PIDITY OF WORK. ?I C '.N BE WORKED WITH TWO OB FOUR HANDS, ..D WILL TURN OUT FROM TWENTY TO T HTRTY BALES, OF FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS EACH, EBB DAY. The Press can be worked either alongside or under the G Inning Room, and thus be under cover and worked in all kinds of weather. It weighs two thousand pounds; cnn be very readily broken apart and carried about the country. On Exhibition and for sale at LITTLE & MARSHALL'S Agricultural Warehouse SEED STORE, NO. 140 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. December ll rothsSrao ~E. M. wmiS? CORONER AND MAGISTRATE, HA? RICKOVER HM OFFICE FBOM CHALMERS scree? to Na- 88 CHURCH STREET, one door neath ot Broe/i ttre?!. locust xi & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE NO. 69 BROAD STREET. CHARLESTOS, S. C. L. B. NORTHROP....^.JB. AUG'S. BANDERS. ?sssai>r6 ?bj? AUCTION SALES. New Buggy, Harness, Medicine Chest, Lard, Green Tea, Huller, Tomato Catsup, Wine, Cook? ing Stoves. <6c.. <K". McKCAY & CAMPBELL, Cash Auction House, No. SA Hand Street, Opposite l'ontofne?, THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, will bo sold. AV ASSORTMENT OF ABOVE ARTICLES. Conditions cas'i. January 11 Balance of a Retail Store, Dry floods. Clothing, Su? perfine Felt Hats, Boots <md Shoes, Notions, Hardware, tte, <fc. MCKAY & CAMPBELL, Cush Auction House, Ho. 55 Hascl street, opposite Poatofilec, Will sell THIS DAY. at 10 o'clock. DRESS GOODS-Black Silk, Velvets, Plaids, Morlno??, Stripe?, Prints, Longcloth, Homespun, ito., ic ALSO, CLOTHING-Black FrockjCoats, Pants, in Casolmer? and Satinet; Vest, Overcoats, skirts, Under Garments, ?cc, Ac. ALSO. Ladies', Gent?' and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, ic. ALSO. TAILOR'S.OOODS-Black Cloth, Causim?r??, Doeskin?, Satinets, Tw?e?s, Caavu, Ac, ic. ALSO. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS-Threads. Cottons, Plus, Noedlos, Jewelry. Bolt?, Hair Brushes, Ac, ic. ALSO. WHTTB GOODS-Dotted Muslin, Jaconet?, Cambric, Li nuns, B. E. Diaper, Scotch Diaper, Ac Conditions coan. January 22 Household Furniture and Sftndries. BY .T. & tv. KNOX. THTS DAY. at 10}? o'clock A. M.. at their salesrooms. No. i:i8 Moating struct, opposite Pavilion Hotel, will be ?old, BUREAUS, WARDROBES, TABLES Bedsteads, Cribs, Chairs, Sofas stoves. Kitchen Utensils Mattresses, Feather Beds Pillows, Bolsters and Sundries, ALSO, Lot of CROCKERY 1 Saddle, Bridlos, Girths, ic Bottles Brandy, dozen? Ale 1 barrel Vinogar, bottles Picklos Dozens Blacking. Conditions cash, January 22 150 Package* Butter, now Landing. BY T. M. CATER. Will be aold THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, on Brown's Wharf, ISO Arkins and tubs Orang? County BUTTER IO urkins Stato Butter 125 Arkins Lord. Conditions cash. January 22 UNDER DECREE IN HUUITT. Gadsden vs. Prothro. Will be sold, under the direction of the undersigned, at th? old Custom House, in this city, on TUESDAY, the 5th day ol' February, 1807. ut ll o'clock. All that LOT OF LAND in this city formerly known as th? land on which "PROTHBO'S Mild." stands, fronting OB Wasliington street westwardly, and contain? ing in front on said street 123 fact; northwardly on landa belonging to tho estate of Samuel Ham to thc channel of Cooper River; southwardly on land belonging to Richard T. Smith to tho channel of Cooper River; and eastwardly by tho channol ol" Cooper River 122 feet, and more particularly designated as Number 13 and Number 14 on a certain plat thereof made by Charles Parker, Sur? veyor, on tho - day of July, 1852. Terms-So much cash os may bo requisite to pay tho mortgage debt in thia cane, with interest and costs, and the balance in two equal successive annual instulnicntH. with interest from date, payable BCmi-auuually, secured by bend of tho purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Tho purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, January 17 flu Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Carson vs. Carson. Will be sold, under th? direction of the undersigned, st th? Old Custom House, in this City, on TUESDAY, tho 20th Jannary, at tl o'clock, A. M., ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, with tho building? thors? on, being tho northern tenement of that three story brick tenement budding, situate on thc oast side of Host Bay street, nearly opposite Linguard street, and known by thc number 148- measuring in front on East Bay street-feet, on the bock line - foot, and in depth-feet. Terms-One-half cash ; balance in two equal successive annual instalments, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises, with interest from day of sale, payable annually. The buildings to be insured and policy assigned- Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, Jannary 18_ftu4_Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITT. Be?deliem Baptist Church el at. vs. John McOul lers, Executor. Will ba ?old, under the direction of the nndarsigacd, at the old Custom House, in this city, on TUESDAY; thc 2l>th day of January, 18(17, at ll o'clock A. M., All those FOURTEEN LOTS OF LAND known as th? VILLAGE OF GRUMESVLLLE. situate in Berkley Dis? trict, St. James' Goose Creek Parish, on Fludd's old rood and branch water? of Cooper River, each Lot containing from 3 to 9J? acres, and having such location, lines aa : improvements as aro delineated on a plan of tho said Village, made for the purpose of this sale, on tho 2d of November. 1866, by T. J. Mcllard. Surveyor, and to be seen at this otllce. Tarma-One-third cash; balance In one and two years, secured bv bond and mortgage or thu prcmiaas, with privilege 'of the purchaser to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, Ja nary ll itu Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Lucas vs. Prioleau el at. Will be sold, under the direction of tke undersigned, ot thc Old Custom HOUR? in thia city, on TUESDAY, the 29111 day ot" January, 1867, at ll o'clock A. M., All that TRACT OF LAND in Ht. Thomas' Psri.b, Berkery District, containing 3347 acres. Ute same being composed of two tracts, one of which, containing about ll OU acres, was granted to Susan Cumbo in 1861; and thu other, containing 2047 65-100 seres, more particularly de? lineated on a plat of Northampton, made by Charles Parker, Surveyor, on 11th March, 1848. Terms-O tie-third cash : balance payable in four equal successive annual Instalments, secured by bond und mortgage of the premises, with interest from day of sale, payable annually. Purchaser to poy for papers. jAUBd Turrets. January ll ftu Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Buist vs. Joseph. Will be sold, under the direction of th? undersigned, at tho old Custom House, in this city, on TUESDAY', tho 29th doy or January, 1867, nt ll o'clock A. M., All that VALUABLE PLANTATION, with the improve? ments thereon, known by tho name of FETEKESSA, situate in that part of Borkely District known as St. An? drew's Parish, on the cost side of Ashley River, and on both sides nf tho Dorchester Road, and a little over twelve mile B from Charleston. The Plantation contains 895 acres, more or less, and hutt? and bounds to thc north and east on lands of John and Patrick O'Neill-, nontu by lands of-Touchstone, and west by Ashley River, as per plat of same made by R. Ii. Payne, Surveyor, in 1836. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance paya bl o in Ave equal successive annual instalments, secured by bond of thc purchaser and mortgage of the premises, with in? terest from day of sale, payable annually. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, Jannary ll fra _Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Buist, Admini?'ralor, vs. toogan et al. Will be sold, under t;.<- 'irection of thc undersigned, at the old Custom HOL;, in this city, on TUESDAY, tho 29th day of January 1867, ot ll o'clock A.M.. All that LOX OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, sitnate on tho east fide of Coming street, in the City of Charleston, and designated by the numbers 160 and 162, measuring in front ou Coming street forty-three (43) feet and in depth from east to west one hundred and forty (140) feet, be the same moro or less. Bounding north on lands now or formerly of Catharine Bennett; aouth by lands of John J. Lofar; east by lands of -, and west by Coming street Terms-One-third cash ; balance in Ave equal succes? sive annual instalments, secured by bonds of tho pur? chaser and mortgage of the premises, with interest from day of salo, payable annually, the buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER. January Til fra Master lu Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY". r' Mitchell vs. Garden. Will be sold, under tho direction of the miders igned, st the old Custom House, in this city, on TUESDAY, tho 29th doy of January, 1867, at ll o'clock, A. M., L All that HOUSE AND LOT, on the south side of Bcaatoin street, in this city, known by the number 31, and measuring in front on sold street twenty-Avo (25) feet, and in depth sixty (60) feet, more or less. Bounding east by land or E. Garden; west by land of B. Holloway ; north by Beaufain street, and south by land of G. W. Olney. 2. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings and im? provements thereon, situate on the north side of West street, in this city, and measuring in front on West street thirty-five (35) feet, and in depth one hundred and forty (140) feet, more or less. Bounding to the north on land now or lats of Richard Holloway; to the southon West street; to the east on land now or late of Mrs. Faber, and to the west on land now or late the property of the es? tate of John Y. Bradley. Terras-One-third cash; balance in three successive annual instalments, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of tho promises, with interest from day of sole, payable annually. Buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TOPPER, January 8 . tuf Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE TN EQUITY. Strain vs. Limeliouae. Will bo sold undor tho direction of the undersigned, at the old Custom House, in this city, on TUESDAY, tho 29th day of January. 1867, at ll o'clock A M., 1. AU that LOT OF LAND on the west sido of Lime house street, in this -city, known by the number 5, on the plan of the lands of Robert Limehouse, and measur? ing on Limehouse street thirty-seven (37) feet, and in depth one hundred and five feet (10S feet), moro or less. ALSO, 2. AU that LOT OF LAND adjoining tho abovo on th? south, of the same dimensions, and known by the number 6, on the same plan. ALSO, 3. All that LOT OF LAND on the north side of Trodd street, known by thc number 37, on the plan of the Limehouss Lands. ALSO, 4. AU that LOT OF LAND adjoining the above on the west, and known by the number 88. ALSO, 5. AU that LOT OF LAND adjoining the last above on the west, and known by the number 39. Terms-One-fifth caah; balan co in five equal succes? sive instalments, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises, with interestfrom day of sale, payable annually. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, January 8 tuf Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Edgerton & Richards eta, vs.P. ?I. Warinq, Ad . ministrador, et al. On TUESDAY, the Stn February next, at ll o'clock, wiU be sold near tho Old Custom House, ALL THAT PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, situate on the Wando River, in Christ Church Pariah, Charleston District, composed of two Tracts, ono con? taining 1200 acres, more or less, bounding to the north, eaat and northwest on Wando River and two creeks emptying into said river; west on lands formerly of Hop son, aouth on lands formerly of sarah Rutledge, and now of J. Thomas H. White. The other tract containing 61 acres, lying between tho Tract aforesaid and lands now of J. Thomas H. White-which said two 'iracW of Land together are represented on a plat thereof, made by James Courtenay m 1828 as containing 1591 acres. ALSO, AU that TRACT OF LAND, with the BUILDINGS thereon, situate near Florence, in the District of Dar? lington, 8. C., containing flvo (5) acres, bounding to the north on land of the estate of James Hunter, known os Stephenson Tract; south, east and west on lands of tho estate of Susannah Good. Terms,-One-half cash ; balance in ono year, secured by bond and mortgage of tho property. J. W. GRAY, January 16 wi tu3_Master in Equity. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Gadsden vs. Gadsden. On TUESDAY, thc 6th February next, at ll o'clock, A. M. wiU be ?old, under tho direction of the Master, in front of the Old Custom House, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Building? thereon, situate on the north aide of the street, bounding Hamp? stead Public MAU to tho north, measuring in front on the street 100 feet, the samo on the back line, and in depth 200 feet, moro or less; bounding north on land of Mr. Fnrman, east on land of W. 8. Gadsden, and weat on lands of Mrs. Dotterel- and Mr. Eaaon. Terms-One-til cd caah; balance in bond, with interest annually, and a mortgage of the property, the building? to be insured und the pcUcy assigned to tho Master. Pur? chaser to pay for Dopers. J. VT. GHAT, January 17 tai tua Matter in Equity. AUCTION SALES._ Apple Urandy. BY JR. & A. I?. CAIiDlVELL. TRIS DAY, the '.3d lust., will lit- sold before our .toro. No. 'J? East l?ay, nt IO oVloc.;. S bbl*, choice No. Ce. AITLE BRANDY. Conditions case.. January 22 I fain nml Slates. nv JOII.\ (j. JHI.VOK it co. THIS DAY. 22d inst., at 10 o'clock, will bo sold, at O'lr Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting-street, AN INVOICE CONSIKTINO OF 3S (TLOTn HAT?: 2.-i Claret Felt Ketsort nats: 20 Blue]; Resort lints; :M Wool Planters' Hats; 20 pairs Mon's Button Olove Kid Shoes; 7 pairs Misses' Kid Balmorals; 10 paira Ladles' Kid Balmorals; 13 p.iira Ladlo.' Dutton ami Lace Gaiters; ll pairs Ladies' Prunella (loiters. Conditions cisli. _ January 22 Ainley and [Torses at Ann/tun. HY U.M. MARSHALL ?te ?no. THIS DAY. 22d inst., at ll o'clock, will be sold at tlie Mills House stables, lu Chuluiers street, 25 head primo JIULES C Horses. Conditions-Sums under $500 cash; S500 to SI000, sn days: over $1000. at GO days, by approved endorsed notes, beariui; interest at 10 per cent. Januurv 22 uv n. M. M Ansi i ALL & ?no., Ilrokrr. and Auctioneers, !Vo.\:t:{ Broad st. TO-MORROW. January 23d. at 10 !i o'clock, will bu sold, G MULES, WARRANTED SOUND 2 Horses lOart 1 Spring Wagon. Conditions cash. Januar}-22 FurnUure of a Family declining Housekeeping. BY lt. M. MARSHALL ?S? ?KO. Brokera ?ml A nc tinner rs. No. 33 ?road st. TO-MORROW, January 2:tU. at ll o'clock, will bo sold, HANDSOME FRENCH BEDSTEADS Mohair and Cauo-Seat Chairs MarbloTop Bureaus and Tables Sofas, Hocker.. Extension Table, Ac, Ac. ALSO, 1 riANO, in good condition. January 22 V.tDER DECILilE IK EQ.TJITY. Stall, Administrator, rs. Browning, el al. THIS BAT, the 22d Instant, at ll o'clock A.M.. will bc soli), under the direction of tho undersigned, in front of tho Old Custom Houso, All that large and eligibly located THREE STORY BRICK STORE, Bituatc on tho wcBt side of King street. No. 275, hounding north on Stonoy <k Wlltberger's lot, south ou lot of T. B. Taylor, east on King street, and west on lot of A. C. Cunningham, measuring in iront on King street 32 feet 2 inches, and 30 foot G inches on tho back line, on the north line 136 feet G inches, ou thu eouih 184 feet 4 inches. AXSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with thu two-story Wooden Dwelling and outbuildings thereon, situate on the south ?do ut hull stroot and known as No. 17, measuring in front 70 feet, and in depth 144 feet, moro or loss ; bound? ing North on Bull street, eaBt on lot of F. Schaffer, west on lot of-Hop ton, and south ou lot of John Francis. ALSO, AU that LOT west of thc abovo, known as No. 10, mea? suring in front 20 feet and in depth 14? feet, more cir luss; bounded north by Bull street, south by lot of John Frau els, east by laud estate of A. Browning, and west on lot of James Lee. ALSO, All that PLANTATION situate in tho Parish of St James' Ciooso Crook, on the southwest sido of South Ca? rolina Railroad, 12 miles from Charleston, measuring 131 acres, moro or loss; bounding north on land of A. R. Dan* nor, east and southwest by land of J. Farley and Thomas Hyatt, now Momepoy, and weet ou lands of Thomas Loadbetter and J. B. l?bame. ALSO, Tile PLANTATION known as Golding Tract, contain? ing 406 arres, situate, in the Parish of St Guorgo, Colle ton District, about 6 miles from bumniervillo. ALBO. Tho PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND adjoining the above, kuown as Givcham's Tract containing 912 acres, tho two together bounded on thc north and west by tho road to Bacon'u Bridge, south by lands of John ColliuB and Mrs. Rylo, and cast by land of Col. Joseph Yate?. ALSO, Those SIX LOTS in tho village ofAccabeo, known by tho numbers 7. 8, 10, ll, 20 and 21, each measuring 100 feet front by 200 leet deep. ALSO, Tbrco WATER LOTS in Limohouse street known by thc numbers 15, 21 and 43 in a plat of thc Limohouso bistate ; thc first two measuring 37 feet front and 105 feet leep, and thc last measuring GS feet front and 105 reet loop. AJ.RO. Two HIGH LOTS at end of I.imehouse street, known an said plat ns numbers 25 and 26, measuring 37 feet Tront and 105 feet (lerp. Terms-One-third cash ; tho balance on a credit of one, two and three yenrs, secured by bonds of the purchasers, with interest payable semi-annually, and mortgages ol Lhe property. The buildings to be insured and kept in? sured until tne bonds arc paid, and tho policies to bc as? signed to the Master. Purchasers to pay for papsrg. JAMES W. GRAY, January22 _thniG tul Masterin Equity. NOTICE. Sales EVERY EVENING at 7 o'clock, by KILROY ft Co.. l?o. 339 King-street of a general assortment of DRY JOODS, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Boots and ?hoes. Cutlery, Perfumery and Soaps. January 22 liar-Room N: 13 Trad/1 street. BY TV IL 15 CR. ot SON. rHIB DAY, at No. 13 Tradd street, at ll o'cloek. will be sold. The cntiro FIXTURES AND CONTENTS of said BAR? ROOM, nicely uttod up. Conditions cask. _January 22 Furniture. Liquors, <tc. Soaps, Shoes, <fcc. BY WILBUR & SON. CO-^'ORROW, 23d inst., at our Sales Rooms, corner Siato and Chalmers streets, at half-past 10 o'clock, will be enid without rescrv:', PABLOS, DINING AND BED-ROOM FURNITUBE, CONSISTIKO or: HAIR-SEAT CHAIRS, Halr-oeat Sofas Ottomans. Centre und Pier 1 ables, t'arpets Dining Tables, Cauo and Wood-Mat Chairs Cottage Sets, Bedsteads, Washstands Wardrobes, Mattresses, Pillows, Ac. ALSO, 5 bbl?, very fino BOURBON WHISKEY 6 onc-elgh'h casks very fino Iixtmdy 6U cases Croton Ale 25 cases Falkirk's Ale 20 baskets Champagne 40 nasos Champagne Cider 40 boxes Family Soaps 20 M Segars, several brands Nests Baskets, Clo th i s Lines Paperand Cotton Twine, Spice Boxes Assortment Mats, Ac, Ac. ALSO, GO CASES SHOES, COXSISTTNO OF : MEN'S BUFF CONGRESS COOTS Balmorals, Oxford Ties, Children's Serge Boots Ladies' and Misses" Serge Gaiters Slippers. Brogans, Ac. Ac. ALSO, 100 pairs PANTALOONS 100 Vesta 50 Coats, Frocks and Socks Breakfast Shawls, Nubias, Woolen Hoods Handkerchiefs, suspenders, Elastic Cord Hooks and Eyes, Ac, Ac. The abovo will positively bo sold, as we aro ordered to nose invoices. Conditions cash. January 22 Friend street Lot- Unreserved Sale. BY WILBUR <& SON. TO-MORROW, 23d inst, at our salesrooms, corn or State and Chalmers streets, at ll o'clock, will be sold, with? out reservo, All that LOT OF LAND, situate on tho west side of | Friand street, next south of Broad street, measuring in rront 30 feet 3 inches by 1G0 foot in depth, moro or loes. Conditions cash. Purchaser to pay us for papers. January 22 TJnreserced Sale, by order former Purchaser. BY WILBUR di SOS. TO-MORROW, 23d inst, at onr sales rooms, corner State and Chalmers streets, at ll o'clock, will positively be sold. All that LOT OF LAND, with tho tinned roof two and a half story DWELLING thoreon, situated in Calhoun street, south side, third door from Smith street, and ?mown hy thc old No. 65, measuring in front on Calhoun street 35 leet, by 105 feet in depth, more or less. The House contains six square and two attic rooms, well fin? ished, gas throughout, well and cistern on the premises, carriage house, stable", and all requisite outbuildings. The sale is positive, nud sold for cash. Titles indispu? table. Purchaser to pay us for papers. Premises can he inspected at any time previous to mic_ January 22 At Auction-Desirable Lol in New Street. BY CLIFFORD & MATHEWEs, Real Estate Agents, No. HG Broad street. WU be sold on TUESDAY, 39th instant at ll o'clock, at tba old Postoffiee, That LOT in New street, on the east sids, known as Mo. 14. being the third or fourth Lot from Broad street, having a front of about sixty feet, and a depth of about ano hundred and twenty feet Terms-One-fourth cash; balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. Purchaser to pay Clifford le Mathewes for papers an 1 ?tamps. thstuA January l'< Executor's Sale-Estate of the late John F. Wits? chen, of Two Lots and a Brick House, now? occu? pied as a Bakery, No. 115 Church street, at Auction. BY SMITH <fc MCGILLIVRAY, Real Estate Agents, Ko. %7 Broad Street, Will positively be sold on tho north steps of the Old Ce s tom House, at ll o'clock, on TUESDAY, the 5tb of 1 February, AU that LOT OF LAND, with tho BUILDINGS there? on, situate ou the west aldo of Church str.*et, 34 feet front and 130 feet deep, more or less, with Brick Build? ing known os 115 Church street Together with that Lot of Land adjoining the above on the South, measuring front on Church street 37 feet 5 inches, and on the rear ?6 feet 6 inches, more or less, and in depth 139 feet 8 Inches on the northern lino, 135 feet 9 inches on the sou ti ern nhs, moro or less. Bounded on tho south by St Philip's Church Yard. Terms.-One-quarter cash; balance in ono, two, three and four years, secured by a mortgage of the property. Purchaser to pay Solicitor of Estate for papers and ex? penses of papera. January 10 th 10 tuthsfl 3d, 4th sad 6th Feb PRIVATE SALES. Al Private Sale, on* of Oie Largest and most Val? uable Sea Island Cotton Plantations on Edisto Island. BY CLIFFORD & MATHEWES, Real Estate Agents, Ko. SO Broad street. That TRACT OF LAND on Edsto Island, well known as [ the Seaside Plantation, containing about 1300 acree of high arable land (1000 of which aro cleared and under cultivation) and 500 acres of marsh. The avengo yield of these lands in ordinary seasons was ISO lbs. of clean Cot? ton of the finest quality to the acre, and they have pro? duced as high as 200 lbs. per acre. This Plantation ls situated immediately on the ocean and about a quarter of | a mile from th. healthy summer resort of tbs planters on Edisto known as Edingsville. It ls intersected by a creek navigable for coasting vessels, with convenient landings. Very Utile fencing is required to enclose the wholo place, water forming the natural boundary on two sides. It is shout seven rai WE from the steamboat public landing. This Tract originally consisted of throe plantations, and can be easily subdivided; and its health advantages and well kn own productiveness render it one of the most de? sirable Plantations on the Island. For terms, sc, apply as above. January 5_stu th Valuable Plantation near Waylon and Bouse in UlufflOK. BT JACOB COHEN dc CO. At Private Sale All that TRACT OF LAND known as Boss Dew Planta? tion, situated on May River, four (4) miles from Bluffton, contamine one thousand (1000) acres of high land (about threo hundred of which are cleared) and seveaty (70) seres of marsh. This place has been under cultivation this year, and the lands are of the best quality for Sea Island cotton sad provisions. On the place is a barn, gin house and negro houses. Also, belonging to the above and a short distance from it a tract of one hundred acres of Pine Land. With the above can ba y-arcbased a comfortable two story Dwelling and Outbuilding?, on a ono (1) acre lot, la tho town of Blufrton. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, within three (3) muss of Bluffton. containing seven hundred and sixty-two and a half 1762;?I acres. all of which la heavily wooded with Oak. Hick or. and Pine; and being inmediately contiguous to Mao River, could be made profitable by the sals of wood. These lands, when cleared, are of the beat quality for Sea Island Cotton. Adjoining, and belonging to thia place, il a fifteen (15) acre lot, on a high bluff, an May River -for a settlement and Bununsr Bestdenoo being parfeot ly healthy at all seasons. For terms and further ptiticulara, apply as above, at CSSS3S tS SASS BAX AMD BOYOMwHABF, December U ta Upstairs, AUCTION SALES. Small aiul ilesiriMe Residences. Mill Street. BY W. Y. LEITCH ?fc 1?. S. HUI NS, Bi-okv? ami Aft? tioneerK. THIS DAY, tv- aaa instant. ?111 li? sold, at publie auction, in trun; of ihv OUI c.istom Huuao, at ll Tkat^?S?MTOJtY ?RICK HOUGH, known a? No. .) Mill street, ''Oi.taiu'nij three rooms, and u fine cistern at? tached. Tue Lot measures about li feet by 00 feet, moro or loss. ALSO, Tlitt DESIKABLE TWO-STOKY BRICK" DWELLING, known a? No. 13 Mill street, containing four rooms and a pantry. <Ju tlds Lot is a desirable Store, fronting th-.) streut, formerly occupied by Mrs. C'olsou as u dry goods sU?rc. The Lot mousurua GU feet front by 'JO toot in depth, nt 'rc or les?. Terms-One-half cash; balam'? payable lu one and two years, with iiderest, secured by bond mid mortgage .it tlie promises; property to be insured and polieicH un? signed, l'ureliaser to pay us for papers. january atl_ ratuttlrfe Plantation near JHu'?ton and House in Bluff lon. HY JACOB ?.'OHE* .SCO. THIS DAY, 22d January, at ll o'clock, at tho north ot the Exchange, will bo sold, A comfortable two-story DWELLING and OUTBUILD? INGS, on u one (I) aero lot, in the town of Blufften. ALSO, All that TRACT OF LAND known ns Rose Dow Planta? tion, situated on May Uiver, four (1) miles from Blufftoo. containing ouu thousand (1000) acre, of l?gb land (about three huuilrcd of which are cleared) ami seventy (70) acre? or marsh. This place hus been under cultivation this year, and the hinds are of the best quality fur Sea Island cotton and provisions. On thc place is a barn, gin house and u.-trro houses. Also, belonging to tho above alu 1 a short distance from it, a truel of uno hun? dred ucrcs ol" Pine luud. AI?IO, A TRACT Or LAND, within three (3) miles of Blufftou. containing novell hundred audnlxtr-lwo-and-n-half (763 >?J acres, all ol which is heavily woo.ied with Oak, Hickory mid Pino; ami, being immediately cuntoguouH to May River, could be made prulltable h y the sale of wood. These lands, when cleared, ?re ol' the bcHt quality for Sea Island cotton. Ail joining, ?nd belonging to thiR place, ia atittccu (1.")) acre lot, ona high bluff, un May River-tor a sett!-ment and summer residence being porfectly healthy at all seasons. Terms: For the House and Lot In BliifTton "cash;" for Rose Dew Plantation ouo-lhird (>;) cash, balance in ono, two and three years ; for tho other Tract one-half ( >i j cash, balance in one year. Credit portion of above to bo secured by mortice of the property. Purchasers to pay us for pupers. January 22_ _ _fmw6 6 Sugar, Starch, dc. BY HENRY COIIIA di CO. THIS DAT. st 10 o'clock, in front of our store, will bo sold, HO BBL8. YELLOW SUGAR 1,1 ubis. Muscovado Sugar GO boxen best quality Starch 20 boxes Candles 20 boxos Cheese 10 kew. Butter 20 tubs Lard. Conditions cash. Jannary 22 Choice Sugar Cured Hams. BY* H Elli lt Y* COIIIA & CO. THI8 DAY. at 10 o'clock, in front of our Storo, will be sold, 12 tierces Choice SUGAR CURED HAMS. Conditions cash. January 22 Harn?, Strips, Bullrr, if-c. BY LACKEY' & ALEXANDER. THIS DAT, 22d instant, will bo sold in our store. No. 137 East Bay, ut 10 o'clock, 10 TCS. SUGAR-CURED HAMS 6 boxes Bacon Strips 0 boxes New Y'ork Pl; Hams 200 New Shoulders 12 kegs Butter 1 case Sardines, &c, Ac. Conditions cash._January 22 Portable Steam Erujine. BY LAUREY* & ALEXANDER. TO-MJRUOW, thc 23d inst., will he sold on Atlantic Wharf, at ll o'clock, ONE PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE, in good order, with aljout 30 feet Smoke Stack; will suit tor a grist mill, or for driving cotton gina. Conditions cash. ter The above can be treated for at Private Sale. January 22 Valuable Grocery Stand in Calhoun Street al Auc? tion. BY" JOHN S. RIGGS. On THURSDAY, tho 24th instant, at ll o'olock, at the corner of Broad and East Bay. will bo sold without re? serve, . That 1W0 S-gPsBlK mMW????BB^^ShtUH?la. Bide uf Calhoua-flpiBflfl^&iffis^!^^ : Church. C0"'^i'?^Sk W^^^^SB& two rooms ou tMM|Bp^^?gg^ "J) Store, und has -%8MBBBaiHHB Bgft5s%j?sreS^ The Lot La? ?^rwrwmttSfiaWiaW^pHH iwK^s?s?? feet C inches, and a depth of cac Iiu'hdred"'aSa^0l?rSw*?,-3:?=^Sc "cet, more er less, os i>er plat. On the premises is a kitchen with two rooms, well or water and outbuildings. Conditions.-Half cash; balance In sis and twelve noutus, secured by bond and mortgage with, interest, luildings to bo insured, policy assignuj, and purchaser o pay for papers._Junutry 10 ??bitsc and Lot in Line street, near Rutledge street. BY H. H. DcLEUN. t will soil, on THURSDAY next, January 21th. at ll o'clock, at tho Old Exchange, corner broad and East Bsy streets, All that LOT OF LAND and one-story Wooden STORE. >0 i??ot long and 40 feet wide, with Dancing Hall ui roar >f store, and Bowling Alley; there is aleo a one-story ?.ouse In rear ot' store, contaiuiry; 4 rooms, kitchen, ftc liva Lot is 112 feet front on Lino st., and 145 feet doon, rids fiUire hei'ig near the terminus of City Railroad, ihould command attention, boimj only ono door trout Rutledge Btreet. Terms-One-third cash ; bilanoo, by bond and mort rago, payable in one and two years, with interest from lute of sale; property to be insured and polit y assigned Purchaaer to pay tor papers. January 10 PRIVATE SALES. Mules, Horse and Buggy. RY" J. ?RA-TON FORD, Broker und Commission Agent. ? Private Sole 4 young und well-broken MULES, in fine condition. 1 Buggy Horse, strom: und well-broken. 1 Buguy. in good condition (Artaiai/s nioka.) 1 Single Set iJuggy Harness. Apply at No. 40 BROAD STREET, January 22 Wtdnul Hill Plantation for Bent. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. Tor RENT-A PLANTATION iu Prince William's Par? ish, Bcanlort District, situated near Gordon's Corner, ind about five milos from Combuhee Ferry. The ploca .outoins about 450 acres, of which tliorc are 300 cleared lilith lauds. There are some negro quarters on the place-enough to accommodate twenty negroes. Tho cotton and provision landa are of tho best quality, and before tho war produced abundant crops. Apply ot No. 23 BROAD STREET. January IS _ftttj Residences for Sale. BY LOUIS D. DeSALSSURE. At Private ?sale THE RESIDENCE at the north east corner of South Bay and Legare streets. Lot measures 57 feet front by 151 feet deep. ALSO, Tho three story BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 33 Meeting street. Lot measures 43 feet front by 211 feet deep, and 115 feet deep on back linc. Apply as above, ot January 15 tuft No. 23 BROAD STREET. Estate Sale-Plantation in St. Ancb-ew's Parish. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSCRE. At Private Solo HOPETON PLANTATION, in St. Andrew's Parish, about five miles from Charleston, on tho Stono River, opposite to John's Island, belonging to the estate of Wilkes. The tract contains about U75 acres of land, about 725 of walch oro hi ?th land, the balance morah loud. Excellent crops of Seo Island Cotton hove been modo upon thc place for several years. About 400 acres of tho lund oro cleared and adapted to tho culture of Cotton and Provisions, and about 31 to Rice. The place is planted thia year, and has a fair crop upon it. For particulars, apply to January 15 tnf 4_No. 23 BROAD STREET. For Sale, Old Town Plantation, in Si. Andrew's Parish. BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, No. ?83 Brood street. At Private Sale Tho PLANTATION known as "OLD TOWN," in St. Andrew's Pariah, belonging to the estate of W. MoK. Parker. This tract of Land lies on the Ashley River, Ia two milos distant from Charleston, and commands a beautiful view of the city. It cont?las about 1400 aerea of land, of which 390 acres, more or less, ara cleared Sea Island Cotton and Provision lands, about 630 acres in woods, and about 376 aeres in marsh and rush lands. On tho Plantation oro comfortable quarter? for one hundred laborers, a large new Gin House, a commodious stable aud obed, a Blacksmith and Carpenter's shop, a Church, a small dwelling house in fair order, Ac, Ac This Plantation is a very valuable one, having been for a number of years most successfully cult*votad in th? finest qualities of Sea Inland Cotton, in corn, and other provision crops. Its facilities for being fertilizad I by marsh mud and sedge cannot be excelled, the Ashley River being its boundary on tho east, and a Creek that of Ita west. Tho natural beauties of "Old Town" ore nnuraa?ly great, tho live oaks on the Plantation growing in groat profusion, and of groat size and beauty. A number of fresh water fish ponds, wantonly destroyed during tba post two years on the placo, can, by a small expendi? ture of labor and means, be restored to their former loveliness. The chimneys and brick foundations of the former dwelling house are still standing, and could pro? bably be used as they now are. A couple of years of attention and taste, and a moder? ate expenditure of means, would render this Pl?ntanos ona of the most attractive homes in tho Southern State?. The fertility of its soil can be wall attested to. For particulars, apply as above, at January 10 thstuG No. 23 BROAD STRKBT. Plantation in Clarendon District, on Black River BY LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE. FOR SALE OR RENT, * PLANTATION containing 1176 acres, of which 350 are clearad. It is well adaptad to the production of Cotton and Corn; is well improved. ? and periectly healthy. There or? now ?n the place eight er ton laborers who can b? contrac tod with. Thero will bo ?old for cash, to the party renting, ?ix head of horse?, thirty hood of stock cottle, on? yoke of oxen, twonty-ave or thirty hogs, one wagon, some plan? tation tools, tte, and one thousand bushels of co'ton seed. . .... The ot ove place ?an be rented for two years, or lo rigor. If applied for before tho first of February, For particular?, apply aa above, at january 19 ?tnthS No. 23 BROAD STREET. A Farm five miles from Hie City, tm Cooper River. BY I. S. K". BENN EXT. At Private Salo A valuable oed beautifully located FARM, five miles From the city, containing 302 acres. On it is an ?lagut mansion, ana all necessary outbuildings. Apply as Ibovo, at No. 40 BROAD BTKr'.fT (UP STAIRS). January 12_otuthl4? "Musselboro' Island" and "?RcnneWs PoinC Plan? tation* tor Sale or to Lease. BY I. ?. KC. BENNETT. FOX SALE OR TO LEASE, tho two above nomad ?rat? elas? SEA ISLAND AND SHORT COTTON PLANTA* TIONS, adjoining each other, loeated in St. Bartholo? mew's Parish, apposite to Fenwick and Hutchinson Islands, at the head waters of the Ashepoo River and Mosquito Creek. These Land? are as fina a? any on the coast. About 700 acres con b? put under cultivation, and in roany places a bole of Long Cotton con be made to the acre. A halfmile of fencing is all that 1? required on these tracto of nearly 2000 acres. Tho surrounding marah flora and kuowllo ore convenient for manuring, and giving aband, ant food during toe entire year to horses, mules, cowa, tackies, Ac At "Bennotfs Point" it ia perfectly healthy at au ?asoona of the year; the finest oysters and fish, and gama of avery description, abound. It ls seldom so valuable and d?sirable a description of property ls o Jerad to th? public For further particulars, apply as above, at No. AO BROAD STREET (Up Stairs), january 6 _ ?tuth Furniture, Horses, VeJiides, dc., at Auction. BY SMITH & MCGILLIVRAY, NOo 37 Bread street, ?oath aide, nesvr S tata street. Sales of FURNITURE, Ac, at private r?sidence? *. bmdefl to ot mod ?rat? chargea. _ Auction ovary WEDNESDAY for HORSES, VEHICLES FURNITURE, 4c, ot holf-paot 10 o'tlock, at our ornoo, October? _